Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 10/24/2017 3:25:14 PM

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Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 10/24/2017 3:25:14 PM

OMBNo. 1124-0006; Expires May-31,-2020

U;S. Department of Justice Exhibit A to Registration Statement
Washington, DC20530 Pursuant to the Foreign Agents Registration Act of
1938, as amended
rNSTRUCTIONS. Furnish this exhibitforEACHforeignprincipal listed in an initial statement and for EACH additional foreign principal acquired
subsequently. Tie fuiag of this document requires the payment of a filing fee as set forth in Rule:(d)(l), 28 5.5(d)(1). Compliance is
accomplished by filing an electronic Exhibit A form at https://vvvyw.fara. gpv.

Privacy Act Statement. The filing of this documert 22U.S.C. 611 etseq,,
for the purposes ofregistrationunder the Act and public disclosure. Provision of the information requested is mandatory, and failure to provide this
reformation is subject to me penalty and enforcement provisions established in Section 8 of the Act. Every registration statement, short form
registration statement, supplemental Statement, exhibit, amendment, copy of informational materials or other document or information fried with the
Attorney General under this Act is a publicrecordopen to public examination, inspection and copying during the posted business hours of the
Registration Unit in Washington, DC Statemehts are also available online at the Registration Unit's webpage: https;// One copy of
every such document, other than Monhational materials, is automatically provided to the Secretary of State pursuant to Section 6(b) of the; Act, and
copies of any arid all documents are roiitinely made available to other agencies, apartments and Congress pursuant to Section 6(c) of the Act The
Attorney General also transmits a semi-annual report to Congress on the administration of the Act which lists the names of all agents registered under
the Actand the foreign principals theyrepresent,this report is available to the public in print and online at: httos;//www,fara.g6v.

Public Reporting Burden. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average .49 hours per response, including the
time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing aridreviewingthe
collection of information. Send commentsregardingthis burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of mformation, including suggestions
for reducingtinsburdento Cb^f, Registr^on Unit, Countermtelligence and Export Control Section, National Security Divkion, U.S. Department of
Justice, Washington, DC 20530; and to the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget/Washington, DC 20503.

1. Name and Address of Registrant 2. Registration No.

Madison & Company LLC
818 Connecticut Ave. NW, Suite 1100, Washington, DC 20005

-3. Name of Foreign Principal 4. Principal Address of Foreign Principal

Social Democratic Party Rpmartia Soseaua Kiseleff
Nr. 10
Sector 1
Bucharest Romania

5. Indicate whether your foreign principal is one of the following:

Government of a
0 Foreign political party
Foreign or domestic organization: If either, check one oftfe-follp/wmg:
Partnership Committee
Q Coippnition Voluntary group
Association O Other (specify)
Q Indtvidual-State nationality _ , _ .

6. If the foreign principal is a foreign goyerrmieht, shite:

a) Branch or agency represented by the registrant

b) Name and title of official with whom registrant deals

7. If the foreign principal is'a foreign political parly, state:

a) Principal address
Soseaua Kiseleff, Nr. 10, Sector 1, Bucharest, Romania

b) Name and title of official with whomregistrantdeals Gheorghe Dimitrescu

c) Principal aim To support Social Democratic Party goats

1 "Government of a foreign country," as defined in Section 1(e) of the Act, includes any person or group of persons exercising sovereign de facto or de jure political jurisdiction
over any country, other than the United States, or over any part of such country, and includes any subdivision of any such group and any group or agency to which such sovereign de
facto or de-jure authority or functions are directly or indirectly delegated. Suchtermshall include any faction or body of insurgents within a country assuming to exercise
govenunerital authority whether such faction or body of insurgents has or has not been recognized by the United States.
Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 10/24/2017 3:25:14 PM ****Mm
Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 10/24/2017 3:25:14 PM

8. If the foreign principal is not a foreign government or a foreign political party:

a) State the nature of the business or activity of this foreign principal.

b) Is this foreign principal:

Supervised by a foreign government, foreign r^fiticaIpaity,,oromerforeignprindpa^ Yes No
Owned by a foreign government, foreign political party, or other foreign principal Yes No
Directed by a foreign government-foreign political party, or other foreign principal Yes O NO Q
Controlled by a foreign government, foreign political party, or other foreign principal Yes No
Financed by a foreign government, foreign political party, or other foreign principal Yes O No
Subsidized in part by a foreign government, foreign political party, or other foreign principal Yes D No

9. Explain.fully all items, answered "Yes" in Item 8(b). (If additional space is needed, afulfinsertpagemustbeitsed)

10. If the foreign principal is an'orgamzatioh ahd'is not owned or controlled by a foreign government, foreign political party or other
foreign principal, state who owns and controls i t


In accordance with 28 U;S.C. 1746, the undersigned swears or affirms under penalty of perjury that he/she has read the
mformation set forth in this Exhibit A to the registration statement and that h^/she is farniliar with die contents thereof and that such
contents are in their entirety true and accurate to the best of his/her knowledge and belief.

Date of Exhibit A Name andTitle Signature

October 24,2017 N Alan M. Madison eSigned

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Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 10/24/2017 3:25:07 PM
OMB Np. U24-0004; Expires May 31,2020
us. Department of justice Exhibit B to Registration Statement
Washington, DC 20530 Pursuant to the Foreign Agents Registration Act of
1938, as amended
INSTRUCTIONS. A registrant must furnish as an Exhibit B Copies of each written agreement and the terms and conditions of each oral agreement
with his foreign principal, including all modifications of such agreements, or, where no contract exists, a full statement of all tbecircumslamces by
reason of which the registrant is acting as an agent of a foreign principal. Compliance is accomplished by filing an electronic Exhibit B form at

Privacy Act Statement. The filing of this document is r o p e d for the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as amended, 22 U.S.C. 611 etseg.,
for the purposes of registration under the Act and public disclosure. Provision of the mformation requested is mandatory, and failure to provide
utemibrraation is subject to the penalty and enforcement provisions est^lishedm Sections qf the Act. Every registration sta^ent, short form
registration statement, supplemental statement, exhibit, amendment, copy of informational materials or other document or information filed with the
Attorney General under this Act is a public record open to public examination, inspection and copying during die posted business hours of the
Registration Unit in Washington, [)C. Statements are also available online at the Registration Unit's webpage: https://www. fara. gov. One copy of
every such document other than infonrjatiqnal materials, is automatically provided'to the Secretary of State r^uantto.Section 6(b) of Ihe Act, and
copies of any and all documents areroutinelymade available to other agencies, derjartments and Congress pursuant to Section 6(c) of the Act. The ^
Attorney General also transmits a semi-annualreportto Congress on the administration of the Act winch lists the names of all agentsregisteredunder
the Act and the, foreign prmcipals they represent This report is available to the public in print and online at: httos://www.fara.gbv.

Public Reporting Burden. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average .33 hours per response, mcludirig the
time:forreviewinginstructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing andreviewingthe
collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, mcludrng suggestions
forreducingthis burden to Chief, Registration Unit, Countermteuigence and Export Control Section, National Security Division, U J5. Derjarunent of
Justice, Washington, DC 20530;.and to the OfficeoftoformationahdRegulatory Affairs* Office of Management and Budget, Washmgton, DC 20503.

1. Name of Registrant 2. Registration No:

Madison & Company LLC

3. Name of Foreign Principal

Social Democratic Party Romania

Check Appropriate. Box:

4. Q The agreement between the registrant and the above-named foreign principal is a formal, written-corrtract. If this box is
checked, attach a copy of the contract to this exhibit.
5. J3 There is no formal written contract between the registrant and the foreign principal. The agreement with the above-named
foreign principal has resultedfromanexchange of correspondence. If this box is checked, attach a copy of all pertinent
correspondence, including a copy of any initial proposal which has been adopted by reference in such correspondence.
6. The agreement or understanding between the registrant and the foreign principalis theresult of neither a formal written
contract nor an exchange of correspondence between the parties. If this box is checked,give a complete description below of
the terms and conditions of the oral agreement or understanding, its duration, the fees and expenses, if any,tobe received.
7. Describe fully the nature and method of performance of the above indicated agreement or understanding..
The Soda! Democratic Party Romania agrees to make payments to Madison & Company LLC totaling of $100,000 (USD).
Madison & Company LLC will attempt to establish appointments with the.Officeof the Vice-President of the United State
and the Office of the Speaker of the House of Representatives for Liviu Dragnea, President of the Social Democratic Party
Romania and Speaker of the.Grtamber of Deputies of the Parliament of Romania.

Revised 05/17
Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 10/24/2017 3:25:07 FM

8. De^nbe fuily the acti^ "

Madison & Company LLC will attempt to establish appointments with the Office of the. Vice-President of the United State
and the Office of the Speaker of the House of Representatives for Liviu Dragnea, President of theSocial Democratic Party
Romania and Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of Romania.

9. Will the activities on behalf of the above foreign principal include political activities as defined in Section 1(b) of the Act and in
the footnote below? Yes H Nop

If yes, describe all such political activities indicating, among other things, the relations, interests or poHcies to be influenced
together" with the means to be employed to achieve this purpose.


In accordance with 28 U.S.C. 1746, the undersigned swears or affirms under penalty of perjury that he/she has read the
mformation set forth in this Exhibit B to the registration statement and that he/she is familiar with the contents thereof and that such
contents are in their entirety traeand accurate to thebest of his/her knowledge and belief.

Datrof Exhibits Name and Title Signature

October 24,2017 Alan M. Madison fe/ Alan M. Madison eSigned
Footnote: "Political activity," as defined in Section 1 (o)'of the'Act, means any activity which the person engaging in believes will, or that the person intends to, in any way influence
any agency official of the Government of the United Stoles or any section of the public within the United Staleswithreferenceto formulating, adopting, or changing the '
domestic or foreign policies of the United States orwithreferenceto the political or public interests, policies, orrelationsof a government of a foreign country or a foreign political
party. .

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 10/24/2017 3:25:07 PM

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 10/24/2017 3:25:07 PM



This Agreement is made effective as of June 22,2017, by and between __. , and
N^disonandC6mpany,of818Connecticut Avenue NW, 1 HhFloor,Washington, district of

Columbia 20006.

In r6Agreement,the party who is contracting to receive services shall be referred to as

" and the party who will be providing the services shall be referred to as
"Madison and Company".

Madison and Company has ^background inRMkAflairsandis willing to provide services to

base on this background .

desires to have services provided by Madison, and Company.

Therefore, the parties agree as follows:

1. DESCRIPTION OFSERVICES. Beginning on June 22,2017, Madisonand Company

will provide the services (collectively, the "Services") as referenced in the attached Proposal.

2> PERFORMANCE OF SERVICES. The manner in which the Services are to be performed
and the specific hours to be worked by Madison and Company deterrnined by Madison
and Company. will rely on Madison and Company to work as many hours as may be
reasonably necessary to fulfill Madison and Company's obligations under this Agreement.

3. PAYMENT. _ will pay a fee to Madison and Company for the Services. A
payment of $100,0'00 USD will be paid no later than June 22, 2017. All fees shall be payable
via wire transfer to the designated Madison and Company LLC account. All expenses are
included in this payment

4. NEW PROJECT APPROVAL. Madison and Company and recognize that

Madison and Company's Services will include working on various projects for .
Madison and Company shall obtain the approval of prior to the commencement of a
new project.

5. TERM/TERMINATION. This Agreement shall terminate amomatically upon completion by

Madisonand Company offeServicesrequired by this Agreement.

6. RELATIONSIDP OF PARTIES. It is understood by the parties that Madison and

Company is an independent contractor with respect to , and not an employee of
. ._yn\\ notprovide fringe benefits, including health insurancebenefhxpaid
vacation, or any other employee benefit, for the benefit ofMadison and Company.

This is a document.

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Madison and Company agrees to indemnify and hold harmless from all claims,
losses,expenses, fees inc Luding attorney fees, costs, andjudgments that may be asserted against
that result from the acts or omissions of Madison and Company, Madison and
Company's employees, ifany, and Madison and Company's agents.

agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Madison and Company from all claims,
losses, expenses, fees including attorney fees, costs, andjudgments that may be asserted against
Madison and Company that result from the acts or omissionsof , employees,
ifany, and .agents.

8. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. The following pro visions shall apply withrespect

to copyrightable works, ideas, discoveries, inventions, applications forpatents, and
patents (collectively, "Intellectual Property");

a. Consultants Intellectual Property. Madison and Company does not personally hold
any interest in any Intellectual Property.

10. QUALITY OF EFFORT. Madison and Company shall perform the services and fulfill
its obligations under the terms of this Consulting Agreement in a manner that is in
conformity with the standards of professional care, skill, and diligence ordinarily used in the
performance of like services.

9. CONFIDENTIALITY. , .. ieccgiizEsthat Madison andCompany has and will have

the following information:

- prices
- costs
- business affairs
- technical information

and other proprietary information (collectively, "Information") which are valuable, special and
unique-assets of and need to be protected from improper disclosure. In
consideration for the disclosure of the Irtforination, Madison and Company agrees that Madison
and Company will not at any time or in any manner, either directly or indirectly , use any
Information for Madison and Company's own benefit, or divulge, disclose, or communicate in any
manner any Information to any third party without the prior written consent of .
Madison and Company will protect the Information and treat it as strictly confidential. A violation
of this paragraph shall be a material violation of this Agreement

10. CONFIDENTIALITY AFTER TERMINATION. The confidentiality provisions ofthis

Agreement shall remain in full force and effect after the termmation ofthis Agreement.

11. SERVICES TO THIRD PARTIES. Madison and Cornparry shall not provide any
consulting services to any third party during the term of this Agreement, unless Madison and
Company has obtained pkrWritteii consent.

12. RETURN OF RECORDS. Upon termination of this Agreement, Madison and Company
shall deliver allrecords, notes, data, memoranda, models, and equipment ofany nature that are in
This is a document.

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Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 10/24/2017 3:25:07 PM

Madison and Company's possession or under Madison and Company's control and that.are
property orrelateto business.

13. COMPLIANCE. Madison and Company will comply with all United States Government
registrationrequirementsand any other legal obligations.

14. NOTICES. Allnotices required orpermitted under this Agreement shall be in vvTitingand shall
be deemed delivered when delivered in person or deposited in the United States mail, postage
prepaid, addressed as follows:

IF for :

IF for Madison and Company:

Madison and Company

Alan M Madison
81 ^Connecticut Avenue,NW, 1 IthFloor
Washmgton, District of Columbia 20006

Such address may be changedfromtime to time by either party by providing written notice to the
Other in the maimer set forth above.

15. ENTIRE AGMEMENT. This Agreement contains the entire agreement ofthe parties and
there are no other promises or conditions m any other agreement whether oral or writterL-This
Agreement supersedes any prior written or oral agreements between the parties.

1& AMENDMENT. This Agreement may be modified or amended if the amendment is

made in writingand is signed by bothpafries.

17. SEVERABILITY.. If any provision of this Agreement .shall be held to be invalid or

unenforceable for any reason, the remaining provisions shall continue to be valid and
enforceable. If courtfindsthat any provision of this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable, but
that by limiting suchprovisipnit would become validand enforceable, th^^
shall be deemed to be written, construed, andenfofcedasso limited.

18. WAIVER OF CONTRACTUAL RIGHT, The failure of either party to enforce any
provision ofthis Agreement shallnotbeeonstruedasawaiver or limitation ofthat party's
right to subsequently enforce and compel strict compliance with every provision ofthis

19. APPLICABLE LAW. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of
District ofColumbia.
This is a document.

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20. INTERRUPTION OF SERVICE. Either party shall be excused

from any delay or failure in performance required hereunder ifcaused
by reason ofany occurrence orcontingency beyond its reasonable control, including, but
not limited to, acts ofGod,actsofwar, fire, insurrection, laws proclainations, edits,
ordinances or regulations, strikes, lock-outs or other serious labor disputes, riots,
earthquakes, floods, explosions or other acts of nature. The obligations andrightsof
the party so excused shall be extended oh a day-to-day basis for the time period equal to
theperiod of such excusable interruption. When suc^ events haveabated, the parties'
respective obligations hereunder shall resume. In the event theinterruption ofthe excused
party's obligations continues for a period in excess of thirty (30) days, either party
shall have the right to tenhinate this Agreement upon ten (10) days' prior written notice
to the other party.

21. ASSIGNMENT. Madison and Company agrees that it will not assign, sell, transfer,
delegate or otherwise dispose ofany rights or obligations uijder this Agreement without the
prior written consent of . Any purported assignment, transfer, or delegation shall
be null and void. Nothing in tins Agreement shall prevent the consolidation of
with, or its merger into, any other corporation, orthe saleby ofall
or substantially all of its properties or assets, orthe assignment by of tins
Agreement and the performance of its obligations hereunder to any successor in interest or
arty Affiliated Company. Subjectto the foregoing, this Agreement shall be binding upon and
shall inure to the benefit ofthe parties and their respective heirs, legal representatives,
successors, and permitted assigns, and shall not benefit any person oreritity other than those
enumerated above.

SIGNATORIES,. This Agreement shall be signed on behalf of by _ , and on

behalf of Madison and Company by Alan M Madison and effective as ofthe date first above.


Party providing services: Madison

and Company

Alan M Madison

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Madison & Company will assemble a very high level team to ascertain the most effective way
to ensure.that high-level meetings between the Vice-President of the United States, Speaker of
the House Paul Ryan and Liviu Dragna, President of the-Chamber of Deputies of Romania
happens as soon as possible. In addition Madison & Company will arrange political, media and
academic meetings for Mr. Dragna as directed by his team. These meetrngs will include CNN
and other high impact eli te media. Thedetails and background of our team is described below:

- Al Madison, lead, President of Madison & Company

- Bill Oldaker, founding partner of the Oldaker Law Group
- Bill Harris.
Drew Willison

Al Madison
For more than 40 years Al Madison has advised corporations, trade associations, coalitions,
foreign governments and politicians on communications, public policy and business and
political strategies..He has !ea\ managed and held senior executive positions at a variety of
strategic communications firms operating at the intersection of complex policy issues and the
media. His specialty is in the protection and advancement of corporate, business and
government reputations by helping clients manage tough communications issues when it matters
He had guided clients through high-profile communications challenges including legislative and
regulatory battles, litigation, congressional hearings, repositioning campaigns and political
crises.. His seasoned understanding of the media ecosystem, both old and new, as well as his
experience in the political and legislative worlds has informed his ability to provide:reasoned,
sound strategic advice and successful execution.

Bill Oldaker
Mr. Oldaker has had an extensive career in Washington holding high-level positions in the
federal government, practicing law and government relations and serving on the board of
directors of banking institutions. From 1968 to 1975 Mr. Oldaker served as assistant to the
Chairman of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Mr. Oldaker later served as
General Counsel to the Federal Election Commissionfrom1976^79. During that time, he
litigated several of the Supreme. Court cases that define.the scope of federal campaign finance
laws today. From 1979 to 1980, Mr. Oldaker served as General Counsel and Treasurer to the
"Kennedy for President Committee". President Clinton appointed Mr. Oldaker to the National
Bio Ethics Committee where he served until 2002.

Following the 1980 presidential election Mr. Oldaker entered private law practice where over

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Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 10/24/2017 3:25 :07 PM

the years herepresentedSenator Bitten in his 1988 presidential run, General Wesley Clark in his
2004 presidential run, and was Ethics and Election Law Counsel to Senate Majority Leader
Harry Reid, Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle, Chairman Ted Kennedy, Chairman Tom
Harkin, Chairman Max Bau'cus, Senator Edward Markey, Senator Byron Dorgan, Congressman
Sander Levin, and Congressman Charlie Rangel.

Mr. Oldaker has a broad range of close working relationships with Members of Congress on
both sides, of trie political aisle. Mr. Oldaker has represented a broad range of healthcare clients,
including national healthcare associations, emergency medicine interests, medical device
companies, rhedicaischools, insurance companies including Medicare Advantage plans, and
some of the largest hospital systems in the country.

In addition to his extensive career in law and government, Mr. Oldaker was-an original investor
in CeTrtury National Bank. Mr. Oldaker was a member of Century National Bank's Board of
Directors and a member of Century National Bank Holding Company's. Board of Directors for
eighteen years until the bank's sale in 2001. In 2004, Mr. Oldaker helped found
WashingtpnFirstBank and currently.serves as an original board member. WashingtonFirstBank
has grown to include nineteen branch offices and has assets valued at over $2 billion..

Bill Harris
Bill Harris ts a political operative of the Republican Party. He was the Chief Executive
Officer of the 2004 Republican National Convention in New York City and was charged by
the Republican National Committee with planning the quadrennial meeting at Madison Square
Garden, which nominated George W. Bush for a second term as President of the United States.
Harris also served as CEO of the GOP conventions in Houston, Texas in 1992 and Tampa,
Florida in 2012. He was the national convention director for the McCain/Palm campaign
in 2008.
Harris was chairman ofthe Alabama Republican Party from 1977-1985 and its executive
director from 1976-1977. He was a presidential elector In 1984 and was a delegate to the GOP
national convention in 1980 and 19.84. Over the past decades he has worked for The Trump
Organization on a variety of political and business matters.

Harris is from Alabama and is a graduate of the University of Alabama.

Drew Willison
Drew Willison served at the highest levels of government forover 20 years. He has a reputation
for being one of the most knowledgeable and effective staff members on Capitol Hill with deep,
bipartisanrelationshipsin both the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives.
.Drew served as Chief of Staff to U.S. Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid. He led and
oversaw a staff of 150 and all aspects of the Senator's leadership, communications, policy, and
national and Nevada political operations. Working with the White House and other
congressional leadership offices, he was one of the principal architects of the Bipartisan Budget
Aetof 2015, the two year federal budget deal that lifted sequestration caps, reformed several
entitlement programs, and allowed the annual appropriations process to move forward

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 10/24/2017 3:25:07 PM

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 10/24/2017 3:25:07 PM

Alan Madison

From: Alan Madison

Sent: Wednesday, October 18,2017 4:37 PM
To: JeffGoff
Subject: FW:

^.Original Message
From: Dr. Dimitrescu [mailtp:dr.dimitre5^
Sent: Monday, April 24,2017 5:06 AM
To: Alan Madison <[email protected]>

Hi AL.. hope you are ok !! So, I am in Slovakia with the Vice President of the Chamber of
Deputies for some conferences... Al, we DO NEED your support to fix ASAP an official meeting
for our president of the party PSD, Mr UVIU DRAGNEA who is actually also the Speaker of the
House.... we talked about this huge personality during the last election 2016..! Our target
must be one ofthe highest level in Washington DC... meaning:
President Donald Trump
Vice Mike Pence
And of course PAUL RYAN .,.
Aj, we deeply need i t , so do the best for us ( ME)... the meeting could be in US or abroad (in
case as one of those will attempt any visit around us) ...So, I know the rules, we both are well
connected to sueh arrangements... For any supplementary things please call anytime ... I wait
for your point, strategy and position I

Thank yoii AL

Dr Gh Dimitrescu

Sent from my iPhone

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 10/24/2017 3:25:07 PM

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 10/24/2Q17 3:25:07 PM

Alan Madison

From: Alan Madison

Sent Wednesday, October 18,2017 4:39 PM
To: JeffGoff
Subject: FW: Dragnea Invoice
Attachments: Dragnea Invoice.docx

From: Alan Madison

Sent: Thursday, May 4,2017 10:07 AM
To: 'Dr. Dimitrescu ' <[email protected]>
Subject: Dragnea Invoice

Thanks for the bio. I've.attached the invoice for our work. As-soon as we receive payment via wire transfer we will
com mence work: As you know there is the dinner this evening. Also yesterday I sent you an email regarding the
possibility of expanding the scope of the trip. Please let me know how the team wants to proceed.

Thanks again. Looking forward to this.


Alan M. Madison

Madison & Company LLC

818 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
11th Floor
Washington, D.C 20006
(202) 223-7031 direct
(202) 841-3341 cell
www.madisona ndcompanv: com

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MAY 4,2017





TOTAL DUE: $100,000.00 (USD)



PNC BANK A B A r V B M ^ *

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 10/24/2017 3:25:07 PM

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