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Linkping University Medical Dissertations

No 624



Ulf Glendor

Department of Health and Environment

Division of Social and Preventive Medicine and Public Health Sciences
Faculty of Health Sciences, Linkpings universitet, Unit of Community Dentistry,
SE-581 85 Linkping, Sweden

Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Central Hospital, SE-721 89 Vsters, Sweden

Department of Clinical Neuroscience

Section for Personal Injury Prevention
Karolinska Institute, Kongliga Myntet, Box 127 18, SE-112 94 Stockholm, Sweden

Linkping 2000
If you want to succeed in guiding a man towards a predetermined goal
you must find him where he is and start just there.

Sren Kierkegaard

To my family, Anja
Lena and Pr

ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 7
ABBREVIATIONS ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
ORIGINAL PAPERS .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 9
PREAMBLE .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 11
2. AIMS ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
3. MATERIAL AND METHODS ................................................................................................................................................. 13
Classification of dental trauma ............................................................................................................................................. 14
Incidence of dental trauma .......................................................................................................................................................... 15
Risk evaluation of multiple dental trauma episodes and
treatment time of dental trauma ........................................................................................................................................... 15
Direct and indirect time and costs of dental trauma ............................................................................. 16
Statistical methods .................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Drop-outs ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 18
Validity and reliability ........................................................................................................................................................................ 18
Ethical considerations ......................................................................................................................................................................... 19
4. RESULTS ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Paper I ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Paper II ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 22
Paper III .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 22
Paper IV .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Paper V ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 26
5. DISCUSSION ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 27
Incidence ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 31
Risk .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 32
Treatment time ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 32
Time and costs ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 33
6. SUMMARY OF RESULTS ............................................................................................................................................................. 37
7. CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 39
8. SVENSK SAMMANFATTNING (SWEDISH SUMMARY) ................................................. 40
9. GLOSSARY AND DEFINITIONS .................................................................................................................................... 42
10. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................................................................................................ 46
11. FINANCING ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 48
12. REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 49
PAPERS I to V ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 53
APPENDIX .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 127
Incidence, risk, treatment, time and costs

Ulf Glendor, Department of Health and Environment, Division of Social and Preventive Medicine
and Public Health Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences, Linkpings universitet, Unit of
Community Dentistry, SE-581 85 Linkping, Sweden

Background: Dental trauma occur in childhood and adolescence with consequences in
time and costs for both patient and family. The scientific knowledge of these matters is
scarce. For some individuals, dental trauma will result in long, time-consuming and
costly treatments in childhood which will continue into adulthood.
Aim: The thesis aimed to increase the knowledge of incidence, risk, treatment, time and
costs spent on dental traumas to primary and permanent teeth in children and adolescents.
Material and method: The material for the studies emanated from the county of
Vstmanland, Sweden, and the municipality of Copenhagen, Denmark, and from a
Swedish nation-wide material (Folksam). The material was collected from accident
reports, dental files, dental trauma forms, questionnaires and telephone interviews.
Descriptive, prospective and analytical methods were used. A classification of
uncomplicated and complicated dental traumas was presented.
Results: The incidence of dental trauma to boys was higher, compared to girls, in the
county of Vstmanland in almost all age groups. For both sexes, the first years in life and
the first years in school were the most accident prone periods with incidence twice as
high as the average incidence for all children and adolescents in the county. Every third
trauma was complicated with injuries to the pulp or periodontal ligaments. Every second
patient with a dental trauma to permanent teeth suffered from multiple dental trauma
episodes (MDTE) during a period of 12 years. In almost every second patient with
MDTE, at least one of the affected teeth had sustained repeated trauma episodes. The risk
of sustaining MDTE increased when the first trauma episode occurred in the age interval
of 6-10, compared to 11-18 year olds. During a 12-year period, treatment times for
complicated traumas were 2.0 and 2.7 times higher for primary and permanent teeth,
respectively, compared to corresponding values for uncomplicated traumas. On average,
direct time (treatment time) represented 11% and 16% of the total time, while the direct
costs (health care service, transport, loss of personal property and medicine) represented
60% and 72% of the total costs of traumas to primary and permanent teeth, respectively,
during a 2-year period for cases of a nation-wide material.
Conclusion: Dental traumas are frequent and some individuals are injured several times.
Besides treatment time, efforts from the family are substantial in time and costs.
Parameters such as degree of severity, access to treatment and place of injury are of major
importance to both patient and family and should be considered when calculating time
and costs of dental trauma in children and adolescents.
Key words: adolescence, child, time, incidence, costs, permanent dentition, primary
dentition, risk, tooth injuries.
ISSN 0345-0082
ISBN 91-7219-581-9


C Complicated dental trauma

CPI Consumer price index

ICD-DA International classification of diseases to dentistry and stomatology

MDTE Multiple dental trauma episodes

MSEK Miljon Swedish kronor

PDL Periodontal ligament

RTT Repeatedly traumatized tooth

STT Single traumatized tooth

SEK Swedish kronor

U Uncomplicated dental trauma


This thesis is based on the following papers, which will be referred to by their Roman
numerals I-V.

I Glendor U, Halling A, Andersson L, Eilert-Petersson E. Incidence of traumatic

tooth injuries in children and adolescents in the county of Vstmanland,
Sweden. Swed Dent J 1996;20:15-28.

II Glendor U, Koucheki B, Halling A. Risk evaluation and type of treatment of

multiple dental trauma episodes to permanent teeth. Endod Dent Traumatol

III Glendor U, Halling A, Andersson L, Andreasen JO, Klitz I. Type of treatment

and estimation of time spent on dental trauma. A longitudinal and
retrospective study. Swed Dent J 1998;22:47-60.

IV Glendor U, Halling A, Bodin L, Andersson L, Nygren , Karlsson G, Koucheki

B. Direct and indirect time spent on care of dental trauma: a 2-year prospective
study of children and adolescents. Endod Dent Traumatol 2000;16:16-23.

V Glendor U, Jonsson D, Halling A, Lindqvist K. Direct and indirect costs spent

on care of dental trauma: a 2-year prospective study of children and adolescents.
Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. Submitted.

The original articles have been printed in this thesis with permission from the publishers.



The work for this thesis was initiated in 1986, when I had been working as a general
dentist for several years and, among other things, had been taking care of children and
adolescents with dental traumas. Some of these traumas required prolonged care and the
prognoses did not seem too good. When I took care of these young children, seeing their
fear and the shock in their eyes soon after the trauma, and with parents asking what is
going to happen now?, how will everything work out in the future?, what will happen to
her beautiful smile?, I began to wonder whether some of these traumas might not
have been prevented. I realised that my knowledge was inadequate in this field and that
I had to do something about it. I contacted one of my former colleagues, and with some
short notes on a slip of paper, one of the most exciting times in my life began. My interest
grew more and more, and I soon made up my mind to focus on a subject which finally
ended up with this thesis.
Through participating in the Third International Conference on Dental Trauma in
Copenhagen 1991, I came in contact with some enthusiastic colleagues who had a great
experience in taking care of dental traumas. A small informal group was formed with the
aim of increasing the knowledge of dental trauma regarding incidence, treatment and
costs. During the years I have been working with this thesis, I have had the privilege to
continuously meet the members of this group, which has taught me a lot. My wish is now
that my contribution with these series of studies will have some impact for future dental
trauma care.



The most vulnerable periods of dental traumas occur in childhood and adolescence (for
review, see Andreasen and Andreasen 1994). Dental trauma may from a professional
point of view seem unproblematic in the acute phase, but the long-term consequences can
be considerable. For many cases they can result in life-long, time-consuming and costly
re-treatments and maintenance (Andreasen and Vestergaard Pedersen 1985, Andersson
1988, Andreasen and Andreasen 1989, Hyrinen-Immonen et al. 1990, Andreasen and
Andreasen 1994, Feiglin 1996, Oulis and Berdouses 1996).
During recent decades, increased research has enhanced our knowledge of clinical
and biological aspects of tooth- and bone healing (for review, see Andreasen and
Andreasen 1994), whereas the knowledge of occurrence and resources in time and costs
spent on dental trauma need to be further elucidated. To the best of our knowledge, there
is no study presenting both direct and indirect costs spent on dental trauma.
Dental traumas affect children and adolescents unequally, and the difference is related
to biological, behavioural and socio-economic factors as well as the health care
organisation (Ottawa charter for health promotion 1986). While some individuals are not
affected at all, or just once, during school time, others suffer from multiple dental trauma
episodes (MDTE) (Hedegrd and Stlhane 1973, Ravn 1974, Onetto et al. 1994).
As a consequence of dental trauma to children and adolescents, several actors are
involved comprising generally one or more companions, mostly family members, as
support and help. This involvement can consume substantial resources in time and costs.
Accompanying patients and waiting at dental visits, but also resources spent, e.g. in
transportation, lost working or leisure time and actual costs for damaged personal
equipment are examples of this.
In times of economic constraints, the need for knowledge in health economics is even
more important as a basis for judging health gain in curative and preventive care within
dental traumatology as well as assessing epidemiological tools for evaluating the
consequences of dental traumas. Questions about what the individual, the caregiver and
the society can do to reduce incidence, duration of treatment and complications from
dental trauma await for answers.


General aim
The general purpose of the five studies presented in this thesis was to increase the
knowledge of incidence, risk, treatment, time and costs spent on dental traumas to
primary and permanent teeth in children and adolescents.

Specific aims
To determine the incidence of different kinds of traumatic tooth injuries related to age
and gender (I).

To evaluate the risk of multiple dental trauma episodes to permanent teeth (II).

To compare types of treatments used between patients with one and those with more
than one trauma episode and with single and repeatedly traumatized permanent teeth

To estimate the total time spent in treating uncomplicated and complicated dental
traumas (III).

To account for the total time, direct and indirect, in the treatment and care of dental
trauma (IV).

To account for the total costs, including direct and indirect costs, and to present
predictors of importance to the costs in treatment and care of dental trauma (V).


The materials in Paper I V were based on samples collected from the county of
Vstmanland, Sweden (I), the municipality of Copenhagen, Denmark (II, III) and a
national register from an insurance company, Folksam, Sweden (IV, V). The participants
in the studies were children and adolescents attending regular dental care at the public
dental health services free of charge in Denmark (n=106) and in Sweden (n=883). Dental
traumas to primary and permanent teeth were classified as uncomplicated (U) and
complicated (C). The studies were of descriptive and analytic character, and the designs
were historical prospective and prospective. An overview of materials, drop-outs and
methods used related to studies of incidence (I), risk and treatment (II, III), time (IV) and
costs (V) spent is presented in Table 1 and 2.

Table 1. Characteristics of the studies; materials and methods related to incidence, risk and treat-
ment, time and costs

PAPERS I (Incidence) II (Risk) III (Treatment) IV (Time) V (Costs)

Source of County of Vstmanland Municipality of Copenhagen Swedish policy holders at

population Folksam

No of injured n=691, age < 19 years, n=83, age 6-18 years (II), n=192, age 1-17 years,
425 boys, 266 girls n=106, age 2-18 years, 121 boys, 71 girls
62 boys, 44 girls (III)

Drop-outs 15.5% 12.4% 4.0%

Period 1989-1990 1972-1988 1992-1995

Data sources Physical and dental injury Dental file, specific dental Accident report, dental injury
form trauma file, questionnaire form, checklist

Type of study Descriptive/prospective Descriptive and analytical/ Descriptive and analytical/

historical prospective prospective


Table 2. Methods used in Paper I-V

Paper I (Incidence) II (Risk) III (Treatment) IV (Time) V (Costs)

Data registration
Classification of dental trauma + + + + +
Historical prospective + +
Prospective + + +
Questionnaire + + +
Telephone interview + +
Statistical methods
Binominal test +
Chi-square test + + + + +
Cox regression analysis +
Interaction test + +
Kappa statistics +
Multicolinearity test + +
Multiple regression analysis + +
Reliability + + +
Students t-test +
Survival analysis +
Validity + + + + +

Classification of dental trauma

Dental traumas were classified (UG) into uncomplicated and complicated taking into
account the increased risk of complications such as pulpal necrosis or root resorption, i.e.
when the pulp has been exposed by fracture or the periodontal membrane injured by
dislocation of the tooth (Andreasen and Vestergaard Pedersen 1985, Andreasen et
al.1987, Andersson 1988, Feiglin 1996). The diagnoses used were in accordance with the
International Classification of Diseases to Dentistry and Stomatology (ICD-DA, WHO
1992) as revised by Andreasen & Andreasen for teeth with dental trauma (Andreasen and
Andreasen 1994, p. 151-155).


Incidence of dental trauma

The material for calculating incidence of dental trauma (I) was collected from a
prospective study presenting all physical injuries including dental traumas affecting
persons in all ages in the county of Vstmanland, Sweden during the period 1 October
1989 to 30 September 1990 (Eilert-Petersson 1993) (Table 1). Registration took place at
all public health institutions in the county (district dental clinics including specialist
clinics, hospital emergency rooms and health centres). Private dentists participated
mainly in the registration of patients seeking acute treatment at the countys emergency
dental clinic. Individuals who were injured outside the county were registered when they
came for further treatment.
Information about patients in the age interval 0-19 years of age, gender, date and type
of injury was recorded from the registration form of all physical injuries (Appendix 1),
and data on injured teeth and extent of the dental injuries was obtained from a special
dental trauma form from the caring dentists (Appendix 2).

Risk evaluation of multiple dental trauma episodes and

treatment time of dental trauma
In Paper II, and Paper III, respectively 83 patients with 160 dental trauma episodes
(permanent teeth) and 106 patients with 203 episodes (primary and permanent teeth)
were included in the studies (Table 1). The patients, born in 1970, were randomly
selected from a database representing the last three decades at the University Hospital in
Copenhagen, Denmark of all dental files and specific dental trauma files of children and
adolescents treated by the School Dental Service, Municipality of Copenhagen and the
Department of Oral Medicine and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University Hospital
(Rigshospitalet), Copenhagen. The designs of studies II and III were historical
prospective, using descriptive methods. Study II also included a survival analysis.
In Paper III, data were collected from dental files and specific dental trauma files on
the number of visits and types of treatment delivered on uncomplicated and complicated
trauma to primary and permanent teeth and from a questionnaire time study to 14 care-
providing school dentists. The data in the questionnaire time study covered the frequency
of different types of dental traumas, estimated treatment time, and a statement of
comparison of two periods. The criteria for including the 14 school dentists was that they
should have provided treatment to the patients in the study when the traumas occurred,


but also be on duty when the questionnaire time study was performed.
From the questionnaire time study (Appendix 3), three different types of data were
1. Frequencies of different types of dental traumas treated during the previous two years
2. Estimated treatment time for different emergency measures (time for patient in treat-
ment room) and planned measures (time reserved in appointments diary) according
to the routines used for making appointments related to time for information and
follow-ups, composite restorations, endodontics, surgery, prosthetics, consultations,
contact with relatives/referrals, etc.
3. Statement of estimated treatment times comparing the periods of 1972-1988 and

Direct and indirect time and

costs of dental trauma
The material, presented in Paper IV and V, was based on a consecutive random sample
of 511 insured children and adolescents in the age interval 0-19 years, who reported a
dental trauma to the insurance company, Folksam, Sweden during a 3-month period in
1993. The study was maximised to 200 patients consisting of all patients with
complicated traumas to permanent teeth (n=37) and a consecutive random sample
collection of 163 patients consisting of uncomplicated traumas to primary and permanent
teeth and complicated traumas to primary teeth. Eight patients discontinued their
participation; thus the final number was 192, aged 1-17 years (Table 1). Every trauma
was followed during two years from the dental trauma episode.
The designs of studies IV and V were prospective, using descriptive methods
including regression analysis. Information about the dental trauma episode was collected
from an accident report at the insurance company (Appendix 4) about when, where and
how the dental trauma occurred and about the type of care providers involved. Other
information collected was from a dental injury form mailed to the attending dentists
about injured teeth and trauma diagnoses (Appendix 2), and from patient and parent
information about direct and indirect time (IV) and costs (V) spent. Direct and indirect
time activities and variables of costs for patient and companion at the emergency visit
and at all visits after dental trauma are presented in Table 3. The information was
collected by telephone interviews following a predetermined checklist (Appendix 5).


Table 3. Direct and indirect time activities and variables of costs for patient and companion at the
emergency visit and at all visits after a dental trauma

Emergency visit All visits

Patient Companion Patient Companion

Direct time
Treatment + * + *
Indirect time
Pre- and post1 + + + +
Transport + + + +
Waiting + + + +
Nursing (hospital, home) + + + +

Direct costs
Health care service + +
Transport + +
Personal property +
Medicine +
Indirect costs
Loss of production or leisure + +

Pre-time was time from notification of dental trauma until transport began and post-time was
time after transport was completed and earlier activity was resumed.
No costs recorded.
* The companions treatment time was included in waiting time.

Statistical methods
Differences in the distributions of categorical data were tested by chi-square tests, and
p<0.05 was considered statistically significant (I-V).
Survival analysis (Kaplan-Meier) was used to estimate the risk of receiving a
repeatedly traumatized tooth (Armitage and Berry 1994) and to show time-to-event,
where event was defined as the second, third, and fourth dental trauma episode (II).
The binominal test was used to test differences between proportions, and Students
t test was used to test differences between means (III).


Agreement between variables measured on different occasions or recorded from different

sources was analysed by the Kappa statistic (Fleiss 1981). The value of the Kappa
statistics with the categories given by Landis and Koch (1977) was interpreted (IV).
The outcome variables of time (direct time, transport time, other time, total time) and
costs (costs within the health care service, transport costs, total costs) for the patients and
companions in connection with treatment of dental trauma were presented descriptively
and analysed by multiple regression analysis (IV, V). A secondary analysis of the time
variables was performed using Cox proportional hazard regression models with the same
set of explanatory variables as in the multiple regression analysis (IV). The models were
also examined for the presence of multicolinearity and interactions between the explana-
tory variables. No differences were found (IV, V).

The share of drop-outs was 15.5% (I), 12.4% (II, III) and 4.0% (IV, V). Drop-outs were
mainly found among those where dental trauma was not reported or the information was
incomplete, or due to discontinued participation.

Validity and reliability

Almost all patients with dental trauma were taken care of at the Public Dental Services
in both Sweden and Denmark. If the acute treatment was taken care of in a private dental
clinic, the patient was referred back to a public dental clinic and thus registered (I, II, III).
The diagnoses were based on generally accepted criteria (ICD-DA, WHO 1992,
Andreasen and Andreasen 1994, p. 151-155), and directives for diagnoses and treatment
of dental traumas are generally followed at each clinic (I-V). The registration of dental
trauma in the county of Vstmanland was based on well-established routines and printed
guidelines as a result of continuously ongoing courses in treatment of dental trauma
during the 80s (I). Dental traumas in the municipality of Copenhagen, from where the
random sample was collected, have been documented and collected systematically at the
University Hospital during more than three decades.
Reliability tests were performed on the number of trauma episodes (III), classification
into uncomplicated and complicated traumas (III, IV), number of visits (III, IV) and
registration of diagnoses (IV). The tests showed a good agreement concerning the


number of dental trauma episodes (III) and verified that the classification into
uncomplicated and complicated traumas was easy to use (III, IV). A high agreement was
also found between the number of visits recorded by companions and those noted in
dental records (IV), whereas there was a discrepancy in the number of visits due to a lack
of identification of non-clinical and clinical treatments (III).
To test the agreement, the wages of all male and female companions with loss of
production in our study were compared with figures found in official wage statistics in
Sweden (V). A good agreement was found for females, but higher wages for males were
found in our study, compared with males in Sweden. This overestimation of males loss
of production only represented 3% of the total costs of loss of production (V).

Ethical considerations
The studies have been approved by local ethical committee and by the Swedish Data
Inspection Board.


Paper I

The incidence during one year (1989/1990) in the county of Vstmanland, Sweden, in the
age interval 0-19 years was 13.0 individuals and 13.2 injury episodes per 1000
individuals at a ratio of 1.6:1 boys to girls. The age interval 0-19 years represented 83%
of all dental traumas in all ages in the county. The highest incidence to both sexes
occurred in the ages of 2, 8 and 9 years (in average 22.4 individuals per 1000 per year),
suggesting that the first years in life and the first years in school are the most accident
prone periods. The incidence of dental traumas for boys was higher in almost all ages,
compared to girls. Boys showed their highest incidence in the ages of 2-4 and 7-12,
representing 62% of all boys with a mean incidence of 23.8 individuals per 1000 per year.
Girls showed their highest incidence in the ages of 2-12 years, representing 75% of all
girls with a mean incidence of 14.5 individuals per 1000 per year. The highest incidence
of complicated injuries to permanent teeth occurred in the age intervals of 7-12 years.
Complicated traumas occurred in 33% of all dental traumas in the age interval 0-19
years in the county and in 14%, to permanent teeth. Luxation injuries dominated for
primary teeth, while there was a majority of hard tissue injuries for permanent teeth.
Subluxation was the overall dominating diagnosis for primary teeth, and uncomplicated
crown fracture, for permanent teeth. Complicated traumas, irrespective of gender, were
represented mainly by intrusion and lateral luxation to primary teeth and complicated
crown fracture and lateral luxation to permanent teeth.
In Table 4, diagnoses are presented as uncomplicated (U) and complicated (C)
traumas to primary and permanent teeth according to fractures with and without pulp
exposure and luxations with and without dislocation.


Table 4. Number of diagnoses (n=1,537) of uncomplicated (U) and complicated (C) traumas to
primary and permanent teeth

Diagnoses1 Primary Permanent


Fractures without pulp exposure 76 546

Infraction 12 119
Uncomplicated crown fracture 61 412
Uncomplicated crown root fracture 3 15

Fractures with pulp exposure 19 79

Complicated crown fracture 8 49

Complicated crown root fracture 2 9
Root fracture 9 21

Luxation without dislocation 255 259

Concussion 80 134
Subluxation 175 125

Luxation with dislocation 219 84

Intrusion 78 3
Extrusion 30 14
Lateral luxation 73 49
Exarticulation 38 18

TOTAL 331 238 805 163

569 968

Source: ICD-DA, WHO (1992) and Andreasen and Andreasen (1994).


Paper II

Of 83 patients with a total of 160 dental trauma episodes to permanent teeth during a
period of 12 years, 41 were registered with multiple dental trauma episodes (MDTE),
mean 2.9/patient, SD=1.1. No significant gender differences were found between the
number of single episodes and MDTE. The mean age of patients with single episodes was
11.4 (SD=3.6) years, compared to 8.6 (SD=2.1) years for patients with MDTE episodes.
Of all patients in the study, the number of patients with MDTE was significantly higher
among those who suffered their first trauma episode in the age interval 6-10 years,
compared to patients who suffered their first trauma episode in the age interval 11-18
years (p<0.001). The risk of sustaining MDTE was 8.4 times higher when comparing the
first trauma episode at 9 and 12 years of age. The time intervals between each subsequent
trauma episode became ever shorter.
For patients with one trauma episode, follow-ups were the most common type of
treatments, representing 53%, whereas an increased number of trauma episodes per
patient was followed by an increased number of follow-ups, filling therapy, information
and prosthetic treatment.
In 45% of all MDTE, at least one of the affected teeth had sustained repeated trauma
episodes. When repeated traumas occurred to the same tooth (RTT), there was an
increase in follow-ups, filling therapy and information, whereas there were minor
differences when there were no repeated injuries to the same tooth (STT).

Paper III
Dental traumas occurred in boys and girls at a ratio of 1.4:1. Primary teeth mainly
suffered luxation injuries, while fractures were the most common type of injury in the
permanent dentition (p<0.001).

Treatment time
The number of visits and treatment time per individual for trauma to primary and
permanent teeth, during an average period of 12 years, amounted to 3.0 (range 1-12)
visits and 1.0 (range 0.3-4.4) hours, and 10.6 (range 1-27) visits and 4.2 (range 0.3-20.5)


hours, respectively. Complicated traumas to permanent teeth represented an average of

16.4 (range 1-24) visits and 8.5 (range 1.7-20.5) hours per individual. Treatment time for
permanent teeth exceeded that of primary teeth and especially complicated traumas to
permanent teeth showed large variations per individual, compared to other dental
traumas (Fig 1). Fifteen percent of all individuals, representing 18% of all trauma
episodes, suffered complicated traumas to permanent teeth and the same individuals
consumed 36% of all treatment time during the period.





N= 24 10 66 16
Primary (U) Primary (C) Permanent (U) Permanent (C)

Fig. 1. Total estimated treatment time of individuals in the age interval 2 - 18 years with
uncomplicated (U) and complicated (C) trauma episodes to primary and permanent teeth.

Type of treatment
During emergency treatment for uncomplicated traumas, irrespective of dentition, the
visits were mainly used for information, whereas for complicated traumas, besides
information, primary and permanent teeth were mostly treated with extractions.
Furthermore, for permanent teeth, surgical and endodontic treatment was also given.
Filling therapy was performed to a smaller extent on permanent teeth, independently of
degree of severity.


At planned treatments, follow-ups were the dominant type of treatment, irrespective of

dentition and degree of severity. For complicated traumas to permanent teeth, follow-ups
were complemented with, in descending order, endodontic treatments, filling therapies,
prosthetic, consultations, and contacts with relatives/referrals etc., and surgical treat-
ments. There were more consultations etc., than prosthetics at complicated trauma to
permanent teeth.
Within the first year uncomplicated traumas to permanent teeth required endodontic
treatment in 3% of the cases, compared to 67% in complicated traumas. After the first
year endodontic treatment was needed for only two cases with uncomplicated dental
The school dentists in Copenhagen reported uncomplicated hard tissue or luxation
injuries once or more a month and complicated injuries once or more a month or once or
more a year. A comparison of treatment times during the periods of 1972-1988 and
1995-1996 showed a tendency towards increased treatment time for information and
follow-ups and less time for endodontics, surgery and prosthetics in the latter period.

Paper IV
Dental traumas occurred in boys and girls at a ratio of 1.7:1 and, in general, more often
in other places and in traffic settings than in day-care centres or schools in all age groups,
except in the age group of 7-9, where no difference could be seen. Complicated traumas
occurred significantly more often in other places and in traffic settings than in day-care
centres or schools (p<0.005). Falls were significantly more frequent causes of traumas
to primary teeth, compared to being hit, pushed or struck (p<0.001), whereas there was
no difference for permanent teeth.

Total time
Total time during a period of two years for traumas to primary and permanent teeth,
including both patient and companion, represented an average of 7.2 (SD=8.4) hours and
16.1 (SD=20.0) hours, respectively. Of total time the direct time (treatment time) only
constituted 11% and 16% for trauma to primary and permanent teeth. Transport time,
irrespective of type of dentition, was the most extensive indirect time variable of all,
representing about one third of the total time.


Multiple regression analysis

The presence of complicated trauma in both the dentitions had a strong impact on all time
variables in the multiple regression analysis. For complicated traumas to permanent
teeth, there was a significant increase (102 - 134%) in total time for both patient and
companion, compared to uncomplicated trauma. Lack of access to a dental clinic near the
place of residence, as expected, also showed a high, independent contribution to transport
time for both patient and companion, irrespective of dentition. Emergency dental traumas
professionally attended outside working hours increased the values of total time,
transport time and total other time for patients with injuries to permanent teeth. Traffic
settings increased all time variables for both patient and companion, except for transport
time. The regression analysis showed no significant difference at any of the time
variables for the gender variable.
A graphic representation of a hazard function of total time, according to the severity
of trauma to permanent teeth showed the proportions of patients in treatment for the 2-
year period. The hazard ratio indicated that patients with complicated dental trauma have
a strong tendency to stay in treatment, whereas patients with uncomplicated trauma
finished treatment more quickly (Fig 2).

Proportion under treatment



0 12 24 36 48 60
Total time, hours

Fig. 2. Total time stratified according to severity of trauma for patients, permanent teeth.
Proportion of patients remaining in treatment for the 2-year period following initial treatment is
shown for uncomplicated trauma (n = 86) , and for complicated trauma (n = 37)
. Censored observations = .


Paper V

Total costs
Total costs per patient, including the average number of companions, for traumas to
primary and permanent teeth were SEK 1,746 (range 5-10,272) and SEK 4,569 (range
106-24,791), respectively. Health care service costs for traumas to primary and
permanent teeth were SEK 837 (range 84-5,534) and SEK 2,955 (range 167-24,491),
which was 48% and 65% of total costs, respectively. Direct costs (health care service
costs, transport costs, costs from loss of personal property, and medicine costs)
represented 60% of the total costs for primary teeth and 72%, for permanent teeth.
Indirect costs (loss of production or leisure) amounted to 28% of the total costs for
permanent teeth and 40% for primary teeth, whereas transport costs represented only 5%
and 12%, respectively. On average, the number of companions engaged per patient with
traumas to permanent teeth was 1.4 and 1.2 for primary teeth.

Multiple regression analysis

The regression analysis showed, as in Paper IV, that the degree of severity and access to
treatment were of major significance to direct and indirect costs at dental trauma.
Complicated trauma, compared to uncomplicated trauma to permanent teeth, increased
the patients health care service costs, the companions transport costs and total costs by
108 - 151%, which was comparable with the results from Paper IV. The gender variable
showed no significant difference for any of the cost variables included in the regression


The material in the thesis was based on samples from large and well-defined populations:
a county, a municipality and a national insurance company, and the drop-out frequencies
were low (4.0-15.5%). The low drop-out rate may be interpreted as an expression of the
importance of teeth as reflected by the concern of the parents, day-care staff, school
nurses, teachers, sport leaders, friends, neighbours etc., but probably also due to the
personal contacts (UG) when interviewing the families by telephone (IV, V). As a
conclusion, the Swedish material should be regarded as representative of a county (I) and
of a nation-wide insurance company (IV, V), while the Danish material should primarily
be regarded as representative of large municipalities like Copenhagen (II, III).
Data for the studies were based on a number of documents with information already
collected. These documents were physical and dental injury forms (I), dental files and
specific dental trauma files (II, III) and accident reports (IV, V). Special forms were
designed to obtain more specific information about resources spent on dental traumas
concerning estimated treatment times, type of treatments delivered (III) and time and
costs spent (IV, V). Lack of information was related more to information already
collected, than in the specially designed forms. By spending a great deal of work on
finding missing information, only a few patients were excluded due to loss of
information (I, III). In Paper I, information was focused on the degree of severity,
whereas setting and injury mechanism were not included. These variables were instead
included in Paper IV and V.
The appointment diaries were not available for the studies in Paper III. Therefore, a
questionnaire time study had to be designed to get the estimated treatment time for
different emergency and planned measures performed earlier. In order to get as accurate
a treatment time as possible, 14 school dentists, who had treated the patients and were
still on duty, were identified. These school dentists classified the estimated treatment
time in a maximum, minimum and normal value due to e.g. type of patient, the dentists
skill etc. The normal value from each dentist was then used to present the average value
of estimated treatment time for different specific treatments.
The method used in presenting costs as direct costs (costs within health care service,
transport, loss of personal property and medicine) and indirect costs (costs due to loss of


production or leisure) was based on accepted methods of presenting illness costs

(Lindgren 1981, Drummond et al. 1993, Weinstein et al. 1997). A real life study was
performed based on a predetermined checklist (Appendix 5) via telephone interviews
with people directly involved (IV, V). This has been shown to be preferable, to sending
a questionnaire by post (Karlsson et al. 1997). A review showed studies with comparable
methods of presenting direct and indirect costs (Lindgren 1981, Jnsson and Karlsson
1990, Drummond et al. 1993, Miller and Galbraith 1995, Lindqvist and Brodin 1996,
Jacobsson and Lindgren 1996). Some studies suggested that sickness-allowance should
be included in calculations of costs of illness (de Loes 1990, Mnestam and Bjrnstig
1991, Lindqvist and Brodin 1996), whereas others considered that it should not to be
included due to double-counting of production loss and a serious overestimation of the
costs of inputs (Lindgren 1981). We decided sickness-allowance not to be included in the
We measured both loss of production and lost leisure time in monetary terms, as
suggested by Lindgren (1981), Drummond et al. (1993), and Lindqvist and Brodin
(1996). The value was set to averaged annual earnings of men and women on the labour
market in Sweden (Hgqvist et al. 1998). For the patients, we have not presented their
lost leisure or school time in monetary terms, which has resulted in an underestimation
of indirect costs.
The value of health care service costs, based on information from the County
Councils in Sweden, is a fairly rough estimation as there is not yet a constraint to present
these types of economic values.
Dental traumas were classified as complicated or uncomplicated. The reason for this
level of classification was twofold; First, it should be easy to use by adopting the
classification used in clinical praxis. The second reason was that it should be related to
risk of complications. We assumed that complications required more treatment time. The
results showed that this was a correct assumption. Fractures without pulp exposure have
been shown to result in less pulp necrosis in 0-6% of cases, and luxations without
dislocation, in 3-6% of cases, whereas fractures with pulp exposure have shown pulp
necrosis in 20-44% of cases, and luxations with dislocation, in 26-96% (Andreasen and
Andreasen 1994). Andreasen et al. (1987) showed that concussion and subluxation have
a good prognosis, whereas luxations with dislocation (extrusion, lateral luxation and
intrusion) increase the risk of pulp necrosis (Fig 3-4).


Fig. 3. Pulpal healing following luxation injuries in the permanent dentition: Open apex.
Source: Andreasen et al. 1987.

Fig. 4. Pulpal healing following luxation injuries in the permanent dentition: Closed apex.
Source: Andreasen et al. 1987.

The degree of luxation has been shown by Andreasen and Vestergaard Pedersen (1985)
to be of importance to the survival of the periodontal ligament (PDL), where e.g.
subluxation presented a better prognosis for PDL healing (Fig 5), compared to lateral
luxation (Fig 6).


Fig. 5. Periodontal healing in the permanent dentition after subluxation.

Source: Andreasen and Vestergaard Pedersen 1985.

Fig. 6. Periodontal healing in the permanent dentition after lateral luxation.

Source: Andreasen and Vestergaard Pedersen 1985.

Concussion and subluxation, therefore, should be regarded as a low risk for periodontal
Classification of dental traumas regarding degree of severity has earlier been used by
Jrvinen (1978) and recently in a study of dental traumas performed in Norway by
Engelhardtsen et al. (1998). In all three classifications, there is a concordance regarding
pulp exposure and dislocation of the tooth in all diagnoses, except for uncomplicated
crown root fractures (Jrvinen 1978, Engelhardtsen et al. 1998), root fractures in the
apical third, and in subluxation (Engelhardtsen et al. 1998). Subluxation, or loosening, is
an injury to the tooth-supporting structures with abnormal loosening but without


clinically or radiographically demonstrable displacement of the tooth (Andreasen and

Andreasen 1994). With no risk of pulpal necrosis and a minimal risk of root resorption
(Andreasen and Vestergaard Pedersen 1985, Feiglin 1996), subluxation, we suggest,
should be regarded as uncomplicated. The frequency of uncomplicated crown root
fractures and root fractures in the apical third to permanent teeth was lower than 2% of
all injuries in Paper I, and would probably be of minor epidemiological importance.
The most severe diagnosis was chosen when there was a combination of several
diagnoses on the same tooth, a method which has also been suggested by Jrvinen (1978)
and Solli et al. (1996). The most severe diagnosis was also chosen in our classification
when more than one tooth was injured in the same episode, or in multiple episodes to the
same patient (II, III). This was due to that the most severe injury in a dental trauma will
determine time and costs spent and thus the group of classification.

The majority of the dental traumas were in the age interval 0-19 years, representing 83%
of all traumas (I). Davis and Knott (1984), Ianetti et al. (1984) and Redfors and Olsson
(1996) found similar figures (71-92%), confirming childhood and adolescence as the
most accident prone period in life. Moreover, the first years in life and the first years in
school showed the highest incidence peaks and boys were shown to be more often injured
than girls. The medial and lateral incisors were more often injured than other teeth,
primary teeth mostly sustain luxation injuries and permanent teeth hard tissue injuries.
All these results are similar to other studies and represent a well-known pattern of dental
trauma (Andreasen and Ravn 1972, Hedegrd and Stlhane 1973, Ravn 1974, Forsberg
and Tedestam 1990, Borssn and Holm 1997, Engelhardtsen et al. 1998).
The annual incidence of dental trauma in the county of Vstmanland in the age
interval 0-19 years was 13.0 individuals per 1000 per year (I). Previous studies in
Sweden in large and well-defined areas have reported almost the same incidences of 11-
15 per 1000 per year (Hedegrd and Stlhane 1973, Sundell and Sundqvist 1991). The
results show that the incidence of dental trauma in Sweden is probably stable over time.
Complicated traumas, irrespective of dentition, represented 33% of all traumas to
children and adolescents in a county of Sweden, while 15% were complicated traumas to
permanent teeth (I). The frequency of individuals with complicated traumas to permanent
teeth in the Danish study (III) was also 15%. One can argue that the frequency of compli-


cated traumas to permanent teeth would change during the 12-year period in the Danish
study, especially since a number of patients were injured more than once (III). The results
showed, however, that patients who were injured several times did not receive
complicated traumas to permanent teeth more often than those injured only once (II).
By performing continuously ongoing registrations of dental trauma, it is possible to
show the changes in incidence, and especially in the number of complicated traumas to
permanent teeth. This knowledge may reflect the future need of resources for
complicated dental traumas.

Multiple dental trauma episodes (MDTE) were registered for every second patient with
a dental trauma among 6-18-year-olds (II). This is more than has been reported in other
studies (16-30%) (Hedegrd and Stlhane 1973, Ravn 1989, Onetto et al. 1994). Forty-
five percent of the MDTE was also shown to have at least one of the same teeth affected
(II). This is also more than has been shown by Hedegrd and Stlhane (1973) (8%) and
Stockwell (1988) (13%). These results might be explained by the long follow-up period
in our study (in average 12 years), showing the importance of following the patients
during a long period.
The results indicated that, of all patients, the number of patients with MDTE was
significantly higher for those who suffered their first trauma episode in the age interval
6-10 years, compared to patients in the age interval 11-18 years (II). There obviously
seems to be a critical period around nine years of age for dental trauma (I, III, IV). There
may be several reasons for this peak. One reason could be an increasing protrusion of
the medial incisors and therefore also an increased risk of additional traumas (Jrvinen
1978, Nguyen et al. 1999). The results also showed that the number of treatments, and
especially follow-ups, filling therapy and information, increased when MDTE affected
already traumatized teeth. The danger with teeth with repeated injuries might be a
reduced potential in future pulpal and periodontal healing, a fact which also has been
suggested by (Bakland and Andreasen 1996). A prevention of MDTE would therefore
decrease not only trauma episodes, but also the need for future treatment.

Treatment time
The most extensive total treatment time per individual was found for those children and
adolescents who suffered complicated traumas to permanent teeth (8.5 hrs), compared to


uncomplicated traumas to permanent teeth (3.2 hrs) and traumas to primary teeth (0.8-
1.6 hrs). The treatment time for permanent teeth per individual showed large variations,
compared to traumas to primary teeth, and was strongly connected to complicated
traumas (Fig 2) (III). Solli et al. (1996) showed a treatment time per individual for
permanent teeth of 0.7 hrs for trivial, 1.2 hrs for small, 1.7 hrs for moderate, and 2.1 hrs
for serious traumas to permanent teeth, where the moderate and serious traumas could be
regarded as complicated. Josefsson and Lilja Karlander (1994) showed an average
treatment time of 1.2 hrs per trauma episode and more than 3 hrs for a small number of
patients with traumas to permanent teeth. The difference between the studies may be due
to the length of time, 12 years in Paper III, compared to one year in the other studies
(Josefsson and Lilja Karlander 1994, Solli et al. 1996), but all three studies concluded
that degree of severity was of great importance to treatment time, a fact which has also
been suggested by other authors (Sane et al. 1988, Hyrinen-Immonen et al. 1990).
The importance of follow-ups appeared to a great extent to be connected with the
severity of dental trauma. However, it must be questioned whether uncomplicated
traumas to permanent teeth need an average of 6.3 follow-ups, when only 3% of the teeth
received endodontic treatment during a period of 12 years. Complicated traumas to
permanent teeth needed an average of 9.1 follow-ups, where 67% received endodontic
treatment. An injury to the pulp due to an uncomplicated trauma is less severe to the
PDL, compared to a complicated injury. In the first case, we only have to deal with an
injured pulp, whereas in the second case there is also a risk of root resorption. These
findings may be considered when follow-up schedules are planned for uncomplicated
dental traumas, a fact which has also been stressed by Solli et al. (1996). All endodontic
treatment began, irrespective of degree of severity, during the first year following a
dental trauma, except for two patients with uncomplicated trauma (III). A suggestion is
therefore to reduce follow-ups for uncomplicated traumas to permanent teeth and when
the risk of complication is low incorporate them as much as possible into the regular

Time and costs

In Paper IV (study of time) and Paper V (study of costs), the regression analysis showed
very strong influence of degree of severity and access to dental treatment regarding time
and costs. This is because a complicated injury, especially to permanent teeth, is a serious
problem to the pulp and the PDL (Andreasen and Vestergaard Pedersen 1985, Andreasen


1989, Feiglin 1996), demanding extensive time in the form of clinical treatment and
follow-ups during childhood (III).
Though incidence in almost all age-groups for both uncomplicated and complicated
dental traumas to primary and permanent teeth was higher for boys than girls (I), both
sexes suffered from the same degree of complicated traumas to permanent teeth (I, III),
a finding also noted by Oikarinen and Kassila (1987) and Schatz and Joho (1994).
Forsberg and Tedestam (1990) and Solli et al. (1996) however, registered more severe
traumas to permanent teeth among boys. In the study by Forsberg and Tedestam (1990)
dental trauma to boys was indicated to be generally more severe and require treatment
more often than in girls, but our results showed that if a child or an adolescent suffered
a dental trauma, gender was of no significance to time or costs (IV,V).
Time used by professional caregivers on dental trauma to permanent teeth represented
only 16% of total time, while health care service costs represented as much as 65% of
total costs. This is due to the fact that costs for health care service, despite shorter
treatment times, are much more expensive than costs incurred by companions for loss of
production or leisure. The difference in time and costs was also seen in transport, where
30% of transport time represented only 5% of total costs in trauma to permanent teeth.
This difference shows the necessity of also including the time used in calculating total
costs. Loss of time for the injured child or the parents working at home must also be
taken into consideration. Prevention must be seen from two point of views; saving money
on one hand, but also time on the other hand.
For a complicated trauma to permanent teeth, studies have shown that time is
essential for the prognosis due to the complexity of this type of trauma with respect to
wound healing (Andreasen et al. 1995). Access to treatment is therefore of great
importance. But keeping access to treatment at a high level is expensive, especially for
traumas occurring outside working hours. Though earlier studies have shown that
approximately half of all dental traumas in the age interval of 0-19 years occurred during
leisure time, when most dental clinics were closed (Eilert-Petersson et al. 1997), our
results showed that only 6-19% of the patients actually sought emergency attention
outside working hours and irrespective of the degree of severity (IV). Most patients have
a special and close relation to their dentists and probably wait until there is access to their
own dental clinic. For others, it is less important who takes care of the trauma and for
a minor number of the patients, it is essential to be treated as quickly as possible because
of the severity of the trauma.


The models developed in Papers IV and V identified independent variables and showed
how much each of them influenced the different variables of time and costs. The models
can be used to calculate total time and costs for both patients and companions on trauma
to primary and permanent teeth during a 2-year period, but also to calculate separate
values such as health care service and transport. By performing calculations with
different scenarios, the benefit of e.g. prevention may be shown. The models are,
however, based on Swedish circumstances and have to be modified for use in other
The average total costs of a dental trauma, irrespective of type of dentition, seemed
to be rather moderate. This may be due to the fact that total costs (V) were only
calculated for two years and in a period of life when treatment, especially complicated
traumas to permanent teeth, is seldom finished (Andreasen and Vestergaard Pedersen
1985). Although costs may be moderate a great number of dental traumas occur every
year. A high frequency of dental traumas may therefore contribute to high costs to
society. A comparison with other physical injuries in the age interval of 0-19 year showed
that 10% of all patients seeking emergency care in a county sought for dental trauma
(Eilert-Petersson et al. 1997). The number of visits for treatment of dental traumas was
also shown to be twice as high, in general, compared to the number of visits for non-oral
injuries treated on an outpatient basis during one year (III). The costs may also be due to
the type of treatment performed, and in neither of the studies e.g. was implant surgery
performed (IV,V), perhaps because implants were not performed on children and
adolescents during the early 90s. If this had been done, as today, the total costs would
probably have been higher. Another indicator of the difference in the total costs between
individuals was the high values of standard deviation and range (V). The reason for this
is the great number of factors which may influence costs. In these series of studies, only
a few factors have been taken in consideration.
The results of this thesis enable the total costs of dental traumas in Sweden to be
calculated on a yearly basis by using the results in the studies on incidence (I) and costs
(V). By a rough estimation, the annual number of individuals in Sweden with new dental
traumas should be 25,000-30,000 in the age interval 0-19. The total costs for the country
(in 1999 prices) of annual new dental traumas, during a 2-year period, including costs of
health care service, transport, loss of personal property, medicine and loss of production
or leisure, have been calculated to MSEK 90-110. Furthermore, some of the permanent
teeth will have to be replaced due to a complicated trauma. Today, implants are the


method of choice after growth is completed. The number of new single implants due to
dental trauma in the age interval 0-19 would be roughly estimated at 1000-1500 in
Sweden during one year (personal communication, Hkansson 2000). With health care
service costs for each single front tooth implant of SEK 20,000 (personal communi-
cation, Pettersson 2000), the total annual costs in Sweden could be estimated at MSEK
20-30. The total annual costs of new dental traumas in Sweden, including implants for
treatment after 19 years of age, would therefore amount to approximately MSEK 65-85.
Considering the first year is more expensive than the second year and the costs of
implants were only represented by the health care service costs, the total annual costs of
new dental traumas including implants in Sweden is probably higher.
Dental traumas is a concern for the whole community and resources should be spent
on promotion, prevention and curative care. An individual risk profile, especially for
younger individuals who have received their first trauma episode, may be useful in the
co-operation between the patient, parents and the caregiver. This risk profile could be a
combination of systematic information from the experts on the dental trauma episode,
the patient and parents, and standard trauma information in dental records. A database,
consisting of systematically and continuously compiled information from such risk
profiles, would provide better knowledge about how to avoid multiple dental trauma
episodes. Another way would also be to reduce the frequencies of complicated traumas,
which was found to occur more often during leisure time and in traffic, compared to day
care centre/school. A major part of dental trauma to children and adolescents has been
shown to be a result of a sport injury (Eilert-Petersson et al. 1997). This may be because
the leading cause of dental trauma in sports has been shown to be related to whether
sticks are used or bodily contact allowed (Svensson et al. 1994). Sport leaders, especially
in teams, therefore have an important mission to see to that participants comply with the
rules and use the prevention devices recommended. In curative treatment, all general
dentists would continuously be trained to be able to treat all emergencies during opening
hours when good access to treatment is possible. When the clinics are closed, emergency
treatment could be organised so that it could be carried out by specially trained general
dentists and specialists on call during off-duty hours.


1. Incidence of dental traumas related to age and gender (I)

The incidence of dental traumas was 13.0 individuals and 13.2 trauma episodes per 1000
individuals per year. The incidence to boys (16.2) was higher in almost all ages,
compared to girls (10.0) per 1000 individuals per year. The highest incidence, including
all children and adolescents, occurred in the ages of 2, 8 and 9 years (22.4 individuals per
1000), suggesting that the first years of life and the first years in school are the most
accident prone periods. The highest incidence of uncomplicated traumas, mostly as hard
tissue injuries, occurred to permanent teeth, and of complicated traumas, mostly as
luxations, to primary teeth, with no gender difference.

2. Evaluation of the risk of multiple dental trauma episodes to permanent teeth (II)
Every second patient with a dental trauma to permanent teeth suffered from multiple
dental trauma episodes (MDTE). The mean number of trauma episodes was 2.9 per
patient (range 2-7 episodes). The number of patients with MDTE was significantly
higher among those who suffered their first trauma episode in the age interval 6-10,
compared to the 11-18-year-olds. The risk of sustaining MDTE was highest when the
first trauma episode occurred at 9 years of age. At MDTE, almost every second patient
injured at least one tooth earlier injured.

3. Comparison of types of treatments used between patients with one and those with
more than one episode and with single and repeatedly traumatized teeth (II)
Follow-ups were the most common type of treatment for patients with one trauma
episode, while an increased number of trauma episodes per patient was followed by an
increased number of follow-ups, filling therapy, information and prosthetic treatment.
Repeated traumas to the same teeth increased the frequency of follow-ups, filling therapy
and information.

4. Estimation of total time spent in treating uncomplicated and complicated dental

traumas (III)
During a period equivalent to 12 years, uncomplicated traumas to primary teeth required
a total of 2.5 visits (range 1-9 visits) and 0.8 hrs treatment time (range 0.3-3.3 hours),


whereas 4.3 visits (range 1-12 visits) and 1.6 hrs (range 0.4-4.4 hours) per individual
were required for complicated traumas. For permanent teeth with uncomplicated
traumas, 9.2 visits (range 1-27 visits) and 3.2 hrs (range 0.3-11.0 hours) were required,
whereas for complicated traumas 16.4 visits (range 1-24 visits) and 8.5 hrs (range 1.7-
20.5 hours) per individual. Complicated traumas to permanent teeth showed a large
variation in treatment time per individual, compared to other dental traumas.

5. An account of total time, direct and indirect, used in the treatment and care of
dental trauma (IV)
Total time for dental traumas to primary teeth averaged 7.2 hours (SD=8.4 hours) and to
permanent teeth, 16.1 hours (SD=20.0 hours) during a period of 2 years. On average,
direct time (treatment time) represented 11% of total time for all visits for dental trauma
to primary teeth and 16%, for trauma to permanent teeth. The most extensive type of
indirect time was transport time, which encompassed 30% of the total time for injuries
to permanent teeth and 36% for injuries to primary teeth. Complicated trauma, traffic
injury and access to treatment were of importance to total time spent by both patients and

6. An account of total costs, including direct and indirect costs, and a presentation
of predictors of importance to the costs of dental trauma (V)
Health care service costs represented on average of SEK 837 (SD=898, range SEK 84-
5,534) and total costs SEK 1,746 (SD=1,183, range SEK 5-10,272) for dental trauma to
primary teeth, and SEK 2,955 (SD=3,818, range SEK 167-24,491) and SEK 4,569
(SD=3,053, range SEK 106-24,791) for trauma to permanent teeth. The most extensive
type of indirect cost was loss of production or leisure, which, on average, was SEK 699
(SD=SEK 1,239) for injuries to primary teeth and SEK 1,286 (SD=SEK 1,830) for
injuries to permanent teeth. Dental traumas will lead to both direct and indirect costs. The
direct costs (health care service, transport, costs due to loss of personal property and for
medicine) primarily depend on the degree of severity, whereas indirect costs (loss of
production or leisure) are mostly due to compromised access to health care service.


1. Boys are more prone to dental traumas than girls, but our studies showed no
significant difference in gender concerning degree of severity, time, and costs.

2. The classification into uncomplicated and complicated dental traumas is a useful

method of presenting resources spent in dental trauma treatment.

3. Parameters such as degree of severity, access to treatment and place of injury are of
major importance and should be included in any analysis of time and costs.

4. Besides treatment time and health care service costs, time and costs for patient and
family should also be taken in consideration.

5. The follow-ups of uncomplicated traumas could be kept to a minimum. After initial

check-ups these injuries are suggested to be included in regular dental check-ups
because the risk of complication is low.

6. After the first dental trauma episode, the patient should be informed about the risk of
further trauma episodes, and preventive measures should be taken into consideration.

7. Due to the different risks of additional traumas at different ages, it is important to

make individual risk profiles.


Tandtrauma drabbar frmst i barn och ungdomsren och engagerar drfr ven oss vuxna
vid det akuta omhndertagandet och i samband med efterfljande besk. Detta kan
innebra omfattande tidstgng och kostnader fr bde patient och familj. Skadan kan
synas vara mindre allvarlig vid skadetillfllet, men dess konsekvenser kan visa sig flera
r senare. Vissa komplicerade skador kan vara s omfattande att de medfr ett nstan
livslngt terkommande omhndertagande.
Under de senaste decennierna har forskningen ptagligt kat vr kunskap om kliniska
och biologiska aspekter vid tand- och benlkning, medan mindre vad betrffar vr
kunskap om vem, varfr och hur tandtrauma intrffar samt resurstgng vid behandling
av tandtrauma.
Det vergripande syftet med avhandlingen var drfr att ka vr kunskap om
incidens, risk, behandling, total tid och kostnad vid tandtrauma p primra och perma-
nenta tnder p barn och ungdomar.
Materialet i studierna hrrrde sig frn ett helt ln (Vstmanland), en hel kommun
(Kpenhamn) och frn hela Sverige (Folksam). Information inhmtades frn skade-
journaler, patientjournaler, speciella tandtraumajournaler, frgeformulr och telefon-
intervjuer. Tandtrauma klassificerades i okomplicerade och komplicerade trauma.
Resultaten frn lnsstudien visade att pojkar drabbades oftare n flickor i nstan
samtliga ldrar. Fr bde pojkar och flickor var de frsta levnadsren och de frsta ren
i skolan de mest olycksdrabbade avseende tandtrauma. Incidensen i dessa ldrar var
nstan dubbelt s hg, jmfrt med vriga ldrar. Vart tredje tandtrauma i barn och
ungdomsren var komplicerat med skador p tandnerven eller p tandens fste i
Studien frn Kpenhamns kommun, dr samtliga patienter fljdes under en period av
12 r, visade att varannan patient med tandtrauma p permanenta tnder drabbades av
upprepade tandtrauma. Risken att drabbas av upprepade tandtrauma kade om det frsta
traumat intrffade fre 11 rs lder, jmfrt med om det frsta tandtraumat intrffade
frst efter 10 rs lder. Vid upprepade tandtrauma drabbades ungefr varannan patient av
ytterligare skada p minst en redan tidigare skadad tand. Behandlingstiden vid


komplicerade tandtrauma i genomsnitt mer n frdubblades, jmfrt med okomplicerade

Vi registrering av den totala tidstgngen och kostnaden fr barn och ungdomar och
deras frldrar i samband med tandtrauma (frberedelser, resor, behandling, vrd p
sjukhus och i hemmet) visade det sig att behandlingstiden endast motsvarade c:a 11-16%
av totaltiden, medan vrdgivarens kostnad fr omhndertagandet var c:a 60-72% av
totalkostnaden. Det visade sig ocks att omfattningen av tid och kostnader fr patient och
frldrar var starkt knutet till vissa specifika variabler. Dessa variabler var skadans
svrighetsgrad, tillgnglighet till vrd och i vilken milj tandtraumat intrffade.
Tandtrauma i barn och ungdomsren r en angelgenhet fr hela samhllet och
befintliga resurser skall anvndas till hlsofrmjande, frebyggande och behandlande
tgrder. En individuell riskprofil, genomfrd p unga individer som drabbats av sitt
frsta tandtrauma, kan vara av stort frebyggande vrde d den kan innehlla
odontologisk information, men ven information frn tandtraumats experter, patient
och frldrar. Information frn dessa individuella riskprofiler br samlas i en databas,
som sedan kan ligga som underlag fr frebyggande arbete riktat mot enskilda eller
grupper av individer. Detta borde frbttra kunskapen om hur upprepade tandtrauma kan
undvikas. Ett annat stt r att reducera frekvensen av komplicerade tandtrauma, en
skadetyp som det visade sig oftast frekom under fritiden. En stor andel av tandtrauma
frekommer hr inom sport och idrott, i synnerhet d klubbor anvnds och
kroppstacklingar r tilltna. Idrottsledare av olika slag har drfr en viktig uppgift i att se
till att regler fljs och att rekommenderade skydd anvnds. Vad gller behandling av
tandtrauma fresls en fortlpande vidareutbildning av allmntandlkare s att ett
tillfredsstllande akut omhndertagande kan ske, inte bara under ordinarie ppethllande,
utan ocks under jourtid.


In this thesis the following definitions are used:

Accident A sudden, unexpected series of undesired occurrences in

interplay between individual and environment which lead to
personal injury.

Companion A person who participated in the transport of the patient.

Complicated dental Exposure of the pulpal tissue (complicated crown fracture,

trauma complicated crown root fracture and root fracture) or dis-
location of the tooth (intrusion, extrusion, lateral luxation
and exarticulation). Individuals who had suffered both
complicated and uncomplicated dental trauma episodes
were included in the group complicated trauma.

Degree of severity See complicated and uncomplicated dental trauma.

Dental clinic near A public dental health clinic is situated in the same town or
place of residence village as the patients place of residence.

Diagnosis The diagnoses used were according to the WHO

International Classification of Diseases to Dentistry and
Stomatology as revised by Andreasen & Andreasen for
teeth with dental trauma.

Direct costs Average treatment time cost, including costs of health care
professionals, other labour, capital costs and supplies,
according to actual prices in Sweden.

Direct time Time used by professional caregivers.

Drop-outs Discontinued participation or incomplete information.

Folksam The insurance company FOLKSAM, Stockholm, Sweden.

Incidence The number of new patients with a dental trauma during a

given period in a specified population. The incidence rate is
presented by dividing the number of individuals with dental
trauma at the end of the period with the number of indivi-
duals at risk in the beginning of the period. As a comparison
prevalence refers to all cases of dental trauma, new or old,
in the population at a given time.


Indirect costs Loss of production or leisure time.

Indirect time Time spent by others than professional caregivers.

Injury episode A single dental trauma event.

Inpatient Persons admitted to health facilities which provide board

and room, for the purpose of observation, care, diagnosis or

Interaction A measure of the extent to which the variation in the

dependent variable cannot be considered to be the results of
a simple combination of the main effects of the factors in the

Leisure time All other time, except working- or school time.

Multicolinearity A situation when an independent variable is a linear

function of one or more of the other independent variables.
An undesirable situation is when the correlations among the
independent variables are strong.

Multiple dental trauma More than one trauma episode during the study period.

Multiple regression Procedures for finding the mathematical function which

analysis best describes the relationship between a dependent variable
(e.g. time or costs) and one or more independent variables
(e.g. degree of severity, access to treatment). In multiple
regression the dependent variable is considered to depend
on more than a single independent variable.

Nursing time at home Time at home during daytime, with a maximum of 8 hours
per day for both patient and companion, respectively.

Nursing time at hospital Time in hospital e.g. over night (see inpatient).

Other time A pooling of pre- and post-time, waiting time and nursing
time in hospital and at home.

Outpatient visit A visit to a public dental health clinic, primary health clinic
or a hospital during daytime for treatment, but with no stay

Outside working hours Any other time, but working hours 08.00-17.00.

Post-time Time after transport of the patient was completed and earlier
activity resumed.


Predictor Explanatory variable (e.g gender).

Pre-time Time from notification of the accident until transport of the

patient began.

Random sample A sample chosen without systematic.

Reliability To what degree there is a reproducibility of results.

Repeated traumatized A tooth which sustain repeated trauma episodes.

tooth (RTT)

Risk The probability that an event will occur.

Single traumatized A tooth which sustain only one trauma episode.

tooth (STT)

Skewed outcome Patients with extraordinarily short or prolonged values.


Survival analysis In this thesis, a function of time, starting with a population

100% injured with a dental trauma at a given time and
providing the percentage of the population still in treatment
at later times.

Transport time Time from transport of the patient or companion begun until
the clinic was reached. Transport time in both directions was

Traumatic tooth injury Dental trauma.

Treatment Clinical (e.g. follow-up, filling therapy etc.) and non-

clinical treatment (contact with relatives/referrals etc.).

Treatment time at Estimated normal time for patient in treatment room (direct
emergency visit time).

Treatment time at Estimated normal time reserved in appointments diary

planned visit according to the routines used for making appointments
(direct time).

Uncomplicated dental No pulpal tissue exposure (infraction, uncomplicated crown

trauma fracture and uncomplicated crown root fracture) and no
dislocation of the tooth (concussion and subluxation).

Validity To what extent the data material describes what it intends to

describe, especially the relevans of the data material.


Visit An emergency or planned single stay at a dental/surgeon/

emergency clinic for patient or companion in order to
receive professional treatment, leaving or receiving docu-
ments, etc.

Waiting time Time in waiting room before treatment start. The com-
panions waiting time included the patients treatment time.

Working hours Workday on working hours 08.00-17.00.

I wish to express my sincere gratitude to all those who have helped me in my work, and
in particular three persons who had the good judgement to find me where I was and
started just there.

Assistant Professor Arne Halling, head of the Centre for Public Health Sciences and
Unit of Community Dentistry, Linkping, Assistant Professor Lars Andersson, head of
the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Vsters, and Professor ke Nygren,
head of the Department of Clinical Neuroscience Section for Personal Injury Prevention,
Stockholm, my tutors, for introducing me to science and the field of dental traumatology,
for skilful theoretical and practical supervision, and for inspiring support, invaluable help
and never- failing enthusiasm throughout all the studies and the completion of this thesis.

Odont. Dr and Specialtandlaege Jens O. Andreasen, at the Department of Oral Medicine

and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University Hospital (Rigshospitalet), Copenhagen,
Denmark, co-author of study III, for generously putting material at my disposal, for
invaluable help with the collection and evaluation of data, and for stimulating discussions
and constructive criticism.

Dr. Lars Berg, Research Unit, Tibro Health Care Centre, for inspiring support and
invaluable help in introducing me to data programming.

Ulf Persson, The Swedish Institute for Health Economics (IHE), Lund, for valuable
advice in collecting data on health economics.

Lennart Bodin, Department of Statistics, rebro University, co-author in study IV, for
fruitful discussions, expert statistical guidance and statistical evaluations.

Johan Byrsj, Anders Hgg, Behzad Koucheki, Mattias Molin and Elisabeth
Wilhelm, Statisticians, for expert statistical guidance and for statistical evaluations.

Brje Eriksson, Folksam Research Foundation, for valuable support in keeping me and
my family alive and for inspiring discussions concerning dental trauma from a laymans
point of view.


Inger Bckstrm, sa Flink and Gran Norberg, Folksam, for discussions of the
material and valuable help with the collection of accident reports of cases with dental

Elsvig Eilert-Petersson, Department of Research and Development, Vstmanland

County Council, co-author in study I, for invaluable help with the collection and
evaluation of material, and for stimulating discussions.

Gran Karlsson, Stockholm School of Economics, co-author in study IV, for fruitful
discussions and guidance in health economics.

Dick Jonsson, Centre for Medical Technology Assessment, Faculty of Health Sciences,
Linkping, co-author in study V, for fruitful discussions and guidance in health

Kent Lindqvist, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Health and Environment,

Linkping University, co-author in study V, for stimulating discussions and constructive

Maurice Devenney, for skilful linguistic help with the English text.

The staff at the Unit of Community Dentistry for help with small and large things and for
their encouragement throughout my work.

All dentists in the Copenhagen Public Dental Service and in Vstmanland County
Council and all the participants in the different studies for your invaluable help in
presenting the data.

Finally, and most important, my wife Anja, our children Lena and Pr, for their patience
and constant support during all the years the studies were carried out.


The research has been financed by Folksam Research Foundation, Folksam, Stockholm,
Sweden, The Institute for Future Studies, Stockholm, Sweden and stergtland County
Council (Landstinget i stergtland), Sweden.


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