Global Health What's Worked
Global Health What's Worked
Global Health What's Worked
The Cases
Case 11. Controlling Chagas Disease in the Southern Cone of South America
Case 16. Preventing Dental Caries in Jamaica
T here is little doubt about the magnitude of those problems: Combined, AIDS,
malaria and tuberculosis kill six million people each year in developing countries, and
another seven million children die of infectious diseases that have long been forgotten in
the rich world. This represents both the humanitarian tragedy of lives cut short and the
loss of productivity that puts a nearly insurmountable drag on any chance of economic
Does anything really work to solve profound health problems that face poor
countries? Does development assistance from rich countries make any difference at all?
Under the auspices of the Center for Global Developments Global Health Policy
Research Network, we invited 15 experts in international health, development economics,
public policy and other relevant fields to identify and examine experiences of large-scale
success in international health national, regional or global programs that worked to
improve health. To find those cases, we collaborated with the Disease Control Priorities
Project of the National Institute of Health, and solicited nominations from many of the
worlds leading health authorities. The conclusions of the Whats Worked in Global
Health Working Group leave little doubt that some efforts to save lives and livelihoods
through health interventions have worked, and have done so at remarkably low cost
compared to the benefits.
This volume tells the stories of 17 of these successes. These stories (or, more
formally, the evidence-based cases) show that major public health efforts can and have
changed the world for the better well beyond what would have occurred through
income growth alone. The magnitude and profundity of current health challenges facing
the developing world from AIDS to chronic malnutrition to the looming threat of
tobacco-related cancers can seem daunting. But past challenges have been surmounted
and serve as object lessons: Even in countries with few financial resources and limited
health infrastructure, sensible and systematic efforts to improve health have worked.
Looking toward the future, the stories told here suggest essential elements of
success. At a time when the international community is scanning the horizon for hints
about how to scale-up health programs and systems to accelerate progress toward better
health for the worlds poorest children and their parents, a close look at these successes
can tell us what factors may need to be in place today individually or in combination
to increase the chances that scaling-up will work.
This effort puts to rest the notion that nothing works in global health. But it raises
new challenges to tackle: The first is how we make sure there are more and even bigger
successes in the future. If the humanitarian impetus isnt enough, surely the knowledge
that economic progress is hastened by health improvements should spur scientists, public
health workers, government officials and funders to action. The second is how we make
sure that we know what works and what doesnt. Rigorous evaluation should no longer
be seen as an optional academic add-on to major programs. It should be required so that
both successful and failed experiences yield knowledge for smarter policymaking and
program design in the future. Only with high-quality evaluation will we have a credible
basis for claiming the effectiveness of foreign assistance.
I invite you to dip into this book to learn a bit more about how people and
institutions have worked together in impressive ways to save lives. This is inspiration for
the challenges ahead.
Nancy Birdsall
Center for Global Development
We would first like to offer profound thanks to the members of the Whats
Worked? Working Group, who took on the challenge of selecting success cases and who
scrutinized every word to ensure that both tone and substance were appropriate. Our
discussions about the criteria for success, the quality of the evidence base, and the
commonalities across cases infused the work with a strong sense of purpose. And,
although invisible to readers, the cases excluded and the conclusions discarded for lack of
evidence are testimony to how seriously the Working Group members took their charge.
Working Group members are profiled in Annex 2.
We would also like to thank the editors of the Disease Controls Priority Project,
whose close collaboration has guided our work since the very early days of the project.
Furthermore, we are grateful to authors of the Disease Controls Priority Project for their
nominations for success cases and for their shared expertise on each of the books
Thanks are also due to the several case writers who read through stacks of journal
articles, conducted long-distance interviews, and survived multiple rounds of review.
(Authors credits are shown on Annex 3).
Many reviewers have helped us to accurately represent both the central elements
of each case and the nuances. The reviewers include: Richard Adegbola, Robin Biellik,
Maureen Birmingham, David Brandling-Bennett, Joel Breman, Tim Brown, Jesse Bump,
Flavia Bustreo, Sandy Cairncross, Anupong Chitwarakorn, Joseph Cook, Felicity Cutts,
Isabel Danel, Lola Dare, Joy de Beyer, David DeFerranti, Ciro de Quadros, Shanta
Devarajan, Chris Dye, Saskia Estupinan, William Foege, Olivier Fontaine, Kevin Frick,
Rae Galloway, Davidson Gwatkin, DA Henderson, Janet Hohnen, Donald Hopkins,
Prabhat Jha, Orin Levine, Jerker Liljestrand, Elizabeth Lule, Tom Merrick, Philip
Musgrove, Luke Nkinsi, Gordon Perkin, Frank Richards, Wiwat Rojanapithayakorn,
Ebrahim Samba, Gabriel Schmunis, Christopher Schofield, Adelaide Shearley, Werasit
Sittitrai, Peter Small, Alfredo Jose Solari, Jonathan Struthers, Varachai Thongthai, Corne
van Walbeek, Diana Weil, Derek Yach, and Zaida Yadon.
Our colleagues at the Center for Global Development have been generous with
their suggestions, constructive critiques and moral support. We would particularly like to
thank CGD President Nancy Birdsall, Senior Fellow Maureen Lewis, Director of
Communications and Policy Sheila Herrling, and Senior Associate Sarah Lucas. We are
also grateful to Ayesha Siddiqui who devoted her summer internship to this project, and
to Nancy Hancock, Morissa Malkin, Steve Fishman and Paul Karner who contributed to
the final product.
Finally, we are grateful to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for financial
support and technical feedback and particularly to Raj Shah, Deputy Director for Policy
& Finance for Global Health, for setting this in motion when he asked the question, So,
whats worked?
This book is dedicated to public health workers around the world,
who save lives every day.
Chapter 1.
Whats Worked: Accounting for Success in Global Health
ne of the greatest human accomplishments has been the spectacular improvement
in health since 1950. With death rates falling steadily, more progress was made
in the health of populations, particularly in developing countries, in the past half-
century than in many millennia of earlier human history.
Average life expectancy the age to which a newborn baby survives was
approximately 40 years in developing countries in 1950; 50 years later, life expectancy in
these same countries has risen more than 60 percent to about 65 years today (McNicoll,
2003). Each year, nearly four months are added to average life expectancy globally
(WHO, 2000). Most of the
improvements in life expectancy are Box 1
What Is Success?
derived from the reduced risks to
young children: the chances of Each of the cases in this volume adheres to five criteria
survival beyond age five have for success, established by the Whats Worked Working
doubled. The rate of deaths to Group at the outset.
children under five have dropped
Scale: Interventions or programs that were implemented
from 148 deaths per 1,000 children
on a national, regional or global scale. Programs were
born in 1955 to fewer than 59 deaths characterized as national if they represented a national-
in 2000. level commitment, even if they were targeted at a
problem that affected only a limited geographic area.
The overall improvement in Programs that were implemented on a pilot basis, or
within only a few districts, were excluded.
health in the past 50 years in
developing countries is only partially Importance: Interventions or programs that addressed a
explained by economic growth. In problem of public health significance. In this case, a
fact, researchers have estimated that measure of burden of disease -- disability-adjusted life
income growth accounts for less than years (DALYs) was used as an indicator of importance.
half of the health gains between 1952
Impact: Interventions or programs that demonstrated a
and 1992 (WHO, 1999). A recent clear and measurable impact on the health of a
study found that even in a period of population. Demonstration of impact on process
rapid economic growth, income indicators such as immunization rates was not taken
changes can account for only a as a proxy for health outcomes. Rather, genuine
changes in morbidity and mortality constituted the
modest fraction of the changes in
infant mortality in most countries
(Jamison, Sandbu and Wang, 2004). Duration: Interventions or programs that were
There is little doubt, in fact, that functioning at scale for at least five consecutive years.
specific actions within the health Sustainability, including financial self-sufficiency, was not
used as a selection criterion.
sector have led to the improvements
observed. Cost-effectiveness: Interventions or programs that used
a cost-effective approach, using a threshold of about
This book is about one part of US$100 per DALY saved.
that success story: major
achievements in public health
programs in the developing world. Not all of those achievements are included in this
volume, by any stretch of the imagination, and in no way do the examples here represent
the only health programs that have worked. Instead, this book provides a sample of the
national, regional and global public health efforts that we know, with confidence, have
led to millions of lives saved and millions more improved.
These cases meet a set of rigorous selection criteria: large-scale, duration of five
years or more, employing a cost-effective intervention, and having a major impact on an
important health problem (see Box 1). Importantly, for these cases, as for few others,
sufficient investment was made in data collection and analysis to attribute changes in
health conditions to the large-scale interventions or programs themselves.
On the basis of impact alone, this sampling of major global public health
successes should impress: Mothers throughout Latin America no longer worry about
their children contracting polio; huge regions of Africa are now habitable because river
blindness is under control; women in Sri Lanka can give birth without fear of dying in
sharp contrast to women in most poor countries of the world; Thailand successfully
headed off what seemed destined to be a massive AIDS epidemic. And more.
But the stories are about more than the impact itself; they are about how that
success came to be. What are the common threads shared by the success cases, which
provide useful hints about what might be needed to generate more success in the future?
How do these success stories arm policymakers and development practitioners to fight for
more successes? And how do these stories challenge the assertion that foreign assistance
makes little difference in peoples lives?
Take Note
Six wows emerge from a close review of the cases presented here. These
challenge the common assertions of global development critics. Some will surprise even
the aficionados.
1. Success is possible even in the poorest of countries. These cases show that
major health improvement is possible in the face of grinding poverty and weak health
systems. Countries of every region in Africa and South Asia places in which the
average citizen earns less than US$1,000 per year (often far less, closer to US$1 or US$2
a day) have seen major public health successes. Several of the programs highlighted,
such as the guinea worm and river blindness control efforts, employed innovative
interventions and the involvement of the community to reach people in some of the most
remote terrain on the planet. Others, such as those in Bangladesh that improved the
health of mothers and children, brought needed health commodities and information
through house-to-house visits to many low-income women who, for cultural reasons,
could not venture far from home.
Other programs have been able to improve the health of poor people in middle-income
countries by providing targeted incentives and support. For example, in Mexico, the
PROGRESA program used a tiered-targeting strategy to provide income transfers to the
most disadvantaged rural residents if they took their children for well-child services. In
short, we found programs that successfully improved the health of people who are the
hardest to reach.
2. Governments in poor countries can do the job and in some cases are the
chief funders. In almost all of these cases of success, the daily work of reaching affected
populations is done by the public sector. This contrasts with the view that governments
in poor countries are uniformly inefficient at best and corrupt at worst. Through at least
the narrow frame of these cases, we found that the public sector was integral to the
successful delivery of services at scale in most instances, sometimes in collaboration with
non-governmental organizations or the business community. For example, in Sri Lanka
maternal mortality has been halved at least every 12 years since 1935, in large measure
because of the services that are designed, delivered and monitored within the public
health system. In the southern cone of Latin America, it was the Ministries of Health that
collaborated across borders to greatly diminish the threat of Chagas disease. In these
instances and others, such as the measles initiative in Southern Africa, the financial
support depended not on donors but on local resources another dimension of the public
sectors ownership of the success.
3. Technology, yes but behavior change, too. Despite the fact that technological
developments in global health are more likely to grab headlines and, in fact, do
constitute a major element in many of these cases very basic behavior change emerges
as a prominent feature in a surprising number of instances. In the control of guinea worm
in Africa, for example, families learned to filter their water conscientiously; in the fight
against deaths from dehydrating diarrheal disease in Bangladesh, mothers learned and
now teach their grown daughters how to mix a simple salt-and-sugar solution; and in
Poland and South Africa, longstanding patterns of cigarette consumption have been
dramatically altered through a combination of legal measures, taxation and
communication efforts. This is good news in light of the health challenges that now
confront us, very few of which can be tackled through improved technology alone.
4. International coalitions have worked. Many of the cases show the ways in
which international agencies now popularly termed partners can break through
institutional and bureaucratic walls to work for a common purpose. In no instance was
this collaboration easy, and it was often the source of institutional friction and
cumbersome processes. But the benefits are evident: Some parties bring funding, others
bring technical capabilities in public health, and still others generate the political will to
sustain the effort in the face of competing priorities.
Two examples are worth highlighting: The guinea worm eradication campaign
benefits from the participation of a large number of partners the Carter Center, the US
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, UNICEF, WHO, the Bill & Melinda Gates
Foundation, the World Bank, the UN Development Program, nongovernmental
organizations, more than 14 donor countries, private companies (including Du Pont and
Precision Fabric Groups, which have donated more than US$14 million worth of cloth for
water filters), and the governments of 20 countries in Asia and Africa. Through
interagency meetings, held three to four times a year, and annual meetings of
coordinators of national eradication programs, exemplary coordination has been achieved
among implementers and donors.
Each of the chapters in this volume tells a unique story, specific to time and place.
While they all reveal the tremendous improvements in the lives of millions that can be
achieved through public health efforts, they vary vastly in the health conditions addressed
and the interventions used.. Each also is distinct in the factors that contributed to the
accomplishments. They yield no single recipe that, if followed, will result in success.
Mobilizing political leadership and champions takes a little luck and a lot of
preparation. Virtually all of the cases show the importance of visible high-level
commitment to a cause. In Thailand, the government showed strong leadership and
vision in its early efforts to curb a growing HIV epidemic, making a bold commitment
that led to one of the very few successes in HIV prevention on a national scale. In South
Africa, the strong will of the first health minister of South Africas new government
allowed for the successful passage of one of the most comprehensive and stringent
tobacco control policies in the world, despite fierce opposition from the powerful tobacco
Other cases show the potential for champions to rally resources and international
resolve. The near-eradication of guinea worm from Africa and Asia is due in large
measure to the personal involvement and advocacy of US President Jimmy Carter and
former African heads of state, General Toumani Toure and General Yakubu Gowon.
These leaders visited endemic countries, mobilized the commitment of political and
public health communities, and raised both awareness and financial resources. In the
case of the control of onchocerciasis in 11 West African countries, then-World Bank
President Robert McNamara made a personal commitment to spearhead a new initiative
after witnessing the devastation caused by the blinding disease.
In a few of the cases, political commitment was simply the serendipitous result of
a leaders particular interest in taking on a cause. In others, however, political
commitment came about because technical experts were able to effectively communicate
that a big win was possible. So, when President Johnson was looking for an initiative
to mark International Cooperation Year in 1965, technical personnel from the US
Centers for Disease Control took advantage of the opportunity to promote the eradication
of smallpox. And when the Minister of Health of Chile was under fire after an outbreak
of meningitis, public health researchers seized the moment to make the case for national
introduction of Hib vaccine even though the vaccine would not prevent the type of
meningitis drawing public attention at the time. In these instances, the ability of the
technical experts to make the most of a political opening was the seed of the success.
Agreement among technical experts strengthens the signal, reduces the noise.
In addition to specific technology and improved medicine, many of the health
interventions in the book have benefited from the implementation of new strategies to
fight disease, based on technical consensus about the strategies efficacy. For example,
the World Bank and the WHO helped China revamp its fight against tuberculosis, the
leading cause of death of Chinese adults, and recommended the introduction of DOTS
(directly observed treatment, short-course) strategy a way to package a variety of
elements of successful TB control. Subsequently China launched the worlds largest
DOTS program in 1991. In the case of trachoma, the government of Morocco joined
forces with the WHO and an international partnership in the first national test of a
comprehensive strategy to both prevent and treat the disease, including low-cost surgery,
antibiotics, face washing and environmental change. In each of these instances, and in
nearly all other cases, the agreement by an expert community both within international
technical agencies and in the broader international public health community about the
right strategy was a central factor in the appropriate design of the programs. Such expert
consensus does not occur magically, but rather through on-going international expert
meetings and investment in scientific research. With such consensus, programs were
seen as fully credible and worth the outlays required.
Beyond service delivery, NGOs have a valuable role as watchdogs and advocates,
going beyond what any public agency can do. For example, health-promoting NGOs in
Poland and South Africa have formed the backbone of advocacy efforts that led to
sweeping tobacco control legislation in both countries.
Information is power. One facet of each and every case is the use of
information, particularly in three ways:
In many of these cases, a large share of the funding came from donors donors
who can now claim a resounding public health victory: In the onchocerciasis control
program, US$560 million over 30 years, contributed by many donors, has virtually halted
transmission of the blinding disease in 20 West African countries and prevented 600,000
cases of blindness at an annual cost of just US$1 per person. A US$26 million grant
from USAID to Egypt helped the country prevent 300,000 child deaths from diarrheal
disease at the remarkable cost of just US$6 per treated child. In the guinea worm
control program, about US$88 million from an extensive list of donors and NGOs has
helped reduced guinea worm prevalence by 99 percent, cutting the number of people
affected by this profoundly debilitating ailment from 3.5 million to just 35,000.
The payoffs have been huge. Eradicating smallpox from the globe cost the donor
community less than US$100 million; the US, the campaigns largest donor, saves its
total contribution every 26 days. In the onchocerciasis control program, the economic
rate of return has been estimated to be 17 percent a yield that comparable to investment
in the most productive sectors, such as industry, transportation and agriculture.
Donor investments in health do not always yield such resounding benefits, but
these cases show the proven potential for donor dollars to save individuals, communities
and entire nations from the devastation of preventable death and disease. This is the type
of impact that taxpayers in wealthy countries want to see from the foreign assistance
budget: major improvements in the wellbeing of the worlds poorest citizens.
HIV/AIDS. The soaring rates of HIV/AIDS have had a devastating impact on life
expectancy in poor countries, and have erased decades of steady improvements in sub-
Saharan Africa. An estimated 25 million people are believed to be HIV-positive in
Africa alone a figure that represents nearly two thirds of the total global HIV burden
(UNAIDS, 2004). In countries like Botswana that have exceptionally high rates, it is
estimated that more than one-third of the population carries the disease. The death toll in
the continent is staggering; 55 million AIDS-related deaths are projected between 2000
and 2020, accounting for a 40 percent increase in the death rate. As a result, life
expectancy today in sub-Saharan Africa is just 47 years, while it is estimated that without
AIDS life expectancy would now be 62 years (UNAIDS, 2002).
High Child Mortality in Africa. Child mortality has declined in low- and middle-
income countries, but more than 10 million children under 5 years still die each year,
most of diseases that can be treated or prevented with known approaches. And the rate of
improvement in child health has slowed dramatically in the past 20 years. In 1990-2001,
for example, the number of deaths of children under 5 declined by 1.1 percent each year,
compared to 2.5 percent per year during 1960-90. Even more troubling, while
improvements have continued in places where child health is relatively good, it has been
slowest in the places that historically have had the highest rates of child death. Since the
early 1970s, sub-Saharan Africa has experienced a slower rate of decline in child
mortality than any other region. Currently, 41 percent of the worlds child deaths occur
in sub-Saharan Africa; another 34 percent occur in South Asia (Black, Morris and Bryce,
Inequality. There is nothing new about rich people being healthier than poor people.
Higher income translates into better nutrition, better access and ability to effectively use
health services, greater ability to live in environments that are free of natural and human-
made hazards. But the persistence of these differentials and the growing gap for some
health conditions and some populations must be taken as a caution on claims of
success. In this, average success masks an important failure: the gap in mortality, life
expectancy and disease burden between industrialized and developing countries, and
between rich and poor children within most countries, is wide. Ninety-nine percent of
total childhood deaths in the world occur in poor countries (Shann, 1999). The poorest
20 percent of the population within countries often has significantly higher under-five
mortality rates than the richest 20 percent. In Indonesia, for example, a child born in
poor household is four times as likely to die by her fifth birthday than a child born to a
family in the richest population segment (Victora et al, 2003). In short, while overall
gains have been impressive, the benefits have not been evenly shared.
Cardiovascular and chronic diseases: Chronic diseases, and in particular cardiovascular
diseases, have emerged as a hidden epidemic in developing countries (The Lancet,
1998). Estimates suggest that noncommunicable conditions such as depression, diabetes,
cancer, obesity respiratory diseases and cardiovascular disease, will grow from
approximately 40 percent of the health burden in developing countries in 1998 to nearly
75 percent in 2020 (WHO, 1999). Responding to the crisis requires that the major risk
factors (high cholesterol and blood pressure, obesity, smoking and alcohol) be addressed
through changes in diet, physical activity and tobacco control. There is hope: A small
window of ten to twenty years exist for countries to change behavior patterns and prevent
the spiraling health crisis (Raymond, 2003).
In the end, the experiences documented in this book say three things loudly and
The ingredients of success are within our reach, and are not dependent
solely on the vagaries of chance. Because we did not look systematically at
failures, we cannot say definitively that combining the ingredients found in
these cases will assure success in future ventures. However, policymakers
and planners would be well advised to consider using the common elements
we have identified above as a mental checklist: Are these in place when new
initiatives are proposed? If not, what would be required to mobilize the
predictable and long-term funding, the political support, the information base,
the expert consensus, the managerial skills and the other elements that form a
common thread across these experiences?
We dont know enough about whats worked because scaled up programs
are rarely evaluated systematically. We tapped only a small set of public
health successes. In large part, this was because there simply is not solid
evidence of health impact for many international health programs. In general,
while very small programs (particularly pilot programs) are evaluated, little
research is done to estimate the health impacts of at scale efforts.
Even for well-known interventions that have received large amounts of donor
support over many years, the base of evidence about what has worked (or not
worked) in scaled-up programs in terms of health outcomes, rather than
process measures is quite slim.
Employing rigorous evaluation methods that link inputs and impact in large-
scale programs is far from simple, and often requires financial and technical
resources that are otherwise absorbed simply in the operation of a program.
But without such evaluation policy decisions are based on scanty information
from small-scale experiences combined with a large dose of opinion and
Each year, about 2 million children in poor countries die of diseases that can be
prevented by immunization; another 3 million die of the dehydrating effects of diarrheal
disease. About half a million women in the developing world die in pregnancy or
childbirth. Tobacco-related illness cuts short the lives of 4 million people in less
developed countries each year; cardio-vascular disease claims more than 8 million lives.
Last year alone, 3 million people in sub-Saharan Africa contracted the HIV virus. These
are the millions of reasons, and millions of chances, to succeed.
Black RE, Morris SS, Bryce J. Where and why are 10 million children dying every year?
The Lancet, 2003 Jun 28;361(9376):2226-34.
Bloom, David E, David Canning and Dean T. Jamison. Health, Wealth, and Welfare.
Finance & Development, March 2004: 10-15.
Fogel, Robert W. Economic Growth, Population Theory, and Physiology: The Bearing
of Long-Term Processes on the Making of Economic Policy. American Economic
Review, 1994, Vol 84 (3): pp 369-395
Greener, Robert. Chapter 7: AIDS and Macroeconomic Impact. State of the Art: AIDS
and Economics. Edited by Steven Forsythe, the Policy Project, July 2002.
Jamison, Dean, Martin E. Sandbu & Jia Wang. Why Have Infant Mortality Rates
Decreased at Such Different Rates in Different Countries? Disease Control Priorities
Project, Working Paper No. 14, February 6, 2004.
Peters DH, Yazbeck AS, Sharma RP, Ramana GNV, Pritchett LH, Wagstaff A. Better
Health Systems for India's Poor: Findings, Analysis, and Options. Washington (DC):
World Bank; 2002.
Raymond, SU. Foreign assistance in an aging world. Foreign Affairs, 2003. 82 (2); 91-
Shann, Frank, Mark C Steinhoff. Vaccines for children in rich and poor countries. The
Lancet, September 1999. Vol. 354 (suppl II): 7-11
The World Health Report 1999: Making a Difference. The World Health Organization.
Success Case Summaries
Eradicating smallpox. A massive global effort spearheaded by the World Health Organization eradicated smallpox in 1977, and inspired
the creation of the Expanded Programme on Immunization that continues today.
Preventing HIV and sexually transmitted infections in Thailand. In Thailand, the governments 100 percent condom program targeted
at commercial sex workers and other high-risk groups helped prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS relatively early in the course of the epidemic.
Thailand had 80 percent fewer new cases of HIV in 2001 than in 1991 and has averted nearly 200,000 new cases.
Controlling tuberculosis in China. To address the problem of tuberculosis patients early dropout from treatment, a national TB program in
China implemented a new approach called DOTS directly observed therapy, short course - through which patients with tuberculosis are
watched daily by a health worker for six months as they take their antibiotic treatment. The program helped to reduce TB prevalence by 40
percent between 1990 and 2000 and dramatically improve the cure rate in half of Chinas provinces.
Eliminating polio in the Americas. Beginning in 1985, a region-wide polio elimination effort led by the Pan American Health Organization
immunized almost every young child in the Americas, eliminating polio as a threat to public health in the Western Hemisphere in 1991.
Saving mothers lives in Sri Lanka. Despite relatively low levels of national income and health spending, Sri Lankas commitment to
providing a range of safe motherhood services has led to a decline in maternal mortality from 486 deaths per 100,000 live births to 24
deaths per 100,000 live births over four decades.
Controlling onchocerciasis in sub-Saharan Africa. A multi-partner international effort begun in 1974 dramatically reduced the incidence
and impact of the blinding parasitic disease, and increased the potential for economic development in large areas of rural West Africa.
Transmission today has now been virtually halted in West Africa, and 18 million children born in the twenty-country area are now free of the
threat of river blindness.
Preventing diarrheal deaths in Egypt. Using modern communication methods, a national diarrheal control program in Egypt increased the
awareness and use of life saving oral rehydration therapy, helping to reduce infant diarrheal deaths by 82 percent between 1982 and 1987.
Improving health in Mexico. (Mexicos PROGRESA/Oportunidades). Since 1997, Mexicos PROGRESA program (now known as
Oportunidades) has provided a comprehensive package of nutritional interventions to rural communities through a conditional cash grants
program, resulting in lowered rates of illness and malnutrition and increased school enrollment.
Controlling trachoma in Morocco. Since 1997, the incidence in Morocco of trachoma, the leading preventable cause of blindness, has
been cut by more than 90 percent among children under ten through a combined strategy of surgery, antibiotics, face washing and
environmental controls.
Reducing guinea worm in sub-Saharan Africa. A multi-partner eradication effort focused on behavior change reduced prevalence of
guinea worm by 99 percent in 20 endemic African and Asian countries. Since the start of the campaign in 1986, the number of cases has
fallen from 3.5 million to less than 35,000 in 2003.
Controlling Chagas disease in the southern cone of South America. Through surveillance, environmental vector control and house
spraying, a regional initiative launched in 1991 has decreased the incidence of Chagas disease by 94 percent in seven countries in the
southern cone of Latin America. Disease transmission has now been halted in Uruguay, Chile and large parts of Brazil and Paraguay.
Reducing fertility in Bangladesh. In Bangladesh, strong leadership of the family planning program, a sustained outreach strategy and a
focus on access to services brought about increases in contraceptive prevalence from 3 to 54 percent (and corresponding decreases in
fertility from 7 to 3.4 children per woman) over two decades, far in excess of what would have been predicted based on changes in economic
and social conditions alone.
Curbing tobacco use in Poland and South Africa. Starting in the early 1990s, the transition to a market economy and a more open
society paved the way for health advocates to implement strong tobacco controls in Poland, a country that had the highest rates of tobacco
consumption in the world. A combination of health education and stringent tobacco control legislation has averted 10,000 deaths a year, has
led to a thirty percent reduction in the incidence of lung cancer among men aged 20 to 44, and has helped boost the life expectancy of men
by four years.
Eliminating measles in southern Africa. Measles vaccination campaigns in seven African countries nearly eliminated measles as a cause
of childhood death in southern Africa, and has helped reduce the number of measles cases from 60,000 in 1996 to just 117 four years later.
Preventing iodine deficiency disease in China. Chinas introduction of iodized salt in 1995 reduced the incidence of goiter among
children, from 20 to 9 percent and created a sustainable system of private provision of fortified salt.
Preventing dental caries in Jamaica. Between 1987 and 1995 Jamaicas National Salt Fluoridation Program demonstrated up to an 87
percent decrease in dental caries in school children and has been regarded as a model for micronutrient interventions.
Preventing Hib disease in Chile and The Gambia. A national Hib vaccination program in Chile reduced prevalence of Hib disease by 90
percent in the early 1990s. In 1997, The Gambia introduced Hib vaccines into their national immunization program and has virtually
eliminated the disease from the country.
Annex 1. The Whats Worked Working Group: Mandate
and Methods
The Working Group, brought together under the auspices of the Center for Global
Developments Global Health Policy Research Network, benefited from the participation
of 15 experts in international health, development economics, public policy and other
relevant fields (see list below, and biographies in Annex 2). While members participated
in their individual capacities, they came from a spectrum of institutional, disciplinary and
geographic homes, and brought a range of perspectives to the table. The Working Group
also benefited from a close working relationship with the Disease Control Priorities in
Developing Countries Project (DCPP) of the Fogarty International Center at the US
National Institutes of Health, which has recruited many of the worlds leading authorities
to prepare state-of-the-art papers on specific health conditions and dimensions of health
The Working Group followed a series of steps to select the cases represented in
this volume:
We established the criteria for success and agreed upon what would constitute
adequate evidence. The criteria were scale, importance, impact, duration and
As with every effort to capture and make sense of part of a complicated world,
this project has limitations. In this case, there are limits to what we can infer because of
our methods. To start with, we looked only at successes rather than at failures, and
thus can only make educated guesses about whether the elements we have identified are
in fact specific to successful experiences.1 Because we insisted on a clear causal chain
between the program and a health outcome, the sample may be skewed toward more
disease- or condition-focused experiences than if we had relaxed our standard of
evidence. So, for example, we were unable to include management and financing
reforms cases because even those that document a change in utilization rarely if ever link
that to a change in health status. We also primarily depended on English-language
sources, and likely missed important work available only in other languages.
We considered examining failures, but the lack of documentation around these experiences prevented
any systematic effort.
Annex 2. Working Group Members
Dr. Alleyne, a national of Barbados, entered academic medicine in UWI in 1962, and his
career included research in the Tropical Metablism Research Unit for his Doctorate in
Medicine. Dr. Alleyne joined the Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO) in 1981 as
chief of Research Promotion and Coordination. From 1995 to 2003 he served as Director
of PAHO. In 1990, Dr. Alleyne was made Knight Bachelor by Queen Elizabeth II for his
services to medicine and, in 2001; he was awarded the Order of the Caribbean
2003 to serve as his Special Envoy for HIV/AIDS in the Caribbean Region. In July 2003,
the Caribbean Community (Caricom) appointed Dr. Alleyne as the head of a new
commission to examine health issues confronting the region, including HIV/AIDS, and
their impact on national economies. In October 2003, he was appointed Chancellor of the
Scott Barrett is professor of international political economy at the Paul H Nitze School of
environmental policy, Scott Barrett was previously on the faculty of the University of
environmental agreements and received the Erik Kempe Prize for his research in this
field. His book on this subject, Environment and Statecraft: the Strategy of
addition to his many academic contributions, Professor Barrett has advised a number of
international and other organizations, including the European Commission, the Global
Environment Facility, the OECD, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the
IUCN Commission on Environmental Law, various agencies of the United Nations, the
World Bank, and the World Commission on the Oceans. Among other professional
affiliations, he is a member of the board of the Beijer Institute of the Royal Swedish
World Economics. His new research project is on the international control of infectious
diseases. Scott Barrett received his Ph.D. in economics from the London School of
Economics. His Ph.D. thesis was awarded the Resources for the Future dissertation prize.
Mariam Claeson, is the Lead Public Health Specialist in the Health, Nutrition and
Population, Human Development Network of the World Bank, where she currently
manages the HNP Millennium Development Goals work program to support accelerated
progress in countries. She coauthored the health chapter of the Poverty Reduction
Strategy source book. As a coordinator of the Public Health thematic group (1998- 2002),
she lead the development of the strategy note: Public Health and World Bank Operations.
Before joining the World Bank, Dr. Claeson worked with WHO from 1987-1995, for
several years as program manager for the WHO Global Program for the Control of
Diarrheal Diseases (CDD). She has several years of field experience, working in
developing countries, in clinical practice at the rural district level (in Tanzania,
Mushtaque Chowdhury, Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee Foundation
the Research and Evaluation Division of BRAC (formerly known as the Bangladesh
and health issues. He has also played a crucial role throughout the expansive
Dr. Chowdhury completed his undergraduate work in Dhaka, and he later obtained his
PhD from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Currently, Dr.
Columbia he teaches and does research and advocacy for equity in health. Additionally,
many articles and books in the areas of public health, education, and poverty eradication
can be accredited to Dr. Chowdhury. His work has spanned around the globe by working
in China, Ethiopia, Nepal, and Thailand, and he has been a regular consultant to
as a research economist at the World Bank, and was a joint fellow of the Center for
Global Development and the Institute for International Economics. He is the author of the
acclaimed book, The Elusive Quest for Growth: Economists' Adventures and
Misadventures in the Tropics (MIT, 2001), and numerous articles in leading economics
journals and general interest publications. Easterly's areas of expertise are the
assistance efforts. He has worked in many areas of the developing world, most
extensively in Africa, Latin America, and Russia. Easterly is an associate editor of the
Dean Jamison is a Senior Fellow at the Fogarty International Center of the National
University of California, Los Angeles. Before joining the UCLA faculty in 1988, Dr.
Jamison spent many years at the World Bank, where he was a senior economist in the
research department, health project officer for China and for The Gambia, division chief
for education policy, and division chief for population, health and nutrition. In 1992-93
he temporarily rejoined the World Bank to serve as lead author for the Banks 1993
World Development Report, Investing in Health. During 1998-2000, Dr. Jamison was on
partial leave from UCLA to serve as Director, Economics Advisory Service, at the World
Health Organization in Geneva. Dr. Jamison studied at Stanford (A.B., Philosophy; M.S.,
Engineering Sciences) and at Harvard (Ph.D., Economics, under K.J. Arrow). In 1994 he
was elected to membership in the Institute of Medicine of the U.S. National Academy of
Robert Hecht is currently Senior Vice President of Public Policy at the International
AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI). Hecht has had a 20-year tenure at the World Bank, most
recently serving as Manager and Acting Director of the Banks central unit for Health,
Nutrition, and Population, responsible for global strategies, knowledge, technical services
and partnerships. His other positions at the Bank included Chief of Operations for the
World Banks Human Development Network, Principal Economist in the Latin America
region and one of the authors of the 1993 World Development Report, Investing in
Health. From 1987 to 1996, Hecht was responsible for a number of the Banks studies
and projects in health in several countries in Africa and Latin America, most notably in
Zimbabwe, South Africa, Brazil, and Argentina. From 1998 to 2001, Hecht served as an
Mr. Hecht has a BA from Yale and a PhD from Cambridge University.
Ruth Levine, Senior Fellow and Director of Programs at the Center for Global
health and family planning financing issues in Latin America, Eastern Africa, the Middle
East, and South Asia. She currently leads CGDs Global Health Policy Research
Network at CGD, and is principal staff on the UN Millennium Project Education and
Gender Equality Task Force. Before joining CGD, Ms. Levine designed, supervised, and
evaluated health sector loans at the World Bank and the Inter-American Development
Bank. Ms. Levine also conducted research on the health sector, and led the World Banks
knowledge management activities in the area of health economics and finance between
1999 and 2002. Since 2000, she has worked with the Financing Task Force of the Global
Vaccine Fund. Between 1997 and 1999, she served as the advisor on the social sectors in
the Office of the Executive Vice President of the Inter-American Development Bank. Ms.
Levine has a doctoral degree in economics and public health from Johns Hopkins
University, has published on health and family planning finance topics, and is the co-
author of the book, The Health of Women in Latin America and the Caribbean (World
Bank, 2001).
Carol Medlin, Ph.D., M.P.A., is a faculty member at the Institute for Global Health at the
University of California, San Francisco. Her current work focuses on the evaluation and
the request of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, she leads a team conducting an
contributing author to the second edition of the OUP volume on Disease Control
Reform Network sponsored by the Bertelsmann Foundation. She co-authored the final
report of the external review of Roll Back Malaria (RBM), an international partnership
dedicated to malaria control. Between 2000 and 2002, she served as Project Director of
country collaborations in topics of special importance to global health. She received her
doctoral degree in Political Science from the University of California, Berkeley in 1998,
and has been a Fulbright Scholar. She completed a Masters degree in Public Affairs from
the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University
in 1990. She has been a consultant to the United Nations in Chile, and was a public health
Dr. Anthony Measham has spent more than thirty years working on maternal and child
medical degree from Dalhousie University of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Dr. Measham worked
at the Population Council in the Latin American region and subsequently at the Ford
Community Health and Nutrition. He joined the World Bank in Washington, D.C. in
1982, and during his tenure worked in 25 developing countries. He was Special
1989-1998, and has published more than seventy monographs, book chapters, and
scientific articles. Since his formal retirement in 1999, Dr. Measham has continued to
work for the World Bank as a consultant on immunization, nutrition, and public health.
Since late 2001, he has been co-managing editor of the Disease Control Priorities Project.
Department at the University of Nairobi. He was previously a senior research fellow and
project director at the World Institute for Development Economics Research in Helsinki.
Blair Sachs, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Blair Sachs is a Program Officer in the Policy and Finance team at the Bill & Melinda
Gates Foundation. She is responsible for developing and managing grants that explore
and drive innovative policy and finance solutions to achieve sustainable improvements in
global health outcomes. A significant portion of her work supports activities and grants
of the HIV, TB, and Reproductive Health program. Previously, Blair managed health
programs with CARE International in Ecuador and assisted the Juhudi Womens
Masters of Public Health from Johns Hopkins School of Public Health and is completing
firm. Dr. Savedoff has worked extensively on questions related to improving the
accessibility and quality of public services in developing countries for more than 15 years,
DC), and the World Health Organization (Geneva). In addition to preparing, coordinating,
and advising development projects in Latin America, Africa and Asia, he has published
books and articles on labor markets, health, education, water, and housing including
Organization Matters: Agency Problems in Health and Education in Latin America; Spilled
Rajiv Shah, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Rajiv Shah is the Deputy Director for Policy & Finance for Global Health at the Bill &
Melinda Gates Foundation. He manages the programs policy and finance portfolio, helps
manage the programs largest grant effort the Vaccine Fund, and shapes overall strategy
for engaging with bilateral and multilateral financial institutions.. Raj served as the
Health Care Policy Advisor on the Gore 2000 presidential campaign in Nashville, TN and
and sold a health care consulting firm Health Systems Analytics that served clients
including some of the largest health systems in the country and the U.S. government. In
organization that conducts leadership, mentoring, media, and political activism activities,
and he currently serves on its Board of Advisors. Raj earned his M.D. from the
Wharton School, where he was the recipient of a NIH Medical Scientist Training Grant.
He has studied at the London School of Economics and taught health systems
Holly Wise is a senior Foreign Service officer with the US Agency for International
Development (USAID) and is the Secretariat Director for the Global Development
Alliance. The Global Development Alliance is USAIDs new business model, which
forges strategic alliances between public and private partners in addressing international
development issues. In over 22 years of foreign assistance work, Ms. Wise has served in
Uganda, Kenya, Barbados, China, and the Philippines. In Washington she has led
USAIDs Office of Business Development and as USAID Chair at the Industrial College
of the Armed Forces she has taught political science, environmental courses, and
published research on China. Ms. Wise is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Connecticut
College and holds advanced degrees from Yale University and the National Defense
Molly Kinder is a program assistant with the global health and population program at the
Center for Global Development. Molly previously worked with Oxfam's trade policy
and advocacy team, where she researched the policy implications for developing
countries of US agricultural subsidies. She has conducted research projects and served as
a volunteer in Kenya, Mexico and Chile, and worked with the Hispanic community as a
Jesuit Volunteer in Portland, OR. Molly graduated from the University of Notre Dame