Nokia 2G Alarms and Solutions

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(E)GPRS territory

size in the BTS is

below the limit
(E)GPRS specified by the
3273 Terriority BTS specific radio
Failure network parameter
'default GPRS
capacity (CDEF)'
The alarm is set
ACCESS when the user has
7763 CLASS blocked access
BARRED class 12, 13, or 14
for the BTS.
There has been a
fault in handling a
ALARM radio network
CE As a result of this,
2843 BETWEEN the BTS alarm
BSC AND situation is
OMC different
in the OMC and
BSC alarm systems.
BCF Common rack EAC
7602 NOTIFICA I2C bus is jammed.
BCF Cooling fan is
7602 NOTIFICA broken.
ESMx System
BCF module cooling
7602 NOTIFICA fan(s) report no
TION rotation
BCF Incompatible unit
7602 NOTIFICA presence has been
TION detected in the BTS
Mismatch between
7602 NOTIFICA configuration file
TION and the actual

7602 NOTIFICA No power
connection to
Difference between
BCF PCM and base
7601 Operation station frequency
Degraded reference
7601 ON Extension Module
DEGRADE fan(s) out of order.
OPERATI module has lost
7601 ON connection to FSEx
DEGRADE External Alarm
D (EAC) module
OPERATI Incompatible unit
7601 ON presence has been
DEGRADE detected in the BTS
MAY BE SW build in the BCF
DIFFEREN may be different
7731 T AS than the one
DEFINED defined as a default
AS A build in the BSC.
The same radio
BEATING changedalarm
network has
its alarm
7740 BTS
ALARM state 20
When a node has a
terminated in an
interface, which is
not in use, the
bank shows
pending cross-
connections. The
are also set to
Blocked pending
8020 from state, if a
use slave unit with
is removed without
uninstalling it first.
In these cases the
remains in the
bank, but it is not
set in the
This alarm is issued
when calls have
been cleared
repeatedly on the
BTS and same A interface
TC circuit due to BTS
Unsynchr and transcoder
2992 onisation unsynchronisation
clear calls
on A and the number of
successive releases
Interface has exceeded the
limit defined in the
PAFILE alarm
Step 1: Check whether the alarms are coming in single BCF or Several BCFs. First field of supp. Info gives you
the BCF number.

Step 2: If the alarms are coming in several BCF then go to Step 6. If all the alarms are in the single BCF then,
check the status of the GPRS calls in the BCF and also check the NSEI status in the BTS. The Status of BVCI
must be either BL-SY or UNBLOCKED or UNKNOWN.
Step 3: We have to change the NSEI to arrest the alarms. Change the NSEI in the EDAP by using the following
Step 4: Change the NSEI in the BTS by disabling it(GPRS) first and then enable it with specified NSEI:

Step 5: Now check the status of GPRS calls in the Site. Everything will be Ok. Leave the remaining steps.
Step 6: Check the 5th and 6th field of the alarm to note the corresponding BCSU and PCU number.

Step 7: Note the value of the 9 th field. If it is 6 then we need to do the following things:

a) Reducing the default (E)GPRS channels connected to the PCU

b) Reducing the amount of DAP timeslots connected to the PCU
c) Moving one cell/segment from the failed PCU to another PCU

Step 8: If the 9 th field is 10, then we need to perform BCSU switchover with Code loading restart provided
the alarms are coming in several PCUs.
1) Check whether any access class is blocked by using ZEQO Command
2) If any thing is blocked, then unblock it by using ZEQF Command
1) Check the ZEOO output. You can see the time stamp for Informing Delay. 2) Check the same if there is any
discrepancy try to change the same( for the particular alarm on which 2843 is coming) with ZEOM command.
1) Take out the EAC cable and plug it again
2) If still alarm persist give hard reset to the BOIA
3) If still alarm not cleared try to re-comission the BOIA
1. Check which fan is giving the alarm from the supplementary information (rack/shelf/slot).2. If something
has jammed the cooling fan unit, remove the jamming object. 3. If the TSxx fan is alarming: Replace the TSxx
in front of the fan. If the fan starts working, the removed TSxx is broken.If the fan still does not rotate after
the first TSxx was replaced, reinsert the original TRX and replace the second TSxx in front of the same fan
unit. If the fan starts rotating, the second TSxx is broken.If the fan does not work after the TSxx removal test,
the fan is broken and must be replaced. 4. For other fan alarms, replace the corresponding fan
unit.5.Otherwise, replace the BOI.
1.Check that the fan unit cable is correctly mated to ESEA.2.Check there are no obstacles preventing the
fan(s) from rotating.3.Clean the fan unit of dust orelse Replace the fan unit 4.If problem exist still then
Replace ESEA.
1. Ensure that the ratio TRXs:PSUs in the cabinet is less than or equal to 6:1.Note that a ratio TRXs:PSUs
greater than 6:1 in the cabinet is not recommended; it may result in alarms on the Power Supply Units, TRXs
or duplexers, or other spurious alarms, and it may result in the site going into an unstable state.
1) Check that all units are installed and working OK.
2) Check that the actual base station configuration, HW configuration file and BSC configuration match.
3) If any difference, make necessary corrections.

1) Check if the power unit is switched off

2) If the power unit is on, check and replace the faulty power unit
Set the DAC value in the BTS manager to 2010. If alarm reappears then 1) Check the network synchronisation
between the BSC and the base station. 2) Check the transmission synchronisation settings on the
transmission card. 3) Check the transmission cabling at the site. 4) Replace the BOI.
1. Check that the fan unit cable is correctly mated to ESEA. 2. Check that there are no obstacles preventing
the fan(s) from rotating. 3. Clean the fan unit of dust and/or dirt. 4. Replace the fan unit. 5. Replace ESEA.
1. Check that FSEx is set to Active Mode by connecting pins 3-4 of X1103 jumper. 2. Check that the cabling is
correctly mated between ESMA and FSEx. 3. Replace FSEx. 4. Replace ESMA.
1. Replace the high power or EDGE TRX(s) with normal type TRX(s) and reset the BCF.Or, replace the normal
type FAN and power supply with high power or EDGE units.2. Now EDGE and high power TRXs are
1) Check the status of BCF software package using ZEWO. The running package should have the BU status.
2) If not, kinldy move the package to BU state and fix the default flag.
1) This alarm is caused due to repeated apperance of other alarm
2) Check the sublimentary info field 1 for the actual alarm number
3) Clear that alarm for clearing BEATING BTS ALARM
Check that all interfaces, in which cross-connections have been created, are in use. Remove cross-
connections that are connected to non-existing interfaces.
Step 1: From the suppl info of the alarm, first find the ET number. The 6th field of alarm info gives you the ET
Step 2: Then note down the 2nd field which gives you the TS of ET in which calls were not holding. Mean
while notedown the CCSPCM value from the 4th field of alarm.
Step 3: Check the status of the circuit from the below mentioned command

Step 4: We have to spot the circuit by seeing CCSPCM and TS. Try giving reset to the circuit.

Step 5: If still alarms are coming, then we have to check the status of the corresponding circuit in MSC.
Before checking that, note down the SPC of the BSC by the following command:

Also calculate the CIC value:


Step 6: Find the CGR of BSC in the MSC by the following command:

Step 7: Find the status of the corresponding circuit in MSC :

Spot the corresponding circuit in MSC by looking at the CIC value which we calculated before.

Step 8: Check whether there is any mismatch between BSC and MSC circuit. If so, correct the same.

Step 9: If there is no mismatch, perform deletion and recreation of that particular trunk circuit in both ends
to arrest the alarms.

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