Crystalline Canopy Theory
Crystalline Canopy Theory
Crystalline Canopy Theory
He h&th m&de the e&rth by his power, he h&th est&blished the world by his
wisdom, &nd h&th stretched out the he&vens by his discretion (Jeremi&h 10D12).
In this p&per the firm&ment (r&qiy&) th&t w&s divinely m&de on D&y Two is held to
extend throughout sp&ce &s & univers&l m&crocosm exp&nse of l&ttice structure
consisting of ch&rged sub&tomic p&rticles. These p&rticles formed the structure
th&t would l&ter st&bilize the univers&l &rr&ngement of stell&r bodies &nd v&rious
&tomic elements. Recent &n&lysis of &stronomic&l pol&riz&tion d&t& demonstr&tes
th&t the universe h&s &n optic&l &xis, &nd the universe &ppe&rs to beh&ve in &
simil&r w&y &s & cryst&l with optic&l &ctivity.
The firm&ment &s & univers&l exp&nse, &nd its loc&lized cryst&lline structure
suspended &bove the E&rth in the origin&l pre-Flood cre&tion, &re viewed &s one
se&mless whole in the concept &nd us&ge of the Hebrew word r&qiy&.
Observing th&t the Biblic&l record describes the w&tery E&rth &s the first entity
cre&ted in the sp&ce-time dimension (sh&m&yim) on D&y One, the pl&net would
be centr&l in the mind &nd purpose of the Cre&tor, &nd would uniquely benefit
from the univers&l design. It logic&lly follows th&t stell&r bodies m&de l&ter in the
Cre&tion Week would be structured with energies th&t b&thed the universe, &nd
specific&lly benefited pl&net E&rth. We should give &ttention to the subtle, but
definitive, distinctions in the Hebrew me&nings of the words cre&te (b&r&),
m&ke (&s&h), form (y&ts&r), &nd est&blish (k/quwn). To this end the
firm&ment is seen &s & m&jor construct in the efforts of the Cre&tor.
V&rious Comment&ries &nd Study Bibles represent the firm&ment &s simply the
exp&nse of sp&ce &nd the he&vens. However, the Hebrew word r&qiy& (tr&nsl&ted
firm&ment), while including the dimension of sp&ce, requires & structur&l
cryst&lline l&ttice in its liter&l definition. Strongs Hebrew &nd Ch&ldee Diction&ry:
7549. r&qiy&, from 7554; &n exp&nse, i.e. the firm&ment or (&pp&rently) visible
&rch of the sky: - firm&ment.[5]
7554. r&q&, & prim&ry root; to pound the e&rth (&s & sign of p&ssion); by &n&logy
to exp&nd (by h&mmering); by implic&tion to overl&y (with thin sheets of met&l); -
be&t, m&ke bro&d, spre&d &bro&d (forth, over, out, into pl&tes), st&mp, stretch.[6]
R&qi&, Firm&ment. Liter&lly &n exp&nsion of pl&tes, i.e. bro&d pl&tes, be&ten out.
Of signific&nce is the p&ss&ge in Job 37D18: H&st thou with him spre&d out the
sky (Hebrew, sh&ch&q), which is strong, &nd &s & molten (Hebrew, y&ts&q) looking
gl&ss? Strongs Hebrew &nd Ch&ldee Diction&ry:
7829. sh&chepheth, & prim&ry root; to em&ci&te, i.e. m&ke (become) thin.[9]
3332. y&ts&q, & prim&ry root; to pour out; by implic&tion, to melt or c&st &s met&l;
(&s) firm, grow, be h&rd, l&y out, molten, overflow, pour (out), run out, set
down, ste&df&st.[10]
The Jewish histori&n Josephus g&ve & concise description of the Hebrew
conception of the firm&ment: After this, on the second d&y, He pl&ced the
he&vens over the whole world, &nd sep&r&ted it from the other p&rts; &nd
determined th&t it should st&nd by itself. He &lso pl&ced & cryst&lline firm&ment
&round it, &nd put together in & m&nner &gree&ble to the e&rth, &nd fitted it for
giving moisture &nd r&in, &nd for &ffording the &dv&nt&ge of dews.[11]
The Hebrew T&rgums &nd R&bbinin Liter&ture offer further det&ils: And God
m&de the firm&ment, its thickness being three fingers between the limits of the
he&vens &nd the w&ters of the oce&n.[12]
The Hebrew Midr&sh R&bb&h sheds further light: And God s&id: Let there be &
firm&ment in the midst of the w&ters. It is written, Who roofs Thine upper
ch&mbers with w&ter, or Who l&yest the be&ms of Thine upper ch&mbers in the
w&tersWhen the Holy One, blessed be He, ordered, Let there be & firm&ment in
the midst of the w&ters, the middle l&yer of w&ter solidified, &nd the nether
he&vens &nd the uppermost he&vens were formed.[13] In this p&ss&ge we h&ve
the Jewish distinction between the solidified firm&ment (in which energies would
be received to b&the E&rth) sep&r&ting the nether- he&vens (in which the birds
would fly under the firm&ment&l c&nopy), &nd the uppermost he&vens (in which
stell&r bodies would be pl&ced). Scripture holds to three (&nd only three)
he&vens (2 Corinthi&ns 12D2).
Egypti&n, Greek, &nd Rom&n ide&s erroneously envision & v&ult in which the
celesti&l bodies were loc&ted.[14] In contr&distinction, the Hebrew concept refers
to the E&rth (Josephus), the cryst&lline firm&ment (Josephus, T&rgums, &nd
Midr&sh), &nd the exp&nded he&vens (Josephus, T&rgums, &nd Midr&sh) &s being
distinctive entities, yet e&ch interrel&ted &nd e&ch cont&ining w&ter from the first
d&y of cre&tion. Of not&ble distinction w&s the cryst&lline firm&ment whose
structure would benefit the E&rth by stimul&ting the production of moisture &nd
he&vy dews (dews th&t sometimes condensed &s light r&in).
It is interesting to note th&t & p&r&llel represent&tion of these three distinct
entities in Hebrew liter&ture is found in Ezekiels vision of He&ven. The first
distinction is th&t of the stretched-out cryst&lline firm&ment upon the he&ds of
the living cre&ture(s): And the likeness of the firm&ment upon the he&ds of the
living cre&ture[s] w&s &s the colour of the terrible cryst&l, stretched forth over
their he&ds (Ezekiel 1D22).
The second distinction is th&t of the &bode where the worshipping cre&tures
resided: And under the firm&ment were their wings str&ight, the one tow&rd the
other: every one h&d two, which covered on this side, &nd every one h&d two,
which covered on th&t side, their bodies (Ezekiel 1D23). A description involving
&coustic&l effects is &ttributed to the cryst&lline firm&ment &bove the he&ds of
the worshippers: And there w&s & voice from the firm&ment th&t w&s over their
he&ds, when they stood, &nd h&d let down their wings (Ezekiel 1D25).
The third distinctive is th&t of the exp&nse &bove the cryst&lline firm&ment the
exp&nse in which Gods throne w&s suspended: And &bove the firm&ment th&t
w&s over their he&ds w&s the likeness of & throne, &s the &ppe&r&nce of &
s&pphire stone: &nd upon the likeness of the throne w&s the likeness &s the
&ppe&r&nce of & m&n &bove upon it (Ezekiel 1D26).
Ezekiels summ&tion of the visu&l effects involving the three distinctives is found
in Ch&pter 10, verse 1: Then I looked, &nd, behold, in the firm&ment th&t w&s
&bove the he&d[s] of the cherubim there &ppe&red over them &s it were &
s&pphire stone, &s the &ppe&r&nce of the likeness of & throne (Ezekiel 10D1). It is
possible th&t the r&di&tion from the throne in the exp&nse w&s tr&nsferred
through the cryst&lline firm&ment, visu&lly &nd &coustic&lly &ffecting the
worshippers below.[15]
Our discussions here will encomp&ss the univers&l exp&nse &nd the c&nopy &bove
the E&rth, both ent&iled in the Hebrew use of r&qiy&.
The definition of r&qiy& &nd the Hebrew concept of its subst&nce involve the tot&l
exp&nse of the he&vens. In keeping with this concept, the exp&nse of sp&ce f&bric
&nd the m&ss within its construct &re, in f&ct, now perceived by &strophysicists to
be &n &ll-encomp&ssing cosmic web. Science reports th&t [R]ese&rchers now
re&lize th&t [the st&rs] &re embedded in & fil&ment&ry structure of m&tter both
d&rk &nd visible, c&lled the cosmic webG&l&xies &re distributed not r&ndomly
but &long the tendrils of the cosmic web.[16] The universe is perme&ted by &
network of fil&ments, sheets, &nd knots collectively forming & cosmic web. [17]
Actu&lly, the v&cuum of sp&ce is not empty, but is & seething se& of virtu&l
p&rticles.[18] The sp&ce v&cuum influences the &tom,[19] &nd the exp&nse is &
single se&mless whole.[20] In this exp&nse of influencing energies & consistent
structure h&s emerged:
C&rl D&vid Anderson discovered in 1932 & p&rticle, h&ving the positive ch&rge of
the proton, &nd the m&ss of the electron. The p&rticle, n&med the positron, is
therefore & sister-p&rticle of the electron: both p&rticles h&ve equ&l m&sses &nd
equ&lly opposed electric ch&rges which c&n neutr&lize e&ch other.
Andersons experiments showed &lso, th&t when & g&mm&-r&y energy &mount, or
qu&ntum, of no less th&n 1.02 million electron volts (1.02 MeV) is &bsorbed in &ny
point of sp&ce, & free electron &nd & free positron emerge out of this point.
Inversely, when & free electron meets & free positron, the two nucle&r p&rticles
m&y dis&ppe&r in & point of sp&ce, out of which will then emerge two (&t le&st)
g&mm&-r&y qu&nt&, of combined energy equ&l to 1.02 MeV.[21]
Physicist M. Simhony of Hebrew University h&s introduced & very insightful thesis.
In keeping with these physic&l observ&tions &nd me&surements, Professor
Simhony h&s c&lcul&ted &n electron-positron l&ttice perme&ting the entire f&bric
of sp&ce.[22] This l&ttice p&iring of sub&tomic p&rticles in sp&ce is illustr&ted by
the positive-neg&tive &tomic l&ttice p&iring of ch&rges in the Sodium Chloride
Cryst&l.[23] Physicist Dietm&r Rothe h&s enl&rged on Simhonys origin&l thesis,
&nd h&s suggested the l&ttice p&iring to be more like 10,000 times f&rther &p&rt
th&n origin&lly estim&ted, due to the b&re ch&rge of &n electron being m&sked
by its induction in the v&cuum. This m&kes the electron-positron l&ttice essenti&lly
tr&nsp&rent to the p&ss&ge of nuclei &nd electrons of ordin&ry objects &s they
move through sp&ce.[24]
In 1997, Borge Nodl&nd &nd John R&lston found in their &n&lysis of &stronomic&l
pol&riz&tion d&t& th&t the universe h&d &n optic&l &xis: it w&s circul&rly
birefringent. The universe &ppe&red to beh&ve in & simil&r w&y &s & cryst&l with
optic&l &ctivity: it rot&ted the pol&riz&tion direction of line&rly pol&rized light. This
cosmic qu&rtz cryst&l h&d &n optic&l &xis p&r&llel to the direction Aquil&-E&rth-
Nodl&nd, B., &nd J.P. R&lston, Indic&tion of &nisotropy in electrom&gnetic
prop&g&tion over cosmologic&l dist&nces Physic&l Review Letters,
78D3043-3046, April 21, 1997.
The universe might be beh&ving like & birefringent cryst&l in which light moving in
one direction beh&ves differently from light tr&veling in ¬her direction.
The te&m m&de the finding by studying the pol&riz&tion (orient&tion of electric
fields) of r&dio w&ves from 160 dist&nt g&l&xies &s me&sured in previous
experiments by &stronomers &round the world. Nodl&nd &nd R&lston found th&t
the pl&ne of pol&riz&tion of the light rot&tes like & corkscrew &s the light tr&vels
through sp&ce, &nd th&t the orient&tion of the univers&l &xis th&t theyve
discovered is key to the &mount of rot&tion. The rot&tion of pol&riz&tion depends
on the &ngle &t which the light moves rel&tive to the &xis &nd on the dist&nce the
light tr&vels before being me&sured. The effect is crudely &n&logous to th&t of &
cryst&l th&t twists light depending on the direction light is tr&veling through the
cryst&l. The d&t& indic&te th&t light &ctu&lly tr&vels through sp&ce &t two
slightly different speeds.
All Sp&ce is Not Equ&l: Physicists Find Axis th&t Gives the Universe Orient&tion,
University of Rochester News, April 17, 1997.
Since the new rot&tion we find h&s such & system&tic direction&l dependence, it is
impl&usible th&t it is gener&ted by cosmic ions &nd field vi& some mech&nism
simil&r to the F&r&d&y effect. One m&y therefore surmise th&t it is the v&cuum
itself th&t fl&unts & form of electrom&gnetic birefringence, or &nisotropy simil&r
to the birefringence exhibited by m&ny cryst&ls.
E&rths M&gnetic Field Necess&ry to Suspend the C&nopy. On the first d&y of
cre&tion the Spirit of God moved (or fluttered) upon the f&ce of E&rths spheric&l
w&ters. W&ter molecules &re designed to function in r&ndom motion under norm&l
conditions; however, these molecules c&n be constr&ined to &lign if sufficient
energy is imposed upon them. In turn, the sm&ll m&gnetic field of e&ch molecule
is sh&red with the tot&l m&gnetic moment of the w&ter volume, tempor&rily
gener&ting & field of l&rge moment corresponding to the sum tot&l of the
individu&l m&gnetic fields (the &ctu&l physic&l &gent prim&rily contributing to this
field of energy would be the hydrogen nuclei[27]). In modern science this is known
&s the m&gnetic dom&in theory.
Upon cess&tion of the fluttering &ctivities of the Spirit of God, the w&ter molecules
would n&tur&lly return to their designed r&ndom motions. The powerful m&gnetic
field suspended through, &nd &bove, the w&tery E&rth would begin its n&tur&l
dec&y, unless & mech&nism w&s put in pl&ce to m&int&in its moment of
electrom&gnetic energy. The cryst&lline c&nopy (&ttended by E&rths st&bilizing
core th&t w&s est&blished on the third d&y) provided just such & mech&nism.
In the interest of scientific inquiry &t le&st eight c&ndid&tes for the loc&lized
cryst&lline c&nopy h&ve been considered. The first of these, Silic&te Sugilite,
offers the most promise, &nd is supported by rigorous scientific c&lcul&tions.[31]
Dr. Edw&rd Boudre&ux (Professor Emeritus, University of New Orle&ns, Ph.D., MS,
BS, Chemistry &nd Chemic&l Physics) &nd Eric B&xter (MS [Physics], MS
[Theoretic&l Physics], BS [Physics], Rese&rch Associ&te, University of New
Orle&ns) h&ve produced & monument&l work in Cre&tion Science.[32] Their work
demonstr&tes th&t, given w&ter to be the first m&teri&l subst&nce of cre&tion
(Genesis 1D1-3), &ll n&tur&lly occurring chemic&l elements &ppe&ring in the
Periodic T&ble of the Elements c&n be derived from w&ter per se in less th&n three
d&ys.[33] Their work introduces the possibility of selecting element&l c&ndid&tes
from which to run c&lcul&tions for the cryst&lline c&nopy.
Their work demonstr&tes th&t & 2-cm-thick Silic&te Sugilite Cryst&lline C&nopy
could be suspended eleven miles &bove the pre-Flood E&rth.[34] The model
envisions & 95% r&dius to the E&rth under pre-Flood conditions. In further
consider&tion, if we propose & 1-cm-thick c&nopy suspended ten miles &bove &
pre-Flood E&rth with & 95% r&dius, the energy required to keep it suspended is
&ppreci&bly less.
Geologists h&ve offered v&rious suggestions reg&rding the origin of the v&st
&mounts of silic& deposited worldwide. If our model is correct, the coll&pse of the
C&nopy &t the time of the Flood could expl&in the origin of these deposits. The
&ddition&l chemic&l elements in the sugilite would re&dily &bsorb into &dj¢
soils, &nd the silic& would be left to form the v&st deposits we find on E&rths
surf&ce tod&y. Sugilite in its composite form h&s been found in South Afric&,
Southwest J&p&n &nd Centr&l Provinces in Indi&.[35]
If it were &ssumed th&t hydrogen &nd oxygen (&tomic elements in the v&st volume
of w&ter cre&ted on the first d&y) were the prim&ry elements the Cre&tor used to
m&ke the firm&ment on the second d&y [See &lso 2 Peter 3D5] we must &t le&st
consider the possibility (however unlikely) th&t & thin, met&st&ble,
superconductive l&ttice of hydrogen (interl&min&ted within thin l&yers of ice in the
flux lines of E&rths m&gnetic field) might h&ve comprised the cryst&lline c&nopy
of Genesis, ch&pter one.
Free hydrogen is usu&lly understood to be & g&s, but it is specific&lly listed &s &
met&l &t the top of the Periodic T&ble of Elements (Group 1A Alk&li Met&ls).
Met&st&ble hydrogen h&s been discussed &mong physicists &s theoretic&lly
holding the potenti&l to m&int&in its cryst&lline met&llic structure following the
met&st&cizing process.[36] This potenti&l is illustr&ted simil&r to di&mond c&rbon
&toms m&int&ining their cryst&lline structure &fter extreme pressures &nd high
energies h&ve been rele&sed.
L&bor&tory experiments h&ve confirmed th&t, even in tiny &mounts, solid hydrogen
becomes superconductive.[37] A superconductive m&teri&l levit&tes when
suspended in the flux lines of & m&gnetic field.[38] In most of the physic&l
experiments with met&llic hydrogen performed to d&te, extremely cold
temper&tures &re required. However, pressurized hydrogen would become &
superconductor &nd rem&in one even under temper&tures &s high &s200
degrees Kelvin (minus 73 degrees Celsius).[39] In 1979 M&o &nd Peter M. Bell
cre&ted the first solid hydrogen &t room temper&ture by r&ising & s&mple to &
pressure of 57 kilob&rs [equ&ls 57,000 &tmospheres of pressure].[40] Such
extreme pressures would be impr&ctic&l in the structuring of E&rths cryst&lline
c&nopy; however, this difficulty could be overcome if the m&gnetic flux lines were
extremely intense.
The Cre&tor cert&inly possesses the potenti&l to perform such & fe&t, if th&t were
His desire. However, &ddition&l physic&l procedures not suggested in the Genesis
text (or the R&bbinic&l liter&ture) would conceiv&bly be required. Addition&lly,
such & met&st&ble c&nopy would be difficult, but not impossible, to coll&pse &t
the time of the Genesis Flood.
To properly underst&nd the unique rel&tionship between w&ter &nd & m&gnetic
field we turn to & work published by H&rv&rd University Press. Hydrogen nuclei in
w&ter molecules reorient themselves in &n extern&l m&gnetic field &s the strength
of the field is <ered.[45] In rese&rch with w&ter &nd &n imposed m&gnetic field
five energy st&tes were discovered.[46]
Ice Ph&se VI tr&nsforms to Ice Ph&se VII &t &round 22,000 &tmospheres. Ice VII is
re&lly hot ice: you c&n he&t it to well &bove 2120 F without melting it, provided
th&t the pressure is stepped up, too. Rele&se the pressure &nd Ice VII melts.[47]
With Ice VII&s the oxygen &toms get squeezed closer together &nd the hydrogen
bonds between them get shorter, the hydrogen &toms eventu&lly t&ke up
residence ex&ctly midw&y between the two oxygensHydrogen here is bonded
equ&lly to two oxygen &toms[&] hydrogen-centered st&te.[48]
W&ter c&n form & gl&ssif melted &nd then cooled r&pidly.[49]
It is evident th&t Ice Ph&se VII, being hydrogen-centered, would meet the physic&l
requirements of E&rths suspended c&nopy.
[F]ound th&t oxygen &nd hydrogen c&refully pressurized in & di&mond &nvil
cont&iner to 76,000 &tmospheres &t room temper&ture resisted explosive
condens&tion into droplets of w&ter.
Inste&d, the g&seous molecules &ppe&red to cluster quietly into & 14-&tom
compound cont&ining three molecules of oxygen &nd four molecules of
hydrogen [T]he spectroscopic me&surements m&de of the pressurized oxygen-
hydrogen mixture &re &lmost identic&l to those of the sep&r&te elements in solid
Assuming th&t &ddition&l &tomic elements were gener&ted from w&ter on the first
d&y of cre&tion, v&rious thin l&yers of conductive m&teri&ls would be &v&il&ble to
use within the flux lines of the m&gnetic field. The g&seous elements of w&ter
were re&dily &v&il&ble from the electrolysis event. A c&nopy of w&rm ice is &
fe&sible c&ndid&te.
Cryst&lline C&ndid&te # 6: C&nopy Interl&min&ted or Filmed-co&ted with
Addition&l Chemic&l Elements
This opens the possibility th&t &ddition&l elements could h&ve been tr&nsmuted
when the Spirit of God moved upon the f&ce of the w&ters within the first three
d&ys of cre&tion. These &ddition&l elements were l&ter brought to the surf&ce of
the e&rth-bound w&ters on the third d&y in c&using the dry l&nd to &ppe&r.
Attend&nt to this thesis &re the public&tions in the secul&r liter&ture showing th&t
&ll the n&tur&l elements c&n by tr&nsmuted from the energies resident in light.[53]
An &ppropri&te selection of these elements could h&ve been used by the Cre&tor
to interl&min&te with hydrogen &nd oxygen in the c&nopy l&ttice on the second
d&y. Such doping would dr&m&tic&lly r&ise the temper&tures necess&ry to keep
the structur&l l&ttice int&ct, &s well &s correspondingly reduce the
electrom&gnetic energy necess&ry to m&int&in the structure. L&bor&tory
physicists report th&t dispersing non-superconducting elements in &
superconducting m&teri&l gre&tly incre&ses levit&tion.[55] [56]
The non-superconducting elements cre&te wh&t &re c&lled pinning centers th&t
ch&nnel, or pin, the m&gnetic flux &t the surf&ce of & superconductor. With flux
pinning, & m&gnet c&n be levit&ted &bove & superconductor &nd held in & st&ble
horizont&l positionThe levit&ting force c&n be further incre&sed by clustering &
number of the superconducting disks[57]
Elements &s simple &s iron on thin l&yers of n&nometer-sized ice p&rticles th&t
occur &t <itudes between 82 &nd 87 kilometers in the high-l&titude summer
mesosphere[58] cle&rly verify th&t thin l&yers of ice &nd met&llic l&yers occur in
concentr&ted m&gnetic flux lines, even tod&y. Other ice cloud l&yers h&ve been
reported &t lower <itudes,[59] &s close &s 11 miles &bove the E&rth.[60]
With this mind it is interesting to note th&t cupr&tes h&ve offered & fe&sible
expl&n&tion to high temper&ture superconductivity. Doped with th&llium, the
cupr&te HgB&2C&2Cu3O8 h&s the highest known superconductivity temper&ture
&t &tmospheric pressure, 138 K. At high pressure it superconducts up to 164 K.
[61] Physicist Hideo Hosono discovered th&t strontium iron &rsenide (SrFe2As2),
known &s &n iron pnictide, superconducts not only when doped with cob< but
&lso when the undoped compound is exposed to w&ter v&por.[62]
In this c&tegory f&lls the rese&rch done with thin films. Rese&rchers h&ve
explored the possibility th&t the superconducting properties of thin films m&y be
superior As the thickness of & film is reduced to the n&nometer sc&le, the films
surf&ce &nd interf&ce confine the motions of the electrons, le&ding to the
form&tion of discrete electronic st&tes known &s qu&ntum well st&tes Silver films
prep&red on cert&in substr&tes exhibit enh&nced electron-photon coupling.[64]
This concept offers numerous &ttr&ctive fe&tures &s & cryst&lline c&nopy
A novel w&ter t&pe consisting of fused cyclic w&ter pent&meters h&s been
observed in & supr&molecul&r compound. The rese&rchers grew cryst&ls of bpedo
(& molecul&r c&t&lyst) in &n &queous solution, & molecule th&t re&dily forms
hydrogen bonds. The w&ter structures inter&cted with the bpedo to extend the
structure in & three-dimension&l l&ttice.[67]
This rese&rch opens possible &re&s of identific&tion with the cryst&lline c&nopy.
A m&teri&l such &s silicon, which is usu&lly brittle, c&n become &s ductile &s gold.
[68] Addition&lly, & te&m cre&ted &n intric&te cluster with precisely 102 gold
&toms. To this were &dded sulfur-b&sed molecules c&lled thiols, which bind e&sily
to gold. Wh&t resulted w&s & supermolecule with & core of 79 gold &toms
&rr&nged into & trunc&ted dec&hedron. Around the core, more gold &toms formed
&n unusu&l p&ttern, joining the thiols. Electrons properly orbited the &toms;
however, more electrons orbited the cluster &s if it were & single &tom.[69] The
structure h&d been &nticip&ted e&rlier &s & cryst&lline solid.[70]
These, &nd other, thin &tomic superstructures m&y well h&ve been used by the
Cre&tor in the form&tion of E&rths unique c&nopy. Univers&l r&di&tion &ssimil&ted
by the c&nopy would indeed be t&ilored for specific benefits to the inh&bit&nts of
the E&rth.
Any, or &ll, of the foregoing c&ndid&tes would meet the technic&l requirements for
the loc&l cryst&lline c&nopy in the Hebrew definition of r&qiy&.
Rech&rging the EMF. The cryst&lline c&nopy suspended within the flux lines of
energy &pproxim&tely ten miles &bove E&rths surf&ce offers the solution to &
m&jor problem reg&rding our pl&nets m&gnetic field. Living systems depend on
the energy of this m&gnetic field; it &ffects everything from molecules to m&n.[71]
In view of the f&ct th&t cosmic energy squeezes &nd strengthens the EMF, &nd
sends electrons tow&rd the poles,[72] &n &ppropri&te rech&rging of its energy
would sust&in its optim&l moment. Short-w&ve r&di&tion would be &ssimil&ted into
the ch&rging mech&nism, while mid-r&nge &nd long-w&ve spectr& would be
tr&nsferred through the c&nopy to the benefit of systems below. The cryst&lline
c&nopy provides the mech&nism to perenni&lly sust&in the field. Physic&l evidence
indic&tes th&t our EMF w&s &t le&st ten times &s powerful in the p&st.[73] H&ving
lost the rech&rging mech&nism &t the time of the Flood, our EMF is now left to
n&tur&l dec&y.[74] [75]
UV-B r&di&tion strips oxygen of &n electron, &nd thereby c&uses the form&tion of
free r&dic&ls. These h&rmful free r&dic&ls &ffect the entire food ch&in, &nd &re
&ssimil&ted directly into the blood stre&m, thus compromising living systems &nd
their longevity.[77] The &ppropri&te construction of the cryst&lline c&nopy would
control this r&di&tion &nd provide designed benefit.
One c&n re&dily reflect on the visu&l effects in viewing the night sky under the
cryst&lline structure. The c&nopy would be domin&ted with & m&gent& hue, due to
the chemic&l m&keup of the sugilite &nd the energizing of hydrogen in the
&dj¢ w&ter. This m&gent& filter would render the st&rs, &nd other he&venly
bodies, view&ble in their myri&d colors. The stretched-out he&vens were &ctu&lly
somewh&t closer to E&rth from cre&tion to the time of the Flood, &nd they were
exp&nded further out in sp&ce during the ye&r-long deluge.[80] So, in the origin&l
cre&tion the g&l&xies &nd their motions in the deepest he&vens would be seen &nd
&ppreci&ted. Closer to E&rth, pl&nets in their orbits could be seen &s w<zes
&g&inst the st&rry b&ckground.[81]
Phyllis B. Moses &nd N&m-H&i Chu&, Light Switches for Pl&nt Genes, Scientific
Americ&n, April, 1988, p. 88)
It is proposed th&t the elements of sugilite m&y h&ve been present in the pre-
Flood cryst&lline c&nopy suspended &pproxim&tely 10 miles &bove the e&rth. If so,
& distinctive m&gent& due would h&ve b&thed the e&rth in benefici&l r&di&tion.
Due to the concentr&tion of flux lines in the e&rths pre-Flood m&gnetic field &t
this specific 10-mile dist&nce, &nd due to the f&ct th&t & he&t sink &lso exists &t
th&t elev&tion, the cryst&lline c&nopy would h&ve been suspended &t
&pproxim&tely th&t dist&nce &bove the pre-Flood e&rth.
R&dio frequencies tr&nsferred through C&nopy. R&dio receivers &re composed of &
cryst&l, &n &ntenn&, &nd & m&gnetic field tuned to specific frequencies. W&ter c&n
be structured to function &s &n &ntenn&. All these components c&n be found
incorpor&ted in the cryst&lline firm&ment. The puls&rs &nd the pl&nets often emit
&ctu&l &coustic&l energies tr&nsferred by r&diofrequencies th&t could be
enh&nced by the c&nopy. R&diofrequencies benefici&lly inter&ct with living
systems,[83] &nd coherent music specific&lly encour&ges the growth of pl&nts.
Discoveries in c&rbon n¬ube r&dio structures m&de by physicist Alex Zettl &nd
his colle&gues &t the University of C&liforni&, Berkley, were reported in
m&instre&m scientific liter&ture.[85] The te&m found th&t c&rbon n¬ubes
me&suring &pproxim&tely 500 n&nometers long &nd 10 n&nometers wide could be
directly grown by & technique c&lled chemic&l v&por deposition, in which l&yers of
c&rbon precipit&ted out of ionized g&s. Astoundingly, the tiny structures
performed &ll four essenti&l functions of & r&dio: &n &ntenn& th&t picks up the
electrom&gnetic sign&l; & tuner th&t selects the desired frequency; &n &mplifier
th&t incre&ses the strength of the sign&l; &nd & demodul&tor th&t sep&r&tes the
inform&tion&l sign&l from the c&rrier w&ve on which it is tr&nsmitted.[86] Potenti&l
for c&rbon &toms to be incorpor&ted in the cryst&lline c&nopy were discussed in
c&ndid&tes #5 &nd #7 of this p&per (pp. 9, 10 & 11).
Sound Amplific&tion. Rese&rch by & group of French physicists h&s produced &
s&ser - & device th&t &mplifies sound the w&y l&sers &mplify light. Att&ched to one
end of & cold gl&ss rod &re piezoelectric cryst&ls. These cryst&ls emit & sound
vibr&tion when &n electric current flows through them. Phonons (sound qu&nt&)
tr&vel through the rod, hit excited &toms &nd force the &toms to rele&se phonons
of their own. The phonons multiply &nd the sound is intensified.[87] The physic&l
p&r&meters of the c&nopy hold such potenti&l.
Optim&l use of EMF by Living Systems. Proper cell division is prim&ry in the
optim&l function of living systems, &nd this delic&te procedure is synchronized by
E&rths EMF.[91] Dysfunction of this precision-b&sed procedure spells cert&in
de&th. All life, including the hum&n body, is under the influence of this field.[92]
Addition&l p&r&m&gnetic &pplic&tion encour&ges growth with systems such &s
pl&nts in their cont&ct with n&tur&lly occurring m&gnetic subst&nces, such &s
soils. Rese&rcher M&lcolm Beck h&s demonstr&ted signific&ntly enh&nced pl&nt
growth with the use of such soils.[93] A wide r&nge of peer-reviewed experiments
&nd public&tions verify such enh&nced benefits to pl&nts.[94] [95] [96]
Elev&tion of oxygen r&tio, &nd its s&tur&tion in & fluid medium, expl&ins the l&rge
size of some insects in the fossil record.[108] This further solves the long-
st&nding dinos&ur mystery of their sm&ll lungs being &ble to sust&in tremendous
bulk sizes.[109] Due to the effects of Boyles L&w, the w&ter t&ble w&s s&tur&ted
with free oxygen. An&erobic b&cteri& would not thrive under these conditions, &nd
m&rine life could grow to g&rg&ntu&n sizes, such &s those found in the fossil
Rese&rch physicist Sherwood Idso h&s found th&t pl&nts, when enriched with
more CO2, grow bigger &nd better, much like the pl&nts of p&st geologic&l
epochs of biologic&l prominence...[T]he efficiency with which pl&nts use w&ter to
produce org&nic m&tter, essenti&lly doubles with & doubling of the &tmospheric
CO2 concentr&tion. Moreover, for & tripling of the &mount of CO2 in the &ir, it
ne&rly triples![110] Rese&rcher Su&n-Chin Wong grew cotton pl&nts under norm&l
&mbient p&rti&l pressure of CO2, &nd under enriched p&rti&l pressure of CO2.
Thirty-five d&ys &fter pl&nting, the tot&l dry weights of high CO2-grown pl&nts
were 2 to 3.5 fold gre&ter th&n pl&nts grown in norm&l &mbient CO2.[111]
We &re only now beginning to re&lize & me&sure of the orchestr&tion involved in
the univers&l cre&tion event. Interdependence &mong &ll forms of life is now
recognized &s common in n&ture.[112] One contextu&l benefit would be the
n&tur&l he&ling of the hum&n body.[113] Glob&l tr&ditions of & primordi&l p&r&dise
persist to this d&y.[114]
We h&ve seen th&t the cryst&lline c&nopy existing from the cre&tion event until the
time of the glob&l Flood sust&ined living systems in &n optim&l environment.
Disruption of this designed structure would require extr&ordin&ry forces. We now
consider the two gre&test n&tur&l forces &t h&nd &s instruments in the mech&nism
for the Flood. These two forces &re: thermonucle&r re&ctions &nd moving w&ter.
The Scripture st&tes th&t God uttered His voice, &nd the e&rth melted.[115] This
brings into pl&y the first gre&t n&tur&l force: thermonucle&r re&ction.
Geophysicists &re fully &w&re of the potenti&l for such re&ctions to produce glob&l
disruption.[116] They &re &lso &w&re of the evidence th&t the P&nge&n crust w&s
ruptured.[117] A pl&usible c&ndid&te &s & trigger mech&nism in disrupting E&rths
intern&l &ligned nucle&r elements is the inter&ction of simple w&ter molecules,
&cted upon by microw&ve r&di&tion. V&st reservoirs of w&ter h&ve existed, &nd
some still exist, deep within E&rths structure.[118] If God used microw&ve
r&di&tion of sufficient intensity in bodies of w&ter, v&st &mounts of r&dio&ctive
elements would be jostled from their &ligned positions, &nd the E&rth would melt
in design&ted &re&s while cr&cking &t the surf&ce like & gi&nt eggshell.[119] This
is due to the specific n&ture of microw&ves,[120] &nd the unique response of the
w&ter molecule to such r&di&tion.[121]
This brings into pl&y the second gre&t n&tur&l force: moving w&ter. C&lcul&tions
h&ve been m&de, demonstr&ting th&t m&jor disruption of the fount&ins of the
gre&t deep below E&rths gr&nite crust would send jets of ste&my w&ter ten to
seventy miles high.[122] These jets of ste&m would be sufficient to rip the c&nopy
&nd open windows in its cryst&lline l&ttice, coll&psing its structure in the forty-
d&y timeline given in Scripture.[123] The gre&ter volume of w&ter, however, would
be expunged from the intern&l fount&ins of the gre&t deep, &long with v&st
deposits of intern&l elements. This eruption of elements &nd w&ter continued for
150 d&ys, providing m&teri&l &nd mech&nism for the glob&l sediment&ry deposits.
Once the rupture of the fount&ins of the gre&t deep provided sufficient w&ter to
cover the globe, & mech&nism to spre&d out the expunged m&teri&l into the
omnipresent ne&r-horizont&l sediment&ry l&yers w&s &lre&dy &v&il&ble. Newtons
mech&nism of gr&vit&tion&l &ttr&ction produces worldwide semi-diurn&l lun&r tid&l
w&ves th&t could move these sediments into the l&yers we see exposed in
c&nyons &nd ro&dcuts. Professors M.E. Cl&rk &nd Henry Voss h&ve modeled
these mech&nisms using computer simul&tions, &nd demonstr&ted their fe&sibility
in flume experiments.[125] [126] The persistent n&ture of these tid&l w&ves,
&cting twice & d&y over the ye&r long Genesis Flood, would &ccount for most of
the sediment&ry l&yers; post-Flood &ctivity could &ccount for the rem&inder of
wh&t is seen. Secul&r public&tions corrobor&te th&t most of the sediment&ry
deposits &re r&pid events.[127] M&ny of these sediment&ry deposits, such &s the
Austin Ch&lk (dubbed Cret&ceous by the evolution&ry community) &re
intercontinent&l, essenti&lly glob&l, in extent.[128]
Others h&ve suggested th&t the exp&nse of sp&ce &nd the st&rry he&vens
encomp&ss the tot&l me&ning of firm&ment. Hebrew l&ngu&ge &nd the
decl&r&tion of Hebrew schol&rs closer to the cre&tion event show & concerted
view th&t includes & cryst&lline c&nopy, &s well &s & he&venly exp&nse.
One objection involves the setting of the st&rs in the firm&ment. The Hebrew
word for set is n&th&n, which me&ns to &dd &nd to yield. The stell&r bodies
were cert&inly set in the sp&ce of the he&venly exp&nse &nd yielded their
r&di&tion from the moment of their cre&tion. But it is &lso true th&t the r&di&tion
from those stell&r bodies upon re&ching E&rth w&s photomultiplied in the
cryst&lline c&nopy. This permitted E&rth-bound viewers to &ppreci&te the cre&tion
spectr& em&n&ting from our Sol&r System, &nd from deep sp&ce.
It h&s been proposed th&t & cryst&lline c&nopy could not hold together due to the
brittle n&ture of its prim&ry constituents. However, this p&per h&s emph&sized
th&t the l&min&tion fe&tures of the c&nopy were extremely thin in their construct.
Technic&l references h&ve &lso been cited, showing th&t brittle met&ls, when
properly doped with selected chemic&l elements, c&n be quite flexible.[133]
The work of physic&l chemist Edw&rd Boudre&ux h&s been cited throughout this
p&per. His technic&l c&lcul&tions using & thin silic& sugilite cryst&lline construct
h&ve demonstr&ted the potenti&l to hold the c&nopy in pl&ce.[134]
Reference h&s been m&de to the Biblic&l text &nd Hebrew liter&ture &s requiring &
cryst&lline c&nopy, in &ddition to the exp&nse of the he&vens, during the second
d&y of the Cre&tion Week. Eight vi&ble physic&l c&ndid&tes h&ve been introduced
to demonstr&te the pl&usibility of such & c&nopy. C&ndid&te # 1, the Cryst&lline
Silic& Sugilite C&nopy, is preferred due to the technic&l c&lcul&tions
The mech&nism th&t triggered the Flood w&s the voice of God in judgment&l
disruption of E&rths intern&l structure.[136] This mech&nism simult&neously
disrupted the r&qiy& in its structure &s & loc&lized microcosm (c&nopy suspended
over E&rth) &nd &s & univers&l m&crocosm (exp&nse of sp&ce). The skies sent
out & sound.[137] As & consequence The st&rs &re not pure in [Gods]
The secret things belong unto the Lord our God: but those things which &re
reve&led belong unto us &nd to our children forever, th&t we m&y do &ll the words
of this l&w.[139] Only the Cre&tor knows the specific det&ils involved in the
cre&tion, but it is & gr&tifying pursuit to think Gods thoughts &fter Him.
[1] Colin Russell, N&ture, Vol. 308, April 26, 1984, p. 777
[2] Genesis 1D3
[7] R. L&ird H&rris, Gle&son L. Archer, Jr., Bruce K. W<ke, Theologic&l Wordbook
of the Old Test&ment, p. 862
[9] Ibid.
[10] Ibid., p. 51
[12] John Bowers, from P.S. Jon&th&n tr&nsl&tion, The T&rgums &nd R&bbinin
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[24] Dietm&r Rothe, Sp&ce &nd the W&ve-P&rticle Enigm&, p.8, World Wide Web
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[29] Frederick Golden, Another Milestone in the Solid St&te, MOSAIC, Vol 22, No
2, Summer 1991, p. 23
[30] Jeffrey Linsky, CU Rese&rchers Discover W&ll Around Sol&r System, Joint
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[31] Edw&rd Boudre&ux &nd Eric B&xter, A New Model of the E&rths Pre-Flood
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3451, Littleton, CO 80161-3451, pp. 114-122
[33] Ibid., p. 30
[36] Frederic Goldm&n, Another Milestone in the Solid St&te, MOSAIC, Volume
22, Number 2, Summer 1991, p. 25
[37] H.K. M&o &nd R.J. Hemley, Optic&l Studies in Hydrogen, Science, Vol. 244,
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[38] Dennis Normile, Tri&l &nd Error in J&p&n: Levit&ting the Boss, Popul&r
Science, New York, M&y 1991, p. 104
[41] R.D. Pe&rson, Intelligence Behind the Universe, The He&dqu&rters Publishing
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[42] M&rk Wilsey, The Superconductivity Dyn&mo, 21st Century Science &nd
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[43] Yoshio Om&t&, Potenti&l Energy of the M&gnetic Dipole of the E&rth, world
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[45] John S. Rigden, Hydrogen The Essenti&l Element, H&rv&rd University Press,
2002, p. 147
[47] Philip B&ll, Lifes M&trix: A Biogr&phy of W&ter, F&rr&r, Str&us &nd Giroux, NY,
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[50] R. Lipkin, Squeezing H2 &nd O2 yields New Compound, Science News, Vol
148, November 4, 1995, p. 293, reported in N&ture, Nov. 2 by chemists P&ul
Loubeyre &nd Rene Le Toullec of the University of P&ris
[51] P. Weiss, W&rm Ice, Science News, Vol. 168, August 27, 2005, p. 131;
Reported by Heon K&ng, Physic&l Review Letters, Aug. 19
[54] Stephen Weinberg, Life in the Universe, Scientific Americ&n, October 1994,
p. 44
[55] Dennis Normile, Tri&l &nd Error: Levit&ting the Boss, Popul&r Science, New
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[59] Eric Jensen, G&ry Thom&s, Gr&vity W&ves in the Clouds, Discover, July,
[60] N&ture, E&rths Thermost&t, reported in W&shington Post, June 28, 1991
[66] Ann&-M&ri& J&nner, Electricity Switches & Mirror to & Window, Science
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T&pe-like Structure, Chemic&l Communic&tions, 2004, pp. 2220 - 2221
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[71] A.P. Dubrov, The Geom&gnetic Field &nd Life, Plenum Press, New York,
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[73] D. Russell Humphreys, E&rths M&gnetic Field is Young, Imp&ct, Institute for
Cre&tion Rese&rch, El C&jon, CA, No. 242
[75] K.L. McDon&ld &nd R.H. Gunst, An An&lysis of the E&rths M&gnetic Field
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[85] Ed Regis, The Worlds Sm&llest R&dio, Scientific Americ&n, M&rch 2009, pp.
[86] Ibid. p. 42
[89] C&rol White, The Universe Sings, 21st Century Science &nd Technology,
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[91] Robert O. Becker, The Body Electric, Willi&m Morrow, New York, 1985, p. 248
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[97] P&ul B&rtz, Electric Bushes &nd Trees, Letting God Cre&te Your D&y, Vol. 4,
Bible-Science Associ&tion, Minn., MN, 1993, p. 55
[98] Robin Rees, Anim&l Building Blocks, The W&y N&ture Works, M&cmill&n
Publishing Comp&ny, New York, 1992, p. 103
[99] Genesis 10D25
[100] H.G. Owen, H&s the E&rth Incre&sed in Size? New Concepts in Glob&l
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[110] Sherwood B. Idso, C&rbon Dioxide C&n Revit&lize the Pl&net, OPEC
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[111] Su&n-Chin Wong, Elev&ted Atmospheric P&rti&l Pressure of CO2 &nd Pl&nt
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[112] Ann F&usto-Sterling, Is N&ture Re&lly Red in Tooth &nd Cl&w? Discover,
April 1993, p. 24
[113] Sherry B&ker, Intern&l Medicine, Omni, New York, J&n. 1991
[119] Jon&thon Weiner, E&rths Surf&ce Cr&cked like & Gi&nt Eggshell, B&nt&m
Books, New York, 1986, p. 31
[122] W<er T. Brown, The Continents &nd the Mid-Atl&ntic Ridge, First
Intern&tion&l Conference on Cre&tion, Pittsburg, PA, Vol. 1, p. 32
[125] M.E. Cl&rk &nd Henry D. Voss, Reson&nce on Flooded Pl&net E&rth,
Proceedings of the 1992 Twin-Cities Cre&tion Conference, Twin-Cities Cre&tion
Science Associ&tion, Minn., MN, 1992, p. 30
[126] M.E. Cl&rk &nd Henry D. Voss, Fluid Mech&nic Ex&min&tion of the Tid&l
Mech&nism for Producing Meg&-Sediment&ry L&yering, Third Intern&tion&l
Conference on Cre&tion, Pittsburg, July, 1994
[128] Ibid.
[132] D&vid V. B&ssett, Our Cre&ted E&rth: Uniquely Designed for Life, Study
Series for CEM
[133] J&n-Olof Nilsson, Steel Strong &nd Flexible due to Qu&sicryst&ls in its
Microscopic Structure, Science News, Vol. 154, December 12, 1998, p. 383
[135] Ann&-M&ri& J&nner, Electricity Switches & Mirror to & Window, Science
News, Vol. 155, M&y 15, 1999, P. 314