Two Sides of Tourism 19470

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1. Read the text and choose True or False 2. Read the text and answer the questions:
statements: Is Tourism Profitable?
Tourism Today We know that tourism is very important for the revenue
People travel all over the world and attend a lot of of some countries. Economically, tourism can create jobs
interesting places. The effect of travelling of large for local people and bring money into the country.
amount of people sometimes is incredible. Here are Tourism development usually starts with the construction
some examples of it. of hotels, resorts and other places for tourists to stay. In
Large number of people coming to one place once at a addition there may be restaurants, night clubs, and
time can have less comfortable accommodation as it was recreation facilities such as golf courses, tennis courts,
in Scotland where only 40% of tourists were offered swimming pools, and marinas. Whenever possible, tourism
hotels. developers prefer to build on the coast, where the hotel
Tourism is one of the principal contributions of will front on a beach and perhaps a coral reef, yet the
pollution in the Mediterranean Sea and as the number coast is the most fragile and vulnerable area on an island.
of people increase, the problem worsen. Several laws Building roads, airports and docks may be positive as well
and initiatives have been implemented in order to as negative. Such facilities benefit local people as well as
protect the Mediterranean Sea from further tourists, reducing the isolation of remote areas and
degradation. increasing the convenience of travel within the country
The rapid tourism development of Bali has had a great and overseas. Tourism development can thus support
effect on its natural environment, affecting water useful expenditures that could not be justified for the
resources, increasing pollution and localized flooding, as local people alone.
well as putting pressure on the island's infrastructure. The social impacts of tourism may also be important.
In Cancun, Mexico, tourism has "extensively damaged People can have jobs. Most jobs for local people in the
the lagoon, obliterated sand dunes, led to the extinction tourist industry are as servants, house maids, waiters,
of varying species of animals and fish, and destroyed gardeners and other menial work. There also appear a lot
the rainforest which surrounds" the island. It was only of shops and small cafes where people can buy something
twenty years after it was developed, that the unusual made by local people or have a snack. These and
government of Mexico decided to limit projects along other social effects may be among the most important
the coast to prevent further damage to the island's long-term impacts of tourism development.
environment. Improvements that help tourism, like better
In Trinidad and Tobago there are shortages of water transportation, tree planting, restoration of historic sites,
due to the overpopulation of tourists on the island. urban beautification and cleanliness, also improve the
The most damaging effect of tourism has been the environment for the local population. Tourism development
destruction of coral reefs, as they are harvested for can help to stimulate general community improvement.
sale to tourists and destroyed by tourists stepping on (adapted from
them as they enter the water. (adapted from Questions:
True or False statements: 1. Why is tourism very important for some countries?
1. The effect of tourism is only positive. 2. What facilities appear with the development of
2. Tourism is responsible for pollution of the tourism?
Mediterranean Sea. 3. What do these facilities reduce?
3. There are shortages of water in Trinidad and Tobago. 4. Is social impact of tourism positive or negative?
4. Tourism made no damage in Cancun, Mexico. 5. Can tourism improve environment?

3. What places do tourists usually choose to 4. Your experience:

visit? Do you like to travel? Where do you like to travel
Universities Shops Ballet with your parents? What month do you usually
Cafes Bars Rivers choose for travelling? What places have you visited?
Museums Theatres Resorts Are these places beautiful? What is your favourite
Churches Cathedrals Bridges place? Have you seen a lot of tourists there? Is this
Schools Markets Hospitals place clean? Do the tourists throw litter on the
Cinemas Castles Zoos ground? Are there good facilities for tourists
Palaces Restaurants Hotels there? Are local people polite there? Were there
Mountains Parks Pools any conflicts with local people? Would you
Stadiums Caves Airports recommend your friends to visit this place?

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