L11 Workbook
L11 Workbook
L11 Workbook
will hear two speakers talking. After hearing the first speaker, select the best
In this section, you
from the four possible responses given by the second speaker.
2 lntegrated Chinese' Level 1 Part 2'Workbook
B. Ask your partner what he/she usually does when the weather is not good. {INTERPERSONAL)
C. Checkthis weekend's weather forecast. Find out if the weather will be nice or not and describe what
you plan to do according to the predicted weather conditions. (INTERPRETIVE/PRESENTATIONAL)
A. Building Words
lf you combine the hud in hud brng with the shuiin he shui, you have hud shui, as seen in
#1 below. Can you guess what the word hud shuimeans? Complete this section by providing the
characters, the pinyin,and the English equivalent of each new word formed this way.You may consult
a dictionary if necessary.
1. "'ifr)r]r.-" hl a(
iff" + " oS rl<" hl " [."
) ,ft+rK
2. "'ifr)rK.-" hl
tFJ " + "Tg" hl "$"
) ,ff+' )
) tL+ E
Lesson 1 1 . Talking about the Weather
a. spflng
b. summer
c. autumn
d. winter
( ) 2. Which of the following best describes the current weather conditions?
a. seasonably cold
b. unseasonably warm
c. seasonably rainy
d. unseasonably snowy
a" interesting
b. annoying
c. expected
d. perplexing
4t'&*v'flp,tJ]ti it 6t A + z
lntegrated Chinese. Level 1 Part 2'Workbook
E. Little Wang has become environmentally conscious, and is trying to save energy in any way he
ca n.
q. \l
2. s"n.
3. f
D.Weather Forecast
Here,s a weather forecast for New York and Beijing tomorrow. Interpret the forecast to write whether it
will snow in each place, and if it will be colder or warmer than the place where you are.
1. The weather forecast on the internet just said that it will not only be very cold tomorrow
but it will also snow.
Lesson 1 1 . Talking about the Weather 9
2. My older sister likes to shop. She bought a white shirt two weeks ago. Last week she
bought a pair of blue pants. She liked them very much, so yesterday she bought another
pair. She said she would like a pair of black shoes. This afternoon she'll go out shopping
again. She really has a lot of money.
F. Compare two of your favorite or least favorite celebrities in the same field or profession. Based
on your previous knowledge and information you can find online, describe who's younger, taller,
richer, whot more beautiful/handsome, and who is better at singing, dancing, playing sports, etc.
tntegroted Chinese' Leve! 1 Part
10 t
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19 45
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FE E +EE+AIJ".4:s4
+XT',!I: f'*fr
6r+t, 4ffiAA
2 .3 {k ,28 826" t-
\+ ;r
aPiE, 4
+:* E
LttU I o
In this section,you will hear two speakers talking, After hearing the first speaker, select the best
from the four possible responses given by the second speaker,
1. How did cao wenzhong and Bai ying'ai communicate with each other?
2. Why didn't Bai Ying'ai go out?
3. What kept Bai Ying'ai from going home?
4. Does Bai Ying'ai think that the weather in California is nice? Does she wanr to go
there? Why or why not?
B. Ask your partner what his/her favorite city is and to describe what the weather is like there
(in each season), (tNTERPERSONAL)
12 Integroted Chinese. Level 1 Part 2'Workbook
A. Building Words
lf you combine the yd in xid yd with the yl in yrfu, you have ydyr, as seen in #1 below, Can
you guess what the word ydyr means? Complete this section by providing the characters, the
pinyin and the English equivalent of each new word formed this way.You may consult a dictionary
if necessary,
Lesson 1 1 . Talking about the Weather 13
At ,1. t+,fr_Jt fr/. , t'y fiu ),tl J-,lF " ,t, ht &Ar,Fi,6 *ls,ft lU,
F , ffi,J..4EffiH'+frAtftT " Tfr_ie,^+iEkE_^.s*, [J
A ii 6i E_ x4y<',.fe . ?4t ,J. ix_ ?6 +t,&ar,F ilr.t ei e{ hu ),tl
(*t4"*4Jr;affrx,. )
*t z ft+ , afr J-4+T,fi , .*tu,trLfu "
++ : tfr,.ttft+{ , e_ft,XfLlFFA "
tt: {=X'fo?
+ + : rbfr6 Xhl Xfi"A fin+tt.&,4k.lr*+,i r
tt: f x,ro?
*+ : flX.ft6x.{_+B*i t s.4sfikfjv,fr_ilffi*ft"Tffi o
Questions: (True/False)
#E \Fr
ffi^ Fs\ ffi
Lesson 1 1 . Talking about the Weather 15
r. 'AF -l4lt\
z ofll3-R&.1.& z
3. &Re^eTffi ?
16 Integroted Chlnese' Level 1 Patt2 'Workbook
2. a three-dot water radical on the left with rhe 7L in *tL: nis the character
a5 In
5. a three-dot water radical on the left with the R i&R on the risht: lt is the
character as in
B.Shoe shopping
Person A really likes this pair of shoes. She loves the color, the style, the fit, and the comfort, and would
like to purchase them. But her mother, Person B, is only concerned about the price.What would you say
to A in a diplomatic but honest way if you were B?
1. A, esrrtr rfr+++tfr o
ez t&t -
2. n, $tatrjr,J.4A .
e: Jt
Lesson 1 1 . Talking about the Weather 17
3. n: q$f f,#rnl .
C. Little Zhang is a true fan of Harry Potter. He read it again and again during the winter break. Here's
part of the reading log he kept.
Harry Potter Harry Potter Harry Potter Harry Potter Harry Potter
{ V f' \f
=A-+x n fr t Harrypotter, l=A:+-t n t rt
T Harry Potter o
f: fl =t)ta
How about you? Are you a fan of Harry Potter or any other books, or are you enthusiastic about a
particular movie,TV show sports team, or musician? Write a recollection like the one above describinq
your repeated reading, viewing, or listening.
1. Shoot, today is even colder than yesterday! I'd better put on my new sweater, have some
2, I have three pairs of pants: one white, one black, and one brown. The white pants were
$l24.gg and are much more expensive than the black ones. The black ones are newer than
the brown ones, but they are a little big on me. I think the brown ones fit me the best' They
are not only good-looking but also inexpensive. lwore them three times last week' This
week I wore them three times again. I want to wear them three more times next week.
3. I like this schoolvery much. lt is big and beautiful. Everyone says it is as beautiful as a park.
Many students ice skate in the winter. The weather.forecast said it would be very cold and
it would snow next week. I hope I can go skating next weekend.
Lesson 11 . Talking about the Weather 19
I {F #{F
34'F 29'F
F. Check your local weather forecast for tomorrow, and report in writing
whether it's predicted to rain,
snoW and be warmer or colder than today. (PRESENTATIoNAL)
20 Integrated Chinese' Level 1 Part 2'Workbook
G. pick any two countries. Search online or in an encyclopedia to find out which country is bigger,
which has a targer population t*** 6i )\bV*** 6t L ? ), which country's summer is hotter,
which country's winter is colder, which country's spring or fall is more pleasant, etc.Write a paragraph
com pa ri n g the two cou ntries. (PRES ENTATIoNAL)
Lesson 11 . Talkinq about the Weather 21
Write a story in Chinese based on the four cartoons below. Make sure that your story has a beginning,
middle, and end. Also make sure that the transition from one picture to the next is smooth and
22 Integrated Chinese ' Level 1 Paft2 'Workbook
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-|.)E F="R 35
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