Module 1 - Discussion Group Program - 4th Edition

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Module One:
Discussion Group

Do I belong here?
What do I gain from
this group?
What is this stuff all
about? Is it worth
my time?
Table of Contents

Introduction 3

Session 1: Beginners Personal Badge 4

Session 2: Whats the Password? 6

Session 3: Touch Me Not? 8

Session 4: Fiesta Galore! 11

Session 5: The Uninvited! 13

Session 6: Lets Celebrate! 15

Supplementary Readings 17

References 22

Attendance Sheet 23

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This module is the product of the SMRU Staff Teams desire

to empower the students to carry the Gospel to the student-
world. The first draft of this material was compiled, edited and
improved by Ricky Patricio, Gretchen Guillas, Cristy Ann Blanco,
Darby Aspacio, Rachel Grace Jentapa and some selected
student-leaders last 2012. This edition is a shorten version as a
result of the feedback from the field.

The Discussion Group is a unique practice of Inter-Varsity

Christian Fellowship. This strategy aims to present the gospel
little by little through a series of interesting topics. Here,
everybody is welcome whether skeptics or a seekers. Everyone
is encouraged to listen and to share their personal opinion. The
DG leader will just facilitate the discussion and not preach.

The highlight of this study series is about Jesus but it does

not mean that a person needs to believe in Him in order to
join. The group will just discuss and discover what Jesus offers
to make their lives better. Everyone is free to accept or reject
Him. Moreover, the Bible will be the main tool as the session
progresses. Since it contains the records of the historical Jesus
and it is found to be scientifically, historically, archeologically
and geographically accurate. But believing in the Bible is not a
requirement to join the group. Everyone will discover what
Bible can offer to make his/her life better.

Anyone who joins the group should listen and respect the
idea of others. And whatever confidential issues opened up by
a member should be kept within the group. A rich and fruitful
discussion will happen only if everyone will actively participate.


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Task 1-A: Beginners Personal Badge (20 mins.)

The leader will explain the use of the personal badge
(symbol) and how to make it (Refer to page 81, Grow and
Multiply Manual). The group will make a personal badge.
Follow the steps on how to make a personal badge.

Write your answers of the following questions on the

space inside the badge.

Upper left : Two things you do well.

Upper right : If you can change three things
about yourself, what would it be?
Middle left : Who is Jesus to you?
Middle right : What do you trust to be accepted
in heaven?
Lower left : Three influential people in your
life who mean most to you.
Lower right : Three things that you would like
to be said about you.

Task 1-B: Sharing time (20 mins.)

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Affirm everyone for their participation. Welcome them to
the Discussion Group.

Task 2: Read to Ponder (5 mins.)

John, a high School student, once said, God does not care for
this world at all. If he does, why is this world full of suffering and
misery? Para siyang isang makapangyarihang matanda sa
pagkatapos gawin ang mundo ay umupo na lang sa kanyang
silyang tumba-tumba at kontentong pinanonood and paghihirap
natin dito!

But God does care. He cared enough to leave His glorious

throne above and come down to this sinful world to live among
men. Because he is a man, he is able to sympathize with our
weaknesses. He feels what we feel. He fully comprehends our

Task 3: DG-related Q & A (5 mins.)

Ask your contacts if they have any questions about the DG but
never entertain any question yet about God. Just
encourage them to finish the series of lessons first.

Task 4: Expectations (10 mins.)

Give each one a metacard. Ask them to write at least three
expectations in joining the group. Then allow them to
share it to the group. This would give you an idea
whether they are seekers or not. After the sharing,
affirm the contacts for joining the first session and tell
them to keep their metacard.

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Who: Facilitators and contacts

Some or most of the contacts could be unfamiliar and uneasy
with the concept of being intimate in a group. It is best to use
this time to project a positive atmosphere and to give them the
impression that Discussion Group sessions are both fun and

The Discussion Group contacts and the facilitators need to

answer the questions about their faith and identity in Christ.
They also need to write their answers to the corresponding
questions in order to assess their faith and also with their
identity to God.

When: 60 minutes

Where: At the agreed rendezvous

At the end of the session, the contacts and Discussion Group
Leader should be able to:
1. Write their personal answer about their identity and faith
in God;
2. Assess their personal relationship to God by answering
the questions given below.

Materials: Two Ways to Live (printed/video presentation)


Task 1: Creative Writing! (15 mins.)

In the space provided, creatively write at least 10 sentences of
your answers. You may do it either in English, Filipino, or
Visayan language. This is like a self-assessment so answer the
following questions honestly, not ideally:

Suppose you are about to enter the gates of heaven and God
asks you, Why would I let you enter my heaven?
How would you answer Him?
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What would be your persuasive speech?
In a scale of 10, that is the highest, how confident are
you that God would let you come in? On what basis are
you saying that?

Task 2: Share each ones work (10 mins.)

Discuss confidentiality agreement prior to sharing time. Each
one will read his/her output.

Task 3: Good News! (25 mins.)

Present the Gospel using Two Ways To Live material.

Task 4: Close in prayer (10 mins.)

Leaders note:
Be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit. After presenting the
Gospel lead the contacts to receive Jesus as their personal Lord and
Savior. Ask them if they are willing to surrender to the Lordship of
Jesus Christ. If they are, then lead them in prayer using the sinners
prayer but be careful since there are persons who are not comfortable
to pray aloud. If they are not yet ready dont force them. Give them
time to pray until your next meeting.

How will you know that the person is ready? You may know that the
person is ready by asking these questions:
1. Is he/she convinced that Jesus himself is God who came
down here on earth?
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2. Is he/she convinced that Jesus is a Savior who died to pay
the penalty of his/her sins?
3. Is he/she willing to trust Jesus as the only one who can bring
him to heaven and give him/her eternal life?
4. Does he/she want to turn away from sins and yield to Jesus
as his/her Lord and Savior?

As a leader, you're responsible to follow up your contacts. If it is

needed for you to present the Gospel once again then do it until they
will fully understand it. Be patient but have a sense of urgency. Do not
give the devil an opportunity to steal what you have sown in the heart
of your contacts. Be all the more prayerful and include them in your
prayers. Remember, conversion is the work of the Triune God, not

When your contacts become your brothers and sisters, a tremendous

responsibility begins.

Task 5: Assignment
Read and reflect the article Sino ang Tunay na Cristiano by
Dr. Isabelo Magalit.


Who: DG Facilitator/s and contacts

Where: A place suitable for sharing and learning

What: At the end of the session, the contacts are expected to:
a. Humble themselves before God
b. Distinguish their outer and inner needs.
c. Reflect that Jesus compassion covers mans physical
and spiritual needs

Materials: Bibles or copies of the passage on Mark 1:40-45.

Motivation: You may lead an action song or an ice-breaker.

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Task 1: Bible Reading (5 mins.)
Let the group read the passage. You may assign verses per
person or let someone else read the whole passage before
discussing it.

Task 2: Read and Reflect (5 mins.)

Introduction, Notes and Discussion
Jesus started his preaching, teaching and healing ministry
in Galilee, his province. But soon he was going throughout
the country. At first many came mainly for physical healing.
Though he compassionately healed them, he wanted
basically to solve their inner basic problems. We will see
this in the case of the leper we are going to study.

Notes on the text:

vv. 40, 42 - leper, leprosy: A social outcast
considered ceremonially unclean by the
Jews. A word used in the Bible for many
different skin diseases and infections.

Task 3: Discussion (30 mins.)

A. The Pleading Leper
1. What do you know about the status of lepers in
Bible Times? (see Lev.13:45-46)
2. How then would you have felt as a leper during
those days?
3. In verse 40, what do the lepers manner and actual
words tell us about him? What does he seem to
know about Jesus?

B. The Compassionate Jesus

1. Now lets look at verse 41. Try to visualize Jesus
responding to the lepers plea. Describe how Jesus
cleansed him.
2. If you were there, seeing Jesus doing all these, what
would you have thought about him?

Task 3: Reflection on practical implication (15 mins.)

Like the Leper we may have outer needs (physical)
that hide our inner needs (emotional and, especially,
spiritual). Try to distinguish your outer and inner

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needs. What have you discovered about yourself?
How can Jesus help you?

Study Note:
Jesus sternly charged the leper not to tell anyone what
has happened. He was getting more popular and he wanted to
do things with as little noise as possible.

Task 4: After the sharing time, lead a closing prayer (5 mins.)

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Who: DG Facilitators and contacts

Where: A place where you can have a rich discussion.

At the end of the 60-minute session, the contacts are
expected to:
a. respond to God in worship for his compassion
b. inculcate in mind and heart that Jesus compassion
covers mans physical and spiritual needs.

Materials: Copies of Mark 6:30-44

Motivation: You may lead an action song before opening


Task 1: Bible Reading (5 mins.)

Let the group read the passage. You may assign verses per
person or let someone else read the whole passage before
discussing it.

Task 2: Read and Reflect (5 mins.)

Introduction, Notes on the text and Discussion
Jesus had sent out his twelve apostles to preach, cast out
demons and heal the sick. Then they triumphantly came
back and told Jesus all that they had done. Jesus saw that
they were tired so he suggested going to a quiet place for
rest. They got into the boat and left only to be met by a
great crowd!

Notes on the text:

vs. 31, 37 - lonely place- A favorite place for rest
east of Lake Galilee.
vs. 37 -two hundred denarii- A denarius was a
days working wage, so 200
denarii is a years wage.
vs. 43 -basket- used by travelling Jews to avoid
eating gentile food.

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Task 3: Discussion (30 mins.)
A. The Crowd- like a sheep without a shepherd
1. While Jesus and His disciples were going to a
quiet place to rest, what did the people do?
What can you learn about them by this
description in vs. 33?

B. Jesus- the teaching and feeding shepherd

1. In what different ways does the passage tell
us how Jesus felt for the people?
2. According to the passage (vs.34-37) what
different human needs did Jesus
compassion cover?
3. Trace the steps on how Jesus performed the
miracle. Enumerate the steps He did. He
could have performed a miracle of instant
meals for the masses by clapping his hand.
Why do you think did he not do it?

C. The Disciples- hungry and disappointed

1. Now, let us take a closer look at the disciples.
What kind of feelings do you think dominated
them when they saw the crowd? when Jesus
instructed them to feed the crowd?
2. Why did they want Jesus to send the people
away? If you were one of the disciples, would
you have been disappointed over Jesus reply?
(see vs.37)
3. What can we see about their faith in Jesus in
providing for the people?

Task 4: Reflection on practical implication (15 mins.)

In what ways does Jesus show concern for physical and
spiritual needs of the crowd? What needs do you have at
the moment? Are you still like a sheep without a shepherd?
Jesus wants to be your shepherd. Would you like to trust
Him for your needs now?

Task 5: Sing and Pray (5 mins.)

Sing the song All we like Sheep by Don Moen. Then, lead a
closing prayer.

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Who: DG facilitator/s and contacts

Where: A place where everyone can reflect, preferably a place

free from noise or destructions.

At the end of 60-minute session the contacts are expected to:
a. Understand what salvation is.
b. Repent their sins and ask forgiveness before God.
c. Surrender to the Lordship of Jesus Christ

Materials: Copies of Luke 19:1-10

Task 1: Motivation (5 mins.)

Sing the song We are Travellers, and then lead an opening

Task 2: Read and Reflect (5 mins.)

Introduction, Notes on the text and Discussion
On his last trip to Jerusalem, Jesus passed Jericho where a
great crowd was waiting for him. Who is this Jesus of
Nazareth? I have been much of him lately, the people were
asking. Among those was Zaccheaus, the chief tax

Notes on the text:

v. 1 Jericho - A luxurious city, North of Jerusalem.
V. 2 Tax collector Despised by their fellow Jews for
working for the hated Roman conquerors; notorious for
dishonesty, cleverness.
V. 7 Sinner To the Jews, it is the one who violated
moral standards.
V. 8 Restore it fourfold An extreme penalty imposed
by the law on a man compelled to pay back what had
V. 9 Salvation Entrance into Gods kingdom and
enjoyment of its privileges.
V. 10 Son of man Favorite title for Himself, hinting at
his real identity (Dan. 7-13-14).
The lost Those outside Gods kingdom and favor.
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Task 3: Discussion (30 mins.)
A. Zaccheaus: The despised tax collector
Describe Zaccheaus. (look for clues in vs 1-6). What
was his attitude towards Jesus? What did he
probably knows about Jesus already? Why do you
think he was eager to see Jesus? What was the
peoples attitude towards Zaccheaus? Why did they
call him a sinner?

B. Jesus: lover of the despised

The people obviously despised Zaccheus. But what
about Jesus? How did he treat Zaccheaus? Why did
he treat him that way? Do you think he saw a
deeper need in Zaccheaus? What could it be? How
is his purpose in coming to this world related to his
compassionate attitude to Zaccheaus? (see vs.10)

C. Zaccheaus: the repentant cheater

An interval of time obviously passed between vs. 7
and 8, when Jesus explained to Zaccheaus how he
and his family could gain salvation. Whatever the
message was, it was strongly convincing.

1. What change came to Zaccheaus after meeting


So we see how Zaccheaus repented on his past

sinful life. Note how very clearly Jesus himself that
this salvation has come to Zaccheaus.
1. How did Jesus himself state that this salvation
had come to Zaccheaus. How did Jesus
describe Zaccheaus changed situation?
2. Is it possible for a person to change outwardly
without being changed inwardly?
3. Have you come yet to a point of welcoming
Jesus joyfully and personally into your home of
your heart?

Task 4: Reflections on Practical Implications (15 mins.)

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1. You may not be a chief tax collector like Zaccheaus.
But in what ways you have cheated people? What
can Jesus do for you?
2. Have you asked Jesus to change your life? Why?
When? How?

Task 5: Encourage the contacts to join up to the last lesson.

Lead a closing prayer (5 mins.)

Leaders Note:
If you sensed that they are convicted by the Holy Spirit to
repent and surrender to the Lordship of Jesus then lead them
in prayer to receive Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and


Who: DG facilitator and contacts

Where: a place where you can have a picnic

Objectives: At the end of the fellowship, the contacts are

expected to:

1. Apply for IVCF membership

Leaders note:
This is the time that you will congratulate and affirm
everyone for graduating the GIG program. It is also an
opportunity to encourage them to apply for IVCF
membership. If they are willing to be part of the
fellowship, tell them that they need to undergo 2-3 more
meetings for the interview and orientation.

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Who: DG facilitator and contacts
Where: A place conducive for learning in the campus
What: At the end of the session, all contacts are expected to:
a. make a Personal Badge about his/her identity.
b. share to the group his/her identity using his/her
personal badge.

Motivation: You may sing any action song or have an

Materials: Sino Ang Tunay na Cristiano by Dr. Isabelo Magalit

a. Since this is your first meeting, you may or may not
have an opening or closing prayer. But, of course, you
need to spend time in prayer before meeting them
especially when your contacts became open. Prayer
would be an important step to lead them into faith.
b. After the session, require your contacts to read Sino
ang Tunay na Cristiano? by Dr. Isabelo Magalit.

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Sino Ang Tunay Na Cristiano? by: Dr. Isabelo Magalit

Sino ang Cristiano?

Karamihan ng Filipino, ayon sa Tanggapan ng Senso at
Estadistika! Kung tayoy magtatanong, siyam sa bawat sampu
ay magsasabing siyay Cristiano.
Subalit kung tatanungin natin ang isa sa kanila kung
siyay ligtas na, kadalasan ay wala siyang masasabi. Sana, pero
ewan ko! ang maaaring isagot niya. At kung tayoy
magtatanong pa kung, ano ang kaugnayan niya kay Cristo,
malamang na higit na malabo ang kalagayan niya.
Sino ang tunay na Cristiano?
Sila ang tinatawag na mga alagad ng mga ebanghelista
sina Mateo, Marcos, Lucas, at Juan. Sa aklat naman ng Mga
Gawa ang tawag sa kanila ay mga mananampalataya. Ang
tawag sa kanila ni Apostol Pablo ay mga banal, mga hinirang ng
Diyos (Roma 1:7; Filipos 1:1)
Tatlong beses lamang silang tinatawag na Cristiano sa
Bagong Tipan. Una ay sa lungsod ng Antioquia, bunga marahil
ng kanilang katapatan kay Cristo. Cristiano, mga ari ni Cristo,
sabi seguro ng mga mamamayan (Gawa 11:26). Si Apostol
Pedro naman ay sumulat: Ngunit huwag ikahiya ninuman
kung siyay maparusahan dahil sa pagiging Cristiano (1 Pedro
Si Haring Agrippa ang pangatlong bumanggit ng salita.
Siyay hindi mananampalataya, subalit alam niya ang layunin ni
Apostol Pablo: Sa loob ng maikling panahon ay ibig mo yata
akong maging Cristiano! ang sabi niya (Gawa 26:28).
Ipinagtanggol ni Pablo ang kanyang sarili sa harap ng hari, at
ipinapaliwanag ang kanyang misyon sa buhay pagkatapos
magpakita ng Panginoong Jesus sa kanya. Siyay isinugo ng
Panginoon sa mga Hentil upang imulat ang kanilang mata,
upang ibalik sa kaliwanagan mula sa kadiliman, at sa Diyos
mula sa kapangyarihan ni Satanas. At sa pamamagitan ng
pagsampalataya nila sa akin, silay patatawarin sa kanilang mga
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kasalanan at mabibilang sa mga pinapaging-banal! (Gawa
Tatlong bagay ang dapat mangyari sa isang tao para
siyay maging Cristiano. Una, kailangag mabuksan ang kanyang
mga mata. Pangalawa, kailangang bumalik siya sa liwanag ng
Diyos at tumalikod sa kadiliman ni Satanas. Pangatlo, siyay
dapat manampalataya kay Jesus.
1. Ang Cristiano ay nabuksan ang mga mata

Bakit kailangang mamulat ang

ating mga mata?
Ayon sa Biblia, ang tao
datiy may alam tungkol sa Diyos,
subalit Siyay ating tinalikuran at
tayoy naging bulag sa
katotohanan (Roma 1:19-25).
Tayoy bulag dahil patay sa
espiritu, at tayoy patay sa espiritu dahil sa ating mga
kasalanan (Efeso 2:1-3). Ang ating kasalanan ang siyang dahilan
kung bakit tayo hiwalay sa Diyos at walang kaugnayan sa Kanya
(Roma 3:2; 6:23).
Subalit dahil sa laki ng Kanyang pagmamahal sa atin,
hindi tayo pinabayaan ng Diyos. Tinalikuran natin Siya, subalit
nais pa rin Niyang magpakilala sa atin. Ipinadala Niya ang
Kanyang bugtong na Anak upang Siyay makilala natin (Juan
1:14, 18; Juan 14:6; Colosas 1:15; Hebreo 1:3). Ang Diyos na di
nakikita ay nagpakita sa atin. Inalis Niya ang ating pagkabulag
upang Makita natin ang Kanyang kaluwalhatian sa mukha ni
Jesus (2 Corinto 4:4). Iminulat Nya ang ating mga mata.
2. Ang Cristiano ay tumalikod sa kadiliman

Hindi sapat ang imulat ang ating mga mata upang

tayoy maging Cristiano. Hindi sapat na ang Diyos ay
nagpakilala sa atin sa pamamagitan ng Kanyang bugtong na
Anak. Kailangan nating tumugon sa Kanya.

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Ang pagtugon sa
liwanag ay pagtalikod sa
kadiliman. Kailangang
iwaksi natin ang ating
mga kasalanan, ang ating
pagkaalipin kay Satanas,
upang tayoy bumalik sa
liwanag at katotohanan
ng Diyos. Kung tutuusin itoy Gawain ng Diyos (Colosas 1:13)
subalit itoy ating pananagutan din (Gawa 3:19). Ang
pagbabalik-loob sa Diyos ay ang pag-iba ng direksyon sa buhay.
Magmula ngayon, ang ating kalooban ay nasa ilalim ng
paghahari ng Diyos.
Kakatwa, ngunit maaari tayong makakita ng liwanag at
ibigin pa nating manatili sa dilim. Ang isang binata na pinuno
ng mga Judio ay minahal ni Jesus. Subalit dahil ayaw niyang
iwaksi ang kanyang idolong kayamanan, siyay nanatili sa dilim.
Nais niyang magkaroon ng buhay na walang-hanggan ngunit
ayaw rin niyang bumitiw sa kanyang kasalanan! (Marcos 10:17-
3. Ang Cristiano ay nananampalataya kay Jesus

Ang pagtugon sa liwanag ay ang manampalataya kay

Ano ang ibig sabihin ng
manampalataya kay Jesus? Una,
dapat kilalanin nating Siyang
bugtong na Anak ng Diyos, na
nagkatawang-tao upang maging
Tagapagligtas natin (Mateo 1:21;
Filipos 2:6-11). Ang Kanyang
kamatayan sa krus ay isang
kabayaran, isang katubusan
(Marcos 10:45). Dapat tayo ang
namatay dahil sa ating mga
kasalanan, subalit sa halip ay Siya
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ang namatay. Siya ang tanging paraan upang tayo ay
Ang pananampalataya ay pananalig din. Kung talagang
kinikilala natin si Jesus na Tagapagligtas, tayoy mananalig sa
Kanya bilang tanging paraan upang tayoy madala sa Diyos (1
Pedro 3:18). Hindi tayo umaasa sa ating mabuting gawa, o sa
ating pagka-relihiyoso. Ang ating tiwala ay wala sa ating
patron, maski na ito ay si Pedro, si Jose, o si Maria. Tayoy
nananalig kay Jesus, kay Jesus lamang. Wala nang ibang
pangalang ibinigay para sa kaligtasan (Gawa 4:12).
Pangatlo, dapat din nating ipagkatiwala sa Kanya ang
ating puso at buhay. Sapagkat ang Tagapagligtas ay Siya ring
Panginoon. Namatay Siya para sa atin upang tayo naman ay
huwag nang mabuhay sa sarili kundi para sa Kanya (2 Corinto
Ang pananampalataya kay Jesus ay katulad ng
pagkakaroon ng asawa. Pinaniniwalaan mo ang katapatan ng
iyong magiging kabiyak. Pinagkakatiwalaan mo rin siya, at
pinagkalooban mo ng buong sarili. Siyay tinatanggap mo sa
puso at buhay. Katulad niyan ang pagtanggap kay Cristo (Juan
1:12; Pahayag 3:20).

Pinatawad at kabilang sa Iglesya

Hindi lamang kapatawaran ng kasalanan ang
natatanggap ng mananampalatay. Siya ay napapabilang din sa
mga pinapaging-banal. Ang tinutukoy rito ay ang Iglesia, ang
komunidad ng lahat ng may bagong kaugnayan sa Diyos dahil
sa kanilang pananampalataya kay Cristo.
Kapag tayoy naging Cristiano, lahat ng ibang Cristiano
ay kapatid natin kay Cristo. Kailangan nating maging bahagi ng
kapatiran at dapat tayong umanib sa isang iglesya. Kailangan
natin ang tulong ng isat isa kayat dapat tayong dumalo sa mga
pagtitipon ng kapatiran (Hebreo 10:24,25)

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Aling iglesya? Napakaraming iglesya
ang nagpapahayag na silay iglesya ni Cristo!
Ang hanapin natin ay ang kongregasyon na
kung saan ang Salita ng Diyos ay matuwid na
ipinangangaral at kung saan si Cristo ang
binibigyan ng pinakamataas na parangal.
Diyan natin matatagpuan ang ating mga
kapatid sa pananampalataya.

Sino ang tunay na Cristiano?

Kayo bay tunay na Cristiano na?
Ngayon din, maaari kayong tumalikod sa kasalanan at
magbukas ng inyong puso kay Cristo!

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Bondad, Rebecca; Girao, Dolores; and Ulan, Flordeliza. Bible Studies

Series B: The God Who Cares pages 15-22, Honest Answers
to Honest Questions. IVCF Philippines with OMF Lit. Inc.,
Bonifacio Ave., Mandaluyong, Metro Manila, 1986.

IVCF Literature Department. Start Right, Basic Christian Life Studies,

4 Edition. IVCF Philippines, Don Primitivo Extn., Don
Antonio Hts., Diliman, QC 1100 Philippines, 2005.

Magalit, Isabelo. Who is the Real Christian? (Sino ang Tunay nga
Cristiano?) OMF Lit. Inc., Bonifacio Ave., Mandaluyong,
Metro Manila, _____.

Matthias Media. Two Ways To Live, Printed and Live Presentation. and, Australia, 2012.

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Attendance Sheet

DG Name:________________________________________________
DG Leader:_______________________________________________
DG Assistant Leader:_______________________________________
DG Schedule & Venue: every_______________ at _______________
IVCF Chapter Name (if applicable):____________________________

# Members Full Name CP# s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6


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IVCF-Southern Mindanao

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