Pub 1032621
Pub 1032621
Pub 1032621
health facilities, and an increase in patients with acute and linked to their managers leadership style; leaders are recog-
chronic diseases (Davidson et al. 1997, Baker et al. 2000, nized as central to nursing teams (Kosinska & Niebroj 2003)
Curtin 2000). These changes increase the need for autonom- and clinical supervision can promote autonomous behaviours
ous nursing practice. in nursing professionals (Berggren & Severinsson 2003).
Enhancing nurses autonomy has been of interest to those Nurse managers who enhance staff nurses autonomy are
who wish to maintain nursing standards and promote the also likely to enhance their job satisfaction and decisions to
professionalism of nursing. Autonomy is viewed as a stay in their jobs (Huff 1997, Seguin 2003). In addition, a
positive concept for nurses (Ballou 1998, Nietsche & manager who is considerate to staff, values their input, and
Backes 2000), influencing job satisfaction, retention and supports personal development has a direct effect on retent-
quality of care. Today, when staffing levels are reduced in ion (Boyle et al. 1999). Also, managers leadership behav-
hospitals, there are concerns about a decline in the quality iours can influence staff retention indirectly, through the
of care because of the increased demands of workload and utilization of their work experience, individual decision-
patient acuity (Davidson et al. 1997, Curtin 2000, Blegen making, communication of essential information, and rela-
2001). These demands may also influence the autonomy of tionships with co-workers (Nolan et al. 1999).
nurses. Research findings have accentuated the vital role of nurse
The purpose of this research was to examine the percep- managers in influencing staff nurses autonomy, work envi-
tions of hospital staff nurses about: their autonomy in ronment and quality of working life, and in facilitating
practice; the roles that nurse managers have in enhancing patient care (Kennerly 2000, Margall & Duquette 2000,
their autonomy; and actions that nurse managers could use to Gould et al. 2001, Kerfoot 2001). Work environment is
enhance their autonomy. This is one of only a few studies to linked to leadership and management styles (Boyle et al.
link reported nurse managers actions with staff nurses 1999, Davidhizar & Cathon 2001), and Lucas (1991) reports
autonomy. It is also one of only a few studies that has used an a strong positive relationship between participative leader-
electronic questionnaire for data collection. ship and job satisfaction.
2004 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 45(3), 326336 327
M.T. Mrayyan
giving 3615 potential participants. One listserv was cancelled, Decisions related to patient care:
which resulted in failure of delivery for 532 e-mail addresses. defining patient care provision
One Internet provider stopped its free delivery and another enhancing staff collaboration
one was sold, which resulted in some changes in participants handling patient and physician complaints
e-mail addresses. These changes resulted in 607 returned resolving diagnosis and discharge-related issues.
e-mails because of invalid addresses (23% of the e-mails were Decisions related to unit operations:
non-deliverable). Nine hundred and ninety-seven e-mails were organizing their own work
not sent because it was determined from their e-mail addresses planning to deliver high quality care
that they were educators or researchers (tested through 50 developing and revising patient care procedures
individual contacts who responded that they were not eligible managing unit resources.
because they were working in nursing schools), and another Blegen et al.s scale is a Likert scale with responses ranging
249 people e-mailed back that they were not eligible either from 1 to 5 as follows: 1 nurses have no authority and
because they were not nurses or had not worked in hospitals accountability; 2 nurses assume authority and account-
settings in the past 5 years. However, these study limitations ability when asked; 3 nurses share authority and account-
were similar to what Sheehan and Hoy (1999) experienced in ability with others; 4 nurses consult with others and
their electronic data collection. They sent 5000 e-mails to participate in group decisions; 5 nurses have full inde-
collect their studys data, but 255% were non-deliverable and pendent authority and accountability. Blegen et al. obtained
it was difficult to compute an accurate response rate. Cronbachs alpha coefficients of 078 for the patient care
Our sample was one of convenience, based on the decisions subscale and 092 for the unit operation subscale.
accessibility of hospital staff nurses from different countries. Content validity of the entire scale was determined through
In this type of sampling bias is great, as is the threat to the expert panel and found to be satisfactory.
validity. The fact that nurses who subscribe to listservs might Part II Nurse managers actions scale. A scale (initially nine
not be representative of the whole region should be taken into items) was developed specifically for this study, based on the
consideration. Also, our study was directed toward hospital literature (Hersey & Blanchard 1988, Taunton et al. 1989a,
staff nurses representing one occupational group. Use of the 1989b, 1997, Weaver et al. 1991, Blegen et al. 1993, McGillis
Internet limits the sample to those who have access and the & Donner 1997). Staff nurses were asked how often the nurse
knowledge to use the Internet. However, unless some manager performed certain actions, such as: supports nurses
researchers take the risk of conducting electronic data to resolve conflicts with physicians, patients, and colleagues
collection, the promises of web-based research will remain and supports staff nurses autonomous decision-making. A
unfulfilled. five-point Likert scale was designed, as follows: 1 does not
An eligibility criterion ensured that nurses were familiar do; 2 seldom; 3 sometimes; 4 usually; 5 always.
with hospital environments, by requiring that they had Part III Characteristics/demographic data. Demographic
worked in a hospital for at least 1 year within the last data were collected on both nurses and managers. Nurses
5 years. Contact was made with the potential participants, characteristics related to: gender, marital status, shift worked,
and they were requested to indicate if they met the criterion time commitment, country where nurses currently worked,
and would be willing to participate in the study. education, age, years of experience in nursing, and years of
experience in the current area of work. Nurse managers
characteristics related to: gender, education, age, years of
experience in nursing, and years of experience in management.
Following the method used by Hayajneh (2000), an elec- Part IV Open-ended questions. In order to cover all aspects
tronic questionnaire was used. The questionnaire had four of nurses autonomy, two open-ended questions asked the
parts: staff nurses to list: (a) three factors that they considered
Part I Autonomy scale. The autonomy scale of Blegen et al. important to enhancing their autonomy, and (b) three factors
(1993) was used to measure nurses autonomy. The that they considered hindered their autonomy.
questionnaire was a self-report tool consisting of 42 items;
21 items related to decisions about patient care and the other
Reliability and validity
21 items related to decisions about unit operations. Blegen
et al. used an expert panel to review the 42 items. Panel The study used a descriptive comparative design. Ten nurse
members grouped items into four sections for both the patient managers in the USA were used as an expert panel to
care subscale and the unit operations subscale: establish the content validity of the nurse mangers actions
328 2004 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 45(3), 326336
Nursing and healthcare management and policy Nurses autonomy
scale (initially consisting of nine items), and found it to be non-deliverable e-mails (Sheehan & Hoy 1999). Also, it is not
satisfactory. The internal consistency of scale items (reliab- known how many people who received the request to
ility) was addressed by correlating each of the nine items with participate were not eligible. However, sampling a large
the total item score. The acceptable level of coefficient alpha and diverse population from different countries resulted in an
was set at not <070 (Thorndike 1982). However, because estimated response rate of nearly 10%.
the total number of items was small, the concept of negative After consulting a statistician, samples from Canada and
correlation vs. positive correlation was used. Positive corre- the UK were combined to form a non-USA sample, as data
lation indicated the internal consistency of scale items, and from these samples showed similar standard deviations with
negative correlation indicated that items were not related to regard to nurses and managers demographic details and
each other and that they were not measuring the same organizational characteristics. This made comparisons and
phenomenon (Pedhazur & Schmelkin 1991, Norusis 1993). meaningful data interpretation possible, although some
One item showed negative correlation (r 019) and was, differences between the health care systems of these countries
therefore, eliminated. Itemtotal correlation of the other had to be borne in mind.
eight items ranged from 012 to 084, and the reliability
coefficient was 066. The nurse managers were asked for
Ethical considerations
recommendations on the content of a second (eight-item)
draft of the scale. Four of the 10 respondents thought that The university institutional review board approved the
nurse managers should encourage autonomous decision- implementation of the study. Returned questionnaires did
making, self scheduling, and participation in planning capital not include the names of respondents, as they were imported
expenditures. Three items were added to capture these ideas. directly into a database file that was created through
The revised scale, following the pilot test, consisted of Microsoft Access, thus assuring anonymity and confidential-
11 items. The reliability coefficient of the 11 items was 088, ity.
which is satisfactory for a newly established scale.
Data analysis
Pilot study
For all statistical data analysis, alpha was set at 001, as the
The electronic questionnaire was piloted with five graduate study had many variables. Thus, significant results that were
nursing students who were requested to estimate the time due to chance were minimized. The research questions were
required to complete the questionnaire and to identify any addressed by using data analysis procedures and statistics such
technical difficulties or any defects in the data inputting as mean, standard deviations, frequencies, Pearson product
process. Based on the pilot study, the time required to fill and moment correlations, regression analyses, and content analy-
submit the electronic questionnaire was estimated to be sis for the two open-ended questions. T-tests and chi-squared
20 minutes. Data were imported accurately into the database tests were used to compare between the USA and non-USA
file; this was confirmed by comparing the answers in the samples. The t-test was used with continuous variables such as
submitted electronic questionnaire with those in a hard copy the autonomy items and nurse managers actions, while the
of the questionnaire. The pilot study was also intended to chi-squared test was used with categorical variables such as
detect any issues relating to the web server on which the sample demographics (Agresti & Finlay 1999).
electronic questionnaire was hosted.
Main study
Significant differences in participants demographic details
An attempt was made to send each nurse an invitation and an are displayed in Tables 13. Comparisons of the demographic
electronic questionnaire link via their e-mail addresses. A variables of the two groups of USA and non-USA nurses and
reminder to participate in the study was sent to 13 clinical nurse managers were performed using chi-square analysis, as
listservs, because of an initial low response rate. Four all variables were treated as categorical. Nurses selected their
hundred and fifty questionnaires were returned, and data categories by marking checkboxes in the electronic question-
cleaning resulted in 317 usable questionnaires, of which 264 naire. Unequal sample sizes between USA and non-USA
(833%) were from the USA and 53 (167%) from Canada nurses were taken into consideration during data analysis by
and the UK. With web-based data collection, it is very looking for any extreme differences in the standard deviations
difficult to calculate an accurate response rate because of of variables before data interpretation.
2004 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 45(3), 326336 329
M.T. Mrayyan
There were some differences between countries in terms of differences in terms of the level of education (P < 0001).
nurses demographic details (Table 1) such as gender Over 85% (n 211) of USA nurse managers held bacca-
(P 0001): the non-USA part of the sample was 245% laureate or masters degrees vs. 568% (n 25) in other
(n 13) male, while the USA part was only 8% (n 21) countries. In other countries, more nurse managers held a
male. There were differences between countries in shifts diploma than in the USA (432%, n 19 vs. 149%, n 37).
worked (P < 0001): 212% (n 56) of USA nurses worked There were significant differences between nurse managers in
night shifts vs. 38% (n 2) in other countries, and only term of age (P 0004): 157% (n 8) non-USA nurse
182% (n 48) of USA nurses worked rotating shifts vs. managers were 2534 years old vs. 55% (n 14) in the
472% (n 25) of non-USA nurses. USA, and 176% (n 9) non-USA nurse managers were
Comparisons between USA and non-USA nurse managers 55 years old or more vs. 74% (n 19) in the USA. The
demographic details (Table 2) indicated there were significant majority of USA nurse managers were 3554 years old
*The total of some categories do not equal 317 because of missing data.
*The totals for some categories do not equal 317 because of missing data.
330 2004 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 45(3), 326336
Nursing and healthcare management and policy Nurses autonomy
Table 3 Mean values and standard deviations of autonomy scores decisions. Alpha reliability of the autonomy scale was 094
for the 42 items.
Score n X SD
Patient care decisions and unit operation decisions were
Total autonomy 317 314 068 ranked in ascending order, based on their reported means.
Patient care decisions autonomy 316 374 074
Nurses reported that they had the most autonomy when
Unit operation decisions autonomy 316 256 086
making decisions about the following areas of patient care:
serving as patient advocates, questioning physician orders,
(871%) (n 224) vs. 667% (n 34) in the non-USA teaching about patient medication, consulting with medical
sample. Nurse managers in the USA were more experienced doctors (MDs) and other professionals, and preventing skin
(P 0001). Only 09% (n 2) of nurse managers had breakdown (Table 4). On the contrary, nurses reported low
<1 year of experience in nursing in the USA compared with autonomy in relation to informing patients about surgical
104% (n 5) in other countries, and 865% (n 198) of risks, ordering diagnostic tests, and determining the day of
USA nurse managers had more than 10 years of experience discharge.
compared with 75% (n 36) of nurse managers in other With regard to unit operational decisions (Table 5),
countries. nurses were most autonomous when trading hours with
To answer research question 1, a mean score for each of each other (replacing each other on the schedule), deciding
the subscales relating to autonomy was calculated by adding their own breaks and lunch times, making patient assign-
the items and dividing the total by 21, as each subscale had ments, serving on departmental committees, and presenting
21 items. On a 5-point Likert scale, the sample mean for unit in-service programmes. Nurses reported low autonomy
total autonomy was 314. The mean for patient care in respect of interviewing and selecting new staff, identifying
decisions autonomy was 374 and the mean for unit causes of unit budget variance, and planning the yearly unit
operation decisions was 256 (Table 3). These results budget.
indicate that nurses perceived they had more autonomy To answer research question 2, a mean score for the nurse
over patient care decisions than over unit operation managers actions scale was calculated by adding the items
and dividing the total by 11, as this scale had 11 items. The
mean score for nurse managers actions was 303 (Table 6),
Table 4 Mean values and standard deviations of patient care deci-
sions autonomy subscale Table 5 Mean values and standard deviations of unitoperation
decisions autonomy subscale
n 317
n 317
Patient care decisions X SD
2004 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 45(3), 326336 331
M.T. Mrayyan
Table 6 Mean values and standard deviations of nurse managers Table 7 Comparisons of correlations of autonomy scores and nurse
actions (n 317) managers actions (n 317)
332 2004 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 45(3), 326336
Nursing and healthcare management and policy Nurses autonomy
Nurses reported that they had more autonomy in making majority of patient care decision items. However, there was low
patient care decisions than unit operation decisions. This autonomy in relation to some aspects of patient care decisions,
finding is consistent with the results of other studies such as determining day of discharge, which may reflect
(Ferguson-Pare 1996, Cook et al. 2001, Krairiksh & Anthony negatively on the quality and cost of nursing care. Patients who
2001). are discharged prematurely may be rehospitalized with more
Nurses also reported that their managers sometimes complicated conditions. Nurses should become more involved
encouraged them to enhance their autonomy. Studies have in discharge-related decisions as they have the knowledge to
shown that nurses who work in hospitals desire autonomy assess patients readiness to care for themselves. This informa-
and responsibility and usually like to be led by a leader with a tion must be used in team decisions about discharge.
participative leadership style (Allen 2000, Margall & Autonomy relating to unit operational decisions was
Duquette 2000). These managers are open-minded, and reported to be lower than that relating to patient care
facilitate team communication, conflict handling, and shared decisions. In only two of the 21 unit operation decisions, was
decision-making. The findings about nurse managers actions the mean above 35 on a 5-point scale; these related to
that promote nurses autonomy are supported by those of arrangements for trading hours and deciding own break
other studies (Adams et al. 1996, McGillis & Donner 1997, and lunch time. Blegen et al. (1993) report that staff nurses
Taunton et al. 1997). would welcome making more decisions that are related to
Nurses reported that the three important variables that unit operations. Discussion has to take place between nurses
increased nurses autonomy were supportive management, and nurse managers on strategies to increase the involvement
education and experience. On the contrary, the three most of nurses in unit operation decisions. They should explore
important variables that were reported to decrease autonomy how to increase nurse involvement in research activities and
were autocratic/non-supportive management, physicians and how to facilitate input into planning the unit budget. A
workload. Education enhances nurses autonomy, and those participative management style on the part of the nurse
who had taken university-based undergraduate nursing manager can assist in these initiatives.
courses demonstrated a more positive attitude toward pro- In response to the items inviting comments, participative
fessional autonomy than those who had hospital-based management was identified as the main factor that enhanced
training (Williams & McGowan 1995). Experienced staff nurses autonomy and autocratic/non-participative manage-
nurses had more authority and autonomy in their work. ment was the main factor that hindered it. Increasingly, as
Professional autonomy in nursing has been found to increase researchers explore the attributes of professional practice
with increases in grade of post and years of experience environments, participative management is highlighted as a
(Kikuchi & Harada 1997, Hooi et al. 2000). factor in enhancing nurse autonomy, a main attribute of
Nurses lack of autonomy has been related to hospital rules professional practice. In my study, nurse managers were
and physicians traditional mode of supervision and control perceived by staff nurses as sometimes engaging in actions
(Carmel et al. 1988). Medical decisions were reported to be that enhanced their autonomy. Staff nurses and their man-
given higher priority than nursing decisions. Autonomy has agers need to engage in dialogue to determine which
been viewed by others as an important factor in the power managers actions are likely to enhance staff nurse autonomy.
imbalance between nurses and physicians (McParland et al. Nurses reported physicians as the second factor that
2000). Unfortunately, in this power struggle patient care, hindered their autonomy. To achieve optimum patient care,
which is supposed to be the major goal of a health care nursephysician collaboration is needed, based on trust,
system, is often relegated to a lower priority. Increased respect, and joint contributions of knowledge, skills and
workload (related to patient acuity) has also been associated values.
with registered nurse perceptions of lower autonomy
(Ferguson-Pare 1996). In these situations, nurse mangers
Implications for education
have vital roles to play. Practising a participative manage-
ment and decision-making style could enhance autonomy. The findings suggest that education enhances autonomy.
Nursing students at undergraduate and graduate levels can be
offered extensive coursework in leadership, communication,
Implications for practice
conflict resolution, and decision-making. Moreover, nurse
The findings indicate that nurses have more autonomy over managers have to be educationally prepared to assume their
patient care decisions than over unit operation decisions. roles and responsibilities and to fulfill organizational goals.
Nurses reported a high level of autonomy in response to the Nurses who plan to be in administrative positions should take
2004 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 45(3), 326336 333
M.T. Mrayyan
Implications for research
Special thanks are due to Prof. Joanne McCloskey Dochterman
This study is considered to be a baseline for further research
at the University of Iowa College of Nursing for her help during
that could explore in more depth the role of the nurse
my doctoral study and Prof. Sonia Acorn at the University of
manager in enhancing nurse autonomy. The instrument for
British Columbia College of Nursing for her help in preparing
measuring nurse managers actions could be expanded to
this manuscript.
involve a wider range of managerial activities. Further
research is needed to examine the barriers to autonomy that
nurses face in relation to unit operational decisions and what References
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