TFN Declaration Form PDF
TFN Declaration Form PDF
TFN Declaration Form PDF
NAT 3092-07.2016
You dont have a TFN Foreign resident tax rates are different
If you dont have a TFN and want to provide a TFN to your A higher rate of tax applies to a foreign residents taxable
payer, youwill need to apply for one. income and foreign residents are not entitled to a taxfree
For more information about applying for a TFN, visit threshold nor can they claim tax offsets to reduce withholding, unless you are in receipt of an Australian
Government pension or allowance.
You may be able to claim an exemption from quoting
To check your Australian residency status for tax purposes
Print X in the appropriate box if you: or formore information, visit
have lodged a TFN application form or made an enquiry to
obtain your TFN. You now have 28 days to provide your TFN
to your payer, who must withhold at the standard rate during Answer no to this question if you are not an Australian resident
this time. After 28days, if you have not given your TFN to for tax purposes, unless you are in receipt of an Australian
your payer, they willwithhold the top rate of tax from future Government pension or allowance. If you answer no, you
payments mustalso answer no at question 10.
are claiming an exemption from quoting a TFN because you
are under 18 years of age and do not earn enough to pay Question 8
tax, or you arean applicant or recipient of certain pensions,
benefits or allowances from the Do you want to claim the taxfree threshold
Department of Human Services however, you will need fromthispayer?
to quote your TFN if you receive a Newstart, Youth or The taxfree threshold is the amount of income you can earn
sickness allowance, or an Austudy or parenting payment each financial year that is not taxed. By claiming the threshold,
Department of Veterans Affairs a service pension under you reduce the amount of tax that is withheld from your pay
the Veterans Entitlement Act 1986 during the year.
Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission.
Answer yes if you want to claim the taxfree threshold, you are
an Australian resident for tax purposes, and one of the following
Providing your TFN to your super fund applies:
Your payer must give your TFN to the super fund they pay your you are not currently claiming the taxfree threshold from
contributions to. If your super fund does not have yourTFN, anotherpayer
you canprovide it to them separately. This ensures: you are currently claiming the taxfree threshold from another
your super fund can accept all types of contributions to your payer and your total income from all sources will be less than
accounts the taxfree threshold.
additional tax will not be imposed on contributions as a result Answer yes if you are a foreign resident in receipt of an
offailing to provide your TFN Australian Government pension or allowance.
you can trace different super accounts in your name.
Otherwise answer no.
Claim tax offsets with only one payer Have you repaid your HELP, SSL, TSL or Financial
You are not entitled to claim tax offsets with more than one Supplementdebt?
payer at the same time. When you have repaid your HELP, SSL, TSL or Financial
Supplement debt, you need to complete a Withholding
You may be eligible for one or more of the following: declaration (NAT 3093) notifying your payer of the change
a zone tax offset if you live or work in certain remote or
inyour circumstances.
isolated areasof Australia
an overseas forces tax offset if you serve overseas as a Sign and date the declaration
member ofAustralias Defence Force or a United Nations Make sure you have answered all the questions in
armed force sectionA, thensign and date the declaration. Give
an invalid and invalid carer tax offset. your completed declaration to your payer to complete
Answer yes to this question if you are eligible and choose sectionB.
to receive taxoffsets by reducing the amount withheld from
payments made to you from this payer. You also need to
complete a Withholding declaration (NAT3093).
Section B: To be completed by
Answer no to this question if you are either:
not eligible for the tax offsets
a foreign resident
choose to receive any of these tax offsets as an endofyear Important information for payers see the reverse side of
lump sumthrough the tax system theform.
are already claiming the offset from another payer.
Lodge online
For more information about your entitlement, Payers can lodge TFN declaration reports online if you
visit have software that complies with our specifications.
For more information about lodging the TFN declaration
report online, visit
If you feel that this publication does not fully cover your circumstances, or you
areunsure how it applies to you, you can seek further assistance from us.
We regularly revise our publications to take account of any changes to the law,
somake sure that you have the latest information. If you are unsure, you can
checkfor more recent information on our website at or contact us.
Section A: To be completed by the PAYEE 6 On what basis are you paid? (Select only one.)
1 What is your tax Fulltime Parttime Labour Superannuation Casual
filenumber (TFN)? employment employment hire or annuity employment
income stream
OR I have made a separate application/enquiry to
For more the ATO for a new or existing TFN. 7 Are you an Australian resident fortax purposes? Yes No
information, see
(Visit to check)
question 1 on page 2 OR I am claiming an exemption because I am under
of the instructions. 18 years of age and do not earn enough to pay tax. 8 Do you want to claim the taxfree threshold from this payer?
OR I am claiming an exemption because I am in Only claim the taxfree threshold from one payer at a time, unless your
receipt of a pension, benefit or allowance. total income from all sources for the financial year will be less than the
taxfree threshold.
Answer no here and at question 10 if you are a foreign resident,
2 What is your name? Title: Mr Mrs Miss Ms Yes No except if you are a foreign resident in receipt of an Australian
Surname or family name Government pension or allowance.
9 Do you want to claim the seniors and pensioners tax offset by
First given name reducing the amount withheld from payments made to you?
Complete a Withholding declaration (NAT 3093), but only if you
Yes are claiming the taxfree threshold from this payer. If you have No
Other given names more than one payer, see page 3 of the instructions.
10 Do you want to claim a zone, overseas forces or invalid and invalid carer
taxoffset by reducing the amount withheld from payments made to you?
3 If you have changed your name since you last dealt with the ATO,
Yes Complete a Withholding declaration (NAT 3093). No
provideyour previous family name.
11 (a) Do you have a Higher Education Loan Program (HELP), Student Startup
Loan (SSL) or TradeSupportLoan (TSL) debt?
Day Month Year
Your payer will withhold additional amounts to cover any compulsory
Yes repayment that may be raised on your notice of assessment. No
4 What is your date of birth?
(b) Do you have a Financial Supplement debt?
5 What is your home address in Australia? Your payer will withhold additional amounts to cover any compulsory
Yes repayment that may be raised on your notice of assessment. No
DECLARATION by payee: I declare that the information I have given is true and correct.
Suburb/town/locality Day Month Year
Once section A is completed and signed, give it to your payer to complete sectionB.
Section B: To be completed by the PAYER (if you are not lodging online)
1 What is your Australian business number (ABN) or Branch number 4 What is your business address?
withholding payer number? (if applicable)
Payer obligations
If you withhold amounts from payments, or are likely to withhold
Provision of payees TFN to the payees super fund
amounts, the payee may give you this form with section A If you make a super contribution for your payee, you need to give
completed. A TFN declaration applies to payments made after the your payees TFN to their super fund on the day of contribution, or if
declaration is provided to you. The information provided on this form the payee has not yet quoted their TFN, within 14 days of receiving
is used to determine the amount of tax to be withheld from payments this form from your payee.
based on the PAYG withholding tax tables we publish. If the payee
gives you another declaration, itoverrides any previous declarations.
Storing and disposing of TFN declarations
Has your payee advised you that they have applied The TFN guidelines issued under the Privacy Act 1988 require you to
use secure methods when storing and disposing of TFN information.
for a TFN, or enquired about their existing TFN? You maystore a paper copy of the signed form or electronic files
Where the payee indicates at question 1 on this form that they have of scanned forms. Scanned forms must be clear and not altered
applied for an individual TFN, or enquired about their existing TFN, inanyway.
theyhave 28 days to give you their TFN. You must withhold tax for If a payee:
28 days at the standard rate according to the PAYG withholding
submits a new TFN declaration (NAT 3092), you must retain a
tax tables. After 28days, if the payee has not given you their TFN,
copy of the earlier form for the current and following financial year.
you must then withhold the top rate of tax from future payments,
has not received payments from you for 12 months, you must
unlesswe tell you not to.
retain a copy of the last completed form for the current and
following financial year.
If your payee has not given you a completed form
you must: Penalties
notify us within 14 days of the start of the withholding obligation by
You may incur a penalty if you do not:
completing as much of the payee section of the form as you can.
PrintPAYER in the payee declaration and lodge the form see lodge TFN declarations with us
Lodging the form. keep a copy of completed TFN declarations for your
withhold the top rate of tax from any payment to that payee. records
provide the payees TFN to their super fund where the
payee quoted their TFN to you.
For a full list of tax tables, visit our website at