Kiss Pep Tin

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Association of kisspeptin-10 levels with

abortus imminens: A preliminary study

Article in Archives of Gynecology August 2011

DOI: 10.1007/s00404-011-2061-0 Source: PubMed


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5 authors, including:

Zehra Sema Ozkan Banu Kumbak

Kirikkale University Scool of Medicine Yeditepe University


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Arch Gynecol Obstet (2012) 285:649653
DOI 10.1007/s00404-011-2061-0


Association of kisspeptin-10 levels with abortus imminens:

a preliminary study
Serif Kavvasoglu Zehra Sema Ozkan
Banu Kumbak Mehmet Smsek Necip Ilhan

Received: 12 May 2011 / Accepted: 2 August 2011 / Published online: 17 August 2011
Springer-Verlag 2011

Abstract Introduction
Purpose To investigate the association between kisspep-
tin 10 (Kp-10) levels and early pregnancy bleeding and Trophoblast invasion strongly resembles tumor metastasis
perinatal outcome. in that trophoblasts drive the same molecular mechanisms
Methods A total of 20 pregnant women with the com- for their migration and invasion as tumor cells [1, 2].
plaint of vaginal bleeding during 718 gestational weeks Degredation of extracellular matrix (ECM) by matrix-
and 20 healthy gestational week matched pregnant women metalloproteinases (MMPs) is the most important part of
were included in the study. Maternal plasma Kp-10 levels this process [2]. Tight regulation of this physiologic
were measured with the enzyme immunoassay method. invasion process in temporal and spatial manner differ-
Adverse pregnancy outcomes like intrauterine growth entiates it from tumor metastasis. Temporal control
restriction, preterm delivery, preeclampsia and low birth allows a peak of trophoblast penetration into the maternal
weight were evaluated in both groups. uterus at around week 12 of gestation that declines rap-
Results Maternal plasma Kp-10 levels (p = 0.01) and idly thereafter. Spatial control restricts the depth of tro-
birth weight (p = 0.06) were found to be lower in women phoblast invasion to the decidua and the proximal third of
with bleeding. Intrauterine growth restriction, preterm the myometrium [3]. Dysregulation of this perfectly
delivery and intrauterine exitus were noted more commonly controlled process of trophoblast invasion results in a
in women with bleeding (10 vs. 0%, 25 vs. 15% and 20 vs. wide spectrum of pregnancy complications [4, 5]. TGF-b,
0%, p = 0.08). Preeclampsia were developed in 5% of both TNF-a, and gonadotropin releasing hormone inhibit tro-
groups. Kp-10 levels showed positive correlation with phoblast invasion [68] and recently, kisspeptins have
gestational week (p = 0.02) and ALT levels (p = 0.02). also been identified as additional regulators of trophoblast
Conlusion Kp-10 levels were found lower in women with invasion [9].
early pregnancy bleeding. Kisspeptins (Kp-54, Kp-14, Kp-13 and Kp-10) comprise
a family of peptides derived from the primary translation
Keywords Early pregnancy bleeding  Kisspeptin-10  product of the KiSS-1 gene. They are the endogenous
Pregnancy outcome  Trophoblast invasion ligands of KiSS-1 receptor (KiSS-1R) and Kp-10 has the
highest affinity for KiSS-1R [10]. Kisspeptins are pre-
dominantly secreted from syncytiotrophoblasts and their
expression level is the highest in the first trimester [11].
Only Kp-10 stimulates intracellular Ca2? release in tro-
S. Kavvasoglu  Z. S. Ozkan (&)  B. Kumbak  M. Smsek
Department of Obstetric and Gynecology, Firat Universitesi phoblasts of the early placenta [9] and regulates invasion of
Hastanesi Kadin Dogum Anabilim Dali, 23119 Elazig, Turkey the trophoblast into the decidua by inhibiting MMP
e-mail: [email protected] expression [1214]. Abortus imminens is one of the fre-
quently seen complications of early gestation. We hypot-
N. Ilhan
Department of Biochemistry, Firat University School esized that abortus imminens could be the result of
of Medicine, Elazig, Turkey ineffective placentation and we intended to investigate the

650 Arch Gynecol Obstet (2012) 285:649653

possible association between serum Kp-10 levels and early Students t-test and MannWhitney U-test according to the
pregnancy bleeding. distribution of data. The significance of differences in the
categorical variables of the two groups was assessed using
Chi-squared test or Fishers exact test, wherever applica-
Materials and methods ble. The relation between Kp-10 levels and the age, ges-
tational week, crown rump length (CRL), gravida, number
Study population of abortions, hemoglobin level, hematocrit, white blood
cell count (WBC), platelet count, AST, ALT and LDH
A group of 40 women with singleton pregnancies who levels were evaluated by the Pearson correlation test.
received perinatal care from Firat University Hospital, Stepwise regression analysis was employed on Kp-10 using
Department of Obstetric and Gynecology during November BMI, age, gestational week,and ALT to identify significant
2009June 2010 were included in the present study. covariates with Kp-10. P values of \0.05 were considered
Twenty of them were hospitalized with the diagnosis of as statistically significant.
abortus imminens (study group) and the remaining 20
healthy pregnant women were included as the control
group. The gestational ages of all the pregnant women Results
were between 7 and 18 weeks. A detailed medical history
of subjects was obtained through administration of health Demographic and the clinical characteristics of the study
questionnaires. Body mass index (BMI) of women was and the control groups are demonstrated in Table 1. There
estimated. The women who had retroplacental hematoma, was no significant difference between the groups regarding
multiple pregnancy, history of trauma, history of pre- the demographic and clinical characteristics except gesta-
eclampsia in previous pregnancy, excessive daily smoking tional week. The mean CRL of the study and the control
and alcohol drinking, fetal anomaly, maternal or fetal groups were 13 3 and 13 2 mm, respectively. Birth
infection, systemic lupus erythematosus, diabetes mellitus, weight was lower in the study group than that of the control
hypertension, chronic renal failure, hematologic diseases, group (2,100 1,371 vs. 2,860 1,034 g, p = 0.06). Kp-
uterine anomaly, cervical polyp, gynecologic malignancy, 10 levels were found to be significantly lower in the study
gestational trophoblastic disease,and ectopic pregnancy group compared to those in the control group (391 vs.
were excluded from the study. Written informed consent 5,783 pg/mL; p \ 0.01). Pregnancy outcomes of the
was obtained from all the women. women included in the study were shown in Table 2. In the
study group, 2 cases (10%) of intrauterine growth restric-
Blood sampling tion, 1 (5%) preeclampsia, 5 (25%) preterm deliveries, and
4 (20%) missed abortion cases were noted. In the control
Maternal blood samples were drawn in the morning using a group, 3 (15%) preterm delivery, 1 (5%) preeclampsia, and
polypropylene syringe and a butterfly needle and then 7 ml 1(5%) oligohydramnios were detected. Antenatal compli-
blood was transferred to tubes containing ethylenediami- cations were more common in early bleeding group
netetra-acetic acid (10 mg/mL blood). After shaking the (p = 0.08).
tubes one or two times, we tranferred the blood samples Pearson correlation analysis was performed to detect the
into the tubes containing aprotinin (0.6 TIU/mL) for possible relation between Kp-10 levels and age, gestational
inhibiting proteinase activity. The samples were centri- week, CRL, birth weight, gravida, number of abortions,
fuged at 2,500 rpm at 4C for 15 min. and stored at -70C hemoglobin and hematocrit levels, white blood cell count
until analysis. The extracted plasma was assayed by an (WBC), platelet count, AST, ALT and LDH levels
enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using a (Table 3). Only gestational week and ALT levels showed
commercially available kit (Phoenix Pharmaceuticals, positive correlation with Kp-10 levels (p = 0.02), but
Karlsruhe, Germany) according to the manufacturers positive correlation value with birth weight was not sig-
instructions. nificant (p = 0.09). BMI (p = 0.02) and ALT levels
(p = 0.02) were the covariants approached statistical sig-
Statistical analysis nificance in the regression model fitting of Kp-10.

Statistical analysis was performed by Statistical Package

for Social Sciences (SPSS) 12.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, Discussion
USA). Results were expressed as mean and standard
deviation or number and percentage as appropriate. Dif- The present study is the first one which showed signifi-
ferences in continuous variables were analyzed by cantly lower Kp-10 levels in women with abortus

Arch Gynecol Obstet (2012) 285:649653 651

Table 1 Demographic and

Characteristics Abortus imminens Control group P value
clinical characteristics of all
(n = 20) (n = 20)
women in the study
Age (years) 29 5 30 5 0.50
BMI (kg/m2) 25 3 24 2 0.26
Gravida (n) 32 42 0.14
Abortion (n) 0 (03) 1 (03) 0.35
Gestational week 10 (718) 13 (1018) 0.01
CRL (mm) 13 3 13 2 0.56
Delivery week 37 (1140) 38 (2141) 0.15
Birthweight (g) 2,100 1,371 2,860 1,034 0.06
Kisspeptin-10 (pg/mL) 391 (152951) 5,783 (3,1689,953) \0.01
Values are expressed as Hemoglobin (g/dl) 12 1 12 1 0.63
means SD and median Hematocrit (%) 34 4 34 4 0.58
WBC (ll-1) 9,419 2,463 8,264 2,368 0.14
BMI body mass index, CRL
crown rump length, WBC white Platelet (mm-3) 9 103 201(151324) 215 (150326) 0.65
blood cell, AST aspartate AST (U/L) 25 10 28 10 0.28
aminotransferase, ALT alanine ALT (U/L) 21 9 26 8 0.08
aminotransferase, LDH lactate
LDH (U/L) 192 71 229 84 0.14

Table 2 Pregnancy outcomes

Abortus imminens Control group P value
of both the study and control
n (%) n (%)
Delivery mode 0.04
Vaginal delivery 5 (25) 11 (55)
Cesarean section 11 (55) 9 (45)
Curettage 4 (20) -
Pregnacy complications
Intrauterine growth restriction 2 (10) - 0.08
Preterm delivery 5 (25) 3 (15)
Preeclampsia 1 (5) 1 (5)
Oligohydramnios - 1 (5)
Intrauterine exitus 4 (20) -
Neonatal outcome
Exitus 7 (35) 2 (10) 0.05
Alive 13 (65) 18 (90)

imminens compared to healthy pregnant women. The circulating kisspeptin levels were not different between the
biological and clinical value of this difference remains to preterm and term deliveries [17]. Lower kisspeptin levels
be determined. Early pregnancy bleeding was found to be in pregnancies with preeclampsia and intra-uterine growth
associated with more preterm deliveries and low birth- restriction in which reduced invasive capacity would be
weight infants [15] and in the present study, we also expected, was consistent with the hypothesis that low
reported preterm delivery and low birthweight to be more expression of kisspeptin within the placenta signaled low
common in abortus imminens group. A recent study on a invasive capacity [16, 18]. However, Nijher et al. [19]
limited number of subjects has reported that circulating found no significant correlation between plasma kisspeptin
levels of kisspeptin measured early in pregnancy levels and blood pressure in healthy pregnant women or in
(814 weeks) were lower in women who later had small preeclamptics, and no significant difference in plasma
gestational age neonates [16]. Similarly, we also detected kisspeptin concentrations between women with hyperten-
lower birthweight in neonates of women with lower Kp-10 sive diseases of pregnancy and normotensive pregnant
levels and early pregnancy bleeding. Interestingly, kiss- controls. On the contrary, Armstrong et al. [18] found
peptin mRNA levels were found to be higher in the pla- lower kisspeptin levels in early gestation (1620 weeks) in
centa collected from preterm deliveries, although maternal women who subsequently developed preeclampsia and

652 Arch Gynecol Obstet (2012) 285:649653

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AST 0.225 0.163 Trophoblastic invasion of human decidua from 8 to 18 weeks of
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ALT 0.378 0.016 4. Shih IM, Kurman RJ (1997) New concepts in trophoblastic
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Acknowledgments We thank to doctors and nurses of Firat Uni- pregnancy are associated with small for gestational age neonates.
versity School of Medicine, Department of Obstetric and Gynecology Prenat Diagn 28:299303

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