Bus Tracking System For Safety of Students and Bus Management Application
Bus Tracking System For Safety of Students and Bus Management Application
Bus Tracking System For Safety of Students and Bus Management Application
A Gopi ([email protected])
Time is important because it is scarce. When things are scarce, they become valuable. Since no one can reclaim
lost time, it's important to make the most of the time one has on Earth. Generally people are seen waiting for
buses for a long period of time at a particular stop. The bus, on the other hand, is invisible until its right in front.
It could be a minute away; it could be 20 minutes away. People become tired; craning their necks around the
corner, praying for the first glimpse of the bus. This project quantifies the relationship between perceived and
actual waiting times experienced by passengers awaiting the arrival of a bus at a bus stop. Understanding such a
relationship would be useful in quantifying the value of providing real time information to passengers on the
time until the next bus is expected to arrive at a bus stop.
As a first step, it is decided to develop an application suitable for the buses in educational institutions. Since
mobile usage is strictly prohibited in most of the institutions, implementing the android application is not
feasible. Hence, the tracking system is designed using transmitting and receiving units .The transmitting unit
will placed in buses and receiving unit will be placed in ID cards with an option to select the destination. The
ID card will be designed to have 2 indications (LEDs and IVRS system). IVRS system will announce the
arrival of each stop in a bus route. The IVRS system can be turned ON or OFF for proper usage of ID card
battery. LEDs are provided for different colors indication. By this way we can track the buses of the institutions
and can even ensure the safety of student by sending SMS alerts to their parents regarding pick up /drop of their
ward. Moreover, in public transportation an overcrowding detection system for preventing accidents due to
overcrowding in a populated country like India is also proposed. A complete prototype of the proposed system
was implemented and tested to validate the system functionality.
Keywords: RF Tran receiver, IVRS system, SIM Module, LED panel, GPS, Google map, vehicle