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The most important aspect of a research work is the review of the related literature. The

survey of the literature is a crucial aspect of the planning of the study and the time spent in such

a survey invariably is a wise investment. The review of the related literature promotes a greater

understanding of the problem and ensures the avoidance of the unnecessary duplication. A

literature review seeks to describe, summarise, evaluate, clarify and integrate the content of

primary reports.

Every piece of ongoing research needs to be connected with the work already done, to

conquer an overall relevance and purpose. The review of literature thus becomes a link between

the research proposed and the studies already done. It tells the reader about aspects that have

been already established or concluded by other authors, and also gives a chance to the reader to

appreciate the evidence that has already been collected by previous research. In this chapter need

for review of related literature, Indian studies and foreign studies are included.


Review of literature actually needs to be done even before the research project is

formalized. This is essential to make sure that you are not repeating the work that someone has

already done earlier. Sometimes, if the research proposed by the investigator has already been

undertaken earlier, then it provides to the investigator an option of modifying the work by adding

a new perspective or altering some of the methods of research to obtain a perspective that will be

different from earlier works and thus more valuable. Occasionally, the work may be exact

repetition of the work done earlier, but with a different set of data or sources of facts, and

purpose of the research may just be seeing if the results are similar to earlier works or otherwise.

A good researcher usually goes through a lot more literature than is actually incorporated in the

paper. This is because different literature may have differing relevance for the current project

and all of it may not worth reporting in the end, but in the initial phase, when the investigator are

looking for all aspects of an issue that could be relevant one would like to extensively explore

the literature and see if any relevant findings are already available

Review of literature is also important to highlight the difference in opinions,

contradictory findings or evidence, and the different explanations given for their conclusions and

differences by different authors. In some cases, an analysis of these factors can help one

understand many facets of a complex issue and at other times, such analysis can lead to a new

possibility that can be researched upon in the current project. Thus review of literature is a very

important part of one's investigation.


Jacqueline Murray (2013) studied the Factors that Influence Mathematics

Achievement at the Berbice Campus.MTH 111 is a first year first semester Algebra course for all

Natural Sciences students at the Berbice campus. At the first sitting of the course about 50% of

the students secure passing grades of 40% and above. The aim of the research was to determine

the factors which influence student performance in the course and isolate the best set of

predictors. Pearsons correlation conducted on the data collected from 111 students enrolled on

the MTH 111course at the Campus over the academic years 2010/2011 and 2011/2012 revealed

that prior academic achievement, self-efficacy, academic resources, self-regulation and learning

styles were positively correlated to MTH 111 performance at the p < .05 level. Multiple

regression analysis utilizing the stepwise method indicated that the best set of predictors were

prior academic achievement, learning styles and academic resources which accounted for 44.1 %

of the variation in MTH 111 performance at the p < .05 level.

Khatal, M.N. (2010) has conducted a Study of Relationship between Personality Traits

& Effective Communication of Teachers from the Professional Courses.

The major findings of the study were: No significant difference in the mean scores male

and female teacher, communicators in their effectiveness was observed. There is significant

difference between the mean score of education, faculty. There is significant difference between

the mean score of effective and non-effective teacher, communicators of medicine faculty. There

is significant difference between the mean score of effective teacher communicators of

engineering and law. There is significant difference between the mean score of effective and

non-effective teacher, communicators of education and effective teacher communicators of

medicine. There is no significant difference between the mean score of effective and non-

effective teacher, communicator of the selected professions.

Cano, Francisco and Berbn, A. B. (2009) has study on University Students

Achievement Goals and Approaches to Learning in Mathematics.

Participants completed a series of questionnaires that measured their conceptions of

mathematics, approaches to learning, course experience, and personal 2 2 Achievement Goals,

and perceived Achievement Goals.

The major findings of the study were: Students Achievement Goals and Achievement

Goals variables were moderately associated and related to both the way students perceived their

academic environment and the way they conceived of the nature of mathematics (i.e. the

perceptual-cognitive framework). Four clusters of students with distinctive multiple

Achievement Goals were identified and when the differences between clusters were analyzed,

we were able to attribute them to various constructs including perceptual-cognitive framework,

learning approaches, and academic performance.

Cukrowicz et al (2009) has conducted a study on Personality Traits and Perceived Social

Support among Depressed Older Adults.

The study revealed that Conscientiousness and Extraversion were personality traits that

were significantly predictive of changes in perceived social support over this time interval

Cano, Francisco and Berbn (2009) have study on Personality in Relation to Blood

Groups & Gender of Adolescents.

The major findings of the study were: Few significant genders different are found in the

personality of adolescent boys and girls. Girls are found to be more responsible & dominating

than boys. Subjects having positive self concept would exhibit better mental health behavioral as

compared to the subjects have negative self concept.

Shanan G. Gibson and Michael L. Harish (2009) has conducted a study on An

Examination of Correlation Patterns between Entrepreneurial Attitudes and Entrepreneurial

Personality Trait among College Business Students of Different Ethnicities.

The major findings of the study were: There is significant differences were found to exist

in the correlations patterns found between the entrepreneurial attitudes and personality constructs

of interest based upon ethnicity. Locus of control was found to be significantly positively related

to both entrepreneurial Achievement and entrepreneurial personal Control in the African

American sample, but not in the Caucasian sample of business students.

Azizi Yahaya et al (2009) has conducted a study on Relationship between Self Concepts

and Personality and Students Academic Performance in Selected Secondary Schools.

The major findings of the study were: There was no significance difference between

dimension of self-concept and personality of students according to gender. Pearson correlations

analysis showed that there were no significant correlation between dimension of self-concept and

personality with students academic achievement.

Chouinard, Roch (2008) has conducted a study on Changes in High-School Students

Competence Beliefs, Utility Value and Achievement Goals in Mathematics.

Attitudinal scales designed to measure competence beliefs, utility value and achievement

goals in mathematics were administered at the beginning and end of three academic years in a

longitudinal cohort-sequential research design using two sequential cohort. Hierarchical linear

modeling was used to analyze the data.

The major findings of the study were: Results showed an ongoing reduction of most of

the variables measured. This was the case for both cohorts and genders. However, boys were

more affected than girls. Furthermore, for all variables, motivation tended to be lower at the end

of the academic year than at the beginning.

Paul M. Biner et al (2005) has conducted a study on Personality Characteristics

Differentiating and Predicting the Achievement of Televised-Course Students and Traditional-

Course Students.

Methods: A large-scale field study was conducted.

The major findings of the study were: Determine if the personality traits of students

enrolled in televised college-level courses differ from the personality traits of students enrolled

in traditional college-level courses. Identify the specific personality traits predictive of successful

performance in televised classes.

Leili Mosalanejad et al (2003) has conducted a study on Blended Education Program

based on Critical Thinking and its Effect on Personality type And Attribution style of the


In this study blended learning is a mixture of the various learning strategies and delivery

methods that will optimize the learning experience of the user.

The major findings of the study were: There was a significant relationship between

globallocal favorable condition, There was a significant relationship between all personality

factors (openness, extraversion, agreeableness and conscientiousness), except neuroticism


Halder et al (2002) has conducted the Influence of Personality Traits on Information

Seeking behavior of Students.

The study found that personality traits are significantly correlated to all the dimensions of

information seeking behavior of the university students.

Wuying Dub et al (2001) has conducted a study on Five-factor Personality Measures in

Chinese University Students: Effects of One-Child Policy?

The major findings of the study were; Gender and annual family income were not

significantly related to personality in the two groups, and birth-order position was not related to

personality in the students with siblings. In contrast, the depression score was positively

correlated with neuroticism.

Cheng Kai (2000) has conducted on a study on Relationship between Personality Traits

and Employment Factors of College Students.

The study found that personality traits affected the individual Factors and environmental

factor among the student employment factors. In particular, social ness has significant and

positive influence on the individual factors. A majority of the respondents showed that they have

never participated in any skills competition, and only 31 students reported that they have such

pertinence. That there is no significant difference in personality traits among students with

different employment experiences.

Sutton and Keogh (2000) has conducted a study on Social Competition in School:

Relationships with Bullying, Machiavellianism and Personality.

The major Findings of the study were: Children categorized as bullies scored significantly higher

than controls on Machiavellianism, and significantly lower in terms of pro-victim attitudes.

Summerfield et al (1999) has conducted a research on the Relationship between

Personality and Attainment in 16-19 Year-Old Students in a Sixth from College. II: Self-

Perception, Gender and Attainment.

The data comprised responses to two personality measures various student and tutor

estimates of success, and performance data from college records. Students were classified using

relocation cluster analysis and cluster differences verified using discriminate function analysis.

Thirty outcome models were tested using covariance regression analysis.

The salient findings from the research include eight distinct and interpretable groups,

consistent with other research, were identified but the hypothesis of a positive, linear relationship

between mastery and academic attainment was not sustained without qualification. Previous

attainment was the major determinant of final performance. Gender variations were detected on

the personality measures, particularly Confidence of outcomes, Prediction discrepancy,

Passivity, Mastery, Dependency and Locus of control, and these were implicated in the, cluster



Capt N. Taneja and Sharma (2010) have conducted a Study on Personality Traits of

Aeronautical Engineers in the Indian Air Force.

The major findings of the study were: Significant differences in personality attributes of

the engineering cadets were observed as compared to those of the typical Indian Air Force pilot

and ATCO.

Dakhinamurthy (2010) has conducted a study on Effect of Teachers Personality,

Attitude towards Profession and Teaching Effectiveness on Academic Achievements of


The major findings of the study were: There is significant relationship between Teachers

Personality and Academic Achievement of Students. There is significant relationship between

teachers attitude towards profession and Academic Achievement of students. There is

significant relationship between Teachers Teaching Effectiveness on Academic Achievement of

students. There is significant relationship between Teachers Personality and Attitude towards

profession on Academic Achievement of students. There is no significant relationship between

Teachers personality and Teaching effectiveness on Academic Achievement of students. There

is no significant relationship between Teachers Attitude towards profession and Teaching

Effectiveness on Academic Achievement of students. There is significant relationship between

Teacher Personality, Attitude towards profession and Academic achievement of students.

Sravanthi and Sarada Devi (2009) have conducted a study on Personality Development

of Adolescents.

The major findings of the study were: Boys significant difference had high personality

development in all the divisions compound to girls. Girls had scored high in morality,

sensitivity, social and tension.

Gupta and Joshi (2009) have conducted a study on Personality in Relation to Blood

Groups and Gender of Adolescents.

The study found that there is significant genders different are found in the personality of

adolescent boys & girls. Girls are found to be more responsible.

Joyti Tiwari and Neetika Sharma (2009) have conducted a study on Personality Trait

of Visually Handicapped and Sighted Children: A Comparative study.

The study revealed that there is significant difference in the personality traits of visually

handicapped and sighted children.

Hardeo Ojha and Attutma Kumari (2009) have conducted a study on Personality

Differences of Tribal and non Tribal College Students.

The major findings of the study indicate that no difference was found between the two

initial groups in respect of and trait. Both tribal groups were significantly different from non-

tribal group with regard to 8 out of traits and 50 out of battiferdes.

Neetika Sharma (2009) has conducted a study on Personality Traits of Science Students

in Relation to their Achievement in Practical and Theory.

The results show that there is significant difference in personality trite of high and low

achieves in practical. There is significant difference in personality traits of high and low

achievers is theory.

Singh (2008) have conducted a study on Mental Health Behavior as a Function of

Behavior Pattern and Personality Factors.

The major findings of the study were: There was a significant difference in Type A

behavioral pattern as compared to Type B behavioral patterns would adversely affect the Mental

health behavior. High decisive subjects were different from low decisive subjects on the measure

of mental health behavior. Emotionally stable subjects on the measure of mental health behavior

differed significantly. High ego & low ego strength were exhibiting better mental health

behavior. There was a significant difference in Type A behavioral pattern as compared to Type B

behavioral patterns would adversely affect the Mental health behavior. High decisive subjects

were different from low decisive subjects on the measure of mental health behavior. Emotionally

stable subjects on the measure of mental health behavior differed significantly. High ego & low

ego strength were exhibiting better mental health behavior.

Ganesh (2008) has conducted a Study made on Impact of 14 Personality Factors on

Reading Achievement of High School Students in Andhra Pradesh.

The major findings of the study were: There is no significant effect of 14 personality

factors of high school student questionnaire on reading achievement of the students.

Gaurav Sigh and Girijesh kumar (2008) have conducted a study on Impact of Type of

School on Personality Traits.

The salient findings from the research include there is no significant different between

the extroversion introversion sures of students of public schools and convent school. There is

no significance difference between the extroversion intro sores of students of Public School and

Saraswati Vidhya Mandhir. There is no significance difference between the ex-int. sura of

students of saraswathi vidhya mandir convent school. There is no significance difference

between the Neuroticism Stability scores behavior of students of Public School and Convent

Schools. There is no significance difference between New Students scores of Public Schools and

Saraswathi Vidhya Mandir. There is no significance difference between New Students scores of

Public Schools & Saraswathi Vidhya Mandir and Convent. There was only the fifth hypothesis is

accepted another is rejected.

Kumar (2006) has conducted a study on Study of Personality and Attitude towards the

Technology of Biological Student in Namakkal District.

The major findings of the study were: There is a Correlation between bio Sciences

students attitude towards technology and personality traits. Male and female bio sciences

students are equally favorable towards technology. Government and Self financing college bio

science indents do not differ in their attitude towards technology. Residential and non residential

bio science student do not differ in their attitude towards technology. UG and PG bio science

students do not differ in their attitude towards technology. According to the parents occupation

there is no difference in attitude towards technology of bio science students. According to the

library usage the bio science students do not difference in their attitude towards technology. On

the basis of bio science students hobbies they do not different in their attitude towards

technology. 9. Technology exposure and without technology students do not difference in their

attitude towards technology. 10. Bio Science students based on their nature of play they do not

differ in their attitude towards technology.

Rai et al (2005) has conducted a study on Perceived Parental Rearing Style and

Personality among Khasi Adolescents.

The results show that the boys have significantly more rejection from father as compared

to girls and girls have shown significantly better emotional warmth in comparison to boys from

father. The boys and girls did not differ significantly on the factors over protection and favoring

subjects of perceived parental rearing style questionnaire for father. No reliable difference was

ascertained between boys and girls on all the factors of perceived parental rearing style

questionnaire for mother. The comparison of boys and girls on anxiety, depression, somatic

problems, anger hostility and self-esteem indicated. Significantly higher anxiety, more somatic

problems and higher anger hostility among boys, and high self-esteem in girls.

Sirohi (2002) has conducted a study on Differential effects of Religions on Personality

Development, Mental Health and Religiosity of Adolescent Students.

The results show that the Hindu adolescent students a significant differ from those of the

Muslim adolescents students with regard to certain personality factors, mental health and

religiosity. The Hindu adolescent students a significant differ from those from the Christian

adolescent students with regard to certain personality factors, mental health and religiosity. The

Muslim adolescent students a significant differ from those of the Christian adolescent students

with regard to certain personality factors, mental health and religiosity.


The investigator has reviewed thirty related reviews. In these reviews fifteen studies were

from abroad and fifteen studies were from India. Most of the studies were conducted with the

help of survey method and questionnaire. The present study is completely different from other

studies. There has been no study, undertaken so for which has combined the variables of

Personality Traits and Achievement in Mathematics. The methodology used for this investigation

is given in the next chapter.


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