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FBM KLCI 1773.16 12.02 KLCI FUTURES 1760.00 7.00 STI 3230.97 46.29 RM/USD 4.2690 CPO RM2706.

SD 4.2690 CPO RM2706.00 7.00 OIL US$52.34 0.41 GOLD US$1336.50 9.90
PP 9974/08/2013 (032820)




Sept 30, 2016 Aug 31, 2017

MAKE Malaysias Nikkei PMI expands

DECISIONS for the first time since April

Fajarbaru wants


a slice of action

in current x
construction boom Ta


HeveaBoard faces
Tax Tax
Tax Tax
challenges to
sustain growth x Ta O
Ta x

BSL banks on
EMS venture,

r ty.com a

Pr p e
green business

for a better FY18
Th H ES . L
T I N GS . D

NEW S . N could dampen business confidence
ere should be a balance between the roles of
the Inland Revenue Board and taxpayers expert.
New machines Supriya Surendran has the story on Page 5.
to improve
fficiency of MRT2
tunnelling works
13 C O M M E N T Counterfeit Malaysian banknotes
Game changer for
North Korea
are of low quality BNM PA G E 2
FBM KLCI 1773.16 12.02 KLCI FUTURES 1760.00 7.00 STI 3230.97 46.29 RM/USD 4.2690 CPO RM2706.00 7.00 OIL US$52.34 0.41 GOLD US$1336.50 9.90
PP 9974/08/2013 (032820)




Sept 30, 2016 Aug 31, 2017

MAKE Malaysias Nikkei PMI expands

DECISIONS for the first time since April

Fajarbaru wants


a slice of action

in current x
construction boom Ta


HeveaBoard faces
Tax Tax
challenges to Tax Tax
sustain growth x Ta
Ta x

BSL banks on
EMS venture,
green business
for a better FY18
could dampen business confidence
There should be a balance between the roles of
the Inland Revenue Board and taxpayers expert.
New machines Supriya Surendran has the story on Page 5.
to improve
efficiency of MRT2
tunnelling works
13 C O M M E N T Counterfeit Malaysian banknotes
Game changer for
North Korea
are of low quality BNM PA G E 2

For breaking news updates go to


Budget 2018 to encompass TN50 aspirations
KUALA LUMPUR: Budget 2018, we must implement now. women, in the next budget which is Everyone wants more allocation,
which will be tabled next month, As an example, changes in edu- scheduled to be tabled on Oct 27. but money does not fall from the sky.
will cover the peoples aspirations cation could only be seen in two to I do not want to say more now We need revenue for the country
presented at the 2050 National three generations in [the] future, as I do not want to let the cat out and, as such, we need to implement
Transformation (TN50) dialogue he said at a TN50 dialogue session of the bag, he said. the GST (goods and services tax).
series, said Prime Minister Datuk and a National Womens Day cele- He said Budget 2018 would take If we abolish the GST which is
Seri Najib Razak. bration event here yesterday. into consideration the countrys used to fund the peoples needs, es-
He said the government would not Also present were the prime revenue before deciding on any pecially for women such as health
be waiting until 2050 to implement ministers wife, Datin Seri Rosmah allocation. and skills programmes, then what
the input from the TN50 dialogue Mansor, and Women, Family and Likening the countrys budget can we do? he asked.
series but efforts to realise the find- Community Development Minister management to managing house- Najib then reminded the people
ings would come on stream in stages. Datuk Seri Rohani Karim. hold expenditure, Najib said the not to be swayed by the words of the
[The] TN50 dialogue will ena- Najib, who is also finance min- government could not spend all the opposition which wanted to abolish
ble making changes in future, but ister, indicated that there would money it had because it would lead the GST as it was only empty talk to
there are certain aspects which be some good news, especially for the country to financial problems. garner support. Bernama

Counterfeit banknotes

The Edge Communications Sdn Bhd Taman Tugu now under

(266980-X) national public trust
Level 3, Menara KLK, No 1 Jalan PJU 7/6,

are of low quality

Mutiara Damansara, 47810 Petaling Jaya, KUALA LUMPUR: Taman Tugu
Selangor, Malaysia (the National Monument Park)
will be placed under a nation-
al public trust, Prime Minis-
Publisher and Group CEO Ho Kay Tat ter Datuk Seri Najib Razak an-
nounced yesterday. He said
For News Tips/Press Releases with the establishment of the
Tel: 03-7721 8219 Fax: 03-7721 8038 public trust called Aman-
Email: [email protected] BNM says they are mostly printed on normal paper ah Warisan Negara, the park
would be owned by the people,
Editor-in-Chief Azam Aris
Executive Editors Ooi Inn Leong, ensuring it remained well kept
Kathy Fong, Jenny Ng, Diana Khoo KUALA LUMPUR: Counterfeit will cause undue public conster- banknotes deposited by the public and green. Other green areas
Senior Editors Cindy Yeap, Malaysian banknotes detected nation and we view seriously any over the counter or when discov- throughout the country will
Jose Barrock, Kang Siew Li are of low quality, and are most- report on counterfeit banknotes. ered during cash processing. also be placed under Amanah
Associate Editors R B Bhattacharjee,
Vasantha Ganesan ly printed on normal paper using Members of the public are Malaysian banknotes also incor- Warisan Negara to maintain
Assistant Editors Adeline Paul Raj, ordinary colour printers/copiers. also required to lodge a police porate the latest security features and protect these areas for our
Tan Choe Choe, Ben Shane Lim, Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) report immediately if they have that are difficult to counterfeit. future generations, he said in
Kharie Hisyam Alimman, said in a statement that the bank- received any banknote suspected BNM has advised members of his speech at the An evening
Kanagaraju S Sithambaram
Chief Copy Editor Halim Yaacob notes can be easily distinguished to be counterfeit. This will facili- the public, including retailers, to with Prime Minister of Malay-
Senior Copy Editor Melanie Proctor from the genuine ones by using a tate prompt investigation into the be vigilant when handling bank- sia in Taman Tugu event. The
Copy Editors Tham Yek Lee, simple sense of touch and sight. matter, it said. notes by applying the Feel, Look, event was part of the inaugural
Tham Kid Cheng Members of the public should BNM said that together with Tilt & Check guide. Hari Hasanah (Day of Good
Art Director Sharon Khoh
Chief Graphic Designer Cheryl Loh be able to identify these coun- the banking industry, it had in Paper banknotes are textured Results) event. Bernama
Design Team Valerie Chin, terfeit banknotes. Contrary to a place adequate mitigating meas- and polymer banknotes are made
Mohd Yusry, Aaron Boudville, recent media report, BNM and ures to ensure counterfeit bank- of special plastic. Both paper and Foreign banks face new EU
Aminullah Abdul Karim, the police have not detected notes are not passed through the polymer banknotes have a raised set-up for more scrutiny
Noorain Duasa, Tun Mohd Zaan
Mohd Zaabah high-quality counterfeit bank- financial system, including the print effect on the portrait of the LONDON: Nineteen foreign
notes printed using paper resem- ATM network. first Yang di-Pertuan Agong and banks in the European Union
EDITORIAL ADMINISTRATION bling [the] actual banknote pa- It said a Guideline on Handling texts, BNM said. (EU) will need to set up new
Manager Katherine Tan per and state-of-the-art banknote of Suspected Counterfeit Bank- BNM has also advised members holding companies so that
Senior Coordinator Maryani Hassan
printing techniques, it added. notes was issued to the banking of the public to look at the banknote regulators can scrutinise them
CORPORATE BNM also reiterated that inci- industry and it outlined the steps under a white light background more closely, an EU discussion
Chief Operating Ocer dences of counterfeit banknotes to be adhered to by commercial and observe the three-dimensional paper said, mirroring steps tak-
Lim Shiew Yuin remained low with isolated cases. banks, cash handlers, tellers and portrait watermark, perfect see- en by the US. The European
Any insinuation that incidences outsourced cash-in-transit secu- through register and clear window Commission proposed last No-
To advertise contact of counterfeit notes are prevalent rity companies in handling such that will be visible. Bernama vember that banks headquar-
GL: (03) 7721 8000 tered outside the bloc consoli-
Fax: (03) 7721 8288 date their EU activities under
Chief Commercial Ocer
Sharon Teh (012) 313 9056 an intermediate parent un-

Measures in place to detect

General Manager dertaking (IPU) in response
Kingston Low (012) 278 5540 to US moves to require foreign
Senior Sales Managers banks to set up such compa-
Fong Lai Kuan (012) 386 2831

fake banknotes ABM

Gregory Thu (012) 376 0614 nies. The commission, which
Kamalesan Parama (012) 394 4855 is the EUs executive, has made
Michael Tan (012) 213 0252 a preliminary estimate that 19
Creative Marketing foreign banks will have to set
Chris Wong (016) 687 6577
Head of Marketing Support & Ad Trac up an IPU. Reuters
Lorraine Chan (03) 7721 8001 KUALA LUMPUR: Members of the the processing of banknotes. Gen- banknotes are to be retained, re-
Email: [email protected] Association of Banks in Malaysia erally, all banknotes are scanned ported and surrendered to the po- Honda to pay US$484m
(ABM) have robust measures in and validated before being loaded lice for investigation. in airbag settlement
To order copy place to detect suspected coun- into ATMs and Cash Recycler Ma- We wish to remind the public CHICAGO: Honda Motor Co
Tel: 03-7721 8034 / 8033 terfeit banknotes. chines (CRMs). that counterfeit banknotes are not agreed to pay US$484 million
Fax: 03-7721 8282 ABM said in a statement that In addition, banknotes deposit- legal tender, and, as such, no value (RM2.1 billion) to settle eco-
Email: [email protected] these measures include validating ed at CRMs and Cash Deposit Ma- will be given to it, ABM said. nomic-loss claims tied to Taka-
TheEdgeProperty.com the authenticity of banknotes be- chines (CDMs) by bank customers Members of the public in posses- ta Corps airbag recalls, bring-
Managing Director/Editor-in-Chief
fore circulation, which is applied are scanned by the machines. Any sion of suspected counterfeit bank- ing total settlements over the
Au Foong Yee both at the machine level, as well as counterfeit banknote deposited notes are advised to lodge a police faulty safety devices to more
Editor Lam Jian Wyn over the counter at bank branches. would be detected and rejected report and surrender the notes. than US$1 billion. The agree-
Contributing Editor Sharon Kam It was responding to a recent on the spot, ABM said. Suspected counterfeit banknotes ment will provide for faster
Assistant Editor James Chong
media report that counterfeit bank- It also said that banks are re- that are certified as genuine after replacement of recalled air-
MARKETING & ADVERTISING notes allegedly withdrawn from quired to adhere to the guide- investigation will be returned to the bags and reimburse customers
Associate Account Director, Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) lines issued by regulators on the bank customer concerned. for out-of-pocket costs. The
Advertising & Marketing and over the bank counter had gone handling of suspected counterfeit The public is advised to contact Honda deal follows a US$533
Heidee Ahmad (019) 388 1880
unnoticed. banknotes. the call centres of their respective million settlement with four
BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Each bank has its own specific In accordance with the guide- banks or ABMConnect at 1-300- other automakers reached in
Senior Manager Elizabeth Lay internal procedures with regard to lines, all suspected counterfeit 88-9980 for queries. Bernama May. Bloomberg

Msias Nikkei PMI expands

for the first time since April
It signals that operating conditions are improving IHS Markit
BY SA M A N THA H O from China, Southeast Asia and the Nikkei ASEAN Manufacturing PMI material costs, inflation remained
Middle East. Nikkei Malaysia well below the years current aver-
KUALA LUMPUR: The Nikkei Ma- The seasonally adjusted out- Manufacturing PMI COUNTRY PMI (AUG 2017) age, IHS said.
laysia Manufacturing Purchasing put index also rose above the 50.0 51.0 Vietnam 51.8 Across Asean, the Nikkei Asean
Managers Index (PMI) expanded change threshold for the first time Singapore 51 PMI picked up to 50.4 in August
in August for the first time in four in four months, indicating an expan- Indonesia 50.7
from 49.3 a month earlier, its quick-
months as higher exports boost- sion in production, IHS said, adding est improvement in three months
Philippines 50.6
ed output, while business optimism that this was driven by higher exter- driven by higher total new orders
in August hit the highest level since nal demand and backlog clearance. Malaysia 50.4 and output.
December 2013. Separately, firms expanded their 48.5 Thailand 49.5 Encouragingly, the survey high-
The PMI rose to 50.4 last month workforce numbers to keep on top of Myanmar 49.3 lighted the broad-based nature of
from 48.3 in July, signalling that op- overall workloads, with the seasonal- Source: Nikkei, IHS Markit the renewed upturn, with five out of
erating conditions are improving for ly adjusted employment index post- seven monitored countries indicat-
the first time since April, according ing its highest value since October ing an improvement in manufactur-
to yesterdays report by IHS Markit, 2015. Companies appeared keen to 46.0 cline as firms indicated a preference ing conditions, up from two in July.
which compiles the survey. take on additional staff and provide Sept 30, 2016 Aug 31, 2017
for destocking, opting to deplete Furthermore, the expansion was
A reading below 50.0 on the Nik- moderate job creation amid positive inventories of both inputs as well supported by a mix of strengthened
kei-sponsored index indicates that projections for growth, IHS said. Source: Bloomberg as finished goods. demand from both domestic and
there is a contraction in manufac- Growth was underpinned main- Despite reduced acquisitions external sources, said Bernard Aw,
turing output growth. ly by an improvement in new export of raw materials and semi-finished principal economist at IHS Markit.
Meanwhile, optimism regarding orders, which helped to bolster out- derwhelming domestic demand, goods, vendor performance wors- Vietnam posted the highest PMI
the coming 12 months increased put, in turn shoring up confidence he added in yesterdays statement. ened for a sixth month in succes- of 51.8, a modest increase from its
on higher production and exports and driving employment higher, Total new orders fell for the fourth sion, the surveyor said. pace in July, while Singapore and
in August, combined with hopes said director at IHS Markit, Paul consecutive month, albeit at a lower On the other hand, cost pressures Indonesia joined Malaysia in re-
of growth in new orders, the report Smith. rate as exports rose. Reduced order continue to ease, pulling input price turning to growth after showing
said. However, current growth seems book volumes were linked to sub- inflation to its weakest rate since Oc- deteriorations. However, Thailand
Manufacturing exports grew at a little precarious given the ongo- dued economic conditions, IHS tober last year. Although respond- and Myanmar continued to signal
the highest rate since February as ing weakness in total sales, which Markit said. ents increased selling prices to pro- worsening manufacturing condi-
firms highlighted growing demand continues to fall on the back of un- Inventories also continued to de- tect their margins from higher raw tions for August.

Fajarbaru wants a slice of action in current construction boom

BY A D EL A MEGA N WI L LY that the groups property devel- tract was awarded last year. The property development and of RM8.69 million in FY16.
opment projects would require By possessing these machines, timber divisions overtook the con- We have had bad results for
KUALA LUMPUR: It may be rather the expertise and services of the this also makes Fajarbaru one of struction business in terms of rev- the past two years but the most
surprising that Fajarbaru Builder groups own construction arm. the few private organisations to enue and pre-tax profit. recent one [FY17] was much better
Group Bhds contribution from its We are businessmen and will own such equipment, giving us a The logging and timber trading thanks to the timber and property
construction division the groups grab maximum profit for the ben- significant competitive advantage business clocked in pre-tax profit businesses. These segments made
core unit has been on a decline efit of our shareholders. Whatever in the bidding of new construction of RM79.95 million and revenue of our bottom line figures much bet-
since the financial year ended June sector we deem attractive and can and maintenance jobs for rail-re- RM124.37 million, while the prop- ter than before, Ooi commented.
30, 2013 (FY13). improve [the] overall bottom line, lated projects in the future, said erty development side generated a Fajarbaru said in its fourth
Nonetheless, its non-executive we will consider entering [it]. But Kuan. pre-tax profit of RM52.71 million quarter financial report that the
director Ooi Leng Chooi reiterates our core business will still be con- Fajarbarus unbilled order book and RM202.75 million in revenue. timber segment will continue to
that construction activities remain struction and we will continue to currently stands at about RM400 The construction segment, mean- generate significant contributions
the groups core business, although capitalise on that, he explained. million and it is expected to last the while, booked in a pre-tax loss to the groups revenue, on the back
property development and timber With that, Fajarbaru is hopeful group for at least two more years, of RM1.55 million, on revenue of of stable average prices of timber
are currently contributing a large of seeing more positive results from according to its finance director RM130.46 million. products.
bulk of its profit. its construction business. Charles Tan. Its tender book, which The construction segment saw As for property development,
Although the group is in diver- Last month, its group executive consists of railway, infrastructure declining pre-tax profits between Ooi said while property prices are
sification mode, Ooi noted that the director Eric Kuan Khian Leng was and building projects, now stands FY13 and FY15, before slipping into unlikely to decrease going forward,
construction division will remain quoted by the media as saying that at about RM4 billion. the red in FY16. In FY13, pre-tax the market will never fall short of
its core business, considering the Fajarbaru has a good chance of In FY17, its annual net prof- profit from the division stood at demand and supply, and that loca-
slew of urban development and getting its hands on the anticipat- it came in at RM38.79 million, a RM6.23 million before declining tion is key to the segments growth.
infrastructure construction activ- ed 37km light rail transit 3 project leap of 261% from the RM10.74 to RM6.05 million and RM4.66 Looking at past trends, prices
ities in the country, the group is which connects Bandar Utama to million recorded million in FY14 and FY15 respec- go up, [will] be stagnant, before
expected to get a slice of the action Klang, and that it had tendered in FY16, while tively. It posted a pre-tax loss going up again. They will not go
moving forward. for five contracts under the RM9 revenue stood down. Then again, demand and
In Malaysia, the overall outlook billion project, including for the at RM453.32 supply will always be there. And
for the construction sector is still development of a depot, viaduct million, up Ooi: For the Malaysian if you have good locations, buyers
very positive. For the Malaysian and stations. 7% year-on- economy to boom, the will still queue up for your prod-
economy to boom, the construc- The group received its trackwork y e a r f ro m construction and property ucts, he said.
tion and property development machines from China Jiangsu KTK RM423.91 development businesses Fajarbaru entered property
businesses are needed. And for that Locomotive and Rolling Stocks Co million. are needed. And for that development six years ago and
very reason, we will actively com- Ltd and Gemac Engineering Ma- very reason, we will actively launched its maiden overseas con-
pete for new projects, Ooi said. chinery Co Ltd last month. compete for new projects. dominium project, the Gardenhill,
We will continue to tender for The machinery is for the reha- Photo by Suhaimi Yusuf in Melbourne, Australia in 2015.
construction projects. But you see, bilitation of track formation, Currently, Fajarbaru has about
jobs coming from the property de- replacement of ballast and 228 acres (92.27ha) of land in Ma-
velopment side will be passed on associated works between laysia: The biggest parcel, measur-
to our construction arm and [will] Jerantut, Pahang and Gua ing 218 acres, is in Port Dickson,
keep it busy for years to come, he Musang Railway Station, whereas the remaining 6.7 acres
told The Edge Financial Daily. Kelantan (Package B). is in Puchong and 3.2 acres is in
Furthermore, Ooi pointed out The RM250 million con- Melaka.

Overly aggressive tax

collection a dampener
This could affect business confidence and raise taxpayers concerns expert
BY S UPR I YA SU REND RA N which may affect business confi- part of Budget 2018.
dence and have negative spillover Total tax revenue The 2017 federal government The government had reduced
KUALA LUMPUR: It is the duty of [effects] on the business climate, budget the tax rate for SMEs on chargeable
(RM mil)
the Inland Revenue Board (IRB) to especially since businesses are now 200,000
income up to the first RM500,000
Borrowings Other
crack down on companies that do [grappling] with rising costs, he 180,000 and use of direct tax from 19% to 18%, effective from
not pay the amount of taxes they told The Edge Financial Daily. 160,000 government's 3.20% year of assessment 2017.
are obliged to do. However, it may 140,000 assets For Budget 2018, [we] are hop-
backfire if the crackdown turns Fiscal consolidation should 100,000
Income tax ing that the tax rate for SMEs would
overly aggressive. be done in holistic manner 80,000 revenue 43.10% be reduced further to 15% since
Last week, the IRB signed a joint An economist with a local invest- 60,000 15% there is also goods and services
audit programme standard operat- ment bank opined that the gov- 20,000
tax collection, said Kang.
ing procedure with the Royal Malay- ernments intention to consolidate 0 RM260,800 million
Businesses are already

sian Customs Department to tackle the fiscal position should be done
tax compliance more effectively. in a holistic manner that does not in dicult situation
This followed the nationwide hurt the business environment and 2016* - Preliminary
Persatuan Pengusaha Restoran
Ops Saji, an audit review which willingness to compete and invest. Indirect tax Muslim Malaysia president Ayoob
Source: Ministry of Finance, Malaysia 22.90%
targeted food-related businesses Stepping up tax collection and Khan Muhamad Yakub agreed that
that ended on Aug 25. Subsequent- efficiency is part of the fiscal plan. while it is the onus of all income
ly, the IRB announced that the next However, how the government and another argues that the trans- Source: Ministry of Finance, Malaysia
earners to pay taxes, those who
target group for its tax audit oper- spends the money and ensures action may hinge on aggressive have been diligently paying taxes
ation would be professionals such minimal leakages is also essential to tax planning. In the end, it is also should not be asked for more.
as lawyers, engineers and doctors. manage public perception that the about proper documentation and for example supporting documents That is what many people in the
Sunway University Business funds collected are effectively used. [the] rationale to justify a specific requested for expense transactions business community feel that
School economics professor Dr While government and tax spe- transaction, which some entities that took place years ago. people who pay their taxes are the
Yeah Kim Leng said there should cialists argue that businesses and may not have, he said. Most of the SME (small and ones who are going to get harassed
be a balance between the roles of individuals need to pay their fair Veerinderjeet opined that the medium enterprise) directors en- again for more taxes, he said.
the tax collector, which is the IRB, share, tax assessments and cal- rising cost of living and having to trust their accountants to help them Ayoob added that businesses
and the taxpayers which are indi- culations also need to be fair and pay taxes which are due are two with their tax returns, so they dont are in an already difficult situation,
viduals and businesses. accurate, he said. different aspects. fully understand the details being with higher expenses such as rent-
I think there are different per- Integrated professional services If tax is correctly due, it should submitted. als and worker salaries.
spectives to the IRBs recent op- provider Axcelasia Inc executive be paid, and if cash resources are So, when there is a tax audit, The government should do
erations; basically, [the] IRB is in- chairman Dr Veerinderjeet Singh lacking, then one has to negotiate SME directors now have to rec- something to stop all this rocket-
creasing its enforcement to ensure said tax audits are not about busi- an instalment plan. ollect, for example, claims made ing increments, [and] the taxman
compliance [with tax law], which nesses coughing up more than they The IRB has the right to ini- years ago, and if they do not have should have a more friendly ap-
is part and parcel of a taxpayers should be paying under the law. tiate its compliance operations, the details and documents to sup- proach towards the business com-
duty irrespective of the size of their The philosophy of a tax audit but it should also ensure that any port the transactions, they then face munity rather than create fear of
operations. In turn, this will ben- is to verify what had been report- past practice agreed to should be the consequences of the expenses harassment, he said.
efit the country in terms of higher ed in the tax return. So, in theory, respected, and if that practice is getting disallowed. Federation of Malaysian Man-
revenue collection. such operations are intended to now overturned, then it should be This is currently the situation ufacturers chief executive officer
On the flip side, of course, it will ensure that those who should be done prospectively and not retro- being faced by SMEs. The IRB Dr Yeoh Oon Tean opined that IRB
affect business confidence as well paying taxes are actually doing so, spectively, he said. should focus on just the major is- audits have nothing to do with the
as [raise] taxpayers concerns due to and to ensure that those who have sues where there was no tax com- rising cost of doing business.
the increased actions by [the] IRB reported their taxes have done so What the business community pliance [retrospectively], and [pro- It is only right that all business-
which may pose a strain. correctly. says spectively] SMEs should be given es, including manufacturing com-
So, there are two sides to it. On What unfortunately may hap- SME Association of Malaysia pres- education on the smaller issues, panies, should declare their taxes
the positive side, there will likely be pen is that there may be aggres- ident Datuk Michael Kang Hua Ke- beginning from this year, he said. properly according to the law. Le-
an increased rate of compliance, sive interpretation of the law and ong said that for the associations The association is also hoping gitimate businesses should not be
but on the other hand, we do not that is what will cause difficulties member companies, they are facing that the government will consider afraid of audits if everything is in
want overzealous tax collection one side argues commerciality issues with retrospective tax audits, reducing the tax rates for SMEs as order, he said.

Value-added services the way Industry Revolution 4.0 is a supply

chain-based revolution
forward for Msian manufacturers KUALA LUMPUR: When the fourth
industrial revolution or Industrial
for customers to do business via
the Internet and giving them an
Revolution 4.0 (Industry 4.0) was in- opportunity to place individual
KUALA LUMPUR: Value-added with the resources to invest in Besides 3D printing, the survey troduced to depict the current trend orders, instead of en masse.
services, such as three-dimensional 3D printing as a service can lev- suggested other areas of opportuni- of automation and data exchange in Industry 4.0 is service-led and
(3D) printing, are a way for Malay- erage on this emerging trend to ties, namely e-commerce, personal manufacturing technologies, many will have a tremendous effect on
sian manufacturers to stand out differentiate themselves in an touchpoints, post-sales, quality and misunderstood what it was all about the supply chain. The difficulty all
from competition, according to a increasingly crowded market- reputation. and what or who it affected. along has been how to customise
2017 UPS Industrial Buying Dy- place, it added. By understanding the behav- According to Hong Kong-based orders, down to the individual level,
namics survey. The UPS Industrial Buying Dy- iour and perception of industrial Human Capital Group Asia Ltd without having costs go completely
In a statement, UPS, the global namics study was conducted in De- buyers in these three key markets, chief executive officer Douglas off the scale.
leader in logistics, said the survey cember 2016, with 2,500 industrial manufacturers in Malaysia can bet- Dean, a misconception about In- Also, how do you customise
results revealed early signs of buy- supply purchasers in China, Europe ter plan and prioritise international dustry 4.0 is the idea that it is a individual orders and at the same
ers willingness to switch to suppli- (the UK, France, Italy and Germa- expansion plans, UPS said. manufacturing-based revolution, time enjoy savings in mass pro-
ers offering 3D printing services. ny) and the US, including decision The survey also revealed that when in reality, it is actually supply duction? That can only happen
3D printing as a service is per- makers or strong influencers. though online purchasing is be- chain-based and focused on pro- when technologies are brought in
ceived to add a level of attractive- The survey suggested that Ma- coming more popular, in-person viding service to customers. to create a more efficient supply
ness in the form of high quality, laysian manufacturers can take relationships are still important He said the manufacturing in- chain network, he told Bernama
customisation and ability to satisfy action in five key areas to appeal for Malaysian manufacturers ex- dustry was following what the ser- on the sidelines of the Industry 4.0
emergency fulfilments. to industrial buyers across the US, panding their businesses overseas. vice industry had been doing for and Digitalisation Conference here
Malaysian manufacturers China and Europe. Bernama a long time, providing a platform yesterday. Bernama

HeveaBoard faces challenges

to sustain growth
It will be continuing to focus on higher-grade products as they provide a higher profit margin
BY WO N G EE L I N als. And that log export has been duce labour usage and increase
banned a long while ago. HeveaBoard Bhd HeveaBoard Bhd revenue efficiency, like any labour-intensive
KUALA LUMPUR: While most He also explained that the rainy RM and net prot industries Yoong highlighted that
would expect the rubber wood ex- weather has affected rubber wood 2.0 the lack of labour force is another
(RM mil) Revenue Net profit
port ban to benefit wood-based supply, which caused prices to 600 100
concern for HeveaBoard.
furniture manufacturers, including climb. 1.7
No matter how much of auto-
particle board makers, HeveaBoard Yoong noted that the sharp rise RM1.67
500 73.57 mation that we have, we still need
Bhd managing director Yoong Hau in rubber wood cost certainly does 400
the workers to operate and main-

Chun, however, describes such view not bode well for HeveaBoard as tain the machines. The bottleneck

as misconception. rubber wood makes up 30% of the 300 50 [now] is how much we could pro-
HeveaBoards share price staged particle boards raw material costs. 200 41.63
duce, said Yoong.
a rather strong rebound at end- As an export-oriented company, 1.1
30.48 25 Going forward, HeveaBoard is

June on news of the export ban on Yoong said the stronger ringgit also 100 22.46 seeking to add value to its existing
rubber wood, soaring to a record affects the company negatively as it 0 0
core business by venturing into cul-
high of RM1.75 on Aug 7 from this mainly trades in US dollars. 0.8 tivation of gourmet fungi, through
FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 1HFY17*
years low of RM1.30. Moreover, Yoong noted that Hev- Note: Financial year ended Dec 31
its new wholly-owned subsidiary
Aug 30, 2016 Aug 30, 2017
Given the headwinds the par- eaBoard will be continuing to focus * First half ended June 30, 2017 HeveaGro Sdn Bhd.
ticle board is facing, HeveaBoard on higher-grade products as they With the company currently pro-
might find it hard to keep up with provide a higher profit margin. ducing 100 tonnes of low-quality raw
investors expectations. We have been trying to move product that we are able to offer, (13%), and other countries (8%), as materials daily, which are currently
Yoong acknowledges that Hevea- away from the conventional prod- said Yoong, adding that there is no well as the US (2%). sold to boiler users at a discount,
Board, which saw a 45% to 50% hike ucts that can give us an edge over the other manufacturer that produces Earnings-wise, HeveaBoards net Yoong said the company plans to
in rubber wood cost since early this rest of the competitors, said Yoong. this product in Malaysia. profit grew 17.5% to RM41.63 million, utilise its existing waste for King Oys-
year, is expecting a tough ride to sus- He explained that HeveaBoard is Incorporated in 1993, the com- from RM35.43 million a year ago for ter mushroom cultivation.
tain its profit growth for the financial now commercialising a new prod- pany now manufactures, trades and the first six months ended June 30, It (mushroom cultivation) not
year ending Dec 31, 2017 (FY17). uct the NAF, which is a particle distributes a wide range of particle 2017. Its revenue was up 9.83% to going to be a very big revenue [or]
To be honest, it will be very board with no added formaldehyde boards and particle board-based RM293.98 million during the period, profit generator, but I think, on the
tough [to see growth
owth in our bottom adhesive system. This is products as well as ready-to-assem- from RM267.68 million a year ago. margin side, its quite attractive be-
line]. Our internalal plan is to have a totally new typ
type of ble (RTA) furniture products. The increase in net profit was cause we are able to use our own raw
growth in both h top line and HeveaBoards main revenue mainly due to the better revenue in materials. I also think that theres a
bottom line. But ut this year, streams come from particle board the particle boards segment, driven very good prospect for healthy food
theres the impact pact on the Yoong: We have been manufacturing, with 80% of total by higher production capacity, in- [and] organic produce, said Yoong.
raw material and d the [foreign] trying to move away production exported. Meanwhile, creased sales of higher-grade prod- While HeveaBoard has allocat-
worker issues, Yoong told from the conventional about 90% of its RTA is exported. ucts, increased sales in value-added ed about RM10.5 million for fac-
The Edge Financial cial Dailyy in products that can For the particle board segment, products. tory and equipment to cultivate
an interview. give us an edge the company exports about 48.4% to However, HeveaBoard saw a de- King Oyster mushroom, Yoong said
HeveaBoard isnt benefit- over the rest of the China, India (12.2%), Japan (11.8%), cline in net profit from the RTA seg- the company is aiming for a RM10
ing much from m the export ban competitors. Photo by Korea (11.7%), and other countries ment due mainly to lower exchange million revenue and RM3 million
on rubber wood d [sawn timber] Shahrin Yahya (5.6%) and 10.4% is sold to the lo- rate for the US dollar to ringgit and profit for FY18.
mainly becausee the com- cal market. higher raw material cost. Yoong said the factory should be
pany consumess rub- Meanwhile, for the RTA seg- While the company has been ready by year end and HeveaBoard
ber wood [logs] gs] ment, HeveaBoard exports to Ja- expanding its production line, in- is hoping to start production in the
as raw materi-- pan (63%), Australia (14%), Europe creasing more automation to re- first quarter of 2018.

BSL banks on EMS venture, green business for better FY18

BY SU P RI YA SU REND RA N provider for some time now. be able to see that from their end; green. Our RE segment owns and The plants will be connected to
For us, we would like to think it product development would be eas- operates solar farms, but the main the grid and successful companies
KUALA LUMPUR: BSL Corp Bhd is a natural [progression] into EMS ier as all these components are now business is as an engineering, pro- will then be able to sell the energy
aims to be a one-stop provider for as the stamping industry is already in one location. For us, the [pricing] curement, construction and com- produced to Tenaga Nasional Bhd or
electronic manufacturing services at the mature growth stage. We are of our products would be more com- missioning (EPCC) provider for any Sabah Electricity Sdn Bhd for 21 years.
(EMS) for its customers, providing already doing certain module as- petitive as we can [save on transpor- third party, he said. Ngiam shared that BSL had sub-
its core competencies of in-house sembly or partially completed as- tation] costs, he said. To date, its RE division has sup- mitted its bid for a 8mw LSS project
metal stamping, printed circuit sembly to be sent to customers to BSL has moved its precision plied and constructed 2.1mw of solar to the EC. The LSS has excited the
board (PCB) assembly and fabri- put into their final products. stamped metal parts unit, which photovoltaic (PV) system. This in- market as its a 21-year programme
cation and forging services. So now, we have decided to take was previously located in Selayang, cludes a 1mw solar farm at Universiti where you get a constant revenue
The group is targeting a 10% rev- the next step and move into the to its Rawang factory in 2009. Its Teknologi Malaysias Kuala Lumpur stream, but its also quite competitive
enue contribution from EMS for its final product as well, said Ngiam PCB assembly operations under campus. The group owns and oper- and thats a challenge, said Ngiam.
financial year ending Aug 31, 2018 in an interview with The Edge Fi- its subsidiary Crestronics (M) Sdn ates the farm under its subsidiary For 9MFY17, BSL reported a net
(FY18), according to its chief execu- nancial Daily. Bhd in Klang were also relocated Matahari Suria Sdn Bhd. profit of RM2.17 million, compared
tive officer Richard Ngiam Tee Wee. Logistics was a deterrent in the to Rawang in 2013. The group then It also owns 51% of BSL Eco Energy to a net loss of RM694,000 a year
At present the group derives reve- past to its EMS venture as BSLs sold Crestronics Klang land, office Sdn Bhd, with the remaining 49% held ago. Revenue for 9MFY17 came in
nue contribution from its metal, PCB factories were located in different and factory to Top Glove Group last by its partner Eco Seido Sdn Bhd. BSL 27% higher at RM104.29 million. The
assembly and forging services sepa- locations. But over the years, the year for RM9.88 million. Eco Energy is a PV solar energy solu- group returned to the black in FY16
rately. But with the move into EMS, group has worked on centralising In the nine months ended May tion provider offering EPCC services with a net profit of RM4.76 million,
the group will be a comprehensive its operations at its factory in Batu 31, 2017 (9MFY17), precision for the full range of solar installations. largely because it converted doubtful
solutions provider for its customers, Arang, Rawang. stamping and tooling remained The Energy Commission (EC) in debts in the PCB segment into shares.
who are mostly manufacturers of We were not terribly successful BSLs largest revenue contributor, February this year announced the BSL shares closed unchanged
home electronic appliances such in the past as our sister companies at about 81%, while renewable en- second competitive bidding process at 51.5 sen last Wednesday with
as televisions, air conditioners, fans, were located in Klang and in Se- ergy (RE) contributed about 14%. for the development of large scale a market capitalisation of RM52.7
microwaves and water heaters. layang Baru. But now, we have put RE is something we started over solar (LSS) plants to be located in million. Year to date, its share price
Ngiam said the group has been them together in one location. a year ago as we have always been Peninsular Malaysia or Sabah, with a has grown 82% from 30 sen on Dec
wanting to transition into a full EMS We hope our customers would interested in products which are target aggregate capacity of 460mw. 30, 2016.

Stocks with momentum were picked up using a proprietary algorithm by Asia Analytica Data Sdn Bhd and rst appeared at www.theedgemarkets.com.
Please exercise your own judgement or seek professional advice for your specic investment needs. We are not responsible for your investment decisions.
Our shareholders, directors and employees may have positions in any of the stocks mentioned.


SHARES in Palette Multimedia Bhd (funda- 31, 2017 with a revenue of RM4.91 million.
mental: 0.95/3, valuation: 0/3), a solution pro- For the full financial year 2017, Palette Mul-
vider of broadband, wireless and networking timedia incurred a net loss of RM802,000 from
products and services, triggered our Stocks a revenue of RM5.71 million.
with Momentum algorithm last Wednesday After the successful launch of iMedic in Ma-
for the sixth time this month. laysia, Palette Multimedia in partnership with
The stock closed 0.5 sen or 3.23% lower at HSC Hospital has started a patient recruitment
15 sen with a volume of 23.71 million shares campaign. In addition, development has started
last Wednesday, exceeding its 200-day average on the next phase of iMedic software targeted
volume of 3.36 million shares. at smaller clinics and individual medical prac-
Palette Multimedia posted a net profit of titioners. It is anticipated that this development
RM664,000 for the fourth quarter ended May will be completed by the end of 2017.

PALETTE MULTIMEDIA BHD Valuation score* 0.00

Fundamental score** 0.95
TTM P/E (x) -
TTM PEG (x) -
P/NAV (x) 4.20
TTM Dividend yield (%) - The new machines will be used to construct the 13.5km underground railway portion of the 52.2km SSP
Market capitalisation (mil) 47.93 line in addition to the existing eight TBMs which were used for KVMRT1. Photo by Suhaimi Yusuf
Shares outstanding (ex-treasury) mil 319.53
Beta 0.60
12-month price range 0.05-0.16
*Valuation score - Composite measure of historical return & valuation New machines to improve
efficiency of MRT2
**Fundamental score - Composite measure of balance sheet strength
& protability
Note: A score of 3.0 is the best to have and 0.0 is the worst to have

SINO HUA-AN INTERNATIONAL BHD (+ve) tunnelling works

SHARES in Sino Hua-An International Bhd RM21.98 million in the three months end-
(fundamental: 1.55/3, valuation: 0.9/3), in- ed June 30, 2017 compared to a net loss of BY S AM ANTHA HO tions compared with seven underground
volved in the production of metallurgical RM9.61 million incurred during the same stations spanning just 9km for the first
coal and its by-products, triggered our Stocks period last year. GUANGZHOU: MMC-Gamuda KVMRT Sungai Buloh-Kajang (SBK) line, Najmud-
with Momentum algorithm last Wednesday Quarterly revenue stood at RM259.02 (T) Sdn Bhd has started the groundwork din said in explaining the need for new
for the second time since the beginning of million after the resumption of coke manu- for the construction of the second Klang machines.
the year. facturing operations from February onwards Valley mass rapid transit (KVMRT2). So far, five of the six existing VD TBMs
The stock closed 11.5 sen or 287.5% higher following the expiry of the leasing tenure. MMC-Gamuda, the project delivery have already been refurbished at the RM100
at 15.5 sen with a volume of 217.34 million As the lease period was from February 2016 partner, has upgraded four new variable million TBM refurbishment centre in Pus-
shares last Wednesday, exceeding its 200-day to January, there was no revenue recorded density slurry tunnel boring machines ing, Ipoh, which had been jointly estab-
average volume of 571,394 shares. during the corresponding quarter in the (VD TBMs), which will be used for KVM- lished in collaboration with Herrenknecht
Sino Hua-An registered a net profit of preceding year. RT2, in order to improve their operational AG in Pusing, Ipoh, Ng said.
efficiency. The remaining two existing TBMs are
SINO HUA-AN INTERNATIONAL BHD Valuation score* 0.90 Dubbed the VD TBM 2.0, the 6.6m di- of the earth pressure balance.
Fundamental score** 1.55 ameter machines were constructed by Ger- The two new VD TBMs will begin tun-
TTM P/E (x) - man tunnelling expert Herrenknecht AGs nelling near Bandar Malaysia, while the
TTM PEG (x) - Chinese subsidiary Guangzhou Her- following two VD TBMs, which are ex-
P/NAV (x) 0.60 renknecht Tunnelling Machinery Co Ltd. pected to arrive from Guangzhou by the
The machines cost between RM40 mil- end of the first quarter of 2018, will tunnel
TTM Dividend yield (%) -
lion and RM60 million depending on their from Titiwangsa to Jalan Ipoh, according
Market capitalisation (mil) 173.96 specifications, said MRT Corp. to Blaise Mark Pearce, MRT Corp director
Shares outstanding (ex-treasury) mil 1,122.31 Of the four new TBMs, two will be arriv- of underground works for the SSP line.
Beta 1.98 ing on Malaysian shores by year end, after The modifications, which will see en-
12-month price range 0.02-0.16 having successfully completed their factory hanced wear protection for two of the ma-
*Valuation score - Composite measure of historical return & valuation acceptance tests (FAT) here last Tuesday, chines and a higher operating pressure
**Fundamental score - Composite measure of balance sheet strength said KVMRT2 contractor MMC-Gamu- rating for another two, are expected to help
& protability das general manager for tunnelling, Ng improve the VD TBMs performance in
Note: A score of 3.0 is the best to have and 0.0 is the worst to have Hau Wei. tunnelling through three different ground
This is ahead of the commencement conditions, namely the Kuala Lumpur
of the KVMRT2 tunnelling work, which is limestone formation, granite stone, and
XINGHE HOLDINGS BHD (-ve) slated to start in the first quarter of 2018 the Kenny Hills formation.
for completion by mid-2019. More than half of the underground por-
SHARES in Xinghe Holdings Bhd (fundamen- compared to net loss of RM4.5 million in the Construction is progressing as sched- tion of the SSP line will travel through the
tal: 1.05/3, valuation: 1.5/3), edible vegetable same quarter last year, despite lower revenue. uled and so far, 12.05% of the line has been cavity-riddled karstic limestone forma-
oil and peanut protein cake producer, triggered Quarterly revenue stood at RM78.22 million, completed, MRT Corp director of strategic tion, for which the VD TBM had initially
our Stocks with Momentum algorithm last down 15.9% from RM93.02 million last year. communications and stakeholder relations been developed for the construction of
Wednesday for the second time last month. According to a Bursa Malaysia filing last Datuk Najmuddin Abdullah told reporters the SBK line.
The stock went up one sen to 5.5 sen with Monday, the reduction in revenue was mainly after the FAT at Guangzhou Herrenkne- Modifications to increase its efficiency
a volume of 28.21 million shares last Wednes- caused by lower sales volume. The lower sales chts plant. include upgrading the teeth of the cutter
day, far exceeding its 200-day average volume volume was due to the continued weakness in The entire Sungai Buloh-Serdang-Pu- and its angle, as well as improving the ar-
of 2.68 million shares. demand for the peanut oil and productivity loss trajaya (SSP) line project has a gross devel- rangement of equipment and pipes within
Xinghe incurred a net profit of RM148,000 consequent to the conversion of the peanut opment cost of an estimated RM32 billion, the shield system of the machines in or-
for the second quarter ended June 30, 2017, oil extraction machines to run on natural gas. according to Najmuddin. der for more work to be done in the area,
This puts the KVMRT2, also known as Ng said.
XINGHE HOLDINGS BHD Valuation score* 1.50 the SSP line, on track for the first phase to The newly modified TBMs will also have
Fundamental score** 1.05 be launched in July 2021 and the second to bore through granite stone, for which
TTM P/E (x) 5.28 phase to be launched in 2022, he added. they have been equipped with a higher
TTM PEG (x) (0.09) 23% of the underground works for the crushing capacity and bigger compressed
P/NAV (x) 0.25 SSP line are expected to be completed by airlock in order to allow workers to per-
this year end, bringing the overall com- form smoother cutter head interventions,
TTM Dividend yield (%) -
pleted works for the line to 19%, said Na- he added.
Market capitalisation (mil) 129.17 jmuddin. As a result of the modifications, the
Shares outstanding (ex-treasury) mil 2,348.50 The four new machines will be used to likelihood of sinkholes and road damages
Beta 1.19 construct the 13.5km underground railway during the construction of underground
12-month price range 0.03-0.06 portion of the 52.2km SSP line in addition portion of the SSP line is expected to be
*Valuation score - Composite measure of historical return & valuation to the existing eight TBMs which were used further reduced from the 0.3km of sinkholes
**Fundamental score - Composite measure of balance sheet strength for KVMRT1. seen during the construction of KVMRT1,
& protability The SSP line has 11 underground sta- MRTs Najmuddin said.
Note: A score of 3.0 is the best to have and 0.0 is the worst to have
P R O P E RT Y 9

Short of China developer bonds


Chinas land ministry

says to continue
targeted policies
SHANGHAI: China will continue
its targeted policies to address
Investors are lured by these companies stronger earnings, improving credit profiles demand and supply in the prop-
erty sector and stay on track with
land supply plans, the ministry
BY A N N I E L EE of land and resources said on
Saturday. The government fac-
HONG KONG: Dollar bonds sold es the challenge of controlling
by Chinas property developers are rising home prices in the largest
being lapped up by investors, lured cities where prices are too expen-
by the companies stronger earnings sive for many residents, while
and improving credit profiles. also encouraging sales and sup-
Notes sold in July and August by porting prices in smaller cities
Chinese developers attracted orders that face a glut of unsold homes.
6.3 times the issue size, compared In the second half of the year it
with 2.5 times in May and June, ac- would focus on its one city, one
cording to data compiled by Bloomb- strategy approach to key cities,
erg where deal statistics are available. the ministry said in a statement
The firms are taking advantage of the on its website. It would push
better sentiment, with bond sales property developers to start and
rising to a record US$35.2 billion complete projects according to
(RM150.30 billion) this year. their contracts. Reuters
In China, we still like the property
sector, said Ken Hu, chief investment US order to vacate
officer for Asia-Pacific fixed income excluding Japan selling a record earnings reports. Six of the ten devel- company, Wang Jianlin, was stopped diplomatic property blunt
at Invesco Hong Kong Ltd. Proper- US$193.6 billion of dollar notes so opers, meanwhile, raised sales tar- with his family at Tianjin airport near act of hostility Russia
ty companies sales and cash flows far this year, an 80% jump from the gets this earnings season, signalling Beijing as they were about to depart MOSCOW: The Russian foreign
are pretty strong and their inventory same period last year. ever-growing demand from buyers. for London. Dalian Wanda Group ministry said on Sunday that a
levels have been improving, he said. Building companies fundamen- But while the bonds are finding Co later refuted the story, helping US order to vacate Russian dip-
The revitalisation of the Chinese tals have been burnished in 2017, favour with investors, the sector is the bonds recover losses. lomatic property in Washington
property bond market, which has with Moodys Investors Service saying still not devoid of risk, as the expe- And at the end of June, Green- and San Francisco was a blunt
a track record of debentures and it sees the number of negative out- rience of Wanda Properties Inter- land Holdings Corp, Chinas act of hostility. We urge Amer-
regulator scrutiny, has helped drive looks in the sector declining slight- national Co shows. fourth-biggest developer by prop- ican authorities to change their
Asian high-yield issuance to a peak ly over the next six to 12 months. The firms US$600 million of erty sales, said it had overdue loans minds and return Russian diplo-
of US$39 billion in 2017, with devel- Ten leading developers that have notes due 2024 dropped by more of 457.5 million yuan (RM299.64 matic facilities immediately, it
oper debt about 60% of that total. reported first-half results saw gross than three US cents on the dollar on million) in some units in Chinas said on its website. On Saturday,
Its also buoying the wider dollar margins expand to an average 30.2%, Aug 28 after Chinese media reported northeast province of Liaoning. Russian diplomats worked to va-
bond market, with issuers in Asia according to calculations based on the billionaire chairman of its parent Bloomberg cate three properties in the US,
including the six-storey consu-
late in San Francisco, complying
with the US order which was is-

UK house price growth cools in August sued in retaliation for Moscow

cutting the American diplomatic
presence in Russia. Reuters

BY ANDY BRUCE and matching Mays four-year low. said Samuel Tombs, economist at with the previous month, after ris- Norways wealth fund up
A Reuters poll of economists had consultancy Pantheon Macroe- ing 0.2% in July. stake in London property
LONDON: British house price pointed to annual growth of 2.5%. conomics. Other house price surveys have OSLO: Norways sovereign
growth eased to a three-month Britains housing sector has Prices likely will continue to painted a similar picture. wealth fund said yesterday
low in August, adding to signs that slowed sharply since the vote in struggle to rise much, given that The Royal Institution of Char- that it had expanded its part-
the squeeze on household spending June 2016 to leave the European inflation still has further to rise, tered Surveyors said British house nership with the Crown Estate,
since last years Brexit vote has led Union, when prices were growing consumer confidence has deterio- prices rose at their slowest rate in acquiring an additional 25%
to a slowdown in the housing mar- by more than 5% a year. rated sharply since June and lend- over four years last month, while interest in 20 Air Street in cen-
ket, a survey showed last Tuesday. The moderation in price growth ers intend to reduce the supply of the number of sales slowed due tral London. The fund says this
Mortgage lender Nationwide said primarily reflects the squeeze on unsecured credit. to a limited supply of property and brings Norges Bank Real Estate
house prices rose 2.1% year-on-year real wages and the slowdown in the Nationwide said house prices continued political uncertainty. Managements total share up to
in August, slowing from 2.9% in July pace that mortgage rates are falling, slipped 0.1% in August compared Reuters 50% in the property. Reuters

Star Media open to

investment opportunities
Star Media Group Bhd plined cost control and improved Star Media Group Bhd cutting our TP to RM1.80 per share
(Aug 30, RM2.37) efficiencies. (previously RM2.46) based on the
Downgrade to sell with a lower With a sizeable cash reserve of FYE DEC 31 (RM MIL) 2015 2016 2017F 2018F dividend discount model valuation
target price (TP) of RM1.80: To RM326.7 million as at the second Revenue 1,019.0 932.1 692.4 540.1 methodology (discount rate of 6.1%).
recall, Star Media Group Bhds first quarter of FY17 (2QFY17), manage- Ebit 176.0 151.2 42.1 39.8
The group has embarked on its
half of financial year 2017 (1HFY17) ment is actively seeking merger and next digital transformation plan via
Pre-tax profit 170.1 146.2 33.9 31.4
normalised profit after tax and mi- acquisition (M&A) opportunities. the introduction of dimsum.my.
nority interests (Patmi) came in The acquisition target would pref- Net profit after MI 133.0 109.9 27.0 25.0 However, we do not expect the initi-
at RM14.4 million (-62.4% year- erable be within the media realm. Normalised net profit after MI 132.9 67.2 27.0 25.0 ative to be fruitful anytime soon. We
on-year [y-o-y]). This was mainly However, they do not discount the Normalised EPS (sen) 18.0 9.1 3.7 3.4 view that the group is in dire need of
attributable to lower contribution possibility of investment in non- Normalised EPS growth (%) -5.4 -49.5 -59.8 -7.4 another earnings-accretive acqui-
from the print and digital segment core businesses which are already PER (x) 13.5 26.7 66.4 71.6 sition to replace Cityneon. This was
in view of poor market sentiments profit-making. In addition, manage- Dividend (sen) 18 18 36 11
evident in the groups latest quar-
as well as start-up costs incurred ment is open to investment oppor- terly results announcement. We are
Dividend yield (%) 7.6 7.6 15.2 4.6
for dimsum.my. tunities beyond the local shores. also concerned over the depleting
Sources: Company, MIDFR
Despite some improvements in In view of the 30 sen special divi- cash reserve. The group will need to
the macroeconomic numbers, the dend announced for 2QFY17, we do balance between funding for M&A
advertisement spending recovery not expect any further dividend for depleting cash reserves, we do not neon, we further cut the earnings activities as well as maintaining its
remained soft. Management be- the said financial year. However, for expect future dividend payments contribution from the print and dividend commitment. In view of
lieves that advertisers are adopt- FY18, we are cutting our dividend to be attractive. We are of the view digital segment. As a result, we are this, we are expecting future divi-
ing a wait-and-see attitude. Thus, assumptions to 11 sen from 15 sen that it would be better to conserve revising downwards our FY17 and dend payments to be capped. All
to partially address this concern, previously. Due to the challenging cash to fund for earnings-accretive FY18 earnings estimates by -53.9% factors considered, we are down-
management is actively executing business environment, the groups acquisitions. and -67.4% respectively. grading our recommendation to
cost-saving measures. This includes cash-generating capability has re- In addition to excluding the Following our downward revi- sell from the previously neutral
a leaner operating structure, disci- duced considerably. Coupled with earnings contribution from City- sions of dividend estimates, we are call. MIDF Research, Aug 30

Uzma excited about ongoing LBSs earnings visibility seen

healthy for next two years
bids for various projects
LBS Bina Group Bhd bulk of which will come from
Uzma Bhd Uzma Bhd (Aug 30, RM1.93) its Alam Perdana development
(Aug 30, RM1.30) Maintain outperform call with (RM628 million), whereby RM220
Maintain outperform call with an FY DEC (RM MIL) 2016A 2017E 2018E an unchanged target price (TP) million in new sales are targeted.
unchanged target price (TP) of Turnover 475.5 463.2 482.0 of RM2.23: LBS Binas (LBS) first Also slated for launch is RM388
RM1.65: We understand that the half financial year 2017 (1HFY17) million worth of properties in BSP
Ebit 44.0 58.0 64.1
second quarter financial year 2017 net profit of RM53.2 million 6 in Bandar Saujana Putra, RM190
(2QFY17) core earnings were prof- PBT 33.0 49.9 58.1 (+43.7% year-on-year [y-o-y]) is million in Skylake Residences and
itable, at RM4.7 million (-57% quar- Net profit (NP) 42.6 35.3 40.3 within expectations at about 49% RM170 million in Bukit Jalil, in
ter-on-quarter [q-o-q], -13% year- Core net profit 28.7 35.3 40.3 of our and consensus full-year addition to the RM1.05 billion
on-year [y-o-y]), rather than initial Consensus (NP) 38.8 46.0 estimates. 1HFY17 revenue of already launched to date.
losses of RM1.2 million with addi- Core EPS (sen) 9.0 11.0 12.6 RM603.4 million (+41.6% y-o-y) On the upgrading and trans-
tional two one-off items, that is the CNP growth (%) -27.5 22.9 14.1 saw similarly robust growth, un- formation of the Zhuhai Inter-
RM2.6 million additional deferred derpinned by an unbilled sales national Circuit (ZIC) in China,
NTA/Share (RM) 1.2 1.5 1.6
tax charge and RM3.3 million ad- amount of just under RM1.4 bil- the areas council has managed
ditional provision. Thus, the cumu- BV/Share (RM) 1.2 1.5 1.6 lion. Earnings visibility for the to put through its plans for pub-
lative first half FY17 (1HFY17) core Core PER 14.5 11.8 10.3 next two years are healthy, with lic viewing, in compliance with
earnings of RM15.7 million (+47% Price/NTA (x) 1.0 0.9 0.8 upcoming launch plans and like- regulatory requirements, without
y-o-y) were within managements Gearing (x) 1.05 0.65 0.50 ly to extend further. We contin- any negative comments received.
expectations, anticipating strong- Source: Kenanga Research ue to like LBS for its exposure to ZIC is now working on a resub-
er 2HFY17 backed by: i) unbilled the mid-market segment of af- mission of a more detailed con-
RM35 million to RM 38 million work fordably-priced properties which ceptual plan which will encom-
performed for the Kinabalu project or register a small profit this year to strong as initially expected. stands it in better stead in current pass three components motor
in the 2QFY17; ii) stronger associ- help by cost optimisation, improving We believe the recent share price market conditions. sports, cultural and tourism. Op-
ate earnings due to pick up in CTU from RM6 million losses in FY16 (ver- weakness to the year-to-date (YTD) The group continues to regis- tions remain open for now, wheth-
(coiled tubing) jobs; and iii) higher sus RM1 million losses in 1HFY17). low of RM1.30 level (YTD -24%) is ter encouraging numbers despite er it will be outright development
work orders from contracts secured. Moving forward, management is overdone and, thus, we believe the a slow market, with year-to-date sales or a joint venture as a land-
Apart from the unbilled work for excited about Uzmas tender book current level is an attractive entry sales (as at August) of RM796 mil- owner, or even a separate listing
the Kinabalu jobs, the management given the exciting ongoing RM2 bil- level given undemanding valuation lion close to last years RM827 mil- of the entity. Whatever the case,
explained that the 21% decline in lion bids, including experimental of 0.8 times FY18 estimates of price- lion in the corresponding period. monetisation prospects are prom-
1HFY17 top line was caused by lower supply and installation of non-me- to-book value ratio (PBV) and 10.3 Puchong remains a key driv- ising and are another rerating
execution of manpower jobs, which tallic pipes , installation of electri- times FY18 price-earnings ration. er with the Bandar Saujana Pu- catalyst.
typically fetches lower profit after tax cal submersible pipes, reinforced Thus, we maintain our outperform tra, DIsland and Desiran Bayu Recall also that the group ac-
(PAT) margins of 2-3%, resulting in thermal pipes jobs and water in- call on Uzma with an unchanged projects making up 45% (RM357 quired in July a 7.98-acre (3.23ha)
PAT margin improvement to 9.5% jection projects. TP of RM1.65/share pegged at 1.0 million) of total sales. Hilltop plot of leasehold land in the Seri
in 1HFY17 from 5.1% in 1HFY16. Despite core earnings for times FY18 estimate PBV premis- living is seemingly gaining trac- Kembangan area with preliminary
Note that these jobs contributed 1HFY17 being adjusted to RM15.7 ing on its ability to innovate mul- tion with Midhills (Genting) and plans to develop four towers of
<10% of total revenue in 1HFY17 million from RM9.8 million fol- tiple solutions to oil majors amid Cameron Golden Hills (Cameron serviced apartments with an es-
versus 35%-40% of FY16 revenue. lowing the additional adjustments a challenging environment. Highlands) collectively recording timated gross development value
In view of slower-than-expected made on one-off items, we de- Risks to our call: 1) weak- RM260 million (32.7%). Target for of about RM600 million.
work orders, the hydraulic workover cided to maintain our FY17 and er-than-expected recovery in the year remains unchanged at With an estimated 10% net
units (HWU) utilisation is likely to FY18 earnings forecasts at RM35.3 the oil and gas market; 2) slow- RM1.5 billion, 25% higher than margin, the project should en-
stay flattish or at best improve slight- million and RM40.3 million, im- er-than-expected delivery in D18 last years RM1.2 billion. hance earnings by a further 3%-
ly than last years 30+% level. Having plying y-o-y growth of 23% and water injection project; and 3) The remainder of the year will 5% per annum over the eight-
said that, MMSVS Group Holdings 14%, respectively, given that HWU lower-than-expected margins. see the group launch some RM1.4 year period of the development.
Co Ltd is anticipated to break even operations may not pick up as Kenanga Research, Aug 30 billion worth of properties, the PublicInvest Research, Aug 30
B R O K E R S C A L L 11

TM FY18 profit YTL Power 4Q lifted by

deferred tax credit recognition

seen to rise 7%
YTL Power International Bhd million pre-tax profit (-34% q-o-q,
(Aug 30, RM1.41) +227% y-o-y) due to lower operat-
Maintain hold with an unchanged ing and interest expenses. 4QFY17
target price of RM1.45: YTL Power segmental pre-tax margin stood
International Bhd reported a head- at 1.8%, compared with 2.8% in
line net profit for the fourth quar- 3QFY17 and 0.7% in 4QFY16.
ter of financial year 2017 (4QFY17) The mobile broadband divi-
of RM199.5 million (+24% quar- sion continued to be loss-making
Telekom Malaysia Bhd Telekom Malaysia Bhd ter-on-quarter [q-o-q]), lifted by the since its inception in 2010 with
(Aug 30, RM6.43) recognition of deferred tax credit a pre-tax loss of RM22.7 million
Maintain hold with a higher tar- FYE DEC (RM MIL) 2015A 2016A 2017F 2018F 2019F arising from a reduction in UK cor- in 4QFY17 as the telecommuni-
get price of RM6.80: Telekom Ma- Revenue 11,722 12,061 12,130 12,447 12,502 poration tax of 18% to 17%, result- cations industry in Malaysia re-
laysia Bhds (TM) earnings before Operating Ebitda 3,677 3,820 3,726 3,833 3,787 ing in a positive tax charge during mained challenging. Nevertheless,
interest, taxes, depreciation and the quarter. This took FY17 profit YTL Powers nationwide launch
Operating Ebitda margin (%) 31.4 31.7 30.7 30.8 30.3
amortisation (Ebitda) for the sec- to RM673.4 million (-30% year-on- of Yes 4G LTE service for mobile
ond quarter of financial year 2017 Net profit 700.3 776.0 884.3 946.4 889.4 year [y-o-y]). devices in the second half of cal-
(2QFY17) eased 3.6% year-on-year Core EPS (RM) 0.25 0.23 0.24 0.25 0.24 Water and sewerage business endar year 2016 helped narrow its
(y-o-y) (-5.8% quarter-on-quar- Core EPS growth (%) (5.50) (7.82) 4.05 7.03 (6.03) in the UK recorded a pre-tax prof- segmental losses.
ter [q-o-q]) on lower revenue and FD core P/E (x) 26.17 28.39 27.28 25.49 27.13 it of RM207.5 million (-2% q-o-q, YTL Power declared an interim
margins. Core earnings per share DPS (RM) 0.21 0.22 0.21 0.23 0.21 -18% y-o-y), accounting for 80% dividend per share (DPS) of five
(EPS) jumped 24.2% y-o-y (-9.5% Dividend yield (%) 3.33 3.35 3.30 3.53 3.32 of YTL Powers 4QFY17 pre-tax sen for FY17, which was half of the
q-o-q), mainly due to the low base profit (excluding loss-making di- 10 sen DPS that it paid from FY14
EV/Ebitda (x) 7.61 7.75 8.14 7.86 7.92
in 2QFY16 (hit by high accelerated visions). The relatively weaker to FY16. While we are expecting a
depreciation/write-offs of WiMAX P/FCFE (x) 20.8 106.0 N/A 30.7 30.3 performance was largely attrib- lower DPS for FY17, the quantum
assets and a higher effective tax Net gearing (%) 50.7 69.4 82.0 83.2 85.1 utable to the strengthening of of the reduction was larger than
rate). Results were within expec- ROE (%) 11.8 11.0 11.4 12.1 11.2 the ringgit against British pound expected. This was most likely due
tations, with core EPS for the first % Change in core EPS during the quarter. to cash preservation for its new
six months of FY17 (1HFY17) form- estimates 1.10 (0.73) (1.68) While the multi-utility business power plants in Indonesia and Jor-
ing 50.1% and 51.3% of our and CIMB/consensus EPS (x) 1.04 1.05 0.94 in Singapore continued to suffer dan, both of which are under de-
Bloomberg consensus FY17 fore- from excess generation capacity, it velopment phase. AllianceDBS
Sources: Company data, CIMB forecasts
casts (Ebitda: 48.2%/47.2%) respec- remained profitable with RM25.3 Research, Aug 30
tively. A dividend per share of 9.4
sen (1HFY16: 9.3 sen) was declared, The Ebitda margin eased mar-
implying an 81% payout. ginally by 0.5 percentage point (ppt) YTL Power International Bhd
2QFY17 revenue fell 2.1% y-o-y y-o-y (-2.0 ppts q-o-q) to 30.3% in
due to lower voice (-4.7% y-o-y), 2QFY17. This was mainly due to FYE JUNE (RM MIL) 2016A 2017A 2018F 2019F
data (-6.4% y-o-y) and other services higher webe site rentals with ex- Revenue 10,245 9,778 10,122 10,273
(-9.5% y-o-y). The latter two were due pansion in LTE sites. Supplies and Ebitda 3,329 2,998 3,246 3,403
to lesser government projects (aus- material costs also rose due to one- Pre-tax profit 1,314 868 1,044 1,133
terity drive) and managed account off projects at TM One and higher
Net profit 1,062 673 828 896
business (affected by TMs own reor- customer premise equipment re-
ganisation exercise). The revenue fall placement cost due to the UniFi Net pft (pre ex.) 959 673 828 896
was partially buffered by the growth speed upgrade exercise. These were Net pft gth (pre-ex) (%) 4.4 (29.8) 23.0 8.2
in Internet and multimedia (+8.5% cushioned by lower marketing cost EPS (sen) 13.1 8.31 10.2 11.1
y-o-y). Q-o-q, revenue rose 0.5% (lower dealer commissions) and re- EPS pre ex. (sen) 11.8 8.31 10.2 11.1
after a seasonally weaker 1QFY17, duced bad debts (better credit man- EPS gth pre ex (%) (4) (30) 23 8
albeit partly offset by the continued agement and collection activities). Diluted EPS (sen) 12.9 8.15 10.0 10.9
fall in voice revenue (-2.5% q-o-q). We tweak our earnings fore-
UniFi net adds were largely sus- casts slightly to reflect bookkeeping Net DPS (sen) 10.0 5.00 5.00 5.00
tained at 28,000 (1QFY17: +30,000), changes. We forecast muted reve- BVPS (sen) 154 158 163 169
as TM expanded its number of high- nue growth this year due to lower PE (x) 10.9 17.2 14.0 12.9
speed broadband ports by 4.2% government/enterprise ICT spend- PE pre ex.(x) 12.1 17.2 14.0 12.9
q-o-q to 2,700,000. UniFis aver- ing. However, we see FY17 core P/Cash flow (x) 6.9 6.7 6.0 5.8
age revenue per user (Arpu) held EPS rise 4.3% y-o-y due to lower EV/Ebitda (x) 7.9 8.8 8.2 7.8
steady q-o-q (+3% y-o-y) at RM200 ceeded the net adds recorded un- WiMAX asset write-offs. We expect Net dividend yield (%) 7.0 3.5 3.5 3.5
in 2QFY17, with 88% of subscribers der UniFi. Besides migration to net profit to rise 7% y-o-y in FY18
P/BV (x) 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8
on 10Mbps and above (1QFY17: UniFi, we believe subscribers pos- on stronger revenue growth, but fall
81%). The number of Streamyx sub- sibly churned to other fixed/mobile 6.0% y-o-y in FY19 as we factor in Net debt/Equity (x) 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.0
scribers fell 39,000 (-2.8% q-o-q), broadband providers. Arpu was a 20% effective cut in UniFi Home ROAE (%) 8.9 5.3 6.4 6.7
its steepest in 11 quarters and ex- stable q-o-q (+1% y-o-y) at RM90. prices. CIMB Research, Aug 30 Sources: Company, AllianceDBS, Bloomberg Finance LP

Better performance expected from Karex in FY18

Karex Bhd to RM361.5 million despite the CY17, resulting in a higher aver- Karex Bhd
(Aug 30, RM1.41) tougher tender market and com- age unit cost. Resultantly, Pat-
Maintain hold with a lower tar- pressed ASP environment. Patmi mi declined 58% q-o-q to RM2.9 FYE JUNE (RM MIL) 2017A 2018E 2019F 2020F
get price of RM1.37: Karex Bhds declined 57.2% to RM27.9 million million. Revenue 361.5 412.2 434.3 457.0
profit after tax and minority inter- from RM64 million in FY16 due to For FY18, we continue to ex- Ebitda 47.0 83.0 96.9 106.1
ests (Patmi) for financial year 2017 the above-mentioned factors. Rev- pect the ASP to remain relatively
(FY17) of RM27.9 million (-57.2% enue grew 10.8% y-o-y to RM91.6 low despite signs of recovery in PBT 37.0 70.2 79.7 87.0
year-on-year [y-o-y]) was below million on higher volume from the the fourth quarter of FY17 due to Patmi 27.9 53.7 61.1 66.8
expectations, accounting for 67.6% sexual wellness division, offset by the consolidating global condom Adj Patmi 27.9 53.7 61.1 66.8
and 70.7% of our and the consensus higher administrative and distri- market. Nevertheless, we expect Rep EPS (sen) 2.8 5.4 6.1 6.7
full-year estimates. bution expenses. Patmi fell by 74% a better performance relative to Adj EPS (sen) 2.8 5.4 6.1 6.7
The deviations stemmed from: to RM2.9 million. Management FY17 on the back of returning vol- DPS (sen) 0.7 1.3 1.5 1.7
i) higher marketing and distribu- guided that distribution expenses ume partially offset by a higher Net dividend yield (%) 0.5 0.9 1.0 1.1
tion expenses related to the ex- (+43.6% y-o-y) and administrative cost base. We reduce our FY18 to
pansion of the own-brand manu- expenses (+36.5% y-o-y) had pla- FY19 earnings forecasts by 29% to PER (x) 52.4 27.3 23.9 21.9
facturing segment; ii) a depressed teaued and such volatility would 30% on the expectation of a per- P/B (x) 2.9 2.7 2.5 2.3
average selling price (ASP) in the cease to exist in FY18. Revenue sistent competitive operating en- EV/Ebitda (x) 29.8 16.6 14.2 12.9
tender market; and iii) a spike in was flattish quarter-on-quarter vironment and a higher cost base. ROA (%) 4.7 8.4 8.9 9.0
latex prices in early calendar year (q-o-q) due to a recovery in the We introduce our FY20 numbers. ROE (%) 5.6 9.9 10.3 10.4
2017 (CY17). tender segment partially offset by Hong Leong Investment Bank Source: HLIB Research
FY17 revenue grew 5.3% y-o-y the spike in latex prices in early Research, Aug 30

Special Branch chief IN BRIEF

More assets for civil

defence force for ood

Mohamad Fuzi is new IGP

rescue operations
KANGAR: The civil defence
force (APM) is expected to
receive 200 fibreglass and al-
uminium boats, as well as
34 five-tonne lorries and 17
Sealegs amphibious craft by the
end of November. Its chief com-
He takes over from Khalid who had held the post since 2013 missioner Datuk Azmy Yahya
said the force had also acquired
27 five-tonne lorries and 12
KUALA LUMPUR: Special Branch mendation of the Police Force Com- Sealegs last May as promised
director Datuk Seri Mohamad mission. by the government. The new
Fuzi Harun took over from Tan The commission decided to re- assets will enable the APM to
Sri Khalid Abu Bakar as the new tain Tan Sri Noor Rashid as the enhance its operational ca-
inspector-general of police (IGP) deputy inspector-general of police pability, especially during the
on Sunday, Bernama reported. but with an upgrade, said Ahmad monsoon season, which is ex-
Mohamad Fuzi, 58, succeeds Zahid. pected to hit several states in
Khalid who went on mandatory The commission also decided to December, Azmy said yester-
retirement. Khalid had held the appoint narcotics criminal investi- day. Bernama
post since 2013. gation department (CID) director
The handing over of duties was Datuk Seri Mohd Mokhtar Mohd Dont bank on PAS, Guan
witnessed by Deputy Prime Min- Shariff as the new director of the Eng tells Pakatan partners
ister and Home Minister Datuk Special Branch. GEORGE TOWN: Pakatan
Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi at Ahmad Zahid described Khalid Harapan component parties
the Kuala Lumpur Police Training as an extraordinary person, say- should not to expect PAS to
Centre (Pulapol). ing his loyalty never came under rejoin the pact that was previ-
Mohamad Fuzi was appointed question in any situation and that ously known as Pakatan Rak-
director of the Special Branch in Outgoing IGP Khalid (left) congratulating his successor Mohamad Fuzi after the he had resolved all tasks with pro- yat, DAP secretary-general Lim
July 2015. handing over of duties ceremony at Pulapol yesterday. Photo by Bernama fessionalism. Guan Eng said. He said that
As the IGP, he said he would The deputy prime minister said PAS was seen as more likely
focus on efforts to fight terrorism. he placed his hope on the new lead- to cooperate with Barisan Na-
Mohamad Fuzi said that the gov- These appointments will sure- at the domestic and international ership helmed by Mohamad Fuzi sional (BN) and so, Pakatan
ernment had approved 343 new ap- ly strengthen the capability of the levels, he said. to raise the performance and excel- Harapan should be prepared
pointments for the counterterror- division, and, I believe, terrorism Ahmad Zahid said Mohamad lence of the Royal Malaysia Police for three-cornered contests in
ism division in Bukit Aman alone. problems will be addressed, both Fuzi was appointed on a recom- to a higher level. Bernama the next general election. Let
us not expect or hope that PAS
will cooperate with us. If that
happens, we will be trapped,
Kuala Perlis
draws wildlife
Five new Malaysian and Chinese not just by PAS but also BN,
Guan Eng, who is Penang chief
minister, said at a press con-
trackers for
China demand
ports enter pact, says Liow ference here yesterday. Ber-
19 stranded Malaysians
KUALA LUMPUR: Five new ports China has the best ports in the He said Malaysian authorities evacuated safely
BANGKOK: Due to its strate- in Malaysia and China are now part world and this cooperation will pave are currently expanding key ports, PUTRAJAYA: The foreign min-
gic location, the sleepy seaside of the China-Malaysia Port Alliance the way for a brighter future for both mainly Port Klang to facilitate an istry has confirmed that the 19
town of Kuala Perlis is luring (CMPA), said Transport Minister countries in leveraging on the peo- anticipated increase in the number Malaysian climbers, who were
wildlife-smuggling syndicates Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai. ples potential and resources, he said of vessels in the future. stranded following a mudslide
to traffick in a variety of exotic The ports, namely the Jing Tang after officiating at the one-day 2nd The ministry is also planning to at Terskol Village, Russia, had
animals to China. and Tianjin ports in China and the China-Malaysia Port Alliance An- open the Melaka Gateway for use by reached the summit of Mount
From the jungles in Indo- Kemaman, Sabah and Kuching ports nual Meeting at the Kuala Lumpur cruise ships as their docking destina- Elbrus and safely descended
nesia, these exotic animals, in- will now be part of the alliance, aimed Convention Centre here yesterday. tion as well as maintenance services. to the foot of the mountain on
cluding pangolins and even at enhancing cooperation in various Liow said the objective of the port Currently, only Penang Port has the Sunday. A statement issued by
orangutans, endure an arduous disciplines. The pact includes port alliance is also to facilitate trade using facilities for this, he added. Wisma Putra stated that the
journey across the seas to Kua- studies, training and apprenticeship, ports in Malaysia and China. At the meeting, Liow said Malay- climbers reached the summit
la Perlis, Padang Besar, Hatyai technical assistance, exchange of in- In an effort to link Malaysian and sia will be putting forward a number of the 5,642m-high Mount El-
and Laos to reach their main formation and traffic development, Chinese businesses, logistics players of initiatives to help Malaysian ports brus, Europes highest peak on
destination, China. as well as the promotion of trade will have to expand their ventures emerge as leading entities in the Ase- Sunday and, later, were evac-
The syndicates choose the services between ports. into both countries, he added. an region. Bernama uated to a safe place by local
Padang Besar route because it authorities. The climbers will
is the closest route from Indo- be transferred to a nearby air-
nesia to Thailand. They (wildlife port from Moneralnye Vody
traffickers) travel by boat from
Indonesia to the Kuala Perlis Agency head warns of Internet of threats before flying out to Moscow,
it said. Bernama
port in Malaysia and then to
Thailand. KUALA LUMPUR: Cybersecurity, security measures in place, it can For that, he said training and Victims of fraud urged to
[Kuala Perlis] is about 40km which involves preventive measures also mean the Internet of threats, retraining of employees in the as- lodge reports
from the Padang Besar border, to protect the integrity of networks, he said. pect of cybersecurity is of great PUTRAJAYA: Members of the
Padang Besar customs service programmes and data against un- Many technology developers are importance to ensure that they are public who have received
division director Arthit Visut- authorised use of electronic data, is not cybersecurity experts and leave aware of cybersecurity issues and telephone calls from a call-
tismajarn told Bernama. a crucial component in technology the aspect of cybersecurity aside until understand how cyberattacks find er claiming to be a police-
He said the Kuala Perlis-Pa- development and must be embed- after the technology has been devel- their way into the companys elec- man from the Putrajaya police
dang Besar route was just one ded in the initial stage of such work. oped. Such an approach will expose tronic data. headquarters and were asked
of the many smuggling routes CyberSecurity Malaysia chief ex- the technology to vulnerability and Amirudin said a qualification in to bank in a certain amount
taken by the syndicates to send ecutive officer Datuk Dr Amirudin because of that, technology cannot IT or computer science is not enough of money to settle their traf-
their haul to China, to satisfy Abdul Wahab said cybersecurity go far and fast. to make an employee a cybersecuri- fic summonses are advised
the countrys burgeoning de- must be given priority in the initial It is also important for top-level ty expert because it is a niche sector to contact the police as soon
mand for exotic animals. development stage and not be in- management or the board members that requires further and different as possible. Putrajaya district
Thai customs officials have cluded as an afterthought. This is of a company to make the cyberse- types of training. police chief ACP Rosly Has-
increased monitoring of the key in an era where digitalisation curity issue an important concern We are targeting to have 10,000 san said yesterday a report
Thai-Malaysian border sepa- is growing at an exponential speed instead of leaving it to the IT depart- cybersecurity experts in the country had to be lodged before the
rating Perlis and the Sadao dis- and disrupting almost every indus- ment, he told a press conference after by 2020, but as of now, there are only police can investigate. He said
trict of Songkla, to curb wildlife try worldwide. delivering his keynote address at the 6,500 of them, he said at the two-day the police had received about
trafficking. Bernama While the IoT could mean the inaugural Industry 4.0 and Digitali- conference, which began yesterday. 200 calls daily on the issue.
Internet of things, without cyber- sation Conference here yesterday. Bernama Bernama

Game changer for North Korea

Possible two-stage hydrogen bomb is seen as transformative
BY JACK KIM & JU-MIN PARK That scale is to the level where today, if you look at the shape, the

anyone can say [it is] a hydrogen front part looks like an atomic bomb
orth Koreas claim of bomb test, said Kune Y Suh, a nu- which triggers nuclear fission and
a successful hydro- clear engineering professor at Seoul the back part, a second stage that
gen bomb test marks National University. generates nuclear fusion reactions,
a major step in the North Korea has effectively es- said Chang Young-keun, a rocket
isolated countrys tablished itself as a nuclear state. science expert at the Korea Aero-
long-stated goal of This is not just a game changer, its space University.
developing a nuclear-tipped missile a game over, Suh said. Once nuclear fusion is started,
that puts the US mainland within Lassina Zerbo, executive secretary fast neutrons are created which once
range, experts say. of nuclear test ban watchdog CTBTO, again trigger nuclear fission of ura-
North Korea conducted its sixth said: The physics of the event that nium inside the bomb.
and most powerful nuclear test on were talking about today seems to This means explosions can hap-
Sunday, which it said was a success- indicate a much larger event than the pen double and triple. And thats
ful detonation of an advanced hy- one from 2016 and before. why its power is great. Even if its
drogen bomb, technically known as North Korea claims its intercon- the same size and weight, if its a
a two-stage thermonuclear device. tinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) hydrogen bomb, its power can be
All of North Koreas six nuclear tested twice in July can reach large tens or hundreds times bigger,
tests including the one on Sunday parts of the mainland US. Kim providing guidance on a nuclear weapons programme in this undated photo Chang said.
have taken place at its underground But experts say it likely achieved released by North Koreas Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) in Pyongyang on North Koreas Nuclear Weapons
testing site in Punggye-ri, deep in that potential range only by topping Sunday. Photo by Reuters Institute said Sundays test verified
mountainous terrain, and it is hard the test missile with a payload lighter the functioning of a hydrogen bomb,
to independently verify the claims. than any nuclear warhead it is cur- including the fission to fusion pow-
But experts who studied the im- rently able to produce. achieved a yield that is capable of stage based on nuclear fission - er rate and all other physical spec-
pact of the earthquake caused by Pyongyang is also yet to prove destroying modern cities. splitting atoms and the second ifications reflecting the qualitative
the explosion measured by the that any warhead it places on a long Albright, however, still ques- on nuclear fusion, produces much level of a two-stage thermo-nuclear
US Geological Survey at magnitude range-missile can survive re-entry tioned the Norths claim that it was more power than traditional atomic weapon, according to the official
6.3 said there was enough strong into the earths atmosphere after an a genuine two-stage thermonucle- bombs, or pure fission devices. KCNA news agency.
evidence to suggest the reclusive intercontinental flight. ar device. Hours before the latest test, North For the first time, North Korea
state has either developed a hydro- Developing a hydrogen bomb North Korea said in January 2016 Korean state media published pho- also specifically mentioned the pos-
gen bomb or was getting very close. would be key to have a lighter war- that it tested a miniaturised hydro- tographs of leader Kim Jong-un in- sibility of a electromagnetic pulse,
The detonation produced 10 head, because that would offer gen bomb. But outside experts said it specting a peanut-shaped device or EMP, attack. Such a strike would
times more power than the fifth much greater explosive yield rela- was likely a boosted device, mean- that it said was a hydrogen bomb de- involve detonating a bomb in the
nuclear test a year ago, South Korean tive to size and weight. ing an atomic bomb which uses signed to be loaded on a new ICBM. atmosphere, instead of firing a long-
and Japanese officials said. Norsar, a Getting this high of a yield would some hydrogen isotopes to create The elongated shape of the de- range missile at a major US city.
Norwegian earthquake monitoring likely require thermonuclear ma- bigger yield. vice shows a marked difference from Some US policymakers and ex-
agency, estimated the yield at 120 terial in the device, said David Al- pictures of the ball-shaped device perts have raised concerns about
kilotons, significantly above the 15 bright, a physicist and founder of the Two-stage reaction? North Korea released in March last such an attack, which could cause
kiloton Little Boy bomb dropped non-profit Institute for Science and A hydrogen bomb usually uses a year, and appears to indicate the ap- a massive power surge and deal
on Hiroshima and the 20 kiloton International Security in Washington. primary atomic bomb to trigger a pearance of a two-stage thermonu- a devastating blow to US electric
Fat Man dropped on Nagasaki at It would show that their design, secondary, much larger explosion. clear weapon, experts said. grid and critical infrastructure.
the end of World War Two. whatever the specific design, has Such a weapon, with the first The bomb North Korea showed Reuters

The two pillars of French economic reform

BY P H I L I PPE AGH I ON & more predictable, in particular long-term contracts and low-skill redundancies in the provision of tonomous agencies. Moreover, the
BE N ED I C T E B ERNER with the introduction of upper workers who shuttle constantly be- public services. Finally, France re- government may and should
and lower levels on pay-outs is- tween unemployment and short- mains a highly corporatist country, merge all existing pensions
THE French government has just sued by labour courts. term jobs. The governments reform with a multiplicity of health, pen- schemes into a single system (as
announced the guidelines for a new The reform of the labour code is meant to close this divide by in- sion, and family subsidy systems; it should with the social security,
labour code, its first major reform will soon be accompanied by re- creasing social mobility. in an innovation-driven econo- health insurance, and family sub-
to boost Frances economy, by giv- forms of the unemployment insur- my where individuals are likely to sidy systems). This would enable
ing more flexibility to companies ance and job training systems. On change jobs and sectors repeatedly the government to invest in edu-
to adapt to the marketplace. The the former, the government will
The government has over their lifetime, this bureaucratic cation, unemployment insurance,
second major reform sought by take over from the unions, in order not yet decided on thicket becomes a source of ineffi- and innovation, while abiding by
President Emmanuel Macrons cab- to provide unemployment ben- a precise course of ciency and risk. its European budgetary commit-
inet an overhaul of the French efits to all categories of workers, On the fiscal front, Macron has ments.
state is set to follow. including the self-employed and
action for spending made two important moves. First, After decades during which
The changes to the labour code those who voluntarily quit their on the revenue side, capital in- France experienced slow growth,
have four goals. First, direct ne- current job to search for a new come would be taxed at a flat 30% high unemployment, industri-
gotiations between employers one. The cost of reforming unem- rate, whereas before capital was al decline, and rigid corporat-
and employees in small and me- ployment insurance, however, is The second pillar of Macrons eco- taxed more than labour. Second, ist institutions blocking all at-
dium-size firms (accounting for estimated at 3 billion (RM15.26 nomic programme, reform of the the wealth tax on non-real-estate tempts at reform, a new hope
55% of the workforce) would be billion) to 5 billion, which may state, has two major components: a assets will be eliminated a move for change has emerged. Deci-
facilitated by allowing such com- prove difficult to square with 2018 revamp of fiscal policy and an over- meant to encourage entrepreneurs sions made in the coming year
panies to negotiate with elected budget plans, which foresee a 20 haul of the public spending system. and innovators. will tell us whether this hope is to
representatives not mandated by billion cut in spending. Here, too, the reform aims to address The government has not yet de- be fulfilled. Project Syndicate
the trade unions. Second, social Altogether, the labour market re- four main long-standing problems. cided on a precise course of action
dialogue within larger firms would form is intended to reconcile more First, capital income is too heav- for spending, although Macron and
be simplified by merging separate flexibility for firms to hire and shed ily taxed in France, compared to his team are looking closely at the Philippe Aghion is professor of
workers committees (for hygiene, workers which is needed in an other developed countries, which reforms carried out by Canada and economics at Harvard University,
health, safety, and so on) into a economy where growth is driven discourages innovation and entre- Sweden in the 1990s. In particular, College de France, and the Lon-
central body. Third, collective by innovation and creative destruc- preneurship. Second, public money the government may decide to re- don School of Economics. Benedicte
bargaining over wages and em- tion with more income security is not invested in the most cost-ef- duce the number of civil servants Berner is a lecturer at Sciences Po in
ployment would be decentralised and more training for the unem- fective and growth-enhancing way. by eliminating some administra- Paris, chair of Civil Rights Defend-
from national to sectoral and/or ployed. The French labor market Third, France suffers from a mul- tive layers of regional and local ers, and an associate at Harvard
firm level. Finally, laying off em- currently suffers from a huge divide tiplicity of administrative layers, government, and by delegating Universitys Davis Center for Rus-
ployees would become easier and between qualified workers under which generates inefficiencies and some administrative tasks to au- sian and Eurasian Studies.

HK is said to check bank IN BRIEF

Honda again outsells

loans to Chinas HNA, Wanda

Toyota in China
BEIJING: Toyota Motor Corps
sales in China grew 13.2%
last month from a year earli-
er while smaller rival Hondas
sales jumped over a fifth for the
month, keeping intact a trend
of Honda outselling Toyota in
Lenders were required to submit a survey to the Hong Kong Monetary Authority the worlds biggest auto market.
Toyota, Japans No 1 automaker
by volume, sold 108,500 vehicles
BY A L F R ED L I U & A NN I E LEE lic. Checks on lending to Chinese rampant housing market. HNA has Apple Daily earlier. last month, the company report-
conglomerates were stepped up in been expanding its presence in the The move comes at a time when ed yesterday. The jump followed
HONG KONG: The Hong Kong Mon- recent weeks, one of them said. territory, spending about HK$27 mainland Chinese regulators have an 11.4% increase it posted in
etary Authority (HKMA) has asked In a statement to Bloomberg, the billion (RM14.74 billion) earlier this also stepped up scrutiny of the com- July. Its January-August sales
banks in the city for details of their HKMA said it engages in discussions year on four government land sites panies behind last years unprece- totalled about 841,400 vehicles,
loans to the HNA Group Co and with banks on different issues, with- in the former Kai Tak airport area. dented spree of takeovers outside a 7.1% increase from the same
Dalian Wanda Group Co, according out commenting further. Its com- Wanda declined to comment. Re- the country. China has embarked period a year ago. Honda Mo-
to people familiar with the matter. mon practice for the authority to sponding to a Bloomberg request for on a drive to reduce leverage in fi- tor Co sold 128,671 vehicles last
Lenders were required to submit query banks over their exposures to comment, HNA said in a statement nancial markets and snuff out sys- month, up 20.6%, following an
a survey to the citys de facto central certain sectors, as it has done with that its Hong Kong businesses were temic risks ahead of a Communist 11.6% increase in July, the com-
bank providing information such as property loans in recent months. in strict compliance with local regu- Party leadership transition later this pany reported yesterday. Hon-
total credit extended and outstand- While the checks arent a guaran- lations and the groups current oper- year, while remaining vigilant for das January-August sales vol-
ing loans to the two companies, said tee of any regulatory action, the spot- ating situation was in good shape. accelerated capital outflows that ume totalled 886,641 vehicles,
the people, who asked not to be iden- light on real estate did lead to lending The HKMAs scrutiny on loans threaten to weaken the nations an 18% increase from the same
tified as the information isnt pub- curbs in a bid to rein in Hong Kongs to the two was reported by the currency. Bloomberg period a year ago. Reuters
China bans initial
coin oerings

Heads roll at Australias biggest lender BEIJING: China banned indi-

viduals and organisations from
raising funds through initial
coin offerings (ICO), saying
BY PAU LI NA DU RA N & BYRON KAYE ing the first two directors to leave pressure to respond more aggres- chief executive officer Ian Narev the practice constituted illegal
since the allegations were made sively to the crisis, which has dam- would leave by mid-2018, although fundraising. ICOs have become
SYDNEY: Commonwealth Bank of public on Aug 3, failed to impress aged its already tarnished reputa- it said his departure was not related a bonanza for digital currency
Australia (CBA), the countrys biggest shareholders as CBA stock touched tion and exposed it to billions of to the money-laundering scandal. entrepreneurs, globally and in
lender, announced a major board 10-month intraday lows on the news. dollars in potential fines. Narev has blamed a coding error China, allowing them to raise
shake-up yesterday as it scrambles The board overhaul came as CBA Directors and audit committee for most of the alleged breaches. large sums quickly by creat-
to shore up investor support follow- faced the first day of court hearings members Launa Inman and Har- CBA shares touched 10-month in- ing and selling digital tokens
ing allegations it oversaw thousands into the allegations, and while it rison Young would step down on traday lows before closing down 1.42% with no regulatory oversight.
of breaches of anti-money launder- did not deny that illicit transfers Nov 16, while a third director, An- at A$74.41 (RM253). The shares have Individuals and organisations
ing rules. had taken place, it said it would drew Mohl, would leave in a year, dropped 12% since the scandal erupt- that have completed ICO fund-
But the ouster of a third of the contest its level of responsibility. CBA said in a statement. ed last month wiping roughly A$17 raisings should make arrange-
banks non-executive board, includ- CBA has been under mounting CBA announced on Aug 14 that billion off its market value. Reuters ments to return funds, said a
joint statement from the Peo-
ples Bank of China, the securi-
ties and banking regulator and
China-India spat signals last other government departments
yesterday. Reuters
hurrah for BRICS
McDonalds halts Bulgogi
MUMBAI: The future of the BRICS east Asian Nations (Asean) and burger sales in S Korea
looks toxic. China and India stepped the Gulf Cooperation Council are TOKYO: McDonald Corps
back from a border dispute just in composed of countries that, at South Korean unit is cooper-
time for a summit of the bloc of least, live shoulder-to-shoulder. ating with government author-
large, emerging-market countries. In everything from history to de- ities investigating a possible
That helps Chinese President Xi Jin- mographics, politics, and resource food-contamination case that
ping keep up appearances ahead dependence, the BRICS vary enor- prompted the company to sus-
The number of daily readers, a key metric for manga apps, reached 900,000 for the
of a crucial political reshuffle. But mously. The huge differences have pend sales of its Bulgogi burger.
edgling service as of last month. Photo by Bloomberg
the unusual tensions between the rightly seen the acronym panned South Koreas Ministry of Food
two Asian giants suggest the three- as a bloody ridiculous investment and Drug Safety has started a
day gathering underway could be concept. probe into the cause behind
a last hurrah. Now a potentially fatal problem some customers taking ill after
Kakao counts on Japans manga love Brazil, Russia, India, China and is heightening distrust between consuming food at a McDon-
South Africa (BRICS) are united in its most populous members. The alds restaurant in Jeonju, south
BY M I N JEONG L EE stead of charging per book, it sliced their opposition of a Western-led source of friction is Beijings Belt of here, said spokesman Shin
them into chapters to provide smaller global order. So Xis fresh call for and Road initiative, an ambitious, Yeong-min. McDonalds said
TOKYO: Asias messaging apps have and cheaper offerings and win over an open world economy is easy global, infrastructure push. New yesterday it has halted sales of
a history of becoming huge in their casual readers rather than just hard- for members to get behind, amid Delhi sees it as a debt-fuelled at- the Bulgogi burger as a precau-
home market before struggling to gain core fans. As a result, it has added a rising tide of protectionism in tempt to buy influence and, in tion till the cause of the illness
traction overseas. South Koreas Kakao users and boosted revenue. developed markets to which ex- places, a threat to its sovereignty. is determined. Bloomberg
Corp is counting on the Japanese love Kakao hasnt seen this kind of ports flow. Since starting to group Indeed, construction of a road by
of manga comics to break that trend. growth before outside Korea, Kim together roughly a decade ago, China led to the recent Indo-Sino Hyundai names new
Its 43 million users at home has Jae-yong, the chief executive of the BRICS have wrung conces- border spat. A separate project China head
driven Kakaos market value to 8.2 Kakao Japan Corp, said in an inter- sions from a global climate change runs through Pakistan and Kash- SINGAPORE: Hyundai Motor
trillion won (RM31 billion) but its view here. We have a chance here. agreement, and have improved mir, another disputed region. Co appointed a new chief for
little known outside Korea, a factor The Japan unit first introduced Pic- their position in international bod- Ultimately, the sums being in- its China operations after pay-
that has contributed to a 31% share- coma last April offering a few dozen ies such as the International Mon- vested in Xis set piece dwarfs Chi- ment disputes with vendors
price slump from a peak in August comics series. The service now features etary Fund. nas commitment to things like the resulted in temporary shut-
2014. Earlier efforts to add custom- over 1,000 items, with themes spanning Beyond that, the BRICS, which New Development Bank, a BRICS- downs last month at four of
ers in Southeast Asia and Japan have from romance to fantasy. The number account for nearly 29% of global backed lender set up two years ago its factories in the automakers
foundered as it ran head-first into of daily readers, a key metric for manga gross domestic product (GDP) at to rival the World Bank. That does biggest market. Tao Hung Tan
dominant apps like WeChat and Line. apps, reached 900,000 for the fledgling purchasing power parity, share not mean there will not be more replaced Chang Won-shin as
To attract customers in Japan, and service as of last month, and monthly less in common than other blocs. summits and self-important com- the chief executive officer of
compete against a host of rivals in users have exceeded 2 million. Down- The Group of Seven (G7) are all muniqus. But as China and India Beijing Hyundai Motor starting
the US$4 billion (RM17.08 billion) loads topped those operated by Japans rich, industrialised nations with march in opposite directions, the Sept 1, the Seoul-based compa-
manga market, Kakaos Piccoma app largest publishers and Line Corp for broadly similar democratic pol- BRICS are likely to fade further into ny said in an email yesterday.
adopted a new business model. In- three months since May. Bloomberg itics. The Association of South- irrelevance. Reuters Bloomberg
W O R L D B U S I N E S S 15

French media
rm Vivendi still Intels fight puts EUs IN BRIEF

BBC Burma pulls

Myanmar TV deal over
looks like a
winning streak at risk Rohingya censorship
YANGON: The BBCs Burmese
language service yesterday said
it was pulling a broadcasting
deal with a popular Myanmar
television channel citing cen-
BY L I AM PROU D sorship, with insiders saying the

LONDON: Vivendi still looks like

Commission has not lost big antitrust case in over 20 years partners had clashed over cov-
erage of the Muslim Rohingya
a one-legged stool. The French minority. The announcement
media conglomerate delivered BY STEP HANIE BODONI age others to switch to a fighter down the EU investigation early to is the latest blow to struggling
better-than-expected revenue mode said Georg Berrisch, a law- avoid fines or get a reduced penalty. press freedoms in the country
in the first half, with signs of a LUXEMBOURG: Intel Corps eight- yer for Baker Botts LLP in Brussels, This may be the case to dis- and a remarkable turnaround
turnaround at troubled TV unit year clash with the European Union Belgium. Rather than agree to settle turb that trend, said Pat Treacy, for a news organisation that fa-
Canal Plus. But music label Uni- (EU) over chip pricing has dragged cases with the EUs antitrust en- a competition lawyer specialising mously kept Myanmars de facto
versal is doing much of the heavy on so long that the 1.06 billion forcers, they would be more like- in intellectual property and tech- leader Aung San Suu Kyi up to
lifting, while chairman Vincent (RM5.39 billion) antitrust fine, a ly to head to court to appeal any nology at Bristows LLP in London. date during her long years of
Bollor gets little credit for his record at the time, now seems like fines, he said. Qualcomm Inc could be the house arrest under junta rule.
integration efforts. a distant memory. The Brussels-based commission most directly affected by the rul- The BBC cannot accept inter-
Results released after mar- But last Wednesdays ruling in has not lost a big antitrust case in ing. The EU is probing whether the ference or censorship of BBC
kets closed last Thursday con- the case at the EU Court of Justice court in more than 20 years. Know- company unfairly paid Apple Inc to programmes by joint-venture
tinued a familiar tune for Viv- could be a blast from the past if it ing that and facing likely defeat, only use Qualcomm chipsets in its TV broadcasters as that violates
endi investors. Universal Music ends the European Commissions most companies being probed products. Google, under investiga- the trust between the BBC and
Group is enjoying the benefits decades-long winning streak in for monopoly abuse tend to cave tion for inducing phone makers to its audience, a report the BBCs
of a digital-streaming boom cases about monopolies. in. They agree to a binding deal to use its Android software, will also Burmese website said. AFP
thanks to services like Spotify, Victory for Intel would encour- change their behaviour, shutting be watching closely. Bloomberg
with revenue hitting almost Gold prices near one-year
1.4 billion (RM7.12 billion) high in wake of North
in the second quarter. That was Korea nuclear test
better than analysts forecasts
of 1.3 billions, and 15% high-
er than in the same period a
Novartis CEO to retire, CMO to take over BENGALURU: Gold prices
climbed 1% to its highest in al-
most a year yesterday after North
year earlier after adjusting for Koreas latest and most powerful
currency movements and ac- BY CHITR A SOM AYA JI said in a statement yesterday. Jime- ing a vaccine business. Last week, nuclear test drove investors to-
quisitions. nez, 57, who will retire at the end of in partnership with Narasimhan, he wards safe-haven assets. Spot
Canal Plus, by contrast, is LONDON: Novartis AG announced January, said his family is ready to beat out rivals in a fierce competi- gold had risen just over 1% to
still shrinking, with first-half the surprise departure of chief ex- return to Silicon Valley after spend- tion to win US regulatory clearance US$1,338.36 (RM5,716.14) per
operating profit down 42%. ecutive officer (CEO) Joseph Jime- ing 10 years in Switzerland. for a US$475,000 (RM2.03 million) ounce by 0708 GMT, after earlier
Granted, the 1.3% decline in nez after eight years at the helm of Jimenez is handing over the reins breakthrough oncology therapy. touching its strongest level since
underlying revenue and 5.5% Europes largest drugmaker, during to a behemoth that includes the Ive been CEO for eight years late September at US$1,339.47.
fall in adjusted earnings before which time he reshaped the com- struggling Alcon eye-care business and Ive been pretty public about US gold futures for December
interest and taxes in the sec- pany with asset swaps and pre- and a stake in crosstown rival Roche the fact that I didnt think a CEO delivery were up 1% at US$1,344
ond quarter showed signs of pared the sale of underperforming Holding AG. The former HJ Heinz should stay much longer than an ounce. Gold has rallied fol-
improvement. And with two- divisions. Co executive, who had no scientific that, Jimenez said on a call. You lowing further escalation in
thirds of new subscribers buy- Vasant Narasimhan, the chief background before joining Novartis, come in; you see what you want to geopolitical tensions around
ing more than just the basic medical officer (CMO) and global reshaped the drugmaker by acquir- change; you change it, and then its North Korea, said Jameel Ah-
TV package, average revenue head of drug development, will suc- ing GlaxoSmithKline plcs mature time to pass it on to a successor. mad, vice-president of Market
per user should rise from 45.3 ceed Jimenez from Feb 1, Novartis cancer drug portfolio and offload- Bloomberg Research at FXTM. Reuters
in June.
But Universal still pro- Johnson Service CEO to
vides most of the good news retire, group sees this
for Vivendi investors and years results beat forecast
that doesnt look set to change BENGALURU: Johnson Service
soon. New acquisition Havas Group chief executive officer
last week ditched its target for (CEO) Chris Sander is set to
full-year organic growth due retire in the first half of next
to an advertising slowdown. year, the textile rental company
Shares in affiliate Telecom Ita- said, and forecast that results
lia, meanwhile, are down about for the current year would be
2.6% since Reuters reported slightly ahead of current mar-
in July that chief executive of- ket expectations. The group
ficer Flavio Cattaneo would said yesterday adjusted pre-
step down after clashing with tax profit from continuing op-
Vivendi. erations rose 23.5% to 16.8
Assume Universal is worth million (RM92.88 million) in
18 billion, using Morgan Stan- the six months ended June 30,
ley estimates. Throw in equity helped by benefits of recent
stakes in other companies with acquisitions and cost control
a value of around 7.7 billion measures. Reuters
and the total is close to Viven-
dis enterprise value of around Otkritie may need up to
27 billion based on last Fri- US$6.9b in extra capital
days share price. That means MOSCOW: Russias Otkritie
Canal Plus and other divisions bank has a hole in its balance
effectively dont show up in the sheet that could be as large
share price. A mooted plan to as US$6.9 billion (RM29.47
float a stake in Universal might UK North Sea oil eld start-ups surge to highest in 10 years billion), a central bank dep-
help to reduce the discount, but uty governor told Reuters, a
only at the expense of diluting BY ABIGAIL M ORR IS region this year, according to data stream at Edinburgh-based Wood shortfall that would make the
existing Vivendi investors ex- from consultant Wood Mackenzie Mackenzie, said by phone. After a bailout now underway the big-
posure to the most attractive LONDON: The UK North Sea is on Ltd. Thats the most since 2007, re- long period of decline, production gest in Russias history. Earlier
part of the group. Bollors ef- track for the biggest year of oil and gas flecting the payoff from multi-year in the UK bounced back in recent last week, the central bank an-
forts to integrate the different field start-ups in a decade, continu- investments began when oil prices years even as crude languished be- nounced it was taking over con-
bits of his sprawling empire ing the ageing provinces surprising were still over US$100 a barrel. Its low US$50. Executives gathering in trol of Otkritie, Russias largest
may eventually pay off, but for resilience to the crude-market slump. really the fruits of a very high level Aberdeen, Scotland this week for private bank, saying the banks
now the group is largely firing Fourteen projects with combined of investment in the 2010 to 2014 the Offshore Europe conference ambitious expansion drive and
on one cylinder. Reuters peak production of 230,000 barrels period, Mhairidh Evans, senior will see reasons for both optimism a run on deposits had left it with
of oil equivalent a day will start in the research analyst for North Sea up- and concern. Bloomberg insufficient capital. Reuters

Possible ICBM launch by IN BRIEF

Malala calls on Suu Kyi

to condemm Rohingya

North Korea Seoul

LONDON: Malala Yousafzai,
the youngest winner of the No-
bel Peace Prize, called on her
fellow laureate Aung San Suu
Kyi to condemn the shame-
ful treatment of the Rohingya
Muslims in Myanmar, saying
Move would raise tensions a day after its 6th and most powerful nuclear detonation the world is waiting for her
to speak out. Nearly 90,000 Ro-
hingya have fled to Bangladesh
BY SH I N HY E KA NG & SEYOON KIM firing, but didnt give a time frame ment of a US missile defence sys- the systems remaining launchers since violence erupted in My-
for a potential launch. The yen ex- tem while its military conducted soon. anmar in August, in the big-
SEOUL: South Korea detected that tended gains against the US dollar a live-fire drill with North Koreas The governments in Seoul and gest political challenge facing
North Korea is continuing to pre- after the news. test site as the virtual target. The Washington were also discussing the countrys leader Suu Kyi,
pare for a possible intercontinental South Koreas spy agency said environment ministry yesterday deployment of a US carrier group who stands accused by West-
ballistic missile (ICBM) launch, a there is a chance North Korea conditionally approved an envi- and strategic bombers, Yonhap ern critics of not speaking out
move that would further raise ten- could fire an ICBM into the Pa- ronmental impact report on the said. for the minority that has long
sions a day after it conducted its cific Ocean, adding that the iso- Terminal High-Altitude Area De- Asian stocks fell yesterday as complained about persecution.
sixth and most powerful nuclear lated state was able to conduct a fense system (THAAD). investors turned to haven as- Activists from Indonesia on Sat-
detonation. nuclear test at any time, the Yon- That removes the final adminis- sets, sending the yen, gold and urday called on the Nobel com-
Chang Kyung-soo, acting chief hap news agency reported. North trative hurdle for complete install- Treasury futures higher. The big- mittee to withdraw Suu Kyis
of the defence ministrys policy Korea threatened last month to ment of THAAD which China sees gest declines were in Tokyo and peace prize, state news agency
planning office, told lawmakers launch missiles at Guam. as a threat to the regions strate- Seoul, with more moderate re- Antara reported. Reuters
yesterday that North Korea was South Korea earlier in the day gic equilibrium. South Koreas de- actions elsewhere in the region.
making preparations for a missile paved the way for the full deploy- fence ministry said it would install Bloomberg 87,000 Myanmar refugees
arrive in Bangladesh UN
COXS BAZAR (Bangladesh):
A total of 87,000 mostly Ro-
Trump to hingya refugees have arrived
in Bangladesh since violence
end shield erupted in neighbouring My-
anmar on Aug 25, the UN said
for young yesterday. Thousands of the
immigrants stateless Muslim minority have
fled Myanmar and poured
over the border since the lat-
WASHINGTON: US President est round of fighting broke out,
Donald Trump has decided to piling pressure on the already
end a popular programme that overcrowded camps in Bangla-
shields hundreds of thousands desh. Around 20,000 more were
of young undocumented im- massed on the border between
migrants from deportation, Bangladesh and Myanmars
while deferring enforcement western state of Rakhine and
for six months, Politico report- waiting to enter, the UN said
ed on Sunday. in a report. AFP
The online news outlet said
the plan would give Congress, Taiwan premier Lin Chuan
where many in his own party resigns
support the so-called Dream- TAIPEI: Taiwans President Tsai
ers programme, time to come Ing-wen has accepted the resig-
up with a replacement before nation of Premier Lin Chuan,
the grace period expires. the ruling party said yesterday, a
Trump is scheduled to an- BURNING MAN ... The Man being engulfed in ames as approximately 70,000 people from all over the world gathered departure that had been widely
nounce his decision today, but for the annual Burning Man arts and music festival in the Black Rock Desert of Nevada, the US, on Saturday. The festival is a yearly expected because of declining
Politico said he had already event, which draws thousands of people from all walks of life in the name of community, during which festivalgoers or burners, public support for the presi-
made up his mind and White as they are called are able to express themselves in whatever way they see t, free of all scrutiny and judgement. For a week, dent. Taiwan presidents often
House aides met on Sunday attendees will participate in a number of immersive experiences while residing in Black Rock City, a temporary metropolis created shuffle premiers in response
to plan the roll-out. by the Burning Man Project. Each year the festival features a dierent theme. This years Radical Ritual theme was created in light of to dips in popularity. Lin had
The New York Times also the ambiguous ground that lies between reverence and ridicule, faith and belief, the absurd and the stunningly sublime, according faced mounting pressure to step
reported that Trump was to the events organisers. The festival initially started out as a celebration of the summer solstice in 1986, during which Larry Harvey down as Tsais popularity had
strongly considering ending and his friends would participate in a bonre ritual at Baker Beach in San Francisco. Over the years, more people have started to plummeted to 29.8% by August,
the programme after a six- attend the annual bonre, during which Harvey would set re to an egy of a man, leading to the festivals name. Photo by Reuters a private foundation survey has
month delay, but said officials shown, since she took office
cautioned that he could still in May 2016. William Lai, the
change his mind. mayor of the southern city of
Known as Daca for Deferred Tainan and a leading DPP fig-
Action on Childhood Arrivals,
the programme was put into
effect in 2012 by then presi-
Forum on Pacific climate change ure, is expected to replace Lin.

dent Barack Obama, allowing Major Hurricane Irma

an estimated 800,000 undoc- APIA (Samoa): Climate change will warming affects weather patterns. Sopoaga said the bigger issues of churns towards Caribbean
umented immigrants to stay dominate discussions when the PIF secretary-general Meg Tay- global warming and sea-level rises MIAMI: Hurricane Irma, already
in the country for renewable leaders of vulnerable Pacific na- lor said the unified approach had needed to be addressed and relo- a major hurricane, churned on
two-year periods to study or tions hold their annual meeting in already proved successful when cation was not the answer. Sunday on course for the north-
work if they had come to the the Samoan capital Apia this week, Pacific nations successfully pushed Samoas Prime Minister Tuilaepa ern Caribbean and was due to
US before age 16. with global warming threatening for strong aspirational goals at the Sailele Malielegaoi said the Blue strengthen before it nears land-
Politico said Attorney-Gen- their existence, officials said. UN climate talks in Paris in 2015. Pacific theme of this years sum- fall late today, weather forecast-
eral Jeff Sessions persuaded The 18-member Pacific Islands The Pacifics next chance to prick mit put specific focus on placing ers said. A hurricane watch is in
Trump to kick the programme Forum (PIF) includes countries the worlds conscience and de- the region at the centre of inter- effect for Antigua, Barbuda, An-
to Congress, arguing that the such as Kiribati and Tuvalu, which mand further action on climate is national policymaking. guilla, Montserrat, St Kitts, and
legislature not the executive are only metres above sea level at UN talks being held in Bonn in The PIF links Australia, Cook Nevis; Saba, St Eustatius, and
was responsible for writing and risk being swamped by rising November. Islands, Fiji, French Polynesia, Kir- Sint Maarten; Saint Martin and
immigration law. oceans. Fijian Prime Minister Voreqe ibati, Marshall Islands, Microne- Saint Barthelemy. At 0300 GMT
Republican lawmakers, in- Others, such as Vanuatu and Fiji, Bainimarama earlier this year of- sia, Nauru, New Caledonia, New yesterday the storm was pack-
cluding House Speaker Paul have been battered in recent years fered permanent refuge to the peo- Zealand, Niue, Palau, Papua New ing top sustained winds near
Ryan, have defended the pro- by devastating cyclones that have ples of Tuvalu and Kiribati. guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, 115mph, the National Hurricane
gramme. AFP become more extreme as global But Tuvalu Prime Minister Enele Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu. AFP Center in Miami said. AFP


The two-day Industry 4.0 and
Digitilisation Conference is being
held at the Sunway Putra Hotel,
Kuala Lumpur, from yesterday
until today. The session aims to
share with key industry leaders
the process of moving Malaysia
into the fourth industrial
revolution, and was ocially
opened by Science, Technology
and Innovation Ministry deputy
secretary-general Professor
Madya Dr Ramzah Dambul. Seen
sharing their insights with the
media yesterday were (from left)
Talent Development (M) Sdn
Bhd chief executive ocer (CEO)
R A Thiagaraja, Cybersecurity
Malaysia CEO Datuk Dr Amirudin
Abdul Wahab and Malaysian
Institute Of Management CEO
Sivanganam Rajaretnan.

3 4

1(From left) Former Thai finance minister
Dr Chalongphob Sussangkarn, former
Indonesia finance minister Professor Mu-
the launch of the first-ever flea market
guide Malaysia Flea Market Galore
in Petaling Jaya, Selangor, recently.
British American Tobacco (M) Bhd man-
aging director (MD) Erik Stoel (left) and
JT International Bhd MD Guilherme Silva
Muhammad Tarmizi Mohd Ismail, Mu-
hammad Fahmi Fairuz and Zharif Zulki-
fli at a news conference in Kuala Lumpur
hamad Chatib Basri, Malaysian Economic Present were Azhari Mahmood (centre), in a rare interview with The Edge Financial recently. Unit Peneraju Agenda Bumiput-
Association (MEA) vice-president Profes- the author of the special-interest booklet, Daily in Kuala Lumpur recently. Photo by era (Teraju) was the organiser of the busi-
sor Yeah Kim Leng, Jeffrey Cheah Insti- Tourism Malaysia director-general Datuk Patrick Goh ness-focused reality competition, with a
tute at Sunway University (JCI) president Seri Mirza Mohamad Taiyab (right), and panel of six judges comprising Teraju chief
Professor Woo Wing Thye and Shanghai
Jiao Tong University Centre for China De-
velopment Studies director Professor Lu
Amcorp Trade Centre Corp chairman
Mohamed Tawfeek Hassan. 5
CIMB Group Holdings Bhd group chief
executive officer Tengku Datuk Seri Zafrul
Tengku Abdul Aziz (left) and CIMB Group
executive officer (CEO) Datuk Husni Salleh,
Kumpulan Wang Persaraan (Diperbadan-
kan) CEO Datuk Wan Kamaruzaman Wan
Ming at the seminar entitled Lessons for
Malaysia from the Reform Experience of
Other Countries organised by the JCI and
(From left) Celcom Axiata Bhd device
business manager Harcharan Singh and
chief marketing officer Zalman Aefendy
group chief financial officer Shahnaz Jam-
mal at CIMB Group Holdings Bhds first
half of financial year 2017 results press
Ahmad, Touch n Go CEO Syahrunizam
Samsudin, SME Corp Malaysia Deputy
CEO (I) Rizal Nainy, KRU group CEO Da-
MEA held in Kuala Lumpur and Penang Zainal Abidin, with AEON Credit (M) Bhd conference in Kuala Lumpur on Aug 28. tuk Norman Abdul Halim, and Malaysian
recently. general easy payment department head Global Innovation and Creativity Centre

2 Tourism Malaysia and the Malaysia Book

Teoh Choon Keat, taking questions from
the media regarding the first-ever instal- 6
(From left) Superb Series II grand final
winners Taufik Ali Azizan, Ahmad Johari
CEO Ashran Datuk Ghazi.

of Records endorsed Amcorp Mall as Ma-

laysias Largest Indoor Flea Market at
a two-day collectors extravaganza with
ment plan for prepaid users to own smart-
phones at the launch of the Easyphone
for Prepaid in Kuala Lumpur on Aug 29.
Ismail, Nina Suhaity Azmi, Nur Zahirah M
Sukran, Amrina Shakirah Ahmad Radzi,
Dewi Jacqueline Lemai, Izat Izwan Idzian,
7 Rakuten Trade Sdn Bhd managing director
Kaoru Arai (left) and Rakuten Securities
Inc president Yuji Kusunoki at the launch
H O M E B U S I N E S S 19


9 11

of unique rewards programme with three

local leading loyalty providers AirAsia
BIG, B Infinite by Berjaya Group and Bo-
left). The application process started from
Sept 1; it was announced in Putrajaya on
Sept 2. Financial aid of RM200 per month
10 Financial guarantee insurer Danaja-
min Nasional Bhd announced in Kuala
Lumpur that it is guaranteeing a 19-year
Aminah Othman, group director, treasury
of DRB-Hicom.

nusLink in Kuala Lumpur on Sept 4.

The three affiliate partners joined together
under one robust ecosystem by Rakuten
for three months starting from November
2017 to January 2018 will be provided to
440,000 rubber smallholders and rubber
RM340 million medium-term note pro-
gramme issued by Northern Gateway In-
frastructure Sdn Bhd, a subsidiary of DRB-
11 The National Kidney Foundation (NKF)
of Malaysia launched the Peritoneal Di-
alysis (PD) funding programme at the 1st
Trade in a bid to raise the bar in the online tappers nationwide. Hicom Bhd, on Aug 29. The funds raised Asia-Pacific Conference on Acute Kidney
equity trading market, which is more ac- will be used primarily to part-finance Injury and Continuous Renal Replacement
customed to single partner programmes.
9 (From left) Malayan Banking Bhd
(Maybank) group president and chief ex-
construction cost of the immigration,
customs, quarantine and security com-
Therapy held in conjunction with the 33rd
annual congress of the Malaysian Society

8 Plantation Industries and Commodities

Minister Datuk Seri Mah Siew Keong (sec-
ond from left) took the opportunity to ex-
ecutive officer Datuk Abdul Farid Alias,
chairman Datuk Mohaiyani Shamsudin and
group chief financial officer Datuk Amirul
plex in Bukit Kayu Hitam, Kedah. Present
at the signing ceremony were (from left)
Hong Leong Investment Bank Bhd group
of Nephrology (MSN) in Kuala Lumpur
recently. Present at the launch were NKF
medical director Dr Shanker Kana (fourth
perience the online application system for Feisal Wan Zahir at a press conference in managing director and chief executive from left), board member Dr Lee Wan Tin
Bantuan Musim Tengkujuh or Monsoon Kuala Lumpur on Aug 30, announcing that officer (CEO) Lee Jim Leng, Danajamin (fifth from left), chairman Datuk Dr Zaki
Season Aid during a visit to the Malaysian net profit for the first half of the financial chief corporate and investment officer Morad Mohamad Zaher (fifth from right)
Rubber Board. Also present were the min- year ended June 30, 2017 rose 29.9% to Amri Sofian, Danajamin CEO Mohamed and chief executive officer Chua Hong Wee
istrys secretary-general Datuk K Yogees- RM3.36 billion from RM2.59 billion a year Nazri Omar, DRB-Hicom chief operating (third from right) with representatives of
varan (first from left) and deputy secre- earlier, buoyed by a 43% year-on-year jump officer of properties, corporate planning three major organisations Lucenxia,
tary-general Zurinah Pawanteh (third from in second-quarter earnings. and strategy Shaharul Farez Hassan, and Fressenius and Baxter.
live it!




NOW in its 14th year locally, the Japanese

Film Festival returns with diverse oerings
such as Midnight Diner 2, which earned 250
million (RM9.7 million) at the box oce.
Based on a popular comic by Yaro Abe, the
lm centres on the diner Meshiya in Tokyo,
helmed by owner Master. Apart from oer-
ing delicious food, Master lends an ear to,
while maintaining a certain distance from,
his customers grieves and joys. Watch their
colourful lives unfold on the big screen, with
English subtitles, from Thursday at Golden
Screen Cinemas. For more information, visit
Muhammad Faqihuddin was sent on a ve-day, four-night trip to Da Nang, Vietnam. Photo by Muhammad Faqihuddin Mohamad Mahriz

GABRIEL Hernandez who has collaborat-
ed with Afro-Cuban All Stars, Cubanismo,
Roy Hargrove and Tito Puente, among oth-
ers has been described by jazz luminary
Herbie Hancock as the best unknown that
Ive heard. With ve albums of original mu-
sic, the prolic pianist cum composer enjoys
performing live with diverse musicians. Get
jazzy with Gabriel this Friday and Saturday,
10pm at No Black Tie, 17 Jalan Mesui, o
Changkat Bukit Bintang in Kuala Lumpur.
Singapore travel agency All our friends thought we were kid-
ding when we told them about the idea,
She added that overtravelled destina-
tions such as Bangkok or Kuala Lumpur
Cover charge: RM64. For more information,
call (03) 2142 3737 or visit www.noblacktie.
doubles growth every she added. However, Anywhrs warm re-
ception by Singaporeans has taken Leong
will not be on offer, while travellers can
also indicate destinations they have been
month since January and Tan by surprise.
She claims the agencys bookings have
to, or would not like to go to.
Travellers like 23-year-old undergrad-
launch doubled every month since it started in
January this year, and has so far received
uate Weina Soh said she would be keen
to try these holiday plans. I like the ele-
a few hundred bookings. ment of surprise and not knowing where
BY CHE RY L LI N What started as a part-time hobby for my next adventure would be.
Leong and Tan has now turned into a full- However, the agency should be able
SINGAPORE: A new custom travel agen- time venture as both have quit their jobs to guarantee that there are proper regu-
cy in Singapore that does not tell travel- to nurse the business. lations in place such as ensuring that the
lers their destination until a week before Leong joked: When we got our first trips arranged are safe, she said.
their flight has seen month-on-month booking, we didnt expect it and we were Muhammad Faqihuddin Mohamad
growth double since it started operations like, What do we do now? Mahriz booked a five-day, four-night trip
in January. Travellers who book the agency will with a friend and opted for the adven-
PARTY like its 1939 at Stomping at the Savoy Founded by two 26-year-old Zelia receive an email three days after confir- ture and budget options.
with Juan and Mariel. Put on your dancing Leong and Felix Tan home-grown mation with the departure details, weather We got sent to Da Nang in Vietnam.
shoes and best vintage outts betting the agency Anywhr organises trips based forecasts and what to pack. I never even knew that part of Vietnam
event and do the lindy hop dance. Interna- on parameters set by customers, such as A week before the flight, a customised existed with coastal areas or mountainous
tional guest instructors Juan Villafane and budget, travel dates and the type of holi- travel guide, S$30 (RM95) worth of the regions, said Muhammad Faqihuddin,
Mariel Gastiarena are on hand to guide par- day adventure, getaway or experience. countrys currency to cover initial trans- who is training to be a financial adviser.
ticipants. All accompanied by live jazz music Leong came up with the idea after she port, will arrive in the mail, along with He added: I would definitely do it
by Sudu Garp Trio, on Saturday, 7.30pm at spent several months travelling in Europe. most importantly the destination. again because I am confident they will
Pusat Kreatif Kanak-kanak Tuanku Bainun, 48 I realised travelling wasnt restricted The focus is not on fixing itinerar- bring me somewhere not a lot of people
Jalan Tun Mohd Fuad, Taman Tun Dr Ismail to fixed itineraries or visiting famous land- ies but rather suggesting interesting will go to. That means it will probably be
in Kuala Lumpur. Cover charge: RM85. For marks. Its about meeting new people and things to do and leaving it up to guests cheaper and it will be a new and different
more information, visit https://www.facebook. discovering the destination itself, which to choose. We partner with other small experience.
com/events/1943782875889535. is the surprise, said Leong. travel companies or travel advisers at the More information is available at
When she returned, she raised the idea destination to recommend less touristy https://www.anywhr.co. Prices start at
to Tan, who was a colleague at a venture itineraries, what to eat and local tips, S$300 for a two-day, one-night trip.
capital firm she was working at. said Leong. TODAYonline
live it! 21



A holy grail watch sets the stage for high-stakes battle

AMONG vintage collectors, certain time- Americas at Phillips. Around 1966 the In the decade after Newman received
pieces are known as holy grail watches. company came out with a Daytona version it from his wife, the Rolex travelled the
Theyre the ones that inspire bidding fren- featuring an exotic dial, he says. It had world with the star, appearing on his wrist
zies and, subsequently, bragging rights. art deco-style fonts and multiple colour in promotional materials, magazines, and
So far, nothing tops a stainless steel details such as a red, outer seconds track. documentary footage. Then, in 1984, the
Patek Philippe that sold for US$11.1 mil- Newman got his exotic watch a star passed it on to an unlikely recipient:
lion at Phillips auction house in Novem- Rolex Cosmograph Daytona, reference James Cox, a college student who dated
ber. Patek produced only 281 of these 1941 #6239, made in 1968 as a gift from Newmans daughter Nell.
wristwatches, mostly in gold; only four are his wife, actress Joanne Woodward. The That summer, the two men got to know
known to have been made in stainless steel. two starred together in the 1969 movie each other as Cox spent several weeks
Also among the most coveted is the Day- Winning, which sparked Newmans suc- renovating a family tree house that hung
tona Rolex, a limited run of sports watches cessful real-life racing career. The wrist- over a creek on Newmans Nook House
produced from 1966 until the mid-1970s, watch had a white dial, three black sub- property in Westport, Connecticut. The
made famous by the actor and philanthro- dials, the red outer track, and Woodwards actor would often come by to check on
pist Paul Newman, who wore one daily in engraving on the back: DRIVE CARE- the kid and invite him to grab a bite to
the 70s. In May, an 18-karat gold Paul FULLY ME. eat. On occasion, Cox recalls, Newman in-
Newman Daytona fetched US$3.7 mil- Its worth all the hoopla surrounding troduced him as family to visitors such
lion at Phillips in Geneva. A year earlier it, says Jason Singer, a vintage watch col- as Martin Scorsese.
the company sold a stainless steel version lector in Phoenix who believes Newmans Hey, kid, you know what time it is?
for US$2 million. But neither of those had Daytona could set an auction record for Newman asked one day. Cox had no clue.
ever graced the blue-eyed stars wrist. a wristwatch. He didnt own a watch. If you can remem-
Now some lucky person will be able to Bacs, who spent more than 20 years as In the decade after Newman received it from his ber to wind this each day, it tells pretty
buy the holiest of holy grail watches: Paul a watch specialist for high-end auction wife, the Rolex travelled the world with the star, good time, the actor said, taking the Rolex
Newmans actual Paul Newman Daytona. houses, formed his own company, Bacs appearing on his wrist in promotional materials, off his wrist.
You ask 100 collectors over dinners & Russo SA, with his wife, Livia Russo, in magazines, and documentary footage. Photo by It was kind of astonishing that he gave
whats on their shopping list the Paul 2014. Theyve done wonders for Phillips Bloomberg it to me, says Cox, 52, whos selling the
Newman Daytona Rolex, says Aurel Bacs, since they started working with the com- watch to raise money for Nell Newmans
senior consultant for watches at Phillips, pany about a year later: In 2016, Phillips non-profit foundation.
which is running the auction in New York had US$106 million in watch sales, outpac- send the watch on a global tour Tokyo, Cox says he wore Newmans watch
on Oct 26. ing Christies 60.7 million and Sothebys Taipei, Hong Kong, London, Miami, Se- proudly for years. But as prices for vin-
Phillips estimates that Newmans stain- US$55.7 million. attle, Los Angeles, New York, and Green- tage timepieces began to escalate, he put
less steel Daytona Rolex wristwatch will Given the intense competition among wich, Connecticut hosting receptions the token away in a safe deposit box. Al-
fetch more than US$1 million (RM4.27 mil- the three houses, the stakes are high for and personal viewings. though the romance ended after 10 years,
lion). Thats conservative; given its prove- Newmans Rolex. Phillips has built an en- In Seattle, theres a cocktail party Cox remains close with his ex-girlfriend
nance and good condition, vintage watch tire auction Winning Icons: Milestone planned with Ferrari; in Greenwich, there and volunteers as the treasurer of the Nell
enthusiasts are throwing numbers as high Watches of the 20th Century around will be an event with Miller Motorcars. In- Newman Foundation.
as US$10 million. the trophy. vestment banks are also lining up special The watch was a beautiful gift, he says.
Rolex began making Daytona chrono- He obviously cant name names, but events for their high-net-worth clients. Its now my turn to do something beau-
graphs in 1963 to meet the needs of pro- Bacss strategy for finding a buyer is to tap Phillips has formed a partnership with tiful with it.
fessional race car drivers. The main in- into his teams personal networks. This UBS AG, for example, which serves six out Bacss mission is more mercenary. Its
novation had to do with the tachymeter, calibre of collector is a self-made billion- of 10 billionaires in the world. The auction priceless, he says of the rarest Rolex in
a scale that works in conjunction with the aire in his 30s or 40s, Bacs says. Someone house is also publishing a lavish catalogue the world. But priceless doesnt mean it
chronograph (the stopwatch), according whos made his fortune in finance, com- and promoting it on social media the wont eventually have a hammer price.
to Paul Boutros, head of watches for the modities, or social media. The house will watch surely has a story worth sharing. Bloomberg

This US$45,000 diamond pendant has a heart that beats

BY JACK FORSTER which slowly move back and forth. The on making animated wearable art, and
module consists of a rotating wheel with the fact that behind the artistry theres
WATCH enthusiasts (and watch brands a sine-wave shaped track in its perimeter some high-grade watchmaking and en-
too) often liken the ticking of a watch to and as two pins set in the track move in gineering is pretty terrific. The pendant
the beating of a mechanical heart. Last and out, they carry the two halves of the is actually built very much like a luxury
May, we first heard of Paul Forrest Co, heart along with them. watch, including the gold case, sapphire
a new jewellery brand founded by Paul Its quite a charming effect a kind crystal, and even a guaranteed 50m water
Forrest Hartzband, which uses mechan- of mechanical entertainment akin to a resistance (good to know about in case
ical watch movements made in Fleurier music box. The movement is designat- the recipient is fond of spontaneous mid-
to power animated jewellery. The use of ed calibre PF-001, with an eight- to 10- night swims).
clockwork mechanisms to power animated hour power reserve. There are a total of Price points are in the US$19,000
figures and automata isnt something new 145 parts (81 for the base movement and (RM81,130) to US$45,000 range, depend-
of course, but we havent seen anything 64 for the module) and the module is ing on gem-setting and other material op-
quite like this from a jewellery maker in built to the same standard as a fine watch tions. Paul Forrest Co offers a 24-month
modern production, and certainly not movement, with jewelling throughout to warranty and has set up its facility in Fleu-
anything with a mechanical movement reduce friction and help keep the heart rier for aftersales service as well, since the
of this quality. To understand what Paul beating smoothly. mechanical movements will, just as with
Forrest Co is shooting for, you really need The movement and module are made a wristwatch, require periodic cleaning
to see the pieces in motion. from a combination of high-quality mod- and re-oiling.
The action of the beating heart anima- ern and traditional materials, with a vari- I have to admit, I find this kind of thing
tion is controlled by a mechanical move- ety of materials including German silver sort of irresistible I think of The Wizard
ment that is in most respects identical to (maillechort), steel, copper-beryllium, and Of Oz, in which the wizard tells the tin
a watch movement. Theres a mainspring titanium. The guide arms for the beating woodman, Hearts will never be practical
(wound with a key that forms part of the heart module are made of aluminium, until they can be made unbreakable, to
pendant) which powers a going train end- and there are 20 jewels in the main move- which the tin woodman responds, But
ing in an escapement, lever, and balance ment and 20 more in the module. The cam I still want one. The wizard gives him a The action of the beating heart animation is
wheel. On top of the going train and regu- wheel is Teflon-coated to minimise fric- watch to carry as a beating heart, and Paul controlled by a mechanical movement that is in
lating system is the module that drives the tion. As a piece of jewellery, the Hearts Forrest Co takes the metaphor one step most respects identical to a watch movement.
beating halves of the heart in the pendant, Passion pendant is a fresh, romantic take further into reality. Bloomberg Photo by Bloomberg

A crude plan
Chinese oil demand could see Saudi give America the slip
BY TO M HOL L A N D to switch his allegiance away from of the economy said Saudi was con- ments, and perhaps as payment for
the British and to the rising pow- sidering funding part of its giant fiscal future purchases of Chinese arms.
er of the US, a feat he achieved by deficit with yuan-denominated debt In time, it could even make sense
offering Saudis exclusive oil con- a major departure for a country for Saudi to repeg its currency from

cession to the US oil companies that pegs its currency to the US dollar. the US dollar to the yuan.
im Philby (pic) Texaco and Chevron (or SoCal as It is still early days, but Saudis drift In a stroke, China would have
achieved undying it was then called) rather than to from the US and towards China could displaced the US as the closest stra-
infamy as the senior the established British giant BP. accelerate rapidly over the coming tegic and economic partner of the
British intelligence of- That is why Saudi Arabias mo- year. In 2018, Riyadh plans to float worlds largest, and lowest cost, oil
ficer who, for decades nopoly state oil company is today its state oil company Saudi Aramco producer, fundamentally reshaping
through the cold war, called Aramco the Arab-American on the international capital markets, global geopolitics.
fed British and American secrets to oil company rather than Arbroco. doubling or even quadrupling Chi- That would suit Beijing. It might
the Soviet Union before finally de- Now, however, 80 years after Ab- nese Internet retail giant Alibabas also suit Riyadh. China has little
fecting to live out his days as a KGB dullah Philby engineered his switch, record US$25 billion offering in 2014. choice but to go on buying Saudi oil.
colonel in Moscow. Saudi could be about to change al- a result, China earlier this year sur- However, drumming up buying In contrast, America has other op-
Less well known, but with a great- legiance once again. Signs are be- passed the US as the worlds largest interest from Western institutional tions, which makes many in Wash-
er impact on history, was his father, ginning to emerge that the current crude importer, buying more than investors may prove difficult given ington question the importance of
Harry St John Bridger Philby, or king, Salman, son of Ibn Saud, may nine million barrels a day. By far, the Saudi governments aggressive US relations with the Saudi regime.
Abdullah Philby, as he was known transfer his countrys primary stra- Chinas biggest suppliers were Rus- target valuation and the possible For Riyadh, there are many ways
after his conversion to Islam. tegic alliance away from the US and sia and Saudi. As Chinas demand exclusion of the stock from major in which China would be more con-
Like his son after him, Abdullah towards the rising power of China. continues to grow, its dependence benchmark indices. venient than the US as primary pa-
Philby the father was also a spy. Dur- For the time being, Saudi remains on Saudi oil shipments is only go- In that case, the offerings suc- tron and protector. After all, Beijing
ing the first world war, he was tasked, closely bound to the US. ing to increase. cess will hinge heavily on Saudis would be far less likely to kick up a
alongside his colleague TE Lawrence, Nevertheless, ties between Ri- That means Beijing now has a ability to enlist major cornerstone fuss about Saudis poor human rights
with stirring up a tribal revolt in Ara- yadh and Washington have frayed bigger stake than Washington in investors. And the most probable record, its fondness for public exe-
bia against the Ottoman Empire. in recent years. Saudis future stability and security. cornerstones with the deepest pock- cutions, the oppression of its Shia
After the war, he was given re- More to the point, these frictions As a result, both Beijing and Riyadh ets will be Chinese state actors like minority, and its prosecution of nas-
sponsibility for suppressing Arab arose against a backdrop of grow- are working on strengthening their sovereign wealth funds China In- ty local wars like the one in Yemen.
opposition to the British presence ing American energy security and bilateral relationship. King Salman vestment Corp and SAFE Investment It is a potent argument. Back
in the region. But like his son, Ab- a corresponding fall in US oil im- visited China in March, signing trade Company, and oil major PetroChina. in 1936, Ibn Saud proved ready to
dullah Philby also jumped the fence, ports from the Middle East. As the and investment deals worth US$60 Buying a sizeable stake in Aramco switch his allegiance from a declin-
converting to Islam and becoming a US has ramped up its production billion. And last month, Chinese would allow China to lock in a large ing to a rising power when persuad-
senior adviser to the newly crowned of domestic shale oil over the last vice-premier Zhang Gaoli made a part of its future oil import needs. ed by Abdullah Philby that it would
Arabian king, Ibn Saud, who would 10 years, its imports of crude oil return trip, signing a further round And it would greatly increase Bei- be in his best interest.
go on to give his name to his country. have fallen from almost 14 million of deals, including one to set up a jings leverage in persuading Saudi Some 80 years later, his son may
In the early years of his reign, barrels a day in 2007 to just eight joint US$20 billion (RM85.4 billion) to accept oil payments in yuan rather prove equally prepared to use Saudis
Ibn Saud had been happy to rule as million in the first half of this year. fund to invest in new projects in than US dollars. Naturally, those pet- oil wealth as the incentive to sign up
a client of the British. But in 1936, Over the same period, Chinas oil both countries. ro-yuan would tend to flow back to a new great power patron this time
Abdullah Philby persuaded the king demand has more than doubled. As Last week, Riyadhs vice-minister China in the form of inward invest- China. South China Morning Post

Boom, bust and boom again for rare earths?

BY A N DY H OME Alchemist, November 2016). creased ever since, up 26% in 2015 There was a high-powered meet- sourcing, the supply of material
They are in the hard disc drive and another 34% in 2016. ing last month between Chinas Rare for the spot market is diminishing,
ALL commodity markets are prone in your laptop and the headphones Unofficial exports initial- Earth Industry Association, the Stra- squeezing spot prices higher.
to boom and bust cycles. you wear on the way to work. ly boomed as well in response to tegic Reserves Bureau, and the Na- This has bullish implications
But few have been as spectacular Their most important applica- those sky-high prices, causing a tional Development and Reform for future pricing but also poses
as that experienced by rare earths tion, however, is in the magnets surge in supply that kept REE prices Commission to discuss the situation. headaches for the global supply
at the turn of the decade. used for electric motors, which is at rock-bottom levels until this year. A possible release of stocks is chain, particularly those parts of
Prices of such exotic compo- where they enter the electric vehi- The official heat has been raised now under active consideration as it that are not vertically integrated.
nents of the periodic table as dys- cle supply chain. further this year in the form of the a way of controlling the latest sign The only major REE producer out-
prosium and terbium increased by As with the lithium-ion battery, same rolling environmental and of a rare earth boom. side of China is Lynas Corp, which
multiples over 2010 to 2011 before the permanent magnets that use regulatory checks that have hit oth- It is, after all, in Chinas own operates the Mt Weld mine in West-
collapsing just as quickly. NdPr in motors are industry stand- er Chinese metals sectors such as interests to contain radical price ern Australia with NdPr production
Five subsequent years of low-scale ard, meaning they face a similar aluminium. moves. The country is a leader in of just over 5,000 tonnes per year.
range-trading have seen rare earths exponential growth in usage gen- Indeed, according to Adamas the green technology race. Much of that output, however, is
slip off the collective investment ra- erated by the electrification of the Intelligence, which specialises in committed to Japanese buyers keen
dar, their place taken by new hot global vehicle fleet. critical mineral markets, an explicit Shifting supply chain to diversify their sourcing after the
metals such as lithium and cobalt. RFC Ambrian forecasts that in- focus of the most recent inspec- And that may be another hidden China Shock.
But now they are back. Or at creases in NdPr production, 45,170 tions has been on 180 companies component in the recent NdPr The Mountain Pass mine in the
least a couple of them are. tonnes in 2015, will need to total involved in the rare earth sector. price spikes. US remains on care and mainte-
The prices of neodymium and between 15,000 tonnes (low case) (Chinese NdPr oxide Panic or As with lithium, this is a supply nance, although it has just been
praseodymium oxide are going and 35,000 tonnes (high case) by Party?, August 2017). chain that is having to adapt in super bought out of bankruptcy.
stratospheric again, up by over 80% 2020, supply which will have to It is noticeable that just about fast time to a new source of demand. That supply dearth outside of
since the start of the year. come from China. every other REE price in China is Chinese magnet producers are China is fuelling a rare earth rush
As ever with rare earths, this is all showing signs of bottoming out from ramping up capacity to feed the am- with miners scouring the world for
about what is happening in China, The China syndrome the depressed price environment of bitious electric vehicle targets of glob- new sources of production. Several
the worlds dominant producer of It was China that caused the explo- 2012 to 2016, albeit without the same al automotive manufacturers. new operations are at the feasibility
these critical materials. sion and subsequent meltdown in violence of the NdPr rally. And, to quote Adamas Intelli- study stage, but whether enough
prices earlier this decade. If Beijings clampdown on its REE gence, historically, few industries of them will make it to production
The growth engine The country cut off exports of sector is generating higher prices, are as conservative, cost-concerned remains to be seen.
Neodymium and praseodymium, REEs, citing the need to control il- Beijing also has the means to cap and risk-adverse as the auto industry. China, for now, has the ability to
or the more manageable NdPr for legal output in the production hub those prices in the short term. The outcome is an increasing cap runaway rare earth prices. But
short, are already two of the most of Inner Mongolia. The rest of the It is sitting on an unknown shift to long-term, lock-in contracts this years spikes are a warning sign
commonly used rare earth elements world cried foul as did the World amount of stockpiled REEs and for supplies of rare earths such as that this particular supply chain
(REEs), accounting for 36% of global Trade Organization and China was is now under pressure to release NdPr, according to Adamas. remains highly unstable.
REE consumption in 2015, accord- forced into a swift about-turn. some of it to dampen bubbling As these large Chinese produc- Rare earths, and NdPr in particu-
ing to analysts at RFC Ambrian (The Official exports have steadily in- spot markets. er and user groups lock up future lar, look set for a comeback. Reuters
S P O RT S 2 3

windfall spells
Sharapova ousted IN BRIEF

All Blacks prop Franks set

for surgery, out for season

at US Open
AUCKLAND: All Blacks prop
good fortune for Owen Franks was to under-
go season-ending surgery for
Harvey victims an Achilles injury last Friday,
handing rookie Nepo Laulala
an opportunity to secure a full-
PORTL AND: Stacy Lewis time test role. Sam Cane, Ryan
picked the right time to break Crotty and Wyatt Crockett have
out of a slump and the end Kvitova, Williams advance to the quarter-final today recovered from head knocks and
of her winless drought will been cleared for Saturdays Rug-
bring a windfall to the flood by Championship match against
victims in her hometown of BY JIM SLATER 21 winners were half the 30-year- she tested positive for the banned Argentina in New Plymouth, All
Houston. old Russians total. blood booster meldonium at the Blacks coach Steve Hansen said.
The American golfing star NEW YORK: Maria Sharapovas Reflecting back on the week, 2016 Australian Open, she ousted Its better to let him get it right
had promised earlier in the Grand Slam return after a 15-month I can be happy, Sharapova said. second-ranked Simona Halep in and let him get back into some
week to donate her prize doping ban ended on Sunday with a It has been a really great ride. Ul- the first round and served notice to good recovery and a pre-season
money to the Hurricane Har- fourth-round defeat at the US Open timately, I can take a lot from this any contender her game remains and well see when he gets back
vey relief effort. but the former world No 1 consid- week. formidable. for the Crusaders, Hansen said
Lewis earned her first ered it a major step in her comeback. Todays other quarter-final will Sharapova returned from her of Franks at a media conference
LPGA Tour title in three years Latvian 16th seed Anastasija match Czech 13th seed Petra Kvito- suspension in April, was snubbed yesterday. We will see how the
on Sunday at the Portland Sevastova rallied to eliminate the va, a two-time Wimbledon cham- for a French Open wildcard and operation goes first and fore-
Classic, firing a closing round five-time Grand Slam champion pion, against US ninth seed Venus missed Wimbledon with a thigh most and then go from there.
of 69 to defeat Chun In-Gee 5-7, 6-4, 6-2 at Arthur Ashe Stadi- Williams, seeking her eighth Slam injury but received a US Open wild- Reuters
by one stroke. um, booking a quarter-final against title and third US Open crown. card despite only one hard court
Lewis did it by playing American Sloane Stephens, who Kvitova eliminated Spanish third tune-up match due to a left fore- Star India bags IPL media
steady golf down the stretch. ousted Germanys Julia Goerges seed and two-time Slam winner arm injury. rights for US$2.55 billion
She posted four birdies, two 6-3, 3-6, 6-1. Garbine Muguruza 7-6 (7/3), 6-3 Its great to get that major out MUMBAI: Star India will pay a
pars and a bogey over her first Sharapova, the 2006 US Open while Williams beat 35th-ranked of the way, Sharapova said. Im staggering 163.48 billion rupees
seven holes but then parred winner, was able to find the posi- Spaniard Carla Suarez Navarro 6-3, thankful for the opportunity. I did (US$2.55 billion or RM10.89 bil-
the final 11 holes to finish tives after making 51 unforced er- 3-6, 6-1. my best and I can be proud of that. lion) for the television and dig-
with a total of 20-under 268. rors to only 14 by Sevastova, whose In Sharapovas first Slam since AFP ital rights of the Indian Premier
Thats unbelievable, said League (IPL) for the next five
Lewis, of her US$195,000 years, the countrys cricket board
(RM832,650) winners check. announced yesterday. Sony was
When I said that I had the the only other bidder for the TV
goal of winning the tourna- rights of the worlds richest do-
ment, you have got to get a lot mestic Twenty20 competition,
of things right, to go your way. while digital bidders included
Were going to be able to Supersport, Facebook, Airtel, and
help rebuild houses and get Bamtech. The franchise-based
their homes back. Thats more competition began in 2008 with
important than anything. eight teams with owners includ-
Hurricane Har vey has ing Indias richest man Mukesh
killed at least 50 people and Ambani and Bollywood actors.
unleashed massive flooding Of the 24 companies that bought
that damaged up to 50,000 the tender document, 14 made
homes in Houston. bids. Reuters
For Chun it marked anoth-
er runner-up finish in 2017. Big-hitting Querrey into
She shot a six-under 66 while US Open quarter-nals
Thailands Moriya Jutanugarn NEW YORK: American 17th
(72) and American Brittany seed Sam Querrey reached his
Altomare (69) finished in a first US Open quarter-final on
tie for third, six shots adrift Sunday with a 6-2, 6-2, 6-1 win
of the lead. over 23rd-seeded Mischa Zverev
Lewis moved to Houston of Germany. Querrey, a semi-fi-
at a young age and her hus- nalist at Wimbledon in July, will
band is the golf coach at the face South Africas 23rd-seeded
University of Houston. Kevin Anderson for a place in
She completed the final the semi-finals. Querrey defeat-
round with 11 pars, scram- BORN TO SQUASH ... CIMB Foundation Junior Squash players sweep medals at the KL2017 Southeast Asian Games (SEA ed Anderson in the fourth round
bling for saves on the final Games). CIMB Group chairman Datuk Seri Nazir Razak (front row, left) and CIMB Foundation chief executive ocer Datuk Hamidah at Wimbledon but Anderson
two holes. She had just one Naziadin (front row, right) posing for a photo and on hand to congratulate the CIMB Foundation Junior Squash Development gained revenge at the Montreal
bogey on the last day as she Programme players and winners of the mens singles in squash at the SEA Games. Seen here were silver medallist Mohd Syaq Masters last month. On Sunday,
wrapped up her 12th career Kamal (back row, extreme left) and gold medallist Ng Eain Yow (back row, second from left). Robert Andrew Garcia of the Philippines the 29-year-old Querrey fired 18
victory on the US Tour. AFP (back row, rst from right) and Samuel Kang Shan Mu of Singapore were semi-nalists sharing the spotlight with them. aces, 55 winners and committed
just eight unforced errors, win-
ning in just 77 minutes. AFP
Bangladesh win toss,

American Thomas vaults into share of Dell lead

bat against Australia
CHITTAGONG (Bangladesh):
Bangladesh captain Mushfiqur
Rahim won the toss and opted to
NORTON (US): Justin Thomas Englands Paul Casey is alone including four victories. off points list after this event ad- bat in the second and final Test
roared back into the PGA Tour in third after shooting a four-un- His playoff campaign got a vance to the BMW Championship, against Australia at the Zahur
playoff picture with sizzling 63 der 67 while world number two huge shot in the arm on Sun- set for Sept 14 to Sept 17 at Con- Ahmed Chowdhury Stadium in
on Sunday to grab a share of the Jordan Spieth shot a 66 and is day as he drained eight birdies way Farms Golf Club in Illinois. Chittagong yesterday. Bangla-
lead after the third round of the tied with Grayson Murray (67) with all coming on par-fours on Then the top 30 players fol- desh, aiming to inflict a historic
Dell Championship. and Canadas Adam Hadwin (68) a rainy day at the par-71, 7,342 lowing the BMW Championship 2-0 clean sweep on Steve Smiths
Thomas, who tied for sixth last for fourth at 10-under. yard course. will qualify for the Tour Cham- team, bolstered their wobbly
week in the first tournament of Despite a recent streak of three Im extremely pleased, pionship at East Lake Golf Club batting by bringing in Mominul
the 2017 FedExCup playoffs, is the straight missed cuts, the 24-year- Thomas said. It was a great day. in Atlanta, beginning Sept 21. A Haque in place for pace bowler
co-leader with Australias Marc old Thomas is in the thick of the I just felt I had total control of my points reset will take place prior Shafiul Islam. Australia, trying to
Leishman at 12-under 201 head- FedExCup race after his bogey-free game. I drove it beautifully. I hit to the Tour Championship, giving save the series, deployed a three-
ing into yesterdays final round round on Sunday. The reigning my irons really well, and my short all players in the field a mathe- pronged spin attack with Steve
of the tournament at the TPC PGA Championship winner has 10 game was good if I needed it. matical opportunity to win the OKeefe replacing injured fast
Boston course. finishes in the top 10 this season, The top 70 players on the play- Tour title. AFP bowler Josh Hazlewood. AFP

S Korea coach promises


Belgium show character

in securing World Cup

World Cup victory in Tashkent

BRUSSELS: Belgium delivered
a performance of character
and proved they were build-
ing a winning team, coach
Roberto Martinez said after
they became the first country
to qualify from the European
Win would secure qualification for a ninth successive time preliminaries for next years
World Cup finals in Russia. A
2-1 away win against Greece
SEOUL: Under-fire coach Shin Tae- one win in their last five qualifiers, qualified atop Group A with 21 failed to create a single shot on target on Sunday ensured top place
yong has promised South Korea will could only manage a goalless draw points and are yet to concede a against Iran despite the visitors play- in Group H for the Belgians
beef up their mental strength and at home to 10-man Iran last week goal. South Korea are second on ing the last 40 minutes with 10 men. and a second successive World
go all out for the victory against Uz- to leave their qualification hopes 14 points but Syria and Uzbekistan It is not that we didnt want to Cup finals appearance after a
bekistan today that would secure in the balance. both have 12 points. score, Shin told reporters in Tash- quarter-final finish in Brazil in
World Cup qualification for a ninth Defeat in Uzbekistan could see A third-place finish would mean kent. The players worked hard ... 2014. We must be proud about
successive time. the 2002 semi-finalists fail to make having to come through extend- and while I know it is not an ex- being the first from Europe to
Well return home with victory it to the global showpiece for the ed play-offs for a place in Russia cuse the pitch was not in a good qualify and now look to work
no matter what, vowed Shin ahead first time since 1982 if third-placed next year. condition. All the coaching staff harder to become better, said
of the final Asian zone Group A en- Syria manage to pull off a massive Were in a difficult situation, but and players will do all they can to Martinez after the Belgians ad-
counter in Tashkent. shock and win in Tehran today. well beef up our mental strength ensure we can [score] the goals to vanced to an unassailable 22
The Taeguk Warriors, with just Unbeaten Iran have already and will win, said Shin, whose side win. AFP points, eight ahead of second
placed Bosnia with two rounds
left to play. Reuters
Australia to extend blue
Mooy boost for cards for concussion
SYDNEY: Australia will extend
Socceroos World the use of blue cards issued to
players suffering from signs of
Cup Thai crunch concussion to senior competi-
tions after a successful trial, offi-
MELBOURNE: English Premier cials said yesterday. The system
League playmaker Aaron Mooy was tried out at country clubs in
is set to return as Australia chase the Australian Capital Territory
a big win over Thailand today to and Newcastle this year, requir-
qualify for next years World Cup. ing those showing signs of con-
The Huddersfield Town ace cussion to leave the field if given
was missing through illness as a blue card. They then need to
Australia crashed to a 2-0 defeat pass a rigorous set of medical
to Japan last week to leave their guidelines including time on the
Russia 2018 finals hopes hanging sidelines. The Australian Rugby
by a thread. Unions head of community rug-
The loss in Saitama left the by services Lachlan Clark said it
Socceroos outside the two di- will be rolled out nationally next
rect qualification places in Asia year from juniors up to the Na-
Group B but level on 16 points tional Rugby Championship
with Saudi Arabia behind the the highest tier of competition
already qualified Japan heading below Super Rugby. AFP
into the final pool game.
The Socceroos are two goals Isco show breathes new life
inferior to the Saudis on goal into Spain
difference and need to hammer SONKAS SUCCESS IN PORTO ... The Czech pilot Martin Sonka claimed his second Red Bull Air Race win in Portugal MADRID: Following a demoli-
the Thais in Melbourne in case on Sunday. Sonka had never raced in Porto before the weekend, but he still signed the fastest time on the Douro racetrack in 1:07.229. tion job on Italy, Spain look to
the Green Falcons beat Japan in With this win, he also takes the lead of the World Championship standings with only two races to go. In front of the 600,000 fans cement their status as one of the
Jeddah later today. Depending lining up on the riverbanks, Canadas Pete McLeod captured second for the third race in a row, only 0.113 behind Sonka. Australian favourites for next years World
on results, either Australia or Matt Halls third place is his rst podium of the season after switching raceplanes this year. Fighting to retain his overall lead, Kirby Cup with another thrashing of
Saudi Arabia will be consigned to Chambliss from the US served up a net time of 01:07.141, but he incurred a two-second penalty that saved Sonkas win and opened the Liechtenstein today (1845GMT).
facing South Korea, Uzbekistan, door for the rest. The Red Bull Air Race features the worlds best racing pilots in competition that combines up to 370kph speeds and Inspired by Iscos array of silky
Syria or China from Group A in forces of up to 10G as they navigate a low level slalom track marked by 25m high, air-lled pylons. Photo by Reuters skills and clinical finishing, La
an Asian eliminator before meet- Roja swept aside Italy 3-0 on
ing the Confederation of North, Saturday night to take a com-
Central American and Caribbe- manding three-point lead at
an Association Football, or bet- the top of Group G of European
ter known as Concacaf, play-off
winner in the final showdown
for a place in Russia.
Syria, China hope for World Cup miracle qualifying. With the attitude
with which we have played the
World Cup is very close, said
Under-pressure Socceroos Isco, whose close control and
coach Ange Postecoglou be- BY TALEK HARR IS having qualified so far. South Korea into second place. two goals left even Italy boss
lieves his side has the arsenal Group A is particularly unpre- Chinese success would be just as Giampiero Ventura singing his
to beat the Thais comfortably HONG KONG: War-torn Syria as dictable as South Korea, Syria, Uz- eye-catching if they manage to rise praises. AFP
and automatically qualify. We well as China, the ultimate sleeping bekistan and Marcello Lippi's China from fifth in the group to snatch a
have just got to play well, he giant, are both aiming to pull off a remain in the running for either the play-off spot and stay in the hunt Rossi claims Watkins Glen
told reporters. near-miracle as Asia qualifying for second automatic berth, or a place for just their second World Cup race
Weve got to make sure we the 2018 World Cup heads into a in the play-offs by finishing third. appearance. China were largely WATKINS GLEN (US): Alex-
stay focused and play our foot- final showdown today. Syria, despite playing their home written off after defeats to South ander Rossi continued his
ball, keeping it at a high tempo Among Asia's heavyweights, Aus- games in Malaysia to avoid their Korea, Syria and Uzbekistan, but late-season surge at the Indy-
and pressuring the opposition tralia's progress is far from assured country's bitter civil war, occupy they are reborn since Lippi's arrival Car Series Watkins Glen Inter-
from start to finish. When we do and South Korea are in danger of the play-off spot after a win and last October, winning twice to keep national race on Sunday, win-
that things tend to fall into place. missing out on their first World Cup a draw against China, wins over their hopes just about alive. ning his first race of the season
Mooy is the key midfield cre- since 1982 in what will be a nail-bit- Uzbekistan and Qatar, and draws If they beat Qatar handily, and to help tighten the seasons
ator and crucial to Australias ing last round of group games. with South Korea and Iran. They South Korea and Iran win against championship points battle.
attack which was criticised as Perhaps indicating rising stand- play arguably the night's toughest Uzbekistan and Syria respectively, Rossi just edged out runner-up
slow and unimaginative against ards in the region, competition for fixture away to Iran, who are yet 77th-ranked China can celebrate Scott Dixon, of New Zealand,
Japan despite a welter of posses- Asia's 4.5 places at next year's Rus- to concede a goal as they look a major boost in their grand plan while Ryan Hunter-Reay fin-
sion. AFP sia World Cup has been unusually to stay ahead of Uzbekistan and to become one of the world's top ished third at the Watkins Glen
intense, with only Japan and Iran China, and perhaps even leap-frog football nations. AFP race track. AFP
Markets 2 5

Bursa Malaysia YEAR

0.913 0.561 0.745 0.740 7609 AJIYA 0.740 UNCH 132.8 0.740 10.69 2.70 225.4
Sectorial Movement 0.160 0.065 9954 AKNIGHT 0.080 4.7
1.694 0.559 1.290 1.230 2674 ALCOM 1.250 -0.040 749.1 1.259 14.24 16.40 167.9
INDICES CLOSE +/- %CHG INDICES CLOSE +/- %CHG 1.070 0.315 0.655 0.635 4758 ANCOM 0.645 0.005 803.4 0.643 8.09 141.2
3.550 1.561 3.520 3.440 6556 ANNJOO 3.520 0.080 1887.6 3.496 10.29 2.98 1,873.9
KLSE COMPOSITE 1,773.16 12.02 0.68 TECHNOLOGY 37.83 0.23 0.61 0.551 0.095 0.100 0.095 9342 ANZO 0.100 UNCH 2100.4 0.096 81.3
KLSE INDUSTRIAL 3,201.14 17.49 0.55 FTSE BURSA 100 12,281.66 84.09 0.69 1.100 0.825 5568 APB 1.030 12.89 6.31 116.3
CONSUMER PRODUCT 623.08 0.42 0.07 FTSE BURSA MID 70 15,059.84 106.26 0.71 4.147 3.220 3.650 3.640 5015 APM 3.650 0.020 177.9 3.649 15.55 4.11 735.8
1.240 0.735 1.110 1.080 7214 ARANK 1.100 0.010 201.8 1.094 7.44 2.73 132.0
INDUSTRIAL PRODUCT 157.16 0.55 0.35 FTSE BURSA SMALL CAP 16,747.36 10.72 0.06 1.290 0.671 1.090 1.070 7162 ASTINO 1.070 -0.030 67.8 1.080 7.74 0.93 293.3
CONSTRUCTION 330.52 -0.22 -0.07 FTSE BURSA FLEDGLING 18,825.33 51.72 0.28 1.480 0.384 1.070 1.050 7099 ATTA 1.050 UNCH 395 1.062 4.06 7.44 120.7
TRADE & SERVICES 230.77 1.39 0.61 FTSE BURSA EMAS 12,610.07 81.30 0.65 1.000 0.230 7181 ATURMJU 0.230 14.1
2.550 1.452 2.180 2.150 8133 BHIC 2.170 0.010 4.1 2.167 5.73 1.38 539.2
KLSE FINANCIAL 16,772.31 187.88 1.13 FTSE BUR MSIA ACE 6,612.74 97.43 1.50 0.570 0.380 7005 BIG 0.380 18.3
KLSE PROPERTY 1,241.01 -4.07 -0.33 FTSE BUR EMAS SHARIAH 12,749.09 46.68 0.37 0.580 0.095 0.505 0.495 7187 BKOON 0.500 UNCH 824.4 0.500 138.9
KLSE PLANTATION 7,848.46 12.56 0.16 FTSE BUR HIJRAH SHARIAH 13,950.65 37.56 0.27 1.091 0.742 0.855 0.845 168 BOILERM 0.850 UNCH 85.6 0.850 20.63 1.76 438.6
2.425 1.550 6297 BOXPAK 1.550 186.1
KLSE MINING 607.93 -4.05 -0.66 FTSE/ASEAN 40 10,443.17 28.87 0.28 1.563 1.200 1.220 1.210 5100 BPPLAS 1.210 -0.010 30.8 1.210 18.70 6.61 227.1
0.400 0.300 0.310 0.305 9938 BRIGHT 0.305 UNCH 9.7 0.306 50.1
0.675 0.210 0.515 0.510 7221 BSLCORP 0.515 UNCH 75.2 0.514 6.30 50.5
0.365 0.210 0.255 0.240 7188 BTM 0.245 -0.010 27 0.242 55.68 31.1
3.785 3.182 3.300 3.260 5105 CANONE 3.300 0.040 155.3 3.292 7.01 1.21 634.1
0.035 0.005 5229 CAP 0.010 13.6

Bursa Malaysia Main Market 2.168 1.883 2.000

1.810 0.821 1.440
1.800 1.450






1.210 1.020 8044 CFM 1.160 47.6
YEAR YEAR DAY DAY CODE COUNTER CLOSING +/ VOL VWAP* PE# DY MKT CAP 1.940 1.466 1.770 1.720 5007 CHINWEL 1.760 -0.030 549.3 1.750 9.18 3.86 527.2
HIGH LOW HIGH LOW (RM) (RM) (000) (RM) (X) (%) (MIL) 2.400 1.450 2.120 2.090 5797 CHOOBEE 2.100 0.010 59.2 2.104 7.69 2.86 230.8
CONSUMER PRODUCTS 1.150 0.900 0.960 0.960 8052 CICB 0.960 -0.040 4 0.960 24.43 48.0
0.750 0.445 0.460 0.450 7120 ACOSTEC 0.460 0.005 67 0.454 575.0 5.43 81.8 0.075 0.050 0.050 0.050 7018 CME 0.050 UNCH 50 0.050 24.3
4.900 3.702 4.850 4.710 7090 AHEALTH 4.710 -0.090 16.1 4.758 15.38 2.44 551.8 4.628 3.476 4.060 3.890 2852 CMSB 4.060 0.160 205 3.992 17.61 1.55 4,362.0
24.759 11.853 22.460 21.000 2658 AJI 21.240 -1.200 155.6 21.305 7.08 1.98 1,291.4 0.600 0.200 7986 CNASIA 0.595 1.14 27.0
0.380 0.220 7051 AMTEK 0.300 15.0 1.559 1.150 1.190 1.150 5071 COASTAL 1.150 -0.010 696.2 1.167 13.13 1.74 611.3
6.007 4.970 5.040 5.000 6432 APOLLO 5.000 -0.030 46.5 5.009 25.15 5.00 400.0 1.150 0.665 0.785 0.775 7195 COMCORP 0.780 -0.010 406.9 0.778 7.35 109.2
1.110 0.800 7722 ASIABRN 0.940 74.4 1.010 0.645 0.995 0.975 2127 COMFORT 0.985 0.010 3666.7 0.982 11.32 550.4
3.771 3.140 3.300 3.240 7129 ASIAFLE 3.300 0.070 101 3.290 11.35 4.85 642.7 2.156 1.357 1.670 1.650 5094 CSCSTEL 1.670 UNCH 321.2 1.661 8.96 5.99 634.6
49.279 39.201 44.580 43.980 4162 BAT 44.180 UNCH 301.2 44.222 16.51 4.87 12,614.7 0.015 0.005 22 CYBERT 0.005 0.5
0.120 0.035 0.075 0.070 7243 BIOOSMO 0.075 UNCH 258 0.072 59.7 0.829 0.665 0.675 0.670 7157 CYL 0.675 0.005 19.5 0.670 53.57 5.93 67.5
0.740 0.540 0.580 0.555 9288 BONIA 0.565 -0.005 582.2 0.562 16.24 2.21 455.6 0.405 0.280 0.310 0.310 5082 CYMAO 0.310 -0.005 20 0.310 23.3
1.100 0.483 1.060 1.000 7174 CAB 1.010 -0.030 5794.7 1.027 13.36 0.32 620.5 2.369 1.701 2.200 2.190 8125 DAIBOCI 2.200 0.010 20.4 2.195 31.61 1.95 721.4
0.540 0.425 0.455 0.425 7154 CAELY 0.450 -0.005 800.5 0.437 6.53 2.22 36.0 1.510 0.315 1.250 1.230 8176 DENKO 1.230 UNCH 23.9 1.239 128.5
0.340 0.260 7128 CAMRES 0.290 29.29 3.45 57.1 0.330 0.220 0.310 0.305 7114 DNONCE 0.305 UNCH 535.5 0.305 55.6
15.200 13.107 14.920 14.800 2836 CARLSBG 14.820 -0.100 44.9 14.859 20.69 5.20 4,531.2 0.435 0.230 0.300 0.300 5835 DOLMITE 0.300 0.045 40 0.300 136.36 85.5
1.140 0.519 0.985 0.960 7035 CCK 0.975 0.015 846.6 0.975 12.97 2.05 307.5 0.480 0.155 0.195 0.190 5265 DOLPHIN 0.190 -0.005 390.8 0.191 42.2
2.388 1.867 2.030 1.990 7148 CCMDBIO 2.030 0.040 123.1 2.001 19.82 3.20 566.3 1.300 1.057 1.300 1.280 7169 DOMINAN 1.290 0.020 27 1.289 8.91 4.65 212.9
2.700 2.250 2.270 2.270 2828 CIHLDG 2.270 0.020 36 2.270 13.58 2.20 367.7 1.860 0.920 1.590 1.570 1619 DRBHCOM 1.580 0.020 778.9 1.581 0.63 3,054.5
0.045 0.020 0.035 0.030 5188 CNOUHUA 0.035 0.005 5595.2 0.031 23.4 1.606 0.540 1.540 1.530 7233 DUFU 1.530 UNCH 1062.5 1.531 9.23 2.94 268.5
3.200 1.802 2.730 2.700 7205 COCOLND 2.720 0.010 94.8 2.709 15.02 5.70 622.3 0.985 0.755 0.785 0.770 8907 EG 0.780 -0.025 970.4 0.777 7.28 165.0
1.960 1.575 1.850 1.830 7202 CSCENIC 1.850 0.010 35.2 1.841 17.44 5.41 222.9 1.070 0.860 0.890 0.890 9016 EKSONS 0.890 -0.040 5 0.890 146.1
0.095 0.030 0.050 0.035 5214 CSL 0.040 0.005 44291 0.040 5.06 49.7 0.840 0.510 0.810 0.800 7217 EMETALL 0.800 -0.005 373.9 0.803 14.79 3.13 136.9
0.810 0.590 9423 CWG 0.595 3.29 5.88 50.1 0.885 0.500 0.545 0.530 7773 EPMB 0.545 UNCH 11 0.533 1.83 90.4
0.050 0.025 0.030 0.025 7179 DBE 0.025 UNCH 791 0.026 250.0 34.5 0.443 0.330 0.350 0.350 190 ESAFE 0.350 -0.015 67 0.350 10.74 84.2
1.000 0.740 0.990 0.900 7119 DEGEM 0.990 UNCH 3.6 0.925 11.86 2.53 132.7 1.115 0.719 0.760 0.755 5101 EVERGRN 0.760 0.005 1424.5 0.759 12.40 2.63 643.3
59.996 52.364 58.640 58.500 3026 DLADY 58.640 -0.360 1.5 58.556 26.31 1.71 3,753.0 0.873 0.500 0.515 0.500 7249 EWEIN 0.515 0.010 156.6 0.508 13.27 0.97 155.3
0.115 0.070 0.085 0.080 7198 DPS 0.085 0.005 11.5 0.080 50.0 1.380 1.011 1.280 1.280 2984 FACBIND 1.280 -0.020 30 1.280 11.41 1.95 109.0
0.105 0.020 0.080 0.080 7182 EKA 0.080 UNCH 150 0.080 25.0 3.020 2.280 2.860 2.810 7229 FAVCO 2.860 0.020 105.2 2.838 8.37 5.24 633.2
0.360 0.140 0.225 0.225 9091 EMICO 0.225 UNCH 12 0.225 13.39 21.6 0.800 0.495 0.625 0.620 149 FIBON 0.620 -0.005 38 0.622 14.12 2.02 60.8
1.948 1.372 7149 ENGKAH 1.580 70.85 3.80 111.8 2.274 1.906 2.240 2.170 3107 FIMACOR 2.180 UNCH 29.4 2.200 16.18 5.73 534.7
0.270 0.185 0.190 0.185 7208 EURO 0.190 UNCH 183.5 0.188 24.68 50.8 1.870 1.368 1.580 1.530 5197 FLBHD 1.580 0.050 239 1.549 7.96 9.49 163.1
0.800 0.630 7094 EUROSP 0.730 33.80 32.4 1.420 1.330 3611 GBH 1.350 153.4 251.9
26.000 21.887 24.480 24.300 3689 F&N 24.320 -0.180 2.4 24.368 25.21 2.36 8,920.1 2.570 1.450 2.540 2.490 7197 GESHEN 2.530 0.050 284.6 2.505 10.79 202.4
1.205 0.815 0.945 0.880 2755 FCW 0.880 UNCH 6.4 0.881 72.73 1.70 220.0 0.085 0.040 0.055 0.050 5220 GLOTEC 0.055 UNCH 2071.4 0.055 296.0
0.850 0.520 0.580 0.520 8605 FFHB 0.560 -0.070 4154.7 0.555 9.41 2.14 61.0 0.735 0.185 7192 GOODWAY 0.205 22.7
1.350 0.702 1.250 1.230 9172 FPI 1.240 -0.010 758.4 1.245 14.16 4.84 306.7 0.135 0.085 0.100 0.095 7096 GPA 0.100 UNCH 694.5 0.099 12.35 98.0
2.070 0.900 1.980 1.920 7184 G3 1.980 0.010 178.6 1.964 272.3 0.425 0.255 0.265 0.260 5649 GPHAROS 0.265 UNCH 31 0.265 35.7
1.670 0.885 1.500 1.460 5102 GCB 1.500 0.020 201.2 1.479 15.31 1.00 720.2 0.245 0.185 136 GREENYB 0.195 37.50 3.08 65.1
2.999 2.334 5606 GOLDIS 2.680 7.04 0.75 1,638.6 0.145 0.085 0.110 0.105 7077 GSB 0.110 UNCH 560.1 0.106 58.1
0.110 0.030 0.090 0.080 5187 HBGLOB 0.090 0.005 2677.3 0.084 42.1 1.050 0.800 3247 GUH 0.915 12.94 3.83 254.3
19.100 15.038 18.820 18.800 3255 HEIM 18.800 -0.020 39 18.813 20.87 6.12 5,679.4 1.180 0.235 0.735 0.720 5151 HALEX 0.730 0.005 93 0.730 77.4
10.600 8.426 10.040 9.810 3301 HLIND 10.040 0.050 23.4 10.017 29.97 3.49 3,292.2 7.400 4.251 6.880 6.780 5168 HARTA 6.790 0.030 2265.5 6.809 34.52 1.25 11,192.7
1.008 0.822 0.950 0.930 5160 HOMERIZ 0.935 -0.010 160.7 0.937 9.84 2.14 280.5 1.390 0.829 1.200 1.190 7105 HCK 1.190 -0.050 14 1.192 540.91 501.2
0.395 0.240 0.315 0.315 7213 HOVID 0.315 UNCH 92.1 0.315 22.99 3.17 258.6 8.680 1.990 7.650 7.430 4324 HENGYUAN 7.520 0.090 3053.3 7.550 4.60 2,256.0
1.280 1.113 1.190 1.180 5024 HUPSENG 1.180 -0.010 31 1.189 20.52 3.39 944.0 1.780 0.983 1.680 1.640 5095 HEVEA 1.670 0.030 1444.2 1.660 9.55 4.43 906.6
0.630 0.445 0.480 0.460 8478 HWATAI 0.460 -0.020 19.8 0.479 164.29 34.4 1.200 0.844 0.920 0.910 3298 HEXZA 0.910 UNCH 86.7 0.913 6.62 4.95 182.3
4.880 1.894 4.290 3.940 5107 IQGROUP 4.070 -0.730 2561.4 4.042 12.49 2.70 358.3 0.410 0.260 0.380 0.370 5072 HIAPTEK 0.375 UNCH 1533.5 0.375 12.63 0.80 493.1
1.570 1.009 1.460 1.440 7152 JAYCORP 1.450 UNCH 66.6 1.454 8.85 3.45 199.0 0.560 0.185 0.425 0.415 5199 HIBISCS 0.420 UNCH 3643.8 0.422 4.80 632.5
0.740 0.505 0.540 0.515 8931 JERASIA 0.540 0.030 27 0.523 7.67 44.3 1.276 0.840 1.030 1.010 7033 HIGHTEC 1.010 -0.010 2 1.025 6.84 3.47 41.0
2.598 1.370 1.430 1.370 5247 KAREX 1.410 -0.050 2309.1 1.400 38.01 1.42 1,413.3 1.226 0.785 8443 HIL 1.000 16.98 1.50 278.7
5.070 3.418 4.520 4.490 7216 KAWAN 4.510 0.020 742.7 4.502 34.45 0.55 1,216.1 0.405 0.270 5165 HOKHENG 0.330 33.33 26.4
0.260 0.040 0.180 0.175 8303 KFM 0.175 -0.005 75 0.178 11.9 0.160 0.020 0.160 0.060 2739 HUAAN 0.155 0.115 217341 0.124 174.0
0.920 0.716 0.765 0.750 6203 KHEESAN 0.760 0.010 44 0.758 16.27 1.32 79.0 3.276 2.130 2.200 2.200 5000 HUMEIND 2.200 -0.020 2.1 2.200 56.41 0.91 1,054.0
2.700 2.020 7062 KHIND 2.210 10.96 4.52 88.5 0.075 0.045 0.045 0.045 9601 HWGB 0.045 UNCH 23 0.045 44.9
2.210 0.995 2 KOTRA 1.940 19.28 1.03 258.9 0.890 0.595 9687 IDEALUBB 0.770 5.63 85.1
0.140 0.050 0.085 0.075 5172 KSTAR 0.080 0.010 2876 0.082 23.4 2.070 1.690 7222 IMASPRO 1.860 18.73 1.88 148.8
6.000 4.509 4.980 4.800 7006 LATITUD 4.840 -0.360 541.2 4.854 6.32 2.48 470.5 0.300 0.160 0.170 0.170 7183 IRETEX 0.170 UNCH 25 0.170 23.5
1.010 0.785 0.990 0.970 9385 LAYHONG 0.985 UNCH 1906.3 0.981 32.72 0.51 599.6 0.085 0.050 0.055 0.050 7223 JADI 0.055 UNCH 214 0.053 51.8
0.377 0.261 0.310 0.305 8079 LEESK 0.310 0.005 70 0.307 11.11 3.23 52.0 0.175 0.135 8648 JASKITA 0.140 7.14 62.9
3.500 2.729 3.460 3.350 7089 LIIHEN 3.350 -0.090 492.8 3.400 8.16 4.78 603.0 0.110 0.030 2747 JAVA 0.035 6.1
0.820 0.710 0.790 0.760 7126 LONBISC 0.760 0.010 124.4 0.767 9.81 141.8 1.120 0.892 1.110 1.110 7043 JMR 1.110 UNCH 20 1.110 170.7 2.70 140.7
1.890 1.212 1.490 1.490 7085 LTKM 1.490 UNCH 6.5 1.490 16.13 2.01 193.9 1.729 0.825 1.420 1.400 7167 JOHOTIN 1.420 0.020 209.3 1.414 7.52 1.85 397.3
7.920 3.722 7.580 7.540 7087 MAGNI 7.550 UNCH 108.2 7.564 10.23 1.85 1,228.6 1.460 1.020 1.060 1.040 4383 JTIASA 1.040 -0.020 1242.2 1.048 86.67 1.25 1,012.7
0.045 0.010 0.020 0.020 5189 MAXWELL 0.020 0.005 930 0.020 8.0 0.310 0.160 0.260 0.255 54 KARYON 0.255 UNCH 92.4 0.255 24.06 121.3
1.266 0.974 5886 MBG 1.020 23.78 2.94 62.0 0.870 0.680 0.775 0.775 7199 KEINHIN 0.775 UNCH 15.2 0.775 10.88 1.94 76.7
2.464 1.266 2.060 1.990 3662 MFLOUR 2.060 0.030 218.9 2.032 15.41 3.16 1,133.6 0.500 0.310 0.340 0.340 6211 KIALIM 0.340 UNCH 10 0.340 21.1
0.970 0.770 0.825 0.770 7935 MILUX 0.825 UNCH 8.2 0.771 44.9 3.060 2.733 2.950 2.940 3522 KIANJOO 2.950 0.020 70.3 2.949 11.82 1.36 1,310.3
5.005 3.830 3.940 3.830 5202 MSM 3.940 0.040 27.1 3.865 103.41 3.55 2,769.7 2.363 1.511 1.770 1.680 5371 KIMHIN 1.770 0.010 15.5 1.713 7.66 3.39 275.4
0.035 0.030 5150 MSPORTS 0.035 21.2 0.075 0.025 0.040 0.035 5060 KINSTEL 0.035 -0.005 2050 0.037 36.7
1.826 1.184 3921 MWE 1.380 2.36 1.45 319.6 1.500 0.890 9466 KKB 0.910 4.40 234.6
85.200 72.962 85.000 84.000 4707 NESTLE 84.000 -0.200 57.4 84.176 31.77 3.21 19,698.0 0.425 0.220 0.235 0.230 7164 KNM 0.235 UNCH 2102.2 0.231 506.7
4.880 2.924 3.680 3.650 7060 NHFATT 3.670 -0.020 8.8 3.659 10.69 3.00 275.8 1.129 0.751 6971 KOBAY 0.830 13.39 84.7
0.130 0.060 0.065 0.060 7139 NICE 0.060 -0.005 461 0.060 17.14 20.0 0.367 0.240 0.255 0.250 7017 KOMARK 0.255 0.005 27.4 0.251 31.8
0.315 0.230 0.265 0.255 7215 NIHSIN 0.265 0.005 2586 0.256 63.2 7.360 5.565 7.200 6.940 7153 KOSSAN 7.200 0.210 237.7 7.012 27.59 1.53 4,604.2
0.905 0.750 0.800 0.790 5066 NTPM 0.800 0.025 150 0.800 18.18 3.00 898.6 1.110 0.345 0.840 0.820 7130 KPOWER 0.835 -0.030 52.7 0.833 57.8
0.690 0.345 0.575 0.555 7071 OCR 0.565 -0.005 527.2 0.567 150.1 5.140 4.624 5.010 5.010 3476 KSENG 5.010 -0.030 1 5.010 12.86 2.00 1,811.0
0.250 0.045 0.125 0.115 7071PA OCR-PA 0.120 0.005 3011.2 0.120 77.4 0.580 0.351 0.505 0.480 5192 KSSC 0.490 -0.035 541.8 0.493 10.77 3.06 47.0
1.789 1.353 1.580 1.580 7107 OFI 1.580 -0.010 10 1.580 21.79 2.53 379.2 0.775 0.295 0.590 0.565 8362 KYM 0.585 -0.005 23.3 0.581 22.41 87.7
6.863 6.315 6.790 6.760 4006 ORIENT 6.770 UNCH 190 6.770 10.41 2.95 4,200.1 8.400 5.060 5.510 5.350 3794 LAFMSIA 5.430 -0.070 702.3 5.434 687.34 3.68 4,613.8
4.310 2.222 4.250 3.920 7052 PADINI 4.150 0.240 4027.5 4.125 17.35 2.41 2,730.3 0.940 0.549 0.775 0.760 9326 LBALUM 0.775 0.015 365.9 0.770 10.72 3.23 192.6
39.500 30.120 38.700 38.200 3719 PANAMY 38.700 0.200 13.8 38.327 18.34 3.02 2,350.9 0.608 0.444 0.485 0.475 5092 LCTH 0.475 UNCH 19 0.477 14.05 5.26 171.0
0.774 0.495 5022 PAOS 0.505 49.03 3.23 91.5 6.530 4.140 5.110 5.040 5284 LCTITAN 5.090 0.040 2899.8 5.078 7.90 11,746.7
0.650 0.310 9407 PARAGON 0.420 29.4 0.844 0.422 0.790 0.775 5232 LEONFB 0.780 -0.005 871.8 0.780 4.45 1.92 241.8
0.660 0.310 0.495 0.470 6068 PCCS 0.495 -0.005 9.9 0.470 29.7 0.440 0.100 0.305 0.275 8745 LEWEKO 0.280 -0.015 856.8 0.285 90.1
1.060 0.735 0.840 0.840 5231 PELIKAN 0.840 -0.015 4.6 0.840 25.53 464.8 0.080 0.020 0.045 0.040 2887 LIONDIV 0.040 -0.005 160 0.043 55.7
0.235 0.145 0.175 0.165 4081 PMCORP 0.170 -0.005 154.8 0.170 9.44 131.5 1.280 0.280 1.080 1.010 4235 LIONIND 1.070 0.030 5258.2 1.060 768.2
0.590 0.441 0.570 0.555 5080 POHKONG 0.560 -0.005 230.9 0.563 12.73 1.79 229.8 0.665 0.350 0.585 0.570 9881 LSTEEL 0.575 0.005 206.4 0.573 8.31 73.6
2.060 1.451 1.860 1.850 7088 POHUAT 1.860 UNCH 122.9 1.854 6.92 4.30 422.7 0.160 0.050 0.125 0.120 5068 LUSTER 0.125 UNCH 404.6 0.124 247.0
17.300 15.159 16.740 16.600 4065 PPB 16.680 0.020 1111.9 16.698 14.92 1.50 19,774.1 3.890 3.336 9199 LYSAGHT 3.850 9.75 1.82 160.1
0.720 0.499 7190 PPG 0.590 11.35 2.34 59.0 1.280 0.635 1.170 1.120 5098 MASTEEL 1.170 0.040 3865 1.149 9.31 295.4
1.659 1.170 1.190 1.180 8966 PRLEXUS 1.190 UNCH 19.2 1.188 8.36 2.52 214.3 0.855 0.475 0.645 0.635 7029 MASTER 0.645 0.005 26.1 0.637 9.74 1.55 35.2
1.170 0.636 1.130 1.090 7134 PWF 1.120 0.020 728.7 1.111 18.82 2.43 188.2 1.170 0.935 1.050 1.040 5152 MBL 1.040 0.020 50 1.044 7.54 3.85 95.7
2.705 1.840 2.020 1.940 7237 PWROOT 1.940 -0.110 1747 1.967 13.66 5.93 639.9 0.870 0.618 7004 MCEHLDG 0.810 21.26 1.85 36.0
5.000 4.143 4.970 4.820 7084 QL 4.820 -0.120 412.7 4.860 30.68 0.88 6,015.5 0.660 0.260 0.270 0.260 3778 MELEWAR 0.265 -0.010 278 0.265 59.8
2.510 1.467 2.350 2.310 9946 REX 2.320 -0.020 4.5 2.320 40.07 0.86 143.0 0.789 0.478 5223 MENTIGA 0.665 9.42 1.50 46.6
1.890 1.070 1.320 1.270 183 SALUTE 1.300 -0.010 490.9 1.299 26.10 1.85 504.4 1.426 1.062 1.360 1.280 8192 MERCURY 1.300 0.030 116 1.298 13.76 9.23 52.2
1.069 0.664 0.805 0.790 5252 SASBADI 0.805 0.005 302.7 0.803 20.54 1.86 337.4 1.837 1.596 6149 METROD 1.700 17.47 3.53 204.0
0.540 0.275 0.495 0.480 5157 SAUDEE 0.485 UNCH 501 0.483 538.8 58.2 1.068 0.333 1.030 0.980 5001 MIECO 1.010 UNCH 3648.3 1.004 7.62 3.96 530.3
1.430 1.000 1.360 1.290 7180 SERNKOU 1.360 0.040 66 1.326 163.2 0.150 0.075 0.150 0.145 7219 MINETEC 0.145 UNCH 7181.6 0.146 106.1
0.845 0.580 7165 SGB 0.650 111.2 0.715 0.510 0.525 0.515 5576 MINHO 0.525 0.005 181.3 0.519 9.04 115.3
0.270 0.060 7165PA SGB-PA 0.240 107.4 4.403 3.001 3.610 3.590 5916 MSC 3.610 0.030 42.4 3.600 8.74 2.22 361.0
1.867 1.410 1.520 1.520 7412 SHH 1.520 0.060 0.2 1.520 14.39 6.58 76.0 1.834 1.373 3883 MUDA 1.440 16.98 2.08 439.3
1.070 0.800 0.920 0.895 7246 SIGN 0.910 UNCH 76.8 0.910 5.05 5.49 218.7 1.200 0.445 0.760 0.745 5087 MYCRON 0.760 0.005 583.5 0.752 5.93 215.5
0.915 0.194 0.685 0.680 8532 SINOTOP 0.685 0.010 40.9 0.684 50.74 270.5 0.240 0.035 7002 NAKA 0.180 10.0
0.865 0.540 0.595 0.540 9776 SMCAP 0.595 0.025 50.4 0.570 36.3 0.385 0.145 0.160 0.155 5025 NWP 0.155 -0.005 86.9 0.157 56.0
0.385 0.200 7943 SNC 0.320 42.67 21.1 1.190 0.535 0.930 0.915 4944 NYLEX 0.915 0.005 333.2 0.921 8.62 2.19 177.8
2.548 2.150 2.170 2.150 7103 SPRITZER 2.160 UNCH 21 2.163 18.31 2.68 394.4 1.970 1.125 1.840 1.820 7140 OKA 1.830 -0.020 508.6 1.830 10.28 3.01 298.9
1.440 1.020 1.070 1.060 7186 SWSCAP 1.060 UNCH 28 1.067 163.08 0.94 154.6 1.500 0.865 1.420 1.390 5065 ORNA 1.410 0.020 315.7 1.404 8.93 2.13 106.1
0.669 0.455 0.465 0.460 7082 SYF 0.460 UNCH 204.6 0.461 7.37 2.17 284.8 0.085 0.050 0.055 0.055 7225 PA 0.055 UNCH 5 0.055 52.1
0.505 0.280 7211 TAFI 0.390 31.2 7.670 6.270 7.190 7.140 5183 PCHEM 7.160 -0.030 2890.5 7.160 13.95 3.35 57,280.0
1.979 1.651 1.670 1.670 4405 TCHONG 1.670 -0.020 20 1.670 1.20 1,122.2 2.020 1.450 1.490 1.480 5271 PECCA 1.490 0.010 9.3 1.485 19.08 2.68 280.1
1.304 0.505 0.545 0.520 7200 TEKSENG 0.545 0.020 1488.1 0.536 39.49 3.67 189.7 0.801 0.605 0.675 0.655 9997 PENSONI 0.655 -0.025 143.3 0.655 13.37 4.58 84.9
1.250 0.850 0.905 0.850 7252 TEOSENG 0.895 0.015 891.9 0.883 17.58 1.68 268.5 7.901 5.980 6.070 6.070 5436 PERSTIM 6.070 0.010 2.1 6.070 10.93 6.59 602.8
1.510 1.258 9369 TGL 1.370 18.32 5.47 55.8 21.740 17.797 18.500 18.340 6033 PETGAS 18.400 0.060 1869.2 18.388 20.49 3.53 36,408.7
0.835 0.400 0.800 0.780 7230 TOMEI 0.800 0.005 208.4 0.795 10.30 110.9 9.900 3.883 8.920 8.650 3042 PETRONM 8.880 0.280 443.7 8.818 6.68 2.48 2,397.6
0.560 0.390 0.440 0.440 7176 TPC 0.440 0.030 12 0.440 102.9 2.466 1.595 2.300 2.280 7095 PIE 2.300 0.020 201.3 2.291 17.61 1.04 883.3
6.080 4.089 6.080 5.540 4588 UMW 6.080 0.440 1213.2 5.982 3.29 7,103.2 2.580 1.277 2.280 2.250 7172 PMBTECH 2.250 -0.010 28.8 2.261 15.54 1.78 180.0
2.570 1.934 2.570 2.550 7757 UPA 2.560 0.060 65.9 2.556 6.12 3.13 203.7 3.600 2.516 3.600 3.520 8869 PMETAL 3.590 0.050 5400.9 3.561 24.56 1.53 13,416.3
1.668 0.677 1.370 1.330 7203 WANGZNG 1.370 0.010 13.2 1.333 16.10 2.92 219.2 0.575 0.450 6637 PNEPCB 0.505 13.32 66.4
0.325 0.080 0.255 0.245 5156 XDL 0.245 -0.005 308.8 0.255 21.68 165.1 0.995 0.270 0.390 0.360 8117 POLY 0.370 -0.020 269.7 0.379 1.87 59.2
0.615 0.360 0.585 0.580 7121 XIANLNG 0.585 0.010 45 0.580 46.8 1.670 0.920 1.520 1.440 8273 PPHB 1.460 -0.100 1040.4 1.467 8.99 160.4
0.160 0.020 5155 XINQUAN 0.055 26.7 0.365 0.250 9458 PREMIER 0.275 229.1 92.7
2.822 2.175 2.200 2.200 5584 YEELEE 2.200 UNCH 52.5 2.200 11.40 2.05 421.5 1.480 0.550 1.390 1.380 9873 PRESTAR 1.390 0.010 525.9 1.383 8.17 2.16 282.0
1.560 1.034 1.430 1.410 5159 YOCB 1.410 -0.080 112.4 1.419 9.70 2.84 225.6 1.110 0.635 1.020 1.000 7168 PRG 1.000 -0.010 95 1.013 88.50 0.50 299.7
3.190 1.744 2.700 2.600 7178 YSPSAH 2.680 -0.190 1043.3 2.668 12.97 2.61 366.3 0.330 0.085 0.225 0.215 7123 PWORTH 0.215 -0.010 1437.3 0.218 82.69 200.1
1.934 1.146 1.740 1.700 5131 ZHULIAN 1.730 0.040 574.2 1.717 14.93 3.47 795.8 1.350 1.070 7544 QUALITY 1.200 69.6
INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS 0.800 0.510 7498 RALCO 0.580 24.3
1.420 0.922 1.280 1.260 12 3A 1.270 UNCH 226.5 1.267 14.25 1.13 624.8 5.840 5.310 5.730 5.650 7765 RAPID 5.730 UNCH 6.2 5.676 784.93 612.5
0.210 0.085 0.130 0.125 7086 ABLEGRP 0.130 UNCH 526.4 0.130 34.3 0.745 0.285 0.305 0.285 5256 REACH 0.290 -0.015 7581.9 0.291 6.81 318.0
0.400 0.200 0.320 0.320 7131 ACME 0.320 -0.030 7 0.320 69.9 0.655 0.390 0.480 0.450 7232 RESINTC 0.460 -0.025 757.3 0.459 7.23 2.61 63.1
0.795 0.630 0.660 0.630 7191 ADVENTA 0.630 -0.030 5 0.636 3150 96.3 1.370 0.595 1.330 1.310 9741 ROHAS 1.320 -0.010 217.9 1.319 527.8
2.694 2.045 9148 ADVPKG 2.200 18.29 5.45 45.1 0.834 0.735 0.750 0.750 7803 RUBEREX 0.750 -0.020 20 0.750 9.04 1.67 189.2
0.220 0.135 0.175 0.165 7146 AEM 0.175 UNCH 2411 0.170 52.4 5.250 3.800 5134 SAB 4.670 13.52 1.07 639.5
0.500 0.365 5198 AFUJIYA 0.420 23.33 75.6 8.490 4.773 7.240 7.080 9822 SAM 7.090 UNCH 39.2 7.101 20.54 1.45 892.7
0.635 0.405 0.470 0.425 2682 AISB 0.425 -0.015 61.8 0.447 30.14 61.4 0.979 0.826 7811 SAPIND 0.910 10.76 6.59 66.2
* Volume Weighted Average Price # PE is calculated based on latest 12 months reported Earnings Per Share
26 Markets T U ESDAY SEP TEM B ER 5 , 2 0 17 TH EEDGE F I N AN C I AL DAI LY


HIGH LOW HIGH LOW (RM) (RM) (000) (RM) (X) (%) (MIL) HIGH LOW HIGH LOW (RM) (RM) (000) (RM) (X) (%) (MIL)
1.266 0.984 1.040 1.020 5170 SCABLE 1.030 -0.010 77.3 1.033 16.83 2.91 326.6 0.624 0.370 0.530 0.520 6939 FIAMMA 0.530 0.010 162.5 0.526 10.71 2.83 280.9
3.450 2.049 3.010 2.950 7247 SCGM 3.010 UNCH 54.5 2.969 17.53 1.99 582.7 0.440 0.355 0.385 0.360 9318 FITTERS 0.385 0.015 171.3 0.376 1.56 185.0
0.740 0.510 0.560 0.530 9237 SCIB 0.530 -0.040 5 0.542 29.28 42.9 1.468 1.084 1.290 1.280 7210 FREIGHT 1.280 UNCH 120.9 1.282 10.97 3.91 238.3
8.928 5.900 8.650 8.590 4731 SCIENTX 8.640 -0.030 240.4 8.634 18.93 1.85 4,177.9 0.425 0.135 0.355 0.345 128 FRONTKN 0.350 0.005 5107.2 0.350 13.46 368.7
0.345 0.250 7239 SCNWOLF 0.285 24.9 0.295 0.150 0.225 0.225 9377 FSBM 0.225 -0.065 28.8 0.225 31.8
0.525 0.135 0.255 0.255 7366 SCOMIEN 0.255 0.010 3 0.255 87.2 3.096 2.384 2.900 2.820 5209 GASMSIA 2.860 -0.010 309.5 2.855 21.87 4.50 3,672.2
1.660 0.660 0.970 0.920 7073 SEACERA 0.960 0.015 8110.7 0.956 51.06 3.13 322.6 0.820 0.615 0.685 0.665 78 GDEX 0.680 0.005 6019.4 0.674 97.14 0.37 3,791.8
0.230 0.135 0.140 0.135 5145 SEALINK 0.135 -0.005 30 0.139 67.5 6.302 4.225 5.880 5.790 4715 GENM 5.870 0.070 6580 5.834 12.03 1.74 34,856.3
0.765 0.250 0.600 0.575 5163 SEB 0.575 -0.050 12 0.581 46.0 10.000 7.449 9.790 9.630 3182 GENTING 9.710 0.060 3933.6 9.730 13.06 1.18 37,101.2
1.410 0.388 1.260 1.210 5181 SIGGAS 1.220 UNCH 5060.3 1.228 57.82 0.98 228.8 0.330 0.185 0.200 0.200 5079 GETS 0.200 0.010 10 0.200 25.2
1.040 0.550 0.760 0.720 7115 SKBSHUT 0.760 UNCH 4.1 0.721 11.33 30.4 3.010 1.376 2.800 2.760 3204 GKENT 2.780 0.010 541.2 2.779 14.95 2.40 1,565.9
1.530 1.121 1.510 1.460 7155 SKPRES 1.480 -0.020 1105.1 1.481 14.76 2.80 1,850.3 0.555 0.300 0.390 0.365 7676 GUNUNG 0.380 -0.010 28.1 0.382 89.7
2.248 1.900 7248 SLP 1.970 24.35 1.87 624.4 4.400 2.020 4.380 4.320 7668 HAIO 4.370 0.010 121.9 4.354 23.84 3.28 1,305.1
0.700 0.550 7132 SMISCOR 0.565 4.42 25.3 0.335 0.200 0.215 0.210 7253 HANDAL 0.215 0.005 68 0.214 34.4
2.150 0.913 1.970 1.920 5665 SSTEEL 1.960 0.030 1121.7 1.942 8.86 1.53 843.2 9.350 7.192 9.200 9.010 3034 HAPSENG 9.080 0.030 590.6 9.087 21.36 3.85 22,606.3
0.305 0.065 0.255 0.240 7143 STONE 0.250 0.020 45.6 0.243 22.5 1.024 0.670 0.715 0.695 2062 HARBOUR 0.695 0.005 7 0.702 8.36 2.88 278.3
1.550 1.230 1.340 1.250 6904 SUBUR 1.340 0.040 1.1 1.281 280.1 4.077 2.938 5008 HARISON 3.900 12.62 6.41 267.1
4.320 1.535 3.670 3.610 7207 SUCCESS 3.670 -0.010 211.3 3.639 11.32 1.36 450.3 0.150 0.050 0.060 0.055 7013 HUBLINE 0.060 UNCH 27700 0.060 25.00 70.4
2.960 1.764 2.950 2.880 7235 SUPERLN 2.890 -0.020 330.2 2.914 19.34 0.95 462.4 0.480 0.210 0.220 0.215 5255 ICON 0.220 0.005 163.3 0.216 259.0
2.324 1.770 1.830 1.770 7106 SUPERMX 1.780 -0.030 2616 1.784 20.30 1.40 1,210.7 6.666 5.512 6.050 5.950 5225 IHH 5.990 -0.020 3720 5.988 53.77 0.50 49,352.0
4.210 3.317 3.670 3.560 5012 TAANN 3.670 0.070 220.6 3.605 10.41 4.09 1,632.6 0.920 0.710 5614 ILB 0.710 54.62 3.52 138.5
0.510 0.350 0.380 0.360 4022 TADMAX 0.370 -0.020 2086.6 0.369 199.3 1.000 0.670 5673 IPMUDA 0.700 4.29 50.7
0.415 0.235 0.265 0.250 5149 TAS 0.260 UNCH 96.9 0.256 46.8 2.166 1.325 58 JCBNEXT 1.700 29.98 1.18 238.0
14.282 11.949 12.700 12.700 4448 TASEK 12.700 -0.100 1 12.700 104.87 9.45 1,570.0 0.310 0.235 8923 JIANKUN 0.270 45.0
0.290 0.095 0.150 0.145 5178 TATGIAP 0.150 -0.005 180.2 0.148 23.3 0.395 0.295 0.370 0.355 8672 KAMDAR 0.370 UNCH 27 0.367 73.3
1.360 0.300 1.250 1.210 7097 TAWIN 1.250 0.030 898.8 1.232 16.58 80.4 1.960 1.690 1.820 1.790 6491 KFIMA 1.790 -0.020 140.1 1.801 16.64 5.03 505.2
2.920 1.050 1.600 1.600 7439 TECGUAN 1.600 -0.050 5 1.600 9.16 64.2 0.739 0.236 0.625 0.620 151 KGB 0.625 0.005 348.9 0.624 12.55 1.60 143.6
4.803 3.817 4.200 4.180 7034 TGUAN 4.180 -0.010 19.8 4.189 8.25 2.87 553.8 1.680 1.020 5035 KNUSFOR 1.060 1.89 105.6
2.166 1.592 1.710 1.700 7374 TIENWAH 1.700 UNCH 84.4 1.709 6.98 5.88 246.1 4.290 3.803 4.180 4.160 5878 KPJ 4.160 UNCH 1781.7 4.164 29.74 1.68 4,451.2
0.800 0.560 7854 TIMWELL 0.620 140.9 55.2 1.678 1.022 1.330 1.300 5843 KPS 1.330 0.030 126.6 1.317 1108.3 4.70 663.7
1.080 0.595 0.960 0.945 7285 TOMYPAK 0.960 0.010 347.3 0.952 16.00 3.33 402.6 0.590 0.485 0.535 0.535 9121 KPSCB 0.535 UNCH 36.9 0.535 10.92 79.1
3.780 1.749 3.590 3.550 5010 TONGHER 3.580 -0.010 50.5 3.575 11.25 8.38 563.6 0.225 0.115 0.145 0.145 4847 KTB 0.145 UNCH 93 0.145 58.4
5.878 4.097 5.670 5.480 7113 TOPGLOV 5.610 0.140 2508.6 5.615 23.48 2.58 7,047.8 0.628 0.299 0.530 0.510 6874 KUB 0.520 0.010 3115 0.517 11.61 1.92 289.4
0.850 0.495 7173 TOYOINK 0.740 79.2 0.380 0.240 0.250 0.245 7170 LFECORP 0.250 UNCH 33.3 0.248 26.60 45.4
0.230 0.145 0.175 0.175 4359 TURIYA 0.175 -0.005 10 0.175 40.0 0.650 0.420 0.515 0.500 8486 LIONFIB 0.515 0.010 11 0.504 119.3
2.280 1.518 2.280 2.170 7100 UCHITEC 2.240 0.010 911.9 2.236 15.76 5.80 997.0 2.229 1.348 2.180 2.110 5143 LUXCHEM 2.160 0.040 131.5 2.130 12.97 3.24 608.3
4.930 3.310 4.480 4.300 7133 ULICORP 4.480 -0.010 11.5 4.324 22.67 2.68 650.5 2.306 1.670 1.900 1.830 3859 MAGNUM 1.900 0.060 1778 1.872 14.26 6.32 2,731.7
1.406 1.150 1.210 1.210 7227 UMSNGB 1.210 UNCH 2 1.210 8.76 2.48 96.8 1.636 0.995 1.160 1.070 5264 MALAKOF 1.130 0.050 12254 1.125 2.31 5.31 5,650.0
1.680 0.700 0.795 0.725 4995 VERSATL 0.790 0.060 1729.1 0.770 1316.6 92.7 0.179 0.140 0.140 0.140 3514 MARCO 0.140 UNCH 862 0.140 8.43 3.57 147.6
2.390 1.277 2.390 2.320 6963 VS 2.370 0.050 2252.8 2.370 21.39 2.04 2,864.9 6.493 5.368 5.830 5.720 6012 MAXIS 5.780 0.010 1968.3 5.763 20.86 3.46 45,144.8
1.030 0.750 0.990 0.965 5142 WASEONG 0.980 -0.010 361 0.977 0.51 759.4 0.955 0.670 0.790 0.760 5077 MAYBULK 0.785 0.030 535.9 0.776 785.0
0.485 0.345 0.415 0.410 7226 WATTA 0.415 UNCH 40.2 0.413 35.1 2.636 2.054 5983 MBMR 2.160 13.10 2.08 844.3
2.170 1.471 1.910 1.870 7111 WEIDA 1.910 0.010 158.9 1.883 13.36 1.57 254.7 1.341 0.655 0.700 0.690 4502 MEDIA 0.700 0.015 832.2 0.698 11.43 776.4
2.349 1.741 2.160 2.150 7231 WELLCAL 2.160 0.010 88.6 2.156 20.89 3.91 717.0 0.692 0.480 0.495 0.480 5090 MEDIAC 0.490 -0.010 1240.9 0.489 12.34 6.27 826.7
0.525 0.229 0.445 0.410 6378 WMG 0.425 -0.015 628.6 0.431 181.1 1.070 0.550 7234 MESB 0.840 35.3
0.845 0.600 0.725 0.720 7050 WONG 0.725 0.005 60 0.721 131.8 66.5 4.000 1.925 3.540 3.520 3069 MFCB 3.530 -0.020 260.5 3.531 9.24 1.42 1,419.8
0.700 0.475 7025 WOODLAN 0.530 14.72 21.2 1.160 0.625 0.645 0.635 5186 MHB 0.640 0.005 1047.9 0.639 1,024.0
2.084 1.836 1.980 1.950 5009 WTHORSE 1.980 UNCH 28 1.963 20.93 5.05 475.2 7.752 6.720 7.490 7.250 3816 MISC 7.440 0.190 1165.4 7.412 17.52 1.88 33,210.6
1.096 0.785 0.805 0.785 4243 WTK 0.790 -0.025 1380.2 0.796 78.22 2.53 380.3 2.606 2.154 2.370 2.330 2194 MMCCORP 2.330 -0.020 148.2 2.340 14.42 1.72 7,095.0
1.380 0.953 1.100 1.080 7245 WZSATU 1.090 UNCH 40.5 1.086 12.47 1.83 380.3 0.395 0.205 0.300 0.295 59 MMODE 0.300 0.005 165 0.300 2.00 48.8
0.865 0.745 5048 YILAI 0.745 34.49 119.2 0.100 0.045 0.045 0.045 43 MTRONIC 0.045 UNCH 489.9 0.045 42.7
0.400 0.185 0.190 0.190 7020 YKGI 0.190 UNCH 150 0.190 66.2 0.280 0.115 0.175 0.165 3891 MUIIND 0.170 0.005 483 0.169 498.5
0.700 0.380 0.455 0.450 7014 YLI 0.450 UNCH 21 0.450 8.84 1.11 46.3 3.050 1.950 2.470 2.380 3905 MULPHA 2.430 0.030 220.8 2.432 25.34 776.7
CONSTRUCTION 2.370 1.385 2.120 2.040 138 MYEG 2.120 0.100 11612.7 2.095 39.41 0.65 7,645.4
1.200 0.735 1.080 1.050 5281 ADVCON 1.060 0.010 1764.5 1.064 14.87 426.2 0.910 0.315 0.740 0.720 9806 NATWIDE 0.730 -0.010 117 0.728 87.8
0.750 0.280 7007 ARK 0.460 22.4 0.140 0.055 0.065 0.060 4464 NICORP 0.060 -0.005 162 0.063 5.08 52.6
1.200 0.600 1.130 1.120 7078 AZRB 1.130 0.010 285.6 1.125 18.80 1.77 600.6 0.828 0.631 5533 OCB 0.740 13.33 1.35 76.1
0.793 0.581 0.620 0.620 6173 BDB 0.620 UNCH 34 0.620 6.33 7.26 188.4 0.985 0.750 0.920 0.900 172 OCK 0.910 0.010 388 0.911 27.91 0.66 793.0
0.625 0.351 0.430 0.410 5190 BENALEC 0.420 UNCH 1019.2 0.418 30.00 1.67 341.0 3.460 1.718 2.730 2.670 5201 OLDTOWN 2.680 0.010 472.3 2.680 19.13 2.80 1,241.5
0.510 0.325 0.350 0.340 5932 BPURI 0.350 0.005 598.7 0.341 100.00 93.5 0.210 0.070 0.150 0.130 3018 OLYMPIA 0.150 0.025 31191.6 0.144 31.25 153.5
1.052 0.777 0.945 0.930 8761 BREM 0.945 0.025 241 0.938 66.08 1.59 326.5 2.540 1.180 1.210 1.190 5260 OWG 1.190 0.010 586.1 1.194 43.59 306.4
1.220 0.849 1.140 1.130 8591 CRESBLD 1.140 0.010 636.5 1.132 11.59 3.51 201.7 0.498 0.380 8419 PANSAR 0.390 23.08 2.56 109.2
2.086 1.437 1.810 1.810 7528 DKLS 1.810 UNCH 2 1.810 3.35 1.66 167.8 0.680 0.432 0.635 0.620 5125 PANTECH 0.630 UNCH 1425.2 0.628 13.10 2.73 468.1
3.110 1.446 2.980 2.910 5253 ECONBHD 2.950 0.020 1533.5 2.948 19.55 1.53 1,578.3 0.885 0.510 0.530 0.515 5657 PARKSON 0.515 UNCH 99.5 0.520 563.4
1.520 0.985 1.150 1.130 8877 EKOVEST 1.150 0.030 2038.4 1.137 10.81 1.04 2,460.1 1.310 1.018 1.270 1.240 5041 PBA 1.240 -0.020 99.4 1.256 6.14 3.23 410.8
1.010 0.482 0.915 0.900 7047 FAJAR 0.910 0.005 810 0.907 12.93 2.75 334.9 0.095 0.040 0.045 0.045 6254 PDZ 0.045 UNCH 2135 0.045 39.1
1.370 0.885 1.260 1.250 9261 GADANG 1.250 UNCH 458.8 1.251 9.38 2.24 822.2 1.250 0.867 0.990 0.980 5133 PENERGY 0.990 0.010 110 0.987 2.02 318.5
5.459 4.541 5.400 5.320 5398 GAMUDA 5.340 -0.050 11630.4 5.357 19.86 2.25 13,097.9 1.550 1.540 7108 PERDANA 1.540 1,198.8
1.730 0.815 1.700 1.670 5226 GBGAQRS 1.700 0.020 1599.2 1.699 18.46 730.9 0.170 0.040 0.045 0.045 47 PERISAI 0.045 UNCH 2311.1 0.045 56.7
0.920 0.700 0.720 0.710 5169 HOHUP 0.720 0.010 18.2 0.714 4.32 269.9 0.290 0.115 0.265 0.235 7080 PERMAJU 0.265 0.025 6545.7 0.255 51.9
1.778 1.440 1.460 1.450 6238 HSL 1.460 0.010 40.1 1.459 16.42 1.64 850.7 1.770 1.422 1.630 1.620 5219 PESTECH 1.630 UNCH 763.6 1.629 12.77 1,244.3
3.557 2.998 3.370 3.330 3336 IJM 3.340 -0.010 5607.6 3.344 18.13 2.25 12,116.9 25.245 22.480 24.400 24.000 5681 PETDAG 24.400 0.300 286.4 24.29 24.14 2.95 24,240.3
0.740 0.561 0.660 0.640 5268 IKHMAS 0.655 UNCH 796.6 0.653 66.16 0.76 347.4 0.250 0.030 7027 PETONE 0.055 8.33 2.8
0.360 0.280 0.305 0.300 192 INTA 0.300 -0.005 605 0.304 0.25 160.6 5.524 4.140 7081 PHARMA 4.180 26.64 3.59 1,086.1
0.710 0.500 0.605 0.550 8834 IREKA 0.560 -0.050 5.1 0.582 22.76 95.7 0.189 0.118 0.135 0.135 7201 PICORP 0.135 -0.005 145.2 0.135 4.52 88.8
1.790 0.975 1.340 1.320 4723 JAKS 1.330 UNCH 1480 1.330 641.4 0.420 0.225 0.270 0.270 7163 PJBUMI 0.270 UNCH 87.2 0.270 22.1
0.500 0.210 0.265 0.255 9083 JETSON 0.260 UNCH 360.1 0.258 53.7 5.780 3.126 5.510 5.400 4634 POS 5.500 0.060 485 5.489 46.61 1.95 4,305.3
3.760 1.996 3.660 3.610 7161 KERJAYA 3.610 -0.010 155.4 3.637 16.30 1.52 2,022.7 2.530 1.610 1.790 1.750 5204 PRESBHD 1.780 0.010 87.6 1.768 77.39 1.83 861.5
2.380 1.754 2.150 2.100 5171 KIMLUN 2.140 -0.020 361.4 2.137 8.23 3.04 684.1 2.500 1.480 1.590 1.500 8346 PRKCORP 1.580 0.100 19.3 1.534 158.0
1.540 1.010 9628 LEBTECH 1.500 58.59 204.7 0.360 0.155 0.360 0.345 186 PTRANS 0.360 0.025 22335.4 0.351 15.19 1.25 411.5
1.240 0.684 5129 MELATI 0.830 6.75 2.11 99.6 0.932 0.790 0.815 0.800 5272 RANHILL 0.815 0.015 120.1 0.801 11.45 9.57 724.0
0.575 0.240 0.375 0.350 5006 MERGE 0.360 UNCH 267.4 0.358 14.81 24.1 0.360 0.165 0.285 0.275 37 RGB 0.280 0.020 5769.5 0.279 14.66 2.14 374.7
1.407 1.109 1.180 1.120 9571 MITRA 1.150 -0.010 4896.8 1.146 5.99 4.35 792.9 0.360 0.305 8885 RPB 0.330 283.3
1.340 0.610 1.290 1.250 7595 MLGLOBAL 1.280 -0.010 241.9 1.272 42.81 505.1 0.687 0.415 0.430 0.415 8567 SALCON 0.415 -0.020 4626.2 0.419 4.55 281.2
0.440 0.250 0.290 0.290 5924 MTDACPI 0.290 -0.005 21 0.290 67.2 1.147 0.780 0.790 0.785 5147 SAMCHEM 0.790 UNCH 96.7 0.786 13.46 4.11 214.9
1.670 0.725 1.100 1.050 5085 MUDAJYA 1.060 0.010 495.7 1.056 585.6 0.315 0.110 0.250 0.240 9113 SANBUMI 0.250 0.010 265.6 0.245 56.6
2.990 2.090 2.870 2.850 5703 MUHIBAH 2.850 UNCH 149.2 2.857 11.22 1.93 1,374.0 2.399 1.980 2.100 2.060 99 SCICOM 2.080 0.020 40.1 2.072 16.02 4.33 739.3
0.724 0.380 0.580 0.580 8311 PESONA 0.580 -0.005 63.7 0.580 18.83 3.45 387.0 0.215 0.090 0.120 0.115 7158 SCOMI 0.115 UNCH 1093 0.115 220.5
2.490 1.132 2.050 2.040 7055 PLB 2.040 -0.030 15.8 2.047 59.82 0.49 186.2 0.270 0.100 0.105 0.100 7045 SCOMIES 0.100 -0.005 575 0.100 234.2
1.273 0.924 1.030 1.020 5070 PRTASCO 1.030 0.010 196.5 1.029 13.45 5.83 437.4 1.160 0.972 7053 SEEHUP 1.040 6.92 54.4
0.215 0.095 0.140 0.130 7145 PSIPTEK 0.140 0.005 707.5 0.132 14.89 48.8 0.769 0.559 0.665 0.650 9792 SEG 0.660 0.005 90.5 0.658 31.73 5.30 834.4
4.270 3.125 3.990 3.760 9598 PTARAS 3.990 -0.070 129.4 3.937 17.09 5.01 658.2 1.911 1.120 1.400 1.380 5250 SEM 1.400 0.010 405.5 1.393 36.46 1.64 1,726.7
1.390 0.405 1.160 1.130 5205 SENDAI 1.150 UNCH 848.2 1.141 0.43 890.7 2.100 1.324 1.440 1.380 5218 SENERGY 1.380 -0.050 7207 1.396 65.09 0.72 8,269.2
2.410 1.533 2.300 2.200 5263 SUNCON 2.300 0.100 3006.1 2.237 22.09 2.39 2,973.7 2.246 1.475 2.150 2.080 5279 SERBADK 2.100 -0.020 5006.9 2.110 8.19 2,803.5
0.415 0.260 0.265 0.260 9717 SYCAL 0.260 -0.015 121.5 0.261 14.44 83.3 9.700 7.319 9.080 8.930 4197 SIME 9.000 UNCH 8438.8 8.988 30.71 3.00 61,207.6
0.845 0.364 0.825 0.805 5054 TRC 0.825 0.020 3252.1 0.814 10.25 2.30 396.4 0.818 0.650 9431 SJC 0.650 43.62 1.54 26.3
2.320 1.500 1.700 1.650 5622 TRIPLC 1.700 0.050 0.2 1.675 10.82 116.7 1.380 1.080 1.100 1.090 5242 SOLID 1.100 -0.010 10 1.096 37.16 0.73 184.2
0.825 0.430 0.655 0.630 5042 TSRCAP 0.650 -0.005 114.8 0.643 10.71 113.4 2.550 2.140 2.380 2.370 6084 STAR 2.370 UNCH 412 2.373 42.25 6.33 1,750.4
0.145 0.110 0.130 0.125 7070 VIZIONE 0.125 UNCH 1201 0.127 113.64 109.4 3.090 2.262 9865 SUIWAH 2.850 17.08 1.23 173.9
1.680 0.890 1.280 1.280 3565 WCEHB 1.280 -0.020 109.8 1.280 33.51 1,283.5 0.100 0.045 0.050 0.045 1201 SUMATEC 0.050 UNCH 507.9 0.047 193.3
2.467 1.526 1.830 1.740 9679 WCT 1.750 -0.050 3709.2 1.778 27.52 1.70 2,473.9 4.400 2.850 4.380 4.340 5211 SUNWAY 4.340 -0.010 4185.3 4.357 15.00 2.05 9,093.3
0.670 0.535 0.615 0.585 7028 ZECON 0.615 0.020 406.9 0.597 1.42 73.3 2.257 1.865 2.130 2.100 6521 SURIA 2.130 0.030 16.8 2.112 9.62 3.29 613.8
0.200 0.100 0.125 0.120 2283 ZELAN 0.120 -0.005 238 0.120 101.4 0.345 0.235 0.255 0.240 5173 SYSCORP 0.255 0.010 30.2 0.240 283.3 306.0
TRADING SERVICES 0.490 0.285 0.390 0.365 7228 T7GLOBAL 0.390 0.005 2089.5 0.376 15.92 148.8
0.550 0.350 0.375 0.365 5238 AAX 0.370 UNCH 13664.1 0.372 18.05 1,534.8 1.722 1.370 1.420 1.420 8524 TALIWRK 1.420 0.050 6 1.420 26.79 5.63 1,717.5
0.250 0.135 0.155 0.150 5166 AEGB 0.155 UNCH 67.5 0.152 63.5 2.667 1.419 2.490 2.400 5140 TASCO 2.490 0.080 7.9 2.409 15.71 1.81 498.0
2.960 1.980 2.030 2.010 6599 AEON 2.010 UNCH 175.5 2.015 35.33 1.49 2,822.0 14.560 12.832 14.300 14.220 5347 TENAGA 14.280 -0.020 9814.6 14.27 11.62 2.73 80,810.7
0.435 0.160 0.355 0.340 7315 AHB 0.350 0.010 1491.4 0.348 11.99 56.0 1.573 1.070 8702 TEXCHEM 1.150 62.16 17.39 142.7
3.468 2.086 3.380 3.230 5099 AIRASIA 3.320 -0.010 26741 3.318 6.50 5.42 11,095.4 0.200 0.045 0.055 0.045 7206 THHEAVY 0.055 0.005 265 0.053 61.7
9.336 5.838 9.120 8.780 5014 AIRPORT 9.000 0.130 4284 9.009 129.87 1.22 14,932.7 6.698 5.690 6.460 6.400 4863 TM 6.430 0.010 2762.3 6.426 32.13 3.36 24,163.5
0.370 0.110 0.185 0.175 5115 ALAM 0.175 -0.005 2508.6 0.179 161.8 0.990 0.735 0.755 0.735 101 TMCLIFE 0.755 0.015 1195 0.747 62.92 0.16 1,310.8
0.270 0.070 0.085 0.080 159 AMEDIA 0.080 UNCH 201 0.081 19.2 1.806 1.420 1.640 1.630 8397 TNLOGIS 1.630 UNCH 293.8 1.631 8.48 1.23 745.5
8.526 7.050 6351 AMWAY 7.260 21.84 2.75 1,193.4 1.060 0.380 0.810 0.730 7218 TOCEAN 0.740 -0.050 27.4 0.745 46.25 30.3
2.378 2.133 2.160 2.160 7083 ANALABS 2.160 UNCH 4 2.160 10.84 1.50 129.7 1.000 0.735 0.780 0.740 5167 TURBO 0.740 -0.045 20 0.747 26.24 6.76 79.9
0.085 0.015 0.025 0.020 5194 APFT 0.020 -0.005 15758.7 0.022 20.7 2.892 2.400 7137 UMS 2.700 17.11 2.22 109.9
0.825 0.500 0.745 0.735 5210 ARMADA 0.735 UNCH 1839.9 0.736 1.12 4,311.7 0.945 0.280 0.310 0.305 5243 UMWOG 0.305 UNCH 9419.6 0.308 659.4
0.220 0.100 0.145 0.140 1481 ASB 0.145 UNCH 637.4 0.144 34.52 1.72 98.2 1.294 1.040 7091 UNIMECH 1.040 15.20 2.88 136.4
2.863 2.466 2.690 2.650 6399 ASTRO 2.680 UNCH 1013.1 2.673 22.54 4.29 13,961.5 0.730 0.365 0.480 0.400 5754 UTUSAN 0.400 UNCH 5.1 0.433 44.3
4.836 4.000 7048 ATLAN 4.260 21.49 3.76 1,080.6 1.980 1.300 1.300 1.300 7250 UZMA 1.300 UNCH 134.8 1.300 12.91 416.0
1.180 0.715 1.100 1.070 7579 AWC 1.090 0.010 737.1 1.085 12.81 1.38 291.3 1.080 0.600 1.030 0.995 7240 VOIR 1.030 0.010 504.8 1.006 735.71 149.6
5.681 4.085 4.930 4.820 6888 AXIATA 4.930 0.080 5051.1 4.870 116.27 1.62 44,360.9 2.150 1.663 5016 WARISAN 2.100 1.43 141.1
0.653 0.272 0.505 0.495 5021 AYS 0.500 UNCH 998.8 0.498 6.83 5.00 190.2 0.580 0.420 7692 WIDETEC 0.580 35.15 26.0
0.740 0.445 0.465 0.445 7251 BARAKAH 0.450 -0.010 4375.2 0.455 42.86 371.5 4.340 3.542 3.750 3.670 5246 WPRTS 3.750 0.010 2273 3.737 21.47 3.49 12,787.5
2.209 1.840 1.890 1.840 5248 BAUTO 1.870 -0.010 540 1.862 18.23 6.23 2,159.0 1.448 1.020 1.110 1.040 5267 XINHWA 1.110 0.030 357.7 1.068 23.62 0.90 239.8
0.495 0.365 0.390 0.375 7241 BHS 0.375 -0.015 26.5 0.380 171.9 0.075 0.020 0.035 0.035 7122 YFG 0.035 UNCH 282.9 0.035 21.3
0.280 0.170 0.185 0.180 6998 BINTAI 0.185 0.005 120.8 0.181 53.6 3.679 2.794 3.650 3.600 7293 YINSON 3.640 0.040 650 3.640 16.95 0.55 3,977.8
6.567 5.860 6.000 6.000 5032 BIPORT 6.000 UNCH 1 6.000 17.91 3.67 2,760.0 1.715 1.390 1.430 1.390 4677 YTL 1.430 0.030 5896.7 1.414 17.90 3.50 15,602.1
2.760 1.547 2.620 2.600 5275 BISON 2.600 -0.020 35.8 2.603 40.82 0.77 806.2 FINANCE
0.410 0.306 0.330 0.320 3395 BJCORP 0.330 0.005 1520.4 0.327 12.36 1,624.8 13.674 11.980 12.500 12.240 5139 AEONCR 12.480 0.140 83.6 12.33 10.19 3.37 2,695.7
1.956 1.380 1.480 1.460 5196 BJFOOD 1.470 UNCH 541 1.469 48.51 560.6 2.949 2.018 2.560 2.530 5185 AFFIN 2.550 0.020 48.6 2.542 8.71 2.94 4,954.5
0.700 0.400 0.405 0.405 4219 BJLAND 0.405 0.005 57.2 0.405 6.85 2,025.1 4.400 3.446 3.870 3.810 2488 AFG 3.840 0.020 783.2 3.834 11.40 4.17 5,944.7
0.470 0.205 0.310 0.300 6025 BJMEDIA 0.300 -0.015 9.8 0.307 70.5 15.600 9.492 14.500 14.500 1163 ALLIANZ 14.500 UNCH 34.9 14.50 8.44 0.62 2,530.3
3.258 2.250 2.280 2.250 1562 BJTOTO 2.250 -0.020 2170.2 2.265 12.78 6.22 3,039.8 15.100 9.511 1163PA ALLIANZ-PA 14.000 0.77 1,215.9
0.135 0.092 0.100 0.095 7036 BORNOIL 0.100 0.005 5687.3 0.097 10.87 454.6 5.551 3.754 4.370 4.280 1015 AMBANK 4.280 -0.030 7962 4.318 9.67 4.11 12,900.7
0.875 0.505 0.540 0.525 9474 BRAHIMS 0.525 -0.005 11 0.532 124.0 1.934 1.263 5088 APEX 1.540 21.01 3.25 328.9
2.789 2.510 2.700 2.680 2771 BSTEAD 2.700 UNCH 188.6 2.693 14.41 5.56 5,472.9 4.610 3.782 4.400 4.380 5258 BIMB 4.400 0.010 446.5 4.399 12.49 2.95 7,206.1
0.395 0.280 5257 CARIMIN 0.290 67.8 10.760 7.782 10.280 10.100 1818 BURSA 10.160 0.020 217.1 10.17 25.88 3.64 5,461.0
1.990 1.300 1.700 1.700 5245 CARING 1.700 UNCH 10 1.700 28.19 0.88 370.1 7.080 4.394 7.080 6.710 1023 CIMB 7.080 0.380 20311 6.843 15.07 2.82 64,088.9
3.397 2.130 2.290 2.240 2925 CCB 2.290 0.030 47.1 2.242 12.02 2.18 230.7 0.705 0.320 0.555 0.545 2143 ECM 0.555 0.035 16 0.552 59.68 159.1
1.440 0.835 1.060 1.040 7117 CENTURY 1.050 -0.010 1420.9 1.052 22.34 2.86 412.4 1.218 1.065 1.160 1.160 5228 ELKDESA 1.160 UNCH 101 1.160 10.91 5.79 341.5
0.470 0.385 7209 CHEETAH 0.430 1.74 54.9 16.300 12.501 15.500 15.200 5819 HLBANK 15.440 0.180 1860 15.42 14.73 2.66 33,469.6
1.490 0.832 1.330 1.310 5273 CHINHIN 1.310 -0.010 89.5 1.314 15.96 3.05 698.1 10.100 7.327 5274 HLCAP 9.980 30.43 1.20 2,464.0
0.675 0.393 0.530 0.515 7016 CHUAN 0.520 -0.040 287 0.521 7.15 3.46 87.7 17.735 13.892 16.920 16.660 1082 HLFG 16.900 -0.040 206.5 16.89 12.83 2.25 19,393.0
0.100 0.065 0.075 0.070 5104 CNI 0.075 0.005 229.3 0.070 4.00 54.0 2.610 2.590 6688 HWANG 2.610 20.03 1.15 666.0
1.240 0.650 5136 COMPLET 0.775 12.92 95.9 1.140 0.642 0.995 0.985 3379 INSAS 0.995 0.015 1059.7 0.991 3.65 1.01 689.9
0.040 0.020 0.025 0.020 5037 COMPUGT 0.025 -0.005 66699 0.025 53.4 0.970 0.892 0.960 0.960 3379PA INSAS-PA 0.960 UNCH 3 0.960 6.25 127.3
2.820 1.936 2.470 2.430 5184 CYPARK 2.450 0.010 49.4 2.442 12.56 2.12 639.3 0.395 0.120 0.325 0.315 3441 JOHAN 0.315 -0.005 4557.9 0.320 196.2
0.880 0.490 0.600 0.570 5276 DANCO 0.600 0.020 1673.7 0.590 14.93 2.50 178.8 0.690 0.415 0.530 0.520 6483 KENANGA 0.525 UNCH 154 0.524 33.02 4.29 379.3
0.105 0.050 0.065 0.060 91 DAYA 0.060 -0.005 205.2 0.060 114.6 19.302 15.176 17.860 17.840 8621 LPI 17.840 -0.020 21.7 17.85 19.88 4.60 5,922.6
1.290 0.730 0.920 0.870 5141 DAYANG 0.920 0.030 408.2 0.894 887.6 0.917 0.800 0.835 0.810 1198 MAA 0.835 0.015 101.3 0.814 10.78 228.4
1.126 0.755 0.800 0.800 5132 DELEUM 0.800 -0.005 175 0.800 15.07 4.06 320.2 3.260 2.625 1058 MANULFE 3.150 11.66 3.33 637.5
0.895 0.595 0.605 0.595 7212 DESTINI 0.605 0.005 923.9 0.600 18.11 698.9 9.840 7.250 9.500 9.430 1155 MAYBANK 9.460 UNCH 15381.7 9.475 13.58 5.50 100,006
2.080 1.426 2.060 2.000 7277 DIALOG 2.050 0.050 13054.3 2.041 29.84 1.17 11,565.4 1.380 0.796 1.290 1.230 1171 MBSB 1.290 0.060 4977.7 1.259 24.39 2.33 7,642.5
6.537 4.312 4.920 4.900 5908 DKSH 4.900 UNCH 22 4.902 17.10 1.94 772.5 2.840 2.440 2.680 2.660 6459 MNRB 2.680 UNCH 21 2.664 9.18 856.5
0.690 0.221 0.495 0.475 4456 DNEX 0.480 UNCH 4421.7 0.482 12.18 1.04 841.5 1.830 1.160 1.460 1.430 5237 MPHBCAP 1.450 -0.010 20.1 1.452 17.28 1,036.8
1.591 1.040 1.080 1.050 5216 DSONIC 1.060 UNCH 757.3 1.069 22.84 3.77 1,431.0 1.309 1.250 6009 P&O 1.260 19.66 7.70 309.9
0.295 0.155 0.165 0.160 2097 EASTLND 0.165 0.005 6.6 0.164 40.5 20.740 18.835 20.600 20.520 1295 PBBANK 20.600 0.020 8811.3 20.58 15.00 2.86 79,972.0
0.860 0.350 0.420 0.395 5259 EATECH 0.415 -0.010 1307 0.403 5.42 209.2 1.920 0.985 1.720 1.670 9296 RCECAP 1.720 0.030 663.5 1.701 6.97 1.74 610.5
0.370 0.200 5036 EDARAN 0.225 13.5 5.550 4.473 5.060 5.020 1066 RHBBANK 5.050 UNCH 1686 5.048 11.45 2.38 20,250.7
0.290 0.165 0.190 0.190 7471 EDEN 0.190 -0.005 801.7 0.190 59.2 0.708 0.422 0.680 0.660 4898 TA 0.675 0.010 834.1 0.670 4.18 2.52 1,155.5
3.443 2.280 2.770 2.620 1368 EDGENTA 2.770 0.140 165.2 2.717 18.84 2.89 2,303.6 4.250 3.800 4.010 3.830 6139 TAKAFUL 4.010 0.060 394.6 3.957 17.71 3.91 3,300.8
0.590 0.220 0.340 0.330 64 EFFICEN 0.330 UNCH 343.4 0.333 234.0 1.629 0.980 1.070 1.040 5230 TUNEPRO 1.050 -0.010 1670 1.057 14.13 4.95 789.3
1.000 0.776 0.900 0.900 5081 EIG 0.900 0.010 1 0.900 18.91 2.50 213.5 PROPERTIES
2.087 1.090 1.700 1.660 5208 EITA 1.700 0.050 7 1.680 11.30 2.35 221.0 0.885 0.740 0.820 0.815 1007 AMPROP 0.815 0.005 188.2 0.817 47.94 3.68 495.7
1.508 1.102 1.180 1.160 5056 ENGTEX 1.170 UNCH 965.6 1.172 6.72 0.85 431.2 1.850 0.990 1.410 1.390 5959 A&M 1.390 -0.020 7.5 1.403 27.47 507.4
* Volume Weighted Average Price # PE is calculated based on latest 12 months reported Earnings Per Share
Markets 2 7

HIGH LOW HIGH LOW (RM) (RM) (000) (RM) (X) (%) (MIL) HIGH LOW HIGH LOW (RM) (RM) (000) (RM) (X) (%) (MIL)
0.430 0.345 0.395 0.395 1007PA AMPROP-PA 0.395 0.005 2 0.395 5.06 114.6 4.800 1.727 4.550 4.490 97 VITROX 4.520 0.050 484.3 4.518 28.36 0.72 2,124.8
0.230 0.145 0.155 0.155 4057 ASIAPAC 0.155 UNCH 774.1 0.155 17.42 155.8 1.750 0.626 1.430 1.420 8 WILLOW 1.420 -0.010 251.7 1.424 17.32 1.41 352.2
0.550 0.420 6602 BCB 0.450 9.15 185.6 INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECT COMPANIES
0.665 0.430 0.445 0.445 9814 BERTAM 0.445 -0.010 7 0.445 1.85 92.0 5.087 4.583 4.880 4.810 6947 DIGI 4.840 -0.040 7790.1 4.841 24.35 4.07 37,631.0
1.400 0.710 1.200 1.180 3239 BJASSET 1.200 UNCH 52.7 1.190 1,427.0 6.150 5.431 5.900 5.660 6645 LITRAK 5.890 0.030 15 5.832 14.40 4.24 3,103.6
1.500 1.030 5738 CHHB 1.210 333.6 0.372 0.221 0.280 0.270 5078 M&G 0.275 0.005 1577.6 0.272 18.18 199.1
1.706 1.390 1.480 1.480 6718 CRESNDO 1.480 UNCH 2 1.480 6.06 3.38 415.1 1.180 0.740 0.760 0.740 6807 PUNCAK 0.755 0.010 276.2 0.748 339.2
1.720 1.235 1.640 1.630 5049 CVIEW 1.630 UNCH 27 1.634 5.46 9.20 163.0 9.900 7.284 9.900 9.280 5031 TIMECOM 9.900 0.500 526.6 9.551 22.11 2.01 5,756.4
2.390 2.100 2.250 2.250 5355 DAIMAN 2.250 UNCH 5 2.250 19.98 2.44 477.4 1.539 1.400 1.430 1.410 6742 YTLPOWR 1.410 -0.020 1836.7 1.417 16.23 3.55 11,481.8
1.040 0.500 0.550 0.510 3484 DBHD 0.530 -0.020 145 0.528 164.0 CLOSED-END FUNDS
2.130 1.400 1.560 1.480 3417 E&O 1.480 -0.030 981.9 1.498 17.85 2.03 1,963.5 2.690 2.290 2.690 2.620 5108 ICAP 2.690 0.040 65.6 2.661 233.91 376.6
0.325 0.250 0.295 0.285 3557 ECOFIRS 0.295 0.005 260.9 0.291 15.13 236.9 EXCHANGE TRADED FUNDS
1.720 1.260 1.600 1.550 8206 ECOWLD 1.560 UNCH 1709.7 1.586 18.51 4,593.2 1.137 1.070 1.137 1.137 0800EA ABFMY1 1.137 UNCH 1 1.137 5.00 1,501.3
0.920 0.570 0.820 0.780 6076 ENCORP 0.805 0.020 427.2 0.804 6.16 224.3 1.960 1.680 1.945 1.940 0822EA CIMBA40 1.945 0.010 21 1.940 3.80 2.6
3.180 1.850 2.760 2.680 8613 ENRA 2.680 UNCH 4 2.700 32.48 1.12 365.0 1.650 1.275 1.650 1.650 0823EA CIMBC50 1.650 0.030 1.4 1.650 16.1
1.240 0.740 1.080 1.060 6815 EUPE 1.080 0.020 25.1 1.060 138.2 1.865 1.700 1.840 1.835 0820EA FBMKLCI-EA 1.835 -0.005 4.8 1.836 1.80 3.1
1.360 1.000 1.110 1.050 5283 EWINT 1.100 0.030 2799.2 1.088 2,640.0 1.070 0.977 0826EA METFAPA 1.040 19.8
0.617 0.468 0.510 0.505 6041 FARLIM 0.505 -0.005 50.5 0.510 5.76 3.96 70.9 0.952 0.900 0825EA METFSID 0.910 2.57 48.2
0.787 0.610 0.650 0.645 5020 GLOMAC 0.645 UNCH 225.7 0.646 4.21 4.65 469.4 1.115 1.045 0821EA MYETFDJ 1.105 2.02 307.1
0.523 0.367 0.415 0.405 9962 GMUTUAL 0.415 UNCH 20 0.408 7.83 4.82 155.9 1.110 1.010 0824EA MYETFID 1.100 1.38 55.9
0.470 0.290 0.375 0.370 1147 GOB 0.375 UNCH 353.8 0.373 21.43 1.33 170.5 REITS
1.450 1.110 1.160 1.120 1503 GUOCO 1.150 0.020 80.3 1.144 6.33 1.74 805.5 1.039 0.900 4952 AHP 0.905 68.05 4.64 199.1
0.570 0.370 0.460 0.460 7010 HOOVER 0.460 -0.035 1.4 0.460 18.4 1.659 1.415 5116 ALAQAR 1.500 18.18 5.03 1,092.3
1.407 0.800 0.845 0.825 5062 HUAYANG 0.830 -0.015 45.8 0.832 7.54 4.82 292.2 1.050 0.995 1.020 1.020 5269 ALSREIT 1.020 UNCH 14.4 1.020 11.89 6.13 591.6
0.648 0.532 0.570 0.560 4251 IBHD 0.565 0.005 569.6 0.567 8.03 3.33 569.4 0.828 0.715 0.715 0.715 5120 AMFIRST 0.715 UNCH 103.1 0.715 21.80 5.68 490.8
1.050 0.755 0.880 0.880 5084 IBRACO 0.880 UNCH 4 0.880 31.21 3.98 436.8 0.980 0.858 0.945 0.940 5127 ARREIT 0.945 0.005 113.7 0.941 13.74 5.94 541.7
2.990 2.359 2.870 2.860 1597 IGB 2.870 0.010 8.2 2.869 9.98 3.48 3,917.0 1.170 0.978 5130 ATRIUM 1.150 22.91 5.91 140.1
2.312 1.798 2.020 1.980 5249 IOIPG 1.990 -0.020 4897.5 1.996 9.63 3.02 10,957.2 1.689 1.497 1.600 1.590 5106 AXREIT 1.600 UNCH 123.8 1.592 16.63 5.29 1,768.3
0.620 0.370 0.395 0.395 5175 IVORY 0.395 UNCH 60 0.395 21.01 193.6 1.664 1.422 1.470 1.460 5180 CMMT 1.460 -0.020 62.9 1.470 19.47 5.73 2,970.6
3.290 0.785 1.310 1.280 1589 IWCITY 1.280 0.010 4009.7 1.290 1,071.9 1.532 1.192 1.270 1.250 5121 HEKTAR 1.270 0.010 60 1.263 12.34 9.00 586.2
0.161 0.095 0.100 0.100 6769 JKGLAND 0.100 UNCH 265 0.100 14.71 2.30 227.5 1.750 1.406 1.740 1.720 5227 IGBREIT 1.720 0.010 1988.4 1.723 21.29 5.05 6,034.1
0.085 0.040 0.070 0.065 3115 KBUNAI 0.070 UNCH 886.8 0.065 21.21 404.4 1.008 0.881 0.940 0.940 5280 KIPREIT 0.940 UNCH 5 0.940 22.27 3.11 475.0
1.100 0.798 0.925 0.920 7323 KEN 0.925 0.005 18 0.922 4.26 2.70 177.3 8.100 7.262 7.810 7.770 5235SS KLCC 7.800 -0.010 1173.1 7.800 16.00 4.57 14,081.6
1.330 0.995 1.240 1.220 5038 KSL 1.240 0.010 312.7 1.232 3.91 1,286.5 1.320 1.129 1.310 1.300 5123 MQREIT 1.310 0.010 63.9 1.301 16.13 9.69 1,399.1
0.312 0.210 0.225 0.215 3174 L&G 0.220 0.005 9850.3 0.221 8.59 644.4 1.866 1.551 1.720 1.710 5212 PAVREIT 1.720 UNCH 1222.2 1.715 17.17 4.67 5,211.8
1.295 1.051 8494 LBICAP 1.130 9.29 91.1 1.749 1.547 1.720 1.700 5176 SUNREIT 1.710 -0.010 5746 1.709 11.88 5.37 5,036.1
2.057 1.519 1.940 1.910 5789 LBS 1.930 0.030 374.6 1.927 12.56 2.07 1,309.0 1.200 1.095 1.200 1.200 5111 TWRREIT 1.200 UNCH 125.6 1.200 17.22 5.78 336.6
0.460 0.235 0.385 0.380 3573 LIENHOE 0.380 UNCH 81 0.381 137.5 1.796 1.561 1.650 1.620 5110 UOAREIT 1.650 0.030 15.5 1.640 15.55 5.72 697.7
1.690 0.926 7617 MAGNA 1.430 71.50 4.20 478.9 1.209 1.019 1.180 1.170 5109 YTLREIT 1.180 UNCH 72.5 1.180 5.92 2,011.2
1.625 1.281 1.500 1.470 8583 MAHSING 1.480 -0.010 1454.4 1.481 11.09 4.39 3,578.2 SPAC
1.940 0.575 1.060 1.010 6181 MALTON 1.020 0.030 15106.3 1.031 12.88 2.45 538.4 0.720 0.670 5234 CLIQ 0.720 454.3
2.828 2.280 2.760 2.730 5236 MATRIX 2.760 0.010 172.5 2.748 8.83 4.98 1,619.1 0.480 0.460 5241 SONA 0.475 670.1
1.880 1.000 1.510 1.500 7189 MBWORLD 1.510 -0.030 40 1.503 6.28 237.6
1.200 0.750 0.915 0.880 5182 MCT 0.910 UNCH 6.1 0.910 20.82 1,214.6
0.525 0.405 0.420 0.415 5040 MEDAINC 0.415 -0.015 333 0.416 204.4
1.020 0.680 0.865 0.860 1694 MENANG 0.865 0.005 281.6 0.864 7.22 231.0
0.605 0.250 0.420 0.385 8141 MJPERAK 0.415 0.010 826.8 0.401 98.81 5.16 106.7
2.614 2.100
0.360 0.265
0.215 0.085


Ace Market
1.761 1.130 1.210 1.190 1651 MRCB 1.200 0.010 975.1 1.197 9.03 2.29 2,631.1
1.080 0.595 9539 MUH 0.600 33.9 HIGH LOW HIGH LOW (RM) (RM) (000) (RM) (X) (%) (MIL)
0.365 0.230 0.290 0.285 3913 MUIPROP 0.285 UNCH 175 0.288 20.65 217.8 CONSUMER PRODUCTS
1.900 1.150 1.160 1.150 5073 NAIM 1.150 -0.040 64.3 1.151 287.5 0.285 0.195 0.255 0.245 179 BIOHLDG 0.250 Unch 4745.1 0.249 21.37 201.7
2.978 2.192 5827 OIB 2.340 8.80 2.99 339.0 0.310 0.200 0.235 0.220 170 KANGER 0.230 0.005 2368 0.229 26.74 183.6
1.710 1.346 1.610 1.600 5053 OSK 1.600 UNCH 664.6 1.602 9.08 4.69 2,244.6 0.450 0.200 0.370 0.360 148 SUNZEN 0.370 0.010 302.2 0.362 132.14 178.4
1.880 1.278 1.810 1.800 1724 PARAMON 1.800 UNCH 50.8 1.807 11.80 4.72 763.7 0.055 0.025 0.055 0.045 95 XINGHE 0.055 0.010 28209.4 0.051 5.24 129.2
0.695 0.445 0.600 0.595 6912 PASDEC 0.595 -0.005 71.6 0.599 170.2 INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS
1.820 1.540 1.600 1.590 5075 PLENITU 1.590 -0.020 6 1.593 12.05 2.83 606.6 0.245 0.137 0.160 0.160 105 ASIAPLY 0.160 Unch 531.2 0.160 17.58 3.13 53.4
0.365 0.225 0.340 0.340 2208 PTGTIN 0.340 -0.010 20 0.340 117.7 0.095 0.030 0.045 0.040 72 AT 0.045 0.005 2142.4 0.040 55.7
1.270 0.900 0.980 0.980 4596 SAPRES 0.980 UNCH 5 0.980 1.31 3.06 136.8 0.445 0.245 0.390 0.320 163 CAREPLS 0.330 -0.055 23404 0.333 58.93 0.91 159.5
0.820 0.665 0.680 0.670 5207 SBCCORP 0.670 UNCH 76.9 0.673 157.3 0.330 0.080 0.200 0.200 102 CONNECT 0.200 Unch 134.9 0.200 21.51 64.3
1.160 0.785 1.100 1.090 2224 SDRED 1.100 0.010 59.2 1.099 8.42 2.27 468.7 0.529 0.335 0.350 0.350 100 ESCERAM 0.350 Unch 23 0.350 11.29 1.71 71.9
0.580 0.370 0.465 0.460 4286 SEAL 0.460 -0.005 227 0.461 34.07 111.8 0.350 0.215 0.290 0.285 175 HHGROUP 0.285 Unch 121 0.286 203.57 88.0
2.926 2.761 2.850 2.850 6017 SHL 2.850 0.010 3.2 2.850 8.54 7.02 690.1 0.145 0.065 0.105 0.100 160 HHHCORP 0.105 Unch 440.1 0.101 16.67 35.0
0.305 0.135 0.230 0.230 4375 SMI 0.230 UNCH 100 0.230 1.70 48.3 0.555 0.165 0.360 0.335 162 IJACOBS 0.350 0.025 3254.9 0.349 20.11 47.5
1.000 0.690 0.800 0.790 5213 SNTORIA 0.800 -0.005 110 0.798 11.16 399.3 0.165 0.090 0.135 0.130 24 JAG 0.130 -0.005 18753.5 0.130 23.64 0.77 164.6
5.190 4.211 4.860 4.860 1783 SPB 4.860 0.060 9 4.860 10.91 2.47 1,670.0 0.250 0.125 0.200 0.185 25 LNGRES 0.200 0.015 1653 0.196 17.86 48.4
4.311 2.970 3.490 3.360 8664 SPSETIA 3.360 -0.120 774.7 3.400 4.90 5.95 10,034.1 0.150 0.040 0.050 0.050 70 MQTECH 0.050 Unch 1010.1 0.050 20.7
1.590 0.815 1.430 1.400 3743 SUNSURIA 1.420 -0.010 132.2 1.420 20.11 1,134.3 0.860 0.346 0.715 0.690 49 OCNCASH 0.695 -0.005 1122.1 0.699 14.04 1.01 155.0
1.070 0.625 0.910 0.895 1538 SYMLIFE 0.905 0.015 274.3 0.904 8.02 3.31 280.6 0.610 0.130 0.295 0.290 38 PTB 0.290 -0.010 257.7 0.291 43.6
0.410 0.215 0.385 0.370 5158 TAGB 0.380 UNCH 2974.3 0.375 9.13 1.05 2,022.3 0.315 0.150 0.220 0.150 133 SANICHI 0.180 0.015 21293.5 0.179 51.5
7.600 6.135 7.010 7.010 2305 TAHPS 7.010 -0.040 15 7.010 27.21 0.71 524.7 0.060 0.025 0.030 0.025 109 SCBUILD 0.025 -0.005 108.1 0.026 22.1
0.055 0.035 0.055 0.045 2259 TALAMT 0.050 0.005 1934 0.051 211.0 0.220 0.110 0.170 0.160 1 SCOMNET 0.170 0.005 1830 0.169 13.60 2.35 41.3
1.465 1.190 1.220 1.210 5191 TAMBUN 1.210 UNCH 52.2 1.218 4.97 8.26 524.3 0.289 0.142 0.215 0.215 28 SCOPE 0.215 -0.015 0.2 0.215 26.22 2.33 120.5
0.140 0.055 0.100 0.100 2429 TANCO 0.100 0.005 167.9 0.100 66.2 0.290 0.115 0.165 0.165 55 SERSOL 0.165 Unch 188.7 0.165 35.5
0.315 0.170 0.245 0.245 7889 THRIVEN 0.245 UNCH 20 0.245 92.3 0.975 0.178 0.955 0.925 84 TECFAST 0.930 -0.010 1263.6 0.938 42.08 0.54 159.1
0.085 0.040 0.065 0.060 7079 TIGER 0.065 UNCH 5725 0.061 95.7 TECHNOLOGY
1.930 1.420 1.500 1.490 5239 TITIJYA 1.500 0.010 53 1.496 7.77 0.33 615.0 0.995 0.160 0.850 0.750 18 ACCSOFT 0.835 0.065 170.5 0.814 695.4
1.044 0.937 0.960 0.955 5401 TROP 0.960 0.010 739.9 0.956 10.75 2.57 1,407.1 0.750 0.160 0.610 0.595 181 AEMULUS 0.610 0.020 4550.5 0.602 73.49 267.7
1.360 0.995 1.180 1.150 5148 UEMS 1.150 -0.010 717.5 1.165 21.30 1.39 5,218.1 0.455 0.145 0.335 0.320 119 APPASIA 0.335 0.005 163.5 0.330 105.1
2.680 2.096 2.600 2.540 5200 UOADEV 2.600 0.060 571.4 2.564 6.29 5.77 4,509.0 0.450 0.150 0.155 0.150 68 ASDION 0.155 Unch 84 0.153 18.0
1.890 0.935 2976 WINGTM 1.100 0.615 0.640 0.615 98 BAHVEST 0.630 -0.010 85.3 0.628 378.0
0.525 0.229 0.445 0.410 6378 WMG 0.425 -0.015 628.6 0.431 181.1 0.770 0.615 0.625 0.620 191 CABNET 0.625 0.005 86.5 0.625 10.25 81.3
1.279 0.866 7003 Y&G 0.955 11.40 190.4 0.065 0.030 0.045 0.040 152 DGB 0.045 Unch 101.1 0.040 450.0 24.2
1.840 1.380 1.410 1.400 3158 YNHPROP 1.400 UNCH 457 1.403 18.18 740.6 0.075 0.025 0.035 0.030 131 DGSB 0.035 0.005 306.6 0.031 58.33 47.5
1.610 1.070 1.480 1.450 7066 YONGTAI 1.470 UNCH 381.5 1.464 41.64 640.5 0.120 0.050 0.075 0.070 154 EAH 0.070 -0.005 2272.7 0.073 35.00 104.4
0.670 0.550 0.570 0.560 2577 YTLLAND 0.565 -0.010 87.3 0.561 13.92 477.1 0.260 0.125 0.135 0.130 107 EDUSPEC 0.130 -0.010 2251.9 0.133 22.81 121.3
MINING 0.295 0.055 0.255 0.230 116 FOCUS 0.255 0.025 371.6 0.240 198.2
1.520 1.150 1.510 1.480 2186 KUCHAI 1.500 -0.010 20 1.490 0.57 185.6 1.160 0.815 1.150 0.975 104 GENETEC 1.130 0.190 1699.6 1.063 40.1
PLANTATIONS 0.759 0.431 0.615 0.600 39 GFM 0.615 0.010 208.8 0.607 25.10 2.36 263.3
0.285 0.195 0.205 0.205 7054 AASIA 0.205 0.005 5 0.205 205.00 135.3 0.090 0.030 0.075 0.070 45 GNB 0.075 Unch 3939.2 0.070 21.7
19.575 17.198 18.900 18.800 1899 BKAWAN 18.900 0.060 9.2 18.884 12.03 2.91 8,239.5 0.185 0.070 0.165 0.155 74 GOCEAN 0.165 0.005 599.9 0.158 275.00 43.5
8.639 8.380 8.450 8.450 5069 BLDPLNT 8.450 0.020 1 8.450 41.24 0.47 790.1 0.100 0.040 0.055 0.055 174 IDMENSN 0.055 Unch 100 0.055 110.00 27.2
1.697 1.374 1.640 1.620 5254 BPLANT 1.640 0.010 176.6 1.628 17.03 8.54 2,624.0 0.533 0.227 0.385 0.375 23 IFCAMSC 0.385 0.015 1720.8 0.380 22.65 1.30 234.2
1.000 0.648 0.955 0.930 8982 CEPAT 0.945 0.015 1709.8 0.942 9.02 1.59 300.9 0.100 0.060 0.070 0.065 94 INIX 0.070 0.005 150 0.067 25.93 17.7
8.244 7.360 1929 CHINTEK 7.850 40.40 2.42 717.2 0.220 0.100 0.180 0.165 10 IRIS 0.170 Unch 16044.1 0.172 420.2
0.650 0.385 0.610 0.570 3948 DUTALND 0.605 0.045 13496 0.594 511.9 2.290 0.450 2.010 1.950 146 JFTECH 1.950 -0.040 247.6 1.967 58.04 0.26 245.7
9.100 7.205 5029 FAREAST 8.820 8.09 3.40 1,247.1 3.420 0.594 3.250 3.160 127 JHM 3.200 -0.020 666.2 3.204 31.13 841.0
2.506 1.412 1.610 1.550 5222 FGV 1.550 -0.050 6915.4 1.568 55.16 0.65 5,654.6 0.270 0.130 0.185 0.185 111 K1 0.185 Unch 349.6 0.185 96.0
11.679 10.104 10.720 10.600 2291 GENP 10.640 -0.060 161.7 10.644 19.01 1.27 8,547.7 0.115 0.025 0.030 0.025 36 KGROUP 0.030 Unch 9062.7 0.029 51.3
0.675 0.500 7382 GLBHD 0.585 1.71 130.4 1.130 0.225 1.070 1.030 176 KRONO 1.040 -0.010 4932.8 1.048 26.07 309.3
1.406 1.105 1.400 1.400 2135 GOPENG 1.400 UNCH 15 1.400 46.05 2.86 251.1 0.105 0.045 0.100 0.095 17 M3TECH 0.095 Unch 6173.4 0.095 55.8
0.895 0.700 7501 HARNLEN 0.750 139.1 0.390 0.205 0.390 0.385 75 MEXTER 0.385 Unch 1434.6 0.386 85.7
2.660 2.300 2.630 2.630 5138 HSPLANT 2.630 -0.010 2 2.630 13.96 5.51 2,104.0 0.590 0.420 0.480 0.460 155 MGRC 0.460 Unch 30 0.467 104.55 47.6
3.616 2.932 3.030 3.030 2216 IJMPLNT 3.030 UNCH 0.2 3.030 25.00 2.31 2,668.2 1.400 0.855 1.060 1.020 126 MICROLN 1.020 -0.010 265.8 1.029 28.73 170.7
0.734 0.650 2607 INCKEN 0.690 1.62 290.3 0.595 0.309 0.490 0.475 112 MIKROMB 0.490 0.015 1871.8 0.486 19.84 1.61 211.1
1.475 0.619 1.210 1.170 6262 INNO 1.170 -0.010 45.2 1.201 14.30 1.71 560.3 0.465 0.065 0.210 0.185 85 MLAB 0.185 -0.015 46069.9 0.198 108.1
4.757 4.200 4.550 4.480 1961 IOICORP 4.540 0.030 3091.6 4.523 38.94 2.09 28,528.7 0.200 0.160 0.185 0.180 34 MMAG 0.180 Unch 1103.2 0.182 49.5
25.137 22.521 24.540 24.280 2445 KLK 24.540 0.100 1291.2 24.469 22.95 2.04 26,196.6 2.050 0.503 2.000 1.960 113 MMSV 1.980 0.010 1459.5 1.981 18.61 1.01 322.7
3.580 2.990 3.500 3.500 2453 KLUANG 3.500 -0.060 1 3.500 78.30 0.29 221.1 0.245 0.055 0.075 0.070 103 MNC 0.075 Unch 2550 0.074 24.19 35.9
3.980 3.017 3.940 3.900 5027 KMLOONG 3.910 0.010 6 3.912 14.66 3.84 1,219.2 0.310 0.145 0.250 0.245 156 MPAY 0.245 Unch 2704 0.245 174.1
0.695 0.491 0.550 0.535 1996 KRETAM 0.550 0.020 37.1 0.541 29.10 1.82 1,280.2 0.735 0.130 0.220 0.200 92 MTOUCHE 0.205 -0.005 8420.8 0.209 186.36 26.1
1.750 1.240 6572 KWANTAS 1.500 9.40 467.5 0.930 0.616 0.885 0.855 108 N2N 0.880 0.030 4792.8 0.870 33.59 2.27 419.9
1.550 1.240 4936 MALPAC 1.300 125.00 97.5 0.110 0.015 0.050 0.045 20 NETX 0.045 -0.005 7685.7 0.045 56.3
0.963 0.786 0.885 0.870 5026 MHC 0.875 0.005 69 0.878 10.39 1.71 172.0 0.065 0.035 0.040 0.035 96 NEXGRAM 0.035 -0.005 465 0.037 65.9
2.388 1.700 5047 NPC 1.990 7.62 0.50 238.8 0.115 0.070 0.080 0.080 26 NOVAMSC 0.080 0.005 931.6 0.080 54.7
4.239 3.735 2038 NSOP 4.000 32.39 1.50 280.8 0.662 0.536 0.575 0.570 35 OPCOM 0.570 0.010 80 0.574 16.72 7.02 91.9
0.315 0.190 0.240 0.235 1902 PINEPAC 0.240 UNCH 30 0.240 36.0 0.414 0.315 0.330 0.325 40 OPENSYS 0.330 0.005 339.4 0.329 16.26 3.03 98.3
1.380 0.920 9695 PLS 1.020 333.2 0.380 0.125 0.145 0.135 79 ORION 0.135 -0.010 3163.6 0.138 80.9
0.550 0.405 0.425 0.405 5113 RSAWIT 0.405 -0.020 337.6 0.412 574.5 0.170 0.045 0.160 0.140 5 PALETTE 0.150 -0.005 23711.9 0.149 47.9
4.100 3.346 2542 RVIEW 3.700 15.21 1.62 239.9 0.230 0.135 0.150 0.150 123 PRIVA 0.150 Unch 303.2 0.150 1.33 83.7
3.280 2.900 3.280 3.250 2569 SBAGAN 3.260 0.060 43 3.258 0.61 216.2 0.175 0.055 0.125 0.120 7 PUC 0.125 Unch 1859 0.124 50.00 155.3
0.720 0.505 4316 SHCHAN 0.590 17.61 70.8 0.980 0.482 0.875 0.865 106 REXIT 0.870 Unch 140.8 0.870 21.91 4.60 164.7
3.965 3.480 3.750 3.700 5126 SOP 3.730 0.050 460.2 3.715 9.50 1.34 2,129.0 0.375 0.218 0.350 0.330 178 SEDANIA 0.335 Unch 2544.7 0.336 2.99 75.6
1.850 1.520 1.550 1.540 5135 SWKPLNT 1.540 -0.010 19 1.541 10.65 431.2 0.190 0.055 0.125 0.120 60 SKH 0.125 0.005 1867.3 0.120 44.64 69.3
0.730 0.505 0.535 0.505 2054 TDM 0.510 -0.025 1703.4 0.514 18.61 0.98 845.5 0.300 0.155 0.185 0.165 117 SMRT 0.185 0.020 217.2 0.168 66.8
1.207 0.998 1.100 1.060 5112 THPLANT 1.070 -0.030 248 1.077 5.73 5.61 945.7 0.165 0.100 0.150 0.140 169 SMTRACK 0.150 0.005 345.1 0.145 13.0
1.928 1.560 1.710 1.670 9059 TSH 1.710 0.030 111.2 1.705 45.48 1.17 2,362.9 0.355 0.232 0.290 0.280 93 SOLUTN 0.285 Unch 1759.9 0.285 11.22 3.51 87.3
6.450 5.330 6.380 6.330 2593 UMCCA 6.380 0.050 10.6 6.366 15.79 3.13 1,335.6 0.360 0.080 0.225 0.205 129 SRIDGE 0.225 0.010 5496.1 0.215 27.2
28.700 25.323 2089 UTDPLT 27.760 14.99 1.44 5,777.8 0.470 0.155 0.400 0.390 50 SYSTECH 0.400 0.010 2584.8 0.397 47.06 0.75 139.1
HOTELS 0.190 0.140 0.140 0.140 132 TDEX 0.140 Unch 525.5 0.140 116.67 57.9
0.628 0.483 5592 GCE 0.520 3.85 102.4 1.480 0.189 1.430 1.370 120 VIS 1.390 0.020 876 1.394 21.99 0.36 153.9
1.000 0.680 0.830 0.805 1643 LANDMRK 0.810 -0.010 69.9 0.815 428.4 0.235 0.115 0.130 0.125 69 VIVOCOM 0.130 Unch 3681.5 0.130 11.61 423.4
0.260 0.115 0.170 0.160 1287 PMHLDG 0.170 0.005 348.8 0.165 157.9 0.145 0.065 0.105 0.095 66 VSOLAR 0.105 0.010 615.9 0.101 39.2
5.620 4.860 5.290 5.290 5517 SHANG 5.290 0.040 10 5.290 30.26 2.65 2,327.6 0.070 0.020 141 WINTONI 0.035 18.0
TECHNOLOGY 0.275 0.080 0.175 0.170 86 YGL 0.175 0.005 236.1 0.173 40.7
0.715 0.585 7031 AMTEL 0.630 57.27 31.0 TRADING SERVICES
0.420 0.180 0.280 0.270 5195 CENSOF 0.275 -0.010 359.1 0.276 10.54 138.0 0.400 0.150 122 AIM 0.270 71.8
0.400 0.105 0.255 0.240 51 CUSCAPI 0.245 -0.005 1808.9 0.246 118.3 0.165 0.060 48 ANCOMLB 0.100 47.3
0.729 0.283 0.615 0.600 7204 D&O 0.605 -0.005 782.6 0.606 40.88 604.1 0.240 0.120 0.135 0.135 150 ASIABIO 0.135 -0.005 841.8 0.135 34.62 60.8
0.710 0.110 0.375 0.365 8338 DATAPRP 0.365 UNCH 1621.9 0.370 153.8 0.275 0.155 0.185 0.175 187 BCMALL 0.175 Unch 680.7 0.180 22.15 73.7
0.235 0.145 0.150 0.145 29 DIGISTA 0.145 UNCH 814 0.146 9.42 86.9 0.404 0.302 11 BTECH 0.355 20.64 4.51 89.5
1.578 1.304 1.370 1.350 5162 ECS 1.360 UNCH 25.5 1.358 8.56 4.41 244.8 0.320 0.170 157 FOCUSP 0.200 33.0
1.230 0.539 1.170 1.160 65 EFORCE 1.170 0.040 332.6 1.162 87.31 1.07 484.1 1.140 0.386 1.100 1.070 185 HSSEB 1.070 -0.010 480.1 1.081 22.48 0.59 341.4
2.950 1.134 2.720 2.660 90 ELSOFT 2.700 0.010 160.1 2.698 22.78 1.85 740.2 0.900 0.540 147 INNITY 0.750 71.43 103.8
1.870 0.790 1.770 1.650 21 GHLSYS 1.750 UNCH 5694.5 1.704 58.14 0.29 1,154.0 0.310 0.225 0.250 0.235 180 KTC 0.245 Unch 152.7 0.238 34.51 125.0
0.455 0.210 0.335 0.315 82 GPACKET 0.325 -0.010 4206.5 0.323 4.80 246.6 0.350 0.130 0.230 0.220 167 MCLEAN 0.230 -0.005 155.4 0.221 19.83 41.1
0.280 0.175 0.250 0.245 56 GRANFLO 0.250 UNCH 418 0.248 2.00 120.8 0.440 0.255 81 MEGASUN 0.260 11.26 57.0
6.470 2.770 6.440 6.400 7022 GTRONIC 6.420 -0.020 287 6.426 66.46 0.62 1,828.9 0.280 0.165 153 OVERSEA 0.210 105.0 51.7
0.923 0.490 0.775 0.755 5028 HTPADU 0.760 -0.010 62.1 0.758 8.97 6.58 76.9 0.200 0.115 0.150 0.145 177 PASUKGB 0.145 Unch 203.8 0.148 117.7
2.650 1.980 2.610 2.540 166 INARI 2.540 -0.040 5544.1 2.557 21.69 2.93 5,090.9 0.450 0.230 0.450 0.450 6 PINEAPP 0.450 0.070 6 0.450 281.2 21.8
0.435 0.075 0.195 0.190 9393 ITRONIC 0.195 UNCH 40 0.193 20.0 0.375 0.201 0.340 0.330 171 PLABS 0.335 Unch 465.5 0.335 19.25 2.09 71.9
0.688 0.453 0.530 0.520 5161 JCY 0.525 UNCH 2040.4 0.525 33.02 8.57 1,090.4 0.010 0.005 110 RA 0.005 2.63 4.8
16.216 7.459 15.020 14.900 9334 KESM 15.020 0.020 25.3 15.002 16.71 0.43 646.1 0.615 0.280 0.430 0.430 32 REDTONE 0.430 Unch 1 0.430 325.8
0.180 0.060 0.135 0.125 143 KEYASIC 0.125 -0.005 852.1 0.128 111.3 0.525 0.140 0.435 0.410 173 REV 0.430 0.010 1094.8 0.426 3.87 57.9
14.300 7.086 14.080 13.720 3867 MPI 14.080 0.380 114.7 13.896 15.03 1.92 2,955.2 0.726 0.477 0.570 0.565 158 SCC 0.565 -0.015 11.2 0.567 12.99 5.36 79.8
1.467 0.960 1.320 1.280 5011 MSNIAGA 1.320 0.040 18.4 1.295 17.65 3.79 79.7 0.275 0.160 0.200 0.200 161 SCH 0.200 Unch 481 0.200 117.65 4.25 82.4
1.327 0.343 1.040 1.000 83 NOTION 1.040 0.045 1004.2 1.020 15.48 2.64 343.9 0.230 0.100 0.175 0.170 140 STERPRO 0.175 Unch 3787.7 0.174 48.9
0.605 0.430 9008 OMESTI 0.485 208.9 0.230 0.103 0.215 0.205 80 STRAITS 0.205 Unch 2439.2 0.208 78.85 75.4
0.375 0.250 0.255 0.250 41 PANPAGE 0.250 UNCH 193 0.250 66.4 1.360 0.955 1.280 1.240 89 TEXCYCL 1.240 -0.040 32.9 1.273 12.81 0.40 211.8
5.080 1.050 4.950 4.890 7160 PENTA 4.940 0.030 393.1 4.918 23.03 724.0 0.230 0.100 0.165 0.165 145 TFP 0.165 Unch 7 0.165 33.8
0.610 0.250 0.370 0.340 9075 THETA 0.370 UNCH 19 0.353 39.7 0.155 0.095 0.105 0.105 165 XOX 0.105 Unch 386.2 0.105 89.4
0.197 0.073 0.105 0.095 118 TRIVE 0.095 UNCH 925.9 0.099 43.18 127.0 FINANCE
4.207 2.184 4.100 3.990 5005 UNISEM 4.100 0.150 2589.5 4.034 17.00 2.68 3,008.7 0.965 0.386 0.710 0.700 53 OSKVI 0.705 -0.005 308.7 0.705 2.53 2.84 139.3
* Volume Weighted Average Price # PE is calculated based on latest 12 months reported Earnings Per Share


Bursa Malaysia Equity Derivatives YEAR


Main Market & Ace Market Warrants 0.180 0.100 0.115 0.115 471526 GENM-C26 0.115 0.005 50 5.870 5.900 9.33 02/02/2018
0.165 0.115 0.140 0.130 471528 GENM-C28 0.140 0.010 170 5.870 6.300 15.91 28/02/2018
YEAR YEAR DAY DAY CODE WARRANTS CLOSE +/- VOL PARENT EXE PRM EXPIRY 3.850 2.640 2.650 2.650 2291WA GENP-WA 2.650 Unch 0.4 10.640 7.750 -2.26 17/06/2019
HIGH LOW HIGH LOW (RM) (RM) (000) PRICE PRICE (%) DATE 0.180 0.070 0.095 0.090 318242 GENTINGC42 0.090 Unch 233 9.710 9.500 3.40 29/12/2017
0.140 0.070 0.070 0.070 318243 GENTINGC43 0.070 Unch 1 9.710 9.800 6.69 16/10/2017
0.110 0.070 0.070 0.070 523810 AAX-C10 0.070 Unch 100 0.370 0.400 27.03 26/04/2018
1.950 1.240 1.700 1.670 3182WA GENTING-WA 1.680 0.030 290.4 9.710 7.960 -0.72 18/12/2018
0.165 0.020 0.030 0.025 5238C7 AAX-C7 0.030 0.005 2080 0.370 0.430 24.32 31/10/2017
0.230 0.070 0.120 0.110 1147WA GOB-WA 0.120 Unch 32.4 0.375 0.800 145.33 24/12/2019
0.060 0.020 0.020 0.020 5238C8 AAX-C8 0.020 Unch 15 0.370 0.550 54.05 29/12/2017
0.085 0.025 0.050 0.050 0074WA GOCEAN-WA 0.050 -0.010 5 0.165 0.340 136.36 07/08/2019
0.310 0.160 0.205 0.195 5238WA AAX-WA 0.200 0.005 1251.8 0.370 0.460 78.38 08/06/2020
0.275 0.095 0.120 0.120 7676WB GUNUNG-WB 0.120 -0.010 40 0.380 0.400 36.84 02/10/2020
0.860 0.105 0.730 0.650 0018WA ACCSOFT-WA 0.700 0.015 45.8 0.835 0.100 -4.19 18/01/2019
0.115 0.115 0.115 0.115 7668CA HAIO-CA 0.115 Unch 200 4.370 4.380 13.39 31/05/2018
0.120 0.035 0.070 0.065 7146WA AEM-WA 0.070 Unch 273.8 0.175 0.250 82.86 17/12/2019
0.130 0.100 0.110 0.110 3034CV HAPSENG-CV 0.110 0.010 20 9.080 9.000 5.18 30/04/2018
0.465 0.110 0.250 0.245 5139CB AEONCR-CB 0.250 Unch 75.5 12.480 10.761 -0.71 16/10/2017
0.400 0.130 0.285 0.285 5168CX HARTA-CX 0.285 -0.045 10 6.790 5.120 0.59 31/10/2017
0.330 0.050 0.255 0.240 7315WB AHB-WB 0.245 Unch 1763.6 0.350 0.200 27.14 28/08/2019
0.745 0.310 0.385 0.370 4324CA HENGYUAN-CA 0.370 -0.005 1983 7.520 6.000 19.15 22/02/2018
0.330 0.070 0.245 0.210 509947 AIRASIAC47 0.230 -0.020 2913.8 3.320 2.600 -0.90 31/10/2017
0.470 0.270 0.335 0.315 4324CB HENGYUAN-CB 0.320 0.005 6150.3 7.520 8.800 42.55 28/02/2018
0.235 0.110 0.135 0.115 509952 AIRASIAC52 0.130 0.010 1834.5 3.320 3.200 8.13 31/10/2017
0.520 0.315 0.380 0.365 4324CC HENGYUAN-CC 0.375 0.020 132 7.520 8.000 36.30 28/02/2018
0.200 0.090 0.130 0.100 509953 AIRASIAC53 0.130 -0.005 2764.2 3.320 3.200 8.13 02/02/2018
0.430 0.255 0.310 0.290 4324CD HENGYUAN-CD 0.300 0.010 941.5 7.520 7.000 25.00 19/03/2018
0.180 0.060 0.075 0.060 509954 AIRASIAC54 0.070 Unch 22661.1 3.320 3.600 14.13 31/10/2017
0.410 0.170 0.205 0.195 4324CE HENGYUAN-CE 0.195 -0.005 1563.5 7.520 8.800 40.36 19/03/2018
0.150 0.085 0.090 0.085 509955 AIRASIAC55 0.090 Unch 200 3.320 4.000 27.80 29/12/2017
0.310 0.175 0.215 0.195 4324CF HENGYUAN-CF 0.205 Unch 3632.4 7.520 8.880 45.35 22/03/2018
0.210 0.135 0.170 0.150 509956 AIRASIAC56 0.170 0.010 395 3.320 2.900 8.86 29/12/2017
1.540 0.830 1.440 1.410 5095WB HEVEA-WB 1.440 0.030 25 1.670 0.250 1.20 28/02/2020
0.170 0.160 0.165 0.160 509958 AIRASIAC58 0.165 0.005 80 3.320 3.300 19.28 26/04/2018
0.220 0.075 0.175 0.170 5072WB HIAPTEK-WB 0.170 -0.005 1263.9 0.375 0.500 78.67 23/06/2021
0.510 0.130 0.420 0.420 5014CS AIRPORT-CS 0.420 -0.035 50 9.000 7.350 2.67 02/02/2018
0.530 0.220 0.245 0.220 5169WA HOHUP-WA 0.245 0.010 75.8 0.720 0.600 17.36 21/12/2018
0.275 0.155 0.225 0.205 5014CT AIRPORT-CT 0.205 Unch 60.1 9.000 8.200 4.78 25/01/2018
0.390 0.270 0.290 0.290 5160WA HOMERIZ-WA 0.290 -0.005 39.3 0.935 0.920 29.41 09/07/2020
0.165 0.100 0.145 0.135 5014CU AIRPORT-CU 0.140 0.010 100.3 9.000 9.500 12.56 22/01/2018
0.225 0.115 0.155 0.150 7213WB HOVID-WB 0.155 Unch 130.9 0.315 0.180 6.35 05/06/2018
0.145 0.095 0.145 0.130 5014CV AIRPORT-CV 0.130 0.005 39.3 9.000 8.800 7.89 30/04/2018
0.050 0.010 0.020 0.015 7013WA HUBLINE-WA 0.020 0.005 5 0.060 3.200 5,267 04/11/2019
0.420 0.160 0.290 0.285 7609WA AJIYA-WA 0.290 -0.005 156.4 0.740 0.920 63.51 28/08/2021
0.055 0.015 0.030 0.025 0174WA IDMENSN-WA 0.025 Unch 530 0.055 0.100 127.27 14/07/2020
0.135 0.055 0.060 0.060 1015C1 AMBANK-C1 0.060 0.005 596.5 4.280 5.000 21.03 30/04/2018
0.115 0.030 0.040 0.040 5225C3 IHH-C3 0.040 0.005 130 5.990 6.300 7.18 29/12/2017
0.610 0.085 0.100 0.085 1015CX AMBANK-CX 0.085 -0.010 1571 4.280 4.150 1.93 29/09/2017
0.275 0.075 0.250 0.230 0166C2 INARI-C2 0.230 -0.010 40 2.540 2.150 2.76 08/12/2017
0.440 0.045 0.050 0.045 1015CY AMBANK-CY 0.050 0.005 280.2 4.280 5.000 19.74 31/10/2017
0.165 0.100 0.160 0.160 0166C3 INARI-C3 0.160 0.015 1 2.540 2.600 16.85 30/01/2018
0.100 0.015 0.015 0.015 1015CZ AMBANK-CZ 0.015 Unch 152.1 4.280 6.000 42.11 30/11/2017
0.145 0.120 0.135 0.135 0166C4 INARI-C4 0.135 -0.005 18 2.540 2.500 14.37 26/04/2018
0.045 0.005 0.010 0.010 0159WA AMEDIA-WA 0.010 0.005 1 0.080 1.100 1,287 02/01/2018
0.205 0.095 0.175 0.170 0166C6 INARI-C6 0.170 -0.005 137.5 2.540 2.400 7.87 30/04/2018
0.315 0.140 0.210 0.205 6556CC ANNJOO-CC 0.210 0.010 212 3.520 2.800 0.43 31/10/2017
1.830 1.300 1.780 1.750 0166WB INARI-WB 1.750 -0.010 48.6 2.540 0.800 0.39 17/02/2020
0.270 0.115 0.200 0.195 6556CD ANNJOO-CD 0.200 0.010 335 3.520 3.000 5.11 08/12/2017
0.045 0.015 0.030 0.030 0094WA INIX-WA 0.030 Unch 276 0.070 0.100 85.71 16/11/2020
0.175 0.110 0.175 0.160 6556CE ANNJOO-CE 0.175 0.010 2084.7 3.520 3.100 10.44 02/02/2018
0.545 0.160 0.390 0.380 3379WB INSAS-WB 0.390 0.005 458.5 0.995 1.000 39.70 25/02/2020
0.275 0.040 0.045 0.045 9342WA ANZO-WA 0.045 Unch 80 0.100 0.250 195.0 19/11/2019
0.180 0.055 0.060 0.060 196113 IOICORP-C13 0.060 -0.010 1 4.540 4.400 0.88 31/10/2017
0.035 0.010 0.015 0.015 5194WA APFT-WA 0.015 0.005 2 0.020 0.400 1,975 13/07/2018
0.035 0.030 0.030 0.030 5249CQ IOIPG-CQ 0.030 -0.005 10 1.990 2.380 24.12 30/04/2018
0.335 0.090 0.230 0.215 0119WA APPASIA-WA 0.215 -0.010 252 0.335 0.130 2.99 23/12/2024
0.070 0.020 0.050 0.050 0024WA JAG-WA 0.050 Unch 2505.2 0.130 0.100 15.38 14/08/2019
0.255 0.100 0.150 0.140 521024 ARMADA-C24 0.140 Unch 230 0.735 0.600 0.68 30/11/2017
0.120 0.010 0.010 0.010 5161C2 JCY-C2 0.010 -0.005 143 0.525 0.635 22.86 16/10/2017
0.100 0.025 0.035 0.030 521027 ARMADA-C27 0.030 -0.005 820 0.735 0.835 17.69 02/02/2018
0.830 0.205 0.550 0.535 7167WA JOHOTIN-WA 0.535 0.005 79 1.420 0.850 -2.46 21/11/2017
0.100 0.060 0.085 0.085 521028 ARMADA-C28 0.085 -0.005 460 0.735 0.750 14.76 30/01/2018
0.090 0.005 0.005 0.005 4383CN JTIASA-CN 0.005 Unch 2200 1.040 1.350 30.53 16/10/2017
0.110 0.045 0.050 0.050 0150WA ASIABIO-WA 0.050 Unch 55.3 0.135 0.300 159.26 19/04/2024
0.150 0.035 0.040 0.040 4383CO JTIASA-CO 0.040 Unch 920 1.040 1.200 23.08 08/01/2018
0.145 0.055 0.085 0.080 0105WA ASIAPLY-WA 0.080 0.005 297.1 0.160 0.100 12.50 13/12/2020
0.105 0.065 0.065 0.065 4383CP JTIASA-CP 0.065 -0.005 6 1.040 1.150 19.95 30/01/2018
0.765 0.100 0.290 0.280 7099WB ATTA-WB 0.280 -0.005 474.8 1.050 1.000 21.90 09/05/2022
0.225 0.110 0.150 0.140 0170WA KANGER-WA 0.150 Unch 45 0.230 0.100 8.70 13/04/2020
0.035 0.010 0.020 0.015 0072WA AT-WA 0.020 0.005 842.9 0.045 0.090 144.44 28/01/2019
0.105 0.020 0.020 0.020 5247C1 KAREX-C1 0.020 -0.005 220 1.410 1.950 42.55 28/12/2017
0.040 0.020 0.025 0.025 0072WB AT-WB 0.025 Unch 182 0.045 0.030 22.22 17/10/2019
0.075 0.030 0.030 0.030 5247C2 KAREX-C2 0.030 -0.010 166 1.410 1.900 40.07 02/02/2018
0.260 0.070 0.105 0.095 688815 AXIATA-C15 0.095 0.010 60 4.930 4.650 0.10 31/10/2017
0.115 0.070 0.080 0.070 5247C4 KAREX-C4 0.080 -0.015 38.1 1.410 1.550 18.44 30/04/2018
0.120 0.010 0.010 0.010 688818 AXIATA-C18 0.010 Unch 50 4.930 5.150 5.58 18/09/2017
0.095 0.070 0.075 0.070 5247C5 KAREX-C5 0.075 -0.010 200 1.410 1.550 25.89 28/02/2018
0.100 0.045 0.060 0.060 688820 AXIATA-C20 0.060 Unch 50 4.930 5.200 10.34 28/02/2018
0.200 0.010 0.010 0.010 5247CZ KAREX-CZ 0.010 -0.010 1537.3 1.410 2.200 57.45 02/02/2018
0.730 0.210 0.590 0.570 7078WA AZRB-WA 0.590 0.015 95.8 1.130 0.700 14.16 13/05/2024
0.490 0.070 0.450 0.435 7161CA KERJAYA-CA 0.435 -0.015 300 3.610 2.600 2.15 29/09/2017
0.280 0.180 0.215 0.190 0098WA BAHVEST-WA 0.210 0.010 589.8 0.630 0.870 71.43 20/08/2024
0.155 0.070 0.135 0.125 7161CB KERJAYA-CB 0.135 0.005 561.1 3.610 3.350 9.63 30/11/2017
0.120 0.010 0.010 0.010 5248CR BAUTO-CR 0.010 -0.010 10 1.870 2.100 13.37 29/12/2017
0.200 0.120 0.170 0.170 7161CD KERJAYA-CD 0.170 -0.010 50 3.610 3.400 10.66 25/01/2018
0.170 0.100 0.105 0.100 7241WA BHS-WA 0.105 Unch 50.1 0.375 0.600 88.00 18/10/2020
0.215 0.155 0.185 0.180 7161CE KERJAYA-CE 0.180 -0.005 180 3.610 3.600 14.68 22/02/2018
0.450 0.260 0.315 0.310 5258WA BIMB-WA 0.310 -0.005 349.8 4.400 4.720 14.32 04/12/2023
2.850 1.090 2.720 2.710 7161WA KERJAYA-WA 2.710 -0.030 7.8 3.610 0.880 -0.55 20/12/2017
0.230 0.095 0.150 0.145 0179WA BIOHLDG-WA 0.145 -0.005 1111 0.250 0.220 46.00 05/01/2022
0.490 0.070 0.375 0.350 0151WA KGB-WA 0.375 0.015 291 0.625 0.500 40.00 12/06/2019
0.160 0.060 0.080 0.080 3395WB BJCORP-WB 0.080 Unch 307 0.330 1.000 227.27 22/04/2022
0.035 0.003 0.010 0.005 0036WA KGROUP-WA 0.010 Unch 196.6 0.030 0.100 266.67 02/07/2018
0.370 0.035 0.300 0.290 7187WA BKOON-WA 0.290 Unch 695 0.500 0.200 -2.00 07/07/2023
0.030 0.010 0.015 0.010 0036WB KGROUP-WB 0.010 -0.005 36088.5 0.030 0.050 100.00 01/05/2020
0.081 0.030 0.040 0.040 7036WB BORNOIL-WB 0.040 Unch 200 0.100 0.060 0.00 28/02/2018
0.880 0.600 0.640 0.600 5171WA KIMLUN-WA 0.640 -0.060 205.1 2.140 1.680 8.41 12/03/2024
0.081 0.035 0.040 0.040 7036WC BORNOIL-WC 0.040 Unch 2867.6 0.100 0.070 10.00 08/11/2025
0.145 0.065 0.065 0.065 7164WB KNM-WB 0.065 -0.010 5 0.235 1.000 353.19 21/04/2020
0.065 0.040 0.045 0.045 7036WD BORNOIL-WD 0.045 Unch 400 0.100 0.070 15.00 29/05/2027
0.160 0.070 0.075 0.075 7017WB KOMARK-WB 0.075 Unch 50 0.255 0.300 47.06 21/01/2020
0.120 0.045 0.055 0.050 9938WB BRIGHT-WB 0.055 Unch 210 0.305 0.820 186.89 12/01/2019
1.440 0.410 1.400 1.330 5878WB KPJ-WB 1.400 0.040 57.5 4.160 4.010 30.05 23/01/2019
0.435 0.060 0.280 0.245 181811 BURSA-C11 0.280 -0.005 119.3 10.160 8.900 1.38 30/11/2017
0.130 0.085 0.085 0.085 5038CH KSL-CH 0.085 Unch 300 1.240 1.300 21.98 08/01/2018
0.315 0.090 0.125 0.115 181812 BURSA-C12 0.125 0.010 175 10.160 10.500 8.88 30/11/2017
0.085 0.010 0.015 0.010 3794CC LAFMSIA-CC 0.015 Unch 540 5.430 7.000 30.29 02/02/2018
0.900 0.303 0.855 0.820 7174WA CAB-WA 0.835 -0.005 1144.6 1.010 0.170 -0.50 08/02/2020
0.650 0.450 0.595 0.585 9385WA LAYHONG-WA 0.595 Unch 58 0.985 0.400 1.02 13/10/2021
0.470 0.290 0.365 0.365 7076WA CBIP-WA 0.365 0.025 7 2.000 2.400 38.25 06/11/2019
0.130 0.040 0.040 0.040 5789CA LBS-CA 0.040 -0.005 60 1.930 2.100 12.95 24/11/2017
0.220 0.045 0.115 0.105 5195WB CENSOF-WB 0.110 -0.005 1572.2 0.275 0.460 107.27 07/10/2019
0.835 0.375 0.675 0.675 5789WB LBS-WB 0.675 0.005 10 1.930 1.250 -0.26 04/10/2020
0.335 0.150 0.300 0.285 102322 CIMB-C22 0.300 0.015 142.6 7.080 5.700 -2.54 24/11/2017
0.085 0.015 0.055 0.050 5284CA LCTITAN-CA 0.055 Unch 828 5.090 6.800 37.92 12/02/2018
0.175 0.155 0.165 0.165 102323 CIMB-C23 0.165 0.010 20 7.080 6.500 4.63 02/02/2018
0.080 0.015 0.030 0.025 5284CB LCTITAN-CB 0.030 Unch 2830.9 5.090 7.800 55.60 12/02/2018
0.205 0.035 0.100 0.100 0102WB CONNECT-WB 0.100 -0.010 40 0.200 0.100 0.00 07/06/2021
0.265 0.035 0.090 0.070 5284CD LCTITAN-CD 0.090 0.010 73 5.090 6.500 33.01 30/01/2018
0.250 0.025 0.085 0.080 0051WA CUSCAPI-WA 0.080 -0.005 672.7 0.245 0.270 42.86 24/04/2018
0.465 0.100 0.325 0.290 5284CE LCTITAN-CE 0.305 -0.005 5549.1 5.090 5.500 26.03 30/01/2018
0.470 0.295 0.370 0.350 5276WA DANCO-WA 0.370 0.010 177.1 0.600 0.300 11.67 22/05/2022
0.120 0.015 0.055 0.050 5284CF LCTITAN-CF 0.050 -0.005 2003.2 5.090 6.280 30.26 30/01/2018
0.175 0.125 0.170 0.170 727713 DIALOG-C13 0.170 0.010 110 2.050 1.750 1.95 07/12/2017
0.095 0.020 0.050 0.050 5284CG LCTITAN-CG 0.050 Unch 1487.8 5.090 6.500 33.60 30/04/2018
0.105 0.060 0.095 0.085 727715 DIALOG-C15 0.090 -0.005 1331.2 2.050 1.850 3.41 31/10/2017
0.300 0.040 0.195 0.170 8745WB LEWEKO-WB 0.185 -0.015 85.2 0.280 0.200 37.50 08/09/2020
0.125 0.085 0.105 0.105 727716 DIALOG-C16 0.105 0.015 25 2.050 1.950 5.37 24/11/2017
0.250 0.150 0.210 0.200 7126WA LONBISC-WA 0.210 0.020 55 0.760 1.000 59.21 26/01/2020
0.220 0.105 0.200 0.175 727717 DIALOG-C17 0.180 0.010 401.6 2.050 1.900 1.46 02/02/2018
0.095 0.020 0.065 0.065 5068WA LUSTER-WA 0.065 Unch 352 0.125 0.100 32.00 03/06/2022
0.165 0.050 0.075 0.075 0029WB DIGISTA-WB 0.075 Unch 38 0.145 0.260 131.03 04/04/2023
0.060 0.015 0.050 0.045 0017WA M3TECH-WA 0.045 -0.005 425.5 0.095 0.100 52.63 21/08/2019
0.370 0.045 0.230 0.220 4456WD DNEX-WD 0.220 Unch 7590.4 0.480 0.500 50.00 30/07/2021
0.750 0.275 0.550 0.530 7617WB MAGNA-WB 0.530 -0.020 6.5 1.430 0.900 0.00 04/09/2020
0.140 0.060 0.105 0.100 7114WA DNONCE-WA 0.105 Unch 890 0.305 0.250 16.39 25/11/2020
0.110 0.075 0.110 0.110 3859C2 MAGNUM-C2 0.110 0.005 65 1.900 1.800 6.32 22/01/2018
0.145 0.055 0.055 0.055 5265WA DOLPHIN-WA 0.055 Unch 150 0.190 0.800 350.00 29/03/2021
0.100 0.005 0.015 0.010 3859CY MAGNUM-CY 0.010 Unch 115 1.900 2.120 13.16 31/10/2017
0.340 0.180 0.270 0.270 7169WA DOMINAN-WA 0.270 -0.010 20 1.290 1.300 21.71 10/09/2020
0.030 0.005 0.010 0.005 3859CZ MAGNUM-CZ 0.005 -0.005 560.1 1.900 2.280 20.79 31/10/2017
0.070 0.035 0.045 0.035 7198WB DPS-WB 0.045 0.005 645.4 0.085 0.100 70.59 15/01/2025
0.265 0.070 0.080 0.075 8583WB MAHSING-WB 0.075 Unch 759.2 1.480 1.440 2.36 16/03/2018
0.380 0.115 0.245 0.240 161930 DRBHCOMC30 0.240 0.005 178.5 1.580 1.100 0.00 30/11/2017
0.110 0.070 0.110 0.090 5264C1 MALAKOF-C1 0.105 0.025 2109.5 1.130 1.000 7.08 30/01/2018
0.195 0.055 0.065 0.055 161933 DRBHCOMC33 0.065 0.005 1098 1.580 1.650 12.66 31/10/2017
0.160 0.065 0.160 0.105 5264C2 MALAKOF-C2 0.140 0.040 1131.5 1.130 1.050 5.31 30/04/2018
0.160 0.080 0.080 0.080 161935 DRBHCOMC35 0.080 -0.015 10 1.580 1.800 26.58 25/01/2018
0.100 0.005 0.005 0.005 5264CT MALAKOF-CT 0.005 Unch 200 1.130 1.500 33.19 31/10/2017
0.125 0.055 0.065 0.060 161937 DRBHCOMC37 0.065 0.010 1335 1.580 1.850 25.32 30/03/2018
0.100 0.005 0.010 0.005 5264CW MALAKOF-CW 0.010 0.005 1110 1.130 1.200 7.96 29/09/2017
0.120 0.070 0.070 0.070 161938 DRBHCOMC38 0.070 -0.050 75 1.580 1.780 23.73 30/01/2018
0.090 0.005 0.010 0.010 5264CX MALAKOF-CX 0.010 0.005 115 1.130 1.300 16.37 16/10/2017
0.135 0.025 0.025 0.025 5216CV DSONIC-CV 0.025 -0.005 20 1.060 1.300 27.36 31/10/2017
0.990 0.090 0.430 0.390 6181WB MALTON-WB 0.395 0.045 18708 1.020 1.000 36.76 29/06/2018
0.225 0.010 0.010 0.010 3417C7 E&O-C7 0.010 -0.005 50 1.480 1.850 26.35 30/11/2017
0.630 0.350 0.440 0.430 5236WA MATRIX-WA 0.440 -0.005 80.4 2.760 2.400 2.90 20/07/2020
0.320 0.120 0.185 0.165 3417WB E&O-WB 0.175 0.010 177.5 1.480 2.600 87.50 21/07/2019
0.190 0.005 0.005 0.005 6012CW MAXIS-CW 0.005 Unch 30 5.780 6.000 4.11 29/09/2017
0.195 0.090 0.145 0.140 3557WC ECOFIRS-WC 0.145 0.015 20 0.295 0.300 50.85 10/09/2019
0.010 0.005 0.005 0.005 5189WA MAXWELL-WA 0.005 Unch 522 0.020 0.400 1,925 24/03/2020
0.215 0.080 0.185 0.175 5253CA ECONBHD-CA 0.180 Unch 727 2.950 2.500 3.05 30/11/2017
0.230 0.115 0.120 0.120 115528 MAYBANKC28 0.120 0.005 74 9.460 9.500 4.48 31/10/2017
0.160 0.130 0.140 0.140 5253CF ECONBHD-CF 0.140 0.005 70 2.950 2.950 14.24 22/03/2018
0.190 0.095 0.105 0.100 115531 MAYBANKC31 0.105 0.010 677.9 9.460 9.500 3.75 28/02/2018
0.190 0.095 0.105 0.095 8206CF ECOWLD-CF 0.105 0.005 448 1.560 1.600 12.66 02/02/2018
0.125 0.125 0.125 0.125 115532 MAYBANKC32 0.125 Unch 35 9.460 10.00 10.99 28/02/2018
0.170 0.080 0.095 0.095 8206CG ECOWLD-CG 0.095 0.005 141 1.560 1.500 8.33 30/11/2017
0.585 0.350 0.450 0.430 5152WA MBL-WA 0.430 0.005 19.2 1.040 0.800 18.27 28/11/2022
0.175 0.070 0.085 0.075 8206CH ECOWLD-CH 0.085 0.005 765 1.560 1.600 10.74 08/12/2017
0.105 0.065 0.080 0.070 1171C3 MBSB-C3 0.080 0.005 780 1.290 1.350 17.05 28/02/2018
0.710 0.365 0.470 0.470 8206WA ECOWLD-WA 0.470 Unch 35 1.560 2.080 63.46 26/03/2022
0.170 0.080 0.090 0.085 1171CW MBSB-CW 0.090 -0.005 87.5 1.290 1.150 3.10 28/11/2017
0.140 0.045 0.055 0.050 0107WA EDUSPEC-WA 0.055 -0.005 2594.3 0.130 0.180 80.77 24/12/2018
0.090 0.020 0.030 0.025 1171CY MBSB-CY 0.030 0.005 2614.4 1.290 1.250 3.88 29/09/2017
0.945 0.360 0.860 0.825 0065WA EFORCE-WA 0.850 0.035 362.9 1.170 0.340 1.71 17/07/2019
0.080 0.025 0.030 0.025 1171CZ MBSB-CZ 0.030 0.005 6135 1.290 1.450 18.22 30/11/2017
0.670 0.380 0.410 0.385 8907WC EG-WC 0.400 -0.040 308.8 0.780 0.500 15.38 03/11/2020
0.085 0.025 0.040 0.040 5040WB MEDAINC-WB 0.040 0.005 20 0.415 0.800 102.41 22/04/2022
0.030 0.005 0.015 0.015 7182WA EKA-WA 0.015 -0.005 1306 0.080 0.200 168.75 22/01/2019
0.065 0.025 0.045 0.045 5040WC MEDAINC-WC 0.045 Unch 10 0.415 0.800 103.61 24/08/2024
0.140 0.025 0.035 0.030 8877CA EKOVEST-CA 0.030 Unch 100.1 1.150 1.600 43.04 08/12/2017
0.020 0.010 0.010 0.010 4502CL MEDIA-CL 0.010 -0.005 0.1 0.700 1.180 71.43 28/02/2018
0.110 0.095 0.100 0.100 8877CD EKOVEST-CD 0.100 0.005 30 1.150 1.150 17.39 22/02/2018
0.365 0.140 0.220 0.210 1694WB MENANG-WB 0.220 0.005 274.6 0.865 1.000 41.04 09/07/2019
1.350 0.273 0.725 0.710 8877WB EKOVEST-WB 0.715 0.010 1104.3 1.150 0.480 3.91 25/06/2019
0.245 0.095 0.245 0.235 0075WA MEXTER-WA 0.240 0.005 3427.3 0.385 0.130 -3.90 17/09/2018
0.630 0.310 0.340 0.325 5056WA ENGTEX-WA 0.330 -0.010 260 1.170 0.830 -0.85 25/10/2017
0.145 0.085 0.090 0.085 3069CA MFCB-CA 0.085 -0.010 53 3.530 3.950 22.73 02/02/2018
0.060 0.015 0.015 0.015 5283CE EWINT-CE 0.015 Unch 400 1.100 1.350 26.14 30/11/2017
2.330 0.525 1.850 1.810 3069WA MFCB-WA 1.840 0.040 124.3 3.530 2.220 15.01 08/04/2020
0.450 0.245 0.255 0.245 5283WA EWINT-WA 0.255 0.010 2664.4 1.100 1.450 55.00 02/04/2022
0.055 0.020 0.055 0.050 7219WA MINETEC-WA 0.050 -0.005 1913.4 0.145 0.150 37.93 27/11/2019
0.570 0.100 0.470 0.460 7047WB FAJAR-WB 0.470 0.010 1843.3 0.910 0.700 28.57 24/09/2019
0.325 0.170 0.190 0.170 5576WC MINHO-WC 0.190 -0.010 24.8 0.525 0.500 31.43 02/08/2021
0.180 0.115 0.125 0.125 06501R FBMKLCI-C1R 0.125 -0.005 70 1,773 1,670 -0.88 29/09/2017
0.115 0.075 0.115 0.115 381612 MISC-C12 0.115 0.030 30 7.440 7.500 5.44 30/03/2018
0.120 0.065 0.065 0.065 06501U FBMKLCI-C1U 0.065 -0.020 90 1,773 1,715 -0.71 31/10/2017
0.600 0.365 0.430 0.410 9571WD MITRA-WD 0.415 -0.005 496.9 1.150 1.090 30.87 23/08/2020
0.350 0.150 0.155 0.155 06501V FBMKLCI-C1V 0.155 0.005 400 1,773 1,760 1.45 29/09/2017
0.100 0.005 0.005 0.005 6114CC MKH-CC 0.005 -0.040 150 2.130 2.661 25.68 31/10/2017
0.080 0.025 0.025 0.025 06501X FBMKLCI-C1X 0.025 Unch 1070 1,773 1,765 0.53 30/11/2017
1.085 0.555 0.580 0.570 6114WB MKH-WB 0.570 0.005 31 2.130 1.550 -0.47 29/12/2017
0.025 0.005 0.020 0.020 06503B FBMKLCI-C3B 0.020 0.015 9.9 1,773 1,800 2.31 31/01/2018
0.880 0.240 0.780 0.770 7595WA MLGLOBAL-WA 0.780 -0.005 5.2 1.280 0.500 0.00 27/10/2019
0.160 0.040 0.050 0.045 06502Z FBMKLCI-H2Z 0.050 Unch 160 1,773 1,765 1.52 30/11/2017
0.055 0.020 0.030 0.030 0103WA MNC-WA 0.030 Unch 50 0.075 0.100 73.33 05/11/2021
0.480 0.340 0.380 0.380 06504B FBMKLCI-H4B 0.380 Unch 20 1,773 1,790 5.24 30/11/2017
0.070 0.020 0.025 0.025 0070WA MQTECH-WA 0.025 Unch 125 0.050 0.100 150.00 21/11/2021
0.135 0.095 0.110 0.105 06504D FBMKLCI-H4D 0.110 -0.005 500 1,773 1,800 5.86 31/01/2018
0.175 0.080 0.090 0.085 1651WA MRCB-WA 0.090 0.005 4792.8 1.200 2.300 99.17 14/09/2018
0.540 0.490 0.540 0.540 06504F FBMKLCI-H4F 0.540 0.050 30 1,773 1,800 7.61 28/02/2018
0.080 0.005 0.010 0.010 0092WA MTOUCHE-WA 0.010 Unch 150 0.205 1.260 519.51 17/01/2018
0.070 0.015 0.015 0.015 522225 FGV-C25 0.015 Unch 107 1.550 2.600 70.65 31/10/2017
0.220 0.030 0.085 0.075 0092WB MTOUCHE-WB 0.075 -0.010 88.4 0.205 0.540 200.00 16/03/2020
0.135 0.010 0.010 0.010 522226 FGV-C26 0.010 Unch 1905.4 1.550 2.200 43.61 31/10/2017
0.230 0.115 0.145 0.140 13812 MYEG-C12 0.145 0.015 150 2.120 1.500 -1.89 18/09/2017
0.085 0.005 0.010 0.005 522227 FGV-C27 0.005 -0.005 51 1.550 2.450 58.87 16/10/2017
0.245 0.165 0.195 0.190 13813 MYEG-C13 0.195 0.020 30 2.120 1.600 3.07 29/12/2017
0.155 0.035 0.050 0.045 522228 FGV-C28 0.050 0.005 200 1.550 2.050 40.32 02/02/2018
0.190 0.045 0.070 0.055 13815 MYEG-C15 0.065 0.005 3634.2 2.120 2.000 3.23 29/09/2017
0.130 0.050 0.055 0.050 522229 FGV-C29 0.050 Unch 288.1 1.550 2.100 43.55 08/01/2018
0.255 0.070 0.120 0.090 13816 MYEG-C16 0.120 0.030 1097.3 2.120 2.000 5.66 02/02/2018
0.195 0.095 0.100 0.100 522230 FGV-C30 0.100 Unch 886.8 1.550 1.600 21.29 28/12/2017
0.170 0.045 0.065 0.050 13817 MYEG-C17 0.065 0.015 460 2.120 2.300 16.16 30/11/2017
0.145 0.085 0.100 0.095 522231 FGV-C31 0.095 0.005 615.4 1.550 1.630 20.48 30/03/2018
0.120 0.060 0.075 0.075 13820 MYEG-C20 0.075 0.015 400 2.120 2.600 29.72 22/01/2018
0.150 0.095 0.100 0.100 522232 FGV-C32 0.100 -0.010 200 1.550 1.650 22.58 30/01/2018
0.120 0.080 0.115 0.095 13824 MYEG-C24 0.115 0.030 4432.8 2.120 2.100 13.16 28/02/2018
0.060 0.045 0.045 0.045 522236 FGV-C36 0.045 -0.015 40 1.550 2.300 57.10 26/02/2018
0.480 0.115 0.335 0.310 0138C8 MYEG-C8 0.335 0.060 603 2.120 1.567 0.24 31/10/2017
0.130 0.065 0.070 0.070 9318WB FITTERS-WB 0.070 Unch 151.9 0.385 1.000 177.92 12/10/2019
0.065 0.005 0.030 0.020 0020WB NETX-WB 0.025 Unch 1221.4 0.045 0.050 66.67 08/06/2019
0.740 0.230 0.545 0.530 9261WB GADANG-WB 0.540 0.005 1594.5 0.540 1.060 196.30 29/11/2021
0.025 0.010 0.010 0.010 0096WB NEXGRAM-WB 0.010 -0.005 340 0.035 0.260 671.43 21/07/2023
0.210 0.075 0.170 0.155 539831 GAMUDA-C31 0.155 -0.020 730 5.340 4.900 0.47 29/09/2017
0.415 0.190 0.310 0.300 0172WA OCK-WA 0.305 Unch 2567.7 0.910 0.710 11.54 15/12/2020
1.480 1.140 1.360 1.350 5398WE GAMUDA-WE 1.360 0.010 685.1 5.340 4.050 1.31 06/03/2021
0.255 0.060 0.135 0.125 7071WC OCR-WC 0.125 0.010 70.5 0.565 0.500 10.62 24/07/2021
0.455 0.120 0.405 0.390 5226WA GBGAQRS-WA 0.395 Unch 2270.5 1.700 1.300 -0.29 20/07/2018
0.280 0.045 0.070 0.055 9008WB OMESTI-WB 0.060 0.005 300.1 0.485 0.500 15.46 30/05/2018
0.330 0.100 0.165 0.150 0078CD GDEX-CD 0.150 Unch 297 0.680 0.600 4.78 31/10/2017
0.370 0.195 0.295 0.285 5053WC OSK-WC 0.295 0.005 123.7 1.600 1.800 30.94 22/07/2020
0.095 0.050 0.060 0.060 0078CG GDEX-CG 0.060 0.005 100 0.680 0.800 28.24 22/01/2018
0.295 0.080 0.285 0.285 7052CI PADINI-CI 0.285 0.065 37.7 4.150 2.800 1.81 29/09/2017
0.075 0.055 0.070 0.065 0078CH GDEX-CH 0.065 Unch 1460 0.680 0.780 29.04 28/02/2018
0.320 0.155 0.320 0.315 7052CJ PADINI-CJ 0.320 0.035 75 4.150 3.150 -0.96 30/11/2017
0.572 0.415 0.465 0.450 0078WB GDEX-WB 0.460 Unch 428.9 0.680 0.383 23.90 05/02/2020
0.390 0.180 0.365 0.320 7052CK PADINI-CK 0.365 0.080 179.7 4.150 3.200 3.49 28/02/2018
0.305 0.155 0.195 0.195 471519 GENM-C19 0.195 Unch 5 5.870 4.710 0.17 31/10/2017
0.250 0.235 0.250 0.235 7052CL PADINI-CL 0.250 Unch 8 4.150 3.670 12.53 26/02/2018
0.345 0.105 0.150 0.130 471523 GENM-C23 0.150 0.015 277.9 5.870 5.500 1.87 29/09/2017
0.265 0.155 0.235 0.180 7052CM PADINI-CM 0.230 0.040 1778.6 4.150 3.750 9.76 22/02/2018
0.300 0.130 0.180 0.180 471524 GENM-C24 0.180 Unch 15.2 5.870 5.500 4.43 29/12/2017
0.140 0.025 0.120 0.105 0005WA PALETTE-WA 0.110 -0.010 7068.5 0.150 0.040 0.00 20/03/2018
Markets 2 9

China Stocks end at fresh 20-month via the cross-border Connect schemes, Japan Nikkei falls after North Koreas in their stride, said Takashi Hiroki, chief
high despite geopolitical tensions according to state media, representing nuclear test, further selling seen strategist at Monex Securities.
the biggest monthly inflow this year. That Some investors will see the fall as
SHANGHAI: Chinas major indices has pushed the premium Chinese shares TOKYO: Japans Nikkei Share Average a good bargain-hunting opportunity, he
ended at fresh 20-month highs yesterday command over their Hong Kong peers to stumbled yesterday after North Korea added.
despite heightened geopolitical tensions, the highest in more than a year. conducted its most powerful nuclear test While many institutional investors stayed
as investors downplayed the longer-term Sector performance was mixed. Banking yet, and some traders expect more selling on the sidelines, Japanese retail investors
impact on stocks from North Koreas latest stocks rose 0.9%, snapping a three-day when the US reopens after Mondays sold small-cap shares, which have been
nuclear test. losing streak. holiday. popular in recent months.
The blue-chip CSI 300 Index rose 0.39% The national team continued to The Nikkei fell 0.93% or 183.22 points Among them mobile game developer
to 3,845.62 points, while the Shanghai substantially increase its exposure to to 19,508.25, slipping from last Fridays Klab fell as much as 10% to a 2-month
Composite Index gained 0.37% to 3,379.58. financial stocks in the second quarter two-week high, while the broader Topix low and ended down 4.3%.
North Korea on Sunday conducted its and will unlikely substantially withdraw its declined 1% to 1,603.55. The index of Mothers start-up shares
sixth and most powerful nuclear test, which presence from the A-share market in the All but three of the Tokyo Stock dropped 2.9%, edging near the three-month
it said was of an advanced hydrogen bomb near term, Gao Ting, Head of China Strategy Exchanges 33 industry sub-indices were low it touched in mid-August.
for a long-range missile, prompting the at UBS Securities, wrote in a report. down, with about 90% of shares on the Bucking the trend, property and casualty
threat of a massive military response from Hong Kong stocks followed regional markets main board declining. insurer Sompo Holdings rose 3.6% after the
the US if it or its allies were threatened. lower yesterday, after North Koreas latest Few investors were trading last Friday. company announced late last Friday that
But Chinese equity markets, which have nuclear test heightened geopolitical tensions. So in that sense, markets were not fully it would sell its British Sompo Canopius
in the past largely ignored sabre rattling on The Hang Seng Index fell 0.76% digesting all the factors. I would say we unit to streamline its overseas businesses.
the Korean peninsular, remained clam. to 27,740.26 points, while the China could see more downside moves, said a Ishikawa Seisakusho, which makes
The nuclear test by North Korea could Enterprises Index lost 0.91% to 11,182.67. trader at a Japanese brokerage. naval mines, soared by up to 17% on rising
influence the risk appetite for the short- The market has risen more than a quarter After North Koreas previous nuclear test North Korea tensions, before closing 5.7%
term, though in our view it will not have an so far this year on the back of robust earnings on Sept 9, 2016, Japanese shares ended higher.
enduring impact on the A-share market, growth at Chinese companies that reflects almost flat, only to suffer a sharp fall the Toyota Motor shares were down 0.2%,
domestic brokerage Essence Securities a strong recovery in Chinas economy. following Monday after big losses on Wall outperforming the overall market, after
wrote in a report. However, Gao warned that rising raw Street. The S&P 500 Index fell 2.4% on the company reported strong US sales in
Investors at home and abroad appear material prices which helped boost that day. August.
to be increasingly optimistic about Chinas earnings at Chinese resource firms But traders suspect the market will soon Japans government is preparing to
economy, as they start to plough more could squeeze margins in certain rebound once the initial fears stemming sell about 1.4 trillion worth of shares
money into the countrys stock markets, downstream sectors such as power from the nuclear test fades. in Japan Post Holdings Co Ltd, rivalling
at a time when the yuan has also climbed generation, petrochemicals, white goods, Markets do not expect the nuclear the conglomerates huge 2015 initial
to 14-month highs against the US dollar. food processing and apparel. test to lead to an immediate military public offering, three people with direct
Overseas investors spent a net 27 billion Most sectors fell yesterday, with properties confrontation. People have learned that knowledge of the deal said yesterday.
yuan buying mainland shares in August and industrial firms among the biggest losers. markets will take North Koreas actions Reuters

Shanghai Composite Hang Seng Nikkei 225 FT Straits Times

Index points Index points
Index points Index points
5800 28900 20800 3600
4825 25625 21,056.93 17625 3300
3850 +12.46 14450 3000
22350 19,508.25
(+0.37%) 10,172.06
3,087.842 -183.22
(-0.93%) 3,230.97
2875 19075 11275 2700
27,740.26 -46.29
-212.90 (-1.41%)
1900 15800 (-0.76%) 8100 2400
Mar 1, 2010 Sept 4, 2017 Mar 1, 2010 Sept 4, 2017 Mar 1, 2010 Sept 4, 2017 Mar 1, 2010 Sept 4, 2017

Bursa Malaysia Equity Derivatives YEAR

0.060 0.015 0.015 0.015 1201WB SUMATEC-WB 0.015 Unch 189.8 0.050
0.175 280.00 13/11/2018
Main Market & Ace Market Warrants 0.505 0.150 0.395 0.385 3743WA SUNSURIA-WA 0.390 -0.010 95.5 1.420
1.500 33.10 22/07/2020
0.235 0.060 0.165 0.165 0148WB SUNZEN-WB 0.165 Unch 313.1 0.370
0.250 12.16 25/02/2021
YEAR YEAR DAY DAY CODE WARRANTS CLOSE +/- VOL PARENT EXE PRM EXPIRY 0.105 0.010 0.010 0.010 710622 SUPERMX-C22 0.010 -0.010 200 1.780
2.080 19.10 31/10/2017
HIGH LOW HIGH LOW (RM) (RM) (000) PRICE PRICE (%) DATE 0.080 0.005 0.005 0.005 710626 SUPERMX-C26 0.005 -0.005 390 1.780
2.200 24.44 31/10/2017
0.155 0.030 0.030 0.030 710627 SUPERMX-C27 0.030 -0.005 1053.3 1.780
2.000 15.73 02/02/2018
0.300 0.080 0.220 0.205 5125WA PANTECH-WA 0.205 Unch 443.6 0.630 0.500 11.90 21/12/2020 0.085 0.055 0.055 0.055 710629 SUPERMX-C29 0.055 -0.010 50 1.780
1.900 16.32 30/01/2018
0.300 0.105 0.230 0.225 5125WB PANTECH-WB 0.225 -0.005 25 0.630 0.500 15.08 21/12/2021 0.220 0.125 0.130 0.125 7082WB SYF-WB 0.130 Unch 147.7 0.460
0.700 80.43 11/11/2019
0.270 0.145 0.150 0.150 5022WA PAOS-WA 0.150 Unch 0.4 0.505 0.500 28.71 14/12/2021 0.365 0.125 0.245 0.230 1538WB SYMLIFE-WB 0.230 Unch 110 0.905
1.100 46.96 11/11/2020
0.160 0.150 0.150 0.150 518313 PCHEM-C13 0.150 -0.010 5 7.160 7.000 5.10 31/05/2018 0.125 0.100 0.105 0.100 5012CK TAANN-CK 0.105 -0.005 45 3.670
4.200 23.02 26/02/2018
0.255 0.035 0.055 0.050 5183C9 PCHEM-C9 0.055 Unch 663.5 7.160 7.000 0.45 29/09/2017 0.165 0.040 0.095 0.080 5158CD TAGB-CD 0.095 0.015 139 0.380
0.300 3.95 31/10/2017
0.400 0.200 0.250 0.245 9997WB PENSONI-WB 0.250 0.010 27.5 0.655 0.600 29.77 20/01/2024 0.130 0.050 0.055 0.050 0132WA TDEX-WA 0.055 Unch 1555.1 0.140
0.110 17.86 21/09/2018
0.485 0.170 0.335 0.335 8311WC PESONA-WC 0.335 Unch 55.3 0.580 0.250 0.86 27/01/2020 1.050 0.300 0.345 0.320 7200WA TEKSENG-WA 0.330 0.010 70.7 0.545
0.250 6.42 29/01/2020
0.130 0.085 0.105 0.100 5681CS PETDAG-CS 0.105 0.005 198.9 24.400 24.100 3.07 30/03/2018 0.195 0.085 0.105 0.100 534735 TENAGA-C35 0.105 -0.005 240 14.280
13.800 1.05 30/11/2017
0.315 0.085 0.200 0.180 3042CC PETRONM-CC 0.200 0.020 2278 8.880 6.500 0.23 29/09/2017 0.490 0.235 0.310 0.295 7252WA TEOSENG-WA 0.295 0.010 109.1 0.895
1.350 83.80 29/01/2020
0.460 0.180 0.220 0.200 3042CD PETRONM-CD 0.215 0.015 1399.3 8.880 8.500 24.77 22/02/2018 0.025 0.005 0.010 0.010 7079WB TIGER-WB 0.010 Unch 789.5 0.065
0.170 176.92 23/12/2018
0.350 0.220 0.350 0.335 8869CT PMETAL-CT 0.350 0.010 1304.8 3.590 2.900 10.03 30/04/2018 0.040 0.010 0.030 0.025 7079WC TIGER-WC 0.025 -0.005 144 0.065
0.080 61.54 11/02/2021
0.220 0.170 0.220 0.220 8869CU PMETAL-CU 0.220 0.015 50 3.590 3.000 8.08 19/03/2018 0.080 0.020 0.020 0.020 0101CC TMCLIFE-CC 0.020 -0.005 120 0.755
1.000 37.75 31/10/2017
0.180 0.160 0.180 0.180 8869CV PMETAL-CV 0.180 0.010 20 3.590 3.300 11.98 22/03/2018 0.315 0.125 0.185 0.140 0101WB TMCLIFE-WB 0.185 0.050 1818.1 0.755
0.750 23.84 21/06/2019
0.150 0.150 0.150 0.150 8869CW PMETAL-CW 0.150 Unch 20 3.590 3.280 16.43 31/05/2018 0.810 0.510 0.630 0.620 8397WC TNLOGIS-WC 0.630 -0.010 275 1.630
1.000 0.00 26/12/2018
0.130 0.130 0.130 0.130 8869CX PMETAL-CX 0.130 Unch 80 3.590 3.580 21.45 31/05/2018 0.485 0.109 0.405 0.395 7285WA TOMYPAK-WA 0.395 -0.005 70.3 0.960
0.930 38.02 21/06/2021
3.180 2.200 3.180 3.120 8869WC PMETAL-WC 3.150 0.010 89.2 3.590 0.390 -1.39 22/08/2019 0.200 0.035 0.135 0.120 711317 TOPGLOV-C17 0.120 0.020 445.7 5.610
5.200 2.32 29/12/2017
1.050 0.640 0.865 0.850 7088WB POHUAT-WB 0.855 -0.010 235.6 1.860 1.000 -0.27 21/10/2020 0.155 0.070 0.105 0.085 711318 TOPGLOV-C18 0.105 -0.020 120 5.610
5.400 8.42 30/11/2017
0.185 0.100 0.150 0.135 463411 POS-C11 0.145 0.005 976.4 5.500 5.300 8.23 30/04/2018 0.200 0.030 0.045 0.030 7173WA TOYOINK-WA 0.045 -0.005 196.1 0.740
1.500 108.78 20/04/2018
0.710 0.225 0.600 0.600 7168WA PRG-WA 0.600 Unch 54.2 1.000 0.375 -2.50 06/07/2019 0.175 0.005 0.010 0.010 5230CN TUNEPRO-CN 0.010 Unch 350 1.050
1.500 44.29 30/11/2017
0.710 0.425 0.445 0.425 8966WA PRLEXUS-WA 0.445 -0.005 25.2 1.190 1.200 38.24 14/06/2021 0.150 0.035 0.040 0.040 514841 UEMS-C41 0.040 -0.005 15.5 1.150
1.140 6.09 31/10/2017
0.145 0.040 0.085 0.075 7145WA PSIPTEK-WA 0.085 0.010 367 0.140 0.100 32.14 16/11/2019 0.100 0.015 0.025 0.025 514845 UEMS-C45 0.025 0.005 3337.2 1.150
1.200 10.22 31/10/2017
0.140 0.020 0.055 0.055 0007WA PUC-WA 0.055 Unch 392.7 0.125 0.100 24.00 25/12/2024 0.150 0.095 0.120 0.120 514847 UEMS-C47 0.120 Unch 40 1.150
1.000 7.83 30/01/2018
0.145 0.015 0.055 0.050 0007WB PUC-WB 0.055 Unch 20.1 0.125 0.100 24.00 15/02/2019 0.075 0.050 0.060 0.060 514851 UEMS-C51 0.060 Unch 100 1.150
1.200 14.78 22/02/2018
0.550 0.215 0.220 0.220 6807WB PUNCAK-WB 0.220 -0.010 3.7 0.755 1.000 61.59 20/07/2018 0.125 0.105 0.125 0.125 4588C2 UMW-C2 0.125 0.020 22.9 6.080
5.700 4.03 30/04/2018
0.750 0.215 0.640 0.610 7134WA PWF-WA 0.635 0.025 62 1.120 0.620 12.05 20/07/2021 0.200 0.110 0.165 0.165 5005CX UNISEM-CX 0.165 -0.010 8 4.100
3.450 2.26 30/11/2017
0.170 0.025 0.070 0.065 5256WA REACH-WA 0.065 Unch 11966.8 0.290 0.750 181.03 12/08/2022 0.230 0.120 0.170 0.170 5005CY UNISEM-CY 0.170 0.010 6.5 4.100
4.000 10.00 08/01/2018
0.110 0.020 0.030 0.030 1066C2 RHBBANK-C2 0.030 Unch 365 5.050 5.600 12.67 28/02/2018 0.200 0.170 0.180 0.180 5005CZ UNISEM-CZ 0.180 0.005 60 4.100
3.800 5.85 31/05/2018
0.090 0.055 0.060 0.055 5270WA RSENA-WA 0.060 Unch 2615.3 0.450 0.500 24.44 01/12/2023 0.140 0.025 0.045 0.040 0069WB VIVOCOM-WB 0.040 Unch 150 0.130
0.200 84.62 07/09/2018
0.120 0.015 0.035 0.015 0133WB SANICHI-WB 0.030 0.025 1602.6 0.180 0.210 33.33 13/03/2018 0.150 0.055 0.070 0.070 0069WD VIVOCOM-WD 0.070 Unch 10 0.130
0.100 30.77 08/07/2020
0.120 0.025 0.050 0.025 0133WC SANICHI-WC 0.050 0.040 1849.9 0.180 0.210 44.44 24/09/2019 0.650 0.200 0.595 0.570 7240WA VOIR-WA 0.580 -0.005 158 1.030
0.500 4.85 31/03/2024
0.150 0.060 0.100 0.060 0133WD SANICHI-WD 0.080 0.060 2769.3 0.180 0.100 0.00 21/07/2019 0.230 0.115 0.230 0.225 6963CN VS-CN 0.230 0.020 110 2.370
2.000 3.80 08/12/2017
0.290 0.065 0.250 0.235 5157WA SAUDEE-WA 0.240 0.005 286.6 0.485 0.500 52.58 31/03/2021 0.135 0.105 0.130 0.130 6963CQ VS-CQ 0.130 Unch 100 2.370
2.280 12.66 30/03/2018
0.025 0.005 0.015 0.010 0109WB SCBUILD-WB 0.015 0.005 11.1 0.025 0.050 160.00 06/11/2019 0.055 0.010 0.015 0.010 0066WA VSOLAR-WA 0.010 Unch 2672 0.105
0.120 23.81 01/12/2017
0.605 0.305 0.510 0.465 7247WA SCGM-WA 0.470 0.005 95.8 3.010 3.960 47.18 31/07/2020 0.720 0.240 0.715 0.690 6963WA VS-WA 0.705 0.010 5684 2.370
1.650 -0.63 06/01/2019
0.185 0.055 0.105 0.100 0161WA SCH-WA 0.105 Unch 25.3 0.200 0.100 2.50 04/12/2021 0.215 0.015 0.025 0.015 9679C1 WCT-C1 0.020 -0.005 2101.7 1.750
2.250 31.09 30/11/2017
0.785 0.160 0.470 0.410 7073WB SEACERA-WB 0.445 0.020 1270.2 0.960 1.000 50.52 29/05/2019 0.170 0.015 0.065 0.015 9679C2 WCT-C2 0.065 0.045 65.7 1.750
2.300 38.86 08/12/2017
0.100 0.015 0.020 0.020 521845 SENERGYC45 0.020 0.005 10 1.380 2.000 47.83 28/02/2018 0.340 0.015 0.020 0.015 9679CZ WCT-CZ 0.015 Unch 662 1.750
2.000 15.57 31/10/2017
0.110 0.065 0.065 0.065 521847 SENERGYC47 0.065 Unch 50 1.380 1.700 32.61 30/01/2018 0.665 0.165 0.200 0.175 9679WD WCT-WD 0.180 -0.015 4964.5 1.750
1.710 8.00 11/12/2017
0.200 0.115 0.165 0.155 5279CA SERBADK-CA 0.155 -0.015 2780.9 2.100 2.000 13.69 02/02/2018 0.570 0.175 0.340 0.310 9679WE WCT-WE 0.310 -0.020 3396 1.750
2.080 36.57 27/08/2020
0.215 0.075 0.110 0.110 0055WA SERSOL-WA 0.110 -0.010 2.5 0.165 0.180 75.76 18/04/2023 0.930 0.490 0.705 0.630 7245WA WZSATU-WA 0.705 0.030 83.1 1.090
0.500 10.55 28/10/2024
0.205 0.055 0.165 0.165 7165WA SGB-WA 0.165 -0.015 100 0.650 0.600 17.69 07/04/2021 0.015 0.005 0.015 0.010 0095WA XINGHE-WA 0.015 0.005 5683.1 0.055
0.100 109.09 22/03/2019
0.350 0.210 0.240 0.240 7246WA SIGN-WA 0.240 Unch 5 0.910 0.970 32.97 21/04/2021 0.110 0.035 0.060 0.055 0165WA XOX-WA 0.060 Unch 210 0.105
0.200 147.62 10/02/2019
0.190 0.040 0.055 0.050 419714 SIME-C14 0.055 0.005 200 9.000 9.000 3.06 29/12/2017 0.140 0.115 0.130 0.130 7293CN YINSON-CN 0.130 -0.010 90 3.640
3.600 13.19 22/03/2018
0.285 0.135 0.175 0.165 0093WA SOLUTN-WA 0.165 Unch 832.4 0.285 0.200 28.07 04/07/2021 0.185 0.050 0.055 0.055 7020WB YKGI-WB 0.055 0.005 178.2 0.190
0.500 192.11 28/05/2020
0.210 0.045 0.070 0.060 8664CV SPSETIA-CV 0.060 -0.010 90 3.360 3.400 8.33 31/10/2017 1.100 0.645 0.970 0.960 7066WA YONGTAI-WA 0.960 Unch 111.5 1.470
0.500 -0.68 24/06/2020
0.400 0.080 0.170 0.135 8664CW SPSETIA-CW 0.135 -0.005 176.2 3.360 3.400 7.22 29/12/2017 0.100 0.020 0.035 0.020 4677C8 YTL-C8 0.035 Unch 583.6 1.430
1.500 7.34 29/12/2017
0.200 0.020 0.025 0.025 8664CY SPSETIA-CY 0.025 -0.005 100 3.360 3.900 17.56 08/12/2017 0.090 0.035 0.050 0.035 4677C9 YTL-C9 0.035 -0.005 300.4 1.430
1.400 2.80 07/12/2017
0.140 0.035 0.075 0.065 0129WA SRIDGE-WA 0.070 0.005 121.1 0.225 0.180 11.11 24/02/2023 0.115 0.040 0.055 0.050 6742C1 YTLPOWR-C1 0.050 0.005 20 1.410
1.400 2.84 28/02/2018
0.125 0.020 0.060 0.055 0140WA STERPRO-WA 0.060 Unch 188.5 0.175 0.480 208.57 17/02/2021 0.450 0.280 0.315 0.280 6742WB YTLPOWR-WB 0.310 Unch 285.9 1.410
1.140 2.84 11/06/2018
0.165 0.095 0.155 0.145 0080WA STRAITS-WA 0.150 0.010 2371.8 0.205 0.115 29.27 10/08/2022 0.115 0.040 0.050 0.050 2283WA ZELAN-WA 0.050 Unch 100.1 0.120
0.250 150.00 25/01/2019
0.065 0.015 0.025 0.025 1201WA SUMATEC-WA 0.025 Unch 50 0.050 0.320 590.00 03/03/2021 Please refer to the Bursa Malaysia website for the prices of loan stocks, bonds and overseas structure warrants
3 0 Markets T U ESDAY SEP TEM B ER 5 , 2 0 17 TH EEDGE F I N AN C I AL DAI LY


Insider moves (Filings on Aug 30, 2017) Trading themes

Insider Moves show what substantial shareholders are doing with their stakes, which could be a signal of their views on the companys outlook. Stronger euro weighs on earnings expectations
AMMB 3,129,900 EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND BOARD 294,092,337 25/8
BIMB 30,200,000 LEMBAGA TABUNG HAJI 870,039,300 29/8
BOUSTEAD 207,000 LEMBAGA TABUNG ANGKATAN TENTERA 1,227,191,818 25 & 28/8
BREM HOLDING 1,000,000 BREM PROPERTIES S/B 95,117,744 28/8
CHIN HIN GROUP (2,200,000) DIVINE INVENTIONS S/B 280,532,800 28/8
CIMB GROUP 4,500,000 KUMPULAN WANG PERSARAAN 517,952,925 22 & 24/8
CIMB GROUP 4,059,900 EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND BOARD 1,176,508,823 18 & 21/8
DAGANG NEXCHANGE (887,638) CENSOF 298,051,731 28/8
DIGI.COM 1,502,000 EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND BOARD 1,054,132,754 25/8
DRB-HICOM 2,791,200 LEMBAGA TABUNG HAJI 121,023,800 28 & 29/8
IJM CORPORATION 1,049,800 LEMBAGA TABUNG HAJI 213,564,500 28 & 29/8
IMASPRO CORPORATION 150,000 YU KUAN CHON 19,830,704 29/8
(DIPERBADANKAN) European stocks above average valuations
KSL 175,000 LEMBAGA TABUNG HAJI 72,143,373 29/8
MAXIS (1,799,200) EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND BOARD 818,622,427 25/8
MEDIA PRIMA 176,500 MORGAN STANLEY & CO. LLC. US 83,523,900 28/8
OMESTI 238,900 MONTEIRO GERARD CLAIR 76,784,600 29/8
PRG 209,000 WANG JING 21,899,400 28 TO 30/8
RANHILL 792,500 LEMBAGA TABUNG HAJI 73,372,900 29/8
SCOPE INDUSTRIES 265,400 CHEW KONG YOON 81,120,296 25 & 28/8
SEACERA GROUP 90,000,000 DUTA GLOBAL S/B 90,000,000 29/8
SELANGOR DREDGING 905,200 TEH LIP KIM 257,817,352 29/8
SIME DARBY (586,700) KUMPULAN WANG PERSARAAN 394,589,473 25, 28 &
SYSTECH 30,370,000 MURALI NAIR 30,370,000 28/8
- SKIM AMANAH SAHAM BUMIPUTERA Stocks closest to year high Stocks closest to year low
(RM) (RM) (RM) ('000) (RM) (RM) (RM) ('000)
TRC SYNERGY (610,000) LEMBAGA TABUNG HAJI 43,236,752 25/8
UMW OIL & GAS CORPORATION (330,000) KUMPULAN WANG PERSARAAN 154,281,650 28/8 HUAAN 0.160 0.060 0.155 217341.3 SANICHI-WC 0.050 0.025 0.050 1849.9
(DIPERBADANKAN) UPA 2.570 2.550 2.560 65.9 WTK 0.805 0.785 0.790 1380.2
UZMA 230,000 EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND BOARD 22,061,400 25/8 HCK-WR 0.350 0.315 0.320 85.9 YTLPOWR-WB 0.315 0.280 0.310 285.9
YINSON 500,000 EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND BOARD 122,172,100 25/8 PADINI-CJ 0.320 0.315 0.320 75 SUPERMX 1.830 1.770 1.780 2616
YINSON (153,500) KUMPULAN WANG PERSARAAN 83,407,300 29/8
AIRPORT-CV 0.145 0.130 0.130 39.3 SALCON 0.430 0.415 0.415 4626.2
A50CHIN-C8 0.340 0.315 0.315 105 FFHB 0.580 0.520 0.560 4154.7
MEXTER-WA 0.245 0.235 0.240 3427.3 CAELY 0.455 0.425 0.450 800.5
While every eort is made to ensure accuracy, the information presented is not an exhaustive list and is not an ocial record of shareholder XINGHE 0.055 0.045 0.055 28209.4 BARAKAH 0.465 0.445 0.450 4375.2
lings. Direct and indirect share are combined due to space constraints. Readers who are interested should check the ocial lings led with
MAGNUM-C2 0.110 0.110 0.110 65 SUPERMX-C27 0.030 0.030 0.030 1053.3
Bursa Malaysia. Note: * denotes Ace Market
ANNJOO-CE 0.175 0.160 0.175 2084.7 KAREX 1.430 1.370 1.410 2309.1
A50CHIN-C5 0.335 0.335 0.335 10 KAREX-C5 0.075 0.070 0.075 200
Local event to watch out for today HSI-C1N 1.250 1.250 1.250
This table shows stocks that are trading near their year high. This
1.1 DRBHCOMC35 0.080 0.080 0.080
This table shows stocks that are trading near their year low. This

NA could suggest a build-up in buying momentum, or the possibility that

prot-taking activities could set in later.
could suggest a build-up in selling momentum, or the possibility that
bargain hunting could set in later.

Foreign exchange rates


NZ $ 0.602 0.717 0.687 0.554 0.890 0.973 0.973 0.902 3.0635 4.679 58.229 4.480 2.634 9,567 45.934 78.660 5.596 36.717 2.644 2.689 5.708 23.779 5.611
EURO 1.660 1.190 1.140 0.919 1.478 1.615 1.615 1.497 5.0854 7.767 96.661 7.437 4.372 15,881 76.251 130.576 9.290 60.950 4.390 4.464 9.475 39.474 9.314
US $ 1.394 0.840 0.958 0.772 1.242 1.357 1.357 1.257 4.2720 6.524 81.200 6.248 3.673 13,341 64.055 109.690 7.804 51.201 3.688 3.750 7.960 33.160 7.824
SWISS FR 1.456 0.877 1.044 0.806 1.296 1.416 1.417 1.313 4.4598 6.811 84.770 6.522 3.834 13,928 66.871 114.512 8.147 53.452 3.850 3.915 8.310 34.618 8.168
STERLING 1.806 1.088 1.295 1.241 1.608 1.757 1.758 1.628 5.5331 8.450 105.170 8.092 4.757 17,280 82.964 142.071 10.108 66.315 4.776 4.857 10.309 42.949 10.134
CANADA $ 1.123 0.677 0.805 0.771 0.622 1.093 1.093 1.013 3.4407 5.255 65.399 5.032 2.958 10,745 51.590 88.345 6.286 41.238 2.970 3.020 6.411 26.707 6.302
BRUNEI $ 1.028 0.619 0.737 0.706 0.569 0.915 1.000 0.927 3.1486 4.809 59.847 4.605 2.707 9,833 47.210 80.845 5.752 37.737 2.718 2.764 5.867 24.440 5.767
SINGAPORE $ 1.028 0.619 0.737 0.706 0.569 0.915 1.000 0.926 3.1481 4.808 59.838 4.604 2.707 9,831 47.203 80.832 5.751 37.731 2.717 2.764 5.866 24.436 5.766
AUSTRALIA $ 1.109 0.668 0.795 0.762 0.614 0.988 1.079 1.079 3.3979 5.189 64.586 4.969 2.921 10,611 50.948 87.246 6.207 40.725 2.933 2.983 6.331 26.375 6.223
MALAYSIA RM 0.326 0.197 0.234 0.224 0.181 0.291 0.318 0.318 0.294 1.0000 1.527 19.008 1.462 0.860 3,123 14.994 25.677 1.827 11.985 0.863 0.878 1.863 7.762 1.831
100 CHINESE RMB 21.374 12.876 15.327 14.682 11.834 19.030 20.796 20.799 19.270 65.4780 1,245 95.757 56.297 204,485 981.782 1,681 119.616 784.769 56.521 57.480 122.001 508.251 119.922
100 BANGLADH TAKA 1.717 1.035 1.232 1.180 0.951 1.529 1.671 1.671 1.548 5.2611 8.035 7.694 4.523 16,430 78.885 135.087 9.611 63.055 4.541 4.618 9.803 40.837 9.636
100 DANISH KRONER 22.321 13.446 16.006 15.332 12.358 19.874 21.717 21.721 20.124 68.3790 104.43 1,300 58.791 213,544 1,025.28 1,756 124.92 819.54 59.02 60.03 127.41 530.77 125.24
100 UAE DIRHAM 37.966 22.871 27.226 26.079 21.020 33.804 36.940 36.946 34.229 116.3082 177.63 2,211 170.09 363,225 1,744 2,986 212.47 1,394 100.40 102.10 216.71 902.80 213.02
1000 INA RUPIAH 0.010 0.006 0.007 0.007 0.006 0.009 0.010 0.010 0.009 0.0320 0.049 0.609 0.047 0.028 0.480 0.822 0.058 0.384 0.028 0.028 0.060 0.249 0.059
100 INDIA RUPEE 2.177 1.311 1.561 1.495 1.205 1.938 2.118 2.119 1.963 6.6693 10.186 126.767 9.753 5.734 20,828 171.245 12.184 79.933 5.757 5.855 12.426 51.768 12.215
100 JAPAN YEN 1.271 0.766 0.912 0.873 0.704 1.132 1.237 1.237 1.146 3.8946 5.948 74.027 5.696 3.349 12,163 58.396 7.115 46.678 3.362 3.419 7.257 30.231 7.133
100 NORWEGIAN KRONER 17.868 10.764 12.814 12.274 9.893 15.910 17.386 17.388 16.110 54.7400 83.601 1,040 80.054 47.065 170,950 820.776 1,406 656.072 47.252 48.054 101.994 424.901 100.255
100 PHILIPPINE PESO 2.724 1.641 1.953 1.871 1.508 2.425 2.650 2.650 2.456 8.3436 12.743 158.591 12.202 7.174 26,057 125.105 214.235 15.242 7.202 7.324 15.546 64.764 15.281
100 QATAR RIYAL 37.815 22.780 27.118 25.976 20.937 33.670 36.793 36.799 34.094 115.8477 176.926 2,202 169.420 99.604 361,787 1,737 2,975 211.633 1,388 101.698 215.852 899.229 212.173
100 SAUDI RIYAL 37.184 22.400 26.665 25.542 20.588 33.108 36.179 36.185 33.525 113.9139 173.973 2,165 166.592 97.941 355,747 1,708 2,925 208.100 1,365 98.331 212.249 884.219 208.632
100 SWEDISH KRONOR 17.519 10.554 12.563 12.034 9.700 15.599 17.046 17.048 15.795 53.6700 81.966 1,020.133 78.489 46.145 167,609 804.732 1,378 98.045 643.248 46.328 47.115 416.596 98.296
100 THAI BAHT 4.205 2.533 3.016 2.889 2.328 3.744 4.092 4.092 3.791 12.8830 19.675 244.874 18.841 11.077 40,233 193.169 330.791 23.535 154.406 11.121 11.309 24.004 23.595
100 HK$ 17.823 10.737 12.781 12.243 9.868 15.869 17.341 17.344 16.069 54.6005 83.388 1,037.819 79.850 46.945 170,515 818.684 1,402 99.745 654.400 47.131 47.931 101.734 423.818
Note: Run your nger down the left-hand side until you reach the country of origin you plan to exchange. Then move your nger until that line intersects with the vertical column of the currency you wish to buy. The gure is how much you will get. The above rates are subject to change and provided by Thompson Reuters.
Markets 3 1

Index futures Money market

FKLI Long Rolls - KLCI futures EURO Klibor
Index points Open Interest Index points Euro/USD Implied interest rate (%)
1980 90000 18.00 -3.00 1.58 4.5
1,765.50 (-1.50) 3.50
(+10.00) (Unch)
1785 68000 4.75 1.44

-8.50 1.1904
1590 46000 1.30 (+0.0047)
1395 24000 -21.75 1.16

1200 2000 -35.00 1.02 1.5

Jan 4, 2010 Aug 30, 2017 Jan 4, 2010 Aug 30, 2017 Jan 2, 2006 Sept 4, 2017 Oct 1, 2000 Aug 30, 2017

FBM KLCI futures FBM KLCI futures Euro shines on broad US Klibor
contracts finish higher INDEX AND FUTURES
dollar weakness MONTH SETTLEMENT

The FBM KLCI futures contracts on Bursa FBMKLCI 1,773.16 12.02 104.9M The euro clung to most of its recent gains SEP7 96.53
OCT7 96.51
Malaysia Derivatives finished mixedlast AUG 17 1,765.50 10.00 4,237 7,980 -12,953 yesterday, while the US dollar struggled NOV7 96.50
Wednesday, despite the stellar performance SEP 17 1,760.50 7.00 7,871 31,914 3,636
against a broad swathe of currencies and DEC7 96.48
DEC 17 1,759.50 5.50 133 380 3
of the underlying cash market. MAR 18 1,750.00 -1.50 6 56 2
its trade-weighted basket approached a MAR8 96.48
August 2017 ended 10 points higher TOTAL 2-year low. JUN8 96.48
12,247 40,330 -9,312
SEP8 96.48
at1765.5; September2017 rose seven points to It suffered from a rush to unwind currency DEC8 96.48
1760.5; December 2017 was 5.5 points better at FUTURES


bets following North Koreas latest nuclear MAR9 96.48
1,759.5, butMarch 2018 fell 1.5 points at1750. tests. JUN9 96.48
Turnover, however, declined furtherto 12,247 FUTURES FAIR VALUE The bigger story here is one of broad SEP9 96.48
DEC9 96.48
lots from 16,236 lots last Tuesday, while open CONTRACT
AUG 17
0.00 0.00 0.00
US dollar weakness ... [and] it doesnt look MAR0 96.48
interest was slightly lower at 40,330 contracts SEP 17 31 4.60 7.82 -3.22 very positive for the greenback in the near JUN0 96.48
from46,204 contracts. ROLLS FAIR -3.22 term, said Alvin Tan, a foreign exchange SEP0 96.48
The underlying benchmark FBM strategist at Societe Generale in London. DEC0 96.48
MAR1 96.48
KLCIclosed 12.02points stronger at 1,773.16. The euro rose 0.5% against the US dollar
JUN1 96.48
The market was closed last Thursday and to US$1.19 and not far away from a 2-year SEP1 96.48
last Friday due to the MerdekaDay and Hari high above US$1.20 hit last Tuesday. It is up DEC1 96.48
RayaAidiladha celebrations. more than 13% against the US dollar this MAR2 96.48
The FBM KLCI futures contract isexpected performance of the underlying cash market, year and is the best performing currency JUN2 96.48
to trade higher this week, in line with the a dealer said. Bernama in the Group of Ten space. Reuters

Commodities CPO prices react to various factors including soyoil prices, weather conditions and stockpiles. Open interest shows either increasing or decreasing market participation.

CPO & Open Interest CPO vs Soyoil Crude Oil Gold

CPO RM/tonne Open Interest CPO RM/tonne Soyoil US$/Ibs US$/bbl US$/troy oz
4200 200000 6400 0.700 155.00 1980

3450 5075 0.3469 0.525 121.25 1660

(RM3,265/tonne) 1,336.50
2700 105000 3750 0.350 87.50 1340
1950 53.75 1020
2,706 57500 2425 0.175
(-7) 2,706
1200 10000 (-7) 20.00 700
1100 0.000
Jan 6, 2008 Aug 30, 2017 Apr 10, 2007 Sept 4, 2017 Aug 31, 2008 Sept 4, 2017
Jan 6, 2008 Aug 30, 2017

Palm oil falls for a fourth CPO futures US gasoline prices tumble Commodities

straight session CONTRACT

2,205 -642
as Harvey subsides AGRICULTURE
2,706 -7
RUBBER SEN/KG MRB 655.50 2.00
OCT-17 2,694 -11 1,878 16,687 -246
Malaysian palm oil futures fell for a fourth Benchmark US gasoline prices slumped CORN USC/BSH CBOT 340.00 -2.25
NOV-17 2,706 -7 17,966 64,700 -108
straight session last Wednesday, ahead DEC-17 2,716 -5 4,895 27,700 423 yesterday to pre-Hurricane Harvey levels
WHEAT USC/BSH CBOT 420.50 10.25
of a long weekend in Malaysia, due to JAN-18 2,730 -4 3,351 29,485 -1,084 as oil refineries and pipelines in the US LIVE CATTLE USC/IBS CME 109.48 0.38
expectations of a rise in inventories. CPO FUTURES CPO/SOYOIL Gulf Coast slowly resumed activity, easing COCOA US$/TON NYBOT 1,951 25
The benchmark palm oil contract for INDICATIVE ROLL-OVER CURRENT FUTURES BASIS (USD) supply concerns. COFFEE USC/IBS NYBOT 128.80 -0.55
SEP/OCT -14 -74.29
November delivery on Bursa Malaysia SEP/NOV -26 3 MONTHS AVERAGE -96.51
Brent crude oil futures also fell, after a SUGAR USC/IBS NYBOT 14.40 -0.58
Derivatives was down 0.3% or RM7 at SEP/DEC powerful North Korean nuclear test triggered COTTON USC/IBS NYC 70.85 0.74
-36 6 MONTHS AVERAGE -90.50
RM2,706 by market close, after hitting its OCT/NOV -12 a shift away from crude markets to assets METAL & PRECIOUS METALS
TIN US$/TON KLTM 20,450 -200
lowest since Aug 21 at RM2,703 earlier in SGS & ITS EXPORT ESTIMATES (TONNES) perceived to be safer, such as gold. COPPER USC/IBS CMX 3.1470 0.0335
the session. It shed 2.6% in four days after SHIPMENT DAYS JUN17 JUL17 AUG17 Brent was down 41 US cents at US$52.34 GOLD US$/TROY OZ CMX 1,336.50 9.90
touching a five-month high previous week. 1 - 10TH DAYS 367/367 381/360 363/355 a barrel, while US West Texas Intermediate PLATINUM US$/TROY OZ NYMEX 1,013.30 4.30
People are concerned that fundamentals 1 - 15TH DAYS 524/509 616/599 537/512
crude futures, however, were up eight US PALLADIUM US$/TROY OZ NYMEX 980.45 3.35
are looking bearish. August stocks are 11 -- 20TH DAYS
cents at US$47.37 barrel as US demand, hit SILVER USC/TROY OZ CMX 17.86 0.11
expected to come up, a trader in Kuala FULL MONTH by reduced refinery activity since Harvey ALUMINIUM RMB/TON SHF 16,585 -120
1,210/1,190 1,260/1,239 /
ZINC RMB/TON SHF 26,010 145
Lumpur said. MALAYSIAN PALM OIL BOARD made landfall on Aug 25, recovered.
Palm oil inventories in August are seen APR17 MAY17 JUN17 JUL17 New York Mercantile Exchange futures ENERGY
higher as exports are expected to fall from PRODUCTION 1,548 1,655 1,514 1,827 were down 4.3% at US$1.6729 a gallon, levels HEATING OIL USC/GAL NYMEX 1.6923 -0.0381
the previous month, while production is EXPORT STOCKS
last seen on Aug 25, the day Harvey struck, NATURAL GAS US$/MMBTU NYMEX 3.110 -0.026
likely to be higher, the trader said. crippling production and causing widespread BRENT CRUDE US$/BBL ICE 52.34 -0.41
MPOB Palm oil physical
Exports of palm oil from Aug 1 to Aug flooding. Reuters GAS OIL US$/TON ICE 503.75 -7.00
25 fell by 8.1% from the same period in the (IN RM/TON) AUG17 SEP17 OCT17

previous month, according to cargo surveyor CPO DELD

2,700.00 2,681.00 NO TRADE
Centrifuged Latex Rubber - Msia SMR 20
Intertek Testing Services. CPKO DELD NO TRADE 5,241.50 NO TRADE Sen/Kg
Meanwhile, some traders also sold RBD P.OIL FOB NO TRADE NO TRADE NO TRADE 1100 1900
to consolidate positions ahead of a long RBD P.OLEIN FOB NO TRADE NO TRADE NO TRADE
weekend in Malaysia. RBD P. STEARIN FOB NO TRADE NO TRADE NO TRADE 900 (-5.00) 1475 655.50
The October soybean oil contract on the MPOB FFB REF PRICE (MILL GATE PRICE) (+2.00)

Chicago Board of Trade was little changed, REGION GRADE A GRADE B GRADE C 700 1050
while January soybean oil on the Dalian NORTH 20.00% 608 19.00% 582 18.00% 556
Commodity Exchange (DCE) dropped 0.8% SOUTH 20.00% 615 19.00% 588 18.00% 561
500 625
in Asia afternoon trade. CENTRAL 20.00% 606 19.00% 579 18.00% 553
In related vegetable oils, the January palm EAST COAST 20.00% 606 19.00% 580 18.00% 553 300 200

olein contract on DCE declined 0.9%. Reuters SABAH

22.00% 590
22.00% 597
21.00% 566
21.00% 572
20.00% 542
20.00% 548
Jan 7, 2007 Aug 30, 2017 Jan 7, 2007 Aug 30, 2017

F U T U R E S . M O N E Y M A R K E T . C O M M O D I T I E S PA G E 3 1
G L O BA L M A R K E T S PA G E 2 9
RESEARCH: TAI TS [[email protected]; SUGUMARAN [[email protected]] M A I N M A R K E T . A C E M A R K E T L I ST I N G PA G E 2 5

KLCI 1,773.16 12.02 FBM ACE 6,612.74 97.43 FTSTI 3,230.97 46.29 NIKKEI 19,508.25 183.22 HANG SENG 27,740.26 212.90 DOW JONES 21,987.56 39.46

Hope is a risk that must be run. Market movers

Georges Bernanos
Daily top 20 active stocks
FBM KLCI & KLCI futures intraday (000) (RM) (%) (RM) RATIO YIELD (%)
STOCK VOLUME CHANGE CHANGE CLOSE HIGH LOW HUAAN 217,341.3 0.115 287.50 0.155 0.00
('000) (%) (RM) (RM) (RM) (RM) COMPUGT 66,699.5 -0.005 -16.67 0.025 0.00
Index point
1774.0 1,773.16 HUAAN 217,341 287.50 0.115 0.155 0.160 0.060 MLAB 46,069.9 -0.015 -7.50 0.185 0.00
1771.9 (+12.02) COMPUGT 66,700 -16.67 -0.005 0.025 0.025 0.020 CSL 44,291.9 0.005 14.29 0.040 4.43 0.00
1769.8 CSL 44,292 14.29 0.005 0.040 0.050 0.035 KGROUP-WB 36,088.5 -0.005 -33.33 0.010 0.00
1767.7 KGROUP-WB 36,089 -33.33 -0.005 0.010 0.015 0.010 OLYMPIA 31,191.6 0.025 20.00 0.150 26.04 0.00
1765.6 XINGHE 28,209 22.22 0.010 0.055 0.055 0.045 XINGHE 28,209.4 0.010 22.22 0.055 4.29 0.00
HUBLINE 27,700 0.00 0.000 0.060 0.060 0.055 HUBLINE 27,700.3 UNCH UNCH 0.060 25.00 0.00
KL Composite Index AIRASIA 26,741 -0.30 -0.010 3.320 3.380 3.230 AIRASIA 26,741.0 -0.010 -0.30 3.320 6.52 5.41
CAREPLS 23,404 -14.29 -0.055 0.330 0.390 0.320 PALETTE 23,711.9 -0.005 -3.23 0.150 0.00
1,760.50 AIRASIAC54 22,661 0.00 0.000 0.070 0.075 0.060 CAREPLS 23,404.0 -0.055 -14.29 0.330 68.75 0.78
1757.2 KLCI futures (+7.00) SANICHI 21,294 9.09 0.015 0.180 0.220 0.150 AIRASIAC54 22,661.1 UNCH UNCH 0.070 0.00
1755.1 MALTON-WB 18,708 12.86 0.045 0.395 0.430 0.390 PTRANS 22,335.4 0.025 7.46 0.360 14.14 1.34
1753.0 MALTON 15,106 3.03 0.030 1.020 1.060 1.010 SANICHI 21,293.5 0.015 9.09 0.180 0.00
8:45 9:30 10:30 11:30 12:45 14:30 15:30 16:30 17:15
KGROUP 9,063 0.00 0.000 0.030 0.030 0.025 CIMB 20,311.0 0.380 5.67 7.080 14.26 2.99
DIGI 7,790 -0.82 -0.040 4.840 4.880 4.810 JAG 18,753.5 -0.005 -3.70 0.130 24.55 0.74
Daily FBM KLCI PERMAJU 6,546 10.42 0.025 0.265 0.265 0.235 MALTON-WB 18,708.0 0.045 12.86 0.395 0.00
RGB 5,770 7.69 0.020 0.280 0.285 0.275 IRIS 16,044.1 UNCH UNCH 0.170 0.00
KL Composite Index Moving average - 20-day APFT 15,758.7 -0.005 -20.00 0.020 0.00
Table above is from Reuters Volume break 3x 5-day average volume, meaning the total number of shares
2030.0 1,773.16 MAYBANK 15,381.7 UNCH UNCH 9.460 13.58 5.50
traded for a particular counter on the previous trading day is more than triple the average volume for the
(+12.02) last 5 trading days. The table captures the build-up of interest in these companies and is thus a gauge of
market expectations for these counters. Top gainers and losers (ranked by RM)
1,773.28 FBM KLCI gets 11th hour boost CLOSE

ahead of long holiday weekend TIMECOM

1122.5 CIMB 7.080 0.380 IQGROUP 4.070 -0.730
MPI 14.080 0.380 DLADY 58.640 -0.360
KUALA LUMPUR: The FBM KLCI ended last Wednesdays PETDAG 24.400 0.300 LATITUD 4.840 -0.360
820.0 trade 12.02 points or 0.68% higher, after getting 11th PETRONM 8.880 0.280 HSI-H2S 1.180 -0.310
Jan 2, 2008 Aug 30, 2017 hour boost from benchmark index-linked CIMB Group PADINI 4.150 0.240 MAYBANKC32 0.125 -0.225
Holdings Bhd and MISC Bhd. KOSSAN 7.200 0.210 SP500-C8 0.475 -0.200
The last minute push from CIMB and MISC was due to PANAMY 38.700 0.200 NESTLE 84.000 -0.200
GENETEC 1.130 0.190 YSPSAH 2.680 -0.190
investors who were on the hunt for good stocks, according
600 MISC 7.440 0.190 F&N 24.320 -0.180
to Hong Leong Investment Bank Bhds retail research HLBANK 15.440 0.180 SP500-C7 0.170 -0.130
300 analyst Loui Low Ley Yee.
In a way, the last minute boost was also part of the Top gainers and losers (ranked by percentage)
bourses window-dressing activity, marking a nice end to

Volume (mil)
Augusts subdued and sideways trade as investors digest UP CHANGE DOWN CHANGE
the corporate earnings announcement, which are either
FBM KLCI futures in-line or disappoints, Low told theedgemarkets.com. FBMKLCI-C3B 0.020 300.00 MKH-CC 0.005 -88.89


At 5pm last Wednesay, the FBM KLCI closed at 1,773.16 HUAAN 0.155 287.50 HSI-H2F 0.020 -84.62
WCT-C2 0.065 225.00 MAYBANKC32 0.125 -64.29
AUG 17 1,765.50 10.00 1,765.50 1,757.00 points, from a previous close of 1,761.14 points last SANICHI-WB 0.030 100.00 MAGNUM-CZ 0.005 -50.00
SEP 17 1,760.50 7.00 1,765.00 1,754.00 Tuesday. AMEDIA-WA 0.010 100.00 FGV-C27 0.005 -50.00
DEC 17 1,759.50 5.50 1,760.50 1,751.50
Some 1.83 billion shares, worth RM2.21 billion, were MALAKOF-CW 0.010 100.00 KAREX-CZ 0.010 -50.00
traded at the local bourse last Wednesday, with gainers MALAKOF-CX 0.010 100.00 BAUTO-CR 0.010 -50.00
FBM KLCI sensitivity* outpacing decliners at 449 counters versus 346 counters, SANICHI-WC 0.050 66.67 SUPERMX-C22 0.010 -50.00
PADINI-CL 0.250 66.67 SUPERMX-C26 0.005 -50.00
KLCI CHANGE CLOSE VOLUME while 411 stocks closed unchanged.
POINTS (RM) (RM) ('000) XINGHE-WA 0.015 50.00 SP500-C7 0.170 -43.33
CIMB GROUP 5.71 0.380 7.080 20311.0
Gainers were led by Time dotCom Bhd, UMW Holdings SCBUILD-WB 0.015 50.00 DRBHCOMC38 0.070 -41.67
MISC 1.41 0.190 7.440 1165.4 Bhd and CIMB, while Ajinomoto (Malaysia) Bhd was the APFT-WA 0.015 50.00 KGROUP-WB 0.010 -33.33
AXIATA GROUP 1.20 0.080 4.930 5051.1 top decliner.
GENTING MALAYSIA 0.69 0.070 5.870 6580.0 Sino Hua-An International Bhd was the most active Top gainers and losers - warrants (ranked by percentage)
HONG LEONG BANK 0.65 0.180 15.440 1860.0 stock, with 217.34 million shares equivalent to 19.37%
PETRONAS DAGANG 0.49 0.300 24.400 286.4
of its outstanding shares traded last Wednesday. CLOSE (%) CLOSE (%)
GENTING 0.38 0.060 9.710 3933.6 by Sulhi Azman FBMKLCI-C3B 0.020 300.00 MKH-CC 0.005 -88.89
IOI CORPORATION 0.31 0.030 4.540 3091.6
World equity indices WCT-C2 0.065 225.00 HSI-H2F 0.020 -84.62
PETRONAS GAS 0.20 0.060 18.400 1869.2 SANICHI-WB 0.030 100.00 MAYBANKC32 0.125 -64.29
K.LUMPUR KEPONG 0.18 0.100 24.540 1291.2 CLOSE CHANGE CLOSE CHANGE AMEDIA-WA 0.010 100.00 MAGNUM-CZ 0.005 -50.00
AMMB HOLDINGS -0.15 -0.030 4.280 7962.0
DOW JONES 21,987.56 39.46 INDONESIA 5,813.741 -50.318 MALAKOF-CW 0.010 100.00 FGV-C27 0.005 -50.00
TENAGA NASIONAL BERHAD -0.19 -0.020 14.280 9814.6
S&P 500 2,476.55 4.90 JAPAN 19,508.25 -183.22 MALAKOF-CX 0.010 100.00 KAREX-CZ 0.010 -50.00
IHH HEALTHCARE -0.27 -0.020 5.990 3720.0
NASDAQ 100 5,987.90 -0.70 KOREA 2,329.65 -28.04 SANICHI-WC 0.050 66.67 BAUTO-CR 0.010 -50.00
PETRONAS CHEMICAL -0.40 -0.030 7.160 2890.5
FTSE 100 7,438.50 7.88 PHILIPPINES 8,035.20 76.63 PADINI-CL 0.250 66.67 SUPERMX-C22 0.010 -50.00
DIGI.COM -0.52 -0.040 4.840 7790.1
AUSTRALIA 5,702.002 -22.590 SINGAPORE 3,230.97 -46.29 XINGHE-WA 0.015 50.00 SUPERMX-C26 0.005 -50.00
CHINA 3,379.58 12.46 TAIWAN 10,569.87 -24.95 SCBUILD-WB 0.015 50.00 SP500-C7 0.170 -43.33
HONG KONG 27,740.26 -212.90 THAILAND 1,619.11 0.69 APFT-WA 0.015 50.00 DRBHCOMC38 0.070 -41.67
INDIA 31,702.25 -189.98 VIETNAM 788.73 5.97 MALAKOF-C2 0.140 40.00 KGROUP-WB 0.010 -33.33
* How stock price changes affected the index on the previous trading day

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