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IBM Global Technology Services

Data Sheet

Security strategy
roadmap for cloud
Augment your cloud computing strategy with a
sound security approach

Are security and privacy risk concerns inhibiting you from adopting or
Highlights providing cloud services? Do you have a clear understanding of the
various security and privacy risks associated with cloud computing? Is
Guides you through the security and
it a challenge to optimize your security spending while taking complete
privacy concerns of your unique cloud
initiative advantage of your cloud initiatives? Does your organization lack a
sound security strategy that aligns with your corporate or customer
Helps identify and prioritize cloud com-
puting scenarios for your specific secu-
security requirements?
rity requirements and business needs
IBM Professional Security Services Cloud Computing cloud security
Leverages IBM expertise to help assess
your risks and develop a high-level consulting cloud security strategy roadmap is designed to help you
roadmap for risk mitigation understand, establish and outline the steps for realizing the security
goals in relation to your cloud computing strategy. Our security experts
in the area of cloud computing guide you through onsite work sessions
and discussions that can help determine your cloud computing initia-
tive and goals, identify associated security and privacy risks, determine
appropriate risk mitigation strategies and provide a high-level security
strategy roadmap for successfully achieving your cloud security needs.

Providing guidance around your cloud security

and privacy concerns
Our onsite working session will begin with discussions on cloud com-
puting and the associated security and privacy concerns. IBM subject
matter experts help you consider security risks that apply to subscribers
and providers of various cloud solutions and assess the risks that are
applicable to your cloud initiative.

Determining the cloud scenarios that best

meet your business needs
Throughout the engagement, we work with your key personnel to
understand your specic cloud initiatives and outline associated cloud
deployment scenarios. Security risks for each scenario are discussed in
relation to identied legal, regulatory and security requirements.
Known or required subscriber and provider side controls are outlined
to enable the team to identify remaining gaps.

Leveraging IBM expertise to provide a high-

Copyright IBM Corporation 2010
level roadmap
After determining the high-priority workloads, our cloud and security IBM Global Services
Route 100
experts collaborate with you to establish the risk mitigation steps and Somers, NY 10589 U.S.A.
strategies for effective cloud migration. We work with you to ensure
Produced in the United States of America
that the identied risk mitigation strategies are in line with your secu- September 2010
rity objectives and business needs. The discussions, decisions and All Rights Reserved
actions from the working session are documented as a result of the
IBM, the IBM logo and are trademarks or
engagement, along with the high-level security strategy roadmap for registered trademarks of International Business Machines
your cloud initiative. Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. If
these and other IBM trademarked terms are marked on their
rst occurrence in this information with a trademark symbol
Why IBM? ( or ), these symbols indicate U.S. registered or common
IBM has extensive expertise in delivering cloud computing and security law trademarks owned by IBM at the time this information
was published. Such trademarks may also be registered or
solutions to organizations across multiple industries. Our breadth of common law trademarks in other countries. A current list of
services and products related to security and cloud computing enables IBM trademarks is available on the web at Copyright and
us to provide a more comprehensive approach that is based on time- trademark information at

tested methodologies and best practices. Our recognition as a thought Other company, product or service names may be trademarks
leader with a large base of intellectual capital around security best or service marks of others. References in this publication
to IBM products or services do not imply that IBM intends
practices is backed by the capability to deliver end-to-end solutions for to make them available in all countries in which
enterprises of virtually any size or scope. IBM operates.

The customer is responsible for ensuring compliance with

For more information legal requirements. It is the customers sole responsibility
To learn more about the IBM Professional Security Services Cloud to obtain advice of competent legal counsel as to the
identication and interpretation of any relevant laws and
Computing cloud security consulting cloud security strategy regulatory requirements that may affect the customers
roadmap, please contact your IBM marketing representative business and any actions the reader may have to take to
or IBM Business Partner, or visit the following website: comply with such laws. IBM does not provide legal advice
or represent or warrant that its services or products will ensure that the customer is in compliance with any law
or regulation.
Additionally, nancing solutions from IBM Global Financing can
enable effective cash management, protection from technology obso- Please Recycle
lescence, improved total cost of ownership and return on investment.
Also, our Global Asset Recovery Services help address environmental
concerns with new, more energy-efficient solutions. For more informa-
tion on IBM Global Financing, visit:


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