Drug Study

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Generic Name: Ducosate Dose:

Trade Name: Dulcolax

Drug Mechanism Indications and Adverse Drug Nursing Health

Classification Of Action Contraindications Reaction Interactions Considerations Teachings
Docusate - Acts by Contraindication: - Diarrhea - May increase - Note reasons for - May give oral
lowering the - Intestinal - Nausea absorption of theraphy, causes, solutions with milk
surface tension obstruction or - Vomiting mineral oil from other agents or juices to help
of the feces undiagnosed - Perineal the GI tract. prescribed. mask bitter taste.
and promoting abdominal irritation
penetration by symptoms. - Flatulence - Assess activity - Drink a galss of
water and fat, - Cramps levels, diet, water water with each
thus increasing - Prolonged use. intake, exercise dose.
the softness of Concurrent use routines. Have
the fecal mass. with liqd paraffin. client identify - When used in
Not absorebed Rectal admin to habits and BM enemasm, add 50-
systematically patients with frequency. 100 mg (5-10 ml)
and does not haemorrhoids or to retention or
seem to anal fissures. flushing enema.
interfere with
the absorption - Do not use to - Because docusate
of nutrients. soften inflammed salts are minimally
or perforated ear absorbed, it may
drum. require 1-3 days to
soften fecal
Indication: matter.
- Constipation
Generic Name: Trimetazidine Dose:

Trade Name:

Drug Mechanism Indications and Adverse Drug Nursing Health

Classification Of Action Contraindications Reaction Interactions Considerations Teachings
Anti-Anginal - It inhibits the Contraindication: - Diarrhea - Theophylline - Give oral - Instruct
Drugs anaerobic - Hypersensitivity - Nausea - Aminophylline administration patient to take
glycolysis and - Pregnancy - Vomiting - Methyldopa with meals to all medication
fatty acid - Lactation - GI disturbances - Antidepressants decrease gastric prescribed for
metabolism, - Diuretics irritation. the length of
thus allowing Indication: - Corticosteroids time orderd.
only aerobic - Angina pectoris - Digoxin - Do not crush,
glycolysis. This - Vertigo - break, or chew - Instruct
action helps to - Tinnitus extended patient to
restore the release tablets. monitor
energy balance adverse
in the cell. - Monitor for reaction.
evidence of
- It inhibits allergic reaction.
acidosis and
free radical
in the cell.
Generic Name: Salbutamol Dose:

Trade Name: Albuterol

Drug Mechanism Indications and Adverse Drug Nursing Health

Classification Of Action Contraindications Reaction Interactions Considerations Teachings
Antiasthmatic - Direct-acting Contraindication: - Fine skeletal - Theophylline - Give oral - Instruct
sympathomime - Eclampsia muscle tremor - Aminophylline administration patient to
tic with β- - severe pre- especially hands - Methyldopa with meals to take all
adrenergic eclampsia - Tachycardia - Antidepressants decrease gastric medication
activity and - intra-uterine - Palpitations - Diuretics irritation. prescribed for
selective action infection - muscle cramps - Corticosteroids the length of
on β2 receptors, - intra-uterine - Headache - Digoxin - Do not crush, time orderd.
producing foetal death - paradoxical - Amoxetine (with break, or chew
bronchodilating - antepartum bronchospasm intravenous extended - Instruct
effects. It also haemorrhage - Angioedema salbutamol only). release tablets. patient to
decreases - placenta praevia - Urticaria monitor
uterine - cord hypotension - Monitor for adverse
contractility. compression - Collapse evidence of reaction.
- threatened - Serious allergic reaction.
miscarriage hypokalaemia
after large doses
- Severe
- Acute
- Acute severe
Generic Name: Spinorolactone Dose:

Trade Name: Aldactone




Of Action

Indications and











- Direct-acting sympathomimetic with β-adrenergic activity and selective action on β 2 receptors, producing bronchodilating effects. It also decreases uterine

- Anuria
- Hyperkalaemia
- Acute or progressive renal insufficiency
- Addison's disease


- Hepatic cirrhosis w/ ascites and oedema

- Diagnosis of primary hyperaldosteronism
- Pre-op management of hyperaldosteronism
- Severe CHF W/ ACE inhibitor and loop diuretic
- Fluid or electrolyte imbalance
- Gynaecomastia
- GI upset
- Drowsiness
- Headache
- Hyponatraemia
- Tachycardia
- Hypotension
- Oliguria
- Hyperkalaemia
- Confusion
- Weakness
- Paraesthesia
- Hirsutism
- Mental disturbances
- Menstrual irregularities
- Loss of libido and impotence

- Sodium excretion effect may be inhibited by aspirin.

- May reduce ulcer-healing properties of carbenoxolone.

- Increased risk of nephrotoxicity when used with NSAIDs or ciclosporin.

- Hyperkalaemia may occur if given with potassium supplements, ACE inhibitors, angiotensin II antagonists, NSAIDs, ciclosporin or trilostane.

- May reduce vascular responsiveness to pressor amines.

- Give oral administration with meals to decrease gastric irritation.

- Do not crush, break, or chew extended release tablets.

- Monitor for evidence of allergic reaction.

- Instruct patient to take all medication prescribed for the length of time orderd.

- Instruct patient to monitor adverse reaction.

Generic Name: Metropolol Dose:

Trade Name:

Drug Mechanism Indications and Adverse Drug Nursing Health

Classification Of Action Contraindications Reaction Interactions Considerations Teachings
Beta-Blockers - Metoprolol Contraindication: - Bradycardia - Additive effect - Give oral - Instruct
selectively - 2nd or 3rd degree - Hypotension with administration patient to
inhibits β- AV block - arterial catecholamine- with meals to take all
adrenergic - sick sinus insufficiency depleting drugs decrease gastric medication
receptors but syndrome - chest pain e.g. reserpine. irritation. prescribed for
has little or no - decompensated - CHF the length of
effect on β2- heart failure - Oedema - Increased - Do not crush, time orderd.
receptors - clinically relevant - Palpitation plasma break, or chew
except in high sinus bradycardia - Syncope concentrations extended - Instruct
doses. It has no - Severe peripheral - Gangrene with CYP2D6 release tablets. patient to
membrane- arterial circulatory - Dizziness monitor
stabilising nor disorders - Fatigue - Increased risk of - Monitor for adverse
intrinsic - Cardiogenic shock - Headache hypotension and evidence of reaction.
sympathomime - Asthma - Insomnia, heart failure allergic reaction.
tic activity. short-term with myocardial
Indication: memory loss depressant
- hypertension general
- Angina pectoris anaesthetics
- cardiac - Reduced plasma
arrhythmias levels with
- Stable rifampicin.
symptomatic heart
failure - May increase
inotropic and
effect of anti-

Generic Name: Ampicillin Dose:

Trade Name: Ampicin

Drug Mechanism Indications and Adverse Drug Nursing Health

Classification Of Action Contraindications Reaction Interactions Considerations Teachings
Anti-Infectives - Interferes with Contraindication: - Diarrhea - Probenecid - Obtain patient - Instruct patient
cell wall - Hypersensitivity - Nausea impairs drug history of to take all
synthesis of to penicillin - Vomiting excretion. infection before medication
susceptible - GI Cecrease and during prescribed for
organism, Indication: disturbances efficacy of oral theraphy. the length of
preventing - Treatment for - Lethargy contraceptives time orderd.
bacterial respiratory tract and atenolo. - Asssess patient
multiplication. and soft tissue for signs and - Instruct patient
infection. - Allopurinol symptoms of to monitor
- It also renders - Bacterial incease the risk infection. adverse
to cell wall Meningitis of skin rashes. reaction.
osmotically - Septicemia - Obtain C and S
unstable and before drug - Instruct patient
burst due to therapy to if diarrhea with
osmotic identify if blood or pus
pressure. correcy occur which
treatment has may indicate
been indicated. pseudomembra
nour colitis.
- Monitor renal Notify physician.

- Monitor blood

- Assess for
overgrowth of

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