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Quetion 3-Optimization

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Quetion 3- Optimization

Explain the decomposition method and show an example

Clearify the indication of the value of the value of stiffiness
matrix of the whole structure Also the values of diplacement

:Decomposition Method

:The parameter variables

X1 = number of supports
X2 = number of layers
X3 = spacing between supports
X4 = member cross section D. Diameter
W(x) = weight the whole structure
. , W(x) = X1 , X2

If we have four parameter X1, X2, X3, X4. we take the first
parameter X1, X2 then we have iteration of X1 & X2 and we find
. the optimum solution on X1 & X2
Then we take the variable X3, X4 and have iteration for
. this parameters and find the optimum solution of X3 & X4
We have four values of X1, X2, X3, X4. then the iteration
for these four values to find the optimum solution this method
called Decomposition Method
The number of the needed cases of calculation is here
reduced by division of the set of task. The bicriteria
optimization problem. From each of these problems is pointed
preferable solution. The preferable solution is chosen on the
basis of minimization of a scalar global function, where are
.applied assumed weight coefficients



Give Optimum Solution

the indication of the value of stiffiness matrix-2

Finite element method relation

For the bar oriented along the elemental coordinate system

=1, we can define its physical relation as follow


i V
N 1


EA/L -EA/L 1 1 v N

where K'= =EA/L , x'= Q'= (2.2)

EA/L EA/L 1 1 vk NK-

The matrix K'- is called as stiffness matrix of the bar, x'- is

vector of longitudinal displacements of bar end , Q'- is vector of
.reactions (forces) at the bar end
In 2Dspace, the bar can be inclined by angle to the axes of
local coordinate system Z , Fig 2.1 . In the case each nodal
reaction has tow components along the axes. Therefore, in
:equation (2.1) for such bar matrices obtain the form

v N 0 1- 0 1

0 0 0 0 0 0
k'=EA/L , x'= , Q'= (2.3)
v N 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0

S2 Vk=V1




S2 V




Each component of displacements and reactions of the ends
of the bar inclined by angle to the axis of local coordinate
:system z may be calculated

x'=Tx Q'=TQ(2.4)

c s 0 0 u1 S1

s c 0 0 u2 S2 -
k=EA/L , x= , Q= (2.5)
c s u1 S1 0 0

s c u2 k S2 k - 0 0

and s=sin c=cos

Replacing above to (2.1) we obtain k'Tx=TQ .After leftside

multiplying by T-1=TT we can write (T-1 k' T)x=T-1 TQ , or

Kx=Q ..(2.6)

where was used well known matrices relation I=T-1 T and was
-1 ,
k=T K'T (2.7)
c -s 0 0

s c 0 0
c -s 0 0

s c 0 0

The relation (2.7) similarly as (2.1) is bhisical relation of the bar

The same relations for only bended bar in princibal its planes ,
.Fig 2.3, we obtain as follow
a b
M=-M1 M=-M3
N Nk N Nk

d=dv3= d=dv3=
T=-T3 T=-T3

3 2

Fig 2.3

principal plan 013

Q'=K'x' .(2.8)
T3 w

Q'= , x'= (2.9)
T3 w

M2 k k

12EI2/l3 -6EI2/l2 : -12EI2/l3 -6EI2/l2

6EI2/l2 4EI2/l : 6EI2/l2 2EI2/l-

K (2.10) =

12EI2/l3 6EI2/l2 : 12EI2/l3 6EI2/l2

6EI2/l2 2EI2/l : 6EI2/l2 4EI2/l-

After completion the above relation (2.8) by influence of

:longitudinal force ( 2.1), we can write

Q'=K'x', (2.11)

T3 u

T w

Q'= , x'= (2.12)
T3 u

T w

M2 k k

EA/l 0 0 : EA/l 0 0

12EI2/l3 -6EI2/l2 : 0 -12EI2/l3 -6EI2/l2 0

0 -6EI2/l2 4EI2/l : 0 6EI2/l2 2EI2/l

K3e= (2. 13)

EA/l 0 0 : EA/l 0 0-

12EI2/l3 6EI2/l2 : 0 12EI2/l3 6EI2/l2 0

6EI2/l2 2EI2/l : 0 6EI2/l2 4EI2/l- 0

principal plan 012

Q'=K'x' .(2.14)

Q'= , x'= (2.15)

M3 k k

12EI3/l3 6EI3/l2 : 12EI3/l3 6EI3/l2

6EI3/l2 4EI2/l : - 6EI3/l2 2EI3/l

K (2.16) =

12EI3/l3 - 6EI3/l2 : 12EI3/l3 6EI3/l2-

6EI3/l2 2EI3/l : 6EI3/l2 4EI2/l

After completion the above relation (2.8) by influence of

:longitudinal force ( 2.1), we can write
Q'=K'x', (2.17)

T3 u

T w

Q'= , x'= (2.18)
T3 u

T w

M2 k k

EA/l 0 0 : EA/l 0 0

12EI2/l3 -6EI2/l2 : 0 -12EI2/l3 -6EI2/l2 0

0 -6EI2/l2 4EI2/l : 0 6EI2/l2 2EI2/l

K3e= (2. 19)

EA/l 0 0 : EA/l 0 0-

12EI2/l3 6EI2/l2 : 0 12EI2/l3 6EI2/l2 0

6EI2/l2 2EI2/l : 0 6EI2/l2 4EI2/l- 0

In the general case of combained bar loading (3D state of bar

loading ) , we can write

T1 u
T2 v
T3 w
M1 1
M2 2
M3 3
x'= .. x'= (2.21)
T1 u
T2 v
T3 w
M1 1
M2 2
M3 k 3k

:The values of displacement(3

If the values of the displacement x ,y ,z are high then the strength of
the structure is less and if the values of the displacement x ,y ,z are
.low then the structure is more strength
: for example
If we have three structures the first has one layer , the second has two
layer , the third has three layers actually the displacement x ,y ,z
. for the first sructure is higher than the second and the third
That is mean the strength of the structure for the one layer less than the
other two, thats way the one layer structure is more sensitive than the
.other two

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