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Recalculate Depreciation

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Recalculate Depreciation

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Created by George Lin, last modified on May 05, 2017
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As the first step of Monthly/Quarterly/Yearly end closing, you need to execute depreciation recalculation via transaction code
AFAR. In case of any error occurred in test run and/or real run of depreciation recalculation, the error has to be eliminated first
before you move to further steps of closing process. This article describes detailed steps for general depreciation recalculation

To ensure depreciation is recalculated correctly for all assets, usually we execute depreciation recalculation in background first and remove all errors
occurred in test run of depreciation recalculation. afterwards, we execute real run of depreciation recalculation in background.

<Section 1: Test Run of Depreciation Recalculation>

1, Execute transaction code AFAR and specify parameters only for field Company code and Test run

2, Go to menu: Program -> Execute in background to execute depreciation calculation in background mode.

3, Specify printer and push button 'Confirm'

4, Push button 'Confirm'

5, Push button 'Immediate' and button 'Save'

6, Execute transaction code SE37 to check the job has finished

7, Execute transaction code ARMO then input below parameters F8 to Execute

8, Check the status of Test Run. if the status is red light, then go to next step to check the details of error messages

9, Push button 'Spool'

10, Go to the bottom of Spool to check if there is any error message recorded

11, Check error messages one by one and correct those errors completely

12, After all errors are solved, you need to repeat all of above steps again to check if there is still any error message recorded in the spool of test run of
depreciation recalculation

13, If the status for test run of depreciation recalculation in step 8 is green light like below screen, you can move to section 2 to execute real run of
depreciation recalculation

<Section 2: Update Run of Depreciation Recalculation>

1, Execute transaction code AFAR and input parameter company code only
2, Go to menu: Program -> Execute in background to execute depreciation calculation in background mode.

3, Specify printer and push button 'Confirm'

4, Push button 'Confirm'

5, Push button 'Immediate' and button 'Save'

6, Execute transaction code SE37 to check the job has finished

7, Execute transaction code ARMO then input below parameters F8 to Execute

8, Check the status for update run is green light.

9, In below screen, click on button 'Spool' to check there is no error message recorded in the bottom of the spool
<Section 3: Scenarios for Depreciation Recalculation>
1, Before Month / Year end closing

2, After customizing change in Asset Accounting

3, After support package upgrade

FI T-Codes
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Created by Prasanna Ramachandran, last modified by Nathan Genez on May 06, 2009
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T Code Description

spro Enter Img

OX02 Company Code - Create, Check, Delete

OX03 Create Business Area

OKBD Functional Areas

OB45 Create Credit Control Area

OB29 Maintain Fiscal Year Variant

OB37 Assign Co. Code to Fiscal Year Variant

OB13 Creation of Chart of Account (CoA)

OBY7 Copy Chart of Account (CoA)

OBY9 Transport Chart of Account

OBD4 Define Account Group

OBY2 Copy GL Accounts from the Chart to Co. Code

OB53 Define Retained Earnings

OB58 Maintain Financial Statement Versions

OBC4 Maintain Field Status Variant

OBBO Define Posting Period Variant

OBA7 Define Document Type & Number Ranges

OB41 Maintain Posting Keys

OBA4 Create Tolerance Groups

FBN1 Create GL Number Ranges

OBL1 Automatic Posting Documentation

FBKP Automatic Account Assignment

OBYC MM Automatic Account Assignment

OBY6 Enter Global Parameters

FS00 Creation of GL Master Records

(F-02) Posting of GL Transactions

(FB03) Display of GL Document

(FS10N) Display of GL Accounts

OB46 Define Interest Calculation Types

OBD3 Define Vendor Account Group

(XK01) Creation of Vendor Master

(F-43) Purchase Invoice Posting

(FK10N) Display Vendor Account

F112 Define House Bank

OBB8 Maintain Terms of Payment (ToP)

OBD2 Creation of Customer Account Group

OBA3 Customer Tolerance Groups

(XD01) Creation of Customer Master

(FD10N) Display Customer Account

(F-28) Incoming Payment Posting

OB61 Define Dunning Area

EC08 Copy Reference Chart of Depreciation (CoD)

OADB Define Depreciation Area

OAOB Assign Chart of Depreciation to Co. Code

OAOA Define Asset Class

AO90 Assignment of Account in Asset Class

OAY2 Determination of Depreciation Area in Asset Class

(AS01) Creation of Asset Master

(AS11) Creation of Sub Asset

(F-90) Asset Purchase Posting

(AFAB) Depreciation Run

(F-92) Asset Sale Posting

(AW01N) Asset Explorer

Asset Accounting Transaction Codes

AACCOBJ Display Active Acct Assgnmt Elements

AARC Archiving Asset Accounting

AART Reading of Archive Data

AATENV1 Create Data Collection

AATENV2 Create Test Cases

AATENV3 Execute Test Cases

AAVN Recalculate base insurable value

AB01 Create asset transactions

AB02 Change asset document

AB03 Display Asset Document

AB08 Reverse Line Items

ABAA Unplanned depreciation

ABAD Asset Retire. frm Sale w/ Customer

ABAD_OLD Asset Retire. frm Sale w/ Customer

ABAKN Last Retirement on Group Asset

ABAO Asset Sale Without Customer

ABAON Asset Sale Without Customer

ABAV Asset Retirement by Scrapping

ABAVN Asset Retirement by Scrapping

ABAW Balance sheet revaluation

ABAWN New value method

ABB1 Correction of Asset Accounts

ABCO Adjustment Posting to Areas

ABF1 Post Document

ABF1L Post Document in Ledger Group

ABGF Credit Memo in Year after Invoice

ABGL Enter Credit Memo in Year of Invoice

ABIF Investment support

ABMA Manual depreciation

ABMR Manual transfer of reserves

ABMW Reverse asset trans. using doc. no.

ABNA Post-capitalization

ABNAN Post-Capitalization

ABNC Enter post-capitalization

ABNE Subsequent Revenue

ABNK Subsequent Costs

ABSO Miscellaneous Transactions

ABSO_OLD Miscellaneous Transactions

ABST Reconciliation Analysis FI-AA

ABST2 Reconciliation Analysis FI-AA

ABT1 Intercompany Asset Transfer

ABT1N Intercompany Asset Transfer

ABUB Transfer between areas

ABUM Transfer From

ABUMN Transfer within Company Code

ABUZSM Maintain Line Item Schema

ABZE Acquisition from in-house production

ABZK Acquisition from purchase w. vendor

ABZO Asset acquis. autom. offset. posting

ABZON Acquis. w/Autom. Offsetting Entry

ABZP Acquistion from affiliated company

ABZS Enter write-up

ABZU Write-up

ABZV Asset Acquis. Posted w/Clearing Acct

ACC01 Account Maintenance FI-AA

ACCMAP Convert Depreciation Areas

ACSET Maint.Acct Types for Acct Asgmt Obj.

AFAB Post depreciation

AFABN Post Depreciation

AFAF Assets with errors

AFAM_093B View Default Values for Valuation

AFAM_093C Company Code Default Values

AFAMA View Maint. for Deprec. Key Method

AFAMD View Maint. Declining-Bal. Method

AFAMH Maintain Maximum Amount Method

AFAMP View Maint. Period Control Method

AFAMR View Maintenance Base Method

AFAMS View Maint. Multi-Level Method

AFAMSK Method: Levels in Calendar Years

AFAR Recalculate Depreciation

AFBN Include New Depreciation Area

AFBP Create depreciation posting log

AIAB AuC Assignment of Dist. Rule

AIAO C AM Maint. list vers. gen. line itm

AIAZ Display Dist. Rule Allocation

AIBU Transfer Asset under Const.

AIIO C AM Maintain List Version AuC

AIST Reverse Settlement of AuC

AJAB Year-End Closing

AJRW Fiscal Year Change

AM04 Changes to Asset Classes

AM05 Lock Asset Class

ANHAL Maintain Cutoff Value Key

ANK0 Ch.-of-Depr.-Dep. Asset Class Data

ANK1 Ch.-of-Depr.-Dep. Control Specif.

ANK2 Ch.-of-Depr.-Dep. Allocations

ANK3 Ch.-of-Depr.-Dep. Net Worth Valuat.

ANK4 Ch.-of-Depr.-Dep. Insurance Data

ANKA Directory of asset classes

ANKL Generate Asset Classes

ANKL_OLD Create Asset Classes from Accounts

ANSICHT Maintain Asset Views

ANSICHT00 Assignment Trans.Group - Asset View

ANVEST Maintain Investment Support Measures

AO11 Assign number range

AO21 Screen layout for deprec. areas

AO25 Unit-of-prod. depreciation

AO31 Specify Depreciation Area

AO32 Assign net worth tax area

AO33 Net worth tax field selection

AO41 Add to insurance specifications

AO42 Insurance field selection

AO51 Leasing field selection

AO52 Add to leasing entries

AO61 Assign user fields

AO67 Define Transaction Type

AO68 Define Transaction Type

AO69 Account assignmt. KTNAIB

AO71 Document type for posting deprec.

AO72 Specify posting procedure

AO73 Define Transaction Type

AO73_INV Define Transaction Type

AO74 Define Transaction Type

AO75 Define Transaction Type

AO76 Define Transaction Type

AO77 Define Transaction Type

AO78 Define Transaction Type

AO79 Define Transaction Type

AO80 Define Transaction Type

AO81 Define Transaction Type

AO82 Define Transaction Type

AO83 Define Transaction Type

AO84 Define Transaction Type

AO85 Account assignmt Acquisitions

AO86 Account assingmt. Retirements

AO87 Acct. Assignmt Revaluation on APC

AO88 Acct.Assignmt for Investment Support

AO89 Acct.assmt. not to curr ac.as.share

AO90 Account assignmt Acquisitions

AO90_OLD Account assignmt Acquisitions

AO91 Specify field group authorization

AO92 Logical field groups

AO93 Ord. Depreciation Acct Assignment

AO94 Special Depreciation Acct Assignment

AO95 Acct. assgnmt. Unplanned deprec.

AO96 Acct. assgnmt. Transfer of reserves

AO97 Acct. assgnmt. Reval. of deprec.

AO98 Acct. assignment Interest

AO99 Acct. assgnmt. Derived dep. areas

AO99_OLD Acct. assgnmt. Derived dep. areas

AOBK Depreciation areas/Reduction rules

AOBV Maint. of rules for delivery costs

AOCO Cost center check (across co.codes)

AOLA Master Data Tab

AOLAPOST Tabstrip Posting Transactions

AOLK Tab Layout for Asset Master Data

APER_RESET Reset Periodic Posting Run

AR01 Call Asset List

AR02 Call Up Asset History Sheet

AR03 Call Up Depreciation List

AR04 Call Up Depreciation + Interest List

AR05 Call Up Asset Acquisition List

AR06 Call Up Asset Retirement List

AR07 Call Up Asset Transfer List

AR08 Call Up Depreciation Compare List

AR09 Call Up Property List

AR10 Call Up Insurance List

AR11 Investment Grants

AR11N Investment Grants

AR12 Call Up Asset Directory

AR13 Call Up Prim. Cost Plan. Dep./Int.

AR14 Call Up Manual Depreciation List

AR15 Changes to Master Record

AR16 Changes to Asset Classes

AR17 Call Up Leasing Liability List

AR18 Call Up Depr.Simulation

AR19 Call Up List of Origins

AR20 Retirement comparison

AR21 Mid-quarter Alert Report

AR22 Analysis of retirment revenue

AR23 Italy: Asset register

AR24 Italy: Assets at 3rd party

AR25 Depreciation posted

AR26 Call up special reserve list

AR27 Call up: Group asset list

AR28 Call up asset history

AR29 Re- and New Valuation of Assets

AR29N Re- and New Valuation of Assets

AR30 Display Worklist

AR31 Edit Worklist

AR32 Call Create Worklist

AR32N Call Create Worklist

ARAL Display Application Log

ARMO Schedule Monitor: Asset Accounting

ARQ0 FIAA - Ad hoc reports

ART0 FIAA - Information System

AS01 Create Asset Master Record

AS02 Change Asset Master Record

AS03 Display Asset Master Record

AS04 Asset Changes

AS05 Block Asset Master Record

AS06 Delete Asset Record/Mark for Delet.

AS08 Number Ranges:Asset Number

AS100 Legacy Data Transfer using Excel

AS11 Create Asset Subnumber

AS11_FMIM Create AuC Subnumber

AS21 Create Group Asset

AS22 Change Group Asset

AS23 Display Group Asset

AS24 Create Group Asset Subnumber

AS25 Block group asset

AS26 Mark group asset for deletion

AS81 Create Old Group Assets Data

AS82 Change old group asset

AS83 Display old group asset

AS84 Create legacy group asset subnumber

AS91 Create Old Asset

AS92 Change Old Asset

AS93 Display Old Asset

AS94 Create Legacy Asset Subnumber

ASCC Assets on My Cost Center - GUI Vers.

ASCC_GUI Assets on My Cost Center

ASEM My assets

ASEM_GUI My Assets - GUI Version

ASIM Simulation of asset posting

ASKB Periodic Asset Postings

ASKBN Periodic APC Posting Run

AT01 Create Asset Master Record (old)

AT02 Change Asset Master Record (old)

AT03 Display Asset Master Record (old)

AT11 Create Asset Subnumber (Old)

AT21 Create Group Asset (old)

AT22 Change Group Asset (old)

AT23 Display Group Asset (old)

AT24 Create Group Asset Sub-Number (old)

AT81 Create Old Group Asset (old)

AT82 Change Old Group Asset (old)

AT83 Display Old Group Asset (old)

AT84 Display Old Group Asset Sub-No.(old)

AT91 Create Old Asset (old)

AT92 Change Old Asset (old)

AT93 Display Old Asset (old)

AT94 Create Old Asset Sub-Number (old)

AUFW Maintain Revaluation Measures

AUN0 FI-AA Asset Summary - Analysis of an asset and its environment

AUN1 FI-AA Asset Summary - Analysis of an asset and its environment: Postings

AUN10 FI-AA Asset Summary - Analysis of an asset and its environment: Fiscal Year Variant

AUN11 FI-AA Asset Summary - Analysis of an asset and its environment: Transfer/Line Item Schema
AUN2 FI-AA Asset Summary - Analysis of an asset and its environment: Value Determination

AUN3 FI-AA Asset Summary - Analysis of an asset and its environment: Posted Values

AUN4 FI-AA Asset Summary - Analysis of an asset and its environment: Legacy Data

AUN5 FI-AA Asset Summary - Analysis of an asset and its environment: Account Assignment

AUN6 FI-AA Asset Summary - Analysis of an asset and its environment: Insurance

AUN7 FI-AA Asset Summary - Analysis of an asset and its environment: Leasing

AUN8 FI-AA Asset Summary - Analysis of an asset and its environment: Investment Support

AUN9 FI-AA Asset Summary - Analysis of an asset and its environment: Screen Layout

AUVA FI-AA Incomplete Assets

AW01 Asset Explorer

AW01_AFAR Asset Explorer (old engine)

AW01_OLD Asset Master Rec: Display Val.Fields

AW01N Asset Explorer

F-90 Acquisition from purchase w. vendor

F-91 Asset Acquis. Posted w/Clearing Acct

F-92 Asset Retire. frm Sale w/ Customer

FAA_GENMAP Generate Mapping Methods

FB05_OLD Post with clearing

FBA7_OLD Post Vendor Down Payment

FBA8_OLD Clear Vendor Down Payment

FIAAHELP FI-AA Utility Programs

FIAAHELP_DAR FI-AA Utility Programs Dispatcher


J1AH Creating Way Bills

J1AI Asset Revaluation (Inflation)

J1AJ Print Way Bill Document

OA01 Gain/loss substitution -Fixed assets

OA02 Substitution: Mass Changes to Assets

OA03 C AM Asset Class Index

OA05 C AM Maintain Table T499S

OA07 Generate C AM BALTD Record Layout

OA08 FI-AA: Maintain Country Table

OA11 C AM Asset Master Matchcode

OA13 FI-AA Legacy Data Transfer

OA14 Direct import of data

OA15 C AM Maintenance Table T094P

OA1X Asset Data Transfer

OA50 Maint. of rules for delivery costs

OA79 C AM Maintain Ast.Hist.Sheet Defin.

OA80 C AM Maint. Asset.Hist.Sheet Defin.

OA81 Maintain Transaction Types - Expert

OA84 Generate Period Control

OA85 C FI-AA: Weighting periods

OA90 AM: Asset Register

OAAQ Take back FI-AA year-end closing

OAAR C AM Year-end closing by area

OAAW FI-AA: Memo value for asset class

OAAX FI-AA: Asst class for grp asset only

OAAY FI-AA: Hist. layout set-asset class

OAAZ FI-AA: Settlement profile

OABC Depreciation areas/value transfer

OABD Depreciation areas/param. transfer

OABE Deprec. areas/gross transfer

OABK Delete asset class

OABL C AM Reset Company Code

OABM Depreciation areas/Transfer of resvs

OABN Depreciation areas/ordinary deprec.

OABR Maint. of rules for delivery costs

OABS Depreciation areas/Special deprec.

OABT Set Up Parallel Currencies

OABT_OLD Deprec. areas/parallel currencies

OABU Depreciation areas/Unplanned deprec.

OABW Depreciation areas/Replacement vals

OABX Deppreciation areas/Investmt support

OABY C AM Maintain Table T093Y

OABZ Depreciation areas / Interest

OAC1 C AM Leasing Types

OACB Customer name for evaluation group 1

OACC Customer name for evaluation group 1

OACD Customer name for evaluation group 1

OACE Customer name for evaluation group 1

OACF Customer name for evaluation group 1

OACS C FI-AA View maint. substitutions

OACV C FI-AA View maint. validations

OADB Define Depreciation Area

OADB_WZ Set Up Parallel Valuation

OADC Depreciation Areas: Area type

OAGL Reset posted depreciation

OAI5 C FIAA Time-dependent inv. support

OAK1 C AM Consist. Chart of Depreciation

OAK2 C AM Consist. Company Code

OAK3 C AM Consist. Depreciation Area

OAK4 C AM Consist. G/L Accounts

OAK5 C AM Customizng reconc. acct. contrl

OAK6 C AM Consist. G/L accounts

OAK7 Reconc. acct. as stat. cost element

OAKA Standart texts in asset class

OAKB Define asset for gain/loss

OALX Define Long Text Templates

OAMK Change Reconciliation Accounts

OAOA FI-AA: Define asset classes

OAOB FI-AA: Assign company codes

OAP4 FI-AA: Description of chart of dep.

OAPL C FI-AA: Set Chart of Depreciation

OARC Maint. of retention periods FI-AA

OARK Archive Settings

OARP Call up of AM report overview

OASI FI-AA Implementation Guide (smart)

OASV Enter G/L Account Postings

OATB Asgmt of dep.area to cross-sys.area

OATR Define Report Selection

OAV5 Index figures

OAV7 C AM Change Simulation Versions

OAV8 FI-AA C Def. Eval. Group, 8 places

OAV9 C AM Asset hist. group view maint.

OAVA C AM Eval. Group View Maintenance

OAVB C AM View Maintenance Prop.Indicator

OAVC C AM Manual Valuat. View Maintenance

OAVD C AM Insurance Data View Maintenance

OAVE C AM View Maintenance Classif.NWTax

OAVF C AM View Maint. Insurance Companies

OAVG C AM View Maint. Report Simul.(Dep)

OAVH C AM View Maint. Period Control

OAVI C AM View Maint. Sort Versions

OAVJ C AM View Maint. Trans.Type Group

OAVL C AM View Maint. Locations

OAVM C AM View Maint. Field Groups

OAVN C AM View Maint. Fld.Grp. Asset Data

OAVO C AM View Maint. Screen Control

OAVP C AM View Maint. Deprec.Trace Texts

OAVR C AM View Maint. Dep.Check Rules

OAVS C AM View Maint. Period Rule

OAVT C AM View Maint. Insurance Premium

OAVX C AM view maint no.periods shtd f.yr

OAVZ C AM Call up report

OAW1 Reason for investment

OAW2 Maximum base value

OAW3 Translation method

OAWF Assign Workflow Tasks

OAWT AW01- define value field texts

OAXB Deprec. areas for transaction types

OAXC Deprec. areas for transaction types

OAXD Deprec. areas for transaction types

OAXE Deprec. areas for transaction types

OAXF Define Transaction Type

OAXG Define Transaction Type

OAXH Deprec. areas for transaction types

OAXI Deprec. areas for transaction types

OAXJ Deprec. areas for transaction types

OAY1 Special handling of transfer posting

OAY2 Asset class: Low value asset check

OAYA Deprec. areas for transaction types

OAYB Limiting transaction type groups

OAYC Legacy data transfer: Depr. terms

OAYD Legacy data transfer: Man. entry FC

OAYE Legacy data transfer: Sequence

OAYF Legacy Data Transfer: Accumul. Depr.

OAYG Legacy data transfer: Calc.repl.val.

OAYH Depreciation area currency

OAYI Memo value of area

OAYJ Net book value is changeover amount

OAYK Low-value assets

OAYL Individual period weighting

OAYM Permit group asset for area

OAYN Assign bal.sheet/inc.stmt to area

OAYO Rounding specific. for deprec. area

OAYP Shortening rules for shortened FY

OAYQ Gross/net resrvs.for special deprec.

OAYR Posting rules for depreciation

OAYS Special treatment of retirement

OAYT Transact.type for proportional vals

OAYU Capitaliztn of dwn-paymnts (transfr)

OAYZ Asset class: Depreciation areas

OAZ1 Validation Rules for Trans.Typ.Grp.

OAZ2 Substitution for trans.type group

OB03 C FI Maintain Table T003 (Change View "Document Types")

OKGL Versions for capitalization val.calc

ORFA Asset Accounting Customizing: Display IMG

SPRO Customizing: Execute Project - SAP Reference IMG

New Asset Accounting

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Created by Akbar Gudur Khadervali, last modified on Jul 09, 2016
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New Asset Accounting (S4 HANA FINANCE)

Will do some basic configuration in the S4 HANA FINANCE system, without many bells and whistles; I have not activated document splitting
nor additional local currencies, will configure the following:

1. Chart of Depreciation

a. Copy chart of depreciation

b. Modify the description

c. Delete depreciation areas not required

d. Assign company code to chart of depreciation

2. Asset Class (Structures your fixed assets)

a. Account Determination

b. Screen layout (field status)

c. Asset number range

d. Define asset class

e. Depreciation area activation/deactivation

f. Create GL account (for eg: Vehicle(Recon), Accumulated depreciation account(Liability) Sale of asset( Profit on sale GL
account/loss on sale GL account) , Loss due to scrap, Deprecation.

g. Integration with GL accounts via account determination (for automatic posting)

h. Maintain number range for Deprecation posting AF

i. Specify the intervals for posting (monthly, quarterly, yearly etc)

j. Specify the rounding net book value

k. Define screen layout for asset master data (eg: Default capitalization date.)

l. l. Screen layout for Depreciation area (eg: Dep Key, useful life, start date)

3. Depreciation configuration

a. Depreciation multi level (eg: percentage is derived from DML)

b. Maintain period control

c. Base method

d. Decline balance method

e. Maintain depreciation key

f. Do some postings like create asset, sale, scrap, run Dep etc.

Created company code AB10 and the following are the bare minimum settings:
AB10 has local currency as USD and Fiscal year variant K4. (also activated parallel GL accts for account based approach )

Setting 0% input and output tax: TCode: OBCL

Chart of Dep:

Nothing fancy, we are going to us only Book Depreciation, what is new here is Assignment of accounting Principle
Assign Chart of Depreciation to Company code.

Asset class Configuration:

Specify Account Determination:

Created AB10V acct determination identifier.

Create Screen layout rules:

Define number range interval

Define Asset Class

Creating Asset class AB10V: Eg Vehicles

GL Accounts creation

Create Asset GL Account FS00

Create Accumulated Depreciation account (Liabilities).

Sale of Asset GL Account (Income)
Profit on sale of Asset GL Account (Income)

Loss on sale of asset (Expense)

Loss due to scrap (Expense)

Depreciation GL Account (Expense)

Assign these GL accounts for automatic posting. (Account determination) AO90

Double click on Balance sheet accounts as below, enter acct determination id.

Enter previously created G/L accounts as shown below:

Double click on Depreciation Enter Depreciation and accumulate dep GL accounts as shown below.
Maintain the document type number range OBA7
Specify the Posting rules OAYR

Double click on Posting rules and select Monthly Posting

Rounding Net book value OAYO

Define Screen layout for Asset master data
Make Capitalization required field
Select time dependent data:

Made Business area as required in this demo.

Define Screen layout for Asset Depreciation areas

We will use standard 2000

Making Dep key, usefully life and dep start date required.

Configuring Multilevel method AFAMS

Configuring Period Control AFAMP

Configuring Dep Key AFAMA

Enter details as shown below:

Click Activate button

Determine Depreciation Areas in the Asset Class OAYZ

Using only Book Dep.

Create asset

Create a sub asset

You need to Create Technical clearing account (Specific to Simple finance) FS00

Define technical clearing account:

Purchase the Asset F-90, Enter details as shown below

Document Posted: Vendor to Technical clearing account.

AW01N (Asset Report)

Now Run the Depreciation (AFAB) Test Run

Actual depreciation run
Now Run AW01 Report (You can see depreciation posted)

Now we will create another asset for Transfer posting

Asset with sub number 2 created

Transfer the asset (ABUMN)

(Area selection is new in NEW ASSET ACCOUNTING)

Now go to Report AW01N (you can see the transfer)

Now the depreciation values will post from period 2 from the transferred asset
Asset sub number 1 is closed

Now we will scrap this asset ABAVN

Loss due to scrapping.

Sale of Asset.

Create another Asset

Purchase asset F-90

Vendor to Technical clearing account

Run AW01N

Sale of Asset F-92

Customer to Sale of asset
Recommended reports:

Asset history sheet RAGITT_ALV01

Planned Depreciation run: RAHAFA_ALV01

Line items now go to ACDOC table

Some things to take away:

1. If Non-leading ledgers are activated, you need to create additional depreciation areas for each non leading ledger. And also for additional
local currencies

2. Depreciation areas cannot be created for appendix ledger.

3. Posting will be done in real time to Non-leading ledgers, so no delta postings required anymore.

4. We need to assign depreciation area to accounting principle

5. ABST2 Preparation for yearend closing (Removed)

6. Instead of vendor to asset, postings in new asset accounting will be to Technical clearing accounts..

If time permits will do one more demo with document splitting and non leading ledgers.


How we can verify the asset posting logs

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Created by Thaiane Treis on Oct 01, 2013
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The purpose of this page is to help users to verify system log after run periodic posting or depreciation posting in test mode.

When we run periodic posting or depreciation posting, as best practice, we should run them as test mode first and verify the system log to ensure that
posting will occur without errors.

The most used transaction codes to verify periodic and depreciation posting logs are SCMO and ARMO.

Transaction codes to verify log:

The most used transaction codes to verify periodic and depreciation posting logs are SCMO and ARMO.

Go to transaction code SCMO:

Or go to transaction code ARMO directly:

By both transaction codes you will able to verify monitor below:

Also, if you want to know if there have been errors in the "direct posting", you can check it by transaction code ARAL:
Related Content
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Year-End-Closing in Asset Accounting

Related SAP Notes/KBAs

SAP Note 625204: RAPOST2000: Displaying errors, spool lists
Month End and Year End Closing Operations
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Created by Guest, last modified by Jack Wu on Dec 24, 2008
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Month End Closing Operations

Module Sr. No. Process Description T Code / Menu- Periodicity(D/W/M) Person Responsible / Location

MM 1 Inventory balance Programm ZBIL Monthly Logistic

MM 2 Inventory Revaluation MR22 Monthly Corporate Accounts

Logistics >
Management >
Valuation >
Change in
Material Price >
Change Material

MM 3 Physical Inventory Differences- MI07 - Monthly Depot/corporate accounts after

Post , after Physical counting Logistics > prior approval from head of
Materials finance
Management >
Physical Inventory
> Difference >
(+ MI01 MI04 )

MM 4 PO Closure ME22N - Monthly Purchase dept

Logistics >
Management >
Purchasing >
Purchase Order >

SD 5 Check Billing Due List for the VF04 - Monthly Logtistics/Sales Admin.
last days in the month * *Logistics >
Sales and
Distribution >
Billing > Billing
Document >
Process Billing
Due List

SD 6 General check of SD billing VL06F - Monthly Logtistics/Sales Admin.

flows of Goods Issues without Information
invoices Systems > General
Report Selection >
Sales and
>Shipping >
Delivery Monitor
FI 7 General account manual FI FB50 / KE21N Monthly Corporate Accounts

SD 8 Release SD billing to VFX3 - Monthly Logtistics/Sales Admin.

Accounting Logistics > Sales
and Distribution >
Billing > Billing
Document >
Blocked Billing

COPA 9 Reconciliation between KEAT Monthly Reporting

CO/FI/SD Accounting >
Controlling >
Analysis > Tools >
Analyze Value

FI & 10 Invoicing Regularisation FB50 Monthly Reporting

COPA of deliveries non invoiced Accounting ->
General Ledger ->
Document Entry
-> FB50 - Enter
G/L Account

FI-CO-SD 11 Ensure Return sale order KE24/MB51 Monthly Sales Admin/Reporting/Accounts

-credit memo and transfer
posting tally

Payroll 12 Running of payroll interface NON Monthly IT/Corporate Accounts


MM 13 Open next MM Period MMPV Logistics Monthly Manual orAutomated back ground
> Material job
Managements >
Material Master >
Other > Close

FI 14 Open FI Posting Periods OB52 Accounting Monthly Corporate Accounts

-> Financial
General Ledger ->
Environment ->
Current Settings
- Open and Close
Posting Periods

CO/IM 15 Settlement of Investment KO8G Monthly Reporting

Orders to AUC Accounting > /Corporate Accounts
Controlling >
Internal Orders >
Closing > Single
Functions >
Settlement >
KO8G Collective

CO/IM 16 Settlement of Investment KO8G Monthly Reporting/Corporate Accounts

Orders to Fixed Assets Accounting ->
Management ->
Internal Orders
Functions >
Settlement >
KO8G - Collective

FI 17 Depreciation Run AFAB Monthly Reporting/Corporate Accounts

-Accounting ->
Fixed Assets ->
Processing ->
Depreciation Run
-> AFAB -

FI 18 Maintain Exchange Rates OB08 interface MEDECO

Accounting ->
General Ledger ->
Environment ->
Current Settings
- Enter Translation

FI 19 Post Accrual / Deferral Entries FBS1 Monthly Corporate Accounts

Accounting ->
General Ledger ->
Processing ->
Closing -> Valuate
-> FBS1 - Enter

FI 20 Post Recurring Entries F.14 Depends on Nature of entry and Corporate Accounts
Accounting -> target accrual dates
General Ledger ->
Processing ->
Recurring Entries
-> F.14 - Execute

FI 21 Reverse Accrual / Deferral F.81 Monthly Corporate Accounts

Entries Accounting ->
General Ledger ->
Processing ->
Closing -> Valuate
-> F.81 - Reverse

FI 22 Receivables and Payables F101 Accounting Monthly Corporate Accounts

Regroupements -> Accounts
Receivables ->
Processing ->
Closing ->
Regroup -> F101 -

FI 23 GR/IR Clearing F.13 Accounting Monthly Corporate Accounts

-> Financial
General Ledger ->
Processing ->
Clearing -> F.13 -
Specification of
Clearing Currency

FI 24 Revaluation of Foreign F.05 Accounting Monthly/Weekly Corporate Accounts

Currency Balances -> Financial
General Ledger ->
Processing ->
Closing -> Valuate
-> F.05 - Foreign

COCCA 25 Correction of FI documents for KB61 Weekly/Monthly

wrong cost centre entries Accounting >
Controlling > Cost
Center Accounting
> Actual Postings
> KB61 Repost
Line Items

CO 26 Period close in CO OKP1 Monthly Reporting

Accounting >
Controlling >
Analysis > Actual
Posting > Period
End Closing >
Transfer Cost
Center costs >

CO-FI 27 CO-FI Reco S_ALR_8701360 Weekly/Monthly Reporting

Accounting >
Controlling > Cost
Accounting >
System > Reports
for Cost and
Revenue Element
Acc >
Reconciliation >
Reconciliation in
CoCd Currency

COPA 28 CO - PA assessment KEU5 Monthly Reporting

Accounting >
Controlling >
Analysis > Actual
Posting > Period
End Closing >
Transfer Cost
Center costs >

COPA 29 Reconciliation between CO - GR55 ZTL8 Monthly Reporting

CCA - COPA Accounting >
Controlling > Cost
Center Accounting
> Information
System > Tools >
Report Painter >
Report Writer >
Group ZTL8 >

COPA 30 RES1 Report execution and KE30 D/W/M Reporting

validation Accounting >
Controlling >
Analysis >
System > Execute

FI 31 Balance Audit Trail S_ALR_8710020 Monthly Corporate Accounts

General Ledger
Processing >
Closing >
Document >
Balance Audit
Trail > All
Accounts >
- General Ledger
from the
Document File

FI 32 Compact Journal S_ALR_8701228 Monthly Corporate Accounts

Accounting ->
General Ledger ->
->Closing >
Report > General
Ledger Reports
>Document >
> Compact

FI 33 VAT Liability F.38 General Monthly Corporate Accounts

Ledger >Periodic
Processing >
Closing > Report
> F.38 - Transfer
Deferred Tax

FI 34 VAT Liability F-32 Accounting Monthly Corporate Accounts

-> Financial
General Ledger ->
Document Entry
-> F-02 - General

FI 35 Analyse GR / IR a/c to FBL3N / F.13 Monthly Corporate Accounts

crystalise and close the liability (TEST run and
in the GR / IR a/c to chase up without tick " only
invoices docs which can be

FI 34 Review and download the p& l S_ALR_8701228 Monthly Corporate Accounts/

and balance sheet 4 Ledger Reporting
- Reporting ->
System -> General
Ledger Reports >
Balance Sheet/
Profit and Loss
Statement / Cash
Flow ->General >

IM 35 Investment Management S_ALR_8701301 Monthly Reporting

Report 9
Accounting ->
Management ->
Internal Orders
System ->Reports
for Internal Orders
->More Reports

IM 36 Investment Management AW01N D/W/M Reporting

Report Accounting >
Management >
Fixed Assets
>Asset > AW01N
Asset Explorer


Module Sr. Process T Code / Menu- Preceding Subsequent Process Periodicity(D/W/ Person Responsible /
No. Description path Dependency Impacted M) Location

FI 1 Open FI OB52 Accounting -> Open period 13 Allows all specific Annual Corporate Accounts
Posting Financial close Normal en year postings
Periods Accounting-> periods 1 to 12
General Ledger -> initially.
Environment -> Open Special
Current Settings -> Period 13 , only
S_ALR_87003642 - for non sales
Open and Close accounts
Posting Periods ( exclude
accounts 7*)

FI 2 End year FB50 Accounting -> All specific postings Annual Corporate Accounts
Manual FI Financial for regularisation
Postings Accounting-> involving generation
General Ledger -> of and FI and non
Document Entry -> sales imapct
FB50 - Enter G/L -commissions on
Account Document sales

FI 3 Fiscal Year AJRW Accounting None 1/Calcul evaluation Annual Corporate Accounts
Change for -> Financial on next period
Fixed Assets Accounting-> Fixed 2/Posting to Assets
Assets -> Periodic Accounting in next
Processing -> AJRW Fiscal Year
- Fiscal Year Change 3/reporting Budget

FI 4 Open FI OB52 Accounting -> Close Special All processing Annual Corporate Accounts
Posting Financial Period 13 to 16 to involving generation
Periods Accounting-> be closed after of and FI Document
General Ledger -> full & complete not allowed in next
Environment -> finalisation. of posting period.
Current Settings -> trial balance.
S_ALR_87003642 -
Open and Close
Posting Periods

FI 5 Fixed AJAB Accounting After END Posting to Previous Annual Corporate Accounts
Assets Year- -> Financial closing period 13 Fiscal Year can not
End Closing Accounting-> Fixed =>Completion of be continued after
Assets -> Periodic Capitalization the year- end closing
Processing -> Year- Activities and
End Closing -> Posting of Final
AJAB - Execute Depreciation Run
for the Fiscal

FI 6 Account ABST2 Accounting After END Rectification of Annual Corporate Accounts

Reconciliati -> Financial closing period 13 reported errors on
on for Fixed Accounting-> Fixed => account of
Assets Assets -> Periodic Completion of Capitalisation or
Processing -> Year- Capitalisation depreciation
End Closing -> Activities and
ABST2 - Account Posting of Final
Reconciliation Depreciation Run
for the Fiscal

FI 7 Vendors & F.07 Accounting -> Scrutiny and Annual Corporate Accounts
Customers Financial closing of all
Accounting-> Vendor &
Accounts Payable -> Customer
Periodic Processing accounts
-> Closing ->
Carrying Forward ->
F.07 - Balance Carry

FI 8 Balance F.16 Accounting -> Scrutiny and Annual Corporate Accounts

Sheet GL Financial closing of all GL
Accounting-> Balance Sheet
General Ledger -> accounts
Periodic Processing
-> Closing ->
Carrying Forward ->
F.16 - Balance Carry

FI 9 P & L Items F.16 Accounting -> Scrutiny and Annual Corporate Accounts
Financial closing of all GL
Accounting-> P & L accounts
General Ledger ->
Periodic Processing
-> Closing ->
Carrying Forward ->
F.16 - Balance Carry

CO 10 Period close OKP1 FI closing done CO process and Annual Reporting

in CO Accounting > and FI period is assessment cycle
Controlling > closed for last run,RES1 reporting
Profitability Analysis month.
> Actual Posting >
Period End Closing >
Transfer Cost Center
costs > Assessment

CO-IM 11 Carry KOCF Budgetory control Annual Reporting

forward of Accounting > on investment in
open Controlling >Internal next year
commitment Orders > Year-End
s for Closing >
investment Commitment

COCCA 12 Checking S_ALR_87013611 , MIS reporting ???? Annual Reporting

overhead S_ALR_87013634 ,
report(befor S_ALR_87013635 ,
e and after S_ALR_87013625

FI 13 Review and S_ALR_87012284 Scrutinise & Year end Annual Corporate Accounts
download Ledger - Reporting Download P& L
the p& l and -> Information and Balance Sheet
balance System -> General
sheet Ledger Reports >
Balance Sheet/ Profit
and Loss Statement /
Cash Flow ->General
> Actual/Actual

IM 14 Investment _ALR_87013019 Special FI Reporting Annual Reporting

Managemen List: periods
t Report Budget/Actual/Com closed
Accounting ->
Management ->
Internal Orders
System ->Reports for
Internal Orders
->More Reports :
S_ALR_87012816 ,
S_ALR_87012824 ,
S_ALR_87012993 ,
S_ALR_87012994 :

Asset Fiscal Year Change

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Created by Suresh Jayanthi, last modified on Feb 11, 2017
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Generally speaking, a Fiscal Year change is the opening of a new Fiscal Year for a Company Code. During a Fiscal Year change process, the asset
values from previous Fiscal Year are carried forward cumulatively into the new Fiscal Year. Once the Fiscal Year change takes place, one can start
posting to assets using value dates in the new Fiscal Year. Simultaneously, one can continue to post in the previous Fiscal Year. You find the Fiscal
Year change program under Periodic processing. SAP Easy Access Menu: Accounting Financial Accounting Fixed Assets Periodic
Processing Fiscal Year Change (AJRW) - Refer screenshot below:
Process flow

The Fiscal Year change can only be carried out (even in test mode) for the new Fiscal Year. The earliest that one can carry out a Fiscal Year change is
in the last month of the old Fiscal Year. One can choose any point in the new Fiscal Year for carrying out the Fiscal Year change. One can have a
maximum of two Fiscal years open for postings at any given point in time. Before one changes to Fiscal Year 9999, it is important and must to close
Fiscal Year 9999 - 2 (Reference: Year-end Closing Transaction AJAB).
One should not post any business transactions in a new Fiscal Year before the Fiscal Year change is taken up. Posting in the old Fiscal Year can be
continued, even after the Fiscal year Change, as already mentioned above. The system automatically corrects any values which are affected by
postings in the past

Let's see an example here. Let's take a scenario where there are two open Fiscal Yea(s) for Assets are 2016 and 2017. Now, if Fiscal Year 2018 need
to be opened, then one should consider closing Fiscal Year 2016. To congurate this situation, one need to access Transaction Code OAAQ (Change
View "Remove Year-End Closing for Company Code": Overview).
Now, consider closing Fiscal Year in Asset Accounting with Transaction Code AJAB (Refer Screenshot above).

As a next step, consider opening a Fiscal Year in Asset Accounting with Transaction Code: AJRW (Refer Screenshot Above)

Later, consider copying a Document Number Range Interval for the next Fiscal Year with Transaction OBH2.

Later open posting periods for the next Fiscal Year with Transaction Code OB52.
Cross Company Code Depreciation Postings
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Created by Guest, last modified by Markus Bredel on Jul 29, 2008

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Cross-Company Code Depreciation Postings with RAPOST2000

Author: D033258
IMS Financials, SAP AG

Common Abbreviations
CoD = Chart of Depreciation

CC = Company Code

TCODE = Transaction Code

G/L = General Ledger

Occuring Issues
Customer upgrades from release prior to R/3 Enterprise (4.70) and detects differences between cross-company postings done by the old
depreciation program (RABUCH00) vs. the new depreciation program (RAPOST2000).

Often the Cost Center has a different company code assigned, RABUCH00 did not post the depreciation to this foreign company code (=
cross-company), but RAPOST2000 ends with error message KI 223 (Cost center &/& can only be assigned to in company code &).

In some cases customer complains that other G/L transactions (FB01, etc.) allow posting to TCODE used in this transaction without errors,
even if the cost center has a different company code assigned, but RAPOST2000 ends with error message KI 223 (Cost center &/& can only be
assigned to in company code &).

In seldom cases the customer does not know the document number determination for these postings, because it changed also from

Basic Functionality

Asset Accounting

Master Data

Specify Cost Center Check Across Company Codes

IMG Documentation Specify Cost Center Check Across Company Codes
Activate this functionality if

cost accounting extends across company codes (several company codes belong to one controlling area) and

account assignment of cost accounting depreciation from Asset Accounting to cost centers that are in different company codes than the

When you enter a cost center in the asset master record, the standard system checks if this cost center exists in the same company code as the asset.
You are not allowed to enter a cost center in a different company code.

In this step, you can make this check less strict. The system then only checks whether the cost center exists in the given controlling area.

Asset: 30051 -> Company code of the asset: 0001 -> Cost center in the asset: SAP-DUMMY -> Company code of cost center SAP-DUMMY: 1000

Excursus CO
Company Code Maintenance in Cost Center Master Record only when Cross-Company Code Cost Accounting is active in Controlling Area (OX06)

Excursus RABUCH00 vs. RAPOST2000

Old depreciation run RABUCH00 did not check the cost center initially. RABUCH00 interpreted IMG activation flag in FI-AA customizing (T093C-
BKRAKT). If not set to active, only sending CC was posted - even if cost center had different CC assigned.

This is the first pitfall when upgrading to RAPOST2000. New depreciation report initially uses cost center information. As additional check T093C-
BKRAKT is checked. If inconsistent information is determined, RAPOST2000 will end with errors

Asset Master Record Maintenance

IMG Setting not active, trying to assign Cost Center with different company code:
If the company code check is deactivated for 'Activate components' in the Controlling IMG under 'Controlling -> General Controlling -> Organization ->
Maintain Controlling Area', then a cost center can be assigned to the asset master record without having activated it in IMG FI-AA!

Second Pitfall: these cases will lead to KI 223 in RAPOST2000!!!

Important note:
Deactivating the company code check has an effect on all postings in external FI since CO objects from other company codes can generally be
assigned to an account as a result. A reconciliation between G/L and cost accounting is no longer possible.
Deactivate the company code check is only possible if the reconciliation ledger is not active (Deactivate Reconciliation Ledger: Transaction KALB).

Basic Intention
If depreciation is posted in company code X for the cost-accounting depreciation area "fixed assets" that points at a cost center K in another company
code Y, two documents are created (one for each account assignment):

Document 1 (relevant for CO):

Debits/credits Account Company code Cost center
D depr. account Y K
C clearing acc. Y -

Document 2:
Debits/credits Account Company code Cost center
D clearing acc. X -
C depr. clearing acc. X -

Cross-Company Code Document Type Customizing with RABUCH00

Described in note 51860

All company codes "X1, X2 ..." with fixed assets use same doc type for depreciation posting (e.g. AF). Corresponding number ranges over company
codes "X1, X2 ..." may have no overlaps. In addition, the number range for document type AF must be maintained in company code Y of the cost
centers and all number ranges for document type AF must be across company codes "X1, X2 ..." or chosen internally.

Example: company code X1: number range for AF = (10000, 19999)

company code X2: number range for AF = (20000, 29999)
company code Y: number range for AF = (10000, 29999)
or other internal number range

If fixed assets are also contained in company code Y, then in Y a document type other than the AF document type for the "X1, X2, ..." company codes
(e.g. AG) must be chosen as document type for the depreciation posting runs. The number range of document type AG across company code Y may
not overlap with the number ranges of document type AF across company codes "X1, X2, ...".

Example: company code X1: number range for AF = (10000, 19999)

company code X2: number range for AF = (20000, 29999)
company code Y: number range for AF = (10000, 29999)
or other internal number range
number range for AG = (50000, 59999)

Cross-Company Code Document Type Customizing with RAPOST2000

Assumption: standard document type AF is used for depreciation posting
IMG Asset Accounting -> Integration with G/L -> Post Depreciation to G/L -> Document Type for Cross-Company Code Cost Accounting in External
Company Code

Logic before release ECC 6.0:

AF must have external number range assignment

Document type for cross-company code depreciation posting must meet the following conditions:

It must be a document type different from AF (e.g. AZ)

It must be defined with internal document number assignment.

Enhancement: only 2 document types needed, AF used for depreciation postings in all company codes, AZ will always be used for cross-
company postings!

Logic as of release ECC 6.0:

AF must have internal number range assignment

Document type for cross-company code depreciation posting must meet the following conditions:

It needs not to be different from AF, can be the same as the regular depr. document type

It must be defined with internal document number assignment.

Enhancement : only 1 document types needed for any number determination

Depreciation document without cross-company code posting

G/L Depreciation Document

Depreciation document without cross-company code posting

G/L Depreciation documents

->Offset Accounts balance to zero!!!

Maintenance of clearing accounts - standard functionality

IMG Financial Accounting -> General Ledger Accounting -> Business Transactions -> Prepare Cross-Company Code transactions

If no clearing accounts are maintained, error message is given out.

Maintenance of clearing accounts - individual functionality
As the standard functionality is used mainly for cross-company code functionality for component accounts payable and accounts receivable, these
accounts are regularly open item managed accounts.

Many customers do not want to use open item managed accounts in their local GAAP for postings from the CO-only depreciation area (e.g. area 20) ...
this is a conflict, because is only one IMG step for any purposes

Assumption: Accounting Interface creates automated cross-company postings only if balance per document per company code is not balancing.

Solution: Asset Accounting line item generator enriches created document, so that in each affected company code balance zero is given before
passing the document to Accounting Interface.

Use of method ADD_DOC_LINES in Business Add-In BADI_FIAA_DOCLINES for Asset Accounting line item generator.

Coding Template released in note 723611 (RAPOST2000: Cross-company code postings in calc. Area)

Functionality: take depreciation line item for sending company code (offset account) and

Duplicate entry with twisted posting indicator and twisted posting amount in sending company code to identical account

Duplicate entry with an identical posting in receiving company code to identical account

-> G/L document balances in all company codes before passing the document to Accounting Interface

Schedule Monitor Assistance

With the change from external to internal document number usage, Schedule Monitor integration was enhanced. Internal AA document numbers are
stored as well as all generated G/L document numbers
Useful Notes
1079708 RAPOST2000: Deactivate cross-company code postings

723611 RAPOST2000: Cross-company code postings in calc. area

702210 RAPOST2000: Unwanted cross-company code postings

683313 Diffs in depreciation runs RAPOST2000 vs RABUCH00

666225 RAPOST2000: Incorrect cross-company-code clearings

648606 RAPOST2000: Cross-company code cost accounting

51860 Cross company code depreciat. posting runs > F5152 (> for RABUCH00)


Difference Between AFAB and ASKB

Hi All,
I would like to know the exact difference between the AFAB and ASKB.
In which situation we need to run the depreciation in AFAB and ASKB.
Immediately points will be assigned
venkata raju khottari

January 04, 2011 at 10:03 AM


Helpful Answer

Ramesh Reddy Nalamada

Sarma tadikonda

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6 replies

Jigar Thakkar replied

July 07, 2008 at 10:54 AM

Following is the difference
You can post the values of depreciation areas to the general ledger directly, without having to
generate a batch-input session, using a new periodic APC posting run. In addition, you can directly
update the values of depreciation areas to a ledger during the posting transaction. This direct
update is similar to online posting used for the master depreciation area.
Following is the procedure
2. Enter the required dataThe update run of the report has to be executed in the background, in
order to improve system performance. Therefore, start the report in the background Report
selection screen: Program >Execute in Background
3. Check the log of the APC posting run
4. Generate an asset history sheet for the depreciation areas posted
5. Compare the asset history sheet values with the balances of the corresponding reconciliation
accounts in the general ledger.
Posting of Depreciation.
The calculation and scheduling of depreciation, interest and revaluation are automatically
controlled by keys in the system, or you can control them manually using a special posting
transaction. In both cases, planned depreciation from Asset Accounting has to be periodically
posted to the corresponding asset and expense accounts of the general ledger. In addition to the
various depreciation types, interest and revaluation, this posting run also posts the allocation and
write-off of special reserves.
Ihope this found useful to you.

Raghu Gurujala replied

July 07, 2008 at 10:56 AM

AFAB is used to post only the dep at the end of the period generally.
whereas ASKB is used to post any APC values for an asset at any period of time...
Hope you are clear..

venkata raju khottari replied

July 11, 2008 at 12:55 PM

Relly i didn't understand what is the purpose of ASKB.

I am trying to know what is ASKB and i made following trans
1) Creation of Asset
2) PO with above asset
4) Run Dep in ASKB
I could see the Dep value in Test run in AFAB but
when i run ASKB it is showing following message
" Test Run Completed Successfully"
No documents created in this run.
If anybody could tell me what transactions i have to do before run ASKB and explan elaborately.

Helpful Answer

Ramesh Reddy Nalamada replied

July 11, 2008 at 18:22 PM

We specify how depreciation areas should post to the general ledger as below using transaction
code OABX.
o no values (0)
o APC transactions online and depreciation in periodic processing (1)
o APC transactions in periodic processing and depreciation in periodic processing (2)
o only depreciation in periodic processing.(3)
Normally we use Option (APC online and depreciation in Periodic) for book depreciation area (01)
The depreciation areas for which APC transactions in periodic processing and depreciation in
periodic processing is specified, to post to general ledger for those depreciation areas we use
ASKB transaction.
AFAB is used for periodic depreciation posting.

Helpful Answer

Sarma tadikonda replied

July 11, 2008 at 18:26 PM

The main purpose of ASKBN and AFABN are different.

AFABN posts depreciation directly to the depreciation areas on a realtime.
However ASKBN does this on a periodic basis along with APC values. ASKBN will be used when
you want to post values to two real depreciation areas.
As SAP cannot post to two real depreication areas on real time, you need to post values to the
other areas usign ASKBN.
This useful when you have 2 ledgers and each ledger is used for one depreciation area lets say
Local GAAP and US GAAP where the APC values and the rates of depreciations are different. By
ASKBN system arrives the differential values between APC, Dpereciation for different depreciation
areas which AFABN doesn't do.
More Over ASKBN checks thoroughly than AFABN.

venkata raju khottari replied

January 04, 2011 at 10:03 AM


Why should the tcode ASKB be run

Please let me know as to why the ASKB tcode -Asset periodic posting ,is used in asset
acounting,whats the purpose of it and what does it update.


mysap query

September 25, 2013 at 10:51 AM


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10 replies

Ranu Eugene replied

September 25, 2013 at 11:05 AM

Hi Rekha,
ASKBN or ASKB : Periodic asset posting will update acquisition and depreciation in depreciation
area other than area 01 which are maintained as post "APC and depreciation on periodic basis" by
using ASKB or ASKBN
Separate set of GL accounts will be used for ASKBN. You can run ASKBN or ASKB as and when
you need it and not necessarily Month end
AFAB : To post a book depreciation at every period and this activity usually every month end
which posts depreciation 01 Book Depreciation and other areas maintained as real time at OADB.

mysap query replied

September 25, 2013 at 13:46 PM

ASKB-Periodic update of acquisition and depreciation,what does it mean.Acquisition gets updated

as when asset is acquired right.What does ASKB do.

Nishu Shah replied

September 25, 2013 at 14:10 PM

If you want to post different APC values in different ledger, you have to use ASKB
e.g. area 01: IGAAP
e.g. area 50: IFRS
AFAB - It will post dep as per respective depreciation area
ASKB - It will post difference in APC values (area 01 - 50) on asset sale during the year
Hope this helps
Thank You


Malhar Jain replied

September 26, 2013 at 07:29 AM

According to me, ASKBN is to be used periodically after month end activity of Depreciation
posting through AFAB is done. The purpose is to rectify the difference between the ledgers due to
parallel depreciation area. By this the amount will be posted in the other depreciation area in
which the Asset Values are not taken like Revaluation Depreciation Area.

mysap query replied

September 26, 2013 at 12:24 PM

Can you please let me know what tcode can i use to see the document posted through ASKB.The
document posted in non leading ledger.But i cant see it in fagll03 against the GL or asset.
Please advice.

Venkat Laghu replied

September 26, 2013 at 07:48 AM

ASKB is used for having the depreciation areas to be updated for values of asset related postings.
This is basically used for having the update in depreciation areas other than the main
depreciation area.
For example if the client requires reporting as per USGAAP and also IFRS then if we say the basic
depreciation area is USGAAP and then for the values to be updated for assets posting in IFRS you
need to use ASKB.
Hope it helps

The message was moderated

Markus Bredel replied

February 02, 2015 at 15:59 PM

this is a "safety" feature of the general periodic posting functionality which becomes necessary in
case a "direct" update fails.
The "direct" posting functionality (posting indicator 4) does not update the FI documents realtime
(like posting indicator 1). When using posting indicator 4 the system tries to post the document
"directly" after the realtime postings, but in an asynchronous way. That implies that errors during
the posting will NOT be propagated to the user in dialog, it will simply cause a failure in document
That also means the user does not get any notification about the failure in posting. There is only a
possibility in transaction ARAL to check if direct postings failed.
However, to avoid now data inconsistencies ASKB has to be run - at least once before fiscal year
closure -, as ASKB is capable to "pick up" these failed direct postings and posts it to G/L.
In case no direct posting failed, ASKB will not post anything but update the log tables that way
that you can close the fiscal year. In this case it just operates as a failsafe check to ensure all
items have been posted before closing the year.
Kind Regards,

Srinivasa CT replied

September 26, 2013 at 15:11 PM

The main purpose of ASKB and AFAB are different.

AFAB posts depreciations directly to the depreciation areas on a realtime.
However, ASKB does this on a periodic basis along with APC values. ASKB will be used when you
want to post values to two real depreciation areas.
As SAP cannot post to tow real depreciation areas on real time, you need to post values to the
other areas using ASKB.
This is useful when you have 2 ledgers and each ledger is used for one depreciation area.
For example: Local GAAP and US GAAP where the APC values and the rates of depreciations are
By ASKB system arrives the differential values between APC, depreciation for different
depreciation areas which AFAB doesnt do.
Moreover, ASKB checks thoroughly than AFAB.

ASKB(N): document type do not defined

Hello all!
When I start ASKBN befor AFAB (sistem 6.0) I got a message "Document type for periodic APC
posting does not exist". Message no. AC197
But when I went to OBA7 and look through the type AN with Net asset posting and tried to define
the interval for it in FBN1, this interval was already exist and 4 document was posted. I set this
interval for aquisition postings (abso). What to do with ASKBN? Or what document type should be
defined for ASKBN?

Jam000 Jam000

July 22, 2010 at 10:58 AM


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3 replies

P. Annotee replied

October 07, 2009 at 19:32 PM

In the 6.0 version you have to assign s document type for periodical postings, go to the part
Intergration with FI in config.
From now the numberrange assigned to should be internal and no longer external!

Jam000 Jam000 replied

October 08, 2009 at 10:16 AM

Should be for depreciation (doc type AF) numberrage be internal too?

Thank you!
Edited by: Jam000 on Oct 8, 2009 10:57 AM
Edited by: Jam000 on Oct 8, 2009 12:16 PM
Raja gopal replied

July 22, 2010 at 10:58 AM

Go to IMG and assign the document type in the Path:
Asset Accounting - Integration with General Ledger - Post APC values periodically to the General
Ledger - Specify Document type for peridical Posting of Asset Values.

Difference between ASKBN and AFABN

AFABN posts depreciation directly to the depreciation areas on a realtime. However ASKBN does this on a periodic basis along
with APC values.

ASKBN will be used when you want to post values to two real depreciation areas.

As SAP cannot post to two real depreication areas on real time, you need to post values to the other areas usign ASKBN.

This useful when you have 2 ledgers and each ledger is used for one depreciation area lets say Local GAAP and US GAAP
where the APC values and the rates of depreciations are different.

y ASKBN system arrives the differential values between APC, Dpereciation for different depreciation areas which AFABN doesn't
More Over ASKBN checks thoroughly than AFABN.

(FA) Fixed Assets

Table of Contents
(Printable Version)

Bureau Asset Accountant
OMF Asset Accountant

S_ALR_87010175 Display Posted Depreciation by Cost Center
S_ALR_87011963 Display Export Annual Inventory (Balances)
S_ALR_87011979 Display Physical Inventory List
S_ALR_87011990 Display Asset History
S_ALR_87012037 Display Changes to Asset Master Records
S_ALR_87012050 Display Asset Acquisitions
S_ALR_87012052 Display Asset Retirements
S_ALR_87012054 Display Asset Transfers
S_ALR_87012056 Display Directory of Unposted Assets
S_ALR_87012066 Display Analysis of Retirement Revenue
S_P99_41000192 Display Posted Depreciation by Asset-Period
Update 5 August 2013

Bureau Asset Accountant

Bureau Asset Accountant (RP_S_FA_BUREAU_ASSET_ACCOUNTAN)

Bureau accountants are responsible for creating/maintaining Asset Master Records and posting fixed
asset transactions.

Job Aids and Work Instructions

Job Aid
Processing Trade-In Value
Work Instructions
AB08 Reverse Asset Transaction
ABAON Asset Retirement by Sale
ABAVN Retire Asset by Trade-In and Scrapping
ABNE Add Subsequent Revenue to Asset Retirement
ABNK Post Subsequent Costs to Scrapped Asset
ABUMN Post Asset Transfer
ABZON Post Asset Donation
AS01 Create Main Asset
AS11 Create Sub-Asset
CJ20N Create Settlement Rules and Set TECO Status
CJ88 Capitalize Final Depreciating Asset (FDA) from AUCs
Change Documentation

20 August 2013: updated role description

5 August 2013: added job aid and work instructions

OMF Asset Accountant


The OMF Asset Accountant is responsible for transactions related to month-end and year-end
processes, including depreciation posting and maintaining full accrual accounts.

Work Instructions

ABNAN Post Capitalization

AFAB Post Fixed Assets Monthly Depreciation
AJAB Close Asset Fiscal Year
AJRW Change Asset Fiscal Year
AS11_FMIM Create Asset Subnumbers for Settlement with FM
ASKB Execute Periodic Asset Posting to Full Accrual
OAAQ Reverse Fiscal Year Close
Change Documentation

7 November 2013: added AFAB work instruction

20 August 2013: updated role description

5 August 2013: added work instructions

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