MSC Bioengineering Handbook
MSC Bioengineering Handbook
MSC Bioengineering Handbook
in FOR
On behalf of all the lecturers and staff, I would like to wish you well in studying for your
M.Sc. in Bioengineernig. The Trinity Centre for Bioengineering has a long, experienced
history in providing biomedical engineering education. We have successfully graduated
hundreds of MSc in biomedical engineering who have all built on their postgraduate
opportunities for careers in academia, the medical device industry and medicine. We
wish you the same success as you embark on the MSc in Bioengineering this year.
If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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Table of Contents 2
Course Objectives 3
Thesis 19
Faculty Members 34
Course Regulations 40
Campus Maps
TCD Campus Map 48
UCD Campus Map 49
NCAD Campus Map 50
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This programme aims to give a sound and broad basis in bioengineering. In particular,
we aim to provide engineers and scientists with the education needed to practice
bioengineering in the medical devices industry in Ireland.
To give students the ability to exploit information technology for monitoring the
performance of medical devices or the health of patients through medical
Biomechanics 10 Michaelmas 1 - 5 October 2012 10 Dec 2012 Dr Conor Buckley
Neural Engineering* 5 Hilary 25 27 February 2013 15 May 2013 Prof Richard Reilly
Cell and Tissue 5 Hilary 5 8 March 2013 17 May 2013 Dr Conor Buckley
further 40 hours of lectures, tutorials, and case studies will be presented by self-study.
three optional modules of 5 credits each. Students must take two of these three options.
a project worth 45 credits consisting of a 15-credit module on research methods and a
30 credit dissertation
Please note that while every effort will be made to keep to the module and examination dates
given in this handbook, they may be subject to change. We will endeavour to give as much
notice as possible where this occurs
Module Objectives
To provide students with an understanding of the application of applied mechanics to the
solution of problems in biological systems, and also with the main technologies used to
reconstruct biological function.
This course is taught at TCD by one intensive week of 27 contact hours followed by four weeks
of self-study using self-learning assignments. The self-study will be used to deliver lecture
material, tutorial assignments, design exercises, and case studies. These will amount to 40
hours in total. Therefore the course will comprise 67 hours of formal teaching. Lectures take
place in Trinity College Dublin.
Assessment will be by way of course assignments and a final examination. The exam makes up
60% of the total result with assignments and lab marks making up the other 40%.
Day 1
(9.00-9.30) Opening remarks and introductions
(9.30-10.00) Welcome Coffee Reception
Lect. 1 (10.00-11.00) Physiological blood flow and function of the heart
Lect. 2 (11.00-12.00) Bone Fracture Healing & Repair
Lect. 3 (13.00-14.00) Disease and degeneration of tissues
Lect. 4 (14.00-15.00) Soft Tissue Microstructures
Lect. 5 (15.00-16.00) Ligament tendon and muscle viscoelasticity
Lect. 6 (16.00-17.00) Musculoskeletal biomechanics
Day 2
Lect. 7 (9.00-10.00) Optimization and calculation of muscle forces
Lect. 8 (10.00-11.00) Pedestrian kinematics and injuries in collisions with vehicles
Lect. 9 (11.00-12.00) Introduction to injury biomechanics
Lect. 10 (12.00-13.00) Injuries to the head and spine
Lect. 11 (14.00-15.00) Cardiovascular stents & Angioplasty catheters 1
Lect. 12 (15.00-16.00) Cardiovascular stents & Angioplasty catheters 2
Lect. 13 (16.00-17.00) Transcatheter heart valve technologies
Day 3
Lect. 14 (9.00-10.00) Medical devices: directives, regulations and standards
Lect. 15 (10.00-11.00) Risk analysis and risk management in medical devices
Lect. 16 (11.00-12.00) Tissue growth and adaptation
Lect. 17 (12.00-13.00) Bone Mechanics
Lect. 18 (14.00-15.00) Injuries to the abdomen
Lect. 19 (15.00-16.00) Injuries to the long bones.
Lect. 20 (16.00-17.00) Cartilage mechanics
Lect. 21 (17.00-17.30) Pre-laboratory/Assignment briefing
Day 4
Lect. 22 (9.00-10.00) Bioacoustics
Lect. 23 (10.00-11.00) Biomechanics of the spine and intervertebral disc
Lect. 24 (11.00-12.00) Cardiovascular Biomechanics 1
Lect. 25 (12.00-13.00) Cardiovascular Biomechanics 2
Lab Groups 1 & 3 (14.00-15.30)
Lab A: Damage and histology of compact bone
Lab Groups 2 & 1 (15.30-17.00)
Lab B: Poroelastic mechanical properties of cartilage tissue
Lab Groups 3 & 2 (17.00-18.30)
Day 5 Location: Printing House Hall
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Lect. 26 (9.00-10.00) Bone and joint replacements - design and materials selection
Lect. 27 (10.00-11.00) Medical device innovation- From concept to patent to product
Lect. 28 (11.00-12.00) Hands on innovation in the medical devices sector
Lect. 29 (12.00-13.00) Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) in the medical device industry
Lab Groups 4 & 6 (14.00-15.30)
Lab A: Damage and histology of compact bone
Lab Groups 5 & 4 (15.30-17.00)
Lab B: Poroelastic mechanical properties of cartilage tissue
Lab Groups 6 & 5 (17.00-18.30)
Course Coordinator: Dr Aoife Gowran, School of Medic ine, TCD
Module Dates: Friday 5 t h October to Friday 7 t h December 201 2
Module Objectives
The course aims to give an introduction to human biology and disease, such that students can
appreciate the medical basis for scientific/technical procedures in diagnosis and treatment. A
basic understanding of terminology and practice is emphasised. The lecture series will outline
the physiology and anatomy of the main body systems and introduce the cellular basis of
systems. Some principles of disease conditions are mentioned. The objective of the specialist
lectures and hospital laboratory visits is to provide an insight into the role of various
technologies in the diagnosis and management of patients. Additionally they will show the
integration of basic sciences, technology and clinical medicine across the continuum of care.
Assessment will be by way of a group presentation (50%) and a written assignment (50%).
Group Presentation: Students will be assigned to a group by the Module Co-ordinator for the
purpose of this assignment. Presentations should be no longer than 10 minutes and each
member of the group should participate in the oral presentation as well as the preparation.
Students should note that assessment of the presentation is based on content, presentation
techniques, ability to answer questions, timekeeping and participation in other groups talks (i.e.
asking questions). Furthermore each group will be assigned a mark out of 10 by each of the
other groups on the day (these scores will be averaged and are worth 10% of the presentation
mark). Presentations will be based on one topic chosen by the group and should have a high
level of relevance to their overall course of study. Presentations should include:
Anatomy and physiology of the relevant organ system
Signs and symptoms of disease
Investigations & Treatment
Information relevant to the students course of study
Course Evaluation: We would appreciate if you could take some time at the end of the module
to complete the evaluation sheet which will be given to you. This information will help us
evaluate the course and hopefully improve it. The questionnaire need not be signed but it is
important that all questions are answered. Completed forms may be given to Dr Aoife Gowran
or your course co-ordinator at anytime.
Course Topics
Circulatory System
Immune System
Gastrointestinal system
Module Objectives
To provide students with a substantial knowledge of the theory, principles and applications of
instrumentation as applied to Biomedical Engineering and to introduce design methodologies of
medical instrumentation and devices.
At the end of this module it is anticipated that students will have obtained:
Describe the main element of the central nervous system.
Calculate ionic currents and voltages in cell membranes.
Derive models of action potential generation and propagation in excitable cells.
Specify the primary performance characteristics of transducers.
Explain the operation of the main transducers used in clinical medicine.
Outline and characterise an electrical equivalent model of a sensing electrode.
Analyse the characteristics of various amplifier configurations.
Analyse and evaluate the primary performance metrics of bioelectric amplifiers.
Analyse electrophysiological data with signal processing methods.
Explain the use of biomedical signal processing to aid clinical interpretation of data.
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This course is taught at TCD over one intensive week of 35 contact hours followed by four
weeks of distance learning using self-learning assignments. The distance learning will be used
to deliver tutorial assignments, design exercises, and case studies. These will amount to 40
hours in total. Therefore the course will comprise 70 hours of formal teaching.
Lect. 23 Bioacoustics Henry Rice
Lect. 24 Patient Adherence in Medical Devices: a case study Shona DArcy
Lect. 25 Challenges and opportunities in wireless and global health Richard Reilly
Shona DArcy and Martin
Lab. (Group 1) Respiratory Function Holmes
Lab. (Group 2) Gait Analysis Hugh Nolan
Assessment will be by way of course assignments and a final examination. The exam makes up
60% of the total result with assignments and lab marks making up the other 40%.
Course assignments:
The assignments offered are as follows:
Medical Instrumentation (deadline Friday, 16th November 2012)
Data analysis (deadline Friday, 30th November 2012)
Needs analysis for Medical Instrumentation (deadline Friday, 6th December 2012)
Submission of assignments and labs: to June OReilly at [email protected]
Final Examination:
The exam will consist of two parts: all 12 questions in the first part must be answered, and any 3
of the 6 questions in part two must be answered.
*optional module
Course Coordinator: Dr. David Fitz Patric k, University College Dublin
Module Dates: Monday 19 November to F riday 23 November 2012
This course consists of one week of lectures and lab activity, in addition to self-study. Students
will be based in UCD, Belfield and the National Rehabilitation Hospital (NRH) for this period.
Course assignment:
Course assignment and lab report will account for 40% of the total result.
Final Examination: 14 December 2012. The exam will account for 60% of the total result.
Course Coordinator: Dr. Kenneth Stanton, University College Dublin
Module Dates: Monday 14 t h January to Friday 1 8 t h January 201 3
Module Objectives
At the end of this module, it is anticipated that students will have obtained a detailed
understanding of the composition and properties of the major classes of biomaterial used in
medical and dental devices. The required functionality for a range of synthetic implantable
biomaterials and how this relates to material choice for specific applications will also be
covered, as will the most common tissue and blood interactions with implanted biomaterials,
and issues associated with the use of surface modification methods to enhance the
biocompatibility of materials. Regulatory issues relating to current developments in second
generation biomaterials and standards associated with quality and safety will be included.
This course is taught at UCD and TCD over one intensive week comprising 30 contact hours
followed by four weeks of distance learning using self-learning assignments. The distance
learning will be used to lecture material, tutorial assignments, design exercises, and case
studies. These will amount to 40 hours in total. Therefore the course will comprise 70 hours of
formal teaching. The module will cover the following topics:
1: Introduction to Biomaterials
Overview of materials and the relationship between biomaterials and medical and dental devices.
Material choice implications based on device design; replacement of skeletal hard tissues;
cardiovascular implants and vascular grafts; dental implants; neural implants.
Course assignments
Each student will receive two assignments. Cumulative assignments will account for 40% of the
total marks.
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Final Examination
The final examination consists of two sections, A and B. Two questions from each section (A
and B) and an additional question from either section giving a total of five questions must be
The exam will make up 60% of the total marks.
Examination Date: Monday, 13 May 2013.
*optional module
Course Coordinator: Prof. Richard Reilly , Trinity College Dublin
Module Dates: Monday 25 to Wednesday 27 February 2013
The purpose of this module is to introduce students to the field of neural engineering from a
neuroscience perspective. Students will apply engineering principles to understand the
excitation of nerve and muscle, the generation of bioelectric signals and artificial stimulation of
biological tissues. Common methods of stimulating, recording and analysing neural systems will
be examined. The basic principles and methods studies will then be applied to examine specific
neuroscience applications of neural engineering, such as biomarkers for neurological and
neuromuscular disorders. This module will be based in Trinity College Dublin.
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Course Assignments:
Course assignment and lab report will account for 40% of the total result.
Submission of assignment and lab report to Blackboard
*optional module
Course Coordinator: Dr. Conor Buckley, School of Engineering, TCD
Module Dates: Tuesday 5 t h March to Friday 8 t h March 2013
Module Objectives
This module aims to provide students with the fundamentals of the current approaches and
technologies being adopted in the multidisciplinary field of Tissue engineering & Regenerative
Medicine, which aims to replace and generate new tissues through the combination of cells,
biocompatible materials and suitable biochemical and biophysical factors to improve or replace
biological functions that have been damaged through disease
This course is taught partly by self-study and partly by 2 days of lectures. There will be a total
of 15 hours formal teaching plus a 3-hour laboratory which will take place in the Parsons
Building, Trinity College for this period.
Examples of specific lecture titles are:
1) Tissue engineering & regenerative medicine principles
2) Advances in cartilage tissue engineering
3) Tissue engineering of the intervertebral disc (IVD)
4) Corneal tissue engineering and replacement
5) Stem cell biology
6) Cardiovascular tissue engineering
7) Bioreactor systems and design
8) Molecular biology techniques to analyse gene expression
9) Fundamentals of 3D construct technology
10) Biomaterials for scaffolds
11) Biomedical nanotechnology & systems
12) Mechanobiology- response of cells to mechanical forces
13) Nutrient transport
14) In vitro models of cell toxicity
Course Assessment will be by way of an independent learning assignment, laboratory report
and a final examination. The exam makes up 60% of the total result with assignment and
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Course Assignments:
Submission of assignment and lab report via Blackboard
This course is designed to provide a foundation for and complement the project work. The
course will be taught through a variety of approaches and by researchers from a range of
disciplines at TCD (main campus and St. James's hospital) and the National College for Art and
Design (NCAD). The course will be delivered through a series of lectures, seminars and
assignments designed to provide a foundation for research methods in biomedical engineering.
ethics in research
business and entrepreneurship
guidelines for doing research in biomedical engineering
guidelines for writing a literature review, a research proposal and a dissertation
oral presentations
review of basic statistical methods for data analysis and referencing methods
aesthetics and ergonomics in Design
history of design and User-Centred Design
referencing systems
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this module, students will be able to apply appropriate research methods to
conduct research in the field of biomedical engineering. In particular, they will be able to
identify the principal ethical issues associated with their chosen research topic
identify the potential for commercialization of their research ideas
understand the processes for research in biomedical engineering
perform a literature review, write a research proposal and structure a dissertation
give an oral presentation on their project work
write a short paper based on their project work
use basic statistical methods for data analysis and hypothesis testing
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Innovation and 10 Evening seminar: talks from Business & Thesis supervisor 20
Entrepreneurship Industry; students answer questionnaire on
application to project work (template provided);
submitted as Appendix of thesis.
Oral Presentation 20 Midterm presentation with external examiner: 10 Course Director & 20
minutes presentation, 5 minutes questions External Examiner
Short Paper 10 Short Paper based on thesis work (template Thesis supervisor 40
provided); submitted as Appendix of thesis
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Objec tives
The project forms the final part of the course. Members of staff within the Department propose
projects pertinent to their own research interests. Candidates are also encouraged to propose
their own projects, particularly in cases where the candidate has an industrial link. Each project
is supervised by an academic in the Trinity Centre for Bioengineering, Department of
Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering and Department of Electronic and Electrical
Engineering. In some cases other academics (either within TCD or the other institutions
affiliated to the course) may also have a substantial involvement. Furthermore, additional
guidance may come from medical or healthcare professionals. In these cases, the project
usually sets out to solve a problem experienced by these healthcare professionals in the use of
a particular medical device.
Project titles will be issued and students will be allocated their project during Michaelmas term.
In Hilary term 2012, there will be a meeting at which each student gives a 10-minute
presentation to the External Examiner of the purpose of their work, and how they intend
achieving their goals followed by a five minute question and answer session. This allows all
candidates an overview of the work being carried out, and comments from staff and other
candidates can help determine the project objectives more clearly.
Projec t Titles
Here are some recent project titles undertaken by TCD M.Sc. students:
- Development of a pressure sensor for intra oral use
- Optimisation of coronary stem cell area
- Development of tissue-engineered collagen GAG fibrin heart valve constructs
- The influence of vehicle design on ground related injuries in pedestrian impacts
- Computational modeling of a production wheelchair for rear impact protection
- Anterior Knee Pain in Kneeling
- Computational modeling of Deep Brain Stimulation in Parkinsons Disease
- Strain fields in cell seeded agarose hydrogels using digital image correlation (DIC).
- Automatically Adapting Mattress for the Prevention of Pressure Sores and Ulceration
- Quantitative analysis of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) and Type II collagen in
chondrocyte-seeded scaffolds
- Investigation of Biomechanics of Deformational Plagiocephaly (Flat Head Syndrome) in
Newborn Infants
- Optimisation of a novel biomimetic scaffold for bone healing
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Guidelines for Thesis Report and Presentations
This section emphasises the Trinity Centre for Bioengineerings important regard for the acquisition of
communication skills. These notes will help you to develop those skills and that you will take pride and pleasure in
that development. You will find that you will not absorb all this information at a single reading. You should refer to
these notes whenever you are carrying out a significant piece of writing and especially when you are writing your
These instructions have been prepared to indicate to both thesis supervisors and students the expected standard of
report writing. It is likely that up to 20% of marks are lost by poor presentation of work. These notes are designed to
help students to avoid common faults and improve presentation of work. The advice can be applied to major theses
but also relevant to short reports and essays which may form part of in-course assessments.
Preparing a Synopsis
It is essential to prepare a detailed synopsis of any piece of written work which is likely to be more than one page
long. A synopsis helps the writer to see clearly what the main points are and to arrange the material so as to bring the
important points out. For the MSc thesis, the synopsis would show the order in which the material is to be presented,
some idea of the length of each section, what is to be included in each section and an indication of the location of
Figures, Tables and Plates.
Report Outline
Reports should be divided into the following standard sections:
1. Title Page
2. Abstract (Summary)
3. Acknowledgements
4. Contents Page
5. List of Tables
6. List of Figures
7. Introduction
8. Literature Review
9. Methods
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10. Results
11. Discussion
12. References
13. Appendix
Very occasionally the nature of the material may require a different format. Students should consult
supervisors before deviating from the standard arrangement.
Literature Review should be written early in the project when you have read in detail journal articles in the project
area. The Literature Review will need to be brought up to date with new, more relevant papers as you research on
the project.
The Methods section should also be written very early in the project, after the Literature Review and polished later.
Results should be in the process of being written up during the experimental part of the project.
The Introduction is normally written last and is used to build the argument why the area of study is of interest and
importance in bioengineering.
Title Page
This page should include:
- Concise title (not more than 15 words) Should be informative. Abbreviations should be avoided
- Authors name
- Supervisors name
- Affiliation
- Date
- Degree for which thesis is being submitted
- A short summary (usually one A4 sheet), which includes a brief outline of the aims of the study, the
methodology used, the main findings and the conclusions drawn.
- The abstract (not to exceed 250 words) should be clearly written and readily comprehensible to a broad
readership. The abstract should provide a concise summary of the objectives, methodology, key results, and
major conclusions of the study. It should be written in complete sentences, without explicit subheadings.
Contents page
- This should include chapter headings and details of sections within chapters, with page numbers.
List of Tables
- This should include details of all tables with page numbers.
List of Figures
- This should include details of all figures with page numbers.
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- Acknowledge all those who provided support to you and your project (e.g., organisation, funding
body, supervisor, technicians).
- The Acknowledgements should be placed at the end of the text (before the references) except in
the MSc Thesis, when they should immediately follow the Title and Summary.
- As a matter of courtesy all staff mentioned should be given a title (Prof., Dr, Mr, Ms) and both
forename and surname. Only intimates should be referred to by first name only.
- Work contributed by others to your project must be acknowledged. Such a situation would arise
if, for example, stored samples generated by another researcher were used in the project or if the
nature of specific experiments to be included in the project dictated that they must be carried out
by an experienced researcher. The titles and names of such contributors and the precise nature of
their contribution must be included in this section in a clear statement of acknowledgement. An
omission of such an acknowledgement, where required, is plagiarism. Plagiarism, as
outlined elsewhere in this Handbook, is regarded by College as a serious offence and
the student concerned will be penalised.
- All the foregoing are preliminaries and should not be numbered with the main body of the text.
Instead, give preliminaries Roman numerals (i, ii etc.). The pages of the main text should be
numbered using Arabic numerals (1, 2, etc).
- This should emphasise the importance of the research study and provide an overview of the key
concepts and questions posed. Therefore, the Introduction should include a statement of the
problem, research question or hypothesis, the objectives of the study, operational definitions of
term used and the background to the study.
Literature Review
- A summary of the background literature is necessary. You should aim to produce a detailed
overview of the current knowledge of the problem under study and outline a theoretical
framework or rationale as a basis for your study. It is important to critically analyse existing
literature on your research project.
- A clear statement of the problem and the immediate background as well as the aims of the project
and its relevance should be given.
- A clear account of all the experimental, materials, methods (including statistical analyses) and
experimental designs used must be given so that others can repeat the experiments. (The
anonymity of human subjects must be preserved, by using code numbers or letters.) In particular, it
should always be clear to the reader exactly what is being measured, and how many measurements
(or animals or subjects) there are in each value. Failure to do this will result in loss of marks. It may
be useful to clarify here the contribution of others to the practical work (see Acknowledgements).
- This section will provide a comprehensive explanation of the procedures used including details of
the following:
Overall design and justification of methods used.
A clear indication of the sample sizes used.
A detailed description of all experimental procedures; this should be sufficiently detailed
to allow replication.
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- This section, or sections should be a description and explanation of results using narrative, tables
and figures as appropriate. It should deal with facts and findings only, without interpretation (which
will be included in the Discussion).
- This is usually the most poorly-presented section of thesis and yet it one of the most important. The
reader must be led carefully through the results step by step. You should carefully consider the
order of the figures to be presented. The order of figures presented may or may not follow the
order the experiments were originally performed. You should consider which figures need to be
presented. The objective is not to include all your figures to simply show how much work you have
done, but to include those figures which are pertinent to the work. The main observations must be
brought out; it is NOT sufficient to present figures or tables and then leave the reader to work out
the conclusions (see later sections: Figures and Tables).
- Second-order variables. If you are using some transformation of the raw data, you should explain why
you are doing so and, if possible, what, if any, difference the transform makes. When results are
presented as % control, the absolute value of the control should be given in the Figure/Table
- Presentation of Statistics. This requires particular attention and is a skill which must be acquired.
Always state clearly what measure (mean, etc.) and what measure of variation (SD, etc.) is being
used. The number of observations (n) must be clearly stated and specifically given if SDs are used.
Do not give excessive numbers of decimal places; measures of variation should have one more
significant figure than the mean. It is important to clearly state the direction and magnitude of
the change observed. Do this first, and then give the result of any statistical tests used to determine
- Over-interpretation of results is a serious error. You must demonstrate that you understand the
significance of statistical testing. If a difference (or other statistical result, e.g. correlation) is not
statistically significant, you should not treat it as if it is. If you want to discuss a non-significant
trend in your results, make it clear that you know the difference.
- This section should deal with discussion and interpretation of the data obtained and should include a
critical assessment of the data in the light of previous findings, speculation on the meaning of the
results obtained, analysis of the original hypothesis in the context of the findings, a discussion of
whether or not the findings support the hypothesis proposed and an assessment of the limitations of
the study. This should be concluded with a summary and conclusions and suggestions for further
- This section often presents the most problems. In particular, it is often difficult to decide what
should go in the Discussion and what should go in the Results (see Preparation of a Synopsis, below).
A good guideline is When in doubt, put it in the Discussion, and leave the presentation of results
as uncluttered as possible.
- The Discussion will include the following.
Interpretation of the significance of your results.
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A comparison of results (not forgetting control values) with those in the literature.
A discussion your results in context of the relevant literature.
A critical discussion of possible sources of error in the results. Critical means not only
listing the sources of error but also saying how important they are likely to be.
This list is by no means exhaustive and the categories will often overlap, but it should be helpful at the planning stage.
All cited references and only cited references should be included. The format used is the Harvard
referencing system.
Note that all references cited in text must appear in the list of references. General reading such as textbooks
should not be cited, unless you are using a figure or referring to a very specific point.
In the text
- When you make a scientific statement of fact, you must reference an original article with data to support this
fact (Smith et al., 1999).
- If there is only one author, quote the name only followed by the year the paper was published (Jones, 2000).
If there are two authors, use both names followed by the year the paper was published (Murphy & Quinn,
2001). If there are more than two authors, use et al. (always in italics with a full stop afterwards), which is
the Latin term for and others (Smith et al., 1999).
- If you want to reinforce the point and use several articles, they should be listed from the earliest to latest,
and separated by a semicolon (Smith et al., 1999; Jones, 2000; Murphy & Quinn, 2001).
- If you are quoting two articles by the same person in the same year, denote one as a and one as b. This is
done alphabetically according to the second author on the paper (Smith et al., 1999a; Smith et al., 1999b).
- When including the reference in the text, follow the following formats. Smith et al. (1999) have shown
that, It was shown by Smith et al. (1999) that.
Style of References
- Most journals use an abbreviated format for Journal titles. When abbreviating Journal titles make sure to
use the correct abbreviation. You can find the correct abbreviation of any journal on PUBMED
( Some examples are as follows:
A = Ann Biomed Eng (single word journals are not abbreviated)
Annals of Biomedical Engineering = Ann Biomed Eng
Journal of Biomechanics = J Biomech
Journal of Neural Engineering = J Neural Eng
- Below is the reference style used by the IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. There are different
styles for journal articles, books, and book chapters as illustrated below.
Journal article
Cited in text as: (McMahon et al., 2008)
Cited in reference list as: McMahon LA, Reid AJ, Campbell VA, Prendergast PJ., Regulatory effects of mechanical strain
on the chondrogenic differentiation of MSCs in a collagen-GAG scaffold: experimental and computational analysis,
Ann Biomed Eng , 36, (2), p185 194, 2008.
Cited in text as: (Simms and Wood, 2009).
Cited in reference list as: Simms CK and Wood DP (2009) Pedestrian and cyclist Impact - a Biomechanical Perspective,
Chapter in a book
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- This should include details of equipment and instruments used, details of software developed and, in some cases
tables of raw data. When appropriate, it should also include a copy of any questionnaire used.
- This should contain essential data and details of any other methods. Note that all entries in the Appendix must be
properly described in suitable legends. It is not inappropriate to repeat relevant statistical summaries in the
Appendix. All Tables in the Appendix must have fully descriptive titles so that they can be understood without
reference to the main text.
Grades of Heading
Careful attention should be given to this point at the planning stage. Examples of the usual grades of heading are
given below with a short description of each in brackets). Use bold or italic type as shown.
HEADING: RESULTS [capitals in bold print, centred, no underline or stop]
Subheading: Electroencephalographic Analysis [Upper and lower case in bold print, centred, no stop]
Further subheading: EEG Feature Extraction [Upper and lower case in bold italic print, centred, no stop]
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Word Processing
- There are some conventions which should be followed. Paragraphs should be created by leaving a blank line and not by
indenting. Do not put spaces before a punctuation mark because it might be carried over to the beginning of a new line.
- All punctuation marks should have only a single space after them, never before.
Spelling, English and Grammar
- Poorly written reports stem from poorly crafted sentences. Sentences that are long or poorly written can be
frustrating to read and will loose you a great deal of marks. You are expected to spend time on writing each and
every sentence in you thesis with care. Make sure you do not forget the basic rules of English. Use nouns, verbs,
adverbs, adjectives accordingly in each sentence. A common mistake is to make sentences too long. Keep
sentences short and simple as far as possible.
- Do not expect that the reader will remember what has been said in previous sentences. Make sure you clearly
spell out what is meant in each sentence, even if it means repeating yourself. Be specific and clear and avoid
being vague. Ideally each sentence should be self explanatory.
- Your supervisor will focus on the scientific content and is not expected to check spelling, to correct your English
or any mistakes in grammar. A spell check should be performed before handing documents to your supervisor
and before final submissions. Ask a colleague to read your report before handing any material to your supervisor
and before final submission. If your colleague does not understand what you have written, you should make
corrections before handing to your supervisor.
- Ensure the spell checker is set to English (UK) and not English (US) by using the Language option on the
Tools menu. Remember that you will still need to proof-read the final draft; the spelling checker will not find all
errors. Pay special attention to names and technical terms
- Here is a list of the correct forms of words that are commonly mis-spelled.
accommodate dependent (adj.)
occurred separate
- UK English rather than US English forms should be used: e.g. fibre not fiber.
- Students t test should have a capital and apostrophe); the t should be italicised.
- Its should never be written in formal prose; always use it is. The possessive is its.
- Numbers less than eleven should be spelt in full unless they refer to specific units, e.g. '6 days', but 'six subjects.'
- Note that sec, 'h', 'min' [no stop] and 'd' are the abbreviations for seconds, hours, minutes and days,
respectively. The multiplier 'k' as in km (kilometre) is always lower case. The abbreviations for units never take
an 's-plural'.
Should be checked as the last stage in preparing a manuscript. It is usual to adjust the text so that odd lines or parts of
lines do not appear at the beginning or end of a page. The adjustment may be done by inserting blank lines in
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appropriate places or by using the Insert Page Break command. Word has a Control widows and orphans option
(see Format menu, Paragraph, Line & Page breaks tab). Remember to set the page style (Page Setup) and
printer type (via Chooser) before doing this and work from the beginning of the text.
Font Style
- Choose your font with care. Some fonts take up a lot of space and others may not be suitable for laser-printing.
Avoid fonts named after cities. Arial has been found to be a satisfactory, clear and reasonably compact font.
- Fonts are designed for different purposes and a font that is easy to read on a screen (e.g. Geneva) is not
necessarily suitable for body-text. Times is designed for narrow columns and does not look well in A4 pages and
should not be used. Times New Roman shares many of the characteristics of Times (compact, with a lot of white
space) but looks better.
If a type-size larger than 10 pt is used, it is unnecessary to double-space. If you use 12 pt body text, 1.5 spacing may
be adequate. Check with your supervisor if in doubt.
Special Sorts
There are many special characters which will be useful to you, such as the degree symbol ( alt+k) and acute
accents or fada (alt+e, followed by the letter you wish to accent) and grave accents (alt+~, followed by the letter).
For Greek characters it is better to use the insert font function rather than using the font Symbol. This allows you to
change the font in the document and keep the Greek characters. If you use font Symbol and decide to change the font
in the document you will have to go back and individually change all the Greek characters back to Symbol font.
Plagiarism is considered as academically fraudulent, and an offence against University discipline.
1. Plagiarism is interpreted by the University as the act of presenting the work of others as ones own work, without
acknowledgement. Plagiarism is considered as academically fraudulent, and an offence against University discipline.
The University considers plagiarism to be a major offence, and subject to the disciplinary procedures of the
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2. Plagiarism can arise from deliberate actions and also through careless thinking and/or methodology. The offence
lies not in the attitude or intention of the perpetrator, but in the action and in its consequences. Plagiarism can arise
from actions such as: a) copying another students work b) enlisting another person or persons to complete an
assignment on the students behalf c) quoting directly, without acknowledgement, from books, articles or other
sources, either in printed, recorded or electronic format d) paraphrasing, without acknowledgement, the writings of
other authors Examples c) and d) in particular can arise through careless thinking and/or methodology where
students: (i) fail to distinguish between their own ideas and those of others (ii) fail to take proper notes during
preliminary research and therefore lose track of the sources from which the notes were drawn (iii) fail to distinguish
between information which needs no acknowledgement because it is firmly in the public domain, and information
which might be widely known, but which nevertheless requires some sort of acknowledgement (iv) come across a
distinctive methodology or idea and fail to record its source. All the above serve only as examples and are not
exhaustive. Students should submit work done in co-operation with other students only when it is done with the full
knowledge and permission of the lecturer concerned. Without this, work submitted which is the product of collusion
with other students may be considered to be plagiarism. When work is submitted as the result of a Group Project, it
is the responsibility of all students in the Group to ensure, in so far as possible, that no work submitted by the Group
is plagiarised.
3. It is clearly understood that all members of the academic community use and build on the work of others. It is
commonly accepted also, however, that we build on the work of others in an open and explicit manner, and with due
acknowledgement. Many cases of plagiarism that arise could be avoided by following some simple guidelines:
a) any material used in a piece of work, of any form, that is not the original thought of the author should be fully
referenced in the work and attributed to its source. The material should either be quoted directly or paraphrased.
Either way, an explicit citation of the work referred to should be provided, in the text, in a footnote, or both. Not to
do so is to commit plagiarism
b) when taking notes from any source it is very important to record the precise words or ideas that are being used and
their precise sources
c) while the Internet often offers a wider range of possibilities for researching particular themes, it also requires
particular attention to be paid to the distinction between ones own work and the work of others. Particular care
should be taken to keep track of the source of the electronic information obtained from the Internet or other
electronic sources and ensure that it is explicitly and correctly acknowledged
4. It is the responsibility of the author of any work to ensure that he/she does not commit plagiarism.
5. Students should ensure the integrity of their work by seeking advice from their Lecturers, Course Co-ordinator,
Director or Supervisor on avoiding plagiarism. All Schools should include, in their handbooks or other literature
given to students, advice on the appropriate methodology for the kind of work that students will be expected to
6. If plagiarism as referred to in Paragraph (2) above is suspected, the Director of Teaching and Learning
(Postgraduate) will arrange an informal meeting with the student, the students Supervisor or other appropriate
representative, and the academic staff member concerned, to put their suspicions to the student and give the student
the opportunity to respond.
7. If the Director of Teaching and Learning (Postgraduate) forms the view that plagiarism has taken place, he/she
must decide if the offence can be dealt with under the summary procedure set out below. In order for this summary
procedure to be followed, all parties noted above must be in agreement. If the facts of the case are in dispute, or if
the Director of Teaching and Learning (Postgraduate) feels that the penalties provided for under the summary
procedure below are inappropriate given the circumstances of the case, he/she will refer the case directly to the
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Junior Dean, who will interview the student and may implement the procedures set out in Section 5 (Other General
8. If the offence can be dealt with under the summary procedure, the Director of Teaching and Learning
(Postgraduate) will recommend to the Dean of Graduate Studies one of the following penalties: a) that the piece of
work in question receives a reduced mark, or a mark of zero; or b) if satisfactory completion of the piece of work is
deemed essential for the student to rise with his/her year or to proceed to the award of a degree, the student may be
required to re-submit the work. However, the student may not receive more than the minimum pass mark applicable
to the piece of work on satisfactory re-submission.
9. Provided that the appropriate procedure has been followed and all parties above are in agreement with the
proposed penalty, the Dean of Graduate Studies may approve the penalty and notify the Junior Dean accordingly. The
Junior Dean may nevertheless implement the procedures set out in Section 5 of Calendar Part II on Graduate Studies
website(Other General Regulations).
Students must submit their thesis to TurnItIn which is the standard in online plagiarism prevention. It instantly
identifies papers containing unoriginal material from over 40 Million Student Papers, 12 Billion Web Pages, over
10,000 newspapers, Magazines & Scholarly journals and Thousands of Books. Turnitin allows educators to check
students work for academic integrity by searching for improper citation or potential plagiarism by comparing it
against continuously updated databases using the industrys most advanced search technology. Every Originality
Report provides instructors with the opportunity to teach their students proper citation methods as well as to
safeguard their students academic integrity. Turnitin is also web Based so compatibility between different computers
and operating systems isnt a problem.
Turnitin determines if text in a paper matches text in any of the Turnitin databases. The service does not detect or
determine plagiarism an instructor needs to make that call based on the matches shown in the Originality Report.
Indeed, the text in the student's paper that is found to match a source may be properly cited and attributed. It is
recommended that instructors carefully review the Originality Report before making any determination of
plagiarism. Such determinations of plagiarism require human judgment, and instructors and students alike should
understand their institution's academic integrity policies before turning in written assignments.
Only the instructor, and possibly a TA assigned to the course, can see a student's paper. If a match is found between
the student's paper and another student's paper, the instructor can request the matching paper from the other
student's instructor. That instructor then decides whether to share the matching paper depending on the
circumstances. The only exception to this rule is in the case of peer review assignments
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No - student works are the property of the student, and are copyrighted and protected. iParadigms, LLC (the parent
company of Turnitin) makes no claim of copyright to any of the works submitted to the Turnitin system.
Withheld access (a stay)
Should an author of a thesis wish to withhold permission for the use of her/his work, a written application must be
made to the Dean of Graduate Studies at the time of submission of the thesis for examination. Such applications must
have the written support of the graduate student's Supervisor or Director of Teaching and Learning (Postgraduate),
must state the reasons for the request for a stay on access and must provide a contact address. The maximum length
of a stay is five years. During this period of withheld permission the thesis may be consulted, lent or copied only by
written permission of the author who is under an obligation to reply to all inquiries within a reasonable time.
Submit two hard bound copies to the Course Administrator in Trinity Centre for
Bioengineering office. A copy must also be emailed to [email protected].
It is the duty of the postgraduate student to familiarise him- or her-self with College regulations in relation to
submission of theses. Please see thesis submission guidelines , these regulations are on the Graduate Studies website.
The thesis must be put through turnitin ( The thesis must contain immediately after the title page
the declaration page (see sample page 2 below) signed by the author.
Note: Late submission could potentially result in a continuance fee being levied by the Graduate Studies Office
Dissertations should be written according to the style outlined below. Dissertations are assessed by academics who
may not be expert in the precise field of study. The style of the dissertation should be designed for that readership.
An external and internal examiner will be nominated and their names sent to the Dean of Graduate Studies in
consultation with the supervisor of the thesis. The thesis will be sent to these examiners. They may at this time
specify that they wish to examine the candidate by viva voce. Such an oral examination would be held in TCBE.
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Sample Thesis
Sample Page 1
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Sample Page 2
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The supervisor and the student TCD Students
An outline of the role of the supervisor has been provided by the TCD Graduate Studies Office:
The relationship between the supervisor and research student is a critical factor in determining the quality of the
postgraduate experience. Best practice leads to a relationship that may be described as mentoring on the part of
the supervisor and learning on the part of the student. For a successful collaboration between student and
supervisor, both parties have to recognise their own separate responsibilities. Due to the diverse demands of
different disciplines, it is not possible to legislate in detail across the whole academic range of college for the
practices that supervisors and students should follow. However certain general principles should be clearly
understood by all involved in postgraduate education. These are set out below.
Additional points
1. Project supervisor will read one complete draft of literature review and project report prior to submission.
Do not expect your supervisor to read incomplete or multiple drafts of your work.
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2. You should provide your supervisor with a draft of your literature review/project two weeks before
submission date, in order to leave plenty of time for them to read it, and for you to take on board any
suggestions that they may have for improvements.
Richard Reilly, BE, MEngSc, PhD, MIEI, MIEE, SMIEEE, FTCD Course Direct or
Professor Reilly is Principal Investigator in the Trinity Centre for BioEngineering, the Trinity College Institute of
Neuroscience and the Centre for Excellent in Ageing. The Professorship is a joint position between the School of
Medicine and the School of Engineering. His research expertise is the area neural engineering and biomedical signal
processing. He received his BE in Electronic Engineering 1987 and his MEngSc and PhD Degrees in Biomedical
Engineering in 1992 from University College Dublin. He was the 1999/2001 Silvanus P. Thompson International
Lecturer for the Institute of Electrical Engineers. In 2004 he was a Fulbright Scholar at the Cognitive Neuroscience
laboratory at the Nathan Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research New York. Professor Reilly is also the recent
Chairman of the Biomedical Engineering Division of the Institution of Engineers of Ireland. Professor Reilly was
Director of the Trinity Centre for BioEngineering from July 2008 July 2012. He recently served as Academic
Director of the TRIL Centre, a multi-institutional project on ageing and independent living. He is currently the
President of the European Society of Engineering and Medicine.
[email: [email protected]]
University of Dublin, Trinity College. After receiving his doctorate he moved into industry, working as a research
and development engineer for a medical device company producing coronary and peripheral angioplasty catheters and
stents. His research interests are in the area of computational and experimental mechanobiology, focusing on the
applications this emerging discipline is having on cartilage tissue engineering and the design and pre-clinical evaluation
of next generation
medical devices and implants. In 2008 he was the sole recipient of the President of Ireland Young Researcher Award
to fund a research program investigating the mechanobiology of mesenchymal stem cells for articular cartilage repair.
In 2009 he received a Fulbright Award to take a sabbatical position as a Visiting Research Scholar in the Department
of Biomedical Engineering at Columbia University, New York. In 2010 he was awarded a European Research Council
Starter Grant of 1.5 million to develop novel mesenchymal stem cell based therapies for articular cartilage repair.
[email: [email protected]]
to external stimuli. He is also interested in clinical and experimental biomechanics and biomaterials. In CRANN, Dr.
Prina Mello also works as advisor in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology standard and policy in Ireland.
[email: [email protected]]
Aoife Gowran, BSc, PhD
Dr. Gowran graduated from The Dublin Institute of Technology in 2003 with a BSc (Hons) in Biochemistry and
Molecular Biology. In 2008 she graduated with a PhD in Neuroscience from the University of Dublin, Trinity
College. Her early research indentified that the psychoactive component of cannabis, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol
induces apoptosis (cell death) in the immature brain and that cannabis like substances, called endocannabinoids which
are naturally present in the body, protect brain cells from dying when given a toxic insult. Following her PhD Dr.
Gowran worked as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Trinity College Institute of Neuroscience where she continued
her research on the effects of endocannabinoids on the differentiation, survival and migration of Mesenchymal Stem
Cells (the precursors to bone and cartilage etc.). In 2010, Dr Gowran was appointed a lectureship in the Department
of Physiology and is continuing to research the potential of endocannabinoids to provide neuroprotection in
Alzheimers disease. [email: [email protected]]
Clive Lee, PhD, MD, ScD (Dubl), FRCSI, FRCSEd, CEng, FIEI, HRHA
Clive Lee is Professor of Anatomy at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland and Visiting Professor of Biomechanics
and Tissue Engineering at Trinity College Dublin. He is currently Chair of the Executive Committee of the Trinity
Centre for Bioengineering. He is a Chartered Engineer, past President of the Section of Bioengineering of the Royal
Academy of Medicine in Ireland (2000-02) and past President of the European Society for Engineering and Medicine
(2003-07). He was awarded the Fulbright Medal in 2003, the Samuel Haughton Silver Medal, and his ScD for
published work, in 2010. He is on the Editorial Boards of Technology & Health Care and the Journal of the
Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials. He is currently Honorary Secretary of the Anatomical Society and
Chair of the Life Sciences Committee of the Royal Irish Academy, which he also represents on the Biosciences
Steering Panel of the European Academies Science Advisory Council. His research interests and Publications are in
microdamage and bone remodelling related to osteoporosis and functional anatomy. [email: [email protected]]
Board for Healthcare Standards in Europe. He is a member of the ETCI TC10 Committee and chairs the wiring rules
sub-committee. His research interests are in medical device regulation and standards, risk analysis, and health
technology assessment. [Email: [email protected]]
for Psychiatric Research and as an adjunct assistant professor in the City College of New York. He returned to a
position as an IRCSET Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Research Fellow based at the Institute of Neuroscience
and the Centre for Bioengineering in Trinity College Dublin in 2008. Following a brief stint at University College
London's Institute of Ophthalmology, he returned to Trinity College Dublin as an Ussher Lecturer in 2011.
[Email: [email protected]]
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The complete set of regulations is set out in the University Calendar. Copies are held in the College Library,
Enquiries Office, and all academic and administrative offices. A copy can be purchased in the Library Shop. Some of
the more relevant sections are summarised in the following sections.
Students whose attendance or work is unsatisfactory in any year may be refused permission to take all or part of the
annual examinations for that year. Where specific attendance requirements are not stated, students are non-
satisfactory if they miss more than a third of a required course in any term.
At the end of the teaching term, students who have not satisfied the Department, School or Course Committee
requirements may be returned as non-satisfactory for that term. In accordance with the regulations laid down by the
University Council non-satisfactory students may be refused permission to take their annual examinations and may be
required to repeat their year.
Further details on the academic regulations concerning attendance, non-satisfactory attendance and course work are
given in the University Calendar on the Graduate Studies website.
Please note that you must attend the particular tutorial and laboratory sessions to which you have been assigned.
Plagiarism is, simply put, the act of presenting the work of others as your own without acknowledgement. The last
two words are crucially important. The advancement of knowledge in any field relies heavily on the work of peers
and previous workers. Formal acknowledgement of their contribution not only gives them due credit for their work
but adds to the strength of your results and arguments. The regulations governing plagiarism are presented in the
calendar and you should read them. In summary, plagiarism can arise from actions such as:
- Copying another students work.
- Enlisting another person or persons to complete an assignment on the students behalf.
- Quoting directly, without acknowledgement, from books, articles, or other sources, either in printed,
recorded or electronic format.
- Paraphrasing, without acknowledgement, the writings of others.
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Students are required to pass all modules of the course. Pass mark is 50%. TCD does not award grades to M.Sc.
Should you have any queries regarding regulations and guidelines that apply to postgraduate students at Trinity,
please consult the Graduate Studies website or Part 2 of the University
Calendar which can be viewed This Calendar contains all information
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All candidates for conferral in April 2014 must apply to the Proctors Office. All registered postgraduate students
expecting to be conferred with a higher degree in the current academic year, are annually invited by email, to make
application to the Proctors Office. The invitation includes provision of all the information necessary to make
application. Candidates are advised that closing dates are very strictly adhered to, and late applicants will not be
admitted to the selected ceremony; however, they may be admitted to the next available commencement session. A
Commencements fee is applicable to all making application for conferral. Further information about the application
process is available here.
Class Descriptors
The following Descriptors are given as a guide to the qualities that assessors are seeking in relation to the grades
usually awarded. A grade is the anticipated degree class based on consistent performance at the level indicated by an
individual answer. In addition to the criteria listed examiners will also give credit for evidence of critical discussion of
facts or evidence.
Mark Criteria
90-100 IDEAL ANSWER; showing insight and originality and wide knowledge. Logical,
accurate and concise presentation. Evidence of reading and thought beyond
course content. Contains particularly apt examples. Links materials from lectures,
practicals and seminars where appropriate.
80-89 OUTSTANDING ANSWER; falls short of the ideal answer either on aspects of
presentation or on evidence of reading and thought beyond the course. Examples,
layout and details are all sound.
70-79 MAINLY OUTSTANDING ANSWER; falls short on presentation and reading or
thought beyond the course, but retains insight and originality typical of first class
65-69 VERY COMPREHENSIVE ANSWER; good understanding of concepts supported
by broad knowledge of subject. Notable for synthesis of information rather than
originality. Sometimes with evidence of outside reading. Mostly accurate and
logical with appropriate examples. Occasionally a lapse in detail.
60-64 LESS COMPREHENSIVE ANSWER; mostly confined to good recall of
coursework. Some synthesis of information or ideas. Accurate and logical within a
limited scope. Some lapses in detail tolerated.
55-59 SOUND BUT INCOMPLETE ANSWER; based on coursework alone but suffers
from a significant omission, error or misunderstanding. Usually lacks synthesis of
information or ideas. Mainly logical and accurate within its limited scope and with
lapses in detail.
50-54 INCOMPLETE ANSWER; suffers from significant omissions, errors and
misunderstandings, but still with understanding of main concepts and showing
sound knowledge. Several lapses in detail.
45-49 WEAK ANSWER; limited understanding and knowledge of subject. Serious
omissions, errors and misunderstandings, so that answer is no more than
40-44 VERY WEAK ANSWER; a poor answer, lacking substance but giving some
relevant information. Information given may not be in context or well explained, but
will contain passages and words which indicate a marginally adequate
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35-39 MARGINAL FAIL; inadequate answer, with no substance or understanding, but
with a vague knowledge relevant to the question.
30-34 CLEAR FAILURE; some attempt made to write something relevant to the
question. Errors serious but not absurd. Could also be a sound answer to the
misinterpretation of a question.
0-29 UTTER FAILURE; with little hint of knowledge. Errors serious and absurd. Could
also be a trivial response to the misinterpretation of a question.
Developments in bioengineering and medical technology have led to spectacular progress in clinical medicine. As a
result, increased numbers of courses are available in the area of bioengineering and clinical technology. These often
include modules dealing with basic biological and medical sciences, aimed at those taking up these studies, who have a
background in engineering.
To date, relatively few participants from medicine have taken up courses in biomedical engineering, to the detriment
of scientific exchange between engineers and medics. The European Society for Engineering and Medicine (ESEM)
aims to bridge the gap between engineering and medicine and biology. It promotes cultural and scientific exchanges
between the engineering and the medical/biological fields.
This primer consists of a series of First Step chapters in engineering and is principally presented for those with a
medical or biology background who intend to start a MSc programme in biomedical engineering, and for medics or
biologists who wish to better understand a particular technology. It will also serve as a reference for biomedical
Written by engineers and medics who are leaders in their field, it covers the basic engineering principles
underpinning: biomechanics, bioelectronics, medical informatics, biomaterials, tissue engineering, bioimaging and
rehabilitation engineering. It also includes clinically relevant examples. Available in Trinity College library, the
Primer can also be purchased online at or To purchase click here
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Where are the jobs?
The medical device and diagnostic industry continues to be a vibrant growth sector and a cornerstone of the Irish
economy. Circa 160 companies are involved in developing, manufacturing and marketing a diverse range of products
and services from disposable plastic and wound care products to precision metal implants including pacemakers to
microelectronic devices, orthopaedic implants, diagnostics, contact lenses and stents.
There are currently over 160 medical technology companies in Ireland, exporting 6.8b worth of product
annually and employing 24,000 people - the highest number of people working in the industry in any
country in Europe, per head of population.
Exports of medical devices and diagnostics products now represent 8% of Irelands total merchandise
exports; and growth prospects for the industry globally remain good.
Many of the worlds top medical technology companies have invested significantly in Ireland and a number
of exciting, research-based, indigenous companies are emerging and competing internationally.
Over 90 of the companies in the sector are indigenous (ref Enterprise Ireland)
The Irish government has identified the medical technology sector as one of the key drivers of industrial
growth for the future and provides a wide range of supports to encourage and foster this growth.
The medical technology industry in Ireland is changing from being prominently manufacturing to being
more complex and driven by R&D. It now involves intensive collaboration between a broad range of
partners, including research institutions, clinicians, manufacturing companies and government agencies.
Ireland is well placed to capitalise on the growing global market for medical technology products and services. The
challenge is to continue to develop and integrate the broad range of strategic competencies and support systems that
will enable this island to compete as a mature, high value added economy, with innovation at its core.
Employment in the bioengineering industry in Ireland has grown to the level where the industry now directly
employs over 12,000 people in Ireland, of which up to 20% are graduate engineers and scientists (see www.ida-
H ). The engineer working in this industry needs to be both technically competent and capable of integrating
those aspects of biology and medicine related to the medical device. Many bioengineers are involved in applying
science and engineering knowledge to the manufacture of medical products.
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But.. Not all j obs are advertised so you need to use c reative approaches
Using your networks for information/ advice and opportunities
Information and advisory interviews
Taking the stepping stone approach
Scanning media
Letting people know you are looking
Professional networks organisations, journals
Work shadowing
Training in area related to your target
Speculative applications to employers
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National College of Art and Design
The National College of Art and Design is situated at 100 Thomas Street, about 5 minute walk from Christchurch
Cathedral and 15 minutes from Trinity College.
There is limited car parking in the College - use the rear entrance along Oliver Bond Street. If the College car park is
full, there is pay-and-display street parking on Oliver Bond Street. There is also an NCP car park on Oliver Bond
Street, close to the intersection with Bridgefoot Street.
There is a limited canteen service in the College but there are several cafes in the immediate vicinity.
The new Luas tram system passes close by, the nearest station being Smithfield, at Phoenix Street North. There are
The college is also a short, 10 minute walk from Heuston station which operates routes to and from Cork, Tralee,
Limerick, Waterford, Ballina/Wesport, Galway, Kildare and Clonmel.
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