Analysis of Accident Prevention and Automatic Detection

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Volume 2, Issue 10, October 2017 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456 2165

Analysis of Accident Prevention and Automatic

Harsha B V1, Momin Shariff 2,
Assistant Professor, Dept. of EEE, G.Madegowda Institute of Technology, Mandya, Karrnataka, India1
PG Students, Dept. of EEE, the National Institute of Engineering, Mysore, Karrnataka, India2

AbstractNow a days the road accidents are increased to Automatic system senses the obstacle and applies the smooth
uncertain level according to times of India in every hour 20 breaks as well as sudden break to avoid forward collision of
to 30 accidents happens. The closing of human life due to vehicles.
accident and not get the medical attention on proper time is
to be avoided by using automatic accident detection and If a major accident happens and driver unable to contact the
ambulance rescue system using microcontroller or rescue team during this time our automated system sends the
microprocessor. The authors were able to program a GPS / accident information to the nearest ambulance center to recues
GSM module incorporating a crash detector to report and the ambulance will reach theaccident spotwithout wasting
automatically via the GSM communication platform (using the time can save human life and reduce number of people dying
SMS messaging) to the nearest ambulance agencies, giving every day. Our proposed system is to reduce the no of accident
the exact position of the point where the crash had occurred. and death rate of human due lack of getting the first aid on time
With the help of GPS wireless system is their choice for the
automobile GPS/GSM module. The GPS method uses
satellite sent positioning signal to handsets equipped with II. SCOPE OF THE PROJECT
GPS chip, which calculates its own location to approximately
1-10m. The system architecture shows that if a crash occurs
The project can be further extended by using the compact
in a particular place, the information is been sent to GSM modem and GPS modem so the system will
ambulance agencies numbers. By using this project we can become compact and the SMS can be send through
save human life by giving the medical service on time .also SOS(save our soul)
preventing the accidents by avoiding the drink and drive by
locking the ignition when driver detected in drunk status by This project can save the human life
using alcohol sensor.
Its avoids the accident and drunk and drive

Keywords: - Tiny GSM, GPS, Arduino, and SENSORS. Sensing physiological characteristics.

sensing of driver operation

I. INTRODUCTION Sensing of vehicle response.

Monitoring the response of driver.
Nowadays infrastructure has developed in India but the numbers
of accidents are also increased in India due to irresponsibility in
driving, drunk and drive, unable to apply sudden breaks in huge III. METHODOLOGY
traffic area. Even though many accidents are minor but due to
lack of first aid and the reaching the ambulance on accident spot
Based on embedded system
on time huge number of people are losing the life every day.
.Twenty to thirty people die every hour in road accidents in India GPS and GSM( telecommunication)
times India reports on 2015. To reduce the number of accident
Sensor technology
and losing the life in accident. We proposed system, which try
to prevent the accident by sensing the alcohol level of driver. If
driver found in critical level drunk the system automatically IV. THE SYSTEM IS WORKING IN FOUR STEPS
block the ignition of vehicle pre prevents the accident. In huge
traffic lots of minor accident happening due to unable to apply
Pre prevention of accident by alcohol detection
the brakes on time some time we have to apply sudden break and
Prevention of accident from forward collision
also we have to make distance in front of vehicle in this case our
Detection the critical level of accident.

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Volume 2, Issue 10, October 2017 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456 2165

Sending the accident status and location to nearest V. COMPONENT

ambulance rescue system
Arduino microcontroller
A. Pre Prevention of Accident By Alcohol Detection A sensor called MQ3 for the purpose of alcohol detection.
GPS modem and GSM modem
The designed circuitry consists of an alcohol sensor/MQ3 MEMS sensors
Sensor. We are using a gases alcohol detector which detect the Impact sensors
alcohol content from the breathing air of the deriver when the LIDAR sensors
alcohol sensor senses the critical level as set in program and its Ultrasonic sensors
send the signal to microcontroller and microcontroller activate Relays
the relay and trip the power supply to ignition system and its Motors to apply mechanical braking
block the ignition of vehicle. Power supply
Due to this system a drunk person unable to start the vehicle so
he/she can use public service to safe journey. And this system BLOCK DIAGRAM
prevents the accident from drunk and drive

B. Prevention of Accident From Forward Collision

In huge traffic and highway lots of accidents happens due

irresponsible of driver unable to apply the brakes on proper time
or due to some human error so in this case we are using a
ultrasonic sensor andLIDAR sensor to detect obstacle in front of
vehicle. This combination two sensor senses the obstacle at range
of 100mts to 30cm and give the digital signal to microcontroller.
The microcontroller reads both feedback data from lidar and
ultrasonic sensor and give the smooth or sudden Breaking signal
to breaking mechanism where the breaking mechanism active the
electrical braking as well as mechanical braking to stop the
vehicle to avoid forward collision.

C. Detection the Critical Level of Accident

A crash sensors and impact sensors are used to detect the

accident. When the combination of both crash and impact signals
reads the critical value the microcontroller decide the level and
status of accident occur in vehicle and sent the accident details to
ambulance rescue center.

D. Sending the Accident Status and Location to Nearest

Ambulance Rescue System

When crash and impact sensors sends the data to microcontroller

then based on programming microcontroller decide the accident
status and critical levels and track the vehicle location using GPS
module and send the status of accident and longitude and
latitude co-ordinates to nearest ambulance rescue centers . By
using the co-ordinates of longitude and latitude ambulance can
reach the accident spot faster and on time.

E. Hardware Section and Its Implementation

Hardware sections used in our detection system includes GPS

modem, GSM modem, alarm module, microcontroller and
vibration sensor.

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Volume 2, Issue 10, October 2017 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456 2165


Component establishes interface with other drivers very

easily. M Rajendra Prasad, P Aswani Kumar," An Automated
Traffic Accident Detection and Alarm Device" in
Life of the driver can be saved by locking the ignition International Journal of Technological Exploration and
system of the car. Learning (IJTEL), Volume 1 Issue 1 (August 2012).
Traffic management can be maintained by reducing
accidents and traffic jams can be avoided.
n Via Embedded GSM message interface with Sensor
Using GPS & GSM exact location of the Car can be traced Technology " in International Journal of Scientific and
on MAP. Research Publications Volume 2, Issue 4,April 2012.




In this paper we proposed and implement the accident avoidance

system. Using this system we may avoid many accidents
happened due to the following system The system comprises,
very low cost components such as ultrasonic sensor ,LCD and
GPS and GSM ,MQ3 sensor. Crash sensors and impacts sensors


Implementing this project in India we can avoid the lots of

accidents and also drunk and drive
Using the image processing we can also implements to
avoid accidents due to drossiness
Automatic Braking System which will reduce the speed of
the car in highway and traffic area smoothly
Using camera and image processing we can analyses the
driver condition and passenger health condition in
accident time.
Automatic braking System can be set in case of
When accident happens in highway that time. Bye using
high volume buzzer we can make sound to attract
surrounding peoples to helps.

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