The Analysis of The Radius Impact On The Properties of Cylindrical Antenna With Coaxial Feed
The Analysis of The Radius Impact On The Properties of Cylindrical Antenna With Coaxial Feed
The Analysis of The Radius Impact On The Properties of Cylindrical Antenna With Coaxial Feed
Abstract The article presents analysis of conformal multilayer antenna and array antenna
with coaxial feed. The antenna has the shape of the cylinder with a radius R. It was examined
an effect of change radius R on the basic operating parameters of the antenna.
For the selected frequency range (50315090.6 MHz) there was designed planar and cylindrical
microstrip antenna and antenna array with coaxial feed. For conformal surface radius length
was varied in the range 0.2160. The full-wave analysis of antennas numerical parameters was
carried out in CST Studio Suite.
The analysis of the tested antenna has been focused on the determination of the impact of the
R-radius of the side surface of the cylinder, on which the conformal antenna have been installed,
on the basic operating parameters of the antenna.
Themicrostrip antennas constitute one of the most innovative areas of aerial technology for a
number of years. An interest in such types of antennas dates back to 1953, when G. A. Deschamps
developed a concept of printed antenna [11, 15, 17, 18, 25].
Despite many years, there are still few studies in the literature that describe microstrip antennas
on conformal surfaces. Most authors limit themselves only to the analysis of structures made on
flat surfaces, which in many cases are not sufficient. Increased interest in this subject matter can
be seen in journals and at international conferences only since 1997. During the same period, first
review articles about conformal antennas were published and their first practical applications were
presented. It was certainly affected by one of the most important research problems in the field of
aerial technology which has emerged in the last decade a problem of conformality of the shape
of the surface on which the radiating elements of antennas are installed, as well as the conformality
of elements alone.
A conformal antenna is an antenna that conforms to something. In our case, it conforms to a
prescribed shape. The shape can be some part of an airplane, high-speed train, or other vehicle.
The purpose is to build the antenna so that it becomes integrated with the structure and does not
cause extra drag. The purpose can also be that the antenna integration makes the antenna less
disturbing, less visible to the human eye, for instance, in an urban environment. A typical additional
requirement in modern defense systems is that the antenna not backscatter microwave radiation
when illuminated by, for example, an enemy radar transmitter (i.e., it has stealth properties). In
microstrip antennas are important parameters of the dielectric, which can be explored to measurein
accordance with the methods described in the [1, 2, 9, 12, 16]. Antennas are an essential element of
the plurality of measurement [58, 10, 1921].
To analyze the impact of conformal antennas radius of curvature on their basic parameters and
characteristics of radiation there was selected frequency ranges: 50315090.6 MHz. This range is
used in aviation,in Microwave Landing System (MLS).
For selected frequency was designed planar coaxially fed microstrip antenna and array antenna.
Then each antenna was placed sequentially on conformal surfaces: cylinder, sphere, torus, where
for each of them full-wave analysis of antennas numerical parameters was carried out in CST Studio
Figure 1 shows analyzed conformal antenna placed on the side surface of the cylinder. Radiating
element has a rectangular shape with dimensions 2L = 14.4 mm and 2b = 19.0 mm (width of
radiating element as seen from inside of the cylinder). This element is placed on a dielectric of
thickness h = R b = 1.52 mm, dielectric permittivity = 3.5 (ROGERS RO3035). The antenna
is fed by a 50 coaxial probe (p = 0 mm; Zp = 4, 45 mm). Around the cylinder of R radius there
is vacuum of parameters: 0 i 0 . Fig. 2 shows analyzed array antenna.
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium Proceedings 313
h b /2
2 /2
Zp 2L
Figure 1: Analyzed conformal antenna on the side Figure 2: Analyzed array antenna (4 1).
surface of the cylinder.
Figure 3: Reflection coefficient S11 of cylindrical Figure 4: Resonance frequencies of conformal an-
conformal antenna depending on length of cylinder tenna depending on length of sphere radius R.
radius R.
The graph in Fig. 3 shows dependence of reflection coefficient S11 for conformal antenna reso-
nance frequency placed on cylinder side surface depending on cylinder radius R.
Next Fig. 4 shows dependence of antenna resonance frequency f0 on cylinder radius R. Almost
for all changes of radius length the value of antenna resonance frequency is maintained at the level
of planar antenna resonance frequency f0 = 5.065 MHz (dashed line). Only in the range of low
values of radius R < 0 we can observe increase in resonance frequency.
Figure 5 and Fig. 6 presents bandwidth of cylindrical conformal antenna f depending on
cylinder radius R.
Figure 7 and Fig. 8 shows normalized E-plane and H-plane patterns for different radii R.
Figure 5: Bandwidth depending on length of cylin- Figure 6: Bandwidth depending on length of cylin-
der radius R. der radius R < 250 .
Figure 7: Normalized E-plane patterns for different Figure 8: Normalized H-plane patterns for differ-
radii R. ent radii R.
O x
1 2
Figure 9: Analyzed cylindrical microstrip array an- Figure 10: Characteristics of the radiation in the
tenna (4 1). full angular range conformal array antenna.
Calculated characteristics of the radiation in the full angular range have been presented in
Fig. 10.
Figure 7 and Fig. 8 shows normalized E-plane and H-plane patterns for different radii R.
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium Proceedings 315
Figure 11: Normalized E-plane patterns for differ- Figure 12: Normalized H-plane patterns for differ-
ent radii. ent radii.
The analysis of structures of conformal antennas is a complex and complicated process. Presented
analysis shows how many factors affect the final result. In order to obtain the conformal multi-
layered structure which would be optimal at desired angle, one shall be prepared for a series of
calculations and simulations. Nevertheless, the necessity of concentrating and focusing propagated
radio waves increases the demand for integrated antennas systems of cylindrical, spherical or conical
shape, thanks to which both the desired properties of spatial radio channels, as well as significant
reduction in the number of aerial system components can be obtained. Due to the aforementioned
reasons, a considerable widespread of conformal antennas is expected in the future.
Characteristics of radiation, as well as of the working bandwidth, are closely related to the
value of R-radius measured on the side surface of the cylinder on which the analyzed antenna is
installed. Along with the increase in curvature of the antenna radiator (reduction in the R-radius),
the radiation beam is widened, and the working bandwidth of the antenna narrows.
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