Mutual Coupling Evaluation Within Waveguide Slotted Antennas

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Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium Proceedings 195

Mutual Coupling Evaluation within Waveguide Slotted Antennas

Giovanni Leone and Domenico Russo
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale e dellInformazione
Seconda Universita degli Studi di Napoli, Italy

Abstract Mutual coupling in an array of different sized narrow rectangular waveguide slots
embedded within an infinite PEC plane is estimated by computing the generalized admittance
matrix, connecting the coefficients of the modal expansion of the magnetic field to the ones of
the electric field. The generic element of the above matrix requires the numerical evaluation
of a quadruple integral. In this paper a singularity cancellation approach is used to remove
the singularity of the Greens function and the order of integration is reduced by a suitable
changes of variables. In this way self and mutual admittances can be estimated by computing
double integrals. A further approximation is introduced in order to compute the latter ones
by single integrals saving computational time and resources. The results of such approach are
then compared with the ones provided by a commercial numerical simulation tool showing good
Planar arrays of waveguide fed slotted antennas [1] find many applications in telecommunication
because they show low cost and weight, do not change the structure aerodynamic properties and
have a very narrow beam. The principal limit is the relatively narrow band. For both analysis
and synthesis purposes, evaluation of the mutual coupling between the slots is fundamental since
it affects in a non-negligible way the array factor. In literature many works offer a phenomenon
approximate analysis while a more accurate one could be carried out by using a commercial nu-
merical simulation tool. However, both computational time and resources rise considerably when
the array dimensions increase and such tools become unusable. So, the problem arises of both an
efficient and accurate analysis.
We assume that the slots are embedded within an infinite PEC plane and mutual coupling is
estimated by computing the generalized admittance matrix (GAM) [2, 3]. We start from the integral
relationship connecting the magnetic equivalent currents to the magnetic field that can be obtained
by means of the vector potential. Then tangential fields are expanded into rectangular waveguide
mode functions and the GAM is built by connecting the coefficients of the modal expansion of the
magnetic field to the ones of the electric field. The resulting integral relationship are simplified and
numerically evaluated accounting exactly for the singular behavior of self-admittance.
N rectangular slots are considered within an infinite PEC plane at z = 0 as shown in Fig. 1 (right
panel highlights two of them for the sake of illustration). The infinite PEC plane assumption is
well verified because the antenna radiates mainly around the direction orthogonal at the plane so
the electrical field tangential components can be assumed vanishing everywhere at z = 0 except
than within the slots.
By invoking the equivalence theorem and introducing the vector potential, the following integral
relationship connecting the tangential magnetic field over the i-th slot with the tangential electric
field over the k-th slot is established:

(i) 1 (k)
H t (r) = j k 2 + t t z E t (r0 )G r r0 ds0 (1)
k=1 S

where G() is the free space scalar Greens function and r Si .

As mentioned before, the tangential fields are expanded into M modes over each slot:
H t (r) = Imi hmi (r)
E t (r) = Vpk epk (r)
196 PIERS Proceedings, Prague, Czech Republic, July 69, 2015

Figure 1: Problem geometry.

For slots, only the TE no modes are considered because Bk bk and, so, the others are in
cut-off. By inserting (2) into (1) we obtain the formulation of the GAM matrix

1 2
Imi hmi (r) = j k + t t Vpk hpk (r0 )Gds0 (3)
m=1 k=1 S p=1

whose elements are provided by:

(ij) Imi ktmi ktnj
ymn = =j hmi (r) hnj (r0 )Gds0 ds mi (r)nj (r0 )Gds0 ds (4)
Vnj 2 kz2
Si Sj Si Sj

As it can be appreciated, the numerical evaluation of a quadruple integral would be required.

However the slots are narrow, so, to save computational time, after a first change of variables, we
can approximate (4) by three single integral:
(ij) 0 Ki Kj Bi bi Bj bj
ymn = j (Bi bi )(Bj bj ) F1 , , 1 ()d
4 2 2
Bi bi Bj bj Bi bi Bj bj
+ F1 , , 2 ()d + F1 , , 3 ()d (5)
2 2 2 2
A2 A3

where 1 , 2 and 3 are linear combinations of sinusoidal functions and F1 is an exponential function.
Such approach can be pursued for the mutual admittances but it cannot be used for the self-
admittance because the Greens function is singular. In this paper a singularity cancellation ap-
proach [4] is used to overcome such problem. After other two changes of variables we obtain:

Z 0 Z0 Zv
0 Ki Kj
ymn = j
1 (v) F3 (u, v) (u + Dbi )du + F3 (u, v)(Dbi u)du
4 sign(v)dv
Dai Dbi 0

ZDai Z0 Zv

3 (v) F3 (u, v)(u + Dbi )du +
F3 (u, v)(Dbi u)du sign(v)dv (6)
0 Dbi 0

where F3 is again an exponential function.

Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium Proceedings 197

The results of such approach are now compared with the ones provided by a commercial numerical
simulation tool (CST).
First a single slot of dimension 0.5 m 0.1 m in an infinite PEC plane is considered and y11 ,
(11) (11)
y22 and y12 are computed and shown in Figs. 26.
A good agreement between the two results is observed. (Numerical evaluation of y12 provides
Mutual coupling is now evaluated. Two horizontally and vertically, respectively, aligned slots

(11) (11)
Figure 2: Module of Y11 . Figure 3: Phase of Y11 .

(11) (11)
Figure 4: Modulus of Y22 . Figure 5: Phase of Y22 .

Figure 6: Module of Y12 . Figure 7: Example geometry.
198 PIERS Proceedings, Prague, Czech Republic, July 69, 2015

(12) (12)
Figure 8: Modulus and phase of Y11 . Figure 9: Module and phase of Y11 .

Slot Auto-admittance Active admittance

S1 6.46e-4 + i8.64e-4 5.58e-4 + i7.04e-4
S2 2.78e-4 + i4.45e-4 2.71e-4 + i4.46e-4
S3 1.05e-3 + i1.14e-3 9.57e-4 + i9.90e-4

Table 1: Slots admittances. Figure 10: Geometry.

are considered (Fig. 7) and y11 has been computed versus relative distance function and shown
in Fig. 8, exhibiting the typical decay.
Finally in order to estimate the mutual coupling effect we consider the geometry of Fig. 10,
composed of 3 slots of different dimensions where we assume only the fundamental mode on each
slot to exist.
The following table shows the auto and active admittances values for each slot when the equiv-
alent voltage is assumed equal to 1 V on each slot.
So, without taking into account the mutual coupling, a radiated power of Pi = 0.99 mW would
be obtained. In turn, the mutual coupling leads to a value of 0.89 mW with about 10% decrease.
This work was supported by POR Campania FSE 20072013 EMBEDDED Systems in Critical
Domains Excellence Network.
1. Elliot, R. S., Antenna Theory and Design, IEEE Wiley, 2003.
2. Bird, T. S., Analysis of mutual coupling in finite arrays of different-sized rectangular waveg-
uides, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., Vol. 38, No. 2, 166172, Feb. 1990.
3. Bird, T. S., Mutual coupling in arrays of coaxial waveguides and horns, IEEE Trans. An-
tennas Propagat., Vol. 52, No. 3, 821829, Mar. 2004.
4. Duffy, M. G., Quadrature over a pyramid or cube of integrands with a singularity at a vertex,
SIAM J. Num. Anal., Vol. 19, No. 6, 12601262, 1982.

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