SCA Blue Book 236

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Index of Methods for the Examination of Waters and

Associated Materials 1976 - 2011

Methods for the Examination of Waters and Associated Materials

Index of Methods for the Examination of Waters and Associated Materials 1976 - 2011

Methods for the Examination of Waters and Associated Materials

This booklet contains an index of the methods for the examination of waters and associated
materials in order of their publication. There then follows an alphabetical listing of the more
important parameters and topics covered in the published series where these may not be
apparent from the title of the bluebook. This document replaces the previous index produced in
2008 ( bluebook 217).


About this series 5

Warning to users 5
Glossary 6

Index of Methods for the Examination of Waters and

Associated Materials 1976 - 2011 7

Alphabetical listing of parameters and topics 23

Address for correspondence 104

About this series

This booklet is part of a series intended to provide appropriate performance of the method. In addition,
authoritative guidance on recommended methods of good laboratory practice and analytical quality control
sampling and analysis for determining the quality of are essential if satisfactory results are to be achieved.
drinking water, ground water, river water and sea
water, waste water and effluents as well as sewage Standing Committee of Analysts
sludges, sediments and biota.
The preparation of booklets within the series Methods
Performance of methods for the Examination of Waters and Associated Materials
and their continuing revision is the responsibility of the
Ideally, all methods should be fully evaluated with Standing Committee of Analysts. This committee was
results from performance tests. These methods should established in 1972 by the Department of the
be capable of establishing, within specified or pre- Environment and is now managed by the Environment
determined and acceptable limits of deviation and Agency.
detection, whether or not any sample contains
concentrations of parameters above those of interest. Methods are produced by panels of experts in the
appropriate field, often in co-operation with working
In the procedures described in each method any groups and the main committee. The names of those
reference to the tolerances to be adopted with respect members principally associated with these methods are
to, for example the amount or volume of reagents to be listed at the back of this booklet. A report describing all
used is left to the discretion of the laboratory. These SCA activities for the period 1 July to 30 June is
tolerances should be as low as possible in order to produced annually and is available from the Agencys
satisfy stringent performance criteria. Tolerances of web-page (
between 1 - 5 % have been shown to be satisfactory
for most purposes. Lower tolerances should result in Users should ensure they are aware of the most recent
improved precision. version of the draft they seek. If users wish to receive
copies or advance notice of forthcoming publications, or
In the methods described, for example for obtain details of the index of methods then contact the
wavelengths, storage conditions, concentrations of the Secretary on the Agencys internet web-page or by post,
same or similar reagents, etc, differences may be see address listed at the back of this booklet.
noted. This information is provided by individual
laboratories operating under their own management Great efforts are made to avoid errors appearing in the
systems and is dependent on specific conditions published text. If, however, any are found, please notify
pertaining to each laboratory. It is assumed this the Secretary.
information is supported by sufficient data to justify its
inclusion. Users intending to use or vary the quoted Dr D Westwood
wavelengths, storage conditions, concentrations, etc, Secretary
should ensure they are appropriate to their own February 2010
laboratory and verify their application to demonstrate
Warning to users
The analytical procedures described in this booklet Numerous publications are available giving practical
should only be carried out under the proper details on first aid and laboratory safety. These should
supervision of competent, trained analysts in properly be consulted and be readily accessible to all analysts.
equipped laboratories. Amongst such publications are; Safe Practices in
Chemical Laboratories and Hazards in the Chemical
All possible safety precautions should be followed and Laboratory, 1992, produced by the Royal Society of
appropriate regulatory requirements complied with. Chemistry; Guidelines for Microbiological Safety,
This should include compliance with the Health and 1986, Portland Press, Colchester, produced by Member
Safety at Work etc Act 1974 and all regulations made Societies of the Microbiological Consultative Committee;
under the Act, and the Control of Substances and Safety Precautions, Notes for Guidance produced
Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (SI 2002/2677). by the Public Health Laboratory Service. Another useful
Where particular or exceptional hazards exist in publication is Good Laboratory Practice produced by
carrying out the procedures described in this booklet, the Department of Health.
then specific attention is noted.


AAS atomic absorption spectrometry / spectrometric

AFS atomic fluorescence spectrometry / spectrometric
APDC ammonium pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate
API American petroleum industry
AQC analytical quality control
BOD biological oxygen demand
BTEX benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes
CIELAB international commission on illumination L*a*b* values
COD chemical oxygen demand
DNA desoxyribonucleic acid
DPD N-N-diethyl-p-phenylenediamine
DTA direct toxicity assessment
E. coli Escherichia coli
EAAAS electrothermal atomisation atomic absorption spectrometry
EC electron capture
EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
FIA flow injection analysis
FID flame ionisation detector
FPD flame photometric detector
GC gas chromatography / chromatographic
HPLC high performance liquid chromatography / chromatographic
IC ion chromatography / chromatographic
ICP inductively coupled plasma
IR infra-red spectrometry
ISE ion selective electrode
LTPRI linear temperature programmed Rf index
MF membrane filtration
MIBK methyl isobutyl ketone
MS mass spectrometry / spectrometric
MT multiple tube
NSD nitrogen specific detector
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
OES optical emission spectrometry
P and T purge and trap
PAH polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons
PCB polychlorinatedbiphenyls
QC quality control
Rf retention time
Rp reverse phase
SRT sludge Rf time
TLC thin layer chromatography / chromatographic
UV ultraviolet



Index of publications

(Documents with an ISBN number were previously published by HMSO, documents without
an ISBN number are available via the Environment Agency (www.environment-

Number ISBN

1. Emission spectrophotometric multielement methods of 0117500151

analysis for waters, sediments and other materials of
interest to the water industry 1980

2. Cadmium in potable waters by atomic absorption 0117511366

spectrophotometry 1976

3. Lead in potable waters by atomic absorption 0117511374

spectrophotometry 1976

4. Chemical oxygen demand (dichromate value) of polluted 0117512494

and waste waters 1977 (see bluebooks 215 and 216)

5. Amenability of sewage sludge to anaerobic digestion 1977 0117512508

6. The sampling and initial preparation of sewage and 0117512516

waterworks' sludge, soils, sediments and plant materials prior to
analysis 1977 (replaced by bluebook 89)

7. Determination of the pH value of sludge, soil, mud and 0117512524

sediment; and lime requirement of soil 1977

8. Magnesium in waters and sewage effluents by atomic 0117513121

absorption spectrophotometry 1977

9. Calcium in waters and sewage effluents by atomic 011751313X

absorption spectrophotometry 1977

10. Mercury in waters, effluents, and sludges by flameless 0117513261

atomic absorption spectrophotometry 1978

11. Iron in raw and potable waters by spectrophotometry 011751327X

(using 2, 4, 6 - tripyridyl - 1, 3, 5 - triazine) 1977

12. Manganese in raw and potable waters by spectrophotometry 0117513288

(using formaldoxime) 1977

13. Organochlorine insecticides and polychlorinated 0117513733
biphenyls in waters 1978

14. The measurement of electrical conductivity and the 0117514284

laboratory determination of the pH value of natural,
treated and waste waters 1978

15. The determination of material extractable by carbon 0117514365

tetrachloride and of certain hydrocarbon oil and grease
components in sewage sludge 1978

16. Dissolved oxygen in natural and waste waters 1979 011751442X

17. Arsenic in potable and sea water by spectrophotometry 0117514519

(arsenomolybdenum blue procedure) 1978 Tentative Method

18. Methods for biological sampling - 0117514527

Handnet sampling of aquatic benthic macro-invertebrates 1978

19. The instrumental determination of total organic carbon, 0117514586

total oxygen demand and related determinands 1979

20. Atomic absorption spectrophotometry - An essay review 1979 0117514616

21. Determination of volatile fatty acids in sewage 0117514624

sludge 1979

22. The analysis of sludge digester gas 1979 0117514632

23. Acid soluble aluminium in raw and potable waters by 0117514640

spectrophotometry (using pyrocatechol violet) 1979

24. Air segmented continuous flow automatic analysis. 0117514705

An essay review 1979

25. General principles of sampling and accuracy of results 0117514918

1980 (replaced by bluebook 143)

26. Sulphate in waters, effluents and solids 1979 0117514926

(replaced by bluebook 136)

27. Chemical disinfecting agents in waters and effluents, and 0117514934

chlorine demand 1980 (updated by bluebook 218)

28. Chromium in raw and potable waters and 0117515280

sewage effluents 1980

29. A survey of multielement and related methods of analysis 0117515299

for waters, sediments and other materials of interest to
the water industry 1980
30. Ultra-violet and visible solution spectrophotometry and 0117515388
colorimetry 1980

31. Zinc in potable waters by atomic absorption 0117515418

spectrophotometry 1980

32. Copper in potable waters by atomic absorption 0117515426

spectrophotometry 1980

33. Bromide in waters, high level titrimetric method 1981 0117515434

34. Chloro- and bromo-tri halogenated methanes in water 0117515442


35. Dissolved potassium in raw and potable waters 1980 0117515450

Tentative Methods

36. Dissolved sodium in raw and potable waters 1980 0117515469

Tentative Methods

37. Silicon in waters and effluents 1980 0117515574

38. Phosphorus in waters, effluents and sewages 1980 0117515825

39. Boron in waters, effluents, sewage and some solids 1980 0117515833

40. Oxidized nitrogen in waters 1981 0117515930

41. Odour and taste in raw and potable waters 1980 0117515973
(see bluebooks 156, 171, 196, 197 and 233)

42. Hydrazine in waters - spectrophotometric method 1981 011751599X

43. Total hardness, calcium hardness and magnesium hardness 0117516007

in raw and potable waters by EDTA titrimetry 1981

44. The determination of alkalinity and acidity in Water 0117516015


45. Cobalt in potable waters 1981 0117516031

46. Nickel in potable waters 1981 011751604X

47. Analysis of surfactants in waters, waste waters and 0117516058

sludges 1981

48. Ammonia in waters 1981 0117516139

49. Cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, nickel and zinc in 0117516155

sewage sludges by nitric acid/AAS 1981
50. Phenols in waters and effluents by gas chromatography - 0117516171
4-aminoantipyrine and 3-methyl-2-benzothiazolinehydrazone

51. Chloride in waters, sewage and effluents 1981 0117516260

52. Quantitative samplers for benthic macro-invertebrates 0117516279

in shallow flowing waters 1980

53. Pyrethrins and permethrin in potable waters by 0117516287

electron capture gas chromatography 1981

54. Biochemical oxygen demand 1981 0117516309

(replaced by bluebook 130)

55. The assessment of the nitrifying ability of activated 0117516554

sludge 1980 (Tentative Methods)

56. Antimony in effluents and raw, potable and sea waters by 0117516562
spectrophotometry (using crystal violet) 1982
Tentative Method

57. Determination of cation exchange capacity and 0117516570

exchangeable cations (including water soluble ions)
in soils, related materials and sewage sludge 1979

58. Gas chromatography. An essay review 1982 0117516589

59. The determination of alkali extractable organic matter in 0117516597

ash 1981

60. Organo-phosphorus pesticides in river and drinking 0117516600

water 1980 Tentative Method

61. Assessment of biodegradability 1981 0117516619

62. Fluoride in waters, effluents, sludges, plants and soils 0117516627


63. Methods for the isolation and identification of 0117516643

Salmonellae (other than Salmonella Typhi) from water
and associated materials 1982

64. Acute toxicity testing with aquatic organisms 1981 0117516724

65. The determination of chlorophyll a in aquatic 0117516740

environments 1980

66. The bacteriological examination of drinking water 0117516759

supplies 1982 (Report 71)
67. Gas chromatographic and associated methods for the 0117516775
characterization of oils, fats, waxes and tars 1982

68. Silver in waters, sewages and effluents by 0117516783

atomic absorption spectrophotometry 1982

69. Arsenic in potable waters by atomic absorption 0117516791

spectrophotometry (semi automatic method) 1982

70. Molybdenum, especially in sewage sludges and soils 0117516805

by spectrophotometry 1982

71. Extractable metals in soils, sewage sludge-treated soils 0117516899

and related materials 1982

72. Formaldehyde, methanol, and related compounds in raw, 0117516902

waste and potable waters 1982 (Tentative Methods)

73. Sulphide in waters and effluents 1983 0117517186

(Tentative Methods)

74. Sampling for non-planktonic algae (benthic algae or 0117517259

priphyton) 1982

75. High performance liquid chromatography, ion 0117517267

chromatography, thin layer and column chromatography of
water samples 1983

76. Iron and manganese in potable waters by atomic 0117517275

absorption spectrophotometry 1983

77. The determination of hydrocarbon oils in waters by 0117517283

solvent extraction, infra-red absorption and gravimetry

78. Classical methods for the characterization of oils, fats 0117517291

and waxes by saponification, hydroxyl, iodine and acid
values 1983

79. Methods for biological sampling - Sampling of benthic 0117517402

macro-invertebrates in deep rivers 1983

80. Determination of iodine, iodate, iodide and traces of 0117517607

bromide in waters (Tentative Method) 1984

81. Four essay reviews on applications of radiation 0117517763

measurement in the water industry 1984

82. The determination of organochlorine insecticides and 0117517771
polychlorinated biphenyls in sewages, sludges, muds and
fish 1978
Organochlorine insecticides and polychlorinated biphenyls in
water, an addition, 1984

83. The conditionability, filterability, settleability and 0117517879

solids content of sludge 1984. A compendium of methods
and tests

84. Methods of biological sampling - Sampling macro- 0117517895

invertebrates in water supply systems 1983

85. Methods of biological sampling - A colonization sampler for 0117517909

collecting macro-invertebrate indicators of water quality
in lowland rivers 1983

86. Thin layer chromatograhic characterization of oils, 0117517917

fats, waxes and tars 1983

87. Urea in waters 1984 0117518638

88. The direct determination of biomass of aquatic 0117518832

macrophytes and measurement of underwater light 1985

89. The sampling and initial preparation of sewage and 0117518859

waterworks sludges, soils, sediments, plants and
contaminated wildlife (2nd Edition) 1986

90. Chlorophenoxy acidic herbicides, trichlorobenzoic acid, 0117518867

chlorophenols, triazines and glyphosate in water 1985

91. Total nitrogen and total phosphorus in sewage sludge. 0117518883


92. Mercury in waters, effluent, soils and sediments etc 0117519073

(additional methods) 1985

93. Methods for the determination of metals in soils, 0117519081

sediments, and sewage sludge, and plants by
hydrochloric-nitric acid digestion, with a note on
the determination of insoluble metal contents 1986

94. Measurement of alpha and beta activity of water 011751909X

and sludge samples.
The determination of radon-222 and radium-226.
The determination of uranium (including general X-ray
fluorescent spectrometric analysis) 1985-6

95. Organophosphorus pesticides in sewage sludge; 011751912X
organophosphorus pesticides in river and
drinking water, an addition, 1985

96. Chlorobenzenes in waters; 0117519138

organochlorine insecticides and PCBs in turbid waters;
halogenated solvents and related compounds in sewage
sludge and waters 1985

97. Chemical oxygen demand (dichromate value) of polluted 0117519154

and waste waters 1986 (Second Edition)
(see bluebooks 215 and 216)

98. The determination of carbon dioxide in natural, treated 0117519278

and beverage waters, with a supplement on sampling
bottled and canned waters 1986

99. Selenium in waters 1984 0117519332

Selenium and arsenic in sludges, soils and related
materials 1985
A note on the use of hydride generator kits 1987

100. Determination of sulphite, sulphur dioxide, 0117519340

thiosulphate and thiocyanate, with notes on the
determination of total sulphur and other
sulphur compounds 1985

101. Material extractable by light petroleum from sewage 0117519421

sludge (Tentative Method) 1985

102. Determination of the inhibitory effects of chemicals and 011751943X

waste waters on the anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge

103. Colour and turbidity of waters 1981 0117519553

104. The sampling of oils, fats, waxes and tars in aqueous 0117519561
and solid systems 1983

105. Suspended, settleable and total dissolved solids 011751957X

in waters and effluents 1980

106. Methods for assessing the treatability of chemicals and 0117519596

industrial waste waters and their toxicity to sewage
treatment processes 1982

107. The permanganate index and permanganate value tests for 011751960X
waters and effluents 1983

108. Methods for the use of aquatic macrophytes for assessing 0117520004
water quality 1985-6

109. Lead and cadmium in fresh waters by atomic absorption 0117520039

spectrophotometry. (Second Edition). A general introduction
to electrothermal atomization atomic absorption
spectrophotometry 1986

110. Determination of very low concentrations of hydrocarbons 0117520047

and halogenated hydrocarbons in water 1984-5

111. Lithium, magnesium, calcium, strontium and barium in 0117520160

waters and sewage effluents by atomic absorption
spectrophotometry 1987

112. Temperature measurement for natural, waste and potable 0117520179

waters and other items of interest in the water and
sewage disposal industry 1986

113. The determination of six polynuclear aromatic 0117520322

hydrocarbons in waters (with notes on the determination
of other PAHs) 1985

114. Examining biological filters, toxicity to aerobic 0117520373

bacteria, effect of SRT and temperature 1985-6

115. Determination of acrylamide monomer in waters and 011752039X

polymers 1987

116. Acid soluble aluminium in marine, raw and potable 0117520403

waters (Second Edition) 1987

117. Determination of diquat and paraquat in river and 0117520756

drinking waters. (Tentive Spectrophotometric Methods)

118. The determination of oils and fats in waste water by 0117520764

filtration, solvent extraction and gravimetry 1987

119. The determination of colour of waters and waste waters. 0117520837

A supplement, 1988

120. The determination of pH in low ionic strength waters 0117520845


121. Methods for sampling fish populations in shallow rivers 0117520853

and streams 1983

122. The determination of twelve trace metals in marine and 0117520861

other waters by voltammetry or AAS 1987
123. Antimony, arsenic, beryllium, chromium, cobalt, copper, 0117520950
gallium, germanium, indium, nickel, selenium, silver,
thallium, vanadium, and zinc by electrothermal AAS 1988

124. The determination of microgram and sub-microgram amounts 0117520993

of individual phenols in river and potable waters 1988

125. The determination of methane and other hydrocarbon gases 0117521280

in water 1988

126. Kjeldahl nitrogen in waters 1987 0117521299

127. The determination of carbamates, thiocarbamates, 0117521515

related compounds and ureas in water 1987

128. Analysis of hydrocarbons in waters - A review, and 0117521701

An ultra-violet fluorescence spectrometric method 1988

129. The assessment of biodegradability in anaerobic 0117521914

digesting sludge 1988

130. 5 Day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) Second Edition 0117522120

1988 (with amendments to dissolved oxygen in waters).

131. Cyanide in waters etc 1988 (updated by bluebook 214) 0117522198

132. Determination of radioactivity in water by 0117522201

multinuclide gamma ray spectrometry 1989

133. The tentative identification of volatilizable organic 0117522228

compounds by linear temperature programmed gas
chromatographic Rf indices, with notes on other
methods for identifying organic substances 1988

134. Titrimetric determination of total and bicarbonate 0117522252

alkalinity and volatile fatty acids in sewage sludge

135. The determination of formaldehyde, other volatile 011752235X

aldehydes, ketones and alcohols in water 1988

136. Sulphate in waters, effluents and solids 1988 (Second Edition) 0117522406

137. Discrete and air segmented automated methods of 0117522546

analysis including robots
An essay review (Second Edition) 1988

138. Isolation and identification of Giardia cysts, 0117522821

Cryptosporidium oocysts and free-living
pathogenic amoebae in water etc 1989
139. The enumeration of algae, estimation of cell volume, 0117523070
and use in bioassays 1990

140. The determination of anions and cations, transition metals, 0117523313

other complex ions and organic acids and bases in water by
chromatography 1990

141. Flow injection analysis 0117523399

An essay review and analytical methods 1990

142. The determination of organic, inorganic, total and 0117523607

specific tin compounds in water, sediments and
biota 1992

143. General principles of sampling water and associated 011752364X

materials (Second Edition) 1996;
Estimation of flow and load 1996

144. Use of plants to monitor heavy metals in freshwaters 0117523712


145. Information on concentration and determination 0117523755

procedures in atomic spectrophotometry 1992

146. Determination of synthetic pyrethroid insecticides 0117523763

in water by gas-liquid chromatography 1992

147. Phosphorus and silicon in waters, effluents 0117523771

and sludges 1992

148. Determination of the adsorption characteristics of 0117524166

organic test substances in sewage treatment
processes (Tentative Method) 1992

149. Determination of the pH value of sludge, soil, mud 0117524174

and sediment and the lime requirement of soil
(Second Edition) 1992

150. Index of methods for the examination of waters and 011752669X

associated materials 1976 - 1992 (replaced by bluebook 217)

151. Chlorphenylid, flucofuron and sulcofuron in waters 0117527122

(Tentative Methods) 1993

152. Linear alkylbenzene sulphonates (LAS) and alkylphenol 0117527149

ethoxylates (APE) in waters, waste waters and sludges by
high performance liquid chromatography 1993

153. A review and methods for the use of epilithic 0117527718
diatoms for detecting and monitoring changes
in river water quality 1993

154. Determination of microcystin-LR in drinking waters by HPLC 0117529273


155. Phenylurea herbicides (urons), dinocap, dinoseb, benomyl, 0117529281

carbendazim and metamitron in waters 1994

156. The determination of taste and odour in potable waters 1994 0117529672
(see bluebooks 41, 171, 196, 197 and 233)

157. The instrumental determination of total organic carbon 0117529796

and related determinands 1995

158. Determination of aldicarb and other N-methyl carbamates 0117529923

in waters 1994

159. The Microbiology of Water 1994 - Part 1 - Drinking Water 0117530107

160. Methods for the isolation and identification of human enteric 0117531391
viruses from waters and associated materials 1995

161. Method for isolation and identification of Escherichia 0117532290

coli O157:H7 1996

162. An evaluation of presence-absence tests for coliform organisms 0117532436

and Escherichia coli 1996

163. Inductively coupled plasma spectrometry 1996 0117532444

164. Determination of long alkyl chain quaternary ammonium 0117532614

compounds in environmental matrices by high performance
liquid chromatography 1996

165. The determination of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons in

waters (additional methods) 1997

166. The determination of acidic herbicides, bromoxynil, ioxynil

and pentachlorophenol in waters 1997

167. The determination of bromate, chlorate and chlorite in

waters by ion chromatgraphy 1997

168. The determination of microcystin algal toxins in raw and treated

waters by high performance liquid chromatography 1998

169. Evaluation trials for two media for the simultaneous detection
and enumeration of Escherichia coli and coliform organisms 1998
170. The determination of volatile organic compounds in waters
and complex matrices by purge and trap or by headspace
techniques 1998

171. The assessment of taste, odour and related aesthetic problems

in drinking waters 1998 (see bluebooks 41, 156, 196, 197 and 233)

172. Isolation and identification of Cryptosporidium oocysts and

Giardia cysts in waters 1999 (replaced by bluebook 224)

173. The determination of tritium (tritiated water) activity concentration by

alkaline distillation and liquid scintillation counting 1999

174. The determination of organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated

biphenyls in waters and complex matrices (2000)

175. The Microbiology of Recreational and Environmental Waters (2000)

176. The Microbiology of Drinking Water (2002) - Part 1 - Water quality and public health

177. The Microbiology of Drinking Water (2002) - Part 2 - Practices and procedures for
sampling (replaced by bluebook 232)

178. The Microbiology of Drinking Water (2002) - Part 3 - Practices and procedures for

179. The Microbiology of Drinking Water (2002) -Part 4 - Methods for the isolation and
enumeration of coliform bacteria and Escherichia coli (including E. coli O157:H7)
(replaced by bluebook 223)

180. The Microbiology of Drinking Water (2002) - Part 5 - Isolation and enumeration of
enterococci by membrane filtration (see bluebooks 202 and 229)

181. The Microbiology of Drinking Water (2002) - Part 6 - Methods for the isolation and
enumeration of sulphite-reducing clostridia and Clostridium perfringens by membrane
filtration (replaced by bluebook 192)

182. The Microbiology of Drinking Water (2002) -Part 7 - The enumeration of heterotrophic
bacteria by pour and spread plate techniques (replaced by bluebook 212)

183. The Microbiology of Drinking Water (2002) - Part 8 - Methods for the isolation and
enumeration of Aeromonas and Pseudomonas aeruginosa by membrane filtration
(replaced by bluebook 231)

184. The Microbiology of Drinking Water (2002) - Part 9 - Methods for the isolation and
enumeration of Salmonella and Shigella by selective enrichment, membrane filtration
and multiple tube most probable number techniques (replaced by bluebook 194)

185. The Microbiology of Drinking Water (2002) - Part 10 - Methods for the isolation of
Yersinia, Vibrio and Campylobacter by selective enrichment
186. The determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soil by dichloromethane
extraction using gas chromatography with mass spectrometric detection (2003)

187. The determination of polychlorinated biphenyls by gas chromatography using

mass spectrometric detection (2003)

188. The Microbiology of Sewage Sludge (2003) - Part 1 - An overview of the treatment
and use in agriculture of sewage sludge in relation to its impact on the environment
and public health

189. The Microbiology of Sewage Sludge (2003) - Part 2 - Practices and procedures for
sampling and sample preparation

190. The Microbiology of Sewage Sludge (2003) - Part 3 - Methods for the isolation and
enumeration of Escherichia coli, including verocytotoxigenic Escherichia coli

191. The Microbiology of Sewage Sludge (2003) - Part 4 - Methods for the detection,
isolation and enumeration of Salmonellae (replaced by bluebook 195)

192. The Microbiology of Drinking Water (2004) - Part 6 - Methods for the isolation and
enumeration of sulphite-reducing clostridia and Clostridium perfringens by membrane
filtration (replaces bluebook 181 but replaced by bluebook 213)

193. A guide to practices, procedures and methodologies following oil spill

contamination incidents (2004)

194. The Microbiology of Drinking Water (2004) - Part 9 - Methods for the isolation and
enumeration of Salmonella and Shigella by selective enrichment, membrane filtration
and multiple tube most probable number techniques (replaces bluebook 184, but
replaced by bluebook 206)

195. The Microbiology of Sewage Sludge (2004) - Part 4 - Methods for the detection,
isolation and enumeration of Salmonellae (replaces bluebook 191)

196. The Microbiology of Drinking Water (2004) - Part 11 - Taste, odour and related
aesthetic problems (see bluebooks 41, 156, 171, 197 and 233)

197. The Microbiology of Drinking Water (2004) - Part 12 - Methods for the isolation and
enumeration of micro-organisms associated with taste, odour and related aesthetic
problems (see bluebooks 41, 156, 171, 196 and 233)

198. Guidance on the measurement of tritium in environmental samples (2005)

199. The assessment of aerobic biodegradability by measurement of dissolved and/or

gaseous inorganic carbon in sealed vessels (2005)

200. The determination of Legionella bacteria in water and other environmental

samples (2005) - Part 1 - Rationale of surveying and sampling

201. The preparation and pre-treatment of potentially contaminated soils prior to
chemical analysis (2006)

202. The Microbiology of Drinking Water (2006) - Part 5 - The isolation and enumeration of
enterococci by membrane filtration (replaced by bluebook 229)

203. The direct toxicity assessment of aqueous environmental samples using the oyster
(Crassostrea gigas) embryo-larval development test (2006)
(replaced by bluebook 209)

204. The determination of metals in solid environmental samples (2006)

205. The direct toxicity assessment of aqueous environmental samples using the marine
copepod Tisbe battagliai lethality test (2006) (replaced by bluebook 210)

206. The Microbiology of Drinking Water (2006) - Part 9 - Methods for the isolation and
enumeration of Salmonella and Shigella by selective enrichment, membrane filtration
and multiple tube-most probable number techniques (replaces bluebook 194)

207. Determination of the inhibitory effect of chemicals, industrial and other waste waters on
nitrification by Nitrosomonas bacteria (2006)

208. The direct toxicity assessment of aqueous environmental samples using the juvenile
Daphnia magna immobilisation test (2007)

209. The direct toxicity assessment of aqueous environmental samples using the oyster
(Crassostrea gigas) embryo-larval development test (2007) (replaces bluebook 203)

210. The direct toxicity assessment of aqueous environmental samples using the marine
copepod Tisbe battagliai lethality test (2007) (replaces bluebook 205)

211. The Microbiology of Drinking Water (2007) - Part 13 - The isolation and enumeration
of aerobic spore-forming bacteria by membrane filtration

212. The Microbiology of Drinking Water (2007) - Part 7 - Methods for the enumeration of
heterotrophic bacteria (replaces bluebook 182)

213. Microbiology of Drinking Water (2007) - Part 6 - Methods for the isolation and
enumeration of sulphite-reducing clostridia and Clostridium perfringens by membrane
filtration (replaces bluebook 192)
(replaced by bluebook 222, and subsequently by bluebook 230)

214. The determination of cyanide in waters and associated materials (2007)

(updates bluebook 131) (See also bluebook 235)

215. The determination of chemical oxygen demand in waters and effluents (2007)
(revises bluebook 97)

216. An inter-laboratory trial on chemical oxygen demand determinations (2007)

217. Index of Methods for the examination of waters and
associated materials 1976 - 2008 (replaces bluebook 150) (replaced by bluebook 236)

218. Chemical disinfecting agents in waters and effluents (2008)

(updates bluebook 27)

219. The direct toxicity assessment of aqueous environmental samples using the
Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata freshwater algal growth inhibition test (2008)

220. The determination of steroid oestrogens in waters using chromatography and mass
spectrometry (2008)

221. The direct toxicity assessment of aqueous environmental samples using the
Skeletonema costatum marine water algal growth inhibition test (2008)
(replaced by bluebook 225)

222. The Microbiology of Drinking Water (2009) - Part 6 - Methods for the isolation and
enumeration of sulphite-reducing clostridia and Clostridium perfringens by membrane
filtration (replaces bluebook 213 but replaced by bluebook 230)

223. The Microbiology of Drinking Water (2009) - Part 4 - Methods for the isolation and
enumeration of coliform bacteria and Escherichia coli (including E. coli O157:H7)
(replaces bluebook 179)

224. The Microbiology of Drinking Water (2009) - Part 14 - Methods for the isolation,
identification and enumeration of Cryptosporidium oocysts and Giardia cysts
(replaces bluebook 172 and replaced by bluebook 234)

225. The direct toxicity assessment of aqueous environmental samples using the
Skeletonema costatum marine water algal growth inhibition test (2009)
(replaces bluebook 221)

226. The determination of metaldehyde in waters using chromatography with mass

spectrometric detection (2009)

227. The determination of acrylamide in waters using chromatography with mass

spectrometric detection (2009)

228. The determination of easily liberated sulphide in solid environmental samples (2010)

229. The Microbiology of Drinking Water (2010) - Part 5 - The isolation and enumeration
of enterococci by membrane filtration (replaces bluebooks 180 and 202)

230. The Microbiology of Drinking Water (2010) - Part 6 - Methods for the isolation and
enumeration of sulphite-reducing clostridia and Clostridium perfringens by membrane
filtration (replaces bluebook 222)

231. The Microbiology of Drinking Water (2010) - Part 8 - Methods for the isolation and
enumeration of Aeromonas and Pseudomonas aeruginosa by membrane filtration
(replaces bluebook 183)

232. The Microbiology of Drinking Water (2010) - Part 2 - Practices and procedures for
sampling (replaces bluebook 177)

233. The determination of taste and odour in drinking waters (2010)

(see bluebooks 41, 156, 171, 196, and 197)

234. The Microbiology of Drinking Water (2010) - Part 14 - Methods for the isolation,
identification and enumeration of Cryptosporidium oocysts and Giardia cysts
(replaces bluebook 224)

235. The determination of cyanide and thiocyanate in soils and

similar matrices (2011) (See also bluebook 214)

236. Index of Methods for the Examination of Waters and Associated Materials 1976 - 2011
(replaces bluebook 217)

February 2011


Methods for the Examination of Waters and Associated Materials

Alphabetical listing of parameters and topics

(Parameters and topics are listed where these may not be apparent from the title of the

Subject Description Book Page

Number Number

Acanthamoeba host for Legionella 200 15

provisional identification 138 17
Acanthamoeba spp emerging pathogen 176 24
Accuracy of results review 25 49
Acenaphthene GC - MS method for soil 186 6
HPLC - fluorescence method 165 2
Rf values 113 39
Acenaphthylene GC - MS method for soil 186 6
Acetaldehyde method for 135 12
Acetate index for IC methods 140 121
Rf values in IC 75 72
Acetic acid Rf values in IC 75 73
see fatty acids
COD recovery data 215 58
Acetone biodegradation 199 23
HPLC method 135 12
P and T method 170 18
Acetophenone odour description 156 4
Acetyl value of oils 78 11
Achnanthes lanceolata notes on 153 47
Achnanthes microcephala notes on 153 47
Achnanthes minutissima notes on 153 47
Acid chromous chloride alternative for alkaline pyrogallol 22 15
Acid phospatase reagent for Pseudomonas 230 15
Acid value of oils 78 18
Acidity titrimetric method 44 31
Aconitate index for IC methods 140 121
Acrolein P and T method 170 18
Acrylamide GC - MS and LC - MS methods 227
Acrylamide monomer accuracy of analytical results 115 15
HPLC - UV method - polyelectrolytes 115 11
HPLC - UV method - water 115 7
Acrylonitrile P and T method 170 18
Acidic herbicides GC - MS method for 166 1
Actinides references for methods 29 43
Actinium references for methods 29 43
Actinomycetes isolation of 171 8
isolation of 196 12
Actinomycete isolation agar preparation of 171 9
preparation of 197 8
Adenoviridae introduction to 160 9
significance of 176 21
Adenoviruses introduction to 160 9
significance of 176 21
Adipate Rf values in IC 75 72
Adipic acid Rf values in IC 75 73
Adsorption characteristics in test substances in sewage sludges 148 6
Aerobic spore-forming bacteria growth of 211 10
isolation of 211 6
Aerococcus significance of 176 15
Aerococcus viridans growth of 202 11
growth of 229 12
isolation of 202 6
Aeromonas MF for drinking waters 183 6
MF for drinking waters 231 7
significance of 176 25
taste and odour problems 171 2
taste and odour problems 196 7
speciation of 231 14
Aeromonas caviae glucuronidase-positive 169 2
identification of 162 33
isolation of 175 50
speciation of 231 14
Aeromonas hydrophila glucuronidase-positive 169 2
identification of 162 33
identification of 231 28
isolation of 175 50
speciation of 231 14
use as reference 223 65
Aeromonas salmonicida pathogenicity of 175 50
Aeromonas sobria identification of 162 33
speciation of 231 14
Aeromonas spp isolation of 175 49
Aeromonas veronii isolation of 175 50
Agglutination test test 223 89
Air segmented continuous flow methods acetylacetone method for formaldehyde 72 19
alkalinity 44 24
2-aminoperimidine method for sulphate 136 24
ammonia 48 29
ammonia 126 39
ammonia and orthophosphate 91 39
ammonia in sea water 48 39
anionic surface active material 47 12
boron using azomethine-H 39 15
chloride 51 29
cyanide 131 19
iodate 80 9
Air segmented continuous flow methods iodine 80 5
(continued) iodide 80 9
methanol oxidation to formaldehyde 72 36
methylthymol blue method for sulphate 136 50
review 24 4
review 137 21
semi automatic AAS method for arsenic 69 4
spectrophotometric method for urea 87 14
sulphate 26 36
thiocyanate 100 39
total nitrogen and phosphorus 91 29
total oxidized nitrogen or nitrite 40 15
urea 87 21
Alcaligenes faecalis identification of 231 28
Aldicarb HPLC - MS method 158 7
HPLC - UV method 127 14
Aldicarb sulphone HPLC - MS method 158 7
Aldicarb sulphoxide HPLC - MS method 158 7
Aldrin confirmatory procedure 82 24
EC-GC method 174 7
EC-GC method - turbid waters 96 18
Rf values 82 16
Rf values / packing material 13 15
Algae collection and extraction 65 15
estimation of algal cell counts 139 7
estimation of algal cell volume 139 25
sampling for non-planktonic 74 4
use of algal bioassays 139 28
Aliphatic carboxylic acids see fatty acids
Alkali extractable organic matter determination in ash 59 5
Alkali extractable total organic carbon determination of 59 12
Alkaline peptone water media - drinking waters 185 15
media - environmental waters 175 54
Alkaline pyrogallol solution for absorbing oxygen 22 15
Alkalinity air segmented continuous flow method 24 5
continuous flow method for 44 24
FIA 141 44
low range method for 44 19
standard solution 44 26
titrimetric method for sludges 134 7
titrimetric method using standard acid 44 10
units expressed in terms of 44 9
Alkyphenol ethoxylates see APE
Alkyl sulphates index for IC methods 140 121
Alkyl sulphonates index for IC methods 140 121
Alkylamines index for IC methods 140 121
Alkylated methyl ammonium carbon see surfactants
Alkylated PAHs determination 193 99
in crude oil 193 12
Allylthiourea EC50 value 207 17
Allethrin Rf values 53 15
Alpha activity determination of 94 9
in sludges and sediments 94 67
in water using a thick source method 94 17
Alpha-HCH Rf values 82 16
Rf values / packing material 13 15
Alpha-cypermethrin GC - EC method 146 7
Aluminium AAS/HCl-HNO3 digestion in sewages 93 20
accuracy of analytical results 23 15
additional analytical information 20 44
air segmented continuous flow method 24 5
atomic absorption 144 10
atomic absorption (review) 29 20
bromopyrogallol red method 116 23
cathodic stripping voltammetry 122 81
cation exchange 140 108
dissolution of insoluble residues 93 17
element characteristics in AAS 20 42
emission and/or other methods 116 52
flame emission 20 44
flow injection analysis methods 141 7
ICP - MS 163 60
ICP - MS 204 16
index for IC methods 140 121
lumogallion method 116 28
pyrocatechol violet method 23 4
pyrocatechol violet method 116 9
reference to method 29 43
reference to method of analysis 122 12
reference to method of determination 1 6
standard solution 23 9
voltammetry 116 39
wavelength data 145 17
x-ray fluorescence method 94 60
Aluminium salts see settlement aids 83 27
Amblystegium riparium monitoring heavy metals using 144 18
Amenability of sewage sludge procedure for full test 5 7
procedure for rapid tes 5 8
Ammonia continuous flow method 48 29
continuous flow method 126 39
continuous flow method for sea water 48 39
continuous method 91 39
distillation and titrimetric method 48 9
FIA 141 27
potentiometric method 48 15
spectrophotometric method 48 21
spectrophotometric method 48 25
spectrophotometric method 87 5
spectrophotometric method 126 30
Ammonia (continued) standard solution 48 7
standard solution 87 9
standard solution 91 41
Ammoniacal nitrogen see also ammonia
air segmented continuous flow method 24 5
references for methods 29 43
titrimetric determination 40 10
Ammonium Rf values in IC 75 72
(ammonia and ammonium ions) IC methods 140 121
IC methods for quaternary ions 140 124
Amoebae isolating and identifying free living 138 6
Ampicillin dextrin agar media for drinking waters 183 7
media for drinking waters 231 9
media for environmental waters 175 51
Amphora pediculus notes on 153 47
Amphora veneta notes on 153 47
Anabaena significance of 176 28
taste and odour problems 171 1
taste and odour problems 196 6
Analysis of variance test DTA test 219 21
DTA test 221 21
DTA test 225 21
Androsterone structure 220 39
Animalcules significance of 176 28
Anion exchange resin preparation 47 62
Anionic surfactants see surfactants
air segmented continuous flow method 24 5
Ankylostoma reference to 175 69
Anodic stripping voltammetry summary 29 15
ANOVA DTA analysis of variance test 219 21
DTA analysis of variance test 221 21
DTA analysis of variance test 225 21
Anthanthrene GC - MS method for soil 186 6
Anthracene GC - MS method for soil 186 6
HPLC - fluorescence method 165 2
Rf values 113 39
Antimony accuracy of analytical results 56 12
additional analytical information 20 44
crystal violet spectrophotometric method 56 4
EAAAS method 123 10
EAAAS - palladium/magnesium nitrate 123 84
element characteristics in AAS 20 42
hydride generation methods 99 38
ICP - MS 163 60
ICP - MS 204 16
references for methods 29 43
reference to method of analysis 122 12
standard solution 56 8
standard solution 123 11

APE HPLC method 152 16
Aphanizomenon significance of 176 28
API medium preparation 171 13
modified version 197 19
Aphanizomenon taste and odour problems 171 1
taste and odour problems 196 6
Argenticyanide index for IC methods 140 121
Argon references for methods 29 43
Arizona reaction in lysine iron agar 175 41
Aroclor chromatogram of 174 44
chromatogram of 187 39
Arsenate index for IC methods 140 121
Arsenic AAS semi-automatic methods 69 4
accuracy of analytical results 17 19
accuracy of analytical results 69 15
additional analytical information 20 44
arsenomolybdenum blue method 17 4
dissolution of insoluble residues 93 17
EAAAS - palladium/magnesium nitrate 123 84
element characteristics in AAS 20 42
hydride generation methods 99 38
ICP - MS 163 60
ICP - MS 204 16
references for methods 29 43
reference to method of analysis 122 12
soil/sludge method - hydride generation 99 23
standard solution 17 10
standard solution 69 7
Arsenite index for IC methods 140 121
Aryl sulphates index for IC methods 140 121
Aryl sulphonates index for IC methods 140 121
Arylamines index for IC methods 140 121
Ascaris reference to 175 69
Asellus significance of 176 28
Astatine references for methods 29 43
Aston cylinder sampler description 52 10
non-planktonic algae 74 22
Astroviridae introduction to 160 9
significance of 176 21
Astroviruses introduction to 160 9
significance of 176 21
Asulam HPLC - UV method 127 14
AAS cold vapour technique for mercury 20 29
determination of elements by 1 52
element characteristics 20 42
flames used 20 13
hydride generation techniques 20 30
interference effects 20 22
interference effects 145 10
review 20 6
AAS (continued) sample pre-treatment techniques 20 27
summary 29 20
wavelengths 145 17
AFS details 1 13
summary 29 21
wavelengths 145 17
Atrazine methylation / NSD - GC method 90 43
Rf values 155 15
Auricyanide see index for IC methods 140 121
Aurocyanide see index for IC methods 140 121
Automatic analysis see air segmented continuous flow
Azide index for IC methods 140 121
Rf values 167 17
Azinphos ethyl Rf values 60 11
Rf values 95 13
Azinphos methyl Rf values 60 11
Rf values 95 13
sewage sludges by FPD - GC 95 4
standard solution 60 6

Bacillariophyta DTA test 221 11

DTA test 225 11
Bacillus isolation of 202 6
isolation of 229 11
taste and odour problems 171 2
taste and odour problems 196 7
Bacillus cereus pathogenicity 175 66
Bacillus globigii use as tracer 175 66
Bacillus licheniformis pathogenicity 175 66
Bacillus perfringens significance of 176 15
Bacillus subtilis pathogenicity 175 66
Bacterioides fragilis indicator organism 176 17
Bacteriophages detection of 175 61
Bacteriological examination drinking waters 176 9
index in booklet 66 100
index in booklet 159 142
recreational/environmental waters 175 17
Baird-Parker agar media for environmental waters 175 46
Barium AAS method 111 26
additional analytical information 20 44
dissolution of insoluble residues 93 17
element characteristics in AAS 20 42
ICP - MS method 163 60
ICP - MS method 204 16
index for IC methods 140 121
reference to method of determination 1 6
references for methods 29 43
Rf values in IC 75 72
standard solution 111 30

Barium chloride preparation/standardisation of 0.005M 26 19
preparation/standardisation of 0.005M 136 16
Barium hydroxide preparation/standardisation of 0.0125M 61 55
Barletts test DTA test 221 21
DTA test 225 21
Basidiobolus ranarumi taste and odour problems 171 1
taste and odour problems 196 7
Beer-Lambert Law equation 1 43
equation 30 5
Beggiatoa taste and odour problems 171 5
taste and odour problems 196 13
Benazolin GC - MS method for 166 1
Bendiocarb HPLC - MS method 158 15
HPLC - UV method 127 14
Benomyl HPLC method 155 51
HPLC - UV method 127 19
Bentazone GC - MS method for 166 1
Benthic macroinvertebrates sampling 18 4
sampling 52 4
sampling 79 4
Benz[a]anthracene GC - MS method for soil 186 6
HPLC - fluorescence method 165 2
Rf values 113 39
Benz[e]acephenanthrylene see benzo[b]fluoranthene
Benzaldehyde odour description 156 4
Benzanilide Rf values 155 39
Benzene Rf values 110 18
Rf values 170 10
COD recovery data 215 58
Benzene-d6 internal standard for VOCs 170 3
Benzene sulphonate index for IC methods 140 121
Benzo[1,12]perylene see benzo[ghi]perylene
Benzo[ghi]perylene see polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons 113 8
GC - MS method for soil 186 6
HPLC - fluorescence method 165 3
Rf values 113 39
Benzo[3,4]pyrene see polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons 113 8
HPLC - fluorescence method 165 3
Rf values 113 39
Benzo[a]pyrene see benzo[3,4]pyrene
GC - MS method for soil 186 6
Benzo[3,4]fluoranthene see benzo[b]fluoranthene
Benzo[b]chrysene internal standard for PAHs 165 41
Benzo[b]fluoranthene see polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons 113 8
GC - MS method for soil 186 6
HPLC - fluorescence method 165 3
Rf values 113 39
Benzo[def]chrysene see benzo[3,4]pyrene
Benzo[e]pyrene Rf values 113 39
GC - MS method for soil 186 6
Benzo[11,12]fluoranthene see benzo[k]fluoranthene
Benzo[k]fluoranthene see polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons 113 8
GC - MS method for soil 186 6
HPLC - fluorescence method 165 3
Rf values 113 39
Benzo[j]fluoranthene Rf values 113 43
Benzoate index for IC methods 140 121
Rf values in IC 75 72
Benzoic acid Rf values in IC 75 73
Benzothiazole odour description 156 4
Benzyl acetate biodegradation 199 23
Beryllium EAAAS method 123 16
element characteristics in AAS 20 42
ICP - MS method 163 60
ICP - MS method 204 16
references for methods 29 43
reference to method 1 6
standard solution 123 19
Beta activity determination 94 8
in sludges and sediments 94 67
in water 94 25
Beta-HCH Rf values 82 16
Rf values / packing material 13 15
Bicarbonate determination 98 31
Bicarbonate alkalinity see alkalinity
Bifidobacterium spp indicator organism 176 17
Bile aesculin agar media for drinking waters 180 8
media for drinking waters 202 8
media for drinking waters 229 9
media for environmental waters 175 30
Bile tolerance details 202 12
details 229 15
Biodegradability assessment 61 6
assessment 129 7
assessment of aerobic 199 6
assessment of chemicals/effluents 61 39
carbon dioxide evolution (Sturm test) 61 53
continuous activated sludge test 61 73
glossary of terms 61 13
electrolytic respirometric method 61 17
isolation of bacteria for testing 61 99
manometric method 61 24
manometric respirometric assessments 61 47
modified co-metabolism die-away test 61 69
modified OECD screening test 61 59
oxygen electrode respirometric method 61 31
respiration rate measurements 61 39
semi continuous activated sludge test 61 73
static die-away test 61 64

Biological filters examination of 114 6
Biochemical oxygen demand see BOD
Biomass determination of 88 3
Biphenyl odour description 156 4
Bismuth AAS method 47 35
additional analytical information 20 44
EDTA spectrophotometric method 47 36
element characteristics in AAS 20 42
references for methods 29 43
reference to method 122 12
titrimetric method 47 33
Block digesters use of 91 49
use of 97 47
Blue green algae see also microcystin
significance of 176 28
BOD see also dissolved oxygen
details of 54 4
reagents for 106 41
review of 130 12
standard solution for 54 11
Bonferroni adjustment test DTA test 219 21
DTA test 221 21
DTA test 225 21
Borate see index for IC methods 140 121
Boric acid indicator solution preparation of 91 17
Boron additional analytical information 20 44
azomethine-H spectrophotometric 39 22
continuous flow / azomethine-H 39 15
curcumin spectrophotometric method 39 11
dissolution of insoluble residues 93 17
element characteristics in AAS 20 42
Boron ICP - MS 204 34
mannitol titrimetric method 39 27
pre-treatment of sample 39 30
references for methods 29 43
standard solution 39 8
Brachysira serians notes on 153 47
Break-point curve for residual chlorination 218 67
Brilliant green agar media for drinking waters 184 9
media for environmental waters 175 38
Bromate index for IC methods 140 121
IC method 167 3
Rf values 167 17
Bromamines method for 218 48
Bromide references for methods 29 43
IC method 62 33
IC method 136 45
index for IC methods 140 121
iodometric titration of bromate 33 4
Rf values 167 17
Bromide (continued) Rf values in IC 75 72
Rf values in IC 75 86
standard solution in IC 75 69
various methods for the determination 80 12
Bromine method for 27 26
method for 218 48
Bromobenzene Rf values 170 10
Bromochloromethane internal standard for VOCs 170 3
Rf values 34 15
Rf values 110 34
Rf values 170 10
2-Bromo-1-chloropropane internal standard for VOCs 170 3
Bromodichloromethane see trihalomethanes
GC - EC head space method 110 19
GC - EC pentane extraction method 110 24
headspace method 170 20
Rf values 110 18
Rf values 110 34
Rf values 170 10
2-Bromoethane sulphonate index for IC methods 140 121
4-Bromofluorobenzene Rf values 170 10
surrogate standard for VOCs 170 10
Bromoform see trihalomethanes
GC-EC head space method 110 19
GC-EC pentane extraction method 110 24
headspace method 170 20
Rf values 110 34
Rf values 170 10
Bromomethane Rf values 170 10
Bromophos Rf values 60 11
Rf values 95 13
Bromotrichloromethane Rf values 34 15
Rf values 110 34
Bromoxynil GC - MS method for 166 1
Budvicia aquatica classification of 162 30
Buffered nitrate-motility media for drinking waters 181 13
media for drinking waters 213 13
media for drinking waters 222 14
media for drinking waters 230 14
Buffered peptone water media for drinking waters 184 9
media for drinking waters 206 9
media for drinking waters 223 85
media for environmental waters 175 37
Buffer solution pH 2.5 124 35
pH 3.1 44 26
pH 4.0 14 12
pH 4.0 44 13
pH 4.0 44 21
pH 4.0 (0.0001N acid) 120 10
pH 4.0 (primary standard) 120 10
Buffer solution (continued) pH 5.2 39 17
pH 6.9 44 13
pH 6.9 44 21
pH 7.0 7 9
pH 9.2 44 13
pH 9.4 87 17
Burettes note on accurate measurement 100 9
Burkholderia cepacia identification of 231 28
identification of 231 34
significance of 176 25
Burkholderia pseudomallei emerging pathogen 176 24
Butan-2-one method for 135 12
Butane GC - FID method 125 7
Butanoate see index for IC methods 140 121
Butanoic acid odour description 156 4
Butocarboxim HPLC - MS method 158 15
Butoxycarboxim HPLC - MS method 158 15
Buttiauxella isolation of 223 9
Buttiauxella agrestis classification of 162 30
identification of isolate 223 97
identification of isolate 223 98
Butylamines see index for IC methods 140 121
n-Butylbenzene Rf values 170 11
sec-Butylbenzene Rf values 170 10
tert-Butylbenzene Rf values 170 10
2-tert-Butyl-5-methyl-1,4- benzoquinone taste and odour problems 171 26
tert-Butylmethylether Rf values 170 12
Butyraldehyde taste and odour problems 171 27
Butyrate index for IC methods 140 121
Rf values in IC 75 72
Butyric acid Rf values in IC 75 73
C/12C ratio of crude oil 193 57
Cadaverine taste and odour problems 171 2
taste and odour problems 196 7
Cadin-4-ene-1-ol taste and odour problems 171 2
taste and odour problems 196 7
Cadmium AAS/HCl-HNO3 digestion for soils 93 8
AAS/HCl-HNO3 digestion in sewages 93 20
Cadmium AAS method for sewage sludge 49 4
AAS by solvent extract using APDC 2 7
additional analytical information 20 44
anodic stripping voltammetry 122 14
APDC-MIBK extraction and AAS 109 28
EAAAS method 109 18
EAAAS - palladium/magnesium nitrate 123 84
element characteristics in AAS 20 42
extractable by 0.05M EDTA from soil 71 5
ICP - MS method 163 60
ICP - MS 204 16
Cadmium (continued) index for IC methods 140 121
references for methods 29 43
reference to method of analysis 122 12
saline waters by APDC - AAS 122 101
saline waters by APDC - AAS 122 114
standard solution 122 17
standard solution 2 6
Caesium reference to method of determination 1 6
element characteristics in AAS 20 42
references for methods 29 43
Rf values in IC 75 72
dissolution of insoluble residues 93 17
index for IC methods 140 121
Caffeine internal standard for phenylureas 155 10
Rf values 155 14
Calcium AAS method 9 4
AAS method 57 16
AAS/HCl-HNO3 digestion in sewages 93 20
AAS method 111 16
accuracy of analytical results 9 10
additional analytical information 20 44
dissolution of insoluble residues 93 17
element characteristics in AAS 20 42
ICP - MS 204 16
index for IC methods 140 121
preparation of 0.125M calcium chloride 7 5
standard solution 9 5
preparation of standard solution 43 8
references for methods 29 43
reference to method of determination 1 6
Rf values in IC 75 72
standard solution 57 12
standard solution 111 18
standard solution in IC 75 70
Calcium glucose solution media for environmental waters 175 63
Calcium hardness accuracy of analytical results 43 18
EDTA titration 43 11
Caliciviridae significance of 176 20
Campylobacter isolation in environmental waters 175 42
method for drinking water 185 20
significance of 176 17
Campylobacter coli definition 185 20
Campylobacter enrichment broth preparation 185 22
Campylobacter jejuni significance of 176 17
Campylobacter lari definition 185 20
Campylobacter selective agar media for drinking waters 185 23
Capillary suction time method for filterability of sludges 83 13
Caprate index for IC methods 140 121
Caproate index for IC methods 140 121
Caprylate index for IC methods 140 121
Carbamate HPLC - UV determination 127 7
Carbaryl HPLC - MS method 158 7
HPLC - UV method 127 7
HPLC - UV method 127 19
TLC method 127 21
Carbendazim HPLC method 155 51
Rf values 155 39
Carbetamide HPLC - UV method 127 20
HPLC method 155 18
Rf values 155 16
Rf values 155 39
Carbofuran HPLC - MS method 158 7
Carbon isotope ratio of crude oil 193 57
Carbon dioxide absorption and manometric analysis 98 24
based on pH, CO2 and alkalinity values 98 11
Carbon dioxide method by absorption and titration 98 15
method for determining 22 6
pressurised bottled and canned waters 98 23
removal of 61 55
Carbon disulphide GC - FID method 127 27
P and T method 170 18
Carbon tetrachloride distillation/extraction/ GC method 96 28
GC - EC head space method 110 19
GC - EC pentane extraction method 110 24
headspace method 170 20
material extractable in 15 4
Rf values 34 15
Rf values 110 34
Rf values 170 10
Carbonate alkalinity see alkalinity
Carbonates index for IC methods 140 121
Carbonic acid Rf values in IC 75 73
Carbophenothion additional data for 95 17
Rf values 60 11
Rf values 95 13
sewage sludges by FPD - GC 95 4
standard solution 60 6
Carboxylates see index for IC methods 140 121
Catalase test details of 180 10
details of 202 12
details of 229 14
Catechol see phenol 50 14
Cation exchange capacity method for 57 6
Cation exchange resin preparation of 26 12
use of 17 9
Cationic surfactants see surfactants
Caulobacter taste and odour problems 171 5
taste and odour problems 196 11
Cedecea spp classification of 162 30

Cefixime tellurite sorbitol MacConkey see CTSM agar
Cefsulodin irgasan novobiocin agar media for drinking waters 185 9
Cerium reference to method of determination 1 6
references for methods 29 43
Chaetomium globosum taste and odour problems 171 2
taste and odour problems 196 7
Chemical disinfecting agents see total available chlorine
AQC for 218 9
Chemical oxygen demand see COD
Chemical pre-treatment details of 1 9
details of 29 10
fluoride determinations 62 52
methods for silicon conversion 37 22
samples prior to analysis 145 8
techniques in AAS 20 27
Chloramines see total available chlorine
decomposition compound in COD 215 8
Chlorate IC method 167 3
index for IC methods 140 121
Rf values 167 17
Chlorbufam HPLC - UV method 127 7
Chlordane EC - GC method 174 7
Rf values 82 16
Rf values / packing material 13 15
Chlorfenprop methyl internal standard for acid herbicides 166 24
Chlorfenvinphos Rf values 60 11
Rf values 95 13
sewage sludges by FPD - GC 95 4
standard solution 60 6
Chloridazon Rf values 155 16
Chloride air segmented continuous flow method 24 5
continuous flow method 51 29
FIA 141 36
IC method 62 33
IC method 136 45
index for IC methods 140 121
ISE method 51 38
mercuric nitrate titrimetric method 51 15
potentiometric method 51 22
references for methods 29 43
Rf values in IC 75 72
Rf values in IC 75 86
Rf values 167 17
silver nitrate titrimetric method 51 6
standard solution in IC 75 69
Chlorine demand method for 27 38
method for 218 63
Chlorine dioxide method for 27 26
method for 218 40
Chlorine solution preparation and standardisation 27 38
preparation and standardisation 218 10
Chlorite IC method 167 3
index for IC methods 140 121
method for 27 26
method for 218 40
Chloroanisole taste and odour problems 171 26
taste and odour problems 196 12
Chloroaurates see index for IC methods 140 121
Chlorobenzene capillary EC or FID - GC method 96 6
Rf values 96 10
Rf values 170 10
Chlorobenzene-d5 internal standard for VOCs 170 3
Chlorobenzoates see index for IC methods 140 121
Chlorobium taste and odour problems 171 5
taste and odour problems 196 13
2-Chloro-1,3-butadiene P and T method 170 18
Chlorocresol HPLC - electrochemical detection 124 25
Chlorodibromomethane Rf values 110 18
Chloroethane Rf values 170 10
2-Chloroethylvinylether P and T method 170 18
Chloroferrates see index for IC methods 140 121
Chloroform see trihalomethanes
distillation/extraction/ GC method 96 28
GC - EC head space method 110 19
GC - EC pentane extraction method 110 24
headspace method 170 20
Rf values 110 34
Rf values 170 10
Chloroisocyanurates method for 27 26
method for 218 60
Chloromethane Rf values 170 10
5-chloro-N-methylisothiazolone Legionella - resistance 200 16
2-Chloro-6-methylphenol see phenol 50 14
4-Chloro-2-methylphenol see phenol 50 14
4-Chloro-3-methylphenol Rf values 124 53
4-Chloro-2-methylphenoxy acetic acid see MCPA
Chloropalladates see index for IC methods 140 121
2-Chlorophenol see phenol 50 14
GC - EC pentafluorobenzoyl ester 124 8
2-Chlorophenol HPLC - UV method 124 32
HPLC - electrochemical detection 124 25
3-Chlorophenol GC - EC pentafluorobenzoyl ester 124 8
HPLC - UV method 124 32
4-Chlorophenol see phenol 50 14
GC - EC pentafluorobenzoyl ester 124 8
HPLC - electrochemical detection 124 25
HPLC - UV method 124 32
Chlorophyceae DTA test 219 10

Chlorophyll aquatic environment 65 5
fluorescence detection 65 13
Chloroplatinates index for IC methods 140 121
Chloroplumbates index for IC methods 140 121
Chorothalonil EC - GC method 174 7
2-Chlorotoluene Rf values 170 10
4-Chlorotoluene Rf values 170 10
Chlorotoluron GC - NPD method 155 27
normal phase UV - HPLC method 155 18
reverse phase UV - HPLC method 155 9
Rf values 155 15
Rf values 155 16
Rf values 155 17
Chloroxuron Rf values 155 16
Chlorphenylid determination of 151 7
Chlorpropham HPLC - UV method 127 7
Rf values 155 15
Chlorpyrifos Rf values 95 13
sewage sludges by FPD - GC 95 4
standard solution 60 6
Chlorthal structure of 166 48
Chlorella vulgaris culture 208 30
Cholesterol structure 220 40
Chromates index for IC methods 140 121
Chromatium taste and odour problems 171 5
taste and odour problems 196 13
Chromatographic methods detection systems in IC 75 63
detection systems in HPLC 75 18
review on IC 75 60
review on HPLC 75 9
standard solutions in IC 75 69
standard solutions in IC 75 70
summary 29 33
terms used in HPLC 75 11
types of chromatographic separations 75 28
Chromic acid cleaning solution preparation 41 7
preparation 103 11
Chromium AAS method 28 4
AAS/HCl-HNO3 digestion in sewages 93 20
AAS method for sewage sludge 49 4
AAS/HCl-HNO3 digestion for soils 93 8
AAS method for total particulate 122 132
accuracy of results 28 18
additional analytical information 20 44
co-precipitation with iron and EAAAS 122 120
diphenylcarbazide spectrophotometric 28 12
dissolution of insoluble residues 93 17
EAAAS method 123 22
element characteristics in AAS 20 42
ICP - MS method 163 60
Chromium (continued) ICP - MS 204 16
index for IC methods 140 121
reference to method of determination 1 6
references for methods 29 43
reference to method of analysis 122 12
standard solution 28 7
standard solution 28 14
standard solution 122 123
standard solution 123 25
Chryseomonas luteola identification of 162 33
Chrysene GC - MS method for soil 186 6
HPLC - fluorescence method 165 2
Rf values 113 39
Cinerin see pyrethrins
Rf values 53 15
cis-1,2-Dichloroethene Rf values 170 10
cis-1,3-Dichloropropene Rf values 170 10
C.I. Solvent Red 24 see identification of markers in gas oil 67 33
Citrate index for IC methods 140 121
Citrobacter isolation of 223 9
reaction in lysine iron agar 175 41
significance of 176 12
Citrobacter braakii identification of isolate 223 98
Citrobacter farmeri identification of isolate 223 97
identification of isolate 223 98
Citrobacter freundii identification of 162 35
identification of isolate 223 97
identification of isolate 223 98
Citrobacter koseri identification of isolate 223 98
Citrobacter spp classification of 162 30
identification of isolate 223 97
identification of isolate 223 98
Citrobacter youngae identification of isolate 223 97
identification of isolate 223 98
Cladophora glomerata monitoring heavy metals using 144 16
Cloethocarb HPLC - MS method 158 15
Clonothrix diagram of 171 31
taste and odour problems 171 5
taste and odour problems 196 11
Clopyralid GC - MS method for 166 1
Clostridium identification of different species 213 26
media for drinking waters 222 7
media for drinking waters 230 7
taste and odour problems 171 2
taste and odour problems 196 7
Clostridium baratii identification of isolates 222 27
identification of isolates 230 27
Clostridium beijerinckii identification of isolates 222 27
identification of isolates 230 27

Clostridium bifermentans growth of 213 17
growth of 222 18
growth of 230 18
identification of isolates 222 27
identification of isolates 230 27
Clostridium botulinum significance of 176 16
Clostridium butyricum identification of isolates 222 27
identification of isolates 230 27
Clostridium cadaveris identification of isolates 222 27
identification of isolates 230 27
Clostridium clostridioforme identification of isolates 222 27
identification of isolates 230 27
Clostridium histolyticum identification of isolates 222 27
identification of isolates 230 27
Clostridium innocuum identification of isolates 222 27
identification of isolates 230 27
Clostridium paraputrificum identification of isolates 222 27
identification of isolates 230 27
Clostridium perfringens confirmation data comparison 213 22
confirmation data comparison 222 23
confirmation data comparison 230 23
growth 213 16
growth 221 17
identification of isolates 222 27
identification of isolates 230 27
isolation of - in environmental waters 175 32
MF method for drinking waters 181 6
MF method for drinking waters 181 11
MF method for drinking waters 192 11
MF method for drinking waters 213 11
MF method for drinking waters 222 12
MF method for drinking waters 230 12
Clostridium perfringens significance of 176 12
Clostridium ramosum identification of isolates 222 27
identification of isolates 230 27
Clostridium septicum identification of isolates 222 27
identification of isolates 230 27
Clostridium tertium identification of isolates 222 27
identification of isolates 230 27
Clostridium welchii significance of 176 15
Coagulation see settlement aids
Coastal waters sampling 25 22
Cobalt accuracy of analytical results 45 20
AAS/HCl-HNO3 digestion in sewages 93 20
AAS method 45 12
AAS method on MIBK extract 45 4
cathodic stripping voltammetry 122 60
dissolution of insoluble residues 93 17
EAAAS method 123 28
element characteristics in AAS 20 42
Cobalt (continued) ICP - MS method 163 60
ICP - MS method 204 16
index for IC methods 140 121
reference to method of analysis 122 12
references for methods 29 43
Rf values in IC 75 72
standard solution 45 6
standard solution 45 13
standard solution 123 31
Cobalticyanides index for IC methods 140 121
Cocconeis placentula notes on 153 47
Cocconeis pediculus notes on 153 47
COD accuracy of analytical results 97 49
air segmented continuous flow 24 5
analytical quality control solutions 215 12
closed-tube procedure 215 20
dilutions for 215 8
interlaboratory trial results 216 7
mercury-free method 97 5
mercury-free method (large scale) 215 32
mercury-free method (small scale) 215 42
mercury-free method (small scale) 215 52
modifications to methods 97 37
procedure for testing 4 9
reference procedure 215 13
sampling, preservation, storage 97 9
sampling, preservation, storage 215 9
spectrophotometric procedure 4 11
titration procedure 4 10
Coliform organisms confirmation of 179 14
confirmation of 223 16
defined substrate method 179 44
defined substrate method 223 61
double membrane method 179 8
double membrane method 223 9
evaluation of two media 169 1
isolation in environmental waters 175 20
multiple tube method 179 29
multiple tube method 223 41
presence-absence tests 162 7
presence-absence technique 179 50
presence-absence technique 223 67
recovery trial data 175 76
single membrane method 179 19
single membrane method 223 25
significance of 176 13
Colony count estimation of - in environmental waters 175 35
significance of 176 16

Colour CIELAB determination of 119 7
spectrophotometric method 103 10
standard solutions 103 8
suspension for adsorption 51 9
visual measurement of 103 5
Columbia agar base medium for drinking waters 230 15
Column chromatography see chromatographic methods
Column efficiency determination of 58 13
Column packing materials use of 58 17
Comparison of methods details of 178 32
Conditionability of sewage and sludges 83 19
Conductivity natural, treated and waste waters 14 4
standard solutions 14 7
Contaminated land preparation and pre-treatment 201 7
Containers for sampling use of 25 45
use of 143 36
Copper AAS method 32 4
AAS method for sewage sludge 49 4
AAS/HCl-HNO3 digestion in sewages 93 20
AAS/HCl-HNO3 digestion for soils 93 8
air segmented continuous flow 24 5
cathodic stripping voltammetry 122 28
dissolution of insoluble residues 93 17
EAAAS method 123 34
EAAAS - palladium/magnesium nitrate 123 84
element characteristics in AAS 20 42
extractable by 0.05M EDTA from soil 71 5
ICP - MS method 163 60
ICP - MS 204 16
index for IC methods 140 121
references for methods 29 43
reference to method of analysis 122 12
saline waters by APDC - AAS 122 101
saline waters by APDC - AAS 122 114
standard solution 32 6
Corynebacterium taste and odour problems 171 13
taste and odour problems 197 22
Costes index meaning of 153 24
Crains index meaning of 153 23
Crassostrea gigas see DTA
diagram 203 12
diagram 209 13
Crenothrix taste and odour problems 171 13
diagram 171 31
2-Cresol see phenol 50 15
GC-EC pentafluorobenzoyl ester 124 8
HPLC - UV method 124 32
3-Cresol see phenol 50 15
GC-EC pentafluorobenzoyl ester 124 8
HPLC - UV method 124 32
4-Cresol see phenol 50 15
GC-EC pentafluorobenzoyl ester 124 8
HPLC - UV method 124 32
Crossleys milk medium media for environmental waters 175 34
Crude oil composition 193 10
Crufomate Rf values 60 11
Rf values 95 13
Cryptosporidium rationale for sampling 224 1
rationale for sampling 234 12
Cryptosporidium oocysts assessment of 211 6
isolation of 172 1
isolation of 224 13
isolation of 234 16
methods for isolating and identifying 138 6
photograph 172 23
photographs 224 116
photographs 234 107
significance of 176 21
typical recovery data 224 91
typical recovery data 234 75
Cryptosporidium andersoni approximate size 224 83
approximate size 234 75
Cryptosporidium baileyi approximate size 224 83
approximate size 234 75
Cryptosporidium blagbumi also called Cryptosporidium galli 224 83
approximate size 234 75
Cryptosporidium bovis approximate size 224 83
approximate size 234 75
Cryptosporidium canis approximate size 224 83
approximate size 234 75
Cryptosporidium fayeri approximate size 224 83
approximate size 234 75
Cryptosporidium felis approximate size 224 83
significance of 176 21
Cryptosporidium fragile approximate size 224 83
approximate size 234 75
Cryptosporidium galli approximate size 224 83
approximate size 234 75
also called Cryptosporidium blagbumi 224 83
also called Cryptosporidium blagbumi 234 75
Cryptosporidium hominis cause of disease by 224 13
cause of disease by 234 9
infective dose 224 82
approximate size 224 83
approximate size 234 75
Cryptosporidium macropodum approximate size 224 83
approximate size 234 75

Cryptosporidium meleagridis approximate size 224 83
approximate size 234 75
significance of 176 21
Cryptosporidium molnari approximate size 224 83
approximate size 234 75
Cryptosporidium muris approximate size 224 83
approximate size 234 75
Cryptosporidium parvum approximate size 224 83
approximate size 234 75
cause of disease by 224 13
cause of disease by 234 9
infective dose 224 82
significance of 176 21
Cryptosporidium ryanae approximate size 224 83
approximate size 234 75
Cryptosporidium saurophilum also called Cryptosporidium varanii 224 83
also called Cryptosporidium varanii 234 75
Cryptosporidium scophthalmi approximate size 224 83
approximate size 234 75
Cryptosporidium serpentis approximate size 224 83
approximate size 234 75
Cryptosporidium suis approximate size 224 83
approximate size 234 75
Cryptosporidium varanii approximate size 224 83
approximate size 224 75
also called Cryptosporidium saurophilum 224 83
also called Cryptosporidium saurophilum 234 75
Cryptosporidium wrairi approximate size 224 83
approximate size 224 75
CTSM agar preparation 161 11
preparation 223 85
Cumene taste and odour problems 171 30
Cuprocyanide index for IC methods 140 121
Cyanate index for IC methods 140 121
Cyanide accuracy of analytical results 131 41
advice on determination of total cyanide 131 36
advice on determination of total cyanide 214 38
air segmented continuous flow method 24 5
colorimetric method 131 17
colorimetric method 214 18
colorimetric method 235 4
continuous flow method 131 19
diffusion of HCN and colorimetric 131 26
diffusion of HCN and colorimetric 214 24
index for IC methods 140 121
potentiometric method 131 9
potentiometric method 214 11
references for methods 29 43
sludges and soils 131 39
sludges and soils 235 4
Cyanide (continued) standard solution 131 7
standard solution 214 8
Cyanoargentate index for IC methods 140 121
Cyanoaurate index for IC methods 140 121
Cyanobacteria see blue green algae
Cyanocobaltate index for IC methods 140 122
Cyanocuprate index for IC methods 140 122
Cyanoferrate index for IC methods 140 122
Cyanonickelate index for IC methods 140 122
Cyanopalladate index for IC methods 140 122
Cyanoplatinate index for IC methods 140 122
-Cyclocitral taste and odour problems 171 30
Cyclospora significance of 176 22
Cyclospora cayetanensis emerging pathogen 176 24
Cyclohexylamine see index for IC methods 140 122
Cyclopenta[c,d]pyrene GC - MS method for soil 186 6
Cyfluthrin EC - GC method 174 18
GC - EC method 146 7
Cyhalothrin GC - EC method 146 7
Cypermethrin EC - GC method 174 18
GC - EC method 146 7
Rf values 53 15
Cytochrome oxidase enzyme oxidase test 223 91
Cytochrome oxygenases activity 193 64

2,4-D EC - GC method 90 7
GC - MS confirmation of 90 30
GC - MS method for 166 1
pentafluorobenzyl ester / EC - GC 90 23
3,4-D internal standard for acid herbicides 166 35
DAgostino test DTA test 219 21
DTA test 221 21
DTA test 225 21
Dalapon EC - GC method 90 7
Dansyl derativisation of steroids 220 16
2,4-DB GC - MS method for 166 25
o,p-DDE EC - GC method 174 7
p,p-DDE EC - GC method 174 7
o,p-DDT EC - GC method 174 7
p,p-DDT EC - GC method 174 7
Decadeuterophenanthrene internal standard for acid herbicides 166 33
Decadienal taste and odour problems 171 2
Decane Rf values 110 18
Decay series tables of 94 12
Daphnia magna see DTA
Daphnia pulex alternative to Daphnia magna 208 11
Delta-HCH Rf values 82 16
Rf values / packing material for 13 15
Deltamethrin GC - EC method 146 7

Demeton Rf values 60 11
Rf values 95 13
Demeton-S-methyl Rf values 60 11
Rf values 95 13
Demeton-S-methyl sulphone Rf values 60 11
Rf values 95 13
Descys index meaning of 153 23
Desulfotomaculum orientis taste and odour problems 171 2
taste and odour problems 196 7
Desulfovibrio desulfuricans taste and odour problems 171 2
taste and odour problems 196 7
Detectors details of UV 30 15
details of UV 30 18
detection systems used in HPLC 75 18
information on electron capture 81 20
IC 75 63
types of - for use in chromatography 58 23
Detergents see surfactants
Dialkyldithiocarbamate GC - FID method 127 27
Diaminoethane index for IC methods 140 122
Diatoma mesodon notes on 153 47
Diatoma vulgare notes on 153 47
Diatoms see epilithic diatoms
micrographs of common 153 42
Diazinon Rf values 60 11
Rf values 95 13
Dibenz[a,h]anthracene GC - MS method for soil 186 6
HPLC - fluorescence method 165 3
Rf values 113 39
Dibenz[1,2:5,6]anthracene see dibenz[a,h]anthracene
Dibrom Rf values 60 11
Rf values 95 13
Dibromoacetate index for IC methods 140 122
Dibromochloromethane see trihalomethanes
GC - EC head space method 110 19
GC - EC pentane extraction method 110 24
headspace method 170 20
Rf values 110 34
Rf values 170 10
1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane Rf values 170 11
1,2-Dibromoethane distillation/extraction/GC method 96 28
Rf values 170 10
Dibromofluoromethane internal standard for VOCs 170 3
Dibromomethane Rf values 170 10
Dibromooctafluorobiphenyl internal standard for acid herbicides 166 8
Dicamba EC - GC method 90 15
GC - MS method for 166 1
pentafluorobenzyl ester/EC - GC 90 23

Di-chloramine see total available chlorine
method for 218 21
method for 218 31
Dichlorbenil EC - GC method 174 18
1,2-Dichlorobenzene capillary EC or FID - GC method 96 6
Rf values 96 10
Rf values 170 11
1,3-Dichlorobenzene Rf values 170 10
1,4-Dichlorobenzene capillary EC or FID - GC method 96 6
Rf values 96 10
Rf values 170 10
1,4-Dichlorobenzene-d4 internal standard for VOCs 170 3
1,4-Dichlorobutane internal standard for VOCs 170 3
1,2-Dichlorodifluoromethane Rf values 170 10
Dichloroethane Rf values 34 15
1,1-Dichloroethane Rf values 170 10
1,1-Dichloroethene Rf values 170 10
1,2-Dichloroethane GC-EC pentane extraction method 110 24
Rf values 110 34
Rf values 170 10
1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 internal standard for VOCs 170 3
cis-1,2-Dichloroethene Rf values 170 10
trans-1,2-Dichloroethene Rf values 170 10
1,1-Dichloroethylene GC-EC head space method 110 19
GC-EC pentane extraction method 110 24
Dichlorofenthion Rf values 60 11
Rf values 95 13
Dichloromethane distillation/extraction/ GC method 96 28
GC - EC pentane extraction method 110 24
Rf values 34 15
Rf values 110 34
Rf values 170 10
3,6-Dichloro-2-methoxybenzoic acid see dicamba
Dichlorophenol see phenol 50 14
2,3-Dichlorophenol HPLC - UV method 124 32
2,4-Dichlorophenol see phenol 50 14
GC - EC pentafluorobenzoyl ester 124 8
HPLC - electrochemical detection 124 25
HPLC - UV method 124 32
Rf values 124 53
2,5-Dichlorophenol HPLC - UV method 124 32
2,6-Dichlorophenol see phenol 50 14
HPLC - electrochemical detection 124 25
HPLC - UV method 124 32
3,5-Dichlorophenol EC50 value 207 17
HPLC - UV method 124 32
2,4-Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid see 2,4-D
4-(2,4-dichlorophenoxy)butyric acid see 2,4-DB
2,4-Dichlorophenylacetic acid surrogate standard for acid herbicides 166 8
1,2-Dichloropropane Rf values 170 10
1,3-Dichloropropane Rf values 170 10
2,2-Dichloropropane Rf values 170 10
1,1-Dichloropropene Rf values 170 10
cis-1,3-Dichloropropene Rf values 170 10
trans-1,3-Dichloropropene Rf values 170 10
Dichlorprop GC - MS method for 166 1
Rf values 90 25
Dichlorvos Rf values 60 11
Rf values 95 13
sewage sludges by FPD - GC 95 4
standard solution 60 6
Diclofop structure of 166 48
Dieldrin confirmatory procedure 82 23
EC - GC method 174 7
EC - GC method for turbid waters 96 18
Rf values 82 16
Rf values / packing material 13 15
Diesel oil method relating to analysis 128 32
Diethylamine index for IC methods 140 122
Diethyl phthalate biodegradation 199 23
Diethylstilbesterol structure 220 40
Diethyl sulphide odour description 156 4
Diflufenican EC - GC method 174 7
1,4-Difluorobenzene internal standard for VOCs 170 3
4,4-Difluorobiphenyl internal standard for PAHs 165 41
Dimefox Rf values 60 11
Rf values 95 13
Dimethoate Rf values 60 11
Rf values 95 13
sewage sludges by FPD - GC 95 4
standard solution 60 6
Dimethylamine index for IC methods 140 122
Dimethyl sulphide odour description 156 4
taste and odour problems 171 2
Dimethyl sulphide taste and odour problems 196 7
2,4-Dimethylphenol Rf values 124 53
DNA-adducts determination 193 65
4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol see DNOC
2,4-Dinitrophenol Rf values 124 53
Dinocap HPLC - UV method 127 19
HPLC - UV method 155 40
Dinoseb HPLC method 155 45
1,4-Dioxane P and T method 170 18
Diphenyl odour description 156 4
Dip sampling procedure for 232 18
2,2-Dipyridyl EC50 value 207 17
Diquat ion exchange - UV method 117 7
Direct toxicity assessment see DTA
Disinfecting taps procedure for 232 16
Dispersants use of 193 24
Dissociation constants of organic/inorganic acids and bases 140 26
Dissolved organic carbon definition 157 15
Dissolved oxygen instrumental method 16 14
method for 130 32
solubility of 16 4
titrimetric method 16 6
Disulfoton Rf values 60 11
Rf values 95 13
Dithiocarbamate GC - FID method 127 27
Dithionate index for IC methods 140 122
Rf values 167 17
Dithionite see index for IC methods 140 122
Diuron GC - NPD method 155 27
HPLC - UV method 127 14
normal phase UV - HPLC method 155 18
reverse phase UV - HPLC method 155 9
Rf values 155 15
Rf values 155 16
Rf values 155 17
TLC method 127 21
DNOC structure of 166 49
Dragendorff reagent (modified) preparation of 47 30
DTA using Daphnia magna 208 7
using oyster embryo larvae 203 7
using oyster embryo larvae 209 7
using Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata 219 7
using Skeletonema costatum 221 7
using Skeletonema costatum 225 7
using Tisbe battagliai 205 7
using Tisbe battagliai 210 7
Dunnetts test DTA test 219 21
DTA test 221 21
DTA test 225 21
Dysprosium reference to method of determination 1 6

EAAAS review of 109 7

useful wavelengths 145 17
Easily liberated cyanide see cyanide
Echinococcus granulosus in sewage sludge 188 19
Echinamoeba host for Legionella 200 15
E. coli see Escherichia coli
classification of 162 30
evaluation of two media 169 1
E. coli significance of 176 13
Edwardsiella spp classification of 162 30
EDTA index for IC methods 140 122
preparation of 0.01M solution 26 11
preparation of 0.05M ammonium salt 71 7
preparation/standardisation of 0.01M 43 8
standardisation of 0.01M solution 43 14
Electrical conductivity see conductivity
Elodea Canadensis monitoring heavy metals using 144 22
Emission spectrophotometry review of 1 13
summary of 29 22
Encephalitozoon intestinalis significance of 176 23
Endocrine disruption determination of steroids 220 7
alpha-Endosulphan EC - GC method 174 7
beta- Endosulphan EC - GC method 174 7
Endosulphan A Rf values 82 16
Rf values / packing material 13 15
Endosulphan B Rf values 82 16
Rf values / packing material 13 15
Endrin confirmatory procedure 82 23
EC - GC method 174 7
Rf values 82 16
Rf values / packing material 13 15
Entamoeba dispar significance of 176 23
Entamoeba histolytia significance of 176 23
Enterobacter reaction in lysine iron agar 175 41
significance of 176 12
isolation of 223 9
Enterobacter aerogenes identification of 162 35
use as reference 223 22
Enterobacter agglomerans identification of 162 35
Enterobacter amnigenus identification of 162 36
identification of isolate 223 97
identification of isolate 223 98
Enterobacter asburiae identification of isolate 223 97
identification of isolate 223 98
Enterobacter cloacae identification of isolate 223 97
identification of isolate 223 98
results comparison 162 31
significance of 176 13
Enterobacter intermedius identification of 162 35
identification of isolate 223 97
Enterobacter sakazakii identification of isolate 223 97
identification of isolate 223 98
Enterobacter spp identification of isolate 223 97
identification of isolate 223 98
Enterococci confirmation - trial data 202 16
confirmation - trial data 229 19
identification of 162 33
isolation of - environmental waters 175 29
Enterococci MF method for drinking waters 180 6
MF method for drinking waters 202 6
MF method for drinking waters 229 7
Enterococcus avium significance of 176 15
Enterococcus casseliflavus growth of 202 11
growth of 229 12
Enterococcus durans significance of 176 15
Enterococcus faecalis growth of 202 11
growth of 229 12
heat resistance test 229 15
significance of 176 14
Enterococcus faecium significance of 176 15
Enterocytozoon bieneusi significance of 176 23
Enterocytozoon intestinalis emerging pathogen 176 24
Enteromorpha flexuosa monitoring heavy metals using 144 17
Enteroviruses introduction to 160 9
significance of 176 20
Epilithic diatoms use of - for river water quality 153 7
EPTC HPLC - UV method 127 7
HPLC - UV method 127 19
Equilin structure 220 39
Equivalency of methods details of 178 32
Erbium reference to method of determination 1 6
Erysipelothrix in sewage sludge 188 18
Escherichia reaction in lysine iron agar 175 41
Isolation of 223 9
Escherichia coli confirmation of 179 15
confirmation of 223 16
defined substrate method 179 44
defined substrate method 223 61
double membrane method 179 8
double membrane method 223 9
methods in sewage sludge 190
identification of isolate 223 97
identification of isolate 223 98
multiple tube method 179 29
multiple tube method 223 41
presence-absence technique 179 50
presence-absence technique 223 67
significance of 176 14
single membrane method 179 19
single membrane method 223 25
Escherichia coli O157:H7 confirmation of 223 89
isolation of 175 55
method for 161 7
method in sewage sludge 190 34
selective enrichment method 179 59
selective enrichment method 223 82
significance of 176 18
Escherichia adecarboxylata classification of 162 30
Escherichia blattae classification of 162 30
Escherichia fergusonii classification of 162 30
identification of isolate 223 97

Escherichia hermannii classification of 162 30
identification of isolate 223 97
identification of isolate 223 98
non-sorbitol fermenting coliform 179 65
non-sorbitol fermenting coliform 223 89
Escherichia vulneris classification of 162 30
identification of isolate 223 98
Ethane GC - FID method 125 7
Ethanol biodegradation 199 23
Ethanolamine index for IC methods 140 122
Ethiofencarb HPLC - MS method 158 7
Ethion (Diethion) Rf values 60 11
Rf values 95 13
Ethoate-methyl Rf values 60 11
Rf values 95 13
17-Ethynyl oestradiol LC-MS determination 220 8
LC-MS determination 220 19
GC-MS determination 220 29
structure 220 28
Ethyl acetate biodegradation 199 23
Ethylamine see index for IC methods 140 122
Ethylbenzene Rf values 110 18
Rf values 170 10
2-Ethyl-5,5-dimethyl-1,3-dioxane odour description 156 4
Ethyldipropylthiocarbamate see EPTC
Ethylmethacrylate P and T method 170 18
Ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase determinations 193 64
3-Ethylphenol see phenol 50 15
4-Ethylphenol see phenol 50 15
Eunotia exigua notes on 153 48
Europium references for methods 29 43
reference to method of determination 1 6
Ewingella spp classification of 162 30
Exchangeable cations see cation exchange capacity
method for 57 10
Extraction efficiency correction for 96 27

Faecal coliform organisms isolation in environmental waters (MF) 175 20

isolation in environmental waters (MT) 175 24
recovery trial data 175 76
Fats see oils
Fatty acids average composition of various 67 22
GC method 21 6
titrimetric method for sludges 134 7
Fenchlorphos Rf values 60 11
Rf values 95 13
Fenitrothion Rf values 60 11
Rf values 95 13
sewage sludges by FPD - GC 95 4
standard solution 60 6
Fenpropathrin GC - EC method 146 7
Fenuron Rf values 155 15
Fenvalerate see sumicidin
GC - EC method 146 7
Fenoprop structure of 166 49
Fenoxaprop structure of 166 49
Ferbam GC - FID method 127 27
Ferricyanide see index for IC methods 140 122
Ferrocyanide see index for IC methods 140 122
Ferrous ammonium sulphate preparation/standardisation of 0.02083M 4 8
preparation/standardisation of 0.00282M 27 17
preparation/standardisation of 0.00282M 218 19
preparation/standardisation of 0.025M 59 7
preparation/standardisation of 0.025M 97 13
Filterability of sludges 83 13
Fingerprinting techniques use of 193 49
use of 193 60
Fish populations sampling 121 10
Flame photometry determination of elements by 1 52
summary 29 22
Flavobacterium taste and odour problems 171 2
taste and odour problems 196 7
Flocculation see settlement aids
Flora typing of rivers 108 75
Flow estimation of 143 169
Flow Injection Analysis photometric method for alkalinity 141 44
photometric method for ammonia 141 27
photometric method for chloride 141 36
photometric method for hardness 141 42
photometric method for nitrite 141 32
photometric method for oxidised nitrogen 141 30
photometric method for phosphate 141 34
photometric method for silicate 141 38
photometric method for sulphate 141 40
turbidimetric method for sulphate 136 32
review 141 7
Fluazifop GC - MS method for 166 1
Flucofuron GC - ECD method 151 21
ion-pair HPLC method 151 16
Fluoranthene see polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons 113 8
GC - MS method for soil 186 6
HPLC - fluorescence method 165 2
Rf values 113 39
Fluorene GC - MS method for soil 186 6
HPLC - fluorescence method 165 2
Rf values 113 39
Fluoride accuracy of analytical results 62 73
air segmented continuous flow method 24 5
eriochrome cyanide spectrophotometric 62 17
IC method 62 24
Fluoride (continued) IC method 136 45
index for IC methods 140 122
ISE method 62 9
lanthanum alizarin fluorine blue method 62 19
references for methods 29 43
Rf values 167 17
Rf values in IC 75 72
Rf values in IC 75 86
sewage sludge by acid extraction 62 38
standard solution 23 9
standard solution 62 12
standard solution 62 19
standard solution 62 24
standard solution 62 29
standard solution in IC 75 69
total fluorine in sewage sludge 62 44
Fluorobenzene internal standard for VOCs 170 3
Rf values 170 10
Fluoroborate see index for IC methods 140 122
Fluorophosphate see index for IC methods 140 122
Fluroxypyr GC - MS method for 166 1
Fly traps preparation of sticky grease 114 19
Fontinalis antipyretica monitoring heavy metals using 144 18
Formaldehyde acetylacetone photometric method 72 8
continuous flow method 72 19
Formaldehyde HPLC determination of 135 6
preparation/standardisation of 72 10
preparation/standardisation of 135 8
Formate index for IC methods 140 122
Rf values 167 17
Rf values in IC 75 72
Formazin standards 103 18
Formetanate HPLC - MS method 158 15
Formic acid Rf values in IC 75 73
Formothion Rf values 60 11
Rf values 95 13
Fragilaria capucina notes on 153 48
Fragilaria vaucheriae notes on 153 48
Francium references for methods 29 43
Free chlorine see total available chlorine
Free available residual chlorine method for 218 20
F-specific RNA bacteriophages see bacteriophages
Fungi isolation of 171 9
isolation of 197 11
Fumarate see index for IC methods 140 122
Furfuraldehyde see identification of markers in gas oil 67 33

Gadolinium references for methods 29 43

reference to method of determination 1 6
Galacturonate see index for IC methods 140 122
Gallium EAAAS method 123 40
element characteristics in AAS 20 42
ICP - MS 204 16
index for IC methods 140 122
references for methods 29 43
reference to method of analysis 122 12
Gallionella diagram of 171 31
taste and odour problems 171 5
taste and odour problems 196 10
Gallinella ferruginea taste and odour problems 171 3
taste and odour problems 196 8
Gamma activity determination of 94 9
determination of 132
Gamma-HCH (Lindane) confirmatory procedure 82 24
EC - GC method for turbid waters 96 18
Rf values 82 16
Rf values / packing material 13 15
Gammarus significance of 176 28
Gas chromatography LTPRI 133 8
review 58 5
tables of substances with LTPRI values 133 26
Gas oil method relating to analysis 128 32
Geosmin GC - MS method 171 19
odour description 156 4
taste and odour problems 171 1
Geosmin taste and odour problems 196 6
Germanium commercial hydride generation methods 99 38
dissolution of insoluble residues 93 17
EAAAS method 123 46
references for methods 29 43
reference to method of analysis 122 12
standard solution 123 49
Giardia rationale for sampling 224 1
rationale for sampling 234 12
Giardia agilis species of Giardia 224 86
species of Giardia 234 78
Giardia ardae species of Giardia 224 86
species of Giardia 234 78
Giardia cysts images of 224 134
images of 234 125
isolation of 172 1
isolation of 224 13
isolation of 234 16
isolation and identification 138 6
photograph 172 23
photographs 224 134
sewage sludge 188 19
significance of 176 22
typical recovery data 224 91
typical recovery data 234 82
Giardia duodenalis cause of disease by 224 13
cause of disease by 234 9
Giardia intestinalis synonymous with Giardia duodenalis 224 13
synonymous with Giardia duodenalis 234 9
Giardia lamblia synonymous with Giardia duodenalis 224 13
synonymous with Giardia duodenalis 234 9
Giardia microti species of Giardia 224 86
species of Giardia 234 78
Giardia muris species of Giardia 224 86
species of Giardia 234 78
Giardia psittaci species of Giardia 224 86
species of Giardia 234 78
Globodera achilleae in sewage sludge 188 20
Globodera pallida in sewage sludge 188 20
Globodera rostochiensis in sewage sludge 188 20
Gluconate see index for IC methods 140 122
Glucose AQC solution for COD 215 12
Glucose azide broth media for environmental waters 175 31
Glucuronate see index for IC methods 140 122
Glutamic acid COD recovery data 215 58
CODrecovery data 215 61
Glutarate Rf values in IC 75 72
Glutaric acid Rf values in IC 75 73
Glutathione-S-transferase determination 193 66
Glycollate index for IC methods 140 122
Rf values in IC 75 72
Glycollic acid Rf values in IC 75 73
Glyphosate ion exchange/Rp HPLC method 90 37
Gold element characteristics in AAS 20 42
index for IC methods 140 122
references for methods 29 43
Gomphonema angustatum notes on 153 48
Gomphonema olivaceum notes on 153 48
Gomphonema parvulum notes on 153 48
Gram stain use of 175 74
Grease see hydrocarbon oils
Groundwaters determination of flow in 143 225
determination of load in 143 225
sampling 25 23
Guaiacol see phenol 50 7

Hafnia isolation of 223 9

Hafnia spp classification of 162 30
Hafnia alvei identification of 162 36
identification of isolate 223 98
significance of 176 13
Hafnium references for methods 29 43
reference to method of determination 1 6

Halogenated hydrocarbons see also individual named substances
GC - EC head space method 110 19
GC - EC pentane extraction method 110 24
solvents for 96 28
Hannaea arcus notes on 153 48
Hardness, calcium accuracy of analytical results 43 18
EDTA titration 43 11
Hardness, magnesium EDTA titration 43 17
Hardness, total accuracy of analytical results 43 18
EDTA titration 43 5
Hartmanella host for Legionella 200 15
Hazen units for colour standard solutions 103 8
alpha-HCH EC - GC method 174 7
beta-HCH EC - GC method 174 7
delta-HCH EC - GC method 174 7
gamma-HCH EC - GC method 174 7
Helicobacter pylori emerging pathogen 176 24
Helium references for methods 29 43
Helminth parasites in sewage sludge 188 19
Hepatitis A virus significance of 176 20
Heptachlor EC - GC method 174 7
Rf values 82 16
Rf values / packing material 13 15
Heptachlor epoxide confirmatory procedure 82 23
method for 174 60
Rf values 82 16
Rf values / packing material 13 15
Heptadecane:pristine ratio in oils 193 51
Heptanal taste and odour problems 171 2
taste and odour problems 196 12
Heptane Rf values 110 18
Hess-Waters sampler description of 52 11
Heterodera spp in sewage sludge 188 21
Heterotrophic bacteria see also colony count
data comparisons 212 17
pour and spread plate methods 182 6
pour and spread plate methods 212 7
Hexachlorobenzene EC - GC method 96 11
EC - GC method 174 7
Rf values 82 16
standard solution 96 13
Hexachlorobutadiene Rf values 170 11
Hexamine see formaldehyde
Hexanal taste and odour problems 171 2
taste and odour problems 196 12
1,6-Hexanediol biodegradation 199 23
Hexanesulphonate see index for IC methods 140 122
2-Hexanone P and T method 170 18
cis-3-Hexen-1-ol taste and odour problems 171 30
taste and odour problems 196 12
HPLC see chromatographic methods
Holmium reference to method of determination 1 6
Hopane in oils 193 55
Hugh and Leifsons base media for drinking waters 183 8
media for drinking waters 231 9
media for environmental waters 175 52
Human enteric viruses introduction to 160 9
Humic acid COD determination 216 8
Hyacinthin taste and odour problems 171 26
Hydrated lime see settlement aids 83 27
Hydrazine index for IC methods 140 122
spectrophotometric method 42 4
standard solution 42 6
Hydride generation techniques arsenic in soils/sludges 99 23
details of 20 30
selenium in soils/sludges 99 23
Hydrocarbons GC-FID determination in water 110 4
in sediments and biota 193 79
in sediments and biota - GC - FID 193 100
in sediments and biota - UV-fluorescence 193 91
in waters by extraction/UV fluorescence 128 6
Hydrocarbon gases GC - FID method 125 7
Hydrocarbon oils analysis in waters 193 42
extraction and gravimetric analysis 77 15
extractable by petroleum ether (40-60) 101 6
extraction and IR determination 77 6
method for determination 15 4
Hydrochloric acid preparation/standardisation of 0.02N 44 12
preparation/standardisation of 0.1N 44 20
preparation/standardisation of 0.1N 98 16
preparation/standardisation of 1.00N 37 7
preparation/standardisation of 1.00N 147 46
Hydrocortisone structure 220 40
Hydrogen method for gas determination 22 6
Hydrogen sulphide method for determining 22 6
taste and odour problems 171 2
taste and odour problems 196 12
Hydroxide alkalinity see alkalinity
Hydroxybutyrate index for IC methods 140 122
Hydroxycarboxylates index for IC methods 140 122
Hydroxyethylmethacrylate index for IC methods 140 122
16-Hydroxy-17-oestradiol structure 220 39
1-Hydroxypryrene metabolite of PAH 193 65
Hydroxyl value of oils 78 11
Hydroxylamine see index for IC methods 140 122
Hydroxyvalerate see index for IC methods 140 122
Hyphomicrobium diagram of 171 31
taste and odour problems 171 5
taste and odour problems 196 11

Hypochlorite index for IC methods 140 122
Hypophosphite index for IC methods 140 122

ICP spectrometry MS interferences 204 13

OES interferences 204 12
review 163
useful wavelengths 145 17
ICP spectrometry useful wavelengths 163 30
wavelength - phosphorus 147 58
wavelength - silicon 147 58
Imhoff cone method for settleable solids 105 24
Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene see polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons 113 8
GC - MS method for soil 186 6
HPLC - fluorescence method 165 3
Rf values 113 39
Indicator organisms use of - in environmental waters 176 11
use of - in sewage sludges 188 15
Indium EAAAS method 123 52
element characteristics in AAS 20 42
ICP - MS 204 16
references for methods 29 43
reference to method of analysis 122 12
Indole test details of 179 16
details of 223 19
Inductive Coupled Plasma see ICP
Industrial effluents assessment of biodegradability 61 39
assessment of - to toxicity to sewage 106 6
inhibitory effects of 106 45
sampling 25 24
Inorganic carbon calculation 199 19
Insoluble organic carbon definition 157 15
Instrumental methods summary of 29 7
Iodate automated method 80 9
index for IC methods 140 122
Iodide automated method 80 9
index for IC methods 140 122
references for methods 29 43
Iodine automated spectrophotometric method 80 5
method for 27 26
method for 218 53
standard solution 80 6
Iodine value of oils 78 15
Iodofenphos Rf values 60 11
Rf values 95 13
Iodomethane P and T method 170 18
Ion chromatography see chromatographic methods
detectors used in 140 24
glossary of terms 140 14
method for bromide 62 33
method for bromide 136 45
Ion chromatography (continued) method for chloride 62 33
method for chloride 136 45
method for fluoride 62 24
method for fluoride 136 45
method for nitrate 62 33
method for nitrate 136 45
method for nitrite 62 33
method for nitrite 136 45
method for phosphate 62 33
method for phosphate 136 45
method for phosphate 147 24
method for sulphate 62 33
method for sulphate 136 40
Ion selective electrodes method for carbon dioxide 98 22
method for chloride 51 38
method for cyanide 131 9
method for fluoride 62 9
method for nitrate 40 42
method for sulphide 73 18
summary of 29 17
Ioxynil GC - MS method for 166 1
Imazapyr GC - MS method for 166 37
Indan taste and odour problems 171 30
Indole taste and odour problems 171 2
taste and odour problems 196 9
Iridium references for methods 29 43
Iron 2,4,6-tripyridyl-1,3,5-triazine method 11 4
AAS method 76 5
AAS/HCl-HNO3 digestion in sewages 93 20
AAS/HCl-HNO3 digestion for soils 93 8
accuracy of analytical results 76 17
additional analytical information 20 44
air segmented continuous flow method 24 5
cathodic stripping voltammetry 122 91
dissolution of insoluble residues of 93 17
element characteristics in AAS 20 42
ICP - MS 204 16
index for IC methods for ferric 140 122
index for IC methods for ferrous 140 122
index for IC methods 140 122
references for methods 29 43
reference to method of analysis 122 12
Rf values in IC 75 72
standard solution 11 7
standard solution 76 10
Iron ammonium sulphate standardisation of 215 14
Iron-precipitating bacteria isolation of 171 13
isolation of 197 22
Iron salts see settlement aids 83 27
Isobaric molecular interferences formula for 163 69
Isobutylamine index for IC methods 140 122
2-Isobutyl-3-methoxypyrazine taste and odour problems 171 27
Isocitrate index for IC methods 140 122
Isochrysis galbana culture 205 14
Isodrin EC - GC method 174 7
Isoprocarb HPLC - MS method 158 15
Isopropylamine index for IC methods 140 122
Isopropylbenzene Rf values 110 18
Rf values 170 10
2-Isopropyl-3-methoxypyrazine taste and odour problems 171 2
taste and odour problems 196 7
4-Isopropyltoluene Rf values 170 11
Isoproturon GC - NPD method 155 27
normal phase UV - HPLC method 155 18
Rp UV - HPLC method 155 9
Rf values 155 15
Rf values 155 16
Rf values 155 17

Jasmolin see pyrethrins

Rf values 53 15

Kanamycin aesculin azide agar media for drinking waters 180 8

media for drinking waters 202 9
media for drinking waters 229 10
media for environmental waters 175 31
Ketoglutarate index for IC methods 140 122
Kjeldahl nitrogen see nitrogen
Klebsiella reaction in lysine iron agar 175 41
isolation of 223 9
Klebsiella ornithinolytica identification of isolate 223 98
Klebsiella oxytoca identification of isolate 223 97
identification of isolate 223 98
positive indole test 169 2
significance of 176 13
Klebsiella ozaenea classification of 162 30
Klebsiella planticola significance of 176 13
Klebsiella pneumoniae identification of isolate 223 97
identification of isolate 223 98
results comparison 162 31
significance of 176 13
Klebsiella rhinoscleromatis classification of 162 30
identification of isolate 223 97
Klebsiella terrigena significance of 176 12
significance of 176 13
Klebsiella spp classification of 162 30
identification of isolate 223 97
identification of isolate 223 98
Kluyvera ascorbata identification of isolate 223 97
Kluyvera cryocrescens identification of isolate 223 98
Kluyvera spp identification of isolate 223 97
identification of isolate 223 98
classification of 162 30
Khler illumination description of 172 35
Kolmogorov D-test DTA test 219 21
DTA test 221 21
DTA test 225 21
Kothes index meaning of 153 23
Kovcs reagent media for drinking waters 179 11
media for drinking waters 223 13
media for environmental waters 175 22
modified 223 13
Kovts indices meaning of 58 32
Krypton references for methods 29 43

Lactate index for IC methods 140 123

Rf values in IC 75 72
Lactic acid Rf values in IC 75 73
Lactose-gelatin media for drinking waters 180 13
media for drinking waters 230 15
Lactose peptone water media for drinking waters 179 11
media for drinking waters 223 12
media for environmental waters 175 22
Lakes sampling 25 21
Lange-Bertalots index meaning of 153 29
Lanthanides index for IC methods 140 123
references for methods 29 43
Lanthanum reference to method of determination 1 6
LAS fluorescence - HPLC method 152 6
Laurate see index for IC methods 140 123
Lead AAS/HCl-HNO3 digestion in sewages 93 20
AAS/HCl-HNO3 digestion for soils 93 8
AAS on solvent extract using APDC 3 7
AAS method for sewage sludge 49 4
additional analytical information 20 44
anodic stripping voltammetry 122 14
APDC-MIBK extraction and AAS 109 28
APDC-chlorofluoroethane AAS 109 40
dissolution of insoluble residues of 93 17
EAAAS method 109 18
EAAAS - palladium/magnesium nitrate 123 84
element characteristics in AAS 20 42
extractable by 0.05M EDTA from soil 71 5
ICP - MS method 163 60
ICP - MS 204 16
index for IC methods 140 123
references for methods 29 43
reference to method of analysis 122 12
saline waters by APDC - AAS 122 101
saline waters by APDC - AAS 122 114
Lead (continued) standard solution 3 6
standard solution 122 17
Leclercia isolation of 223 9
Leclercq and Manquets index meaning of 153 28
Legionella sampling 200 17
significance of 176 26
significance of 200 11
Legionella pneumophila significance of 176 26
significance of 200 11
Leminorella classification of 162 30
Leptospira in sewage sludge 188 18
Leptothrix taste and odour problems 171 3
taste and odour problems 196 11
diagram of 171 32
Lieskeella diagram of 171 32
Lime requirement of soil 7 8
of soil 149 13
Linalool odour description 156 4
Lindane see gamma-HCH
Linear alkylbenzene sulphonates see LAS
Linoleate see index for IC methods 140 123
Linolenate see index for IC methods 140 123
Linuron GC - NPD method 155 27
normal phase UV - HPLC method 155 18
reverse phase UV - HPLC method 155 9
Rf values 155 15
Rf values 155 16
Rf values 155 17
Liquid scintillation counting description 198 13
Listeria monocytogenes in sewage sludge 188 17
Lithium AAS method 111 8
dissolution of insoluble residues of 93 17
element characteristics in AAS 20 42
index for IC methods 140 123
ICP - MS 204 33
references for methods 29 43
reference to method of determination 1 6
Rf values in IC 75 72
standard solution in IC 75 70
standard solution 111 11
Load estimation of 143 169
LOEC lowest effective concentration 219 6
lowest effective concentration 221 6
lowest effective concentration 225 6
Logit function DTA test 219 19
DTA test 221 19
DTA test 225 19
Loss on ignition of sewage, sludge and related solids 83 6
Lutetium reference to method of determination 1 6

Lysine iron agar media for drinking waters 184 11
media for drinking waters 206 10
media for environmental waters 175 39

MacConkey agar preparation of 175 26

Macrophytes surveying of - in watercourses 108 9
Magnesium AAS method 8 4
AAS method 57 9
AAS method 57 16
AAS method 111 16
AAS/HCl-HNO3 digestion in sewages 93 20
accuracy of analytical results 8 10
additional analytical information 20 46
dissolution of insoluble residues of 93 17
EDTA titrimetric method 57 9
element characteristics in AAS 20 42
ICP - MS 204 16
index for IC methods 140 123
references for methods 29 43
Rf values in IC 75 72
standard solution 8 5
standard solution 57 12
standard solution 111 18
standard solution in IC 75 70
Magnesium hardness EDTA titration 43 17
Malate see index for IC methods 140 123
Malathion Rf values 60 11
Rf values 95 13
sewage sludges by FPD - GC 95 4
standard solution 60 6
Maleate see index for IC methods 140 123
Malonate index for IC methods 140 123
Rf values in IC 75 72
Malonic acid Rf values in IC 75 73
Mancozeb GC - FID method 127 27
Maneb GC - FID method 127 27
Manganese AAS method 76 5
AAS/HCl-HNO3 digestion in sewages 93 20
AAS/HCl-HNO3 digestion for soils 93 8
accuracy of analytical results 12 13
accuracy of analytical results 76 17
dissolution of insoluble residues of 93 17
EAAAS - palladium/magnesium nitrate 123 84
element characteristics in AAS 20 42
extractable by 0.05M EDTA from soil 71 5
formaldoxime photometric method 12 4
ICP - MS 204 16
ICP - MS method 163 60
index for IC methods 140 123
reference to method of analysis 122 12
Manganese (continued) references for methods 29 43
standard solution 76 10
standard solution 12 7
Material extractable in CCl4 method for determination 15 4
Material extractable in petroleum method for determination 101 6
Maximum recover diluent media for environmental waters 175 74
MBAS see surfactants
MCPA GC - MS confirmation 90 30
GC - MS method 166 1
nitration/methylation confirmation 90 34
pentafluorobenzyl ester/ EC - GC 90 23
MCPB GC - MS confirmation 90 30
GC - MS method 166 1
pentafluorobenzyl ester/ EC-GC 90 23
nitration/methylation confirmation 90 34
MCPP GC - MS confirmation 90 30
GC - MS method 166 1
pentafluorobenzyl ester/ EC - GC 90 23
nitration/methylation confirmation 90 34
Mecarbam Rf values 60 11
Rf values 95 13
Mecoprop see MCPP
Media reagents see also index in specific bluebook 66 100
see also index in specific bluebook 159 142
Actinomycete isolation 171 9
Actinomycete isolation 197 8
alkaline peptone water 175 54
alkaline peptone water 185 15
Ampicillin dextrin agar 175 51
Ampicillin dextrin agar 183 7
Ampicillin dextrin agar 231 9
API 171 13
Baird-Parker agar 175 46
bile aesculin agar 175 30
bile aesculin agar 180 8
bile aesculin agar 202 8
bile aesculin agar 229 9
brilliant green agar 175 38
brilliant green agar 184 9
buffered nitrate-motility 181 13
buffered nitrate-motility 213 13
buffered nitrate-motility 222 14
buffered nitrate-motility 230 14
buffered peptone water 175 37
buffered peptone water 184 9
buffered peptone water 206 9
buffered peptone water 223 85
calcium glucose solution 175 63
Campylobacter enrichment broth 185 22
Media reagents (continued) Campylobacter selective agar 185 23
cefixime tellurite sorbitol MacConkey 161 11
cefixime tellurite sorbitol MacConkey 223 85
cefsulodin irgasan novobiocin agar 185 9
Columbia agar 230 15
Crossleys milk medium 175 34
glucose azide broth 175 31
Hugh and Leifsons base 175 52
Hugh and Leifsons base 183 8
Hugh and Leifsons base 231 9
Kanamycin aesculin azide agar 175 31
Kanamycin aesculin azide agar 180 8
Kanamycin aesculin azide agar 202 9
Kanamycin aesculin azide agar 229 10
Kovcs reagent 175 22
Kovcs reagent 179 11
Kovcs reagent 223 13
lactose - gelatin 180 13
lactose - gelatin 230 15
lactose peptone water 175 22
lactose peptone water 179 11
lactose peptone water 223 12
lysine iron agar 175 39
lysine iron agar 184 11
lysine iron agar 206 10
MacConkey agar 175 26
maximum recover diluent 175 74
membrane enterococcus agar 180 8
membrane enterococcus agar 202 8
membrane enterococcus agar 229 9
membrane lauryl sulphate broth 175 21
membrane lauryl sulphate broth 179 10
membrane lauryl sulphate broth 223 11
milk agar with cetrimide 175 49
milk agar with cetrimide 231 18
MLGA 179 21
MLGA 223 27
MMGM (double strength) 175 25
MMGM (double strength) 179 31
MMGM (double strength) 223 43
modified API 197 19
modified buffered peptone water 175 56
modified desoxycholate citrate agar 175 60
modified desoxycholate citrate agar 184 31
modified desoxycholate citrate agar 206 30
modified Hajnia GN broth 175 59
modified Hajnia GN broth 184 30
modified Hajnia GN broth 206 29
modified Hoktoen agar 175 60
modified Hoktoen agar 184 31
Media reagents (continued) modified Kovcs reagent 223 13
modified Hoktoen agar 206 30
modified phosphate buffered solution 223 86
modified Postgates 171 12
modified sorbitol MacConkey agar 175 57
modified Starkeys 197 18
modified tryptone soya broth 175 57
modified tryptone soya broth 223 84
modified W-R 171 15
modified W-R 197 23
Mueller Hinton agar 231 19
nutrient agar 175 22
ONPG discs 223 13
peptone saline solution 175 62
Perfringens (OPSP) agar 175 33
phosphate buffered saline solution 175 57
Pseudomonas agar base 175 48
Pseudomonas agar base 183 14
Pseudomonas agar base 231 18
oxidase reagent 175 22
R2A agar 175 36
R2A agar 181 8
R2A agar 212 8
Rappaport Vassiliadis enrichment broth 175 38
Rappaport Vassiliadis enrichment broth 184 9
Rappaport Vassiliadis enrichment broth 206 9
Ringers solution (quarter strength) 175 74
Rose Bengal Chloramphenicol agar 171 11
Rose Bengal Chloramphenicol agar 197 12
Slanetz and Bartley agar 175 30
thiosulphate citrate bile salt sucrose agar 175 54
thiosulphate citrate bile salt sucrose agar 185 16
triple sugar iron agar 175 39
triple sugar iron agar 184 11
triple sugar iron agar 185 9
triple sugar iron agar 206 11
tris-buffered peptone 185 8
tryptone nutrient agar 223 12
tryptone water 175 22
tryptone water 179 11
tryptone water 223 12
tryptone yeast extract glucose agar 175 63
tryptone yeast extract glucose broth 175 63
tryptose sulphite cycloserine agar 175 33
tryptose sulphite cycloserine agar 182 7
tryptose sulphite cycloserine agar 213 7
tryptose sulphite cycloserine agar 222 8
tryptose sulphite cycloserine agar 230 8
urea broth 175 40
urea broth 184 12
Media reagents (continued) urea broth 185 10
urea broth 206 11
Vancomycin cefixime cefsulodin broth 161 11
xylose lysine desoxycholate agar 175 38
xylose lysine desoxycholate agar 184 10
yeast extract agar 175 35
yeast extract agar 180 8
yeast extract agar 206 10
yeast extract agar 212 7
yeast extract broth 175 49
yeast extract broth 231 18
Membrane enterococcus agar media for drinking waters 180 8
media for drinking waters 202 8
media for drinking waters 229 9
Membrane filtration details of 178 22
Membrane lactose glucuronide agar see MLGA
Membrane lauryl sulphate broth see MLSB
Methanol EC50 value 207 17
COD recovery data 215 58
Menthol odour description 156 4
taste and odour problems 171 30
Mercaptans taste and odour problems 171 2
taste and odour problems 196 12
Mercuric nitrate preparation of approx 0.01N solution 51 20
standard solution (1 ml = 1 mg chloride) 51 17
Mercury additional analytical information 20 46
AFS method 204 65
AFS/HCl-HNO3 digestion for soils 93 8
bromine oxidation/flameless AAS 92 6
commercial hydride generation methods 99 38
cold vapour technique 20 29
disposal of residues 91 27
disposal of residues 126 20
disposal of residues 215 63
dithizone extraction, flameless AAS 10 14
element characteristics in AAS 20 42
flameless AAS 10 4
flameless/AAS method for sediments 92 16
flameless AAS method for soils etc 92 29
flameless atomic fluorescence method 92 22
ICP - MS 204 16
index for IC methods 140 123
recovery 51 44
recovery 97 46
references for methods 29 44
reference to method of analysis 122 12
standard solution 10 6
standard solution 92 10
Meridon circulare notes on 153 48
Mestranol structure 220 39
Meta arsenite index for IC methods 140 123
Metaldehyde GC - MS and LC - MS methods 226
Metallogenium diagram of 171 32
Metals use of plants to monitor heavy 144 6
Metamitron HPLC method 155 56
Metaphosphate index for IC methods 140 123
Methabenzthiazuron Rf values 155 16
Rf values 155 17
Methacrylonitrile P and T method 170 18
Metham sodium GC - FID method 127 27
Methane GC - FID method 125 7
method for determining 22 6
Methanol continuous flow method 72 36
GC method 72 42
standard solution 72 38
Methiocarb HPLC - MS method 158 7
HPLC - UV method 127 7
Methiocarb HPLC - UV method 127 19
Methomyl HPLC - MS method 158 7
Methoxychlor EC - GC method 174 7
Metolcarb HPLC - MS method 158 15
Methylamine index for IC methods 140 123
silyltrifluoroacetamide derivatisation of steroids 220 34
3-Methylcatechol see phenol 50 15
4-Methylcatechol see phenol 50 15
2-Methyl-4,6-dinitrophenol Rf values 124 53
Methylene blue active substances see surfactants
Methylethylketone P and T method 170 18
2-Methylisoborneol GC - MS method 171 19
odour description 156 4
taste and odour problems 171 1
taste and odour problems 196 6
Methyl methacrylate P and T method 170 18
2-Methyl-2-pentanone P and T method 170 18
Methyl sulphate index for IC methods 140 123
Mevinphos Rf values 60 11
Rf values 95 13
Microbial tracers see tracers
Microbispora taste and odours problems 171 1
taste and odours problems 196 6
Microcystin-FR Rf values 168 10
Microcystin-LA Rf values 168 10
Microcystin-LF Rf values 168 10
Microcystin-LY Rf values 168 10
Microcystin-LW Rf values 168 10
Microcystin-LR HPLC method 154 7
HPLC method 168 1
Microcystin-RR HPLC method 168 1
Microcystin-YR HPLC method 168 1
Microcystis significance of 176 28
Microsporidia significance of 176 22
Milk agar with cetrimide media for environmental waters 175 49
Minerals modified glutamate medium see MMGM
Mitin N ion-pair HPLC method 151 16
Mitin FF ion-pair PHLC method 151 16
MLGA media for drinking waters 179 21
media for drinking waters 223 27
media for E. coli and coliforms 169 1
MLSB media for drinking waters 179 10
media for E. coli and coliforms 169 1
media for environmental waters 175 21
MMGM double strength medium 175 25
double strength medium 179 31
double strength medium 223 43
Modified buffered peptone water media for environmental waters 175 56
Modified desoxycholate citrate agar media for drinking waters 184 31
media for drinking waters 206 30
media for environmental waters 175 60
Modified Dragendorff reagent preparation of 47 30
Modified Hajnia GN broth media for drinking waters 184 30
media for drinking waters 206 29
media for environmental waters 175 59
Modified Hoktoen agar media for drinking waters 184 31
media for drinking waters 206 30
media for environmental waters 175 60
Modified Kovcs reagent media for drinking waters 223 13
Modified phosphate buffered solution preparation 223 86
Modified Postgates medium B preparation of 171 12
Modified sorbitol MacConkey agar media for environmental waters 175 57
Modified Starkeys medium preparation 197 18
Modified tryptone soya broth media for environmental waters 175 57
media for drinking waters 223 84
Modified W-R medium preparation of 171 15
preparation of 197 23
Moellerella spp classification of 162 30
Molybdates index for IC methods 140 123
Rf values 167 17
Molybdenum AAS/HCl-HNO3 digestion in sewage 93 20
element characteristics in AAS 20 42
ICP - MS 204 16
ICP - MS method 163 60
references for methods 29 44
reference to method of analysis 122 12
reference to method of determination 1 6
soils by thiocyanate determination 70 13
standard solution 70 8
standard solution 70 15
thiocyanate spectrophotometric method 70 6
Monobromoacetate index for IC methods 140 123
Mono-chloramine see total available chlorine
method for 218 21
method for 218 30
Monochloroacetate index for IC methods 140 123
Monoethylamine index for IC methods 140 123
Monolinuron Rf values 155 16
Monuron Rf values 155 15
Rf values 155 16
Rf values 155 17
Morganella spp classification of 162 30
Morpholine index for IC methods 140 123
Morphothion Rf values 60 11
Rf values 95 13
Most probable number tables for 6, 11 and 15 tube series 175 69
tables for 6, 11 and 15 tube series 179 39
tables for 6, 11 and 15 tube series 223 56
Most probable range tables for 6, 11 and 15 tube series 175 69
tables for 6, 11 and 15 tube series 179 39
tables for 6, 11 and 15 tube series 223 56
MPN see most probable number
MPR see most probable range
Mueller Hinton agar preparation of 231 19
Multiple tube technique details of 178 22
Mycobacteria significance of 176 27
Mycobacterium avium emerging pathogen 176 24
Myristate index for IC methods 140 123

Nabam GC - FID method 127 27

Naegleria host for Legionella 200 15
provisional identification of 138 17
Nais significance of 176 28
Nandrolone structure 220 39
Nannochloropsis oculata culture 205 14
Naphthalene GC - MS method for soil 186 6
HPLC - fluorescence method 165 2
Rf values 110 18
Rf values 113 39
Rf values 170 11
Naphthalene-d8 internal standard for VOCs 170 3
2-Naphthol see phenol 50 7
Naumaniella diagram of 171 32
Navicula accomoda notes on 153 49
Navicula atomus notes on 153 49
Navicula goeppertiana notes on 153 49
Navicula gregaria notes on 153 49
Navicula lanceolata notes on 153 49
Navicula subtillisima notes on 153 49
n-butylbenzene Rf values 170 11
Neodymium reference to method of determination 1 6
Neon references for methods 29 44
Nessler's reagent preparation of 40 11
preparation of 48 10
Neutron activation analysis review 81 28
sources for 81 16
Nickel AAS method 46 21
AAS method on MIBK extract 46 4
AAS method for sewage sludge 49 4
AAS/HCl-HNO3 digestion in sewages 93 20
AAS/HCl-HNO3 digestion for soils 93 8
accuracy of analytical results 46 28
air segmented continuous flow method 24 5
cathodic stripping voltammetry 122 60
dissolution of insoluble residues of 93 17
EAAAS method 123 58
element characteristics in AAS 20 42
extractable by 0.5M acetic acid 71 13
extractable by 0.05M EDTA from soil 71 5
furil--dioxime photometric method 46 13
ICP - MS 204 16
ICP - MS method 163 60
index for IC methods 140 123
references for methods 29 44
reference to method of analysis 122 12
reference to method of determination 1 6
Rf values in IC 75 72
saline waters by APDC - AAS 122 101
saline waters by APDC AAS 122 114
standard solution 46 7
standard solution 46 16
standard solution 46 23
Nicotinic acid COD recovery data 215 58
Niflumic acid internal standard for acid herbicides 166 38
Niobium references for methods 29 44
Nitella flexilis monitoring heavy metals using 144 17
Nitrate see also total oxidized nitrogen
air segmented continuous flow method 24 5
direct UV spectrophotometric method 40 36
IC method 62 33
IC method 136 45
index for IC methods 140 123
ISE method 40 42
references for methods 29 44
Rf values 167 17
Rf values in IC 75 72
Rf values in IC 75 86
standard solution 40 7
standard solution 40 25
standard solution 40 38
standard solution in IC 75 69
sulphosalicylic photometric method 40 31
Nitrification assessment of inhibition to 55 10
nitrifying ability of activated sludge 55 6
Nitrilotriacetate index for IC methods 140 123
Nitrite see also total oxidized nitrogen
air segmented continuous flow method 24 5
FIA 141 30
FIA 141 32
IC method 62 33
IC method 136 45
index for IC methods 140 123
photometric diazotization method 40 49
Rf values 167 17
Rf values in IC 75 72
Rf values in IC 75 86
standard solution 40 7
standard solution 40 26
standard solution in IC 75 69
titrimetric method with sulphanilic acid 40 54
Nitrobacter nitrification using 207 7
Nitrogen Kjeldahl method with copper catalyst 126 21
Kjeldahl method with copper/titanium 126 34
Kjeldahl method with hydrogen peroxide 126 26
Kjeldahl method with mercury catalyst 126 11
method for gas determination 22 6
references for methods 29 44
standard solution 126 9
Nitrogen trichloride see total available chlorine
method for 218 22
Nitrogen trichloride method for 218 32
4-Nitrophenol Rf values 124 53
Nitrosomonas nitrification using 207 7
Nitzschia amphibia notes on 153 49
Nitzschia palea notes on 153 49
Nocardia taste and odours problems 171 1
taste and odours problems 196 6
Nodularin HPLC method 168 1
microcystin-LR internal standard 154 8
NOEC no observed effect concentration 219 6
no observed effect concentration 221 6
no observed effect concentration 225 6
Non-ionic surfactants see surfactants
air segmented continuous flow method 24 5
Non-purgeable organic carbon see non-volatile organic carbon
Non-volatile organic carbon definition 157 16
Norwalk-like viruses significance of 176 20
Nutrient agar media 175 22

Obesumbacteria spp classification of 162 30

Ochrobium diagram of 171 33
taste and odour problem 197 22
Octadecane:phytane ratio in oils 193 51
Octane Rf values 110 18
Octylsulphonate index for IC methods 140 123
Odour assessment of problems 171 1
assessment of problems 196 6
method at temperature of 40 oC 41 6
qualitative method 156 4
qualitative method 233 11
quantitative method 156 7
quantitative method 233 19
simple method 41 4
Oenanthate see index for IC methods 140 123
17-Oestradiol LC-MS determination 220 8
LC-MS determination 220 19
GC-MS determination 220 29
structure 220 38
Oestrione-3-sulphate structure 220 38
Oestrone LC-MS determination 220 8
LC-MS determination 220 19
GC-MS determination 220 29
structure 220 38
Oils acetyl value of 78 11
acid value 78 18
characteristic values of certain 78 25
extraction 118 7
filtration 118 7
gas chromatograms of various 67 37
GC method of methyl esters of 67 14
gravimetry 118 7
guide to methods of analysis of 128 22
high resolution GC method 67 29
hydroxyl value of 78 11
identification of markers in gas 67 33
iodine value 78 15
low resolution GC method 67 6
recovery/preparation of distillates 67 23
reference solution 67 8
sampling of 104 4
saponification value of 78 8
TLC characterisation of 86 5
waters by UV fluorescence 193 21
Oil spill contamination an introduction 193 9
Oleate see index for IC methods 140 123
Olpidium in sewage sludge 188 21
Omethoate Rf values 60 11
Rf values 95 13
ONPG discs media for drinking waters 223 13
op'-DDT Rf values 82 16
Rf values / packing material 13 15

op'-TDE Rf values 82 16
Rf values / packing material 13 15
Organically bound tritium definition 198 7
Organic carbon calculation 199 19
method by IR detection 157 27
UV - persulphate oxidation 157 32
Organisms toxicity testing with aquatic 64 7
Organochlorine pesticides capillary columns 82 29
column packing material 12 15
confirmation of identity of 13 20
EC - GC method 174 1
EC - GC method for turbid waters 96 18
methods for determining 13 6
sewage, sludges, muds and fish 82 5
Organophosphorus pesticides disposal of solutions of 60 7
GC method 60 5
Rf values 95 13
sewage sludges 95 4
TLC confirmation 60 14
TLC confirmation 95 10
Organosulphates index for IC methods 140 123
Organosulphonates index for IC methods 140 123
ortho-nitrophenyl--D-galacto- see ONPG
Orthophosphates index for IC methods 140 123
Oscillatoria significance of 176 28
taste and odours problems 171 1
taste and odours problems 196 6
Osmium references for methods 29 44
Oxalacetate see index for IC methods 140 123
Oxalate Rf values in IC 75 72
see index for IC methods 140 123
Oxalic acid Rf values in IC 75 73
COD recovery data 215 58
Oxamyl HPLC - MS method 158 7
Oxidase reagent media 175 22
Oxidase test details of 179 26
details of 223 18
Oxidation procedures for removal of organic substances 122 111
Oxyalkylene content see surfactants
Oxygen see dissolved oxygen
method for determining 22 6
references for methods 29 44
Ozone method for 27 26
method for 218 57

1:10 Phenanthrolin discs for Pseudomonas 231 19

PAH see polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons
Palladium index for IC methods 140 123
reference to methods for 29 44
Palmers index meaning of 153 30
Palmitate index for IC methods 140 123
Pantoea isolation of 223 9
Pantoea agglomerans identification of isolate 223 97
identification of isolate 223 98
Pantoea spp identification of isolate 223 97
identification of isolate 223 98
Paraffin method relating to analysis of 128 32
Paraquat ion exchange - UV method 117 7
Parathion Rf values 60 11
Rf values 95 13
sewage sludges by FPD - GC 95 4
standard solution 60 6
Parathion-methyl Rf values 60 11
Rf values 95 13
Parathion-O-analogue Rf values 60 11
Rf values 95 13
Partition coefficient equation for 58 6
PCB according to chlorination level 187 27
confirmation of identity of 13 20
confirmatory procedure 82 25
EC - GC method for turbid waters 96 18
EC - GC method 174 17
GC - MS method 174 47
GC - MS method for soil 187 6
methods for determining 13 6
sewage, sludges, muds and fish 82 5
structures of 174 35
structures of 187 11
PCP see phenol 50 15
see also pentachlorophenol
PCSD see chlorphenylid
Pebulate HPLC - UV method 127 7
HPLC - UV method 127 19
Pedomicrobium definition 197 22
diagram of 171 33
Pelargonate index for IC methods 140 123
Pendimethalin EC - GC method 174 18
Penicillium caeseicolum taste and odour problems 171 2
taste and odour problems 196 7
Pentachlorobenzene Rf values 96 10
Pentachloroethane GC - EC head space method 110 19
GC - EC pentane extraction method 110 24
Pentachlorophenol see also phenol 50 15
GC - MS method 166 1
GC - EC pentafluorobenzoyl ester 124 8
HPLC - UV method 124 32
methylation / EC - GC method 90 15
Pentacyclic triterpanes see hopane
1,3-Pentadiene taste and odour problems 171 30
Pentaerythritol biodegradation 199 23
Pentafluorobenzene internal standard for VOCs 170 3
Pentan-3-one method for 135 12
Pentanesulphonate see index for IC methods 140 123
Pentanoate see index for IC methods 140 123
Pentylethanoate odour description 156 4
Peptone saline solution media for environmental waters 175 62
Perchlorate index for IC methods 140 123
Perchloroethylene see tetrachloroethylene
Perdisulphate index for IC methods 140 123
Perfringens (OPSP) agar media for environmental waters 175 33
Periodate index for IC methods 140 123
Permanganate index for IC methods 140 123
Permanganate value air segmented continuous flow method 24 5
4 hour 27 oC test 107 12
10 minute boiling water test 107 5
other tests for determining 107 16
Permethrin GC - EC method 53 4
GC - EC method 146 7
Permethrin-cis see pyrethrins
EC - GC method 174 18
Rf values 53 15
Permethrin-trans see pyrethrins
EC - GC method 174 18
Rf values 53 15
Peronia erinacea notes on 153 49
Peroxides test for the presence of ether 90 8
Perylene Rf values 113 39
Petrol method relating to analysis of 128 32
Petroleum solvents method relating to analysis of 128 32
pH pH 2.5 buffer 124 35
pH 3.1 buffer 44 26
pH 4 buffer 14 12
pH 4.0 buffer 44 13
pH 4.0 buffer 44 21
pH 4.0 buffer 149 8
pH 5.2 buffer 39 17
pH 6.9 buffer 44 13
pH 6.9 buffer 44 21
pH 7.0 buffer 7 9
pH 9.2 buffer 44 13
pH 9.4 buffer 87 17
pH 10.1 buffer 136 51
pH 4.0 of a low conductivity water 149 8
air segmented continuous flow method 24 5
definition of 14 10
low ionic strength waters 120 7
natural, treated and waste waters 14 9
sludge, soil, mud and sediment 7 4
sludge, soil, mud and sediment 149 6
Phase contrast illumination description of 172 36
Phenanthrene GC - MS method for soil 186 6
HPLC - fluorescence method 165 2
Rf values 110 18
Rf values 113 39
Phenkapton Rf values 60 11
Rf values 95 13
Phenmedipham Rf values 155 16
Phenol 4-aminoantipyrine (pH 10)/extraction 50 22
4-aminoantipyrine (pH 7.9) extraction 50 28
3-methyl-2-benzothiazolinone extraction 50 34
air segmented continuous flow method 24 5
GC method 50 8
GC - EC bromination method 124 21
HPLC - electrochemical detection 124 25
monohydric/4-aminoantipyrine (pH 10) 50 16
relative responses of a range of phenols 50 7
Rf values in IC 75 73
standard solution 50 18
standard solution 50 24
Phenols GC - EC pentafluorobenzoyl ester 124 8
HPLC - UV method 124 32
Phenylacetaldhyde taste and odour problems 171 27
Phenylethylamine taste and odour problems 171 2
taste and odour problems 196 7
2-Phenylphenol see phenol 50 14
HPLC - UV method 124 32
Rf values 155 17
3-Phenylphenol see phenol 50 14
4-Phenylphenol see phenol 50 14
HPLC - UV method 124 32
Phenylurea herbicides GC - NPD method 155 27
normal phase UV - HPLC method 155 18
reverse phase UV - HPLC method 155 9
Phorate Rf values 60 11
Rf values 95 13
Phorate-O-analogue Rf values 60 11
Rf values 95 13
Phosalone Rf values 60 11
Rf values 95 13
Phosphamidon Rf values 60 11
Rf values 95 13
Phosphate air segmented continuous flow method 24 5
continuous method 91 39
dissolution of insoluble residues of 93 17
FIA 141 34
IC method 62 33
index for IC methods 140 123
pre-treatment prior to analysis 147 26
Rf values in IC 75 72
Phosphate (continued) Rf values in IC 75 86
Rf values 167 17
standard solution 26 12
standard solution 26 19
standard solution 38 8
standard solution 38 13
standard solution 91 17
standard solution 147 13
standard solution 91 42
standard solution 136 16
standard solution in IC 75 69
Phosphate buffered saline media for environmental waters 175 57
Phosphite index for IC methods 140 123
Phosphonates index for IC methods 140 123
Phosphorus phosphomolybdenum blue method 38 5
phosphomolybdenum blue method 147 10
phosphomolybdenum blue extraction 38 11
phosphovanadomolybdate method 147 19
pre-treatment prior to analysis 147 26
ICP - MS 204 16
references for methods 29 44
standard solution 38 8
standard solution 38 13
standard solution 147 13
standard solution 147 20
Phthalates index for IC methods 140 123
Rf values 167 17
Phthalic acid Rf values in IC 75 73
Phytane:octadecane ratio in oils 193 51
Phytophthora fragariae in sewage sludge 188 21
Picene internal standard for PAHs 165 41
Picloram GC - MS method for 166 25
3-Picoline COD recovery data 215 58
Picornaviridae significance of 176 20
Piperidine see index for IC methods 140 124
Pipettes note on accurate measurement using 100 9
Pirimicarb TLC method 127 21
Pirimiphos-methyl Rf values 60 11
Rf values 95 13
sewage sludges by FPD - GC 95 4
standard solution 60 6
Pirimithate Rf values 60 11
Rf values 95 13
Planctomyces diagram of 171 33
Plants initial preparation of 6 11
initial preparation prior to analysis 89 21
use of - to monitor heavy metals 144 1
Plasma emission spectral lines list of elements and wavelengths 1 74

Platinum care of 62 54
cleaning procedure for crucibles 37 24
index for IC methods 140 124
Platinum references for methods 29 44
Polarography summary of 29 12
Polonium references for methods 29 44
Polychlorinated biphenyls see PCB
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons analysis of 193 42
fluorescence wavelengths 165 39
GC - MS method for soil 186 6
HPLC - fluorescence method 113 8
HPLC - fluorescence method 165 7
Rf values 113 39
sediments and biota - GC- MS 193 95
TLC - UV method 113 18
Polyelectrolytes see settlement aids 83 27
Potable waters sampling 25 23
Potamogeton pectinatus monitoring heavy metals using 144 20
Potassium AAS method 35 9
accuracy of analytical results 35 15
dissolution of insoluble residues of 93 17
element characteristics in AAS 20 42
references for methods 29 44
flame photometric method 35 4
flame photometric method 57 14
ICP - MS 204 16
index for IC methods 140 124
Rf values in IC 75 72
standard solution 35 6
standard solution 57 12
standard solution in IC 75 70
Potassium bromate standard solution of 0.1N (0.01667M) 33 6
Potassium chloride preparation of 0.005M solution 14 7
Potassium dichromate preparation of standard solution 4 7
preparation of 0.01N (M/600) solution 27 17
preparation of 0.01N (M/600) solution 218 19
standard solution of 0.02083M (M/48) 59 6
standard solution of 0.02083M (M/48) 97 12
standard solution of 0.02083M (M/48) 215 14
Potassium dichromate standard solution of 0.00833M (M/120) 215 20
standard solution of 0.0833M (M/12) 215 21
Potassium hydrogen phthalate preparation of 400 mg/l COD solution 4 8
preparation of 400 mg/l COD solution 97 14
preparation of 400 mg/l COD solution 215 14
preparation of 4000 mg/l COD solution 215 21
Potassium hydroxide 0.5M ethanolic solution 78 9
Potassium iodate preparation of 0.0042M solution 16 9
preparation of 0.0042M solution 73 8
preparation of 0.025N solution 100 15
Potassium iodate-iodide equivalent to 10 mg/l as chlorine 218 10
Potassium permanganate preparation/standardisation of 0.002M 107 8
equivalent to 10 mg/l as chlorine 218 10
equivalent to 1000 mg/l as chlorine 218 28
pp'-DDE confirmatory procedure 82 22
EC - GC method for turbid waters 96 18
Rf values 82 16
Rf values / packing material 13 15
pp'-DDT confirmatory procedure 82 21
EC - GC method for turbid waters 96 18
Rf values 82 16
Rf values / packing material 13 15
pp'-DTE confirmatory procedure 82 22
EC - GC method for turbid waters 96 18
Rf values 82 16
Rf values / packing material 13 15
Pragia classification of 162 30
Praseodymium reference to method of determination 1 6
Presence-absence tests for coliforms and E. coli 162 7
Preservation techniques after sampling 25 38
Pre-treatment see chemical pre-treatment
for boron analysis 39 30
of contaiminated soils 201 7
for removal of organic substances 122 111
of samples prior to analysis 145 8
Pristine:heptadecane ratio in oils 193 51
Probit function DTA test 219 19
DTA test 221 19
DTA test 225 19
Promecarb HPLC - MS method 158 16
Promethium references for methods 29 44
Prometryne methylation / NSD - GC method 90 43
Propane GC - FID method 125 7
Propazine methylation / NSD - GC method 90 43
Rf values 155 15
Propham HPLC - UV method 127 7
HPLC - UV method 127 19
Rf values 155 15
TLC method 127 21
Propiconazole EC - GC method 174 18
Propionaldehyde method for 135 12
Propionate index for IC methods 140 124
Rf values in IC 75 72
Propionic acid Rf values in IC 75 73
Propoxur HPLC - MS method 158 7
HPLC - UV method 127 14
Propylamine index for IC methods 140 124
iso-Propylbenzene Rf values 170 10
n-Propylbenzene Rf values 170 10
Propyzamide EC - GC method 174 7
Proteus reaction in lysine iron agar 175 41
Proteus morganii colour reactions in selected media 175 42
Proteus spp classification of 162 30
Proteus vulgaris colour reactions in selected media 175 42
Providencia reaction in lysine iron agar 175 41
Providencia spp classification of 162 30
Pseudokirschneriella subcapitata culture 208 30
Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata algal growth inhibition test 219 7
Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata picture 219 10
Pseudomonas significance of 176 24
taste and odour problems 171 2
taste and odour problems 196 7
Pseudomonas aeruginosa confirmation data 231 26
growth on MHA 231 23
isolation of 175 47
MF method for drinking waters 183 13
MF method for drinking waters 231 16
oxidase-positive picture 223 18
ONPG- and indole-negative picture 223 20
significance of 176 25
use as reference 223 22
Pseudomonas agar base media for drinking waters 183 14
media for environmental waters 175 48
Pseudomonas diminuta QC baterium 183 17
Pseudomonas fluorescens growth on MHA 231 23
identification of 162 33
identification of 231 28
significance of 176 25
Pseudomonas putida identification of 162 33
identification of 231 28
significance of 176 25
Putrescine taste and odour problems 171 2
taste and odour problems 196 9
Pyrene GC - MS method for soil 186 6
HPLC - fluorescence method 165 2
Rf values 113 39
Pyrethrins method using EC - GC 53 4
Rf values 53 15
Pyridine COD recovery data 215 58
Pyrogallol see alkaline pyrogallol solution
see phenol 50 4
Pyrophosphate see index for IC methods 140 124
Pyrrolidine see index for IC methods 140 124
Pyruvate see index for IC methods 140 124
Pythium in sewage sludge 188 21

Quaternary ammonium compounds HPLC method 164 7

Quinine hydrochloride taste and odour problems 171 30
Quinizarin see identification of markers in gas oil 67 33
Quinol see phenol 50 14

R2A agar media for drinking waters 182 8
media for drinking waters 212 8
media for environmental waters 175 36
Radiation analytical instrumentation 81 13
measurements in water 94 6
review 81 7
units of measurement of 81 6
using X-ray fluorescence measurements 94 55
Radioactive isotopes data for some 94 14
Radioactive tracers use of 81 31
Radioactivity carrier solution used in measurements of 132 18
detection limits in measurements 132 29
determination by -ray spectrometry 132 6
Radionuclides determined by gamma ray spectrometry 132 26
Radium determination of 94 38
interferences from 198 8
Radium references for methods 29 44
Radon determination of 94 38
determination in air 94 53
gross gamma measurement in water 94 33
interferences from 198 8
references for methods 29 44
Ralstonia pickettii significance of 176 25
Ralstonia solanacearum in sewage sludge 188 20
Raoultella isolation of 223 9
Raoutella terrigena identification of isolate 223 97
identification of isolate 223 98
Rappaport Vassiliadis enrichment broth media for drinking waters 184 9
media for drinking waters 206 9
media for environmental waters 175 38
Reimeria sinuate notes on 153 49
Reoviridae introduction to 160 9
significance of 176 21
Report 71 see index 66
see index 159
Reservoirs sampling 25 21
sampling 143 80
Residual chlorine meaning of terms 27 7
meaning of terms 218 7
Residual organic carbon see non-volatile organic carbon
Resmethrin Rf values 53 15
Resolution equation for column 67 8
Resorcinol see phenol 50 14
Rhanella aquatilis classification of 162 30
Rhenium references for methods 29 44
see index for IC methods 140 124
Rhinomonas reticulata culture 205 14
Rhodium references for methods 29 44
Rhodococcus coprophilus indicator organism 176 17
Rhiocosphenia abbreviata notes on 153 49
Rhynchostegium riparioides monitoring heavy metals using 144 19
Ringers solution ( strength) media for environmental waters 175 74
River classification details of 85 17
Rivers sampling 25 20
sampling 143 76
Robots use of - in methods of analysis 137 16
Rose Bengal Chloramphenicol agar preparation of 171 11
preparation of 197 12
Rotaviruses introduction to 160 9
significance of 176 21
Rubidium dissolution of insoluble residues of 93 17
element characteristics in AAS 20 42
index for IC methods 140 124
reference to method of determination 1 6
references for methods 29 44
Rf values in IC 75 72
Ruthenium references for methods 29 44

Salinity adjustments algal growth inhibition test 221 10

algal growth inhibition test 225 10
Salmonella isolation in environmental waters 175 37
reaction in lysine iron agar 175 41
significance of 176 18
method for drinking waters 184 7
method for drinking waters 184 18
method for drinking waters 194 7
method for drinking waters 194 18
method for drinking waters 206 7
method for drinking waters 206 18
methods in sewage sludge 190
methods in sewage sludge 195
growth of 206 15
growth of 206 34
Salmonella bongori definition 206 7
Salmonella dublin QC bacteria strain 178 13
Salmonella enterica definition 206 7
Salmonella Enteritidis definition 206 7
Salmonella Montevideo definition 206 7
Salmonella paratyphi significance of 176 18
Salmonella subterranea definition 206 7
Salmonella typhi definition 206 7
significance of 176 18
Salmonella typhimurium host for bacteriophages 175 62
Salmonella typhimurium definition 206 7
Salmonellae isolation and identification 63 5
Salmonella spp classification of 162 30
Samarium references for methods 29 44
reference to method of determination 1 6

Sampling aquatic benthic macro-invertebrates 18 4
bethnic macro-invertebrates in water 79 4
bottles/cans/syphons and containers 98 33
coastal waters 25 22
containers used for 25 45
containers used for 143 36
containers used for 143 43
Cryptosporidium 224 1
Cryptosporidium 234 12
dip 232 18
device for - in lowland waters 85 4
devices for / in shallow flowing waters 52 4
domestic propoerties 232 24
drinking water fountains 232 26
drinking waters 177 6
drinking waters 232 7
drinks vending machines 232 27
effluents 143 110
fish populations 121 10
frequency of 143 22
Giardia 224 1
Giardia 234 12
groundwaters 25 23
groundwaters 143 82
groundwaters 232 20
high rise buildings 232 25
hydrants 232 28
industrial effluents 25 24
lakes 25 21
lakes 143 80
macro-invertebates in supply systems 84 4
marine waters 143 65
methods of biological 18 4
micro-layers of oil 193 78
non-planktonic algae 74 4
oils, fats, waxes and tars 104 4
order of 232 14
pipes 6 6
pipes 89 9
plants and wild life 89 5
potable waters 25 23
potable waters 143 106
precipitation 143 101
preservation of samples after 25 38
preservation of samples after 143 36
preservation of samples after 143 43
public buildings 232 26
rain waters 143 101
recreational/environmental waters 175 11
reservoirs 25 21
Sampling (continued) reservoirs 143 80
review 25 15
review 143 9
rivers 25 20
rivers 143 76
saline waters 143 65
sediments 25 25
sediments 143 33
service reservoirs 232 22
sewage effluents 25 24
sewage sludges 189 6
sewage and sludges 6 4
sewage and sludges 143 40
sewage and sludges 143 113
sewage, sludges, sediments, soils 9 5
soils and sediments 6 7
statistical aspects of 143 11
storage conditions of samples after 25 45
storage conditions of samples after 143 36
storage conditions of samples after 143 43
storage of samples after 232 30
streams 25 20
streams 143 76
surface waters 232 20
tanks 6 5
tanks 89 7
techniques of 143 30
time of 143 22
water treatment works 232 21
Saponification value of oils 78 8
of samples 193 79
Scandium references for methods 29 44
reference to method of determination 1 6
Scapania undulate monitoring heavy metals using 144 19
Scenedesmus subspicatus culture 208 30
Schradan Rf values 60 11
Rf values 95 13
sec-butylbenzene Rf values 170 10
Sediments initial preparation of 6 11
sampling 25 25
Sediments initial preparation prior to analysis 89 21
Selenate index for IC methods 140 124
Selenite index for IC methods 140 124
Selenium additional analytical information 20 46
AFS method 204 89
commercial hydride generation methods 99 38
diaminonaphthalene fluorimetric method 99 16
EAAAS - palladium/magnesium nitrate 123 84
EC - GC method 99 7
element characteristics in AAS 20 42
Selenium (continued) ICP - MS method 163 60
ICP - MS method 204 16
references for methods 29 44
reference to method of analysis 122 12
soil/sludge method - hydride generation 99 23
standard solution 99 10
Seliberia diagram of 171 33
Serbam GC - FID method 127 31
Serratia isolation of 223 9
taste and odour problems 171 13
taste and odour problems 197 22
Serratia fonticola identification of 162 35
identification of isolate 223 97
identification of isolate 223 98
significance of 176 12
significance of 176 13
Serratia liquefaciens identification of 162 36
identification of isolate 223 97
identification of isolate 223 98
Serratia marcescens use as tracer 175 66
significance of 176 13
Serratia odorifera identification of isolate 223 97
identification of isolate 223 98
Serratia plymuthica identification of 162 36
Serratia spp classification of 162 30
identification of isolate 223 97
identification of isolate 223 98
Settleability of activated sludge 83 42
Settleable solids Imhoff cone method 105 24
method for 105 20
Settlement aids method for selection of chemicals as 83 25
Sewage effluents sampling 25 24
Sewage sludge adsorption characteristics of substances 148 6
assessment of treatability of chemicals 114 35
inhibitory effects to digestion of 102 7
initial preparation prior to analysis 91 8
treatment overview 188 7
sampling 189 6
Shapiro-Wilks test DTA test 219 21
DTA test 221 21
DTA test 225 21
Shigella in lysine iron agar 175 41
significance of 176 19
Shigella boydii definition 175 59
significance of 176 19
Shigella dysenteriae definition 175 59
significance of 176 19
Shigella flexneri definition 175 59
significance of 176 19

Shigella sonnei classification of 162 30
definition 175 59
significance of 176 19
Shigella spp classification of 162 30
growth of 206 34
isolation of - environmental waters 175 59
method for drinking waters 184 29
method for drinking waters 194 29
method for drinking waters 206 28
Siderocapsa diagram of 171 34
taste and odour problems 171 13
Siderococcus diagram of 171 34
SI units for the measurement of radiation 94 5
Silicate 1-amino-2-naphthol-4-sulphonic acid 147 36
air segmented continuous flow method 24 5
FIA 141 38
index for IC methods 140 124
standard solution 147 40
Silicon 1-amino-2-naphthol-4-sulphonic acid 147 36
ascorbic acid photometric method 147 44
dissolution of insoluble residues of 93 17
element characteristics in AAS 20 42
molybdosilicic photometric method 37 5
molybdosilicic photometric method 37 13
pre-treatment methods for conversion 37 22
pre-treatment methods for conversion 147 52
references for methods 29 44
standard solution 37 7
standard solution 147 40
Silicon dioxide see silicon
Silver AAS method 68 4
AAS/HCl-HNO3 digestion in sewages 93 20
accuracy of analytical results 68 16
cleaning procedure for crucibles of 37 24
EAAAS method 123 64
element characteristics in AAS 20 42
ICP - MS method 163 60
ICP - MS method 204 16
index for IC methods 140 124
method for recovery of 51 41
recovery of 62 69
recovery of 97 46
reference to method of analysis 122 12
references for methods 29 44
reference to method of determination 1 6
sewage sludge by AAS 68 11
standard solution 68 6
standard solution 68 13
standard solution 123 67

Silver nitrate standard solution (1 ml = 1 mg chloride) 51 8
standard solution of 0.0141M 51 24
standard solution of 0.01M 131 8
standard solution of 0.1M 100 35
use of - in COD determinations 215 8
Simazine methylation / NSD - GC method 90 43
Rf values 155 15
Skatole taste and odour problems 171 2
taste and odour problems 196 9
Skeletona costatum algal growth inhibitipn test 221 7
algal growth inhibitipn test 225 7
picture 221 11
picture 225 11
Slanetz and Bartley agar media for environmental waters 175 30
Sludge cake compressibility measurement of 83 45
Sludge digester gas GC method 22 6
volumetric method 22 13
Smell bell see odour
description 156 28
description 233 25
Sodium AAS method 36 9
accuracy of analytical results 36 15
dissolution of insoluble residues of 93 17
element characteristics in AAS 20 42
flame photometric method 36 4
flame photometric method 57 14
ICP - MS 204 16
index for IC methods 140 124
references for methods 29 44
flame photometric method 57 14
Rf values in IC 75 72
standard solution 36 6
standard solution 36 11
standard solution 57 12
standard solution in IC 75 70
Sodium acetate AQC solution for COD 215 12
COD determinations 216 13
Sodium benzoate COD recovery data 215 58
Sodium carbonate preparation of approx 0.01N solution 51 20
standard solutions 98 25
Sodium chloride preparation of 0.01N solution 51 20
standard solution (1 ml = 1 mg chloride) 51 8
standard 0.0141M solution 51 24
Sodium diethyldithiocarbamate EC50 value 207 17
Sodium dodecylsulphate COD recovery data 215 58
Sodium hydroxide preparation/standardisation of 0.02N 44 34
preparation/standardisation of 0.1M 98 19
preparation/standardisation of 1.00N 37 7
Sodium oxalate AQC solution for COD 215 12
standard solution of 0.005M 107 9
Sodium pyrrolidinedithiocarbamate preparation of 0.0005M for bismuth 47 31
Sodium sterate biodegradation 199 23
Sodium thiosulphate 1 ml equivalent to approx 0.5 mg Cl2 156 8
preparation of 0.0125M solution 27 11
preparation of 0.0125M solution 100 16
preparation/standardisation of 0.002M 33 6
preparation/standardisation of 0.0125M 16 9
preparation/standardisation of 0.0125M 73 8
preparation/standardisation of 0.0125M 73 14
preparation/standardisation of 0.0125M 228 12
Sodium thiosulphate standardisation of 0.0125M solution 27 13
Soils initial preparation of 6 11
initial preparation prior to analysis 89 21
Solanum dulcamara in sewage sludge 188 20
Specific resistance to dewatering of sludge 83 45
Sphaerotilis diagram of 171 34
taste and odour problems 171 5
Sphingomonas paucimobilis significance of 176 25
Standard addition technique for potentiometric methods 62 50
Staphylococcus isolation of 202 6
isolation of 229 11
Staphylococcus aureus isolation in environmental waters 175 46
catalase test 229 15
Statistics concepts of 25 8
concepts of 143 11
considerations for drinking waters 178 24
considerations for environmental waters 175 6
Stearate see index for IC methods 140 124
Steels many-one rank test DTA test 219 21
DTA test 221 21
DTA test 225 21
Stenotrophomonas maltophilia significance of 176 25
Sterane in oils 193 55
Steriods oestrogen determination 220 7
stability data 220 41
Stirred sludge density method for settleability of sludge 83 42
Stirred specific volume index method for settleability of sludge 83 42
Storage conditions of samples 25 45
of samples 143 38
Stray light solutions for testing 30 23
Streams sampling 25 20
sampling 143 76
Streptococcus bovis heat resistance test 229 15
isolation of 202 6
isolation of 229 7
significance of 176 14
Streptococcus equinus heat resistance test 229 15
isolation of 202 6
isolation of 229 7
significance of 176 14
Strepomyces taste and odours problems 171 1
taste and odours problems 196 6
Strontium AAS method 111 26
dissolution of insoluble residues of 93 17
element characteristics in AAS 20 42
ICP - MS 204 16
index for IC methods 140 124
references for methods 29 44
reference to method of determination 1 6
Rf values in IC 75 72
standard solution 111 29
Sturm test description 199 6
Styrene Rf values 170 10
Succinate index for IC methods 140 124
Rf values in IC 75 72
Succinic acid AQC solution for COD 215 12
Rf values in IC 75 73
Sulcofuron ion-pair HPLC method 151 16
Sulfotep Rf values 60 11
Rf values 95 13
Sulphate 2-aminoperimidine photometric method 26 30
accuracy of analytical results 136 58
air segmented continuous flow method 24 5
continuous flow 2-aminoperimidine 136 24
continuous flow method 26 36
continuous methylthymol blue method 136 50
FIA 141 40
FIA using a turbidimetric method 136 32
gravimetric analysis / barium chloride 26 5
gravimetric method 136 9
IC method 62 33
IC method 136 40
ICP emission spectrometry 136 21
index for IC methods 140 124
indirect AAS method 26 24
indirect titrimetric analysis using EDTA 26 10
Rf values in IC 75 72
Rf values in IC 75 86
Rf values 167 17
standard solution 26 12
standard solution 26 19
standard solution 26 32
standard solution in IC 75 69
titrimetric method / barium chloride 26 17
titrimetric barium method 136 14
Sulphate-reducing bacteria isolation of 171 11
isolation of 197 17
Sulphide air segmented continuous flow method 24 5
DPD spectrophotometric method 73 12
DPD spectrophotometric method 228 10
Sulphide (continued) index for IC methods 140 124
iodometric titration 73 6
iodometric titration 228 32
ion selective electrode 73 18
ion selective electrode 228 38
preparation/standardisation 73 14
preparation/standardisation 228 13
references for methods 29 44
Sulphite determination by iodometric titration 100 19
index for IC methods 140 124
pararosaniline photometric method 100 12
preparation/standardisation of 100 15
Rf values in IC 75 72
Sulphite-reducing bacteria isolation of 171 13
Sulphite-reducing clostridia growth of 213 9
growth of 222 10
growth of 230 10
isolation of - environmental waters 175 32
MF method for drinking waters 181 6
MF method for drinking waters 192 6
MF method for drinking waters 212 6
Sulphonates index for IC methods 140 124
Sulphonic acid partial oxidation in COD determination 215 8
Sulphur ICP - MS 204 34
Sulphur dioxide determination by iodometric titration 100 19
pararosaniline photometric method 100 12
Sulphuric acid preparation/standardisation of 0.1N 44 32
Sumicidin Rf values 53 15
Surber sampler description of 52 6
Surfactants alkoxylated nonionic method by TLC 47 38
anionic-methylene blue method 47 7
automatic methylene blue method 47 12
cationic - disulphine blue method 47 58
ethoxylated nonionic/photometric 47 51
extraction from sewage sludge 47 18
HPLC method for cationic 164 7
method for ethoxylated non-ionic 47 28
nonionic - a review 47 23
oxyalkylene content of nonionic - GC 47 45
Surirella ovalis notes on 153 49
Suspended solids centrifugal method 105 17
membrane filtration method 105 14
paper filtration method 105 8
sewage, sludge and related solids 83 9
Synchytrium endobioticum in sewage sludge 188 21
Synedra ulna notes on 153 49

2,4,5-T EC - GC method 90 7
GC - MS confirmation 90 30
GC - MS method for 166 1
pentafluorobenzyl ester/EC - GC 90 23
Tabellaria spp notes on 153 49
Taenia saginata in sewage sludge 188 18
Taenia solium in sewage sludge 188 19
Tantalum references for methods 29 44
Tars see oils
Tartrate index for IC methods 140 124
Taste assessment of problems for 171 1
assessment of problems for 196 6
assessment of problems for 196 6
method for 41 11
method for 156 16
qualitative method 233 11
quantitative method 233 19
Tatumella spp classification of 162 30
TBA see 2,3,6-trichlorobenzoic acid
TCA see trichloroacetic acid
Tebuthiuron Rf values 155 17
Technetium interferences from 198 8
Tecnazene EC - GC method 174 7
Tellurate index for IC methods 140 124
Tellurite index for IC methods 140 124
Tellurium additional analytical information 20 46
commercial hydride generation methods 99 38
element characteristics in AAS 20 42
ICP - MS method 163 60
references for methods 29 44
Temperature measurement and scales 112 9
systems 112 15
Terbium reference to method of determination 1 6
Terbutryne methylation / NSD - GC method 90 43
Terpane in oils 193 55
tert-butylbenzene Rf values 170 10
tert-butylmethylether Rf values 170 12
2-tert-butyl-5-methyl-1,4- benzoquinone taste and odour problems 171 27
Testosterone structure 220 39
Tetrabutylammonium index for IC methods 140 124
1,2,3,4-Tetrachlorobenzene Rf values 96 10
1,2,3,5-Tetrachlorobenzene Rf values 96 10
1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene Rf values 96 10
1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane GC - EC head space method 110 19
GC - EC pentane extraction method 110 24
Rf values 170 10
1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane GC - EC head space method 110 19
GC - EC pentane extraction method 110 24
Rf values 170 10
Tetrachloroethene see tetrachloroethylene
Tetrachloroethylene distillation/extraction/ GC method 96 28
GC - EC head space method 110 19
GC - EC pentane extraction method 110 24
headspace method 170 20
Rf values 34 15
Rf values 110 18
Rf values 110 34
Rf values 170 10
Tetrachloromethane see carbon tetrachloride
2,3,4,5-Tetrachlorophenol HPLC - UV method 124 32
2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol see phenol
HPLC - UV method 124 32
methylation / EC-GC method 90 15
2,3,5,6-Tetrachlorophenol HPLC - UV method 124 32
Tetradecane Rf values 110 18
Tetraethylammonium index for IC methods 140 124
Tetrahymena host for Legionella 200 15
Tetramethyl thiuram disulphide GC - FID method 127 27
Tetramethylammonium index for IC methods 140 124
Tetrathionate index for IC methods 140 124
p,p-TDE EC - GC method 174 7
Thallium additional analytical information 20 46
EAAAS method 123 70
EAAAS - palladium/magnesium nitrate 123 84
element characteristics in AAS 20 42
ICP - MS method 163 60
ICP - MS method 204 16
index for IC methods 140 124
references for methods 29 44
reference to method of analysis 122 12
reference to method of determination 1 6
standard solution 123 74
Theoretical gas production calculation for 129 12
Theoretical plates equation for 67 15
Thermophilic Campylobacter isolation in environmental waters 175 42
Thickening characteristics of sludges low speed centrifuge method 83 34
Thin layer chromatography see chromatographic methods
characterisation of oils etc using 86 5
Thiobacillus taste and odour problems 171 5
taste and odour problems 196 13
Thiocarbamate HPLC - UV determination of 127 7
Thiocyanate continuous flow method 100 39
index for IC methods 140 124
method for soil analysis 235 48
photometric method using Fe(III) 100 32
Rf values 167 17
standard solution 100 35
standard solution 100 42
titrimetric method using AgNO3 100 32
Thiofanox HPLC - MS method 158 16
Thionazin Rf values 60 11
Rf values 95 13
Thionazin-O-analogue Rf values 60 11
Rf values 95 13
Thiosulphate see sodium thiosulphate
index for IC methods 140 124
iodometric titration 100 25
Rf values 167 17
Thiosulphate citrate bile salt sucrose media for drinking waters 185 16
media for environmental waters 175 54
Thiram GC - FID method 127 27
Thorium dissolution of insoluble residues of 93 17
ICP - MS method 163 60
references for methods 29 44
Threshold odour number equation for 156 7
Threshold taste number equation for 156 19
Thulium reference to method of determination 1 6
TIE toxicity identification evaluation 219 6
toxicity identification evaluation 221 6
toxicity identification evaluation 225 6
Tin AAS or ICP method for total 142 27
additional analytical information 20 46
commercial hydride generation methods 99 38
dissolution of insoluble residues of 93 17
element characteristics in AAS 20 42
HPLC - AAS method for speciation of 142 25
hydride-DCM extract-GC for organo 142 17
ICP - MS method 163 60
ICP - MS method 204 25
index for IC methods 140 124
references for methods 29 44
reference to method of analysis 122 12
reference to method of determination 1 6
toluene extract-EAAAS for organo 142 7
toluene extract-EAAAS for organo 142 12
Tisbe battagliai see DTA
diagram 205 13
diagram 210 13
Titanium dissolution of insoluble residues of 93 17
element characteristics in AAS 20 42
ICP - MS method 163 60
ICP - MS method 204 25
index for IC methods 140 124
references for methods 29 44
reference to method of determination 1 6
Rf values in IC 75 72

Toluene Rf values 110 18
Rf values 170 10
COD recovery data 215 58
Toluene-d8 internal standard for VOCs 170 3
Toluenesulphonates index for IC methods 140 124
Total alkalinity see alkalinity
Total available chlorine DPD titrimetric method 27 15
DPD titrimetric method 218 17
DPD spectrophotometric method 27 21
DPD spectrophotometric method 218 25
iodometric method 27 10
iodometric method 218 12
Total carbon definition 157 15
Total cyanide see cyanide
Total dissolved solids drying method at 180 oC for 105 25
Total hardness accuracy of analytical results 43 18
EDTA titration 43 5
FIA 141 42
Total inorganic carbon definition 157 15
Total inorganic phosphorus see phosphorus 38 25
Total nitrogen continuous method 91 27
digestion method 91 12
Total organic carbon definitions 157 14
definition of terms used in 19 5
detection systems used in 19 14
instrumental method for determining 19 5
review 157 8
standard solution (50 mg/l) 59 14
types of instruments used in 19 21
Total oxidized nitrogen continuous flow method for nitrite 40 15
continuous flow method for nitrite 40 23
Devarda's alloy reduction method 40 9
Total oxygen demand see total organic carbon
Total phosphorus see phosphorus 38 26
continuous method 91 27
digestion method 91 12
Total solids content sewage, sludge and related solids 83 6
Total sulphur methods for determining 100 49
Toxicity identification evaluation see TIE
Toxicity source evaluation see TSE
Toxicity testing aerobic bacteria by growth inhibition 114 26
introduction to 64 7
protocol for flow-through procedures 64 40
protocol for static test procedure 64 36
Toxoplasma gondii significance of 176 23
Toxothrix diagram of 171 34
Tracers detection of 175 66
Trade effluent screening procedure for 5 10
trans-1,2-Dichloroethene Rf values 170 10
trans-1,3-Dichloropropene Rf values 170 10
Treponema hyodysenteriae in sewage sludge 188 18
Triademefon EC - GC method 174 7
Tri-allate HPLC - UV method 127 7
HPLC - UV method 127 19
TLC method 127 21
Tribromoacetate see index for IC methods 140 124
Tribromomethane see bromoform
see trihalomethanes
Rf values 110 18
Tributylammonium see index for IC methods 140 124
Trichloroacetate see index for IC methods 140 124
Trichloroacetic acid GC - MS method for 166 1
2,3,6-Trichloroanisole taste and odour problems 171 27
taste and odour problems 196 12
1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene Rf values 96 10
1,2,5-Trichlorobenzene Rf values 96 10
1,3,5-Trichlorobenzene Rf values 96 10
2,3,6-Trichlorobenzoic acid EC - GC method 90 15
GC - MS method 166 20
pentfluorobenzyl ester / EC - GC 90 23
1,1,1-Trichloroethane distillation/extraction/ GC method 96 28
GC - EC head space method 110 19
GC - EC pentane extraction method 110 24
Rf values 34 15
Rf values 110 18
Rf values 110 34
Rf values 170 10
headspace method 170 20
1,1,2-Trichloroethane GC - EC head space method 110 19
GC - EC pentane extraction method 110 24
Rf values 170 10
Trichloroethene Rf values 170 10
Trichloroethylene distillation/extraction/ GC method 96 28
GC - EC head space method 110 19
GC - EC pentane extraction method 110 24
Rf values 34 15
Rf values 110 18
Rf values 110 34
Trichlorofluoromethane Rf values 170 10
Trichloromethane see trihalomethanes
see chloroform
1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene Rf values 170 11
1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene Rf values 170 11
1,3,5-Trichlorobenzene Rf values 170 11
2,3,4-Trichlorophenol HPLC - UV method 124 32
2,3,5-Trichlorophenol HPLC - UV method 124 32
2,3,6-Trichlorophenol HPLC - UV method 124 32

2,4,5-Trichlorophenol see phenol 50 15
GC - EC pentafluorobenzoyl ester 124 8
HPLC - UV method 124 32
methylation / EC - GC method 90 15
2,4,6-Trichlorophenol see phenol 50 15
biodegradation 199 23
GC - EC pentafluorobenzoyl ester 124 8
HPLC - UV method 124 32
methylation / EC-GC method 90 15
Rf values 124 53
taste and odour problems 171 27
taste and odour problems 196 12
3,4,5-Trichlorophenol HPLC - UV method 124 32
2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxy acetic acid see 2,4,5-T
1,2,3-Trichloropropane Rf values 170 10
1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane distillation/extraction/ GC method 96 28
Trichuris reference to 175 69
Triclopyr GC - MS method for 166 1
Triethylamine see index for IC methods 140 124
Trifluoroacetate see index for IC methods 140 124
Trifluralin EC - GC method 174 7
Trihalomethanes GC method for determining 34 4
Rf values 34 15
Trimetaphosphate see index for IC methods 140 124
Trimethylamine see index for IC methods 140 124
1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene Rf values 170 10
1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene Rf values 170 10
Triphenylene internal standard for PAHs 165 12
Triple sugar iron agar media for drinking waters 184 11
media for drinking waters 185 9
media for drinking waters 206 11
media for environmental waters 175 39
Tripolyphosphate index for IC methods 140 124
Tripropylamine index for IC methods 140 124
Tris-buffered peptone media for drinking waters 185 8
Tritiated water see tritium
Tritium determination of 94 65
determination of 173 1
guidance on measurement 198 7
organically bound (definition) 198 7
Tryptone nutrient agar media for drinking waters 223 12
Tryptone water media for drinking waters 179 11
media for drinking waters 223 12
media for environmental waters 175 22
Tryptone yeast extract glucose agar media for environmental waters 175 63
Tryptone yeast extract glucose broth media for environmental waters 175 63

Tryptose sulphite cycloserine agar media for drinking waters 180 7
media for drinking waters 213 7
media for drinking waters 222 8
media for drinking waters 230 8
media for environmental waters 175 33
TSE toxicity source evaluation 219 6
toxicity source evaluation 221 6
toxicity source evaluation 225 6
Tungstate see index for IC methods 140 124
Tungsten references for methods 29 44
Turbidity nephelometric method 103 18
Secchi disc method 103 16
standard solution 103 19
suspension for adsorption 51 9

Ultraviolet spectrophotometry review 30 1

Underwater light determination of 88 29
Uranium cathodic stripping voltammetry 122 71
ICP - MS method 163 60
references for methods 29 44
reference to method of analysis 122 12
standard solution 122 74
UV-visible fluorescence measurement 94 64
Urea accuracy of analytical results 87 24
continuous method 87 14
continuous method 87 21
spectrophotometric method 87 5
standard solution 87 8
standard solution 87 18
Urea broth media for environmental waters 175 40
media for drinking waters 184 12
media for drinking waters 186 10
media for drinking waters 206 11

Vahlkampfia host for Legionella 200 15

Valerate index for IC methods 140 124
Vanadium cathodic stripping voltammetry 122 39
dissolution of insoluble residues of 93 17
EAAAS methoid 123 77
element characteristics in AAS 20 42
ICP - MS method 163 60
ICP - MS method 204 16
index for IC methods 140 124
references for methods 29 44
reference to method of analysis 122 12
reference to method of determination 1 6
Rf values in IC 75 72
standard solution 123 80
Vancomycin cefixime cefsulodin broth see VCC broth
VCC broth preparation 161 11
Verocytotoxin-producing organisms 161 7
organisms 176 18
Vibrio significance of 176 19
Vibrio cholerae isolation of 175 53
method for drinking water 185 14
significance of 176 19
Vibrio fluvialis pathogenicity of 175 53
significance of 176 20
Vibrio furnissii significance of 176 20
Vibrio hollisae significance of 176 20
Vibrio metschnikovii growth of 175 53
Vibrio mimicus pathogenicity of 175 53
significance of 176 20
Vibrio parahaemolyticus pathogenicity of 175 53
significance of 176 19
vibriostatic test for 231 14
Vibrio spp isolation of 175 53
method for drinking water 185 14
Vibriostatic test details of 183 11
details of 231 14
Vinyl acetate P and T method 170 18
Vinyl chloride Rf values 170 10
Viruses Hepatitis A 176 20
human enteric 160 9
Norwalk-like 176 20
reference to methodology 175 69
Visible spectrophotometry review 30 1
VOCs see volatile organic compounds
Volatile fatty acids see fatty acids
hydroxylamine photometric method 21 12
standard acid solutions 21 8
Volatile organic carbon definition 157 16
Volatile organic compounds P and T / GC - MS method for 170 1

Watanabes index meaning of 153 29

Water-borne disease significance of 176 29
Waxes see oils
Weibutt function DTA test 219 19
DTA test 221 19
DTA test 225 19
Wijs' solution preparation of 78 16
Wilcoxon rank sum test DTA test 219 21
DTA test 221 21
DTA test 225 21
Wild-life initial preparation prior to analysis 89 21
Williams test DTA test 219 21
DTA test 221 21
DTA test 225 21

X-ray diffraction summary of 29 26
X-ray fluorescence details of 81 18
radioactivity measurements 94 55
review of 1 45
summary of 29 22
table of wavelenghths 94 58
Xanthate HPLC - UV method 127 7
Xanthomonas maltophilia identification of 162 33
Xenon references for methods 29 44
Xenorhabdus spp classification of 162 30
Xylene isomers Rf values 170 10
2,3-Xylenol GC - EC pentafluorobenzoyl ester 124 8
2,4-Xylenol see phenol 50 15
GC - EC pentafluorobenzoyl ester 124 8
2,5-Xylenol see phenol 50 15
GC - EC pentafluorobenzoyl ester 124 8
2,6-Xylenol see phenol 50 15
GC - EC pentafluorobenzoyl ester 124 8
3,4-Xylenol see phenol 50 15
GC - EC pentafluorobenzoyl ester 124 8
3,5-Xylenol see phenol 50 15
GC - EC pentafluorobenzoyl ester 124 8
Xylenols HPLC - UV method 124 32
Xylose lysine desoxycholate agar media for drinking waters 184 10
media for drinking waters 206 10
media for environmental waters 175 38
Xylycarb HPLC - MS method 158 16

Yeast extract agar media for drinking waters 182 8

media for drinking waters 212 7
media for environmental waters 175 35
Yeast extract broth media for environmental waters 175 49
Yeasts isolation of 171 9
isolation of 197 11
Yersinia method for drinking water 185 7
significance of 176 13
significance of 176 19
isolation of 223 9
Yersinia enterocolitica classification of 162 30
identification of isolate 223 98
significance of 176 19
Yersinia frederiksenii significance of 176 19
Yersinia intermedia significance of 176 19
Yersinia kristensenii significance of 176 19
Yersinia pestis significance of 176 19
Yersinia pseudotuberculosis significance of 176 19
Yersinia spp identification of isolate 223 97
identification of isolate 223 98
Ytterbium references for methods 29 44
reference to method of determination 1 6
Yttrium index for IC methods 140 124
reference to method of determination 1 6
references for methods 29 44

Zinc AAS method 31 4

AAS method for sewage sludge 49 4
AAS/HCl-HNO3 digestion in sewages 93 20
AAS/HCl-HNO3 digestion for soils 93 8
cathodic stripping voltammetry 122 49
Zinc (continued) dissolution of insoluble residues of 93 17
EAAAS method 123 83
element characteristics in AAS 20 42
extractable by 0.5M acetic acid 71 13
extractable by 0.05M EDTA from soil 71 5
ICP - MS method 163 60
ICP - MS method 204 16
index for IC methods 140 124
references for methods 29 44
reference to method of analysis 122 12
Rf values in IC 75 72
saline waters by APDC - AAS 122 101
standard solution 31 6
Zineb GC - FID method 127 27
Zirconium dissolution of insoluble residues of 93 17
element characteristics in AAS 20 42
references for methods 29 44
reference to method of determination 1 6

Address for correspondence

However well procedures may be tested, there is always the possibility of discovering
hitherto unknown problems. Analysts with such information are requested to contact the
Secretary of the Standing Committee of Analysts at the address given below. In addition, if
users wish to receive advance notice of forthcoming publications, please contact the

Standing Committee of Analysts
Environment Agency (National Laboratory Service)
56 Town Green Street

Environment Agency
Standing Committee of Analysts

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Solihull B91 1QT Exeter EX2 7LQ NORTH

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