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Special Considerations in the Management of

Osteomyelitis Defects (Diabetes, the Ischemic

or Dysvascular Bed, and Irradiation)
Catherine M. Hannan, M.D.,1 and Christopher E. Attinger, M.D., Ph.D.1


Although osteomyelitis is a difficult problem, certain conditions make it even

more difficult to address. Diabetes, peripheral vascular disease, and radiation are all
comorbidities that interfere with wound healing and therefore make the treatment of
osteomyelitis challenging. In this article, we discuss these conditions, their pathophysiol-
ogy, and highlight the special considerations in treating osteomyelitis in patients with these

KEYWORDS: Osteomyelitis, diabetes, peripheral vascular disease, radiation, wound


DIABETES Risk Factors for Ulceration and Infection

in the Diabetic Patient
The Scope of the Problem
Diabetes has been estimated to affect 11 million IMPAIRED PROTECTIVE SENSATION/SENSORY
Americans, and of these, 25% will develop foot prob- NEUROPATHY
lems.1 It has been shown that at least 15% of all hospital The chronic hyperglycemia associated with diabetes
admissions and 23% of all hospital days for diabetic contributes to accumulations of sorbitol and other me-
patients are directly related to foot infections.2 The end tabolites, and nerves ultimately lose the ability to con-
result of diabetic foot infections by and large has been duct electrical impulses. Endoneural hypoxia results in
amputation. It has been estimated that 1 in 15 diabetic nerve fiber loss.4,5 This ultimately leads to sensory loss of
persons required an amputation in their lifetime.3 Two the extremities in a glove and stocking fashion, motor
thirds of all nontraumatic amputations occur in dia- function loss, and dysfunction of autonomic nerve reg-
betics. Ultimately, 50% of diabetic patients with a ulation of the microvasculature.
below-knee amputation require a contralateral amputa- Autonomic neuropathy inhibits the ability of
tion within 2 years. Finally, patients with bilateral leg the skin to sweat, which leads to excessively dry skin.
amputations have a nearly 100% mortality rate at 5 years. The skin of the foot is prone to breakdown because the
It is clear, therefore, that whereas progressively higher underlubricated skin forms fissures or cracks, providing
amputations may cure the osteomyelitis, its impact on a portal of entry for bacteria potentially to infect the
long-term survival can be devastating. foot.6

Department of Plastic Surgery, Georgetown University Hospital, Osteomyelitis; Guest Editors, Christopher J. Salgado, M.D., and
Washington, D.C. Lawrence B. Colen, M.D.
Address for correspondence and reprint requests: Christopher E. Semin Plast Surg 2009;23:132140. Copyright # 2009 by Thieme
Attinger, M.D., Ph.D., Director, Wound Healing Center, George- Medical Publishers, Inc., 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001,
town University Hospital, 3800 Reservoir Road, NW, Washington, USA. Tel: +1(212) 584-4662.
DC 20007 (e-mail: [email protected]). DOI 10.1055/s-0029-1214165. ISSN 1535-2188.

The neuropathy of the diabetic also affects the

motor nerves of the intrinsic muscles of the foot, resulting
in alterations in pressure distribution and changes in gait.
The intrinsic and the extrinsic muscles of the foot are
most often affected, and the resulting muscle imbalance
leads to weak dorsiflexion and claw toes.7 Furthermore, as
has been demonstrated in diabetic mice, the collagen
fibrils of soft tissue such as the Achilles tendon become
glycosylated and thickened.8 Because of the loss of
Achilles tendon flexibility, the foot gradually loses its
ability to dorsiflex during gait, exaggerating pressure on
the forefoot, specifically the metatarsal heads. The loss
of the rolling motion of the ankle creates a longer lever Figure 1 Acute Charcot collapse with characteristic ery-
arm than normal and places abnormal forces on the thema, rubor, and swelling.1 Of note, there is no ulceration
midfoot. These forces cause a nutcracker effect at the on this foot. However, with a history of breakdown or wound,
ankle joint, and the deformity from a neuropathic joint a deep abscess cannot be excluded.
can lead to Charcot collapse of the arch or cause localized
soft tissue breakdown (i.e., skin and deeper soft tissue
necrosis).9 Most commonly, these ulcers are seen under protect the joint results in gradual bone fracture and in
the metatarsal heads, specifically the first metatarsal; subluxation and collapse of the joint.
however, they can occur anywhere a bony prominence The clinical presentation of Charcot arthropathy
may be found. This contiguous ulcer becomes one can vary widely depending on the stage of the disease.
source of infection that may lead to osteomyelitis. Thus, symptoms can range from mild swelling and no
deformity to moderate deformity with significant swel-
CHARCOT ARTHROPATHY ling. Acute Charcot arthropathy almost always presents
The long-term effects of neuropathy in the diabetic with signs of inflammation. Profound unilateral swel-
foot warrant a discussion of Charcot arthropathy, as ling, an increase in local skin temperature compared
many an astute clinician has been fooled by its pre- with the unaffected foot, erythema, joint effusion, and
sentation, which often mimics a severely infected foot. bone resorption in an insensate foot are commonly
Most commonly seen with diabetic neuropathy, the present. These characteristics, in the presence of intact
disorder results in progressive destruction of bone and skin and a loss of protective sensation, are often
soft tissues at weight-bearing joints; in its most severe pathognomonic of acute Charcot arthropathy. The
form, it may cause significant disruption of the bony distinction between an acute Charcot collapse and acute
architecture. The exact cause of the arthropathy is deep abscess or infection can be confusing, but with the
unknown, but two theories exist, which are related to latter, the patient will usually have a history of preced-
the above previously described neuropathic changes. In ing ulcer. The key is to determine whether the present-
the neurotraumatic theory, the arthropathy is believed ing Charcot collapse is sterile or has superimposed
to be caused by an unperceived trauma or injury to an infection (Figs. 13).
insensate foot. This trauma is compounded by the tight
Achilles tendon incurred, as previously described, as a ALTERED IMMUNE RESPONSE
result of glycosylation of the collagen fibrils. The Once skin ulceration has occurred, the protective cuta-
sensory neuropathy renders the patient unaware of the neous barrier is lost, allowing a portal of entry for
osseous destruction that occurs with ambulation. This infection. The diabetic patient then has an altered
microtrauma leads to progressive destruction and dam- immune response to infection, as hyperglycemia allows
age to bone and joints. In the neurovascular theory, it is bacteria to replicate at an increased rate and causes
suggested that the autonomic neuropathy increases defects in leukocyte function. These defects in infection
local blood flow to the extremity because of decreased control consist of defective chemotaxis and decreased
sympathetic tone. This in turn alters the balance be- bactericidal function. Other abnormalities in the dia-
tween bone destruction and synthesis, leading to betic that can affect the immune defenses are defective
osteopenia.10 In reality, Charcot arthropathy is prob- antibody synthesis and decreased complement levels.11
ably related to a combination of mechanisms. The The persistent infection in turn causes hyperglycemia,
autonomic neuropathy leads to abnormal bone forma- leading to a vicious cycle of perpetuated infection and
tion, the sensory neuropathy leads to an insensate joint attenuated immune response. For all of the preceding
that is susceptible to trauma, and the tight Achilles reasons, many diabetics who present with a foot in-
tendon places extra stress on the skeletal framework. fection have underlying osteomyelitis, which can
The development of abnormal bone with no ability to present as a persistent draining sinus or, in the presence

Figure 2 (A, B) Charcot arthropathy of the midfoot including the calcaneus and talus. The patient does not have underlying
plantar ulceration. Note the progressive bony destruction with collapse of the midfoot, the dorsiflexed calcaneus due to a tight
Achilles tendon, and the lateral subluxation of the metatarsals relative to the tarsal bones.

of significant vascular disease, tissue necrosis with S. aureus adheres to bone by expressing receptors (adhe-
spreading cellulitis. sions) for components of bone matrix (fibronectin,
From the microbiology standpoint, aerobic gram- laminin, collagen, and bone sialoglycoprotein). S. aureus
positive cocci are the predominant microorganisms that can also be internalized by osteoblasts and survive intra-
colonize and acutely infect breaks in the skin. Staph- cellularly, which may explain the difficulty of getting rid
ylococcus aureus and the b-hemolytic streptococci (groups of chronic bone infection.13
A, C, and G, but especially group B) are the most
commonly isolated pathogens in diabetic wounds.
Chronic wounds develop a more complex colonizing Diagnosis of Osteomyelitis in the Diabetic
flora, including enterococci, various Enterobacteriaceae, Patient
obligate anaerobes, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and occa- In general, the diagnosis of osteomyelitis in the diabetic
sionally other nonfermentative gram-negative rods. Hos- patient is made on the basis of physical findings, with the
pitalization, surgical procedures, and prolonged or broad- gold standard being a bone specimen and tissue diag-
spectrum antibiotic therapy may predispose patients to nosis. On physical exam, patients will present with a
colonization and/or infection with antibiotic-resistant chronic draining wound, possibly with exposed bone.
organisms (e.g., methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus The presence of exposed bone or probing to bone in a
[MRSA] or vancomycin-resistant enterococci [VRE]).12 diabetic foot wound had always been thought to be
Peculiarities about Staphylococcus species make it not representative of osteomyelitis,14 but newer literature
surprising, and even expected, that a diabetic patient suggests that this cannot necessarily be relied upon as
would develop osteomyelitis. It has been shown that an accurate diagnostic test. Shone et al15 in 2006 suggest
that instead, one can more precisely say that the diag-
nosis of osteomyelitis is unlikely in any wound that
cannot be probed to bone.
As was previously stated, the immune response in
the diabetic patient may be altered or diminished.
Therefore, a patient with chronic osteomyelitis may
not have an elevated white blood cell (WBC) count or
present with a fever. Armstrong et al16 reviewed the
hospital admission data of 28 patients with type II
diabetes with acute osteomyelitis secondary to neuro-
pathic ulceration. The mean WBC count of all patients
was 11.9, with 54% of those patients having a normal
count. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) was ele-
vated in 96%, but this value will also be elevated in a
patient with Charcot changes and no infection. Finally,
Figure 3 This patient has obvious Charcot collapse with the oral temperature was normal in 82% of the patients.
contiguous soft tissue ulceration. This has led to the devel- Therefore, the authors conclude that a normal WBC
opment of chronic midfoot osteomyelitis. count should not deter one from taking appropriate

action to mitigate the propagation of a potentially limb- disease specialist, orthopedic surgeon, clinical wound
threatening foot infection. care nurse practitioners, vascular surgeon, endocrinolo-
Finally, as previously discussed, elevated serum gists, hospitalist, nephrologists, nutritionist, pedorthist,
glucose can be a marker of systemic and less often local and physical therapist.
infection in the diabetic patient. In their history, the The principles for osteomyelitis include aggres-
compliant patient will often complain of long-standing sive debridement to healthy bleeding soft tissue and
difficulty with elevated blood sugars roughly correspond- bone. Often, this means opening up the ulcer and
ing with the time frame of the presence of their ulcer. filleting the tissue widely down to the nearest bone,
Often, recalcitrant hyperglycemia is the only systemic if not already exposed and contiguous. All infected
manifestation of osteomyelitis in these patients. bone should be removed, and cultures of the infected
The imaging modalities for osteomyelitis in the bone and the margin of the residual bone should be
diabetic patient are generally the same as those for other sent. The wound is serially debrided until the bacterial
patients with osteomyelitis. Plain radiographs are the count is down to few or none. This may take up to 10
most simple and inexpensive of the diagnostic tools. The debridements depending on the type of bacteria and
sensitivity and specificity of plain films for the diagnosis the medical condition of the patient. If the infected
of osteomyelitis in the diabetic foot are 60% and 66%, bone is completely removed, as in the case of a phalanx
respectively.17 Unfortunately, osteomyelitis usually must or metatarsal, 1 week of antibiotic coverage after
be present for at least 10 days to 3 weeks before the closure of the wound is appropriate. If only a part of
infection becomes detectable on plain films.18 It also is the bone has been removed (i.e., calcaneus or tibia),
difficult to diagnose in patients with severe neuropathic then a full 6- to 8-week course of antibiotics should be
bone disease, because the radiographic findings are very administered.12
Bone scans have a sensitivity of 86% and specific-
ity of 45% in diagnosing foot osteomyelitis in diabetic The Role of Biofilms in Perpetuation
patients and rank second among the least expensive tests of Osteomyelitis
for osteomyelitis.17 The main drawback of this test is a Many authors have described the role of biofilm in the
high false-positive rate in patients with diabetes, which perpetuation of infection. A biofilm colony is a complex,
is due to the presence of neuropathic osteoarthropathy structured, interdependent community of microorgan-
and or a wound overlying the suspected site. Other isms enclosed in a self-produced polymeric matrix (the
causes of false-positive results in triple-phase bone scans biofilm, frequently referred to as glycocalyx or slime).
include fractures and previous surgery.19 Biofilm is adherent to inert and living surfaces that have
Computed tomography (CT) remains a diagnos- sufficient moisture and/or nutrients to sustain its sur-
tic option when other studies are not available. However, vival.20 It frequently forms on environmental surfaces,
the main limitation of this study is its inability to medical devices, and traumatized or compromised living
differentiate between soft tissue changes secondary to and nonviable necrotic tissues such as wounds. The
suppurative infection, fibrosis, chronic ischemia, neuro- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
pathic changes, or osteomyelitis.19 Recently, magnetic has suggested that biofilms account for 80% of human
resonance imaging (MRI) has become widely available infections. In one study, cultures of pus, exudate, joint
and provides an excellent means for differentiation aspirate, and blood were obtained aseptically from cases
between infections of soft tissue and bone. MRI has of osteomyelitis and septic arthritis. Glycocalyx was
performed better than plain films, bone scans, and found in 76.3% of isolates of S. aureus, 57.1% of Staph-
tagged leukocyte scans in diagnosing osteomyelitis in ylococcus epidermidis, 50% of P. aeruginosa, and 75% of
diabetic patients with soft tissue infections of the foot. Escherichia coli. In another study, tissues from biomate-
Its sensitivity and specificity were 99% and 83%, respec- rials and prosthesis-related infection were examined in
tively, in one study.17 MRI, however, can be prohib- 25 surgical patients in a general hospital setting, and it
itively expensive and its results interpreter-dependent. was found that 76% of the causative bacteria grew in
Ultimately, bone biopsy is the best diagnostic option in biofilms; 17 of these infections were associated with
the diabetic patient with accessible tissue; the reported orthopedic prostheses, 59% of which were in biofilms.
sensitivity is 94%.17 It is therefore understandable that the avascular and
necrotic nature of osteomyelitic bone would be an
excellent substrate for the adherence of biofilm.
Special Considerations in the Treatment Laboratory research is ongoing into the molecular
of Osteomyelitis in the Diabetic Patient and chemical treatment of biofilms; however, there is no
At our institution, we employ a multidisciplinary team clear answer on how to eradicate it. It is the opinion of
approach to the patient with a diabetic foot ulcer. The the senior author, however, that aggressive surgical
team consists of a plastic surgeon, podiatrist, infectious debridement to only healthy, bleeding, viable tissue

followed by copious irrigation with at least 3 L sterile propriate antibiotics are on board, attention can then be
irrigation can best attempt to eliminate biofilm. The turned to the reconstruction of the bone deficit and
Versajet (Smith & Nephew, London, UK) hydrosurgery options for soft tissue coverage. The orthopedic surgeon
device uses a high-pressure jet of sterile saline that travels is instrumental in determining whether the extremity,
parallel to the wound surface. This high-speed jet creates after excision of the affected bone, can be functional. If
a Venturi effect that enables the surgeon to simulta- traumatic fractures are within the field of the debrided
neously hold, cut, and remove tissue while irrigating and wound bed, the external fixation, or Ilizarov approach,
aspirating the wound. This new technology allows the should be employed. This allows for clearance of in-
surgeon to differentiate between tissue types through fection from the debrided bone while employing the
technique as well as by varying power settings, therefore principles of rigid fixation and possible fusion of the
sparing viable tissue while precisely targeting and re- affected bone ends.
moving biofilm, debris, and damaged tissue. In the In concert with the orthopedics team, bone ce-
treatment of osteomyelitis, a nitrogen-driven or electri- ment impregnated with antibiotics (gentamicin or van-
cal sagittal saw is useful for serially sawing off bone slices comycin) is often employed to help in local clearance of
until normal cortex and marrow is reached. Cutting infection. This is a temporary solution, however, and is
burrs and rasps are likewise useful in the fine debride- usually removed at a later reconstructive stage, when the
ment of the bone surface to reach the telltale punctate wound has healed. If removed, the resulting defect is
bleeding at the freshened bone surface (paprika sign) filled with bone graft. If there is a significant bony deficit
(Fig. 4). (> 6 cm) in a load-bearing extremity, or significant soft
Finally, whereas the orthopedic literature often tissue loss associated with the infection, free tissue
advocates the ability to salvage infected hardware if it is transfer, such as a free fibula osteocutaneous flap, may
important to bony union, we have not generally found it be considered. However, these procedures are not with-
possible to eradicate infection around implanted hard- out significant risk in the diabetic patient because of the
ware, especially in the diabetic limb. As previously patients overall medical condition.
stated, hardware is an excellent medium for biofilm Lastly, whereas aggressive limb salvage should be
and hence difficult to completely eradicate. We therefore considered early in any diabetic patient presenting with
advocate removal of all internal hardware in the setting an ulcer or osteomyelitis, the risks of repeated operations
of osteomyelitis and replacement with external fixation is only justified if the patient can tolerate the procedures
(i.e., Ilizarov frame). and the process will lead to a functional limb. The option
After the blood flow is determined to be adequate, of amputation should always be discussed with the
the wound has been adequately debrided, and the ap- patient.

Figure 4 (A, B) Cutting burrs and rasps are used in the fine debridement of the bone surface to reach the telltale punctate
bleeding at the freshened bone surface (paprika sign).

PERIPHERAL VASCULAR DISEASE pedis and posterior tibial artery, are palpated and com-
Vascular disease and diabetes are inextricably linked, as pared with the radial or carotid pulse. Palpable pulses can
diabetes is a risk factor for vascular disease. In addition to be misleading in patients with edema or in patients with
the microvascular insufficiency evidenced by neuropathy, severe atherosclerotic disease and calcified noncompres-
nephropathy, and retinopathy, diabetes predisposes to sible vessels. The next tool in the examination of the
macrovascular disease, specifically cerebrovascular occlu- extremity is the ultrasonic Doppler. A biphasic or
sion, coronary artery disease, and, lastly, peripheral triphasic signal with an ultrasonic Doppler usually in-
vascular disease. The most frequently affected vessels dicates adequate flow. On ultrasound, average velocities
are at the popliteal bifurcation and involve the anterior through the popliteal and tibial segments should run
tibia and the tibio-peroneal trunk. The vessels of the foot around 60 to 70 cm/s to ensure adequate perfusion.22
and ankle are usually spared. Segmental pressures or ankle-brachial indices
The pathophysiology of osteomyelitis in the dys- (ABIs) can be useful in the diagnosis of arterial occlu-
vascular patient is similar to that previously described for sion. Segmental systolic blood pressure measurements
diabetes. It usually starts insidiously in an area of pre- are made by placing blood pressure cuffs and measuring
viously traumatized skin in a patient with claudication or pressures around the high thigh, above and below the
rest pain. The trauma may be the tipping point in tissue knee, and at the ankle. Pressure decreases of  20 mm
that may have only marginal blood flow in the baseline, Hg between levels indicate obstruction. The ankle pres-
uninjured state. Cellulitis may be minimal as the infec- sure is compared with the higher of the two brachial
tion progressively burrows its way to the underlying bone artery pressures, resulting in the ABI. An ABI of < 0.9 is
(i.e., phalanges, metatarsal heads, and tarsal bones). The diagnostic of vascular disease. Calcified vessels, a hall-
infection and the ischemic bed become a perpetual mark of diabetic occlusive disease, reduce the sensitivity
chronic cycle. The relatively avascular and ischemic of the test of the ABI. This should be suspected if the
nature of the infected soft tissue and bone produces an ankle pressure is > 50 mm Hg above brachial pressure.
area of lowered oxygen tension as well as an area that Arteries that do not occlude with cuffs inflated at
antibiotics cannot penetrate. The lowered oxygen tension  250 mm Hg are said to be noncompressible. Both of
effectively reduces the bactericidal activities of polymor- these circumstances will produce artificially elevated
phic nucleocytes (PMNs) and also favors the conversion ABIs. These limitations can be overcome by measuring
of a previously aerobic infection to one that is anaerobic. the toe-brachial index (TBI), because digital calcification
The diffusion rate of antibiotics into dead bone is so low is rarely a problem. A normal TBI is > 0.65.22
that frequently it is impossible to reach the organisms Segmental pressures give information about mac-
regardless of the external concentration. This may lead to rocirculation; however, tests assessing microcirculation
ineffective antibiotic concentrations at the site of infec- and skin perfusion may be more meaningful in patients
tion despite therapeutic serum levels.21 with diabetic foot ulcers, especially those whose ABIs are
It has been theorized that in osteomyelitis in a unreliable because of calcified tibial arteries. Transcuta-
diabetic patient with normal blood flow, the adequate neous oxygen tension (TcPO2) is a noninvasive measure
vascular supply will allow the patient to contain the of local oxygen supply to the tissue and has been used as a
infection, and the result will be a draining sinus probing predictor of potential for wound healing.22 A surface
to bone. However, the dysvascular patient will develop electrode is affixed to the skin near the lesion of interest.
gangrene when challenged with an infectious process.2 Several measurements should be taken at three or four
sites around the ulcer. Oxygen diffusing to the skin is
reduced at the cathode to produce a current. The
Diagnosis of Peripheral Vascular Disease strength of the current is proportional to the amount
Any diabetic foot wound or chronic, nonhealing wound of oxygen reduced. This test may be unreliable in the
mandates a thorough vascular exam. This is important to presence of cellulitis, smoking before examination, cool
determine not only the potential for healing or lack body temperature, or increased sympathetic tone. Thick-
thereof but also the exact vascular status of the limb if ened skin, such as the plantar aspect of the foot, may be
the resultant wound will ultimately require microvascu- unsuitable for this type of examination. Nevertheless, a
lar free tissue transfer. The survey begins with a detailed measurement of partial pressure of oxygen (PO2)
history looking at claudication or rest pain, smoking < 20 mm Hg is considered to be incompatible with
history, coronary artery disease, cerebrovascular disease healing.22
or stroke, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, or kidney All these noninvasive studies, while posing the
disease. The physical exam begins with an inspection of patient no risk, are unfortunately indirect measurements
skin color and quality, temperature, as well as loss of hair of perfusion of the limb. If there is any question, the
on the extremity. With severe peripheral artery disease, patient should be referred to a vascular surgeon. Various
dependent rubor is seen and may be mistaken for imaging possibilities exist including MRI angiography,
cellulitis. Next, the pedal pulses, including the dorsalis CT angiography, and contrast angiography. Contrast

angiography remains the gold standard for diagnosis of rosis (ORN). It is traditionally described as exposed
peripheral vascular occlusion. irradiated bone that fails to heal over a period of
3 months.24 Doses of radiation above 50 Gy usually
are required to cause ORN, and the mandible is the most
Treatment of Peripheral Vascular Disease commonly involved bone. Other bones also affected
in the Setting of Osteomyelitis include the frontal bone, cervical spine, maxilla, tempo-
The presence of vascular disease must be considered in ral bones, skull, and nasal bones.21 Despite improve-
the patient with osteomyelitis. If the associated wound is ments in radiotherapy technique, the risk of
stable, revascularization should occur after a deep culture osteoradionecrosis is not totally eliminated. The avas-
has been obtained. If the wound is unstable, it should be cular and possibly dead bone eventually presents an
initially debrided and then revascularization should pro- excellent medium for bacterial contamination, supra-
ceed urgently. Once the necrotic tissue is removed, infection, and then chronic infection and osteomyelitis.
vascularity becomes of paramount importance and will Osteoradionecrosis with osteomyelitis will often
determine if the infection can be eradicated and if the present with a draining tract, chronic deep bone pain,
wound will go on to heal. As previously mentioned, the erythema, fluctuating abscesses, and deformity or insta-
vascular disease in diabetics is usually in the tibial- bility. It can also present with the more serious compli-
peroneal trunk and calf vessels, often sparing pedal cations of pathologic fracture and over several years
vessels. Percutaneous angioplasty and stenting are be- progress to possible malignant transformation and car-
coming more successful in treating these difficult lesions. cinoma.
Angioplasty at that level can be difficult, and the vascular The same devastating consequences of irradiation
surgeon may have to resort to a vein bypass graft or apply to the soft tissue envelope surrounding the osteo-
Gore-Tex (W.L. Gore & Associates, Inc., Elkson, MD) myelitic bone. Often, the field of damage is even wider
bypass graft with vein patch. Autogenous vein has been and more severe than that of the bony skeleton and
shown to have superior outcomes to both prosthetic causes difficulties in the treatment and reconstruction of
grafts and noninvasive, percutaneous interventions. It osteomyelitis. The inadvertent effects of radiotherapy
is with adequate revascularization of the foot that dia- are such that small blood vessels within nontarget
betic patients can combat the osteomyelitis and emerge tissues are frequently damaged to the point where they
with a healed extremity. The vascular surgeon plays a lose their ability to adequately perfuse. In addition to
critical role in the multidisciplinary approach to limb direct tissue necrosis and wounds caused by the radiation
salvage in the diabetic patient. damage, the surrounding tissue also suffers ischemia. It
often becomes erythematous and darkened, as evidenced
by the radiation shadow, with telangiectasias repre-
IRRADIATION senting clotted capillaries. The tissue is indurated and
Radiation has become a mainstay in the treatment for firm, caused by the destroyed subdermal lymphatics.
local-regional control of many neoplasms, specifically Finally, the tissue is friable and easily traumatized,
head and neck cancers. As effective a tool as it has proved leading to recurrent ulceration.
to be, irradiation may cause the 3 H statushypoxia, Diagnosis of osteomyelitis in the setting of radi-
hypovascularity, hypocellularityand impair normal col- ation is guided by the principles that apply to all of
lagen synthesis and cell production, leading to tissue osteomyelitis. The diagnosis is usually clinical, with a
breakdown and a chronic nonhealing wound.23,24 The draining wound usually probing to exposed bone. Radio-
hypothesized mechanism is as follows. The layer of graphs may be helpful and show cortical destruction or
endothelium supplying the irradiated area starts to pro- lytic and hazy areas. A bone scan, CT scan, or MRI scan
liferate, resulting in a proliferative endarteritis. This pro- will all potentially show medullary destruction.
liferation, most often noted in the capillaries, continues The general principles for treatment of osteomye-
and interferes with normal tissue perfusion. The tissue litis in the setting of radiation are similar to those for
begins to manifest ischemic changes and may become osteomyelitis in the diabetic or dysvascular patient. The
frankly necrotic. In irradiated areas, ischemia and necrosis chronic osteomyelitic bone sequestra must be aggres-
can occur, and this tissue may survive without adequate sively debrided to healthy bleeding bone. A nitrogen-
blood supply for a long period of time, until a traumatic or driven or electrical sagittal saw is useful for serially
infectious incident triggers the events leading to extensive sawing off bone slices until normal cortex and marrow
tissue death.25 Additionally, fibroblasts are believed to is reached. Cutting burrs and rasps are likewise useful in
suffer a direct hit from the radiation beam itself, as free the fine debridement of the bone surface to reach the
radicals lead to fibroblast dysfunction and decreased telltale punctate bleeding at the freshened bone surface
collagen deposition in soft tissues.26 (paprika sign). Furthermore, the surrounding radiated
The most commonly described and devastating soft tissue must be debrided to healthy bleeding tissue if
direct bony consequence of irradiation is osteoradionec- there is any evidence of infection or necrosis.

In terms of reconstruction of the bony defects increase local tissue oxygenation and thus enhance neo-
caused by the osteomyelitis and its resection, radiation vascularization and wound healing. It has been shown to
presents a challenging problem. In the rare case of elevate tissue oxygen tension and may stimulate collagen
irradiation to a long bone or extremity, an orthopedic synthesis and fibroblastic proliferation. HBO alone,
surgeon should be involved to determine if weight- however, has been unsuccessful in treating osteoradio-
bearing will be affected. For bony defects, reconstruction necrosis, as it cannot revitalize necrotic bone. Therefore,
with external fixation (such as the Ilizarov technique) the dead sequestra must be surgically debrided. HBO
may be necessary. Finally, free vascularized bone grafts, therapy can theoretically minimize the extent of surgery.
such as a free fibula osteocutaneous flap, may be neces- Like appropriate antibiotics, HBO must be considered
sary to reconstruct bony deficits of greater than 6 cm. an adjunct to effective surgical therapy.
This is especially true in the case of irradiation, as local
bony distraction or local tissue rearrangement may not be
an option due to local radiation damage. More often, as CONCLUSION
described earlier, the osteomyelitis and/or osteoradio- Diabetes, peripheral vascular disease, and radiation all
necrosis will occur in the bones of the head and neck, pose challenges in the pathogenesis, diagnosis, and
often the mandible, frontal bones, maxilla, skull, or treatment of osteomyelitis. The key is to diagnose the
cervical spine. Here, local control of osteomyelitis and extent of the osteomyelitis and the type of bacteria
its resection will often have to be more conservative, involved. In addition, the blood flow to the area has to
because of the anatomic region and also because of be optimized. It may require revascularization for large
aesthetic considerations. Still, the guiding principles of vessels or HBO for smaller vessels in ischemic tissue.
adequate debridement to healthy bleeding tissue and Once the medical condition of the patient, the blood
bone should be used. Sometimes, in the mandible, for flow, and the antibiotic coverage has been optimized and
instance, this will lead to radical sequestrectomy and the wound and underlying bone has been debrided to
even hemi-mandibulectomy. Oral maxillofacial surgery healthy clean tissue, the wound is ready for closure. The
and/or head and neck surgery will usually be involved in close involvement of orthopedists and/or podiatric sur-
these cases and can help determine whether the defect geons is critical to ensure optimal skeletal alignment and
will need structural reconstruction or, more simply, soft muscular function. Standard wound closure techniques
tissue coverage. Generally, vascularized flap reconstruc- are used to close the wounds and include delayed primary
tion is recommended in cases of severe, extensive osteor- closure, skin grafting, local flaps, pedicled flaps, and free
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