Johannahmurdock Newsletter Kin355

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Our 1st Grade

Classroom News
The month of September
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @jmurdoc29 Website:

Upcoming Birthdays! Sight Words

Your students name
September 5th Olivias Birthday! I a is see to
September 17th Chads Birthday! am the in like went
September 23rd Dereks Birthday!

October 1st Liams Birthday! Reminders

For first grade students, the
daily calorie intake should be
about 1,800 calories. That
Our Learning breaks down to:
MyPlate is an illustration provided by the United States 1.5 cups of whole fruits
Our Learning
Department of Agriculture to show people, primarily
children, the portions of each food group that they should
2.5 cups of veggies
6 ounces of grains
be consuming each day. Many parents probably
remember the food pyramid that shows how much of each 5 ounces of protein
food group people should be consuming. The MyPlate 2.5 cups of dairy
shows children a familiar image, a plate, that they will be
able to visualize the amount of each food that should be
on their own plate.

Home-School Connection
Read with your child for 30 minutes every
As youre reading, look for ow and ou
Our 1st Grade
Classroom News
The month of October!
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @jmurdoc29 Website:

Our Upcoming Month Sight Words

as be have it you
at can good this
October 5th Sams Birthday!
October 22nd Jacobs Birthday! we are go had
October 30th Alexs Birthday!
October 31st Halloween Party!
November 2nd Caitlins Birthday! Fruits can be fresh, canned,
frozen, or dried. Eating fruits and
vegetables throughout your
Our Learning everyday meals have proven to
reduce your risk of some chronic
Fruits are naturally low in sodium, fat, and calories diseases. In addition to this, they
Our Learning
while containing many important nutrients such as
potassium, dietary fiber, folate, and vitamin c!
provide nutrients that are vital
for your health!
Potassium is important for a healthy blood pressure Remember! First graders
and can be found in fruits such as bananas, prunes, need 1.5 cups
cantaloupe and orange juice. Dietary fiber can be of fruit
found in all fruits and is important for a proper bowel everyday!
function. Folate is important because it helps the body
form red blood cells, which are the carriers of oxygen
in your blood! Vitamin C is good for growth and healing
for bones and the tissues in your body.

Incorporate Fruits
Wash and cut up fruits so they are easy to grab as a
snack or to add to a meal. Great for dessert too!
Keep apples, oranges, pears and other small fruits
with skin available to place in your students lunch box
Our 1st Grade
Classroom News
The month of November
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @jmurdock29 Website:

Upcoming Events Sight Words

and big here little up
November 2nd Caitlins Birthday! but no that were yes
November 5th Jaynas Birthday!
November 23rd Troys Birthday!

November 24th Thanksgiving Party!


Vegetables can be fresh,

frozen, dried or canned.
Our Learning

Vegetables are naturally low in fat and calories

and are Learning
importance sources of nutrients like
First graders need 2.5 cups
potassium, dietary fiber, folate, vitamin A and
of veggies everyday!
C. As mentioned before, potassium is good for
blood pressure and can be found in sweet
potatoes, white potatoes, white beans,
tomatoes, beet greens, soybeans and others.
Dietary fiber is good for bowel function and
folate is good because it forms red blood cells.
Vitamin A is good for your skin and eyes and
Vitamin C is good for growth and healing.

At-Home Practice
Wash and cut up Keep veggies like carrots,
veggies to have cucumbers and celery
ready for quick stored in small bags for
snacks and sides. easy lunch additions.
Our 1st Grade
Classroom News
The month of December
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @jmurdoc29 Website:

Upcoming Events Sight Words

December 10th Joses Birthday! for love of said

December 12th Caidens Birthday! want do him my

December 19th Christmas Party!

December 20 Winter Break Starts!
Grains are wheat, rice,
oats, cornmeal, and
barley. There are two
subgroups of grains;
whole grains and refined
Our Learning grains.

Grains provide the body with nutrients like

dietary fiber, many B vitamins, and
minerals. B vitamins such as thiamin, First graders should be
riboflavin, and niacin are good for getting 6 ounces of
metabolism because they help the body grains every day!
release energy from proteins,
carbohydrates and fat. B vitamins are also
important for a healthy nervous system
(your brain and spinal cord!).

At-Home Continue reading 30

minutes everyday!
Make sandwiches Replace white rice with
Do 10 minutes of
on whole grain brown rice.
Dojo math everyday!
bread. Whole grain crackers
Enjoy your break! make great snacks!
Our 1st Grade
Classroom News
The Month of January
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @jmurdoc29 Website:

Upcoming Events SightWords

Dad has Mom
January 10th Janes Birthday! now too an
January 13 Shaneeshas Birthday! get made there
January 29th Lukes Birthday!

January is the month of testing!

Students will be pulled aside Reminders
throughout the month to assess
them to see that they are Some examples of
where they are supposed to be! protein foods are meat,
poultry, seafood,
beans and peas, eggs,
nuts, and seeds.
Our Learning
Protein foods provide the body with
protein, B vitamins, vitamin E, iron, zinc,
and magnesium. Proteins are the First graders need 5
building blocks for your bones, muscles, ounces of protein
skin, blood and cartilage! A very everyday!
important part of your diet!. Iron
carries the oxygen in your blood,
magnesium is used for building bones
and zinc is a necessary component for Avoid added sodium by
your immune system. checking labels.

At-Home Continue reading

30 minutes
Divide nuts and everyday.
Vary your protein seeds into single Look for words
choices. serve Ziplocks for with ch in them.
easy snacks.
Our 1st Grade
Classroom News
The month of February
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @jmurdoc29 Website:

Upcoming Events Reminders

February 4th Jordans Birthday! Dairy products are

February 17th Avriannas Birthday! those that are all liquid
milk and products
February 6th Daddy Daughter Dance made from milk.
February 14th Valentines Day Party! This excludes
cream cheese, cream
March 1st Dantes Birthday! and butter which do not
retain the calcium from
the milk.

Our Learning As a reminder, first

graders need the
Calcium is found in milk and is used for following everyday:
building strong bones and teeth. Dairy 1.5 cups of fruits
products such as fluid milk, yogurt, 2.5 cups of veggies
and soymilk provide the body with
6 ounces of grains
potassium which is good for blood
5 ounces of protein
pressure. Vitamin D is also found in 2.5 cups of dairy
dairy products and is important for
maintaining the proper levels of
calcium and phosphorous in the body.

Keep reading 30
At-Home minutes everyday.
Portioned yogurt Try making a Look for words that
makes a quick yogurt smoothie have a vowel
snack. and dipping apples consonant vowel
in yogurt J pattern.
Choose MyPlate. (n.d.). Retrieved March 27, 2017, from
Healthy EaFng Habits Start at Home. (n.d.). Retrieved March 27,
2017, from
Secretary, H. O. (2017, January 26). How to Eat Healthy.
Retrieved March 27, 2017, from h>ps://

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