CCO 107 World Histories and Issues: Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA) July 2017 Tan Jolynn Y1780918 Word Count - 1000
CCO 107 World Histories and Issues: Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA) July 2017 Tan Jolynn Y1780918 Word Count - 1000
CCO 107 World Histories and Issues: Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA) July 2017 Tan Jolynn Y1780918 Word Count - 1000
Human trafficking, like a huge umbrella, can shelter different forms such
as sex trafficking, forced labour, etc. My assignment focuses on forced
labour arguably the largest global human trafficking sector. Forced
labour is, defined by International Labour Organization [ILO], as all work
or service which is exacted from any person under the threat of a
penalty and for which the person has not offered himself or herself
Recruitment patterns
Demographically, majority [two-third] of Burmas population belong to the
Burman ethnic group and the remaining split into as many as 145 minor
ethnic groups.
By choosing to source for forced labour in insurgent-occupied territories,
Tatmadaws goals of expanding military territorial control, gaining
accessibility to government-restricted land and garnering more support
as resilience of minorities weakened gradually could be more effectively
Transit patterns
Exploitation of forced military labour within Burma, usually revolves
around development zones commonly thought to be the hornets nest
for execution of anti-government activities.
Porters shoulder loads pilled with food and military supplies that weigh
between 16 to 33 kg while marching long distances through various
villages without rest. Heartless ignorance or brutal punishments are
common reactions to any signs of declining pace or collapse.
Villages within development zones, military camps and infantry
battalions are spots commonly used to provide labour for the
construction of commercial ventures infrastructure. While transiting,
porters protect soldiers by assuming the role of human minesweepers to
detonate hidden mines.
Exploitation patterns
Military camps, armed forces and military-supported commercial
ventures are common sources where forced military labour is exploited.
This deters any rebellious acts or plans by conveying the message that
its power should not be belittled.
With more development projects being created, military rule over its
people are also increasing, thus raising concerns for the welfare of
Burmas civilians. Doing more harm than good, seeking help increases
the likelihood of victims being punished as lack of protection and culture
of military impunity have dashed victims hope for democracy and justice
International Approach
Financial aid and knowledge-sharing through international professionals
signal the worlds earnest stance to overhaul authoritarian rule and shift
towards democracy where human rights are acknowledged.