ASP Net 2010schedule

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Naresh Information Technologies


By Mr Nagaraju

Tentative Schedule for 8:30a batch

What is ASP.NET? ASP.NET as Server Side technology. Part of .NET Framework. Why ASP.NET?

Types of Applications today. Web Applications, Desktop Applications, Mobile Applications & Web
Services. their execution and features with comparison. ASP.NET and ASP technologies.

Prerequisites of Web Applications. Web Applications Universal Nature. Web Server, DataBase Servers
under Network O/s. IIS as Web Server. HTTP and its importance in web apps. Web Browser Role in
Clients. Examples of Real-time environment. IIS, ASP.Net and Windows as a family for developing
web apps. Start working with IIS. IIS Console, Virtual and Physical Directories, simple program for
HTML, Client Side and Server Side Scripting. Need for Client Side Scripts and their execution. Server
Side Scripts execution. JavaScript as the preferred client side scripting language and as the
server side. Simple programs to demonstrate the same.
Installation Prerequisites, Configuration requirements. Installation Procedures for ASP.Net,
Requirements to Develop and Run ASP.Net applications in Windows NT,2003,XP,VISTA and latest
Windows 2008 & Windows 7. Installation of ASP.NET, IIS 5 to IIS 7 and VS.NET. TroubleShooting
during installation. Problems and Solutions Questions Preferred/Recommended .NET
VS.NET 2010 IDE , Expression IDE for ASP.NET,Javascript,xml etc..
VS 2010 features and its role in development
VS.NET / .NET 4.0 / C# 4.0 as current versions of .NET
Javascript demos Javascript and its features, Different ways of writing Javascript, Variables in
More JavaScript and ASP.NET Execution Environment
Server Side Programming ASP & ASP.NET as MS Environments
ASP.Net FeaturesSimplified, Better Performance, Strong typed Language, Event Driven Model,
Separation of Code & Design, Security, Easier Deployment & Configuration, Debugging, Better State
Management. ASP.NET . Web forms and HTML forms.
ASP.Net Execution Scenario and Web Forms importance in ASP.NET
More ASP.NET Forms environment.
ASP.NET Controls and differences with HTML controls
State Management Demos. Simple programs. Continued.
Types of controls in Web Forms Server side controls and their importance

Working with Intrinsic Controls (1) with some examples

Programming basics in ASP.Net along with intrinsic controls.

Introduction to ASP.Net Validation Controls(2) New controls in .NET 4.0

ASP.Net Validation Controls -- RequiredFieldValidator , RegularExpression Validator

CompareValidator, Range Validator, Custom Validator, Dynamic Validator & Summary Control.

ASP.Net Validation Controls-------Contdwith examples

Advanced options and real-time uses of validation controls.

ADO.Net in ASP.Net, Database access in ASP.Net, Providers and their uses, XML support, ADO.Net
Objects Oledbconnection, Oledbdataadapter, Oledbcommand , Dataset , Datarow and others.**

Data Access Namespaces in ADO.Net , Working with Command and Oledbdatareader Object with
examples. **
Dataset model of developing applications in using Dataset,Data Adapter and connection
objects of ADO.Net also Binding data using objects.**
Presenting data using Presentation controls or working with ASP.Net Bound Controls (3) Data
List, Drop Down list, Data grid,GridView and others. Concept of Binding. Importance of new
DataSource Controls in .NET 4 LinqDatasource, EDM DataSource and other DataSource(4).
Programmatic way of dealing with Data Binding concept LINQ, EDM and N-Tier model of
development as the most important.
Introduction to GridView control. GridView as the most feature rich control in ASP.Net for
presentations. Using grid for simple and static presentation
GridView Sorting and Paging features. Pager component. AJAX style of GridView. A simple
introduction to AJAX.
GridView Fields and Expressions.

GridView Editing, using BoundField and TemplateFields

GridView Structure and other fields. Shopping cart using GridView. ebay,amazon shopping cart
Gridview Continued with Real-time and other features

GridView Continued.

Details View and FormView Controls. New and their uses. Master Detail app.

Repeater Control and its advantages. Introduction to Datalist.

Using Datalist with more features than Data Repeater like selection and editing support

ListView new .NET 4.0 control Its advantages over other existing controls.
Demo and its uses

Introduction to Configuration. ASP.NET Configuration importance. Machine.Config, web.config files.

Some settings of this files. <compilation> <appSettings>. The Hierarchical approach of configuration
More ASP.NET Configuration Settings <connectionStrings>, <Location> allowoverride attribute
importance of location tag. Example. Overriding the values using web.config.

<trace> settings

<mailSettings> System.Net.Mail SMTP and others.

Security for web applications.

What type of security issues are required for web application.
How security is maintained by developer in different levels
Transport Level O/S Level Web Server Level and Application level.
Security in ASP.NET. authentication and authorization in o/s, db servers and finally in web apps.
Implementing Security in ASP.Net using various methods in support with configuration. Identifying
and implementing the necessary xml tags related to configuration in ASP.Net.
Security continued.Authorization and authentication in windows,passport and forms based.
Security Continued Usernames and passwords in database,xml file and also in web.config.DB and
xml file examples
Web.config credentials. Encrypting the passwords in SHA1 and MD5 methods.

ASP.NET Memberships concept. ASP.NET_REGSQL Tool configuration tool for configuring the SQL
SERVER, ASP.NET configuration utility to create usernames/passwords etc.using Login Controls(5)
for membership and also for individual uses.
State Management in ASP.NET. How to persist data during round trips in Complete list of
state enabled/disabled. Need to add State for web apps. All methods overview QueryString,
Server.Transfer, PostBackUrl, ViewState object, Session, Application and Cache object. Examples
The new ViewState Behavior in ASP.NET 4.0
ViewState and its use in ASP.NET 4.0 applications. Gridview using ViewState. ViewState for other
uses. Internal and external ViewState management properties and methods.
ASP.NET Applications and Sessions. Consuming both in the form of Variables and Events. Use of
Application and Session Variables with example.
GLOBAL.ASAX file importance. ASP.NET application and Session Events. New events and their uses.
Drawbacks of Application Variables.
ASP.NET Caching Page Output Caching , Data Caching and Fragment Caching. Caching as the
important method for improving speed. Gmail, searching and shopping cart scenarios.

Page Output Caching demo.

Page Output continued, Data Caching and overcoming the drawbacks of Application variables.Time
and File Dependency demos.
Fragment Caching, Web user controls and its importance in application development. Partial page
caching demo.
Master Pages, Themes and Skins in ASP.NET 2.0. New improved design capabilities. Dynamic and
static assignments of themes and skins.
Navigation controls(6) Menu,Treeview and SiteMappath control.(optional)

Web Services in ASP.Net , web services as the next generation of developing applications ,
importance of SOAP and XML in web services. SOA model of apps. Web Services Infrastructure. UDDI
, DISCO , WSDL and SOAP as the underlying technologies.
DCOM, CORBA, Remoting and Web Services differences. Web Services support in ASP.NET.
Distributed computing using Web Services . Create and test web services. WCf service as the new
environment for Web Services and its advantages. Develop some sample web services.
Consuming web services. Web Services Simple and Database example. Live demos on web services.
Hosted web services usage from applications.
Service Oriented Architecture applications continued..

Mobile Applications Support for Mobile apps, Smartphone and Pocket PC.

Windows Phone 5,6,7 and new Silverlight based 7 applications.

Windows Phone applications with emulator and real device.

Deployment in .NET, Windows and Web Applications

**Covered in C#.NET classes or in separate sessions.

For more information contact your faculty (or) front office@ Naresh IT

Nagaraju B

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