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Epidemiology/Health Services/Psychosocial Research


Defining the Relationship Between

Plasma Glucose and HbA1c
Analysis of glucose profiles and HbA1c in the Diabetes Control and
Complications Trial
CURT L. ROHLFING, BES JACK D. ENGLAND patients and their health care providers to
HSIAO-MEI WIEDMEYER, MS ALETHEA TENNILL, MS set appropriate daily PG testing goals to
RANDIE R. LITTLE, PHD DAVID E. GOLDSTEIN, MD achieve HbA1c levels representing low
risks for adverse outcomes.
Several previous studies have ana-
lyzed the relationship between blood glu-
cose (BG) and HbA1c. Svendson et al. (3)
OBJECTIVE To define the relationship between HbA1c and plasma glucose (PG) levels in assessed 15 subjects with type 1 diabetes
patients with type 1 diabetes using data from the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial who collected seven-point BG profiles
over a 5-week period (three profiles per
RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS The DCCT was a multicenter, randomized week) and used a curvilinear equation to
clinical trial designed to compare intensive and conventional therapies and their relative effects correlate BG and HbA1c. Nathan et al. (4)
on the development and progression of diabetic complications in patients with type 1 diabetes. obtained repeated preprandial and post-
Quarterly HbA1c and corresponding seven-point capillary blood glucose profiles (premeal, post- prandial BG samples from 21 subjects
meal, and bedtime) obtained in the DCCT were analyzed to define the relationship between with type 1 diabetes over an 8-week pe-
HbA1c and PG. Only data from complete profiles with corresponding HbA1c were used (n riod and used a linear regression equation
26,056). Of the 1,441 subjects who participated in the study, 2 were excluded due to missing to describe the relationship between BG
data. Mean plasma glucose (MPG) was estimated by multiplying capillary blood glucose by 1.11. and HbA1c. In the DCCT, the correlation
Linear regression analysis weighted by the number of observations per subject was used to between HbA1c and mean BG was initially
correlate MPG and HbA1c.
determined in a limited number of pa-
RESULTS Linear regression analysis, using MPG and HbA1c summarized by patient (n tients (n 278) for the feasibility study
1,439), produced a relationship of MPG (mmol/l) (1.98 HbA1c) 4.29 or MPG (mg/dl) (5). However, a comprehensive analysis
(35.6 HbA1c) 77.3, r 0.82). Among individual time points, afternoon and evening PG of the relationship of BG and HbA1c, ex-
(postlunch, predinner, postdinner, and bedtime) showed higher correlations with HbA1c than amining BG at different time points and
the morning time points (prebreakfast, postbreakfast, and prelunch). using the entire data set, was never per-
formed. Here, we examine, in detail, the
CONCLUSIONS We have defined the relationship between HbA1c and PG as assessed in relationship between BG (converted to
the DCCT. Knowing this relationship can help patients with diabetes and their healthcare PG) and HbA1c, using data obtained from
providers set day-to-day targets for PG to achieve specific HbA1c goals. the entire DCCT data set to better define
Diabetes Care 25:275278, 2002
this relationship.


METHODS The DCCT data set was

he results of the Diabetes Control results of the DCCT, the American Diabe- provided by the National Institutes of Di-
and Complications Trial (DCCT), tes Association (ADA) has published rec- abetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases of
published in 1993, and the U.K. ommendations for HbA1c and plasma the National Institutes of Health and was
Prospective Diabetes Study, published in glucose (PG) levels that are widely used prepared by the Data Coordinating Cen-
1998, established the relationship be- (1,2). However, it is important that the ter at George Washington University. The
tween HbA1c levels and risks for diabetic relationship between daily patient- DCCT was a multicenter, randomized
complications in patients with type 1 and monitored blood glucose determinations clinical trial designed to compare inten-
type 2 diabetes, respectively. Based on the and HbA1c be clearly defined to enable sive and conventional therapies and their
relative effects on the development and
progression of diabetic complications in
From the University of Missouri School of Medicine, Columbia, Missouri.
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Curt L. Rohlfing, University of MissouriColumbia, patients with type 1 diabetes (1). The
Department of Child Health, 1 Hospital Drive M772, Columbia, MO 65203. E-mail: rohlfingc@ study population consisted of 1,441 pa-
health.missouri.edu. tients with type 1 diabetes recruited by 29
Received for publication 20 April 2001 and accepted in revised form 18 October 2001. centers located throughout the U.S. and
Abbreviations: ADA, American Diabetes Association; BG, blood glucose; DCCT, Diabetes Control and
Complications Trial; MPG, mean plasma glucose; PG, plasma glucose.
Canada. Patients were between 13 and 39
A table elsewhere in this issue shows conventional and Systeme International (SI) units and conversion years of age and did not show evidence of
factors for many substances. severe diabetic complications at the time


HbA1c and plasma glucose

of admission into the study. Intensive

therapy consisted of three or more insulin
injections daily or use of an insulin pump
with the intent of achieving BG values as
close to the normal range as possible.
Conventional therapy consisted of one or
two insulin injections per day. Mean du-
ration of participation was 6.5 years
(range 39 years).
Quarterly HbA1c measurements (n
37,058) and corresponding BG profiles
were obtained from 1,441 subjects. After
exclusions due to incomplete profiles,
there were 26,056 HbA1c values with cor-
responding seven-point profiles from
1,439 subjects (an average of 18 HbA1c
values and corresponding profiles per
For the seven-point BG profiles, cap-
illary blood hemolysates were collected
before meals, 90 min after meals, and at
bedtime by patients in the home (6). BG
was measured in a central laboratory us-
ing a hexokinase enzymatic method (7).
Blood for HbA1c analysis was collected by Figure 1MPG versus HbA1c: n 1,439; r 0.82; PG (mmol/l) (1.98 HbA1c) 4.29. The
venipuncture. HbA1c was measured in a dashed line indicates the regression line.
central laboratory using an ion-exchange
high-performance liquid chromatogra-
phy method (8,9). 6 9% HbA1c. Within-subject (intraindi- HbA1c to facilitate clinical interpretation
Statistical analysis was performed us- vidual) variation in HbA1c was much and use of these data.
ing SAS and SPSS (Chicago, IL). Mean BG lower than for seven-point PG (mean in- Results of regression analyses corre-
was determined using area-under-the- traindividual coefficient of variation lating HbA1c with individual premeal and
curve analysis (10). For each profile, the 9.7 vs. 29.8%, respectively). postmeal PG are summarized in Figs. 2
seven time points were connected by MPG at increasing levels of HbA1c is and 3. All individual time points showed
straight lines over time for a 24-h period, shown in Table 1. Along with regression- lower correlations than the seven-point
and then the trapezoidal areas under each estimated MPG, the table shows approxi- profiles. Prelunch and earlier PG time
curve were determined, added together, mate MPG based on increments of 2 points showed lower correlations with
and divided by time. A constant BG level mmol/l or 35 mg/dl per 1% change in HbA1c than postlunch and later PG time
between bedtime and the following points.
morning was assumed. Mean plasma glu-
cose (MPG) was estimated by adding 11% Table 1MPG as estimated from the regres-
to mean BG estimates (11). Mean MPG sion line and approximate MPG (based on CONCLUSIONS The increasing
and HbA1c were calculated for each sub- MPG change of 35 mg/dl or 2 mmol/l per 1% use of HbA1c to monitor long-term glyce-
ject and used to perform least-squares lin- change in HbA1c) at different HbA1c levels mic control in diabetic patients is largely
ear regression analysis. Due to variation in the result of data from the DCCT and the
the number of observations per subject, U.K. Prospective Diabetes Study showing
the regression analysis was weighted to Regression- Approximate that HbA1c is strongly correlated with ad-
account for this. The relationships be- estimated MPG for clinical verse outcome risks. For patients and
tween individual PG time points and MPG use health care providers, a clear understand-
HbA1c were also examined. (%) mmol/l mg/dl mmol/l mg/dl ing of the relationship between PG and
HbA1c is necessary for setting appropriate
RESULTS The results of linear re- 4 3.6 65 3.5 65 day-to-day PG testing goals with the
gression analysis are summarized in Fig. 5 5.6 101 5.5 100 expectation of achieving specific HbA1c
1. The Pearson correlation coefficient (r) 6 7.6 137 7.5 135 targets.
was 0.82; change in MPG per increase of 7 9.6 172 9.5 170 The relationship between HbA1c and
1% HbA1c was 1.98 mmol/l (35.6 mg/dl). 8 11.5 208 11.5 205 PG is complex. Many studies have shown
The 95% prediction interval for a subject 9 13.5 244 13.5 240 that HbA1c is an index of MPG over the
with 18 observations (the average num- 10 15.5 279 15.5 275 preceding weeks to months. Erythrocyte
ber of profiles per patient in this study) 11 17.5 315 17.5 310 life span averages 120 days. The level of
was 3.81 mmol/l (69 mg/dl) at levels of 12 19.5 350 19.5 345 HbA1c at any point in time is contributed


Rohlfing and Associates

PG levels from 90 120 days earlier con-

tribute only 10% (12,13). This explains
why the level of HbA1c can increase or
decrease relatively quickly with large
changes in PG; it does not take 120 days
to detect a clinically meaningful change in
HbA1c after a change in MPG.
Another factor that complicates ef-
forts to describe an accurate and precise
relationship between PG and HbA1c is
that, for practical reasons, previous stud-
ies and our present study have attempted
to define this relationship using a limited
number of PG levels measured over a lim-
ited time period (in this case, 1 day every
3 months) to estimate HbA1c. Short-term
PG levels can fluctuate markedly, partic-
ularly in patients with type 1 diabetes; this
can result in significant discrepancies
when attempting to estimate HbA1c based
on a single PG measurement or even a
series of measurements on a single day. In
this study, the time between sampling
also contributes to intraindividual varia-
Figure 2Premeal MPG and r at different testing times. , Prebreakfast; -----, prelunch; tion, especially for PG. However, we have
- , predinner; , seven-point. achieved greater certainty in our estimates
of the relationship between PG and HbA1c
than was possible in previous studies by
to by all circulating erythrocytes, from the past PG levels (i.e., 3 4 months earlier). using a considerably larger number of pa-
oldest (120 days old) to the youngest. Therefore, HbA1c is a weighted average tients and observations obtained over a
However, recent PG levels (i.e., 3 4 of BG levels during the preceding 120 longer period of time. The resulting
weeks earlier) contribute considerably days; PG levels in the preceding 30 days strong correlation suggests that, although
more to the level of HbA1c than do long- contribute 50% to the final result, and a single PG measurement or a single daily
profile may not reliably predict HbA1c,
PG levels measured over time can provide
a reasonably accurate estimation of
Several studies have suggested that,
although intraindividual variation in
HbA1c is minimal, there is evidence of
wide fluctuations in HbA1c between indi-
viduals that are unrelated to glycemic sta-
tus, suggesting that there are low
glycators and high glycators (14 16).
However, a recent study showed that
when multiple observations per patient
are used to minimize the effects of assay
variation, the interindividual range of
HbA1c results in nondiabetic individuals
is actually quite narrow, 1% HbA1c
(17). Therefore, for any individual pa-
tient, a consistent discrepancy between
patient-monitored PG determinations
and estimated HbA1c should be investi-
gated; there may be other factors causing
this discrepancy, such as improper meter
use, laboratory error, a physical condition
that alters red cell life span, or a variant
Figure 3 Postmeal MPG and r at different testing times. , Postbreakfast; -----, Postlunch; hemoglobin interfering with the HbA1c
- , postdinner; -- , bedtime; , seven-point. assay method. With the advent of new


HbA1c and plasma glucose

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