UFOs During The Korean War

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ADVANCED AERIAL DEVICES REPORTED DURING THE KOREAN WAR RICHARD F. HAINES p20 ) whe As, fle oe bs / gr AO ", wt at ff y. fe I ph ‘43 ADVANCED AERIAL DEVICES reported DURING THE KOREAN WAR Richard F, Haines. Lift tl finn LDA Press, Los Altos, California P.O. Box 880 94023-0880 CONTENTS Foreword Acknowledgements List of Illustrations List of Tables Contents Overview Chapter 1 The Stage is Set Chapter 2 GI Fires Upon an Unidentified Aerial Object Chapter 3 American Pilots Report UFOs over Korea Chapter 4 Ground Observers Report UFOs over Korea References Appendices 1, Weather Balloon Characteristics 2. Shapes and Sizes of UFO Reported 3. Eye Witnesses Listed by Sighting Dace 4, Summary of Unusual or Provocative UFO Flight Maneuvers 5. Electromagnetic Effect Cases Page I Overview This book begins with a bricf overview of the major historical events of the Korean War period to help set the stage for the UFO sighting reports which follow. Also presented are some important UFO events which took place just before and during the war years. Forty two UFO reports are presented here. More than 63 military pilots, soldiers, ground radar operators, naval personnel, and others covering the period September 1950 to the winter of 1954 sontributed to these interesting reports. Six of these cases (14%) involve some kind of electromagnetic effect while another seven (17%) include flight maneuvers by aerial phenomena that rival or excede those of the airplanes that flew in the war. Another six cases (14%) strongly suggest intelligently guided flight control of the UFO relative to the airplane’s movements. UFO shape names (number of cach in parentheses) include: disc (9), sphere, round, circular (7), oval (2), cigar, Japanese fantem, coolie hat, cylinder, cain, cartwheel, cloud-like. Of the cightcen cases (43%) in which sighting duration is cited, the mean js 6.14 minutes. Fifteen sightings (36%) took place during daylight hours. One report was made during 1950, three in 1951, 24 ($7%) in 1952, five in 1953, and one in 1954. Of those that occurred in £952, seven took place in May and seven in June. Descriptions of the UFOs involved during the May-June 1952 period show a remarkable consistency including such shape names as: oval that is “larger than a MiG", “SO foot diameter”, “circular dark object that is flattened on top and bottom", “round”, "coin with a 7:1 ratio", “disc with 7:1 satio and 15-20 foot diameter”, “revolving disc". Although the U.S. Air Force’s official conclusions far many of these cases was a lighted encmy balloon, most of the sighting data do not support this explanation. 11 is quite clear that the seported phenomena ate closely similar in all major respects to other UFO cases both before and after the Karean War. There is virtually no evidence of hostile intent shown by the UFO(s) during any of these close acrial encounters. Is it possible that others were only interested in how wars are fought on Earth? Aerial Devices Page 2 Haines Chapter I The Stage is Set Barely 59 months after the Japanese signed an unconditional surrender on September 2, 1945, a relatively minor civil war broke out on the Korean Peninsula between the Democratic Republic of (South) Korea and the communistic Democratic People’s Republic of (North) Korea, Some historians point out that what started as a civil war limited to a then third rate economic and strategic nation; escalated rapidly into an undeclared taining ground for new weapons systems, advanced strategic planning, and armed forces drawn from more than seventeen other nations fighting on the side of freedom and democracy. The enemy comprised two nations (North Korea, Red China) with the Soviet Union standing in the background, supplying training personnel and materiel. Many claimed that the Korean conflict was only an inevitable conscquence of the larger “cold war” that was raging between America and the Soviet Union. America’s real military strategy in Korea was "...to ensure that it did not grow into World War 3. This meant that political leaders (in Washington) were in charge of the war strategy rather than the military leaders (in the field)." (Anon., pg. 3-38, 1986). The Korean peninsula (sce Figure 1) was supposed to become an independent nation during WW2 (according to the super powers United States, Sovict Union, Great Britain, and France). “When the war with Japan was over, there were no US woops in Korea. Since it would take some ume to move oops into the peninsula, the United States asked that the Soviets accept the surrender of all Japanese oops north of the 38th parallel in Korea and the United States all those south of the parallel. The division was supposed to be & temporary measure, but the Sovicts began to weal it as a permanent boundary, and they took control of North Korea, The Soviets did not want to sce Korea become a free nation and come under Westem influence." (Anon, 1986) Acriak Devices Haines Page 3 Figure 1 The Korean Peninsula . ry yormreess 25 BOR, Gdage » BP OS voting, trate Ma Katee Jo ae tuscan \ KOR vat Pepwediae 12 = & ad = we Acrial Devices Page 4 Haines But our concem is not so much with politics as it is with the state of advanced warfare technology at this time. What did the United States Air Force have in its arsenal during this war? What were the Russians flying? Were there other nations with advanced flying craft that did not have wings but could fly higher and faster than anything either the Russians or the Americans had? The answer is a simple NO! Of special note is the fact that recently uncovered, scemingly authcntic U.S. government documents have indicated that our government had in its possession at Icast one highly advanced spacecraft not from this planet which was allegedly recovered in 1947 in New Mexico (nate 1). If this is rue and scientists had succeeded in understanding how to duplicate its advanced technology, then some or all of the UFO reports coming from Korca could represent an American technological development. Then one would have to ask: (1) why these disks were not used in a more aggressive way to help win the war, (2) why these disks never crashed or were never recovered by anyone, (3) why our Air Force has continued to spend millions of dollars (since the Korean war) on turbo-jet engincs and swept-wing airplanes rather than on self-propelled metallic-surfaced oblate spheroid (discs), and (4) why we have seen no UFO like aerial objects fighting in the Vict Nam war to help the U.S. forces win. If the acrial objects to be described are not American, Soviet, or from another nation on earth then an intriguing possibility exists; viz., they represent an alicn technology. One of the interesting things about the Korcan “Conflict” as it was called at the time, was the role played by the world’s two super powers, cach supplying their respective surrogate Korean armics in the field, at least until November of 1950 when soldiers and matericl from Communist China flooded across the Yalu River into North Korea. What had started out as a localized peace keeping action by United Nations troops suddenly presented the specue of all-out war with China, the most populous nation on the earth. A nuclear sword swung tenuously above both sides of the conflict. The Soviets had largely equipped North Korea’s army and its air force. It was, perhaps, partly a field waining exercise for them to sce how well their planes and tanks, their ammunition and other war matcric} would fare in the extremely cold weather and in the hands of less well trained soldicrs. On June 25, 1950 the North Koreans had flooded across the 38th parallel, the former boundary with their cousins to the south, and quickly overran the smaller and Jess well prepared South Korcan units. With the Soviet delegate voluntarily absent, the United Nations Security Council in New York City invoked Haines Page 5 Aerial Devices military sanctions against North Korea (Junc 27, 1950) and formally requested its member states to give whatever aid they could to South Korea. The die had been cast. Poured into this already fiery hot mold were soldiers from the following countries: United States of America Italy (not a U.N. member) Australia Netherlands Belgium New Zealand Luxembourg, Philippines Canada South Africa Columbia Thailand Ethiopia Turkey Great Britain Greece Many hurdreds of thousands were to be de maimed or killed in the fray. The mold was severe and unforgiving as it is in any war to those who must do the fighting. A total of 25,604 U.S. servicemen werc killed in this “conflict” with another 137,051 listed as casualties. South Korea lost 415,004 soldiers with more than 1,312,800 casualties. The other U.N. participating natrons lost 3,094 men with over 16,500 casualtics. Jt has been estimated that the communist’s casualiies were about two million (Mosse, vol. 15, 1969). The free world's armed forces were unified under United Nations command. It was headed by General Douglas MacArthur, Commander in Chief, Far East Command (FECOM). Gencral MacArthur reported to the Joint Chiefs of Staff concerning all of the U.S. forces (Momycr, 1978). Figure 2 illustrates the command structure for U.S. air operations in Korca in 1950. What it doesn’t show is General MacArthur's failure to establish an army component command since "He reserved to himself the rofcs of the Far East Command Structure.” (Ibid., pg. 53) Both the U.S. Navy and Air Force sct up respective components named the Naval Forces Far East and Far East Air Force commands, respectively. Both had staffs manned so as to direct their respective forces throughout the area of Mac Arthur’s responsibility. Whether or not this short-coming (not having a balanced staff sepresented by all of the armed services) contributed to how UFO sighting reports were handled remains to be seen. The U.S. Navy’s Task Force 77 operated off the Eastem coast of Korea in Aerial Devices Page 6 Haines the Sea of Japan with its aircraft carriers providing interdiction of enemy aircraft, bombing support, and close air support for Marine operations up to 70 miles inland along the entire length of North Korea’s coast. Reference to Figure 2 shows that the Commanding General of the Sth Air Force was located in Korea and exercised operational contol of Marine aircraft as well as coordinating bomber suikes with all other forces such as flak suppression and fighter support. Figure 2 Command Suucture for U.S. Air Operations in Korea U.S. Air Power During the Korean War: But what about the Air Force participants? Who were they? What units were called up for service so soon after the Second World War had ended? The Far East Air Force (FEAF) consisted of these units Haines Page 7 Aerial Devices Sth Air Force 13th Air Force 20th Air Force Far East Air Matcriel Command Far East Air Force Base The Far East Air Force Command (FEAF) was under the command of Lieutenant General George E. Stratemeyer (1890-1969). On October 8th 1950 he requested that he be given full opcrational contro} of al] air units. This meant that he would be able to fully coordinate the Air Force's mission with those of other ground forces; even specifying the amount of forces to be deployed, the type of munitions, the time on and off targets, and the controlling agencies. FEAF chose all their targets (both for the Air Force and Naval carvier-based aircraft) by means of a “largeting committee” that was composed of Navy and Air Force representatives. This coordinated approach had proven itself in North African air operations where there were litle or no industrial targets and other targets required less force 10 destroy or neutralize. As indicated above, the Sth Air Force was coordinated by the Far East Bomber Command and, in turn, coordinated fighter escort. Air route planning to and from targets was the joint responsibility of the Sth Air Force and Far East Bomb Command, B-29 bombers were used extensively during the war (Figure 3). The Far East Bomber Command consisicd of three B-29 groups drawn from the Strategic Air Command (SAC). Following are different airplane models flown by U.S. pilots during the Korean War. (Maximum speed [mph] is given in brackcts) F-80 (Shooting Star)[543} F-84 (Thunder jet)(622} F4U-4B (Marine)[450] (sce Figure 9) FIF-3N [427} FOF-2 (Panther jet) (note 2)[625] F-94 (600) (sce Figure 7) AD Skyraider (Navy, propeller-driven aircraft)(note 3)[320] P-51 (Mustang)[370} - F-86 (Sabrejet)(680) (sec Figure 4) T-6 [205] (see Figure 10) B-26 (2 engine bomber)[282} B-29 (4 cngine heavy bomber)[358} (sec Figure 3) C-54 (troop wansport){274] (see Figure 8) Aerial Devices Page 8 Haines Figure 3 B-29 Bomber in Flight (Reproduced by permission of the National Air and Space Museum Smithsonian Institution) The F-100 Super Sabre flew for the first ime in 1953 but was not used in the Korean War. North American Aviation’s all-weather F-86 Sabrejet was the ncarest combat fighter America had to the MiG-15 in most operational respects. It was the ”...best aircraft the U.S. had during the Korcan War" (Anon., pg. 3-41, 1986). It was 41 fect Jong with a wing span of 37° 1". Its loaded weight was 16,500 pounds. The F-86 had a maximum speed of over 660 mph and a service ceiling of about 50,000 fect. Its armament consisted (model E) of six 50 cal. machine guns in the nose. There also were provisions for 16-127mm rockets under the wings and two cach 1,000 pound bombs or two each 2,000 Haines Page 9 Acrial Devices pound bombs in lieu of auxiliary fucl tanks, Three prototypes were ordered in ” May 1945; the XP-86 flew for the first time on October 1, 1947. Figure 4 F-86 Sabre Jet Reproduced by permission of the National Air and Space Museum ‘Smithsontan Insutution) In November 1950 the 4th Fighter Interceptor Group arrived in Japan with its F-86As and soon operated out of Kimpo air base in South Korea (Jackson, 1979). Regarding air operations, Braybrook (1987) said that F-86s generally "_..flew in sections of four aircraft, up to cight secions togcther, and between 35,000 and 45,000 feet...depending on model. The MiG-15s crossed the border at around 50,000 feet in ‘trains’ of 60 to 80 aircraft.” He goes on to point out that most F-86 kills of Communist aircraft were made without radar; most used a fixed gunsight and approached the enemy from the enemics’ 6 o'clock position. By the close of the war there were seven U.S. fighter wings in Korea with Aerial Devices Page 10 Haines 297 F-B86s and 218 F-84s. Sabre operations pcaked at 7,696 sortics in June 1953 and an average of 26 sorties per aircraft for that month (Braybrook, 1987). Sabres destroyed 810 enemy aircraft, 792 of which were MiG-I5s. Seventy cight U.S. aircraft were lost. U.N. airplancs provided air cover for U.N. ground forces. Two weapons in particular proved to be the best new weapons in Korea, napalm and acrial rockets, The rockets had the destructive force of a 105mm cannon shell. Napalm bombs were 110 gallon tanks of jelled gasoline which exploded in fire over an area 250 feet long and 80 feet wide. What could an American pilot do if he chased a Soviet MiG airplane north over the Red Chinese border? The FEAF commander was given guidance from Washington. So called “hot pursuit” was authorized under some conditions, "..but attacks against aircraft taking off from bascs across the Yalu (river) were not." {Ibid., pg. 56) It is interesting to note that none of the UFO sighting reports presented here includes a “hot pursuit” very far because the unidentified acrial craft almost always outperformed the pursuing jet airplanes. Soviet Air Power During the Korean War: This is a list of some of the airplanes flown by the air forces of the North Koreans, the Chinese Communists, and the Soviet Union. La-9 (single engine, propeller driven fighter) [430] La-11 (single engine, propeller driven fighter) [420} Ilyushin 10 (single engine, propeller driven fighter) [300] YAK-9 (single enginc, propeller driven fighter) YAK-15 (single engine, propeller driven fighter) MiG-15 (single engine, jct fighter) {680] (see Figure 5) TU-2 (bomber) [340] It is instructive to note that at this time the Soviets had over 15,000 MiG model 15s available (Nowarra and Duval, pg. 168, 1972). Stockwell (1956) estimates the number to be from 12,000 to 15,000. The Red Chinese Air Force supposedly had about 1,000 MiG-15s as they entered the Korean War. This jet fightcr interceptor was affectionately code named “Fagot” by N.A.T.O. officials, Braybrook (1987) points out that the number of Communist aircraft peaked at about 1,800 (950 MiGs) with over 400 parked at one airfield in North Korca. Haines Page 11 Acrial Devices The MiG-15 measured only 36’ 4” long, with a wing span of 33° 1” (Figure 5). It_ weighed 8,316 pounds empty and could carry a payload of 5,907 pounds in addition to its single pilot. Its gross weight was 11,264 pounds. fis top spced was about 680 mph (Mach limit = 0.89) at sca level and had a service ceiling of 51,000 fect and a range of 1200 miles with underwing fucl tanks. {t Stalled at (or possessed a minimum air speed of) 109 mph. The MiG- 15 carried one 400 sounds per minutc, 37mm cannon and two 23mm caliber cannons in addition to two each 990 pound bombs. This fighter entered the war on November 1, 1950 when a flight of six aircraft auacked Air Force Mustangs south of the Yalu River without doing any damage. Soviet units regularly flew combat duty over Korea in conjunction with Chinese Communisis and North Korean formations (Jackson, Pg. 94, 1979). The U.S. Air Force Junior ROTC publication “Acrospace Science: History of Air Power" (Anon., 1986) states that the MiG-15 "...was faster, more maneuverable, could climb faster and higher, and possessed more firepower than the F-80, F-84, or the Navy F-9F (sic) fighters. In fact, the MiG-15 even had the edge, at high altitude, over the F-86 Sabrejets which were the best aircraft the United States had during the Korean War." Because of superior pilot skill by U.S. pilots, nine MiGs were shot down for every U.S. aircraft. The La-9 was a Soviet designed and built fighter, code named “Fritz”. It Possessed a maximum speed of 430 mph at sca level and a service ceiling of 35,600 fect. Its wing span was 34' 9” and was 30° 2" long. This piston-driven propellor airplane was in service until the 1948 - 1950 period. Another Sovici fighter that was used in combat was the La-21, code named “Fang”. It is comparable in design to Republic’s P-47N “Thunder-boit.” Delivered in carly 1946, this single seat fighter interceptor was only 28° 6.5" long with a wing span of 31’ 10". ts top specd was about 420 mph with a service ceiling of about 34,000 feet. it flew in Korea with Chinese and North Korean markings (Jackson, pg. 76, $979). It carried three each 20 or 23 mm cannons. A large number of UFO sighting repons arc presented in the pages to follow. If these UFO were encmy weapons of war: (1) why would they continuc to be used during the truce period? (2) why would the U.S. not be able to identify them more definitively? and (3) why weren’t they uscd more effectively by the enemy during the actual conflict? There were no UFO reports found which demonswatcd clearly hostile intent toward U.S. personnet on the part of the unusual acrial phenomena. Aerial Devices Page 12 Haines Figure 5 Captured Soviet Made MiG-15 (Reproduced by permission of the National Air and Space Museum Smithsonian Instiwuon) Military and Political Events: It is importani to have some idea of the major military and political events which took place before and during the Korean Conflict. A number of them are listed in Table 1. It may be significant that the first UFO sighting report was not made until September 1950. It took place 100 miles south of the Yalu River. Twenty two separate sightings occurred after the truce negotiations were underway. This is interesting in light of the fact that open hostilities had ended and yet clearly defined UFO reports continued 1 come in from observers on the ground and in the sky. Haines Page 13 Acrial Devices Table 1 Historical Events Surrounding the Korean War Jan. 20, 1945 July 16, 1945 Aug. 5, 1945 Aug. 15, 1945 Sept. 8, 1945 March 11, 1948 Early 1949 July 1949 Dec, 22, 1949 1949-1950 June 25, 1950 June 27, 1950 June 28, 1950 July 1950 Sept. 15, 1950 Sept. 26, 1950 Oct. 20, 1950 (See Key for abbreviations) wees Historical Background --+-- Harry S. Truman begins Presidency World’s first Atom bomb detonated near Alamagordo, New Mexico Atom bomb exploded over Japanese city of Hiroshima Soviet Union takes control of NK military government ~ until Dec, 26, 1948 USA takes contro! of SK military government Key West Agreement James Forrestal, Secy. of Defense) assembted Joint Chiefs of Staff at Key West to decide “who will do what” Soviets withdraw all troops from NK; USA does same from SK except for smail group of mililary advisors (withdrawn later that ycar) President Truman signs North Auantic Treaty Prototype flight of F-86E in Los Angeles NK tries unsuccessfully to take control of SK through insurgency operations weeenee The Civil War Begins ----- NK anny invades SK at nine differcnt points U.N. declares official sanctions against NK. President Truman orders General MacArthur to use air and naval forces in defense of SK Seoul (capital of SK) falls to NK invaders. AIEULN, forces retreat to perimeter-defense line about 50 miles around Pusan Amphibious landing made at Inchon. First contact of U.S. forces of X Corps with NK forces 200 miles north of the NK defensive positions Seoul recaptured. U.N. forces move north across 381h paralic} and capture the capital of NK (Pyongyang). Some units move Aerial Devices Page 14 Haines nosth of the Yalu river, the national boundary between NK and China Nov, 1950 Red Chinese army units 850,000 song, cross into NK lo fight against U.N. troops Nov. 24,1950 MacArthur orders an “end-the-war" offensive. A massive Chinese countcroffensive almost immediatcly cancels this thrust Nov. 26,1950 Red Chinese soldicrs cut the escape route of over 200,000 UN. soldiers and marines who are evacuated by ship from the port of Hungnan Dec. 5, 1950 The Chinese hoards sweep south to recapture Pyongyang Jan. 4, 1951 The Chinese recapture Scoul in first major offensive Feb. 22, 1951 U.N. Command initiates "Operation Killer" along a broad front well south of Seoul and pushes north with superior firepower Feb. 1951 Red Chinese make advances in second major offensive March [4, 1951. Seoul is recaptured by U.N. uoops April 8,1951 President Truman sends orders relieving Gen. MacArthur of his command. MacArthur had publically advocated direct attacks against the communists in Manchuria, an act considered to be. insubordination toward the President and U.S. Congress April 21,1951 Gen. MacArthur leaves FEAF command. Gen. Matthew Ridgway (1895-1971) given command of FEAF April-May 1951 Red Chinese mount third major offensive aoe Attritive Phase of the War Begins —--- April 22,195 U.N. troops occupy positions just north of 38th parallel along a line that remained almost constant for the remainder of the war The battle field strategy remained to inflict maximum personnel loss along the fixed bate front and from the air. This approach could not drive the enemy from the field and could never result in cotal victory, like that achieved in WW2 May 1951 General Van Fleet (Eighth Army Commander) orders a huge coordinated counteroffensive May 9.1951 Largest air strike of the war. Over 300 fighters and fighier- bombers attack Sinuiju near the Yalu River Haines Page 15 Aerial Devices July 10,1951 Truce negotiations begin at Kaesong between U.N. repre- sentatives and Communist commands Oct. 1952 Negotiations break down over one final principle (ic., prisoners of war should not be retumed to their respective armics against their wills) Nov. 1, 1952 U.S. explodes its first Hydrogen bomb at Eniwetok Pacific Proving Grounds (Operation Ivy) Nov. 4, 1952 Dwight D. Eisenhower elected 34th President of the USA Dec, 1953 President elect Eisenhower visits Korea Aprit 1953 Negotiations resume July 27,1953 Truce agreement signed at Panmunjom Aug. 1953 Soviet Union explodes a thermonucicar weapon Abbreviations: SK = South Korea; NK = North Korea; The historical events cited in Table 1 are political and military in nature. But what about UFO happenings? There were many other events going on at the same time which should be kept in mind as the war raged in Korca. Some of the morc prominent events are listed in Table 2. Table 2 Historical UFO Events July 1947 US. Air Force begins to study UFO reports seriously after receiving numerous reports by pilots and others in America Sept. 23,1947 Chief of the Air Technical Intelligence Center (ATIC) prepares letter to Commanding Gencral of the Air Force stating that it is ATIC’s opinion that UFOs are real and urges that a permanent project be estab- . lished to study them Jan. 22,1948 Project Sign-(also known as Project Saucer) established at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio Sept. 1948 Top Secret "Estimate of the Situation” prepared by ATIC; sent to A.F, Chief of Staff, Gen. Hoyt S. Vandenberg; rewmed for more proof; iatcr deciassified and bumed! (Hall, pg. 106, 1964) Feb. 11,1949 U.S. Air Force UFO Project renamed "Project Grudge" Dec. 27, 1949 — Project Grudge final report released; alt sight- Aerial Devices Page 16 Haines ings explained away as delusions, hoaxes, and crackpot reports. Termination of the project is announced Sept. 15, 1951 A Pentagon gencral requests bricfing on Project Grudge findings by Lt. Jerry Cummings and a Lt. Col. from ATIC; orders given to set up a new study project. Early reports of UFO in Korea very likely figured in this request Sept. 1951 Capt, Edward J, Ruppelt appointed chief of UFO study activity (supported by: Lt. Bob Olsson, Lt. Henry Metscher, Lt. Andy Flues, and Lt. Kerry Rothstien) March 1952 Project Blue Book (code name) officially established at ATIC April 1952 Life Magazine publishes major article “Have We Visitars from Space?" Hall (1964, pg. 107) Suggests it was inspired by several top Air Force officers in the Pentagon AF Letter 200-5 issued giving Project Bluc Book fuller, direct acccss to pilot (and other) sighting reports July 1952 Newly established Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (APRO) publishes first issuc of the APRO Bullcun Civilian Saucer Investigation (study group) ot Los Angcles, Califomia is founded (acobs, pg. 84, 1975) Aug. 1952 A USAF study of UFO maneuvers begins; empha- sis is on possibility of intelligent UFO control Jan, 14-17, 1953 ALF, (with C.LA. according to Hall; ibid.) convenes top scientists 10 study all available UFO evidence (Robertson Panel). Maj. Dewey Fournet presents evidence and con- clusions that UFOs are of interplanetary origin Jan. 17,1953 Panel conctudes its review without it being made public. (fal notes that "since then, two conflicting versions have been released”) Dec. 1953 Joint Chiefs issue "Joint-Army-Navy-Air Force Publication JANAP) 146” entitled “Canadian United States Communi- cations Instructions for Reponing Vital Intelligence Sightings" Haines Page 17 Aerial Devices In is very likely that the numerous high quality U.S. military sightings of UFOs from the Korean War zonc contributed significantly to continuing Project Blue Book by the U.S. Air Force. Notes: 1. William Moore presented this astonishing information during the 1987 apnual mecting of the Mutual UFO Network held on June 26-28 at The American University, Washington, D.C. He distributed an eight page report entitled “Briefing Document: Operation Majestic 12 Prepared for Presidemt- Ekect Dwight D. Eisenhower: (Eyes Only), 18 November, 1952" which allegedly documents this. 2. First saw action in Korea on July 3, 1950 when an F9F-2 shot dowa a Mig- 15, 3. First saw action in Korea on July 3, 1950. Aerial Devices Page 18 Haines Chapter 2 GI Fires Upon an Unidentified Aerial Object Following is a wanscript of an interview between Mr. Francis P. Wall, a private first class in the U.S. Army during the Korean War and Mr. Jobn Timmerman who is Project Manager for the photo exhibit of the J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies in the Fall of 1987. It has not been edited in any way. This interesting event began at dusk and ended at about 9 pm local time. “This cvent that I am about to relate to you is the truth, so help me God. (Note 1) It happened in the early Spring of 1951 in the country of Korca. We were in the Army infanury, I was in the 25th Division, 27th Regiment, 2nd Battation, "Easy" Company (note 2). We were in what is known on the military maps as the Lron Triangle, near Chorwon, We were to the left of Chorwon, just across the mountain ridge from this city - town - whatever you want to call it. itis night. We are located upon the slopes of a mountain, between the fingers of a mountain as they as they run down toward the valley below where there is a Korean village. Previously we have sent our men into this village to warn the populous thal we are going to bombard it with artillery. Upon this night that T'm talkin’ about, we were doin’ just’ that. We had acriat artillery bursis comin’ in, And we suddenly noticed down, with the mountains to our backs, we noticed on our right-hand side what appeared to be a jack-o-lantern come wafting down across the mountain. And at first no one thought anything about it. So we noticed that this thing continued on down to the village to where, indeed, the artillery air bursts were exploding. And we further noted, by the way, ithad an orange glow in the beginning, we further noticed that this object would get right into... it was that quick that it could get into the center of an airburst of artillery and yet remain unharmed. And, subsequently, this time element on this, 1 can’t recall exactly, } would say anywhere from, oh, forty-five minutes to an hour all told.” Figure 6 is a sketch of the object made for the author by the witness on May 10, 1989. Haines Page 19 Aerial Devices Figure 6 Eyewitness Sketch of UFO as Secn From the Side During its Approach “But chen this object approached us. And it wracd a bluc-green brilliant light. It’s hard to distinguish the size of it, there’s no way to compare it. It pulsated. The tight, that is, was pulsating. It wasn't, ah, regular. Alright, this object approached us. I asked for and received permission from Lt. Evans, our company commander at that time (note 3), to fire upon this object, of which 1 did with an M-5 rifle with asmor-piercing bullets, or rounds in it. And I did hit it. It must have been metallic because you could hear when the projectile slammed into it. “Now why do you say, why would that, ah, bullet damage this craft if the artillery rounds didn't? 1 don’t know unless they had dropped their protective field around em, or whatever, That this, ah, technology envisions, that they had to protect it, But the object went wild and it... the light was goin’ on and off and it went off completely once, briefly. And it was moving erratically from side to side as though it might crash to the ground. Then, a sound, which we had heard no sound previous to this, the sound of, like of, ah, you’ ve heard diese! locomotives revving up. {note 4) That's the way this thing sounded. And, then, we wore attacked, I guess you would call it. In any event, we were swept by some form of a ray that was cmitted in pulses, in waves that you Aerial Devices Page 20 Haines could visually see only when it was aiming direcUy at you. That is to say, like a searchlight sweeps around and the segments of light you would see it coming at you, “Now you would feel a burning, tingling scnsation all over your body, as though something were penetrating you. And ah, so the company commander, Lt, Evans, hauled us into our bunkers. We didn’t know what was going to happen. Wc were scared. We did this. These arc underground dugouts where you have peep holcs 10 look out to fire at the enemy. So, I’m in my bunker with another man. We're peeping out at this thing. It hovered over us for a while, lit up the whole area with its light that I'm telling you about, and then I saw it shoot off at a45 degree angle, it’s that quick, just, it was there and was gone. That quick. And it was as though that was the end of it, But, three days later the entire company of men had to be evacuated by ambulance. They had to cut roads in there and haut them out, they were 100 weak to walk. And they had dysentery and then subsequently, ah, when the doctors did see them, ah, they had an extremely high white blood cell count which the doctors could not account for. “Now Ict me inform you on this. In the military, especially the Army, cach day you file a report, a company report. Now, we had a confab about that. What do we do about this. Do we file it in the report or not? And the consensus was "no.” Because they'd lock every one of us up, and think we were crazy. At that timc no such thing as UFO had ever been heard of and we didn’l know what it was. And I still don’t know wha it was. But] do know that since that lime } have periods of disorientation, memory loss, and ah, 1 dropped from 180 pounds to 138 pounds after t got back to this country. And I've had great difficulty keeping my weight up. Indeed, I'm retired and disabled today.” i The following questions were asked the witness by Mr.Timmerman immediately following the above narrative. Q. “What has been your employmeat since you were in the military? A. “I was with the American tobacco company.” Q. “In what capacity?” A. “Manufacturing.” Q. "Ina plant near here?” A. "Yes, In Reedsville.” (North Carolina) Haines Page 21 Aerial Devices CP © P > PR > 2 > © > Q. A. “I see. How long did you work in that plant?” “Twenty six and one-half years.” “How long ago did you rete?" "1969." . “I see. And at present you are retired?" "I’m retired, yes, yes." "OK. ... Do you have the names of any of the men in that unit? Do you recall were any of them from this part of the country?” - "No, no.” “They were from all over?" . "Uh huh (yes). They were from Califomia ...” . “Did you maintain contact with any of them?” . "No, we've lost contact with them...so many of them got killed off after that.” . "Well, it was 36 years ago too. Did you ever before now have occasion to discuss this case with anyone else." . "Yes. I’ve told my wife and my family - my wife and my children, I have related this story to them many times over, since comin’ back from Korea, But, you know how it is with things like that. They said, “uh huh,” and they'd go on, and that’s the end of it.” “Right. Well, this case, ah, there’s the possibility that we may have other cases, other reports in the file..." “Oh, there's one thing ] forgot. I’m not tryin’ to add to the story but there is one thing that’s important. You know I Acrial Devices Page 22 told you I fired at it with the M-1 rifle... made contact. And the thing went wild like it was gonna’ fall.” . "Right." A. “Alright, subsequently, we apencd up with everything we > Oo Poe had and after that nothing would affect it... That one shot got it, But evidently, their defences were lowered, briefly, and when I connected, and when their defences were thrown back up, and after that, nothin’ could hit it.” . "Did the bullets sccm to just move right through it?" “Well, they...” . "There was no contact?” . "No contact. But the first time I did connect. And it was metallic because it was an armor piercing projectile from an M.-1 rifle. And we did hear the metal to metal, as it impacted.” . “Was it almost instantancously. because apparently the object wasn’t very far away.” . "Ie wasn’t far away, no. It was hovering right above us, like that, about like that ah, ceiling there...and apparently ob- serving us.” (Note 5) . “Yeh, I see," A. “It apparently had no hostile intent at thal ume, until J fired.” Q. “Did you recall whether there was any sound associated with the event?” . “There was no sound until t hit the object, That's what I’m tellin’ you, that this sound of locomotives revving up, diesel locomotives. Yeh, a deep sound, (cf. note 4) And that thing was winding up...and it, it recovered from this impact. And it was fully operational.” Haines Page 23 Acrial Devi Q. “So that the projectile you fired apparently didn’t cause any serious..." A. "No, it recovered {rom it. Ah,...but 1 did see the blue-green light on one of your pictures therc...like I described to you." Q. "Did you...? The light that you saw, was in this...(photo exhibit).” A, “It-was in one of the pictures here. It was orange in the be- ginning and then it changed to a blue-green light.” : Q. "I sce.” A. "I do believe thal these things are real and I think thal there is a cover up, and we were ordered to say nothing about this. That shows you they are covering up... It is fool- ish to believe that we have the only technology anywhere, you know? There are other intelligences... Well I hope, I wish...if I can raise up any of the names of the men, possibly, that are sull alive, and I doubt if you could get them to come forth, but if 1 could, there would be some way to verify this.” “I'm sixty years old now, but back when I was younger there were three days I still can’t account for.” Q. "Following the event?" > . "Uh huh (yes), there’s three days I still can’t account for. Why, ever since } came back home. My wife can tell you aboul it but I still don’t remember.” (note 6) . “Days here at home?" "Uh huh (yes).” "And you had a period...” > 2 > 0 . “I'd have these extreme headaches. They'd have to send me home, put me in the hospital and so forth.” Q. “And they couldn't explain what was going on?” Aerial Devices Page 24 Haines A. “Ub uh (no).” Q. "That's part of your medical history that Dr, R. would have?” A. "Uh huh (yes).... but you could talk to my wife, ah, what's left of my family, half of them are in the grave... and they'll tell you that I’ve told the same story many times. And if I was lyin’ J think I'd get mixed up in it after a while.” I contacted Mr. Wall in May of 1989 to ask a number of other questions. Here are my questions and his answers. Q. “Please try to estimate how long a period of time went by from the time your M-| rifle fired to the time you heard the round strike the object?” A. "One to two seconds (best as | can remember).” . “Did you ever have severe headaches from the time the object departed to one weck later?" re "Yes." “Please try to describe when they first started.” > © > “The next day or so after contact with the object.” “What other physical ailments did you experience within the first week after the experience?” © “Dysentery, nausea.” . “Within the first week or so did you ever vomit?” . "Yes...for several days.” . "Within the first month or so did your appetite change?" . "Yes... [lost my appetite." o> Oo > © > . “Within the first month or so did your thirst change?” > "Yes...my thirst increased.” Haines © DP oe mh > Oo YP > OP OP Oo > 2 Page 25 Aerial Devi “How many of the men in your company did you talk to about this strange event at the time?" “Approximately 25 or more.” “Did any of the other men you talked to tell you things that were different from your experience?” “No.” “Have you ever seen such an object before this time in Korea?" “No.” “Have you ever seen a similar object after this sighting?" “No.” “What do you think the object was?" “An alien spacecraft - nothing like J had ever scen.” "What compass dircction (approximatcly) were your guns firing from the hillside toward the town?" “North.” “What compass direction did you first notice the object?" “East.” “What compass direction did the object finally disappear?” “Forty five degrees up (and) then West." “When were you discharged from the Army?” “June 1952.” “What type of military discharge did you receive?” Aerial Devices Page 26 Haines A. “Honorable.” Notes; 1. Mr. Wall’s name, rank, serial number, and other information was found on the official Army roster for his unit as of July 1951. 2. Historical accounts by Marshall (1951), Michaelis and Davidson (1951), Pearl (1963), and Pullen (1954) provide interesting back- ground information on the 27th Infantry Regiment "Wolfhounds”. 3, Lt. Evans’ name and other information for him was found on the official Army roster for "E" Company. 4. A very similar cvent took placc on March 17, 1981 on the Columbia River, just east of Portland, Oregon. Several eye witnesses des- cribed an orange spherical light which hung above the river while emitting a low throbbing, diese! engine sound that was tape recorded. An analysis of this tape by the J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies, Chicago, Illinois could nos identify it. 5. The ceiling in the shopping mall where this interview took place was approximately 25 to 30 fect above the floor. Even for a very low muzzle velocity (say 900 fps}, his estimate of I to 2 seconds dur- ation from when his M-1 fired to when he heard the projectile strike the object is clearly woo long. Is it possible that he only heard the echo of his own rifle firing from the surface of the object? 6. It is unlikely that the light ray that was emitted from this object was the cause of his (much later) symptoms of his memory loss. In another letter to Mr. Wall dated April 14, 1990 1 provided him with a list of 72 names of personne! who were in his company with the request that he iry to recall (and mark on the Ictter) the names of as many of them as possible. His reply of June 1st was terse; he wrote the word "none". General Comments: This close encounter of the first and second kind contains interesting corroborative data to the March 10, 1951 pilot sighting near Chinnampo, North Korea, the January 29, 1952 sighting by three military pilots flying near Haines Page 27 Aerial Devices Wonson at night, the February 24, 1952 bomber crew sighting over Antung, and the May 31, 1952 pilot sighting south of Chorwon (all presented in the next chapter). This particular sighting report also contains valuable details related to the nature of this aerial reality such as apparent three-dimensionality and mass, emitted noises and luminous radiation in a partially collimated fashion (in seeming reaction to the impact of the soldier’s rifle projectile), biological interaction (immediate skin sensations and subsequent skin surface and internal sequelae), and a responsiveness that is (allegedly) in direct response to the witness” “aggressive” behavior. The identity of what is behind this phenomenon remains shrouded in mystery. A number of issues of Jane’s All the World’s Aircraft around the ycar 1950 were Studied with regard to the kinds of American and Russian aerial devices that were in existence, There was no mention of any type of remotely pitoicd vehicles (RPV) nor other kinds of non-aerodynamic vehicles. Aerial Devices Page 28 Haines Chapter 3 American Pilots Repert UFOs over Korea This chapter presents 30 UFO sighting reports that were made by U.S. Air Force, Navy, and Marine pitois during the war. They are interesting because they show that the UFO was capable of out performing the combat aircraft the U.S. had at that time, Sept. 1950 Korea AUS. Navy plane on a combat mission was approached by two large discs. ‘The aircraft's radar was jammed, and its radio wansmitter was blocked by a buzzing noise each time a new frequency was uied. (Hall, pg. 73, 1964). A mose complete rcport provides the following information (UFOIRC, 1966). “Very early in the moming, three fighter-bombers took off from the flight deck of a U.S. aircraft carrier. The sun hadn’t risen and there was bite in the air. Two men -- a pitot and a radar gunner-- occupied cach of three planes assigned to a routine mission, bombing and strafing a uuck convoy that combat intelligence expected to be winding along the floor of a valley about a hundred miles from the Yalu tiver. The takeoff was routine, as was the flight to the target area. At about 7 A.M., just as the sun was breaking above the mountains in the East, the aircraft were proceeding North, ten thousand fect above the valley floor, Radar observers had their eyes peeled for the target. “I was watching the ground below for the convoy, seported ... and was startled to sce two large circular Haines Page 29 Acrial Devi shadows coming along the ground from the Northwest at 2 high ratc of speed. We were flying North above a valley which was surrounded on the East and West by mountains, with a pass directly ahead of us to the North. When I saw the shadows I looked up and saw the objects which were causing them. They were huge. I knew that as soon as I looked at my tadar screen. They were also going al a good clip -- about 1000 or 1200 miles per hour. My radar display indicated one and a half miles between the objects and our planes when the objects suddenly seemed to hall, back up and begin a jitering, or fibrillating motion. My first re- action, of course, was to shoot. I readied my guns, which automatically readied the gun cameras. When 1 readied the guns, however, the radar went haywire (note 1). The screen bloomed and became very bright. I uied to reduce the brightness by turning down the sensitivity, but this had no effect, I realized my radar had becn jammed and was useless. I then called the carrier, using the code name. I said the code name twice, and my receiver was out--blocked by a Strange buzzing noise, I wied (wo other (frequencies, but couldn't get through, Each time I switched frequencics the band was clear for a moment, then the buzzing began. (note 2) “While this was going on the objects were still jiucring out there ahead of us, maintaining our speed. About the time ] gave up trying to radio the carrier the things began mancuvering around our planes, circling above and below. I got a good look at them. Thad never seen anything like them before, and I learned after we reached our carrier that the other men in that flight had the same opinion. They were huge. Before my radar set was put out of commission, I used the indicated range plus points of reference on the canopy to determine their size. They were at Ieast 600 or possibly 700 feet in diameter. "The objects had a silvered mirror appearance, with a reddish glow surrounding them. They were shaped somewhat like a coolie’s hat, with oblong ports from which cmanated a copper-grecn colored light which grad- Aerial Devices Page 30 Haines ually shifted to pale pastel-colorcd lights and back 1o the copper-green again. Above the ports was a shim- mering red ring which encircled the top portion. “When the things maneuvered above us, we saw the bottoms of them. In the middle of the underside was a circular area, coal black and non-reflective. It was simply inky black, and it is important to note that al- though the whole object jittered while mancuvering, the black circular portion on the bottom was steady and showed no indication of movement. (note 3) “When the objects scemingly finished their inspec- tion of the Navy planes, they took off in the same direction from which they had come, and disappeared at a high rate of speed." (Ibid., pp. 3-4 and 3-5) Notes: 1, The apparent reactivity of the UFO phenomenon to the pilot’s volitional act is acommonly reported event in UFO literature. 2. The short delay which occurred suggests a very rapid, automated means of (a) scanning all emitted frequencies from the aircraft, (b) locating the new tadio frequency being used, and (c) activating an interference signal at that new frequency. 3. There is a close similarity between this description and that given by a commercial airline flight crew over Lake Michigan on July 4, 1981. See (Haines, 1982; 1983). Another case which the author has studied includes similar visual characteristics. An unidentified circular, apparently metallic object having a dark spot centered on its upper surface was photographed in 1971 by an official Costa Rican government airplane during a ground mapping flight (Haines and Vallee, 1989; 1990). Our extensive photographic analysis could not provide a reasonable explanation for the image. March 14, 1951 0051 GMT Chinnampo The chief eye witness in this case was the left scanner on a B-29 (#5369) flying at almost £7,000 feet altitude on a heading of 30 degrees, 42 miles SW of Chinnampo, Korea at 0051 hrs GMT (note). Eight other crewmen saw very brief glimpses of this bright light. The night was clear and moonless. The main witness saw a flash of bdrilfiant light at his 9 o'clock position that moved Haines Page 31 Aerial Devices slightly downwacd and to the rear of the airplane. The scanner "... reported it as a flare.” The phenomenon appeared as a “reddish-yellow glow that dropped slightly to (the) same elevation of aircraft then burst with bluish-white brillance. It was estimated to be as large as a basketball and did not deviate from (a) straight course toward aircraft or curve right or lefi, Tail gunner attracted by brilliant light and saw flash over (his) left shoulder off right wing. (He) did not observe any movement or any color other than silvery bright flash, Bombadier saw bluish-green flash from (his) side vision, By (the) time he could turn his head it was gone... Pilot saw object at 3 o'clock from corner of (his) eye as a flash of blue-white or blue-grecn. None able to describe red- orange tail, None saw any shape or shadows or anything resembling exhausts trace or another aircraft... None could estimate (the) distance on anything except sheer guess." (USAF, Staff Message Division report no. A 5394 INT- IR, dated 26 March 1951). The Air Force listed this case as UNIDENTIFIED in its Blue Book files with the possibility of it being flak, a flare, or a meteor. Note: GMT refers to Greenwich Mean Time. t July 1,195 2250 Korean Time Seoul This U.S. Air Force Air Intelligence Information Report IR-33-52 dated 16 July 1952 was prepared by ATIL Office, D/t FEAF’s Captain Charles J. Malven (ATLO), Ist. Marine Air Wing. It states: “At 2250/K, four night pilots in different areas simultane- ously reported a large green ball, very bright, and tailing streaks of red which soon turned blue, passing overhead at 10-15000 feet on North-Northeast heading. Pilot’s locations at time of sighting were as follows: One F4U-5N 2 miles North of Scoul, one F4U-5N at CT 1070, one F4U-SN at CT 4020, one F7F-3N at CU 2010. Pilots concur that object was moving with tremendous velocity.” The official Air Force conclusion was "METEOR" due to the visual description given. Acrial Devices Page 32 Haines Fall 1951 Night Location Unknown More than 14 U.S. Navy ground and airborne radar sets tracked a UFO which circled over the U.S, fleet. The object moved at speeds ranging from "slow" to over 1,000 mph and was at an altitude of 5,000 feet. The witness, Lt. Cmdr. M.C. Davies, U.S.N. was on board a CVE class aircraft carrier at the time as a Naval pilot (with over 4,000 flight hrs). Following is his report submitted to the National Committee on Acrial Phenomena (NICAP), “It was at night, I was riding with a radar operator which I often did to check on their proficiency. We were flying at 5,000 feet, solid instruments, with our wingman flying a radar position about 3 miles astern and slightly to our right or left. The target, which was slightly larger than our wingman, | picked up on our scope, had been circling the fleet, it left the fleet and joined up on us a position behind our wingman, approximatcly the same position he held on us. “1 reported the target to the ship and was informed that the target was also held on the ship’s radars, 14 in number; and for us to get a visual sighting if possible. This was impossible because of the clouds. The target retained his relative position for approximately 5 minutes and then departed in excess of one thousand miles per hour, He de- parted on a straight course and was observed to the maxi- mum distance of my radar which was two hundred miles. “Upon comptction of my flight an unidentified flying object report was completed, at which time I was informed that the object was held on ship’s radars for approximately approximately seven hours." (Hall, pg. 84, 1964). Note: A weather station was installed by the Air Force at Chip’o Ri, coordinates CT 5222. The largest inflatable weather balloon used there was a 30 gram "ceiling" balloon with a maximum diameter of 15 inches. (See Appendix 1 for balloon characteristics, Note the error in the type of balloon and its diameter.) Haines Page 33 Acrial Devices Jan 29, 1952 2300 and 2324 Korean Time Wonson & Sunchon Three crewmembers (ail, left, and top gunner) of a B-29 reported a five- minute encounter with a light orange colored sphere which shot away at art angle. (Newsweek, March 3, 1952, LIFE Magazine, April 7, 1952).-This public information came from an Air Force press release. The more complete official Air Force Air Intelligence Information Report IR-2-52 dated 10 February 1952, was prepared by 2nd. Lt. Mario Perez, Intelligence Officer, 98th. Bomb Wing Intelligence Office, It states: "1. Observed one globe shaped object with a slight tear drop effect noted on lower side, estimated size to be three feet across when at its nearest point to B-29. The size was not definitely established as the distance from the observer was not known. The color of the object resembled the sun, a light orange, and it occasionally changed to a bluish tint (note 1). The outer edge of the object appeared to be fuzzy and it seemed to have an internal chuming movement like flames or fiery gases when it was at its nearest point to the B-29, The object was first observed paraliel on course at eight o’clock level, where it secmed to be about the size of a saucer, gradually becoming larger as it approached the B-29, It came in on the same level as the B-29 and remained in the same relative position to the B-29 for approximately one minute and then receded on the same path, fading away in the dis- tance,” "2. Sighted on January 291324Z for a period of approximately one minute. The left Gunner and Tail Gun- ner observed the object without the use of any optical or electronic equipment. The B-29 was at 22,250 feet, and ground speed (of) 125 knots. "3. The two observers were airborne in the B-29 in the crew positions of Left Gunner and Tail Gunner, Object was observed at 3926N 12555E and level with the B-29." Other Air Force files provide additional information. The orange object flew beside the first B-29 for about five minutes during its encounter at 2300 Korean time and beside a second B-29 for one minute at 2324 Korean time. Its location was approximately 39 deg 03 min N and 127 deg E. The military Acrial Devices Page 34 Haines coordinate position was cited as CU-4020 or about 50 miles off the south coast during the first sighting and at YD-5459 or about 5 miles SSE of Sunchon. The second aircraft received flak shorily after sighting the object. The B-29 was flying at an altitude of 22,500 fect on a heading of 274 deg. The light was scen “shortly before receiving flak. The object approached the B-29 fom between 8 and 9 o’clock level then withdrew and disappearcd at the same clock position.” It was said to be a shimmering (assumed to be spinning)" globular” object with a color that resembed the sun with “an occasional bluish tint” and appeared to be about three feet diameter (at its nearest position). All witnesses had had extensive flight combat experience in WW2 and stated “emphatically that the sightings noted above bore no resemblance whatsoever 1o anything they had previously experienced." “It is the opinion of this officer that these sightings represent another example of new technique in warfare under test by the enemy. Comment by DA, FEAF Bomcom, it is assumed that there is stil] a very real possibility that these phenomena may very well indicate the presence of new enemy flare devices, despite the unit intelligence officer flling (sic) that such possibilities are ruled out. Aside from that, it is worth mentioning that the 98 wing commander was present during one of the subject interrogations, and wamed the crew members as to their responsibilities in reporting such observations. Special report of unidentified flying objects W/B submitted. (In) view of utter lack (of) similar observation requires your comments regarding (the) above." In yet another Air Force report on this case (T52-3047-2, ID, 310956Z) from the Commanding Officer of ATIC, it is learned that the exhaust stack flame from aircraft engine cunning rich (is) considered doubtful because no known Soviet aircraft have exhaust stack arrangement that would produce this illusion, It was also considered doubtful that the light could have been produced by a jet aircraft engine, aflerbumer exhaust, ramjet helicopter air-to- air weapon, fircballs, or trailed bombs (also used by Germans in 1942 (WW- 2) as a defense by bombers against pursuing flighters. It was a 20-25 kg bomb attached 10 a wire about 100 to 250 meters long behind the bomber which flew in wide circles and could be exploded at will by a crew member. Such an object might appear to be spinning and to fly parallel with the enemy bomber. Of course in this case there were no enemy airplanes anywhere near the observers’ B-29! Peter A. Suranges, staff member of the Reaction Power Plants Group, Propulsion Branch at the Air Force’s Air Materiel Command, Wright- Patterson AFB responded to an information request from Lt. Ruppelt at Haines Page 35 Aerial Devices Project Blue Book office concerning the possibility that this UFO was a number of conventional objects (viz., jet engine, afterbumer, ramjet, pulsejet, rocket engine). His ATIAA memo dated 20 February 1952 stated: “2, This group concurs that the objects appear to be propelied but from the descriptions and the ime. durations cited it is not considered that the objects are conventional jet engine, conventional jet engine with afterbumer, pulsejet or rocket propelled. Slight credence, however, is given to the possibility of a ramjet powered helicopter or a modification thereof, with provisions incorporated for exhausting along a section of the wailing edge of the rotor blade, creating the fuzzy edged, internal churning of flames and gases, globe shaped phenomena observed recently by the B-29 crews in Korea.” A memo by Lt. Col. Hundt, AFOIN-V/TC, prepared on 29 February 1952 identified the Soviet fighter aircraft of possible interest as the La-9 or La-1#. Both have a cluster of exhaust stacks on each side of the fuselage. There is virtually no correspondence betwcen such an engine exhaust configuration seen at night and the orange globe reported by these witnesses. In a memorandum prepared by Capi. Fournet for Air Force public relations use he states, "The sightings mentioned, although of a different nature, as is usual, are not abnormat occurrences in the combat theauc. During World War II over doth Germany and Japan, combat crews reported sightings of a multitude of these types of objects which could not be identified or explained. These very often were reported as “fireballs,” particularly from combat crewmen participating in flights over Japan. Very often these unidentified objects were reported to have performed violent maneuvers, travel ai very high speeds. travel at very low speeds to the point of hovering. followed or flew formation with friendly aircraft, disappeared or disintegrated while in flight, etc, During the whole of World War H and subsequent thereto, intelligence was never able to prove the existence of such unconventional phenomena nor was it able to determine the characteristics of these objects, if indeed they did exist. A summary of all such rclated incidents was madc essentially as follows. (Italics mine) Note: The text which follows was (apparently) suggested to Air Force Public Relations for release to intercsted partics rather than the detailed Aerial Devices Page 36 Haines. information contained within the original witness report. “The sightings were the result of natural normal occurrences while in combat, ¢.g., flak, Naming and exploding aircraft, reflections on canopies, search- light reflections, engine exhaust wails, air-to-air bombs, etc., and sometimes a result of combat fatigue, particularly on the long missions required to bomb Japan.” "3. There have been numerous reports of objects which crews have been unable to identify, while on com- bat missions over Korea during the present conflict, In general, these sightings have assumed a pattern _ which parallels the overall pattern of World War I reports. The latest reports from Korea have mentioned the employment by the Communist Forces of an airborne searchlight, possibly attached beneath the fuselage of a conventional aircraft and used in conjunction with antiaircraft and/or fighters. The evaluation of this branch of the sightings outlined in the subject above is that these unidentified objects probably are such airbome searchlights which because of combat fatigue, conditions of sightings, weather factors, elc., were assumed to be objects unattached to any- thing else. Such a report would appear reasonable in view of the fact that an object of this type would naturally become a center of interest, so to speak, and would tend to cause the observers to concentrate on its details rather than to look for anything else in conjunction with it.” (note 2) An Associated Press wire story dated February 20, 1952 from Tokyo conceming these sightings stated: "Far East Air Force Headquarters in Tokyo, which directs B-29 bomber operations in Korea, would issue no statement on the latest version of flying saucers, Asked if pilots of night fighters or B-26 light bombers had seen the objects, a Fifth Air Force spokesman in Korea said: “To affirm or deny lit would put us in the position of discussing it and we cannot discuss it.” (note 3) Notes: 1, Chapter 2 presents a ground eye witess account of a relatively small round orange object which also changed to blue as seen from a ground artillery Haincs Page 37 Aerial Devices position overlooking Chorwon. 2, This explanation seems to better fit the sighting of February 23, 1952 (below) than it docs to this case. 3. Aircrew members were already under a lot of combat related stress. It is likely that one reason USAF officials did not want to openly admit the existence of an actual acrial phenomenon not of enemy origin was to try to help reduce this stress. February 23,1952 1415 Korean Time Sinuiju, North Korea Crewmembers of a B-29 reported sighting a UFO while flying over Sinuiju located near the Yalu River (40,04N; 124.25E), No other information is available on this sighting. February 24, 1952 2315 Korean Time (Night) Antung The navigator of a B-29 observed a UFO about 45 seconds after the airplane in which he rode was illuminated by a searchlight. The object was cylindrical in shape and approached from the 7 O'Clock position. It had a “rapidly pulsating gaseous type of exhaust tail... about three times the length of the object with both the tail blast and the object bluish in color.” (note 1) The previously classified Air Force repon (IR-1-52; dated 27 February 1952; No. T52-5836) prepared by Captain 1. O. Mitchell, Flak Intel. Officer interviewed Captain R.W Smith, 345 B.S. 98th. B.W. the eye witness. Segments of his report follow. “At 2315], a B-29 on leaflet mission at XE 2838 heading 030 dcg, altimde 22,000 ft, was picked up in scarchlight beam by two lights on right side of acft. Within 45 seconds after acft was iNtuminated by searchlights, navigator observed object approaching acft from position, on ground estimated to be at XE 2342 (note 2). No launching blast was observed and object appeared to approach acfi at an angle of 30 deg from the deft rear, When observer initially spotted object, it appeared to be round in shape and bright blue in color. As it came closer to the acft, the shape Acrial Devices Page 38 Haines appeared cylindrical with tail approximately threc times length of the forward mass of object. The color of the tail was the same as object and appcared to be rapidly pulsating gaseous type propulsion blast. Ob- server saw object for an estimated 45 seconds. The course of the object was at an angle of 45 deg from horizontal, of high velocity, flat in wajectory until it leveled off approximately 4000 ft. from acft. It assumed evel Might characteristics, tumed to the left. as though making a correction to intercept acft at a predicted point. The object continued to close in toward interception point on level with acft for about 15 seconds and then broke off in flight and head down and underneath acit at gradual angle. At the closest point, the object appeared to come within approximately 3000 ft. of acft and appeared to be the size of an automobile. As it broke off from level flight, the tail diminished rapidly in size and became brighter in color. The indicated airspeed of acft was 200 knots and acft remained at 22,000 fu. altitude. Searchlights continued to illuminate acft and meager, inaccurate flak was cncountered during entire period object was observed. Scarchlights worked in multiples of two and four light pickups, and kept ship illuminated for approximately four minutes. ECM operator received weak electronic signals, but was unable to take electronic countermeasures. Pilot executed evasion action in a serics of “S" curves, then made a shallow dive and searchlights and flak ceased. Weather was clear and visibility unlimited.” Notes. 1. These characteristics are similar to those described in chapter 2. 2. Itisof interest to obscrve that the cylindrical object approached the bomber from the direction of the ground after the aircraft was illuminated by ground searchlights. March 29, 1952 Korea The pifot (Brigham) of an F-84 sighted a UFO over Korea. No further Haines Page 39 Aerial Devices information is available. (Hall, 1964) May 10, 1952 Korea Project Blue Book monthly summary for the period 1 - 10 May 1952 includes a singte entry for a sighting on May 10th by a military observer that was evaluated as BALLOONS. No other information is available. May 15,1952 2000 KoreanTime North Korea Air Intelligence Information Report 52-79 dated 28 May 1952 describes a brief but interesting encounter with a UFO by two “very reliable” pilots of the 51st Fighter-Interceptor Wing, 25th Fighter-Interceptor Squadron. The two airplanes were on Mission C/S1-02 flying wing positions in maple flight. Lt. McCarthy was the first pilot to sce the strange object. He had completed 27 combat missions. The other unnamed pilot was the Interceptor Group Operations Officer with 56 combat missions completed. Following is a summary of the key events: A silvery oval shaped object larger than a MiG jet airplane was seen at the 9 o'clock position below the wo F-86E jet airplanes at an estimated altitude of from 8,000 to 10,000 feet and about twenty miles away. The single scat airplanes were on a heading of 280 deg; the object continued on in a straight flight path and disappeared at about the 3 o'clock position. While fiying at an alutude of 30,000 feet and an airspeed of 500 knots, both eye witnesses saw the object for only 3 to 5 seconds and noted that the object uavelled at an estimated 1,200 to 1,500 mph in a “rolling maneuver" (note). The reported weather was a medium haze with visibility of between 10-12 miles. Note. The meaning of this is unclear. May 15, 1952 1835 Korean Time North Korea Air Intelligence Information Report No. 52-81 describes an encounter between the pilot of an F-S1 propellor-driven fighter bomber and a silver object estimated to be about 50 feet in diameter. The aircraft was assigned to the 18th. Fighter Bomber Group. The pilot had flown 76 combat missions in WW2, He was at military coordinate CT 8000 flying on a heading of 180 deg Aerial Devices Page 40 Haines at an altitude of 9,000 feet: he first noticed the object at the 1:00 o’clock position. “By the time I called the object in as a bogie, it had moved to the 3 o'clock position and started a stcep climb, which | assumed was the beginning of a Joop, but at the vertical position in the loop, the object moved forward in its original course of wavel (360 deg) and wavered momentarily and then descended and disappeared into the haze which reached an altitude of approximately 7000-8000 feet,” (bid., pg, 3) While the airplane was travelling at only 240 mph, the UFO was estimated to be moving at 1,000 mph first to the east and then changing to the north. It was at approximately the Same altitude as the airplane during the 15 - 25 second-long sighting. May 26, 1952 0320 Korean Time North Korea This Project Blue Book casc (Air Intelligence Information Report No. 52- 85) was classifed as a POSSIBLE BALLOON on the record card. Both crewmen on the F-94 jet interceptor (Figure 7) saw the brilliant white object (the pilot for about 14 seconds) in addition to positive ground and on-board radar contact with the same object. The weather was very clear. The signed pilot sighting report is perhaps the clearest description of what happened. “While on CAP-sortic from K-13 Bromide informed us of an unknown located at CT 4856 and told us to investigate. ‘After descending to 2500 feet we saw, in the glare of the front line scarchlights, a small plane bencath, but were unable to descend farther due to terrain to determine type. Bromide told us to drop it and take up a southerly heading. When we tuned to this heading, we saw a brilliant object above and in front of us and asked Bromide if we could investi- gate. With his permission we made our first pass from north to south within 600 fect, then a succession of passes from cardinal compass points ranging lo within 50 feet, but, because of the brilliancy of the light, we could discem no outline. On our last pass my Radar Observer looked back and said he thought he saw an object on our tail. 1 did not give much cre- dence to his observation until Bromide called and said he painted an object on my ail. I then requested Bromide to vector me for an interception on this new unknown. (AI this time the object was still Haines Page 41 Aerial Devic Figure 7 F-94C Starfire Jct Interceptor (from author's collection } in sight) When I received my first vector I was south of the brilliant object and started a starboard turn to the intercept vector for the new unidentified. On a northeasterly heading my R/O gave mea lock-on, overtaking 50 knots, range 7000 yards, nearly dead ahead and slightly above. When I closed ta 6000 yards, the object started to pull away and I threw the aferbumer in (airspoed at this time was 250 knots). In a graduat climb and still with the object nearly centered on the scope, the range increased at a steady rate from 6000 yards to approximately 26000 yards in 12-15 seconds. At that range we broke lock. No evasive action was observed and no exhaust patterns such as might be expected. Aerial Devices Page 42 Haines Signed: Ist Lt. Mastin ---—-- The Radar Observer provided the following signed statement: “We had dropped down to about 3,000 feet to investigate an unknown that GCI was painting, and after making a few circles over this unknown, Martin, my pilot, spotted this bright light. We got permission to investigate the light by GCI. J tried to pick she light up with my radar, but I could not. GCI said they were then painting the light, We made about seven (7) passes at the light; after the third pass I came out of the set to take a look. It appeared to be a bright blue light. Ican not understand how GCI was painting this target and I could not pick it up. We were at about 7,000 feet and then after the last pass GCI said that somcone was on our tail. 1 tumed and thought I saw a plane, but could not be sure, as it was only for asecond. Martin started a right turn, and to climb, 1 then picked up our target at about 7,000 yds and about 7,000 feet altitude and locked on. I belicve that this was the target GCI was painting all the time, and that he was in our area while we were making passes at the light. We started to avertake our target and he moved in from 7,000 to 6,000 yds, He was in the center of my scope, and about 5 or 10 degrees high. We were climbing all the time. He then went from 6,006 yds to about 24,000 yds in about 14 seconds and we broke lock. We did not pick him up the rest of our mission,” Signed: Ist Lt, E - The official report points out several other facts of interest which were elicited by the Director of Intelligence, FEAF: (1) The airborne radar set type was an APG-33 and was in very good working order before and after the flight in question, (2) The R/O did not take his cyes off the scope at any time until the lock was broken at 24,000 to 26,000 yds, (3) the pip was centered and about 10 deg high at all times until tock-on was broken, (4) the object’s acceleration was constant (it did not jump), "The unidentified went into a shallow climb with the F-94 following up to and passing 10,000 feet altitude until lock-on was broken, and (5) since the radar set was on long range it ‘wasn’t possible to determine the size of the object. (italics minc) Haines Page 43 Aerial Devices The Deputy for Intelligence, FEAF wrote: “1, The distance covered by the object is approxi- mately 68,500 feet. Acceleration is 650 fsec/sec, (or approximately 20 "G" accelcration, (which is much more than the human body can stand for more than a fraction of a second). The final velocity is found to be 9450 ft/sec, or approximately 5580 knots (6420 mph). "2. The radar scts arc checked before and after every mission, and in this case appeared lo be working Hormally. Even if it were assumed that the operator's timing, or the APG-33 calibration were off as much as 50%, the speed is still above any known type of missile, "3. No information has yet been received from the ground controlicr at Bromide as to the retums plotted or the length of time that object was held in contact by the ground radar. “4. The phenomenal acceleraiion reported leads to the belicf that the APG-33 was nol operating correctly at the time of contact, despite checks | before and after the mission.” Signed: Charles Y. Banfill Brigadier General, USAF Deputy for Intelligence The conclusion of the Deputy for Intelligence stated above illustrates once again the lengths that people will go to w ignore obvious facts that do not agtee with their presuppositions. The General conveniently ignored the fact that both aircrewmen visually sighted the same aerial object that the two radar sets had “captured.” During times of war it is ¢asicr to blame a radar set as being the cause of a UFO report than to have to cope with ever-increasing paperwork and ridicule from “above” for admitting that these two aircrew actually saw what they said they saw. On the last page of this file is a typed summary shect with the words “Information Only - Solution: Possible malfunction of airborne radar sct, Acrial Devices Page 44 Haines Source: Military”. Nevertheless, both Might crew saw a “brilliant white light suraight ahead" right where their radar, and ground radar said it was! In addition, their radar system had been found to be in good working order both before and after this flight making this solution both unacceptable and ridiculous. May 30, 1952 1900 Kerean Time Sea of Japan The following report was found in Air Intelligence Information Report IR- 4-52 dated 7 June 1952 regarding a sighting of an unusually shaped aerial phenomenon by three aircrew of a C-54 aircraft (Figure 8) flying at about 34 deg 15 min N; 139 deg 30 min E over the Sea of Japan. Following is the sigacd report by the pilot, Lt. Robert J. Arblaster, AO 1908891. "On 30th of May 1952, climbing to 3,500 feet, enroute to Oshima Range, on a heading of 190 degrees, at approximately 1925 + hours, the co-pilot of my crew remarked that he saw an odd shape in the sky at about 4 o'clock. “I was flying the aircraft and raised up out of the left scat to get a look at what the co-pilot referred to. To me, it looked like nothing more than a dark cloud, round and towering. It was approx- imately 60 to 70 milcs from us reaching to about 15,000 feet. “Since I was satisfied that is (sic) was only another cloud formation, 1 did not deem it necessary to contact a GCI station and busied myscif with flying duties. I have enclosed a sketch of phenomena observed, Signed: Robert J. Arblaster The co-pilot, Captain William Leet prepared the following account of what he saw. "At 1855, 30 May 1952, we took off from Tachikawa Air Base on a Troop Carrier trip in C-54 #2452. [ was co-pilot on the crew. We climbed on course to Oshima to 8,500 feet, on a magnetic heading of about 180 degree and ata rate of about S00 feet per minute. Our indicated airspeed was 150 - 160 mph. Haines Page 45 Acrial Dev "From time w time after take-off and alter climbing a few minutes I glanced toward the west observing the effect of the sunset behind the cloud formations. I noticed what at first appeared to be a round black cloud detached from the rest of the formation and in a sort of uough in the contour of the tops of the clouds. After watching this for about onc minute, [ noted that my watch read 1908 hours, as I decided by this time that the object was not a cloud nor did it seem to be any type of aircraft or helicopter. “I called the attention of the aircraft commander, the engineer and navigator, who was not on the crew but was in the navigator's compastment, to the object. The aircraft com- mander, 1st. Lt Arblaster, was occupied piloting the plane and glanced only once at the object. The engineer looked at the object for a minute or two and remarked that it was not an aircraft nor a cloud in his opinion. The navigator told mc later when I questioned him, that he merely glanced at the object and thought il was a cloud. “T observed the object unti! it disappeared from sight at 1914, It appeared darker than the clouds and an almost cit- cular shape but somewhat flaucned on top and bottom. At some moments it seemed to wobble slighuy. It hovered per- fectly motionless from the time 1 first saw it at 1907 hours until 1913, when it staricd moving to the west on a heading T estimated to be about 285 degrees. It moved very rapidly and was out of sight at 1914, “It seemed to move on a track away from our position and horizontally. I watched it until it became a mere speck and disappeared from view. “I noticed another C-54 during the time I was watching the object. It was at a higher altitude than ours, about 10,000 feet and was to the northwest of our position headed in an easterly direction. "The sky to the west was pink and the sun was not glaring. I did not observe any exhaust, flame or vapor traits around the object at any time. I am positive that the object was not Acrial Devices Page 46 Haines Figure 8 C-54 in Flight (Reproduced by permission of the National Air and Space Muscum Smithsonian Insurution) an aircraft of any type I have ever scen. It was nota balloon and it was nota cloud. "T could only guess at the altitude and distance of the object. T estimate it was about 20-25 miles west of my position and at 10,000-15,000 fect attitude. Signed: William D. Leet Another signed eye witness report prepared by Sgt. Andrew J. Roe, flight engineer on board the airptane, agrecs in most respects with the above two reports and is nol included here. Haines Page 47 Aerial Devices The official explanation for this sighting was “CLOUD.” This conclusion Gid not take into account the clear and specific description provided by the co- pilot that: (1) none of the observers thought it was an aircraft, (2) it was a circle, Mattened on the top and bottom, and (3) it appeared to accelerate away from the observing airplanc in fess than a minute. May 31, 1952 0420 Korean Time South of Chorwon 38.02N 127.07E In this USAF pilot sighting the official conclusion was either an "AIRCRAFT" or a “BALLOON WITH A FLARE.” Details are from Air Intelligence Information Report No. 52-106 obtained from an F-94 flighter pilot of the 319th Fighter Interceptor Squadron. While the F-94 airplanc’s radar achicved a positive lock-on the object ground radar failed to “paint” it. A round, brilliant, bluish-white light was reported to possess *...a superior specd and climbing ability oves the F-94 and had the ability to tum as well as the F- 94, This object was first sighted visually by ground sources whose statements are included in reports 52-93 and 52-94." The airplane was at 30,000 feet altitude and 450 knots when the UFO was scen. The pilot's report stated: “The F-94 descended in a port turn to intercept unidentified object 6000 fect below on a 90 deg course and altitude of 8000 fcet. Unidentificd object began a port climb at the samc time to intercept the de- scending F-94 and accomplished a maneuver which silhouctted the F-94 against the light of dawn, The F-94 tumed on afterbumer and tried two quartering head on passes with the unidentified object resulting in neither being able to get astern of the other, Hulberry’s maneuvers ensued to 3,000 fect where more passes were exchanged for a few minutes. The unidentified object then increased his speed to an estimated 400 knots on a 45 deg heading and began pulling away from the F-94. ‘When last seen the unidentified object had seemingly increased his speed to approximately 450 knots whereupon the F-94 gave up pursuit at 0355 and returned to base.” Comment: The physical prox imity to Chorwon and the similarity of the shape of this object with that described in Chapter 2 raise the possibility that the same acrial object could have been seen in both instances. Acrial Devices Page 48 Haines June 1, 1952 Korea This case is listed in the Project Bluc Book files as an ASTRO (FIREBALL), however, the complete file was gone and listed as "missing." June 5, 1952 North Korea This military sighting in Project Blue Book files is listed as a "BALLOON" sighting. No information was found, however, other than the summary card, June 6, 1952 Kimpo Air Base, Korea This military sighting in Project Blue Book files is listed as “UNIDENTIFIED.” However, the complete file is listed as “missing.” June 7, 1952 Seoul This Project Blue Book case was listed as "BALLOON" on the summary card. No other information is available. June 20, 1952 1505 Korean Time CT 0909 Grid area Korea This sighting was found in Air Intelligence Information Report No. 30-52 dated 16 July 1952. The summary sheet signed by Brigadier General Charles Y. Banfill, Director of Intelligence cross-referenced the following previous reports: IR-23-52, D/l FEAF; IR-52-106, and IR-52-85. Following are the salient details from this report: “1. Object was oval in shape, from ten (10) to twenty (20) fect in diameter, was either white or silver. There was only one (1) object and no vapor uails or gas tails of any type were noticed. The object approached from the south, made a complete left-hand orbit of the target area just worked by the flight and headed away in an casterly direction, where it was soon lost from sight. “2. It was first observed at 1503/1 and was out of Haines Page 49 Acrial Dev sight at 1504/1 on 20 June 1952. “3, Visual observation was made from approximately 5300 (cet, aircraft were in a left orbit south of their target indicating 180 knots. Type aircraft flown were F4U-4B (Figure 9). "4. Observers were (at) CT 0909 over the west central sector of Korea. Object was approximately 4000 feet below and about two (2) miles away from the reporting aircraft. Altitude of object was estimated at 1000 feet. It approached from the south and made a 360 deg Figure 9 F4U-4B Aircraft in Flight (Reproduced by permission of the National Aur and Space Museum Smithsonian Institution) Acrial Devices Page 50 Haines orbit of the CT 091129 area and headed off on an easterly direction and was out of sight at CT 120118. One (1) pilot made a dive at the object but was out- distanced, Aircraft’s speed in dive was 250 knots in- dicated. "§. Four (4) pilots in a flight of five (5) observed the object after it had been called to their attention by the flight leader. All of these pilots are well uaincd and have flown an average of 44 combat missions in Korea. The reliability of the report is considered A-1. Pilots names are: Caplain Bobbie Foster 024474/7302 USMCR Captain Richard Francisco 038989/7302 USMCR Captain Teddy L. Pittman 036251/7302 USMCR Captain Ronnie A. McDonald 039833/7302 USMCR" June 23,1952 0608 Korean Time CV 4Grid Area Korea A pilot of the 18th Fighter Bomb Group reported seeing a black disc shaped object about seven times wider than thick. “The object was observed at 12,000 ft. altitude descending rather irregularly at 6,000 ft, flew at that altitude for six or seven seconds, approached the observer within 1500 ft., and then dis- appearcd into the clouds. The size of the object was cstimated to be 1510 20 ft.in diameter. The specd was estimated to be approximately 250 mph. This Air Force, D/I Comment: "To date there has been no additional info obtained regarding these sightings, therefore, positive identification cannot be made at this time,” “DA FEAF Comment: No logical explanation can be definitely given to these sightings (reference to the Junc 6th case). (This case) could possibly be due to light reflections on the clouds, so the report does not indicate whether the clouds were above or below the observed aircraft.” Note. The Dfl’s reference to the "observed aircraft" seems to make it easier to simply dismiss this sighting as a misidentification of a manmade object rather than a UFO. Haines Page 51 Acrial Devices August 9, 1952 2057 Korean Time K-3 Area of Korea This case was filed as Air Intelligence Information Report Na. 37-52 dated 25 August 1952 from the Ist. Marine Aircraft Wing, Korea. Cited as a cross reference was IR-35-52. The file contained a report by a pilot flying at 10,500 fcet altitude neas coordinate K-3 and by a ground tadar observer. First the pilot's report: “Richmond 18 (flight name) reports strange non- conventional aircraft passed him S00 yards on starboard wing about 1000 feet higher. Aircraft had ball of fire at the rear with a very long streamer of flame. Object (was) glimpsed at front before passing was not of any type known. Aircraft was going at a very high rate of speed. He notified me when he checked in over K-3 at 2057. I verified secing several radar blips on scope in direction 205 degrees at approximately the same time Richmond 18 reported secing the suange aircraft. Very conservative estimate of speed of 600 to 800 knots because speed of 1200 to 1400 knots was too high for one aircraft. It was probably two, one behind the other.” A slatement made by 2nd. Lt. Leo N. Nagrodsky 05301 1/6709 Marine Corp to Commanding Officer, Marine Ground Control Intescept Squadron dated 11 August 1952 included the following ground radar information on this sighting: "1, On 9 August 1952 I had the duty as Senior Watch Controller at MGCIS-3 CIC from 2000 to 2400. “2. On coming on watch I noted that AC-C] phone circuit was weak and instructed the duty telephone man to check it. He advised Devestate Able that their transmitter batteries were apparently weak. Deve- state Able stated that they would work on the circuit. 3. (6 lines of initial text omitted here by author) "On the third sweep Richmond 18 was turning toward K-3 and was about ]7 1/2 miles from MCCIS-3, A target appeared at 205 degrees, 27 miles and t started to adjust the scope to get a maximum pick up on that target. On the fourth sweep Richmond 18 was at about 215 degrees, 15 miles, and a target appeared at 205 degrees, 32 miles. I did not connect this target with the third sweep target, because it was so far Acrial Devices Page 52 Haines from it and thought that two Richmond aircraft were coming up from the south. On the fifth sweep, fifty seconds after the first faint target had appeared, Richmond 18 was at about 220 degrees, 15 mites and a strong peculiar blip about 2 miles in tength and curved at an angle of about 80 degrees from the trace of a normal target appeared at 206 degrccs, 38 miles. I could not tell whether it was an aircraft or some type of interference and did not connect it with the previous blips. No more unusual blips appeared and 1 decided that they had all been due to interference of some type. The above bearings and distances are as I recalled them about seven or eight minutes later, but I believe them to be accurate within two miles and five degrees. The radar telfer’s scope was not peaked as high as mine and he did not see any blips other than Richmond 18. 1 did not call the radar teller's attention to the unusual blips ] had seen, because he ‘was accurately reporting all other tacks, and I believed that interference had caused the widely spaced and peculiar blips. "4, AC20S7 Richmond 18 reported in and then asked if [had seen any plots in his vicinity seven to nine minutes before. I replied that I had secn what would have been either several planes or noisc at the time. Richmond 18's comment was that it was not like any airplane he had ever seen and described the object as follows: °a large dark ob- ject with (text unreadable) and very long streamers or flare which did not resemble a jet exhaust. “He estimated that it had passed him about 500 yards to his right and about 1,000 feet above his altitude 9400 feet.” In his assessment of these two reports, Captain Charles J. Malven, USAF, ATLO siatcd: "2, Further, the charts admit to an error of 2 miles and five degrees. Therefore the constant course heading of a meteorite seems to be substantiated. “3, A meteorite entering the earth’s atmosphere at 18,000 m.p.h, especially if flying a near-horizontal Haines Page 53 Aerial Devices course, would probably decclerate very rapidly. A spced of 1500 m-p.h. at 10,000 fi. altitude may be concomi- tant with these conditions." August 23,1952 0104 Korean Time Sinujju, North Korea This UFO report was classified as a possible MISSILE in Air Force Report IR-3-52 made by a B-29 combat crew of the 19th Bombardment Group, Medium while flying a weather reconnaissance mission in the Sinuiju area {coordinate KE 2841). The report states: “AtQ104! on 23 Aug 52 over KE 2848, aircraft 5369 which was scheduled for weather reconnaissance in the Sinuiju area, sighted an unidentified object. The aircraft was on a heading of 044 degrees at an altitude of 22,000 feet, weather was 1/8 to 3/8 undercast with no moon. The sighting was made by the Airbome Commander. Aircraft Commander, Pilot ---- C.F.C. and Right Scanner. The object was described as appearing to be 6 or 7 fect long, cigar shaped, orange-red in color and red particles ------ bit. + appearing to shoot off at right and left from the path of --- -------- trail was seen but the whole object seemed to glow with an orange- red color. The object was first seen at the 3 o'clock level position approximately 300 fect away. [t was travelling up at an angle of 45 degrces approximatcly verne sect errors ----+ the B-29 and disappeared when it was 150 feet above the --+----- altitude. The sighting Jasted not more than 3 seconds after it was first seen. Spced of object was estimated as over 300 MPH. The experience level of this crew --- it missiles and all concur on the above sighting. No other information available." Signed: Eugene L. Rybicki 2nd Lt. USAF Asst. Intelligence Officer Captain Charles M. Clark, Jr., the approving officer, inserted the following remark and his initials at the end of the above report: "This object is believed to have been a rocket propelled ground-to-air missile,” Acrial Devices Page 54 Haines ‘September 16, 1952 Grid TF-77 Area Korea C.B. Scott Jones, the pilot of a Navy F9F-2B no. 122583 Panther jet was retuming to his aircraft carrier (the USS Princeton, CV-37) with the bright sun at a high angle in the clear blue sky. In a recent letter to the author he wrote "the only possible UFO sighting I made was at the end of a combat air patrol over TF-77. We had just been recalled to land. As I rolled into a split-S to descend to low altinde from around 30,000 feet, I saw a silver disc directly overhead. I completed my roll and tried to spot it again, but it disappeared or was only a reflection of the sun on the top of the canopy in the first place. 1 called Passbook Control (the Princeton’s Combat Air Control) and reported uhe sighting. They said that they did not have anything on radar. I was unablc to get the same “sun reflection” even though I took up the same direction I had been on when I started to roil into the split-S. It became a non-event. It would have been otherwise if aircrews had been briefed about the other "UFO" type sightings that were being reported at the timc. We received an intelligence briefing before each mission, and UFOs were never mentioned.” Jones went on to say, "What may have been the result of reported UFO. activity was that we were briefed on a possible Air Force sighting of a surface- to-air missile firing... (given during) ...the end of the 1952 crise. I assume now that it was in response to the August 23, 1952 UFO sighting that was assessed as a possible SAM (surface-to-air) firing. My bast combat flight off the USS Princeton was on October 15 when we flew in support of what tumed out to be an invasion feint off Kojo, North Korea.” The witness also provided a photocopy of his war diary for this date. It states, "CAP (during a combat air - patrol) - spotted silver boggic (sic) over the force just as we were relieved. No radar contact of bogie.” Signed: C. B. Scott Jones October 16, 1952 Grid DT 221413 Area Korea Project Blue Book microfilm files contain a summary sheet for the period 16 - 31 October 1952. Two separate sightings were recorded on this date. One from Korea and the second from North Korea. Both were classificd as being BALLOONS. Following is information concerning Air Intelligence Information Report No. 52-276 dated 20 October 1952. It took place soon after sunrise. Haines Page 55 Acrial Devices “On the morning of 16 October 1952, Lt. Hooper, Instructor Pilot and Lt. O’Neill, Pilot, were flying acombat mission in a T-6 aircraft (Figure 10) over the eastern sector of the main line of resistance. At 06501, Lt. Hooper was fying the aircraft on a magnetic heading of 280 degrees, 140 miles per hour indicated air speed, 6,000 feet indicated altitude. Lt. O'Neill was checking the MLR for activity when he observed what he thought was a strange aircraft at 6,000 feet altitude, traveling approximately 200 mph and heading on an easterly direction. When he first observed the object it was at approxi- mately UTYV coordinates DT221413 and the T-6 was at DT312362. The object was 15 degrees to the right of his course traveling on a magnetic heading of 100 degrees. “Lt O'Neill called the object to the attention of Lt Hooper who did not observe it until the aircraft and the object came parallel. He then saw it al the 3 o'clock position. Li. O'Neill stated that as he was off the relative positions of the object for Lt. Hooper, (who was attempting to pick it up) the object appeared to be decelerating. By the time Lt. Hooper observed it, the object had apparently ceased to move and was hovering over DT2942. Both observers report the fact that the object ceased movement, but differ as to the tength of time of the hovering. Lt. Hooper estimates the time at 15 seconds while Lt. O’Neill reports the time to be approxi- mately 1 to 2 seconds. “Lt. Hooper dipped the right wing of the aircraft fora beuer observation of the object. It began to move, accelerating in an east-north easterly direction and disappeared from sight in the haze as the T-6 ---- —-- ina 120 degree. The speed of the object at this time was cstimated by both observers to be approximately 800 mph. Lt. Hooper bases his estimate on the time elapsed in it’s covering approximately 15,000 meters. “Lt. O°Neill stated that at first he thought the object was a jet or liasion type aircraft, but upon further observation it did not appear to have any aerodynamic features. Bath obser- vers concurred in the statement that the object was perfectly circular in shape and metalic silver in color with no protrusions Aenial Devices Page 56 Haines of any type. Both observers stated that the object did not ap- pear to have any visible means of propulsion and no vapor trails of smoke were apparent. The estimated size was 25 fect in diameter, by comparison with the 37 foot wing span of a T-6 aircraft at the same distance. No sound from the object was audible at any time. "The object was under observation for approximately three minutes from 06501 t 06531 with Lt. O’Ncill observing it for the full period of time. Lt. O'Neill who made his observation with the naked eye, described the objoct as looking slightly (sic) while Lt. Hooper, who wore Government Issued sunglasses, did not observe anythin other than that it looked just like a "ball bearing.” “The nearest observation was made at a distance of 3 to 4 miles. “The object was seen against threc backgrounds, clouds at the first sighting, hills at the hovering position, and sky as it travel- led away, and seemed constant as to size, shape and color to both observers, : “The pilots stated that at no time during their observation did the object increase or decrease in altitude.” Brigadier General Charles Y. Banfill, Deputy for Intelligence, USAF FEAF commented: “Since enemy balloons are known to have been used in this vicinity, this observation was probably of the same location reported in IR-52- 124, Det #1, 6004th AISS, dated 24 June 1952, Tn Lt. Thomas A, O'Neill's official statement made on 17 October 1952, he described the sphere as "...25 feet in diameter and silver in color, and seemed to glow,” He went on to say, “Object then changed path of flight 10 the East by Northeast heading, accclerating to a speed of approximately 800 MPH...the object flew out to sea out of our sight.” This is a very high speed balloon indecd! Haincs. Page 57 Acrial Devices Figure 10 T-6 Aircraft in Ground Bunkers (Reproduced by permission of the National Air and Space Museum ‘Smithsonian Institution) November 15,1952 1307 GMT Pyongyang, North Korea This case is presented in Air Intelligence Information Report No. 52-350 dated 28 November 1952. The sighting took place from a T- aircraft over the central sector of the friendly main line of resistance. Following are excerpts from this report: "At the time cited, Lt. (Layten S.) Bass was flying in the vicinity of CT 795418 at 130 miles per hour in- dicated air speed, 10,500 feet, indicated altitude and in a northerly direction. The weather conditions were Aerial Devices Page 58 clear, with visibility from 15 to 20 miles. The sun- at this time of day is in a south, southwesterly position from the incident area, Winds at 10,000 feet were generally from 240 degrees with velocitics up to 20 miles per hour. "Lt. Bass first noted the unidentified object moving north, apparently close to the terrain... The object, initially dismissed by Lt. Bass as an aircraft, moved north approximately five (5) mites and then tumed south and gained altitude... When the T-6 aircraft was at point #2 as indicated in the map overlay, Lt Bass again sighted the object and identificd it as not being an aircraft. This sighting was to the right of the T-6, at an estimated 100-200 yards. Lt Bass described it as spherical in shape, silver in color and approximatcly 8-10 fect in diameter He further described the object as lacking any visable (sic) means of propulsion and having no protrusions of any sort. The surface was smooth, There was no audible sound. When Lt. Bass saw the object, which was moving at approximately the same specd as the aircraft, he tumed the aircraft towards it stightly at which time the object headed south and began climbing at a high rate of specd, turning into a left orbit around. the aircraft (note 1). Lt. Bass called the object to the attention of Lt. Barnard wha saw it as it went into it’s left-hand orbit, (Lt. Bamard estimated the closest distance 10 the object as being from 500 to 1000 yards). “Lt Bamard’s description of the object was that il was a silver spherical object, approximately the size of a man’s thumb nail held at extended arms length. (note 2) He further described the object as *shimmering” and having a “halo” which surrounded the object. The halo was only a hairline thickness, He further stated that the shimmering effect appeared to be more appareent when the object was between the aircraft and the general direction of the sun. The object appeared to Lt Barnard as being darker at the Haines Page 59 Acrial Devices edges, as a wanslucent sphere would appear when held up toa light. Other details were given. “The object was viewed against various colored backgrounds, the dark terrain, and blue sky and white clouds. It remained constant as to shape, size, and color." “Both sources state that the general mation of the object was steady and gave the impression of controlied Right. They stated that it did not appear to be moving on the motion of air current.” “The pilot had flown 54 missions in this theater and the observer had flown 48 missions.” The preparing officer (1st Lt. James F. Power) considered both observers to be "compitent (sic) observers and sightings reported by then are considered reliable." There was no ground radar contact other than that of the T aircraft. He also stated that the object "could have been (a) 350 gram (white latex) weather balfoon" released from the Army’s Ist Amtillary Observation Battalion, a light plane unit located al Tokchong, CS3089, southwest of the location where this UFO was sighted. A balloon of this size was launched at 1257] on 15 November about 50 minutes earlicr. However, Brigadier General Charles Y. Banfill, Deputy for Intelligence stated: “The 350 gram balloon released 50 minutes previous to the sighting would not be expected to be af any visible altitude at the time of the incident unlcss it were Icaking, (which would preclude the rapid climb described). There previously have been a number of unidentified sightings in the CT and DT grid arcas of Korea. Of thesc, at feast 5 sightings have tentatively been identificd as enemy balloons, Vectoring an aircraft ona free balloon is actually difficule, and falsc impressions of rapid movement can easily be made. From the available information it appears that the object was probably a balloon, and . possibly one launched by frontline enemy troops.” (See Appendix 1 for generally representative sizes and weights of U.S. balloons for comparison) Signed: Charles Y. Banfilt Notes: 1, The reported behavior of the UFO is similar to that described above for October 16, 1952, less than one month beforc! This apparent reactivity by the UFO is intriguing. 2. This is approximately equivalent wa an angle of 1.8 degrecs arc. Aerial Deviccs Page 60 Haines Feb. 7, 1953 Korea An F-94 pilot sighted a bright orange object both visually and on radar. It changed altitude and then accelerated away from the jet airplane at high speed. (Hall, pg. 21, 1964). March 20, 1953 1200 Korean Time Pork Chop Hill, Korea William Morgan, USAF sighted a UFO near Pork Chop Hill. No further information is available on this case. April 2,1953 1734 Korean Time NW Korea Project Blue Book files contain a reference to a pilot sighting of a UFO in the Northwestem region of Korea. No other information is available on this case. April 19, 1953 1300 Korean Time Seoul “A white shiny round object was seen over Scoul at approximately 1 p.m. today (Sunday). Aerial observers in two separate planes flying routine reconnaisance mission observed a white, rounded, delta-shaped object. It was estimated to be five to seven fect in diameter, The observers had no idea of it’s depth or thickness.” It was travelling between 60 and 80 mph in a vibrating motion. The course of flight was north-northeast to south-southwest over enemy territory." The object had no visible means of propulsion and sometimes flew only 100 feet above the ground. The Aerial Phenomenon Research Organization (APRO) Bulletin article citing this case stated, "The fliers, four Americans on reconnaisance flight, said it appeared to be round, only 10 feet in diameter and about 25 miles northeast of Panmunjom. (APRO Bulletin, vol. 1, issue 6, May 15, 1953). This sighting occusred north of Pork Chop Hill and Old Baldy Hill where heavy fighting had occurred in the previous several days. A ground observer said that “othcr luminous objects wavelling at supersonic speeds of 800 miles per hour, had been observed in the Baldy-Pork Chop area and tracked on radar..." within several days of this sighting (note). Haines Page 61 Aerial Devices Three of the four aircrew were Lt, Julius Morgan (pilot); Lt. James O. Rymus (observer), and Lt. Jack E. Myers (observer). Note. This is the same area as the event described in chapter 2. December 26,1953 1625 Korean Time CS 4859 North Korea Project Blue Book files contain a reference to a five minute-long UFO sighting over North Korea. A two page teletype report provided the following information. Lt. Barr was piloting a T-6 aircraft from K-16 to K-47 at 1625 Korean time when he noticed an object crossing his course about three miles away. It was in a shallow dive (10 degrees) and travelling about as fast as a fighter airplane. Very soon its speed began to increase to an estimated 1,000 mph, Curious as to what this strange object could be he changed course to 45 deg, maintaining 3,000 feet altitude. He was travelling at 140 mph. Suddenly the object changed its course and turned toward his airplane. Lt. Barr "...started to circle in pursuit. The object was slightly lower and was tuming inside of Lt. Barr.., (who) approximated the radius of his turn at less than a thousand feet.” The tum he was flying was not so tight as to cause a stall at 120 mph. “The object continued to tum inside of Lt. Barr's path so he widened his wm in order to make.a straight pass.” He lined up on the object at approximately 130 mph and started to close on it. The object then went straight up scveral hundred feet. The witness then decided to bank right in order to clase or 10 see if the object would follow any given pattem. Lt. Bars Jast saw the object wavelling toward the sun at about 140 mph. The object was kitc shaped, i-e., “a diamond shape with one short end”: it came to within 600 to 800 fect of his airplane during this encounter. It was estimated to be about six fect long and 18 inches thick. "The object looked 10 be higher on the outer edges and from the rear looked like a flat V. From the side, the object looked like a shallow triangle. It was orange and scemed translucent, at Jeast on the outer edge. At onc time the pilot saw “...what appeared to be sparks in the air a short distance behind the object." Winter 1954 . Pohang Jobn A. Potter, Marine Corps weather observer, sighted a formation of about seven discs moving in a side-to-side oscillation. (Hall, pg. 31, 1964). Aerial Devices Page 62 Haines Chapter 4 Ground Observers Report UFOs This chapter presents a number of UFO sighting reports obtained from project Blue Book files which involved observers on the ground. That such sightings continued long after the Korean War is shown by an interesting case which took place in 1974 which was reported by Suingfield (1977). April 5,1952 Midnight Okinawa This brief summary report was found in USAF intelligence report 131-52 dated 22 August 1952 (pg. 3). It is included here only to indicate that Korea was not the only place in the far east where these strange events were taking place. Okinawa was the location of a U.S. military base about 600 miles south of Korea. Many other sightings were also made from Japan. Following are the salient details, A single small luminous UFO was observed flying at about 20,000 foct altitude approaching Kadena AFB, Okinawa where the eye witnesses, al] flight crew members, were sianding. At first it flew in a straight and Ieve) path approaching from the north but then it began to mancuver over the base in violent high specd zig-zagging Might. It stopped momentarily and then man- euved around, Then it shot up out of sight heading west. It was in sight for about ten minutes, The white steady light had no definite shape but was larger than a star. [t did seem to become larger as it approached or smaller as it departed. It made no noise and had no trail, sparks, or flame. [ts speed was estimated to be Jaster than any conventional jet aircraft, esumatcd at 1,000 knots. Haines. Page 63 Aeriat Devices April 30,1952 1800 Korean Time Battlelines "Two white, silvery objects, one behind the other, rambled high in the sky over a valley in 2 frontline sector at 6 p.m., April 30th, heading south-east into South Korea,” stated a Stars and Swipes article by Sgt. Bill McCorkle (April 1952 issue). He went on to point out thal six members of the third platoon, Heavy Mortar Company, 180ch Regiment, saw the objects. PPC H. B. Webb, a jeep driver, said that their speed was thought to be about 900 to 1000 mph. “A trail different than jet streams appeared behind them,” he said. PVT. Roland Jones, another eye witness said, “Jets passed over right before the objects, only they were Sabres going north. They were much slower than the southbound objects we saw.” Mortar platoon leader, 2nd Lt. Bill Smith said, "They didn’t have wings but they sounded similar io jets with their tumbling sound. But they weren't, [know. They were going way to (sic) fast. and they started down, lumbling to earth, as they got out of view, Their uajectory before falling was flat and that proves they weren't mortars. They weren’t jet gas tanks jettisoned off either as some theorized, as their trajectory knocks this idea too.” Note: Later, two holes were found in the ground in a reserve area. Each hole was about 25 feet apart, two feet wide, and seven and one-half feet long. Some felt that the “fresh holes" were caused by Chinese “Katyusha” rockets that had been used occasionally at the front, While it is possible that this or another type of enemy rocket that could fly horizontally was what was seen it isn’t likely that this is what produced the two holes. No rocket casings were found and the size and shape of the holes were nor those of a rocket explosion. May 31,1952 0.400 Korean Time Korea This ground radar site report was found in an Air Intelligence Information Report, dated 4 June 1952 prepared by Capt. John H. Cummings, 6004th AISS APO 970. An airman on duty at post #6 heard his field telephone ring. A guard at post #4 was calling to report seeing a “bright spot in the dark sky to the northeast... approaching fast." The object was oval shaped and about the size of a fighter aircraft. It was first seen at an estimated altitude of about 3,500 feet due narth. It descended slowly 10 about 2,600 feet where it stopped for several seconds. The observer stated that it looked like a disc at this point. It had a sound like a pulsating jet engine at idle, Then it started moving cast for about a mile with jerky movements and then stopped again momentarily Acrial Devices Page 64 Haines (note). lt reversed its direction abruptly and headed west for a short distance to almost its original position (when first secn). It stopped and hovered for a moment, then reversed direction, moving toward the east in a shallow climb and then a steep climb (about 45 degree angle) to the north and disappeared in from 3 10 4 seconds time. (also cf. Gross, pg. 90, 1982) Drew Pearson, the noted newspaper columnist wrote: (The Washington Post; March 7, 1952) “The Pentagon has hushed it up, but radar units have actually wacked 25 “flying saucers.” Each was sighted by at Jeast one eyc- witness and also picked up on the radar screen.” Note. The description of the UFO given in Chapter 2 also included very erratic movements and a decp throbbing sound when the soldier’s rifle bullet struck the acriad object. June 25, 1952, 1123 GMT Sawon A witc to FEAF from CG FEAF, Tokyo, Japan dated 25 June 1952 referred toa ground sighting of UFOs at location K-14 (note I) at 11231. It looked like a "coin", dull silver and appeared to be spinning in a CW direction. Its diametes was estimated lo be seven (7) times its thickness, Its edges were dark bluc. “ie was reported for shooting a course al an esuimated specd of 300 knots, alternately revolving 360 degrees in seven (7) seconds and then proceeding ona spinning course for approximately 12 seconds. The object approached K- 14 from the north, paused momentarily, and then rose straight up for 10 seconds, the exact altitude unknown, and then disappeared into the sky. A few seconds fater this object was again obscrved by a second person at the same point of observation. The unidentified object which was scen proceeding ala rapid rate of spced from the south to the north at an approximatcly 45 degree angle, pausing and then returning in the same manner, each time passing in front of the sun and travelling an equal distance to each side of it. The time required 10 progress in one direction was three seconds.” (Ibid.) (note 2) Notes: 1. Air base K-14 was located near Sawon, just south of Scoul. 2. This case contains some similar elements to the May 31, 1952 incident. Haines Page 65 Acrial Devices July 10, 1952 North Korea Sailors on a Canadian destroyer sighted two shiny revolving discs race across the sky. Ship radar indicated their distance was seven miles. (Hall, pg. 160, 1964) September 18, {952 2230 Korean Time Western Korea Gross (1986) notes a report in which “...six spark-throwing cartwheels were seen over the front lines by U.N. ground troops" for about 15 minutes at about 10:30 p.m. local time. Each object scemed to be about #8 inches in diameter and moved in a fifteen foot circle. (Lorenzen and Lorenzen, pg. 48, 1969) October 19, 1952 Front battle line Gross (Ibid., pg. 77) recounts another similar sighting as above where “cartwhcel-like objects throwing sparks flew in a §5 foot orbit above the front on the west side of the military line of resistance (MLR).” J.A. Lajoie of "A" Corp. dismissed the flare possibility and suggested that the object resembled Fourth of July fireworks (Anon, 1952), January 24,1953 0650Z Suwon, Korea This report appeared in USAF Intelligence Report IR-1-53 dated 26 January 1953. The obscrver, a Staff Sargcant, was on the ground looking upward at about 45 degrees elevation toward the east when he sighted two round objects for between threc and five seconds. They appeared to glow a whitish silver color and were convex with a dark line or shadow traversing the base of each onc. His estimate of their size was about twelve to fourteen inches in diameter and at a distance of about four miles away from him. As he continued to watch them they flew in tail in a gentle climb. They seemed to be uavelling “considerably faster than an F-86. No propulsion features, trails, exhausts or sounds were noted. They disappeared either into or behind a nearby cloud. The following day the witness was interrogated again and changed his description of the objects. On the basis of this evidence the report states, “His judgment of speed, distance and elapsed time of observation are estimated to be unreliable.” The report docs not include any facts about what he said on the Aerial Devices Page 66 Haines second day, however. The official explanation for this sighting was PROBABLY AIRCRAFT because two F-86 jets had flown over the field at lunch time. "During these maneuvers, the aircraft at times appeared only as silver dots in the sky. Jf an observer did not follow these aircraft through the complete maneuver, it would have been almost impossible to tell what uiey were,” (Ibid., pg. 3 of 3) February 10,1953 0025 Korean Time Cho-do, North Korea Air Intelligence Information Repon 62-3-53 dated 6 March 1953 contained the following ground sighting details. A Marine Sargeant, John Muciek, on communications watch at the communications tent of the USMC garrison at Cho-do, saw an object which looked like a failing star. The light was a steady white and moved in an approximately level path. Then “it stopped abruptly, and moved back and forth in that area (KC-5555)." The light was replaced by ared light and "...fcom then on, at intervals of approximately three (3) seconds, the light flashed altcmatcly red to white.” Sargeant Mucick then called to Corporal Hubert Hicks inside the tent to come out, which he did. He also saw the light. After another minute or so the object began to move away to the southwest. Atno time was sound heard from the object. Then Sargeant Muciek phoned the sighting into the USMC Command Post. The preparing officer was Donald Nichols, Detachment Commander. He noted that the next day he spoke with a Major Pak, KMC Commander, who said that he too had seen “...a Dying saucer at approximately the same ime with approximatcly the same phenomena as described by the two (2) Marines.” (Ibid., pg. 2 of 3), The official USAF explanation on the summary card for this highly mancuverable light was ASTRO (VENUS). Nonctheless, Col. George D. Hastings, Deputy for Intelligence concluded that the witnesses saw a lighted balfoon since ”...a number of reports have been received of encmy activities with balloons...”. (Ibid., pg. 3 of 3) . April 29, 1953 1700 - 1705 Korean Time Eastern Pacific Ocean 28 deg 34min N 166 deg Smin W A small metallic appearing object the approximate size of an F-80 fighter aircraft was sighted from the USNS General A. W. Brewster enroute to FEAF from San Francisco. It was about 5:00 pm local time when officers on the deck Haines Page 67 Acrial Devices sighted the UFO at che 3:00 o'clock relative position and 2,000 fect in the air, slightly below the clouds. [t was about 1/2 mile away from the ship. The object seemed to “remain stationary for a few seconds, then turn at right angles towards the ship, gain altitude and wavel in an arc 10 a position of 5 o'clock disappearing through the clouds aft of the ship.” "The object did not perform with the smooth control movements of any known aircraft. Rather its conuolled actions were erratic with some tums at 90 degree angles and near vertical climbs. The movement from 3 to 5 o’clock was in an arc." The witness who reported this sighting estimated the specd of the object to be faster than a jet fighter aircraft. The End Aerial Devices Page 68 Haines References Anon., Associated Press, Tokyo, Japan, October 19, 1952. Anon., Aerospace Science: History of Air Power. Ait University Press, Air Training Command, Maxwell A.F.B., Alabama, 1986. Braybrook, R., Supersonic Fighter Development. Haynes Publ. Group, Somerset, England, 1987, Gross, L.E., UFO's: A History January-May 1952. Privately published, 1982. Gross, L.E., UFO's: A History 1952: September - October. Privately Published, 1986. Raines, R.F., Commercial jet crew sights unidentified object-Part 1. Fly- ing Saucer Review, Pp. 3-6, March 1982; Part II. Pp. 2-8, April 1983. Haines, R.F., and J.F, Vallee, Photo Analysis of an Acrial Disc Over Costa Rica. Journal of Scientific Exploration Vol. 3, No. 2, Pp. £13- 131, 1989, Haiaes, R.F., and J.F. Vallec, Photo Analysis of an Acrial Disc Over Costa Rica: New Evidence. Journal of Scientific Exploration. Vol. 4,No, 1, Pp. 71-74, 1990. Hall, R.H., The UFO Evidence. National Investigations Commitee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP), Washington, D.C., May 1964. Jackson, R., World Miliary Aircraft Since 1945. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, 1979. Jacobs, D.M., The UFO Controversy in America, Indiana Univ. Press, Bloomington, Indiana, 1975. Lorenzen, C. and J. Lorenzen, UFOs The Whole Story. New American Lib- rary, Times Mirror, 1969, Haines Page 69 Aerial Device: Mahon, J.K., and R. Danysh, Jnfantry Part J: Regular Army. Army Lineage Series, Center of Military History, United States Army, pp. 501-503. Marshall, S.L.A., Bayonet Charge. Combat Forces Journal 1, Pp. 22- 32, 1951. Michaelis, M., and B. Davidson, This we learned in Korea. Collier's, Pp. 13-15, 38-39, 42-44, August 1951. Momyer, W.W., Air Power in Three Wars. (Lt Col. AJ.C. Lavalle and Maj. J.C. Gaston (eds.), Pp. 358, Privately published, 1978. Morse, J.L., (E4.), Funk and Wagnalls Standard Reference Encyclopedia. Standard Reference Library, New York, vol. 15, 1969, Nowarra, H.J., and G.R. Duval, Russian Civil and Military Aircraft, 1884-1969. Fountain Press, London, 1971. Pearl, J., Wolfhounds: Saga of the 27th Infantry Regimeat. Saga, Pp. 48-50, 69, 71-72, August 1963. Pullen, R., etal. (Eds.), The Tropic Lightning in Korea, Love Publ., Adanta, GA, 1954. Stockwell, R.E., Soviet Air Power-Supplement. Pageant Press, Inc., New York, 1956. Suingfield, L.H., Situation Red, The UFO Siege! Doubteday, New York, 1977. UFO Information Research Center, Report 6601, Pp. 3-4 to 3-5, 1966. Whiting, KR., Soviet Air Power. Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado, 1986, Acrial Devices Page 70 Haines Appendices 1. Weather Balloon Characteristics The following meteorological balloons were used by the Americans in the Korean War. This data was included in scport IR-4-52, page 2 dated 7 June 1952. Weight Size Color Rate of climb* Altitude Wgram = 18inches redorblack 400 25 G00 ft. 30 gram 24 inches red, white, 600 60,000 ft. or black 100 gram 40 inches red, white, 990 100,000 fi. or black 350 gram = 12 ft crcam 1100 120,000 fi, S00 gram 25 ft cream 1200 140,000 ft. * ft. per minute Times of Release GMT Local Time 0600 1200 (noon) 0900 1800 350 gram balloons flown 1500 2400 during daylight hrs. 750 2100 0600 gram balloons flown during darkness. Thirsty and 100 gram balloons are rcleased from all USAF pibal stations. Ten or 30 gram balloons may be released from any station listed, whenever the ceiling is below $,000 ft. Thirty and 100 gram balloons are occasionally released on an unscheduled basis. Five candle-power batiery powered lights are sometimes attached to ten, thirty, and one hundred gram balloons during hours of darkness. “No instance of a balloon burning in the air has ever been reported in this theater." A chart of South Korea gives the 14 launching stations, Haines Page 71 Aerial Devi 2, Shapes and Sizes af UFO Reported Japanese fantem Coolie hat with oblong ports Round Ball Globe (larger than Navy jet) Cylindrical with a tail Oval (larger than a MiG) 50 foot diameter Round black (circular) cloud Round Coin Disc (7:1 ratio and 15-20 ft) Large dark object (long sueamers) Cigar (6-7 fect long) Perfectly circular (25 ft diam.) Spherical (8-10 ft diameter) Discs (7 total in group) Oval object (size of figher) Cartwheel (giving off sparks) 3. Eye Witnesses Listed by Sighting Date Event Date Name(s) Spring 1951 Frances P. Wall Feb. 24,1952 -R. W. Smith Mar. 29,1952 Brigham April 30, 1952 H.B, Webb, Roland Jones, Bill Smith May 15,1952 McCarthy May 26,1952. Martin, May 30,1952 Robert J. Arblaster; William Lect; Andrew J.Roc May 31,1952 Hufberry June 20,1952 — Bobbic Foster, Richard Francisco, Teddy L, Pittman, Ronnie A. McDonald Aug. 9, 1952 Leo N. Nagrodsky Sept. 16,1952 CB. Scou Jones Sept. 18,1952 J, A. Lajoie Oct. 16,1952 Hooper, O'Neill Nov. (5, 1952 Layten S. Bass; Barnard March 20, 1953 William Morgan Winter 1954 John A. Potter Note to Reader: If you served in the Korcan War and know anything about UFO sightings you are urged to contact the author. Use the Publishers address: P.O. Box 880 Los Altos, Calif. 94023-0880. Aerial Devices Page 72 Haines 4. Summary of Unusual or Provocative UFO Flight Maneuvers Of major interest here are the Night dynamics of the UFO which appear to be directly related to the presence and/or behavior of the eye witness’ airplane or the witness himself. For an acrial vehicle to be able to control its position relative to another vehicle rapidly it must possess (1) a large acceleration capability (which requires a targe amount of cnergy, (2) a propulsion capability 10 direct the energy in a given direction efficiently, (3) a means of sensing the change in position of the other vehicle, and (4) a highly precise guidance and local "navigation" system. The airplanes and other aerial weapons which were used during the Korcan War were mostly of World War 2 vintage and had only rudimentary capabilities in these four areas. The dynamics presented here arc abbreviated since they are presented in detail above. Spring 1951 The object changed its position rapidly, immed- iately after the soldicr’s riffle bullet struck it. Sept. 1950 UFOs maneuvered around the three fighter- bombers whose radars had become inoperative at that time. Objects then departed at a high rate of speed. Fall 1951 Radar targets “had becn circling the fleet; it (UFO) left the ficet and joined up on us a position behind our wingman." Jan. 29, 1952 UFO flew parallel to airplane at first and then approached it al the same level. It stayed at a constant distance for about a Minute and then departed. Feb. 24, 1952 The object first approached the airplane from below. Then it levelled off at same altiude as airplane’s and then turned left to inter- cept the observer's airplane after which it descended out of sight (It did not look like an airplane). Haines . - Page 73 Accial Dev: May 15,1952 UFO begana siccp climb but at the top it then moved forward in level flight, wavering momen- tarily. It then descended and disappeared into the haze at an cstimated 1000 mph. May 26,1952 An object followed the observers’ jet inter- ceptor. Subsequently, the UFO was in front of the jet with a positive radar lock-on. At about 6000 yards between the airplane and UFO (and closing) the object started to pull away to 26,000 yards in abaut 12 ta 15 seconds (estimated at about 20-g acceleration). May 31,1952 A bright oval disc was sccn from a ground obscrva- tion post approaching fast. Then it descended slowly about 900 feet when it stopped several seconds; then it moved cast with jerky movements, stopped again, reversed its direction 180 degrees flying to its original position. It hovered in onc spot for a momeat, reversed direction again in a shallow climb and then a steeper climb, disappearing from sight in 3 to 4 seconds, May 31,1952 As jet fighter tumed and descended to inter- cept a UFO 6000 feet lower, it (UFO) began a left tum climb which silhouetted the F-94 against the dawn sky. After attempting two unsucessful passes on the object, the UFO began to accelerate away out of sight June 6, 1952 UFO wavelled at about 300 mph in a straight linc (while revolving) and then stopped above airbase K-14 momentarily and then rose straight up for 10 seconds after which it disappeared from sight. June 20,1952 The oval shaped UFO approached from the south, made a complete Icfi-hand orbit of the target area and flew away to the east. The UFO outdistanced a pursuing aircraft, Aerial Devices Page 74 Haines June 23, 1952 The UFO descended "rather irregularly”, flew at a fixed altitude for 6 - 7 seconds, approached the pilot’s airplane and then disappeared into a cloud. Oct. 16,1952 An oncoming UFO on the right side and at the same altitude as the jet aircraft suddenly seemed 1o stop when abreast of the aircraft. Then, as the air- craft banked right toward it, it accelerated away at an estimated 800 mph, Nov. 15,1952 | When first secn, the UFO was below the pilot and moving north about five miles. Then it tumed 180 deg and headed south and climbed. When he banked toward it the perfectly spherical, silver UFO banked into a left hand orbit around the airplane. Feb, 27, 1953 When the UFO was sighted (visually and on radar) it changed altiwde and accelerated away from the jet airplane. 5. Electromagnetic Effect Cases Sept. 1950 When a Navy airplane was approached by two large discs its radar was jammed and the radio transmitter was blocked by a buzzing noise cach time a new frequency was tried. Fall 195] Over 14 (ground, airbome) radar scts wacked a UFO circling over the U.S. Naval fleet at speeds of from "slow" to over 1,000 mph. May 26,1952 Ground radar contacted a UFO and vectored a jet interceptor towards it. The radar operator onboard visually sighted the object which was. subsequently locked on his airborne set. Haines Page 75 Aerial Devi May 31, 1952 The F-94's radar obtained a positive lock on the object while ground radar did not. Jt was first sighted from the ground. . July 10, 1952 Canadian destroyer radar contacted two UFO. Aug. 9, 1952 Marine ground control radar contacted a UFO travelling at a high rate of speed." “Advanced Aerial Devices Reported During the Korean War’ is a fasci- nating book about strange metallic appearing objecis in the skies over North and South Korea during the period 1950 to 1954. It documents over forty dif- ferent sightings made by pilots, soldiers, and sailors. What becomes apparent through most of these formerly classified reports is that neither the Amcricans nor the Soviet Union were responsible for them. Indeed, in many cases the ad- vanced aerial devices outflew all of the airplanes uscd in the war. Commentary “During the Korean War an important collection opportunity was missed. Indeed, aircrews were never briefed to look for or to expect UFO. This book ot carefully documents many such events. C. B. Scott Jones Former Navy pilot, Tiger Drv, VF-191, USS Princeton About the Author Richard F. Haines, Ph.D. has spent most of his professional cascer as a research scicntist investigating the mysteries of human vision, percep- lion, psychophysiology, human factors, and related subjecis. He has written three other books on UFO topics, aver 75 scientific and technical articles and 30 more dealing with various aspects of unidentified aerial phenomena. Dr. Haines continues this “hobby” as 2 personal pasttime while continuing to conduct aerospace research related to advanced telcscience applications for America’s Space Station Freedom program. He is most intrigued by photo analysis of UFO images, sightings by pilots, and so-called close en- counters of the fourth kind since “‘..these subjects hold out the best promise of uncovering the core identity of the phenomena.” He is a member of numerous professional societies, he has been awarded four U.S. Patents. and is cited in Who’s Who in Amcrica, Janc’s Who’s Who in Aviation and Acrospace, American Men ant Women of Scicnce, and 16 other biographies. ISBN 0-9618082-1-7

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