Alkali-Silica Reactions in Concrete: David Stark
Alkali-Silica Reactions in Concrete: David Stark
Alkali-Silica Reactions in Concrete: David Stark
David Stark1
Preface decades, became identified in most areas of the world. The fact
that aggregates must be evaluated for chemical stability in con-
THIS CHAPTER IS THE FOURTH OF A SERIES DEALING crete as well as for physical competence thus became evident
with chemical reactions of aggregates in concrete. The first ver- with costly realization. In response to this situation, ASTM de-
sion, entitled Chemical Reactions, was written by W. C. veloped standards to identify and evaluate construction mate-
Hansen and was included in ASTM STP 169A, published in rials to avoid deleterious ASR. Salient features of ASR, together
1966. It dealt with several types of chemical reactions known at with a summary of methods of preventing ASR, are given in this
the time to occur in concrete, including alkali-silica reactivity. chapter.
The second version was written in 1978 by Sidney Diamond for
ASTM STP 169B and was entitled Chemical Reactions Other Symptoms of Alkali-Silica Reactivity
Than Carbonate Reactions. It specifically excluded alkali-car-
bonate reactivity and emphasized alkali-silica reactivity. The ASR may develop in hardened concrete and may appear with
third version, written by the present author, covers only Alkali- one or more characteristics [2]. Abnormal cracking may develop
Silica Reactions in Concrete. This fourth edition reviews and in a variety of patterns, depending on the design of the structure,
updates the topics as addressed in cement and concrete articles reinforcement, detailing, restraints, and exposure conditions, as
and introduces new technology that has been developed. shown in Figs. 13. Figure 1 illustrates typical fine pattern crack-
The shifting emphasis in this chapter since 1966 reflects ing due to ASR. Here, cracks are generally random in many
the predominating concern with alkali-silica reactivity in pres- directions and with little, if any, preferred directional restraint
ent-day construction and reflects our updated knowledge of to expansion. Figure 2 illustrates well-defined longitudinal crack-
how to deal more effectively with the problem. Accordingly, ing along a pavement highway, caused by ASR. Here, maximum
more detail and emphasis than previously included are pro- restraint to expansion extends parallel to the longitudinal pave-
vided for the practicing technologist responsible for providing ment direction, thereby resulting in greater expansion in the
long-term durable concrete. transverse direction of the pavement. Figure 3 reveals cracking
in a generally horizontal plane in which little restraint develops
Introduction in the vertical direction. The important point is that the greatest
cracking due to ASR can develop in the direction of least resist-
The selection of aggregates for use in concrete was based pri- ance, provided uniform restraint on the concrete does not
marily on physical characteristics such as grading, particle exceed the tensile strength in the concrete structure.
shape, hardness, density, and cleanness. Such characteristics Characteristic features resulting from ASR are shown in
were the major, if not the only, consideration of the technolo- Fig. 4. They include reaction rims in peripheries of aggregate
gist in achieving long-term specified concrete strengths and particles, microcracks in the concrete, and ASR gel in the mi-
volume stability. Virtually no attention was given to the chem- crocracks. It should be noted that rims may be due only to
ical or mineralogical composition of the aggregate, despite the weathering in natural gravels and, as such, are not necessarily
known fact that concrete is a highly alkaline system in which related to ASR.
pore solutions usually exceed pH values of 13. The best evidence on which to confirm the development of
In the late 1930s, Stanton, of the California Division of ASR is the presence of alkali silica gel. It is a reaction product
Highways, detected a previously unknown deleterious chemi- of alkaline solutions in the concrete and reactive forms of sil- ica
cal reaction involving pore solutions in the concrete and cer- tain or siliceous components of the aggregate, which swells and
compositions of siliceous aggregates [1]. He determined that expands with the uptake of moisture. It should be emphasized
resulting expansion could lead to abnormal cracking, re- duction that simply the presence of gel deposits does not confirm the
in strength, and early in-service failure of the concrete structure. occurrence of associated distress. Rather, it denotes only that the
This phenomenon became known as alkali-silica re- activity reaction had developed.
(ASR). The presence of alkali silica gel can be confirmed by de-
By the 1940s, ASR was known to have developed in wide- termination of refractive indices using the petrographic mi-
spread areas of the United States, and through the following croscope, together with applying uranium acetate solution and
CTL Group, 5400 Old Orchard Road, Skokie, IL.
viewing using ultraviolet light in the stereomicroscope, as de- Each of these factors variably can affect concrete per-
scribed in the annex of C 856 [2]. formance as noted below:
1. Hydroxyl ion concentration in the concrete solution is the
Mechanism of Reactions and Distress in crucial factor in potential for ASR, not the amount of
Concrete sodium or potassium in, for example, cementitious mate-
Voluminous literature [3,4] has been produced dealing with all 2. Numerous siliceous aggregate materials are not equally
aspects of ASR. In its simplest and most straightforward form, deleteriously reactive. For example, opal and volcanic tuff
the reaction can be described as a two-step process as follows: materials are often highly reactive while certain chert or
Step 1Aggregate particle + alkali hydroxide solution silicate minerals are essentially innocuous.
Gel reaction product 3. ASR gel may exert variable pressure and expansion in the
Step 2Gel reaction product + Water Swelling and pos- concrete, depending on composition, viscosity, and mois-
sible expansion ture availability.
Overall, the Powers and Steinour [5] model best fits pub-
lished results. They proposed that safe reactions are those in
which sufficient calcium ion is available in alkaline pore solu-
tions to produce limited-swelling high-calcium-content gel. Con-
versely, when less calcium ion is available, a higher alkali con-
tent gel forms, which has a greater capacity to swell with
absorption of moisture.
The initial surface reaction in this model is assumed to oc-
cur in contact with the pore solution in the cement paste, which
is saturated with respect to calcium hydroxide. It therefore pro-
duces essentially a non-swelling reaction product. For a safe re-
action to continue, it is assumed that consumption of alkali in
the reaction results in greater solubility and availability of
calcium at subsequent reaction sites, thereby continuing to pro-
duce a high calcium non-swelling gel reaction product. These
safe reactions were believed to begin and continue without ex-
pansion if the initial alkali concentration is not greater than that
produced by cements of about 0.6 % equivalent sodium oxide
(Na2O), or about 0.4 normal sodium hydroxide (0.4N NaOH)
concentration in pore solutions at 0.50 water-cement ratio (w/c)
by mass.
According to Powers and Steinour, an expansive reaction
occurs when alkali concentrations in pore solutions are higher,
thus reducing the concentration of calcium ion. Accordingly, a
low-calcium, high-alkali unlimited-swelling gel reaction product
is formed. In this case, the reacted layer in the aggregate be-
comes too thick, and the calcium ion cannot diffuse to the re-
action site at a sufficient rate to prevent formation of a swelling
gel. The diameter of the hydrated calcium ion is substantially
larger than that of the hydrated sodium or potassium ion, with
the result that they diffuse more readily than the calcium ion to
the internal reaction sites within a particle of reactive ag-
Fig. 3Vertical concrete core from jointed pavement in gregate. The lower solubility of calcium in solution and the
which major cracking due to ASR developed primarily in a lower diffusion rate of calcium to reaction sites within the par-
horizontal orientation. Lesser cracking is evident vertically and
ticle both serve to reduce its participation in the reaction. How-
diagonally. The horizontal cracking developed normal to the
general direction of least resistance to cracking.
ever, if the amount of reactive silica, or its fineness, is increased
sufficiently, the alkali content of the solution is rapidly reduced pumice, which are very dense or very porous volcanic glasses, re-
to a safe level so that a higher calcium, limited-swelling gel can spectively, also are known to have reacted deleteriously in con-
form. Obviously, intermediate-alkali and corresponding calcium crete. Slightly metamorphosed volcanic rocks, such as metarhy-
ion concentrations, diffusion rates, permeabilities of reactive olite, are also known to produce expansive ASR.
aggregates, and moisture availabilities exist and result in
intermediate conditions in which ASR develops. Moisture Availability and Environmental Effects
Another aspect of the Powers and Steinour model is the As indicated, moisture must be sufficiently available in the con-
diffusion of silica away from reaction sites and out of reacted crete to permit expansive ASR to occur. Laboratory data indi-
particles. They proposed that silica was able to diffuse out cate that relative humidity (RH) values in the concrete must ex-
through the reaction layer in the aggregate particle and that ceed about 80 %, referenced to 23 1C, before expansion due
expansion-controlling processes were diffusion rates of alkali to ASR can develop [9]. This condition is easily met in outdoor
and calcium to reaction sites. Chatterji [6] suggested that slab-on-grade concrete, regardless of climate, including desert
calcium hydroxide plays an additional role in ASR in that it can conditions. Interior portions of elevated concrete members,
cause or increase expansions by impeding the escape of dis- such as bridge decks, support columns, and girders, also ex-
solved silica from reactive particles. In this circumstance, cal- ceed the 80 % RH level, at least on a cyclic basis, even where
cium reacts to form a calcium-alkali silica gel that blocks the prolonged severe drying conditions prevail. Except for near-
escape of other reaction products out of the particle. surface concrete in elevated structures, concrete climates can
ASR gels vary widely in composition, depending not only be expected to be sufficiently damp to support expansive ASR
on circumstances just indicated, but on other factors such as on an almost continuous basis. Near-surface concrete experi-
distance from the reaction site and movement along cracks [7]. ences major RH fluctuations that support expansive ASR on an
Electron microprobe and X-ray studies suggest that ASR gels intermittent basis, regardless of climate. Where high water-
are two-phase composites consisting of the swelling alkali- cement ratios are used, residual mixing water may be sufficient
silicate hydrate phase of relatively narrow composition and a to support expansive ASR in mass concrete, even in interior air-
limited swelling calcium-alkali silicate hydrate phase, which conditioned exposures.
varies in both proportion in the gel and composition. Being cal-
cium-bearing, it provides some rigidity to the paste structure. Methods of Identifying Potentially
Viscosity of the gel is a major factor affecting swelling pres- Reactive Aggregate
sures generated in concrete.
ASTM has five standards available to identify potentially reac-
Types of Reactive Aggregate tive siliceous aggregates. They are:
Potentially deleteriously reactive rock types probably exist in 1. ASTM Standard Guide for Petrographic Examination of
every state in the United States and in most countries through- Aggregates for Concrete (C 295)
out the world. Many natural siliceous rock types are known to 2. ASTM Standard Test Method for Potential Alkali-Silica
have reacted deleteriously with the highly alkaline solutions in Reactivity of Aggregates (Chemical Method) (C 289)
concrete. Probably the most widely used of such aggregates are 3. ASTM Standard Test Method for Potential Alkali Reactivity
those that contain noncrystalline or poorly crystalline silica. of Cement-Aggregate Combinations (Mortar-Bar Method) (C
These include opaline and chalcedonic silica that are found in 227)
such rock types as chert and flint, as secondary fillings in voids 4. ASTM Standard Test Method for Potential Alkali Reactivity
in, for example, basalt, and as interstitial and interlayer material of Aggregates (Mortar Bar Method) (C 1260)
in rock types such as sandstone. Reactive silica of this type also 5. ASTM Standard Test Method for Determination of Length
is found as microscopic veinlets or finely disseminated in other- Change of Concrete Due to Alkali-Silica Reaction (C 1293)
wise innocuous rock types such as limestone and dolomite. The Another procedure, ASTM Standard Test Method for
most highly reactive rock types known to the writer are shales Potential Volume Change of Cement-Aggregate Combinations
that contain opaline diatoms, which have reacted deleteriously (C 342), was intended to identify expansive cement-aggregate
and produce popouts within one day of placing the concrete [8]. reactions involving so-called sand-gravel aggregates that occur
Deleteriously reactive silica also is present in metamorphic primarily in eastern Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, Mis-
rocks where it is classified as strained quartz and microcrys- souri, and southeastern Wyoming. The basis for this test was
talline quartz. In these cases, crystal structures are variously dis- the belief that the cause of distress observed in concrete made
torted, thus rendering them susceptible to deleterious ASR. This with these aggregates was more or less unique to those areas
imperfectly crystallized quartz has been recognized as the re- and so was given a separate test procedure. The author believes
active component of such metamorphic rocks as gneiss, schist, that alkali-silica reactivity is the major cause of distress in those
metagraywacke, and quartzite. These rock types are slowly re- areas and that the test is of little additional value. This standard
active and are known to have exhibited deleterious reactivity was discontinued in 2001.
with high-alkali cements only after five or more years of service.
The other general reactive component of siliceous aggre- gates ASTM C 295Petrographic Examination
is the glassy to cryptocrystalline matrix of volcanic rocks of of Aggregates
approximately rhyolitic to andesitic composition. This mate- ASTM C 295, together with ASTM C 294, Standard Descriptive
rial, especially tuff, constitutes a major proportion of these rock Nomenclature for Constituents of Concrete Aggregates, is a
types and is commonly altered by weathering that facilitates pen- guide recommended for identifying and describing con-
etration of alkaline solutions into the aggregate particle in the stituents of aggregate by petrographic examination of concrete.
concrete. Weathered volcanic rock is particularly troublesome It can be done rapidly but is somewhat subjective in nature, de-
in that it has produced ASR-associated distress when used with pending on the experience and capabilities of the petrographer
cements with less than 0.60 % equivalent Na 2O. Obsidian and examining the aggregate. Basically, results depend on the
judgment of the petrographer in contrast to fixed measuring for the duration of the test period. A zero reference compara- tor
procedures for classifying aggregate. A major use is for alerting reading was made the day following casting, then biweekly to
materials engineers to the presence of potentially reactive rock bimonthly to a suggested test period of six months.
and mineral types, and is highly recommended for use in The Appendix of the ASTM Standard Specification for Con-
conjunction with other tests and field performance evaluations. crete Aggregates (C 33) states that in C 227, cement-aggregate
combinations showing expansions greater than 0.10 % at six
ASTM C 289Chemical Method months usually should be considered capable of harmful reac-
One procedure used to identify whether an aggregate is poten- tivity. The Appendix also states that combinations showing ex-
tially deleteriously reactive is ASTM C 289, commonly referred pansions of at least 0.05 % at three months should be considered
to as the Quick Chemical Test. This method was originally potentially capable of harmful reactivity. During the 1950s, the
developed by Mielenz and co-workers at the U.S. Bureau of 0.05 % and 0.10 % expansion levels were applied to test ages of
Reclamation [10]. In this procedure, the aggregate in question is six and twelve months, respectively. This then was a stricter test
sized to the 300150 micron sieves, then three 25-g samples of criterion. Today, the 0.05 % criterion at three months is consid-
the material are immersed in 1N NaOH solution in sealed ered innocuous if the six months criterion is less than 0.10 %.
containers held at 80 1C for 24 h. The resulting suspensions Many years of experience with C 227 have revealed short-
are then filtered, and the filtrates are analyzed for reduction in comings that, in some cases, have resulted in misleading con-
the original hydroxyl ion concentration caused by reaction with clusions with eventual deterioration of concrete. The suggested
the test sample and for the amount of silica dissolved in the expansion criteria appear to be valid for rock or mineral types
solution. The result is plotted on a graph where dissolved silica arbitrarily defined as rapidly reactive aggregates, such as opa-
(Sc) in millimoles per liter is plotted logarithmically on the line-bearing materials and weathered glassy to cryptocrys-
abscissa and reduction in alkalinity (Rc) is plotted on a lin- ear talline volcanics of rhyolitic to andesitic composition, when they
scale on the ordinate. A curve is drawn on the graph in which are tested with cement with 1.0 % alkali. C 33 leaves open to the
Aggregate Considered Innocuous is located on one side of the engineers discretion the option of extending the test pe- riod to,
curve, and Aggregate Considered Deleterious or Potentially for example, 12 or more months. However, extending the test
Deleterious is located on the other. Innocuous aggregates are period to more than 12 months still may result in fail- ure to
considered to be those that produce little or no reduction in define so-called slowly reactive aggregates as potentially
alkalinity, or those for which a significant reduc- tion in deleteriously reactive in field structures. These aggregate types
alkalinity is accompanied by relatively little dissolution of silica. include certain gneisses, schists, graywackes, and metavol-
Location of the innocuous-deleterious curve on the graph canics. Even when used with cements with 1.0 % alkali, expan-
presumably is based on field performance and on ASTM C 227 sions for these rock types may reach no more than 0.05 % af- ter
mortar-bar test results, with the mortar bar criterion being 0.10 two to three, or more, years [11]. Such a timeframe is not
% or greater linear expansion. practical in these cases.
ASTM C 289 appears to have some serious limitations and A further limitation from C 227 results is a recommenda-
is seldom recommended by various organizations and coun- tion to use low-alkali cement (less than 0.60 % equivalent Na2O)
tries in their practices and standards. It fails to identify slowly if an aggregate is judged to be potentially deleteriously reac-
reactive aggregates, such as gneiss, schist, or quartzite, where tive. Field and laboratory studies [11] have revealed that
reactivity results from strained or microcrystalline quartz. certain aggregates, such as glassy volcanics or tuffs, are delete-
Furthermore, reports have shown that mineral phases, such as riously reactive with low as well as high-alkali cements.
calcium, magnesium, iron carbonates, gypsum, and zeolites, Leaching of alkalies from the concrete also has been found
interfere in the results of the test, thereby underestimating Sc to be a serious limitation on expansion [12,13] in C 227. An
values or overestimating Rc values, and in the classification of aggregate may be judged to be innocuous when used with
known reactive aggregates as innocuous. On the other hand, the cement of a certain alkali level when, in fact, it may be delete-
test was found to be severe for several aggregates with good riously reactive.
field service records where it was attributed to the fine particle Overall, C 227 may be useful for identifying certain aggre-
size of the material (150300 m) and high test tem- perature gates as deleteriously reactive. However, many cases exist
(80C). where the procedure falls short of expectations.
Overall, the test could be used as a quality control tool for
aggregate procedures only if results of the test are confirmed ASTM C 1260Potential Alkali Reactivity of
by more reliable laboratory tests or field performance records. Aggregates
It is evident that limitations exist in ASTM C 227 and C 289 for
ASTM C 227Potential Alkali Reactivity identifying known slowly reactive aggregates such as gneiss,
of Cement-Aggregate Combinations graywacke, some siliceous limestones, schist, and quartzite.
ASTM C 227 has been an ASTM mortar bar standard since 1950 Thus, a test method was developed in South Africa at the Na-
and was initially conceived by Stanton as a means of identify- tional Building Research Institute [14] and was designed to
ing safe or unsafe cement-aggregate combinations. As such, it rapidly identify slowly and highly reactive aggregates, based on
simulated what might actually occur in concrete [1]. Testing was field performance record. With some modifications in the late
carried out using the aggregate in question, which was sized to 1980s, it became an ASTM standard in 1990 and is known as
a fine aggregate grading. If a coarse aggregate was to be the Potential Alkali Reactivity of Aggregates (Mortar Bar
evaluated, it had to be crushed, sized, and washed to the pre- Method).
scribed grading as well. A high-alkali cement, greater than 0.60 For this method, the aggregate is sized and washed to meet
% as equivalent Na2O, or the contemplated job cement, was to the specified grading, then used at a proportion of one part of
be used in the test. Four companion mortar bars were made, cement and 2.25 parts of aggregate, then cast into mortar bars of
then stored over water in a sealed container held at 38 2C 0.47 water-cement ratio by mass, and stored in a moist
cabinet at 23 2C. One day after casting, the specimens are NaOH solution is much greater than most alkali levels in field
removed from the molds, a comparator reading is obtained, concrete and therefore cannot provide realistic safe cement
then it is stored for 24 h in water brought to 80 2C. An ad- alkali levels for the aggregate tested.
ditional comparator reading is obtained, then the bars are To help resolve any of these issues, recent work has shown
transferred to 1N NaOH solution and again stored at 80 2C the potential for an accelerated version of the test to be per-
in sealed containers for 14 days. Periodic comparator readings, formed at 60C at greater than 95 % relative humidity over a
for example, at 1, 3, 7, 10, and 14 days, are made, while being three-month period. Earlier, Stark et al. [15] used fine and
careful to prevent cooling and drying while taking the read- coarse aggregate, received as concrete aggregate. Tests of con-
ings. Total time required between making the mortar bars and crete prisms up to 42 days in 1N NaOH solution at 80C showed
obtaining the final measurement of length change is 16 days. some success. Other specimens were cast with the same alkali
Test criteria suggested in the Appendix of C 33 are as follows: level as that used for the immersion test, also with some success.
Expansions in NaOH solution greater than 0.20 % at 16 Overall, none of the existing ASTM test methods provide
days indicate potentially deleterious expansion. cement alkali levels and environments that can reproduce
Expansions between 0.10 % and 0.20 % are uncertain but given cement-aggregate combinations that exactly prevent or
are known to include aggregates that can be deleterious or allow deleterious ASR. Existing tests are either too lenient, too
innocuous in field concrete. severe, or too time-consuming. One rapid procedure that has
Expansions not greater than 0.10 % represent innocuous been developed, and can include mineral admixtures, is not yet
aggregate. an ASTM Standard [16].
Several important points must be emphasized in this pro-
cedure. First, the alkali content of the cement used in making the Avoiding Expansive Alkali-Silica Reaction
mortar bars may be comparatively low because a much greater
NaOH concentration is used in the immersion solution and Three methods are used today to prevent abnormal expansions
diffuses into the mortar bars, thus exerting overwhelming due to ASR. They are:
control on reactions. Second, the test result in- dicates only that 1. Avoid the use of reactive aggregate.
the aggregate may be potentially reactive, not that it will react 2. Limit the cement alkali level.
deleteriously in field concrete. Cement alkali level and 3. Use pozzolans or other admixtures in the fresh concrete.
environment exert control on field perform- ance. Third, the test The most feasible method for a particular job will depend
has successfully identified, in confor- mance with field on economics and the local availability of suitable materials. In
observations, the deleterious nature of reactivity with most some cases, combinations of the various methods have been
slowly reactive aggregates, such as certain gneisses, schists, used. Each of the three methods is discussed below.
and quartzites. Overall, this proce- dure is rapid but may
overstate the shortcomings found in ASTM C 227 and C 289. Use Innocuous Aggregate
At first glance, it would seem a simple matter to use innocuous
ASTM C 1293Length Change of Concrete Due aggregates to avoid expansive ASR. However, this presumes
to Alkali-Silica Reaction that the innocuous aggregate has a proven service record and
ASTM C 1293 is considered by some to be the most reliable has been evaluated properly using pertinent ASTM standards.
procedure among ASTM test methods to evaluate aggregates If a field service record is to be used, assurance must be made
for alkali silica reaction. It allows for the evaluation of aggre- that the prospective aggregate from a commercial or lithologic
gates as they are used in concrete. Coarse aggregate can be source is of similar petrographic character as that on which
evaluated without crushing them, or fine aggregates can be the service record is based. If quarried stone is being consid-
tested without sieving and recombining according to pre- ered, for example, one must be careful to evaluate the same
scribed particle size distributions. It also is the only method rock strata, particularly where bedding is convoluted or
where combinations of coarse and fine aggregates proposed inclined. If water-laid deposits from a given source of sand or
for use in job applications can be tested. gravel are being considered, one must be sure to evaluate
In general, the test is effective in recognizing the potential materials from, for example, the same river terrace level.
alkali silica reactivity of both the rapidly reactive aggregates, Petrologic character of the source material can vary signifi-
such as opaline-bearing, glassy cryptocrystalline volcanic rocks, cantly not only vertically from bed to bed, but also laterally.
as well as the slowly reactive aggregates such as granite gneiss, Variations often develop in mineralogic composition, propor-
graywackes, schists, and some sandstones and lime- stones. tion, and particle size of individual rock types in the prospec-
In this procedure, equivalent alkali in the cement plus tive aggregate source. Use of an alternate source of a durable
NaOH solution added to the mixture should be 1.25 % as Na2O, aggregate may result in major transportation costs for
and the w/c should range between 0.42 and 0.45. Three com- shipment to the job site.
panion concrete prisms are cast, cured, and stored in a moist The use of field service record also requires that cement
environment in a sealed container at 38 2C for up to 12 alkali level be known for the existing concrete, regardless of
months or more as needed. C 33 indicates the concrete would whether low or high alkali cement was used previously and will
be considered deleterious if expansion reaches 0.040 % or be used in new construction. An aggregate that is known to be
more at 12 months. slowly reactive, when used with a more rapidly reactive aggre-
Several limitations exist in the C 1293 standard. First, it gate, may then become innocuous due to the remaining lower
may require a year or more to obtain a meaningful result, concentration of alkali in solution in the concrete.
depending on the nature of the aggregate in question. Second, an A second major factor in evaluating field service record is
alkali level of 1.25 % as equivalent Na2O of the cement plus the environment to which the concrete is exposed. This in-
cludes temperature, moisture accessibility, and restraint.
Elevated temperatures and ready availability of moisture are
Raw or Calcined Natural Pozzolan An important advantage of lithium salts over other ad-
Remarks presented for fly ash apply generally to raw or cal- mixed materials is the fixed composition of the salt, thus re-
cined natural pozzolans, such as some volcanic ashes, opaline quiring no testing for individual concrete mix materials [21].
shales, and diatomaceous earths. However, C 618 recommends ASTM presently does not address this means of preventing
75 % reduction in expansion after 14 days under C 441 test expansive ASR. A very beneficial but, today, not practical use for
conditions, as noted earlier. lithium solution would be its penetration to uncracked hard-
ened concrete to prevent or mitigate distress due to ASR [27].
Ground Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag
(GGBFS) Concluding Remarks
Ground granulated blast-furnace slag can be used to prevent
expansive ASR. C 441 is used to evaluate slag as well as fly ash, The concrete technologist has at his disposal broad knowl-
except that 50 % by mass of portland cement is replaced by slag edge and guidelines to produce concrete that is not susceptible
equal to the volume of cement replaced. ASTM Standard to deleterious ASR. ASTM provides various test procedures and
Specification for Ground Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag for Use recommendations that, if used prudently with other informa-
in Concrete and Mortar (C 989) suggests that reduction in tion noted in this chapter, should ensure that deleterious reac-
expansion should be at least 75 %. tions can be avoided in future construction.
Local Organizing Committee, The Society of Materials Science, [21] Bakker, R. F. M., About the Cause of the Resistance of Blast-
Kyoto, Japan, 1989, pp. 327332. furnace Cement Concrete to the Alkali-Silica Reaction, Pro-
[13] Stark, D. and Bhatty, M. S. Y, Alkali Silica Reactivity: Effect of ceedings, Fifth International Conference on Alkali-Aggregate
Alkali in Aggregate on Expansion, STP 930, ASTM Interna- Reaction in Concrete, S252/29, NBRI of the Council for Scientific
tional, West Conshohocken, PA, 1985, pp. 1630. and Industrial Research, Pretoria, South Africa, 1981.
[14] Oberholster, R. E. and Davies, G., An Accelerated Method for [22] Gudmundsson, G. and Olafsson, H., Silica Fume in Concrete16
Testing the Potential Alkali Reactivity of Siliceous Aggregates, Years of Experience in Iceland, Proceedings of the 10th Inter-
Cement and Concrete Research, Vol. 16, 1986, pp. 186189. national Conference on Alkali-Aggregate Reaction in Concrete,
[15] Stark, D., Morgan, B. Okamoto, P., and Diamond, S., Eliminat- 1823 August 1996, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 562569.
ing or Minimizing Alkali-Silica Reactivity, Final Report, Strate- [23] Gundmundsson, G., Halfdanarson, J., and Mller, J., Effect of
gic Highway Research Program 343, 1993, 266 pp. Silica Fume Properties on Mitigation of ASR Reactivity in
[16] Stark, D., Immersion Test to Identify Cement Alkali Levels and Concrete, Alkali-Aggregate Reaction in Concrete, Proceed-
Pozzolans to Prevent ASR, Proceedings, 10th International ings, 11th International Conference, Quebec City, QC, Canada,
Conference on Alkali Aggregate Reactions in Concrete, June 2000, pp. 643651.
Melbourne, 1996, pp. 355361. [24] Sibbick, R. G., and Nixon, P. J., Investigation into the Effects of
[17] Shayan, Ahmad, Combined Effects of Alkali-Aggregate Reac- Metakaolin as a Cement Replacement in ASR Reactive Con-
tion (AAR) and Cathodic Protection on Currents in Reinforced crete, Alkali-Aggregate Reaction in Concrete, Proceedings,
Concrete, 11th ICAAR CIRAG, Quebec 2000, pp. 229238. 11th International Conference, Quebec City, QC, Canada, June
[18] Tarii, K., Kawamwa, M., Matsumoto, K., and Ishii, K., Influence 2000, pp. 763772.
of Cathodic Protection on Cracking and Expansion of the Beams [25] McCoy, W. J. and Caldwell, A. G., New Approach to Inhibiting
Due to Alkali-Silica Reaction, Proceedings, 10th International Alkali-Aggregate Reaction, Journal, American Concrete
Conference on Alkali Aggregate Reactions in Concrete, Institute, Proceedings, Vol. 47, 1951, pp. 693706.
Melbourne, 1996, pp. 355361. [26] Stark, D., Lithium Salt AdmixturesAn Alternative Method to
[19] Bhatty, M. S. Y., Mechanisms of Pozzolanic Reactions and Prevent Expansive Alkali-Silica Reactivity, Proceedings, 9th
Control of Alkali-Aggregate Expansion, Cement, Concrete and International Conference on Alkali-Aggregate Reactions in
Aggregates, Vol. 7, No. 2, ASTM International, West Concrete, London, 1992, pp. 10171025.
Conshohocken, PA, pp. 6977, 1985. [27] Folliard, K. J., Thomas, M. D. A., and Kurtis, K. E., Guidelines
[20] Stark, D., Considerations in the Use of Fly Ash to Control for the Use of Lithium to Mitigate or Prevent Alkali-Silica
Alkali-Silica Reactivity, Portland Cement Association, Serial Reaction (ASR), Publication No. FHWA-RD-03-047, July 2003,
No. 1987, 1995, 43 pp. 78 pp.
Alkali-Carbonate Rock Reaction
Michael A. Ozol1
Consultant, geologist/photographer, Concrete and Materials, Baltimore, MD 21209.
ASTM Test Method for Potential Alkali ASTM Method for Reducing Field Samples of
Reactivity of Carbonate Rocks for Concrete Aggregate to Testing Size (C 702)
Aggregates (Rock Cylinder Method) (C 586) Samples taken in accordance with ASTM D 75 may be reduced
Directly measures the expansion of small cylinders of rock dur- in size by quartering or by use of a mechanical splitter as de-
ing exposure in sodium-hydroxide solution. The rock sample is scribed in ASTM C 702.
secured in accordance with the applicable requirements of
ASTM D 75. Positive test results cannot, by themselves, be used Types of Carbonate Rock Reactions
as an accurate predictor of the damage that the rock will cause
in concrete. ASTM C 1105 (see next paragraph) should be used Although various reactions involving carbonate rock, both
to evaluate the behavior of the rock in concrete. dolomitic and nondolomitic, in concrete or mortar have been
recognized, only one, the expansive dedolomitization reaction,
which is the principal subject of this chapter, is of importance
ASTM Test Method for Length Change of with respect to having produced significant damage in con-
Concrete Due to Alkali-Carbonate Rock Reaction crete constructions. This reaction may or may not produce rim
(C 1105) zones on particles of reacting rock in concrete.
Directly measures the expansion produced in concrete prisms, Other reactions, causing the production of rim zones and
stored at 23C and 95 % RH, by the alkali-carbonate reaction, other internal changes in carbonate rocks of various composi-
using up to 19.0 mm (3/4 in.) maximum size aggregate, and the tions are of scientific interest. Some other reactions are dis-
job cement. cussed in Refs 1, 4, and 5. Katayama [6] gives a detailed review
of rim formation.
ASTM Practice for Examination and Sampling of
Hardened Concrete in Constructions (C 823)
Expansive Dedolomitization Reaction
Provides general and specific guidance for evaluating con-
The expansive dedolomitization reaction occurs between alka-
structions in the field and for obtaining samples for labora-
line solutions (almost always sodium and potassium hydrox-
tory examination as by ASTM C 856 (see next paragraph),
ides derived from the cement2) in the cement paste matrix and
with which it may be used in an interactive way, with ASTM
limestone aggregate particles of particular but nevertheless
C 856 providing preliminary information for detailed and rig-
somewhat variable compositions and textures. However, a fea-
orous application of ASTM C 823 to provide a second set of
ture common to all such limestones is that there will be small
samples for petrographic examination by ASTM C 856. ASTM
dolomite crystals present in the matrix of the rock that will re-
C 823 is of particular relevance when evaluating an aggregate
act with the alkaline solutions in a manner such that the dolomite
source for alkali-carbonate reactivity based on its service
crystals, of original composition CaMg (CO3)2, be- come other
record in previous constructions. In that connection, it is im-
minerals and compounds; hence, the term dedolomitization, as
portant to have information on the alkali content of the ce-
represented, simply, here, and as dis- cussed in greater detail in
ment used, and the cement content of the concrete in the
subsequent sections.
calcium magnesium carbonate (Dolomite)
ASTM Practice for Petrographic Examination of + alkali hydroxide solution magnesium hydroxide
Hardened Concrete (C 856) + calcium carbonate + alkali carbonate
Provides the general method for how to go about examining
The chief physical result of dedolomitization, which dis-
field and laboratory concrete chiefly microscopically to estab-
tresses and damages concrete, is that the reaction causes the af-
lish whether alkali-carbonate reactions have taken place, and
fected aggregate particles to expand and crack and thereby to
gives some specific criteria for recognizing the effects of alkali-
extend the cracks into the enclosing mortar matrix.
carbonate reactions.
Manifestations of Distress
ASTM Practice for Sampling Aggregates (D 75)
Gives the procedure for obtaining samples for examination Concrete that is affected by the alkali-carbonate rock reaction
and testing by ASTM C 295, C 1105, C 586, and any other expands and cracks. Depending on the perfection of the petro-
tests and examinations from which general conclusions re- logical characteristics of the rock that promote expansion, and
garding the aggregate may be drawn. It should be noted that the convergence of the environmental and materials-related
ASTM C 586 is best, and most conveniently, done on ledge factors that promote expansion, important among which are
rock samples that will permit the preparation of three mutu- availability of moisture and alkali content in the concrete, the
ally perpendicular small rock cylinders. Information regard- concrete may in a matter of months exhibit severe surface
ing obtaining ledge rock samples is in ASTM D 75. Alterna- cracking accompanied by closing of joints, as was reported in
tively, in the event that ledge rock samples cannot be Canada by Swenson [3]. Pattern cracking after three years of
obtained, it is possible that the small cores (1.38 in., 35 mm) exposure is shown in Fig. 1.
needed for ASTM C 586 can be drilled out of larger particles When all of the factors favoring alkali-carbonate reaction
for example, 2 in. (50 mm) or largerof aggregate obtained combine to produce near-ideal conditions for causing the reac-
from stock pile or conveyor belt. tion, spectacular expansion and deterioration, as reported by
Alkalies from deicing materials such as sodium chloride (NaCl) may augment the alkalies supplied by the cement.
Rogers [8], can occur within three years. In that instance, the and the cement content of the concrete was about 300 kg/m 3
concrete in sidewalks, curbs, and gutters expanded about 1.2 % (500 lb/yd3).
(Fig. 2) with consequent compressive failures, blow-ups, and In ACR-affected field concrete, there is no definitive fea-
shoving of adjacent asphalt pavement. It is reported that the ture of the concrete or of the geometry of the cracking that
alkali content of the cement was about 1.0 % Na 2O equivalent, precisely identifies the cause of the cracking as being alkali car-
bonate-rock reaction. (In contrast, gel deposits, if present, may
provide a strong indication that cracking is due to alkali-silica
reaction but not exclude the possibility that both reactions can
be present.) The crack geometry, or pattern, produced is the re-
sponse of the concrete to internal expansive force based on its
particular size and shape and the direction of maximum
moisture availability. Generally, expansion of ordinary, plain,
cast-in-place concrete as in sidewalks, floors, decks, slabs, and
footings where there is a moisture gradient from top to bottom
or from side to side results in pattern cracking similar to that
shown in Fig. 1. Where moisture conditions are uniform or
where the concrete elements are thick, or of low surface area-
to-volume ratio, bulk expansion of the concrete is evidenced by
closing of joints, extrusion of filler material, shoving or buck-
ling of adjacent materials, or crushing of adjacent weaker con-
cretes. Cracks may be prominent or faintvisible only follow-
ing wetting of the surface to produce some contrastand
concrete between the cracks can be hard and intact.
Conclusive evidence that the observed distress has been
caused by alkali-carbonate reaction is best obtained by detailed
examination of the concrete following ASTM C 856, during
which it will be observed that the aggregate exhibits the
characteristic microscopic texture and composition of alkali-
reactive carbonate rock (see the section on Characteristics of
Alkali-Reactive Carbonate Rocks), and that internal cracking in
the aggregate extends into the mortar.
Reinforced and post-tensioned concrete, precast and pre-
stressed concrete, and other kinds of prefabricated concrete can
develop individualized cracking responses to internal ex-
pansion that may not be similar to those produced in slabs on
Fig. 2Concrete slab affected by alkali-carbonate grade. For example, elongate prestressed or post-tensioned
reaction (upper portion of photo) that has moved 9 cm to the pieces typically develop long cracks parallel to the direction of
right relative to the concrete in the lower portion of the photo tensioning or prestressing.
that has nonreactive aggregate. Expansion was measured at In at least one particular type of exposure condition, the
1.2 % in three years, Ontario, Canada [48]. manifestation of distress due to ACR does not involve gross ex-
pansion of the concrete and widespread cracking, but instead, the which, by precedent, have been regarded as prototypical. How-
damage is confined to the surface region and is the result of the ever, as will be noted subsequently, there are expansive,
application of deicing salts. For example, a parking deck investi- dedolomitizing, alkali-carbonate reactive rocks that do not con-
gated by the author containing reactive carbonate aggregate form to the historical prototype [13,14]. The classic, or proto-
throughout was deeply scaled exposing numerous cross-frac- typical, microscopic texture and structure is characterized by
tured coarse aggregate particles in the scaled surface. Only the relatively larger, rhombic crystals of dolomite [CaMg (CO 3)2]
coarse aggregate particles in the near-surface region had cracked, set in a finer-grained matrix of calcite [CaCO3], clay, and
extending cracks into the mortar to connect with similar cracks (commonly) silt-sized quartz. The characteristic composition is
from other reactive coarse aggregate particles, with the result that in which the carbonate-mineral components of the rock
that the surface concrete was lost. Although the deck has reactive consist of substantial amounts of both dolomite and calcite, and
aggregate throughout, the alkali content of the concrete, in the the dilute hydrochloric acid (HCl) insoluble residue contains a
absence of deicing salts, was insufficient to sustain the reaction significant amount of clay.
and to develop the overall expansion and tensile cracks produc- Examples of typical microstructures of dolomitic lime-
ing the map, or pattern cracking, that is usually observed. stones known to be alkali-carbonate reactive are shown in Fig. 3.
Smith [9] has presented experimental data showing the ex- The rhombic crystals of dolomite occurring in the matrix
acerbating effect of sodium chloride (NaCl) on alkali-carbonate of the reactive rock may be relatively sparsely distributed and
reactivity. Using concrete prisms, made with a 1.1 % alkali ce- appear to be floating in the background (Fig. 3, Field A) or
ment and a known reactive aggregate, stored in saturated NaCl may be more crowded together with dolomite rhombs adja-
solution at 70F (21C), he recorded about 0.19 % expansion at cent or touching (Fig. 3, Field E).
300 days. The same concrete stored in pure water at the same The grain sizes of the calcite and clay matrix in which the
temperature showed 0.12 % at 300 days. dolomite rhombs are set is typically 2 to 6 m for the calcite
Using reactive aggregate from the same quarry (Pittsburgh with smaller clay particles disseminated throughout. It is often
quarry at Kingston, Ontario) about 27 years later, Alasali et al. the case that silt-sized quartz grains are also disseminated
[10] recorded comparable results, measuring 0.23 % expansion throughout the matrix.
at 275 days on concrete prisms made with 1.13 % alkali cement The typical texture that is described here is found in those
stored in 5 % NaCl at 23C. A similar prism stored in water at reactive carbonate rocks that are identified as early expanders,
38C measured 0.155 % expansion at 275 days. showing rock prism expansions (ASTM C 586) of a few tenths
Gillott and Rogers [11] showed that alkali contributed by percent in a matter of weeks, and field manifestations in con-
certain rare types of mineral components in the coarse aggre- crete within perhaps one year after construction.
gate (e.g., dawsonite) can exacerbate the ACR. A modification of the typical texture is found in reactive car-
bonate rocks identified as late expanders that may not show no-
Comparison of Alkali Carbonate Rock Reaction ticeable rock prism test expansions until approximately 25
with Alkali-Silica Reaction as Regards weeks (rarely, not before one year) and that may not show man-
Generation of Crack Damage ifestations in concrete after five years in moist storage. In those
rocks, the typical feature of dolomite rhombs in a clayey fine-
In alkali silica reaction (ASR), the first damage to the concrete grained matrix is consistent, but the matrix is coarser-grained
can be produced by both (a) internal cracking of aggregate and is composed of interlocking dolomite grains together with
particles extending cracks into the paste and mortar, and (b) calcite, clay, and, more commonly than not, silica minerals.
extension of existing cracks and production of new cracks as a Those differences between early and late expanders are re-
consequence of the migration and subsequent expansion of flected in the bulk compositions, as shown in Table 1, and in dif-
the ASR gel, initially produced by the reacting particles, away ferences in internal textural restraint, or rigidity, as investigated
from the particles and into cracks and voids in the concrete. by Hilton [15,16] and discussed subsequently. Whether the pos-
In contrast, direct damage due to alkali carbonate reaction sibility of late (rock prism) expanders causing distress in field
is produced by the cracking, and extension of cracks into the mor- concrete after many years of exposure should be disregarded is
tar, generated within the reactive coarse aggregate particle itself. an open question.
The initial, or direct, damage produced in both ASR and ACR The above description of the alkali-carbonate reactive tex-
may then be exacerbated by the action of cyclical freezing and ture derives from the type locality in Ontario, Canada where
thawing. And, it should be recognized that, although bulk expan- the rocks were first identified and described. And, the descrip-
sions of concrete produced solely by the alkali-carbonate reaction tion has historically served well as a prototype for recognizing
may be lower than those produced in severe alkali-silica reaction, the ACR texture in North America and elsewhere. However, ex-
the ultimate damage to the concrete can be of the same order as tensive studies on ACR rocks in China [13] concluded that the
produced by ASR if the concrete is exposed in an environment prototypical texture was less frequently observed, due to the
where cyclical freezing and thawing occurs [12]. That is, the ini- variable character of the matrices, and that there are only two
tial cracks produced by the alkali-carbonate reaction are then ex- necessary petrographic conditions: the presence of fine-
ploited by saturation of the cracks and subsequent freezing. grained dolomite crystals and a pore structure allowing alkali
solution to penetrate the rock. Milanesi et al. [14] report on a
Characteristics of Alkali-Reactive very expansive, porous, fine-grained (0.010.03 mm) dolomite
Carbonate Rocks with 1020 % clay minerals but with no calcite.
The best technique for identifying reactive texture is by use
Petrographic of thin sections with a petrographic microscope.
The alkali-carbonate reactive limestones that were first studied Alternatively, the reactive texture can be identified in
in Canada, and shortly thereafter in the United States, have char- opaque section in concrete or rock samples, using a highly pol-
acteristic microscopic textures and mineralogical compositions ished specimen and manipulation of the illumination to get the
W. J. French, personal communication.
C. A. Rogers, personal communication.
Fig. 5CaO:MgO ratio versus insoluble residue for a suite of alkali-carbonate reactive
and nonreactive carbonate rocks [8].
(NaOH), expanded 0.275 % at 14 weeks. The rock has 58.6 % by <6 % calcite, and 0.18 % porosity. It did begin to expand after
volume dolomite, 23.5 % calcite, and 5.63 % porosity. Petro- 40 weeks of continuous soaking in the NaOH solution.
graphically, the rock has a high volume of dolomite rhombs Qian et al. [24] obtained similar results using autoclaved
tightly packed but with abundant voids between the masses of concrete microbars (150C in 10 % KOH solution) incorporat-
tightly packed rhombs (Fig. 6). ing mosaic-textured, almost pure, crystalline dolomites. They
The least expansive sample did not expand at all after eight concluded that these rocks do undergo dedolomitization but that
weeks in 1N NaOH. It is a typical crystalline dolomite com- early expansion is very low compared to rocks with the typical
posed of a mosaic of equant dolomite grains in a tight virtually ACR texture. However, with sufficiently long reaction time
nonporous structure (Fig. 7). It had 94 % dolomite by volume, significant expansion could develop.
Fig. 6Expansive rock from Missouri, 7.8 % in 14 weeks in ASTM C 586. High
content of dolomite rhombs in porous matrix.
Fig. 7Nonexpansive rock, in ASTM C 586, from Virginia. A further reaction that occurs is that the alkali carbonate
Structural framework of equant dolomite grains with no dis- produced in the initial reaction may then react with the
crete floating rhombs and no interstitial matrix. Ca(OH)2, produced as a normal product of cement hydration,
to regenerate the alkali hydroxide. For example:
Further in Hiltons work, a rock, representative of several, Na2CO3 + Ca(OH)2 2 NaOH + CaCO3
with the typical alkali-carbonate reactive texture (Fig. 8) and
similar to Fig. 3 (Fields A, B, and F), expanded unrestrained Although the starting and end products of the reaction
1.4 % at 14 weeks, and restrained 0.31 %. It has 32.4 % by vol- have been well documented and establish the overall bulk
ume dolomite, 36.7 % calcite, and 1.25 % porosity. chemical and mineralogical changes that take place, the
The rock with the lesser value of unrestrained expansion dedolomitization reaction, as such, does not translate into a
expanded more under restraint than the rock with five times mechanical explanation for the expansion, because the volume
greater unrestrained expansion, and almost two times greater of the reaction products is smaller than that of the reactants
dolomite volume. [26]. The explanation was sought in behavior of the reactive
Thus, carbonate rocks with different or equivalent chemi- rock and alkali system with respect to indirect mechanisms
cal/mineralogical composition could have vastly different and secondary reaction products that had been identified in
expansion characteristics in concrete if their structural fabrics various investigations. That is, the primary dedolomitization
differ to such an extent that their elastic properties are quite reaction was considered to be the prerequisite that enabled
different. other processes to work to produce the expansion.
The petrological factors leading to the optimization of the An idea common to some proposed mechanisms is that, in
lithology for producing expansion in concrete are: (1) clay con- one way or another, water absorption and incorporation is im-
tent, or insoluble residue content, in the range of 525 %; (2) portant in producing the expansion.
calcite to dolomite ratio of approximately 1:1; (3) increase in Sherwood and Newlon [27] proposed that expansion could
dolomite volume up to the point at which interlocking texture be related to the formation of the hydrated, relatively high-
becomes a restraining factor; and (4) small size of the discrete volume, low-density, secondary mineral products gaylus- site
floating dolomite rhombs. and buetschliite. Feldman and Sereda [28] found trace amounts,
The expansion of concrete containing alkali-reactive car- in reacted rock, of a material that expands when it ab- sorbs
bonate rocks is increased by: (1) increasing coarse aggregate water. Walker [29] and Buck [30] found minerals of the
size; (2) moisture availability; (3) higher temperature; (4) high hydrotalcite-sjogrenite group, which may possibly help pro-
alkali content of the concrete and high pH of the liquid phase mote water absorption and consequent expansion.
Swenson and Gillott [31] proposed that dedolomitization
exposes active clay minerals that are present as inclusions, in
the rocks that they studied, within the dolomite euhedra. Ex-
change sites on the clay surface adsorb sodium ions, and water
uptake by the new clay results in swelling. Thus, it is the ac-
tive clay released during dedolomitization that contributes to
the expansion.
Clay inclusions within the dolomite rhombs of expansive
rocks have not been universally reported. They have not been
observed, for example, in expansive rocks from Virginia.
Tang et al. [32] conclude that the expansion due to ACR is
caused by ions and water molecules migrating into restricted
spaces created by the growth and rearrangement of the prod- ucts
of dedolomitization, particularly brucite. Therefore, the
expansion results directly from dedolomitization and not from
water uptake of clay mineral inclusions within dolomite
Fig. 8Expansive rock from northwest Virginia with
typical reactive texture. Expansion in ASTM C 586 was 1.4 % at rhombs. Using STEM and EDAX to observe the locations of the
14 weeks.
reaction products in expanded samples of Kingston, Ontario, the formation of brucite, the uptake of water, and the formation
reacted rock, they found that the brucite produced by the re- of iron-rich phases from ferroan dolomite.
action occurred in a 2-m-thick ring of parallel-oriented 25 Tong [13] states that it is feasible for brucite to react with
crystals, with space between them, surrounding the euhedral silica in the alkaline environment, to form gel-like materials,
dolomite rhombs of the typical reactive texture. The brucite and that it is therefore sensible that it would not be detected.
crystals were, in turn, surrounded by the calcite and clay par- He notes also that brucite can be difficult to detect due to the
ticles of the matrix. The calcite of the dedolomitized rhomb re- small amount produced and its poor crystallinity.
mained within the interior of the dedolomitized crystal. Prince and Perami [38] showed that dedolomitization is
Later work, discussed below, using compacts of cement and possible in the absence of alkali by experiments on pastes com-
dolomite, or magnesite, to simulate ACR rocks, is consid- ered posed of dolomite mineral powder, soda, calcium chloride, and
by Tong, Tang, and others to confirm this expansion mechanism lime, in various proportions. The pastes were cured 24 h at 40C
[26,33,34]. in a saturated atmosphere and the reaction products monitored
The role of the clay minerals in the fabric of the rock may by XRD. In paste composed of only dolomite and lime, only
be to provide mechanical pathways to the dolomite rhombs by brucite and calcite were formedthe dedolomitiza- tion
disrupting the structural framework of the rock, thus weakening occurred in the absence of any alkali. With introduction of soda,
the carbonate matrix and, by that means, helping to promote dedolomitization was enhanced. The general conclusion was
expansion. Thus, the presence of clays is not es- sential to the that the particular reaction products depend on the ratio of
chemistry of the dedolomitization reaction but is an enabling calcium to sodium ions. High values of the ratio promote the
factor, mechanically promoting expansion when formation of brucite and calcite, while lower values promote
dedolomitization occurs. brucite and pirssonite [CaNa2 (CO3)2H2O].
Katayama [6], based largely on a review of the literature, Milanesi et al. [14] related expansion of concrete prisms
suggests that there is a stronger correlation between expansion and rock cylinders to dedolomitization in both types of samples
and silica (insoluble residue) content of carbonate rocks hav- ing and in powdered samples of the same three rocks immersed in
ACR texture than with their dolomite content, and that strong alkaline solutions, using XRD, SEM, and optical mi-
deleterious expansion is confined to impure carbonate rocks that croscopy to identify the reaction products. The most expansive
contain more than 510 % insoluble residue. Therefore, al- kali- rock in both the rock cylinder test (ASTM C 586 but using 1975
carbonate reaction should be reviewed in light of the al- kali- mm cylinders) and the concrete prism test, CSA A23.2-14A, was
silica reactivity of cryptocrystalline quartz hidden in the a porous, fine-grained, dolomite with a minor amount of quartz,
microstructure of the matrix enclosing the dolomite rhombs. feldspar, and rhyolite clasts, but with no evident calcite. Previ-
For several Chinese aggregates, Tong and Tang [35] found ous work showed the rock to be definitely not alkali-silica reac-
that both alkali-reactive dolomite and alkali-reactive silica, as tive. Examination of the cylinder before and after immersion in
microcrystalline quartz, are present in the same aggregate par- 1 N NaOH solution showed strong dedolomitization had oc-
ticle. Both dedolomitization and silica gel formation occurred in curred, producing calcite and brucite. A calcitic dolomite and a
rapidly expansive concrete microbars cured at either 60C or dolomitic limestone, both of coarser grain size and lower poros-
150C in 10 % KOH solution. XRD and SEM/EDAX results ity than the expansive rock, shrank in the rock cylinder test and
confirmed the presence of the products of both reactions. expanded only about 6 to 7 % of the 5-year prism expansion
Investigators have noted that brucite may not always be (0.205 %) of the most expansive sample. Those samples showed
detectable as evidence that dedolomitization has occurred in no evidence of dedolomitization in the rock cylinder test. Pow-
concrete that has expanded [13,3537]. The reasons for this are ders of the three rocks completely dedolomitized in 1 N NaOH
discussed subsequently. after four days, forming calcite and brucite with no detectable
Experiments aimed at establishing and reconfirming the dolomite. The authors attribute the differences in expansion of
chemistry and products of the dedolomitization reaction, and the the three dolomitic rocks to differences in their microstructural
expansion associated with the reaction, have been con- ducted characteristics. They conclude that the equations proposed by
using single crystals of mineral dolomite, dolomite mineral Hadley [4] are adequate to explain dedolomitization in concrete
powders, cylinders of dolomitic rocks, and mortar compacts of under normal service conditions.
powdered, high-purity dolostone, and of magne- site, with Tang et al. [34] and Tong and Tang [26,33] using mortar
portland cement. compacts of portland cement with high-purity, powdered dolo-
Randonjic et al. [37] confirmed the basic dedolomitization stone and high-purity, powdered magnesite immersed in alka-
reaction by examining single crystals of dolomite, before and af- line solutions at elevated temperatures performed experiments
ter immersion in NaOH solution, using environmental scanning aimed at addressing the following questions: (1) whether the
electron microscopy (ESEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), volume-reducing alkali-carbonate reaction (the volume of the
and the surface analytical technique X-ray photoelectron spec- products being less than the volume of the reactants) can cause
troscopy (XPS). After immersion in NaOH they observed the expansion; (2) whether absorption of water by clay exposed by
chief reaction products of calcite and brucite and that the first dedolomitization causes the expansion; (3) whether the ACR is
reaction product to form was brucite, followed by calcite. Their actually an alkali-silica reaction due to the reactivity of cryp-
results suggest that the brucite would be susceptible to further tocrystalline quartz hidden in the matrix enclosing the dolomite
chemical change by reacting with species from the alkaline en- rhombs; (4) whether the presence of the matrix of calcite, clay,
vironment such as Ca2+ and Si4+. And, that this should also be and fine-grained quartz enclosing the dolomite rhombs in the
true for magnesium and iron rich phases formed during prototypical ACR texture is a necessary condi- tion for
dedolomitization. The authors propose that since the chemical expansion by dedolomitization.
changes occurring during dedolomitization involve surface re- The use of compacted cylinders of dolomite or magnesite
actions, they would be expected to involve expansive volume particles in a matrix of cement paste simulates the spatial rela-
changes. Processes which may contribute to expansion include tion of dolomite rhombs enclosed in a fine-grained matrix, as
is the case in natural alkali-reactive dolomitic limestones, and crete was low alkali cement, less than 0.6 % total alkalies as per
eliminates the effects of cryptocrystalline quartz in the matrix, ASTM Specification for Portland Cement (C 150), then the con-
clay in, or between, the dolomite rhombs, and calcite, clay, and crete cannot provide information on the propensity for reac- tion
quartz comprising the matrix, focusing instead on the reaction of the aggregate with high alkali cement. However, in view of
of the dolomite or magnesite particles in the cement paste. the facts, (1) the most reactive carbonate rocks can produce
Magnesite was used as a cross reference material [26,33] deleterious expansion with cement of 0.4 % total alkalies [23],
because it also reacts to produce brucite in an expansive reac- and (2) the more important measure is the alkali content per unit
tion in which the brucite is the unique solid product, simplify- volume of concrete, not the alkali content of the cement per se.
ing the expansion mechanism, and it is also a solid volume Then even if the cement used was less than 0.6 % total alkalies,
reducing process. if the cement content of the concrete was high, the al- kali level
Compacts were also made with limestone powder [34], high per unit volume may equal or exceed that of concrete in which
purity alumina, and cement paste by itself, as control sam- ples. the cement content was low but the alkali content of the cement
In addition to the expansions of the compacts, the expan- sions was high. A threshold guideline, based on pounds of sodium
of rock prisms and concrete microbars of the same ma- terials oxide (Na2O) equivalent per cubic yard, must be es- tablished
were measured. Reaction products were determined by X-ray for judging whether the aggregate should be consid- ered to have
diffraction. been used in a high or low alkali concrete.
The control samples produced negligible expansions while If the structure shows no distress and it has been estab-
the magnesite and dolomite compacts exhibited considerable lished that the alkali content of the concrete would be suffi-
expansions which correlated well with the dolomite consump- cient to cause reaction if the aggregate is potentially reactive,
tion/calcite production and the magnesite consumption/brucite then the effects of aggregate size, proportion of reactive ag-
production in the respective compacts. The authors conclude gregate, and moisture availability to the concrete must also be
that the results provide a powerful confirmation that the ex- considered singly and in combination before concluding that the
pansion was directly caused by the reactions occurring at the aggregate is non-deleteriously expansive.
interfaces of the dolomite or magnesite particles with the en- Larger-sized reactive aggregate causes greater expansion
closing cement paste matrix. And that, although it is a solid than smaller-sized reactive aggregate. A reactive aggregate that
volume reducing reaction, an expansive force is generated by has not caused distress with high alkali cement in small top
the growth and rearrangement of the reaction products, to- size may cause distress when used in the larger size with the
gether with the migration of alkali and hydroxyl ions, and water, same cement.
into the confined space of the particle/matrix interface. The greater the proportion of reactive aggregate of the to-
It is reasonable that the compacts are a good, functional, tal aggregate, the greater the expansion. A reactive aggregate
proxy, artificial aggregate for the ACR limestone in which that has not caused distress as a small portion of the coarse ag-
dolomite crystals are enclosed in a fine-grained matrix. The con- gregate in a structure with high alkali level may cause dis-
clusion may then be drawn from the experiments that neither cal- tress when used in larger proportion with the same cement.
cite, silica, or clay in the matrix, nor clay in, or between, the Potentially reactive aggregates will not cause deleterious
dolomite rhombs is related to the expansion-causing process. amounts of expansion if the concrete is protected and in a rela-
Rather, the expansion is directly proportional to the dedolomiti- tively dry condition. Where exposure to moisture also includes
zation of the dolomite enclosed in the matrix and must, therefore, exposure to sodium-chloride-containing deicing salts, which are
be related to the accumulation and positioning of the reaction known to exacerbate ACR, the conclusion that the aggre- gate is
products in relation to the surface of the dolomite rhombs. non-deleteriously expansive is strengthened.
facilitating comparisons among aggregates by using exactly the The expansion limit of 0.040 % used in the CSA standard
same aggregate grading and alkali level. is the approximate level at which cracking and distress are first
In C 1105 the grading of the job-proposed aggregate can observed on the prisms, and it relates well to observed field
be used if it is not coarser than 19 mm (3/4 in). But, C 1105 performance [39].
specifies that if the job-proposed aggregate has material larger
than 19 mm (3/4 in.), it shall not be used, based on the as- Rock Cylinder Expansion Test
sumption that the plus 19-mm material does not differ in com- The expansion of small (approximately 1.4 in. in length by 0.4
position, lithology, and presumed expansive characteristics in. in diameter, 35.5 by 10 mm) cylinders of carbonate rock that
from the minus 19-mm material. If, based on information from are continuously immersed in 1 N NaOH solution has been used
petrographic examination or rock cylinder tests (ASTM C 586) as a direct indication of expansive alkali-carbonate reactivity of
or both, the plus 19-mm material differs from the minus 19- the rock since the method, originally using square cross section
mm material in those respects, then instructions are given for specimens, was first described and used by Hadley in 1961
testing the coarser fraction. In CSA A23.2-14A, the coarse ag- [20]. And since its earliest use, the correlation between rock
gregate is separated on 20-, 14-, 10-, and 5-mm sieves, oversize cylinder (or rock prism) expansion and concrete prism
and undersize material discarded, and equal masses of the expansion has been substantiated (Figs. 9 and 10). How- ever,
three sizes recombined. note in Fig. 10 the spread of the six rock prism expansion values
Expansion limits for ASTM C 1105 have not been adopted corresponding to the concrete prism expansion value (average
in ASTM C 33 but are suggested in the Appendix to ASTM C 1105 of three) and, in Fig. 9, that the rock prism expansion values
and are, therefore, nonmandatory. As such, they place greater plotted are the average of 20 specimens.
responsibility on the specifier of the concrete to understand the Thus, despite good correlations between the average val-
factors promoting expansion due to alkali-carbonate reactivity ues of rock prism and concrete prism expansions, due to the
versus the service environment of the concrete. variability inherent in the rock, the differences that can exist
The expansion limit for the CSA prism test is specified and between restrained (in concrete) and unrestrained (in ASTM C
tabulated in Table 2 with the suggested ASTM C 1105 limits. 586) behavior, and the other factors governing expansion in
It may be noted with respect to, for example, the three-month concrete (for example, w/c, total water soluble alkalies, paste to
C 1105 limit, that fifteen-thousandths of one percent is not a dele- aggregate ratio, etc.), the situation is such that ASTM C 586 is
terious degree of expansion. But the logic of the test is such that,
based on correlation with longer term tests and field perform-
ance, a rock which produces 0.015 % expansion at three months
will produce deleterious expansion in field concrete at a later age.
a relatively rapid indicator of potential expansive reactivity, Petrographic examination speaks directly to the concerns
and an effective tool for screening aggregate sources, but it of Paragraphs 10.1, 10.2, and 10.3, Interpretation of Results
does not predict in-concrete expansion of the rock and is not of ASTM C 586. And, although not specifically called for in
used as an acceptance test. ASTM C 1105, petrographic examination of the concrete
One test specimen per sample of rock is the minimum re- prisms at the conclusion of the test can furnish information
quired by the method. It should be taken normal to the bed- helpful for interpretation of results at, or near, the test limits.
ding if bedding is discernible. If bedding is not discernible, The Canadian Standard notes the usefulness of petrographic
then three mutually perpendicular specimens are made. In examination at this stage.
general, even if bedding is discernible, it is desirable to prepare
three mutually perpendicular specimens; one perpendicular to Determination of Potential Alkali
the bedding and two at right angles parallel to the bedding. Of Carbonate Reactivity of Carbonate Rocks
three such specimens, the one exhibiting the greatest expan- by Chemical Composition
sion is the one on which to base the test result. The Ontario, Canada, Ministry of Transportation and Commu-
An expansion of 0.10 % at 28 days is considered to indicate nications has developed a quick chemical screening test for the
the presence of material with a potential for deleterious ex- determination of potential alkali-carbonate reactivity of car-
pansion when used in concrete. For example, as reported by bonate rocks by chemical compositionCanadian standard CSA
Rogers [8], most quarry faces sampled in Ontario, Canada, that A 23.2-26A.
gave average rock cylinder expansions of greater than 0.1 % at The test is based on work by Rogers [8] and uses relation-
four weeks also caused excessive expansion and cracking when ships based on a correlation between expansion of concrete
used in concrete. prisms and rock cylinders, and performance of aggregates in
Although 0.1 % expansion at 28 days is the implied limit field structures, and the CaO:MgO ratio of the limestone versus
given in ASTM C 586, an alternate limit of 0.20 % at 16 weeks is the alumina (Al2O3) content or the insoluble residue content.
also considered applicable by several researchers in view of the For example, in Fig. 5, using insoluble residue, regions are
fact that some rocks contract before they begin to expand delineated in which the potentially expansive carbonate rocks
[23,40]. For example, a delayed expander tested by Newlon, et al. cluster. Rocks with compositions in these regions should be
[23] contracted 0.1 % at four weeks but expanded to 0.25 % at 16 considered to be potentially deleterious until their nondelete-
weeks, eventually peaking at 0.5 % at 44 weeks. A typical alkali rious level of expansion is demonstrated by service record or by
carbonate reactive rock producing on the order of 0.1 % concrete a concrete prism expansion test.
prism expansion at one year with high alkali cement might
expand on the order of 0.5 % at four weeks in ASTM C 586. Other Methods and Approaches
In the suite of sample test results reported by Rogers [8]
there were considerably fewer samples in the category < 0.1 % Concrete Microbars
at four weeks but > 0.2 % at 16 weeks than there were in the Xu et al. [41] developed an accelerated method for determin- ing
category > 0.1 % at four weeks. potential alkali-carbonate reactivity using concrete micro- bars
In view of the requirements of specimen selection and the 202080 mm and 4040160 mm stored in 1 N NaOH
occasional irregular, or late expanding, behavior of samples in solution at 80C for four weeks. The aggregate particle size
the rock cylinder test, it is strongly recommended that all as- used is 510 mm, with cement (boosted by addition of KOH) of
pects of the testing program and interpretation of the results 1.5 % Na2O eq. at a w/c of 0.30 and aggregate to cement ratio of
be guided by petrographic information. 1:1. An expansion of 0.1 % at four weeks is judged to be ap-
propriate for recognizing ACR limestones, based on comparing
Petrographic Examination the behavior of aggregates in the test and in field concrete.
Petrographic examination of dolomitic carbonate rocks Grattan-Bellew et al. [42] propose a modification of the
(ASTM C 295) proposed for use as coarse aggregate in con- microbar test, using 4040160 or 286 mm bars, for alkali-
crete will detect the presence of the characteristic reactive carbonate reactive aggregates [41] which is also applicable to
lithologic texture. And, the characteristic reactive texture, as alkali-silica reactive aggregates. They state also that siliceous
described in ASTM C 294 and discussed elsewhere in this ASR limestones can be differentiated from dolomitic ACR lime-
chapter, when it occurs in a dolomitic limestone, will un- dergo stones by running two tests, one with 100 % portland cement,
reaction or dedolomitization in an alkaline environ- ment. the other replacing a portion of the cement with 30 % fly ash. If
Whether, when tested, the reaction will produce ex- pansion of the limestone is alkali-silica reactive the expansion will be sig-
a rock cylinder (ASTM C 586) or concrete beam (ASTM C nificantly reduced, whereas the fly ash will have little effect on
1105), insofar as the rock is concerned, depends on the the expansion of the ACR limestone aggregate.
perfection of the type lithology, as regards ASTM C 586, and as
regards ASTM C 1105, on the amount and distribution of the Selection of Samples for Testing and for
reactive lithology within the stratigraphic section pro- posed for Concrete Aggregate
use as concrete aggregate.
Following the initial use of petrographic examination for Quarry Sampling
detecting the reactive carbonate rock texture (see Quarry Sampling of the stratigraphic section in limestone quarries for
Sampling) in order to identify candidate samples for further detecting the presence of alkali-carbonate reactive rock by pet-
testing by ASTM C 586 or C 1105, petrographic examination is rographic examination should recognize that the characteristic
valuable during successive steps of the evaluation to guide the reactive texture and composition are only subtly and indirectly
understanding of the behavior of samples in, and the interpre- related to the primary factors of sedimentation that produce
tation of results from, the rock cylinder test (ASTM C 586) and bedding. The reactive texture is of secondary, or replacement,
the concrete prism test (ASTM C 1105). origin and may or may not conform faithfully to lithologic or
stratigraphic units, or individual beds as observable in the field. mind that cement with total Na2O equivalent alkali at the 0.4 %
The amount of reactive texture and the expansivity of that tex- level can produce alkali-carbonate reaction, and that alkali con-
ture may vary laterally and vertically within beds or within a se- tent per unit volume of the concrete is the important measure.
quence of beds comprising a definable, or mappable, strati- Therefore, the proposed job concrete mixture should be tested
graphic unit, to the same extent that the variations in rock prism by ASTM C 1105.
(ASTM C 586) expansions within a given bed, or lithology, may Unlike the alkali-silica reaction, the alkali carbonate re-
be as large or larger than those between lithologies [23]. action is not very well controlled by the use of fly ash or ground
Sampling for the reactive lithology should therefore be granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS). Tang et al. [34] found
guided by petrographic examination using as many thin or pol- that even with cement of 0.43 alkalies, expansion of concrete at
ished sections as necessary to delineate the reactive rock and one year, cured at 40C and 100 % RH, was ef- fectively reduced
to select samples for further tests. And, because of the varia- only at 70 % replacement of cement by fly ash, or 90 % by slag.
bility that can exist, any thin or polished section that shows Rogers and Hooton [43] in a five year comparison study of
even a minor area of reactive texture should, at the first sam- laboratory and field concrete with and without GGBFS
pling stage (Stage I), require the field sampling unit that it rep- concluded that up to 50 % replacement of high alkali cement
resents to be considered suspect [23]. (1.04 %) with GGBFS did not reduce expansion sufficiently so
The objective of the first (Stage I) sampling is to establish that the Kingston, ON, reactive ag- gregate could be safely used.
the presence or absence of reactive rock within a quarry. It is Thomas and Innis [44], using the same aggregate in concrete
understood that the establishment of 100 % absolute absence prism tests (CSA A23.2-14A) and up to 65 % replacement of
requires examination of every bed. Lithology and structure high (1.25 %) alkali and 50 % replacement of low (0.50 %) alkali
should be considered in a way that samples are located with due cement, found that the slag did not effectively control
regard to their relationship to the quarry production horizons, expansion.
and in sufficient detail to permit a calculated weighting for Also, unlike the ASR, the use of lithium compounds does
comparison with the maximum allowable reactive content of not mitigate the expansion caused by ACR. Results of Wang and
the total aggregate that can be established by subsequent test- Gillott [45], using the Kingston, ON, reactive aggregate, showed
ing using ASTM C 1105. In Stage I sampling, a minimum of five that concrete prisms (CSA A23.2-14A) with either LiCL or
and an average of approximately ten samples should be taken in LiOH, at nine months, had the same expansion as the con- trol
a quarry. Each lithology representing more than 10 % of the prism, and the prism with LiNO3 had significantly more ex-
production should be sampled. Lithologies representing less pansion than the control. Stark [46] recommends that the pre-
than 10 % can be combined and sampled at random locations in ferred compound for ASR mitigation is LiOH due to its greater
the combined thickness. Where the face exhibits relatively thin solubility than either lithium fluoride or lithium carbonate. Tang
beds of varying lithology, it should be sampled at a mini- mum et al. [47], using the Kingston, ON, aggregate in concrete bars
of ten systematically located stations [25]. treated at 150C in water and in 10 % LiOH and KOH, ob- tained
If Stage I sampling establishes the presence of reactive rock the greatest expansion for the KOH, intermediate for the LiOH,
within a quarry, then the objective of the Stage II sampling will and lowest for the water (control) sample. The au- thors note that
be to identify, as precisely as the limitations of time and budget LiOH produced dedolomitization and brucite formation, similar
will permit, the precise beds and their amounts of reactive ma- to the reactions with Na and K hydroxides, and that the use of
terial. Perhaps from 50 to 100 samples may be required. Previ- LiOH could be an effective means to dif- ferentiate alkali-
ous experience suggests that the results of the more extensive carbonate from alkali-silica reaction.
and finer-scale sampling can end up delineating a lesser volume In the use of the concrete in constructions that will con-
of reactive material in the quarry face than may have been in- tain diluted, or otherwise minimized, amounts of reactive
dicated from the results of the Stage I sampling [25]. aggregate and alkali, restrict availability of moisture to the con-
crete by barriers or by design of the construction if possible.
If no mitigating approach is feasible, prohibit the use of the
Using Coarse Aggregate from a Quarry with
reactive rock in portland-cement concrete.
Potentially Expansive Rock
If potentially expansive rock is present in a quarry, the follow- Acknowledgment
ing courses of action should be considered.
If the stratigraphy of the producing section is favorable, The author is grateful to Christopher A. Rogers, Ministry of Trans-
avoid the reactive rock by selective quarrying. If the reactive portation, Downsview, Ontario, Canada, who kindly provided im-
rock cannot be totally avoided, utilize selective quarrying such portant graphs, photographs, and technical information.
that the aggregate from the produced section, when tested in
concrete by ASTM C 1105, does not produce a deletrious ex- References
pansion. If the natural dilution approach is infeasible, dilute
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D. Stephen Lane1
Preface The attention that has been given to the thermal proper-
ties of concrete aggregates is not as great as that given to other
THE CHAPTER ON THERMAL PROPERTIES OF properties of aggregates. This is probably because in many in-
concrete aggregates was authored by H. K. Cook in the first three stances the effects do not appear to be as important as the ef-
editions of Significance of Tests and Properties of Con- crete fects of other properties of aggregates and, consequently, the
and Concrete Aggregates, and by the current author in the fourth. significance of thermal properties is not as apparent. The need
Because little has changed in this subject area since the publication for a better understanding of the effects of the thermal
of ASTM STP 169C, this chapter is substantially the same as in characteristics of aggregates, particularly the coefficient of
the previous edition, with only minor revisions and additions to thermal expansion on the durability of concrete, has been
the text and reference list. expressed by Allen [1], Woolf [2], Scholer [3], and others.
The discussion in this paper is primarily confined to the
Introduction significance of tests and thermal properties of the aggregates.
While this necessarily requires discussion of the thermal prop-
Aggregates typically compose 6570 % or more of the volume erties of the concrete as affected by the aggregates, the signifi-
of concrete. Because the thermal properties of composite ma- cance of tests and thermal properties of concrete is discussed in
terials such as concrete are dependent on the thermal proper- ties Chapter 24 of this publication.
of their constituents, the aggregates have a great influence on the
thermal properties of concrete. The degree to which thermal General Concepts of Thermal Properties
properties of concrete aggregates are of concern to the user
depends upon the nature of the concrete structure and the Thermal properties of rocks are related directly to the thermal
exposure to which it is subjected. Knowledge of ther- mal properties of the constituent minerals in proportion to their
properties are important in the design of massive struc- tures, relative abundance. A reasonably good approximation of the
such as dams, where thermal and volume stability of the value of thermal expansion, specific heat, conductivity, or
composite are important; in concretes exposed to extreme tem- diffusivity of a rock can be calculated if the mode (mineral
peratures or temperature cycles, where the relative properties of content, percent by volume) of the rock is known using the
the individual constituents may be important; and in light- following formula [4]
weight concrete structures where insulating value of the com-
posite is a primary factor. Pt(rock) = S(n*1 Pt1 + n*2 Pt2 + n*3Pt3...) (1)
The thermal properties of aggregates that are of general
concern are the coefficient of thermal expansion, conductiv- where
ity, diffusivity, and specific heat. Of these, the thermal expan-
sion of aggregates is by far the most important because of the n1 = percent by volume, Mineral 1;
importance of the thermal expansion of concrete in the de- Pt1 = thermal property value of Mineral 1; and
sign of all concrete structures. The conductivity, diffusivity, S = solidity (1 decimal porosity).
and specific heat of aggregates are usually of concern only in
special instances. The most obvious of these is massive struc- The mode of an aggregate can be determined petrograph-
tures where the dissipation of heat generated by cement hy- ically using ASTM Guide for Petrographic Examination of
dration is important to control thermal cracking. Other in- Aggregates for Concrete (C 295). The value thus calculated for
stances include insulating concrete and the durability of a given aggregate will not be as accurate as could be measured.
concrete exposed to cyclical temperature changes. The design However, given the considerable care and skill necessary to
engineer should carefully evaluate the circumstances of a accurately measure these properties, a calculated value may
particular concrete application to estimate the importance that prove acceptable for many general applications. Robert- son [4]
thermal properties of aggregates will have on concrete has compiled a large volume of data on the thermal properties of
performance. rocks and minerals.
Research Scientist, Virginia Transportation Research Council, Charlottesville, VA 22923
Quartz 11.5 to 12
Orthoclase, microcline 6.5 to 7.5
Pyroxenes, amphiboles 6.5 to 7.5
Olivine 6 to 9
Albite 5 to 6
Calcite 4.5 to 5
Oligoclase, andesine 3 to 4
Labradorite, Bytownite 3 to 4
Anorthite 2.5 to 3
Rock 106/C
than aggregates. It is included because a discussion of the ther- mal properties of concrete
aggregates would not be complete without some information on the thermal properties of the
cements with which they are used. The coefficient of thermal expansion of hydrated cement
pastes may range from 10.8 106/C to 16.2 106/C and mortars from about 7.9
106/C to 12.6 106/C. Mitchell [7] has found that at early ages or at certain critical
saturations the linear thermal coeffi- cient of expansion of cement pastes may be somewhat
higher than those reported earlier. He reports values as high as
22.3 106/C for some samples of neat cement specimens. An average value for the linear
thermal coefficient of ex-
pansion of concrete may be taken as 9.9 106/C, but the range may be from about 5.8
106/C to 14.0 106/C, de- pending upon the type and quantities of the aggregates, the
mixture proportions, and other factors.