Final Placement Report Hannah Moroney
Final Placement Report Hannah Moroney
Final Placement Report Hannah Moroney
Student ID
Pre-service Teacher Hannah Moroney
CONTEXT Please add brief context statements about the school and class:
School sector; size and composition of campus (R-12, Area, Primary); particular
features or unique characteristics; index of disadvantage.
Woodend is a category 7 R-7 public primary school in Southern Adelaide. There are approximately 639
students, and 54 full and part time staff. 12% of students are on School Card and 8.0% are EALD, and
Aboriginal FTE Enrolment = 3.0 students.
independence and respect, while building strong relationships within the community. Our focus is engagement
to the 8 key learning areas, specialist areas include Japanese, the Arts, Design & Technology and PE. We
fortnightly sessions.
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Complete Novice Emerging Graduate Proficient
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Complete Novice Emerging Graduate Proficient
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Complete Novice Emerging Graduate Proficient
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Complete Novice Emerging Graduate Proficient
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Complete Novice Emerging Graduate Proficient
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Complete Novice Emerging Graduate Proficient
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Complete Novice Emerging Graduate Proficient
SUMMARY STATEMENTS (You may choose to comment on both personal and professional characteristics)
School Coordinator/Principal
Hannah has demonstrated a strong commitment to build upon her skills, knowledge and practice as a
classroom teacher. She is organised, seeks and is responsive to feedback and is flexible enough to
make adjustments where necessary.
Hannah has a lovely manner with students, which enabled her to quickly establish positive working
relationships with the students in the class. Her confident, collaborative and respectful manner with
students, parents and staff was evident throughout her practicum.
Hannah has displayed commitment and enthusiasm towards teaching. She is keen to develop her skills
and knowledge as an effective teacher, which was evident through her own self-reflection as well as
her enthusiasm to seek feedback. Her curriculum and pedagogical knowledge has enabled her to meet
the needs of young learners and plan and deliver effective strategies for classroom teaching and
Hannah has contributed positively within the school community through engagement in whole school
activities including staff meetings and professional development.
Well done Hannah, I wish you all the best in your future studies and teaching career.
University Liaison
Hannah worked conscientiously throughout her practicum to develop and hone her teaching and
class management skills to a high level. She was aware of the learning needs of the class and
differentiated tasks in her lessons to address individual and group needs. Hannah provided an
energetic atmosphere through using positive and encouraging strategies to engage students in
their learning. Hannahs lesson planning was thorough and varied; connections with previous
learning, explicit teaching, practice tasks, group and individual tasks and related games, use of
ICT and assessment, such as well thought out exit slips, were evident in her lessons.
Professional Practice
Throughout Hannahs teaching practicum she has:
developed in her confidence to identify and implement a variety of teaching strategies
appropriate to the students and her planned outcomes. An example being in English, setting
up a spelling program, which catered to diverse abilities
quickly developed rapport with students and gained their respect, with students comfortable
to seek help with both social and academic issues
demonstrated a willingness to undertake any task asked of her
sought and accepted advice, which she implemented, with a positive headset rather than
feeling criticism.
at times she initiated supporting class routines, like marking diaries to aid the class
organisational process.
promoted class and small group discussions by using various questioning techniques with
increasing effectiveness.
used effective modelling and explicit teaching strategies to explain particular concepts and
task instructions.
established prompt clear and achievable expectations for students taking into account the wide
range of abilities and the mood within the class.
fostered independent and cooperative learning activities that took into account the needs of
students who required extra support as well as catering for the needs of high achievers, so
that everyone had a starting point and targets. She continued to seek advice and modify the
tasks to adapt to the needs of the students.
was well prepared, with relevant resources organised and at hand
confidence in quickly creating relevant ICT resources in the form of Powerpoints, accessing
information and ideas using the internet efficiently
used a range of techniques and resources to motivate and maintain the curiosity and attention
of all students
articulate, continually modified vocab, pitch and pace to match the student level of
used motivational expression to add excitement to an activity
clearly defined expectations with explicit time frames
used whole group, partner and group strategies to good and timely effect
varied presentations of new ideas, modelled expectations, called for examples,
used practical and varied materials eg individual whiteboard for practice
began to value the importance of assessing with intent, gathering data and recording for
planning next directions
used a range of behaviour management strategies increasingly effectively to gain attention
and to refocus students including clapping, short catchy lines, requiring student response
Professional Engagement
Hannah was keen to be involved in collegial discussions, receive feedback and to act on the
suggestions to improve her practice, particularly in regard to explicit instructions, personalising
learning and behaviour management.
During this practicum, she:-
remained professional at all times, consultative and collaborative with both class teachers
developed confidence and was able to successfully assume full teaching responsibilities over
a series of days
transferred her skills and knowledge to new situations, linking previous learning
sought ideas to better manage student behaviour at times
looked to develop her questioning skills to elicit timely responses
tapped into relevant resources suggested and was willing to share her own resources
took part in a professional development day with the focus on assessment
In summary
Hannah has demonstrated outstanding skills and abilities during this practicum. She has exhibited a
highly professional and assertive manner in all she has undertaken. Her relationships with both pupils
and staff have been of the highest order. Hannah is reflective and is able to learn through experience
and analysis. She has demonstrated a genuine commitment to this practicum and the students and
curriculum of the class within which she has worked. She has effectively planned, delivered and
assessed lessons and extended units of work. Hannah has considerable natural teaching ability and
professionalism which were sure shell continue to develop successfully. All the best Hannah, we
believe that you have the potential and are ready to be a very fine teacher in your own class and
school setting.
has demonstrated the following overall level of performance in this final professional experience:
(Please click on appropriate box below)
High Distinction
Please keep an electronic copy of this report and submit the report to the University Liaison.