MIS Scan 3

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Building Information Systems LEARNING OBJECTIVES ‘After reading this chapter, you will be able to answer the following questions: How does building new systems produce organizational change? What are the core activities in the systems development process? 3. What are the principal methodologies for modeling and designing systems? 4, What are alternative methods for building information systems? 5, What are new approaches for system building in the digital firm era? MyMISLab™ Visie mymislab.com for simulations tutorials, and end-of-chapter problems. CHAPTER CASES VIDEO CASES New Systems Help Work Flow More — _IBM: Business Process Management ‘Smoothly at Moen SaaS Environment Datacard Group Redesigns the Way It IBM Helps the City of Madrid with Works Real-Time BPM Software The Challenge of Mobile Application Instructional Videos: Development BPM Business Process Management SourceGas Goes for Better Workforce Workflow Management Visualized ‘Scheduling Systems Chapter 13 Building information Systems rapid creation of systems. Agile development breaks a large project into a series of small subprojects that ‘completed in short periods of time using iteration and continuous feedback. Component-based developm expedites application development by grouping objects into suites of software components that can -d to create large-scale business applications. Web services provide a common set of standards. ‘enable organizations to link their systems regardless of their technology platform through standard plu play architecture, Mobile application development must pay attention to simplicity, usability, and the 1 to optimize tasks for tiny screens, Key Terms Acceptance testing, 4 Parle strategy, S14 ‘Agile development, 527 Phased approach strategy, 51S ‘attomation, 4 Plo study strategy, S13 Business process management, 50S Poseimplementation audi, 515 ‘Business process redesign, 0S Process specifications, 317, Componentbased development, 527 Production, 515 Computerided sofesare Programming, 513 ‘raincering (CASE), 519 Provorype, 521 Conversion, S14 Provoyping, 521 Customisation, 524 Query languages, $23 Data flow diagram (DED), 516 ‘Rapid application development (RAD), 27 Direct cuoversrategy, S14 Rationalization of procedures, 4 Doctomentaton, 53 Request for Proposal (RFP), 524 Endsser development, 523 Responsive Web design, 529 Endser interface, 523 ao Feasibility study, 51 Siructure chart, S17 Information requirements, 12 ae ae erative, 522 “Systems analysis, 509 Joint aplication design GAD), S27 apicerase sie ‘Maintenance, 51: : Mobile Web app, 528 eee Mobile Web site, 528 Syotem tenting S14 Nati pp, S28 "est plan, 514 sae ‘Testing, 513 Object oriented development, S18 hore outsoure ‘Pal quality management (TQM), Sos Fase SS Unit testing, S13 Paradignn shift, 505 MyMISLab Go to mymislab.com to complete the problems marked with this icon ©. Review Questions 13-1 How does building new systems produce organic Distinguish between systems analysis zational change? systems design, Describe the activities + Describe each of the four kinds of organiza- — tional change that can be promoted with Define information requirements information technology. explain why they are difficult to Define business process management and correctly. 4 describe the steps required to carry it out. Explain why the testing stage of syste1 13-2 What are the core activities in the systems development is so important. Name development process? describe the three stages of testing for information system, 33 913-6 Why is selecting a systems development tion software packages or user-friendly tools. 913-7 Some have said that the best way to reduce develop a new information system? ‘The 139 Hands-On MIS Projects Part Four sulising and Managing Systems ‘© Describe the role of programming, conver- Joping information systems based on sion, production, and maintenance in sys- software package tems development. © Define end-user development and describe What are the principal methodologies for its advantages and disadvantages. Name modeling and designing systems? some policies and procedures for managing '* Compare object-oriented and traditional end-user development, structured approaches for modeling and # Describe the advantages and disadvantages designing systems, Of using outsourcing for building informa- tion systems. What are alternative methods for building information ee ‘13-5 What are new approaches for system building and disadvantages for systems building, (RAD) and agile development and explain © Explain how component-based develop- ment and Web services help firms build and enhance their information systems. ‘© Explain the features of mobile application development and responsive Web design. process. © Define an application software package Explain the advantages and disadvantages of approach an important business decision? Do you agree? Why or why not? Who should participate in the selection pro- 13.8 Why is it so important to understand how a business process works when trying to systems development costs is to use applica , designing and projects in this section give you hands-on experience analyzing business proce building a customer system for auto sales, and analyzing Web site information requirements, iB Management Decision Problems For an additional fee, a customer purchasing a Sears Roebuck appliance, such as a washing machine, can purchase a three-year service contract, The contract provides free repair service and parts for the specified appliance using an authorized Sears service provider. When a person with a Sears service contract needs to repair an appliance, such asa washing machine, he or she calls the Sears Repairs & Parts department to schedule an appointment. ‘The department makes the appointment and gives the caller the date and approximate time of the appointment, The repair technician arrives during the designated time framework and diagnoses the problem. If the problem is caused by a faulty part, the technician either replaces the part if he is carrying the part with him or orders the replacement part from ears, If the part is not in stock at Sears, Sears orders the part and gives the customer an approximate time when the part will arrive. The part is shipped directly to the customer, After the part has arrived, the customer must call Sears to schedule a second appointment for a repair technician to replace the ordered part. This process is very lengthy. It may take two weeks to schedule the first repair visit, another two ordered part has been received. 4 ‘+ Diagram the existing process, 3 ‘© What is the impact of the existing process on Sears’ operational efficiency and customer i relationships? * What changes could be made to make this process more efficient? How could information systems, support these changes? Diagram the new, improved process. 7 13-10 Management at your agricultural chemicals corporation has been dissatisfied with production planning, Production plans are created using best guesses of demand for each product, which are based on ‘much of each product has been ordered in the past, Ifa customer places an unexpected order or reque 4 change to an existing order afer it has been placed, there is no way to adjust production plans. company may have to tell customers it can't fill their orders, or it may run up extra costs maintaini additional inventory to prevent stock-outs, At the end of each month, orders are totaled and manually keyed into the company’s productio planning system. Data from the past month's production and inventory systems are manually entere into the firm’s order management system. Analysts from the sales department and from the prod tion department analyze the data from their respective systems to determine what the sales targets ar production targets should be for the next month. These estimates are usually different, The analysts then senior management's goals for market share, revenues, and profits. The outcome of the meeting is a finalize production master schedule. The entire production planning process takes 17 business days to complete, Nine of these days required to enter and validate the data, The remaining days are spent developing and reconciling the producti and sales targets and finalizing the production master schedule, ‘© Draw a diagram of the existing production planning process. ‘© Analyze the problems this process creates for the company. ‘* How could an enterprise system solve these problems? In what ways could it lower costs? Diagram what the production planning process might look like if the company implemented enterprise software, Customer System for Auto Sales s Software skills: Database design, querying, reporting, and forms Business skills: Sales lead and customer analysis, 1B-L1_ This project requires you to perform a systems analysis and then design a system solution using datab I | Improving Decision Making: Using Database Software to Design a I | firs | Ace auto Dealers specializes nseling new vehicles from Subaru in Porland, Oregon.'The company advertises in local newspapers and is listed as an authorized dealer on the Subaru Web site and other majot | Web sites for auto buyers. The company benefits from a good local word-of-mouth reputation and nam i Ace doesnot believe thas enough information abou ts customers. It cannot easly determine lll which prospects have made auto purchases, nor can it identify which customer touch points have produc | the greteat numberof als lead or ata eaes soit can foeusadvering and mavksting more om Channels that generate the most revenue. are purchasers discovering Ace fem newopope a, om Wo of mouth, o fom the Web? “a Tropate #eystems analysis report dealing Ace's problem and a system solution thar cia implemented using PC database management software. Then use database software to develop a simpl q system solution, In MyMISLab, you will find more information about Ace and its information requirement i to help you develop the solution Chapter 13 suing nonttin Sens 53 | week order and receive the required part, and another week to schedule a cond repair vs ater the | | 536 Part Four auiiding and Managing System Achieving Operational Excellence: Analyzing Web Site Design and Information Requirements Software skills: Web browser software Business skills: Information requirements analysis, Web site design IB-AZ_ Visit the Web site of your choice and explore t thoroughly. Prepai report analyzing the various functions provided by that Web site and its information requirements. Your report should answer thesé questions: What functions does the Web site perform? What data does it use? What are its inputs, outputs, and processes? What are some of its other design specifications? Does the Web site link to any internal systems or systems of other organizations? What value does this Web site provide the firm? Collaboration and Teamwork Project 13.13, collaboration tools to complete the assignm: In MyMISLab, you will find a Collaboration and Teamwor chapter. You will be able to use Google Drive, Go Project dealing with the concepts in this Sites, Google Docs, Google +, or other open source SourceGas Goes for Better Workforce Scheduling Systems Cg ourceGas is a utility headquartered in Golden, Colorado providing natural gas service to over 413,000 customers in Arkansas, Nebraska, Colorado, and Wyoming, The company has over 1,100 employees and operates nearly 18,000 miles of natural gas transmission and distribution pipeline covering a 332,437-square-mile area—about half the size of Alaska, The number of work orders (authorizing specific ed per mile traveled is a key performance indicator for utility ‘companies, especially SourceGas. SourceGas's territory includes many large rural areas where re-routing work orders incurs very heavy fuel, maintenance, and other operational costs. The more work orders that can be processed per mile traveled, the lower the cost. SourceGas's predecessor had installed a mobile information system in 2000 to dispatch approxi ‘mately 500,000 work orders to approximately 500, field technicians equipped with mobile d However, this work order and dispatch system twas starting to show its age, and the work order and dispatch processes required too much manual effort. All work was dispatched manually, and there were no systematized scheduling priorities, making it difficult for service technicians to consistently be ‘work or repairs to be done) prot assigned workloads that were aligned with business objer SourceGas dispatchers were highly experi- enced and had the requisite knowledge to assign technicians with the appropriate set of skills to perform the work. However, to perform this process successfully, dispatchers had to commit to memory more than 225 different types of work that technicians performed in the field, SourceGas wound up spending a great deal of time and effort clarifying its scheduling poticies. SourceGas's work order process starts with a call from a customer to the SourceGas call center in Fayetteville, Arkansas, Under the company's old system, the company’s SAP CRM software created a work order that was sent to the SourceGas dispatch center, where dispatchers assigned the work to who received the assignments using Panasonic Toughbook mobile devices. Although the previous system integrated with SAP CRM software to enable SourceGas to track a work order from start to finish, the work order still had to be initiated manually by the dispatchers. ‘What's more, the outdated system could no longer be easily modified to keep up with new requirements. SourceGas serves both regulated and non-regulated markets in four states with technicians different business rules, so the system has to be able to accomodate rapid and constant change. Enhancements to the system were just too costly, SourceGas needed a new system to auto- mate its work order and scheduling processes that could be updated and changed much more easily. Management also wanted a system where SourceGas could make these changes using its own internal resources rather than external consultants, ‘which the company had relied on heavily to make enhancements to its old system. The software for the legacy system had been custom-programmed by third-party vendors, making the system difficult to ‘maintain and enhance. In the summer of 2011, SourceGas initi- ated a requirements-gathering workshop with lickSofware, the external vendor the company had used in the past to make system enhancements, The objective was to establish system requirements and develop business rules to guide the work order and scheduling processes. SourceGas's biggest priorities were to 1) automate work scheduling; 2) ‘maintain the company’s existing timesheet process; and 3) ensure minimal change required for field technicians to use the new system, For its solution, SourceGas chose SAP Workforce ‘Scheduling & Optimization software package by ClickSoftware, which integrates with its existing, SAP systems, including SAP ERP and SAP CRM. SAP Workforce Scheduling & Optimization by ClickSoftware is a real-time optimized scheduling. solution for managing scheduling and dispatching, supporting mobile service operations, schedul- ing service appointments, and monitoring service operations. The software includes capabilities for demand forecasting to determine how much work is set to arrive, when, and where; deploying, resources based on knowledge of worker skills, ser- vice commitments, location, and customer prefer- ences; responding in real time to on-the-spot issues. such as traffic and cancellations; and analyzing service performance by identifying problem areas and methods for improvement. Software users are able to meet anticipated workloads in a spe- cific time frame with better capacity planning and resource allocation. SAP Workforce Scheduling & Optimization software integrates directly with all SAP applications. ‘An SAP NetWeaver Process Integration adapter automatically handles the messaging between the SAP Workforce Scheduling & Optimization and the SAP CRM system. Work orders are now automati- cally scheduled and dispatched using the company's Chapter 13 uilding Information Systems 537 business rules configured in the system, with excep- tions flagged for dispatchers to handle. ‘The entire process of implementing the new system-requirements analysis, development, testing, and training, took a litte over one year. SourceGas rolled out the system in phases, with its last division going live with the system in December 2012. In implementing the SAP software package, SourceGas faced some special challenges because it had to design the system and configure ‘the software to account forall the special conditions of ts unique service area and complex rules for types of work. Some of the questions that had to be addressed were: Are work order priorities the same in an urban area, such as Fayetteville, Arkansas, as they are in rural Wyoming? What constitutes an emergency work order? ‘The SourceGas system had to be designed to schedule and route all the field technician work according to these various rules and conditions. ‘The design also had to make the system as familiar and easy to use for SourceGas mobile workers as possible, with the new mobile app user experience ‘mirroring field workers’ existing user experience as much as possible. This was especially critical for time reporting, which required some simplification while adhering nevertheless to company business rales for proper accounting. SourceGas was able to enhance the software while maintaining the same user experience. To improve technician efficiency, the software was enhanced to tailor service order completion data sent back to SourceGas's ERP system for each type of service order rather than displaying all data fields ‘on all orders, Another important enhancement was to add audio alerts for dispatchers and technicians! mobile devices to the SAP Workforce Scheduling & Optimization software so that emergency orders receive proper attention. An additional safety feature isthe capability for technicians to sct a timer to alert dispatch if they haven't returned to their vehicle by a specified time. SourceGas used an iterative approach and agile development methodology and took user input and user training very seriously. The system project hhad a committee of super-user technicians as well san operations team to make sure the system was built to the right specifications. tts technicians had provided important input during the requirements- gathering and design stages of system-building, and they began training on the new application in June 2012. SourceGas trained 20 percent ofits workforce to obtain their feedback about the new system (to 538 Part Four Suilding and Managing Systems make sure it met their expectations), and used the experience to create training materials for when the system went (otally live, This approach helped: enstre users would buy into the new system and that no business process was overlooked. ‘The testing process had end users on SourceGas's ‘operations team perform all of the approximately 225 types of service orders handled by the company ‘using the new application to make sure the system ‘was able to handle every single business scenario. For example, to test the process ofa technician losing out a work order for a meter exchange, the new system must be able to move data from a final reading of the old meter into SourceGas's SAP ERP. system, and the system has to perform certain steps before the new meter is recognized and synchro- nized to a customer account. What benefits have been produced by the new system? SourceGas's management has received positive feedback about the new system capabilities for automated scheduling, timesheet preparation, as well as its improved usability compared to the previous system. Managers can more accurately gauge their workload in their divisions. SourceGas dispatchers can see their workloads more accurately and determine the appropriate resources. The company has already used the new system to complete 400,000 work orders and pay 900,000 timesheet records. However, management would like to see more manpower study reports before it can determine the extent of the new system's operational efficiencies and benefits. ‘One key benefit that is already apparent, however, is the company’s ability to keep a lid on the costs of maintaining and updating the system because it is doing most of that work with in-house staff rather than turning to external vendors, as it hhad in the past. The SAP Workforce Scheduling and. Optimization software package has made it possible MyMISLab for SourceGas to rapidly make changes in-house, which makes it easier for the company to respond to rapid changes in the utility industry. ‘SourceGas will be further enhancing its SAP Workforce Scheduling and Optimization software to focus more directly on serving customers, Potential changes to the system include allowing customers, to place orders online, sending text messages to inform customers when technicians are on the way, and processing payment from customers directly in the field. Sources: www-sourcegakcom, accessed June 30, 2014 “Murphy, Ken “SourceGas Takes the Drivers Seat in Workforce Scheduling” SAP InsideePROFILES, July 1, 2013; and *SoureeGas Implements SAP Workfore Seedling & Optimization,” woew. youtube.com, May 14, 2014 CASE STUDY QUESTIONS 13-14 Analyze SourceGas's problems with its old system. What management, organization, and technology factors were responsible for these problems? What was the business impact of these problems? 13-15 What role did end users play in developing SourceGas's new work order and dispatch system? How did the project team make sure users were involved? What would have happened to the project if they had not done this? 13-16 What types of system-building methods and tools did SourceGas use for building its system? 13-17 Discuss the issue of software package customization at SourceGas. 13-18 What other steps did SourceGas take to make sure the new system was successful? 13-19 What were the benefits of the new system? How did it change the way SourceGas ran its business? How successful was this system solution? Go to mymislab.com for Auto-graded writing questions as well as the following Assisted-graded writing questions: 13-20 Describe four system conversion strategies. 13-21 Describe the role of end users in developing systems using the traditional systems lifecycle, prototyping, application software packages, and end-user development. Managing Projects LEARNING OBJECTIVES After reading this chapter, you will be able to answer the following questions: What are the objectives of project management and why is it so essential in developing information systems? What methods can be used for selecting and evaluating information systems projects and aligning them with the firm's business goals? How can firms assess the business value of information systems? What are the principal risk factors in information systems projects, and how can they be managed? f MyMISLab™ Visit mymistab.com for simulations tutorials,and end-of-chapter problems CHAPTER CASES Harrah's Cherokee Casino Wins with Sound Project Management New York's CityTime: An IS Project Goes ‘Awry Britain’s National Health Service Jettisons Choose and Book System A Shaky Start for Healthcare.gov VIDEO CASES Blue Cross Blue Shield: Smarter ‘Computing Project NASA Project Management Challenges Instructional Videos: Software Project Management, Part 1 Software Project Management, Part 2 rt Four Building and Managing Systems 4. What are the principal risk factors in information systems projects, and how can they be managed? ‘The level of risk ina systems development project is determined by (1) project size, (2) project structure, and 8) experience with technology. IS projects are more likely to fail when there is insufficient or improper user participation in the systems development process, lack of management support, and poor management of the implementation process. There is a very high failure rate among projects involving business process reengi- neering, enterprise applications, and mergers and acquisitions because they require extensive organizational change. Implementation refers to the entire process of organizational change surrounding the introduction of a +r support and involvement and management support and control of the new information system implementation process are essential, as are mechanisms for dealing with the level of risk in each new systems project. Project risk factors can be brought under some control by a contingency approach to project, management, The risk level of each project determines the appropriate mix of external integration tools, internal integration tools, formal planning tools, and formal control tools to be applied. Key Terms Capital budgeting, 854 Organizational impact analysis, 564 Change agent, 558 PERT chart, 561 ‘Change management, 558 Portfolio analysis, $52 ‘Gownterimplementation, 563 Project, 546 Ergonomics, 564 Project management, 546 External integration tools, 561 Project portfolio management, 565 Formal control tools, $61 Real options pricing models (ROPMs), 556 Formal planning tools, S61 Scope, 546 Gantt chart, 361 Scoring model, 852 Implementation, 558 Sociotechnical design, 564 “Information systems plan, 550 Tangible benefits, 533 Intangible benefits, 853 User-designer communications gap, S58 Inernal integration tools, 560 User interface, 544 MyMISLab [Go to mymislab.com to complete the problems marked with this icon © YL what are the objectives of project management © Describe the purpose of an information and why is it s0 essential in developing systems plan and list the major categoria in ‘© Describe information system problems ‘© Explain how key performance indicators, resulting from poor project management, _ portfolio analysis, and scoring models can © Define project management. List and be used to select information systems describe the project management activities projects. and variables addressed by project manage- 44.3 How can firms assess the business value of com information systems projects? What methods can be used for selecting and # List and describe the major costs and evaluating information systems projects and benefits of information systems aligning them with the firm's business goals? * Distinguish between tangible and intangible ‘© Name and describe the groups responsible benefits. for the management of information systems projects. * Explain how real options pricing models can help manages evaluate information technol- ogy investments, 14-4 What are the principal risk factors in informa: tion systems projects, and how can they be managed? ‘© Identify and describe each of the principal risk factors in information systems projects. + Explain why builders of new information systems need to address implementation and change management Chapter 14 rafaging Projects successful implementation of information systems projects Explain why there is such a high failure for implementations involving enterp applications, business process reengine ing, and mergers and acquisitions Identify and describe the strategies controlling project risk. Identify the organizational consideratio that should be addressed by project pla and implementation. * Explain why eliciting support of manage- ‘+ Explain how project management soft ment and end users is so essential for management, Discussion Questions ©1145 How much does project management impact 14-7 what the success of a new information system? © 146 Ithasbeen said that most systems fail because systems builders ignore organizational behav- ior problems. Why might this be so? the role of end users in informatic systems project management? Hands-On MIS Projects ‘The projects in this section give you hands-on experience evaluating information systems projects, spreadsheet software to perform capital budgeting analyses for new information systems investments, using Web tools to analyze the financing for a new home. 148 The US. Census launched an IT project to arm its census takers in the field with high-tech handhe devices that would save taxpayer money by directly beaming population data to headquarters from cei takers in the field, Census officials signed a $600 million contract with Harris Corporation in 2006 to build 500,000 devices, but still weren't sure which features they wanted included in the units. Census offici did not specify the testing process to measure the performance of the handheld devices. As the pi progressed, 400 change requests to project requirements were added, Two years and hundreds of millio of taxpayer dollars later, the handhelds were far too slow and unreliable to be used for the 2010 U.S. cens What could Census Bureau management and the Harris Corporation have done to prevent this outcome: | Management Decision Problems 149 Caterpillar is the world’s leading maker of earth-moving machinery and supplier of agricultural equ ‘ment. Caterpillar wants to end its support for its Dealer Business System (DBS), which it licenses to) dealers to help them run their businesses. The software in this system is becoming outdated, and senio ‘management wants to transfer support for the hosted version of the software to Accenture Consultants it can concentrate on its core business. Caterpillar never required its dealers to use DBS, but the 5} had become a de facto standard for doing business with the company. The majority of the 50 Cat dealers i North America use some version of DBS, as do about half of the 200 or so Cat dealers in the rest of world, Before Caterpillar turns the product over to Accenture, what factors and issues should it consides ‘What questions should it ask? What questions should its dealers ask? 568 Part Four Guiiding and Managing Systems Improving Decision Making: Using Spreadsheet Software for Capital Budgeting for a New CAD System Software skills: Spreadsheet formulas and functions. Business skills: Capital budgeting 14-10 This project provides you with an opportunity to use spreadsheet software to use the capital budgeting ‘models discussed in this chapter to analyze the return on an investment for a new computer-aided design (CAD) system : Your company would like to invest in a new computer-aided design (CAD) system that requires ‘purchasing hardware, software, and networking technology, as well as expenditures for installation, training and support. MyMISLab contains tables showing each cost component for the new system as well as annual maintenance costs over a five-year period, along with a Learning Track on capital budgeting models _ believe the new system will reduce the amount of labor required to generate designs and de tions, thereby increasing your firm's annual cash flow. ‘© Using the data provided in these tables, create a worksheet that calculates the costs and benefits of the investment over a five-year period and analyzes the investment using the four capital budgeting models presented in this chapter's Learning Track. ‘Is this investment worthwhile? Why or why not? Improving Decision Making: Using Web Tools for Buying and Financing a Software skills: Internet-based software _ Business skis: Financial planning 1411 This projec will develop your skills using Web-based software for searching for a home and calculating mortgage financing for that home You would like to purchase a home in Fort Collins, Colorado, Ideally, it should be a single-family “house with atleast three bedrooms and one bathroom that costs betwecen $150,000 and $225,000 and finance it with a 30-year fixed rate mortgage. You can afford a down payment that is 20 percent of the value of the house. Before you purchase a house, you would like to find out what homes are available in your price ‘range, find a mortgage, and determine the amount of your monthly payment. Use the Yahoo! Homes site to help you with the following tasks: + Locate homes in Fort Collin, Colorado, that meet your specifications + Find a mortgage for 80 percent ofthe list price of the home, Compace rates from atleast three sites (use search engines to find sites other than Yahoo) «After selecting a mortgage, calculate your closing costs and the monthly’ payment. When you are finished, evaluate the whole process. For example, assess the ease of use of the site "and your ability to find information about houses and mortgages, the accuracy of the information you found, and the breadth of choice of homes and mortgages Collaboration and Teamwork Project 1412 In MyMISLab, you will find a Collaboration and Teamwork Project dealing with the concepts in this chapter. You will be able to use Google Drive, Google Sites, Google Docs, Google +, or other open source collaboration tools to complete the assignment. Chapter 14 wanaying Projects 569 See CPC he administration of President Barack Obama hhas made Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, often called “Obamacare’, its chief domestic accomplishment and the center piece of Obama's legacy. Essential to Obama's health care reform plan is Healthcare.gov, a health insurance exchange Web site that facilitates the sale of private health insurance plans to U'S. residents, assists people eligible to sign up for Medicaid, and has a separate marketplace for small businesses. ‘The site allows users to compare prices on health insurance plans in their states, to enroll in a plan they choose, and to find out if they qualify for gov- ‘ernment health care subsidies. Users must sign up and create their own specific account first, provid- {ng some personal information, in order to receive detailed information about available health care plans in their area, Healthcare.gov was launched on October 1 2013, as promised, but visitors quickly encountered numerous technical problems, Software that assigned

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