Catalogo Fire 2009 PDF
Catalogo Fire 2009 PDF
Catalogo Fire 2009 PDF
FM Approvals
Horizontal Split-Case Type
FM Approved horizontal split-case type centrifugal fire pumps are
relatively simple to operate and repair. These pumps have a two-part
casing divided in a horizontal plane through the shaft center line.
They are well suited to fire protection service where a water supply
is obtainable under a positive head.
2 poles
PDN 150-300L : 750 - 1000 USGPM
PDN 150-300M: 1000 - 1250 USGPM
PDN 150-300H : 1250 - 1500 USGPM
PDN 200-300M: 2000 USGPM
4 poles
PD 200-250B : 1250 - 2000 USGPM
(m) 199
80 (p.s.i)
70 150-300M 200-250B
60 150-300H 85
40 57
30 43
20 28
50 100 m3/h 200 300 500 800 1000
D1 D2
PDN 150-300L 200 150 795 455 185 185 220 300 280
PDN 150-300M 200 150 795 455 185 185 220 300 280
PDN 150-300H 200 150 795 455 185 185 220 300 280
PDN 200-300M 250 200 795 455 200 200 237 350 325
PD 200-250B 250 200 1302 1030 285 335 335 900
Vertical Shaft, Turbine Type
Vertical shaft, turbine type centrifugal fire pumps have submerged
impellers contained in a series-bowl assembly at the bottom of a
vertical shaft. The design is similar to pumps used extensively for
industrial and municipal service. These pumps are FM Approved for
discharging water from lakes, streams, open sumps, drilled wells and
other equivalent subsurface sources. Each pump consists of a
discharge head, motor stand, column pipe, line shaft, bowl assembly
and suction strainer. For electric drive, FM Approved pumps must be
used with a vertical, electric motor. For internal-combustion-engine
drive, FM Approved pumps must be connected to the FM Approved
engine through an FM Approved right-angle gear drive.
4 poles
VAB 152 : 500 - 750 USGPM
VAB 180 : 750 - 1250 USGPM
VAB 200 : 1000 - 1500 USGPM
VAB 250 : 1500 - 2500 USGPM
VAB 251 : 1500 - 2500 USGPM
VAB 302 : 2500 - 4000 USGPM
152 180 200 250-251 302
50 100 Q: [m3/h] 200 300 600 1000 2000 3000 1770 r.p.m.
1480 r.p.m.
Type D (") D(mm)
152 : 12" 290
180 : 12" 300
200 : 14" 354
250 : 17" 418
251 : 17" 418
D 302 : 19" 480
Fire- Fighting Pumping Systems
With "Audoli&Bertola" Division, Gruppo Aturia operates in the firefighting field as
supplier of water fire fighting packages fully in compliance with the Italian
Standards (UNI 9490), the European Standards (EN 12845 e EN 12259-12) and
the American Standards (NFPA 20).
Audoli&Bertola technical skill allows to easily operate in building and industrial
fields and to meet the hardest specifications required by refineries, petrochemical
indutries and off-shore.
Gruppo Aturia offers a wide range of centrifugal pumps for fire fighting application,
both in vertical and in horizontal construction.
Audoli&Bertola is the only Italian pumps manufacturer to have obtained from
"Factory Mutual" the approval for its vertical turbine pumps and split case pumps
for a range of capacities from 500 GPM to 3500 GPM, at 50 and 60 Hz.