The Handbook series Magnetic Materials is a continuation of the Handbook series Ferro-
magnetic Materials. When Peter Wohlfarth started the latter series, his original aim was to
combine new developments in magnetism with the achievements of earlier compilations of
monographs, producing a worthy successor to Bozorth's classical and monumental book
Ferromagnetism. This is the main reason that Ferromagnetic Materials was initially chosen
as title for the Handbook series, although the latter aimed at giving a more complete cross-
section of magnetism than Bozorth's book.
In the last few decades magnetism has seen an enormous expansion into a variety of
different areas of research, comprising the magnetism of several classes of novel materials
that share with truly ferromagnetic materials only the presence of magnetic moments. For
this reason the Editor and Publisher of this Handbook series have carefully reconsidered
the title of the Handbook series and changed it into Magnetic Materials. It is with much
pleasure that I can introduce to you now Volume 12 of this Handbook series.
The giant magnetoresistance or GMR is a prominent example of such expansion of mag-
netism. The giant magnetoresistance effect is found in heterostructures and was discovered
only recently. The GMR of multilayers is induced by the variation of the angle between the
magnetization of consecutive magnetic layers, and its discovery was preceded by the dis-
covery of exchange coupling between magnetic layers across a non-magnetic metal layer.
Under certain circumstances the coupling is antiferromagnetic and induces an antiparallel
alignment of the magnetization of adjacent magnetic layers. When an external magnetic
field aligns the magnetization of all magnetic layers in parallel, there is a giant decrease
of the resistance of the multilayer. The discovery of interlayer exchange and GMR has
lead to an enormous proliferation of experimental and theoretical studies on multilayers
and more generally on magnetic nanostructures. GMR effects have been observed not only
in exchange coupled magnetic multilayers but also in uncoupled multilayers, spin valve
structures, multilayered nanowires and granular systems.
At present the giant magnetoresistance effect is used in various types of device such
as sensors, read heads and magnetic RAM. Apart from the giant magnetoresistance ef-
fect and its applications, research on GMR has revealed a new class of magnetotransport
phenomena which can be obtained in magnetic nanostructures by making use of the spin
polarisation of carriers. This is a new field of research which is frequently referred to as
spin electronics. Examples of emerging directions of research with important potential ap-
plications in this area are spin injection spin dependent tunnelling and magneto-Coulomb
blockade. The review presented in Chapter 1 of this Volume is focused on GMR in mag-
netic multilayers. It includes an experimental overview of results obtained on conventional
multilayers, spin valves, multilayers on grooved substrates and multilayered nanowires.
The review comprises also theoretical models and employs the experimental data to dis-
cuss the current understanding of GMR and the underlying physics.
A key aspect of the study of the properties of thin magnetic films and multilayers is
the relationship between the structural and magnetic properties of the material, which has
become one of the most active areas of research in magnetism in recent years. Nuclear
magnetic resonance (NMR) is a well-known technique that offers the possibility to ob-
tain experimental information on atomic scale properties in systems with reduced dimen-
sionality. A review of the results obtained by NMR on the latter systems is presented in
Chapter 2 of this Volume. Because of its high sensitivity this method has the additional
advantage that it provides not only experimental information on the nature of the magnetic
and non-magnetic layers but also information on the nature of the interfaces. The Chapter
is written in a tutorial style so that it can be helpful for many a scientist familiar with the
preparation and properties of thin magnetic films but having little knowledge of the NMR
of ferromagnetic materials.
Among the intermetallic rare-earth compounds with 3d transition metals, those that ex-
hibit a magnetic instability of the 3d-subsystem are of particular interest. In combination
with large magnetovolume effects, these compounds exhibit a number of characteristic
properties that make them suitable for checking various physical theories. In the third
Chapter of this Volume the attention is focused on such compounds, in which the d-electron
subsystem is neither non-magnetic, nor carries a stable magnetic moment. Prominent ex-
amples of this group are the RCo2 Laves phase compounds in which the hybridised itiner-
ant 3d-5d electron subsystem leads to exchange enhanced Pauli paramagnetism. Particular
interest is paid to systems that undergo a metamagnetic transition, i.e. a field-induced mag-
netic phase transition from the paramagnetic to the ferromagnetic state under an external
magnetic field exceeding a certain critical value. The chapter deals with basic concepts
of the theory of itinerant-electron magnetism. It includes magnetic properties of the sys-
tems consisting of both itinerant electrons and localised spins, and discusses the effects
of spin fluctuations on the magnetic behavior, heat capacity and magnetoresistance. Apart
from metamagnetism, a comprehensible description is given of magnetovolume effects
and spin fluctuations in the nearly ferromagnetic compounds. The itinerant-electron meta-
magnetism and the spin fluctuations are interesting not only in themselves. By studying
these phenomena it is possible to understand more deeply some aspects of the theory of
itinerant-electron metamagnetism and open up the possibilities incorporated in this theory
for describing different unusual effects observed in experiments.
Magnetic refrigeration is a promising technology that can be used is quite a broad range
of applications. It is based on the magnetocaloric effect associated with the entropy change
occurring when a magnetic materials is isothermally subjected to a changing magnetic field
and the temperature change when the field is changed adiabatically. Refrigeration can be
achieved by using the magnetocaloric effect of ferromagnets in repeated magnetization-
demagnetization cycles under adiabatic and isothermal conditions. Research on magne-
tocaloric materials has received new impetus because of the need to realise room tempera-
ture magnetic refrigeration without the use of chlorofluorocarbons that are considered have
a destructive impact on the ozone layer. The last decade has witnessed quite a strong de-
velopment in magnetic cooling technology and research activities in this field have been
extended to a variety of magnetocaloric materials, including amorphous alloys, nanocom-
posites, intermetallic compounds and perovskite type oxides. The many materials, their
magnetocaloric efficiency as well as the physical principles behind it are reviewed in the
last Chapter of this Volume.
Volume 12 of the Handbook on the Properties of Magnetic Materials, as the preceding
volumes, has a dual purpose. As a textbook it is intended to be of assistance to those who
wish to be introduced to a given topic in the field of magnetism without the need to read
the vast amount of literature published. As a work of reference it is intended for scien-
tists active in magnetism research. To this dual purpose, Volume 12 of the Handbook is
composed of topical review articles written by leading authorities. In each of these articles
an extensive description is given in graphical as well as in tabular form, much emphasis
being placed on the discussion of the experimental material in the framework of physics,
chemistry and material science.
The task to provide the readership with novel trends and achievements in magnetism
would have been extremely difficult without the professionalism of the North Holland
Physics Division of Elsevier Science B.V., and I wish to thank Jonathan Clark and Wim
Spaans for their great help and expertise.
K.H.J. Buschow
Preface to Volume 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
List of Contributors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv
Volume 1
1. Iron, Cobalt and Nickel, by E. P. Wohlfarth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2. Dilute Transition Metal Alloys: Spin Glasses, by J. A. Mydosh and G. J. Nieuwenhays . . . . . 71
3. Rare Earth Metals and Alloys, by S. Legvold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
4. Rare Earth Compounds, by K. 11. J. Buschow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
5. Actinide Elements and Compounds, by W. Trzebiatowski . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415
6. Amorphous Ferromagnets, by E E. Luborsky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451
7. Magnetostrictive Rare Earth-Fe 2 Compounds, b y A. E. Clark . . . . . . . . . . . . . 531
Volume 2
1. Ferromagnetic Insulators: Garnets, by M.A. Gilleo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2. Soft Magnetic Metallic Materials, by G. Y Chin and J.H. Wernick . . . . . . . . . . . 55
3. Ferrites for Non-Microwave Applications, b y P L Slick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
4. Microwave Ferrites, b y J. Nicolas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
5. Crystalline Films for Bubbles, by A. H. Eschenfelder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
6. Amorphous Films for Bubbles, b y A. 11. Eschenfelder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
7. Recording Materials, by G. Bate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381
8. Ferromagnetic Liquids, b y S. W. Charles and J. Popplewell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 509
Volume 3
1. Magnetism and Magnetic Materials: Historical Developments and Present Role in Industry
and Technology, by U. Enz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2. Permanent Magnets; Theory, b y H. Ziflstra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
3. The Structure and Properties of Alnico Permanent Magnet Alloys, by R.A. McCurrie . . . . . 107
4. Oxide Spinels, b y S. Krupi6ka and P Novdk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
5. Fundamental Properties of Hexagonal Ferrites with Magnetoplumbite Structure,
by 1t. Kofima . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
6. Properties of Ferroxplana-Type Hexagonal Ferrites, by M. Sugimoto . . . . . . . . . . 393
7. Hard Ferrites and Plastoferrites, by 14. Stiiblein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441
8. Sulphospinels, b y R. P van Stapele . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 603
9. Transport Properties of Ferromagnets, by L A. Campbell and A. Fert . . . . . . . . . . 747
Volume 4
1. Permanent Magnet Materials Based on 3d-rich Ternary Compounds, by K. H. J. Buschow . . . . 1
2. Rare Earth-Cobalt Permanent Magnets, by K. J. Strnat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Volume 5
1. Quadrupolar Interactions and Magneto-Elastic Effects in Rare-Earth IntermetaUic Compounds,
b y P. Morin and D. Schmitt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2. Magneto-Optical Spectroscopy of f-Electron Systems, by W. Reim and J. Schoenes . . . . . . 133
3. INVAR: Moment-Volume Instabilities in Transition Metals and Alloys, by E. E Wasserman 237
4. Strongly Enhanced Itinerant Intermetallics and Alloys, by P. E. Brommer and J. J. M. Franse . 323
5. First-Order Magnetic Processes, by G. Asti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397
6. Magnetic Superconductors, by ). Fischer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 465
Volume 6
1. Magnetic Properties of Ternary Rare-Earth Transition-Metal Compounds, b y H.-S. Li and
J. M. D. Coey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2. Magnetic Properties of Ternary IntermetaUic Rare-Earth Compounds, b y A. Szytula . . . . . 85
3. Compounds of Transition Elements with Nonmetals, by O. Beckman and L. Lundgren . . . . . 181
4. Magnetic Amorphous Alloys, b y P. Hansen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
5. Magnetism and Quasicrystals, by R. C. O'Handley, R.A. Dunlap and M. E. McHenry . . . . . 453
6. Magnetism of Hydrides, by G. Wiesinger and G. Hilscher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 511
Volume 7
1. Magnetism in Ultrathin Transition Metal Films, by U. Gradmann . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2. Energy Band Theory of Metallic Magnetism in the Elements, by V. L. Moruzzi and
P.M. Marcus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
3. Density Functional Theory of the Ground State Magnetic Properties of Rare Earths and Actinides,
b y M. S. S. Brooks and B. Johansson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
4. Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors, by J. Kossut and W. Dobrowolski . . . . . . . . . . 231
5. Magnetic Properties of Binary Rare-Earth 3d-Transition-Metal Intermetallic Compounds,
by J. J. M. Franse and R. J. Radwadski . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
6. Neutron Scattering on Heavy Fermion and Valence Fluctuation 4f-systems,
by M. Loewenhaupt and K. H. Fischer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503
Volume 8
1. Magnetism in Artificial Metallic Superlattices of Rare Earth Metals, by J. J. Rhyne and
R. W. Erwin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2. Thermal Expansion Anomalies and Spontaneous Magnetostriction in Rare-Earth Intermetallics
with Cobalt and Iron, by A. E Andreev . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
3. Progress in Spinel Ferrite Research, by V.A.M. Brabers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
4. Anisotropy in Iron-Based Soft Magnetic Materials, b y M. Soinski and A. J. Moses . . . . . . 325
5. Magnetic Properties of Rare Earth-Cu2 Compounds, by Nguyen Hoang Luong and
J. J. M. Franse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415
Volume 9
1. Heavy Fermions and Related Compounds, by G.J. Nieuwenhuys . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2. Magnetic Materials Studied by Muon Spin Rotation Spectroscopy, by A. Schenck and EN. Gygax . 57
3. Interstitially Modified Intermetallics of Rare Earth and 3d Elements, by H. Fujii and H. Sun . 303
4. Field Induced Phase Transitions in Ferrimagnets, by A.K. Zvezdin . . . . . . . . . . . 405
5. Photon Beam Studies of Magnetic Materials, by S.W. b~vesey . . . . . . . . . . . . . 545
Volume 10
1. Normal-State Magnetic Properties of Single-Layer Cuprate High-Temperature Superconductors and
Related Materials, by D.C. Johr~ton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2. Magnetism of Compounds of Rare Earths with Non-Magnetic Metals, by D. Gignoux and D. Schmitt 239
3. Nanocrystalline Soft Magnetic Alloys, by G. Herzer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415
4. Magnetism and Processing of Permanent Magnet Materials, by K.H.J. Buschow . . . . . . . 463
Volume 11
1. Magnetism of Ternary Intermetallic Compounds of Uranium, by V. Sechovsk~ and L. Havela 1
2. Magnetic Recording Hard Disk Thin Film Media, by J.C. l-zMder . . . . . . . . . . . 291
3. Magnetism of Permanent Magnet Materials and Related Compounds as Studied by NMR,
by Cz. Kapusta, P.C. Riedi and G.J. Tomka . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407
4. Crystal Field Effects in Intermetallic Compounds Studied by Inelastic Neutron Scattering, by O. Moze 493
chapter 1
1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2. Overview of experimental results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3. Simple picture of GMR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.1. Two-current model for the conduction in ferromagnets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.2. Simple picture of GMR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4. Physics of GMR: theoretical mcdels and comparison with experimental data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.1. Introduction to physics of GMR and theoretical models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.2. Theoretical medels of the CIP-GMR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
4.3. Theoretical medels of the CPP-GMR, spin accumulation effects ................... 29
4;4. Quantitative analysis of GMR data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
4.5. Discussion of the microscopic mechanism of the GMR ........................ 41
4.6. Thickness dependence and scaling length in CIP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
4.7. Thic/~ness dependence and scaling length ill CPP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
4.8. Temperature dependence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
4.9. Angular del:endence ........................................... 57
5. Guide to experimental data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
References ..................................................... 85
1. Introduction
also with current perpendicular to the plane of the layers (CPP-geometry). The CPP-GMR
has revealed interesting spin accumulation effects which have formed the basis for further
Today GMR is used in various types of device such as sensors, read heads and magnetic
RAM. These devices generally operate at very small fields; the interest in multilayers is
that only very small fields are required to rotate the magnetization of a soft ferromagnetic
layer. While comparable low fields can activate AMR and GMR devices, the amplitude of
GMR is larger. On the other hand, the amplitude of the CMR can be much larger, however,
its drawback for applications comes from the relatively high field required to alter the
magnetization of a ferromagnetic above its spontaneous value.
Beyond GMR of magnetic multilayers and its applications, research on GMR has re-
vealed a new class of magnetotransport phenomena which can be obtained in magnetic
nanostructures by making use of the spin polarization of carriers. This is a new field of
research which is called "spin electronics". Examples of emerging directions of research
with important potential applications in this area are: spin injection effects (Johnson 1993;
Berger 1996; Slonczewski 1996; Vasko et al. 1997; Tsoi et al. 1998), spin dependent
tunneling (Moodera et al. 1995) and magneto-Coulomb blockade (Barnas and Fert 1998).
The present review is focused on GMR in magnetic multilayers. In section 2, we present
an experimental overview which gathers results on conventional multilayers, spin valves,
multilayers on grooved substrates and multilayered nanowires. In section 3, we summarize
the two-current model of conduction in ferromagnets and present a simple picture of GMR.
The physics of GMR is discussed in section 4. We review the theoretical models and make
use of selected experimental data to discuss the current understanding of GMR. Section 5 is
a guide to experimental data. The related problem of interlayer exchange is not in the scope
of this chapter; the reader is referred to the review article of Griinberg et al. (1999) in this
series, and also to Rhyne and Erwin (1995) for the special case of rare earth multilayers.
For the general problems of preparation and characterization of thin films and multilayers,
and also for an earlier review of interlayer exchange and GMR, the reader is referred to
Heinrich and Bland (1994).
Giant magnetoresistance (GMR) was discovered in 1988 by Baibich et al. (1988) on Fe/Cr
(0 01) superlattices and by Binasch et al. (1989) on Fe/Cr/Fe (0 01) trilayers, in both cases
on samples grown by MBE. In fig. 1, we show the variation of the resistance as a function
of the magnetic field for Fe/Cr superlattices at 4,2 K. The resistance drops as the configura-
tion of the magnetizations in neighbor Fe layers goes from antiparallel to parallel. Arrows
indicate the saturation field Hs, that is the field required to overcome the antiferromagnetic
interlayer coupling between the Fe layers and align the magnetizations of consecutive lay-
ers. It turns out that aligning the magnetizations reduces significantly the resistivity of the
Fe/Cr superlattices, this is called GMR. The magnetoresistance ratio, defined as the ratio
of resistivity change to the resistivity in the parallel configuration,
MR = - - ,
R/R (I-I= O)
~ (Fe30.~/Cr
0.8 lls~~e
0.7 30 .~dCr 12 ./t) 35
Hs ~,~(Fe30]~Cr9k)40
0.5 Hs
I I I I I I I I ~_
40 -30 -20 -10 10 20 30 40
reaches 79% at 4.2 K, for the sample with 9 ,~ thick Cr layers shown in fig. 1 (and still 20%
at room temperature); note in fig. 1, an alternate definition of the MR is used where the
denominator is the resistance at zero field. A record MR ratio of 220% has been obtained
in 1994 by Schad et al. (1994a, 1994b) again on Fe/Cr multilayers.
The results of Baibich et al. (1988) and Binasch et al. (1989) were obtained on samples
grown epitaxially by MBE. In 1990, Parkin et al. succeeded in reproducing similar GMR
effects with Fe/Cr, Co/Ru and Co/Cr multilayers deposited by sputtering, that is with poly-
crystalline samples. In the perspective of applications, this was of definite interest because
sputtering is a simple and fast deposition technique. In addition, Parkin et al. (1990) could
explore very broad thickness ranges and find the oscillatory variation of the magnetore-
sistance which reflects the oscillations of the interlayer exchange coupling as a function
of the spacer thickness. GMR effects exist in the thickness ranges where the coupling is
antiferromagnetic (AF) and vanish when the coupling is ferromagnetic, as shown in fig. 2
for Fe/Cr.
A more extensively studied system presenting GMR oscillations, found in 1991 (Mosca
et al. 1991a; Parkin et al. 1991a), is Co/Cu. As shown in fig. 3, the variation of the MR
ratio as a function of the thickness of Cu exhibits three well defined maxima associated
with three ranges of antiferromagnetic coupling. The height of the maxima is a decreasing
function of the Cu thickness. For thicknesses larger than about 45/k, the oscillatory behav-
ior disappears and the GMR ratio decreases continuously with the thickness of Cu. In this
thickness range, the exchange coupling is weaker than the coercive forces, the magnetic
arrangement at a low field is approximately random and the GMR is due to the crossover
of the magnetic configuration from random to parallel.
6 A. BARTHI~LI~MY et al.
20 30 40 50
A m o
g 2o
,,#,_, ' ' ' ' ' '1 1
0 lo 20 30 40 50
Cr thickness (~,)
Fig. 2. Transverse saturation magnetoresistance (4.5 K) versus Cr thickness for three series of structures of the
form Si(l 1 1)/Cr(IOOA)/[Fe(20~)/Cr(tCr)]N/Cr(50~),deposited at temperature of V, - 40~C (N = 30); O -
125C (N = 20). From Parkin et al. (1990).
0 I II' eTz4.2K
7 ~ ' ", QT:300K
~ 3O
~ 2O
o 0 20 30 40 50 60 70
Cu thickness(~)
Fig. 3. Variation of the MR ratio as a function of the thickness of Cu for [Co(15/~)/Cu(tcu)]30 multilayers. The
black circles and squares are for data at 4.2 and 300 K, respectively. The solid lines are guides for the eyes. The
dashed line is the envelope of the MR peaks. From Mosca et al. (1991a).
GMR oscillations have been found in a large number of systems but the typical variation
as a function of the spacer thickness illustrated in fig. 2 and fig. 3 is not always observed. It
frequently occurs that, at small thicknesses of the spacer layer, the AF exchange coupling
is reduced (or even reversed) by ferromagnetic coupling by pinholes or defects Therefore,
in some systems, the first GMR peak has a reduced height, as illustrated in fig. 4, or even
disappears. Co/Ag is a typical example of a system in which bridging by pinholes sup-
presses GMR at small thickness of Ag. However, the GMR can be restored when the Co
layers are broken into small islands to reduce the deleterious effects of the coupling by
pinholes This can be obtained by depositing only very small thicknesses of Co (Araki et
5 tAU (AL) 10 15
I I t
1 3
b,u (nm)
Fig. 4. Magnetoresistance versus gold spacer thickness tAu at room temperature for Au/Co/Au/Co/Au(1 1 1) sam-
ples with two Co layers of equal thickness 1.2 nm. The different symbols correspond to two different stepped-
wedge samples, each one with eight different gold spacer thicknesses tAu. From Grolier et al. (1993).
al. 1991; Loloee et al. 1995), depositing the Co at low temperature (Rodmacq et al. 1993)
or annealing the multilayers (Hylton et al. 1993).
GMR requires that an antiparallel configuration of the magnetizations in the multilayers
can be switched into parallel by applying a magnetic field, but AF interlayer exchange is
not the only way to obtain an antiparallel configuration. GMR effects can also be obtained
with multilayers combining hard and soft magnetic layers (Barnas et al. 1990; Shinjo and
Yamamoto 1990; Dupas et al. 1990). As the switching of the magnetizations of the hard
and soft magnetic layers occurs at different fields, there is a field range in which they are
antiparallel and the resistance is higher, as illustrated in fig. 5 and fig. 6.
The best known structure in which interlayer exchange is not used to obtain an AF con-
figuration and GMR, is the spin valve structure, introduced by Dieny et al. (1991a). A spin
valve structure, in its simplest form shown in fig. 7, consists of a magnetically soft layer
separated by a nonmagnetic layer from a second magnetic layer, which has its magnetiza-
tion pinned by an exchange biasing interaction with an antiferromagnetic (FeMn) or ferri-
magnetic layer. The nonmagnetic layer is thick enough to minimize the magnetic coupling
between the ferromagnetic layers. The operation of the spin valve can be understood from
the magnetization and magnetoresistance curves in fig. 8. One of the permalloy layers has
its magnetization pinned by the FeMn in the negative direction. When the magnetic field is
increased from negative to positive values, the magnetization of the free layer reverses in
a small field range close to H = 0, whereas the magnetization of the pinned layer remains
fixed in the negative direction. Consequently, the resistance increases steeply in this small
field range. Only by applying a large positive field can the exchange biasing interaction be
overcome; then the pinned permalloy layer switches too and the resistance comes back to
its initial value. The steep slope of the resistance variation in a small positive field is now
used for many low field applications (sensors, read heads, MRAM).
Several types of spin valve structures have been developed and fig. 7 represents what is
called a simple exchange-biased spin valve. Copper is generally used for the nonmagnetic
8 A. BARTHI~LI~MYet al.
9.5 I I
(a) ~ 9 4 K
~j ~.8
7~.2 ! I
(b) 4K
54.B ~ I , I !
-3oo -~oo -ioo t~o ~o 300
B (roT)
Fig. 5. (a) Moke signal and (b) and (c) resistance of a Co/Au/Co structure with Co film thickness d = 100/~
and Au interlayer thickness d o = 60/~. The field ranges in which the magnetizations of the two Co layers are
antiparallel are indicated by arrows. From Barnas et al. (1990).
layer and the ferromagnetic layers can be layers of permalloy (Ni80Fe20), cobalt or NiFeCo
alloys. An ultrathin layer of Co can be inserted between permalloy and Cu to enhance the
GMR ratio (Parkin et al. 1993). The pinning layer can be an antiferromagnetic compound
such as FeMn, a ferrimagnetic alloy of Tb and Co (Freitas et al. 1994a, 1994b) or an an-
tiferromagnetic oxide such as NiO (Anthony et al. 1994; Swagten et al. 1996; Egelhoff
et al. 1997b). The highest GMR ratios have been obtained with magnetic layers of Co and
NiO for the pinning layer. The advantage of NiO comes from the increased specularity
of the reflections of electrons at the metal/oxide interface. A GMR ratio of 15% at room
temperature has been obtained by Swagten et al. (1996) with a NiO/Co/Cu/Co/Cu/NiO
structure in which the bottom NiO layer is the pinning layer while a NiO over-layer is
introduced to improve the specularity of reflections at the top surface. Recently there have
been made efforts to further improve the specularity of the reflections and enhance GMR.
For example, as shown by Egelhoff et al. (1997a), growth in the presence of a partial pres-
sure of 02 (acting as a surfactant) creates surfaces and interfaces that scatter the electrons
~ 0 I
(B) ~ ~ --80K
o z i i "
- 500 0 500
Cap layer
F (pinned)
F (free)
Buffer layer
more specularly, and also reduce the ferromagnetic bridging across the copper layer. In this
way G M R ratios of 19% at room temperature have been obtained (Egelhoffet al. 1997b),
For applications at a very low field, spin valves with permalloy give the best re-
suits. In fig. 9, we show an example of G M R curves for NisoFe20/Cu/NisoFe2o/FesoMnso
10 A. BARTHI~,L]~MYet al.
-- 0
I I I I I I I [
o I I, ! I I
-200 0 200 400 600 BOO
Yllld (O~)
Fig. 8. Hysteresis loop (a) and magnetoresistance (b) of a spin valve [NiFe(60/~)/Cu(22,~)/NiFe(40/~)/
FeMn(70/~)] structure at room temperature. The field is swept between :El kOe along the easy axis. From
Dieny (1993).
(b) "~
(c) ~
(d) ~
[1% ,
-2 -1 0 1 2
Fig. 9. Low field magnetoresistance of [NisoFe20(80/~)/Cu(30,~)/NisoFe20(60/~)/FesoMns0(80/~)] spin valves
with (a) parallel anisotropies, (b) crossed anisotropies field induced during sputtering, and (c) crossed anisotropies
induced by annealing (160C), (d) crossed anisotropies induced during sputtering and by additional thermal
treatment. From Rijks et al. (1994).
50 nm NiO
2.5 nm Co
1.8 nm Cu
4.0 nm Co
1.8 nm Cu
i~i+i!~,:i 2 ..i -i!ii~iiii~!ii{i
{ 2.5 nm Co
50 nm NiO
Fig. 10. Typical layer structure of the symmetric spin-valve studied by Egelhoff et al. (1995).
... F
BttsZ'tl ~ ~
Fig. 11. CPP-MR sample geometry. The CPP MR is measured with the current injected at e and removed at h;
the voltage is measured between g and f. The CIP MR is measured by applying current between A and B and
measuring voltage between A and B. From Pratt et al. (1991).
(a) 200['
ff 8c
, r ~ " ~ , .i P ,~,
-10 0
H(kOe) 10
(b) 100
~- 40 Hs
i i i i i
H (kOe)
, i i i
i i i
Fig. 12. (a) Resistance versus applied field curve for antiferromagnetically coupled Co/Cu multilayers (dCo =
1.5 nm and dCu = 0.9 nm, with a 5 nm Fe buffer layer) (curve m), and for a Nb/Co/Nb sandwich (dco = 9 nm)
(curve s). (b) Resistance versus applied field curve for an uncoupled Co/Cu multilayer (dCo = 1.5 nm and
dCu -= 4.0 nm). From Pratt et al. (1993a).
o f 10 - 2 A a n d a r e s i s t i v i t y o f t h e o r d e r o f 10 - 8 f2 m , t h e v o l t a g e d r o p is o f t h e o r d e r o f
10 n V a n d a S Q U I D - b a s e d t e c h n i q u e w a s u s e d b y P r a t t et al. ( 1 9 9 1 ) to m e a s u r e this s m a l l
Fe(5nm) [Co(1.5nm) / Cu(d)]
o CPP (Ho)
x CPP (HM)
[] CIP (H Mj
~, lOO
r! O,o1.--o....
/ x : o =-
,,,._,,,, .... , . . . . . .
0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0
dcu (nm)
Fig. 13. CPP MR determined from the resistance at zero field (H0) in the virgin state (O) and at the field
HM corresponding to the MR peak (x) and CIP MR at field HM (12])against Cu layer thickness dcu for
Co(1.5nm)/Cu(dcu) multilayers. See the differencebetween the virgin state and the peak resistance in fig. 12.
From Schroederet al. (1993a, 1993b).
The technique using superconducting contacts and SQUID has been applied at MSU to
extensive series of multilayers (Pratt et al. 1993a, 1993b; 1997; Yang et al. 1994a; Bass
et al. 1995, 1998) and also at the University of Leeds (List et al. 1995a, 1995b). In fig. 12,
we show examples of the magnetoresistance curve recorded at MSU for Co/Cu.
A comparison between the amplitude of the CIP and CPP-GMR for a series of Co/Cu
multilayers can be seen in fig. 13. It turns out that the GMR is definitely higher in the CPP
geometry. We will also see in sections 4.4 and 4.7 that, in the CPP geometry, GMR effects
subsist for much thicker layers than in CIP and can even be observed for individual layer
thicknesses in the micron range. It can also be seen in figs 12 and 13 that the resistance
of the virgin state (H0) is higher than the resistance maximum (HM) obtained by cycling
the magnetic field. This difference has been generally observed in the measurements of
the MSU group on uncoupled samples and, although not well understood, indicates that
the magnetic configuration is different for the virgin state and the "peak" states. As it will
be seen in section 4.3, in the long spin diffusion length (SDL) limit of the CPP-GMR, the
maximum magnetoresistance is expected not only for antiparallel configurations but also
for any configuration for which the magnetization is zero within a volume of the order
of the cube of the SDL. The Michigan State University group (Schroeder et al. 1993a,
for example) has demonstrated that such a configuration is realized in the virgin state of
uncoupled samples, the main argument being that the experimental points for this virgin
14 A. BARTHI~LEMYet al.
dcu (nm)
5.7 2.1 0.9
Fe (Snm) [Co(1.Snm) / Cu(d)] M Cu (Snm) AF I
o Ho 7
151 o Hs
10o "Uncoupled" F
/~ o ~cP
i | i ~ i ~ I , , ,, , I
50 100 150
Bilayer No. N
Fig. 14. Resistance in the virgin state (Q)) and at saturation (~') against bilayernumber N for Co(l.5nm)/Cu(dcu)
multilayers grown on 5 nm Fe buffer layers with fixed total thickness. The data demonstrate the continuous
behavior from uncoupled (small N) to antiferromagneticallycoupled (AF1, AF2, AF3 refer to the first three AF
peaks of the variation with Cu thickness) multilayers. From Schroeder et al. (1993a).
state lie on the same straight line as those corresponding to the antiferromagnetic coupling
peaks in plots similar to that of fig. 14. The comparison between CPP measurements on
multilayers and spin valves has also confirmed that the virgin state can be taken as a state
with zero mean magnetization within the SDL (Steenwyck et al. 1997).
The technique developed at MSU has the advantage of a relatively simple sample prepa-
ration. However, measurements can be performed only below the critical temperature
of Nb. Several other methods without superconducting contacts have been developed for
measurements at higher temperatures and also to avoid the drawbacks of measuring very
low signals. Some of these methods are based on lithography and microfabrication tech-
niques. "Pillar"-like samples for CPP-GMR measurements have been fabricated by several
groups (Gijs et al. 1993a, 1993b, 1994a, 1994b; Vavra et al. 1995). The fabrication tech-
nique by photolithography developed by Gijs et al. (1993a, 1993b) is shown in fig. 15
and leads to pillars with a typical diameter of a few ~tm and about 1 for their height.
However, experiments with such structures are not at all straightforward, first, because the
measured signal includes significant and not well known contributions from contacts and
lead resistances; secondly, because, with the typical dimension quoted above, the current
lines are not strictly perpendicular to the planes of the layers. Experiments on pillars have
been used to obtain the first data on the temperature dependence of the CPP-GMR (Gijs
et al. 1993b; Vavra et al. 1995).
Another technique, developed by Ono and Shinjo (1995), Gijs et al. (1995a, 1995b),
Oeps et al. (1996), Maeda at al. (1997), is based on the deposition of multilayers on pre-
structured substrates. In figs 16(a) and (b), we show a schematic diagram of the surface
Mo 100 n m
~AI203 200 nm
300 nm
"' " | - Fe/Cr 500 nm
~ Cr 400 nm
substrate ~ SiO 2
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig. 15. Schematic diagram of different processing steps in the pillar structuring and contact fabrication. From
Gijs et al. (1993c, 1994b).
muldlayerdepo:sition t (100)
\\\ /
(a) (b)
Fig. 16. Schematic diagram of (a) the grooved InP-substrate surface and (b) a multilayer evaporated under an
angle with indication of the current flow for the CPP-like case. (c) Scanning electron microscopy picture of the
cross-section of the complete structure. From Gijs et al. (1995a).
f20 nm Cu + 32 x (1.5 nm Co + 6.0 nm Cu) + 20 nm Cu
40 L
~ " ~ e CPP (I groove)
, ~=
m 2O
0 I ~ I I I
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
T (K)
Fig. 17. Temperaturedependenceof the CPP and CIP MRs of a Cu(20nm)/[Co(1.5nm)/Cu(6.0nm)]32/Cu(20 nm)
multilayer measured in the CPP-like geometry (I _L groove) and CIP-like geometry (I II groove). From Gijs
et al. (1995a).
measured with the same sample when the current is parallel to the grooves. An example of
experimental result obtained by Gijs et al. (1995a, 1995b) with this structure is shown in
fig. 17. Ono and Shinjo (1995), Maeda et al. (1997) have also used V-grooved substrates to
prepare structures in which, when the current is perpendicular to the grooves, it makes an
angle intermediate between 0 and 90 with the layer planes, this is the so-called CAP ge-
ometry. Its GMR effects are intermediate between CIP and CPP. Sussiau et al. (1997) have
also obtained GMR effects intermediate between CIP and CPP by depositing multilayers
on silicon substrates prestructured by step bunching.
Finally, the CPP-GMR has also been studied in multilayered nanowires electrodeposited
into the pores of nuclear track-etched polycarbonate membranes (Blondel et al. 1994; Pi-
raux et al. 1994, 1996a, 1996b; Liu et al. 1995; Voegeli et al. 1995; Dubois et al. 1997a,
1997b), as illustrated in fig. 18. The very high aspect ratio, with a length of 20-40 m m
for a diameter in the range 30-100 nm, guarantees that the current is perpendicular to the
layers; also, the relatively large resistance cannot be affected by spurious contact resis-
tances. On the other hand, it is not generally possible to know the number of nanowires
that are contacted in parallel (even if Voegeli et al. (1995) succeeded in determining this
number in some experiments). Consequently, the measurements can only determine the
magnetoresistance ratio and not the absolute value of the resistance of individual wires.
Most experiments on multilayered nanowires have been performed on Co/Cu and
NiFe/Cu systems. Except in the earliest experiments, the GMR ratios obtained with
nanowires are very similar to those measured with conventional multilayers in the CPP
geometry, at least for layers thicker than a couple of rim. This indicates the good quality
of multilayers obtained by the electrodeposition technique, in agreement with the results
of structure characterization (Piraux et al. 1998 and Maurice et al. 1998, for example). An
example of the experimental GMR curve for nanowires is shown in fig. 18(b).
Polycarbonate _ :LAtAL
0| .$ -4 0 4 M |
,, ' t I I 1
l0 / '; \ '
Ca) (b)
Fig. 18. (a) Schematic representation of the array of nanowires in an insulating polymer matrix. From Pi-
raux et al. (1994) and (b) Magnetoresistance versus applied field parallel to the layers at T = 77 K for
NiFe(12nm)/Cu(4nm) (--) and Co(t0nm)/Cu(5nm) (- --) multilayered nanowires; inset: same plot at 4.2 K for
the NiFe/Cu sample. From Dubois et al. (1997a).
GMR effects can be obtained not only in multilayers but also in granular systems
(Berkowitz et al. 1992; Xiao et al. 1992). Although the physics in both types of the system
is very similar, we will limit our review to multilayers. We simply mention that some struc-
tures are really intermediate between multilayers and granular alloys, e.g., multilayers with
discontinuous magnetic layers that can be viewed as layers of clusters (Hylton et al. 1993;
Loloee et al. 1995), and also "hybrid structures" combining continuous magnetic layers
and layers of magnetic clusters, with large GMR effects can be obtained at a very low field
(Holody et al. 1994).
p - p, + (1)
where pc (p~,) is the resistivity of the spin-]" (-$) channel. In a given channel ~r, the param-
eter p~ includes the contributions from s, d, and s-p or s-d hybridized electrons and from
18 A. BARTI-IELI~MYet al.
various scattering processes. The asymmetry between the two channels is characterized by
spin asymmetry coefficients:
ot = P I P , (2)
or, alternatively,
(P~. - Pl") _ ot - 1
= (m + m) ~ +----5. (3)
There are several origins for the difference between pf and p$. Schematically, the resistiv-
ity p~ can be written as a function of the number no, effective mass m~, relaxation time, r~
and density of states (DOS) at the Fermi level n,~ (EF) of spin ~r electrons in the following
no.e 2
P~ = m,rr,r (4)
For a given type of scattering potential characterized by its matrix elements V,~ and in the
Born approximation
There are intrinsic origins of the spin dependence of p~ that are related to the spin depen-
dence of no, m~, or n,r(EF) in the host metal. For example, in Ni and Co, the spin-t DOS
at the Fermi level comes from only s-p electrons and is definitely smaller than the spin-$
DOS (s-p + d); consequently, there is a tendency to have Pt < P$ in Ni and Co-based
systems. Actually, the ratio ot can exceed 10 for many Ni and Co based alloys (Campbell
and Fert 1982; Mertig et al. 1993).
On the other hand, there are also extrinsic origins of the spin dependence of p~ related
to some spin dependence of the impurity or defect potential V~r. We take the well known
example of Ni containing Cr impurities (Campbell and Fert 1982; Mertig et al. 1993). The
magnetic moment of Cr impurity is opposite to that of the Ni atoms, which indicates there
is a strong repulsive potential for the spin-l" d-electrons. The hybridization of the dl" states
of Cr with the band d t of Ni is replaced by the hybridization with the s'~ band of Ni to
form a virtual bound state and to a strong scattering in the spin-'l" channel in agreement
with the experimental result of a coefficient ~ < 1.
The ratio u has been derived from resistivity measurements for many Ni-, Co- and Fe-
based alloys (see Campbell and Fert (1982) for extensive tables of experimental data, Mer-
fig et al. (1993, 1994), Irkhin and Irkhin (1996) for their interpretation).
Away from the low temperature limit it is necessary to take into account the transfer of
momentum between the two channels of conduction by spin-flip electron-magnon scat-
tering. Spin-l" (spin-S) electrons are scattered to spin-~. (spin-'l') states by annihilating
(creating) a magnon and the transfer of momentum from the fast to the slow channel - the
so-called spin-mixing effect - tends to equalize the two currents. In this case the general
expression of the resistivity is
where Pt$ is the spin mixing resistivity term (Fert and Campbell 1976).
rp = . (7)
r+ - t - r -
If, for example, r+ is much lower than r_, the current is shorted by the spin ' + ' channel
of fast electrons and rp ,~ r+ (throughout the article, our notation is ' + ' and ' - ' for
the spin directions corresponding to Sz = + 1 / 2 and Sz = - 1 / 2 , z being an absolute
axis, and 1" and 4, for the majority and minority spin directions inside a ferromagnet).
In the antiparallel configuration, electrons of both channels are alternatively majority and
S"* -....i"
@ I loll
(b) CIP geometry CPP geometry
Fig. 19. (a) Schematic picture of the GMR mechanism. The electron trajectories between two sc~aterings are
represented by straight lines and the scatterings by abrupt changes in direction. The signs -t- and - are for spins
sz = +1/2 and -1/2, respectively. The arrows represent the majority spin direction in the magnetic layers.
(b) Schematic picture of the current distribution in k space for CIP and CPP geometries.
20 A. BARTHI~LI~MYet al.
minority spin electrons and the shorting by one of the channels disappears. The resistance
is (r+ + r_)/2 for both channels and the final resistance is
rAp -- - - > rp. (8)
If r+ is much lower than r_, rAp ~,~ r _ / 4 is much higher than rp ~ r+. This gives a
GMR ratio of
The above simple picture holds for both the CIP and CPP geometries. However, as illus-
trated in fig. 19(b), the current is distributed differently among the electron wave vectors
for CIP and CPP; even in the limit of uniform spatial averaging we are considering for this
simple picture, the averaging in k-space is different in the two geometries. In general, this
can give different CIP and CPP values for the ratio r_/r+ entering eq. (9) and different
MR ratios in CIP and CPP. This point will be discussed in section 4.5.
The above simple picture no longer holds when the thickness of the layers becomes
larger than the electron MFP (typically 10 nm in nonmagnetic layers, a few nm in a fer-
romagnetic layer), at least in CIP. For example, when the thickness of the nonmagnetic
layers, tN, becomes larger than the MFP in these layers, X, there is no overlap between
the respective effects of two consecutive magnetic layers on the electron distribution func-
tion, and the GMR decreases as exp(-tN/~.y). This is discussed in section 4.6. In the CPP
geometry, due to spin accumulation effects, the scaling length becomes the spin diffusion
length/sf, as shown in section 4.3. The spin diffusion length (SDL) is related to spin flip
scattering and can be much larger than the MFP. It is only when the thickness tN of the
nonmagnetic layers exceeds the spin diffusion length l N in the nonmagnetic material that
the CPP-GMR decreases as exp(--tN/lN). The thickness dependence in CPP is discussed
in sections 4.3 and 4.7.
layer is depicted by different heights of the steps of the Kronig-Penney potential'in the
spin ' + ' (fig. 20(a)) and spin ' - ' (fig. 20(b)) channels for the P configuration. In the AP
configuration (fig. 20(c)), low and high steps alternate.
(ii) The scattering potentials are random extrinsic potentials associated with defects (im-
purities, structural defects, interface roughness) and are represented by spikes in fig. 20. In
a first approximation, the interface scattering potentials can be viewed as an excess or
deficit potential due to some modulation of the steps by roughness. They are obviously
spin-dependent since the steps are at the interfaces between magnetic and nonmagnetic
metals. The scattering potentials of impurities and defects within the magnetic layers are
also spin dependent, as it is well known from experiments on bulk materials (Fert and
Campbell 1976).
Both, the intrinsic potential (the steps in fig. 20) and the scattering potentials (spikes in
fig. 20) generate GMR for CIP as well as for CPP geometry.
The GMR generated by spin dependent scattering has been introduced in the earliest
models (Camley and Barnas 1989) and can be described very simply. For example, it is
clear that, with the small scattering potentials in the spin - channel of fig. 20(b), there will
be a short circuit effect by this channel with weak scattering and this will give a smaller
resistivity for the P configuration.
The mechanism of GMR generated by intrinsic potentials can also be understood
straightforwardly. The simplest case to consider is that of a superlattice with a low con-
centration of defects so that the MFP is much larger than the period of the superlattice.
Spin + channel
in the parallel
(a) Intrinsic potential
Spin - channel
in the parallel
(b) configuration
~ ~ ~ Spin + or spin -
-~ -*- channel in the
'- antiparallel
(c) N F N F N configuration
Fig. 20. Potentiallandscapefor spin + and spin - conductionelectronsin the paralleland antiparaUelconfigura-
tions. The intrinsicpotentialis representedby a periodicarrayof steps (Kronig-Penney-likepotential); the bulk
and interfacescatteringpotentialsare representedby spikes.
22 A. BARTFIELI~MYet al.
Fig. 21. Projections inside the first Brillouin zone of different Fermi surfaces for a (1 1 1) oriented Co3/Cu3
multilayeron a planeparallelto the interfaces.(a) Majorityspinand (b) minorityspinin the parallel configuration,
(c) either spin in the antiparallel configuration.From Schep et al. (1998).
Then, the periodic intrinsic potential determines Bloch functions for the superlattice; these
functions, as well as the Fermi surfaces and Fermi velocities, are different for the periodic
potentials of fig. 20(a), (b) and (c). In fig. 21, we show an example of Fermi surfaces cal-
culated for a Co3/Cu3 superlattice. Conduction in parallel by the spin ' + ' Fermi surface
of fig. 21(a) and spin ' - ' Fermi surface of fig. 21(b) for the P configuration is not equiv-
alent to conduction by the spin ' + ' and spin ' - ' Fermi surfaces of fig. 21(c) for the AP
configuration. This gives rise to GMR effects even with only spin independent scatterings.
If the MFP is not much larger than the period (as in many real multilayers), the fine gap
structure of fig. 21 is blurred out and a superlattice approach becomes less appropriate. In
this regime the contribution from the intrinsic potential to the GMR is more appropriately
described by taking into account specular reflections of electrons of metal A at the interface
with metal B and neglecting the interference between reflections at successive interfaces
that builds the superlattice Bloch functions. In this layer by layer approach for the CPP
geometry, the effect of the intrinsic potential is expressed by a spin dependent interface
resistance, see section 4.3.
The possible twofold contribution to GMR from scattering and intrinsic potentials ini-
tially leads to theoretical models which focused on one or the other mechanisms. Progres-
sively, theorists have tried to take into account both mechanisms within the same models.
But as it will be seen below, treating both mechanisms on equal footing is not an easy task.
We will also see from the analysis of experimental results that, although the GMR strongly
depends on spin-dependent scattering effects, the influence of the intrinsic potential is also
fairly important and cannot be neglected.
Apart from the microscopic origin of the GMR discussed above, another important prob-
lem for theory is that of the scaling lengths governing the decrease and collapse of GMR as
the thickness of the layers increases. Experimentally GMR decreases much more rapidly
with the thickness of the layers in the CIP than in the CPP geometry; this is due to the dif-
ferent scaling lengths governing the thickness dependence in CIP and CPE Scaling lengths
will be discussed more in detail in sections 4.3, 4.6 and 4.7. We will see that the scaling
length involved in CIP is a relatively short MFP, whereas spin accumulation effects make
the scaling length in CPP a much longer spin diffusion length (SDL).
where )~N is the MFP in the spacer, while the variation as tff I at large values of tF reflects
the progressive dilution of the spin dependent interface scattering.
A difficulty with the approach of Camley and Barnas (1989) is that the interface and
bulk scatterings are not treated on an equal footing. To overcome this difficulty, Johnson
and Camley (1991) represented the strong scattering by the disorder at the interface by
an interfacial layer in which is a short MFP. This approach allowed Johnson and Camley
(1991) and Duvail et al. (1994) to give a more physical interpretation of experimental data.
All the models described above focus on scattering effects and neglect the influence of
the multilayer intrinsic potential. To take this into account, Hood and Falicov (1992) stud-
ied the effect of specular reflections from potential steps introduced into the semi-classical
model of Camley and Barnas (1989). For thick enough layers superlattice coherence effects
can be neglected and this layer by layer approach can, in principle, reasonably describe the
influence of potential steps. However, the number of free parameters in such a phenomeno-
logical approach becomes so large that the model of Hood and Falicov (1992) cannot be
really used for quantitative interpretations.
where the operator 6 represents the Pauli spin matrix, and M is a unit vector in the direction
of magnetization. The scattering centers 7a are randomly distributed in the layers and in the
plane of the interfaces, with v = vy, j = 0 in the nonmagnetic layers, v = vM, j = jM
in the magnetic layers, v = vs, j = js at the interfaces. The model of Levy et al. (1990a)
uses the Kubo formalism in momentum space. Other models have been worked out with the
Kubo formalism in the real space to describe the same problem of free electrons scattered
by spin-dependent potentials of the form of eq. (10) (Vedyayev et al. 1992; Camblong and
Levy 1992; Camblong et al. 1993; Camblong 1995). Models of this type based on the Kubo
formalism have been applied to interpret the thickness dependence of the GMR in several
systems (Levy et al. 1990a, 1990b; Gijs and Okada 1992; Vedyayev et al. 1992; Zhang
et al. 1992). Zhang and Butler (1994) reviewed several of the above models and, for the
simple case of a metallic film, compared their results with those of another approach also
based on the Kubo formalism but under the assumption of uniformly distributed scattering
rates (instead of uniformly distributed scattering centers).
All the above early models using the Kubo formalism assume free electrons and do not
introduce the intrinsic potential of the multilayer (step in fig. 20). Since 1993, this intrin-
sic potential has been progressively introduced into most models (Zhang and Levy 1993a;
Vedyayev et al. 1993; Barnas 1994; Bulka and Barnas 1995). In fig. 22, we show some re-
sults of Zhang and Levy (1993a) on the variation of the GMR with the parameter U which
characterizes the step height for the majority spin direction introduced in the Kronig-
Penney intrinsic potential of the model. The conclusion of the authors is that the introduc-
tion of a spin-dependent intrinsic potential can enhance or reduce the GMR significantly
- j i
~ t P = J.-/-''v /~
o .1 .2 .3 .4 .5
Barrier Height U/ET
Fig. 22. The CIP and CPP magnetoresistance as a function of barrier height U for the majority spin direction with
fixed p = PS = PM = 0.42. The barrier height is zero for the minority spin direction. PS (PM) represents the
ratio j/v of the j and v terms ofeq. (10) for interface (bulk) scattering. From Zhang and Levi (1993a).
if U is not much smaller than the Fermi energy. However, a quantitative prediction is diffi-
cult with only a phenomenological one band model. Very different values of the exchange
splitting U are expected for the s and d electrons and, without additional information on
the s and d contributions to the current, it is difficult to introduce a realistic value of U into
the model. The limit of phenomenological models appears at this stage.
In addition to the above approaches based on the Kubo formalism, another type of quan-
tum mechanical model has been worked out by Barnas and Bruynseraede (1995, 1996). In
this model, developed for (ferromagnetic/spacer/ferromagnetic) trilayers, the method in-
troduced by Calecki (1989, 1991) is used to describe the scattering of quantum well states
by impurities and interface roughness. The model presents another interesting example of
interplay between effects, respectively, due to the intrinsic potential (the well) and defect
potentials. It also predicts quantum size oscillations of the GMR for ultrathin layers.
10 , , , , . , , o , . w ,
o 3O ~ ~ v ,
"- 8
6 ~m.......~ n" 2O
o 0
O~ql~'~O"~O~ O ~ 0-.-.---..0
t~ o
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 2 4 6 s 10 12 14
Cr Thickness (ML) Cr Thickness (ML)
Fig. 23. Calculated GMR ratio for Fe3/Crn as a function of the Cr layer thickness from 2 to 12 monolayers (ML).
The results assuming Cr defects in Fe layers are indicated by squares (fl = 0.11). Dots mark the results for spin
independent scattering (fl = 1) and diamonds for the value of fl which minimizes the GMR. (a) CIP geometry
(dosed symbols). (b) CPP geometry (open symbols). From Zahn et al. (1995).
defects. However, in this limit, they are the only models able to give a realistic description
of the GMR.
Zahn et al. (1995) have calculated the electronic structure of Fe/Cr superlattices by using
the spin density functional theory within the framework of an optimized LCAO scheme.
They also calculate from first principles the spin-dependent relaxation times for the scat-
tering by Cr impurities in bulk Fe. Both, the results of the band structure calculation (Fermi
surface and velocities) and the relaxation times are introduced into a Boltzmann equation
model of transport. In fig. 23, we show the GMR ratio calculated for Fe3/Crn(001) su-
perlattices. The GMR found with a spin-independent, i.e.,/~ = 1, relaxation rate reflects
only the influence of the magnetic configuration on the band structure. Its maximum value
is 220%. When spin-dependent relaxation rates calculated for Cr impurities in Fe (with
= 0.11) are introduced into the calculation, the GMR is much higher and reaches the
maximum value of 750%. It turns out that, as in many ab initio calculations, the GMR
ratios are higher than the experimental ones. This is not really surprising, first, because the
band structure contribution is certainly reduced by imperfections in the superlattices, and,
second, because it would be necessary to know all the scattering processes (impurities,
structural defects, interface roughness) to derive the spin asymmetry of the total scatter-
ing in a realistic way. Also, most models do not take into account the spin-orbit coupling
which is expected to reduce the spin asymmetry.
Ab initio calculations of the type described above have been also applied by the Dres-
den group to Co/Cu and Fe/Cu/Co multilayers (Binder et al. 1997). In recent publications
(Binder et al. 1998), the theory has been improved by calculating the contribution of de-
fects of different types located at different positions in the multilayer.
Ab initio models have also been worked out for Co/Cu, Fe/Cr, Ni/Cu and NisoFe2o/Cu
multilayers by Nesbet (1994, 1996), Butler et al. (1993, 1995), Kai et al. (1998), Moser
et al. (1998) and Blaas et al. (1998). In the models developed by Butler et al., the interface
disorder in Co/Cu and the structural disorder of permalloy layers are treated in the Coherent
Potential Approximation (CPA) to obtain average Green functions and the conductivity is
calculated using the Kubo formalism. This is an appropriate approach to take into account
the influence of imperfections on the band structure. The difficulty still comes from the
poor knowledge of imperfections of the real systems. This certainly explains that, again,
the calculated GMR ratios are much higher than the experimental ones.
Finally, an interesting approach is that developed by Stiles (1996) with ab initio cal-
culations of transmission and reflection coefficients for Ag/Fe, Au/Fe, Cu/Co and Cu/Ni
interfaces. Interestingly, these coefficients can be used to understand both the GMR and
oscillatory exchange coupling; also, they can be used to calculate interface resistances in
the CPP-geometry. Bruno (1995) presents a similar calculation for Co/Cu interfaces based
on a tight binding LMTO model.
response to a pressure gradient". With their treatment they were able to demonstrate the
importance of s-d hybridization in producing the spin polarization of the itinerant electrons
on the Fermi surface. Their results show that the GMR produced by changes of the band
structure is high; their results are applicable to systems where the transport is ballistic.
This is not the case for the systems in which GMR has been observed until now; however,
there are attempts underway to achieve ballistic transport in magnetic multilayers through
either point contacts or nanostrictions.
More recently Mathon and coworkers have focused on the oscillations in the GMR that
can be found in the ballistic regime (Mathon et al. 1995; Mathon 1997). The most im-
portant result is that, independently of the oscillations of coupling, there are additional
oscillations which come from the difference between the potential of the different layers.
20 [ I I I I I I I I I I I I
-~ 10
Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As
Fig. 24. Calculated subband resistivities Pt (solid line) and p,~ (broken line) in IXf2cm/at% for 3d and 4sp
impurities in Ni. FromMertig et al. (1993).
The Coherent Potential Approximation (CPA) has been used to determine the amount of
scattering that comes from substitutional disorder out of the low defect concentration limit.
This method is particularly appealing as one can simultaneously treat the intrinsic potential
as well as the scattering by disorder. Calculations of resistivity and GMR of magnetic
multilayers based on CAP have been done by Butler et al. (1993), Itoh et al. (1995), Inoue
In the early years of GMR, models of virtual bound state type similar to those for impu-
rities have been also applied to describe the spin dependence of interface scattering (Inoue
and Maekawa 1991; Coehoorn 1995). Now the spin dependence of interface scattering has
also been obtained in a number of ab initio calculations, for example, by Butler et al. (1993,
1995) and Nesbet (1994) for scattering by rough interfaces in Fe/Cr.
It is interesting to compare the spin asymmetry of the scattering by the roughness of
an interface A/B with that by an impurity B in the ferromagnetic metal A. There is some
similarity in a number of systems. For example, the spin-~ electrons are scattered less in
Co doped with Cu (Binder et al. 1997) and at Co/Cu interfaces (Nesbet et al. 1994), while
they are scattered more in Fe doped with Cr (Mertig et al. 1993) and at Fe/Cr interfaces
(Nesbet 1996).
Most calculations of interfacial scattering are based on a simple picture of an interface
with atoms A diluted in the first layer of B and vice versa. However, several publications
have tried to discuss the different effects expected from different types of roughness. For
example, geometrical roughnesses (i.e., non-planar interfaces) can have different length
scales which leads to different effects on interface scattering (Hood et al. (1994)). An
example of a quantum mechanical approach to a similar problem is presented by Zhang
and Levy (1996) and Gu et al. (1997) who have shown that correlated scattering from pairs
of interdiffused impurities can produce enhanced spin-dependent scattering.
model. In this situation, which is the most frequent in experiments, the intrinsic contri-
bution to GMR is expressed by a spin dependent interface resistance; more precisely, the
interface resistance includes contributions from both the intrinsic potential (interface steps
in fig. 20) and the random scattering potentials giving rise to diffuse scattering at the in-
terface (spikes in fig. 20). Interface resistances have been calculated for several types of
interface potentials, i.e., for the step of a perfect Kronig-Penney potential by Barnas and
Fert (1994a), Dieny et al. (1995), for the step of a Kronig-Penney potential with random
defects by Barnas and Fert (1994b), Dugaev and Litvinov (1995), Ustinov and Kravtsov
(1995), Zhang and Levy (1996) and for perfect interfaces in the ab initio model of Co/Cu
by Schep et al. (1997).
In this limit of low potential steps and weak diffuse scattering by interface defects, the
intrinsic contribution and the contribution from diffuse scattering to the interface resis-
tance are simply additive (Barnas and Fert (1994b)). However, Zhang and Levy (1998)
have shown that perturbative treatments for the calculation of interface resistance are not
really appropriate and have found that the contributions from diffuse scattering and intrin-
sic potential should not be simply additive. In fact, interface diffuse scattering can enhance
as well as reduce the intrinsic interface resistance. In addition, Schep et al. (1997) have
shown that the intrinsic interface resistance also depends on the amount of scattering within
the layers between two interfaces and becomes constant only in the limit of "diffuse bulk
propagation". This limit seems relevant for the interpretation of experiments, not only be-
cause it allows Schep et al. (1997) to obtain a reasonable agreement for the spin dependent
resistances of Co/Cu interfaces, but also since, in a number of systems, the interface re-
sistances and their spin dependence appear to be nearly independent of the layer thickness
and impurity concentration (Pratt et al. 1993a, 1993b; Lee et al. 1995, see fig. 27).
f+ Spin +
!i:i:acc !a-I 0ni:i:t .....x Spin -
!!i! iiii|:-iiii!i!it
EF" " ~ i:il .....
Fig. 25. (a) Illustration of spin accumulation effects in the case of two semi-infinitelayers (F1, F2) with opposite
spin directions (31, 32) separated by a thin nonmagnetic layer (N with tN < l..Nf).There is an electron flux from
left to right. Fat-from N in F 1, the incoming spin '+' flux, )%, is larger than the incoming spin ' - ' flux, f - ,
whereas far from N in F2, J~- < f - . The resulting accumulation of spin '+' electrons (and the depletion of
spin ' - ' ) extends to about a distance lsF from N on both sides of N. (b) In the spin accumulation zone, the
chemical potential is split into EF+ and EF. In (c) we show the variation of the electron flux in each spin channel
( f is the total flux).
resistivity for the broad spin accumulation region. The net result, when one compares the
resistivity of the parallel and antiparallel configurations, will be a large magnetoresistance
that subsists for layers as thick as the SDL (which is much larger than the mean free path).
The model of Valet and Fert (1993) is a Boltzmann equation-type model in which a mod-
ified Boltzmann equation describes not only the displacement of the electron distribution
function associated with the current but also the spin splitting of the chemical potential
due to spin accumulation. In addition to the usual relaxation term for the momentum, the
Boltzmann equation of Valet and Fert also includes a spin-lattice relaxation term describing
the relaxation o f spin accumulation by spin-flip scattering. In the limit where the momen-
tum relaxation times r i, and r j,, are much shorter than the spin-lattice relaxation times rsf,
a" simple solution can be found by taking terms of first order in rl,($)/rsf. The following
notation is generally used in the calculation of the magnetoresistance of a multilayer:
i"(.1.) = 2p~, (12)
for, respectively, the spin-]" and spin-$ resistivities of the ferromagnetic metal, p~ and
J , the (equal) spin-]" and spin-$ resistivities of the nonmagnetic metal, p~ and p~q, and
thee interface resistances per unit area, r,~ and r$./3 and g are, respectively, the bulk and
interface scattering spin asymmetry coefficients. Equations (40)-(42) of Valet and Fert
(1993) give general expressions for the resistance in the parallel (P) and antiparallel (AP)
configurations, R P and RAP, as a function of
where tN (tF), IsNf(ls~) are, respectively, the thickness and SDL of the nonmagnetic (ferro-
magnetic) layers. The SDL in the ferromagnetic layers is related to the mean free paths
)'i" = VFr't and )~$ = OFKL,and to the spin mean free path )~sf = VFrsf by the relation:
I )~sf ]1/2
IsFf= 13(1/)~- ~ 1/L~) J " (14)
We do not reproduce here the general expressions of R e and R Ae of the Valet-Fert (VF)
model but only simple expressions obtained in several limits.
In the long SDL limit, when the individual layer thicknesses are much smaller than the
SDL, i.e., tN << l N, tF << l F, the VF model predicts simple expressions that are equivalent
to those derived by the phenomenological resistor series model of Lee et al. (1992). There
are several ways of writing down these expressions:
( R Ae - Reh -'/2 +
-R-~P ] -- ~P~tv + 2),r~ + flp~tF + 2yr~' (17)
R e and R AP are the resistances of a unit area of the multilayer, N is the number of periods,
L = N(tN + tF) is the total thickness.
Equation (16a) has been frequently used at Michigan State University (Pratt et al. 1993a,
1993b, for example) to account for experimental data on multilayers with constant L,
(R AP _ R P) 2p~2lFsf
RP = (1 - flZ)tF' (19)
scaling length, MFP and SDL, respectively, also contribute to the difference between CIP
and CPP.
The difference between CIP and CPP-GMR has also been discussed in several models
using the Kubo formalism by Asano et al. (1993), Itoh et al. (1995), Vedyayev et at. (1997a)
and in the semi-classical approach by Ustinov and Kravtsov (1995). Ab initio calculations
have been developed by Butler et al. (1993) and Mertig and coworkers (Zahn et al. 1995).
Results of Zahn et at. (1995) for the CIP and CPP-GMR of Fe/Cr superlattices are pre-
sented in fig. 23. The ballistic limit has been treated by Mathon et al. (1997) and Schep
et at. (1998).
Finally, Mathon (1996, 1997) has discussed the case of multilayers with a fluctuating
layer thickness and predicted an enhancement of the GMR by Anderson localization-like
effects in pseudo random-structures.
l 25
~T =4.2K
1 2 3 4 5 6
Fig. 26. GMR ratio for Fe(30/~)/Cr multilayers versus Cr thickness. The experimental data (black dots) are ob-
tained at 4.2 K. The solid lines are calculated within the quantum model of Levy et al. (1990a). From Gijs and
Okada (1992).
due to several independent effects, i.e., (i) the progressive decoupling of the scattering in
neighbor magnetic layers as the ratio tCr/~Cr varies, (ii) the variation of the proportion of
interface and bulk scattering, and (iii) the decrease of the degree of antiparallel ordering
as the interlayer coupling decreases (in fig. 26, Gijs and Okada have implicitly assumed
a perfect AP configuration at the first and second maxima and a reduced one at the third
maximum). Secondly, models based on the assumption of free electrons are approximate
and, in particular, ignore the additional effects due to the intrinsic potential of the multi-
layer. In summary, the large number of free parameters, the uncertainty in the degree of
antiparallel ordering when the thickness varies in the nanometer range, the uncertainty re-
sulting from the approximations, all conspire to make it difficult to quantitatively analyze
CIP-GMR data with this type of model.
As we have described in section 4.2, the first generation of models based only on spin-
dependent scattering of free electrons, have been improved by introducing the intrinsic
potential in a phenomenological way (Hoods and Falicov 1992; Zhang and Levy 1993a,
1993b; Vedyayev et al. 1993; Barnas 1994). However, in this type of model, the number of
free parameters becomes so large that they can be hardly used for a realistic and quantitative
analysis of experimental results.
The comparison between ab initio predictions and experimental data also presents im-
portant difficulties. First most ab initio calculations have been worked out for layers con-
taining a very small number of atomic planes, a thickness range which is often out of the
reach of current experiments. The interest in ab initio models is thus generally limited to the
interpretation of the limit of the GMR ratio at a very small thickness. The main problem is
that most ab initio calculations predict GMR ratios that are much larger than the experimen-
tal ones. This can be seen on the data of fig. 23 (Zahn et al. 1995) and from the calculations
performed for Co/Cu, NiFe/Cu or Fe/Cr by Butler et al. (1993, 1995) or Nesbet (1994,
1996). This discrepancy is mainly due to the difficulties that theorists encounter when they
leave the ab initio approach and introduce phenomenological parameters to represent the
scattering by imperfections. It is necessary to introduce the scattering by imperfections,
first, because ignoring the scattering effects leads to overestimates of the contribution of
the superlattice effects (intrinsic potential), secondly, because the spin dependence of the
scattering also contributes to the GMR. The spin dependence of the scattering depends
on the type of defect and a realistic prediction would require a precise knowledge of the
proportion of different defects.
4.4.2. CPP-GMR
The quantitative analysis of experimental data in the CPP-geometry is much easier than
in the CIP-geometry. As described in section 4.3, for the most frequent situation encoun-
tered, with negligible effects arising from quantum interferences between reflections from
many successive interfaces, the main advantage of the CPP-GMR is that the influence of
the intrinsic potential can be described by its contribution to the spin dependent interface
resistance. In CPP, this interface resistance is an essential parameter, summing up con-
tributions from both the intrinsic potential of the multilayer and the interface scattering
potentials (Barnas and Fert 1994b; Dugaev and Litvinov 1995; Zhang and Levy 1998).
The second advantage of the CPP-geometry is that the resistance and magnetoresistance
can be expressed by analytical expressions as a function of a relatively small number of
36 A. BARTHI~Lt~MY et al.
i o tCo=tAg
8o + tCo=tAgSn
60 /+,s,"+/
! 0 ' ' , I , l , , I , , , , I , . . ,
t +tco=6nm
6o8I ~tc=2nm/~/*
0 25 50 75 100
Bilayer No. N
Fig. 27. A[RT(Ho)[RT(Ho) -- RT(Hs)]] 1/2, where A is the sample area, RT(H0) the resistance in the virgin
state and RT(Hs) the resistance at saturation, against N for Ag/Co and AgSrgCo multilayers with a fixed total
thickness, L = 0.72 Ixm and (a) tCo = tAg = tAgSn and (b) tCo = 6 nm and 2 nm with tAg varying. The
resistivities of the Ag and AgSn layers are, respectively, 1 ~t~2cm and 18 ptg2cm. From Pratt et al. (1993a).
parameters (p~, p~, r~,/% y, lN, lsFf,in the notation of section 4.3.1). In addition, in a very
broad range of thickness corresponding to the long SDL limit (tF << lsFf,tN << lN), these
expressions become very simple and relate the resistance and magnetoresistance to only
five parameters (/~, p~, r~,/5, ?/), as it can be seen in eqs (16)-(18).
Most measurements of CPP-GMR performed at Michigan State University (Pratt
et al. 1993a, 1993b; Schroeder et al. 1993a, 1993b; Lee et al. 1995; Bass et al. 1998)
on Co/Cu, Co/Ag, NisoFe20/Cu and Ni80Fe20/Ag multilayers have been fit with expres-
sions of the type of eqs (16) and (18). For tv = tN, L = constant and varying N, eq. (16a)
predicts a linear variation of (AR RAP)1/2 with N, as observed in the experimental results
of fig. 27(a) for Co/Ag multilayers. Once the values of p~, p~, r~ have been derived from
independent fits of R AP with eq. (18), the slope of the linear variation of (AR RAP)U2
with N gives the interface scattering spin asymmetry coefficient y and the coordinate of
the intercept with the axis N = 0 gives the bulk spin asymmetry coefficient/5.
In the same way, for constant L and tF, eq. (16b) predicts that (AR RAP)U2 is propor-
tional to N, with different slopes for different values of tN, as illustrated by the experimen-
tal results of fig. 27(b) for Co/Ag. We also note that the experimental data of fig. 27(a)
for pure Ag (p~g = 1 I.tf2cm) and an AgSn alloy (P~gSn = 18.5 }.tg2c m ) lie on the same
straight line. This is in agreement with eq. (16b), where p~ does not appear. This also
means that the parameters r~ and F are insensitive to a great variation of the scattering
rate inside the layers, or, in other words, that r~ and F have reached their value of the
completely diffuse plateau (Schep et al. 1997) even with layers of pure Ag and thicknesses
in the nanometer range. Finally, it can also be pointed out that the AR of fig. 27 is the
difference between the resistance of the virgin state and the resistance of the parallel con-
figuration at saturation. As noted in section 4.3.1, eqs (16)-(18) hold when AP refers to
a strictly antiparallel configuration or, at least, a configuration of zero total magnetization
for a volume of the order of the SDL. Such a zero total magnetization turns out to be real-
ized in the virgin state of the multilayers studied at Michigan State University (see fig. 14
and our comment in section 2), and this justifies the use of eqs (16)-(19) for a quantitative
analysis of the experimental data.
The Michigan State University group has also performed measurements on samples in-
cluding two types of magnetic materials, Co/Cu/NisoFea0, and the results have been ana-
lyzed in the same resistor series model corresponding to the long SDL limit of the Valet-
Fert model (Yang et al. 1995). A good fit is obtained by using the parameters P~u, P~o, fifo,
/gNiFe, flNiFe, rco/Cu, YCo/Cu, rNiFe/Cu, YNiFe/Cu determined independently of the previous
experiments on Co/Cu and Ni80Fe20/Cu multilayers. This analysis demonstrates that, once
the above parameters have been derived for various materials and interfaces, it is possible
to predict the GMR properties of more complicated structures including these materials
and interfaces.
Extensive measurements of CPP-GMR on Co/Cu and Ni80Fe20/Cu multilayered nano-
wires have also been analyzed by using eq. (17). An example of experimental results on
Co/Cu at 77 K is shown in fig. 28(a). The linear variation of (AR/RAr')-1/2 as a function
of tcu, with different straight lines for different thicknesses of tCo is well observed. Since
eq. (17) predicts that the straight lines corresponding to different values of tco cross at
the vertical coordinate r - l , the intercept of the straight lines of fig. 28(a) gives directly
fl = 0.36. The other parameters are obtained by an independent determination of P~u
and by a fit of eq. (18) to the straight lines in fig. 28(a). A similar linear variation of
(AR/RAP) 1/2 has also been reported for Ni80Fe20/Cu nanowires (Dubois et al. 1997a,
A quantitative analysis of CPP-GMR data has also been performed out of the long SDL
limit. In the VF model (Valet and Fert 1993) for tN >> lsr~and tF still much smaller than
ls~, the MR ratio is expected to decrease as exp(--tN/1N). This behavior is illustrated by
experimental data on Co/Cu nanowires in fig. 28(b). When tcu exceeds about 120 nm, the
variation of (AR/R AP)2/2 with tcu departs from linearity and its upturn can be accounted
for by an exponential variation with lsCfu = 140 nm.
For SDL exceeding 100 nm in nonmagnetic layers of Cu or Ag, the limit tN >> lsN is
hard to reach in conventional multilayers. However, the SDL of nonmagnetic layers can
be shortened to the nanometer range by doping them with paramagnetic impurities, i.e.,
Mn, or nonmagnetic impurities with strong spin-orbit scattering (Pt). This allowed the
Michigan State University group (Bass et al. 1994; Yang et al. 1994b; Hsu et al. 1996) to
determine the SDL in Cu or Ag doped with Mn, Pt or Ni impurities. This will be discussed
in section 4.7.
Another simple limit, outside of the long SDL limit, is for tF >> Is~ with tN << lsN.
From eq. (19), one expects a linear variation of RP/AR as a function of to, at least if
38 A. BARTHI~LI~MY et al.
, . , , ~ , ,. , ! . . .t, tc =25mn
, .. ' I ,',
, , ,,, I . , ,,~ 25 "-"
0 20 40 60 80 I00 120 140 160
30 i-' ' i i i i t
t /.
25 ~- /
20 / / ~
/ -
e/ /0
~" ~ ~ T=77K
~ c
150 f
/ .
/ -
O , I , I r I
0 10 20 30
try (nm)
Fig. 30. A AR vs. tNiFefor NisoFe20(tNiFe)lCu(2Onm)lNi8oFe20(tNiFe ) exchange-biased spin-valve. A is the area
of the sample and AR the resistance change~b'etween parallel and antiparallel configurations. The dots represent
experimental data, the dashed curve is calculated in the VF model for "sf
tNiFe = c~ and the solid curve is for
/NiFe = 5.5 rim, from Steenwyck et al. (1997).
Best fit parameters derived from CPP-GMR measurements at low temperature (4.2-77 K) on Co/Cu, Py/Cu and
Co/Cu/Py/Cu multilayers. The two last lines indicate also the threshold thickness t* above which the contribution
from bulk scattering to the square root of the GMR exceeds the interface contribution, i.e., t* = 2yr~/~p~.The
first column displays the parameters derived at Michigan State University on mnltilayers prepared by sputtering.
Most data come from a global fit of measurements on series of Co/Cu, Py/Cu and Co/Cu/Py/Cu multilayers (Yang
et al. 1995; Pratt et al. 1996). However, for flpy, ~JPy/Cuand lsPYf,we have taken values derived by the same group
from measurements on Py/Cu/Py spin valves and an improved analysis taking into account the finite value of the
SDL in Py (Steenwyck et al. 1997). The data of the second column have been obtained on Co/Cu multilayers
deposited on a grooved substrate (Oeps et al. 1996). The 3rd and 4th columns display the parameters derived
from measurements on multilayered nanowires prepared by electrodeposition. The data of the 3rd column come
from Piraux et al. (1996a, 1998) for Co/Cu, and from Dubois et al. (1999) for Py/Cu. The data of the 4th column
come from Doudin et al. (1996). These authors present results on two series of samples prepared under different
conditions and we have kept only the results for one of these series. Doudin et al. (1996) have also estimated
the SDL in Co but, according to their discussion, the value of this SDL turns out to depend strongly on some
assumptions of their Imalysis and is not reported in the table. Most of the parameters of this table have also been
derived by Lee et al. (1995) for Co/Ag multilayers: p~g = 1 x 10-8 f2 m, P~o = 10.7 x 10-8 g2m,/3Co = 0.48,
r~o/Ag = 0.56 x 10-15 f2 m2 and YCo/Ag= 0.85.
/3p~tF in eq. (16) or in the inverse of eq. (17)) for thicknesses of a few nm. The contribution
from bulk scattering in (AR RAP) 1/2 or ( A R / R AP) 1/2 becomes preponderant only for Co
layers larger than a threshold thickness t~o of the order of 10 nm (t~o varies from 8 nm in
the results of column 3 to 19 nm in those of column 1). For Py/Cu,/3 and y always have
very similar values in the range 0.7-0.8 and this leads to a threshold thickness tl]y of the
order of 6 nm.
We want to emphasize that the consistent analysis of CPP-GMR measurements on ex-
tensive series of multilayers with a simple set of parameters has important implications
for the interpretation of GMR. The interpretation of series of measurements with a single
couple of parameters for each metal (p*, 13) and each type of interface (r~, y), indepen-
dently of the layer thicknesses, is a characteristic feature of a layer by layer approach in the
limit of completely diffuse propagation (as defined, for example, by Schep et al. (1997).
Such a layer-by-layer approach is at the basis of the VF model and therefore, in the long
SDL limit, leads to the resistor series picture (Valet and Fert 1993; Lee et al. 1992). The
relevance of this layer-by-layer approach is, of course, not surprising for multilayers with
relatively thick or impure layers (even more for the layers of a very resistive AgSn alloy
with thicknesses above 15 nm in the data of fig. 27(a)) for which superlattice effects and
deviations from diffuse propagation can be ruled out. But an interesting result is that the
same analysis with the same parameters extends down to the nanometer range, as this ap-
pears, for example, for the existence of a unique straight line in fig. 27(a) for both samples
with thin layers of pure Ag and thick layers of AgSn. This shows that a layer by layer
approach in the limit of "diffuse bulk propagation" can also describe correctly the experi-
mental results obtained with only a few nm thick layers.
An important theoretical challenge is now to understand how far are the predictions of
superlattice and layer-by-layer approaches and how the introduction of scattering effects
from the beginning in superlattice models can bring the two approaches closer.
It also remains to discuss the microscopic origin of the spin asymmetry coefficients
derived from the above quantitative analysis of CPP-GMR data, e.g., in table 1, and also
to understand what makes the CIP-GMR more complex and its quantitative analysis much
more difficult. This is the subject of the next section. In sections 4.6 and 4.7 we will also
come back to the problem of the scaling lengths governing the thickness dependence, MFP
in CIP and SDL in CPP.
(b) 2.5~ Co
12 otinterfoces
A T = 4.2K
i- f ~ MF, r
4 Cu
g8 ~t / \\~/i:
~6 (a) no Co
ot interfeees
0 - -t t 1 I
-~5 -~0 -S 0 5 ~0 ~S 20 -400 -200 0 200
H (kOe) Field (Oe)
(A) (B)
Fig. 31. Magnetoresistance curves for (A) Fe/Cr and Fe0.95Cr0.05/Cr multilayers. From Chen et al. (1993).
(B) (a) Spin valves Ni80Fe20(53/~)/Cu(32/~)/Ni80Fe20(22/~)/FeMn(90,~.)/Cu(10/~) and (b) the same structure
with 2.5 .~ thick Co layers added at each NisoFe20/Cuinterface. From Parkin (1993).
impurities - that is, introducing bulk scattering centers - can enhance, reduce or even re-
verse the GMR (Chen et al. 1993; George et al. 1994; Daniels and Clemens 1995b; Renard
et al. 1995; Kubota et al. 1997). An example of such an effect is shown in fig. 31(A). In
the same way, GMR can be strongly affected by doping the interfaces (see fig. 31(B)) with
a third element (Baumgart et al. 1991; Parkin 1993; Dieny et al. 1993). However, it is
always difficult to separate what is really due to some change of the interface scattering
and what results from changes in the degree of antiparallel ordering or in the interface spin
The influence of interface roughness on the CIP-GMR is also discussed in a number
of publications but most results are only qualitative. In the case of Co/Cu multilayers,
Willekens et al. (1995a) find that intermixing at the interfaces decreases the GMR. In con-
trast, for Fe/Cr, an increase of GMR with roughness is generally found. Colino et al. (1996)
report that a moderate annealing of Fe/Cr(1 1 0) multilayers prepared by sputtering induces
an increase of the GMR (an increase of both Ap and Ap/p) due to "a less correlated
interface roughness and/or a moderate interdiffusion". The most quantitative analysis is
presented by Schad et al. (1999) on Fe(28]k)/Cr(11,~)(00 1) superlattices of a very high
epitaxial quality (so that bulk scattering is weak and, for the layer thickness of the sam-
ple, GMR is dominated by interface scattering). Schad et al. make use of anomalous X-ray
diffraction, STM, and AFM to determine the vertical roughness amplitude, r/, and the lat-
eral and vertical correlation lengths of the roughness, ~x and ~y, respectively. The enhance-
ment of the GMR by annealing can be explained by an increase of both Ap and Ap/p with
the density of roughness, i.e., the parameter rT/~x, as shown in fig. 32.
Clearer information on the respective roles of intrinsic and extrinsic effects, and also on
the relative importance of bulk and interface scattering, can be derived from CPP-GMR
experiments. As this has been emphasized in section 4.4, the main advantage of the CPP
geometry is that the experimental data can be analyzed quantitatively. The analysis yields
interface parameters rt and r L (or, equivalently, r~ and y) which include contributions
from boththe multilayer intrinsic potential and the interface scattering potentials, and bulk
100 I0
. . . . ..k7g ~ ' ~ - - 4
90 9
AFF ~ . . . . . ,
80 8
O - a -~ A
70 7
~" 2o
] ~. a6
< 8
~. 40 4 ~- 4
30 3
20 2 100
10 1
0 iJ i i 0 40
50 300 400 500 0.03 0.04 0,05 0.06
Annealing Temperature (C-~ r I / ~ (arb.units)
(a) (b)
Fig. 32. (a) variation of Ap, Ap/ps and antiferromagnetic fraction AFF with annealing temperature for
Fe/Cr(0 0 1) supedattices (AFF is defined by 100AFF = 1 - Mf/Ms, where Mf and Ms are, respectively, the
remanent and saturation magnetization), (b): variation of the resistivity at saturation Ps, Ap/AFF, Ap/ps AFF
as a function of O/~x (7?is the roughness amplitude, ~x is the lateral correlation length of the roughness). The
triangles correspond to samples with constant 0 and ~x varying. From Schad et al. (1999).
parameters, p~, p~,/5, reflecting mainly the scattering rates within the layers. As we will
see below, CPP measurements on multilayers doped with selected impurities clearly show
how extrinsic effects strongly influence the parameters p* and/5, and, consequently, GMR.
In particular, it turns out that, depending on the type of impurity added in the magnetic lay-
ers, both positive and negative values of/'3 can be obtained. The same type of experiments
shows that the interface spin asymmetry coefficient y can also be positive or negative.
Although experiments on doped multilayers demonstrate the strong influence of extrinsic
scattering effects on GMR, we will also see that the influence of the intrinsic potential
cannot be ignored, in particular, to understand the differences between CPP and CIP ex-
The most spectacular examples of impurity effects on GMR are obtained when impu-
rities are added to induce spin asymmetries either with opposite signs in consecutive lay-
ers (this inverse the GMR as explained in fig. 33) or with opposite and competing signs
at interfaces and in the bulk. A typical example with these two effects is presented in
fig. 34 for Ni0.95Cr0.05/Cu/Co/Cu multilayers in which Ni layers are doped with 5 at% of
Cr impurities. Cr impurities in Ni scatter more strongly the majority of spin electrons (Fert
et al. 1976; Mertig et al. 1995; Irkhin and Irkhin 1996), which makes that the bulk scat-
tering spin asymmetry coefficient/~N2iCr is negative and, for thick enough layers, also the
global spin asymmetry of the NiCr layers is negative. In contrast, as predicted by all the
theoretical models, flCo and VCo/Cu are positive for the Co layers.
44 A. BARTHt~LI~MY et a].
I1 NM .g, I~ NM
i j
..W i "
I _.~21 I ../
"/, ",5 /
Fig. 33. Schematic picture of the inverse GMR effect. The signs % ' and ' - ' are for spins Sz = + 1 / 2 and - 1 / 2 ,
respectively. The arrows represent the majority spin direction in the magnetic layers. The electron trajectories
between two scatterings are represented by straight lines and the scattering by abrupt changes in direction. When
M 1 and M2 are two different magnetic materials having opposite spin asymmetries, one of the spin directions (the
spin ' + ' direction, for example) is weakly scattered everywhere in the antiparallel configuration. This gives rise
to a short circuit effect and a lower resistance in this antiparallel configuration, and, consequently, to an inverse
GMR effect.
10 (a)
v, 5
! -2 0 2 -4 -2 0 2
H (kOe) H (kOs)
n. 0
IW ~ lw
0 2 4 6 8 10
tNiCr (nm)
Fig. 34. Variation of the CPP-GMR as a function of the thickness of the Ni0.95Cr0.05 layers in N_..!Cr/Cu/Co/Cu
multilayers. The competition between the bulk scattering (characterized by flNiCr < 0) and interface scattering
(with ~NiCr/Cu > 0) gives rise to a compensation thickness tN*iCr at which they cancel each other (t~iCr is de-
termined by flNiCrP~icrt~iCr -t- 2)/NiCr/Cur~icr/Cu = 0). Below this compensation thickness tl~i__Cr,the interface
scattering is predominant, the global spin asymmetry of the NiCr layer is positive as that of the Co layer (charac-
terized by/3Co > 0 and YCo/Cu > 0) and the effect is normal (see insert (a)). Above t*, the bulk scattering in NiCr
becomes predominant so that the global asymmetry of the NiCr layers is negative. Consequently, with alternating
spin asymmetries for the NiCr and Co layers, the effect is inverse (see insert (b)). From Vouille et al. (1999).
With opposite spin asymmetries in the NiCr and Co layers, the current is shorted in the
antiparallel magnetic configuration by the electrons which are successively majority and
minority spin electrons in consecutive magnetic layers. This explains the inverse GMR
seen in fig. 34 for tNiCr = 7 nm (insert (a)) and more generally, for tNiCr > 1.8 nm (Vouille
et al. 1997, 1999). However, the GMR in fig. 34 is normal for tNifr < 1.8 nm because,
w i t h YNiCr/Cu positive, the GMR is reversed only when the NiCr bulk scattering with nega-
tive spin asymmetry overcomes the interface scattering with positive spin asymmetry. The
change from normal to inverse GMR occurs at tNiCr * = 1.8 nm, which is the compensa-
tion thickness between bulk and interface scatter~gs. The compensation condition (Hsu
et al. 1997; Vouille et al. 1997, 1999) is:
A similar behavior has been observed in a large number of multilayers of the type
A/Cu/Co/Cu where A can be Ni doped with Cr impurities, Co doped with Cr and Fe doped
with Co or V. The inversion of the GMR above a compensation thickness t~ is always a
signature of the competition between a positive YA/Cu and a negative/3A (Hsu et al. 1997;
Vouille et al. 1997, 1999). The concentration of impurities required to obtain the inversion
can be as low as 2.5% in the case of NiCr, which is enough to obtain the negative asymme-
try for bulk scattering. In contrast, when A is simply a pure ferromagnetic metal, Ni, Co or
Fe, or an alloy of Ni with Fe (permatloy) or Cu, or Co with Fe impurities, the absence of
inversion indicates that both flA and FA/Cu are positive.
The type of experiment illustrated by fig. 34 demonstrates that scattering effects do con-
tribute significantly to the GMR and allow one to easily tailor the GMR by selectively dop-
ing the magnetic layers with impurities. Extensive series of experiments of this type have
been analyzed by Hsu et al. (1996) and Vouille et al. (1997, 1999) to determine the bulk
scattering spin asymmetry coefficient fl for a large number of metals and alloys, see exam-
ples in table 2. Compared to the previous results obtained in bulk alloys (Fert et al. 1976;
Bulk scattering spin asymmetryparameter /J de-
duced from CPP-inverse GMR measurements.
From Hsu et al. (1997), Vouilleet al. (1997, 1999),
Steenwycket al. (1997) and Reillyet al. (1999).
System /3
Ni95Cr5 - 0.13
Fe90Crl0 -0.16
Fe70Cr30 -0.28
FeB5V15 -0.11
Co90Crl 0 -0.12
Pure Co +0.51
Cog0Fel0 +0.65
NisoFe20 +0.73
Ni70Cu30 +0.19
46 A. BARTHI~Lt~MYet al.
FeCr ~ . f l < 0 VX pure
o~ 2.5 NiCr | J-J ~ ~>0 jo NiFe
~ 2.0
CoCr J
~NiMn /J
j>o~ \
-'lk ~
-~ o CoFe
I [ 2 1 NiCo
I~A NiCu
~7 NiMn
~'NisoCosoV . ~
i eN i ~ "
Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Ca
24 25 26 27 28 29
Electrons per atom
Fig. 35. Slater-Pauling plot for alloys of 3d metals and scattering spin asymmetry:the spin asymmetry coefficient
fl is positive for the pure metals, Fe, Co, and Ni and their alloys located in the slope at -45% i.e., NiCu, NiCo,
NiFe, CoFe; t3 is negative on the branches at +45 , i.e., for FeV, FeCr, CoCr, NiCr alloys.
Dorleijn and Miedema 1976, 1977) and calculations (Mertig et al. 1995 or Irkhin and Irkhin
1996) the signs of fi are the same but the numerical values are only in rough agreement. As
in previous studies the magnitude of fi is generally much smaller when it is negative. This
partly explains why the MR ratio generally remains small in systems with inverse GMR.
The sign of fi in transition metal alloys is clearly related to the location of the alloy on
the classical Slater-Pauling curve. We see in fig. 35 that fl is positive for pure metals, Co
and Ni, and their alloys located on the slope at - 4 5 of the Slater-Pauling curve, from
C g_oFeto NiCu. In contrast, negative values of 13 have been found for alloys on the branches
going down from Fe (F_eeCr, F eeV), Co (CoCr) or Ni (NiCr). This can be explained by the
electronic structure (Mertig et al. 1995; Irkhin and Irkhin 1996). The positive values of
13 are associated with a higher density of states (DOS) at the Fermi level for the minority
spin direction in the pure metals or on the impurity sites. In contrast, for Cr or V impurities
in Fe or Cr impurities in Co or Ni, the d levels of the impurity are well above the host d
band for tile majority spin direction and cannot be hybridized with the d band states. The
resulting resonant scattering of spin-]` s-p electrons with empty d states of the impurity
just above the Fermi level accounts for the high spin-]" resistivity and for the negative sign
of/3; alternatively one can say that the formation of a virtual bound state leads to a high
spin-]" DOS at the Fermi level on the impurity site.
In fig. 36, we present an example of an experiment aimed at determining the sign
and magnitude of the interface spin asymmetry coefficient g. The samples are [Co(t)/
Cr(O.9nm)/Py(7nm)/Cr(O.9nm)]Nmultilayers, with a thickness of Cr corresponding to the
first peak of AF coupling. The change of sign of the G M R at a compensation thickness,
t~o = 4 rim, is due to the competition between the positive rico of the Co layers and the
-1 -,,,.ol //\\
:'"-'I I\ //1 //\\
\\ tt t
-4000 -2000 0 2000 4000 -800 -400 0 400 800
H(Oe) H(Oe)
" - " -1
m I v ! = I I I
0 2 4 6 8
Fig. 36. (a) Variation of the CPP-GMR ratio as a function of the Co thickness in [Co(t)/Cr(O.9nm)lPy(7nm)/
Cr(0.9nm)] N multilayers. The inversion and zero GMR at t = 4 nm results from the competition between
negative interface and positive bulk spin asymmetries, i.e., YCo/Cr < 0 and/3Co > 0. (b) Below the compen-
sation thickness, the global spin asymmetry of the Co layers is negative, which, combined with the positive spin
asymmetry of the Py layers, gives rise to inverse GMR. (c) Above the compensation thickness, the global spin
asymmetry of the Co layers is positive and the GMR is normal. From Vouille et al. (1999).
negative YCo/Cr of the Co/Cr interfaces. As there is a predominant positive spin asymme-
try from bulk scattering for the 7 nm thick Py layer, one obtains an inverse GMR when
t2yCo/crr~o/crl exceeds flCoP~otCo for tco < t~o = [2yCo/Crr~o/Cr/(/3CoP~otCo)land a
normal GMR for t c o > t~o.
Negative values of y are found for Co/Cr and Fe/Cr interfaces, while y is positive for
most interfaces of Fe, Co, Ni or Py with noble metals, Cu, Ag or Au. The negative sign
of y for Fe/Cr and its positive sign for Co/Cu are in agreement with theoretical predic-
tions (Nesbet 1996; Butler et al. 1997). For the systems investigated till now, the same
sign is generally found for the coefficient/3 of an alloy AB and the coefficient Y of the
A/13 interface. This indicates some similarity between the problems of impurity scattering
and electron reflections at interfaces (similarity probably related to the role of the sepa-
ration between the d levels of A and B in both problems) but this should not be a strict
48 A. BARTHELI~MYet al.
A general conclusion from the interpretation of CPP-GMR data is that extensive series
of measurements on various systems can be accounted for by a set of parameters/~ and y
which characterize each ferromagnetic material F and each F/N interface, and can be posi-
tive or negative. Both the bulk and interface contributions are important, with a larger bulk
(interface) contribution above (below) a characteristic thickness t*. The most spectacular
situation occurs when opposite signs of/3 and y lead to zero GMR at t*.
The bulk spin asymmetry coefficient fi results from the spin asymmetry of the scatter-
ing process and, as expressed by eqs (4) and (5), reflects both the intrinsic dependence of
the DOS in the ferromagnetic metal and the specific spin dependence of the scattering by
extrinsic defects or impurities. In practice,/3 can be easily tuned by doping with selected
impurities. Its maximum values are obtained with Ni and Co doped with Fe (/3NiFe = 0.73,
/3coFe = 0.65). The interface contribution associated with r~ and can, in principle, in-
clude an intrinsic contribution due to specular reflections and an extrinsic one associated
with the imperfections at the interface. The relative importance of these intrinsic and ex-
trinsic interface effects is not well known. Experiments on multilayers with doped or in-
tentionally mixed interfaces could clarify the problem but few CPP-measurements on such
multilayers have been performed up till now.
The CIP-GMR is more complex and cannot be analyzed in terms of a small number of
parameters, like the parameters p*,/3, r~ and y used for the interpretation of the CPP-
GMR. The main advantage of the CPP-geometry is that the influence of the intrinsic po-
tential can be expressed by its contributions to the interface resistance and appears in r~
and 7/. On the contrary, in the CIP-geometry, specular reflections of electrons by the mul-
tilayer intrinsic potential do not contribute directly to resistance terms because momentum
along the current direction is conserved by specular reflections in CIE However, the in-
trinsic potential indirectly affects conduction by channeling the electrons inside some of
the layers. Binder et al. (1998) have described this complex situation, where the current
is partly carried by delocalized electrons and partly by electrons more or less confined
in normal or magnetic layers. The main result is that the confined electrons differentially
probe the scattering potentials in different parts of the multilayered structure. This is in
sharp contrast with the situation of the CPP-geometry in which the current is carried by
delocalized electrons which successively probe the scattering potentials in all layers. The
influence of channeling effect is also described in the model of Brown et al. (1998).
The different role of the intrinsic potential in CIP and CPP probably explains some
experimental results which seem puzzling at a first view. For example, when CIP mea-
surements are performed on systems presenting an inverse CPP-GMR, a great part of
them exhibit only a normal CIP-GMR (Hsu et al. 1997; Vouille et al. 1997, 1999).
This can be explained in the following way. Let us consider, for example, a system like
Ni0.95Cr0.05/Cu/Co/Cu for which the inversion in CPP is due to the negative/3 of NiCr. If
a significant part of the CIP current is carried by electrons partly confined in the Cu layers,
these electrons will be more affected by the scattering at the F/N interfaces than by bulk
scattering within the ferromagnetic layers; consequently, the contribution to the GMR of
the negative/3 will be reduced in the CIP-geometry.
In addition to the "quantum channeling" of the electron waves by the intrinsic potential,
another source of channeling in CIP comes from the damping of the electron distribution
function with the mean free path (MFP) as scaling length (see next paragraph on the scaling
lengths). In ferromagnetic layers, the MFP does not generally exceed a few nanometers;
when the layer thickness is larger, only a depth of the order of the MFP along both inter-
faces contributes to the CIP-GMR. On the other hand, the conduction in the inner part of
the ferromagnetic layer is insensitive to the orientation of the magnetization in the neigh-
boring layers and this inner part forms an independent channel. This type of channeling, as
well as the "quantum channeling" effects by the intrinsic potential, leads to an inhomoge-
neous weighting of the scattering potentials and, in general, to some reduction of the bulk
scattering contribution for CIP.
To sum up, the different role of the intrinsic potential in CIP and CPP is an important
point for the understanding of the GMR.
In CPP, the intrinsic potential appears only through its contribution to the interface re-
sistance rt~ and y. This leads to a simple quantitative analysis in terms of the bulk, p~, p~
and fl, and interface, r~ and y, parameters (out of the long SDL regime, the SDL also enters
the analysis). All these parameters can be derived from experimental data. The bulk param-
eters reflect the scattering of the electrons within the layers and can be tailored by doping
them with impurities. The interpretation of the interface parameters is not completely clear
yet because it remains to understand what is due, respectively, to the specular reflections
by intrinsic potential of the multilayer and to diffuse scattering by interface imperfections.
In CIP, the intrinsic potential induces channeling effects which make that the carriers
differentially probe the scattering potentials at the interfaces and in the magnetic or non-
magnetic layers. This gives entwined intrinsic and extrinsic contributions and, together
with the shortness of the scaling length for the damping of the electron distribution func-
tion, complicates greatly the possibility of a quantitative analysis in the CIP-geometry.
40 .... T % ...... , , , , , O' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
295 K (a) 4.2 K (:)
~, 30 40
r~ 20 rr" 30
;'~ ex .tc./32o ~ 20
0 ' I I I i I I
0 ' ~ t I
I I I I I0 I
0 20 40 60 80 1O0 0 20 40 60 8 1O0
, . , , 12 . , , , . , . , .
r,f Or"
c,- 2 i~ exp-tCu/320
I I I I f I I
and Strijkers et al. (1996) conclude that the MFP in Co layers should be weakly spin depen-
dent. This divergence may be due to the inaccuracy of the approximate expressions used
in this type of analysis. We also want to point out that the interest of the parameters )~1"and
~.~ is limited to the problem of the scaling length for the thickness dependence. The GMR
is not directly related to the ratio )~t/)~. The condition for the existence of a contribution
from bulk scattering to GMR is that the resistivities P't and p,~ are different, i.e.,/~ ~ 0 in
the conventional notation. This is the condition for a shorting of the current by one of the
channels in the antiparallel configuration. To a first approximation, p~ can be written:
m~ @ 1
Pc;- n c ' e 2 ).c ,
where mc', nc', v~ are, respectively, the effective mass, number, and Fermi velocity of
electrons with spin a. It can be seen that the dependence of pc, on a can be due not only to
some dependence of ~.~ on a but also to the dependence of mc', v~ or nc'. In other words,
)~1" = )% does not mean a zero bulk contribution to GMR; conversely X1, ~ )~4. can coexist
with a zero bulk contribution to GMR.
~ 30
0 40 80 120
t tFe (nm)
Fig. 38. CPP-GMR versus NisoFe20 layer thickness at T = 77 K for [Ni8oFe20(tNiFe)/Cn(lOnm)/
Ni8oFe20(tNiFe)/Cu(lOOnm)] (open circles) and [NisoFe20(tNiFe)/Cu(tOnm)/NisoFe20(tNiFe)lCu(5OOnm)]
(closed squares) multilayered nanowires. The solid line represents a variation as l/tNiFe. From Dubois
et al. (1999).
and small (tcu = 10 nm << lsCfU).After a roughly linear variation corresponding to the
regime tpy < IsPy, AR saturates when tpy becomes much larger tha n ls~y. The fit with
theoretical expressions derived from the model of Valet and Fert (1993) is indicated by
a solid line; it has been obtained with ls~y = 5.5 4- 1 nm. Almost complete saturation is
obtained when tpy is 5 or 6 times larger than IsPY;the maximum of A R / R is reached when
/py is 3 times larger than/sFfy, at about 15 nm. The interpretation of the saturation of AR for
tF >> ls~ is that only thicknesses of the order of IsFfalong each interface of the magnetic layer
contribute to AR. Increasing more the thickness of the layer does not bring any additional
contribution to AR. We point out that, since R becomes proportional to tF in the limit of
very thick magnetic layers, the saturation of AR is equivalent to the variation of A R / R P
as 1/tF predicted by eq. (18). Examples of variation of A R / R P as 1/tF in the limit of
large tF are shown in fig. 29 and fig. 38 and have been used to determine the SDL in Co,
l c = 59 4- 18 nm, and in Py, lsPy = 4.3 4- 1 nm at 77 K. The results for Py also confirm
a very low value of the SDL in Py found from the fit in fig. 30 by Steenwyck et al. (1997)
and Pratt et al. (1997).
An important question is the origin of the spin-flip processes involved in the SDL. The
SDL, eqs (14)-(15), is proportional to (~,~.sf)1/2 where Lsf = Tsfl)F is the spin mean
free path associated with the spin lattice relaxation time Vsf controlling the relaxation
of spin accumulations. The experimental results of the Michigan State University group
have given unambiguous information on the main spin-flip processes involved in rsf. Yang
et al. (1994b) and Bass et al. (1994) have shown that the SDL of Cu or Ag layers can be
dramatically shortened by doping these layers with Pt or Mn impurities. In fig. 39, this
shortening of the SDL accounts for the strong reduction of the GMR and definite devia-
tion from the linear variation of the long SDL limit. The shortening of the SDL can be
explained by the spin-flip scattering associated with the strong spin-orbit interactions on
Pt sites (transfer of spin accumulation to the lattice) and by the exchange scattering by
~" 80
/ /0
too= 6 n m a/ vlln m
J j~lOnm
~ 60 ' ~ /,~:~Tnm
/ 0
~ 40
i #
ff 20 /
,f o Co/Ag
o Co/AgSn(4X)
v ColAgWn(SX)
I, Col~Un(gx)
0 ~
0 20 40 60 80
B i l a y e r No. N
Fig. 39. {ART(Ho)[ART(H O) - ART(Hs)]} 1/2 versus the number of bilayer N for ColAg, ColAgSn(4%),
Co/AgMn(6%), Co/AgMn(9%) and Co/AgPt(6%), where A is the sample area, RT(H0) and RT(HS) are the
resistances at a zero field and saturation field, respectively.FromBass et al. (1994).
l F = [ )~sf~ "1|1/2,
L6(1 - fl)2]
where ;~ = (At + ;~4)/2 is the spin averaged value of the MFR In an approximate free
electron model, 2~is related to the resistivity p by %/9 = kF/(ne2). Although the spin-orbit
coupling is roughly the same in Fe, Co, and Ni, the shorter SDL in permalloy or Co90Fel0
in comparison to Co can be explained by: (i) stronger structural disorder and thus higher
scattering rate, and shorter )~ and ;%f in permalloy and Co90Fel0, (ii) higher values of fl in
permalloy and Co90Fel0, fl ~ 0.65-0.73, as compared to fl ~ 0.3-0.5 in Co (see table 1).
A quantitative discussion of the short SDL in permalloy has been presented by Dubois
et al. (1999).
The SDL data discussed above are those obtained from measurements at low tempera-
tures. A contribution from exchange scattering has not been considered in our discussion
because the spin-flip exchange scattering is frozen at low temperature in ferromagnets.
However, one can ask whether the spin-flip exchange scattering by spin fluctuations con-
tribute to spin-lattice relaxation at higher temperatures and thereby reduce the SDL as
temperature increases. In fact, we will see in the next paragraph that the SDL of Co layers
is moderately reduced at room temperature. It decreases from 69 nm at 77 K to only 38 nm
at 300 K. It has been argued that electron-magnon scattering conserves the total spin of the
electron system (s-p + d). Therefore, it should not contribute directly to the spin-lattice re-
laxation; rather it equalizes the spin accumulation over the Fermi surface (Fert et al. 1995a;
Piraux et al. 1998). Experiments on spin wave emission by spin injection can clear up the
question of the interaction between spin waves and spin accumulation (Tsoi et al. 1998).
It is important to distinguish the spin-lattice relaxation rate involved in the SDL,
rs~ 1, from the spin mixing relaxation rate, r~-~, which characterizes the momentum
transfer between the spin-]" and spin-$ channels in the two-current model (Fert and
Campbell 1976). The main contribution to r~-J comes from electron-magnon scatter-
ing which is able to transfer momentum between the two currents; this explains the
strong temperature dependence of the spin mixing parameter Pt$ in ferromagnets. In
comparison, the contribution to r~-~1 from elastic spin-orbit scattering is generally al-
most negligible. On the other hand, electron-magnon scattering is not a direct mecha-
nism for spin-lattice relaxation and rs71 is due primarily to spin-orbit scattering. It has
been shown that, if the experimental values of Pt4 (of the order of 10 -7 f2m) were
used to estimate rsf ~, the SDL in ferromagnetic metals would be shortened to a couple
of nm and the CPP-GMR would be dramatically reduced at room temperature (Piraux
et al. 1998).
4.8. Temperaturedependence
Several effects contribute to the variation of the GMR with temperature:
(a) Inelastic scattering processes by phonons or magnons (including interface phonons
and magnons) add up to elastic scattering processes by imperfections. As the spin
asymmetry is generally different for different scattering processes, the GMR is nec-
essarily changed. For example, if the inelastic scatterings are spin independent, they
contribute to R but not to AR and the GMR ratio is reduced.
(b) Electron-magnon scattering with spin-flip also transfers momentum between the spin-
1" and spin-$ currents. This is the well-known spin-mixing effect characterized by the
spin mixing resistivity PtJ, in ferromagnetic materials (Fert and Campbell 1976). Spin
mixing equalizes the two currents and reduces the GMR.
(c) As the global scattering rate increases with temperature, the scaling lengths governing
the decrease of the GMR at increasing thickness, MFP in CIP and SDL in CPP, are
shortened and the variation of the GMR with thickness is more pronounced.
Including all these effects into a theoretical model is a difficult task and necessarily in-
volves a relatively high number of adjustable parameters. The contribution from spin fluc-
tuations has been introduced into theoretical models by Hasegawa (1993, 1996) and Zhang
and Levy (1991c). A more empirical approach has been used by Petroff et al. (1991b)
and Duvail et al. (1994) by introducing spin dependent terms in semi-classical models.
In their calculation based on the semi-classical approach of Johnson and Camley (1991),
Duvail et al. (1994) introduce parameters derived from bulk materials for the tempera-
ture dependent resistivity terms ~p~ (T) and the spin mixing term pt~(T), and included a
temperature-dependent interface scattering term as a free parameter. A good fit is obtained
for the temperature dependence of the CIP-resistivity and magnetoresistance of a series of
Co/Cu multilayers.
However, this is again in the CPP-geometry that the modeling of the temperature depen-
dence is easier and the interpretation of experimental results can be more quantitative.
When spin mixing is neglected, the CPP-resistance and magnetoresistance in the long
SDL limit are still given by eqs (16)-(18) where now p~, p~, rl~,/3, and y are replaced
by temperature-dependent parameters p~(T), p~(T), r~(T), [~(T) and y(T), taking into
account both the elastic and inelastic contributions to the scattering. The experimental
results of Oeps et al. (1996) on Co/Cu multilayers deposited on grooved substrates (see
fig. 17) have been analyzed in this way. This leads to the temperature dependence of the
resistivity and interface parameters shown in fig. 40. The interface resistance parameters
r~ (T) and its spin asymmetry coefficient y (T), are weakly temperature-dependent. This
means that, up to room temperature, the main contribution to the interface resistances still
comes from elastic scattering (specular and diffuse), with a relatively small contribution
from inelastic scattering. The increase of the resistivities p~(T) and p~(T) by more than
a factor of two between 4.2 K and 300 K reflects the additional inelastic scattering by
phonons and magnons. However, the spin asymmetry coefficient of the resistivity in the
Co layers is almost temperature-independent, which suggests that the spin asymmetry is
about the same for elastic and inelastic scattering in Co; this is in agreement with the
results from measurements on bulk Co alloys by Loegel and Gautier (1971).
56 A. BARTI-I~LI~MY et al.
0.7 u . l i u . u
0.5 i i i - i m
Interface spin asymmetry bulk Co spin ~ymmnl~/
0.0 2 T -,- (a) 0.4. (c)
0.5- 0.3-
0,42 0,2-
0.3. 0.1
0,2 u , t n i ! 0.0 i . - ! ! ! i
E 1.2- Co4Cuinterface resistance 161 bulk msbtMties ( d ) ~ ~
"~" 1,0.
~ 0 . 8 .
[ A~.~
] -+-~
(b) 12- :I
........ .......
< O.S.
e~ 8 ~ .....................
0.4" .
AO~ p=_ 2
0.0 ' i i , , oI~.,... : . . . 7.
5'0 100 150 2;0 2;0 300 0 so 100 150 200 250 300
Temperature [K] Temperature [KI
Fig. 40. Temperature dependence of the spin asymmetry parameter at the interface y (a) and within the bulk fl (c),
of the resistance at the Co/Cu interface (b) and of the resistivity of Co and Cu layers (d). From Oeps et al. (1996).
When spin mixing is taken into account, it has been shown (Piraux et al. 1998 and
references therein) that, in the expression for the GMR, eq. (18), p~(T), ~(T), r~,(T) and
y (T) should be replaced by the following effective parameters:
p~(T) = p~(r) + p M r ) , (20)
fleff(T) = [1 + pt$(T)/p*(T)]' (21)
Feff(T) = [1 + r?$(T)/r~(T)]' (23)
where pt$(T) is the spin mixing parameter of the two current model, and rt$(T ) is a
similar parameter introduced to express the spin mixing at interfaces.
The analysis of CPP-GMR data on Co/Cu multilayered nanowires with the above model
by Piraux et al. (1998) confirms the results of Oeps et al. (1996) on the weak temperature
dependence of the spin asymmetry coefficient in Co layers; fleff(T) decreases from 0.36
to 0.31 between 77 K and 300 K, and this decrease can be accounted for by the increase
of the term in Pt$ (T) in the denominator of eq. (21). Ono et al. (1997) have also analyzed
the temperature dependence of the CPP-GMR data on Py/Cu/Co/Cu multilayers in a model
taking into account the spin mixing in the SDL limit and have been able to derive both, the
bulk and interface spin mixing terms, pt~(T) and rt$(T).
Spin mixing can also be taken into account outside of the long SDL limit. For example,
in the limit of very thick magnetic layers (with thin nonmagnetic layers), eq. (19) becomes:
AR 2p/~2ff(T) lsFf
Rp = (p~(T)/PFeff(T)- /~2ff(T))
Equation (24) has been used by Piraux et al. (1998) to analyze the room temperature
data of fig. 29 on Co/Cu multilayered nanowires and to derive the SDL in Co at 300 K,
lC(300 K) ~ 38 4- 12 nm.
As pointed out in the preceding paragraph, a moderate reduction of the SDL between
77 K (59 nm) and 300 K indicates that the SDL is mainly controlled by elastic spin-
orbit scattering on imperfections and has no important contribution from electron-magnon
where y is the angle between the magnetizations of consecutive magnetic layers. On the
other hand, the calculations of Vedyayev et al. (1994) for a simplified structure composed
of only two magnetic layers find a linear variation of the conductance as sin2(y/2) when
only spin-dependent scattering is taken into account and very large departures from this
variation when a spin-dependent potential step is inlroduced. Barnas et al. (1997) have
calculated the angular dependence in a semi-classical model as well as in a quantum me-
chanical approach. In the quasi-classical limit, they find that the resistance of a multilayer
varies approximately linearly with sin2(y/2), even when interface potentials (i.e., specular
reflections) are taken into account. On the other hand, in the quantum limit, the linear vari-
ation of eq. (25) occurs only when the structure is symmetrical also with spin-independent
intrinsic potential. Finally, Vedyayev et al. (1997) have calculated the angular dependence
of the GMR in the CPP geometry and also expect deviations from eq. (25) when the intrin-
sic potential is spin-dependent and larger.
There are also few experimental results on the angular dependence of the GMR. In con-
ventional multilayers, the angle 2/varies as the field H is applied, but there is generally
some uncertainty in the relation between y and H; it can occur that the angle y is not
uniformly distributed over the sample, and this makes a precise determination of the an-
gular dependence difficult. However, Chaiken et al. (1990) have carefully analyzed GMR
experiments on Fe/Cr multilayers and found a reasonable agreement with eq. (25).
Other studies of the angular dependence have been performed on structures in which
the magnetization of some layers can be rotated, while the magnetization of the neigh-
bor layers is pinned by their coercivity or by their interaction with an antiferromagnetic
58 A. BARTI-IELI~MYet al.
'?:.:,., . . , : ' , . ..
0., ,, (a) ." - 0.,
i:::: :i +
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tll Q
,....- &&
Fig. 41. Resistivity(.) and conductivity(A) as a functionof sin2(y/2) for (a) [Co(4A)/Ag(40A)/NiFe(40A)/
Ag(40/~)]15 and [Co(SA)/Cu(60A)/NiFe(40A)/Cu(60A)]15. FromSterenet al. (1995a, 1995b).
5. G u i d e t o e x p e r i m e n t a l data
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80 A. BARTI-IELI~MYet al.
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82 A. B A R T H I ~ L I ~ M Y et al.
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84 A. BARTHI~LI~MY et al.
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chapter 2
1.1. Introduction
The study of the properties of thin magnetic films and multilayers has been one of the most
active areas of research in magnetism in recent years. The potential technical importance
of the giant magnetoresistance effect (GMR) discovered in antiferromagnetically coupled
Fe/Cr systems produced by sputtering, Baibich et al. (1988), Binasch et al. (1989), has in-
tensified the theoretical and experimental study of structures with reduced dimensionality,
see Chapter 1 of this volume for a review. A key aspect of this work is the relationship
between the structural and magnetic properties of the material. One early problem, for ex-
ample, was that Co/Cu multilayers grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) had a much
smaller MR than those grown by sputtering. Since the interface of a MBE grown material
is expected to be well defined relative to that of a sputtered sample it was thought that sur-
face roughness was essential for GMR. A 59Co nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) study
showed however that the MR increased from 4% to 40% as the interfacial quality of a
series of MBE grown Co/Cu (1 1 1) multilayers improved, Thomson et al. (1994a, 1994b).
The ordered electronic magnetism of a ferromagnet induces a static effective (hyperfine)
magnetic field (HFF) at a nucleus even in the absence of an external field. In the present
review we aim to show how NMR using the HFF is able to provide detailed information
on the structural and magnetic properties of thin films and multilayers. Since the great
majority of the NMR work on thin films has used the 59Co nucleus we summarize the
results for cobalt:
1. Cobalt can exist in the/'ace centred cubic (fcc), hexagonal close packed (hcp) or, in
sufficiently thin films with appropriate under/seed layers, body centred (bcc) struc-
tures. The NMR spectra from the fcc and hcp phases are quite different, fig. I. 1, and
the bcc spectra is thought to be a single line near 198 MHz. It is therefore straight-
forward to determine the crystal structure of a film by NMR while it is sometimes
difficult to distinguish cubic from twinned hexagonal by X-rays.
2. The difference in the lattice constant between a cobalt layer and the substrate, or be-
tween adjacent layers of a different element, produces strain in the layer. The change
in the NMR frequency of cobalt with pressure has been measured and therefore the
strain in a layer can be evaluated from the NMR spectrum, figs 1.2 and 1.3.
3. The nature of an interface can be studied by NMR because the NMR frequency of
59Co depends on the moments on the nearest neighbor (NN) atoms, more distant
neighbors usually have only a small effect. The shift of the 59Co frequency from the
value in the pure metal due to one or more impurity atoms in the NN shell has been
I ~
1 fcc Co
Interfaces and ~ Co
impurities ~
0 ;"
180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250
Frequency (MHz)
found for many elements from experiments on alloys containing typically 1% of the
impurity. At a perfect interface of a Co/Cu (1 1 1) superlattice, for example, three Co
atoms in the NN shell would be replaced by Cu atoms and the ideal 59Co spectrum
would consist of two lines: one from the interface and one from the interior of the
cobalt layer. As may be seen in fig. 1.2(c), the best MBE grown material does show
a two line spectrum although the width of the lines is greater than might be expected
from measurements on bulk material. A more typical result for MBE grown material
is analyzed in fig. 1.3.
4. Multilayers of the highest quality are grown by MBE but sputtering and electrode-
position are more attractive techniques for applications because they are cheaper and
quicker. The interface region is then less well defined than in the best MBE grown
material but may contain areas of perfect alignment. The NMR spectrum for a sput-
tered Co/Cu (1 00) multilayer shown in fig. 1.4, for example, contains lines due to
cobalt atoms surrounded by 0-4 copper atoms. A perfect (I 0 0) interface would have
produced a two line spectrum from cobalt atoms surrounded by either 0 or 4 copper
5. A second NMR method for studying interracial mixing in Co/X multilayers is to look
for the X resonance due to the HFF induced by the cobalt magnetization. The NMR
frequencies for many impurities in cobalt have been measured using dilute alloys of
bulk material. The presence of, e.g., Mn in a cobalt layer can therefore be detected be-
cause the 55Mn NMR frequency as a dilute impurity in cobalt is known to be 380 MHz
which is well separated from the 217.4 MHz line of 59Co, fig. 1.5.
6. The NMR signal from a ferromagnet is much stronger than would be predicted from
conventional NMR theory. The enhancement factor (r/) of the signal arises because
of an interaction between the radio frequency (rf) field and the ordered electronic
magnetization. Measurements of r/across the NMR spectrum of a multilayer may be
interpreted in terms of the local magnetic stiffness. It has been shown for example
Date --F,I] (a)
50 ~1~ Main line
g F,aq ~99.4MH, / [
- - 20 Width 13 9M
150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240
Frequency (MHz)
Oata - - F,!
[ (b)
25 ibm Main line
k ~ Freq 216.0MH]
c Salellde hne ~ ~ Wl=h 5.2MHz
:~ 20
,m -Freq t 70.7MHz 1~ ~1
~ l f l Width 9 5MHz t ~
c: 1 0 Freq. 200.8MHz I~ ]1
150 160 t70 180 190 200 210 220 230 240
Frequency (MHz)
= Oala - - Fd I (C)
150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240
Frequency (MHz)
Fig. 1.2. 59Co NMR spectra, corrected for co2 and frequency dependence of spin-spin relaxation time, for a
series of Co/Cu (1 1 1)multilayers: (a) A R / R = 4%; (b) A R / R = 22%; (c) A R / R = 40%. Note the increase
of A R / R as the contribution from defects in the interfaces (180-210 MHz) decreases. The unstrained fee Co
NMR frequency at 4.2 K is 217.4 MHz. After Thomson et al. (1994b).
Interface Co atoms j
!.o (3 N.N. Cu atoms) T
I Mixing term ~"
"~reatar than 3Cu ~v (1 or 2 N.N. T]
N.N. atoms ~ Cu atoms) tl
140 160 180 200 220 240
NMR Frequency (MHz)
Fig. 1.3. Typical 59Co NMR spectrum at 4.2 K for a good quality MBE grown Co/Cu (1 1 1) multilayer.
120 140 160 180 200 220 240
Frequency (MHz)
Fig. 1.4. 59Co NMR spectrum for a sputtered Co/Cu (1 00) multilayer with [Cu(20.6/~)/Co(10.7/k)]xl2. The
spectrum was fitted with Ganssian functions for the main grain boundary and satellite lines. After Thomson et
al. (1996c).
that the coercive force at the Co/Cu (1 1 1) interface is typically some 0.026 T, and
that this is reflected by an interface anisotropy of around 0.036 T while in the interior
of the Co layer the anisotropy can be as large as 0.123 T, as detailed in section 7.4.
Finally, we note three further possible NMR experiments that have either not yet suc-
ceeded or have not been reported in any detail:
1. At a site of non-cubic symmetry there is an interaction between the nuclear quadru-
pole moment of 59Co and the local electric field gradient (EFG) in the crystal. The
o0,[ . .
0.0081 .
o.8 un 0,006
" =s
u 0.004 am
~0.6 n 0,0020~
m 360 370 380 390 40(
~ 0.4
N I n
0 ~ "," ..I
,-0.6 m n
. 0,0'; . ~. ". "~'-I
I [] II I
O'20l~m [] o
- ,, ",.,...-
Fig. 1.5. 59Co and 55Mn NMR spectra at 4.2 K of rf sputtered multilayers: (a) [Co(30/~)/Mn(10/~)]xl0;
(b) [Co(30/~)/Mn(30/~)]10. The 55Mn NMR in the interior of the Co layer is enlarged in the inserts. After
Thomson et al. (1996b).
effect is small, three orders of magnitude below the strength o f the magnetic interac-
tion, but easily observed in bulk hcp Co because it leads to a modulation o f the spin
echo decay, fig. 3.2. This effect has not been reported in thin films, presumably be-
cause the E F G is not sufficiently well defined due to defects or a distribution o f strain
in the layers. In principle the effect should also be observable for fcc Co in a thin film
because the cubic symmetry is broken at the interface.
. The N M R relaxation rate depends upon the fluctuations of the electronic magneti-
zation. The fluctuation spectrum in the restricted geometry of a thin film must differ
from that of the bulk material but there has been little experimental, and no theoretical,
work reported so far.
3. A thin film may be patterned, e.g., by an electron beam, to produce an array of islands
with typical lateral dimensions ~ 0 . 2 3 ~tm, Kirk et al. (1997). The N M R spectra
and relaxation times of these arrays should exhibit new features.
1.2. Overview
In preparing this survey we have assumed that the reader has little knowledge of the NMR
of ferromagnetic materials but has some familiarity with the preparation and properties of
thin magnetic films. The theory of the HFF, with particular application to bulk and thin
film cobalt is discussed in section 2. The elements of NMR are introduced in section 3 and
the distinguishing features of the NMR of ferromagnets in section 4. Section 5 summarizes
the NMR properties of 59Co in bulk fcc and hcp cobalt. Section 6 concerns the properties
of single layers of the three possible crystal structures of cobalt and the following sec-
tions reviews multilayers. A valuable source of information on the NMR of multilayers,
concentrating on the work of the Strasbourg group, is to be in found reports of Panissod
et al. (1996) and Panissod (1995, 1997).
General note
The majority of the NMR spectra discussed in this article were produced by sweeping the
spectrometer frequency without applying an external magnetic field to the sample. The best
value for the conversion factor between the frequency and field for resonance of 59Co in
conventional NMR is now considered to be 10.054 MHz T -1 , but in many papers the older
value of 10.1 MHz T - 1 has been used, see section 5. The HFF of 59Co in cobalt is negative,
i.e., anti-parallel to the direction of the magnetization, see section 2. The application of an
external magnetic field therefore leads to a reduction of the NMR frequency.
2.1. Introduction
in section 4.) Since Bhf arises from the spontaneous magnetization at temperature T, it
appears reasonable to write an equation of the form
where a (T) is the magnetization per unit mass and A is called the hyperfine coupling con-
stant. However, in general A is not a constant but is found to be a function of temperature
and pressure. (Equation (2.1) is often written in terms of the magnetization per unit vol-
ume, M(T), but this is undesirable because it introduces an inherent volume dependence
to A.) The investigation of thin film magnetization by NMR is limited to low temperature,
because of the problem of the signal to noise ratio discussed in section 3.9. In the low
temperature limit of spin wave theory A is found to be independent of temperature at con-
stant volume (Edwards 1976; Riedi 1973, 1977, 1979), and Bhf is then proportional to the
spontaneous magnetization.
The volume dependence of Bhf is important for the understanding of the NMR of multi-
layers, because interfacial strain will change the lattice constants from their values in bulk
material. Under pressure M decreases for Fe, Co and Ni at low temperature, table 5.1, but
the magnitude of Bhf increases for Co and Ni, table 5.2. Janak (1979) has shown how the
contributions of the different electronic shells to the magnetization and HFF change with
In bulk material it is generally true that a reduction of the magnetization, by alloying
for example, leads to a reduction of the magnitude of the average HFF, but in thin films
the relationship between the two quantities is more complicated. On a free monolayer for
example the magnitude of the magnetic moment per atom is greater than that of the bulk,
but the magnitude of the HFF is decreased. A fuller discussion is given in section 2.5.
An example of the contributions to Bhf for Fe and Co given by a recent calculation is
shown in table 2.1. The negative signs indicate that the direction of the field is anti-parallel
Computed hyperfinefields (Tesla) for bcc Fe and
fcc Co (see Guo and Ebert 1996).
Is -2.05 - 1.84
2s -52.18 -43.69
2p 0.17 -0.16
3s 29.10 26.09
3p -0.07 0.07
Core sum -25.02 - 19.36
s -7.28 -7.54
p 0.09 0.17
d 1.46 4.46
f -0.03 -0.01
Valencesum -5.77 2.92
Total -30.79 -22.28
Experiment -33.9 -21.6
to the magnetization. It will be seen that some of the individual electron shells produce
fields greater than, or comparable to, the resultant value of Bhf and in consequence it is
difficult to decide how accurately Bhf can be calculated. This point will be returned to
below, but it is worth noting that the difference between the experimental and calculated
value of the Bhf of Fe, for example, increased after the introduction of improved, fully
relativistic, calculations.
The present review is largely devoted to an analysis of experimental work on thin films
and will not attempt to survey the extensive literature on the calculation of the magnetic
properties of metals. Instead, one calculation of the properties of pure metals and ideal mul-
tilayers and one on alloys will be discussed in some detail. Early computational work using
the Local Spin Density Functional (LSDF) method is reviewed by Moruzzi et al. (1978)
and more recent reviews may be found in Moruzzi and Marcus (1993) and Brooks and
Johansson (1993).
In the next sections the contributions to Bhf in bulk Co are discussed in more detail. The
relationship between the distribution of HFF and the local environment in a disordered
alloy is considered in section 2.4 The special magnetic properties of surface atoms, ob-
viously of great importance for the analysis of the NMR of multilayers, are reviewed in
section 2.5.
where Bi is the macroscopic internal magnetic field in the sample. In a single domain
Bi = B0 +/z0(1 - N)M,
where B0 is the applied field and N the demagnetizing coefficient. The value of N is 1/3
for a sphere and 1(0) for M perpendicular (parallel) to the surface of a thin film.
While the equations above are strictly COlXect, the classical Lorentz field, IzoM/3, is
sometimes considered to be a separate contribution to Beff. The Lorentz field is ~0.6 T for
Co, which is only some 3% of Bhf. The accuracy with which Bhf can be calculated for Co is
less than 3% but the NMR measurements can sometimes be accurate to better than 0.02%.
The value of Bhf may be derived from a single operator, section 2.3, but it is customary
to partition it into terms that can be related to the spin and orbital components of the
magnetization. It is also useful to distinguish between the contributions to Bhf from the
core (1 s-3p) electrons and the valence electrons,
Bhf = Bc + Bv.
The value of Bc for Co is almost entirely due to s electrons, table 2.1, but the valence term
will be split to distinguish between s and non-s electrons,
Bv = Bs + Bns.
The non-s electron term comes from the orbital and dipole moments,
will now be considered in more detail. A discussion of Bd will be left until section 2.5. The
origin of Bc and Bs is the Fermi contact interaction between the nuclear spin and the spin
of s electrons.
F e r m i contact interaction
The Fermi contact interaction has the form I S where I is the value of the nuclear
spin and S an unpaired electron in a s state. The core ls, 2s and 3s shells each contain
two electrons of opposite spin, whose contact interaction would normally cancel, but the
attractive exchange interaction between the 3d spin moment and the s electrons of parallel
spin leads to a net density of anti-parallel s electrons at the nucleus. The Fermi contact
interaction with the core s electrons makes the largest contribution to the effective field at
the nucleus of Fe and Co, table 2.1, so Be is negative, i.e., anti-parallel to the magnetization.
The magnitude of Bc is proportional to the electronic spin moment of the atom. Guo and
Ebert (1996) calculate that for Co
Orbital contribution
The orbital contribution to Bhf is by far the largest for the magnetic rare earth met-
als, apart from Gd, see McCausland and Mackenzie (1979). The orbital moment of Co is
largely quenched, table 2.2, but the orbital moment makes a much larger contribution to
Bhf than to the magnetization. The value of Borb is proportional to the orbital moment. Guo
and Ebert (1996) calculate that
The orbital moment of hcp Co is anisotropic, section 5.2, so the value of Borb depends
on the direction of the magnetization in the crystal. In a multidomain sample of hcp Co a
broad distribution of Bhf is observed, fig. 4.2, due to the rotation of the moments through
the domain walls.
Transferred field
The polarization of the valence electrons contributes some - 3 T to Bhf for pure Co
and can also induce appreciable fields at the nuclei of "non-magnetic" atoms such as Cu,
section 2.4.
The values of the spin (ms), orbital (mo), and dipole (md), contributions to the total magnetic
moment of cobalt (#B/atom). The calculated values of Guo and Ebert (1996) are shown in
brackets. (See sections 5 and 6 for a more detailed discussion of the magnetic properties of
the magnitude of the core contribution to the HFF of Fe, Co and Ni, decreased under pres-
sure, as expected since the moment per atom decreases under pressure, but that the valence
contribution actually increases because the decrease in the size of the unit cell overcomes
the decrease of the exchange polarization. This effect is sufficiently large in Co and Ni for
the pressure derivative of the magnitude of the HFF to become positive, section 5.1.
The hyperfine fields (HFF) and NMR frequencies of dilute impurities in fcc cobalt.
Where the sign of HFF has been measured it is indicated by a plus or minus sign.
The impurity HFF are only given to 2 significant figures because they may depend
on alloy concentration and preparation, see the references for more details. The shift
of the cobalt HFF due to one impurity atom in the nearest neighbor shell is also
shown. (The 59Co frequency is reduced for all impurities except Fe.)
[11 Rao (1979) [5] Yasuoka et al. (1971)
[2] Kobayashi et al. (1966) [6] Riedi and Scurlock (1967a, 1967b)
[3] Kawakami et al. (1972) [7] Mrny et al. (1992)
[4l Mdny et al. (1993a, 1993b)
the Co NN of the impurity is well separated from the main line. The moments of the more
distant neighbors of the impurity however usually only contribute to a broadening of the
NMR spectrum.
The clearest satellite lines are observed for alloys such as COl-cNic where the impurity
has little effect on the NN Co moments, fig. 2.1. In this case the effect of 2 or 3 impurities
in the NN shell is simply additive and the Co HFF for n impurities may be estimated from
the simple expression,
where//,i and #Co are the impurity and Co moments and the, negative, HFF are in Tesla.
The relative intensities of the 59Co satellite lines corresponding to n NN in a fcc COl-cXc
random alloy are given by the coefficients of the binomial expansion
N ! c n (1 - c) (N-n)
I(n) =
n ! ( N - n)!
Mn (FM)
F% Co
(b) R~A
m_ 0
---- -1 .E -0.2 ~Zr / gCd
-2 o, -0.4
~ M n (AFM)
._,,._,_._,._.a__ J
-30 22 24 26 28 30 38 40 42 44 46 48 50
Z- impurity Z - impurity
Sc Ti "
Mn (AFM)
. X Mo-
-150 ot.-
-200 Mn (FM)~ ~Ni Cu ~ -300
"r" "1-
-400 ,~'X
20 22 24 26 28 30 38 40 42 44 46 48 50
Z - impurity Z - impurity
Fig. 2.1. The calculated moments and HFF for an isolated impurity in Co. After Stepanyak et al. (1994). The
experimental values are shown by crosses. (a) The local moments for 3d impurities in Co using integer values of
the atomic number (squares) and noninteger values of the atomic number (open circles). (b) The local moments
for 4d impurities in Co. (c) The I-IFF for 3d impurities in Co. (d) The I-IFF for 4d impurities in Co.
Host Fe_Co~Ni Cu
O 1.5
O) ~~~~Mn (AFM)
E 1.3
o 1.2
1.1 I I I I I
Mn (AFM)
(b) X Cr~
z= 10
z~ 5
Mn (FM)
20 22 24 26 28 30
Z - impurity
(c) T c ~
o ~Zr Ru
z'- Y
"~ 5 d
38 4'0 42 4~4 46 48 50
Z - impurity
Fig. 2.2. The calculated moments and HFF for Co NN of single impurity atoms. After Stepanyak et al. (1994).
The experimental values are shown by crosses. (a) The magnetic moment of Co atoms on the first shell around
3d and 4d impurities. (b) The normalized change of the HFF of Co atoms on the first shell around 3d impurities.
(c) The normalized change of the HFF of Co atoms on the first shell around 4d impurities.
T h e relative strength of the satellite lines increases with the concentration c o f the im-
purities in the N N shell but the line broadening due to the u n r e s o l v e d H F F shifts f r o m
the m o r e distant neighbors eventually smears out the individual lines. In the m o s t favor-
able cases, such as C o l - c N i c for c < 0.1, satellite lines are o b s e r v e d for n ---- 1, 2 and 3,
R i e d i and S c u r l o c k (1967a, 1967b), The experimental values for (B1 - B c o ) are g i v e n in
table 2.3. W h i l e the e n v i r o n m e n t at the interface o f a C o multilayer is o b v i o u s l y not really
c o m p a r a b l e to that o f a r a n d o m alloy, the H F F shifts in multilayers are often f o u n d to be in
g o o d a g r e e m e n t with those shown in table 2.3.
The theory of the magnetic moment and HFF of Co has been extended to allow the cal-
culation of the effect of an impurity on the host. The moment and HFF of the impurity and
the NN Co atoms have been found using the local-density approximation and the Korringa-
Kohn-Rostoker Green's function method (Stepanyuk et al. 1994). The calculated results
are generally in good agreement with experiment, figs 2.1 and 2.2.
The outstanding problem, highlighted by the results shown in fig. 2.1, is the magnetic
state of Mn as a dilute impurity in Co. Remarkably, the energy of ferromagnetic and anti-
ferromagnetic Co-Mn coupling is found to be almost identical, although in both cases there
is a large moment at the Mn site. The antiferromagnetic configuration was calculated to be
the ground state. Neutron scattering experiments provide some evidence for both states,
see Stepanyuk et al. (1994) for a review. The calculated HFF of Mn in Co is - 2 5 ( - 2 . 5 ) T
for the ferromagnetic (antiferromagnetic) configuration. Values of ~ - 30 T have usually
been measured, but +10 T has also been reported, table 2.3.
A second method to distinguish between the two possible states of Mn in Co is to look for
the Co NN satellite line in a dilute Co-Mn alloy. In the state with ferromagnetic coupling
the moments of Co and Mn are so similar that the NN satellite line is probably concealed
within the intense Co line from more distant Co atoms, but the antiferromagnetic alignment
should lead to a huge shift of the NN HFE The simple empirical expression given in
eq. (2.5) above leads to a decrease of the magnitude of the HFF at the NN Co site by some
2.6 T and the calculated value, fig. 2.1, is 4.8 T. However, there does not appear to have
been any report of a NMR line this far below the main Co resonance. Some of the confusion
over the state of Mn in Co probably arises from metallurgical problems and more neutron
and NMR work is needed to clarify the position. The NMR results on Co/Mn multilayers
are discussed in section 9.5.
where Bhf is the mean HFF,/ZFe is the Fe moment,/z is the average moment per atom, and
a and b are constants (Johnson et al. 1963). However, it has been shown both by theory
and experiment that in a monolayer of Fe the magnetic moment is larger than in the bulk
while the magnitude of the HFF is greatly reduced. In the extreme case of a free monolayer
of Fe the moment has been calculated to have increased from the bulk value of 2.2/zB to
3.18/ZB, while the magnitude of the (negative) HFF decreased from 30 T to 10 T, Ohnishi
et al. (1984). A review of the computational work on ultra-thin layers is given by Freeman
and Wu (1991).
A free monolayer cannot of course be realized in practice, but the very sensitive conver-
sion electron M6ssbauer technique can be used to measure the HFF of a single atomic layer
of Fe without removing the film from the UHV chamber. The single active layer may form
the surface of the film or be covered by other layers. A review of this work is given in Grad-
mann (1993). A monolayer of Fe on a W (1 0 0) surface, with a covering of Ag, for example
was found to have a moment of 2.53/zB and a HFF of - 1 1 . 9 T (Gradmann et al. 1989).
The calculated values were 2.17/ZB and - 12.2 T (Hong et al. 1988). The large reduction in
the magnitude of the surface HFF of Fe comes about because the valence s electron contri-
bution Bs changes sign. The core HFF, Be, does become more negative with the increased
spin moment in the surface but this effect is too small to compensate for the change of Bs.
The poor signal to noise ratio of NMR, relative to that of conversion electron M/Sssbauer
experiments, precludes the measurement of a monolayer of Co in a UHV system near
room temperature but the connection between the magnetic moment and the HFF at the
interfaces of a Co/X multilayer may be important. The increased moment found for the
surface layer of an Fe film is an example of a general effect that is also observed in small
particles, see, e.g., Gantefore and Eberhardt (1996). The atoms in the surface have more
atomic-like wave functions, as a result of the reduced bonding to the other atoms of the
material, and therefore their moments are closer to those given by Hund's rules. The Curie
temperature of the surface is however lower than the bulk value.
The HFF of Co multilayers has been calculated by Guo and Ebert (1996). They find
that Bc is proportional to the spin magnetic moment, eq. (2.3), and Borb to the orbital
moment, eq. (2.4). The magnetic dipole moment (Bns - Borb), which is small in bulk Co,
can become important in multilayers. Guo and Ebert found that this contribution to the
HFF is also proportional to the moment
Bd = - 3 . 1 / t d
where Bd is in T and/Zd in/ZB. There is however no apparent correlation between Bhf and
the total Co moment in multilayers.
The difference between Bhf of the surface and the bulk of Co is calculated to be smaller
than for Fe because Bs changes by some 10(20) T for Co(Fe). Bhf is calculated to be very
anisotropic in some Co multilayers. The value of Bhf for a monolayer of Co on Pd for
example is predicted to change from - 8 . 4 5 T to - 1 4 . 3 T as the magnetization moves
from normal to the (1 1 1) plane to in the plane. As would be expected, the origin of this is
large change is the anisotropy of the orbital and dipolar moments. The spin moment, and
therefore the s electron contribution to the HFF, is isotropic.
The HFF for Co multilayers are calculated for perfectly plane interfaces between the
layers and it is difficult to make allowances for the imperfections of a real surface. The
calculated value for two atomic layers of Co and six layers of Cu for example is - 1 5 T.
In a Co/Cu (1 1 1) multilayer with 7 atomic layers of Co per multilayer repeat unit the
calculated HFF at the interface is - 18 T. This is in reasonable agreement with the value of
- 16 T predicted from dilute alloy experiments for Co atoms with 3 Cu NN, table 2.3.
3.1. Introduction
The object of NMR is to manipulate the equilibrium nuclear magnetization of the material,
which in paramagnetic materials is many orders of magnitude smaller than the magneti-
zation due to the electrons, by radio frequency (rf) fields and then to use the information
gained from the response of the system to understand the properties of the material. This
information may be of static properties, e.g., the electron density and effective magnetic
field sensed by the nucleus or of the spectrum of fluctuating magnetic fields in the mate-
rial. A semi-classical treatment of NMR will prove sufficient for our purpose, since only
the most straightforward techniques have been applied to magnetic thin films, but a full un-
derstanding of nuclear spin dynamics requires the density matrix of quantum mechanics.
A good introduction to NMR is given by Slichter (1989). A review of some modern NMR
techniques is given in B agguley (1992). A powerful modern theoretical technique, the an-
alytical tensor formalism, has recently been shown to be applicable to the NMR of normal
and ferromagnetic materials (Shakhmuratova 1995). The significant differences between
the NMR of ferromagnets and normal solid state NMR are brought out in section 4.
3.2. M o t i o n o f a n i s o l a t e d m a g n e t i c m o m e n t
]n = y n l , (3.1)
where the gyromagnetic ratio, Yn, varies widely for different nuclei, table 3.1.
The torque on the magnetic moment in a uniform field B0 is given by the rate of change
of angular momentum
- - = /Zn x B0,
"" dt = I~n x gnBo, (3.2)
therefore, considering one end of/zn to be fixed in space, the vector/.~n generates a cone
with axis along B0.
The most convenient mathematical treatment of eq. (3.2) is to trmlsform from the static
laboratory frame (x, y, z) to a rotating reference frame (x r, yt, z t) where z t is coincident
with z. The field seen by the moment in the frame rotating with angular frequency cot is,
o f = ~ 0 = ynBO,
the moment sees no effective field and is fixed along one direction in the rotating frame.
Transforming to the laboratory frame the angular frequency of the precession of the mo-
ment about B0 is, therefore,
toO ------ynBo,
Nuclear spin,gyromagneticratio and naturalabundancefor selected nuclei.The
relative strength of the NMR signal for given conditionsmay be estimated us-
ing eq. (3.20), but will also depend on the transverse relaxationtime (T2) and
1H 1 42.57 99.98
51V 7 11.19 100
55Mn 5 10.55 100
59Co 7 10.1 [1], 10.054 [2] 100
63Cu, 65Cu 3 11.29, 12.09 69.31
89y 1 2.095 100
159Tb 3 I0.I 15.14
165Ho 7 8.77 100
v0 ~
w~ ~
gn Bo
~ " (3.4)
Equation (3.4) contains the essence of NMR, the frequency for resonance is proportional
to the field at the nucleus. However, it will be seen that in practice the effective field at
the nucleus is not exactly equal to the external field B0, although the difference in weakly
magnetic materials is usually less than one percent.
Nuclear magnetic moments are some thousand times smaller than the magnetic moment of
the electron, they are of the order of the nuclear magneton
/zN ___5.05 x 10 .27 J T -1,
= -ynhBom
The high temperature limit can always be taken in conventional NMR so, from elemen-
tary statistical mechanics, the nuclear magnetization is given by
M = n v3 h21.l
(+1) B0, (3.5)
M ~oM
Xo = - - = (3.6)
H B0
The longitudinal, or spin lattice, relaxation time, TI, can vary from gs to hours, depending
upon the material and the temperature, and has a strong influence on the design of a NMR
experiment. Two other, transverse, relaxation times will be considered in section 3.6.
In NMR the rf field is set at right angles to the static field, i.e., in the x - y plane. On
transforming to the rotating reference frame described in section 3.2 we see that, for
one sense of rotation of the rf field is fixed in the x l - y ~plane, conventionally along x ~, and
the other rotates at 209o. Only one sense of rotation can therefore interact strongly with the
nuclear moments and the effective field in the rotating frame
The application of the rf field given by eq. (3.8), with 09RF = 090, to a magnetic system
in thermal equilibrium in a static field B0 in the z direction, will cause the moments to
precess about the effective field in the rotating frame, which at exact resonance was seen
in eq. (3.9) to be simply B1 along x ~. After a time tw the spins will have rotated through an
0 = ynBitw. (3.10)
y n B l t w = -~, (3.11)
a "zr/2 pulse", the moments will lie along yl in the rotating reference frame, fig. 3.1. In the
laboratory frame there is now a nuclear moment M in the x - y plane precessing at 090. The
(a)I~Bo~ ~ ~ (b) ~
(d)~~ ~
...#8 1 x'
x' -- ~ CO0
Fig. 3.1. (a) A re/2 pulse along x ~ at t = 0 takes MZ to y1 in the rotating frame. (b) Free induction decay. (c) A
7r pulse after time t. (d) An inhomogeneously broadened line produces a spin echo after a time 2t.
changing magnetic flux produced by the rotating M will induce a voltage proportional to
woM in a pick up coil.
In liquids a finite magnetization may exist for a time of order T1 in the x - y plane,
which may be seconds, but in solids this free induction decay (FID) is typically lost in the
receiver noise after less than 100 gs and may be unobservable if the decay is so fast that
the receiver has not recovered from the effects of the rf pulse. The simplest form of the
transverse relaxation is
where T2, the transverse relaxation time, is a measure of how fast the spins de-phase.
In the NMR literature the symbol T2 is reserved for the irreversible decay of the nuclear
magnetization in the transverse plane. When, as in ferromagnetic materials, the FID decays
largely because of a static distribution of effective fields the transverse relaxation is written
as T2* and, for T2* < T2 < T1, the nuclear moments are still in the x - y plane after the FID
has decayed as
The true transverse relaxation time can therefore be recovered by measuring A(2t) as a
function of time. The width of the echo is of order T2* since it is equivalent to two FID
back to back.
The large rf pulse needed to produce a rr/2 pulse with a sufficiently short tw, sec-
tion 3.10, saturates the receiver and the NMR signal cannot be observed for a "dead time"
typically of order 3-10 txs. The great experimental advantage of the spin echo measure-
ment over the FID occurs when T2* << T2, as in strongly magnetic materials for example.
It may then be impossible to observe the FID, because the signal is far below the receiver
noise level after the dead time, but the spin echo can still be observed.
3e2q Q (3.16)
I)Q -- 2hi(2I - 1)'
0 is the angle between B0 and the axis of the EFG; NB eq. (3.16) is the most frequently
used definition of pa but e2q Q/h is sometimes used.
The NMR spectra for a single crystal is therefore found to consist in principle of 21 lines
at frequencies shifted from ynB0 by
vo(m ) /3cos20 1/
1 1
However, in solids with a broad distribution of magnetic fields at the nuclei, section 3.10,
the splitting given by eq. (3.17) may be concealed within the envelope of the distribu-
tion. The presence of the EFG may then be detectable as a modulation of the spin echo
decay, Abe et al. (1966). The full expression for the echo modulation given by Abe
et al. is
m(2~r) = ~ cn cos(2nvar + ~n), (3.18)
where I is the nuclear spin, but in practice only the lower harmonics are observed. Fekete
et al. (1978), for example, measured the NMR of a single crystal of hcp Co, section 5.2,
and found that the echo decay of 59Co, which has a spin of 7/2, could be described by
eq. (3.18) with n = 0, 1,2 and two exponential decay functions, fig. 3.2.
10 20 3~
2T (Hsec)
Fig. 3.2. Spin-echo decay modulations for hcp Co at 77 K. Points represent experimental values and the solid
curve is calculated by the model, see Fekete et al. (1978).
where the constant depends upon the circuit characteristics, w0 is the NMR frequency,
M is the equilibrium nuclear magnetization, eq. (3.5), and f(t) is a decay function, e.g.,
eq. (3.14).
From eq. (3.5)
coony2I(l + 1)B0
S(t) = const f(t). (3.20)
Apart from the magnitude of S(0), the important factor that determines if a NMR spin
echo is detectable is the ratio of T2 or T2*to the recovery time of the spectrometer. A NMR
receiver in the 100 MHz frequency range is saturated, "dead", for typically, 3-10 gs after
the rf pulse so the FID decay may be undetectable and the spin echo highly attenuated
for materials with short relaxation times. It will be seen from eq. (3.20) that S(0) is pro-
portional to the reciprocal of the absolute temperature, and T2 increases with decreasing
temperature, so most NMR studies of the rather small number of nuclei in a thin film have
been limited to the helium (T ~ 4.2 K) range.
is obtained by Fourier transforming the FID or the spin echo, see, e.g., Slichter (1989).
The distribution of Beff is frequently too wide for the inequality to be satisfied and then
only a packet of spins near CORF4- 1/tw contributes to the FID or spin echo. A full analysis
of the relationship between the spin echo and the distribution of Beff is given by Walstedt
(1992). The shape and position of the spin echo change as the width of the distribution of
Beff increases but it is still possible to reconstruct the NMR spectrum if the spectrometer is
phase coherent, e.g., Lord and Riedi (1995).
The method employed in conventional NMR is to plot the rf phase insensitive quantity
S as a function of the external field B0, where S is defined by the equation
Here S~o is the integral of the echo at the, unknown, phase ~0. Alternatively, S may be
plotted as a function of rORF for a given external field B0. This is the most common case
for ferromagnetic materials, section 4, where B0 is often chosen to be zero. The 59Co
NMR of a Co/Cu superlattice shown in fig. 1.1 was measured in this manner. Note that
when T2 varies across the spectrum, and is less than or comparable to the dead time of
the spectrometer, it is necessary to extrapolate the spin echo signals to zero pulse spacing
using eq. (3.14) or some more complicated function if the echo decay is non-exponential.
In practice the magnitude of NMR signals ranges from mV for 1H in water at room
temperature to fractions of gV for materials with wide NMR lines or nuclei of low isotopic
abundance with small Yn- In the latter case extensive signal averaging is required to extract
the signal from thermal noise and any spurious background signals in the receiver following
the strong rf pulse.
where K, the Knight shift; is independent of temperature and .~10 -3. The origin of K
is the Fermi contact interaction between the conduction electrons and the nuclear spin,
section 2.2. In transition metals the 3d electrons are also important and K is a function of
temperature, see Carter et al. (1977).
The relaxation times T1 and T2, provide information on the fluctuations of the magnetic
fields in the material. In the rotating reference frame, fluctuations of the transverse fields
along x' and yt will contribute to T1, while fluctuations along y' or z t contribute to T2.
Therefore in the laboratory frame it is fluctuations at w0 that are important for T1 but
fluctuations at both o)0 and zero frequency contribute to T2.
In simple metals the contact interaction is the most important mechanism for T1, leading,
for free conduction electrons, to the relationship with the Knight shift
K2T1T -- I"z2
jrhy2k B = (0, (3.23)
first derived by Korringa. The experimental value of K2TI T/(o is typically about 2 for
metals such as Cu or A1, due to the effect of electron-electron interactions, see Carter
et al. (1977).
Reviews of the NMR of ferromagnetic materials have been given by McCausland and
Mackenzie (1979), Dormann (1991) and Figiel (1991). The distribution of Beff of ferro-
magnetic materials is usually so wide that the NMR spectrum has to be constructed using
the point by point integration of the spin echo as a function of frequency or external field
described in section 3.10. While this is not unusual in the NMR of strongly paramagnetic
materials there are a number of unique features to the NMR of ferromagnets.
Frequency range
Conventional NMR is typically carried out in a field of some 10 T, provided by a super-
conducting magnet. The NMR frequency for most isotopes is therefore below 150 MHz,
table 3.1. The HFF of ferromagnets are often far larger than 10 T, e.g., that of 59Co in fcc
Co is - 2 1 . 7 T and of 165Ho in Ho is 737 T, corresponding to frequencies of " 2 0 0 MHz
and 6467 MHz, respectively. The frequencies for selected isotopes are given in table 2.3.
Lord and Riedi (1995) describe a spin echo spectrometer designed for swept frequency
operation up to 1000 MHz and McCausland and Mackenzie (1979) review spectrometers
for the microwave region.
Enhancement effect
The first observation of the NMR of a ferromagnet, Co, showed that the signal was as
strong as in electron spin resonance (Portis and Gossard 1960). The anomalously strong
signal arises because the radio frequency field drives the ordered electronic moments of the
ferromagnet as well as the nuclear moments and NMR is observed as a modulation of the
motion of the electronic magnetization. In a spherical particle consisting of a single domain
the magnetization and HFF will lie along the easy (z) direction, fig. 4.1. A linear rf field
along x of amplitude 2Bl will tip the magnetization through a small angle 2B1/BA where
BA is the anisotropy field (frequently also denoted by Hk in the literature). Since Bhf is tied
to the direction of the magnetization, a linear field of magnitude 2B1 (Bell + BA)/BA in the
x direction is induced at the nucleus. This field is normal to Bhf and will induce nucleus
transitions so the field is said to be enhanced by the factor
Ca) Cb)
Fig. 4.1. Optimumgeometryfor (a) domain and (b) domain wall enhanced NMR.
Unless the sample is in the form of very small particles (~100 A) it will normally divide
into domains as considered below. The domain structure may be removed by a sufficiently
large external field but from eq. (4.2) this reduces the enhancement considerably.
The 59Cosignals from fcc Co observed by Portis and Gossard were far stronger than
would be expected from an enhancement of ~100 and it was shown that in a multidomain
particle the nuclei in the domain walls could experience a greater enhancement of the rf
field than those in domains. When a linear rf field is applied in the z direction to a sample
containing a 180 wall in the z - y plane the wall may move in the x direction, leading to
an enhancement that varies throughout the wall (McCausland and Mackenzie 1979)
where ~ ( x ) is the angle of the local magnetization within the wall relative to the domain
magnetization for a particle of volume V, average wall susceptibility Xe and wall area A.
In fcc Co the maximum value of 0w, at the centre of the wall, is typically -,~104.
It was emphasized above that the wall only "may" move because wall motion is re-
stricted by strain and defects, particularly in materials of high anisotropy, and in addition
the wall may be thought of as a damped simple harmonic oscillator with its own natural
resonant frequency (Vw) so the motion will depend upon the ratio of Vw to the NMR fre-
quency. The most obvious consequence of eq. (4.3) is that in domain wall enhanced NMR
there can be no unique rf field at the nuclei. The value of r/w will be a maximum at the wall
centre and decreases as the wall blends into the domain. It appears that in many multido-
main materials the signals come from nuclei at the wall centre and wall edges rather than
from the bulk of the domain, see, e.g., Bailey et al. (1973).
A more serious problem for domain wall enhanced NMR arises when the magnetization
is strongly anisotropic, since the anisotropy of the HFF may then lead to a different NMR
frequency and a different linewidth for wall centre and wall edge or domain signals. As
will be seen in fig. 4.2, although there is only one type of lattice site in hcp Co, the NMR
spectrum of a single crystal is a function of the rf power for pulses of fixed length because
the domain wall centre and edge signals have different frequencies and enhancements.
~ (b) low power
(a) high power
Fig. 4.2. Power dependence of 59Co NMR of a multi-domain hcp Co single crystal.
Demagnetizing field
The nuclei in a saturated ellipsoid with magnetization M experience a demagnetizing
field -IzoNM, where N is the demagnetizing factor. Nuclei in a domain wall are shielded
m 0.100
ms~m.~AJt9 e. o
--mmii,_m~mLAk~ "~i -
rm~Amm~mg 6
o 0.010
0 20 40 60 80
Pulse spacing (usec)
Fig. 4.3. Variation of the 59Cospin-echodecaytime as a functionof frequencyshowingthat the relaxation time
is both not constant overthe frequencyrange investigated and not a simpleexponential function. AfterThomson
et al. (1994a, 1994b).
from this field and therefore have a different NMR frequency from the value extrapolated
from high field measurements, see section 5.3.1.
5.1. Introduction
The equilibrium form of cobalt at low temperature is hexagonal close packed but the face
centred cubic phase is stable in fine particles. Cobalt sponge for example has a typical
dimension of 25 p.m and is largely fcc. It is possible to pass from the fcc to hcp structures
by introducing defect planes and this material has an NMR frequency between that of fcc
and hcp cobalt. Particles of cobalt sponge contain domain walls, but below about 200
cobalt particles are single domain and have a different NMR frequency, section 5.3.
The magnetic and NMR properties of fcc and hcp cobalt are summarized in tables 5.1
and 5.2. Due to the high Curie point of cobalt the magnetization and HFF are essentially
independent of temperature in the helium temperature range. They are both however a
function of pressure or strain, an effect which is particularly important in thin films and
multilayers. The pressure coefficients of magnetization and HFF derived from measure-
ments made under hydrostatic pressure are shown in tables 5.1 and 5.2 but it should be
remembered that the strain between two multilayers is highly directional.
The NMR properties of hcp and fcc cobalt at low temperature in both the multidomain
and single domain state are discussed in sections 5.2 and 5.3. The bcc form of cobalt is
only found in thin films and is discussed in section 6.4.
Crystallographic and magnetic properties of cobalt, see Wijn (1986) and Riedi et al. (1987).
Low temperature NMR properties of multidomain cobalt in zero external field, see
Wijn (1986) and Riedi et al. (1987). The gyromagnetic ratio, Yn, is taken to be
such that yn/2Zr = 10.054 MHz/T (Walstedt et al. 1967), but in many papers the
original value of 10.1 MHz/T has been used. See also the comment after eq. (5.1).
aRoom temperature
The NMR frequency was then a linear function of the field up to the maximum field of 7 T
The difference between this value and the best estimate of y/27r for 59Co in dilute insulat-
ing compounds, 10.054 MHz/T, table 5.2, was related to the ferromagnetic band structure
of Co. Equation (5.1) should be used for the conversion between HFF and NMR frequency
of ferromagnetic cobalt but this result is not welt known and either of the values in table 5.2
has commonly been used. Some of the apparent discrepancies between different values of
the HFF in the literature undoubtedly arise from the choice of F but it is not always clear
which value has been employed.
The effective field at 4.2 K, extrapolated to zero external field, was found to be given by
3 cos 2 0 - 1
Bhf = --22.60 + 0.573 (5.2)
where Bhf is in Tesla, 0 is the angle between the magnetization and the c axis and the value
of/Zeff/2~r given in eq. (5.1) was used to convert from frequency to field. The equivalent
result in frequency units is
3 cos 2 0 - 1
v = 231.63 - 5.87 , (5.3)
where v (MHz) is always taken to be positive. It should be noted that eqs (5.2) and (5.3)
are the extrapolation to zero field from the single domain state of a sphere, they are not
correct for a multidomain particle, see eq. (5.5). The anisotropy of Bhf arises from the
contributions of the orbital and spin dipolar fields as described in section 2.
The EFG at the Co nucleus is too small to produce satellite lines of the central NMR line
but its effect is observable as a modulation of the spin echo decay, section 3.8. The echo
amplitude was found, fig. 3.2, to be in good agreement with the theory, eq. (3.18). At 4.2 K
the quadrupole splitting, defined in eq. (3.16), was given by
3 cos 2 0 - 1
VQ = 0.0244+0.1691 (5.4)
where I)Q is in MHz and 0 is the angle between the magnetization and the c axis.
A value of 5.5 4- 0.2 gs had earlier been found for the period of the echo oscillation in
zero external field, Riedi and Scurlock (1967a, 1967b), corresponding to a frequency of
0.182 4- 0.008 MHz in eq. (5.4), showing that these signals came from domain wall edges,
see sections 4.2 and 5.2.2.
moments in the domains are parallel to the c axis. The anisotropy of the HFF, eq. (5.2),
leads to a broad distribution of HFF in multidomain hcp Co, fig. 4.2.
The demagnetizing field in a multidomain particle is close to zero while in a saturated
Co sphere it is equal to -IzoM/3 = - 0 . 5 4 6 T. Since the HFF is negative, eq. (5.2), the
NMR frequency in a multidomain sample is lower than in a single domain and eq. (5.3)
3 cos2 0 - 1
v = 226.0 - 5.87 . . (5.5)
The largest enhancement of the rf:field is at the centre of the wall, section 4, so the most
prominent feature in the distribution at low power is at the high frequency end of the
spectrum, in agreement with eq. (5.5) with 0 equal to 90 . As the rf power is increased,
the feature near 220 MHz grows in intensity, fig. 4.2. This value is close to that given by
eq. (5.5) with 0 equal to 0, but Bailey et al. (1973) showed that the line is due to nuclei
at the wall edge, rather than from the domain. The distinction can be made because the
most effective direction for the rf field is normal to the static effective field. As explained
in section 4, walt enhanced NMR is therefore favored when the rf field is parallel to the
easy c axis while signals from the domain require the field normal to c.
The EFG of hexagonal Co has been measured in zero external field by both spin echo
(Riedi and Scurlock 1967a, 1967b) and continuous wave methods (Kawakami et al. 1972).
In section 5.2.1 it was seen that the best value reported for VQ with the magnetization par-
allel to the c axis, measured on a single crystal sphere, was 193.5 -4- 0.7 kHz. The values
found in the multidomain state were 182 4- 8 kHz and 207 -4- 5 kHz, by spin echo and con-
tinuous wave NMR, respectively. It is therefore possible to obtain a reliable measure of the
EFG in bulk hexagonal cobalt without applying an external magnetic field. However, there
have not been any reports of the measurement of the EFG of a cobalt film or multilayer,
possibly because a unique EFG does not exist due to the effect of lattice strains.
smaller than the frequency shift of 5.5 MHz calculated in the previous section for an iso-
lated spherical single domain particle and was attributed to the effect of particle-particle
Thomson et al. (1997) studied Co nanoclusters embedded in a 2450 A thick SiO2 matrix.
A broad NMR spectrum was observed with peaks near 222 and 243 MHz. The diameter
of the particles was estimated from transmission electron microscopy measurements to be
about 30 ,~. The 222 MHz line confirmed that the particles were single domain, as expected
from the earlier work described above, but the origin of the 243 MHz line was not clear.
It was tentatively attributed to surface atoms with an enhanced magnetic moment but, as
was discussed in section 2.6, the HFF of surface atoms does not necessarily scale with the
magnetic moment.
6. Cobalt films
6.1. Introduction
The main interest in the NMR study of thin films has been in the properties of multilayers,
with particular regard to the interfacial region. In this section we consider experiments
where the emphasis was on the properties of a single layer of cobalt before turning to
multilayers in section 7. Depending on the substrate and the deposition conditions it is
possible to obtain cobalt films, up to some critical thickness, in all three crystal phases: fcc,
hcp and bcc. As was remarked in the Introductory Survey and section 5, one of the strengths
of 59Co NMR is the clear distinction between the fcc and hcp spectra that can be seen in
bulk samples and therefore used to analyze the structure of thin films and multilayers. The
position with regard to bcc cobalt is less clear because this phase is only obtained as a thin
film which probably always contains some defects or contamination from adjacent layers.
The greater part of this section is therefore devoted to a survey of the properties of bcc
cobalt, the fcc and hcp phases of thin layers are discussed in more detail in section 7.
"~ Co fcc
"~ calibration
Fig. 6.1.59Co NMR spectrum for Cu(34/~)/Co(93/~) (111) trilayer film at 4.2 K in zero applied field, After
Thomsonet al. (1995).
i a---i i ,
I / \ oo
1000 1 Co [llq ~o
~0wn at 500 'C
o o
oD o
~o ~ o o
21 22 23 21 22 23
Bhf (T} Bhf (T)
Fig. 6.2. NMR spectra of 1000-/~ Co films grown on mica showing the variation in structure as a function of
the growth temperature. The spectra were recorded at a frequency of 190 MHz, with the magnetic field applied
parallel to the film plane and at a temperature of 1.4 K. After de Gronckel et al. (1994).
MBE on substrates of mica, oxidized silicon, and glass at temperatures between - 3 3 C and
800C. The films were found to be polycrystalline for substrate temperatures below 200C.
Above 200C the X-ray diffraction measurements showed that the (1 1 1) fcc or (002)
hcp orientation was dominant. The NMR spectra were analyzed for contributions from
regions with either fcc, hcp or intermediate (stacking fault) structure, figs 6.2 and 6.3. The
remarkable feature of these spectra is that the fcc and stacking fault structures are favored
by deposition at low temperatures where hcp is the stable form for bulk material. As the
mica substrate temperature increases above 200C the number of stacking faults decreases
but the pure hcp phase only forms when the substrate is near 500C. The influence of the
substrate on film growth was demonstrated by growing 1000 ~, films at 500C on mica and
oxidized silicon at the same time. The film on mica was almost pure hcp, fig. 6.2, but that
on oxidized silicon was a nearly equal mixture of fcc, hcp and stacking faults.
The 5 9 C o NMR spectrum of fcc cobalt in multidomain particles at 4.2 K consists of a
single line with, typically, a peak value at 217.4 MHz and a full width at half maximum
(FWHM) of 0.7 MHz. The outstanding feature of fcc Co films is that the FWHM is found to
be about 10 MHz and the peak position is displaced due to lattice strain. While the greatly
increased FWHM could be partly due to a distribution of strain within the cobalt layer, the
fact that the linewidth is so similar in many samples suggests that it is due to the pseudo-
100 w i i v I, ' i
1000 A Co [I 111 on mica
.................... ........ I \
. , 'JrJ. , , -
0 o lOO ~nx) 300 4oo 5oo 800 roo
Growth Temperature ('C)
Fig. 6.3. The percentage of the fcc phase (circles), hcp phase (squares), and stacking faults (triangles) in 1000-A-
thick Co films grown on mica substrates as a function of the growthtemperature. The results are derived from the
NMR spectra in fig. 6.2. The lines are guides to the eye. After de Gronckel et al. (1994).
two dimensional structure of the films. One consequence of the increased F W H M is that
it is difficult to resolve small 59Co frequency shifts and line broadening due to impurity
neighbors beyond the nearest neighbor shell.
A second difference between thin films and bulk material is that the oscillatory spin echo
decay due to the small electric field gradient (EFG) at the cobalt nucleus in hcp cobalt has
never been observed in thin films. This effect should in principle also be observable in the
fcc phase of a thin film because the effect of lattice strain at an interface must break the
cubic symmetry.
i I I
210 220 230
v (MHz}
Fig. 6.4. 59 Co spin-echo spectrum at 1.8 K in zero external field for a Au/Co(80/~)/Au film with the magnetization
in the plane. The arrows indicate the nuclear resonance frequencies of bulk hcp cobalt in domains (uU) and at the
centre of 180 B loch walls (v) and that of fcc cobalt. After Le Dang et al. (1986a).
temperature while that of bulk cobalt (1.41 T) is 135% of the room temperature value. The
discrepancy was attributed to internal stresses due to the differential thermal expansion
between cobalt and gold.
V=Vo c 0
0.0 g o o
.20 -2.0 0
2' -6.0
-8.0 0 o
-10.0 i l i i
-o.16-o. -0.08-o.o4 o.oo 0.04 0.08
I' el I'
fcc bcc
Fig. 6.5. Total energy vs. tetragonal strain for bcc Co. The volume is fixed at the calculated equilibrium value
for bcc Co, and the energies are measured with respect to the total energy of bcc Co. The circles are calculated
energies for pure Co, while the triangles are calculated energies for Co7As supercells. After Liu and Singh (1993).
by Prinz (1991). The orbital moment given in table 2.2 is estimated to be perhaps 50%
too small but the spin moment should be reliable to about 5%. It is not a trivial matter to
measure the magnetization of a thin film, and neutron scattering experiments show that
the moment can vary through the film (Bland et al. 1991a, 1991b), but some measure-
ments on bcc Co give a value of 1.7/zB/atom in agreement with the calculations (Dekoster
et al. 1993c).
The theory of the hyperfine field at the 59Co nucleus was discussed in section 2. A recent
calculation (Gut and Ebert 1996) led to values of - 2 2 . 2 8 ( - 1 7 . 3 ) T for the HFF of fcc(bcc)
Co. The magnitude of the field for fcc Co is greater than the experimental value of - 2 1 . 6 T
because the calculation under-estimates the (positive) contribution of the orbital moment.
The first measurement of the HFF of~bcc Co (Riedi et al. 1987), using a 357 ,~ thick film,
gave a value of - 1 6 . 6 T, which was ,attributed to the low magnetic moment of this thick
film, but the more recent measurements described in section 6.4.3, seem to confirm that the
value of the HFF of the best bcc Co is - 19.7 T.
substrate was used to stabilize a 357 ~, thick film of bcc Co that had a lattice constant of
2.827 A and a magnetization of 1.53/ZB/Co atom. The lattice constant of the grains of bcc
Co produced by Walmsley et al. (1983) was 2.77 A, showing the effect of stress transmitted
by the matrix.
The 357 A film grown by Prinz is the thickest reported for bcc Co. The bcc structure
of this film was confirmed by conversion electron X-ray-absorption fine structure exper-
iments (Idzerda et al. 1989), but the low intensity of the signal suggested that the ma-
terial was nanocrystalline. The NMR experiments discussed below support this conclu-
Bcc Co films up to 100 ,~ thick grown by MBE on (001) GaAs have been reported
by Subramanian et al. (1994) and Bland et al. (1991a, 1991b). The latter group measured
the magnetization profile of the film by polarized neutron reflection. The best fit to the
measurements lead to a moment of 1.0/ZB at the GaAs interface, 1.7/z B in the centre of
the film and an average moment of 1.4 ]zB/Co a t o m . The low average moment, close to
that of the 357 -~ thick film discussed above, suggests that this film contained a large
number of defects. Attempts to improve the quality of bcc Co grown on (0 01) GaAs were
unsuccessful (Gu et al. 1995). They concluded that in this case the stable phase is hcp Co
with the (12 1 0) plane parallel to the (001) plane of GaAs.
Kim et al. (1995) grew 15-20 atomic layers of strained bcc Co on a (0 1 0) TiA1 substrate
by MBE. The unit mesh in the plane of the film was found to be a rhombus with sides of
2.855 ]k and angles between the sides of 89.068 and 90.932 . The 0.9% tensile strain in
the plane was accompanied by a decrease of the interlayer spacing by 0.86%. This result is
interesting because it demonstrates the possibility of studying the range of stability of bcc
Co by growing films on a non-cubic metal substrate.
Prinz (1985) had been careful to find a substrate that nearly matched the anticipated
lattice constant of bcc Co, 2.82 .~, but it is now known that bcc Co can be grown on films
of bcc Fe; despite the fact that the lattice constant for bulk Fe is 2.86 ]k. Li and Tonner
(1989) grew bcc Fe films on a fcc Ag (00 1) substrate and then 3 atomic layers of bcc
Co on top of the Fe. (When Co was deposited directly on to the Ag a complex structure,
consistent with body centred tetragonal Co, was observed.)
Houdy et al. (1991) and Boher et al. (1992) described the growth of sputtered Fe/Co
multilayers on Si (1 1 1) wafers. The X-ray diffraction pattern for t < 20 ]k was consistent
with bcc Co with lattice constant 2.83 ~,. The magnetization measurements were consistent
with a model involving an enhanced magnetization at the Co/Fe interface and a moment of
1.58/zB/Co atom in the interior of the Co layer.
The most extensive study of the MBE growth of Co on Fe films has been made by
Dekoster et al. (1993a, 1993b, 1993c). A summary of their results is given in table 6.1.
The optimum temperature of the MgO (0 0 1) substrate for the growth of bcc Co was found
to be 175C. Films of similar quality were also grown on a GaAs (1 1 0) substrate held at
this temperature. The maximum thickness of bcc Co that could be grown on an Fe film
was found to be 10 .~ for a free Co surface, after which the hcp phase began to form.
Surprisingly, however, up to 21 ~ ofbcc Co could be stabilized by growing at least 24 ]k of
bcc Fe between the Co layers. The average bcc Co moment, deduced from magnetization
measurements was found to be 1.71/xB, considerably greater than that of the earlier films
grown on GaAs.
Fig. 6.6. Cobalt spin-echo spectra at T = 4 K of different CoFe multilayers with variable Co layer thickness
(indicated in the figure). Fe layer thicknesses are fixed at 9 or 28/~ but the shape of the NMR spectra has been
found to be independent of this parameter. The bulk hcp and fcc Co NMR frequencies are reported in the figure
together with the assumed bcc Co NMR frequency. After Boher et al. (1992).
~. ~,, ~ ~o.-~
~ ~' V,,~
.~ o o
z v
~q 666 u~
~ o~? i ....
uuk~ ~
~ O ~ "~ ~ 0
~ 0 ~ ~ 0
I ~ [Coa2~ /Fn24~l
A / I
\Y AZ/-too aA ' l
[Co 5A I r--~4A l
neighbor shell of a Co atom increases the Co N M R frequency by some 9 MHz, table 2.3.
The effect of Fe on the Co N M R spectrum can clearly be seen in fig. 6.6. The signals
extending to 300 MHz are due to the formation of an F e - C o alloy at the interface between
the Fe and Co layers.
While the analysis of the N M R spectra of the sputtered Co films shown in fig. 6.6 might
be thought to be open to question, the 198 MHz value for bcc Co has now been confirmed
by experiments on Fe/Co multilayers grown by MBE (Dekoster et al. 1993a, 1993b, 1993c)
as is also discussed in section 9.4. A series of [tCo/tFe]25 superlattices was studied on
(1 1 0) GaAs and (1 00) MgO substrates, with 5 ,~ < tco < 42 ,~ and tFe = 24 A. The
59Co N M R as a function of too is shown in fig. 6.7 for the (1 1 0) GaAs substrate. The 10
thick Co layer is 5 atomic layers thick. The broad distribution near 212 MHz comes from
the Co/Fe interface and the strong narrow line at 198 MHz from the interior of the layer.
Up to a Co thickness of 21 A the intensity of the 198 MHz line grows relative to that of
the interface line and there is no evidence of the hcp Co signal at above 220 MHz. Similar
results were obtained for (tOo = 21 A)/(tFe = 24 A) on GaAs and MgO substrates. As the
Co thickness increased above 21 A the hcp Co signal begins to appear, but it will be seen
in fig. 6.7 that the bcc Co line is still present for too = 42 ,~. This stabilizing effect of an
overlayer of Fe on the bcc Co phase is remarkable in view of the 10 A limit for a free Co
The distribution of 59Co HFF of Co/Fe multilayers has been analyzed (Jay et al. 1996;
Panissod et al. 1996) in terms of N M R lines from four environments: (1) bcc Co
(198 MHz); (2) bcc Co at an interface with Fe (214 MHz), and broader distributions due
! . [~oAF~*tO
i ,
150 200 250 300
rrequemy (MI-Iz)
Fig. 6.8. Experimental and model spectra in a Co/Fe bcc sample superlattice grown on GaAs (1 1 0) showing
contributions to the calculated spectra. Solid lines: bulk bcc Co and its sharp interface with Fe; dotted: interface
between bulk Co and CoFe alloy; dashed: CoFe alloy. After Panissod et al. (1996).
Fig. 6.9. Cross section image of Co/Fe superlattices as seen by NMR and RHEED (after Panissod et al. 1996).
to; (3) bcc Co at an interface with a bcc F e - C o alloy; and (4) the F e - C o alloy, fig. 6.8.
In order to account for the relative intensities of the four lines as a function o f the C o
thickness it was necessary to assume a m o d e l in which the bcc Co grows as islands with a
p y r a m i d a l shape, fig. 6.9. A full discussion of the model, w h i c h accounted for both N M R
and RHEED data, is given by Panissod et al. (1996). The main conclusion was that a thick-
ness of 10-11 A of bcc Co seems to be the stability limit for the Co-Fe interface, whether
the Fe is below the Co or on both sides. The growth of 21 ,~ of bcc Co in the presence of
an overlayer is due to an inter-mixing with a rough hcp Co surface and an alloyed Co-Fe
layer. A final check on the consistency of the model was made by measuring the 59Co
spectra of bcc Co-Fe alloy films prepared by codeposition (Wojcik et al. 1997).
b) Co = 15ML /~k
e.- e) Co = 20ML
x10 f) Co15A/CugA
d) Co = 32ML
150 170 190 210 230 250 150 170 190 210 230 250
Frequency(MHz) Frequency(MHz)
Fig. 7.1.59Co NMR spectra of Co/Cu (1 1 1) superlattices: (a)-(d) as a function of Co layer thickness in mono-
layers (ML) together the fits to simple Ganssian functions (after Le Dang et al. 1990); (e)-(f) for different sub-
strate/buffer layers: (e) - GaAs/Ge/Co/Cu and (f) - sapphire/Nb/Cu, where again the data were fitted to simple
Gaussian functions. After Thomson et al. (1994b).
estimate of the amount of fcc and hcp Co in the bulk environment where Co is surrounded
by 12 Co nearest neighbors. This can also be thought of as fcc Co with hcp-like stacking
Another, smaller line occurs at "-~168 MHz, fig. 7.1(f) this corresponds to the atomic
environment where three nearest neighbor Co atoms have been replaced by Cu. In the
(1 1 1) orientation this is the ideal (abrupt) interface. As each Co layer has two interfaces
the ratio of the intensity of the main to the interface line should scale with the thickness
of the Co layer and this is observed in fig. 7.1 (a)-(c). Comparing the integrated area of the
main and interface line gives information on the percentage of interface where no mixing
of the layers has occurred. Intensity outside these two lines is indicative of mixing, here
Co is surrounded by 10 Co 2 Cu and/or 11 Co + 1 Cu. This deviation from the ideal can
clearly be seen in fig. 7.1 (a)-(e) while the spectrum in fig. 7.1 (f) has a significantly greater
amount of ideal interface.
Having considered the positions of the lines and their integrated areas, we will now con-
sider what information can be extracted from the N M R spectrum. As previously mentioned
a change in strain is reflected in the N M R frequency. Unstrained fcc Co in the bulk environ-
ment (12 NN Co) has a frequency of 217.4 MHz at 4.2 K, as the Cu lattice is 2% larger than
the fcc Co lattice an extensive strain in the plane of the superlattice and a commensurate
reduction in fcc Co NMR frequency is expected. Assuming that the Co lattice expands to
dimensions of the Cu lattice would imply a NMR frequency 204.9 MHz. The main fcc Co
line has never been observed at such low frequencies. The lattice constant must therefore
be some average of the Co and Cu values. Lattice distortion so that fcc becomes slightly
fct is also possible, as indeed is some combination of these explanations.
In the case of the interface line the situation is less clear. There is general agree-
ment that substitution of a near neighbor Co atom by Cu produces a frequency shift of
- 1 6 MHz -4- 1 MHz (Mrny et al. 1993b), however, in some work on dilute alloys a fig-
ure of - 1 8 MHz (Le Dang et al. 1990) per Cu substitution has been suggested. Hence as
the frequency shift associated with strain is small, it is not possible to be unambiguous
in assigning particular frequencies for the interface line to the effects of strain. It should
be pointed out that both a distortion of the lattice from fcc to fct and a small reduction in
magnetic moment per atom due to weakened exchange interactions might be expected in
the interfacial region.
Finally it is worth noting that the width of the lines can also give a valuable clue as to the
overall quality of the superlattice. The width of the line is determined by the distribution
of effective magnetic field at the nucleus and can therefore give a qualitative indication of
the density of defects, inclusions, grain boundaries, etc.
~r3 ~r3 ~
r,/2 :~., k~, :2,
~,,~ . ~ ~ ~: ~ ~1
~ ~ ~ ~ .F~ ,~ = ~,.. o
e~ .=o~ o~ ~ -~ ~ : ~ ~, ~.~, ~. ~
2~ 0 0
X X X X X x~x
~ 0 0 0 0
~ 0 0 0
o o L~ .o o o o.
-~ oo
"~ o
, < o _
, ~
ou {i ,. ~ ,~ g
d b~
'~ o~ o
= ~ ~~ - ~ ~.~,
.~ ~ ~~,3~ ID
x 0<
~2 x,~ X X X X X X X
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
~. 5 ---, o
= o= ,,<
"~" o II o . o
0 O
"~ ~ 4D cD
~.r, ca ~..~
~o~.~ ~~
=~ II o
x x
[zj =
.I '.~ O o
= o=
`6 ~
~ .~s ~e ~ o
~ Z ~ = .~
~ ~
_~ =.= ~.~
~.~ ~ ~e.~
(.) ~ ~.~
I e.I
6 v
o o
~< ~ < ~
~ <
~< ~<
8 '6 0
~.~ ~~ ~o~.~
o ~_~ :~-~ .~ oo
u 6 66~ ~d
0 0
e ~ ~ eeee g
u n ~ < Z
~ "
~ 'N ~ ~ "~
oo -~ ~ ~.~
~ . ~ = .~
~ ~
~ -~
~< ~
x ~
,--1 ",~
~ ~ ~'~
oo ~. ~ ~
r..) i
.3 @ -~ -
~ X X
X ~
-<.< o o
O 0 0
o 0
oo ~ ~"m"
C. o ~ o
e~ e~
Z~ 0,%
. . . . I . . . . ! . . . . I . . . . I " - - I . . . .
(b) ~
Fig. 7.2. 59Co NMR spectra in zero field for a Co/Cu (1 1 1) superlattice with Co layer thicknesses of (a) 20/~,
(b) 40/~, (c) 65/~, (d) 100/~. (e) Spectrum for a single Co layer of 1000 A. The dashed lines represent spectral
intensity due to atoms in the fcc and hcp phases. After Le Dang et al. (1991).
4.2K 59Co
o 0.5
L ,L .0
I oo 200
Frequency (MHz)
4.2K 59Co
=o o.s
0 I0o 200
Frequency IMHz)
Fig. 7.3. C0(4/~)/Cu(4A) superlattices at 4.2 K (a) oriented (1 1 1), (b) oriented (1 00). The lines are assigned
letters S 0, S 1 etc. to indicate the atomic environment. S O is the bulk line, S 1 is the first satellite due to 11 Co and
1 Cu NN and so on. After Suzuki et al. (1992).
effective magnetic field is highly sensitive to interatomic spacing as the spin densities of
both the 3d and valence electrons at the nucleus are modified. The combined effect of the
spin density modifications produces a reduction in the effective magnetic field as the fcc
Co lattice is expanded from its equilibrium dimensions. As the fcc Cu lattice is larger than
its Co counterpart epitaxial registry would be expected to lead to an extensive in-plane
strain and a commensurate reduction in the centre frequency of the NMR lines.
The size of the interfacial strain has been estimated by combining measurements of the
bulk modulus BT and the change A of 59Co NMR frequency v under hydrostatic pressure
P at temperature T
AV 3Aa Av
V a v
[ [Olnv'X "I-1
is of the order unity and V is the volume. The value of BT for hcp Co at room temperature
and the room temperature value of (~ In v/OP)r for fcc Co, tables 5.1 and 5.2, have mostly
been used in the literature, leading to a value of ot of 1.16. NMR experiments on thin films
are, however, carried out at temperatures near 0 K, and using the value for (~ In V/i~P)T at
4.2 K, from table 5.2, leads to a value of 0.97 for or. Since the correct value of BT is not
known, and interfacial strain is in any case non-hydrostatic, the difference between these
two estimates of c~ is not significant.
Results from a typical series of high quality MBE grown Co/Cu (1 1 1) superlattices are
shown in table 7.2, after Thomson et al. (1994b). The table also shows the magnetoresis-
tance expressed as a percentage, given by the maximum value of the ratio of the decrease
in resistance AR on the application of a field to the value of the resistance R in the applied
The frequency of the main line for a series of [Co(15,~)/Cu(7 or 9A)]x20 superlatfices grown on different sub-
strate/buffer layers with different magnetoresistances. The shift in NMR main line is expressed solely in terms
of pure volume lattice expansion and equivalent hydrostatic pressure, (The situation must be more complicated
since it would be expected that the expansion of the Co lattice in the plane would be accompanied by a contrac-
tion normal to the plane.) The final entry shows the effect of expanding the Co lattice spacing to match that of
the Cu lattice. After Thomson et al, (1994b).
The results are shown both as an equivalent hydrostatic pressure and as a uniform expan-
sion of the lattice in three dimensions. Table 7.2 clearly shows that the measured frequency
shift is much less than would be expected if the Co lattice were expanded to the dimensions
of the Cu lattice. It also seems apparent that the result cannot be accounted for by a simple
average of a strained Co lattice and a compressed Cu lattice.
A number of explanations have been proposed for the observed frequency shift due to
strain. The initial interpretation by Le Dang et al. (1990) proposed that a strain gradient
exists within the bulk of the Co layers so that layer adjacent to the interfaces were effec-
tively expanded to the Cu lattice whilst layers in the interior were partially relaxed. This
hypothesis also provided an explanation for the X-ray work which suggested that the lattice
expansion was greater than 1%.
The initial work on strain in Co/Cu superlattices was followed up by a more compre-
hensive study de Gronckel et al. (1991a, 1991b). Here the thicknesses of both the Co and
Cu layers were varied in a systematic way. The N M R signals from the bulk and originating
from Co sites with 11 Co nearest neighbors (i.e., with a single Cu nearest neighbor) lines
were then plotted, as shown in fig. 7.4.
Figure 7.4(a) shows that for atoms in the bulk environment ABeff depends on both tco
and tcu and that for a given tcu the strain is inversely proportional to tco for tCo > 6 ~,.
Comparing the bulk and 11 Co, 1 Cu environments, fig. 7.4(b) shows that the relative
change in Beff is similar for both these atomic environments. This suggests similar atomic
dimensions throughout the superlattice and hence coherent strain. Later work by the same
O.Ot, 0.08
0.12 0.16
' 1
0.02 0.0t~ 0.06 0.0B 0.10
1/tCo 11-11 1rico (A
Fig. 7.4. (a) Change in effectivemagnetic field ABeff = ABhf, determined from NMR spectra measured in field,
as a function of the reciprocal Co thickness 1/tCo for Co/Cu (1 11) superlattices with copper layer thickness of
tCu = 21 and 42 A. (b) Beff = ABhf as a function of tCo for bulk and 11 Co, 1Cu atomic environments with
tCu = 42/~. The reference sample used was a 1000/~ single layer of Co. After de Gronckel et al. (1991a, 1991b).
authors (van Alphen et al. 1994a) comparing results from Co/Ni, Co/Ag and Co/Cu super-
lattices concluded that in general Co/Cu superlattices were in a transition region between
coherent and incoherent strain as neither mechanism could fully explain all the observa-
Finally it is worth mentioning that strain effects have also been observed in sputtered
Co/Cu (1 1 0) superlattices (Saito et al. 1993a). In this work a large uniaxial magnetic
anisotropy was explained in terms of lattice expansion.
3 cos 2 0 - 1
n n ( 0 ) = n i s o -]- Hani
where Hiso and Hani are the isotropic and anisotropic components respectively, and 0 is
the angle between the magnetization and the applied field. Anisotropic behaviour can be
observed if the c-axis is tilted with respect to the film normal or the applied field is perpen-
dicular to the plane of the film.
One of the first NMR studies of Co/Cu (1 1 1) multilayers (Le Dang et al. 1991) found
that the hcp component of the multilayer gave a similar value for Hani to that found in the
bulk. This is evidence that the hcp-like regions of Co/Cu multilayers are indeed similar to
bulk hcp Co.
signal cx rid O( , (7.1)
Bapp -[- Bani
where Beff is the effective field at the nucleus, Bapp is the applied field, Bani is the
anisotropy field experienced by the nuclei under consideration.
Thus by measuring the area under a particular NMR line as a function of field, after
applying a sufficiently large field to ensure that all the domain walls have been swept out,
the magnetic anisotropy field can be determined for that particular environment (Thomson
et al. 1994a).
Figure 7.5 shows the field dependence of the integrated echo intensity under both the
bulk NMR line (with 12 Co NN) and the ideal planar interface line (with 9 Co NN and
3 Cu NN). Results from two multilayer films are shown, one with AR/R = 4% (fig. 7.5(a)
and (b)) and one with AR/R = 22% (fig. 7.5(c) and (d)). The parameters obtained from
fitting eq. (7.1) are summarized in table 7.3.
Table 7.3 shows that the interfacial anisotropy field determined from NMR measure-
ments is, within error, the same for both samples and is similar to the coercivity. The
anisotropy field measured for atoms in a bulk environment is larger than that measured
at the interfaces, and shows significant differences between the two samples. This then
implies that magnetization reversal is nucleated at the interfaces. The ratio of bulk to inter-
face anisotropy was found to be approximately double for the sample exhibiting a stronger
GMR effect.
Experiments of this type, although time consuming to perform, do provide a unique
method of probing the anisotropy field, as the measurement is confined to a particular type
of atomic environment. In passing, it should be noted that with the correct geometry of
sample orientation and excitation coil, information can also be on the domain structure.
This is implied in fig. 7.5, as a pronounced dip in the NMR signal is observed at the
coercive field.
A method of investigating the relative local enhancement factor is to make a three di-
mensional plot of the spin echo intensity versus frequency and rf power (Oliviera and
Guimaraes 1997; Panissod et al. 1997). The magnitude of the spin echo signal is a func-
tion of the product of the local enhancement and the peak rf magnetic field, see sections 3.7
80 40
o 40 20
0 =d
"3-2-I 0 "I :~ 3 4
Appliedfield(kOe) Applied field I~e)
~. 20 f ; ~-. 10
..CI Q
(b) Interface ~-~ 8
5 2~
0-4-3-2-1 0 1 2 3 4 0 . . . .
Appliedfield(kOe) Appliedfield(kOe)
Fig. 7.5. Example of NMR used to measure anisotropy fields both in the interior of a Co layer and independently
at the Co layer interface. After Thomson et al. (1994a).
Anisotropy fields determined from field dependence of NMR, and coerciv-
ity as measured on a vibrating sample magnetometer. NMR was measured
at 4.2 K and coercivity, Hc at 8 K. Uncertainty in NMR measurements
~100 Oe. After Thomson et al. (1994a).
(a) &
.~ ~
:v. I
(d) .
Figure 7.7 shows two sputtered multilayers with different buffer layers, fig. 7.7(a) is
grown on a Fe buffer and fig. 7.7(b) on a Cu buffer. The sample grown on Fe exhibits an
interfacial spectrum with some ideal planar interface. In contrast, the sample grown on Cu
shows an extended structureless spectrum characteristic of a disordered, mixed interface.
Studies of the Fe layer thickness dependence of the structure suggested the existence of a
critical Fe buffer layer thickness for sputtered multilayers (Suzuki et al. 1993). However,
the nature of the structural transition appears unclear as NMR and X-ray data essentially
gave different results.
The above description gives some indication of how NMR can assist film growers in
their quest for materials with specific characteristics. The results highlighted should be
taken as a guide to general trends rather than specific instruction, for example, Fe rather
than Cu buffer layers do not always give multilayers with higher quality interfaces if other
deposition parameters are changed.
Ca) :
~'~" Frequencyi6'
i6ti( o
Fig. 7.7. 59120 spectra of dc magnetron sputtered Co/Cu multilayers with (a) Fe and (b) Cu buffer layers grown
on Si substrates (after Panissod and Mdny 1993).
7.5.2. Effect of replacing alternate Co layers in Co/Cu multilayers with permalloy (NiFe)
Two publications (Valet et al. 1993 and Nakamura et al. 1993) have reported 59Co NMR
results on films where every alternate Co layer has been substituted with permalloy (NiFe)
to give a repeating structure of Cu/Co/Cu/NiFe. The motivation behind this work was to
reduce the value of the external field needed for GMR. NMR results show that the Co/Cu
interfaces are similar to multilayers without the addition of the permalloy layers. Details
of any smaller, second order effects such as small changes in interfacial mixing proved
difficult to analyze unambiguously, as Co/Cu control samples made by the same method
would have to be produced alongside the samples containing NiFe.
S~(IO0)- 200A C u +
--o-- 51 x(7 5 A Co + 40 A Cu) -',
m i
.A 50x~10 A C o + 40 A Cu) ;
i - 51X(125 ~ Co't"40,~ Cu}
~e-- 63x(165 ~C40 A Cu) ~
5X :'
16 17 I!1 19 20 21 22 23
HyperFme field (T)
Fig. 7.8. NMR spectra at T = 1.6 K of electrodeposited Co(x)/Cu(40~) grown on a Si/Cu substrate/buffer with
(1 0 0) texture. The low frequency side of the spectrum is magnified 5 times to show the interface structure. After
van Alphen et al. (1996).
est as Co/Cu multilayers are potential magnetic sensors. Several NMR investigations have
been undertaken (Saito et al. 1993a, 1993b, and Inomata et al. 1993) to examine the inter-
facial structure as a function of sputtering bias voltage VB. Figure 7.9 shows the change
in NMR spectra for a series of [Co(10tk)/Cu(10.~)] 100 multilayers oriented in the (1 1 0)
direction as the bias voltage is increased from 400 to 1400 V.
All the spectra show a wide distribution of intensity indicative of substantial interracial
mixing. However, within these wide distributions there are significant differences between
the spectra. The bulk lines are close to the fcc Co values, as no shoulders are observed
on the high frequency side of this line, the amount of hcp Co must be very small. Co/Cu
multilayers oriented in the (1 1 0) direction have an ideal planar interface consisting of Co
surrounded by 7 Co -t- 5 Cu NN. None of the spectra show a pronounced line that could be
associated with this environment and therefore an alloy-like interfacial region must have
formed. The spectra can be modeled using
P ( X i ) -~- Xi -'t- ~i (1 - X i ) ,
i i i
- 0.25 - 0.2S
i t
120.0 147.5 175.0 202.5 230.0 120.0 147.5 175,0 20~5 230.0
Frequency (MHz) Frequency (MHz)
+ i
0,50 ~ 0.50
~.o~ ~.o,,
0.1~ 0.~
120.0 147.5 175,0 202.5 230.0 1+,.0 i ~ 177.5 2OK3 235.0
Frequency (MHz) Frequency (MHz)
Fig. 7.9.59(20 NMR spectra of [Co(1O/~)/Cu(10~k)]xlOO multilayer in zero applied field at T = 4.2 K as a
function of VB. The main line is due to fcc Co, the low frequency satellites are due to the increasing substitution
of Co with Cu, i.e., (11 Co + 1Cu NN, 10Co + 2Cu NN.). All spectra were corrected for +o2. After Saito
et al. (1993b).
Data - - Fit]
(a) unannealed
130 150 170 190 210 230 250
Frequency (MHz)
Fig. 7.10. 59Co spin echo spectra for Co/Cu (1 1 I) multilayer films with structure sapphire/Nb(60/~)/
Cu(30~)/[Co(11.5/~)/Cu(7/~)]20/Au(38/~): (a) unannealed, (b) annealed at 320C for 45 mins. All data taken at
4.2 K and corrected for 0) 2 and variations in the spin-spin relaxation time T2. The vertical bars mark the position
of the centre of the NMR line from unstrained fcc Co powder. After Thomson et al. (1996a).
Magnetoresistance measurements at T = 4.2 K for a series of annealed
MBE grown [Co(l 1.5~)/Cu(7/~,)]20/Au(38/~)multilayer films. Ps is the
saturation resistivity at 4 Tesla and Ap the change in resistivity between
zero applied field and saturation. MR is Ap/ps expressed as %. After
Thomson et al. (1996a).
two expected lines, one from the bulk e n v i r o n m e n t ( ~ 2 1 5 M H z ) and one from the ideal pla-
nar interface (--~168 M H z ) with relatively weak spectral intensity outside these two lines.
This shows that a substantial fraction of ideal planar interface is present. The spectra show
a small reduction in frequency due to the extensive in-plane strain caused by the lattice mis-
match b e t w e e n Co and Cu (section 7.3). It is apparent that no gross changes have occurred
[eMain/Interface ~lnterface area
2.4 -n
~ 2.2
J ,D,)
~ 2.0 J
unannealed 200 260 290 320
Annealing Temperature (C)
Fig. 7.11. Ratio of main to planar interface line intensity, and the normalized interface line area as a function of
annealing temperature. The trend in the ratio is clear and shows a decrease in the number of atoms in the ideal
atomic environment relative to the bulk. This interpretation is confirmedby the decrease in the area under the
interface line, After Thomson et al. (1996a).
216.5 169.5
I -= Main ~ Interface "V
216.0 169
"1- R .
215.5 '168.5
215.0 168
214.5 1167.5
214,0 t i t
unannealed 200 260 290 320
Annealing Temperature (C)
Fig. 7.12. Centre frequency of the main and planar interface NMR lines change as a function of annealing tem-
perature. The interface line frequencyremains constant whereas the main line frequency increases. It is worth
pointing out that this increase in frequencyis independent of the details of the model used to fit the spectra. The
uncertainty in the fit of the centre frequencyis 50 kHz. After Thomsonet al. (1996a).
The N M R work on annealed Co/Cu multilayers was thus able to identify small structural
changes in local order where, due to their relative insensitivity to short range order, X-rays
had been unable to determine modifications to the multilayer structure.
2.5 I I I | I I
1.C i I
I t
, i
Temperature (K)
Fig. 7.13. Temperature dependence of the spacing of hypertine field satellite lines for a sputtered [Co(10.~)/
Cu(10.5/~)]100 multilayer. After Saito et al. (1995b).
However the object of studying th~se materials is to examine the intimate link that ex-
ists between the magnetic/magnetotransport properties and the multilayer structure. In this
final section we shall briefly summarize the work on Co/Cu systems by discussing the
magnetic and magnetotransport properties in multilayers where N M R measurements have
been undertaken.
The most important correlation made by N M R has been between magnetoresistance
and the structure of the interface, as can be seen in table 7.5. Here the key feature is how
changes in the interface on an atomic scale, lead to changes in the spin dependent scattering
and hence magnetoresistance. MBE grown samples provide the best systems to study, as
the structural quality of these materials allows easier analysis of the data and hence an un-
ambiguous correlation between magnetoresistance and structure, In sputtered multilayers
NMR results explicitly correlated with magnetization and magnetotransport measurements.
this correlation is sometimes considerably more difficult to identify due to the fitting and
modeling work necessary to obtain even qualitative results.
In MBE grown multilayers there is now a considerable body of evidence that shows that
the nearer that the interfaces approach the ideal planar configuration, then the greater the
MR. The quality of the interface may be obtained from the NMR spectrum by comparing
the NMR intensity in the bulk and ideal interface lines, and also by examining the spec-
tral intensity outside these regions. The interfacial quality can also sometimes be judged
by considering the state of strain in the interior of the Co layers (bulk environment). The
lattice mismatch between Co and Cu, discussed in sections 7.1 and 7.3, ensures that multi-
layers with good epitaxial registry over large lateral dimensions > 100 A are subject to an
extensive in-plane strain in the case of the Co atoms, and presumably a compressive strain
in the case of the Cu atoms. This effect is seen, for example, when MBE multilayers are
annealed causing both the strain to relax and a correlated reduction in MR.
In sputtered Co/Cu multilayers the largest body of published work, summarized by Saito
et al. (1995c), and the final entry in table 7.5, considers the effect of sputtering bias volt-
age on magnetic properties, magnetoresistance and interfacial quality. Unlike the MBE
grown multilayers work on sputtered multilayers usually relies very heavily on the fitting
and modeling procedures adopted and so cannot be expected to provide the same qual-
ity of data. However general trends can still be obtained and if the multilayers are grown
with sufficient care then good quality results can be obtained, as in the work of Thomson
et al. (1996c).
~ .~ I
~ ~ 0 ~0
o ~= ~ o ~
o o o o
~2 oo
o ~
e-i t'-q c~
o L) r..)
o r..,) o o o
r.Q L) r..)
.~ i N
~ g
~ >
o .~ "- ...= = ~* o ~ ~=
o ' r ~ o ' ~ ~ "~ ~ ' 9 ~
cq c~
r~ r~ ~ ,,~
o o
,_ ,~ -o~ '~ ~ .~.~ ~
~_~o ~o~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~
~ ~i ~ ~ ~ "~ ~
~.~.~.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
e ~
6 u
N ~
r~ ~z~
o o
-o S~ " " .: .
"i" ~ 0.25
0 Z0
z 20 7; i;o ,~5 " ~,0 20 7 130 185 2,0
Frequency (MHs) Frequency (MH:)
(a) Cr concentration 0 at% (d) Cr concentration 5.6 a t %
~ 0.25
z ,
. . . . . . . . . .
w3o Js
~ i oOOO
2,0 20
/ "ts
. . . . .
. . . . . .
I s
Frequency (MHz) Frequency (MH:)
(b) Cr concentration 0.6 a t ~ (e) Cr concentration 13.3 a t %
SI "
-/7 ......... .................
E ......... 2 % " ,i Eo.od
0 77.50"F~)
.20 " s ,~o .'5 2,0 20 h ,;o ,~s 2'0
Frequency (MHz) Frequency (MHz)
( c ) C r concentration 1.9 a t % ( f ) Cr concentration 21.6 a t ~
Fig. 8.1. Zero field 59CoNMR spin-echo spectra at T = 4.2 K of homogeneousCo-Cr alloy calibration satnples
made by vacuumevaporation and annealed at 1000Cfor 2 hours (after Yoshidaet al, 1990).
magnetic moment of the neighboring Co atoms and so the configuration becomes impor-
tant. The calculations of Yoshida et al. (1990) show that there is a spread of frequen-
cies between 113-142 M H z corresponding to these nine impurity configurations. Taking
a weighted average of these results gives a theoretical value for $2 of 132 MHz which is
close to the observed value of 134 MHz. Given the spread of frequencies calculated for
this environment, it would be expected that the $2 line is broader than SI. A further very
broad line has also been observed by Takei and Maeda (1991) in the region of 100 MHz.
This line can be tentatively identified as corresponding to an atomic environment in which
three of the NN Co atoms have been replaced by Cr. However at this concentration of Cr
the magnetic moment on the Co atoms is severely reduced and a larger number of different
impurity configurations is possible. This leads to a broad, poorly defined NMR line.
Finally, fig. 8.1(f) shows the NMR spectrum for an alloy with Cr = 21.6 at%. This is
close to the ferromagnetic limit and the effect of the reduced magnetic moment on the spec-
trum is obvious. Here only a very broad featureless peak centred at 80 MHz is observed.
Quantitative data on composition can be obtained from this moment reduction and this is
discussed in the following section.
~ 220
~ 210
5 10 15
Cr CONTENT (at.%)
Fig. 8.2. Centre frequencies of main resonance lines (M) for homogeneous Co-Cr powdered alloy samples as a
function of Cr concentration. The line is a guide to the eye only. After Takei and Maeda (1991).
A similar analysis using the first two satellite lines S1 (11 Co and 1 Cr) and 82 (10Co
and 2 Cr) has also been undertaken. However the width of these lines contributed signif-
icantly to the uncertainty in the results, and in practice only the main line can be use to
calculate the Cr concentration accurately and reproducibly. In the remainder of section 8
we shall discuss results in terms of the compositions deduced from the measurement of
homogeneous powdered alloys, as outlined above.
Ts=400*C * M
$1 "
Ts=300*C ..,
0 Ts=150*C
Ts=100*C y
50 100 150 200 250
Fig. 8.3.59Co spin-echo NMR spectra at T = 4.2 K of Co78Cr22 ff sputtered alloy films as a function of substrate
temperature (after Takei and Maeda 1991).
Main NMR line frequencygivingCr content for Co-richregions vs. substratetem-
perature for spectrain fig. 8.3.
The effects of substrate temperature will also be discussed in some of the following
sections, where studies have, for example, been undertaken on Co-Cr based films with
either Ta, Pt or Ni additives. However the essential ideas described here remain valid, that
(i) substrate temperature plays a crucial role in CS and (ii) that NMR provides an extremely
useful tool with which to probe CS.
(a) Vb M
--o-- 50 V .~
"~ 1500- ...t
.., 1000- 200
O carl
0 0
-15o o 5b
Vb (V)
Fig. 8.4. Effect of varying the sputter bias voltage on the (a) the NMR spectra and (b) the magnetic properties (Ms
and He) of 4000/~ Co78Cr22 films deposited at Ts = 200C. After Rogers et al. (1995b) and Takei et al. (1994b),
one of reconciling the apparently contradictory observations that increasing the substrate
temperature leads to increased CS whilst increasing the ion bombardment of a growing
film (increased negative VB) leads to the opposite effect. Although both growth modes
seem to enhance surface diffusion of the adatoms, the kinetic process of ion bombardment
is qualitatively different to that of thermal diffusion. The difference lies in the fact that
the highly excited atoms near an ion impact site are able to travel significant distances, of
the order of tens of nm, within a very short time scale (typically psec) thus producing on
average a randomizing effect. Thermal diffusion, by contrast, promotes migration between
neighboring lattice sites on times scales of seconds. Also it should be noted that since
compositional separation is considered to appear at thermal equilibrium, the short life time
of the adatom excitation may also be important in that there is insufficient time for CS to
occur. Note that the bias voltage has a strong influence on the microstructure. This, together
with compositional separation, indicates that CS is essentially a surface process that occurs
during deposition.
Though Rogers et al. (1995b) and Takei et al. (1994b) do provide a detailed information
on the effect of sputtering bias voltage on Co-Cr alloy thin films there remains considerable
scope for additional work in this highly relevant area of atomic surface mobility and the
interesting compositional and microstructural effects that it can produce.
8.4.3. NMR of evaporated and ECR plasma sputtered Co-Cr based thin films
The technological importance of sputtering as a thin film deposition technique has en-
sured that most of the NMR work on Co-Cr based materials has been carried out on either
dc or rf sputtered films. However a few studies have been undertaken on evaporated films
(Yoshida et al. 1990; Lodder et al. 1993a), and recently, a report of NMR work on electron-
cyclotron-resonance (ECR) plasma sputtered films was published (Hirono et al. 1995). The
results from films produced by these methods are the subject of this section.
Different deposition techniques give different microstructures leading to modified com-
positional separation which result in differences in the NMR spectra. One of the first pa-
pers on Co-Cr thin alloy films was a study of films produced by evaporation (Yoshida
et al. 1990). These early NMR results on evaporated films confirmed the existence of com-
positional separation, and associated electron microscopy work suggested that differences
existed between evaporated and sputtered films. A more comprehensive study of evapo-
rated films was undertaken by Lodder et al. (1993a) on obliquely evaporated Co-Cr films
from both a single alloy source and using co-evaporation from two elemental sources. The
oblique angle of evaporation allows process induced compositional separation to occur, en-
hancing the inhomogeneity between the Co-rich and Cr-rich regions of the film. The angle
oti between the film normal and the evaporation flux was chosen to be oti = 27.5 for the
results displayed in figs 8.5 and 8.6.
Figure 8.5 shows the NMR spectra obtained for three different single source evapo-
rated Co-Cr alloy films where the average Cr content ranged from Cr = 13.2 at% to
Cr = 26.6 at%. Spectra from four co-evaporated films are shown in fig. 8.6. Using the
analysis techniques described in section 8.2.2 the NMR results together with magnetiza-
tion data allow the Cr content of the Co-rich regions and their volume ratios to be estimated.
This data is summarized in table 8.3. This work shows that single source evaporated Co-
Cr films behave in a similar way to sputtered films, and that compositional separation
is promoted by elevated substrate temperatures. In addition co-evaporated films exhibit a
process-induced CS where the degree of separation produced at room temperature is simi-
lar to that of a single source film grown at high temperature.
The second deposition method we discuss in this section is the recently developed tech-
nique of electron-cyclotron-resonance plasma sputtering (Ono et al. 1984; Matsuoka and
Ono 1989). This technique has the advantage of low sputtering gas pressure together with
low energy/high current density leading to enhanced surface diffusion, the Ar pressure
during deposition is typically 6 10 -4 Torr. ECR sputtered films have the advantage over
conventionally sputtered materials, in that high saturation magnetization and coercivity can
be obtained simultaneously with small grain size. This is demonstrated in fig. 8.7 which
shows the changes in the magnetic properties and the mean grain size measured at the
surface by AFM as a function of deposition temperature.
The NMR result for a Co78Cr22 film grown at the optimum substrate temperature of
200C is shown in fig. 8.8 and shows that a high degree of compositional separation has
occurred, as comparison with the bulk alloy shows. The well defined line at 214 MHz is
indicative of a highly Co-rich region of composition Co94Cr6. This NMR result confirms
0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . .
I00 125 150 175 200 225 250
frequency (MHz)
"~ 0.4~
0.2 (b I ~5 2
I O0
' 0.8"
.~ 0.6"
-~ o.4
100 125 150 175 200 225 250
frequency (MHz)
Fig. 8.5.59Co NMR spectra at T = 4.2 K of single source evaporated Co-Cr samples grown at RT and 400C,
for the thicknesses shown and having various average compositions: (a) RT, 1860/~ and Cr = 13.2 at%; (b) RT,
2270/~ and Cr = 18.6 at%; (c) 400C, 2070/~ and Cr = 26.6 at%. After Lodder et al. (1993a).
~ 0.6
i 0.4
0.2 I~
0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
IGO 125 150 175 200 225 250 I00 125 150 175 Z00 2,25 2.50
frequency (MHz} freqmmcy (MHz)
~(C.... t [d)
0.8 0.8"
0.6 ~ 0.6"
"~ 0.4 "i 0.4'
0.2 0.2'
i%o * i.~s.... is0.... sTs.... zoo ' 'zes.... 250 0,]o0. . . . . . 12s
. . . . . . . . . iso
. . . . . . . . .17s
. 200 22s 250
frequent, {MHz) frequency {MHz)
Fig. 8.6.59Co NMR spectra at T = 4,2 K of co-evaporated Co-Cr samples: (a) RT, 3560 A and Cr = 24.7 at%;
(b) 400C, 3990/~ and Cr = 27.6 at%; (c) RT, 6480/k and Cr = 21,5 at%; (d) 400C, 7530/~ and Cr = 27.3 at%.
The peak around 120 MHz results from a material component of the sample holder. After Lodder et al, (1993a).
Summary of NMR and magnetization data for evaporated thin alloy films (Lodder et al. 1993a).
Cf: concentration of Co-rich component without any Cr atoms among the nearest neighbors of Co;
CI: concentration of less ferromagnetic components;
Vf: volume ratio of Co-rich component without any Cr atoms among the nearest neighbors of Co;
VI: volume ratio of less ferromagnetic components;
RT: room temperature;
Xrf: X-ray fluorescence measurement.
184 P.C. R I E D I , T. T H O M S O N and G.J. T O M K A
2000 i
SO0 60
400 50
1500 Ms
m ~~40
iooo ~ 30
200 ~" .~
w 20
Fig. 8.7. Effect of substrate temperature for a 1000/~ thick Co78Cr22 film on (a) saturation magnetization and
coercivity and (b) mean grain size as measured by AFM. After Hirono et al. (1995).
c,~ 0.6 t\ --
*i Sulk Alloy ;~i~ ~ I V
<o 0.2
0 S0 100 ISO ZOO ZS0
Frequency (MHz)
Fig. 8.8.59Co NMR spectrum for a Co78Cr22 1000 ~ film grown at 200C together with a reference sample of
the same composition. After Hirono et al. (1995).
that ECR plasma sputtered Co-Cr films exhibit a compositionally separated microstruc-
ture. This with the finer grain structure shown in fig. 8.7(b) potentially offers a more ho-
mogeneous distribution of finer Co-enriched regions leading to enhanced recording perfor-
1- 1- OO
IJJ rut
0 0~%
3 moO
ooO ~ e
~0 O,
< ,,,
O qlq 0:Z:
rj c1
uJ uJ
0 "7" o
1to 1~o 1~o 2bo 2~o 2~o 23o 24o 17o ++o ;+o ~ 2~,o ~ o ,",o +,,o
% N
LM tlJ 5,
in ,, . 11 .
..I ..I go
n o0 lib 13.
=i "-" a "
ls~j r 01 - ..'.
L~ o
I.iJ uJ 0
0 ! i i
170 180 190 200 2~10 2~.0 230 240
Fig. 8.9.59Co NMR spectra for the Co82.8Cr14.6Ta2.6(400,~)/Cr(600/~) films listed in table 8.4. After Rogers
et al. (1994a).
underlayers (Rogers et al. 1994b). Here we concentrate on the role of the crystallographic
texture of the underlayer. It has been suggested (Rogers et al. 1994a) that one effect of the
Cr underlayer is the promotion of a crystallographic texture in which the magnetic easy
axis lies, essentially, in the plane of the film, Cr underlayers are also likely to increase
the Cr-enrichment at the grain boundaries. Difference in recording performance have been
noted (O'Grady 1990; Beardsley 1991; Shen et al. 1992) for { 1 10}Cr/{ 1 T 0 1 }Co-Cr-
Ta and {2 0 0}Cr/{ 1 1 20}Co-Cr-Ta texture with the former exhibiting improved media
noise characteristics. A series of four Co82.8Cr14.6Ta2.6/Cr films with different textures
were investigated using NMR (Rogers et al. 1994a). The details of which, together with
some of their magnetic properties, are given in table 8.4. Spectra for these films are shown
in fig. 8.9.
Substrate temperature, texture and magneticproperties for a series of
Co82.8Cr14.6Ta2.6(400,~)lCr(600/~) films(afterRogerset al. 1994a).
Figure 8.9 clearly shows that the films deposited at higher temperatures have signifi-
cantly greater compositional separation as shown by the relatively sharp main lines cen-
tred at approximately 215 MHz, fig. 8.9(c) and (d). This centre frequency indicates that the
Co-rich regions have a composition of '~Co94Cr6. The films deposited at room tempera-
ture fig. 8.9(a) and (b) show some CS with the NMR frequency centred at approximately
200 MHz giving a composition of Co88Cr12. The NMR measurements were unable to
discriminate between the different textures indicating that the composition of the Co-rich
regions is not sensitive to the texture. However it is perfectly possible to speculate that
the distribution of Co-rich regions does change and hence lead to changes in recording
Results obtained for Co-Cr thin films deposited on Ge (Rogers et al. 1994b) underlay-
ers mirror the results for Cr underlayers. Here, again, substrate temperature was found
to be the determining factor leading to compositional separation, with the NMR spectra
showing no significant differences for films deposited on substrates with and without Ge
8.4.5. NMR and thickness dependence of compositional separation in Co-Cr based thin
A number of the NMR studies of Co-Cr based thin films have used films of different
thicknesses, however only one paper to date (Rogers et al. 1994a) has systematically inves-
tigated the effect of film thickness on compositional separation using NMR. In this study
(Rogers et al. 1994a) both Co78Cr22and Co86Cr12Ta2 films were investigated, the NMR
results from which are shown in fig. 8.10. Both sets of films were deposited at Ts = 200C
by rf sputtering. The spectra for compositional homogeneous bulk samples are included
for comparison.
Figure 8.10 shows that all the films exhibit a strong main line centred above 200 MHz.
This clearly demonstrates that a Co-rich component exists an all the films and that compo-
sitional separation occurs throughout film growth. However as the film thickness increases
it can be seen that the main line shifts to lower frequencies whilst the relative height of the
satellite peak ( ~ 175 MHz) increases. The shift in the main line indicates that the Co content
of the Co-rich regions is decreasing. The relative increase in the satellite line strength shows
that the proportion of the film which is homogeneous increases (Maeda and Takei 1991;
Takei and Maeda 1991). Both Co-Cr and Co-Cr-Ta films have a main line frequency of
20 fun thk:k am
S o~"
.1 ,/,, \ ...,.,ok
(b) 20 lainthick M
,~ ,0% j. ** ..,.
B..,k.i,oy ;.,
j,oxP '~ x"
"mm~D %4, x. i
25 nm thick
100 150 2OO
Frequency (MHz)
Fig. 8.10. 59Co spin-echo NMR spectra as a function of film thickness for (a) Co78Cr22 film deposited at Ts =
200C and (b) Co86Cr12Ta 2 film deposited at Ts = 200C.
/>218 MHz for film thicknesses of less than 500 .~. This corresponds to a Co-rich region
Co >~ 96 at%, and demonstrates that substantial CS occurs in the initial growth stage. For
a film thickness of 20 ~tm the main line frequencies are around 212 MHz for the Co-Cr
film and 205 MHz for the Co-Cr-Ta film. This corresponds to a Co-rich component of
Co = 93 at% and Co = 90 at%, respectively. Since the average Co content is Co = 78 at%
for the Co-Cr film considerable CS is still present. However for the Co-Cr-Ta film, the
average Co content is Co = 86 at% and so only weak CS is present in this film.
NMR as a function of film thickness together with TEM work and magnetization data
(Rogers et ah 1994a, 1994b, 1994c) has demonstrated that thinner films have a higher
8.4.6. NMR studies of the effect of additives in Co-Cr based thin films
The intense interest in Co-Cr based thin films arises from their use as recording me-
dia in disk drives, as mentioned in section 8.1. The production processes of longitudinal
recording media may utilize Co-Cr alloyed with a small quantity of one or more additional
elements such as Ta, Pt or Ni to improve the media's recording performance. In the pre-
ceding sections, mention has been of these ternary/quaternary alloys where appropriate. In
this section, we review a more systematic account of the differences between three types
of ternary alloy thin films Co-Cr-X where X is Ta, Pt or Ni. This work was performed by
Maeda et al. (1994a, 1994b). The films investigated were (i) Co86Cr12Ta2, (ii) Co78Cr13Pt9
and (iii) Co62.sCrT.sNi30 all the films were 500 ]k thick and grown by in-line dc magnetron
sputtering at Ts = 25C or 150C on Cr underlayers. Figure 8.11 shows the NMR spec-
tra obtained from these three samples together with reference bulk alloys of the sample
In all the C o - C r - X alloy films the NMR signal above 200 MHz becomes stronger as the
substrate temperature increases from 25C to 150C, indicating the promotion of compo-
sitional separation. Comparison of the films with the reference alloys shows the Co-Cr-Ta
film exhibits the greatest differences and therefore the largest CS. The Co-Cr-Pt film also
shows considerable CS, however the Co-Cr-Ni system is significantly less composition-
ally separated and this may explain why both Co--Cr-Ta and Co-Cr-Pt films show good
recording characteristics. As a cross-reference it should be noted that in section 8.4.4 on
the effect of Cr underlayers in promoting CS is discussed for both Co-Cr and Co-Cr-Ta
where B1 - total rf field at the nucleus perpendicular to the easy axis, Beff - the effective
magnetic field at the nucleus (hyperfine field), along the easy axis, Brf - the applied rf field
perpendicular to the easy axis, B0 - any applied dc field along the easy axis, BA - the
anisotropy field along the easy axis.
If BA is single valued then the maximum NMR signal is obtained for a particular value
of Brf. If however, BA has a distribution of values then examining the NMR signal as a
function of Brf gives information on this distribution. Note that, as discussed in section 4,
the presence of domain walls result in an additional enhancement of the signal and must
be taken into account in the determination of anisotropy fields or in comparative studies of
the effects of anisotropy fields on the NMR spectra.
.Q "... *q.
. ~ ~",.~
2)Tk 2S"C,Hc=47kA/rn (=)r,. =s~,.:= l o e ~
"u "~
(1) b u l k a l l o y "..
:) Co-Cr-NI
-~A~' (a)TS,,1SO'~Clk=.
, ~ 79
i kAm
,/ ~ ~ ~%.
O. (2)T4uu25"C,HC=U kA/m
(1)b u l k ~ ~
I 1 t ~*.
SO 100 150 200
Frequency (MHz)
Fig. 8.11.59Co NMR spectra for films deposited at Ts = 25 and 150C together with a reference alloy spectrum
for (a) Co86Cr12Ta2, (b) Co78Cr13Pt 9, (c) Co62.5Cr7.5Ni30 . After Maeda et al. (1994a).
Magnetic anisotropy has been studied using NMR in a series of Co78Cr22films, 5000/k
thick, grown at subsU'ate temperatures between 40-400C (Takei et al. 1994a). The mag-
netic properties of this series of films are listed in table 8.5 together with the disper-
sion in the hcp Co c-axis orientation (A050) obtained from X-ray diffraction measure-
Figure 8.12 shows the variation of echo intensity at 214 MHz as a function of rf pulse
amplitude Brf for the films listed in table 8.5. A single peak is observed for the film grown
at Ts = 40C labeled (x) in fig. 8.12. As Ts increases this peak broadens towards higher B1
giving a shoulder to peak (x) labeled (xt). This shoulder suggests the development of an-
other magnetic component with a higher anisotropy field. However it should be noted that
only Co nuclei which have resonant frequencies of 214 MHz are able to contribute to this
spectral intensity. The (x ~) peak appears to be largest for the film grown at Ts = 300C and
this corresponds to the highest value of Hk in table 8.5. It is suggested (Takei et al. 1994a)
Properties of 5000/~ thick Co78 Cr22 films deposited at various suhstrate tempera-
tures (after Takei et al, 1994a).
(Y) ~ (x')
1'71_i ....
Ts=40"C j ' ~
Fig. 8.12. Variation of 59Co spin echo intensity as a function of rf pulse amplitude (Brf) for a series of films
grown with Ts = 40--400 C at a frequency of 214 MHz (after Takei et al. 1994a).
that this high BA component may be attributed to magnetically isolated regions which de-
velop as the extent of the compositional inhomogeneity increases, assuming that the de-
creased demagnetization factor contributes to the increased BA. An additional peak starts
to develop at position (y) for Ts >~ 300C. Peak (y) represents a magnetic component with
low HA, approximately 1/10 of that of the remainder of the sample, however its volume
fraction is quite small.
y= ,
us o~,
lOO 150 200 250
Frequency (MHz)
If the magnetic anisotropy has two distinct values as with the film grown at Ts = 400C,
then it is possible to take NMR spectra for each anisotropy field. Such spectra are shown
in fig. 8.13, (a) for the high BA component and (b) for the low BA components for the
respective pulse amplitude conditions (x) and (y) in fig. 8.12.
Figure 8.13 shows that the satellite line intensities for the low BA spectrum (b) are
reduced compared with the high BA spectrum (a). Figure 8.13 also shows that the low BA
main line position (219 MHz) is at a higher frequency than the corresponding high BA
line (213 MHz), indicating that the low BA regions are more Co-rich. Using the calibration
techniques described in section 8.2.2 the low BA regions are estimated to have Cr = 2 at%
while the higher BA regions have Cr = 5 at%. Thus NMR is able to give useful information
on inhomogeneities within the Co-rich, compositionally separated regions which cannot be
obtained by other techniques such as FMR.
l>~ .,
.~ (a) ." (b) l
..... t~oo~/,.ro*j ,o
: : : : : tCoZ4X/.CrSil ,,
.o [Co16A/Cr8X] to
0 ~ 1 ~ ',, " I
*.,.0 b m.
J ~11 [
fact that the main line frequency does not depend on the Co layer thickness and so the re-
duction in frequency from the expected 228 MHz (for magnetization in the [0 0 0 1] plane)
cannot be attributed to strain, as strain would be expected to change as a function of Co
layer thickness.
The extended tail below the main line originates from Co atoms in the interfacial re-
gions, where at least one Co nearest neighbour atom has been substituted by Cr. The low
frequency side of the spectrum of the films with Co layers of 24 and 32 ]k essentially su-
perimpose. This shows that these two multilayers have the same interfacial structure. The
interface spectrum for the 16 .~ Co layer film is slightly different. Here, the Co thickness
dependence of the main intensity allows an estimate to be made of the amount of inter-
facial mixing in the Co layers. However, as the NMR measurement averages over all the
interfaces it is not possible to obtain reliable information on any asymmetries that might
be present between the way in which Co grows on Cr and Cr grows on Co. The data in
fig. 8.14 suggest that interfacial mixing extends over approximately 11 A or 5 monolayers.
This relatively large (c.f. Co/Cu) value is consistent with both the fact that no signal could
be observed in the Co(8A) multilayer and that the Co(16A) multilayer shows a different
interface structure compared with the two thicker Co layer samples.
In an attempt to extract more detailed information on the concentration profile of the
interfacial region a number of interface models were developed (Henry et al. 1993). The
result of this work suggested that the Cr content of the first mixed layer was relatively low
Cr = 3-7 at% and then increased rapidly in the second and third mixed layers, saturating
at Cr = 50-80 at%. Figure 8.15 shows the results of the model of the Cr concentration in
the mixed interfacial region. This model indicates that approximately 1.8 Co monolayers
at the interface are magnetically dead. Magnetization measurements are consistent with
the proposition that the interfacial region consists of about 5 monolayers of which approx-
imately 1.4 are magnetically dead. This is in good agreement with the estimate obtained
from NMR measurements.
"~1~ ~ Cr concentration
",o- 9 "ElHypes-fine field
75 75 ~
50 50 ~
25 25 ~
ot 1 O t z ~ 4 5
Fig. 8.15. Cr concentration and average hyperfine field (to first order, magnetization) profile in the interface.
The monolayer at zero corresponds to a full plane of Co atoms which is in contact with the interface. The two
continuous lines show the minimum and maximummonolayerconcentration value, consistent with the interface
model. After Henry et al. (1993).
The earlier work of Houdy et al. (1991), which was based mainly on X-ray diffraction,
had suggested that some of the Co was in the bcc phase. However there is no real evidence
o f a N M R line at the 198 MHz associated with bcc Co. An unambiguous identification
of bcc Co is difficult in C o - C r spectra which, because of the large dependence of the
resonant frequency of 59Co nuclei on Cr concentration ( - 2 MHz/at% Cr), often extend
from 240 MHz to below 100 MHz.
In the previous two chapters we have discussed the contribution made by N M R to the un-
derstanding of C o - C u and C o - C r thin films. The technological importance of these materi-
als has ensured that both these systems have been studied in considerable depth. However
a significant amount of work on other Co based thin films has also been undertaken, al-
though perhaps not as exhaustively as C o - C u and Co-Cr. In this section we review the
work carried out on these other Co based thin films.
o o.~ o
o v ~
o ~ r~
~ ~ ' ~
< t"q
ee) 0<
O o
< o
r..) < < <
z 0
< o o
o o o
.=~ O .=~
o o o
;> >.
;> a~
`6 `6
`6 4
e~ "6 I:::t
.3 r..A
~ ,.-.,
Data --Fit]
125 150 175 200 225 250
Frequency (MHz)
Fig. 9.1, 59Co NMR spectrum of [Co(20/~)/Au(22/~)]20 multilayer grown by MBE on a GaAs/Ge/Co sub-
strate/buffer (Thomson et al. unpublished).
The lattice mismatch between Au (fcc a0 = 4.08 A) and Co (fcc a0 = 3.54/k) en-
sures that the well defined epitaxial registry, which leads to strong signals from a specific
interface environment in Co/Cu, is absent in Co/Au. However Au provides a good plat-
form on which to grow thin Co layers as it produces a well oriented surface (parallel to
(1 1 1)) and is atomically fiat over large (-.~1000 A) lateral dimensions. Both Au/Co/Au
trilayers (Le Dang et al. 1986a; Cesari et al. 1989; Beauvillain et al. 1996) and multilayers
[Co/Au]x have been studied by NMR. A typical result is shown in fig. 9.1.
Figure 9.1 shows that Co is essentially in the hcp phase as the frequency of the main
line is centred at 222 MHz. This together with the width of the line and its asymmetry are
characteristic of the results from both trilayers and multilayers. The greater spectral inten-
sity in the low frequency side of the spectrum indicates that some fcc stacking faults are
present. A study of Co layer thickness in Au/Co/Au trilayers (Cesari et al. 1989) revealed
that the frequency of the main line increased towards 228 MHz as the Co layer thickness
was increased. A small reduction in the width of the line was also observed. These results
show that a reduction in fcc stacking faults occurs as the Co thickness increases and the
Co becomes pure hcp. This result is in agreement with work done on Co/Cu (1 1 1), where
increasing the thickness of the Co layers also led to a more hcp like structure.
Work has also been done to determine the contribution that strain makes to the magnetic
anisotropy in Au/Co/Au trilayers (Beauvillain et al. 1996). Two similar Co films were
grown on a Au capped silica substrate, one film was deposited at room temperature whilst
the other was deposited at 130C. Spectra for both films are shown in fig. 9.2(a). Sample
A, grown at room temperature, clearly shows both the fcc (217.4 MHz) and hcp (220-
228 MHz) phases while sample B grown at 130C shows much greater hcp character.
These results are in line with those in fig. 9.1 which demonstrate that Co in the Co/Au
system is essentially hcp in character.
Removal of the films from the silica substrate has a significant effect on the NMR spectra
fig. 9.2(b). The trilayers were removed from the substrate by coating the film with nitro-
cellulose varnish, which adheres well to the top Au surface, and then peeling the film off
the silica substrate. The nitro-cellulose varnish contracts at low temperature leading to the
Fig. 9.2. 59Co spin echo spectrafor Au(250/~)/Co(70/~)/Au(100/~) trilayers at T = 2 K (a) as deposited on to
the silica substrateat RT (A) and 130C (B), and (b) the samefilms followingremovalfrom the substrateusing
nitro-cellulose varnish.After Beauvillainet al. (1996).
positive shift in frequency of 3 MHz observed in fig. 9.2. Expressed in terms of volume,
a shift of 3 MHz suggests 6V/V = -1.2%. This leads to a negative magnetoelastic contri-
bution to the magnetic anisotropy, dramatically reducing the total anisotropy field. Hence
the NMR results give a direct explanation of the magnetic properties of the trilayer.
C~ =6S
o ~ 66
o) o ~ ~
u 2
15 17 19 21 23
Hyperfine field (T)
Fig. 9.3.59Co NMR spectra for [Co(x)/Ag(20,~)] 100 rnultilayers where 4/~ < x < 15/~ measured at 1.5 K. The
integral of the spectra are normalized to the nominal Co thickness and the spectra are corrected for enhancement.
After van Alphen et al. (1994b).
the Co layers to 10 ik results in a similar relative increase in both the bulk and in-
terface NMR signal implying that either the number of three dimensional islands in-
creases or that the islands grow larger. Increasing the Co layer thickness further only
increases the bulk spectral intensity demonstrating that Co then grows as a contin-
uous layer. This implies that the first few Co layers are essentially clusters up to
5 monolayers thick. Fitting a simple model of the ratio of interface to bulk spec-
tral intensity allows the lateral dimensions of the islands to be estimated at about
Work on annealed Co/Ag multilayers (van Alphen et al. 1995) demonstrates that an-
nealing promotes smoother interfaces, strain relaxation and phase separation. Figure 9.5
shows the effect of annealing Co/Ag multilayers with Co thicknesses 8 A and 15/k made
by magnetron sputtering.
Contributions from nuclei in both the bulk (~21 Tesla) and interracial (<20 Tesla) en-
vironments are clearly seen. The line at 17.5 T is assigned to Co atoms at a locally flat
(1 1 1) interface. The main and interface lines are much broader than similar lines found in
Co/Ni and Co/Cu multilayers where Co is mainly in the fcc phase and this is interpreted as
a mixture of fcc and hcp Co together with stacking faults.
The important feature is that a similar shift in the main line to higher frequencies is
observed for both multilayers. This is caused by strain relaxation which is attributed to
a growth of the Co clusters described earlier as well as a loss of coherence between Co
and Ag atoms at flatter (more perfect) interfaces. Magnetoresistance measurements as a
function of annealing temperature show a somewhat different behaviour. The Co = 8 ]k
sample has a well defined maximum in MR at 350C whereas the Co = 15 .~ sample does
~ 3
o I al Interface I
~ 2o
0 I0 20 30 40
Co thickness (A)
Fig. 9.4. NMR spectral intensity as a function of Co layer thickness for multilayers with the structure
[Co(x)lAg(20~)]lOOfor (a) the interface (correspondingto the integrated signal for hyperfine fields 15-19.5 T);
(b) the bulk (19.5-23 T); and (c) the ratio between the bulk and interface. The dotted lines are only as a guide to
the eye. After van Alphen et al. (1994b).
not. Given that the strain relaxation is similar in both samples it is clear that in these mul-
tilayers strain is not an important factor for MR. The suggested mechanism (van Alphen
et al. 1995) for the observed change in MR is a change in the cluster size and separation.
This occurs as a result of the different as deposited structures, i.e., granular for Co = 8 ,~
and continuous for Co = 15 A, as previously mentioned.
16 I8 20 22 24
H)l)erfine field (T)
Fig. 9.5.59Co NMR spectra of (a) [Co(8,~)/Ag(20A,)]xl00 and (b) [Co(15A)/Ag(20/~)]100 as a function of
annealing temperature. All the spectra are normalized to the Co thickness.
Z oOO "u
0 x x X
4 ~z ~z ~z
o o
~Z 0
~<~o '~o~:
~ .~~-~ ~
o0 oo
~h o u. ~ F ~_
g bD
a) Co = 200A c)Co20A/Pd13.
o b)Co41A/Pd6~ IA x138
19 20 21 22 23 19 20 21 22 23
Hyperfinefield (T)
Fig. 9.6. Hyperfine field distribution of Co/Pd multilayers with [I 00] texture with layer thicknesses as shown.
The NMR measurements were carried out at fixed frequency (185 MHz) and at a temperature of 1.4 K. The data
in (a) and (b) are fitted to a superposition of simple Gaussian functions which are also shown. After de Gronckel
et al. (1989).
N M R signal was observed. In films with thicker Co layers two N M R peaks separated by
20 MHz were observed an described in terms of the replacement of Co NN with Pd.
x 3.3
S~~ hop
Fig. 9,7. 59Co spin echo spectrum for a Co98Pt2 random alloy at T = 77 K. The main line is due to fcc Co
with some higher frequency contribution from hcp Co. S1 and $2 are the satellite lines arising from environments
with, respectively, one or two Pt nearest neighbors.
IJ., (b)
Fig. 9.8. 59Co spectra of Co/Pt multilayers taken at T = 2 K: (a) [Co(26/~)/Pt(32/~)lx6; (b) [Co(14A)/
Pt(20/~)]xlS; and (c) [Co(10~)/Pt(20/k)]16. The contributions from hep Co and Co3Pt alloy are indicated
on the graphs.
i ..-
4 kOe
o I 1 I ,
200 210 220
F (MHz)
Fig. 9.9.59Co NMR line intensity as a function ofdc field applied along the in-plane hard axis. All measurements
carried out at T = 2 K. After Le Dang et al. (1993b).
This initial work was followed up by studies on the orthorhombic distortion of the
Co lattice by Pt in (1 1 0) oriented Co/Pt multilayers (Le Dang et al. 1993b), and an in-
vestigation of antiferromagnetic coupling (Le Dang et al. 1994) in Co/Pt. Lattice dis-
tortion in MBE grown Co/Pt (1 1 0) multilayers was investigated by measuring NMR in
[Co(43A)/Pt(17.5A)]15 as a function of angle of applied field. The film was deposited
onto a GaAs (00 1) substrate with a Ag (1 1 0) 200 A buffer layer. This produced a film
with orthogonal, in-plane, easy and hard axes. Initially the rf field B1 was oriented along
the in-plane hard direction while the dc field was applied along the in-plane easy direction.
NMR spectra were recorded for applied field between 0 and 8 kOe. The broad line centred
at "~220 MHz in zero applied field shifted uniformly to lower frequencies at the expected
rate of - i MHz/kOe. Interchanging the rf and dc field axes produced significant changes
in the NMR spectra. In zero applied field the NMR signal was too small to be observable,
however increasing the dc applied field increased the NMR signal as shown in fig. 9.9.
The lack of signal in zero applied field indicates that no enhancement (see section 4)
from within domains is occurring as the rf field is either parallel or antiparaUel to the mag-
netization and therefore cannot exert a torque on the nuclear magnetic moments. This, of
course, assumes that domain wall enhancement usually the dominant mechanism is not
important. Using the assumption of domain only enhancement and the fact that the en-
hancement factor ~ is inversely proportional to the anisotropy field (eq. (4.1)) it is possible
to use measurements of NMR signal intensity vs. applied field to investigate anisotropy.
Figure 9.10 shows NMR intensity as a function of the two orientation of applied field, de-
scribed above, together with a fit to the anisotropy field model described by (Le Dang et
al. 1993b). Clear differences between the field dependence of the two orientations is im-
mediately apparent. Fitting to the anisotropy field model gives an in-plane anisotropy field
of 8 kOe showing that the two in-plane axes are not equivalent. The third axis (normal to
the plane) is different to the two in-plane axes as shown in fig. 9.11.
,~/ ",,
/ I
0 5 10
H (kOe)
Fig. 9.10. 59Co spin echo intensity as a function of dc applied field (a) parallel to the easy axis (triangles) and
(b) parallel to the hard axis (circles). The lines are the fits to the anisotropy field model described in Le Dang et
al. (1993b) giving an anisotropyfield of 8 kOe.
222 ~ ~
Fig. 9.11.59Co NMR frequencyas a function of applied field perpendicular to the plane.
Fitting to the same anisotropy field model and allowing for demagnetizing effects, the
anisotropy between the in-plane easy axis and the axis perpendicular to the plane is found to
be smaller than between in-plane easy and hard axes. Hence three orthogonal, inequivalent
magnetic anisotropy axes exist in these Co/Pt (1 1 0) multilayers.
Antiferromagnetic coupling in Co/Pt multilayers has also been investigated using N M R
by Le Dang et al. (1994). Here the evolution of the NMR spectrum was studied as a func-
tion of applied field. Figure 9.12 shows how the form of the spin echo spectrum changes
as a result of increasing applied field for a MBE grown [Co(52ik)/Pt(18,~)] x 15 multilayer.
The broad peak observed in the zero field spectrum is characteristic of hcp Co. As the
applied field increases a continuous change in line shape is observed rather than just the
expected shift to lower frequencies expected from the gyromagnetic ratio of 59Co sites.
The spectrum in an applied field B0 of 4 kOe shows the presence of a new, sharp line in
the low frequency side of the spectrum. Rotating the sample demonstrated that this line
was not connected with any in-plane anisotropy, and so this change in line shape was as-
cribed to antiferromagnetic coupling. This interpretation is supported by considering how
the enhancement factor 0 might change in an antifen-omagnet when an external field is ap-
i [ i
=o kOe
~ 5 kOe
10 kOe
! I I
200 2t0 220 230
F (MHz)
Fig. 9.12.59Co spin echo spectra for GaAs/Ag(200A)/[Co(52/~)/Pt(18/~)] 15 multilayers as a function of applied
field parallel to the plane at 2 K. The dashed line at zero applied field is the spectrum for a (1 1 l) oriented
Au/Co(70/~)/Au trilayer exhibiting a sharp fcc and broad hcp line. After Le Dang et al. (1994).
plied. If antiferromagnetic regions are only loosely coupled with other regions then 0 will
vary locally within the sample. Hence at zero applied field only regions with high enhance-
ment can be observed. This signal drops rapidly as the applied field becomes stronger than
the anisotropy field BA. If the applied field is greater than the antiferromagnetic flip field
then all magnetization vectors will be in-plane perpendicular to the applied field. It is then
possible to show (Le Dang et al. 1994) that
which is just the result obtained for a ferromagnetic film with B0 >> BA. Hence in a sat-
urating field the spin echo spectrum gives the true distribution of hyperfine field. Once
this saturating field is applied, no further changes in the form of the spectrum occur and
so a reliable estimate of the fcc fraction in the film can be made. The fcc fraction for the
sample shown in fig. 9.12 is 30%. The consequences of both interfacial mixing and the
polarization of Pt in the presence of an applied field were not discussed by (Le Dang et
al. 1994). Hence it is a little unclear as to whether or not these effects might also contribute
to some of the observed features in fig. 9.12. However, this is one of the few examples
where NMR has successfully been used to observed antiferromagnetically coupled multi-
A brief account of the NMR work on Co/Fe multilayers is given here for completeness, but
see also section 6.4.3 where the stabilization of bcc Co films by bcc Fe underlayers and
overlayers is discussed. Table 9.4 details the NMR work published on Co/Fe multilayers.
Initial NMR studies (Boher et al. 1992) of rf sputtered Co/Fe multilayers showed the
presence of a low frequency line centred at 198 MHz for multilayers where the Co thick-
nesses was less than Co = 20 ,~. The NMR spectra were found not to depend on the Fe
layer thickness. A number of different X-ray techniques indicated that only a bcc structure
present and so the low frequency NMR line at 198 MHz was assigned to Co in the bcc
This initial work was followed up in subsequent publications by Dekoster (Dekoster
et al. 1993a, 1993b) who undertook NMR studies of high quality MBE grown Co/Fe mul-
tilayers. Figure 9.13 shows their results for a series of MBE grown films where the Fe
layer thickness is held constant at Fe = 24 ]k while the Co layer thickness varies from 10
to 42 ,~.
The evolution of the NMR spectrum with Co layer thickness is clear. Thin Co = 10
layers result in a dominant line at 198 MHz while the spectrum for Co -----42 ,~ shows
that the hcp Co line at 220 MHz is more prominent. In addition to the 198 MHz line the
Co = 10/k multilayer also has a second line centred at 212 MHz. This second line is
probably due to the bcc Co/Fe interface as the larger magnetic moment on Fe leads to a
greater hyperfine field at the interface compared to bcc Co. This contrasts with the situation
in, for example, Co/Cu where Cu contributes close to zero magnetic moment.
Comparison of NMR and in-situ RHEED data taken during deposition showed an inter-
esting difference between the thickness at which the bcc Co reverted to hcp. During film
growth the critical thickness for bcc Co was found to be less than 10 ]k after which hcp Co
began to form. The NMR data taken post-deposition indicated that the critical bcc =~ hcp
transition thickness was 20 A. The discrepancy between these data demonstrates that de-
positing a Fe layer onto a thin Co layer forces the Co back into the bcc phase for Co
layer thicknesses in the range 10 A < Co < 20 A. Further study (Dekoster et al. 1993b)
of MBE Co/Fe multilayers grown on MgO substrates, as a function of substrate temper-
ature Ts during deposition, explored the thermodynamic limits for the formation of bcc
Co. Ts was varied between 20C and 250C and the optimum temperature was determined
to be 175C. This temperature gives sufficient mobility to the freshly deposited Co atoms
whilst ensuring that Co-Fe interdiffusion did not dominate. This result was confirmed by
the successful growth of Co/Fe multilayers on GaAs substrates at Ts = 175C which pro-
duced high quality films. These studies also showed that the formation of bcc Co required
a minimum Fe layer thickness. Below Fe = 24/k the NMR results showed that some hcp
Co was formed even when the Co layer thickness was less than 20 A and hence Fe layers
of at least 24 A are required to ensure that the bcc structure is maintained throughout the
multilayer stack.
"-,, &o:e
6 o~&~zo-~ ,,~o ~ ~, o o ~ ~
,.% ,~ ,%
o "o
m m
-- -~ -4
-,~ .
[Co ( 3 2 ] k l / F e { 2 4 ~ 1 ] ~ s
c- .
: N
Fig. 9.13.59Co NMR spectra at 1.6 K in a series of [Co(x)/Fe(24.~)]25 multilayers grown on a GaAs (1 T 0)
substrate. After Dekoster et al. (1993a).
9.5. 55Mn and 59CoNMR studies of Co/Mn multilayer and alloy thin films
The complex structural and magnetic behaviour of Mn make Co/Mn potentially one of
the most interesting multilayer systems to study. However both the difficulty of producing
high quality multilayer films and the reluctance of many MBE growers to contaminate
their deposition chambers with Mn has to date restricted work on this system. The two
early publications on Co/Mn multilayers produced by Le Dang and co-workers (Sakakima
et al. 1986; Le Dang et al. 1986b) together with subsequent work are listed in table 9.5.
The initial work was principally concerned with analyzing the NMR results in terms of
Co layer thickness. Figure 9.14 shows a series of NMR spectra where Co layer thickness,
Mn layer thickness and number of bilayers all vary. Expressing the data in terms of Co
signal per Co layer showed that the multilayers behave as if approximately 8 ]k of the
Co layers did not contribute to the NMR signal and were thus considered magnetically
dead. Figure 9.14 shows that for Co ~< 25 A a very broad spectrum is observed with an
~ ~ ~ ~
=~ o~o~ ~
-- o . ~ ~
~ o-~.~ ~
0 0
0 0
o o
x x
0 0
0 v ~
o00 0
o '~
u U
o o
v o~
b0 g~
, , "~& ~o' , , , ,
, .
/ / 11~ u>t~ Mn
Fig. 9.14. Co and Mn spin-echo spectra in multilayered (tCo-tMn)n films. The arrow indicates the resonance
frequency of fcc Co. After Le Dang et al. (1986b).
additional peak at a frequency greater than 400 MHz, whereas for Co ) 36 ~, the spectrum
is characterized by a much sharper line centred near 222 MHz and no peak above 400 MHz.
These spectra were explained by assuming that for Co ~< 25 ]k the film was not continuous.
It was also noted that the lack of a strong low frequency tail (<217 MHz) meant that it was
unlikely that the multilayers with Co < 25 A had a fcc structure. The line observed at
420 MHz was ascribed to Mn surrounded by 12 nearest neighbor Co atoms. However both
previous and subsequent studies show that Mn in this atomic environment has a resonant
frequency of 378 MHz and so the origin of this line is not entirely clear.
Exchange coupling between Co and Mn layers was investigated by measuring the NMR
spectrum as a function of the magnitude of magnetic field applied parallel to the plane of
the film. The coercivity was identified by a sharp drop in the NMR signal. The asymmetric
nature of this characteristic drop showed that these multilayers possessed a unidirectional
CoMn alloy thin films were studied by Rogers (Rogers et al. 1995a) for indications of
compositional separation effects similar to those found in CoCr alloy films as described
in section 8.4.5. Their work on 350 ,~ thick, Co0.75Mn0.25 alloy films showed that just
as in CoCr films increasing the substrate temperature produced significant structural and
magnetic changes. Comparison with bulk CoMn alloys demonstrated that films deposited
with substrate temperature Ts held close to room temperature produced films with sim-
ilar saturation magnetization and NMR spectrum to that of the bulk alloy. Alloy films
deposited at Ts = 300C showed a three fold increase in saturation magnetization with
l- 1-
,< "'" % '1
0 O - M
'I- 120 170 220 270
Fig. 9.15. The spin-echo NMR frequency spectra for a compositionally homogeneous Co75Mn25 bulk alloy and
Co75Mn25 thin films deposited both at RT and 300C. After Rogers et al. (1995a, 1995b).
Ms = 114 emu/g (c.f. RT Ms = 35 emu/g). These films also had a substantially modified
NMR spectrum as shown in fig. 9.15.
The peak at 218 MHz indicates regions of almost pure Co and shows that as is the case
with CoCr, substrate temperature play a key role in determining the magnetic and structural
properties of CoMn alloy films.
Results from investigations of dilute CoMn powdered alloys, alloy thin films and Co/Mn
multilayers are detailed by Thomson et al. (1996b). This work clearly shows the complex
nature of the CoMn system. This complexity arises in part due to the small energy dif-
ference between the parallel alignment (ferromagnetically (FM) coupled) of Mn with Co
and the antiparallel (antifen'omagnetically (AFM) coupled) configuration (Stepanyuk et
al. 1994). This effectively introduces an additional level of complexity into the analysis
of NMR results as each structural configuration has two possible spin orientations and of
course it should also be remembered that NMR is observed from both Co and Mn nuclei.
The zero field NMR spectra for sputtered, dilute alloy thin films are shown in fig. 9.16(a)
and (b) while the spectra obtained from multilayers are given in fig. 9.16(c) and (d). The
main features of the alloy film spectra, fig. 9.16(a) and (b), were analyzed as follows. The
main peak, 210-230 MHz shows Co in both the fcc and hcp phases, although clearly the
ratio of these phases is influenced by the substrate and growth conditions. A number of
satellite lines are observed between 197 MHz and 212 MHz and these are due to grain
boundary effects and/or Co atoms with 11 Co and 1 Mn nearest neighbors (NN) with Mn
aligned parallel to the Co. The 55Mn resonant line at 377.5 MHz is due to a single Mn
impurity FM coupled to 12Co NN. A line between 170-180 MHz was found in all the
spectra and is probably due to Co with 11 Co and 1 Mn NN where the Mn is aligned
antiparallel to the Co.
NMR results from the multilayers, fig. 9.16(c), (d), show spectra similar to those found
for the dilute alloy films but with some additional features. The most interesting of these
are the spectral intensity between 240-300 MHz, the appearance of a well defined line at
131 MHz for the multilayer with thick Mn (Mn = 30 .~) layers and a significantly stronger
0.03 I - - = 0.01 I
b) COo.~s Mrl.o 2 ~0.8f "ee -~ 0.008
228A on MgO ~' ~ ee ~ I
0.02 _ ~o.6 t .% |o.oo6t .
O.Ol .zQF.~#'$ Q .
, ~o. , , , "
oL";" " ~
i 21 O==
= lBC)C30A/MnlAxl ~
-~ I J ! % J i
~, o.12 .. 0.6 ." T, o.o3 ....0 ,
008 :"", ~ o,~ /oo2F_'.m
0.04 q~,%
"* ";
o I.=
' ~
resonance at 377.5 MHz. The feature between 240-300 MHz remains unexplained but is
observed in other CoMn systems and so does not appear to be an artifact of the particular
samples measured here. The line at 131 MHz is thought to be due to Co with 10Co and
2 M n NN with the Mn aligned antiparallel. The greater intensity at 377.5 MHz indicates
that more interfacial mixing has occurred and is consistent with the idea that the stability
limit for epitaxial growth of Mn on Co is ~ 2 0 ,~.
As can be seen from the data and analyzes presented here, the rich structural and mag-
netic diversity of the CoMn system makes this a particularly attractive area for future study.
However the problem of producing high quality Co/Mn multilayers has yet to be com-
pletely solved.
~oo8.~ =~_
.o .o
d d 0 0
o o
6 ~ 3~
Z o
"o v
~ rj ,.~ ~
~ .a
ID e~ ~ t)
~ 0
~.~ ~ o ,,~ ~
o ..~ .o.
~', # o
o~ ~ x X
x x ~
~ O eq t",l
o O
~5 o
o o
v ~ v
o-,, ,m
N o
,N o
~ N
N v
t..) ,.~
- ~ ',~ ,.~
,.-, ob '-~
"dl ~o.,~ 6
o ~ v..~ ~ ~
.~ o
~ ~ ~-~ ~
e" "~ '~' +~
~ 0
X ~ x ~ ~
x ~ x X x
o 8
o o o
o 0
6 ~ 0o
& 0
IPs ~1.
OJ 0 0
o &
fCo (MU
- &
I q3aaJ 6HI.
I o~_-.
0 / I j I I" ~ u "
20 21 22
normalized hyperfine field (T)
Fig. 9.17. In field spectra (corrected for enhancement) of [1 1 1] fcc Co3Ni42 multilayers, showing the systematic
increase in intensity ratio between the main line and the most intense satellite with increasing Co thickness tCo
(in monolayers). The spectra have been normalized in intensity and in HFF to the most intense satellite. The
inset shows the bulk/interface intensity ratio as a function of Co thickness. The data in the inset are corrected for
differences in spin-spin relaxation times. After de Gronckel et al. (1992).
tCo (AI
6030. 15 10 8
i 1 i i v
0.0 0
-0.2 A
-0./, u
-0.6 o tCu- 211 ~"N,
-, , q 3
0.0 O~)L. 0~8 0.12 0.16
l/tco (A-1)
Fig. 9.18. Hyperfine field derived from in-field spectra vs. inverse Co thickness 1/tCo for [1 1 1] Co/Ni and Co/Cu
multilayers. The lines are least squares fits to the data. After de Gronckel et al. (1992).
Ts = 200C. The NMR results show that no compositional separation occurs in these
films and that the data is comparable to both measured random bulk alloys and to spectra
simulated assuming a random distribution of atoms.
eI I ~)~a~ S M
of- -.,, . . . .
O o"-'-o ,c..,,o
"- ,.~o
. . . . , . . . . ,....--.-_ ..-..:.
Fig. 9.19. NMR spectra for (a) Ts = 100C film, (b) Ts = 400C film, (c) Co-30 at%Ru bulk alloy film and (d)
Co-12.9 at% Ru film. After Maeda et al. (1993).
this phase separation is magnetically induced This might then imply that magnetically
induced separation occurs in technologically important alloys such as CoCr thin films.
Thus magnetically induced separation rather than some precursor to an interrnetallic phase
could also be important in producing the fine compositional separation essential for high
density magnetic recording.
"0 A
4.2 K Ht=100mOe [/
oa. ii
~:[c(48)-s"(t4al)] 55 I I
o 70.
o b:[Co(321)-sn(gB,~)]75 Ill
1 6 ~ /
"0 a
20. b ~~-~
I0' I
050. 100. 150. 200. 250.
frequency [MHz]
Fig. 9.20. 59CoNMR spectrain 3 sets of Co/Sn multilayerswith overallCo concentrationof 45% and periodicity
of ratio 1 : 2 : 3. After Jedrykaet al. (1989).
indicate that a 5 A alloy layer is formed at the interfaces. NMR measurements on multilay-
ers with thick, Co > 100 A, layers showed Co in both the fcc and hcp phases. Reducing the
Co layer thickness to Co < 50 A resulted in only the hcp phase being detected, in contrast
to Co/Cu multilayers where thin Co layers favor the fcc phase. A further decrease in Co
layer thickness produces substantial broadening of the NMR spectrum for Co = 26 A with
both increased low frequency spectral intensity and an increased high frequency compo-
nent. A reduction in the transverse relaxation time from "--140 ~ts to 10 gs is also observed.
These data are indicative of the mixing of Co and Zr which leads to soft magnetic prop-
erties due to a reduction in the Co grain size from polycrystalline to nanocrystalline. The
NMR is also correlated to changes in the domain structure as observed by Kerr microscopy.
~ . ~= ~ ~ ~ ~g'~
..=~o= ~ ~ ~
.~ = . . . ~
.- ~.=
~ - ~~ . = . - . - ' ~
g m .~
~ ..~ ~, o "~= g
X X ~'~ X X
X x
z ~
r..) o o
r~ r~ r..9
td (l'd-lz)
V Vj
100 0 -I(}0 -200
! I , I
Af (KHz)
3 91 10
I 8 z
Fig. 10.1. Spin-echo spectrum in 7 T (a) of 63Cunuclei in a single 400 nm Cu film, (b) of 63Cunuclei in a
[Fe(60/~)/Cu(25/~)]50 multilayer deposited on a glass substrate, (c) of 65Cu nuclei in the same sample as in (b).
After Jin et al. (1994a).
contained in the report of Goto et al. (1993c) and we concentrate our review on this work.
The aim of the investigations was similar to that described in the previous section 10.1.1
on Fe/Cu multilayers, namely to study spin polarization in the nonmagnetic Cu layers of
these magnetic/nonmagnetic multilayer systems. The spin polarization oscillation is sam-
pied at the resonating nuclei through the hyperfine interaction between the nuclear mag-
TABLE 10.2
The exchange fields in kOe determined from 63Cusatellite lines (first row) and 65Cu satellite lines (second row)
corresponding to the peaks labeled in figs 10.1(b) and 10.1(c), respectively.After Xu et al. (1994).
630U, 650u
. . . . . .
NMR Snectra A
Interface // Ho II ~ [Ni(30)/Cu(150)]
Temp = 1.5K I[
l l l l l l
12.0 12.5 13.0 13.5 14.0 14.5 15.0 15.5
External Fieid ( k O e )
Fig. 10.2. The Cu NMR spectra of the [Ni(30/~)/Cu(x)]superlattices, where x = 70, 100 and 150/~ at 1.5 K and
16 MHz. The external field was applied parallel to sample surfaces. The two peaks correspond to 65Cu (at around
13.2 kOe) and 63Cu(at around 14.2 kOe). Spectra have been normalized to match the tails of the resonance lines.
After Goto et al. (1993c),
netic moments and the conduction electrons. Multilayers with relatively thick Cu layers
were prepared on M y l a r substrates with a Cr = 30 ,~ buffer layer by U H V electron beam
deposition. The multilayer structure was [Ni(30,~)/Cu(x)]n where x = 70, 100 or 150 ,~
with corresponding n = 29, 20 or 10. All samples had a fcc (1 1 1) texture and are detailed
in table 10.3 together with a summary of the results obtained. 63Cu and 65Cu N M R spectra
for all three multilayers are shown in fig. 10.2,
The swept field spectra were taken at fixed frequency of 16 M H z and at T = 1.5 K.
The external magnetic field was sufficient to align the magnetic moments of the Ni layers
parallel to the field direction. The problem is then how to relate these N M R spectra to
the spin polarization of the conduction electrons. Unlike the Fe/Cu spectra shown in the
previous section (10.1. l) there is no discernible satellite structure, making it impossible
to estimate the spin polarization oscillation period. It is worth emphasizing that this is the
result that might be anticipated and that the appearance of such a well defined satellite
structure in Fe/Cu is somewhat unexpected. The asymptotic form of the spin polarization
~ ~~
~.~ ~.~ ~
c~ x
c5 e~ t~ e~
o o o
I I I ~ I I
K 0
N / / \ \ o
0 o
UJ o
12.5 13.0 13.5 14.0 14.5 15.0 15.5 16.0
Fig. 10.3. Angular dependence of the 63Cu contribution in the Cu spectra for [Ni(30/~)/Cu(70/~)] superlattice.
The angle is defined as that between the external field direction and the sample surfaces. After Goto et al. (1993c).
o 0.5 c
i i | i
0.0 2'0 0 5.0 10.0 15.0
frequency (HHz) externctt field (kOe)
Fig. 10.4. NMR spectra of 51V in Fe-V multilayered film (a) swept frequency in zero field at 1.3 K, (b) swept
field at 14.0 MHz, 4.2 K. After Takanashi et al. (1982).
Similar behaviour has also been observed in other systems, e.g., F e N (Takanashi et
al. 1984a) and appear to be a universal characteristic of magnetic/nonmagnetic multilay-
ers. It is thought that the changes in the NMR spectrum are due to changes in the form
of spin polarization as the results shown in fig. 10.4 are not expected from conventional
RKKY theory. Analyzing the results in more detail shows that the damping constant cz is
independent of angle and indicates that the likely cause of the anisotropy in the line widths
is due to a change in the initial conditions at the interface. However work of this type is
really only just beginning and remains a fruitful area for further investigation.
,~ ~ o "~ ~ ~ "~
il ~ o~ ~ ~oo~ ~ ~
~.~ ~.~o o o ~ o oo ~ oo~
o~ o~
o ~ .~
10.3.1. 57Fe and 61NiNMR studies of NiFe (permalloy) based thin films
NMR work on thin permaltoy (Nio.8oFeo.2o) films has been reported by Lesnick
et al. (Lesnik and Kharitonskii 1985a; Lesnik et al. 1985c; Lesnik and Golub 1993).
Their investigations were aimed at examining diffusion effects at the grain boundaries of
permalloy films. A considerable number of Russian papers (in Russian) exists on NMR in
u i i i i i i 1 i . i i i I i
~ 1 I I I I I I f I
40 50 f, mHz
Fig. 10.5. NMR spectra at 1.5 K of trilayer (Fe-Ni)-(57Fe)-(Fe-Ni) film: (a) untreated; after annealing for 1 h at
(b) 473 K, (c) 623 K, (d) 773 K. After Lesnik et al. (1985c).
permalloy based films and the interested reader is recommended to consult the report of
Pokatilov et al. (1990) and the references contained within. In this article we shall restrict
ourselves to reviewing the results published in literature that is more readily accessible as
listed in table 10.5.
Diffusion studies were undertaken on trilayer structures where a central layer of enriched
57Fe was allowed to diffuse into permalloy layers on either side. The trilayer structures con-
sisted of Nio.8oFe0.20/57Fe/Nio.80Feo.20 with grain sizes of the order of 150-200 ,~ which
were carefully annealed at various temperatures. After each annealing process the N M R
spectrum was recorded. In this way the progress of any diffusion process could be moni-
tored. This procedure potentially has uses in other thin film systems where diffusion effects
at grain boundaries are important.
Figure 10.5 shows a series of N M R spectra measured at T = 1.5 K for Nio.80Feo.20/57Fe/
Nio.80Feo.20 trilayer films as a function of anneal temperature. The films were deposited
on to mica substrates at room temperature and consisted of two 1500 A layers of non-
magnetostrictive Ni0.80Fe0.2o permalloy separated by a 500 A, 92% enriched 57Fe layer.
The trilayers were then annealed for 1 hour at temperatures between 373 and 773 K. Exper-
iments as a function of annealing time showed that little changes occurred in the hyperfine
field distribution as the annealing time was increased. The initial (unannealed) spectrum
fig. 10.5(a) for a trilayer showed a narrow well defined line at 46.6 MHz from the 57Fe
layer against a background of weak signals at 40.5 MHz, 43.5 MHz and 54.5 MHz. In
bulk permalloy 61Ni resonance lines are normally observed at 48 and 54.5 MHz and this
~ o ~
~ "~-
e~ ~~ ,~ ~
gs-~ o ~~
o dc~
cq o,1
o tt'~ o
.o~ d d ~ .,,~, ~ , c5
z ~ ~2 ~ ..~ ..~ -.~
accounts for the spectral intensity above the 57Fe line in these films. 57Fe resonances at
40.5 and 43.5 MHz are associated with Ni0.80Fe0.20 and Ni0.65Fe0.35, respectively. Spec-
tral intensity below 38 MHz is due to 57Fe located at grain boundaries. Figure 10.5(b)-(d)
show the evolution of the diffusion process as the anneal temperature is increased. At
T = 473 K some minor changes occur in the hyperfine field distribution particularly at the
low frequency end of the spectrum which could indicate diffusion of 57Fe towards the grain
boundaries. As the temperature is increased to T = 623 K more radial changes occur and
the 57Fe line at 46.6 MHz is substantially reduced, demonstrating that large scale diffusion
has occurred. The reduction of the 46.6 MHz line is accompanied by a shift in the line at
40.5 MHz to 41.5 MHz. A further increase in the annealing temperature to T = 773 K,
fig. 10.5(d), effectively washes out the structure of the spectrum and replaces it with a broad
peak centred at 44-45 MHz. A new line also appears at 60.5 MHz due to the 61Ni reso-
nance from Nio.65Fe0.35. This shows that diffusion of the 57Fe layer is complete given that
the equivalent homogeneous composition for the trilayer structure is Ni0.63Fe0.37. These
results demonstrate that NMR can be used to monitor diffusion processes through their
early stages where grain boundaries offer the most energetically favorable route for mixing
to proceed.
.~ .~
'~ ~ ~i
x oo
x~,_x ~ ~ x
~ o~ ~ <o~0~
~, o o o 13 13
[g ~
II [I II II ,-,.~-~
o o
! i i i i i i I i i i
. . . . . . ~,'~,,'-3,..~,~'~ .~
, = i J i i i ~ I i i i
HMn (kOe)
Fig. 10.6. The 55Mn spin echo frequency spectra at zero extemal field and 1.3 K, which are associated with
the ferromagnetic sites in (a) Fe(50A)/Mn(50,~), (b) Fe(50/~)/Mn(15/~) and (c) Fe(50A)/Mn(8/~). Intensities are
normalized to the peak near 242 MHz. The sharp peak around 47 MHz is associated with 57Fe in the Fe layer.
After Takanashi et al. (1986a, 1986b).
=%ol ~1%
i I
0 40 80
frequency (MHz)
Fig. 10.7. The 55Mn spin echo frequency spectrum at zero external field and 1.3 K, which are associated with the
ferromagnetic sites in Fe(15/~)/Mn(50~). After Takanashi et al. (1986a, 1986b).
occurs only when Fe is deposited on Mn showed that alloying occurred over a number
of atomic layers and suggested that layers with Mn concentration significantly larger than
the thermodynamic stability limit of Fe0.9sMn0.05 could be formed. The interfacial region
was estimated to extend over at least 15 ~,. This is supported qualitatively by the extensive
changes that occurs to the N M R spectrum as the Mn layer thickness is reduced from 15
to 8 .~. These results are similar to those found for Co/Mn multilayers where again the
interfacial mixing region has been shown to extend over approximately 15 ]k.
.< o)
"o ,SSHn
3 63Cu "Is= 170 C
Ts = 210 C
Fig. 10.8.55Mn, 63Ctt and 65Cu spin echo spectra at 4.2 K in sputtered Cu2MnAI Heusler alloy films deposited at
substrate temperature Ts. The lines between the main peaks are due to deviation from exact stoichiometry. After
Le Dang et al. (1988b).
was analyzed in terms of the formation of different crystal structures (phases) at different
substrate temperatures. The optimum temperature for formation of Cu2MnA1 is around
Ts = 167C. At higher temperatures around Ts = 250C the formation of other phases of
CuMnA1 are strongly favored However as Ts is increased beyond 250C no one phase is
particularly favored and this leads to the reappearance of Cu2MnA1 giving rise to the high
Ts NMR signal
~ ~ o,.0.
' .-
o o.~
~ ~ ~'~=~ 2~
~ ~ ~ -~
o o
8e~ t~
. . . . I . . . .
Is) ~g (b)
m o o
0 0
E 0
u 0 0
O0 ~0
.m .-,
I I I , 1 t I I t--- I
;i I
,,,.I .... I...,I,,,,
3(I(I 350 4)1) 450 500 550 600 650
Frequency IMHz] Freqeency [Mllzl
(el ~o
. . . . .~t~_ . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
) ! I .... ! .... I ....
E ~t2lSb
Fig. 10.9. Spin echo spectra at 4.2 K: (a) 55Mn in PtMnSb(t)/CuMnSb(100/~) multilayer films with t =
500 /~ (open squares), t = 100 /~ (open circles) and a single layer film of PtMnSb (dots); (b) 195pt in
PtMnSb(t)/CuMnSb(100Ik) multilayer films with t = 500 A (open squares), t = 100 A (open circles) and a sin-
gle layer film of PtMnSb (dots); (c) NMR spectra in PtMnSb(t)/CuMnSb(100.~) multilayer films with t = 100
(open squares), t = 10/~ (open circles) and a single layer film of PtMnSb (dots). After Takanashi et al. (1992).
layers constant at 100 tk and varying the PtMnSb thickness between 100 A and 1000 A.
Resonance signals could be observed from 195pt, 55Mn, 121Sb and 123Sb nuclei as shown
in fig. 10.9 for various thicknesses of PtMnSb layers. Comparative data for single layer
alloy films are also shown.
The line positions in the 55Mn spectra, fig. 10.9(a), of PtMnSb/CuMnSb are similar to
those of the single layer alloy film. The 195pt spectra, fig. 10.9(b), show that the multilayer
line positions are shifted to lower frequency with respect to the reference single layer alloy
film. Hence the hyperfine field at the Pt sites appears to be more sensitive to interfacial
mixing than at Mn sites. This is at least reasonable as the hyperfine field at the Pt nuclei
depends mainly on conduction electron polarization whereas the hyperfine field at Mn
nuclei is, in principal, due to core electron polarization of the Mn parent atom. Nevertheless
it is surprising that even in the interior of reasonably thick (500 ]k) PtMnSb layers the
influence of interfacial mixing is able to perturb the local electronic structure over several
hundred angstroms. This is much greater than the size of the interfacial mixing region
which from magnetization measurements is estimated to be N25 ,~. Figure 10.9(c) shows
spectra in the frequency range expected for 121Sb and 123Sb as obtained for the reference
single layer alloy film. The spectra from the multilayer films were not considered to be
due to Sb as the two characteristic resonances from 121Sb and 123Sb were not observed
as distinct lines. However the spectra are in the same frequency range as ferromagnetic
MnSb with the NiAs type structure. Hence these resonances were considered to be due to
Mn atoms in a MnSb precipitate with the implication that the PtMnSb layers are deficient
in Pt due to Pt diffusing into the CuMnSb layers. It was also noted that the intensities
of both the 55Mn and 195pt spectra decreased with decreasing PtMnSb but that the 55Mn
spectral intensity due to MnSb increased. This is a curious result and remains unexplained
at present.
In the introduction to this section it was mentioned that the work Le Dang et al. (1989)
concentrated on studying a rather different aspect of Mn/Sb based multilayers, namely the
anisotropy of the hyperfine field. The multilayers used in this study were grown at room
temperature on Kapton substrates by electron beam evaporation in UHV. Two samples
were produced [Sb(120,~)/Mn(12,~)] 27 and [Sb(50]k)/Mn(2]k)] 90 on Sb buffer layers
of 600 A and 700 A, respectively. The samples were subsequently annealed at 150C to
improve crystallinity. In this review we concentrate on the NMR results from the 55Mn
nucleus as 121Sb qualitatively gives the same results.
Figure 10.10 shows zero applied field 55Mn spectra for the two samples together with a
spectrum for a bulk powder alloy as a reference. The 55Mn spectrum for the as deposited
films produce a broad featureless spectrum shown by the dotted lines. Annealing the multi-
layers resulted in the spectra shown as solid lines. X-ray diffraction measurements showed
that the sample with Mn = 2 A had unsurprisingly formed MnSb clusters and that these
clusters had their c-axes perpendicular to the plane of the film. It was supposed that for
the Mn = 2 A sample the shift in frequency shown in fig. 10.10(c) arose partially from a
demagnetizing field associated with the clusters.
The Mn quadruple coupling for the multilayer deduced from transverse relaxation (T2)
measurements was close to that of the bulk powder sample. Measuring the sample with
an applied magnetic field of 12 kOe in the plane of the film showed the sign of the hy-
perfine field was negative as the principal contribution to the HFF is due to core elec-
tron polarization. Similar measurements for 121Sb indicated a positive hyperfine field due
mainly to conduction electron polarization. Torque magnetometry measurements (Okita
and Makino 1968) on MnSb single crystals showed that the first order uniaxial anisotropy
constant, KI, is negative and about an order of magnitude greater than the positive second
order term K2.
The hyperfine field tensor was determined by measuring NMR with a field applied per-
pendicular to the plane of the film. As the magnetization is rotated towards the c-axis the
i | I
Fig. 10.10. 55Mn spin echo spectra at 4 K for MnSb films. The solid lines show the spectra after annealing at
150C. The dashed lines show the normalized results before annealing. The arrows show expected positions of
quadrupole lines. (a) Powder sample; (b) Mn layer thickness of 12/~; (c) Mn layer thickness of 2/~. After Le
Dang et al. (1989).
quadrupole splitting varies approximately as 3 cos 2 0 - 1 where 0 is the angle between the
effective resonance field and the magnetization. This can be monitored in an N M R exper-
iment by measuring the line width of the peak as shown in fig. 10.11 for the Mn = 2 ]k
clustered sample.
Modeling this data leads to the theoretical curves also shown in fig. 10.11 and demon-
strates that for the Mn = 2 ,~ sample the principal contribution to the anisotropy field
comes from the first uniaxial anisotropy constant Kl. The shift in levels between the theo-
retical and experimental curves is due to the dominant contribution from the isotropic core
polarization term which is of course included in the experimental results. K2 only has an
appreciable effect when 0 is small as shown by the similarity of the two curves (A and B in
fig. 10.11) where the second order anisotropy field is assumed to be HAz = 1 kOe (curve A)
and HA2 = 3 kOe (curve B) here HA = 2Kz/Ms. Using these values for anisotropy fields
it is possible to calculate the shift in resonant frequency as a function of applied field and
this is shown as the dotted line in fig. 10.12.
The anisotropic part of the effective hyperfine field is then given by the difference be-
tween the calculated curve and the experimental data. In the case of the multilayer with
Mn = 12/k the values for the perpendicular and parallel hyperfine field at 55Mn were
found to be 249 kOe and 264 kOe, respectively, leading to an estimation of the dipole field,
from measurements of nuclear quadrupole coupling, of 17.7 kOe for Mn. This anisotropy
probably originates from 3d spin and charge asymmetries. Similar results for Sb led to an
estimate of 36 kOe, in qualitative agreement with the observed values of - 1 3 kOe and
21 kOe for Mn and Sb, respectively.
/ 161
--. / ,!,"
% tl
",, t~,'
'~% 'l
. . . . I . "v . I
5 Ho 10
H IkOe)
Fig. 10.11. Variation in the Mn linewidth at half maximum as a function of DC magnetic field applied perpendic-
ular to film plane with manganese layer thickness of 2/~ (cluster sample). The theoretical variation in the total
quadrupole splitting is shown by the dashed lines. HA2 ---- 1 kOe (curve A) and HA2 ----3 kOe (curve B). After
Le Dang et al. (1989).
, i . . . . i
S 10
H '(kOe)
Fig. 10.12. Variation in the 55Mn resonance frequency as a function of DC magnetic field applied perpendicular
to film plane with manganese layer. The theoretical frequency shift due to DC and demagnetizing fields is shown
by the dashed line. Data for a manganese layer thickness of 2 J~ (open triangles). Data for a manganese layer
thickness of 12/~ (open circles). After Le Dang et al. (1989).
o= . ~, ~ .o ~, . o ~ ~ g? =
~ $$g~ ggg~
~ ~ Z
t'q t"q
t"q '~"
f :4.1MHz
Z 65Cu
Fig. 10.13. Observed NMR spectrum of the CtdNb sample. After Aoki et al. (1987b).
10 I ! I I I II I I t | I i i ,~l I
H =3.6KOe
H=O .--,/
Fig. 10.14. The NMR relaxation rate T1-1 of the Cu layer at temperature T with (open circles) and without (dots)
an external field. After Aoki et al. (1987b).
with Happ = 8.5 kOe, a narrow line superimposed on a much broader feature. The broad
feature was associated with an electric quadrupole field induced by the distortion of the Nb
bcc lattice.
~ ~ ~5~ ~ ~=.~ o~
~-o~ " d II
6200 6400
6800 7000
.., i
6490 6500 6510 6520
Frequency (MHz)
Fig. 10.15. (a) NMR spectrum characteristic of 165Ho measured at 8 T and 1.4 K for a Y/Ho0.05DY0.95/Y trilayer,
(b) Expanded view of central line revealing an additional satellite. The relative areas of the Ganssian components
are shown beneath the curves. After Graham et al. (1993).
the 6738 MHz line while reducing the intensity of the 6752 MHz line. The authors ex-
plained this effect by considering the possibly that two magnetic phases coexist, namely
a ferromagnetic phase and a helimagnetic phase. In Dy/Y films where Dy is made suf-
ficiently thin (<3000 ]k) it is possible to completely suppress the ferromagnetic phase,
however at low temperatures an applied field of 1 T is sufficient to restore ferromagnetic
order which remains even when the applied field is removed. Films with thicker (>3000/k)
Dy layers show a behaviour similar to that of the bulk material with Te reduced by 5 K. The
Y/Ho0.05Dy0.95/Y film considered here is an intermediate case and as a working model it
was suggested that the low frequency line (6738 MHz) was due to nuclei in the interior of
the film where the relaxation conditions allow more bulk-like properties and hence bulk-
like ferromagnetic order. The 6752 MHz line is then due to nuclei whose parent atoms are
in more constrained, helimagnetically order regions, presumably close to the interfaces.
The 159Tb NMR of bulk and thin film samples of T b - Y alloys containing 5% and 10% Y
was investigated by Li et al. (1996), table 10.10. The usual Tb spectrum was obtained,
consisting of a central line near 3000 MHz and quadrupole split lines some 600 MHz above
and below the central frequency. Fine structure on the lines from the thin film samples was
characterized as due to Tb with 0-3 Y nearest neighbors. The magnitude of the splitting
was less than half that expected for an impurity atom with zero moment indicating that Y
is not a simple dilutant.
i i i i #
J I i I I I I I I
Fig. 10.16. Profile of the highest frequency quadrupole satellite line for a Y/Ho0.05Dy0.95/Y trilayer measured
before (triangles) and after (circles) the application of an external 8 T field. After Graham et al. (1993).
Interdiffusion in the Tb/Y system was studied in a superlattice by Li et al. (1997), ta-
ble 10.10. The 159Tb spectrum was analyzed using a model in which the Y diffusion into a
Tb layer was thermally activated and varied from layer to layer.
In conclusion we hope that this article will have at least given some flavor o f just how
valuable the contribution of microscopic, hyperfine techniques are to the understanding of
thin film systems and shown that it is able to provide useful information for both funda-
mental and more applied research.
The authors would like to acknowledge the following for their kindness in supplying
reprints and comments on their work: W.J.M. de Jonge, N.A. Lesnik, Y. Maeda, and
P. Panissod. The financial support of the U K Engineering and Physical Sciences Research
Council for N M R work at St. Andrews is gratefully acknowledged.
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chapter 3
1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
2. Theory of itinerant-electron metamagnetism (IEMM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
2.1. Stable magnetic state in the independent-electron approximation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
2.2. Effects of spin fluctuations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
3. Laves phase compounds with non-magnetic rare-earths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
3.1. ACo2 compounds with A = Y, Lu, So, and Hf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
3.2. A(Co, M) 2 compounds with M = A1, Ga, Sn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
3.3. (Y,Lu)(Co,M)2 compounds with invariable crystal cell parameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
3.4. Invariable d-electron concentration Y(CoxAlyCuz)2compounds ................... 313
3.5. Y(Col_xMx)2 compounds with M = Fe, Ni, Cu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314
4. Magnetic lanthanide-Co 2 compounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315
4.1. RCo2 and (R,Y)Co 2 compounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315
4.2. Magnetic phase transitions in R(COl_xMx)2 compounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
4.3. Other R(Co,M) 2 compounds (M = Mn, Ni, and Rh) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357
5. 4f- and 3d-magnetism instability in TmCo2-based compounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358
6. Field-induced magnetic phase transitions in R(Co,A1)2 Laves phase compounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363
6.1. Field-induced non-collinear magnetic structures in the Al-stabilized RCo 2 compounds . . . . . . . 363
6.2. Field-induced magnetic phase transitions in a ferrimagnet with one unstable magnetic sublattice.. 365
6.3. Field-induced magnetic structures of three coupled sublattices .................... 366
6.4. Exchange interactions in RCo2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369
6.5. Concluding remarks on RCo 2 compounds ............................... 370
7. Other itinerant-electron metamagnetic systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373
7.1. RCo3-based compounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373
7.2. The RCo5 compounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382
7.3. The Ce2Co7B 3 compounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383
7.4. The Co(Sl_xSex) 2 compounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386
7.5. Final remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388
References ..................................................... 389
AF antiferromagnetic
DOS density of states
CEF crystalline electric field
F ferromagnetic
f.u. formula unit
FOT first-order transition
IEMM itinerant electron metamagnetism
LMTO linear muffin tin orbital
MMT metamagnetic transition
NMR nuclear magnetic resonance
P paramagnetic
R lanthanide
HR heavy lanthanide
LR light lanthanide
SF strongly ferromagnetic
SOT second-order transition
T transition metal
WF weakly ferromagnetic
WRS Wohlfarth-Rhodes-Shimizu
List of symbols
a lattice parameter
an coefficients in the Landau expansion of the free energy of the d-subsystem
A coefficient of the spin-fluctuation resistivity ( P s f = A T 2)
An coefficients in the Landau expansion of the free energy of the d-subsystem,
taking into account effects of spin fluctuations
Aij spin-spin coupling parameter
ARR spin-spin coupling parameter between R spins
ART spin-spin coupling parameter between R and T spins
ATT spin-spin coupling parameter between T spins
bn coefficients in the Landau expansion of the free energy of the 4f-subsystem
B magnetic induction vector (/z0H); B idem (scalar) (/*oH)
Bc critical magnetic induction for the metamagnetic transition
262 N.H. DUC and EE. BROMMER
Btl, Bt2 idem (lower and upper) for the collinear-noncollinear phase transitions
BRol effective molecular field acting on R moment in R-T compounds
T effective molecular field acting on T moment in R-T compounds
C heat capacity; also: magnetovolume parameter
C Curie-Weiss constant; also specified for rare earth R as CR
C.n coefficients in the Landau expansion of the free energy of the system
containing both 4f-spin and itinerant electrons
D exchange stiffness constant
F free energy
gJ Land6 factor
I effective interaction energy between the d electrons
JR the total angular momentum for the 4f ions
JR quantum number of the total angular momentum, also short J
kB Boltzmann constant
mi magnetic moment of one ion
mR magnetic moment of one R ion
mT magnetic moment of one T ion
Mi sublattice magnetization vector (also as molar moment)
Mi sublattice magnetization (scalar) (also as molar moment)
Me magnetization of the R sublattice (also as molar moment)
Md magnetization of the d-subsystem (also as molar moment)
Ms spontaneous magnetization (also as molar moment)
N(eF) density of states at the Fermi level
NR number of R atoms per mole
NT number of T atoms per mole
nij molecular-field coefficient
nRR intrasublattice molecular-field coefficient
nRT intersublattice molecular-field coefficient
nTT intrasublattice molecular-field coefficient
P pressure
Peff effective paramagnetic d-moment
R resistance
S entropy
S Stoner enhancement factor
S thermopower
SR spin (operator) of the 4f ion
ST spin (operator) of the 3d ion
T temperature
Tc Curie temperature
TF Fermi temperature
Tmax temperature at which the paramagnetic susceptibility shows a maximum
T* temperature above which the magnetic susceptibility obeys
the Curie-Weiss law
T~f spin fluctuation temperature
1. Introduction
Among the intermetallic rare-earth compounds with 3d transition-metals, those which ex-
hibit a magnetic instability of the 3d, subsystem are of particular interest. In combination
with large magnetovolume effects, these compounds exhibit a number of characteristic
properties which make them suitable for checking various physical theories. In this chapter,
we focus attention on the Co-based Laves phase compounds (RCo2; as usual, Y and Sc are
considered as R-elements, too). In contrast to the isostructural RNi2 and RFe2 compounds,
in which the d-electron subsystem is either non-magnetic, i.e., paramagnetic (RNi2), or
bears a stable magnetic moment (RFe2), in the RCo2 compounds the hybridized itinerant
3d-5d electron subsystem (3d-4d in case of YCo2) shows to some extent an intermedi-
ate behavior. The RCo2 compounds with the non-magnetic R-ions Y and Lu are exchange
enhanced Pauli paramagnets and undergo a metamagnetic transition (MMT), i.e., a field-
induced magnetic phase transition from the paramagnetic to the ferromagnetic state under
264 N.H. DUC and EE. BROMMER
an external magnetic field exceeding a certain critical value. This critical field (or induc-
tion) was found to be 69 T and 74 T for YCo2 and LuCo2, respectively (Goto et al. 1989,
1990). In the RCo2 compounds with magnetic R ions, in the ordered state the molecular
field may exceed the critical field necessary to induce the metamagnetic transition in the
d-electron subsystem. The concurring magnetic-phase transitions at Tc are of first order
(FOT) in RCo2 with R = Er, Ho and Dy, and of second order (SOT) in the others (Duc et
al. 1992a).
Itinerant-electron metamagnetism (IEMM) of the d-electron subsystem is supposed to
have its origin in peculiar band structures near the Fermi level (eF) and can be accounted
for quantitatively by calculations of the density of states (DOS) N(e) (Yamada et al. 1984;
Yamada and Shimizu 1985; Cyrot and Lavagna 1979). It is well known, however, that in
many cases the collective excitations in the highly correlated d-electron subsystem play
a very great role for the systems with a strong energy dependence of N(e) near eF. It is
widely recognized that spin fluctuations can significantly influence the finite temperature
properties of an itinerant magnet (Moriya 1979, 1991; Gratz et al. 1995a, 1995b; Duc
et al. 1991; Burzo et al. 1994). Quenching of spin fluctuations in (external and internal)
magnetic fields has been observed in low-temperature specific-heat measurements (Ikeda
et al. 1991) as well as in magnetoresistance measurements (Duc 1994; Duc et al. 1995a;
Duc and Oanh 1997). The RCoa Laves phase compounds, thus, have been a typical ex-
ample to investigate not only IEMM but also the effects of spin fluctuations. IEMM and
spin fluctuations are interesting not only in themselves, but, in addition, by studying these
phenomena it is possible to understand more deeply some aspects of the theory of itinerant-
electron metamagnetism and open up the possibilities incorporated in this theory for de-
scribing different unusual effects observed in experiments.
The Laves phase compounds consist of two kinds of atoms, A and B, with formula
AB2. The A atom is a relatively left-hand transition element in the Periodic Table, e.g.,
Sc, Y, lanthanides or actinides, whereas the B atom is a relatively right-hand 3d-transition
element, e.g., Fe, Co and Ni, etc. There are three typical crystal structures in the Laves
phase, so-called C15-, C14-, and C36-type structures. In the C15-type structure, the A
atoms make up the diamond structure. In the spaces of the diamond lattice of the A atoms,
tetrahedra of four B atoms are inserted (see fig. l(a)). Looking at this cubic structure along
the [1 1 1] direction, one can sketch a hexagonal-like structure (see fig. l(b)). The C14-
and C36-type structures are presented in figs l(c) and (d), respectively. These cubic and
hexagonal structures are closely related as they result from different stackings of the same
atomic layers. The possibility to form a Laves phase compound is mainly governed by the
relative size of the constituting atom. As shown in fig. 2, the Laves phase compounds do
occur only in case the ratio between the atomic radii of the A and B atoms is near the ideal
"rigid sphere" value, RA/RB = ~ / ~ (Yamada and Aoki 1993).
The crystal structure and the magnetic state of the B-sublattice at low temperature are
listed in tables 1-3 for various AB2 Laves phase compounds, where A are the 3d, 4d
and 5d transition metals, lanthanides and actinides, and B are Mn, Fe, Co, and Ni. These
compounds have been extensively studied in the past decades. The simple structure makes
these compounds suited for a complete analysis of magnetic interactions as a function of
the A element and of the B partner. For the general properties of the compounds under
consideration we refer the reader to the reviews written by Sechovski and Havela (1988),
Franse and Radwanski (1993) and Yamada and Aoki (1993).
o A atom
B atom
Fig. 1. Three typical Laves phase structures: (a) and (b) - cubic C15-type, (c) - C14-type and (d) - C36-type.
Large open and small dosed circles denote the positions of the A and B atoms, respectively.
Fig. 2. Number of C15-, C14-, and C36-type structures against the ratio between the atomic radii of the A and B
atoms RA/R B.
The chapter is organized as follows. At the beginning of section 2 the basic concepts
of the first part of the theory of itinerant-electron magnetism - in the independent-electron
approximation- are described. Then, magnetic properties of the systems consisting of both
itinerant electrons and localized spins are formulated on the basis of the s--d model. The
effects of spin fluctuations on the magnetic behavior, heat capacity, and magnetoresistance
are also briefly introduced. Section 3 deals with metamagnetism, magnetovolume effects,
and spin fluctuations in the nearly ferromagnetic compounds Y(Lu)Co2, Y(Lu)(Co,M)2
266 N.H. DUC and P.E. BROMMER
Crystal structure and magnetic state for the AB2 compounds (A = 3d, 4d, and
5d transition metals and B = Mn, Fe, Co and Ni). Antiferromagnetic, ferro-
magnetic and paramagnetic states are denoted by AF, F, and P, respectively.
B Sc Y Ti Zr Hf Nb Ta
Crystal structure and the 3d-sublattice magnetic state for the lanthanide-T 2 compounds (T = Mn, Fe, Co and Ni)
at low temperatures. Antiferromagnetic, ferromagnetic, canted, helix and paramagnetic states are denoted by AF,
F, C, H, and P, respectively. S means superconducting (CeCo2).
T La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
Mn C14 C14 C14 C15 C15 C15 C14 C14 C14 C14
C15 C15
Fe C15 C15 C15 C15 C15 C15 C15 C15 C15 C15 C15 C15 C15 C15
Co C15 C15 C15 C15 C15 C15 C15 C15 C15 C15 C15 C15 C15
Ni C15 C15 C15 C15 C15 C15 C15 C15 C15 C15 C15 C15 C15 C15
Crystal structure and the 3d-sublatticemagnetic state
for the actinide-T2 compounds (T = Mn, Fe, Co and
Ni) at low temperatures. Antiferromagnetic, ferro-
magnetic and paramagneticstates are denoted by AF,
F, and P, respectively.
T U Np Pu
some studies on artificial "invariable lattice parameter" and "invariable 3d-electron concen-
tration" compounds. Finally, in section 7, we briefly discuss some other compounds with
a magnetic instability (RCo3, RCo5, Ce2Co7B3, Co(Se,S)2), and present an outlook on
further developments.
We wish to emphasize that this chapter is primarily intended as a survey of experimental
data for the RCo2 compounds and related ones. The theory is summarized for the benefit
o f the reader and it is therefore not complete.
where I is the effective interaction energy between the electrons related to the coefficient
of the molecular field )~ by the relation I ---- 2/~2)~. N(eF) is the density of states at the
Fermi level in the paramagnetic ground state ( M = 0).
268 N.H. DUC and EE. BROMMER
1 1
F(M)= a l ( T ) M 2 + ~ a 3 ( T ) M 4 +-~aS(T)M 6 - M . B, (2)
where the Landau expansion coefficients al, a3, and a5 are determined by the properties
of the N(e) curve near e = eF and can be represented as a series in even powers of
temperature (Wohlfarth and Rhodes 1962; Edwards and Wohlfarth 1968; De Ch~tel and
De Boer 1970; Shimizu 1981; Brommer and Franse 1990). Elaborate expressions for these
coefficients are given in these references. We restrict ourselves here to indicate the main
contributions in the coefficients al (T) and a3 (T) only:
a l ( T ) = (Xol(T) - X) = 2/z2N(eF
1 ) (1 -- 7 + ocT2 + . . . ) , (3)
a 3 ( T ) - - 21z~, ( )Y' (5)
N (n) (eF)
vn = - - (7)
F (b)
Fig. 3. Magnetic part of the free energy as a function of magnetization: (a) and (b) show the curves corresponding
to ala5/a2 < 3/16 and 1/4 > ala5/a2 > 3/16. After Yarnada (1993).
"'"'",',.,. ,,,~(3)
....i ~"- (2) f
0 B
Fig. 4. Schematic curves of M(B) for the ferromagnetic(1), metamagnetic(2) and paramagnetic (3) states.
We see that the coefficient a3(T) does have a negative sign in case I)2 > 3V 2, i.e., in
case the curvature of the DOS near eF is sufficiently large and positive. In fact, in the case
of a l > 0, a3 < 0, as > 0, a n d a l a s / a 2 < ' l / 4 , it can be seen from eq. (2) t h a t t h e
free energy F(M) has two minima: one at M = 0 and another one at a finite value o f
M ( = M 0 ) (see fig. 3). When alas/a~ < 3/16, F(Mo) is negative as shown by curve (a).
Then, the ferromagnetic state at M = M0 is most stable. When 1/4 > alas/a~ > 3/16,
F(Mo) is positive as shown by curve (b) and the state at M = M0 is metastable. However,
this metastable state can be stabilized by an external magnetic field and a M M T from the
paramagnetic to the ferromagnetic state occurs at a critical field Bc. In fact, such a transition
does occur in a much larger range of the ratio alas/a~ (see fig. 4). In the case o f a l > 0,
a3 < 0, a5 > 0 and alas/a 2 > 9/20, M(B) increases monotonically with increasing B
(curve 3). On the other hand, when 9 / 2 0 > alas/a 2 > 3/16, the magnetization curve
M(B) is S-shaped (curve 2), corresponding to a metamagnetic first-order transition with
270 N.H. DUC and RE. BROMMER
hysteresis. Consequently, the condition for the appearance of the MMT is given as
al > 0, a3 < 0, a5 > 0, and 9/20 > alas/a~ > 3/16. (8)
When alas/a~ < 3/16, the system becomes ferromagnetic even at B = 0, as shown by
curve (1) in fig. 4.
As stated before, the negative a3 value is a necessary condition for a MMT to occur. In
this case, we see from eq. (3) that, at low temperatures, the coefficient al(T) will decrease
with increasing temperature, because t~ "-~ v2 - 1)2 < 0 (since a3 ~ 31)2 -- 1)2 < 0). Even-
tually, at higher temperatures, higher order terms will cause an increase again, so, in fact
we expect a minimum in al (T). Hence, the initial susceptibility )~(T, B = 0) = al ( T ) - 1
will show the maximum as a function of temperature. The experimental observation of the
susceptibility maximum, thus was taken as an indication of the possible occurrence of a
MMT in the itinerant paramagnet (Wohlfarth and Rhodes 1962; Yamada 1991, 1993).
The equation of state can be determined from the equilibrium condition:
According to eq. (9), the field dependence of the magnetization and that of the differential
susceptibility of an itinerant paramagnet, respectively, can be represented in the form
1 a3(T) B3
M(T,B) -- - - B +...
al(T) al(T) 4
= x ( T , O)B - a 3 ( T ) x ( T , 0)4B 3 + . . . , (lO)
The character of these field dependencies is also determined by the sign of the a3 (T) coef-
ficient. One can see from eq. (11) that the susceptibility increases with an increasing field,
in case a3(T) is negative. As already mentioned above, this corresponds to the condition
of the susceptibility maximum as a function of temperature.
Thus far the MMT has been described for an itinerant-electron paramagnet (al > 0).
It should be noted that in the model under consideration, the FOT induced by an applied
magnetic field can also arise when the zero-field state is magnetically ordered, i.e., al < 0.
These are the field-induced transitions from a weakly ferromagnetic into a strongly fer-
romagnetic state. Shimizu (1982) has described such a transition by including the term
( 1 / 8 ) a 7 M 8 into the expression of the free energy (2). Then, if a3 > 0, a5 < 0 and a7 > 0
for some suitable ratio of the magnitude of these coefficients, this transition will be a FOT.
The behavior of magnetization of such a weakly ferromagnetic system is shown schemati-
cally in fig. 5.
Although in the theory for itinerant-electron magnetism volume effects have always
been considered to be of prime importance, in the model discussed thus far these effects
were either ignored or treated only rather implicitly. For the 3d-transition metals and their
compounds, however, large magnetovolume effects have been calculated and observed. In
Be B
Fig. 5. Schematic magnetization curve for a weakly ferromagnetic (WF) system undergoing a MMT into the
strongly ferromagnetic(SF) state in an external magneticfield.
fact, also for the RCo2 compounds, large volume increases (A V ~ V ~ 0.5%) are systemat-
ically observed to occur at the transition towards ferromagnetism (Givord and Shah 1972;
Wada et al. 1988), indicating that the contribution from the elastic-energy term may be
important. This has been confirmed by band structure calculation on YCo2 (Schwartz
and Mohn 1984), showing that YCo2 is a Pauli paramagnet at the equilibrium volume
but a ferromagnet at a slightly larger volume. Subsequently, Hathaway and Cullen (1991)
have incorporated the effect of volume variations to discuss the magnetic properties of
the RCo2 compounds. Duc et al. (1992b) have treated a simple model, in which the inter-
play between the magnetic energy and the elastic energy is taken into account explicitly:
Ftot = Felee + Felas (where Felec and Felas are the electronic and elastic energies, re-
spectively). Moreover, the chosen density of states curve N (e) [= (10/(Jr W 2 ) ) ~ - e 2,
where 2W is the bandwidth] exhibits a negative curvature everywhere (i.e., v2 < 0). Hence,
a MMT cannot be connected with a negative sign of a3(T) as discussed in the preceding
section, where implicitly the free energy expansion was performed at constant volume. In
the present model, however, both Felec and Felas depend on the volume. Felas is the usual
lattice contribution (,-~122, where ~2 is the normalized volume). The band energy contribu-
tion to Felec is directly proportional to the bandwidth W. If the d-electrons are treated in
the tight-binding approximation, the variation of the bandwidth with volume is given by
W = W0 exp(-q2), where q is of the order of 1 to 5/3 for 3d electrons (Slater and Koster
(1954)). As a consequence, the parameter a l (I-2, T) will change the sign at the critical vol-
ume I2c, i.e., the Stoner criterion becomes satisfied. Under these conditions, for the chosen
parameters at a band filling of about 9.6 3d electrons per atom, the competition between
the elastic energy which increases with volume and the electronic energy which decreases
when the volume increases will give a typical variation of the total energy Ftot(S'2, M(S-2))
with two minima characteristic of the stable and metastable magnetic states. In the presence
of an applied (and/or exchange) field a MMT, associated with a large volume discontinu-
ity, then occurs for a critical field. Equivalently, however, an expansion of the function
Ftot(~2(M), M) in powers of M 2 would lead to a description in very much the same way
272 N.H. DUC and EE. BROMMER
as given in the preceding section. Anyway, in this model, the expansion is not necessary,
because everything can be calculated exactly. Note that similar models for non-magnetic
transitions have been proposed for other systems where strong volume effects are observed,
in particular, in cerium heavy-fermion compounds (Lavagna et al. 1983; Ohkawa 1989).
F = Fd + Ff - nRcoMdMf, (12)
where Fd is the free energy of the itinerant d-electron subsystem already described in
eq. (2):
and Ff is the free energy of the localized spin system, which is given as (Shimizu 1981;
Inoue and Shimizu 1982)
1 2 1 4
Ff --- ~ blMf -t- ~ bBMf q- . . . . BMf (14)
3kB T
bl(T) = NRJ(J q- 1)(g/~B) z - nRR, (15)
9 kBT[(2J + 1) 2 + 1]
b3(T) ---- - - (16)
20 N 3 j 3 ( j --}-1)3(g~B) 4"
Here, nRR and nRCo are the molecular-field coefficients representing the interactions be-
tween the 4f moments and the R-Co intersublattice interactions, respectively.
1 1
F= Cl M2-t- -fi c3M 4 + . . . , (17)
al (T)bl ( Z ) - n2co
cl = , (18)
c3(T) = ~ {b3(T)[al (T) + nRco]4 + a3(T)[bl (T) + nRco]4 } (19)
In the free-energy expansion for the system of localized moments, eq. (14), the coeffi-
cients bn are positive and a FOT will not occur. For an itinerant electron system, the a3 (T)-
term can be negative (see preceding section), and a FOT is possible. Presently, in the s--d
model, where the localized spins and the itinerant electrons coexist, c3(Tc) in eqs (19)
or (21) shows both possibilities of being negative or positive depending on the relative
contributions of the negative value of a3 (Tc) and the positive value of b3 (Tc). Thus, both a
FOT and a SOT can occur in the s-d model, even at low temperatures. As discussed in sec-
tion 4, this model has been successfully applied to explain the type of the magnetic phase
transitions not only in RCo2 compounds but also in a number of more complicated com-
pounds such as (RxYl-x)Co2, R(Co,Cu)2 and R(Co,AI)2, etc. (see Duc et al. 1992a). For
compounds such as TbxHOl-xCo2 (Duc et al. 1989), however, the exchange field acting
on a Tb moment differs from that acting on a Ho moment. Consequently, the total R mag-
netization cannot be used as a proper (internal) thermodynamic variable. In this case, the
free energy should be considered as the sum of three coupled contributions and the Inoue-
Shimizu model cannot be applied straightforwardly. A generalization of the Inoue-Shimizu
model for an arbitrary number of interacting contributions has been made by Brommer
(1989) (see also Duc et al. 1993a).
274 N.H. DUC and EE. BROMMER
F = ~"~ F j ( M j ) - y ~ n i j M i M j , (22)
Fj = ~1 a l j M 2 -Jr "~
1 a3jMj4 + -~
1 asjMj,6 (23)
Here, Xj71 is the inverse magnetic susceptibility of the non-interacting moment in the sub-
system j, n j j and nij are the intra-subsystem and inter-subsystem molecular-field coeffi-
cients, respectively.
Writing the expression of the free energy in terms of the (total) molar magnetization
in the form of eq. (17), Brommer (1989) has derived expressions for the Landau coef-
ficients Cn. In the case where the interaction between the R moments is neglected, the
coefficient c3 is given by
C3 = a3 xjb3j (24)
The generalized expressions and their simplifications can be also used in the case where
one of the rare-earth ions is non-magnetic. For RxYl-xCo2, for instance, the magnetic
lanthanide R would be represented by, say, RI and the non-magnetic one, , by R2. If we
eliminate the explicit concentration dependence of q (eq. (25)), i.e., of the denominator in
eq. (24), by the substitution Xndl/bl = ad/ndl (at the critical temperature using the analog
of eq. (18)), the resulting expression for c3 (Tc) is identical to that given by Inoue-Shimizu
(1982), see eq. (21).
where re(r) is the magnetization density. The Landau coefficients ai were already given as
a function of T in eqs (3) and (5). D is the exchange stiffness constant.
Introducing the thermal average of the square of the fluctuating magnetic moment,
~(T) 2, from eqs (26) and (27) one obtains the equation of state in the magnetic system
with bulk magnetization M in an external field B at temperature T as
i.e., in this approximation the spin fluctuation correction reduces to the renormalization of
the expansion coefficients in the equation of state (28):
5 2 35 4
AI(T) = al q- ~a3~(T) + --~-a5~(T) , (29)
A3(T) = a3 + --~-a5~(T) 2, (30)
~ (Tmax)2 - 3 a3 (33)
14 a5
[ -l
-- . (34)
X(Tmax) = al 28 asJ
For alas/a2 < 5/28, X (Tmax) would become negative. Then, the condition for the appear-
ance of a maximum in X (T) is
In addition, it is noted from this approach that Tmax given by eq. (33) is also the tempera-
ture at which A3(T) = 0. This means that A3(T) changes sign from negative to positive
at Tmax. However, as shown in section 3.2, in the analysis of experimental data the tem-
perature T3 at which a3(T) changes sign was taken to be far from Tmax. Of course, the
"intrinsic" temperature dependence of the coefficients aj (T), caused by the band profile,
may not be negligible in some cases. In fact, the concurrence of this "intrinsic" (and cal-
culated) temperature dependence together with the temperature dependence caused by the
contribution of the spin fluctuations plays an important role in the work of Yamada and
Shimizu (1990).
io l[ _4 /ala
a5 ~ V 266 V a3
which is positive when alas~a3 < 9/20. As seen from eqs (33) and (36), ~(T0) 2 is smaller
than ~(Tmax) 2. TO is then always lower than Tmax, as ~(T) 2 is a monotonically increasing
function of T (see eq. (32)).
The system becomes ferromagnetic at B = 0 when Ai(T)As(T)/A3(T) 2 < 3/16.
Similarly, the critical temperature T1, at which the ferromagnetic state becomes unstable
and the first-order transition occurs, is given as
[ --'/-~(ala5
~(T1)2= fa31a5 3 V 7 k, a3
5 ) ] -1
2-8 " (37)
Since ~(Tmax)2 is proportional to Tmax, when Tmax is low, a linear relation between the
values of Bc(0) and Tmaxcan be obtained (Yamada 1993). In the Fermi liquid model (Mi-
sawa 1988, 1995), a logarithmic form of the free energy with respect to temperature and
magnetization can explain the relation between the susceptibility maximum and the critical
C = ~/oT[m*
m + oto (T~f)2 in ( ~ s f ) ] + fiT 3, (40)
where m*/m = 1+~.ep + Lsp is the zero temperature many-body mass enhancement, which
includes electron-phonon ()~e) p and spin fluctuation (~-sp) contributions Y0 is an electronic
specific-heat constant determined from the DOS, or0 = (6zr6/5)(S - 1) 2/S and fl is the
coefficient of lattice heat capacity. S is the Stoner enhancement factor.
In an applied magnetic field, the electronic specific heat constant (first term of eq. (40))
is reduced due to the reduction of the paramagnon enhancement factor ~.sp. It has been
pointed out that the field dependence of the electronic specific heat constant at 0 K is given
as (B6al-Monod et al. 1968)
Type 1 Type 2
.-" B>0T
T2 (K2) T2 0K2
B (T) B (T)
T(K) T(K)
(a) (b)
Fig. 6. Schematic representation of the low-temperatureheat capacity as a function of magnetic field and the
magnetic susceptibilityof type-1 (a) and type-2 (b) spin fluctuators.
2.2.4. Magnetoresistance
The transport properties of the itinerant-electron system depend, on the one hand, on the
details of the band structure in the neighbourhood of the Fermi level, in the paramagnetic
state as well as in the ferromagnetic state. On the other hand, these properties are influenced
280 N.H. DUC and RE. BROMMER
by the scattering mechanism. The scattering by spin fluctuations has been extensively dis-
cussed in the literature. In order to show the effects of spin fluctuations on the transport
properties, a correct separation of different scattering contributions, based on the validity
of Mathiessen's rule, is necessary. For highly exchange-enhanced paramagnetic materials,
the total electrical resistivity p(B, T) can be written as
The first term in eq. (42) is the residual resistivity. It includes a spin fluctuation contri-
bution through the relation/90 = (m*/ne2)ro, where m*, n, and e are the effective mass,
the concentration, and the charge of the carrier, respectively, and where To is the relaxation
time of scattering due to impurities, lattice defects and other imperfections. P0 is expected
to decrease with an increasing magnetic field, since the spin fluctuation contribution to
m*(B) ~ Psp does (see section 2.2.3). The second term is the contribution due to the
phonon scattering, and the third term, AT 2, is due to both the interband electron--electron
scattering (Appel 1963) and spin fluctuations (Mills and Lederer 1966).
Theoretical calculations concerning the influence of spin fluctuations on the transport
properties mainly deal with the low-temperature limit. Coqblin et al. (1978) and later
Moriya (1985) have extended the calculations to higher temperatures. It was found that,
at low temperatures, the spin fluctuation scattering is strongly temperature-dependent with
a tendency to saturate at elevated temperatures. This cross-over occurs at Tsf. Within the
long-wavelength approximation, the contributions of spin fluctuations to the magnetoresis-
tance are summarized as follows (Ueda 1976; Coqblin et al. 1978; Moriya 1985):
At low temperatures T < Tsf: the magnetoresistance is negative and proportional to
the square of the applied magnetic fields. The prefactor A of the T 2 term in the re-
sistivity is proportional to Tsf2 and becomes smaller with increasing magnetic fields.
This is due to the quenching of the spin fluctuation scattering.
At elevated temperatures: spin fluctuation scattering saturates somewhat above Tsf.
According to Coqblin et al. (1978), the resistivity of the systems with high values of
S can go through a maximum above Zsf followed by a negative slope towards the high
temperature region.
The effects of a cyclotron orbital Lorentz force acting on the conduction electrons have
been observed in many metals and semimetals. Taking into account this effect, the total
magnetoresistance of itinerant-electron magnets is written as
where Ape is the positive contribution due to the cyclotron motion of the conduction elec-
trons, and Apsfis the negative contribution due to the spin fluctuations. At low temperature
Ape(B, T) is proportional to B 2. A positive magnetoresistance Ap(B, T) is possible at low
temperatures if Ape(B, T) > lApse(B, T)[. The field effects of Ape(B, T) weaken with
increasing temperature, so the sign of Ap(B, T) may change from positive to negative.
Actually, as observed in many alloys, the magnetoresistance Ap(B, T) is positive only in
the low temperature range.
In the strongly enhanced itinerant compounds considered in this chapter, spin fluctuation
scattering is certainly expected to play an important role. Nevertheless, one should keep in
mind that, especially in case a (meta)magnetic transition does occur, the shifts of bands in
the magnetized state are far from negligible, and may have a profound effect on the trans-
port properties. Moreover, by alloying some details of the band structure may change with
appreciable effects on the transport properties. This point is elaborated in the discussion of
the experimental data in the following sections.
2.5 I I I I
"_ ~-compounds
o 1.0
~ o.s
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
Yttrium concentration
Fig. 7.3d-magnetic moment as a function of yttrium concentration in Y-Ni, Y-Co and Y-Fe intermetallics.
i f YCo2
~ 2.5
I J I i
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Fig. 9. Temperature dependence of the magnetic susceptibility of LuCo2. In the inset, the high-temperature be-
havior of the reciprocal susceptibility is shown. After Burzo et al. (1994).
,-. 2.6[
~ 2.4
I ~ I I I I I I
400 600 800 1000 1200
Fig. 10. Temperature dependence of the magnetic susceptibility of ScCo2. In the inset, the high-temperature
behavior of the reciprocal susceptibility is shown. After Burzo et al. (1994).
A detailed analysis shows that the magnetic susceptibility of YCo2 and LuCo2 is linearly
dependent on T 2 for T < 15 K (see fig. 11). This is in agreement with Btal-Monod
(1982), who shows that the paramagnon results - for a general band structure - lead to a
temperature dependence of the susceptibility of the form:
[ 796(2V2 12V2~ 1
x(r) = sx(o) 1 + T , , vo " v2] s2r2 " (44)
Theoretical studies were also devoted to the analysis of the magnetic behavior of these
systems. Yamada et al. (1984) calculated the electronic structure of d-electrons in ACo2
compounds by using the self-consistent tight binding approximation. Starting from the
284 N.H. DUC and P.E. BROMMER
21 J
l /
1.8 I~ I I ,
0 100 200 300
T2 (K2)
Fig. 11. Thermal variation of the susceptibility for YCo2 and LuCo 2 at T ~< 15 K as a function of T 2. After
Burzo et al. (1994).
39 YCo2 300 K
i - - - - _ I I
e4 37
"~ 27
19 T=4.2K
17 I l I ,I
50 150
B2 (T2)
Fig. 12. Plots of M/B vs. B 2 at 4.2 K, 77 K and 300 K for YCo2. After Bloch et al. (1975).
calculated DOS and taking into account the effects of spin fluctuations, the authors show
that the observed magnetic susceptibility may be explained by a sharp peak of the DOS
around the Fermi level. The different magnetic behavior of ACo2 (A = Y, Lu, Sc and Hf)
is mainly attributed to the difference between atomic potentials of A and Co and, then,
to the different degree of mixing of the d bands. This result is consistent with the above
argument and points to an important volume effect on the 3d-5d(4d) hybridization.
As regards the metamagnetic behavior of a paramagnet showing a susceptibility max-
imum, Bloch et al. (1975) have measured the magnetization of a polycrystalline YCo2
sample. The results are shown in fig. 12 in a plot of M(T)/B vs. B 2. At 4.2 K and 77 K,
the slopes of these curves indicate an increase of the susceptibility with increasing mag-
netic fields, corresponding to a negative value of the coefficient a3 in eqs (10) or (11). At
300 K, however, a3 is positive. By fitting eq. (18) to the 4.2 K curve in fig. 12, the au-
thors found a3(0) ~ a3 (4.2 K) ~ - 50 T(mol/Am2) 3. The increase of susceptibility at
4.2 K by about 20% between 0 and 35 T has also been observed by Schinkel (1978). Bloch
et al. (1975) have also analyzed the temperature dependence of the susceptibility of YCo2
in terms of eqs (3), (4) and (11). They found that v2 in eq. (4) was positive and obtained
the thermal variation ofa3(T) as
~ 0.4
~ca0 . 2
QO el
00 r o I I I I
20 40 60 80 100
01 .oee ae
0 20 40 60 80 100
Magnetic Field (T)
Fig. 13. High-fieldmagnetizationdata for YCo2 and LuCo2. AfterGotoet al. (1991).
is much higher than the value observed for YFe2 and YNi2, where the 3d sublattice is ei-
ther magnetic (YFea) or non-magnetic (YNia). F values obtained from DOS-calculations
would decrease from YFe2 to YNi2 through YCo2. Practically, a good agreement between
experimental and theoretical results was obtained for YFe2 and YNi2: y = 7.6 or 6.5 and
5.2 or 4.7 mJmo1-1 K -2, respectively. This is not the case for YCoa, where the theoret-
ical value is smaller than the experimental one. In this case, the enhancement of y was
attributed to the effect of pararnagnons.
The percentage shift of the electronic specific-heat constant A y / y (0) caused by an ap-
plied magnetic field is presented in fig. 19. Fitting the model of Btal-Monod et al. (1968),
i.e., eq. (41), it turned out that S = 15.5 and Tsf = 17 K for ScCo2, S = 22.5 and
I i
- I
60 70 80 90
Magnetic Field (T)
Fig. 14. Plots of dM/dB vs. B at different temperatures for YCo2. The arrows indicate the magnetic field at
which dM/dB shows a maximum. After Goto et al. (1994a).
Tsf = 29 K for YCo2 and S = 16.7 and Tsf = 15 K for LuCo2 (Ikeda et al. (1991)).
Using a uniform enhancement model, Hertel et al. (1980) have calculated the shift of the
electronic specific heat with S = 10, 3.sp = 0.37. In this case, the experimental results
can be well described by Tsf = (23 -4- 2) K for ScCo2, Tsf = (40 -4- 5) K for YCo2 and
Zsf = ( 1 8 -4- .~) K for LuCo2.
The electrical resistivity of the non-magnetic Laves phases ACo2 compounds has been
studied intensively (Gratz and Zuckermann 1982; Burkov et al. 1988; Duc et al. 1991;
Fournier and Gratz 1993; Gratz et al. 1995a). The temperature variation of the electri-
cal resistivity of YCo2, LuCo2, and ScCo2 in the range from 4.2 to 1000 K is presented
in fig. 20(a) (Gratz et al. 1995a, 1995b). For comparison, the p(T) curves of YA12 and
LuNi2 are included. Assuming validity of the Mathiessen rule (eq. (42)), the contributions
of spin fluctuation scattering in these compounds were determined by subtracting the p(T)
curve of YAI2 or LuNi2 from those of YCo2, LuCo2, and ScCo2. The obtained results are
shown in fig. 20(b). As can be seen, the spin fluctuation scattering psf(T) is characterized
by a steep increase at low temperatures followed by a maximum at 220 K (YCo2), 250 K
(LuCo2), and 330 K (ScCo2). At high temperatures, psf(T) decreases nearly linearly with
288 N.H. DUC and P.E. BROMMER
72- /o
0 /
~ 0
701 I I I I I
0 1 2 3
T2 (103K2)
Fig. 15. Plot of the critical field Bc as a function of T 2 for YCo2. After Goto et al. (1994a).
Electronic properties of the ACo2 compounds.
Compound >, (mJ mo1-1 K-2) A (nf2 cm K-2) Tsf (K) Ts~(K)
[1] Muraoka et al. (1977a) [5] Ikeda et al. (1991)
[2] Bloch and Lemaire (1970) [6] Hertel et al. (1980)
[3] Foumier and Gratz (1993) [7] Ikeda et al. (1984)
[4] Gratz et al. (1995a, 1995b) [8] Muraoka et al (1979)
increasing temperature. A detailed analysis shows that the spin fluctuation part o f the resis-
tivity depends quadratically on T at low temperatures (i.e., Psf = A T 2 as predicted by the
theory of spin fluctuations (see eq. (42); this result is presented in fig. 21). Here A equals
16, 12, and 4.3 ng2 c m 2 K - 2 for YCo2, LuCo2, and ScCo2, respectively. It is interesting to
note that the corresponding A / y ratios (where y is the electronic specific heat constant) fit
14 i , , , , i , J
r.,) 9
I I I l
0 4 8 '2 16 ~ 24 28 32
Fig. 16. Low-temperature heat capacity of LuCo 2 (35 at.%Lu) in applied magnetic fields. After Ikeda
et al. (1984).
8.2 i , i
(35 at. % Sc) o-*~"
, 7.0
~ 6.6
~ 6.2
5.8 :y- 8
~ ;2 ,'6 ~o 24' zr' A
Fig. 17. Low-temperature heat capacity of ScCo 2 (35 at.% Sc) in applied magnetic fields. After Ikeda et al. (1984).
well into the region for spin fluctuation compounds in the so-called Kadowaki-Woods plot
(Kadowaki and Woods 1986), see fig. 22 (Gratz et al. 1995a). These findings suggest that
the spin fluctuation scattering of the conduction electrons is dominating the p (T) behavior.
The value of A decreases under high pressure (see fig. 23).
Although there is no theoretical justification, the value of the spin fluctuation temper-
ature Tsf was usually estimated from the position of the maximum in the dp/dT curves
(Fournier and Gratz 1993). It yields Tsf values of 45, 50, and 55 K for YCo2, LuCo2, and
ScCo2, respectively. About the same values have been deduced from the coefficient A (i.e.,
290 N.H. DUC and P.E.BROMMER
YCo2 x o l,/."o ":
(35at. % Y)
.A:~" ".," *
15 I 1
(a) ,f
~ /
" 5.39
I0 I
T2 (K2)
18- g , i i i , i i
YCo2 ~.,~A~
a5 (36 at. % Y) , ~"
141213 (b) = . ~ /
_ , ~ o 0.00T
II ~pllt- 2.50
.~1~- A 5.39
-A- 7.62
10 x 9.98
9 I I I I I, I [ I
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 52 36
T2 (K2)
Fig. 18. Low-temperatureheat capacityof YCo2 (35 at.%Y (a) and 36 at.%Y (b)) in applied magnetic fields.
After Ikedaet al. (1984).
Tsf "~ A-2). However, as mentioned above, they are in contrast to those estimated from
specific-heat data.
The transverse magnetoresistance of YCo2 as a function of the magnetic field at 4.2 K is
shown in fig. 24 (Gratz (1992)). In contrast to what the spin fluctuation theory predicts (see
section 2.2.4), here the positive sign of Ap/p is observed. We will discuss in section 3.2
that this is due to the contribution caused by the cyclotron motion of the conduction elec-
trons. The decrease of A p / p (B = 10 T) with increasing temperature (see the inset of
fig. 24), on the one hand, reflects the decrease of Ape. On the other hand, in the com-
petition with Ape, A#s f may be dominant at high temperatures. At very high fields spin
fluctuations are suppressed (Burkov et al. 1998).
:YCo2 (36 at. % ~
LJSU~ol 16;
/i /
0 2 4 6 8 I0 12
B ('1"~
Fig. 19. The percentage shift of the electronic specific-heat constant of ScCo 2, YCo 2, and LuCo 2 caused by an
applied magnetic field. The points are the experimental data while the solid and dashed lines are the theoretical
results based on the models of Hertel et al. (1980) and B6al-Monod et al. (1968), respectively. The values listed
by the solid curves are the chosen Tsf values. After Ikeda et al. (1991).
,~ YCo 2 o ScCo2 _ ~
o. 50
'~ 1013
40 i
0 200 400 600 800 1000
(b) T [K]
Fig. 20. (a): Temperature dependence of [p - PO] for the spin-fluctuation compoundsYCo2, LuCo2, and ScCo2.
For comparisonthe resistivity of the isostructural non-spin fluctuationcompoundsYA12and LuNi2 is shown. Af-
ter Gratz et al. (1995a). (b): Temperature dependence of the excess resistivity for the spin-fluctuation compounds
YCo2, LuCo2, and ScCo2. After Gratz et al. (1995a).
(V): [p--p0]YCo2- [p-- P0]VA12; (D): [p-- P0]LuCo2 -- [p -- p0]YA12;
(C)): [/9 - PO]ScCo2- [,o - p0]YAl2; (Ill): [p _ P0]LuCo2_ [p _ ,O0]YNi2"
conjectured that a partial substitution of A1, with an unfilled 3d band (the electronic config-
uration of 3d), for Co would decrease the density of d-electrons and shift the Fermi level
toward lower energies with a higher density of states. This leads the Stoner criterion to
be fulfilled. Metamagnetism in these compounds was first studied in magnetic fields up to
42 T by Aleksandryan et al. (1985) and Sakakibara et al. (1986, 1987). These studies also
showed that the critical field Bc decreased with increasing Al-content. For YCo2, Bc was
roughly estimated to be 66 T. A similar but less sharp M M T was found in Lu(Col-xAlx)2
(Sakakibara et al. 1987, 1988; Gabelko et al. 1987; Endo et al. 1988) and Sc(Col-xAlx)2
(Ishiyama et al. 1987).
A complete study of IEMM in the nearly ferromagnetic Y(COl-xAlx)2 compounds was
performed by Sakakibara et al. (1989, 1990a) in magnetic fields up to 100 T. The temper-
0 200 400 600 800 1000
T 2 [K 2]
Fig. 21. [p - P0] vs. T2 for the spin-fluctuation compoundsYCo2, LuCo2, and ScCo2. After Gratz et al. (1995a).
lO2 '
c, as ~ ' c . c ~ s ~
100 uPt= ~ u~3~
04 s, . ~ u s . 3 /
J "'/c~s.3
<~ 10-4
lO-S / . Co~.Ni ~
Re ~ " F o
LuCo 2
,~ ~CUO 2
lO-e , /-Os I I f .
Yexp[mJ/molK 2]
Fig. 22. Position of the three spin fluctuators within the Kadowaki-Woodsplot. After Gratz et al. (1995a).
ature dependence of the magnetic susceptibility and the field dependence of the magnetic
moment are presented in figs 25 and 26, respectively. For all compounds under consider-
ation, both the temperature Tmax of the susceptibility maximum and the critical field Bc
decrease with increasing Al-concentration, see fig. 27. These results reveal a simple cor-
relation between Bc and Tmax (fig. 28), that is Bc/Tmax = constant. This may suggest
that Tmax and Be are of the same band-structure origin. Indeed, this relation was derived
from the theory of spin fluctuations (Yamada 1991, 1993; see section 2.2). The above
correlation between susceptibility maximum and metamagnetism was also evidenced in
Lu(Co 1-x Alx)2 (Endo et al. 1988; S akakibara et al. 1990b) and in the nearly ferromagnetic
alloys TiBe2 and Ni3Ga (Acker et al. 1981; Schinkel et al. 1973), albeit with a different
value of the Be~Tmaxratio. As already reported for YCo2, Be shows a quadratic temper-
294 N.H. DUC and EE. BROMMER
ie i i - i /
~.~ 15.0
1 bar
z.1 k b . ,
5.0 IL ~
~ v
8.2 kb.~
5.0 k b a r
| ~ a 12.2 kbar
i f 14.4 kbar
0.0 -
Fig. 23, [p - P0] vs. T 2 for the spin fluctuation compounds YCo 2 under pressure. The inset shows the plot of A
vs. p. After Fournier and Gratz (1993).
0.04 i i i t J
0.04 . a ]
003 lqt...,..B = lO T t
0.03 o I
0.0| I- ... "I "
ooo! , n .
0.02 o 0o too % ; *
.'" * "
/ YCo2
e T=4.2K
0.00, ......~.:
2 4 8 8 tO
B (T)
Fig. 24. Magnetoresistance of YCo 2. The inset shows Ap(B = 10 T)/p vs. T. After Fournier and Gratz (1993).
ature increase, while the MMT is smeared out and, above T ~ 100 K, is even no longer
observed. Moreover, Bc is increased under pressure. In addition, Yamada (1993) predicted
that the MMT disappeared at a critical pressure pc and pc decreased with increasing tem-
A nonlinear Arrott plot is a characteristic for all nearly ferromagnetic and weakly ferro-
magnetic Y(COl-xAlx)2 compounds (see fig. 29). This behavior exists up to T ~-, 80 K. At
! I
_ _/'''%'o. Y(Col-xAlx)2
o\ 8
o\ x--O.09
" ~.~ x 7
13 I ! 13
0 100 200 300
Temperature (K)
Fig. 25. Temperaturedependence of the rnagneficsusceptibility for Y(COl_xAlx)2. The down and up arrows
indicate the temperatureat which susceptibilityshows a maximum.After Sakakibaraet al. (1989, 1990a, 1990b).
higher temperatures, the Arrott plots become linear. In the case of a nonlinear Arrott plot,
the description of magnetization c u r ~ s needs higher power terms in the equation of states
For the nearly ferromagnetic compounds, the MMT from the paramagnetic to the ferro-
magnetic state is described with A1 > 0, A3 < 0 and A5 > 0 (A7 = 0). For the weakly
ferromagnetic compounds, the phase transition is from the weakly ferromagnetic to the
strongly ferromagnetic state. In this case A1 < 0, A3 > 0, A5 > 0 and A7 > 0. We list the
values of the Landau coefficients for Y(COl-xAlx)2 in table 6 (Duc, unpublished). Note
that the ratio of A1As/A 32 ranges from 0.33 to 0.43, i.e., consistent with the so-called "Ya-
mada range" (Yamada 1993) for the MMT 3/16 < A I A s / A 2 < 9/20. In this presentation,
the critical magnetic field is determined by the inflection point in the Arrott plot.
296 N.H. DUC and P.E. BROMMER
.0.6. . . . .
T=4.2 K ~,, T=10K
"~ 0.4
.11 .09 07 .06 .03 x=0
~ Y(Col-xAlx)2
O ~ , , , t
0 20 40 60 80 00
MagneticField (T)
Fig. 26. Magnetic moment as a function of B for Y(COl_xAlx)2 . After Sakakibara et al. (1989).
?\- \0 Y(Col-xAlx)2
40 E
%100 Tmax ~ ~ , ,
\~o -
0 j , ~\o O
0 0.05 0.10 0.15
Fig. 27. Al-concentration dependence of Be and Tmax for Y(COl-xAlx)2. After Goto et al. (1994a).
"" 50
/13 /
s. j
0 E I t I l
0 100 200 300
Tmax (K)
Fig. 28. Plot of Be vs. Tmaxfor Y(COl_xAlx) 2. After Sakakibam et al. (1989, 1990a).
The Landau coefficients A 1 (in T(mol/Am2)), A3 (in T(mol/Am2)3), A5 (in
T(mol/A m2)5) and A7 (in T(mol/A m2)7) for Y(Co l_x Alx)2, derived from the
analysis of the magnetization data of Sakakibara et al. (1989). The critical field of
the MMT, Be (in T) is also included.
Y(COl-xAlx)2 A1 A3 A5 A7 Be
Y ( C O l . xAlx) 2
500 -
e4l x = 0.145 aa
"< 3 0 0
" oX/o:2oo
o a o__
0 -' ---~ =~"
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
ptoH/M (T k g / A m 2)
Fig. 29. Arrott plots at 4.2 K for Y(CoI_xAlx)2 . After Duc et al. (1993a).
The mean values of the constants ~ (in (106 T) -1 ) and b (in (106 T) -2) for the forced
magnetostriction (see text), the spontaneous magnetostriction Ws (in 10-5), and the
magnetovolume coupling constant KC (in 10-3/ZB2 ) for Y(COl_xAlx)2. Data are
taken from Wada et al. (1988) for the compounds with x = 0.095, 0.105, 0.12 and
from Duc et al. (1993c) for the remaining compounds.
x = 0.095 . . . . 14.0
0.105 . . . . 4
0.120 . . . . 2
0.145 16.2 80 5.80 9.06 9.70
0.160 11 45 8.0 8.86 8.34
0.175 11 7 7.15 9.45 8.94
0.185 10.2 -12 6.90 12.5 11
I I f f i i
15 " Y(Col.xAIx)2 f
_ 4.2 K tl//~
5 //
0- . 0 . . . . . . . .~7~/ _/ ,_ ,x = ,95
0 ..,.,.,r"Y ~ t t I
0 10 20 30
Fig. 30. Al/l vs. B for Y(COl_xAlx)2. After Wadaet al. (1988).
~11; ai = a_L ,~ all and bi = b_c ,~, bll (Armitage et al. 1990). In addition, Duc et al. (1993c)
showed that the magnetostriction data reflected a more complex dependence not only on
the field strength but also on the orientation of the applied magnetic field (see fig. 31). Nev-
ertheless, the volume magnetostriction ~. = ()~11+ 2~.) obeys the above mentioned law
~. = ~tB+[~B 2. The obtained values for the coefficients fi and/~ are listed in table 7. A slight
decrease of fi with increasing x is observed, whereas/~ is strongly decreased and changes
the sign at x = 0.185, suggesting a change in the 3d magnetic character with increasing
A1 concentration. The nonlinear behavior of the volume magnetostriction is attributed to
the strong magnetic-field dependence of the induced Co moments. In this case, the magne-
tostriction satisfies the usual relation co = K C ( M 2 - M~) (see fig. 32). The obtained values
of KC are listed in table 7. The temperature dependence of the spontaneous volume mag-
netostriction cos below the ordering temperature is shown in fig. 33 (Duc et al. 1993c). At
0 K, the Co magnetic moments reach their maximum value with cos = t c C M 2. The present
data indicate an almost similar value for KC in all the investigated compounds (see also ta-
ble 7). These values of tc C well agree with those deduced from the forced magnetostriction
The decrease of Be with increasing A1 content and the volume anomaly due to the for-
marion of 3d magnetism in Y(COl-xAlx)2 can be described in terms of the model pro-
posed by Duc et al. (1992b), see section 2.1. In this context, the magnetic behavior of the
Y ( C o l - x A l x ) 2 compounds is summarized in fig. 34. This effect of volume on the IEMM
300 N.H. DUC and EE. BROMMER
61 !
20 i , i i , | i
(C%.,s/!o. 14s)z
~ 4
YIC'*IsAle'lIs)2 ).
0 2 4 6 8
B (T)
Fig. 31. Linear magnetostriction at 4.2 K for a number of the ferromagnetic Y(COl_xAlx)2 compounds. After
Duc et al. (1993c).
5O I I I I I I !
j_. y o
.c~y'~i" o x = 0.175
10 _ j~,'~'~- ~ - o.16o
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
MB 2 - Mo2
Fig. 32. The forced magnetostrictiono~vs. (M2 - M2) for a numberof the ferromagneticY(COl_xAlx)2com-
pounds. After Duc et al. (t993c).
6.0 k "~'~ o x = 0.~45
I .-_ " ~ o.16o
' 5.0 k ~ ~k~_'l~, z 0.175
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Fig. 33. Spontaneousvolume magnetostrictionw = Ws as a functionof temperature for a number of the ferro-
magnetic Y(COl_xAlx)2 compounds.After Due et al. (1993c).
is strongly supported by the study of the Lu(COl-xSnx)2 compounds (Murata et al. 1993,
1994a): at a partial substitution of Sn for Co, initially the lattice parameter increases and
the critical field Be decreases for x < 0.04. For x > 0.06, the lattice parameter almost satu-
rates, and Bc remains constant at about 40 T. As can be seen in fig. 35, a linear relationship
between Bc and the lattice parameter a exists in this system.
Pressure effects on the metamagnetic behavior were reported for Lu(Co0.88Ga0.12)2 by
Goto et al. (1994a). The pressure dependence of the magnetization process for this com-
pound at 4.2 K is presented in fig. 36. This compound is a ferromagnet at 0 kbar. With
increasing pressure the M M T appears and the critical field increases linearly. Figure 37
302 N.H. DUC and P.E. BROMMER
~~MB a (a)
f2 f2
f2 (c)
Magnetic contribution
Alloying effect
Fig. 34. Schematic diagrams of (a) total energy, (b) critical magnetic field, and (c) volume anomaly for IEMM,
predicted from Duc et al. (1992b).
100 I A I ! ! !
60 0.04
40 x = 0.09
0 I ! I I I I
0.710 0.712 0.714 0.716
Fig. 35. Plot of Be as a function of the lattice parameter for Lu(COl_xSnx)2: (.) - experimental and (A) -
theoretical. After Murata et al. (1994a).
' I , I ' I
o~.O. ~
." " " " '-":
+ A
10 -- 4. A
.." :14 .. +Sk ar
6.5 kbar
" .o" ." 8.4 kbar
,*'A," - Ln(Coo.88Gao.12)2
0 i I , I , I ,
0 2 4 6 8
Magnetic Field (T)
Fig. 36. Pressure effect on the magnetization process of Lu(Co0.88Ga0.12)2. After Goto et al. (1994a).
- .,,,J"- "~ 0 kbar -
1.2 I I I I
50 100 150 200 250 300
Fig. 37. Pressure effect on the susceptibility of Lu(Co0.88Ga0.12)2. The down and up arrows indicate the temper-
ature at which the susceptibility shows a maximum. After Goto et al. (1994a).
of the bandwidth. However, the shift of Tmax towards higher temperature reflects the effect
of spin fluctuations. According to Yamada's theory (Yamada 1993), Tm2axis proportional to
the inverse of X (0).
Weak itinerant ferromagnetism is extremely sensitive to pressure. As an illustration,
typical magnetization curves and Arrott plots under different pressures are given in
304 N.H. DUC and P.E. BROMMER
The critical pressure Pc at which Tc extrapolateslinearlyto zero, pressure dependenceof the spontaneous mag-
netization and the Tc value for Y(COl_xAlx)2.
figs 38(a), (b) for Y(Co0.85A10.15)2. As listed in table 8, all the weakly ferromagnetic
Y(COl-xAlx)2 compounds show a large value of d In Tc/d In V (~> 138) and d In Mold In V
(/> 114). As regards the volume effects on the 3d-magnetism in the Y(COl-xAlx)2 com-
pounds, Al-substitution for Co is considered to cause a negative chemical pressure Ap
(kbar) = - 2 2 6 x (Armitage et al. 1990). Considering the pressure effect on the onset of fer-
romagnetism in this system, one expected that the critical pressure Pc at which 3d magnetic
order is destroyed increases continuously with increasing x. Experimentally, however, Pc
shows a tendency to increase only for x ~< 0.16. For x > 0.16, Pc slightly decreases with
increasing x (see table 8). In fact, the change in the chemical pressure between x = 0.145
and x = 0.16 is roughly equal to the change in Pc (Duc et al. 1993a, 1993b, 1993c).
A similar result was previously indicated for the relation between x and Pc in the con-
centration range between the onset and the optimum values of x for ferromagnetism, i.e.,
0.12 > / x >/ 0.155 (Armitage et al. 1990). For concentrations larger than the optimum x
value, the effects of the volume expansion and the 3d-p hybridization on the weakening
of the Co-Co interactions which leads to the decrease of Te, may explain the unexpected
variation of pc(x) shown in table 8.
The appearance of itinerant metamagnetism in the system Lu(COl-xAlx)2 is in many
ways reminiscent of the features observed in Y(Co 1-xAlx)2 compounds. One can see from
fig. 39, which shows the magnetic phase diagram for the Lu(COl-xAlx)2 compounds, that
in the concentration range 0 ~< x ~ 0.07 the compounds are paramagnetic and exhibit
a MMT. For compositions with 0.078 ~ x ~< 0.9, a weakly ferromagnetic order arises
here. A transition from a weakly ferromagnetic to a strongly ferromagnetic state occurs
in applied magnetic fields at low temperature. The phase transition from the ferromagnetic
state to the paramagnetic state, however, is diffuse, and it is difficult to accurately determine
the ordering temperature. For the compositions with 0.095 ~< x ~< 0.208 the compounds
are strongly ferromagnetic. The FOT from the paramagnetic state to the ferromagnetic state
was evidenced by a jump in the lattice parameter at about 150 K (Gabelko et al. 1987). The
variation in magnetization and resistivity, however, is gradual (Duc, unpublished).
The large differences in magnetic behavior between Y(COl-xAlx)2 and Lu(COl-xAlx)2
systems are well explained in the study of Dubenko et al. (1994a, 1994b) on the
(Yl-tLut)(Co0.88A10.12)2 compounds. The concentration dependence of the spontaneous
12 Y(Co.85$Alo.145)2 elO::::
llllo0000i Ill
,..., 1 o
000 nAAA~aaaa
,,, 8 00 11 [:]113 A& ~
< OVl l- E]uA&IZ~ ~
--" 6 . o 0 ~OL)~II-E]O~
Ow O r E ]
o . t A Aaa
A aa P -- 1 bar
.. .~ o. =O.w l~ aAA a& a I kbar
~ &Aaa 0
4 )O~o~Az~ a 2 kbar
u~aa o 3 kbar
:~a * 4 kbar
a 5 kbar
I I I I I I I l I I I ' I n I I
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
(a) B (13
Y($AI0.145) 2
o 1 kbar
2 kbar
a 3 kbar ~ Ir
100 4 kbar A~
a 5 kbar~
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 .0
(b) B / M ( T k g / A m 2)
Fig. 38. Magnetization (a) and Arrott plots (b) under pressure for Y(Co0.855A10.145)2.
I t 50 ~
[ L u ( C o l -xAIx)2
I I I I I I1 I I I I I
0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.20
Fig. 39. Magnetic-phase diagram of Lu(COl_xAlx) 2. The insets show a schematic form of M(B) in the para-
magnetic (I), weakly ferromagnetic (II) and strongly ferromagnetic (III) phases. After Levitin and Markosyan
306 N.H. DUC and P.E. BROMMER
" " , , Bc
. ONN\
~.S ~"
I ,
I ~ I , 0
0.2 074 0.6 0.8 1.0
Fig. 40. Concentration dependence of M, the observed magnetic moment (open circles), and that of Bc, the
critical field of the MMT (closed circles), for (Yl_tLut)(Co0.88A10.12)2. After Dubenko et al. (1994a).
la5l/a7 - _ ---
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
v~, ]allxlO2/a 7
. I i I , I , I
Fig. 41. Concentration dependencies of the scaled Landau coefficients A1/A7, A3/AT, A5/A7 for
(Yl_tLut)(Co0.88A10.12)2. After Dubenko et al. (1994a) (for historical reasons, in this figure, A 1 is written
as al, and so on).
moment in this system at 4.2 K is shown in fig. 40. At t > tc ( = 0.38) a strongly ferromag-
netic state appears; the spontaneous moment is rather large and increases with increasing t.
On the other hand, at t < tc the weakly ferromagnetic state with a magnetic moment of
about 0.1/zB per formula unit appears and is independent of t. In this concentration range,
there exists a MMT from a weakly ferromagnetic to a strongly ferromagnetic state. By
making use of the phenomenological Landau expansion of the energy up to the eighth
power of the magnetization (see section 2.1 and eq. (46)), it is explicitly shown that small
changes in the Landau coefficients lead to the transition from a weakly to a strongly fer-
romagnetic state. The concentration dependencies of the coefficients A 1/A7, A3/A7 and
As~AT, and the calculated energy are illustrated in figs 41 and 42, respectively.
i I ! I I Ii
xlO-5 t -- 0.0 ]~
0.06 lI ~ / I ]l
t=O.O I
I 7,0// /,,'
1 i,
~ 0.02
-1 I
/ -
"\ 0.38
. . . . .
-0.02 % ,
J I I I I\'~JI
0 0.4 0.8 1.2
M (lall/f.u.)
Fig. 42. Scaled free energy F(M)/A7 as a function of the magnetic moment M, calculated for t = 0.0, 0.38, and
1.0 for ( Y l - t Lut)(Co0.88A10.12)2 - The inset shows the enlarged curves of F(M)/A 7 at small M. After Dubenko
et al. (1994a) (see also caption to fig. 41).
In order to investigate the origin of the magnetic behavior in the Y(Col-xAlx)2 and
Lu(COl-xAlx)2 systems, low-temperature specific-heat measurements have also been car-
ried out (Pillmayr et al. 1990; Wada et al. 1990). The concentration dependence of
the electronic specific heat constant g is shown in fig. 43 for both Y(COl-xAlx)2 and
Lu(Col-xAlx)2. The g value of Y(COl-xAlx)2 shows a broad maximum in the weakly
ferromagnetic region, while that of Lu(COl-xAlx)2 sharply decreases around x = 0.09.
These results reveal that spin fluctuations play a dominant role in the nearly ferromagnetic
state as well as in the weakly ferromagnetic state. In contradistinction, spin fluctuations
are quenched in the strongly ferromagnetic state. The trend of the growing extent of spin
fluctuations is thought to be due to the lattice expansion. However, as discussed below,
peculiarities in the band-structure may also contribute to this enhancement o f / .
Quenching of spin fluctuations at the MMT observed directly from specific heat mea-
surements was reported for Lu(Col-xGax)2 by Murata et al. (1993) (see fig. 44). For the
Y(Col-xAlx)2 system, however, the significant decrease of the electronic specific heat due
to the MMT has been derived from thermodynamical considerations. For this purpose, one
first discusses the above mentioned quadratic temperature increase of Bc(T). From the
Clausius-Clapeyron equation
it can be inferred that the entropy difference AS across the transition is negative and
roughly linear in T, since the magnetization jump AM is always positive and is expected to
308 N.H. DUC and P.E. BROMMER
st Y(Col-xAIx)2
# ..o. ~
E 30
Lu COl-xAlx)2
0 0.I 0.2
Fig. 43. Plot of y vs. x in the Lu(Col_xAlx)2 and Y(Co l_xAlx)2 compounds. After Pillmayr et al. (1990).
40 1.0
" ~ Lu(Co0.91Gao.09)2
20 o
0 i t I 0
0 4 8 12 16
Magnetic Field (T)
Fig. 44. Field dependence of the magnetization and that of the electronic specific heat constant for
Lu(Co0.91Ga0.09)2 . After Murata et al. (1993).
Electronic specific heat change Ay at the MMT for a number of
Y(COl_x Alx)2 and Y(Co l-x Gax )2 compounds.
I Y(COl-xAIx)2
~ 0.11
T (K)
Fig. 45. Temperature dependence of the electrical resistivity for Y(Co 1-x Alx )2. After Duc et al. (1995a).
vary only slowly as a function of T. In metallic systems, low temperature entropy mainly
comes from the electronic contribution: S ( T ) ,~" y T -b O(T3). The T-linear dependence of
AS is, thus, naturally understood by an abrupt change in y at the MMT. Data of the change
of the electronic specific heat Ay at the MMT are collected and listed in table 9 for several
compounds. See also Mitamura et al. (1995b) and Goto and Sakakibara (1993).
Electrical resistivity and magnetoresistance data for the Y(COl-xAlx)2 system reported
by Duc (1994) and Duc et al. (1995a) are presented in figs 45 and 46, respectively. For all
310 N.H. DUC and P.E. BROMMER
0.15 i i i
- _~#po-o-..ot,.,~ - __0.11 : _ -
i Y(CI'xAlx,2 x--~0.07S_
-0.15 I I I
0 10 20 30 40
Fig. 46. Magnetoresistanceas a function of the magneticfield for Y(COl_xAlx)2. After Duc et al. (1995a).
samples, the resistivity tends to saturation above 100 K. The x = 0.075 compound appears
to exhibit a somewhat stronger temperature dependence than the other compounds. For
the compounds with x /> 0.145, for which weak ferromagnetism occurs, an upturn of the
resistivity is observed at low temperature. The residual resistivity values (P0) increase with
increasing x and reach a maximum value at x -----0.16. This variation of t90 is rather similar
to that of the electronic heat capacity (Wada et al. 1990 and Pillmayr et al. 1990) and the
3d-magnetic moment (Duc et al. 1993c). Since the effective mass m* is proportional to the
mass-enhancement factor due to spin fluctuations (see section 2.2.4), the enhancement of
P0 as well as F in the paramagnetic Y(Col-xAlx)2 compounds was previously considered
as an indication of the growing extent of spin fluctuations due to the volume expansion.
Nevertheless, the maximum of P0 is found for the ferromagnetic compounds. This phe-
nomenon may also be related to the peculiarities in the DOS into which the carriers can be
scattered. The decrease of P0 indicates that the peculiarities are "averaged out" at the com-
pounds with high Al-concentration. This is consistent with the band calculations by Aoki
and Yamada et al. (1992), in the sense that the sharp peak in the DOS of Co is appreciably
destroyed when Co is replaced by A1 to form the Y(COl-xAlx)a compounds. Moreover,
3d-magnetism also plays an important role in the resistivity behavior of these compounds.
For the weakly ferromagnetic compounds, a linear relationship between AR/R(O) and M 2
is found in fields up to 38 T. This relation is also valid for the extra magnetic contribution
in the ordered state: Apm(T)/pO ~ Ms(T) 2, where Ms is the spontaneous magnetization
(see fig. 47).
For the nearly ferromagnetic Y(Col-xAlx)a compounds, a discontinuous reduction of
A R / R (0) is observed at the metamagnetic transition. This discontinuity becomes less pro-
nounced with increasing Al-content. This observation is consistent with the decrease of the
~ 0.08
0.00 ! I
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6
M" (rtB2)
Fig. 47. Plotof AR/R(O) vs. M2 for Y(Col_xAlx)2. (o) in highfieldsat 4.2 K; (+) spontaneousmagnetization.
AfterDuc et al. (1995a).
thermal variation of the resistivity noted above. The effect may be described by stating that
the resistivity in the "low spin state" (or "spin fluctuation state") is higher than that in the
"high spin state" (or "strongly ferromagnetic state"). In so far as this difference is ascribed
to a suppression of spin fluctuations, the magnitude of the drop in resistivity at the MMT
can be regarded as a measure for the amplitude of the spin fluctuations. Obviously, the drop
ascribed to the spin fluctuations is much larger than the increase expected on the basis of
the contribution proportional to M 2 discussed above.
Y(CxAIyCUz)2 ~ 2
0.0~ I i i
0 10 20 30 40
Fig. 48. High-fieldmagnetizationof Y(CoxAlyCuz)2.See the text and table 10 for the alloy compositionsof
samples No. 1-4. AfterDuc and Tai (1993).
condition of invariable volume, the hybridization between the d(Co) and p(A1 and/or Si)
states has been shown to play an important role in the 3d magnetism of the R(COl-xAlx)2
and R(COl-xSix)2 systems. The NMR study of the magnetically ordered state of the weak
itinerant ferromagnet Y(Co,AI)2 (Yoshimura and Nakamura 1990) has also suggested that
the stability of ferromagnetism in this system may be related to the hybridization between
the 3d wave function of Co and the s- or p-like wave function.
The concentration of Co (x), A1(y), and Cu (z), the estimated d-electron num-
ber (nd), the lattice parameter (a) and the critical magnetic field (Be) for the
Y(CoxAlyCuz)2 system.
No x y z nd a (/~) Be (T)
85 Y(COl-xMx)2
T=10 K
"d 80
65 0 '. . . . i . . . . i . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Concentration x (%)
Fig. 49. Concentration dependence of Be for the substituted compounds of Y(COl_xMx)2, M = Fe, Ni, and
Fe0.sNi0.5. After Goto et al. (1994a).
the system will stay in the paramagnetic state and the M M T disappears. Also, additional
3d(Co)-3d(Cu) mixing will modify the d-band structure. This factor, however, was not yet
taken into account.
LuCo2 HoCo2
N(er) - N(er)
Fig. 50. Schematic DOS structure illustrating the formation of 3d magnetism in the magnetic lanthanide--Co2
5d (a) (b)
t o t a l y
| !
; I I I
6 4 2 0 Gd Dy Er Yb
R-4f spin Lanthanide
Fig. 51. (a) Calculated partial Co-3d, Gd-5d and total conduction electron moments of GdCo 2 as a function of the
4f-spin moment. The arrows denote the direction in which the 4f spin is changed. (b) Calculated total conduction
electron moments of RCo2, where R = Gd through Yb. After Nordstr6m et al. (1992).
1.2 I I I I
I~ O .
0.6 ii |
~ 0.4
YCo 2
! I I I I
100 200 300
B (T)
Fig. 52. Co-magneticmomentin RxYl_xCo2. R = Gd (e), Tb (O), Dy (I), Ho (El) and Er (A). After Duc
et al. (1992a).
the ferrimagnetic coupling between 3d and 5d spins (and then between 3d and 4f spins) is,
thus, well demonstrated for this series of compounds. For the real system, i.e., with real
lattice parameters, the results of calculations show a transition at R = Tb, see fig. 51(b).
parameter ARCo is about 11.5 x 10-23 J. This is in support of Bloch and Lemaire's values
(Bloch and Lemaire 1970), but is rather small compared with that deduced from high-field
magnetization experiments (Ballou et al. 1993a, 1993b). We will return to this problem
later (in section 6.2).
It is worthwhile to note that, in comparison, both the low-field susceptibility (i.e., be-
low the critical field) and the magnitude of mco (about 0.55#B/CO at B = 100 T) in
YCo2 is rather smaller than that in RCo2 compounds (0.8-1.0/ZB/CO). In terms of the
3d-Sd hybridization, this difference is related to the detailed way in which the 3d state
hybridizes with the 5d states in the external and internal fields. In the calculations reported
by Yamada and Shimizu (1985) for YCo2 the magnetic field of 150 T applied in the same
direction on Y and Co atoms yields the values of 0.454/za/at. Co and 0.1/za/at. Y for
Co and Y atoms, respectively. Then, in order to estimate the magnetic moments in RCo2,
the magnetic field BYol at the Y-site was applied in the direction opposite to that of BmCol
at the Co-site. For HoCo2 the local exchange field acting on the 5d electrons is taken to
be - 2 4 0 0 T. Hence, in the calculations based on YCo2, that value was assigned to Bmo Y1
(Yamada and Shimizu 1985). On the other hand, the exchange field on Co from the local-
ized 4f moments of Ho is Bmo Co1 = 156 T (Gignoux and Givord 1979). The resulting values
for mco and my are 0.61 and -0.236/zB/at., respectively. In HoCo2, the observed mco is
about 0.8/ZB/CO (Gratz and Zuckermann 1982; Gratz et al. 1986). Subtracting the orbital
contribution (of 0.14/-tB/Co), the spin part of the observed mco becomes 0.66/zB. The
agreement between the calculated and observed values of moo is satisfactory. Similarly,
experimental observations of the enhancement of Co-susceptibilities (Gignoux and Givord
1979; Duc et al. 1993a) and magnetoresistance (Duc 1994) in the magnetic lanthanide-
Co2 compounds (in comparison to that in YCo2), which had suggested earlier a slight
variation in the d-band structure, can be discussed now in terms of a different degree of
3d-5d mixing caused by the different effects of the external and internal magnetic fields.
~ 7
6 ~
5 0
0 20 40 60 80 100
M a g n e t i c field (T)
Fig. 53. High-field magnetization of ErCo2. The down-arrow indicates a metamagnetictransition point. The
dM/dBcurveis also shown. AfterBartashevichet al. (1997).
a MMT from the magnetic to the paramagnetic state. The volume magnetostriction curves
o9(B) shown in fig. 54(b) exhibit anomalous shrinkage at the same fields, where the magne-
tization anomaly occurred. A great and negative volume change o9 is consistent with the Co
moment collapse model. No remarkable MMT is observed at x = 0.65. However, the vol-
ume magnetostriction is negative and relatively large. According to the NMR spectrum of
this compound, part of the Co atoms remains in the magnetic state, and produces negative
volume magnetostriction when their moments collapse. The concentration dependence of
the metamagnetic transition field for the pseudobinary ErxLul-xCo2 compounds is shown
in fig. 55. The values for the Lu-concentrations (1 - x) = 0, 0.2 and 1.0 lie on a straight
line. In the concentration range (1 - x) > 0.2, however, the fields become smaller than
expected according to this line. This is also attributed to the appearance of paramagnetic
Co atoms, even in zero field. Ballou et al. (1992) have also reported an induced MMT for
Yl-tGdt(Co0.915A10.o85)2. As can be seen in fig. 56, the original Y(Co0.915A10.085)2 com-
pound shows a MMT at Bc = 22.5 T. The effect of substituting the Gd atom is simply to
lower the applied magnetic field necessary to observe the MMT. At low fields, a collinear
ferrimagnetic phase happens to be formed, with stable Gd and Co magnetic sublattices
(fig. 56 for t = 0.04 and 0.1).
For the light lanthanide LR-Co2 compounds, BmC1 is parallel to the LR-moment (and
parallel to the external field B). The applied field will strengthen the effective field act-
ing on the Co-subsystem and easily bring pseudobinary compounds LRxYI-xCo2 with
Co1 < Be to the MMT. We present in figs 57(a) and (b) the high-field magnetostric-
tion data for the NdxYl-xCo2 compounds (Duc et al. 1992c, 1995a, 1995b). In the com-
pounds with x ~ 0.2 to 0.32, the volume magnetostriction o9 shows a positive contribution,
and nonlinearly increases with an increasing magnetic field. The MMT, moreover, can be
clearly seen in the dog/dB vs. B curves. In view of the induced character of the Co mo-
ment, the relation o9 = KCM2ohas been considered, and appears to work satisfactory. It
320 N.H. DUC and EE. B R O M M E R
I I Bc I/ 0.800
6.0 - (a)
....?. i
5.5 /~....~/-'-~
0.65o_- ~ 0 . 7 2 5
3.5 ~ T = 4.2 K _
3.0 I I I I
0 I0 20 30 40
Magnetic Field (T)
T = 4.2 K 0.775
\ -.....
> (b) I I of8oo
0 10 20 30 40
Magnetic Field (T)
Fig. 54. Magnetization (a) and magnetostriction (b) curves at 4.2 K for ErxLUl_xCo 2 compounds. After Barta-
shevich et al. (1997).
was also found that x C was slightly increased in the NdxYl-xCo2 compounds that were
close to the critical concentration for the onset of Co magnetism. As will be presented
below in section 4.1.4, this may be related to an anomaly of the elastic properties at the
MMT (Klimker and Rosen 1976). This may also be the reason why the MMT is more
clearly detected by the magnetostriction measurements but is not so clear in the magneti-
zation measurements. Nevertheless, it is clear that the MMT in this kind of compound is
rather broad. Wada et al. (1994) have claimed that there are two origins for the broaden-
ing of the transition. One is a local environment effect and the other is a strong magne-
tocrystalline anisotropy. The former effect on the Co moment has been studied in detail on
DyxLul-xCoa (Yoshimura et al. 1984a, 1984b) and does not appear in pure ErCo2. The
molecular field on each Co atom is determined by the number of nearest-neighbor mag-
netic R-atoms. Therefore, the statistical distribution of this number makes the MMT broad.
The latter origin is more intrinsic. Due to the anisotropy field, some R-moment cannot to-
6t3 I I I I
b: 0
= -20
--40 E r x L u l - x -
-80 I I I I
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Lu Concentration
t = 0.0
o.o4 .1
10 20 30
~' I I I | (b) u i I
(,.) / "
NdxYl'xc2 _
//oi;: m _",-C :7
l Bcl x=l.0 ,
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
I! or) B or)
Fig. 57. Plots of ~o (a) and do~/dB (b) as a function of B at 4.2 K for the NdxYl_xCo2 compounds. After Duc
et al. (1994).
! ! i
0 -I I
0 50 100 150
(b) T (K)
, , , 'lz:-.~ Xm
TbCo2 DyCo2
0 I I I , i
160 210 100 120 140
(a) T(K) WOK)
Zk I I i , I
1.0 m
80 100 120 10 20 30 40
(b) T(K) T(K)
200 ~
150 / , / ~ " ~ 2
l& HoCo2
:~ 50f.I J
- I
Y____ D-
01 i I i I t I
0 100 200 300
T (K)
Fig. 60. Temperature dependence of the resistivity in RCo2 compounds. After Gratz et al. (1981).
-~,~,,,, ,
0 200 400 600
Fig. 61. Temperature dependence of Al/l in RCo2 compounds. After Minataka et al. (1976).
0 100 200 300
Fig. 62. Specific heat of the TbCo 2 and HoCo 2 compounds. After Voiron (1973).
observed in TbxYl-xCo2 (Franse et al. 1983; Levitin et al. 1984b), TbxHOl_xCo2 (Duc
et al. 1989) (see figs 64(a), (b)) at about x = 0.7 (To = 176 K and 185 K, respectively).
Such a change was not found in (GdxYl-x)Co2 (Muraoka et al. 1977a). Moreover, the
FOT in DyCo2, HoCo2, and ErCo2 changes to SOT in (DyxYl-x)Co2 (Duc et al. 1985;
Yoshimura et al. 1984a, 1984b; see fig. 65) HOxYl-xCo2 (Steiner et al. 1978; see fig. 66)
and ErxYl-xCo2 (Duc et al. 1988c; see fig. 67) at x ~ 0.4, 0.5, and 0.7, respectively.
See also Hauser et al. (1997a, 1997b). Franse et al. (1983) and Duc et al. (1989) have
pointed out that the FOT in (Tb,Y)Co2 observed at x = 0.5 and 0.3 is clearly evidenced by
the magnetization measurements, but less clearly in the resistivity and thermal expansion.
Berthier et al. (1986) have also reported that the FOT cannot be detected by the specific
heat measurements for this system. This may be attributed to inhomogeneities rather than
taken as an indication that the FOT-SOT borderline is approached.
Inoue and Shimizu (1982) estimated the value of c3(Tc) on the basis of eq. (21) for
RCo2 with 7"3 = 250 K (see also eq. (45) or eq. (48) below) and Xd(Te) independent of T,
and then were able to explain the type of the phase transition. Using eq. (21) and tak-
ing into account the temperature dependence of Xd(Tc), Duc et al. (1988a, 1988b, 1989,
1991) explained the observed behavior in RCo2 and (R,Y)Co2. The calculated c3(Tc) re-
sults are illustrated in tables 11 and 12 for TbxYl-xCo2 and TbxHOl-xCo2, respectively.
Clearly, the sign of c3(Tc) is in accordance with the type of transition. It was necessary
here to adopt a lower T3 value (178 K). A reduced value (150 K) was also adopted
326 N.H. DUC and P.E. BROMMER
!,,g 1o
2.8 ~
"l-"l , h i t I
| ! v I I I
3.01 9.0 12
200 ! I q
Fig. 63. Temperature dependence of Young's modulus (E), that of the shear modulus (G) and that of the adiabatic
compressibility (Ks) for DyCo2 (a) and TbCo2 (b) compounds. After Klimker and Rosen (1976).
The c3(To) values for the Tbx YI_xCo2 compounds calculated
with a3(0) -----6.8 T(mol/Am2)3 and T3 = 178 K.
x Tc 100a3(Te) 100c3(T)
K T(mol/A m2)3 T(mol/A m2)3
! !
(a) ~ TbxYl_xCo2
x ffi 1.0
~ 30
o ' 100 200 300
T (m
,.~ 30
~ bxHol-xCo2
0.9~q x = 1.0
Fig. 64. Temperature dependence of the magnetization in (Tb,Y)Co2 (a) and (Tb,Ho)Co2 (b) compounds. After
Duc et al. (1989).
The c3 (To) values for the TbxHOl_xCo 2 compounds calcu-
lated with a3(0) = -6.8 T(mol/A m2)3 and T3 = 178 K.
~ 5C
0 50 100 150 200
Temperature (K)
Fig. 65. Temperature dependence of the magnetization in (Dy,Y)Co2 compounds. After Yoshimura et al. (1984b).
01 I I I I I
0 100 200 300
T (K)
Fig. 66. Temperature dependence of Al/l in (Ho,Y)Co2 compounds. After Steiner et al. (1978).
0 2O 40 60
T (K)
~=~ ~rder
50 Dy
Hoe __~
R = Er e (Rl-xYx)Co2
0.5 1.0
Fig. 68. Boundarybetween FOT and SOT for RxYl_xCo2 compounds.Experimentalvalues indicatedfor R =
Tb, Dy, Ho, and Er. At x = 0: boundaryvaluefor (Tb,Ho)Co2. After Duc et al. (1992a).
other parameters. One might wish, for instance, to find a more realistic value for, e.g., the
bl-coefficient by taking into account the crystalline electric field effects (CEF) or the R -
R interactions. The magnetic behavior of lanthanide moments may be influenced by the
330 N.H. DUC and P.E.BROMMER
level splitting in the crystalline electric field, even to the extent that the CEF-effects are the
cause of the occurrence of the SOT at relatively low temperatures. The CEF effect, which
is larger in LR-Co2 compounds than in HR-Co2, may play an important role in the SOT
of NdCo2 and PrCo2 (Bloch et al. 1975; Inoue and Shimizu 1988). Also, volume effects
may be important. It has been suggested that going from HR- to LR-compounds the Co-
subsystem is magnetically enhanced, with an optimum at the lattice parameter a = 7.272,~
(Duc et al. 1992a; see also section 4.2). In the presentation by Cyrot and Lavagna (1979),
the increase of the 3d-magnetic susceptibility is also the cause of the disappearance of
metamagnetic behavior. From this discussion, the study of the magnetic properties in the
compounds in which both LR and HR atoms were present, appears to be very interesting.
Duc et al. (1993a) have reported the investigation of magnetic transitions in (Nd,Dy)Co2
and (Pr, Dy)Co2. The substitution of Dy for Nd or Pr lowers the ordering temperature. The
magnetic phase transition, however, changes from FOT to SOT at a Dy concentration x
between 20% and 40% for both series of compounds as indicated by magnetization and
resistivity measurements.
The influence of volume changes was taken into account by Duc et al. (1993a) by in-
troducing a volume dependence of the a3-coefficient in eq. (45), reproduced here in the
A gradual change from "light" to "heavy" lanthanides brings along a corresponding lower-
ing of the lattice parameter. Nevertheless, for simplicity, 7"3 was taken to be equal to 178 K
for all compounds (lattice parameters), having in mind that the 7"3 contribution in eq. (48)
is small, anyway, in the compounds with low Curie temperature. Only a3 (0) was taken
to be volume dependent, and, in fact, was assumed to vary from - 1 5 T(mol/A m2) 3 for
ErCo2 up to +3.1 T(mol/A m2) 3 for PrCo2, in a linear dependence on the lattice param-
eter, chosen in such a way that a3(0) changes the sign at a lattice parameter a = 7.275 lk
(i.e., between GdCo2 with a = 7.256 ,~ and NdCo2 with a = 7.300 ~k). According to
the three-sublattice model, i.e., the generalization of the Inoue-Shimizu model (Brommer
1989; Duc et al. 1993a; see also section 2.1.2), the coefficient c3 (at the temperature of the
second order transition) was calculated. The results are presented in tables 13 and 14 for
the (Nd,Dy)Co2 and (Pr, Dy)Co2 systems, respectively. Both R-Co and R-R interactions
were taken into account. (Their strengths will be presented in the next section.) The model
shows a change in the sign of c3(Tc) at concentrations that are in good agreement with
the experimentally observed change of the type of magnetic transition from first to second
order in the compounds under consideration. Since there are many adjustable parameters
in the model, one undoubtedly can find various sets of parameters for which such a change
of sign occurs. This approach proves the possibility to describe the change of the type of
magnetic phase transition in rather a "complex" (HR,LR)Co2 system in the generalized
Inoue-Shimizu model.
The influence of external pressure is not only to reduce Tc (see fig. 69), but also to change
the magnetic transition (if it is of first order) into a second order one. The critical pressure
of this change is about 30 kbar (Voiron and Bloch 1971). The boundary between the FOT
The c3(Tc) values for the DyxNdl_xCo 2 compounds calcu-
lated with the lattice parameter dependence of a 3 (0) (see text)
a n d T 3 = 178K.
The c3(Tc) values for the DyxPrl_xCo 2 compounds calcu-
lated with the lattice parameter dependence of a 3 (0) (see text)
and T3 = 178 K.
f ,
0 1 bar
60 2.8 kbar
v 5.5 kbar
7.4 kbar
v 12.2 kbar
15.8 kbar ,~,
~. 4o
lo 20
T (K)
I T e [p= Ibar]
40 50
0 -2 -4
Fig. 70. Boundary between FOT and SOT with respect to the change in volume for the Rx Y1-x Co2 compounds.
After Inoue and Shimizu (1988).
and SOT in RCo2 with respect to the change in the volume was studied in a similar way
to that used for (R,Y)Co2 compounds (Inoue and Shimizu 1988) by assuming that only
Xd(T) depends on the volume. Taking the value of d In Xd(T)/d In V = 14 reported by Vo-
iron (1973), the boundary between FOT and SOT with respect to the change in volume was
calculated. The results are presented in fig. 70. Physically, this may be related to the effect
of volume on the magnetic behavior of the Co-subsystem: an increase of external pressure
reduces the Co-susceptibility and increases the critical field of MMT and even destroys the
metamagnetic behavior. Then the condition of FOT in the RCo2 compounds is more diffi-
cult to fulfill under higher pressure and the transition becomes a SOT with a relative low
value of dTe/dp (Voiron 1973). See also Hauser et al. (1998) and Markosyan et al. (1998).
i I i i
36 K J40 1~ i i
1 ErC2 (a)
t I i I t I t I i
2 4 6 8 10
B (T)
~///A "
IV'. :~. _ . ,c. ~,
0 ~
0 2 4 B (T) 6 8 10
4 -
~ ~I t / / . ~ _ _ ~'~
0 ~
0 2 4 6 8 10
B (T)
Fig. 71. Magnetization isotherms at T > Tc for RCo2: R = Er (a), Ho (b), and Dy (c).
334 N.H. D U C and EE. B R O M M E R
. , - , . , - i
HoCo2 " ~
2 /~o o [too]
em /~// ~ [110]
76 80 B4 8B g2 9 6
(a) T (K)
ErCo2 V
v [100]
e~ t7
o~ 2
,, [11o]
o v [111]
32 '
36 4'o '
(b) T (K)
(i) the large hysteresis of magnetization and (ii) the increase of the critical field (Be) and
the decrease of the magnetization jump at the MMT with increasing temperature. In addi-
tion, the MMT exists only in a small range of temperature, with A T ~ 20 K above the FOT.
In this temperature range an almost linear relationship between Bc and T was found. This
behavior of Bc was also derived from the magnetoresistance, see below. No anisotropy
of Bc has been found for HoCo2 (Baranov and Kozlov 1992), in contrast to ErCo2 (see
fig. 72(a), (b)). The disappearance of the MMT is characterized by the disappearance of
not only the magnetization jump but also of the hysteresis. For DyCo2 the MMT is only
weakly evident in the hysteresis of the magnetization curves above Tc. The Arrott plots
! I I
40 i i K ' '
ErCo2 34 K rto~o2 ,,,w- _,.~ 90 K
4o 95K
0N 3o
100 K
o I I
o 1.0 2.0 o 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
B / M (T f.u./p.B) B/M or f.u./laB)
30 ! I t I I
DyCo2 145 K
~150 K
~/~ 155 K
~ 16o K
0q t I
0 1.0 2.0 3.0
B/M ('r f.u./ltn)
Fig. 73. Arrott plots at T > Tc for RCo2: R = Er (a), Ho (b) and Dy (c).
of the investigated compounds are presented in figs 73(a), (b), (c). They show an S-shape
with two linear parts characteristic of the paramagnetic and ferromagnetic states in low and
high magnetic fields, respectively.
The MMT above Tc has also been studied by means of magnetostriction measurements
(Del Moral and Melville 1975; Duc et al. 1988a). As an illustration, magnetostriction
isotherms are given for DyCo2 and HoCo2 in figs 74 and 75. As can be seen from these
figures, ,kll is negative and ~. is positive at T < Tc, leading, correspondingly, to a very
small volume magnetostriction (~. = LII q- 2~. ~ 0). Approaching Tc, the )~11curves
change their slope and become positive at T > Te, whereas, in contrast, Lx still remains
positive. As a result, it leads to a great change in volume. These features indicate that cobalt
moments are induced by the applied magnetic field above Te. The maximum value of this
336 N.H. DUC and EE. BROMMER
, i ! i I i ~..._1 , i
1- ~ 145.4 K
o.s[- / / 15o.2 K I 0.2 4
41.7 K
61.2 K
82.7 K
- 0.8 0.2
144 K
- 1.2
0 S 10 15 BtT) 0 5 10 lS BI(T
(a) (b)
0.8 i i i
; I l
HoCoz 80.5 K
to I I I
- 74.4 K .-i
~ ~
70.1 K 1.2
81.4 K
60.2 K 87.6 K
- 0.4 51.3 K' 0.8
101 K
28.8 K 0.4
116 K
- 0.8 I i I I I I
0 5 10 15 B (T) 0 5 10 15 B (T)
(a) (b)
Fig. 75. Magnetostrictionisothermsfor HoCo2. AfterDel Moral and Melville(1975).
In this temperature range, for DyCo2 the MMT is less abrupt in the magnetostriction data,
in accordance with the observed magnetization data discussed above.
Lattice distortions, in some cases accompanied by spin reorientation, have been ob-
served in RE Co2 compounds with RE = Ho, Nd (Gratz 1983), RE = Pr, Nd, Sm (Gratz
et al. 1994), RE = mixtures ofTb, Dy, Er (Aleksandryan et al. 1984a). From such observa-
tions Aleksandryan et al. (1987) conclude that the R-R interaction mostly influences Llll,
whereas Co-metamagnetism mostly influences L100.
A sharp drop in the resistivity at Tc is due to the suppression of spin-disorder scattering
of the localized 4f moment (Gratz et al. 1981) and to the quenching of spin fluctuations
(Gratz et al. 1987; Duc et al. 1991). The MMT above Tc in RCo2 is also indicated in the
magnetoresistance (see figs 76(a), (b), (c) for R = Er, Ho and Dy). In this case, as well as
for the Y(Co,A1)2 system (see fig. 46), the magnetoresistance data can be used to discuss
directly the quenching of spin fluctuation scattering (Duc and Oanh 1997; Duc et al. 1997;
see also section 4.2.2). The presence of spin fluctuations above Te was also evidenced by
the analysis of the resistivity measurements (Duc et al. 1991; Gratz et al. 1995a, 1995b). In
order to discuss the influence of the magnetic lanthanide atoms, interacting with the itiner-
ant Co matrix, the difference between the (total) resistivity of (R,Y)Co2 and that of YCo2
was considered. A similar analysis was performed by Gratz et al. (1995a, 1995b). As an
illustration, the resulting curves Ap(T) [= p ( ( R , Y ) C o z ) - p (YCo2)] are shown in figs 77-
79 for the RCo2, (Dy,Y)Co2, and (Tb,Y)Co2 compounds, respectively. We clearly see that
for all the (R,Y)Co2 compounds under consideration, these curves are characterized by a
sharp drop at To. Above Tc the excess resistivity Ap decreases with increasing temperature
up to 250 K. Moreover, in a complete collection of Ap(Tc) for all RCo2 (R = Er, Ho, Dy,
Tb, Nd and Pr), Ap(Tc) shows a maximum at Tc = 46 K, the Curie temperature of PrCo2
(see fig. 80). This behavior of Ap(T) is, perhaps, of a more fundamental origin related to
the properties of the itinerant electrons. The temperature where Ap(Tc) reaches a maxi-
mum is comparable with the spin fluctuation temperature Tsf of the Y(Lu)Co2 compounds
(and/or the temperature where dp/dT has a maximum, see section 3).
It is interesting to come back to the so-called "double-peak" in the a.c. susceptibility
mentioned in section 4.1.3, see fig. 59. This double peak (denoted by Xk and gin) was con-
sidered as a characteristic of the FOT (Duc et al. 1988b; Duc 1996; Duc and Oanh 1997),
whereas in the samples showing the SOT only the single-peak L-type anomaly is found (cf.
Xac of TbCo2). Xk becomes weaker, broader and shifts to low temperatures in the presence
of an applied magnetic field and at replacing R by Y (see, e.g., Franse et al. 1983). Thus, it
is thought to be related to the magnetic anisotropy and the magnetization process in the or-
dinary ferromagnetic materials (the Hopkinson effect). The second narrow gm peak occurs
at a temperature equal to the Curie temperature determined from magnetization, thermal
expansion, and resistivity measurements. In an applied d.c. magnetic field, Xm shifts to a
higher temperature (see, e.g., Ho et al. 1981). It is an indication of the critical peak result-
ing from the para-process in these compounds. According to the Landau theory, the critical
peak Xm can be discussed on the basis of the expression for the differential susceptibility
For the SOT,. this susceptibility shows a maximum at Tc, where Cl (To) = 0 (and M also
vanishes). In practice, however, this maximum will merge with the (tail of the) Hopkinson
338 N.H. DUC and P.E. BROMMER
-50 T=34K
~..__36_ K _ _/_
-60 " ( a ) ...........
-70 I I I I
0 2 4 6 8 10
B (T)
0 I I I I
0 ' HoCo2
10 , , , ,
0 DyCo2
ft..,-10 ~ K
~ -20
~" -30 t
-60 (e)
-70 ' ' * '
0 2 4 6 8 10
B (T)
Fig. 76. Magnetoresistance at T > Tc for RCo2: R = Er (a), Ho (b), and Dy (c).
i I i I i I
0 I00 200 300
T (K)
Fig. 77. Excess resistivity Ap = p(RCo2) - p(YCo2) as a function of temperature (R = Er, Ho, Dy and Tb).
After Duc et al. (1991).
effect, so that in low applied magnetic fields only the Hopkinson peak is observed. For the
FOT, the contribution of the negative term proportional to c3 in eq. (49) will enhance the
susceptibility maximum of the para-process and then both the Hopkinson and the "criti-
cal" peak are observed. Notice, however, that Hauser et al. (1997a) discuss the two separate
transitions observed in (Er, Y)Co2 in terms o f a decoupling of the two magnetic subsystems.
30 =
- 10 - DyxY1-xCo2
- 20J- 0.7 j
- 30 - . . _ _ ~ X = 1.0
I t | . I
T (K)
(Er, Y)Co2, respectively (Kuentzler and Tari 1986; Pillmayr et al. 1987, 1988; Hilscher
et al. 1988). Additionally, Hilscher et al. (1988) supposed that, similarly to the variation of
the Curie temperature, the reciprocal maximal y-value as well as 1/Xc vary linearly with
the De Gennes factor (fig. 82). In these compounds, as can be seen from fig. 81 (a), (b), the
magnetic entropy and the Debye temperature show a similar behavior.
In terms of quenching of spin fluctuations in external fields as observed in the enhanced
paramagnetic 3d system, one may expect that on replacing Y by R, the growing molecular
field reduces the spin fluctuations, since this molecular field would induce an itinerant
Co moment. However, the opposite was observed: the contribution of spin fluctuations
increases up to xc where actually the itinerant Co-magnetism is started to be induced. By
analogy with the effects of the magnetic field on the specific heat of YCo2, these results
appear to be a paradox. Considering the random freezing of the 4f moments, however,
Hilscher et al. (1988) have suggested that the local R molecular fields cancel each other
and, therefore, are of minor importance for quenching of spin fluctuations up to Xc. With
regard to the molecular field, the (R,Y)Co2 compounds offer the possibility to vary the
internal field as a function of lanthanide type and concentration and/or as a function of
temperature (Duc 1994). The residual resistivity (P0) values for RxYl-xCo2 compounds
with R ----Er, Ho, and Dy are presented in fig. 83(a). By relating the concentration to the
molecular field Bmo 1( x (gR-- 1) JR) arising from the lanthanide moments, the variation of
Po for different cases can be presented in an identical plot, as shown in fig. 83(b). It nicely
reproduces the observed picture for AR(B)/R(O) reported for the Y(Co,A1)2 compounds
in the external field: the positive magnetoresistance contribution is rather large at a low
s 1
- 40
80 i
I i I
100 200 300
T (K)
Fig. 79. Excess resistivity Ap = p((Tb,Y)Co2) - p(YCo2) as a function of temperature. After Duc et al. (1991).
O. 60
/ "<-_i. I I
0 50 I00 150
T (K)
Fig. 80. Excess resistivity Ap(Tc) as a function of temperature for RCo2. After Duc and Hien (1994).
342 N.H. DUC and EE. BROMMER
2,~0 "~2~
2o0 ,"; :,;-.'- LLI
160 i I
.P Dy
i 300q
.. RxYl-xCo2
300 ,'~
'-- \ .o . ,,2 '250' ?5O ~
200. Dy ~ 200
40 __ ~ ~ _ _ !g, tSO"
~ - - I
: : ; ; : : : : I 0
oT, To
YCo2 o2 o,~ xaS oa RCo2 YCo2 0.2 0,~
Qa RCo2
(a) (b)
Fig. 81. (a) Electronic specific-heat constant (y), magnetic entropy and (b) Debye temperature as a function of x
in RxYl_xCo2 for R = Er, Ho, and Dy. After Pillmayr et al. (1988).
CD /" i/ ~ .
f/ /"
i//o j~/
100 ,.4;;;-'"
LI r i ~ 2 l"10-3 ~
, fj,'#J~ S'jj t 2.~o~
/'Er. H,o Dy Tb, Gd,
Fig. 82. Ferromagnetic (;re) and paramagnetic (0p) Curie temperatures, reciprocal maximal y value ( l / y ) and
the reciprocal critical concentration (1/Xc) as a function of the De Gennes factor for Rx Y l - x Co2. After Hilscher
et al. (1988).
molecular field, although the complete quenching still occurs at the field (of about 70 T),
corresponding to the appearance of a Co magnetic moment in these compounds. This result
would suggest that the molecular field at low concentration is still caused by magnetically
ordered 4f-moments, thus, in contradiction to the picture presented above, where a random
1 I/ll": -r .-.o
Fig. 83. The residual resistivity O0 as a function of x (a), and as a function of the molecular field (b) in
RxYl-xCo2 .
orientation was assumed. Nevertheless, without further detailed calculation the question
remains open.
Finally, specific heat and thermal expansion are related by the so-called Griineisen pa-
rameters. The molar specific heat C and the thermal expansion or, respectively, are ex-
pressed by the following equations (see, e.g., Due et al. 1988a).
Ce = y T , (50b)
Otph = b*
(?)3., [
(eX_- ]) 2 dx. (51c)
One can define an electronic (Fe), a phonon (Fph), and a magnetic (/-'m) Griineisen pa-
rameter as
/] - 3 Voti
with i = e (electronic), ph (phonon) and m (magnetic). V is the molar volume and tc is the
344 N.H. DUC and RE. BROMMER
3 Vae
Fe -- (53)
Taking for Fe the value of 2 and for x the value of 9.4 x 10 -12 m 3 j-1 (Voiron 1973),
Duc et al. (1988a) have derived the value of 8.3 x 10-9 K -2 for ae in ErCo2. In particular,
in this context, an increase of y caused by the enhancement of spin fluctuations is also
accompanied by the enhancement of the electronic thermal expansion coefficient ae.
For the phonon Griineisen parameter, we write
/'ph = 27~cR" (54)
The numerical value for Fph of ErCo2 turns out to be 1.35. This value is not so sensitive
to the R concentration in the (Er, Y)Co2 system. The values for K/-'ph in this series (be-
tween 12.6 and 14.5 x 10 -12 m2N -1) are rather close to the value l l . 9 x 10 -12 mEN -1
reported for the (Gd,Y)Cu2 compounds (Luong et al. 1985).
Fm is calculated by eq. (52) from 0tm and Cm (Duc et al. 1988a). For ErCo2, Fm is equal
to - 1 5 for temperatures below 30 K. Note that Fm is negative and an order of magnitude
larger than Fe and/-'ph. Such high negative values are related to the enhancement of the
itinerant-electron system. From the expression for Tc given earlier (eq. (20)) one may in-
fer that Tc is (almost) proportional to the susceptibility of the itinerant-electron system.
Consequently, Fm can be expected to be given roughly by
Fm = x -1 dlnTc
dp (55)
W .--- ._...u--- " -.D
~- 200 m.,- J ...... ,,
Dy ,-"" - ..... . "
100 1.0
Er... "-" ---"-
"Tm . - .... ' i
0 i
Tb, and Dy, but show a large scattering for R = Ho, Er, and Tm. Duc et al. (1992a), how-
ever, plotted the ratio T c / T max as a function of lattice parameter (see fig. 85). This figure
suggests strongly a major influence of the volume and the existence of a "critical" lattice
parameter ac = 7.27 ik, above which Tc decreases with the lattice expansion. Notice that
at roughly the same lattice parameter, Y(Co,A1)2 becomes ferromagnetic.
Magnetic phase transitions of the R(Co,A1)2 compounds were studied by means of mag-
netization, thermal expansion and resistivity. The thermal expansion data are illustrated
in figs 86 and 87 for R(Co,A1)2 with R = Dy and Ho, respectively. In Dy(COl-xAlx)2,
Ho(Col-xAlx)2, and Er(COl-xAlx)2, a change from FOT to SOT occurs at x = 0.025,
0.075, and 0.075, respectively. In a first approximation, one expects a FOT in case
Tc < 7"3 < Tmax and a SOT, otherwise, see section 3.1. Experimentally, one finds that
Tmax decreases with increasing A1 content both in Lu(Co,A1)2 and Y(Co,A1)2. Moreover,
the critical field for the MMT decreases at the same time (see section 3.2). Taking this
behavior as an indication that the influence of the peculiarities of the band structure is
scaled towards lower temperatures, Duc et al. (1992d) expect T3(x) to decrease with in-
creasing A1 content x, too. Moreover, Yamada and Shimizu (1991), and Yamada (1991,
1993) have shown that, in a simple model based on a dominant role of spin fluctuations,
the temperatures Trnax and T3 are closely related or even equal, see section 2.2.2. Guided by
this conclusion, T3(x) was determined by scaling with Tmax(X), taking the Tmaxvalues ob-
served in Y(COl-xAlx)2 and Lu(COl_xAlx)2, respectively. The c3 values were calculated
346 N.H. DUC and P.E. BROMMER
Cd l
Hy - o~11
/ / e R(Col-xAlx)2
1 I I I I
7.15 7.25 7.35
a (A)
Fig. 85. Tc(x)/Tmax as a function of the lattice parameter in R(COl_x Alx )2. After Duc et al. (1992a).
" / 0.20 ]
I 510-4
0 - 4 tJ
! 0.0
]s[o(COl.xA]x) 2
1~ 200 3~
T3 (in K), the temperature at which a3(T ) changes sign for Lu(COl_xAlx)2 (Lu) and for
Y(COl-xAlx)2 (Y), the observed transitiontemperature Tc and c3(Te) (in T(mol/A m2)3), calcu-
lated on the basis of the T3 valuesfor Y(Co,AI)2.
x T3 (K) Dy(COl_xAlx)
2 Ho(COl_xAlx)2 Er(COl_xAlx)2
Lu Y Tc c3(To) T~ c3(Te) T~ c3(T~)
adopting the T3-values taken from the Y(COl-xAlx)2 system. The T3 values and results
of calculations are listed in table 15. The transition temperature increases with increas-
ing A1 content, whereas T3 decreases. For both Dy(Co,A1)2 and Ho(Co,A1)2 the sign of
c3(Tc), or the cross-over of T3(x) and Te(x) agrees with the observed change of the type
of transition, for either set of T3 values. For the Er(Co,A1)2 compounds, the change in sign
of c3, as calculated, agrees satisfactorily with the experimental observation of the change
in type of the transition. If the c3 parameters are calculated on the basis of the T3 values
348 N.H. DUC and P.E. BROMMER
,~ 100
r,~ 80
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
C o n c e n t r a t i o n (t)
for Lu(Co,A1)2, however, no agreement is found. This suggests that the magnetic proper-
ties of the 3d subsystem in Er(Co,AI)2 can be approximated better by those of Y(Co,A1)2
than by those of Lu(Co,A1)2. This may also be related to the so-called "lutetium paradox"
(Dubenko et al. 1992a, 1992b). The Curie temperature of R(Co,A1)2, where R is a mag-
netic lanthanide, is expected to be higher than that of the ferromagnetic Y(Co,A1)2 and
Lu(Co,A1)2 compounds. For Lu(COl-xAlx)2 with x ~> 0.12, however, Tc was found to be
almost the same as that of Ho(Co,A1)2 and to be higher than that of Er(Co,A1)2 and that
of Tm(Co,A1)2 and Y(Co,A1)2 (fig. 84(a)). In addition, the Curie temperature increases
linearly with the Lu concentration (t) in the Tml-tLut(Coo.88A10.12)2 system, fig. 88. The
difference between energies of the 3d subsystem in Y(Coo 88A10 12)2 and Lu(C~o.88A10.12)2
has been discussed by Dubenko et al. (1994a) (see also section 3.2). These authors also cal-
culate the total energy of the 3d subsystem for different R(Coo.88Alo.12)2 compounds. The
results are presented in fig. 89. It is important to note here that the minimum energy cal-
culated for Tm(Coo.88A10.12)2 is higher than that for Lu(Coo.88Alo.12)2. The result, thus,
is qualitatively consistent with experiments. In this way, not only the anomalous behavior
of Tc observed for R(Co,A1)2 can be understood but one can also infer that the electronic
structure of d-electrons in R(Co0.88Alo.12)2 is almost the same as that in Y(Coo.88A10.12)2
and is different from that in Lu(Coo.88Alo.12)2.
The influence of Al-atoms on the spin fluctuation scattering in R(Co,A1)2 compounds
was investigated by Duc et al. (1992e). The typical temperature dependence of resistivity is
presented in figs 90 and 91 for Ho(Co,A1)2 and Nd(Co,A1)2 compounds, respectively. In ac-
cordance with the thermal expansion data (fig. 87), in Ho(COl-xAlx)2 with x < 0.075, the
FOT at Te shows up in a discontinuous change in the resistivity. The size of the step at Tc,
however, is rapidly diminished with increasing A1 content and vanishes for the compounds
with x = 0.1. For x = 0.2 the resistivity below Tc increases with decreasing temperature
Fig. 89. The calculated (total) energy of the 3d sublattice in the different R(Co0.88AI0.12)2 compounds. After
Dubenko et al, (1994a).
" ~_
,,~T Ho(Co,.,,AL)~
0.4 _ 0o251 ; .
0.2 ,I
0 100 200 3OO
' ' , , i , , , , i ~ ~ , . i , , . , i ~ , . . i ~ . . .
1.2 -
- o o o
1,0 .... o -
- ~ 0 . 1 0 _ff~'- . e, . . . . --
" _~ gdpe
0.8 - ~,~' g,,
- _ . , ~ n ~ ~" /e
F . / x = o.o
F ."*P~ / Nd(C,-*AI~)2 --
' o:o3 --
0.4 l .... Ie .... I , , iiI ~ j i I I I , , , I , , , ,
0 100 200 300
T (K)
in the magnetic ordering phase. Analogous behavior was observed in the Dy(Co,A1)2 com-
pounds. For the Nd(COl_xAlx)2 compounds, the resistivity behavior connected with the
magnetic ordering displays distinct differences with respect to the previous two systems:
with increasing A1 content the resistivity anomaly around Tc becomes less pronounced and
for the compounds with x = 0.2 the resistivity continuously passes through the transition
and no upturn is observed below To.
In search for some systematization, the resistivity was measured for a number of dif-
ferent R(Co0.sAlo.2)2 compounds, with R = Nd, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, and Lu. The results
are presented in fig. 92 in the normalized form of a p/p(Tc) versus T/Tc plot. All the
compounds are ferro- (or ferri-) magnetic materials with Tc ranging from 100 K to 310 K.
The behavior of p (T) strongly depends on the kind of lanthanide. For the compounds with
R = Lu, Er, Ho, and Dy, an almost monotonic increase of resistivity is observed below To,
whereas the resistivity in Gd(Co0.8Alo.2)2 and Nd(Coo.8Alo.2)2 decreases with decreas-
ing temperature. In the ordered magnetic state a relative comparison for the resistivity of
the R(Coo.8A102)2 compounds was made by comparing p(0) with p(Tc), or by looking
at [p(0) - p(Tc)]/p(Tc), as illustrated by the inset of fig. 92. Note that, starting from Lu,
the resistivity enhancement increases and reaches a maximum in the Dy(Coo.8Alo.2)2 com-
pound, then starts to decrease in the Tb(Coo.8Alo.2)2 compound. Finally, the resistivity is
totally suppressed in Gd(Coo.sAlo.2)2 and Nd(Coo.8Alo.2)2. A similar variation was ob-
served for the d-magnetic moment in these compounds (see fig. 110 below). Md is equal to
0.37/zB/at. in Lu(Coo.8Alo.2)2. For the compounds with the heavy lanthanides R = Er, Ho,
Dy, and Tb, Md is almost constant (about 0.8/XB/at.),whereas Ma starts decreasing at R =
Gd and the light lanthanides. This may present a clue for the origin of the resistivity en-
hancement in the R(Co,A1)2 compounds (see also Duc et al. 1995a). In the explanation of
o x x z
Gd~,,, ~ R(Coo.sAIo.z)z
o.1 0
Y .
zx ~ -0.1
0.8 / -
~ ..oa
I I I f I [ I I I I t I i
IA Nd ~1"1~ I~ 1~ I~ I.u
0.'7 I I I
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Dubenko et al. ( 1994a, 1994b) for the "Lu paradox", only the difference of the d magnetism
between (R,Y)Co2 and Lu(Co,A1)2 was shown. The present result reflects even a gradual
distinction of the d-band magnetism in RCo2 when going from heavy to light lanthanides.
500 | !
R(Col-xSix)2. (a)
400 R - - Gd
o o o o - 'l"b
['~ 200'
I00 o- Ho
0 f I
0 0.1 0.2 0.3
2.5 ! |
R(Col-xSix)2 (b)
1.5 Ho
O O-
1.0 _ _ t3Tb
0.5 I !
0 0.1 0.2 0.3
Fig. 93. Tc (a) and Tc(x)/Te(O) (b) as a function o f x in R ( C o l _ x S i x ) 2 . After Duc and Oanh (1997).
1.4 I I I I
1.2 Dy(CI"xSix)
0.8 -
0.6 " - - - + " " N " H (C "xAI ~)-"~
0.4 f ~ Lu(C:'xSix)2
0 I l ~ I a
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25
Fig. 94. Variation of the 3d-magnetic moment in R(COl_x Six)2 . After Duc and Oanh (1997).
-. 160
~140 _--~..~~d~,..~_x_,~
m _ ~ 2 - -0.0 5
60 I I I I I
0 50 100 150 200 250 ;00
T (K)
Fig. 95. Temperature dependence of the electrical resistivity in Er(Co!_xSix)2. After Cuong et al. (1998b).
tuating) lanthanide and cobalt magnetic moments (Duc et al. 1991). The suppression of
resistivity is thought to be due to the ordering process of the 4f-moments and quenching
of spin fluctuations at the Co-sites, see section 4.1.5. In these measurements, a positive
contribution is clearly observed at low magnetic fields. This positive contribution might be
connected to another mechanism, which becomes increasingly important with increasing
Si content. A positive contribution to the magnetoresistance is ascribed to the cyclotron
motion of the conduction electrons. We note that, for the Y(Co,A1)2 system, where only
354 N.H. DUC and EE. BROMMER
300 | I
0 50 100 150 200
T (K)
Fig. 96. Temperature dependence of the electrical resistivityin Ho(COl_xSix)2. After Cuong et al. (1998a,
T3, the temperature at which a3(T) changes sign for Y(Col_x Six)2 (Y). Te, the observed transi-
tion temperature, and c3(Te) (in 10-2 T(mol/A m2)3), calculated on the basis of the T3 values for
Y(Co,Si)2. After Dnc and Oanh (1997).
x T3 (K) Dy(COl_x
Six)2 Ho(COl-x
Six)2 Er(COl_xSix)2
Y Tc (K) c3(Tc) Tc (K) c3(Tc) Tc (K) c3(To)
the 3d magnetism is present, the positive contribution in eq. (43) was found to be consistent
with a quadratic dependence on the magnetization as expected for a pure volume effect on
the band magnetism (Duc et al. 1995a). Denoting this relationship as A R / R ( O ) = otM 2,
it comes out that ot = 0.2 (/zB/Co) -2. For the Er(Coo.9Sio.1)2 compounds the magnetore-
sistance simply increases with increasing fields (see fig. 97(c)). In addition, the relation-
ship between A R / R ( O ) and M 2 mentioned above is also valid, however, with a u-value
of 2 x 10 -3 (/xB/Co) -2, i.e., two orders of magnitude smaller than that found for the
Y(Co,A1)2 compounds. This weak magnetoresistance effect in Er(Coo.9Sio.1)2 might be
10 (a~' I ' ! J I * I *
x : 0.025
-20 ~ 55 K
-50 t I I I I I v I v
0 2 4 B (T)6 8 10
b ~ I ' I * I ' I n
0 l~iOi~ x = 0.075
~-2 8K
% 1,L." ~ , 72K
-10 I I v I t I v l I
0 2 4 6 8 10
B (T)
1 6K x=0.1
62 K 77 K
I i I I
0 2 4 6 8 10
B (T)
Fig. 97. Magnetoresistance isotherms at T > Tc for Er(COl_xSix)2: (a) x = 0.025, (b) x = 0.075, and (c)
x = 0.1. After Duc (1996, 1997).
356 N.H. DUC and EE. BROMMER
due to the compensation between the positive contribution, due to the mentioned volume
effects and the negative one resulting from the 4f spin-disorder resistivity. In this way,
instead of eq. (43), we can express the magnetoresistance as
where the first term is a positive contribution caused by the formation of 3d magnetic
moments. The second and third terms are the negative contributions from 4f spins and spin
For the compounds under consideration, the 4f and 3d magnetic moments are almost
independent of the Si substitution. Thus, their contributions to the magnetoresistance may
be assumed to be of the same order of magnitude in the whole range of Si concentra-
tions. Furthermore, in connection with the above discussion of the compensation between
ARv(B, T) and ARspd(B, T), one may conclude that the suppression of magnetoresis-
tance is mainly the result of quenching of spin fluctuation scattering. Then, the suppression
of magnetoresistance at the MMT can be considered as being caused by this quenching too.
The magnetoresistance at the MMT, thus, can be considered as an useful tool to measure
the effects of spin fluctuations in the investigated compounds.
' Ho
' Dy
' Tb G'd
R(Col.xCux)2 /
_ Er = 300
// .~
..... : ....
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0./+ o 5 10 15
Fig. 98. (a) Tc(x)/Te(O) against x for R(COl_xCux)2; (b) Tc as a function of the De Gennes factor for
R(COl_xCux)2. AfterDuc et al. (1988b).
Within the RCo2 series, TmCo2 takes an unique position between ErCo2 having a Co mo-
ment of about 1/zB, and LuCo2, which is an exchange-enhanced Pauli paramagnet. First
magnetization and neutron diffraction measurements on TmCo2 single crystals have shown
that this compound, as well as other heavy-lanthanide-Co2 compounds, has a collinear
ferrimagnetic structure with Co- and Tm-magnetic moments equal to 0.8 and 5.4/zB/at.,
respectively, and an ordering temperature Tc = 7 K (Deportes et al. 1974; Gignoux et
al. 1977a, 1977b). Dubenko et al. (1993) have deduced from their low-temperature ther-
mal expansion measurements that the Co-magnetic moment in TmCo2 is about 0.6/ZB.
This value of mco (lower than in other RCo2 with magnetic R) was explained by the lower
value of the (effective) molecular field exerted by the Tm-sublattice on the Co moment
(BmoCoI = 60 T), compared to the critical value Be = 70 T of the d-electrons. The mag-
netic properties of TmCo2 are, thus, expected to be similar to those of the isostructural
RxYl-xCo2 compounds in the concentration range with x < xe (the critical concen-
tration), where they exhibit only a short range magnetic order and have no ordered Co-
magnetic moment. The magnetic state of TmCo2 is characterized by the presence of local-
ized spin density fluctuations in the d-subsystem at low temperature. Gratz et al. (1995b)
and Dubenko et al. (1995) have even found the absence of the Co moment in TmCo2.
Moreover, according to Dubenko et al. (1995), different single-phase TmCo2 samples,
prepared by a similar method with compositions close to stoichiometry, can exhibit dif-
ferent alignments of the Tm moments. The magnetic structure was found to vary from a
collinear ferromagnetic state through a helical magnetic one to a "not fully ordered" one
(Golosovsky et al. 1997). Some basic characteristics are listed in table 17 for the TmCo2
samples numbered as N1-N5. As follows from this table, a clear correlation can be es-
tablished between the magnetic type and the lattice parameter. The mechanism leading
to the 4f-magnetism instability in TmCo2 was assumed to depend on small variations in
the stoichiometry within the homogeneous region. The crucial role of the lattice constant
was confirmed by experiments under the pressure of 20.5 kbar on sample N2 (with a spiral
magnetic structure): when applying pressure, Tc shifts up to 10 K corresponding roughly to
dTc/dp ,~ 0.3 K/kbar. This enhancement of Tc was attributed to the pressure dependence
of the T m - T m exchange coupling. Another mechanism providing a collinear magnetic
alignment of the Tm moments in TmCo2 is the 4f-3d intersublattice exchange energy.
As discussed in section 4.2.1, partial A1 substitution leads to a magnetic enhancement of
the d-subsystem. The magnetic structure of Tm(Co0.93A10.07)2 was studied. In this com-
pound the Co atoms bear a magnetic moment. In the ordered state this compound is a
collinear ferromagnet. With increasing temperature, the Tm moment decreases substan-
tially, whereas the Co moment remains almost constant. In addition, one observes also a
long tall in the MTm(T) curve. This was attributed to a magnetic heterogeneity existing
in the vicinity of Te. A similar behavior was observed by X-ray diffraction measurement
(Dubenko et al. 1993).
The magnetic state of Co in TmCo2 manifests itself in the change of the resistiv-
ity behavior. The temperature dependencies of the electrical resistivity for TmCo2 and
Tm(Co0.95A10.05)2 reported by Baranov et al. (1997) are shown in fig. 99. The p(T) curve
Characteristic parameters of different TmCo 2 and Tm(Co0.93A10.07) 2 cubic Laves phase sam-
pies: cell parameter at room temperature (a), occupation factor for the Co sites (8), Tm-magnetic
moment at 1.4 K (mTm) and magnetic structure. After Golosovsky et al. (1997).
, i t . i i . i ,
Tm(Co.~AIo.1)2 o: "'''====='=~
::L " ~ - 7"40 Tm(C'95AI's);
100 -. ..
a ~IB
02 ~'20
0 i
4 i
g 12 T, K
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Temperature (K)
Fig. 99. Temperature dependence of the electrical resistivity for TmCo2, Tm(Co0.95Si0.05)2, Tm(Co0.9A10.1)2,
and Tm(Co0.95A10.05)2. The inset shows p(T, B) for TmCo 2 in the vicinity of To. After Baranov et al. (1997).
for TmCo2 at low temperature is characterized by the presence of the pronounced min-
imum at about 11 K (see inset of fig. 99). With decreasing temperature, p(B = 0) in-
creases and then decreases slowly below 3 K. Magnetoresistance data measured at 4.2 K
are presented in fig. 100(a) for TmCo2: p(B) decreases by 35% in a magnetic field of
5 T. As a measurement of the contribution of the spin fluctuation scattering (see sec-
tion 4.2), this magnetoresistivity result reflects rather a great effect of localized spin den-
sity fluctuations in the d-sublattice of TmCo2. The substitution of 5 at.% A1 for Co in
Tm(Co0.95A10.05)2 significantly changes the resistivity behavior: an abrupt decrease of p
360 N.H. DUC and P.E. BROMMER
0~ ~
-10 I ~ Trn(C95Al'5)2
o -5
0 2 4 6
Magnetic Field (T)
Fig. 100. (a) Magnetoresistance for TmCo 2 and Tm(Co0.95A10.05)2 at 4.2 K; (b) Magnetoresistance for
Tm(Co0.95AI0.05) 2 at T > Te.
with decreasing temperature below the FOT at 11.8 K was observed (see also fig. 99).
As in other RCo2 compounds this decrease of p in Tm(Coo.95Alo.05)2 can be connected
with a quenching of spin fluctuations below To. Indeed, as can be seen in fig. 100(a), the
magnetoresistance of Tm(Co0.95Alo.05)2 is rather weak at low temperature. However, at
T ~> Tc, this compound shows a MMT which is accompanied by a sharp decrease in
resistivity at the field-induced splitting of the d-band (fig. 100(b)). A similar electrical
(and magnetic) behavior of TmCo2-based compounds was observed for the isostructural
HOxYl-xCo2 and ErxYl-xCo2 compounds with lanthanide content near the critical value
xc (see fig. 101(a), (b)). For example, for Er0.4Yo.6Co2 the substitution of 5 at.% A1 for Co
maintains the FOT in the Ero.4Y0.6(Coo.95A10.05)2 compound (fig. 101(a)), and the MMT
can also be observed at T > Te (fig. 101(b)).
For TmCo2, a volume contraction with decreasing temperature was observed (Gratz
et al. 1995b). The total volume change ~Os ( = 3Al/l) is about - 6 . 5 10 -4. This result is
completely different from that observed on the other magnetic RCo2 compounds, in which
a large positive volume expansion exceeding 1 x 10 -3 arises due to a long-range mag-
netic order of the itinerant d-electrons. The absence of a positive magnetovolume effect in
TmCo2 has to be considered as convincing proof that at least down to 2.5 K there is no
long-range magnetic order in the Co-sublattice. The substitution of Gd for Tm in the pseu-
dobinary Tml-xGdxCo2 system gives rise to a large positive volume anomaly at x >~ 0.1.
i I I
160 _ (a)
-20 t
i I
20 40 0 2 4
T (K) B(T)
Fig. 101. (a) Temperature dependence of the electrical resistivity for Er0.4Y0.6Co 2 and Er0.4Y0.6(Co0.95
A10.05)2. (b) Magnetoresistance for Er0.4Y0.6(Co0.95A10.05)2 at T > Tc. After Baranov et al. (1997).
1.002 I I I | I
T m I .xGdxCO2
1.001 (a)
.,p x = e.oo
,~ :, ~ o x=O.OS
,'~ " J * x = 0.10
, L IV" v x=O.15
~~ v~v.~e~" v x=0.20
LuCo 2
I ~ ..'%- ~ * x= 0.05
I~ .." ~ " x=O.lO
(~ 50 I'~ i , ~ :tr X10o15
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
T (K)
Fig. 102. (a) Temperature dependence of the thermal expansion for Tm l_xGdxCo2 . (b) Temperature dependence
of the resistivity of Tm 1- x Gdx Co 2. Data for LuCo 2 are shown for comparison. After Gratz et al. (1995b).
362 N.H. DUC and P.E. BROMMER
o. -0.1
~- 0.0
( b ) ~ I I f I
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
r (m
a. 0.0
lek--A~e~ n 6.01"
-0.3 II01"
-0.4 f I I I I
o 20 40 60 80 100 120
T (K)
Fig. 103. Temperature dependence of the magnetoresistance (Ap/p) of Tm l_xGdxCo2 compounds, for a range
of different magnetic fields, in the low temperature region: (a) x = 0.05, (b) x = 0.1, and (c) x = 0.15. After
Gratz et al. (1996).
In addition, the result of the thermal-expansion study agrees well with that of the resistiv-
ity, in so far that a FOT appears to occur for the compounds with x = 0.1 and 0.15 (see
figs 102(a), (b)).
The features of Co magnetism around the critical concentration of the Tml-xGdxCo2
compounds are a good subject to study the origin of the positive contribution ARv(B, T)
to the magnetoresistance in eq. (56). For x = 0.05 (below the critical concentration), the
compound is paramagnetic and a very high negative magnetoresistance has been observed
(fig. 103(a)). This is due to an enhanced spin-fluctuation mechanism as already discussed
for the resistivity behavior above Tc for the ferrimagnetic RCo2 compounds (see section 4).
For x = 0.1 (the critical concentration) and x -----0.15 (above the critical concentration),
Ap/p (0) shows a minimum above Tc followed by a sharp increase towards positive values
on cooling below Tc (figs 103(b), (c)). This behavior is more pronounced when the field is
increased. Gratz et al. (1996) have related this positive magnetoresistivity to the fact that
the external field reduces the effective field acting on the Co sublattice (and then brings the
itinerant subsystem closer to the magnetic instability). We, however, consider that in the
vicinity of Tc, the effect of the external magnetic field is to magnetize the Tm sublattice
and then to strengthen the effective field acting on the Co subsystem rather than to reduce
it. In this way, the external field enhances the formation of the 3d magnetism and gives rise
to the contribution of ARv(B, T) to the magnetoresistance as observed in the R(Co,M)2
In the non-collinear phase, the total magnetization or rather the magnetic moment per
formula unit is proportional to the applied magnetic field:
Here nRco (< 0) is the intersublattice molecular-field coefficient of the R-Co exchange
interaction - nRCoMRMCo. In this way, the slope yields the molecular-field parameter
directly. Notice that, in the non-collinear phase, the effective molecular field acting on
each subsystem is proportional to, and oriented along, the magnetization of that subsys-
R 1, acting on the
tern: indeed, from eq. (58) we derive that the effective molecular field, Bmo
R-moments is given by
BmoI = B + nRcoMco = ]nRcolMR. (59)
364 N.H. DUC and EE. BROMMER
Co = [nRcolMCo.
Bmol (60)
Consequently, because in the non-collinear phase, for each subsystem, the magnitude of
the magnetization does depend only on parameters specific for the subsystem itself (not
on the applied field), it remains constant, i.e., during the process in which the sublattice
moments are eventually forced to be parallel, the so-called "self-consistent" solution is
maintained. The same conclusion is reached, when the exchange interactions between the
lanthanide moments are taken into account explicitly, BmRolnow being (InRco I + nRR)MR.
Experiments for the observation of the non-collinear state in RCo2, however, meet with
serious difficulties. These are connected with comparatively high values both of nRco and
of the difference MR -- Mco(MR > 5/zB/f.u., Mco < 2/~B/f.u.). From eq. (57a) it can be
shown that the first critical applied field Bcl is larger than 80 T (Brommer et al. 1993) even
in the most favorable cases. A partial dilution of the magnetic lanthanide subsystem by non-
magnetic yttrium or lutetium, often used in order to reduce the large difference MR -- Mco,
is not directly applicable to these compounds because of a simultaneous magnetic destabi-
lization of the Co-subsystem. As already discussed in sections 4.1.2 and 4.1.3, such a desta-
bilization leads to an inverse-like metamagnetic transition when the molecular field Bmo 1
becomes lower than a critical value. A way to prevent the Co-subsystem in RCo2 to become
paramagnetic during the process of substituting Y or Lu for R is a partial replacement of Co
by A1. It is known that a small amount of A1 promotes a stabilization of the Co-subsystem:
Lu(COl_xAlx)2 becomes ferromagnetic for x > 0.07 and Y(COl-xAlx)2 is ferromagnetic
for x > 0.12 (see section 3.2). A typical example for this case is the high-field magneti-
zation curve measured on free-powder samples of the (Gd,Y)(Co,A1)2 compounds, where
Co-magnetism is well established itself. The non-collinear phase starts to exist at the ap-
plied field of 42 T and the slope yields a R-Co molecular-field coefficient of 64 T//ZB (Goto
! ! I I I
(a) ~ (b) ' t= 0.12
t = 0.10 _OO000
0.2 P ~
@~ _o 0
o0 -
oo 0.18 G dtYl't(C'9~Al'~)2 , ~ x ~ 0.18 GdtYl.t( sA 10.0ss)2
no i i i I i I
I I I 1 ~ 0 10 20 30
0 I0 20
B (T) B (T)
Fig. 104. Field-induced non-collinear magnetic structure in (GdtYl_t)(Co0.95A10.05)2 (a) and (GdtYl-t)
(Co0.915A10.085)2 . After Ballou et al. (1993a, 1993b).
et al. 1994a, 1994b). The non-collinear state can also be observed in those (R,Y)(Co,AI)2
compounds in which the 3d-subsystem is magnetized by a molecular field created by the 4f
moments. This is the case for the Yl-tGdt(Co0.95A10.os)2 and Yl-tGdt(Coo.915Alo.085)2
systems (Ballou et al. 1993a, 1993b). The original Y(COl-xAlx)2 compounds for these
systems are itinerant metamagnets with metamagnetic transition fields equal to 45 T and
2.25 T at 5% and 8.5% AI, respectively (Aleksandryan et al. 1985; Sakakibara et al. 1989).
In these compounds, the molecular field exerted by the 4f moments can exceed the critical
field of MMT of the 3d-subsystem, leading to the formation of the d-magnetic moment. In
this way, kinks in the magnetization curves, which are characteristic of a transition from a
collinear ferrimagnet to the non-collinear phase were observed (see fig. 104(a), (b)).
Non-collinear structures in (Lul-tTmt)(Co0.88A10.12)2 are observed for the compounds
with t ~< 0.06 (Brommer et al. 1993). In this system, the magnetization of the Co subsystem
is assumed to be constant, whereas the Tm moment appears to exhibit an approximately
constant (high-field) susceptibility. XTm equals 6 10 -2/ZB/T f.u. Taking into account, in
eq. (57), the field dependence of the Tm magnetization, the critical fields Btl and Bt2 can
be expressed as (Brommer et al. 1993)
nTmCo[tMTm -- Mco[
Btl = , (61a)
(1 + nTmCotXTm)
The calculated phase diagram shows a satisfactory agreement with experimental data,
i.e., with the observed lower and upper critical applied fields as a function of Tm con-
~1.5 ~
,s20 .f-- i i
Fig. 105. Metamagnetic transitions in Y0.75Tm0.25(Co0.88A10.12)2 (a), and Y(Co0.88A10.12)2 (b). After Brom-
mer et al. (1994).
(moment 0.08/ZB/f.u. ) with a MMT (at 12 T, moment about 0.5/ZB/f.u. ) to a strongly fer-
romagnetic state with a moment of more than 0.82/zB/f.u. (see fig. 105(b)). This was also
taken to be the moment of the Co-subsystem in the corresponding (Y,Tm)(Co0.s8A10.12)2
powdered sample. From a fitting procedure, the molecular-field parameter was found
to be - 1 6 . 4 T//ZB f.u. The Tm-moment was taken equal to 4.3 ~B/Tm ion (Brommer
et al. 1993). Thus, the Co-subsystem feels a molecular field InTmCo[MTm = 17.6 T, forc-
ing it to be in the strongly ferromagnetic state. Upon application of a field, however, the
effective field acting on the Co subsystem will decrease as long as the Co moment is point-
ing in the opposite direction. Consequently, the Co subsystem is driven, via the MMT, to
the weakly ferromagnetic state. At still higher fields, a self-consistent solution for a non-
collinear structure appears to be possible. After rotation to the ferromagnetic structure,
further increase of the applied field forces the Co subsystem into the strongly ferromag-
netic state again.
Note that the coefficients aj and the discriminant (determinant of the coefficient matrix
of this set of equations) should be non-negative in order to have an energy minimum.
For a given collinear structure, the coefficients a j c a n be calculated straightforwardly
as a function of the applied field. Hence, the determinant (D) or any subdeterminant can
also be calculated. In this way, for each collinear structure, the field range of its stability
has been determined, for any combination of magnetic moments (of fixed magnitude) and
molecular-field parameters. It turns out that without exception a smooth transition occurs
to a non-collinear structure, i.e., all calculated magnetization curves are continuous and
consist of horizontal portions (the collinear states)joined by straight lines (for the classes I
and II below) or possibly by curved lines (see class III below). The total magnetic moment,
Mt = MI + M2 q- M3, always points in the direction of the applied field B. We stress
that this relation was not postulated, but has been derived from the stability conditions.
In class I, the vectors M j are allowed to be non-coplanar for a non-vanishing field. Then,
eqs (62a), (62b), and (62c) must be identical. Hence, all molecular-field parameters are
equal, and also aj must be single-valued (equal), i.e., - a j = n12 = n23 = n13 [= n]
for j = 1, 2, 3. Then we have Mt = B/Inl in the region where a vector of length Mt
can be constructed with three vectors, not necessarily coplanar, of length M1, M2, and
M3, respectively (if possible, down to Mt = 0 at zero applied field). Since for the non-
vanishing determinant D all the components perpendicular to a non-zero field vanish, a
vanishing determinant is then a necessary condition for the occurrence of a non-collinear
structure. In fact, at the vanishing field B, the determinant vanishes always. A non-collinear
structure may exist only in case all subdeterminants vanish, too (i.e., the three equations
are dependent). This leads to
Consequently, since aj should be positive (for any j), a non-collinear zero-field phase may
exist only in case all molecular-field constants are negative (antiferromagnetic) or in case
only one such constant is negative, the other two being positive (ferromagnetic).
For class II, n12 --fin23 = n13, the non-collinear states can either have collinear M3 and
B (pointing in the same direction or in opposite directions) and non-collinear M1 and M2,
or collinear M1 and ME, with, again, the corresponding two possibilities, both referred to
as "pseudo-sublattice model". Typical examples of magnetization curves belonging to this
class II are presented in fig. 106.
Finally, in case of class III, n12 ~ n23 5~ n l 3 5~ n12, none of the particular non-collinear
structures encountered in class II can occur. The vectors M1, M2, M3 and B are coplanar,
but in a non-collinear structure all point in different directions. A computer program was
developed to construct magnetization curves. One important feature is that curved lines
368 N.H. DUC and EE. BROMMER
25 I I I I / 15
, , / "/]
M1 = 1 n12 = -2 / M1 = 1 nl~ = ~0.5
Ms ~ 4
Mj~ 12
n13 = - 0 . 9 9 9
n2a = - 1.001
/ / " [+.t_+i
.~ 1o
M2 = 7
Maffi 1.5
nla = - 0.999
n~ = - L001
/ " [+++] I
[++-1 /
~ 10
s / /
--+1 /
/ /
t' t I I I 0 I I
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15
B (arb. units) B (arb. units)
(a) (b)
Fig. 106. Typical magnetization curves belonging to class II (n13 = n23) in the three-sublattice model. After
Brommer (1996a, 1996b).
~.. .............
(Gdo.3Ndo.7)Ni 2
0 , I , I , I I
0 lO 20 30 40
B (T)
Fig. 107. High-field magnetization of (Gdo.3Ndo.7)Ni2 . The dashed curve is calculated by the parameters listed
in table 18.
can occur, which have some resemblance to the curves obtained in case anisotropy plays
a role (Zhao 1994). Examples can be found in the study of high-field magnetization of
the (Gd,Nd)mNin compounds by Duc et al. (1995a, 1995b). The results are presented in
fig. 107 for (Gd,Nd)Ni2. The magnetization curves were analyzed in an attempt to obtain
direct information on the Gd-Nd exchange interactions. One should bear in mind, how-
ever, that a three-sublattice system can be described in the familiar two-sublattice model
in case one of the subsystems exhibits a purely paramagnetic behavior, i.e., a linear re-
sponse. This happens to be the case for the (Gd,Nd)Ni system. For (Gd,Nd)Ni2 the curved
Subtattice magnetic moments (MGd, MNd and MNi) and molecular-field coefficients nGdNd, nGdNi and nNdNi
for (Gd,Nd)-Ni compounds.
lines (see fig. 107) are thought to be due to the existence of, presumably, an induced Ni
moment, possible when the Ni subsystem exhibits a non-linear response. Although, in this
general case, the induced moment is not necessarily constant (eq. (60b) must be modified,
the resulting effective field acting on a subsystem now depending on the applied field),
in the analysis, the Ni moment was taken constant (for simplicity). The obtained results
for the molecular-field parameters are listed in table 18. Note that the value of nGdNd is
comparable with that of nGdGd derived from the ordering temperature of the corresponding
Gd-Cu compounds. Moreover, nGdNd as well as nGdGd decrease linearly with decreasing
Valuesof the intersublattice exchangeinteraction param-
eter ARCo for RCo2 compounds.
the magnetization measurements on the free powders of (Gd,Nd)mNin (see section 6.3)
agrees with that deduced from the ordering temperature. Ballou et al. (1993a, 1993b) and
Brommer et al. (1993) have derived a value of 19.2 10 -23 J and 14.6 10 -23 J for
ARCo in (Gd,Y)(Co,A1)2 and (Tm,Lu)(Co,A1)2, respectively, from high-field magnetiza-
tion measurements. Note that these values are comparable with those listed in table 19.
The same is true for the ARCo values obtained for (R,Y)(Co0.88A10.11)2 with R = Tb, Ho,
Er (Duc, unpublished). The trend of the R-concentration dependence of ARCo in all R - C o
compounds (Duc 1997) is confirmed. Both the 3d magnetism and the 4f-3d exchange in-
teractions in RCo2, thus, are well described in terms of the hybridization of the 3d and 5d
states. Finally, it is interesting to note that with this new set of ARo parameters, in order to
maintain the results established in fig. 52, i.e., to describe the metamagnetic behavior of the
3d-subsystem in YCo2 and RCo2 with the same critical magnetic field (of 70 T), the value
of Bc[~xc(g - 1)JR] must be scaled with the critical concentration determined from the
specific-heat measurements (Hilscher 1988), i.e., Xc equals 0.125, 0.18, 0.3, 0.5, and 0.7
for R = Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, and Er, respectively, see figs 81-83. Even so, in this estimation of
the molecular field Brnol,
Co it is
still necessary to introduce an experimentally observed value
of JR (which is, due to the effect of the crystalline field, always lower than their free ion
4 .*---- peff(Co)spin only
~2 1I I l t 1
0 0
100 200 300 400
Fig. 108. Pelf as a function of Curie temperature in RCo 2. After Burzo and Lemaire (1992).
400 . . . . ,
350 ~ LuCo
ScC2 ~ / ErC2
300 ~ ] DyCo2
E 2so _ _ G co2
200 HoCo2 ,~ -,~ ,~
Fig. 109. Tmin, the temperature at which the thermopower curve S(T) shows a minimum (see text), as a function
of the lattice parameter. After Gratz et al. (1995a).
(Burzo and Lemaire 1992). With increasing Curie temperature, Peff appears to decrease
steadily from 4/z8 in YCo2 and LuCo2 (see also section 2.1.1) to about 2.6/zB in GdCo2.
Next, although for information on thermopower data we refer to the reviews written by
Fournier and Gratz (1993) and Gratz et al. (1995a), we present here the relation between
the position of the high temperature minimum in the S(T) curve and the lattice parameter
(at room temperature) (see fig. 109). This minimum is related to a local maximum of N(a)
near the Fermi level. For YCo2, the existence of such a peak in the DOS has been confirmed
by band structure calculations (Yamada et al. 1984). For the RCo2 compounds, however,
the peak width varies with the lattice parameter. In this context, it is encouraging to recall
here the variation of the Landau A3-coefficient as a function of the A1 concentration in
372 N.H. DUC and P.E. BROMMER
I I i I t l I I I '1 i t
8 R(Col-xAIx)2
,~ o ~ . . / (a)
--~ I ! I I I I I I I I I I
1.0 I I I I I I I f I I I I
0.8 R(CoI-~lX)2x=0.2
0.2 (b)
0.0 1"41--7 I i r , i I r i I
0.l I " l l l [ l l
o.o x = 0;2
"d -o.i
g (c)
1 1 t l t * 1 I T I I r
La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
Fig. 110. Plots of dTc/dx (x ~ 0) (a), 3d-magnetic moment (b) and excess resistivity (c) as a function of
lanthanide element in R(Col_x Alx)2.
Y(COl-xAlx)2 (see table 6, and also section 3). This decrease and the change of sign of
A3 was used as input in the discussion of various RCo2 compounds with different lattice
parameters, R(COl-xMx)e (with M = A1, Si, Cu . . . . ) included. In fig. 110, we present for
R(COl-xAlx)2 the dependence on the lanthanide element for dTc/dx (x ~ 0), the excess
resistivity, and the 3d-magnetic moment. The initial increase of Tc becomes systematically
lower when one goes from Tm to Gd, and then changes sign in the compounds with light
lanthanides. As already discussed, the role of A1 atoms in R(Co,A1)2 is to increase the DOS
of d-electrons at the Fermi level. However, due to the difference in the lattice parameter,
N(eF) is not the same in the "pure" RCo2 compounds, which, thus, have different "starting
positions", and also show a different variation at higher A1 concentrations. This systematic
change was observed by the measurements of the 3d-magnetic moment and the excess
resistivity (Ap) (see section 4.2.1), not only for the R(Co,A1)2 system, but also for the
R(Co,Si)2 and R(Co,Cu)2 systems.
In conclusion, the sensitivity of the 3d-band near the Fermi level causes a wide variety
in the magnetic and electronic behavior of different RCo2 Laves phase compounds. This
factor has to be taken into account in the search for a systematic description. The general
behavior, shown in figs 108-110, may be considered as a proof for a systematic dependence
on the atomic number, but, perhaps, also as a proof for the important role of the lattice
In the rhombohedral structure, the R atoms are situated at two different crystallographic
sites, 3c(I) and 6c(II), whereas the 3d atoms are distributed over three different sites 3d(I),
6c(II), and 18h(III), see fig. 111. In a first approximation, the local arrangement of the RI
site is that of the hexagonal RCo5 structure whereas the local arrangement of the RII site
_ _
I...---'-=-- -'."g.~
__ L..-
- ;..+: ........
Fig. 111. Crystal structure of the RCo 3 compounds, viewed as the stacking of YCo 2 and YCo5 cells.
374 N.H. DUC and EE. B R O M M E R
0 I I I
0 50 60 90 120
Megnefic Fiel.d (T)
Fig. 112. Magnetization curve in the ultrahigh-magnetic field for YCo 3 . After Goio et al. (1994a).
resembles that of the cubic RCo2 Laves phase structure. In fact, for R ions placed at these
sites the magnetic-anisotropy constants are found to have the opposite sign (and different
magnitudes). Analogously, one might expect to find paramagnetic Co ions (as in YCo2) and
magnetic ones (as in YCos) with the occupancy ratio 1 to 2. Indeed, instabilities of the Co
magnetism in RCo3 have experimentally been observed by applying ultra-high magnetic
fields or by the effect of the 4f-3d exchange interactions.
YCo3 is an itinerant ferromagnet. According to data given in different studies, the Curie
temperature of this compound ranges from 264 K to 320 K and the total magnetic moment
ranges from 1.45/zB/f.u. to 1.8/zs/f.u. (Buschow 1980; Franse and Radwanski 1993).
This wide spread in data of the basic magnetic characteristics may be caused by different
deviations from stoichiometry for the samples studied in different experiments. Magne-
tization measurements of YCo3 have been performed in ultra-high magnetic fields up to
110 T at 10 K (Goto et al. 1992). The observed magnetization curve of YCo3 (see fig. 112)
reveals two successive metamagnetic transitions at 60 T and 82 T, with magnetization
changes from 0.72/ZB/Co to 0.88 #B/Co and from 0.88/zB/Co to 1.23/ZB/Co, respec-
tively. Thus, the variations in magnetization due to these two transitions are 0.16/ZB/Co
and 0.35/ZB/CO, respectively. It is interesting to note that the ratio of variation in the mag-
netization is about 1:2. Above 90 T, the magnetization is completely saturated with a
spontaneous magnetization comparable to that of Y 2 C o 7 . In YCo3, as mentioned above,
Co atoms are on three different sites. All Co atoms are magnetic, but the (ferro)magnetic
moments strongly depend on the sites, so that m6c > m3b > ml8h (Kren et al. 1969).
Since, in principle, the molecular field and the local DOS of Co depend on the site, it is
Subpeak J ~
s+~_~.. ~,,,~mmff,41- . . . . . ~
Fig. 113.3d-DOS in YCo3.8F: paramagnetic Fermi level; e + and e - : Fermi level for the majority spins and
minority spins, respectively. After Inoue and Shimizu (1985).
likely that the two MMTs occur successively on different sites. The fact that the increase of
magnetization at the transition at 60 T is about half of the magnetization increase at 82 T
suggests that the Co moment on the 3b and 6c sites exhibits a metamagnetic transition at
60 T and the COl8h atoms at 82 T.
Band-structure calculations for YCo3 have been performed by Inoue and Shimizu
(1985), fig. 113. The DOS shows the existence of a sharp subpeak above the main peak
and near the top of the 3d band. Accordingly, their magnetic properties are rather sensitive
to a variation of the position of the Fermi level relative to the 3d band. For YCo3, the Fermi
level of the majority-spin states is located at the minimum of DOS between the main peak
and the subpeak. In this case, YCo3 is in a weakly ferromagnetic (WF) state (also referred
to as an intermediate saturated ferromagnetic state). However, a MMT from the WF state
to a strongly ferromagnetic (SF) state (i.e., a completely saturated ferromagnetic state) has
been predicted for this compound if one can shift the Fermi level of the majority-spin state
to the top of the 3d band, i.e., to the subpeak (fig. 113, the shaded area). This can be ac-
complished by the substitution of Fe for Co (Goto et al. 1991) or by the application of ultra
high magnetic fields, as observed. In fact, this rigid band model has predicted that YCo3 is
in the WF state with an estimated magnetic moment of 0.8/ZB/Co and exhibits a transition
to a SF state with a magnetization jump of 0.4/ZB/Co. It is in good agreement with the
experimental observations. However, it does not explain the two metamagnetic transitions
observed in YCo3.
The YCo3Hx compounds form two hydride phases: the /3-phase (1.0 ~< x ~< 1.9)
and the y-phase (3.4 ~< x <~ 4.0). The t-phase has two modifications fll (or /~L) with
1.0 ~< x ~< 1.5 and f12 (or fill) with 1.5 ~< x <~ 1.9. The magnetic properties of
YCo3Hx are quite sensitive to the concentration x of absorbed hydrogen (Yamaguchi et
al. 1985a, 1985b). The parent compound YCo3 and the flz-hydride are ferromagnetic with
376 N.H. DUC and EE. BROMMER
~_[ J x = 3............
.4 .fi,~ .......... ..-
i o0V / 7 / / x_-,o:
.................. _
0.2 ~ YCo3H x -
0.0 I T l Il I I I T ~ 4.2 K I
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Magnetic Field (T)
Fig. 114. Magnetization curve in the ultrahigh-magnetic field for YCo3Hx at 4.2 K. After Bartashevich
et al. (1994a, 1994b).
a WF ground state, whereas the spontaneous magnetization disappears in the ill- and F-
hydrides. The MMT is still observed in the t-phase (Bartashevich et al. 1994a, 1994b).
The y-hydrides are antiferromagnetic (AF). In this phase, only a spin-flip transition from
AF to F was observed at 14 T and at 29 T for x = 3.4 and 4.0, respectively (fig. 114).
Additional electrons originating from the hydrogen atoms are primarily contained in the
metal-hydrogen bonding band. The rest of them occupy the 3d band and upwards to the
Fermi level (Yamaguchi et al. 1995). Hydrogen, however, has two effects. Firstly, it slightly
modifies the DOS curve in the t-phase. The two magnetic groups of Co sites (i.e., the 3b,
6c sites on the one hand, and the 18h sites, on the other hand) then still exist and the two
itinerant metamagnetic transitions occur in this hydride as in YCo3. Secondly, it strongly
modifies the DOS in the y-phase and destroys the itinerant MMT in this phase. This differ-
ence in the modification of the DOS is related to the different site-occupation of hydrogen:
hydrogen atoms are located on interstitial sites in the YCo2 blocks for the t-phase, whereas
they occupy lattice sites in the YCo5 blocks for the y-phase (Benham et al. 1989).
Due to the effective 4f-3d exchange interactions, the Co atoms in most of the RCo3
phases are in the strongly ferromagnetic state. The 4f-moment is in antiparallel alignment
to the Co moment in the heavy-lanthanide compounds, whereas both moments are parallel
in the light-lanthanide compounds. For the former system, besides the inverse MMT of the
Co sublattice from the SF state to the WF state, one also expects a field-induced transition
from the ferrimagnetic collinear structure to a noncollinear structure.
The inverse MMT of the Co sublattice has not been observed in GdCo3 since the
exchange field acting on Co is too large (about 285 T). It can be demonstrated in the
Yl-tGdtCo3 compounds (Aruga Katori et al. 1994). The Gd concentration dependence of
the spontaneous Co-sublattice moment in Yl-tGdtCo3 is presented in fig. 115. The substi-
tution of Gd for Y in YCo3 leads to enhancement of the Co moment, with a clear step (the
second MMT) of 0.27/ZB/CO at tc2 ~ 0.25. These results reveal that the (complete) MMT
Fig. 115. Gd-concentrationdependenceof mco derived from saturation magnetizationin Yl_tGdtCo3 com-
pounds. AfterArugaKatoriet al. (1994).
of the Co sublattice, induced by the molecular field from the Gd sublattice, is stabilized
even without an external field for t > teE. The expected first MMT of the Co sublattice,
however, is not clearly visible as a step (according to later calculations to be expected at
tel ~ 0.1, see fig. 117). The apparent broadening of the transition is ascribed to the in-
homogeneous molecular field. Magnetization curves measured at 4.2 K are displayed in
fig. 116(a), (b) for some characteristic Yl-tGdtCo3 compounds. Note that the magnetiza-
tion of compounds with low Gd-concentration (t ~< 0.22) undergoes a diffuse (second)
MMT (fig. 116(a)). In this concentration range, well below the compensation point, the
Gd moments are oriented opposite to the applied field, so the molecular field acting on the
Co moments is parallel to the applied field. Accordingly, Bc2(t) decreases linearly with
increasing t (see also fig. 117). For compounds close to the compensation concentration
(tcom ~ 0.525), the magnetization increases almost linearly in fields above a critical value
(fig. 116(b)). This is characteristic of a transition to a non-collinear ferrimagnetic phase. At
the compensation point, the (critical) transition field Btl should vanish. In practice, how-
ever, it remains above 10 T. In this case, the anisotropy of the Co sublattice (Co sites)
may be important. From the experimental data, the strength of the 4f-3d exchange cou-
pling was determined and a complete B - t phase diagram of Yl-tGdtCo3 compounds was
constructed (fig. 117) (Levitin and Markosyan 1998).
The analysis of magnetization data is more straightforward in the case of the
Yl-xNdxCo3 system, partly because the Nd and Co moments are ferromagnetically cou-
pled. Substitution of Nd for Y in YCo3 leads to enhancement of the spontaneous Co mo-
ment mco from 0.55/zB/Co in YCo3 to 1.17/zB/Co in NdCo3. The Nd-concentration
dependence of the Co moment exhibits the two expected-steps as shown in fig. 118, at
the critical concentrations x ----- 0.35 and 0.85, respectively (Goto et al. 1994b; Koui
et al. 1994). In applied magnetic fields, several compounds do exhibit the two MMTs, as
378 N.H. DUC and EE. BROMMER
1.2 t . i l !
~. 1.0
i o.oi , I , l , I t.~0.20l
(b) -"':
~ * " :--0.55
0.0 I , 1 , I , I o.oo i I ~ ! ~ I
10 20 30 40 10 20 30 40
Magnetic Field (T) Magnetic Field (T)
Fig. 116. Magnetization curves at 4.2 K for severalcharacteristic Yl_tGdtCo3 compoundswith MMT (a) and
with field-induced collinear-noncollinearphasetransition (b). After ArugaKatori et al. (1994).
'illustrated in fig. 119 for Yl-xNdxCo3 with x = 0.0, 0.1 and 0.2 The critical fields of both
transitions decrease linearly with increasing Nd concentration. Moreover, with increasing
temperature, the critical fields do increase. This increase is ascribed to the weakening of
the exchange field due to the decrease of the Nd magnetization Since in YCo3 the criti-
cal fields tend to decrease with increasing temperature, the influence of spin fluctuations
appears to be negligibly small in these systems, in contradistinction to YCo2, where the
critical fields increase with a T2-dependence ascribed to spin fluctuations.
ErCo3 is a collinear ferrimagnet with uniaxial anisotropy in the whole magnetically
ordered region (Yakinthods and Rossat-Mignod 1972). The high-spin moment of Co was
estimated to be 1.3/ZB/CO. The magnetization along the c-axis exhibits two transitions,
at 29.5 T and at 90 T (fig. 120) (Goto et al. 1995) The first transition corresponds to the
(inverse) itinerant MMT at 80 T in YCo3: the Co moment in the high-spin state is reduced
due to the decrease of the effective field (sum of opposite exchange and external fields)
acting on the Co sublattice. No transition corresponding to the MMT at 60 T of YCo3 is
clearly observed in ErCo3 since the transition is rather broad. The transition at 90 T is a
spin-flip one of the Co moment towards the direction of the applied field (and the direction
of the Er moment) In contrast, the magnetization perpendicular to the c-axis (i.e., along the
20tl, ~'///
no n~
\- "oo du
O ~ ,'~. , ?v', , , ,
O t~l 0.2 t ~ 0.4 ~ 0.6 0.8
Fig. 117. Computed B - t magnetic phase diagram for Yl-tGdtCo3 The circles and squares represent the exper-
imental data. (1) - weakly ferrimagnetic collinear phase, (2) - intermediate ferrimagnefic phase, (3) - strongly
ferrimagnetic collinear phase, (4) - non-collinear phase and (5) - strongly ferromagnetic phase. After Levitin and
Markosyan (1998).
1.4 I I I I
o 1.2
ga o
1.0 .d
o BB
o 0.8 s-''
O 0.6 #
. O . . . O * "O/1"
0.4 I I I I
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Concentration (x)
Fig. 118. Nd concentration dependence of mCo derived from saturation magnetization in Yl_xNdxCo3 com-
pounds. After Goto et al. (1994b).
380 N.H. DUC and P.E. BROMMER
yt.xNdxCo3 -
0 I I I I I
0 20 40 60 80 100
Magnetic Field (T)
Fig. 119. Magnetization curves for Yl-xNdxCo3 compounds. After Goto et al. (1994b).
,_10- ~/f--~
H/It-axis ~__.-~"
N 2~ ErCo3
07 ~ t i i I
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Magnetic Field (T)
Fig. 120. Magnetization curves at 4.2 K for ErCo 3 . After Goto et al. (1995).
"~.~N~ 4 t ~ I-Iflc-axis _
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Magnetic Field (T)
Fig. 121. Magnetization curves at 4.2 K for HoCo 3 . After Goto et al. (1995).
N 4
f / ILl_c-axis
~2 ~/ TrnCo3
0 I I I I I,
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Magnetic Field (T)
Fig. 122. Magnetization curves at 4.2 K for TmCo 3. After Goto et al. (1995).
ant MMT, but it is produced by a flip of the Co moment as in ErCo3 and HoCo3. In this
case, however, the spin structure remains non-collinear. On the other hand, the magneti-
zation perpendicular to the c-axis monotonically increases and exhibits a broad transition
at 99 T. The corresponding magnetization jump of 1.1/ZB/f.u. leads to the suggestion that
this transition may be an itinerant MMT of the Co sublattice (Goto et al. 1995).
Th0.95Co5.10 compound (Givord et al. 1977, 1979). The magnetic behavior at finite temper-
ature also originates from the Co3g atoms. These atoms exhibit a metamagnetic behavior
analogous to that observed in Y(Lu)Co2. The critical field in the present case, however, can
be reached either by an applied magnetic field in the Co-poor compounds (figs 123(a), (b))
or by an increase of the exchange field on the Co3g atoms in the Co-rich compounds caused
by statistical substitution of Co dumbbells for Th atoms (fig. 123(c)). The effect due to the
decrease of the internal field can be observed in the temperature dependence of sponta-
neous magnetization of the Thl-sCos+2a compounds. Since the magnetization of the 2c
subsystem decreases as temperature increases, at some temperature in the compounds with
= 0.04 and 0.05, the Co2e-exchange field acting on the 3g subsystem becomes less
than Be. This leads to a transition of the 3g subsystem into the paramagnetic state with
a jump-like decrease in the magnetization. The discontinuity in the 3d-band splitting as-
sociated with metamagnetism in these compounds also results in an additional volume
Magnetization measurements under pressure have been carried out for single crystalline
ThCo5 by Ballou et al. (1990). The magnetization curves are presented in fig. 124. Great
effects of pressure on the magnetization are obtained in the low magnetic state whereas
relatively slight effects are observed in the high magnetic state. Additionally, Be is found
to increase linearly with pressure at a rate of 2.8 T/kbar. The obtained results have been
described by making use of a very simple model for the volume dependence of DOS and
the molecular-field parameter.
CeCo5 is a ferromagnet with a large uniaxial anisotropy, and belongs to a famous fam-
ily of permanent-magnet materials. Within the homogeneity range, all the Co atoms in
CeCo5 are in the high-spin state with a moment of 1.42/xa/Co (Ermolenko et al. 1980;
Ermolenko et al. 1977; Bartashevich et al. 1994b). The substitution of Ni for Co supplies
excess electrons in the d-band, and, thus, leads to the appearance of the low-spin state due
to the decrease in the density of states at the Fermi level, as observed in the Ce(COl-xNix)5
compounds with x >~ 0.075 (together with the influence of the exchange field acting on
the Co sublattice). A MMT to the high-spin state has been observed in an oriented pow-
der Ce(Co0.925Ni0.075)5 sample (Givord et al. 1983). High-field magnetization studies on
monocrystalline samples (Bartashevich et al. 1995) indicate for Ce(Co0.gNi0.1)5 a MMT at
a field Be = 21 T applied along the (easy) c-axis. The critical field along the hard direction
is estimated to be about 47 T (see fig. 125) As the temperature increases, the spontaneous
magnetization of this compound exhibits a broad maximum around 200 K and the critical
field of the transition increases monotonically. This metamagnetic behavior is similar to
that of Th0.965Co5.07 (see above).
" // "",|,.,
4.2 K
'~' ~ I - Th.965Co5.07
"~ o ~ 1'o Bm
5 Ms
100 2O0 T(K)
4 Bc~"--~ _
4.2K /
II - Th.96Co$.08
o 5 lo 15 B 03
! I I
-- Bile
42K ~
- ,5 " m1i" Th'95C
" l O
5 10 15 B (T)
' I,c, I I
100 200 T(K)
Fig. 123. Field variation of the magnetizationat 4.2 K and temperature dependence of the spontaneous magneti-
zation up to 300 K for three Thl_~Cos+2~ compounds. After Givord et al. (1983).
P= 0 kbarff r---- i
~ : . ~ - / 1.7 kbar
-- 3kbar
- 6 wdlmr
(a) ThCo5
. . ! , I I
2 4 6 8
Fig. 124. The magnetization curves measured at 4.2 K along the c-axis in an increasing field at various pressures
at 4.2 K in ThCo5. After Ballou et al. (1990).
,- .............................................
=. 6
7 03
0 I I , I
0 10 20 30 40
Magnetic Field (T)
Fig. 125. Magnetization curves of single cryst~illineCe(COl-xNix)5 along the c-axis and in the basal plane. The
arrow indicates a MMT point. After Bartashevich et al. (1995).
metastable state exists in a wide magnetic field regime (i.e., the hysteresis with an up-
critical field Bc2 = 8 T and a down-critical field Bcl = 2 T). As the temperature increases,
the hysteresis decreases. For T = 150 K, the hysteresis disappears (Be1 = Be2 = Be =
5.5 T) and for T > 150 K, Bc starts decreasing with increasing temperature. The M M T
of Ce2CoTB3 has been suggested to be similar to that of ThCos. In the Rn+lCO3n+sB2n
compounds, the cobalt sites can be classified according to the number of adjacent "B-
containing layers": Co(i) (with i = 0, 1, 2) has i adjacent B-containing layers (Ogata
et al. 1993). The magnetic moments are moo(0) -----1.2/ZB, mco(1) = rnco(2) = 0/zB. In
386 N.H. DUC and P.E.BROMMER
15 T--4K 1
0 I I i I I t I I r ] I I r ! I
0 5 10 15
Fig. 126. Magnetization curves measured on free powders of Ce2Co7B3 at various temperatures. After Ido
et al. (1995).
Ce2Co7B3, it is proposed that due to the strong 4f(Ce)-3d(Co) hybridization, the Co(I)
sites are on the verge of satisfying the Stoner criterion (Ido et al. 1995). Accordingly, this
metastable state is the origin of the MMT observed.
/ " i I ! t i
0.5 GPa
r :'~ K
'.o o.t o.2 o3 O-4125K0.5
0 . 0 ~
1 3 5 6
Magnetic Field (T)
Fig. 127. Magnetization curves of CoS 2 at p = 0.77 GPa in the vicinity of TC. The inset shows the magnetization
curves on a finer scale. After Goto et al. (1998).
g "
6 1 I - 0.16
x S~,ofe [x +) 2 T ' - 4 2 K
N 0.4
10 15 30 35
Magnetic Field (T)
Fig. 128. Magnetization curves of several CO(Sl_x Sex) 2 compounds measured at 4.2 K. After Goto et al. (1998).
150 I I
Co(S 1-xSex)2
~,, SOT
,,, Pararaag
; Tc ~ "*'"'~aT
50 "~ ~ "~a'.,.o,
',Ferromag \ Metamag ""
0 I~, I
0 10- 20 30
Concentrationx (%)
Fig. 129. Magnetic phase diagram of Co(S 1-x Sex )2. After Goto et al. (1998).
higher pressure (p > Pc), are observed to be quite similar to those of the paramagnetic
compounds with x /> 0.12.
but not for the Co-rich compounds. In order to solve this problem, band calculations have
to be extended to describe separately the magnetic behavior for each d-subsystem. Finally,
the magnetic instabilities in (R,Co) based compounds give rise to a variety of field in-
duced multiphase transitions. The study of these phenomena, theoretical and experimental,
gives the possibility of acquiring good knowledge not only of "itinerant-electron metam-
agnetism", but also of the important exchange coupling constants and the crystalline-field
We are grateful to Prof. Dr. T.D. Hien, Prof. Dr. J.J.M. Franse, Dr. T.N.H. Kim Ngan and
all the colleagues of the Cryogenic Laboratory for collaboration and discussion over a
number of years. We have also benefited by the fruitful cooperation between the Universi-
ties of Hanoi (Vietnam) and Amsterdam (The Netherlands), to which Dr. F.E Bekker has
attributed the most important contribution.
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chapter 4
Faculty of Physics
M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Moscow, 119899
emphasis to the character of the MCE behavior in different magnetic materials and com-
prehensively reviews the studies of this effect. This review will embrace materials with
magnetic moments of either band or localized origin, and materials where the magnetic
ordering can have collinear, as well as more complicated character, such as helical.
Since space does not permit to discuss the details of all questions of concern, we con-
centrate on the focal points giving the main theoretical concepts and experimental findings.
The thermodynamic approach is the most elaborate one for understanding the observed
phenomena. Also often used are Landau's theory of second-order phase transitions and
mean-field approximation (MFA), proposed by Rosing (1892, 1896) and Weiss (1907).
Both models well describe the behavior of a number of magnetic quantities, but are inap-
plicable in the vicinity of the transition point because of critical fluctuation effects. In the
low temperature region the spin-wave theory is used to describe temperature dependencies
of magnetization, MCE and specific heat in ferro- and antiferromagnets (Akhiezer 1961).
Scaling theory is used in certain cases to describe the MCE in magnetic materials in the
vicinity of the phase transition points (Mathon and Wohlfarth 1969; Stauffer 1970; and
Kamilov and Aliev 1983).
A notable part of the chapter is dedicated to the description of experimental techniques
used by various investigators to study MCE. Consideration is given to both quasi-stationary
and pulse field setups.
For the first time a detailed discussion of experimental and theoretical studies of a great
number of magnetic systems is given. The emphasis is put on understanding the physical
essence of the observed phenomena. Results of calculations of the field effect on the en-
tropy and specific heat are reported and systematized for a number of magnetic materials.
Contributions to the entropy change from the exchange interaction and magnetic anisotropy
are discussed. The problem of the maximum value of the effects under consideration is also
addressed. It is shown, in particular, that in heavy rare earth metals the maximum MCE
value at the magnetic phase transition from the ordered to the paramagnetic state can be as
high as hundreds of Kelvins (e.g., in terbium it is 254 K under saturation field) and that it is
proportional to the product of the transition temperature and the atomic magnetic moment
(Tishin 1990a).
The magnetocaloric effect is utilized in magnetic refrigeration machines. At the begin-
ning of the century Langevin (1905) demonstrated for the first time that the changing of a
paramagnet magnetization would generally result in a reversible temperature change. The
idea of utilizing reversible temperature changes in paramagnetic salts is well known to be-
long to Debye (1926) and Giauque (1927), over 20 years after Langevin's work appeared.
The first experiments to put this idea into practice were carried out in 1933-1934 (Gi-
auque and MacDougall 1933; de Haas et al. 1933; Kurti and Simon 1934). Investigation
in the wide temperature region (from 4.2 K to room temperature and even higher) were en-
couraged by Brown (1976). Technologically the current interest in the MCE is connected
with the real possibility to employ materials with large MCE values in the phase transition
region in magnetic refrigerators (see, for example, Barclay 1994). The current extensive
interest is to give birth to magnetic refrigeration as one of the most efficient methods of
cooling at room temperatures and even higher. For instance, recently the Ames Laboratory
(Iowa State University) and the Astronautics Corporation of America have been collabo-
rating to create an advanced industrial prototype of a magnetic refrigerator operating in the
room temperature region (Zimm et al. 1998). In principle, such type of refrigerators could
be used in hydrogen liquefiers, infrared detectors, high speed computers, SQUIDs, frozen
food processing plants, large building air conditioning, motor vehicles, waste separation
and treatment (see, for example, Gschneidner and Pecharsky 1997a). There is a number
of surveys dealing with the problem of magnetic refrigeration. From the whole range of
questions concerning this problem, we consider here only the aspect of working materials,
leaving out most of the technical questions of refrigerator design and operation. Results
are reported on a broad class of rare earth (and some other) materials promising from the
viewpoint of magnetic refrigeration. In this part of the work the author puts accent primar-
ily on the exploration of the physical mechanisms leading to the evolution of significant
amounts of heat under a magnetic field.
2.1. General t h e r m o d y n a m i c f o r m a l i s m
Let us consider the general thermodynamic equations which can be used for description of
magnetothermal effects in magnetic materials.
The internal energy U of the system can be written down as a function of the entropy S,
the volume V and the magnetic field H:
U = U ( S , V, H), (2.1a)
U = U ( S , V, M ) . (2.1b)
dU = T dS - p dV - M dH, (2.2a)
dU = T dS - p dV - H dM, (2.2b)
F = U - TS (2.3)
The Gibbs free energy G is used for systems under constant pressure and is a function
of T, p and H:
G = U - TS -4- p V - M H (2.5)
dG = V dp - S dT - M dH. (2.6)
Accordingly, for the Gibbs free energy the following equations are valid:
H = (~G/OM)T,p. (2.8d)
From eqs (2.8a) and (2.8b), (2.8a) and (2.8c) and (2.8a) and (2.8d) one can derive the
Maxwell equations:
= -- , (2.9a)
T,p OT n,p
(~--M) T,p = - ( - ~ ) M,p" (2.9c)
Cx = - ~ x" (2.10)
dS = ( ~ - ) (2.11)
Cx = \ - ~ J x" (2.12)
The bulk thermal expansion coefficient otr (T, H, p) can be defined as:
_I(OV~ (2.13a)
dr(T, H, p) = V \aT]H, p
_I(0S'] (2.13b)
OtT(T,H,p) = V\OP]T, H"
Let us consider the total entropy of the system S(T, H, p). Its total differential can be
written down as:
dS= ( )
- ~ H,p
dr + ~-~
dH +
dp. (2.14)
For an adiabatic process (where dS = 0) one can obtain from eq. (2.14) using eqs (2.9a),
(2.12) and (2.13b):
dT + ( 0 M ) dH-etTVdp=O, (2.15)
T ~ H,p
where Cn,p is the heat capacity under constant magnetic field and pressure.
For an adiabatic-isobaric process (dp = 0), eq. (2.15) gives the following expression
for the temperature change due to the change of the magnetic field (the magnetocaloric
Let us consider the adiabatic-isochoric process (dV = 0). The total differential of
V (T, H, p) has the form:
Here eq. (2.13b) and the expression for the bulk elastic modulus to:
1 1 (i~_~_pV) (2.18)
K g T,H
were used. By means of eqs (2.15) and (2.17) the following equation can be derived for an
adiabatic-isochoric process:
{ CH'pT --c~2KV}dT+[(-~-)Hp-OtTX(-~H)T,p]dH=O" (2.19)
The second term between the brackets is small and can be neglected, which leads to the
equation (Kuz'min and Tishin 1992):
dT (~S/~H)T,p. (2.21)
dH = (~S/~T)H,p
If the entropy change is considered as a function of T, M, and p, then its total differential
can be written down as:
Using this equation and eqs (2.12) and (2.9c), one can obtain an expression for the temper-
ature change caused by an adiabatic-isobaric change of magnetization:
dT-- T [i~HI
/ \ dM. (2.23)
CM,p ~, M,p
The finite temperature change AT = T2 -- T1 (where T2 and T1 are the final and the initial
temperatures, respectively) under adiabatic magnetization can be obtained by integration
of the corresponding equation eqs (2.23) or (2.16).
The thermodynamic equations obtained above are sufficiently general, since no assump-
tions as to the structure of the considered system were made. To obtain more concrete
results one should know the form of the functions F or G of a specific system, which
requires some model assumptions.
Let us consider the nonequilibrium thermodynamic potential ~ ( T , H, M, p, V) in
which the internal parameters M and V or p are regarded as independent variables. To
obtain the equilibrium Gibbs free energy G or equilibrium free energy F one should min-
imize q0 with respect to M and V or M and p:
Then, with the help of the thermodynamic eqs (2.7) and (2.8) the equilibrium internal
parameters of a system can be obtained. The form of the nonequilibrium potential q0 can
be determined by symmetry and microscopic consideration.
It is known that in ferromagnets a second order phase transition takes place at the Curie
point (Tc). Belov (1961a) adopted the Landau theory of second order phase transitions
(Landau and Lifshitz 1958) to magnetic transitions. According to this theory, near the
Curie point the potential ~ of a ferromagnet can be expanded in a power series of an order
parameter, the latter becoming zero at the Curie point. In ferromagnets the order parame-
ter is the magnetization and for a single domain, isotropic ferromagnet in the absence of
magnetic field, the expansion takes the form:
= qb0 q- ~_I 2 q- "___14+ . . . (2.25)
Z 4
where ~0 is a part of the potential not connected with the magnetization, I is the magneti-
zation (I = M ~ V), e~ and fl are thermodynamic coefficients.
At the Curie temperate t~ becomes zero and in the vicinity of the Curie temperature it
can be presented as:
Above Tc ot > 0 and below Tc ot < 0. The coefficient 13 near Tc is not dependent on
T:/~ = ~6(T). Minimizing eq. (2.25) with respect to I, one can obtain from the equation
0 q~/i~I = 0 the equilibrium value of spontaneous magnetization Is:
i2 _ ~ o t o ( T - Tc) (2.27)
By substitution of Is into eq. (2.25) the equilibrium thermodynamic potential can be ob-
For a ferromagnet in which the magnetoelastic interaction is taken into account, and
which is brought into a magnetic field H, the potential q~ has the form:
Minimization of eq. (2.28) with respect to I leads to the equation describing the magneti-
zation near the Curie point (Belov 1961a):
Since the condition of the Curie temperature implies vanishing of the cgefficient in the first
term ofeq. (2.29), the displacement of Tc under pressure can be calculated by the equation:
-- -- (2.30)
Ap t~o "
From eq. (2.29) we can calculate the derivative (i~H/i~T)l, which after substitution into
eq. (2.23) gives the values of the MCE near the Curie temperature:
dT = t~o_____TT
d12. (2.31)
From eq. (2.31) it follows that the temperature change due to the change of magneti-
zation is proportional to the squared magnetization: AT = kI 2, where k is a coefficient
of proportionality. Then from eq. (2.29) one can obtain an expression describing the MCE
field dependence near the Curie temperature (Belov 1961a):
tx + y p 13 H (2.32)
T- + ~ A T -- ATI/----~2 .
Equations (2.16) and (2.23) obtained in this section are sufficiently general and include
the contribution from paraprocesses and magnetocrystalline anisotropy. However, they are
usually used for description of the MCE in the region of the paraprocess which is charac-
terized by a simple relation between M and H. By paraprocess we mean the magnetization
in the field region where the processes of domain wall displacement and magnetization
vector rotation are completed and the field acts against thermal agitation and exchange
interactions (in antiferromagnetic and ferrimagnetic materials). Other contributions to the
MCE (such as the contribution from the magnetocrystalline anisotropy) will be discussed
Above we have considered the magnetocaloric effect in relation to a reversible process
of magnetization. Nonreversible magnetothermal effects can arise due to such processes of
magnetization as displacement of domain walls and nonreversible rotation of the saturation
magnetization, or to first order magnetic phase transitions. These effects are characterized
by a hysteresis in the magnetization cycle. The net magnetic work applied on the mag-
netic material in this case, proportional to f H dM, is dissipated as heat which leads to the
additional temperature rising.
Another source of additional heating is the Foucault currents which are induced in met-
als during applying of the magnetic field. According to the estimations made by Tishin
(1988) in the case of rare earths this reason can give remarkable contribution (of about
0.1 K for rapid change of the field from 0 to 60 kOe) only in low temperature region. The
nonreversible effects can decrease the sample cooling under adiabatic demagnetization.
where kB is the Boltzmann constant and Z(x) is the statistical sum or partition function.
Then, using eq. (2.7), one can obtain the internal parameters of the system. The partition
function of the system is determined as (Smart 1966):
where 7-/is the Hamiltonian of the system and En are its eigenvalues.
Let us consider first a quantum mechanical case for a paramagnet. The Hamiltonian (for
one atom) in this case has the form:
H = -MjH, (2.35)
where/~ is the vector of magnetic field,/~rj = gJ#B a~ the atom magnetic moment opera-
tor. The partition function for one atom is given by the equation (Smart 1966):
J [gjlzBmH]= J [mx]
Z.t(x)= ~ exp L k-~ J ~ exp --)-- , (2.36)
m=- J rn=- J
where g j is the g-factor of the atom, J is the total angular momentum quantum number,
m = J, J - 1. . . . . - J , andx for a paramagnet has the form:
x = - - (2.37)
kBT '
M j = g/zB J is the magnetic moment of an atom.
After summation eq. (2.36) takes the form:
For the system consisting of N atoms the free energy (its part related the magnetic subsys-
tem) has the form:
M -----N M j B j ( x ) , (2.40)
2J+ltanh(2J+l ) 1 (x)
Bj(x)= 2J k 2J x - ~ - ~ t a n h ~-~ . (2.41)
For kB T >> Mj H (or x << 1) (this case is usually realized in an experiment) Bj (x) can be
expanded as:
M = C-.j-JH, (2.43)
2CH,TpCj ~(M2)T'P' (2.44)
where Zij is the exchange integral for the interaction between the i and j ions, Ji is the total
angular momentum operator of the ion. In the mean field approximation (MFA) eq. (2.45)
where z is the number of the nearest neighbor magnetic ions, J is the quantum number of
the total angular momentum, B is the unit vector determining the orientation of the total
magnetic moment of the ion, 274xis the exchange integral (it is supposed in MFA that the
exchange interaction for every pair of the nearest neighbors has the same value 774x). In
MFA the external magnetic field in eq. (2.36) should be replaced by the sum (Smart 1966):
H + Hm = H + wM, (2.47)
where Hm = w M is the molecular field, w is the molecular field coefficient, related with
the exchange integral. Equations (2.38)-(2.42) are valid in this case x takes the form:
M j (H + w M )
x = (2.48)
The field and temperature dependences of M can be obtained by simultaneous solution of
eqs (2.40) and (2.48).
In the absence of magnetic field for T > Tc the equations have only one stable solution
Ms = 0. When the temperature is less and/or close to the TC a stable nonzero solution
appears, corresponding to the spontaneous magnetic moment:
M -- - - (2.50)
T - Tc'
Tc -- NM2ffw _ 2(J
1 . . . .+. ) ZZex. (2.51)
3kB 3JkB
Meff = gJ ( J ( J + 1))l/2/zB is the effective magnetic moment of an atom. Using eq. (2.16),
one can obtain for MCE of a ferromagnet in the paramagnetic region (T > Tc) the equation
which has the same form as eq. (2.44).
For T < Tc and nonzero magnetic field analysis of eqs (2.40) and (2.48) is substantially
complicated. For x << 1 the following expression for MCE was obtained (Kuz'min and
Tishin 1992):
dT-- TC
2C~l,pCj ~(u2)7",~'" (2.52)
In the classical case a magnetic material is regarded as consisting of particles with a mag-
netic moment/z, which can have an arbitrary orientation in space. The magnetic moment
of such a system is given by the formula (Smart 1966):
M = NtzL(x), (2.53)
x = IzH/(kBT) (2.54)
for paramagnets;
L(x) = cothx - - (2.56)
x x3
L(x) . . . . . . . . . (2.57)
3 45
Equations (2.43), (2.44), (2.50), (2.52) in this case are valid with the Curie constant:
N/z 2
Cj = - - (2.58)
Tc = (2.59)
where SM is the magnetic entropy, SL is the entropy of the lattice subsystem and Se is the
entropy of conduction electron subsystem. This formula is correct for rare earth magnetic
materials, but in the case of intermetallic and 3d magnetic materials 3d-electrons form
the magnetic moment having an itinerant nature and their contribution to the conductivity
is comparable with p- and s-electron contributions. Separation, for example, of the lattice
entropy in this case is possible only if electron-phonon interaction is not taken into account.
In eq. (2.60) it is assumed that Se and SL do not depend on a magnetic field.
where R is the gas constant, TD is the Debye temperature. The calculations by eq. (2.61)
show that SL decreases when TD increases.
The electron entropy can be obtained by the standard relation:
Se = aeT, (2.62)
C = CM + CL + Ce, (2.63)
where CM, CL and Ce are the magnetic, lattice and electron contributions, respectively.
The heat capacity can be calculated using eq. (2.12). The lattice heat capacity under
constant pressure CL for temperatures substantially lower than TD has the form:
It should be noted that difference between the heat capacity at constant pressure Cp and at
constant volume Cv is given by the well known equation:
Cp - Cv = VT (2.65)
and for solids below room temperature it is small and usually may be neglected.
The electronic heat capacity Ce at constant pressure is defined as:
Ce = aeT. (2.66)
As one can see from eq. (2~16), the contributions to the total heat capacity from the lattice
and conduction electron subsystems act as an additional heat load, reducing MCE.
The magnetic entropy SM of a spin subsystem is related to the free energy of the mag-
netic subsystem by eq. (7a). Using eq. (2.39) one can obtain (Smart 1966):
SM(T, H) = NkB In sinh (237x) xBj(x) .
] (2.67)
For x << 1 (high temperature, low field) the statistical s u m ( Z j ( x ) ) N in eq. (2.39) can
be expanded in a power series of x, which leads to the following formula for SM of a
paramagnet (Vonsovskii 1974):
SM(T,H)=NkB I n ( 2 J + l )
2 T 2 ~' (2.68)
I 1 CjH 2 j
SM(T, H) = NkB ln(2J -I- 1) 2 (T -- Tc) 2 " (2.69)
In completely disordered state (H = 0, T ---> c~) the magnetic entropy in a system with
localized magnetic moments reaches its maximum value which, according to eq. (2.68)
and (2.69), is equal to:
The magnitude of the magnetic entropy change ASM (as well as the total entropy change
AS) with the change of magnetic field A H = H2 - H1 can be calculated from the Maxwell
relation (2.9a) on the basis of magnetization data as:
Equations (2.71), (2.43) and (2.50) give for a paramagnet and a ferromagnet above Tc,
1 CjA(H) 2
ASM -- 2 T2 , (2.72)
1 CjA(H) 2
ASM = 2 (T - Tc) 2' (2.73)
where A(H) 2 = n 2 - H 2. As one can see from eqs (2.72), (2.73) large heat values of
ASM are expected in magnetic materials with large Meff and in a temperature range close
to 0 K for paramagnets, and close to Tc for ferromagnets.
Oesterreicher and Parker (1984) in the framework of MFA obtained for the field depen-
dence of ASM of a ferromagnet in the vicinity of Tc the following expression:
--1 07 R(gJlZBJH) 2/3 , (2.74)
where R is the gas constant. This equation yields the field dependence of the MCE near Tc
as: AT ,,~ H 2/3 (see eq. (2.77) below).
For the entropy change due to the field change from zero to H, we have:
with H~ -----0 in eq. (2.71). In this formula the isothermal contributions ASe and ASL in the
isothermal change of the total entropy A S are neglected.
The magnetic entropies SM(H, T) (H # 0)and SM(O, T) (H = 0)can be calculated on
the basis ofeq. (2.12) as:
CM(H, T)
SM(H, T) = f0 T T dT, (2.76)
where CM(H, T) is the magnetic heat capacity which may be determined with the help of
eqs (2.63), (2.64) and (2.66).
Another method for the evaluation of ASM is based on the fact that the temperature
dependence of the total entropy in the presence of a magnetic field S(H, T) is shifted on
the temperature axis relative to the zero-field total entropy S(0, T) to the higher temper-
ature region by the value of MCE for the magnetic material under adiabatic conditions.
The S(0, T) dependence can be determined on the basis of total heat capacity data by an
equation analogous to (2.76). Then ASM is calculated as the difference between S(H, T)
and S(0, T) (other field-dependent contributions less than S M contribution are not taken
into account). The method requires experimentally measured AT(H, T) dependences and
does not need experimental C(H, T) dependences. It was used, for example, to evaluate
ASM in Gd (Brown 1976; Tishin 1990b).
Let us consider as an example the ferromagnetic compound EuS. Hashimoto et al. (1981)
calculated the total temperature and field dependences of its entropy. First, on the basis of
eq. (2.71) the magnetic entropy change A SM, induced by various A H, was calculated. The
necessary data on magnetization was determined by MFA for Tc = 13 K and J = 7/2.
Then; using the heat capacity measurements of Moruzzi and Teaney (1963) and eq. (2.76),
Hashimoto et al. (1981) calculated SM(O, T) and SM(H, T). The lattice entropy was de-
termined by eq. (2.61), which allowed to evaluate the total entropy S = SM + SL. The
results are shown in fig. 2.1. As one can see from fig. 2.1(b), SM(O, T) is saturated at high
temperatures well above Tc.
The infinitesimal change dT of the sample induced by the adiabatic change of magnetic
field is related with the infinitesimal total entropy change dS by the relation:
dT= (2.77a)
Cp, H
It can be derived with the help of eqs (2.12) and (2.14) for adiabatic-isobaric process.
To obtain the magnetocaloric effect AT (the finite temperature change) one should inte-
grate eq. (2.77a). This task is quite difficult because in general case all quantities are field
and/or temperature dependent. In supposition that Cp,n does not depend on magnetic field
15 (a)
EuS (J = 7'2, Tc: 16K)
~c A H = 100 k O e
0 , II
0 lo t 20 30 4o
10 ? 20 30 40 [~0
10 T 20 30 4o 5o
T e m p e r a t u r e (K)
Fig. 2.1. The temperature dependences of: (a) the magnetic entropy change A SM (T, H ) induced by the magnetic
field change AH; (b) the calculated magnetic entropy SM(T, H); (c) the total entropy S(T, H) = S M + SL for
EuS (Hashimoto et al. 1981).
and AS/Cp,H is small, the following equation relating AT and corresponding magnetic
entropy change ASM can be derived:
A T -- (2.77b)
As was noted by Tishin (1997), the suppositions made above are valid only in the region
far from the transition point and/or in relatively weak fields.
Druzhinin et al. (1975, 1977, 1979) took into account in Hamiltonian (2.45) the contri-
bution from the one-ion hexagonal magnetocrystalline anisotropy in the form:
n Z
The SM(T) dependences were calculated for the case of H = 0 for Tb and Dy (Druzhinin
et al. 1977). The results show some better agreement with experimental data in compari-
son with calculations made on the basis of isotropic MFA (see Hamiltonian (2.45)). The
experimental SM(T) dependences were obtained from magnetization data by the equation:
SM(T) = (2.80)
Jo \ -Uf / z so -Uf z
where the first term is the magnetic contribution for T > Tc, equal to kBN ln(2J + 1).
Bennett et al. (1993) considered theoretically the dependence of magnetic entropy of
a ferromagnet with an axial anisotropy (the first term in the Hamiltonian (2.78)) on the
magnetic field. The total Hamiltonian had the form:
where si is the spin angular momentum operator and the magnetic field is directed along
the z axis.
In this case for a > 0 the preferred directions of the spins are 4-z and for a < 0 they
lie in the x-y plane. The magnetic moment was calculated by the Monte Carlo method for
a 20 x 20 20 fcc lattice using Hamiltonian (2.81), and ASM was obtained by eq. (2.71)
with HI = 0 and H2 = 10 kOe. The calculations showed that for a > 0 increase of
the anisotropy coefficient a lead to a sharpening and increase of ASM peak height in the
vicinity of T, but in the rest temperature range the curves were effectively identical. For
a < 0 ASM essentially increased near Tc and decreased above Tc in the paramagnetic
region with increasing of a in the absolute value.
For first-order magnetic phase transitions the magnetic Clausius-Clapeyron equation is
dH ASM (2.82)
dr- AM'
where ASM = SM(2) -- SM(1) and AM = M2 -- M1 are the differences in magnetic part of
the entropy and the magnetic moment between the magnetic states 2 and I at the tempera-
ture of the transition. This equation makes it possible to calculate the entropy change (and
consequently, MCE) at the transition on the basis of magnetization data and the magnetic
phase diagram H - T . From eqs (2.77), (2.82) one can obtain the formula for the magne-
tocaloric effect at the first-order transition (see, for example, Tishin 1994):
AT = - - AM. (2.83)
Cp,l~ ~-T
In the classical limit the partition function, magnetic free energy and entropy of the sys-
tem consisting of N particles with magnetic moments/z have the form (see McMichael
et al. 1992):
Zoo(x) -- 4zr - - , (2.84)
F = - k B T In (Zoo(x)) N, (2.85)
N/z 2 A(H) 2
ASM ---- dH = (2.87)
l H 6kB T2
N/z 2 A(H) 2
ASM = 6kB (T -- TC)2 (2.88)
A more general expression for ASM for a magnetic field increasing from zero to H in
the classical limit has the form (see McMichael et al. 1992):
In ferromagnets the magnetic entropy change due to the occurrence of the spontaneous
magnetization below Tc in the absence of a magnetic field can be described in the frame-
work of the Landau theory of the second-order phase transitions (Landau 1958). As it was
shown in section 2.1, the spontaneous magnetization is determined by eq. (2.27). Substi-
tuting eq. (2.27) into eq. (2.25) one can obtain the equilibrium thermodynamic potential
and then, using equation S = - O ~ / O T the following formula (Belov 1961a):
"2 I2s =-
(T - Tc). (2.90)
The change in magnetic heat capacity, related to the change of magnetic entropy can be
Obtained by eq. (2.12), which gives:
ACM = T - - (2.91)
From eqs (2.90), (2.91) it follows, that in the framework of the Landau theory the heat
capacity anomaly A C M at the Curie point in a ferromagnet has the form (Belov 1961a):
0(I 2 ) (oto) 2
ACM = T o t e ~ = T ~ (2.92)
OT 2/3
The mean field approximation predicts the heat capacity anomaly as (Smart 1966):
1 d(I2)
ACM = -2 w dT (2.93)
5(J + 1)
j2 + ( j + 1)2" (2.94)
Calculations made by means of eq. (2.94) show that the maximum value of ACM per
atom is 5 k B / 2 (Foldeaki et al. 1995).
The heat capacity anomaly can also be calculated from the magnetization data by using
the thermodynamic equation:
where CH and CM are the heat capacities at constant magnetic field and magnetic moment,
Kohlhaas et al. (1966) have shown, that the influence of magnetic field on the heat ca-
pacity can be determined by means of the relation:
CH(T, H) = CH(To, O) ~
T[ 1-- OATl
OT J' (2.96a)
where AT = T - To is the MCE caused by the magnetic field change from H0 to H. Equa-
tion (2.96a) allows to obtain the heat capacity in a magnetic field on the basis of zero-field
heat capacity and MCE data. Ho~vever, the formula presented by Kohlhaas et al. (1966)
can not be used for real calculations due to the fact that the (H, T) coordinates of a point
of calculation of the derivation of the MCE are unknown.
The approach, analogous to that proposed by Kohlhaas et al. (1966) (based on the con-
sideration of reversible closed thermodynamic cycle), was used by Tishin et al. (1999) to
investigate the magnetic-field and temperature dependences of A T in the vicinity of mag-
netic phase transitions. It was shown that in this region the MCE can be described by the
following equation:
C(To, O) - C(T, H)
AC(T, H) =
C(To, O)
and To and T are the initial and final temperatures, respectively. It follows from eq. (2.96b)
that at the temperature TM(H), where the peak (maximum or minimum) MCE occurs (here
OAT/OT = 0), the heat capacity of a magnetic material is not affected by the magnetic
field. This temperature lies higher than the temperature of the zero magnetic field heat ca-
pacity peak and approaches the magnetic ordering temperature when the magnetic field
decreases. According to the consideration of Tishin et al. (1999), one would also expect
in a ferromagnet the caret-like shape .of MCE temperature dependence with a single maxi-
mum near the magnetic ordering temperature. A simple antiferromagnetic material should
exhibit a reverse caret-like behavior with a single minimum for weak magnetic fields not
high enough to quench antiferromagnetism and convert it to a field induced ferromag-
netism. The experimental measurements of the specific heat and MCE of high purity Gd,
Dy, GdPd and (Dy0.25Er0.75)A12 made in the work of Tishin et al. (1999) confirmed the
conclusions derived from the theoretical model.
The magnetization data also can be used for the calculation of the free energy change
arising from the magnetic ordering by the expression (Ponomarev and Moreva 1975):
Nl z2 H 2
ASM- 6ka T 2 ' (2.98)
where N is the number of magnetic moments in the system and/z is the size of magnetic
moment. As it is seen from eq. (2.98), ASM (and consequently MCE) can be made larger
if/z is made larger and N is simultaneously made smaller (to keep the saturation magnetic
moment M0 = N/z constant), because of the squared dependence of ASM on/z and only
a linear dependence on N. So, for a superparamagnet one can write (Shull 1993a):
n((N/n)iz) 2 H 2
ASM - - 6kB T 2' (2.99)
where n is the number of clusters and (N/n)lz =/Zc is the magnetic moment of the cluster.
The factor n((N/n)Iz) 2 in eq. (2.99) may be much larger than N/z 2 in eq. (2.98).
The limit of the MCE enhancement follows from eq. (2.89), according to which ASM
will decrease at high x, and has a maximum at (McMichael et al. 1992):
Xmax = - - ~ 3.5, (2.100)
ASM = --0.272 - - (2.101)
1i i .......
10 atom cluster
30 atom cluster
i |
...... 100 atom cluster
=, t
~,~ 0.5
%,."%.,,,.. o"o.
.~.~" "~. -"*;1~,, ,.I.I . ....
50 100
Temperature (K)
Fig. 2.2. Calculated magnetic entropy change induced by the removal of a magnetic field of 10 kOe for systems
with different arrangements of 7/2 spin atoms (Shull et al. 1993).
Equation (2.102) determines the form of the ASM(T) curve and implies that for materials
with the same saturation magnetic moment M0 those with higher ASM at a particular
temperature will have lower ASM in the rest of the temperature range.
McMichael et al. (1992) calculated the magnetic entropy change due to removal of a
magnetic field of 10 kOe for different arrangements of Gd atoms (spin equal to 7/2). For
the calculations the mean field quantum mechanical expression (see eq. (2.67)) was used.
In fig. 2.2 the results for systems consisting of individual atoms and of magnetic clusters
of various sizes (10, 30, and 100 atoms) are presented. The accuracy of the calculations is
confirmed by the closeness of the calculated curve for the individual atoms to the experi-
mental one measured on a gadolinium gallium garnet (Shull et al. 1993). One can see an
obvious enhancement of ASM at high temperatures in clustered systems. The behavior of
ASM (T) is in accordance with the sum rule (2.102).
Equation (2.99) was obtained for the case of cluster magnetic moments independent of
the temperature. If/ze = / z c ( T ) , eq. (2.99) becomes (Kokorin et ai. 1984):
nlzZH2 (1 T D/Zc~
ASM -- 6kBT 2 /~c 0T }" (2.103)
The second term in the parentheses in eq. (2.103) can have a substantial value in the vicinity
of the Curie point of magnetic cluster materials and lead to an additional contribution to
ASM in this region.
As follows from eq. (2.100) there is an optimum cluster size for a given H and T,
which corresponds to a maximum value of ASM. For the typical values T = 300 K and
H = 10-50 kOe this size lies in the nanometer range (Chen et al. 1994). Chen et al. (1994)
considered the process of nanocomposite system formation by deposition of magnetic and
o- . . . . . . . . . . . "'---o...,.o. ~ ~,
...,,.,, o . l s , / - : ~7 ...--:2.-..._...._..
I I ! ii/ d.~.o. ~----
0.08 I,)$In
0 2 4 6
I-to H / kBT
Fig. 2.3. Calculated reduced magnetic entropy change as a function of x = IzcH/(kBT) with dilution by non-
magnetic particles as a parameter (the field varies from H to 0). The numbers near the curves represent the values
of the dilution (Chen et al. 1994).
nonmagnetic particles on a substrate. They took into account the possibility of formation of
chains in the nonmagnetic matrix, consisting of magnetic particles (clusters) touching each
other. These chains increase the effective magnetic cluster size, causing a deviation from
the optimum value and a reduction of ASM. The number and length of the chains forming
in a nanocomposite during the random deposition process was numerically simulated by a
simple computer model. These data were used for the calculation of the magnetic entropy
change by means of the equation:
M C single atoms
........ M F T single atoms
........... M e 30 atoms
...... M F T 30 atoms
....... M C 100 atoms
M F T 100 atoms
I I I *'*'mr-- I /
0 100 200 300
Temperature (K)
Fig. 2.4. Magnetic entropy change induced by the removal of a magnetic field of 10 kOe, calculated by the mean-
field theory (MFT) and the Monte Carlo method (MC) for a ferromagneticmaterial, and for systems of interacting
superparamagnetic clusters. The materials have the same ordering temperature of 108 K (Bennett et al. 1992).
value of dilution. Another way to reduce the effect of chain formation, proposed by Chen
et al. (1995), was to use unipolar electrostatic charging of the magnetic particles. The re-
sults of calculations showed that this method can substantially reduce the decrease of A SM
due to chain formation.
Let us consider systems with interacting magnetic clusters. Such systems display behav-
ior similar to that of ferromagnets, with an effective interaction temperature TI, analogous
to the Curie temperature Tc, and were called "superferromagnets" (MCrup et al. 1983).
Above TI the material is snperparamagnetic and below TI long-range order between the
clusters occurs. In the superparamagnetic region, ASM induced by a field change from 0
to H can be obtained, analogous to eq. (2.88) (Shull 1993), by the equation:
n((N/n)tz)2 H 2
A SM = (2.105)
6kB(T - I"])2 "
Analogous to the superparamagnetic case, the factor n ( ( N / n ) / x ) 2 in eq. (2.105) may be-
come much larger than N/z 2 in eq. (2.88). The latter is valid for a ferromagnet consisting
of single magnetic atoms. This implies, that ASM above TI in a system with magnetically
interacting clusters can become substantially larger than in a simple ferromagnet above
Tc. The maximum value of ASM is observed at l z c H / ( k B T ) ,.~ 3.5, as in the case of a
MFA calculations (Bennett et al. 1992; McMichael et al. 1993a, 1993b) show that, at
T = TI and below TI, ASM is smaller in clustered systems than in simple ferromagnets.
Bennett et al. (1992) made calculations in the framework of the Monte Carlo method,
which is more correct near the Curie temperature than MFA. The theoretical results of
ASM induced by the removal of a magnetic field of 10 kOe are shown in fig. 2.4. A S M ( T )
was calculated for a ferromagnetic system consisting of individual moments of 8/zB and
for interacting magnetic clusters of 30 and 100 atoms. MFA and Monte Carlo results are
in good agreement, although in MFA an adjusting of the ordering temperature was needed.
The decrease of ASM near the ordering temperature in the 100-atoms cluster system was
about 3.6 times lower than for a simple ferromagnet. In the paramagnetic region ASM in
the clustered system was much larger than that in the ferromagnet, in accordance with the
sum rule (2.102). A broader maximum in the ASM (T) curve is observed for the systems
with larger cluster sizes.
The magnetization measurements of ultrafine magnetic particles consisting of a
metastable iron-mercury alloy in Hg have been used to calculate the ASM(M, T) (Ped-
ersen et al. 1997). It is shown that obtained values of ASM are much larger than those
theoretically calculated for a paramagnet system. Application of the model with interpar-
tical magnetic interaction permitted authors to get better description of the experimental
results. It is necessary to note that the investigations of the MCE in nano-scaled systems is
promising direction which needs additional theoretical and experimental efforts.
where s is the parameter responsible for the value of the local Curie temperature, W(s)
is the distribution function of the s parameter, I is the local magnetization and it was
established, that Tc(s) = Tc - s A T c . The potential (2.106) yielded the equation for the
local magnetization:
which was then used to calculate the mean magnetization of the material:
{I} =
/o ds W(s)I(s). (2.108)
Using the results of Wagner et al. (1996) for (I), Romanov and Silin (1997) calculated
by eqs (2.71) and (2.77) (the dependence of heat capacity on H and T was neglected) the
temperature and field dependences of MCE in the region of magnetic phase transition for
an inhomogeneous ferromagnet. The equations obtained were rather complex. Therefore
we only show in fig. 2.5 the results of numerical calculations, made under assumptions that
W(s) = 1 and ATc, characterizing the length of magnetization tails, is equal to 0.1 Tc. In
fig. 2.5 the quantity AT~IO2/(ot2Tc), characterizing the MCE, is plotted against T/Tc
and the strength of magnetic field is characterized by the dimensionless parameter to =
[3fl/(etATc)](H/2~6)2/3.The curx/es marked I were obtained for the simple Landau theory
and the curves marked 2 for an inhomogeneous ferromagnet.
As one can see from fig. 2.5, the A T ( T ) dependences for an inhomogeneous ferro-
magnet are more gradual and the MCE is weaker than for a homogeneous one. In the
first case the AT peak is observed in the temperature region of the magnetization tail
Tc - ATc < T < TC and in the second case at T = Tc - ATe. An increase in magnetic
field leads to a shift of the MCE maximum to higher temperatures and increases the differ-
ence in the A T ( T ) behavior. Calculations showed that the nature of the W(s) function had
only a slight effect on the A T ( T ) behavior for the case of strong fields but had a stronger
effect for relatively weak fields.
2.6. Magneto-elastocaloriceffect
The heat generation and absorption in magnetic materials during adiabatic processes
(magneto- and elastocaloric effects) was discussed by Tishin (1998b). The general ther-
modynamic relations for the elastocaloric effect was derived, and numerical values for the
rare earths Gd and Ho were calculated.
An elastocaloric effect (ECE) in magnets has not been introduced correctly enough in the
available literature. In our opinion, the ECE is a heat emission or absorption at a constant
applied magnetic field (in a simple case at zero field) and value changing external pres-
sure, p (Tishin 1998b). If a pressure change takes place under adiabatic conditions then
the ECE (like MCE) manifests itself as heating or cooling of a magnet by a temperature
ATECE(P, T). In the case of ECE, eq. (2.14) for adiabatic processes takes the form:
where V is the volume. Thus, for the ECE we can write (Tishin 1998b):
The general form of this formula is close to the thermodynamic equation for a temperature
change of a gas in a reversible adiabatic expansion process. Because each real gas has a pos-
itive value for (OV/OT)p, the gases may cool down under adiabatic expansion (dT < 0 at
dp < 0). In thermodynamics this phenomenon, well known as the Joule-Thomson effect,
$ (a)
6 ,
I I I I I l I
toffi I
1.0 - %
0 .I I I I I I I
8 (c)
I I I l I I I
0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1
Fig. 2.5. Dependence of the dimensionless magnetocaloric effect y = ATflH x 102/(t~2Tc) on reduced tem-
38 { H ,~2/3
perature T / T C for different values of the parameter t o ---- ~ k~ ] characterizing the strength of magnetic
field: (a) to = 0.3; (b) to = 1; (c) to = 3 (Romanov and Silin 1997).
is at present widely used to liquefy gases. Using the bulk thermal expansion coefficient,
aT(T, H, p), eq. (2.110) can be transformed into:
dTECE = - - dp. (2.111)
The sign of the ECE is determined by the coefficient t~T. In regular solids the value of
aT is positive and lies in the range 10-3-10 -6 K -1. A negative value of otr occurs, for
example, in water at temperatures up to 4C. In accordance with eq. (2.111), it means that
in this temperature interval water should cool down under adiabatic stress. For example,
this effect, in principle, could lead to freezing of water in micro-pores of road surface under
quick pressing of this water (at temperature close to zero) by vehicle tires.
As distinct from eq. (2.16) the ECE value is proportional to the temperature derivative of
the volume, and to the pressure change. Thus, a nonzero value of the ECE could be found in
any materials for which (aV/i~T)p # 0 (with the exception of a case when T = 0). From
this viewpoint, the ECE could have a non-zero value in materials without any magnetic
structure. This is the first and main difference between the ECE and the MCE.
The second distinction is the sign of the ECE. The volume of most materials increases
with increasing temperature ((~ V/~T)p > 0). Thus, under the action of pressure (dp > 0)
the sign of the ECE should be positive in most cases, in accordance with eq. (2.110). It
is well known, that nonmagnetic solids without electronic or magnetic phase transitions
have an almost constant value of (~V/~T)p in the temperature region above the Debye
temperature, TD. Therefore, at T > TD the value of the dTECE is proportional to the tem-
perature T. Obviously, the ECE will have a small absolute value in temperature regions
where (~ V/~ T)p is close to zero. In accordance with eq. (2.111), irregular behavior of the
ECE could be found in the vicinity of temperatures where marked changes of C~T(T) and
CH,p(T) take place. Near a phase transition the ECE could change its sign, for example,
from negative to positive, which could result in a variation of the sign of the coefficient
OtT(T) (Tishin 1998b).
Up to the present, the ECE has not been widely studied in different materials. How-
ever, simplified thermodynamic equations for the ECE in the case of a steel bar have been
obtained by Sychev (1986). It is shown that in the first approximation the value of the
ECE in the bar does not depend on its length and cross section. However, in a steel wire
an ECE value of - 0 . 1 6 K was reached under a rapidly applied stress up to 2 108 Pa
(Sychev 1986).
An experimental investigation of the ECE has been made in the work of Annaorazov
et al. (1996). The heat generation measurements in Fe49Rhs1 occur under pulsed lin-
ear stress of the ingot applied by a couple of hawsers that were attached via two holes
to the sample. It was shown that at the temperature of the antiferromagnetic (AFM)-
ferromagnetic (FM) phase transition, TAFM--~ ~ 315 K, the cooling of the ingot is about
5 K under a tensile stress of 5.29 108 Pa (Annaorazov et al. 1996). However, the nature
of the negative sign of the ECE has not been interpreted. The duration of the stress pulses
(adiabaticity of the process) and total accuracy of these measurements are unknown. The
results of the work of Annaorazov et al. (1996) mostly have a fundamental meaning be-
cause the compound Fe49Rh51 can not be used in any commercial applications due to the
extremely high price of Rh. So, the search of other compounds with a large elastocaloric
effect is a significant task. From this viewpoint, lanthanide metals and compounds are of
great interest.
In rare earth metals the coefficient otr(T) has large value in the vicinity of structural
or magnetic phase transitions. In holmium the phase transition from the ferromagnetic
conical phase to the antiferromagnetic spiral structure occurs at about 19 K. The specific
volume change, dV/V, at this transition is equal to - 2 . 2 10-4 in a temperature interval
of ~ 0.5 K (Steinitz et al. 1987). The atomic volume of La changes by 0.5% and 4% at
the transitions from dhcp to fcc and from fcc to bcc, respectively. The thermal expansion
coefficients of Eu 2+ and Yb 2+ are three times larger than in other rare earth elements
(Taylor and Darby 1972). The fcc crystalline form of Sm transforms to dhcp by applying
7 x 108 Pa at room temperature. This structure transformation is accompanied by volume
decrease of about 8 % (Jayaraman 1991). The thermodynamic data for structural transitions
of lanthanide metals are summarized in table 9.2 of the report of Jayaraman (1991). Thus,
the rare earth elements could be considered as a favorable basis for creating materials with
large ECE values (Tishin 1998b).
Let us estimate the ECE value in the rare earth metals gadolinium and holmium in the
vicinity of magnetic phase transitions. According to the experimental data of Dan'kov
et al. (1998) the transitions from the paramagnetic to the ferromagnetic phase occurs in Gd
at Tc = 294 K. Below the spin reorientation temperature, Tsl~ = 227 K, the easy magneti-
zation vector departs from the [0 0 0 1] crystallographic axis. The temperature dependence
of the atomic volume in Gd has been studied by Finkel et al. (1971) and Finkel (1978).
Near these magnetic phase transitions the value of bulk thermal expansion coefficient is
close to zero. Thus, the ECE value at the Curie point Tc, as well as around TsR should be
approximately equal to zero. (It is necessary to note that the MCE reaches its maximum
value at the Curie point of Gd.) At the same time, the gadolinium has a negative value of
OfT (and, therefore, a negative ECE value) in the temperature region between Tc and TsR.
Based on the data of Dan'kov et al. (1998), Finkel et al. (1971) and Finkel (1978) it is pos-
sible to estimate that at T = 285 K and dp = 108 Pa the value of the ECE is negative and
approximately close to -0.61 K (Tishin 1998b). Thus, the estimated dT~cB value of Gd
has the same order as the ECE value of Fe49Rh51, dTECE ~ -- 1.7 K, at pressure ~ 108 Pa
(Annaorazov et al. 1996).
The experimental data concerning the heat capacity and bulk thermal expansivity at
the ferromagnetic-antiferromagnetic phase transition at about 19.5 K can be found in the
reports of Steinitz et al. (1987), Lounasmaa and Sundstrom (1966), Stewart and Collocott
(1989) and White (1989). However, experimental values of the heat capacity presented by
Lounasmaa and Sundstrom (1966), Stewart and Collocott (1989) and White (1989) are
different at this phase transition. Taking Cn,p "~ 14 J/mol K and OfT ~ --4.4 10 -4 K -1,
we could obtain a value of the ECE close to -1.1 x 10 -2 or - 1 . 2 K at pressure values of
9.8 105 Pa ("~10 bar) and 108 Pa (~1 kbar), respectively (Tishin 1998b). The pressure
1 108 Pa could be compared with pressure of a middle weight man on a magnetic material
with a cross section about 7-8 mm 2. However, it is necessary to note that according to
data of the work of Baazov and Manjavidze (1983), this pressure is close to the value of
1.7 x 108 Pa (17 kg/mm 2) which determines a limited durability of the rare earth metals
under tensile strain.
For these estimations we neglected any influence of pressure on the values of err
and CH, p. Actually, due to the effect of pressure on the elastic and magnetic properties
of the rare earth metals (see Jayaraman 1991), the above calculated ECE values should
be considered as the first approximation only. In rare earth elements the shifts of magnetic
phase transition temperatures reach a few K under pressure of 5 x 108 Pa (Jayaraman 1991).
However, at present, experimental information about the values of tzr and Cn,p at dif-
ferent pressures is unavailable and therefore, more accurate calculations of the ECE are
As shown above, in accordance with thermodynamics, a heat generation and/or absorp-
tion in magnets can arise at dp = 0 (MCE) as well as at dH = 0 (ECE). We have estimated
the value of the ECE for the magnetic phase transitions in Gd and Ho. However, it is possi-
ble to reach large values of the ECE and MCE in cases where magnetic and structural phase
transitions coexist. For example, the crystal structure of Dy transforms at about 90 K from
the P63/mmc to the Cmcm type. This transition involves large changes of the interatomic
distances and accompanies the transition from a spiral antiferromagnet to a ferromagnet
(Taylor and Darby 1972). If in an adiabatic process the pressure and the magnetic field
change simultaneously, the total heat evolution can be written down as (Tishin 1998b):
The joint magneto-elastocaloric effect (MECE) has not previously been studied by ex-
periment. The MCE and ECE can have positive as well as negative signs. So, the general
behavior of the temperature dependencies of the MECE could be complicated. The nature
of the MECE is close to the MCE in an adiabatic-isochoric process. The equations for
the MCE under adiabatic-isochoric conditions have been derived by Kuz'min and Tishin
Currently, in the construction of magnetic refrigerators only the MCE (the first term of
eq. (2.112)) is utilized. The second term (ECE) is neglected. In our opinion, the possibilities
to use both effects at the same time under adiabatic and/or adiabatic-isochoric conditions
should be analyzed. It is possible to propose, for example, a design of magnetic cryocooler
in which a refrigerant is both affected by a magnetic field and also by a contraction or
expansion of the refrigerant owing to the magnetostriction (Tishin and Kuz'min 1991;
Tishin 1997). The benefit of a technical utilization of the ECE is that nonmagnetic materials
with giant volume expansion or linear thermal expansion could be used.
phase diagrams of these magnetic materials have been intensively studied by different tech-
niques (see, for example, the reports of Bohr et al. (1986), Tindal et al. (1993), Gschneidner
and Pecharsky (1997b)). The general form of the phase diagrams strongly depends on the
used experimental techniques as well as on the method employed for the determination
of the phase change point from the experimental curves. Most of currently practiced se-
tups give different values of the phase transition points for the same sample. A comparison
of the different procedures for determining the position of the phase transition point of
gadolinium has been presented by Dan'kov et al. (1998).
Practically, experimentalists operate under either isothermal or adiabatic conditions
when studying H - T magnetic phase diagrams of different magnetics materials. The
isothermal conditions can be easily achieved by static and/or quasi-static magnetic field
measurements. For example, this is the case for a very slowly increasing field in a situation
where a material has the possibility to keep its zero field temperature due to heat exchange
with the surrounding. At the same time, under adiabatic conditions, the temperature of
the magnetic material under investigation could be changed by the magnetocaloric effect.
For experimental measurements this situation is often observed when a sample is located
inside a vacuum and/or in pulsed field studies. Up to the present, the experimental circum-
stances necessary for exact realization of the quasi-adiabatic conditions in non-vacuum are
unknown. In accordance with the data published by Levitin et al. (1997) the transition be-
tween isothermal and quasi-adiabatic circumstances occurs in a range of fields increasing
with rates from 200 kOe/s to 2 MOe/s (for situations where the sample is located in liquid
nitrogen or helium). It is shown (Dan'kov et al. 1997) that in a nitrogen gas surrounding a
field sweep rate of about 900 kOe/s clearly corresponds to the adiabatic condition.
Let us consider the H - T phase diagram of a magnetic material under atmospheric pres-
sure. Under the isothermal conditions the concrete magnetic state in the H - T diagram is
determined by the values of the zero field temperature and the applied magnetic field. In the
adiabatic cases, when the initial temperature for a magnetization process can be changed
due to MCE, the visualization of the H - T coordinates requires also the MCE value. In the
case that an initial magnetic state of a sample under adiabatic conditions can be changed
by applying a magnetic field (for example, from an antiferromagnetic to a ferromagnetic
phase) the situation is more complicated. Especially, if the magnetic material can cross the
curve of the first-order phase transition and/or if the rate of increasing field is too large (for
example, 650 MOe/s as in the report of Nojiri et al. (1995)).
Tishin's (1998a) consideration refers directly to the MCE, since the measurement of the
temperature change practically occurs when the magnetic field changes from zero to H.
The analysis makes it possible to assume: first, the value of the MCE in the vicinity of the
Curie point is limited by the shift of the Curie point as the field increases; second, under
adiabatic conditions (without heat exchange with the surrounding) Gd can not change its
initial magnetic state. Gd is a regular ferromagnet and, in our view, the above conclusions
should also be applicable to other ferromagnets. Thus, the extent of heating of a ferromag-
net during an adiabatic magnetizing process is determined by the behavior of the phase
transition line.
The magnetic phase diagram of Dy is very complex. For example, Herz and Kronmialler
(1978) and Nikitin et al. (1991b) denote the phase transition from the FM to the PM state,
by the vertical line in the H - T diagram which starts from zero magnetic field and the
N6el temperature, TN ~ 180 K. In other diagrams this line is shifted to the region of low
(Gschneidner and Pecharsky 1997b) or high (Alkhafaji and Ali 1997) temperatures from
the zero field transition point. Tishin's (1998a) scheme of the magnetic phase diagram of
Dy is based on the experimental results described in these reports.
Tishin's (1998a) results were obtained under the assumption that in the vicinity of the
zero field transition point the MCE in Gd and Dy could not lead to changes of the initial
FM and/or AFM phases to other magnetic states. It may be stated for ferromagnetic Gd
(based on the experimental results of Dan'kov et al. (1998)). In the case of Dy this result
should be verified more thoroughly on the basis of new experimental measurements of the
magnetic phase diagram and MCE on the same single crystalline sample of Dy.
The character of the behavior of the MCE in a magnetic field, when H becomes equal to
the critical value, Her, could be explained in the framework of the thermodynamic relation
for the magnetic entropy, SM, which can be easily obtained from Maxwell's formula (see
eq. (2.9a)) (Bailyn 1994).
In conclusion, Tishin (1998a) have assumed that the FM and/or AFM states of magnetic
materials can not be changed under adiabatic magnetizing conditions due to the non-zero
MCE value that leads to an additional shift of the initial temperature. The MCE can not
exert any influence on the initial magnetic phase state. At atmospheric pressure the latter
can be transformed just by applying a magnetic field of the corresponding value, H />
Hcr. From the other side, it is known that the curves describing AFM-FM and FM-PM
phase transitions of antiferro- and ferromagnets may become shifted with increasing field
to the high and low temperature regions, corresponding to negative and positive signs of
the derivative dHcr(T)/dT, respectively. In our opinion, for fields close to the critical field,
the sign of dHcr(T)/dT determines the MCE value. It is negative or close to zero MCE for
the AFM state and positive for the FM phase.
The results obtained by Tishin (1998a) are especially important for experimental studies
of magnetic materials with a large MCE value in the vicinity of the magnetic phase tran-
sition. It should be noted, however, that in the case of antiferromagnets these assumptions
require further careful experimental verifications.
3. Methods of M C E measurements
Fig. 3.1. Experimental setup for MCE measurements using a differential thermocouple:(1) insulating Plexiglas
tube; (2) copperring; (3) differential thermocouplefor AT measurements; (4) copperscreen; (5) thermocouple
measuring the averagesampletemperature T; (6) the sample (Kuhrtet al. 1985).
Fig. 3.2. Principalschemeof the experimentalpulsed-fieldsetup: (1) operationblock; (2) high voltage source;
(3) rectifier; (4) dischargeblock; (5) measurementblock; (6) integrator; (7) microvoltmeter;(8) memoryos-
cilloscope; (9) heat feedingblock; (10) thermoeouplesignal amplifier; (11) compensationblock; C - battery
of capacitors; CCT - copper-constantanthermocouple;L - pulsed solenoid; RB - ballast resistor (Dan'kov et
al. 1997).
(typical weight of the sample is ,-~ 1 g) and, consequently, a negligible heat load, which
significantly reduces the heat leaks through the electrical wires.
The Gd sample, measured by Dan'kov et al. (1997) was shaped as a parallelepiped with
dimensions 4 x 4 x 10 mm and cut into two equal parts along the long axes. The ther-
mocouple was placed between the parts in the center of the sample. The experimental tests
showed, that during the period of time required by the magnetic field to reach its maximum
value (0.08 s) the heat exchange with environment lowers the sample temperature by less
than 2%. That is why the sample was not insulated by a vacuum layer.
The low temperature insert (fig. 3.3) was assembled from thin-walled tubes made of non-
magnetic stainless steel. The sample temperature was regulated by simultaneous operation
of the electric heater (2) (fig. 3.3) controlled by feeding block (9) (fig. 3.2) and cooling by
flowing of nitrogen or helium gas through the insert.
The magnetic field was created by the solenoid L under the discharge of a battery of
capacitors C. The battery had a total capacity of 0.035 F and was charged up to 1000 V,
which provided a total pulse duration of 0.2 s. A thyristor driven by the starting signal
from the control desk 1 (fig. 3.2) was used as a power switch for the battery discharge.
Simultaneously the starting signal triggered the pulse memory oscilloscope (8). The signal
from thermocouple was fed into one channel of the oscilloscope. The signal from the field
measuring coil (3) (fig. 3.3) after passing through the integrator (6) (fig. 3.2) was fed into
the second channel. This technique made it possible to determine the sample temperature
change due to the change of the magnetic field, i.e., the MCE at a given field and temper-
ature. The measurements block (5) (fig. 3.2) was used for communication with other setup
Fig. 3.3. Low temperature part of the experimental pulsed-field setup: (1) liquid nitrogen cryostat; (2) sample
heater; (3) field measuring coil; (4) vacuumfight feed through connector; (5) sample holder; (6) sample inside
the holder; (7) electrical wiring; L - pulsed solenoid (Dan'kov et al. 1997).
Fig. 3.4. Experimentalsetup for MCE measurementsin a superconducting solenoid (see main text for details)
(Tishin 1988).
as a gasket. The rod with the holder were placed into an evacuated tube (11) pumped to
a pressure ~ 1 Pa. Vacuum jackets (13) and (14) were used to reduce helium evaporation
caused by sample heating by the electric heater (12). The heater through a connector (10)
was connected to the temperature control circuit. The superconducting solenoid (17) made
it possible to create magnetic fields up to 66 kOe. The whole apparatus was placed into
liquid helium.
A special coil (5) was used to compensate the force pulling the sample into the solenoid.
This force is the product of the field gradient and the sample magnetic moment. A perma-
nent magnet made of SmCo5 (4) and the special coil (5) prevented the sample from being
pulled into the solenoid. The same coil is used to return the sample to its initial position.
The sample is fixed in the upper position (out of the solenoid) by a ferrite permanent mag-
net (1) and begins to move after compensation of the field of the magnet (1) by another
coil (2). A teflon gasket (7) on a flange (8) fixes the sample at the center of the solenoid
during the measurement. When the sample reaches the center of the solenoid, the copper
washer on the rod closes the contacts on the gasket (7), which leads to the turning off of
the special coil (5). Coils (2) and (5) were water-cooled.
The switch-on technique for MCE measurements in a superconducting solenoid was
used by Green et al. (1988). The apparatus of the latter authors employed a superconducting
solenoid 12.13 cm in diameter, 25.4 cm long and 8.54 cm bore, which could produce a field
up to 70 kOe. The temperature was measured after achieving the maximum field value by
five thermocouples placed on the sample, which took 10 s. Together with the field rise time
about 30 s the overall process had a duration of 40 s. This method was used to measure
MCE in rare earth metals at the temperatures above 180 K.
At(r, n) =
dr = - fo. C(H,
,oI, , r)
Another method allowing to determine the MCE from pulsed field magnetization mea-
surements was proposed by Levitin et al. (1997). It is based on the comparison of I(H) de-
pendences measured under isothermal and adiabatic conditions. Due to the magnetocaloric
effect the initial temperature of ferro- and paramagnets increases during adiabatic magne-
tization. That is why the adiabatic magnetization curve will intersect the isothermal curves
obtained at higher temperatures. The intersection points determine the field dependence of
the sample temperature under adiabatic magnetization, i.e., the magnetocaloric effect.
It was concluded that the adiabatic conditions of magnetization are preserved for field
rising rate of about 104 kOe/s or higher for the samples with dimensions of several mm.
A decrease of the rate to 10-100 kOe/s leads practically to isothermal magnetization pro-
cesses. /
The possibility of the pulsed field method to measure the MCE was demonstrated on a
paramagnetic Gd3Ga5012 single crystal in pulsed fields up to 400 kOe. As it was predicted,
intersections between the adiabatic and isothermal curves were observed. The A T ( H )
curve obtained by this method gives AT = 46 K for A H = 400 kOe and T = 4.2 K in
Gd3Ga5012. The adequacy of the obtained AT(H) curves was checked by MFA calcula-
C(T, H)
S(T, H) = f0 T - - - T - - - dT, (3.2)
if the experimental dependences of the total heat capacity C (T, 0) and C (T, H ) are known.
Then on the basis of these data the adiabatic temperature rise (i.e., MCE) AT for the field
change from zero to H can be determined by
where T(S, H) and T(S, 0) are the temperatures in the field H and H = 0 at constant total
entropy S, respectively. For ASM calculations the following formula can be used:
where S(T, H) and S(T, 0) are the total entropies in magnetic field H and H = 0 at
constant temperature, respectively. An analogous method was used by Tishin (1990a) to
determine the AT(T) dependences of Gd on the basis of theoretically calculated entropies
S(T, 0) and S(T, H). The method was tested on various magnetic materials such as RA12
(R = Er, Dy), (Dy0.25Er0.75)AI2, Gd-Pd, Gd and Dy. The data showed good accordance
Pulsed field
Quasi-static field
o Calculated from Cr(T,IT)
o o
4 ~
0 I I I I
100 200 300 400
Temperature (K)
Fig. 3.5. The MCE temperaturedependences of high purity polycrystallineGd measureddirectly by quasistatic
and pulsed techniques (filledsymbols)comparedwith those determined fromthe heat capacity(openedsymbols)
for AH = 20 kOe (Dan'kovet al. 1998).
with ASM and AT results obtained by direct and magnetization measurements (Pecharsky
and Gschneidner 1996).
The estimations of errors, made by Pecharsky and Gschneidner (1996), showed that the
magnetocaloric parameters derived from the heat capacity method are characterized by
sufficient accuracy: near room temperatures the uncertainty in ASM is 100-300 mJ/mol K
and the uncertainty in A T is 1-1.5 K. In the low temperature region the accuracy becomes
substantially better.
Figure 3.5 shows the MCE temperature dependences measured on high purity polycrys-
talline Gd directly by pulsed-field and quasistatic (switch-on) techniques and determined
from the heat capacity for a magnetic field change from 0 to 20 kOe. One can see quite
good agreement between the results obtained by these three methods, especially in the tem-
perature range from 220 to 330 K. The a SM (T) curves of the single crystal Gd determined
for A H up to 50 kOe from the magnetization measurements are also in good accordance
with those calculated from the heat capacity data (Dan'kov et al. 1998).
The temperature control system, including carbon thermometer, electric heater and elec-
tronic system allowed to maintain the sample temperature at a constant value independently
from the magnetic field variation. Magnetic fields up to 30 kOe were created by the super-
conducting magnet. A thermal resistor, made of brass, linked the sample holder to a liquid
helium bath. The heat flux dQ/dt, flowing through the thermal resistor, determines the
sample temperature. At constant magnetic field the flux is determined by the heat power
W0, generated by the sample heater. When the magnetic field is changed, additional heat
Qmagn is realized in the sample due to the magnetization and the heater power Wx will
be decreased or increased by the electronic system in order to compensate this heat and
keep the temperature constant. The process can be described by the following system of
- - -- WO '
dQ(T) d a magn
~ = W x + ~
dt dt
On the basis of this system one can, after integration, obtain the equation:
TAS : T[S(H2)-S(H1)]: f ( ~ ) d t
h(Wx Wo) dt, (3.6)
where H2 = H(t2); H1 = H(tl). So, measuring W0 and Wx and integrating these sig-
nals over time, one can determine the entropy change induced by the field change, mainly
related to the magnetic entropy change.
Parameters of 3d ferromagnets used in theoretical calculations, the results of the calculations of the maximum
possible values of the MCE (ATmax)at T = TC and the values of the magnetic field Hmax (the field varies from
0 to//max), in which the MCE values are different from ATmaxby at most 1% (Tishin 1990a).
I000 II00
Fig. 4.1. Theoretical (solid lines) and experimental (dashed lines) temperature dependences of the MCE in Fe
induced by the magnetic field changes AH specified near the curves (Tishin 1990a; Potter 1934).
at a given temperature. This method was used to determine the Is (T) dependence in Fe, Ni
and Co by Weiss and Forrer (1926), Potter (1934) and Rocker and Kohlhaas (1967).
The Landau theory of the second order phase transitions gives eq. (2.32), which should
be valid near Tc. The linear dependences of H / A T 1/2 on AT was observed by Belov
(1961a, 1961b) in Ni in the temperature range from 618 to 627 K.
The temperature dependence of the spontaneous magnetization in 3d ferromagnets is sat-
isfactorily described by the mean field approximation. On the basis of this Tishin (1990a)
used MFA to determine the magnetocaloric effect in Fe, Ni and Co. Equations (2.60)-
(2.62), (2.67) were used to calculate the total temperature dependences of the entropy of
a material in zero and nonzero magnetic fields and then by the method described in sec-
tion 3.3 (see eq. (3.3)) the A T ( T ) dependences were obtained. In these calculations g j = 2
was used and the values of J were determined by comparison of the experimental tempera-
ture dependences of the spontaneous magnetization in the vicinity of the Curie temperature
with the results of the calculations made by MFA. The values of J, g j, Tc and Debye tem-
perature TD are given in table 4.1.
620 640
Temperature (K)
Fig. 4.2. Theoretical (solid fines) and experimental (dashed lines) temperature dependences of the MCE in Ni
induced by the magnetic field changes AH specified near the curves (Tishin 1990a; Weiss and Forrer 1924).
Temperature (K)
Fig. 4.3. Theoretical (solid lines) and experimental (dashed lines) temperature dependences of the MCE in Co
induced by the magnetic fields specified near the curves (Tishin 1990a; Kohlhaas 1967).
Figures 4.1-4.3 present the results of theoretical calculations (solid lines) made by
Tishin (1990a) together with experimental curves (dashed lines) of the MCE (Weiss and
Forrer 1924; Potter 1934; Kohlhaas 1967). As one can see, they are in relatively good
agreement. For A H = 60 kOe near the Curie temperature the MCE value in Fe is 9.5 K. In
200 400
Magnetic field (kOe)
Fig. 4.4. Theoretical dependences of the MCE on the magnetic field (the magnetic field was changedfrom 0 to H)
at T = TC for Fe (1), Co (2) and Ni (3) (Tishin 1990a). Experimental values are taken from the results published
by Weiss and Piccard (1918), Potter (1934) and Kohlhaas (1967).
200 I
3 2
Fig. 4.5. Theoretical temperature dependences of the MCE induced by a field change of 6 x 103 kOe in Fe (1);
Co (2) and Ni (3) (Tishin 1990a).
Gd and Tb, having the largest values of the MCE among the rare earth metals, the magne-
tocaloric effect is 12 and 10.5 K, respectively (Brown 1976; Nikitin et al. 1985a, 1985b).
Figure 4.4 shows the results of calculations of MCE field dependences in Fe, Ni and
Co near the Curie temperature. It follows from fig. 4.4 that the linear increase of the MCE
value with the field is observed in weak magnetic fields only. The experimental values of
the MCE (see fig. 4.4) are well described by the calculated dependences.
Figure 4.5 presents the temperature dependences of the MCE in Fe, Ni and Co induced
by a magnetic field of 6 x 103 kOe. Unlike rare earth metals, in 3d ferromagnets in this
field the maximum of the MCE is fairly sharp. The MCE in Fe and Co exceeds that of Ni
by several times. Tishin (1990a) calculated the maximum possible MCE in Fe, Co and Ni
using eq. (2.77b). The maximum possible ASM value was determined by eq. (2.70) for
the corresponding J value. The values of AHmax(Tc) in which the MCE is different from
ATmax by at most 1% were calculated in the framework of MFA. The results are shown in
table 4.1. ATmax in Fe and Co is larger than in rare earth metals (see table 7.3).
Analogous mean field calculations of MCE were made by Hashimoto et al. (1981),
which were found to be in good agreement with experimental results for Ni (Weiss and
Forrer 1926). It was found that in Ni A T ~ 1.3 K at TC = 628 K and A H = 17.8 kOe.
Noakes and Arrott (1973) studied the MCE of a nickel single crystal in the vicinity of
Tc in weak fields up to 900 Oe. They found the maximum AT = 0.15 K at A H = 900 Oe.
The magnetocrystalline anisotropy contribution to the MCE can be found in the follow-
ing way. In the general case the anisotropic part of the Gibbs energy can be written down
Ga = E KiaPi, (4.1)
ATe= (4.2)
Cp,n . \ ~T / p,n
w h e r e oli = H i / I HI are the direction cosines of the magnetic field H (or is) with respect to
the crystal axes, K1 is the magnetocrystalline anisotropy constant. On the basis of eq. (4.3)
the following expression can be derived (Akulov and Kirensky 1940):
AT = ~ A E ~ i 01j. (4.4)
Cp, H n iT~j
The effect reaches its maximum value at low temperatures, where the derivative
(~.K1/~T)n has high values. The results of experimental MCE measurements showed a
fairly good agreement with calculations made by eq. (4.4).
The MCE due to rotation of the saturation magnetization in Co which has a hexagonal
crystal structure and is characterized by an axial anisotropy was considered by Ivanovskii
(1959), Ivanovskii and Denisov (1966a, 1966b). For a single crystal the following formula
was obtained:
-6 60
E 2
40 I I I
400 500 600
Temperature (K)
Fig. 4.6. Heat capacity of Fe in zero magnetic field (1) (experimental data) and H = 30 kOe (2) (calculated
curve) (Kohlhaaset al. 1966).
where O is the angle between the c-axis and is, and Cp,o is the heat capacity under con-
stant pressure and O. On the basis of eq. (4.3) and the assumption of a random distribution
of crystallite axes, Ivanovskii (1959) derived a formula for the MCE under magnetization
of Co polycrystals. Experimental measurements showed that below 500 K the MCE caused
by magnetic field increase had a negative sign (AT ~ 7 x 10 -2 K for T = 504 K and
A H = 7 kOe) and above 600 K A T was positive. The sign change of AT took place near
565 K. Ivanovskii (1959) related this behavior with the temperature dependence of K1 in
Co: near 535 K K1 changed its sign from positive in lower temperature region to negative
at higher temperatures.
To obtain the heat capacity of Fe in a magnetic field on the basis of the zero-field heat
capacity and MCE measurements, eq. (2.96a) was used by Kohlhaas et al. (1966). As one
can see from fig. 4.6, where the experimental results and the results of calculations are
shown, the CH,p(T) c u r v e near Tc becomes smooth and the maximum of CH,p becomes
significantly lower under the influence of the magnetic field. Analogous behavior was ob-
served in Ni, Co and Fe-Si alloys (Hirschler and Rocker 1966; Rocker and Kohlhaas 1967;
Korn and Kohlhaas 1969).
Fig. 4.7. The MCE in Cr3Te4 induced by a magnetic field of 20 kOe. Open circles are the experimental points
and the solid curve is the MFA calculation (Hashimoto et al. 1981).
Magnetic entropy change AS M induced by a magnetic field change
A H in some 3d metal based ferromagnets (Hashimoto et al. 1982).
3 ~ (a) -
2 H = 4.0 kOe
0.2 &H = 6.5 kOe
Temperature (K)
Fig. 4.8. Temperaturedependenceof the magneticmomentat H = 4 kOe (a) and MCE for AH = 6.5 kOe (b)
in the MnAs compound(Kuhrtet al. 1985).
In Fe-Rh alloys the AFM-FM phase transition takes place near room temperature
within the concentration range 47-53% of Rh (Kouvel and Hartelius 1962; Zaharov
et al. 1964). MCE measurements on quenched and annealed Fe0.49Rh0.51 were made by
Nikitin et al. (1990) in magnetic fields up to 19.5 kOe. Magnetic fields induce the transi-
tion from the AFM structure, arising below the transition point TAFM--FM ~ 310 K, to a
ferromagnetic one. This is accompanied by sample cooling, reaching 13 K for the quenched
sample at a field of 20 kOe (see fig. 4.9). It should be noted that the quenched and annealed
samples display different values of the MCE and different temperature dependences of
the MCE. Since the transition was of the first order, it had an irreversible character and
20-30 kOe was required to overcome the hysteresis effects.
Ponomarev (1972) studied the magnetization of Fe0.58Rh0.58 in pulsed fields up to
300 kOe in the temperature range from 77 to 330 K. He constructed the magnetic phase
diagram ncr(T) (here Hcr is the field of the AFM structure destruction) and determine the
specific magnetization change A a (a = M/m, where m is the mass) across the transi-
tion. On the basis of these data and the Clausius-Clapeyron equation (2.82) the magnetic
entropy change ASM at the transition temperature TAFM--FM ---- 333 K was calculated
(ASM = 1.83 x 105 erg/g K), and then by eq. (2.77) the value A T ~ 20 K was obtained.
Analogous calculations of ASM were made by Baranov et al. (1992) for Mnl.9Cr0.1Sb
and by Flippen and Darnell (1963) for Fe0.5Rh0.5, Mn2-xCrxSb, Mn3Ge2, CrSI.17,
Li0.1Mn0.9Se on the basis of the data of Heikes et al. (1961). The results are shown in ta-
ble 4.3. Direct measurements of the MCE in Mnl.9Cr0.1Sb made by Baranov et al. (1992)
gave A T ------2.7 K for A H = 60 kOe at T ~ 245 K in the vicinity of transition point.
Selte et al. (1977) studied the magnetocaloric effect in Mn0.95V0.05As in pulsed mag-
netic fields up to 210 kOe and at the temperatures from 160 K to 260 K. At the transition
from a helicoidal antiferromagnetic (HAFM) state with MnP crystal structure to a ferro-
magnetic state with NiAs structure near 200 K a positive MCE with a maximum value of
about 5 K was induced by a field change of 210 kOe.
~' -6
I i
-,I kr
, 34,o , 38_ o
Okazaki et al. (1993) investigated the MCE in ferromagnetic Ni-Mn alloys (66-83%
Ni) characterized by partial atomic disorder in the crystalline structure. The degree of or-
der was changed by annealing of the sample. The MCE peak was observed in the Curie
temperature region and had a maximum value of about 0.5 K for H = 6.4 kOe in the
ordered Mn0.17Ni0.83 alloy. Linear A T ( I 2) dependences observed in this alloy system al-
lowed to obtain the Is(T) curve. The MCE has also been studied by Sucksmith et al. (1953)
in copper-nickel and by Znamenskii and Fakidov (1962) in copper-manganese alloys. An
investigation of MCE in distorted triangular lattice antiferromagnet RbMnBr3 has been
done by Ptrez et al. (1998).
Change of the specific magnetization (Act) and magnetic entropy (ASM) , and temperature
derivative (OHcr/i~T) of the critical field at the first order transition Ts in some magnetic sub-
stances based on 3d metals.
[1] Flippen and Darnell (1963)
[2] Baranov et al. (1992)
[3] Ponomarev (1972)
of the spontaneous magnetization vector in thin films. The magnetic free energy of the film
was presented as:
where K is the film anisotropy constant including the form anisotropy and induced mag-
netic anisotropy, ~band O are the angles between the film surface and t h e / t and I vectors,
The value of the MCE was determined with the help of eqs (2.21), (2.7a) and the expres-
sion for equilibrium magnetic free energy obtained from eq. (4.6). The following formula
for the MCE was derived (Babkin and Urinov 1989):
/ 0.08
0 O' "
(~, degrees ~, degrees
Fig. 4.10. Dependenceof the MCE on the angleq~betweenthe filmsurfaceand the magneticfield H: (a) theoret-
ical calculation using eq. (4.7) for H = 4rr I and K = 2zri2; (b) experimentaldata for the Ni film, H = 3.4 kOe
(Babkin and Urinov 1989).
dioxide film 0.1-0.5 ~tm thick was used as a temperature-sensitive element (its resistance
decreased drastically under heating near ~ 330 K).
The experimental results for the Ni film for H = 3.4 kOe are shown in fig. 4.10(b)
(analogous, but some more complicated behavior was displayed the y-FezO3 film). With
increasing magnetic field the maximum of the MCE near the hard magnetization axis
(q~ = 0) disappears. The proposed theory contradicts the experimental results obtained for
an orientation of the magnetic field near the hard axis (the region of negative MCE). The
authors related such behavior to the presence of defects and surface anisotropy in the films,
which broke the condition for uniform rotation of the magnetization vector.
Morelli et al. (1996) investigated the magnetic entropy change ASM induced by the
magnetic field in doped lanthanum manganite the 2.4 ~tm thick polycrystalline films
of La0.67A0.33MnO3 (A = Ca, Ba, or Sr) display FM-PM transition at 250, 300, and
350 K, respectively. The films were fabricated by a metalorganic deposition technique.
The ASM(T) dependences were calculated on the basis of magnetization data by using
eq. (2.71). Near the Curie temperatures, wide maxima of ASM were observed with the
following values (for H = 50 kOe applied parallel to the film plane): 2 x 104 erg/g K for
A = Ca, 1.4 x 104 erg/g K for Ba, and 1.5 104 erg/g K for Sr.
5.1. Garnets
The MCE in polycrystalline rare earth garnets R3Fe5O12 (R = Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb,
and Y) was studied by Belov et al. (1968, 1969, 1970, 1972), Belov and Nikitin (1970a,
1970b), Talalaeva et al. (1969) and Clark and Callen (1969).
Figure 5.1 shows the temperature dependences of MCE in R3Fe5012 polycrystals (R =
Y, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Yb, Tm) induced by the magnetic field change of 16 kOe in the
R3Fe5012 9~
.~ 0 - Gd
0.20 . . . . . . - Tb
- No HO
- Yb i" Gd
%/ ! - Tu Y
"~ 0.10 \
I~ Tu t Gel
I ' rHo
-0.I0 ,
'/ I
Temperature (K)
Fig. 5.1. Temperature dependences of the MCE induced by 16 kOe in R3Fe5OI2 (Belov et al. 1969).
temperature range from 78 to 600 K (Belov et al. 1969). One can see that for R = Y the
MCE is positive in the whole temperature range and has a maximum near the Curie tem-
perature. For R = Gd the AT(T) curve becomes more complicated. It also has a positive
maximum near the Curie temperature, but then near 462 K, the MCE becomes negative.
At T = 285 K the MCE suddenly changes its sign and in low temperature region another
maximum appears. Analogous behavior was observed in other rare earth garnets. In the
garnets with R = Tm and Yb the compensation points lie in the region of liquid helium
temperatures. Clark and Callen (1969) measured the MCE in these compounds and found
that the MCE induced by 110 kOe is negative near 4.2 K.
Such behavior is related with the ferrimagnetic structure of the rare earth iron garnets.
According to the N6el model (N4el 1954) these materials have a magnetic structure con-
sisting of three magnetic sublattices. The R 3+ ions occupy dodecahedral sites (c-sublattice)
and the Fe 3+ ions occupy octahedral (a-sublattice) and tetragonal (d-sublattice) sites. The
a- and d-sublattices are connected by strong antiferromagnetic exchange interactions. The
weaker antiferromagnetic interaction takes place between d- and c-sublattices and the c-c
and a-c interactions are weak and positive (Anderson 1964). Such exchange field distri-
bution leads to a strong paraprocess in the c-sublattice in the whole temperature range
below Tc, which displays itself in a strong temperature and field dependence of the c-
sublattice magnetic moment. An intensive paraprocess in the a- and d-sublattices is pos-
sible only near Tc and the total magnetic moments of the d- and a-sublattices have weak
field and temperature dependence at low temperatures.
Belov and Nikitin (1965, 1970a), in the framework of MFA, estimated the values of
effective fields acting in the RE magnetic sublattice (H2eff) and in the iron a-d magnetic
sublattices (Hleff) in rare earth iron garnets. It was shown that H2eff ~ 3 x 105 Oe and
nleff ~ 1.7 x 106 Oe, i.e., Hleff >> H2eff.
Due to the difference in temperature dependences of the c- and a-, d-sublattice mag-
netizations, the compensation temperature Tcomp, characteristic for ferrimagnets, appears
in the garnets with heavy rare eai'th metals. Above Tcomp the magnetic moment of the
c-sublattice/14R is lower than the total magnetic moment of the a- and d-sublattices/~Fe
and below Teompthe inverse situation takes place. The resultant magnetic moment of the
rare earth iron garnet i s / ~ = /~R-F/~Fe and it is oriented along the field direction. This
leads to a change of the/~R and MFe orientations relative to the field at T = Tcomp.Such
behavior was observed by neutron diffraction measurements (Bertaut et al. 1956; Herpin
and Meriel 1957; Prince 1957).
Belov and Nikitin (1970) considered the MCE and heat capacity near the compensation
point of rare earth iron garnets in the framework of MFA using thermodynamic formulae
(2.16) and (2.95), which were presented in vector form:
- T I 7 ~ol
- '] (k,--/M'OT
3 (5.2)
Since I~MR/OTI >> IOMFe/OTI and I~MR/OHI >> IOMFe/OHI below Tc, the main
contribution to the MCE in the low temperature region far enough from Tc is provided by
the rare earth a-sublattice. On the basis of this the following equation for the MCE was
Z21~'21 I1
n2eff -- - - (5.5)
/ZB I10'
where z21 is the number of the nearest neighbors of the a-d sublattice to an atom of the RE
sublattice; 2-21 is the exchange integral describing the interactions between the RE and Fe
sublattices; 11 is the magnetization of the a-d sublattices, 110 equals 11 at T = 0 K;
If the directions of H and/~2eff coincides, then AT > 0. In this case the external mag-
netic field increases the magnetic order in the c-sublattice, which leads to a decrease of the
magnetic entropy and to sample heating. If/-t and/t2eff are aligned in opposite directions,
then AT < 0. The external magnetic field H in this case acts against H2eff and decreases
the magnetic order in the c-sublattice. Such a process is accompanied by a magnetic en-
tropy increase and a corresponding sample cooling. The paraprocesses of these two types
were called ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic ones, respectively (Belov 1968, Belov et
al. 1968, 1969, 1972).
The ferro- and antiferromagnetic paraprocesses can be realized in the same magnetic
sublattice at various temperature ranges, but in the rare earth iron garnets the MCE below
Tc is determined by the paraprocess in the c-sublattice. Near Tc the ferromagnetic para-
process in the iron a-d sublattice overcomes the antiferromagnetic one in c-sublattice and
MCE becomes positive at some temperature, reaching a maximum near Tc:.
The sign change of A T at Tcomp is related with the change of the MFe orientation
(and, consequently, the /~2eff orientation) relative to the magnetic field direction. The
jump of A T observed at Teomp should be inversely proportional to Tcomp, as it follows
from eq. (5.4). This was confirmed experimentally in rare earth iron garnets by Belov
et al. (1969). As it was noted by Belov and Nikitin (1970a, 1970b), the existence of AT
jumps at Tcomppoints to the first-order character of this magnetic phase transition.
If the magnetic c-sublattice in the garnet is absent, as is in the case for R = Y, one can ob-
serve a AT(T) curve with one maximum near the Curie point, caused by the paraprocess in
the a-d sublattice (although a- and d-sublattices are connected by negative exchange inter-
action, the ferromagnetic paraprocess in the d-sublattice prevails in the whole temperature
range), see fig. 5.1.
Below Tcomp at T ~ 90 K the MCE in Gd3FesO12 displays an additional maximum
which is higher than one near T. Also in the garnets with Ho, Dy and Tb an increase of
the MCE below Tcompwas observed (see fig. 5.1). Such behavior was related with a sharp
change of the long range magnetic order, which took place in the RE sublattice in this
temperature range (Belov 1961b; Belov and Nikitin 1970b). The low temperature of this
ordering is due to the weakness of the effective field acting on the RE sublattice due to the
a-d iron sublattice.
The replacement of Fe in the garnets by nonmagnetic ions can lead to a further decrease
of the effective field Hzeff and, consequently, to an increase of the RE sublattice paraprocess
and the MCE in low temperature range. Such MCE increase was observed experimentally
in Gd3GaxFes-xO12 (0 ~ x ~< 1.5) by Belov et al. (1972) (see fig. 5.2). The gadolinium
gallium iron garnets (GGG) with x > 1.5 have superparamagnetic properties and will be
considered in section 8.
0.30 ,-, . Gd3Fe5012,
o Gd3Gao.3Fe4.7012
Gd3Gao.gFe4.1 O12
o Gd3Ga 1.2Fe3.8012
0 Gd3Ga 1.5Fe3.5012 x=0
x=1.5 x=1.2
v x=o. .'
~- 0.10
J__V,A ~=o.6 x=o.~Jl/'i
100 200 1 ..... . . ~
;300 .k ~ --500
Temperature (K)
Fig. 5.2. Temperaturedependences of the MCE induced by 16 kOe in Gd3GaxFe5_xOl2 (0 ~<x ~< 1.5) (Belov
et al. 1972).
'~ ~ 80 kOe 60 40
--- 20
10 20 30 40
Temperature (K)
Fig. 5.3. Temperaturedependences of A S M in DAG and GGG induced by the magneticfield change AH = 40,
60 and 80 kOe (Hashimoto1986).
70k ~ AH=70kOe
\ \ \\
~" 0.4
Ix,\ \ \\
,-j 0.3
~1 0.2
\ ',X \ "%.-
I "T
5 10 15 20 25
10 20 30
(K) Temperature
Fig. 5.4. Temperaturedependences of the magnetic entropy change AS M induced by a magnetic field in (a)
GdAIO3; (b) DyAIO3 with H along the b-axis [010]. The dashed lines are the same for Dy3AIsOI2with H
along the [111] direction (Kuz'minand Tishin 1991, 1993b).
5.2. Perovskites
Rare earth orthoaluminates (REOA) RA103 have an orthorhombically distorted perovskite
structure (Geller and Bala 1956). REOA with R = Gd, Dy, Er display antiferromagnetic
order below TN = 3.875 K (Gd), 3.52 K (Dy) and 0.6 K (Er) and paramagnetism above TN
(Schuchert et al. 1969; Blazey et al. 1971; Sivardiere and Quezel-Ambrunaz 1971; Kimura
et al. 1995). DyA103 and ErA103 are characterized by a substantial magnetic anisotropy
(for DyA103 /zeff = 6.88/ZB along the b-axis and 0.8/zB along the c-axis (Kolmakova
et al. 1990)) and GdA103 is almost magnetically isotropic. The magnetic entropy change
ASM induced by a field in GdA103 and DyA103 was calculated by Kuz'min and Tishin
(1991, 1993a, 1993b) in the framework of MFA ( J was taken to be 7/2 and 1/2, for Gd
and Dy perovskites, respectively) (see fig. 5.4).
Kimura et al. (1995, 1997) determined A S M for RA103 (R = Dy, Ho, Er) on the basis of
magnetization measurements along various crystal axes and eq. (2.71). It was established
that in ErA103 and DyA103 magnetization decreased with temperature increasing for all
crystal axes. The same behavior was observed in HoA103 along a- and b-axes, but along
c-axis its magnetization remained almost constant. The easy magnetization axis in DyA103
and ErA103 are b- and c-axis, respectively (see Kuz'min and Tishin 1991).
The experimental ASM results are shown in fig. 5.5(a). As one can see a substantial
dependence of A SM character on the direction of a measurement is observed. The exper-
imental results for DyA103 and ErA103 along the easy axes are in good agreement with
-40 O0 o O0 ~k~
coo c~b m
"- A~Ommm i)~ ~ []
.AAAA.,~NN^~ A ,Dn
, ,
,g o o o Q
~ . = ~ - ' o t o o o 9 A ^ At, A~%'~L
- - - "m mm
-80 , ~midl ,
oo o
-50 ^ O OZ~Z~A
-50 o ;.
,,-OA ~IE] 4. vV V -100 A A ~ A 0 QO AAA AA
zkz~ ~ oAA k&
-100 "Jo e e v V V
L , <> ~ V
E -150 =A$%A"==
<> ~ V V Ooe
0 ~'V -200
~V I i t
-200 -250
5 10 15 20 25 0 10 15 20 25
Temperature (K) Tempemtum (K)
(a) (b)
Fig. 5.5. (a) Temperature dependences of the magnetic entropy change ASM induced by a various changes of a
magnetic field, applied along a- (solid circles (AH = 30 kOe), solid triangles (40 kOe), solid squares (50 kOe)),
b- (open circles (30 kOe), open triangles (40 kOe), open squares (50 kOe)) and c-axis (open diamonds (30 kOe),
solid diamonds (40 kOe), inverted open triangles (50 kOe)) in DyAIO 3 (1); HoA103 (2); ErA103 (3) single
crystals, respectively. The AS M is calculated on the basis of the experimental magnetization data. (b) Comparison
of ASM temperature dependences in DyA103 (solid triangles) measured along b-axis and in ErA103 (solid
circles) along c-axis with that in Gd3Ga5012 (open diamonds) and Dy3A15012 (open triangles) measured along
[1 1 1] direction with a magnetic field change of 50 kOe (Kimura et al. 1997).
the calculations of Kuz'min and Tishin (1991). Kimura et al. (1995) made a comparison
of ASM induced by a field of 50 kOe for ErA103 measured along c-axis, DyA103 mea-
sured along b-axis and DyaA15012 and Gd3Ga5012 measured along [1 1 1] direction - see
fig. 5.5(b), It is evident that ASM for ErA103 and DyA103 is superior to that of DyA15012
and Gd3Ga5012. This is in agreement with the conclusion that DyA103 and ErA103 are
promising materials for magnetic refrigeration below 20 K, made by Kuz'min and Tishin
(1991) on the basis of theoretical calculations.
Perovskite-type manganese oxides Rl-xBxMnO3 (R is a rare earth metal and B is
a divalent alkali metal: Ca, Ba, Sr) are characterized by "colossal" magnetoresistance
near the magnetic ordering temperature (Von Helmolt et al. 1993; Jin et al. 1994). In
Lal-xCaxMnO3 the colossal magnetoresistance takes place for 0.2 < x < 0.5, where a
transition from the paramagnetic insulating state to the ferromagnetic metallic state is ob-
served. Samples with 0.5 < x < 1 display the antiferromagnetic insulating state in the
low temperature range. The magnetic phase diagram of La1_xCaxMnO3 system was con-
structed on the basis of the temperature dependences of the heat capacity by Ramirez et
al. (1996). For x > 0.5, above TN, ~n additional "charge ordering" transition occurs, which
is accompanied by a maximum in the C(T) curves.
Manganese perovskites are characterized by a considerable coupling between the mag-
netic and the lattice subsystems. This leads to an abrupt change of the magnetization, a
discontinuous variation in the volume and softening of Young's modulus at the Curie tem-
The sharp magnetization change should give a considerable magnetic entropy variation
at the Curie point. The temperature dependences ASM(T) in the (Lal-xCax) manganese
oxide polycrystals were investigated by Zhang et al. (1996) and Guo et al. (1997a, 1997b).
A SM was determined on the basis of magnetization measurements. The results for T = Tc
are presented in table 5.1.
Zhang et al. (1996) studied ASM in La0.67Ca0.33MnO~. Substitution of Y reduces the
saturation magnetization and consequently, ASM (see table 5.1). The reduction was at-
tributed by the authors to a decrease of the ferromagnetic coupling due to the contraction
of the crystal lattice under substitution.
Guo et al. (1997a) determined ASM in Lal-xCaxMnO3 (x = 0.20; 0.33; 0.45). The
ASM(T) curves for x = 0.20 and 0.33 show a relatively narrow peak at Tc (see fig. 5.6).
For x = 0.45 the maximum in the ASM(T) curve is broader and smaller, which is con-
sistent with a less sharp change of the magnetization at Tc in this sample compared with
x = 0.2 and 0.33. IASMI at Zc for x = 0.2 is larger than that of gadolinium (~ 4.2 J/kg K).
It should be noted, that Zhang et al. (1996) obtained for x = 0.33 a I/XSMIvalue which is
more than two times smaller than that measured by Guo et al. (1997a).
Polycrystalline Lao.75Ca0.25MnO3 samples with different average grain sizes were in-
vestigated by Guo et al. (1997b). Tc:was found to be 177 K and 224 K for grain sizes of
120 and 300 nm, respectively. The lowering of T was accompanied by a broadening of the
magnetic phase transition in the M(T) curve. This leads to the broadening of the A SM(T)
peak and its decrease in the sample with 120 nm grain size. The values of ASM at the Curie
point are presented in table 5.1.
Recent MCE investigations of Lao.65Cao.35Til-xMnxO3-z and Lao.5+x+yLio.5-3yTil-3x
Mn3xO3-z conducted by Bohigas et al. (1998) suggest that the compounds are good can-
didates for working materials in enough wide temperature region.
The polycrystalline perovskite manganese oxide system La1-xNaxMnO3 (x = 0.075,
0.10, 0.165, and 0.20) was studied by Zhong et al. (1998). The Curie temperature in this
system varies from 193 K (x = 0.075) to 343 K (x = 0.20). ASM(T) dependences were
determined from magnetization measurements with the help ofeq. (2.71)- ASM maximum
Magnetic entropy change AS M induced by the magnetic field change A H at the
Curie point for manganese oxides.*
was observed near TC and for A H = 10 kOe was 1.32, 1.53, 2.11, and 1.96 J / k g K for
x = 0.075, 0.10, 0.165, and 0.20, respectively.
6 Lao,sCao.2Mn03
0 ~ -
100 200 300
(b) Lal_xCaxMnO3
6 AH = 15 kOe
O0 200 300
Temperature (K)
Fig. 5.6. Temperature dependences of the magnetic entropy change ASM induced by a magnetic field of 15 kOe
in Lal_xCaxMnO3: (a) x = 0.2 and Gd; (b) x = 0.33 and 0.45 (Guo et al. 1997a).
Sucksmith et al. (1953) obtained the Is(T) curve of the mixed magnesium-zinc ferrite
MgOZnO. 2Fe203 from A T ( I 2) measurements
The MCE in hexagonal ferrites was investigated by Zhilyakov et al. (1993, 1994),
Naiden and Zhilyakov (1997) and Belov et al. (1977) Zhilyakov et al. (1993) stud-
ied the MCE of polycrystalline BaFe12-xCoxTix019 (CoTi-M structure x = 0-30)
and BaCa2-xZnxFe16027 (CoZn-W structure, x = 0-20) in the temperature range of
150-500 K (which is below Tc). In these ferrimagnets warming causes a set of spin-
reorientation transitions from easy cone to easy plane (at the temperature T1), from easy
plane to easy cone (T2) and from easy cone to easy axis (T3). Measurements of the spon-
taneous MCE (at H = 0) revealed a peak AT value of about 0.1 K near 310 K where
the spin reorientation transition from easy plane to easy cone takes place. In the presence
'1 0.05
Temperature (K)
Fig. 5.7. Temperature dependence of the MCE in the spinel Li2Fe5 Cr 5016 induced by a magnetic field of 16 kOe
(Belov 1968).
"-" -0.3
I00 200 300
Temperature (K)
Fig. 5.8. Temperature dependence of the MCE in CoZn-W with x = 1.3 in various magnetic fields: (1) A H =
2 kOe; (2) 8 kOe; (3) 12 kOe (Zhilyakov et al. 1994).
of a magnetic field in CoTi-M (x = 1.2) and CoZn-W (x = 1.0) ferrites the maxima at
the spin-reorientation transitions and sign changes of the MCE from negative to positive
at T ~ 300 K and from positive to negative at T ~ 420 K were observed. The maximum
absolute value of the negative MCE was about 0.2 K at T ~ 150 K in CoZn-W ferrite
and the value for the positive MCE was about 0.1 K at T ~ 340 K in CoTi-M (x = 1.2)
for A H of 7 kOe. The MCE temperature behavior was related by the authors with a com-
petition between the anisotropy constants determining the magnetocrystalline anisotropy
along the hexagonal axis.
PolycrystaUine and basal plane textured samples of CoZn-W hexaferrites (0 ~< x ~< 2.0)
were measured by Zhilyakov et al. (1994). For the samples with x = 1.1-1.5 the first-
order spin-reorientation transitions are observed in the presence of a magnetic field in the
temperature interval from 77 to 250 K. Figure 5.8 shows the MCE at such a transition
(T2 = 250 K) in various magnetic fields. The value of the MCE is comparable with that
observed in rare earth single crystals (see section 7). The estimations made by the authors
showed that the main contribution to the MCE at T = T2 is related with the field induced
spin-reorientation transitions.
Naiden and Zhilyakov (1997) calculated the MCE in a CoZn-W (x = 1.38) hexaferrite
single crystal along a hexagonal axis and in the basal plane on the basis of the equation
similar to eq. (4.7) and experimental data on the temperature dependences of the mag-
netization, magnetocrystalline anisotropy constants and heat capacity. Peaks of negative
(approximately - 0 . 6 5 K) and positive (HI.5 K) MCE were observed in H = 8 kOe ap-
plied along the c-axis and in the basal plane at a temperature of about 210 K and 230 K,
respectively (T2 for this compound is equal to 220 K).
2-t- 3+
A BaCol.65Fe0.35Fe16 027 single crystal was investigated by Belov et al. (1977). The
anomalies corresponding to the second-order phase transition, at which the spins were
turned from the basal plane and formed a cone with increasing temperature, were observed
near 390-400 K in the temperature dependences of the MCE, measured in a field of 10 kOe
aligned in the basal plane and the along c-axis. In the case of the basal plane measurements
there was a maximum with a value of about 0.05 K, and in the case of the c-axis measure-
ments there was a sign change of the MCE in the A T ( T ) curves. Near the Curie temper-
ature (~750 K) a value of A T = 0.16 K was observed for the both field directions. A T
oscillations with sign changes were found when changing of the magnetic field orientation.
The character of the oscillations was dependent on the measurement temperature, which
was related with different values of the cone angle.
Druzhinin et al. (1979) calculated the temperature dependences A T ( T ) for various val-
ues of the angle formed by the field and the threefold crystal axis in corundum (A1203) with
0.13% V 3+. The calculations were made with allowance for uniaxial magnetic anisotropy
and uniaxial g-tenser anisotropy on the basis of a spin Hamiltonian with the parameters
known from the experiment. The sign and value of the MCE were shown to depend on the
angle between the field and the threefold axis. Oscillations of A T in the angle dependence
were observed in the temperature interval from 0 to 8 K.
Litvinenko et al. (1973) studied the MCE in an antiferromagnetic (TN = 32 K) siderite
FeCO3 single crystal in pulsed fields up to 300 kOe. The sample displays essential field
hysteresis at the metamagnetic transition from the antiferromagnetic to ferromagnetic state.
The value of the MCE at T = 4.2 K in a field of 300 kOe was 24 K.
oy vo4
H= 0 kOe
b3 5
O 5 I0 15 20 25 30
Temperature (K)
Fig. 5.9. Temperaturedependences of the total entropyDyVO4 in various magneticfields (Daudin et al. 1982).
~ o
o ~
~ H
< ~o~
< e,i ~ o
Total angular momentum and maximum value of the magnetic entropy SM in RE metals.
Element La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
20 40 60 80 100
Fig. 6.1. Temperature dependences of the MCE induced by a magnetic field change from 0 to 75 kOe for
(Dyl_xErx)A12 alloys (Gschneidneret al. 1996b).
both anomalies were observed. The low temperature peak was related by the authors with
Schottky anomaly due to the splitting of the ground states o f the RE ions with L 5~ 0 by
the crystalline electric field. Earlier Schottky anomaly at about 23 K was found by Inoue
et al. (1977) in the heat capacity of ERA12.
The temperature dependences of the M C E in the (Dyl-xErx)A12 system are shown in
fig. 6.1. The curves have caret-like character with broad maxima, which can be due to
the possible spin-reorientation transitions. The m a x i m u m of A T was found in ERA12 and
the lowest value was observed for DyA12. The low-temperature anomalies in the A T ( T )
curves were related by the authors with crystalline field effects. The magnetization mea-
surements showed that the hysteresis in the (Dy0.sEr0.5)A12 alloy was about 340 Oe at 2 K
and became zero at 17 K (Gschneidner et al. 1994b).
Hashimoto et at. (1986, 1991) measured the heat capacity and the magnetization of the
RA12 compounds with R = Er, Ho and Dy and of (Gdo.IDy0.9)A12 and (Dyo.sHoo.5)A12.
The A S M ( T ) curves, determined from the magnetization data are shown in fig. 6.2 and
{A) t~H = 50 kOe
./~ (B)
0 ,1 I ! I
0 20 40 60 80
Temperature (K)
Fig. 6.2. Temperature dependences of A S M induced by a magnetic field change of 50 kOe in RA12 alloys:
(A) ERA12;(B) HoA12;(C) (Ho0.sDy0.5)A12;(D) DyA12;rE) (Dy0.9Gd0.1)A12(Hashimoto1991).
ASM at T = Tc are presented in table 6.1. One can see, that the ASM(T) values for ERA12
and DyA12 obtained by Hashimoto et al. (1986, 1991) are higher than those of Gschneidner
et al. (1996b).
Zimm et al. (1992) studied the heat capacity and measured directly the MCE in
(Gd0.14Ero.86)A12 alloy (see table 6.1). The A T ( T ) curves of this material for various
magnetic fields have broad maxima at Tmax "~ 25 K, although the magnetic susceptibility
measurements give TC ~ 40 K. The authors related the broad A T maximum with random
distribution of Er and Gd atoms on the rare earth sites, which leads to the variation of the
local magnetic environments.
Johanson et al. (1988) measured the heat capacity of the Gd0.o6Ero.94A12 alloy. The
Curie temperature defined from the heat capacity anomaly was 13 K, and the MCE ob-
tained from the temperature dependences of the heat capacity measured at various mag-
netic fields, was 13 K for T = 30 K for a field change of 80 kOe.
The MCE in Gd3A12, which orders ferromagnetically below Tc and antiferromagneti-
cally below 51 K (Gschneidner et al. 1996a), was measured by a direct method by Nikitin
et al. (1989), see table 6.1. The Curie temperature was defined by Nikitin et al. (1989) from
magnetization data with the help of Arrott plots.
The ErAgGa compound has the CeCu2-type structure and, as it was shown by Sill and
Esau (1984) to order ferromagnetically at about 3 K. The heat capacity measurements
reveal two overlapping maxima at about 3 K and about 5 K. Ac susceptibility measure-
ments showed a considerable frequency dependence below 8 K, which was explained by
Pecharsky et al. (1996) by the existence of a spin-glass state. The additional maximum in
the temperature dependences C(T) measured in the zero field was related with the Schot-
tky anomaly caused by the crystalline electric field splitting of low-lying energy levels of
the Er ions.
The GdPd compound has the orthorhombic CrB-type structure and orders ferromagnet-
ically below Tc = 38 K. The A T ( T ) curves measured directly by Zimm et al. (1992) for
various A H have sharp peaks near T. The AT values are presented in table 6.1.
Tanoue et al. (1992) investigated the heat capacity, magnetic susceptibility and mag-
netization of the Gd3Pd4 compound that has the rhombohedral Pu3Pd4-type structure.
It was found that Gd3Pd4 orders antiferromagnetically at 18 K. At about 6 K it dis-
plays another transition of ferromagnetic nature. In the presence of a magnetic field up to
98.5 kOe an additional heat capacity peak at about 13 K developed, which was attributed
to a spin-reorientation transition. The entropy associated with the anomaly is about 2%
of the total magnetic entropy SM. The magnetic entropy SM, calculated from heat capac-
ity measurements by eq. (2.76) (for the temperature range from 0 to 40 K), was equal
to 16.41 J/(molGd K), which is in good agreement with theoretical data on Gd (see ta-
ble 6.2). The temperature dependences of the magnetic entropy change -ASM(T) have
maxima at about 20 K with the values of ~ 0.17 J/(molGd K) for A H = 53.2 kOe and
1.7 J/(mol Gd K) for A H = 98.5 kOe (--ASM values at T = Tc are given in table 6.1).
The intermetallic compound GdRh has the cubic CsC1 structure and orders ferromag-
netically below the Curie temperature. Its heat capacity was studied by Azhar et al. (1985)
and Buschow et al. (1975). Curie temperature values of 19.93 K and 20 K were defined
from the temperature dependences of the heat capacity by Azhar et al. (1985) and Buschow
et al. (1975), respectively. From magnetization measurements gave Tc = 24 K was found
(Buschow et al. 1975). The magnetic entropy SM, determined by eq. (2.76) (for T ~ c~)
from the heat capacity data, was obtained to be 17.4 J/mol K, very close to the theoretical
value for Gd (see table 6.2).
The heat capacity of the carbide alloys Er3A1Cx (x = 0.1; 0.25; 0.5, and 1) was
investigated by Pecharsky et al. (1996) and Gschneidner et al. (1996a, 1996b). Er3A1C
has an anti-perovskite-type crystal structure and, according to the measurements of Tokai
et al. (1992a), orders magnetically at 2.8 K, showing ~.-type heat capacity anomaly. An
analogous anomaly was observed by Pecharsky et al. (1996) at 3.1 K. Ac susceptibility
measurements of Pecharsky et al. (1996) revealed in the Er3A1C alloy a small negative
paramagnetic Curie temperature ( - 1 . 6 K), which was taken as evidence of antiferromag-
netic ordering. As proposed by the latter authors, this antiferromagnetic state transforms to
a ferromagnetic one by a magnetic field of about 24.6 kOe.
For the other carbide phases two heat capacity maxima were revealed: one at low temper-
ature and another one at approximately 8 K. X-ray diffraction studies made by Pecharsky
et al. (1996) on Er3A1Cx (x = 0.1; 0.25; 0.5) showed that these compounds contain two
phases: Er3A1C and Er2A1. The low-temperature heat capacity maximum in Er3A1Cx was
attributed by the authors to the antiferromagnetic ordering of Er2A1 ( ~ 6 K).
The MCE of ErA1Cx (x = 0.1; 0.25; 0.5), determined on the basis of heat capacity
data, displays a wide maximum due to the presence of two phases with slightly different
magnetic ordering temperatures. From table 6.1 one can see a gradual decrease of the MCE
in EraA1Cx with increasing x. This was related by the authors with a reduction of Er3A1C
phase content and an increase of the amount of the antiferromagnetic Er2A1 phase.
Sahashi et al. (1987) studied the heat capacity of Al-rich RA12 (R = Dy, Ho, Er and
Ho0.sDyo.5) high density sintered compounds. To prepare the samples the powder met-
allurgical route was used. From the ingots of arc-melted RA12 (R = Dy, Ho, Er and
Hoo.sEro.5) 3 Ixm sized powder was ball milled in ethanol. The milled powder was pressed
under 103 kg/cm 2 and then sintered in an argon atmosphere for 1.5 hours at 1105C.
X-ray analyzes showed, that the Laves phase RA12 in the samples is surrounded by the
RA13 phase with cubic Cu3Au structure. The Curie temperatures of the ERA12.20,HoA12.24,
(Hoo.sDyo.5)A12.25 and DyA12.22 alloys prepared in this way were obtained from C(T)
curves and are somewhat lower than in the corresponding stoichiometric compounds, see
table 6.1. The ASM(T) curves exhibit maxima near the Curie temperatures with values
given in table 6.1. The ASM maxima in the sintered compounds were broader than in the
corresponding RA12 compounds, which have relatively sharp peaks.
t'~ t' ~
q 0'3
t- , g., O ',,D t<oq
~D ~ x,D
q x~-
c; ,.o~o
o~ o..,
b.., t'q
) ;>
'=o ~"
~ta o ~ o o
' " :5
~ . 50
0 10 20 30
Temperature (K)
Fig. 6.3. Temperaturedependences of ASM of DyNi2, HoNi2 and ErNi2 induced by the various magneticfield
changes (Tomokiyoet el. 1986).
ASM in DyNi2 is two times larger than in GdNi2. The low-field (100 Oe) temperature de-
pendence of the magnetic susceptibility of the DyNi2 displays irreversible character. There
is a substantial hysteresis for the field-cooled and zero-field cooled curves. The Arrott plots
of DyNi2 compound, constructed in the temperature range from 5 to 50 K, did not display
linear sections at any temperatures. The authors related this behavior to the complex nature
of a magnetic transition at T = Tc and a noncollinear magnetic structure below Tc due to
the presence of crystalline field effects. The irreversible behavior described above was not
observed for GdNi2.
The temperature dependences of the MCE for GdNi2 were obtained with the help of a
direct method by Zimm et el. (1992) and for ThNi2 from magnetization data by Gschnei-
dner et el. (1995). MCE peaks were observed near Tc and the maximum AT values are
presented in table 6.3.
Tishin (1990g) on the basis of MFA calculated the field dependences of magnetic en-
tropy change -ASM(H) (the magnetic field varied from 0 to H ) at T = Tc for GdNi,
GdNi2 and GdNi5 (as in GdNi and GdNi2, nickel in GdNi5 is nonmagnetic). The nonlinear
character of - A SM(H) curves was observed for H below 50 kOe (the maximum magnetic
field value was 100 kOe). At H = 100 kOe the value of --ASM(H) was found to be about
2.7 J/mol K for GdNi, 1.7 J/mol K for GdNi2 and 1.3 J/mol K for GdNis.
Based on theoretical investigations using Hamiltonian which includes both the crys-
talline electric field as well as exchange interaction, Ranke et el. (1998b) predicted an
anomalous increase of SM in paramagnetic PrNis. Their heat capacity measurements con-
finned this result.
The heat capacity of Er3Ni, ErNi, Erl-xDyxNi2, Er(Nil_xCox)2 and Er0.9Yb0.1Ni
was investigated by Yayama et el. (1987), Li et el. (1988), Sahashi et el. (1990), Sato
et el. (1990), Hashimoto et el. (1992), and Tokai et el. (1992a, 1992b). It was found that
these compounds have substantial heat capacity values in the low temperature region.
Er3Ni has a broad heat capacity maximum near the ordering temperature at about 8 K,
and above 15 K its heat capacity is comparable with that of Pb. The dilution of ErNi by Yb
. ~ (Gd 1,Erx)NiA!
:: ~
x = 0.80
-~ . . . .
4 ~ ~
0 20 40 60 80 1O0
Temperature (K)
Fig. 6.4. Temperaturedependences of the MCE induced by AH = 50 kOe for the (Gdl_xErx)NiA1alloys (Korte
et al. 1998a).
et al. (1973, 1975) in the temperature interval from 80 to 700 K. Since YFe2 and YFe3
have only one magnetic sublattice, they display AT(T) curves characteristic of a simple
ferromagnet with one maximum near the Curie temperature Tc. ErFe2 and HoFe3 are ferri-
magnets with two magnetic sublattices and compensation temperatures Tcompat 490 K and
389 K, respectively. Their A T ( T ) curves show a behavior analogous to that in gadolinium
iron garnet: when increasing the temperature the MCE suddenly changes its sign from pos-
itive to negative near Tcomp(see section 5.1 and fig. 5.1). The estimations made from MCE
and Curie point data on the basis of MFA (Nikitin and Bisliev 1974) showed that the effec-
tive field H2eff acting in the RE magnetic sublattice is about 1.6 x 106 Oe in ErFe2 and about
106 Oe in HoFe3 (Nikitin et al. 1973). This is considerably higher than H2eff in rare earth
iron garnets ( ~ 3 x 105 Oe) and leads to a weak paraprocess in the RE magnetic sublat-
tice and to an MCE temperature behavior analogous to that observed in the Li2FesCr5016
spinel below Tcomp (see fig. 5.7). In TbxYl-xFe2 alloys the compensation behavior of the
MCE was observed for x = 0.33 and 0.45. For the other compounds only one maximum
at T = Tc was observed in the AT(T) curves. The values of MCE at T = TC for the RFe2
and RFe3 compounds and TbxYl-xFe2 alloys investigated by Nikitin et al. (1973, 1975)
are presented in table 6.4. Minimum A T(Tc) value among TbxYl-xFee alloys is observed
for x = 0.5 (see table 6.4). For this composition Tcompcoincides with Tc.
Jin et al. (1991) measured the MCE in as-cast RxCe2-xFe17 (R = Y or Pr and x = 0-2)
alloys by a direct method at room temperature. Some of their results are listed in table 6.4
along with the Curie temperatures obtained by interpolation between the values for corre-
sponding R2Fe~7 compounds. Annealing of the samples at 800-1000C for several hours
The Curie temperature TC, and magnetocaloric effect AT induced by AH at T = TC of some polycrystalline
rare earth-iron intermetallic alloys and compounds. All measurements were made on polycrystals.
* Before annealing
** After annealing
(a) Kirchmayr and Poldy (1978) (d) Nikitin et al. (1975)
(b) Nikitin et al. (1973) (e) Nikitin et al. (1991a)
(e) Taylor and Darby (1972) (f) Jin et al. (1991)
at 300 K (Lindlay et al. 1988). Such a small magnetic moment in CeFe2 was attributed to
substantial hybridization of the iron 3d band states with the 4f band states of Ce (Eriks-
son et al. 1988). The substitution of small amount of Co (0.04 < x < 0.3) in CeFe2 led
to an antiferromagnetic phase at low temperatures, which upon heating turned into a fer-
romagnetic phase at the temperature TAFM--FM.Electrical resistivity and lattice parameter
measurements showed that the transition at TAFM--FM Was of the first order. Magnetiza-
tion measurements made on the alloys with x = 0.1 and 0.2 at T = 4.2 K in fields up
to 250 kOe revealed a metamagnetic transition (at ~ 80 kOe) with a considerable field
hysteresis. The compounds with x = 0 and x >/0.3 showed usual ferromagnetic behavior.
Heat capacity measurements made on CeFe2, Ce(Feo.9Co0.1)2, Ce(Fe0.8Co0.2)2 and
Ce(Fe0.TCo0.3)2 revealed anomalies at the Curie temperatures of 227 K, 180 K, 162 K,
and 156 K, respectively. In the Ce(Fe0.9Co0.1)2 alloy an additional sharp peak was ob-
served in the C(T) curve at TA~v~--FM= 80 K. A less pronounced heat capacity anomaly
at TAFM--FM = 68 K was also observed in the Ce(Fe0.sCo0.2)2 alloy. Using eq. (2.76)
and heat capacity data, Wada et al. (1993) calculated the temperature dependences of the
magnetic entropy SM of the Ce(Fel-xCox)2 system for x = 0; 0.1; 0.2; 0.3. The data on
paramagnetic CeCo2 were used to evaluate the lattice and electronic contributions to the
heat capacity. For CeFe2, SM started to increase at temperatures above 100 K and above Tc
it reached a saturation value of 2.5 J/mol K. Analogous results were observed for x = 0.3
(the saturation SM value was about 1 J/mol K). Equation (2.70), which is valid for mag-
netic systems with localized moments, gave the value SM = 11.5 J/mol K for the two iron
atoms ( J = 1/2). This value is inconsistent with the value 2.5 J/mol K obtained for SM in
the CeFe2 compound, which points to the intermediate character of magnetism in CeFe2.
More complicated behavior was displayed by the SM (T) curves for x = 0.1 and 0.2. At
T = TAFM-FM a sharp entropy change ASAFM-FM (ASAFM--FM = 1.2 and 0.8 J/mol K for
x = 0.1 and 0.2, respectively) was observed with subsequent gradual rise to the saturation
value of 2.3 J / m o l K for x = 0.1 and to 1.5 J / m o l K for x = 0.2 above To. The authors
regarded the entropy change ASAFM--FM at TAFM-FM as the magnetic entropy change.
ASAFM--FM was considered to consist of the following three contributions: the entropy
change due to a difference in the degree of magnetic order in antiferromagnetic and ferro-
magnetic states, the lattice entropy change and the electronic entropy change. It was shown
that the first two contributions in the considered alloys were close to zero. The main contri-
bution to A SAFM--FM is due to the electronic entropy change which arises from the differ-
ence between the values of the electronic heat capacity coefficient ae for ferromagnetic and
antiferromagnetic states (50 and 36.6 m J / K 2 mol, respectively for x = 0.1) (see eq. (2.62)).
Bloch 1971; Kamarad et al. 1995). Bloch et al. (1975) explained the first- and second-
order transitions in the RCo2 compounds with the help of an s-d model and an expansion
of the magnetic free energy as a power series of the d-electron magnetization. Dilution
of the rare earth element in HoCo2 compounds by Y led to a change from the first-order
transition to the second-order type (Pillmayr et al. 1987).
Foldeaki et al. (1997) measured the magnetization of RCo2 (R = Dy, Ho, Er) compounds
and on the basis of these data calculated the magnetic entropy change ASM induced by a
field change of 70 kOe. Maxima were observed near the Curie point and the maximum
values of -ASM were about 14.5 J/kg K (at T ~ 140 K) for DyCo2, about 22 J/kg K (at
T ~ 85 K) for HoCo2 and about 28 J/kg K (at T ~ 42 K) for ErCo2. It should be noted
that two ErCo2 samples were studied: "good" and "wrong". The first, according to X-ray
diffraction analysis, was a homogeneous one. The second had some distortions in crys-
talline structure and contained an oxide. The wrong ErCo2 sample displayed ASM values
30% smaller than the good one. The Arrott plots of the wrong ErCo2 showed behavior,
analogous to that observed in Dy-Zr nanocomposites. According to the authors opinion
this indicates a multiphase nanosized crystalline structure in the wrong ErCo2.
The heat capacity of ErCo2 as a function of temperature was measured by Imay
et al. (1995). A sharp anomaly associated with the first-order magnetic phase transition
was found at 32 K. The magnetic contribution to the heat capacity, obtained by subtraction
of the LuCo2 heat capacity from the ErCo2 experimental data, still persisted above Tc. This
was explained by an interaction of the RE magnetic ions with a crystalline electric field.
The temperature dependence of the magnetic entropy SM(T) calculated on the basis of the
heat capacity data, displayed a discontinuous increase (from 5 to 17 J/mol K) at the Curie
point, and at high temperatures (above 150 K) it reached its saturation value which is close
to the value of 23.1 J/mol K calculated by eq. (2.70) for Er ions ( J = 15/2, see table 6.2).
The latter fact indicates that the Co magnetic moments have small contribution to the total
SM. The magnetic entropy discontinuity at T was explained by the authors by the change
of the Er ion ground state degeneracy from a singlet in the magnetically ordered state to a
quadruplet in the paramagnetic state.
Nikitin and Tishin (1991) measured directly the MCE in the HoCo2 compound. The
results are shown in fig. 6.5. The value of the MCE temperature profile is consistent with
the sharp character of the first-order magnetic phase transition. The estimation of ASM
made by Nikitin and Tishin (1991) on the basis of heat capacity data of Voiron et al. (1974)
gave the value of - 6 . 4 J/mol K at T = 82 K and A H = 60 kOe.
Pillmayr et al. (1987) and Hilscher et al. (1988) investigated the heat capacity of the
(RxYl-x)Co2 (R = Ho, Dy) alloy systems. The magnetic ordering entropy SM determined
from these measurements dropped for x < 0.2 and for x /> 0.2 it attained the theoretical
values calculated on the basis of eq. (2.70) for Ho and Dy (see table 6.2). The magnetic en-
tropy associated with the magnetic moment of Co (for s = 1/2 it is equal to 5.76 J/mol K)
was not observed above TC in both alloy systems. This was attributed to the itinerant char-
acter of the Co magnetic moment (Pillmayr et al. 1987). According to the authors opinion
the magnetic entropy decrease observed for x < 0.2 may point to an instability of the RE
magnetic moment in this concentration range (Pillmayr et al. 1987; Hilscher et al. 1988).
Saito et al. (1995) measured the heat capacity of the Er3Co compound, which below
Tc = 13 K exhibited a noncollinear magnetic structure. Above T c a large magnetic con-
Temperature (K)
Fig. 6.5. Temperaturedependencesof the MCE induced by a magneticfieldchange AH: (e) 60 kOe; (A) 40 kOe;
(o) 20 kOe; (f-q)5 kOe (Nikitin and Tishin 1991).
tribution to the heat capacity was found. It was related with crystalline electric field effects
(Schottky-type anomaly) and was interpreted in the framework of the point-charge model.
magnetic phase diagram Her(T) one can identifie the temperature TK, which corresponds
to the maximum value of Her (Oncr/OT= 0 here). Below TK the transition at H = Her is
of the first-order and above TK it has the second-order character. The first-order transition
is accompanied by "jumps" and some field hysteresis in the I ( H ) curves at H = Her. Be-
low T c a ferromagnetic basal-plane phase was observed in Tb and Dy and in Ho a HAFM
structure with a ferromagnetic component along the c-axis was found.
A more complicated magnetic structure was found in erbium. In the temperature range
between TN = 85 K and Tcy = 53 K a longitudinal spin wave along the c-axis occurs.
Below Tcy the structure changed to a cycloid in which the spin wave was superimposed on
a basal plane spiral structure. Below Tc = 18 K the c-axis component ordered ferromag-
netically and the basal planes retained the spiral ordering forming a ferromagnetic cone
(conical phase) (Cable et al. 1965; Atoji 1974; Habenshuss et al. 1974).
Thulium, below TN = 56 K, displays an antiferromagnetic longitudinal spin wave phase.
Below 32 K it turns into a ferromagnetic type structure composed of four basal plane
layers with magnetic moments aligned parallel to the c-axis, followed by three layers with
moments aligned antiparalM (Brunet al. 1970).
Neodymium has two double-hcp crystalline structure with two crystallographically in-
equivalent (hexagonal and cubic) sites and a complicated antiferromagnetic structure. The
magnetic moments on the hexagonal sites order at TN = 19.2 K and on the cubic sites
below 7.8 K (Johansson et al. 1970).
7.1.1. Gadolinium
Neutron diffraction studies made by Cable and Wollan (1968) showed that Gd exhibits
ferromagnetic ordering from liquid helium temperatures to the Curie temperature Tc =
293 K. The easy magnetization axis is directed along the c-axis from Tc down to the spin-
reorientation temperature TSR ~ 230 K below which the spontaneous magnetization vector
departs from the c-axis and the easy cone arises.
The MCE, A SM and heat capacity of single and polycrystalline gadolinium were studied
by many authors (Brown 1976; Gschneidner and Pecharsky 1997a; Nikitin et al. 1978;
Hashimoto et al. 1981; Maeda et al. 1983; Tishin 1990b, 1990c; Burkhanov et al. 1991;
Dan'kov et al. 1992, 1996, 1998; Foldeaki et al. 1995). The temperature dependence of
the MCE of Gd obtained by various methods displays a maximum near Tc (see figs 3.5
and 7.1). An additional small MCE anomaly was found in a Gd single crystal for H aligned
along the c- and a-axis near TSR by Nikitin et al. (1978).
Nikitin et al. (1978) studied the dependence of the MCE in a Gd single crystal on the
magnetic field orientation. For a hexagonal crystal the anisotropic part of the Gibbs free
energy can be expressed as follows:
where O is the angle between the spontaneous magnetization vector is and the c-axis, ~b is
the angle between the basal-plane component of Is and the a-axis, Ki are the anisotropy
The last term in eq. (7.1) describes the basal-plane anisotropy which is usually small,
and can be neglected. On the basis of eq. (7.1) and eq. (2.8a) the magnetic entropy change
ASo arising during the variation of the Is direction from the initial value of 6)0 to the final
value of OH, which is the angle between the magnetic field and the c-axis, can be written
down as:
ASAo = -- (K-O-T-/H,p
OKI~ (sin2OH_sin2@o)_(OK2
K,-oT-]~ H,p ( sin4 @H -- sin4 690)
The anisotropy constants Ki also depend on H, which leads t o a magnetic entropy change
+ ) sin6 (7.3)
The total magnetic entropy change ASA = ASA,o + ASA, H causes the anisotropic con-
tribution to the MCE (Nikitin et al. 1978):
ATA = ATA,o "q- ATA, H = --"'7- (ASA,o + ASA, H), (7.4)
where the first term ATA,o is the contribution from the rotation of ~Tsagainst a magnetic
anisotropy force and the second term ATA,H is the contribution from the variation of the
anisotropy constants in the applied field.
The total MCE was obtained as a sum of the MCE caused by a paraprocess (it was
calculated by eq. (2.16)) and ATA. The calculated AT(T) curve was in good agreement
with the experimental one.
The A TA values were determined from the experimental A T (H) dependences measured
at various T as the intercepts on the AT axis by the extrapolation of the linear high field
part of the AT(H) curves. It was shown that near Tc the main contribution to ATA gave
the second term in eq. (7.4). Below 230 K, the ATA value is determined by the first term.
As it follows from eqs (7.2) and (7.3), in this case ATA = 0 for OH = 690. This allowed to
determine the temperature dependence of the O0 (Nikitin et al. 1978), which was in good
accordance with data obtained by other authors.
The magnetic entropy change ASM induced by the field change in Gd, was determined
from the magnetization data with the help of eq. (2.71) and from magnetocaloric effect by
eq. (2.80). Good agreement was found between the experimental data and MFA calcula-
tions (Maeda et al. 1983; Tishin 1990a, 1990b, 1990c). Figure 7.1(a) and (b) present vari-
ous contributions to the entropy of Gd in zero magnetic field and in a field of 70 kOe, calcu-
lated by eqs (2.60)-(2.62) and (2.67) by Tishin (1990a). The MCE in Gd for A H = 70 kOe
determined by the method described in section 4.1 is shown in fig. 7.1(c) (curve 1). This
figure also presents experimental values of the MCE in Gd (curve 2) obtained by Brown
,0 (a) (b) ~ ,
E 3s
3 I 3
I I I !
100 200 300 200 250 300 350
g- 1
v "~ 1.0}
0 I I , I I
250 3DO 250 300
Fig. 7.1. Temperature dependences of calculated entropy and MCE for Gd. (a) H = 0; (b) H = 70 kOe:
(1) total entropy; (2) lattice entropy; (3) magnetic entropy; (4) electronic entropy. (c) Experimental (curve 1) and
calculated (curve 2) dependences of MCE in Gd for A H = 70 kOe. (d) Temperature dependence of magnetic
entropy ASM in Gd for A H = 60 kOe (curves 1, 2); A H = 10 kOe (3, 4, 5); A H = 5 kOe (6, 7) (calculated
values - curves 1, 5, and 7; experimental values obtained from magnetization and MCE data - curves 2, 3, 6,
and 4) (Tishin et al. 1990a).
(1976). It can be seen that the results of the calculations describe the experimental data
quite well. The values of g j, J, Tc, TN and TD used in the MFA calculations are pre-
sented in table 7.1. Figure 7. l(d) presents the theoretical and experimental ASM curves
for polycrystalline Gd. The values of ASM determined by the results of magnetization and
MCE measurements are quite close. The maximum A SM and MCE values near the Curie
temperature in Gd obtained by various authors are collected in table 7.2.
The heat capacity of polycrystalline Gd was measured from 15 to 335 K by Grif-
fel et al. (1954), and on single-crystal samples near Tc by Lanchester et al. (1980) and
Glorieux et al. (1995). Dan'kov et al. (1998) measured the heat capacity and magnetic
field dependences of polycrystalline and single-crystal gadolinium. As it was noted ear-
lier by Gschneidner (1993), the magnetic properties of RE metals are critically dependent
on their purity. In all samples a pronounced ),-type anomaly was observed near TC in
Parameters of RE elements used by Tishin (1990a) in theoretical MFA
the temperature dependence of the zero-field heat capacity. The magnetic field effect on
the Z-maximum was typical for ferromagnets: it was substantially broadened and shifted
to higher temperatures with increasing magnetic field. A small zero-field heat capacity
anomaly existed in the single-crystal sample at about 220-225 K (near TSR), but was wiped
out by the magnetic field above 20 kOe.
The significant reduction of the purity in the commercial Gd sample caused a sharp
reduction of the maximum of the X-type anomaly (~-, 10% as compared to high purity
samples) and its temperature ( ~ 5%). An excess heat capacity in the commercial sample
appeared in the temperature range between 70 and 286 K and above 300 K. The authors
related these features with straining of the crystal lattice and weakening of the exchange in-
teractions due to the interstitial impurities (such as carbon) dissolved in Gd. The interstitial
impurities had also a distinct effect on the MCE measured in pulsed fields: the MCE value
in the commercially pure Gd was about two times lower than in the high-purity samples
(the maximum of AT was about 3.2 K at 288 K for A H = 20 kOe in the commercial Gd).
7.1.2. Terbium
Terbium displays HAFM ordering in the temperature interval from TN = 230 K to
Tc = 220.6 K, which is characterized by weak critical fields: maximum Her = 190 Oe at
TK = 228.5 K (Bykhover et al. 1990). In fields above Hcr the HAFM structure in Tb and
Dy is destroyed and a "fan" structure arises (in the given temperature interval), in which the
magnetic moments in the basal planes form fan-type ordering around the field direction.
Further increase of the field leads to complete ferromagnetic ordering at a field of about
2Her (Greenough and Hettiarachchi 1983; Drillat et al. 1984; Bagguley and Howe 1986).
When the HAFM structure is destroyed by a magnetic field, an MCE takes place be-
cause the entropies of the two phases (HAFM and fan or FM) are not equal. The MCE at
the first-order transition at H = Her applied in the basal plane of Dy and T b x Y l - x alloys
was considered by Nikitin et al. (1977a, 1977b, 1979a), Nikitin and Andreenko (1981)
and Nikitin et al. (1991b). It was shown that the transition is caused by changes in several
interactions, namely the energy of exchange interaction between the basal planes the mag-
netoelastic energy, the Zeeman energy and the in-plane anisotropy energy. The first three
contributions were shown to dominate.
Ordering temperatures TN or TC, temperature of the maximum in the A T (T) curves (TTax), temperature of the
maximum in the ASM(T) curves (TmS~) and maximum values of ASM (at T = TSmax)and A T (at T = TTax)
induced by a magnetic field change A H for the heavy rare earth metals.
Element TC; TN, TTm=, AT, AH, TSmax, -ASM, AH,
K K K kOe K J/mol K kOe
* In J / k g K
** Measurements on single crystals (the direction of magnetic field is shown in parenthesis)
(a) Nikitin et al. (1991d) (h) Dankov et al. (1998) (q) Nikitin and Tishin (1988)
(b) Pecharsky and Gschneidner (i) Tishin (1990b) (r) Hudgins and Pavlovic (1965)
(1996) (i) Foldeaki et al. (1995) (s) Nikitin et al. (1991a)
(c) Gschneidner and Pecharsky (k) Dankov et al. (1992) (t) Nikitin et al. (1991d)
(1997a) (1) Bykhover et al. (1990) (u) Tishin and Martinenko (1995)
(d) Benford and Brown (1981) (In) Nikitin et al. (1989b) (v) Green et al. (1988)
(e) Hashimoto et al. (1981) (n) Tishin (1988) (w) Milton and Scott (1967)
(f) Brown (1976) (o) Dmzhinin et al. (1977) (x) Zimm et al. (1988)
(g) Nikitin et al. (1978) (P) Dan'kov et al. (1996) (Y) Brunet al. (1970)
I~ 0.1
220 230
Temperature (K)
Fig. 7.2. Temperature dependencesof the MCE for a Tb single crystal with the magneticfield applied alongthe
b-axis: (l) AH = 200 Oe; (2) 250 Oe; (3) 300 Oe; (4) 350 Oe; (5) 400 Oe (Nikitin et al. 1989b).
Nikitin et al. (1989) studied the MCE of Tb in fields up to 400 Oe applied along the easy
magnetization direction (b-axis) in the temperature interval from Tc to TN - see fig. 7.2.
Between 220.5 and 223.4 K the MCE values are small and positive in weak fields and
sharply increase above Her. For temperatures from 223.4 to 226 K the MCE is negative
in fields H < 350 Oe. The negative MCE is characteristic of antiferromagnets, in which
the external field reduces the magnetic order rather than enhances it, thus increasing the
magnetic entropy (antiferromagnetic-type paraprocess). In the case of Th the external field
transforms the HAFM structure into the lower-symmetry fan structure. The magnetic phase
diagram Her(T) constructed on the basis of A T ( H ) curves (the magnetic field was changed
from 0 to H) is in good accordance with that obtained from the magnetization measure-
ments. Her was defined as the field of the maximum increase of A T.
Figure 7.3 shows the temperature dependences of the MCE in a single crystal of Tb
induced by fields applied along the b-axis (Tishin 1988). The MCE maximum in Tb is
I I ) 2
0.9 1.0 1.1 ,
) 3
o 1/'
50 100 lg0 200 25O
Temperature (K)
Fig. 7.3. Temperature dependences of the MCE for a Tb single crystal with the magnetic field applied along
the b-axis: (1) A H = 60 kOe; (2) 50 kOe; (3) 40 kOe; (4) 30 kOe; (5) 20 kOe; (6) 10 kOe; (7) 2.5 kOe.
Inset: temperature dependences of the heat capacity of a Tb single crystal at: (l) H = 0; (2) H = 60.2 kOe
(Tishin 1988; Nikitin et al. 1985a).
observed near Trq and is caused by a paraprocess, which is known to be the most strong
near the temperature of the transition to a magnetically ordered state. Due to the complete
destruction of the HAFM structure no MCE anomalies were observed near Tc for A H />
10 kOe. The same results were obtained for measurements in the field applied along the
a-axis (hard axis in Tb) which is related with a small magnetic anisotropy of Tb in basal
plane at high temperatures.
Calculations of the MCE in Tb, made by Tishin (1990a) on the basis of the MFA, have
shown relatively satisfactory agreement with the experimental data near TN, see fig. 7.4:
for A H -- 20 kOe the calculations leads to AT = 6 K, while the experimental value is
5 K. The calculated MCE in strong magnetic fields is shown in the inset in fig. 7.4. As
one can see, for A H > 2000 kOe the maximum in the AT(T) curve disappears and for
T > TN the MCE practically does not change. Note the disagreement of these results with
the MCE value calculated earlier by Druzhinin et al. (1979) in the framework of MFA
(the shape of the AT(T) curves was quite similar): A T = 120 K for Tb at T = TN and
A H = 1500 kOe. According to Tishin (1990a), at T = TN the MCE value of 120 K can
be reached only in a field of 2250 kOe, while for A H = 1500 kOe the MCE amounts to
98 K.
Druzhinin et al. (1977) determined the MCE in a Tb single crystal in fields up to 350 kOe
from the experimental adiabatic dependences of the magnetization in the basal plane ob-
tained by the pulse method. The MCE was calculated by integration of eq. (2.23):
{ [1,;"
(T) Cl ~ OT ]
] (7.5)
g ,
/A \ o i f , t
\ ,oo :oo<S
/ ~ ~ 1 0 0 kOe
Fig. 7.4. Temperature dependences of the MCE in Tb: - - theory; - - - experiment (Tishin 1990a).
where I and T are the final values of temperature and magnetization and Is(7]) and 7] are
the initial values of magnetization and temperature. A sharp MCE maximum with the value
of 60 K was observed at T = 230 K.
The temperature dependences of the magnetic entropy change ASM in Tb was evalu-
ated from magnetization measurements by eq. (2.71) (Dan'kov et al. 1996) and from heat
capacity and MCE data (Nikitin et al. 1985a). In the latter case, the results of zero-field
heat capacity measurements made by Jennings et al. (1957) and eq. (2.77) were used for
the ASM(T) calculation (the field dependence of the heat capacity was not taken into
account). Later, the ASM values for the heavy rare-earths have been calculated more ex-
actly by Tishin (1994). In these calculations the field dependence of the heat capacity
was taken into account. The result for Tb is shown in fig. 7.5. As one can see, ASM for
A H = 60.2 kOe has maximum near TN.
The heat capacity of Tb in the presence of a magnetic field was calculated by Nikitin and
Tishin (1987) and Tishin (1988) on the basis of the zero-field measurements of Jennings
et al. (1957). First, S(T, H) was calculated by eq. (2.76) and the MCE data, and then
eq. (2.12) was used to calculate C(T, H). The results for H = 60.2 kOe is shown in the
inset in fig. 7.3. The heat capacity maximum becomes broader and lower in the field and
shifts to the higher temperature region.
7.1.3. Dysprosium
The HAFM structure arises in Dy between TN --~ 180 K and Tc -----90 K. Dy is charac-
terized by much higher critical fields than Tb: the maximum Her value is about 11 kOe at
TK = 165 K (Bykhover et al. 1990).
tO0 200
Temperature (K)
Fig. 7.5. Temperaturedependences of the magneticentropy change of Tb, Dy, Ho and Er induced by AH =
60.2 kOe (Tishin 1994).
Hudgins and Pavlovic (1965) performed detailed studies of the field and temperature
dependences of the MCE in polycrystalline Dy in the fields up to 20 kOe and in the tem-
perature interval from 77 to 320 K. The A T ( H , T) curves were discussed in connection
with the magnetic structure transformation. Later Tishin (1988) and Nikitin et al. (1985a)
studied the MCE in polycrystalline Dy in fields up to 60 kOe.
Joint investigations of the MCE and magnetic properties of a Dy single crystal along
the easy axis a were made by Nikitin et al. (1979a) in magnetic fields up to 13 kOe.
It was found that a field induced HAFM-FM transition at Her causes a positive MCE
(AT > 0) within the temperature interval from 85 to 160 K. A change of sign of the
MCE was found to take place at TK, where ncr had its maximum and i~ncr/~T = O.
According to the Clausius-Clapeyron equation (2.82) ASM, and consequently AT, at this
temperature should be equal to zero. It was concluded that TK is a tricritical point in the
magnetic phase diagram Hcr(T) of Dy, where the first-order transition lines turn into the
second-order transition line.
The MCE in Dy was also studied by Benford (1979) and Nikitin et al. (1991b). Figure 7.6
shows temperature dependences of the MCE in a Dy single crystal measured directly with
the field applied along the a- and b-axis (Tishin 1988; Nikitin et al. 1991b). The MCE
maximum observed for H applied along the a-axis at T = 177.5 K is associated with
the HAFM-PM phase transition. The sharp increase of the MCE near T ~ 90 K corre-
sponds to the FM-HAFM transition. In the region from 165 to 178 K the MCE is negative
for A H = 10 kOe. A substantial change of the A T ( T ) behavior is observed when the
field is increased. The broad plateaus in the temperature interval from 90 to 135 K and
H < 20 kOe are due to the destruction of the HAFM structure by fields H > Her. In
stronger fields the plateaus gradually disappear and an additional MCE maximum appears
around 155-165 K, the temperature of the maximum increasing as the field is increased.
The minimum in high fields corresponds to the tricritical point TK = 165 K. The general
character of the MCE behavior in fields applied along the b-axis is similar to that measured
along the a-axis. The differences in the low-temperature region was related by Nikitin
et al. (1991b) with a contribution from the change of magnetic basal-plane anisotropy
Fig. 7.6. (a) Temperature dependences of the MCE in a Dy single crystal in fields applied along a-axis: (1)
AH = 60 kOe; (2) 50 kOe; (3) 40 kOe; (4) 30 kOe; (5) 20 kOe; (6) 10 kOe. (b) Temperature dependences of
MCE in a Dy single crystal with the magneticfield applied along b-axis: AH = 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 kOe
(curves 1-6, respectively)(Nikifin et al. 1991b).
Figure 7.7 shows the M C E in a Dy crystal obtained in various fields applied along the
a - a x i s (Tishin 1988; Nikitin et al. 1991b). In the temperature interval from 85 to 165 K
j u m p s in the A T ( H ) curves are observed. In the region from 165 to 178 K these j u m p s
disappear and the M C E becomes negative in weak fields. Magnetization measurements
showed that within the interval from 135 to 165 K the first-order transitions from H A F M
to fan occurred (Nikitin et al. 1991b).
/ 165
5 10 J , , ~ 154
H(kOe) 3{~'~""/" 190
~ I15.5
~ 1 ~ 91.5
I i
-""1~ 20 40 60
Fig. 7.7. The dependenceof the MCE in a Dy singlecrystalon magneticfieldsdirected alongthe a-axis (the field
was changed from0 to H). The numbersnearthe curvesare temperaturesin Kelvin.Inset:initial part of the curve
for T = 78 K (Tishin t988; Nikifinet al. 1991b).
The second-order field induced transition HAFM-fan was observed from 165 K to TN. In
this case the field continuously deforms the HAFM structure until a fan structure is formed.
This process is accompanied at an early stage by growth of the magnetic entropy due to
lowering of the antiferromagnetic order. The maximum negative MCE (at H ~ I0 kOe)
marks the point of maximum disorder in the magnetic structure.
Data on the magnetic entropy of Dy have been presented by Nikitin et al. (1985a, 1991b,
1991c), Nikitin and Tishin (1988) and Foldeaki et al. (1995). Figure 7.5 presents ASM(T)
curve for Dy for A H = 60.2 kOe calculated on the basis of heat capacity and MCE data.
The maximum of ASM is observed near TN. The ASM(T) curve calculated for a Dy single
crystal from MCE measurements leads to positive values in the temperature interval from
165 to 178 K. The temperature dependence of the magnetic entropy SM(O, T) of a high-
purity Dy single crystal was determined by Nikitin et al. (1991c) by eq. (2.76) on the
basis of heat capacity measurements. The saturation high-temperature SM value obtained
in this way equals 23 J/mol K, which is in good agreement with the theoretical value
from table 6.2. Foldeaki et al. (1995) determined the temperature and field dependences of
A SM in polycrystalline Dy from the magnetization measurements by eq. (2.71). A positive
magnetic entropy change was observed on the ASM (H) curve at T = 174 K at low fields
(below 1.5 kOe). The MCE and ASM values obtained experimentally in Dy by various
methods are presented in table 7.2.
The heat capacity of Dy was measured by Griffel et al. (1956), Lounasmaa and Sund-
strom (1966), Ramji Rao and Narayama Mytry (1978) and Nikitin et al. (1991c). Maxima
on the C(T) curve were observed near TN and Tc. The value of the maximum near the
~ o"
"5 40
50' 100
Temperature (K)
Fig. 7.8. Temperature dependences of the heat capacity Dy in various magnetic fields: (1) H = 0; (2) H =
20 kOe; (3) 60 kOe (Nikitin and Tishin 1987).
HAFM-PM transition was shown to be in good agreement with the one calculated in the
framework of MFA (Nikitin et al. 1991c).
Nikitin and Tishin (1987) using eq. (2.96) and MCE data calculated the heat capacity
of Dy in magnetic fields up to 60 kOe from the zero-field heat capacity measurements
of Griffel et al. (1956). The results are presented in fig. 7.8. The appearance of an addi-
tional maximum in the C(T) curve for H = 20 kOe near T = 160 K was related by
the authors with the occurrence of the fan structure. With increasing magnetic field the
maximum disappears, which correlates with the transformation of the fan structure into the
ferromagnetic one at high fields.
7.1.4. Holmium
The temperature dependences of the MCE of polycrystalline Ho measured directly for
various A H are shown in fig. 7.9 (Nikitin et al. 1985a). MCE maxima are observed at
Tc = 20 K (AT = 4.6 K for A H = 60.2 kOe) and at TN = 132 K (AT = 4.5 K for
A H = 60.2 kOe). The MCE is large in the temperature interval from 20 to 132 K with
A T -- 3.2-4.6 K for A H = 60.2 kOe. Small MCE maxima are observed in the region of
70-90 K for A H = 30.1-60.2 kOe. They are due to a complex temperature dependence
of the critical field Hcr, which destroys the HAFM structure. Green et al. (1988) found a
MCE maximum in Ho near 136 K with the value of 6.1 K for A H = 70 kOe.
The heat capacity of Ho was measured by Jayasuria et al. (1985), Lounasmaa and Sund-
strom (1966). Nikitin and Tishin (1987) on the basis of zero-field heat capacity and MCE
data calculated C(H, T) curves of Ho by eq. (2.96). It was shown that a broad maximum
appears in the C(H, T) curve in the temperature range from 90 to 130 K for H = 20 kOe
which is higher than Her. As the field is increased up to 60 kOe, this maximum disappears
and only a plateau remains in the C(H, T) curve. The maximum was related by the authors
with the tricritical point in the magnetic phase diagram Hcr(T).
Fig. 7.9. Temperaturedependencesof the MCE of polycrystallineHo for various AH: (1) 60.2 kOe; (2) 50.2 kOe;
(3) 40.3 kOe; (4) 30.1 kOe; (5) 20.1 kOe (Nikitin et al. 1985a; Tishin 1988).
~2 . 2
50 100 150
Temperature (K)
Fig. 7.10. Temperaturedependencesof the MCE of polycrystaUineEr for various AH: (1) 60.2 kOe; (2) 50.2 kOe;
(3) 40.3 kOe; (4) 30.1 kOe; (5) 20.1 kOe (Nikitin et al. 1985a; Tishin 1988).
The ASM(T) curve for Ho, obtained from the M C E and heat capacity measurements, is
shown in fig. 7.5. The sharp ASM m a x i m u m occurs near TN.
7.1.5. Erbium
The directly measured temperature dependence of the M C E of polycrystalline Er shows
a m a x i m u m near the A F M - P M transition point TN (Nikitin et al. 1985a) (see fig. 7.10).
A t A H = 60.2 kOe the maximum MCE value was 3.2 K. An extra maximum, which
was attributed to the destruction of the A F M structure by a magnetic field, was ob-
served at T = 35 K. The m a x i m u m value A T = 3.8 K exceeds that near TN obtained
for the same A H value. As well as Ho, Er shows a substantial M C E (about 3 K for
A H = 60.2 Oe) over a wide temperature interval from 30 to 85 K. Analogous A T ( T )
curves were obtained by Z i m m et al. (1988) for polycrystalline Er. It was established that
for A H = 75 kOe the high-temperature (near TN) and low-temperature M C E m a x i m a
Temperature (K)
Fig. 7.11. Temperaturedependences of the MCE of polycrystaUineTm for differentvalues of AH: (1) 60.2 kOe;
(2) 50.2 kOe; (3) 40.3 kOe; (4) 30.1 kOe; (5) 20.1 kOe (Nikitin et al. 1985a; Tishin 1988).
become almost equal and amount to 4.7 K. Zimm et al. (1988) found that below 20 K
a magnetization-demagnetization cycle causes sample heating. This was explained by a
fairly large magnetic hysteresis observed in this temperature range.
The ASM(T) curve of Er for A H = 60.2 kOe is presented in fig. 7.5. The ASM max-
imum near TN has a value of 1.2 J/mol K, while the low temperature maximum is much
higher with ASM = 2.5 J/mol K.
The heat capacity of Er was studied by Skochdopole et al. (1955), Schmitzer
et al. (1987), Dreyfus et al. (1961), Hill et al. (1984) and Krusius et al. (1974). The tem-
perature dependence of the zero-field heat capacity of Er measured by Zimm et al. (1988)
displayed a large step at 84 K corresponding to the AFM ordering along the c-axis. The
broad shoulder from 30 to 80 K corresponds to the ordering in the basal plane and the
sharp peak near 20 K is related with the first-order transition to a conical magnetic struc-
ture. A magnetic field of 10 kOe wiped out the peak at 20 K but had only a small effect on
the high-temperature anomaly.
Heat capacity measurements in the absence of a magnetic field were made by Pecharsky
et al. (1993) on high-purity polycrystalline Er in the temperature interval 1.5-80 K. Besides
the peaks at 19 K (conical phase transition) and 51.4 K (AFM ordering in the basal plane),
additional anomalies at 25.1, 27.5, 42, and 48.9 K were revealed. They were related by
the authors with the spin-slip transitions between different commensurate AFM structures
(Gibbs et al. 1986; Bohr 1991).
7.1.6. Thulium
The A T ( T ) curves of Tm measured by a direct method are shown in fig. 7.11 (Nikitin
et al. 1985a). A MCE maximum with the value of 1.5 K for A H = 60.2 kOe is observed
near TN at 58 K. At lower temperatures the MCE becomes negative which may be due to
the deformation of the AFM structure by the magnetic field and which is accompanied by a
magnetic entropy increase. Analogous A T ( T ) curves were obtained by Zimm et al. (1989),
although the maximum A T values in corresponding magnetic fields were somewhat higher.
The temperature dependence of the zero-field heat capacity of Tm showed a large step
near TN (Zimm et al. 1989). The application of 10 kOe did not have any noticeable influ-
ence on the C(T) curve except rounding of the step at TN.
7.1.7. Neodymium
The heat capacity and MCE of polycrystalline Nd were studied by Zimm et al. (1990)
in the temperature range from 5 to 35 K and in fields up to 70 kOe. In the temperature
dependences of the MCE measured by a direct method two maxima were found. The one
near 20 K corresponds to magnetic ordering at the hexagonal sites, and the other, near 8 K,
corresponds to ordering at the cubic sites. It should be noted that the latter maximum was
much higher (AT ~ 2.5 K at 10 K for A H = 70 kOe) than the former (AT ~ 1.5 K at
21 K for A H = 70 kOe). The authors related this difference with a large magnetocrys-
talline anisotropy because of which only the basal plane component (the magnetic moments
in the hexagonal sites order in the basal plane) of the external magnetic field in a crystallite
can contribute to the magnetic ordering near TN.
The relatively weak MCE in Nd (as compared with the heavy RE metals) was explained
by the antiferromagnetic structure and crystalline field effects. The latter factor reduces the
maximum available magnetic entropy from R In 10 (J = 9/2) in the absence of crystal
field splitting to R In 2 (J = 1/2).
The heat capacity of Nd was measured by Lounasmaa and Sundstrom (1967) and Zimm
et al. (1990). Two anomalies were observed at the corresponding magnetic phase transi-
Results of calculations of maximum possible values of the maximum possible magnetic entropy
change - A S ~ ax, magnetic entropy change AS~er for AH = 6000 and 104 kOe, maximum
possible values of magnetocaloric effect ATmax, values of the field Hmax, in which the MCE
is different from ATmax by at most 1% and experimental maximum magnetic entropy change
A S M near Tord in the heavy RE metals (Tishin 1990a).
The possible mechanisms of magnetic entropy change in a paraprocess region were dis-
cussed. Tishin's (1998c) study shows that there is a strong influence of the Debye tempera-
ture of the magnetic materials on the MCE value in a wide temperature region (from 4.2 K
to 200-230 K).
Based on the molecular field theory, Tishin (1990a and 1998b) performed numerical
simulations of the MCE value, AT, and the entropy, S, of heavy lanthanides. The used
numerical approach was described in details by Tishin (1990a) and has been described
also in section 3.3, the REM parameters used being listed in table 7.3. The magnetic fields
considered were assumed to significantly exceed the critical magnetic fields necessary to
destroy the antiferromagnetic state in the rare earth metals, and therefore, all calculations
were performed for magnetic phase transition from the ferromagnetic to the paramagnetic
All results of the numerical simulation should agree quite well with the experimental
data for the heavy lanthanides only for large magnetic fields, i.e., for fields in which the
contribution of the AFM-FM phase transition to the magnetic entropy is rather small. Dur-
ing the simulation, the assumed values of the magnetic field ranged from 0 to 40 MOe and
the initial temperature ranged from 10 K to 1000 K. It was found that the maximum value
of magnetic field in our galaxy can reach about 1015 Oe (Kouveliotou et al. 1998). The
energy spectrum can become extremely distorted in such high magnetic fields. Therefore,
this naturally may affect the real field dependence of the magnetic entropy, SM, and AT.
Phenomena like crossover are considered by the author to yield staircase-like A T ( H ) and
SM(H) curves. But Tishin (1998c) proposed that its contribution to the total value of the
. . . . . . . .
Fig. 7.12. Temperaturedependences of the MCE in the heavyrare earth metals Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, and Tm for
AH = 6 MOe (Tishin 1990a).
overall MCE and the entropy should be relatively small. It should be noted that the results
described can be applied to the real magnetic materials only outside the critical region. The
calculations reveal the fact that if the temperature is high (near 1000 K), saturation of the
MCE and magnetic entropy is absent even in the highest magnetic fields (up to 40 MOe),
while near the temperature of the phase transition to the paramagnetic state the value of the
magnetic entropy saturates in a field of about 10 MOe. In high fields ( H > 10 MOe), the
magnetic entropy practically equals zero up to the point T ~ Tc, i.e., there is no magnetic
contribution to the entropy. This result leads to the following conclusion: in fields higher
than 1 MOe the magnetic moments of the rare earth ions must be nearly completely aligned
in a wide range of temperatures, up to the Curie temperature.
Tishin's calculations point to the fact that the general behavior of the MCE as a function
of temperature is transformed significantly under the influence of a magnetic field. Anoma-
lies in the MCE curves for T > Tc are observed in magnetic fields up to 40 MOe, but the
MCE increases with temperature, when H > 5 MOe and T > TC. When H > 5 MOe,
the MCE increases up to T -----Tc and then decreases smoothly when T > Tc. The temper-
ature and field dependencies of the MCE in REM behave similarly. Figure 7.12 presents
the temperature dependence of the maximum MCE for heavy lanthanides (in the saturation
field). Gadolinium has the minimum MCE at all considered temperatures. Tishin's (1998c)
analysis leads to the conclusion that at low temperatures the maximum MCE value (of
heavy lanthanides) is determined by the Debye temperature, TD, (i.e., by the small value of
the lattice heat capacity). When the temperature exceeds 230 K the maximum MCE in all
REM follows the total angular moments, J, and/or the effective magnetic moment,//.eft.
The calculations show, that Tb has the largest MCE in fields up to 2 MOe, while Er has
the lowest. In higher fields Ho has the maximum value of MCE, and Gd the minimum.
Furthermore, in high fields (although not in the saturation fields) the MCE is defined not
only by the magnetic entropy, but also by a number of other parameters associated with the
magnetic and crystal structures of the lanthanides.
The field dependences of the magnetic entropy in the vicinity of the phase transition to
the paramagnetic state are found to be arranged in order of increasing Curie temperatures
of the lanthanides, except Gd. The calculations reveal that the MCE in REM continues to
increase even when the magnetic entropy becomes almost equal to zero.
Calculations of the MCE value in the heavy RE metals as a function of the magnetic
field at T = Tord (here Tord = TC for Gd and TN for the others RE metals) give satis-
factory agreement with the experimental data for A H = 60 kOe only for Gd, Tb and Dy
(Tishin 1990a). This result is quite clear, since in Ho, Er and Tm the HAFM structure per-
sists in much higher fields than in Tb and Dy. It follows from the experimental data that
the behavior of the A T ( T ) curves is strongly influenced by these structures in fields up to
60 kOe (see above). One can suppose that in fields much higher than ncr the MFA should
describe the MCE sufficiently well.
The MFA calculations of ASM(T, H) in heavy RE metals at T = Tord shown that a
considerable rise in ASM is observed only in fields below 2 MOe, whereas in fields of
about 6 MOe the values of ASM differ only slightly from their maximum values AS~tax,
calculated by eq. (2.70). Table 7.3 presents AS~ ax, the values of ASM calculated for
A H = 6 MOe and 10 MOe, and maximum experimental ASM values for A H = 60 kOe
near Tord (Brown 1976; Nikitin and Tishin 1988; Tishin 1988).
Table 7.3 lists the maximum possible values of the magnetocaloric effect (A Tmax) at T =
Tord, calculated by eq. (2.77) on the basis of AS~tax values. Also listed are the calculated
values of the fields Hmax(lord), in which the MCE is different from ATmax by at most 1%.
As one can see, an initial temperature rise of 100 K leads the MCE to increase by a factor
1.5-2. Such behavior of ATmax corresponds to the functional dependence AT ~ T, as
follows from eq. (2.77), since the factor (ASM/Cp, H) tends to a constant when H tends to
infinity. The analysis made by Tishin (1990a) shows that the ATmax value in the series of
heavy RE metals is directly proportional to the product gj J Tord.
From the classic point of view, the change of SM value is usually related to the rotation of
the magnetic moment vectors under influence of the magnetic field (i.e., the SM decreases
with increasing magnetization in classic magnetic materials). It has been experimentally
established that the value of ASM measured in 60 kOe in rare-earth metals and their alloys
in the vicinity of their magnetic phase transition totals approximately 8 to 10% of ASrnax
(Tishin 1988). Moreover, the magnetization of Gd at the Curie point practically does not
change in 100 to 300 kOe (Ponomarev 1986). The MCE value measured in 100 kOe in
Gd equals 19 K (Dan'kov et al. 1998). But from Tishin's (1990a and 1998c) calculations
it follows that ATmax in Gd is expected to be 234 K at T = Tc. Thus, it appears that for
most of the sample's temperature increase one has to take account of paraprocesses (oc-
curring in the region where the sample has already single domain structure and the atomic
magnetic moments are mostly aligned parallel to the field). So the change of the MCE and
the magnetic entropy is clearly determined not only by rotation of the magnetization vec-
tors. This means that the experimental data can not be explained within the classic theory,
which assumes the magnetic entropy decrease to occur at the expense of the rising order
of the magnetic moments in the system. Thus, the use of a probability (quantum mechan-
ical) approach to the entropy seems to be the right choice. This means that the magnetic
entropy (and consequently the sample temperature) continues to change even in the region
of the paraprocess, just because of the fact that the probability of atomic magnetic moment
deflection from the field direction (due to the heat fluctuations) remains non-zero even in
high magnetic fields. It is possible that the values of ASM (which have been observed in
rare-earth intermetallic compounds by Gschneidner et al. (1994a, 1994b)) are large due to
suppression of spin heat fluctuations in the low temperature region.
Since the influence of TD on the MCE was not sufficiently studied yet, neither the-
oretically nor experimentally, it is of interest to define numerically the general rules of
the phenomena. In general, the relation between the MCE and the entropy change is well
known. To investigate the impact of the Debye temperature on the MCE we need to take
into account the effect of the temperature on the lattice entropy (it is worth noting that the
concept of total entropy as a sum of different parts can be used only for magnetic materials
with localized magnetic moment, like REM). The entropy of a solid is known to increase
significantly when the Debye temperature decreases. For instance, it is easy to show that
at 300 K a decrease of the Debye temperature from 184 K (Gd) to 50 K leads to a lattice
entropy (SL) increase of about 33 J/mol K (70%). When the Debye temperature increases
from 184 K to 500 K this leads to an SL change of only approximately 23 J/mol K (50%).
It is well known that the maximum possible value of the magnetic entropy change can be
defined as ASmax = - R ln(2J + 1) (see eq. (2.70)). So, from one point of view the maxi-
mum MCE is limited by the total quantum number and the measurement temperature. On
the other hand, in general the MCE can vary due to the change of magnetic, lattice and
electronic contributions to the heat capacity. The electronic part of the heat capacity gives
a constant contribution to the heat capacity and does not change the MCE if T -----const.
The character of magnetic contributions to the heat capacity change (generally a decrease
for ferromagnets) under exposure of a field is quite complicated and can be predicted only
in general terms.
Tishin's (1998c) calculations show, that the change in To can significantly influence
the magnetocaloric effect value. Consequently, a change in the Debye temperature has a
different impact on the MCE value in the low- (T < 200-230 K) and high-temperature
range. However, the problem of what are the ways and how the Debye temperature can be
changed in real magnetic materials still remains quite insufficiently researched.
From the qualitative point of view, the Debye temperature can be treated as the rigidity
of the crystal lattice. The rigidity of a lattice can be changed. For instance, one may change
the fabrication process by making it amorphous or by the other processing means. Tishin
(1998c) proposed that the Debye temperature can be effected significantly by addition of
different elements to magnetic compounds. For example, additions of C, N or B are known
to lead to a unit cell volume increase (swelling) of a magnetic material.
tl ;
0 0
Fig. 7.13. Temperaturedependences of the MCE in a Tb0.2Gd0.8 single crystal measuredwith the field applied
along the c-axiswith AH = 60 kOe (curve 1) and 10kOe (curve2). Also shownare the temperaturedependences
of the specificmagnetizationin a field of 60 kOe (curve3) and 10 kOe (curve4) (Nikitin et al. 1988b).
The measurements along the hard c-axis revealed more complex MCE behavior. The
temperature dependence of the MCE in the Tb0.2Gd0.8 alloy is shown in fig. 7.13 (curves 1
and 2). A maximum for the positive MCE can be observed near Tc = 282 K, as in the case
of H directed along the b-axis. However, as the sample is cooled down, a sign change of
the MCE takes place below Tc, where it becomes negative. The sign inversion temperature
shifts towards lower temperatures in higher fields. Near Tc the MCE behavior is correlated
with the temperature dependences of the magnetization (see fig. 7.13 and eq. (2.16)). For
H = 60 kOe the tr(T) curve has a form usually observed for ferromagnets and the MCE
displays a maximum. For H = 10 kOe there is a maximum in the tr(T) curve. The max-
imum appears due to the ordering of the magnetic moments in the basal plane in fields
which are not high enough to orient them along the c-axis below Tc. The maximum in the
A T ( T ) curve for A H = 10 kOe is observed at the temperature where ~a/OT is negative
and has a maximum value (see curves 2 and 4 in fig. 7.13). The negative MCE corre-
sponds to positive atr/~T. The behavior of the temperature and field dependences of the
MCE in Tb0.2Gd0.8 for magnetization along the c-axis near Tc were discussed by Nikitin
et al. (1981) in the framework of the Landau theory of the second-order transitions.
The reasons for the appearance of a negative MCE in T b - G d alloys in the low tempera-
ture range in fields applied along the hard axis were considered by Nikitin et al. (1988b).
The total MCE was presented as consisting of three contributions:
Ordering temperatures TN or TC, temperature of the maximum in the A T (T) curves (TTax), temperature of the
maximum in the ASM(T) curves (TSax) and maximum values of ASM (at T = TmSax)and AT (at T = TTax)
induced by a magnetic field change for the rare earth alloys.
Alloy TC; TN, TTmax, AT, AH, TSax, --ASM, AH,
K K K kOe K J/mol K kOe
where 09 is the angle between the total spontaneous magnetization vector is and the c-axis,
K1 is the anisotropy constant, ZRR is the exchange integral for the indirect interaction
between the Tb and Gd magnetic moments, ITb and IGd are the magnetizations of the
Tb and Gd sublattices,respect~ely; OTb and OGd are the angles between the sublattice
magnetization vectors ITb and IGd and the c-axis. The first term, calculated by eq. (2.16),
is due to the variation of exchange interaction inside the Tb and Gd sublattices ( H cos 69
is the projection of the field on the magnetization vector is), i.e., the paraprocess. The
second term in eq. (7.6) is due to the rotation of Is from the basal plane to the c-axis
against anisotropy forces. The last term describes the variation of the exchange interaction
between Tb and Gd magnetic sublattices, which leads to a change of the angle between iTb
and iTGdand the formation of a noncollinear magnetic structure.
The calculations by eq. (7.6) on the basis of experimental data for the Tb0.2Gd0.8 alloy
showed that for A H = 60 kOe the anisotropy contribution to the MCE (the second term
in eq. (7.6)) is negative and its absolute value increases up to the temperature of the spin-
reorientation transition near 223 K (where a magnetization component along the c-axis
appears) and then remains constant (approximately - 4 K). The contribution from the para-
process is positive and has substantial values near the Curie temperature. At T = 223 K
it reaches a value of about 4.3 K. The last term in eq. (7.6) is small and negative below
223 K. The total MCE calculated as a sum of these three contributions is in good ac-
cordance with experimentally measured negative MCE below 223 K for A H = 60 kOe
(Nikitin et al. 1988b).
TABLE7.4 (Continued)
alloy on the basis of magnetization measurements and eq. (2.71). The A SM maximum was
found near Tc for A H = 10 kOe.
Gd-Er alloys exhibit more complex magnetic structures (Bozorth 1967; Millhouse and
Koehler 1970; Fujii et al. 1976). Below TN, AFM structures are observed if the Er concen-
tration exceeds 30 at.%, but they are more complicated than simple helicoidal. As in Er,
spin oscillations along the c-axis take place. The complex magnetic structures cause the
appearance of maxima in the A T ( T ) curves at TN and ire, where a transitions from AFM
to a ferromagnetic spiral-type structure occurs. In the Gd0.8Er0.2 alloy the MCE maximum
is due to the PM-FM transition, and for the others investigated alloys it is due to an AFM-
ferromagnetic spiral transition. The magnetic entropy change ASM was calculated from
the magnetization data for Gd0.84Er0.16 alloy by Tishin (1990d) and for Gd0.9Er0.1 and
Gd0.69Er0.31 alloys by Smaili and Chahine (1996). The MCE and ASM values for Gd-Ho
and Gd-Er alloys are presented in table 7.4.
It was found that the maximum MCE value near TN is proportional to TN in Gd-Ho and
Gd-Er alloys (Nikitin et al. 1985b). Since TN "~ G 2/3, where G = (gj - 1 ) 2 j ( j + 1) is de
Gennes factor, A T(TN) should be approximately proportional to G 2/3. Such a dependence
(for an average de Gennes factor) was observed in Gd-Ho and Gd-Er alloys.
The magnetic entropy change ASM for Gd-Dy alloys was calculated by Burkhanov
et al. (1991 ) and Smaili and Chahine (1997) from the magnetization data. Maxima of A SM
were observed near the temperatures of transition from the paramagnetic to the magneti-
cally ordered state. Their values are presented in table 7.4.
where GHAFM and GHAFMare the Gibbs energy in the FM and HAFM states, respectively.
The Gibbs energy in the corresponding magnetic phase was written down as:
where Fex is the free energy of the exchange interaction between the basal planes, Eme
is the energy of the magnetoelastic interaction, E~ is the basal plane anisotropy energy,
and I is the magnetization. From eqs (7.7) and (7.8) it follows that the MCE due to the
HAFM-FM transition at H = Her is:
where A denotes the change of the corresponding parameter across the transition ( A I =
IFM -- IHAFM). The calculations were made on the basis of experimental data on mag-
netostriction, anisotropy and magnetization and showed that for T ~ 137 K > Tc in
Tb0.835Y0.135 the main contribution to AT(Her) comes from interplane exchange and mag-
netoelastic energy changes. The last contribution is due to the giant magnetostriction across
the field induced HAFM-FM transition. As the temperature increases, the role of this con-
tribution decreases and the negative exchange and positive Zeeman contributions become
prevalent. Near the tricritical temperature TK = 190 K these contributions compensate
each other and AT(Her) = 0. The results of calculations are confirmed by experimental
A T ( H ) curves.
Nikitin and Tishin (1989) measured the MCE in TbxYl-x alloys in fields up to 60 kOe.
The temperature dependence of the MCE in the Tb0.1Y0.9 alloy measured along the b-axis
shows a maximum near the magnetic ordering temperature TN. Upon cooling the MCE
changes sign and becomes negative. When the field was applied along the c-axis the max-
imum of positive MCE near TN was broader than in the case of that H was applied
along the b-axis. At T = 30 K a MCE minimum was observed with A T = - 0 . 1 7 K
at A H = 60 kOe. These data lead to the conclusion that application of a magnetic field
along the c-axis results in a transformation of the magnetic structure. A ferromagnetic spi-
ral seems to appear for the case that H is applied along the c-axis, when the magnetization
has a ferromagnetic component along the c-axis and its basal plane component remains
Figure 7.14 shows the temperature dependences of the MCE in Tb0.63Y0.37 alloy for H
applied along b-axis. When A H < 22 kOe the MCE changes sign at low temperatures and
displays a minimum with a value of - 0 . 6 K at T = 168 K and A H = 15 kOe. In stronger
fields ( A H > 22 kOe), a negative MCE is not observed. This can be explained by the
complicated temperature behavior of the MCE contribution arising from the destruction
of the HAFM structure (see the magnetic phase diagram Her(T) in the inset in fig. 7.14).
Near TN the MCE is mainly controlled by the paraprocess and has a sharp maximum.
The negative MCE in Th0.1Y0.9 and Tb0.63Y0.37 alloys was explained by the authors by
the field-induced distortion of the HAFM structure which reduces, in the initial stage, the
magnetic ordering and increases the magnetic entropy. The MCE maximum values near TN
in TbxYl-x alloys are presented in table 7.4. The maximum ASM values were calculated
by eq. (2.77) on the basis of MCE and heat capacity data (Nikitin and Tishin 1989).
Tishin (1988) investigated the MCE in a Dy0.TY0.3 single crystal in fields applied along
the easy magnetization axis a. The MCE measurements made by a direct method for
A H = 20-50 kOe revealed two maxima: at T = 70 K and TN = 135 K, which were
explained by the complicated character of the temperature dependence of the critical field
Fig. 7.14. Temperature dependences of the MCE in the Tb0.63Y0.37 alloy in fields applied along the b-axis:
(1) AH = 15 kOe; (2) 20 kOe; (3) 25 kOe; (4) 35 kOe; (5) 45 kOe; (6) 60 kOe. The insert shows the magnetic
phase diagram Her(T) (Nikitin and Tishin 1989).
Her(T). For A H ~< 20 kOe temperature dependence of the MCE displays one maximum
near TN. Negative MCE values are observed in the temperature interval from 90 to 110 K
for A H < 25 kOe. By analogy with Dy, this was explained by the formation of a fan
structure. The A T ( H ) c u r v e s are similar to those for Dy and provide evidence that the
H A F M - F M transition is of the first order in the interval from 4.2 to 110 K. In the region
from 65 to 135 K this transition occurs via an intermediate fan structure. The H A F M - f a n
transition is of the first order in the interval from 65 to 110 K and of the second order
above 110 K, where no jumps were observed in A T ( H ) curves. At the tricritical point
TK = 110 K the MCE due to the destruction of the HAFM structure is equal to zero and
because of this a minimum in the A T ( T ) curve was observed.
Nikitin et al. (1989c) measured the MCE in polycrystalline T b x D y l - x alloys with x -----
0.25; 0.5 and 0.75 by a direct method. The temperature dependences of the MCE for
A H = 13 kOe (the maximum Her for Dy is about 10 kOe (Nikitin et al. 1991b)) in the
alloys with x ~< 0.5 have two maxima and resemble those of the G d - H o alloys with high
Ho content (see section 7.2.2). For Tb0.sDy0.5 alloy the value of the high-temperature
maximum at T = 207 K. For the latter, A T ~ 1.7 K is larger than for the low-temperature
maximum at T = 175 K ( A T ~ 1.1 K). F o r x = 0.25 the maxima are approximately
equal. The authors related these maxima with the H A F M - F M and H A F M - P M transitions.
In this section we shall consider the experimental investigations of the MCE in various
nanocomposite systems which have attracted attention in recent years.
Shao et al. (1996a, 1996b) studied the MCE in nanocomposite ribbons prepared by a
copper-sheated rolling technique from Gd0.85Tb0.15, Gd0.85Y0.15 and Gd0.75Zr0.25 alloys.
The arc-melted and homogenized alloys were resolidified into amorphous particles about
20 nm in diameter by melt-spinning. Then these particles were milled within a sealed
agate bowl containing agate balls. This method allowed it to obtain powder particles finer
than mesh size 360 nm. X-ray analyzes showed that the milling led to the formation of
nanocrystallites of 10-20 nm size within the original amorphous particles, although part of
them remained amorphous. The powder was packed into an annealed copper tube, sealed
at both ends and then rolled into the copper sheated nanocomposite ribbon. The powder
density in the ribbon was about 80% of that of the corresponding bulk alloy. The samples
cut from the composite ribbons had the dimensions of 5 x 5 x 0.8 mm.
Heat capacity measurements made on the ribbons in the temperature range of 280-310 K
revealed an increase with a maximum mean value of 57.9% for Gd0.85Y0.15. On the other
hand, the Curie temperature was reduced in the ribbons. Shao et al. (1996a) related these
experimental facts with the large proportion of interface atoms arranged in disorder, which
changed the interatomic distances and lowered the number of the nearest neighbors.
The MCE (and ASM) in nanosized Gd0.85Y0.15 ribbons was higher than in bulk material
at temperatures above 240 K, see fig. 8.1. Such behavior is characteristic for superpara-
magnets (see fig. 2.4). At the same time no enhancement in the MCE was observed in the
investigated Gdo.85Tbo.15 and Gdo.75Zno.25 ribbons.
Investigation of magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of amorphous Dy70Zr30 and
Dy30ZrTo allowed Giquere et al. (1999) to conclude that the materials can be considered as
nanocomposites with interacting clusters.
m . --mmm-- r
210 230 270 290 310
Temperature (K)
Fig. 8.1. Temperature dependences of the MCE induced by AH = 10 kOe magnetic field in Gd0.85Y0.15 system
in bulk and nanosized states (Shao et al. 1996a).
Many investigations were devoted to the studies of the MCE (or the corresponding
magnetic entropy change) in the nanocomposite compound Gd3Gas-xFexO12 (x < 2.5),
also known as gadolinium gallium iron garnet (GGIG). Results have been presented by
McMichael et al. (1993b), Shull et al. (1993), and Shull (1993a, 1993b). It is a magnetic
nanocomposite present as a single crystallographic phase which according to X-ray data
has the gadolinium gallium garnet (Gd3GasO12 (GGG)) structure. The magnetic properties
change considerably after addition of Fe relative to GGG which has simple paramagnetic
behavior above 1 K (McMichael et al. 1993a, 1993b; Numazawa et al. 1996). Magnetiza-
tion measurements reveal superparamagnetic behavior for 0 ~< x ~< 2.5 and ferromagnetic
behavior for x ~> 2.5. It is supposed that the formation of magnetic nano-scaled clusters
is due to Gd-Gd interactions of the superexchange type realized via the Fe atoms (Shull
1993). Ferromagnetic resonance and M6ssbauer spectroscopy data confirm that GGIG con-
sists of nano-sized magnetic clusters.
Figure 8.2 shows the magnetic entropy change after removal of 9 kOe, calculated by
eq. (2.71) for GGIG with x = 0, 1, 1.75, 2.5, and 5 on the basis of magnetization data.
One can see an obvious increase of ASM in the high-temperature region for increasing
iron concentration. This is in qualitative agreement with theoretical results presented in
fig. 2.2 under the assumption that higher iron concentration corresponds to larger cluster
sizes. Extrapolation shows that samples with smaller x will have larger ASM values below
6 K. The intersections of the ASM curves for x 5~ 0 with the GGG curve occur at higher
temperatures when x increases, which was also predicted by theoretical calculations (see
fig. 2.2). Measurements for A H = 50 kOe showed that addition of iron to GGG did not
cause such strong magnetic entropy changes as for A H ---- 9 kOe, but the enhancement
was still significant for temperatures above 9 K. It was established by Shull et al. (1993)
that for x = 1.75 no hysteresis losses were observed.
McMichael et al. (1993a, 1993b) investigated ASM(T) curves for rapidly solidified
Nd0A4(Fel-xAlx)0.sB0.06 alloys (x = 0; 0.1; 0.2) for A H = 9 kOe in the tempera-
ture range of 290-500 K. X-ray analyzes showed that the material, produced in the form
of melt-spun ribbons, was structurally amorphous. ASM(T) curves were calculated from
magnetization data by eq. (2.71). Figure 8.3 shows that near the Curie temperatures (de-
termined by differential scanning calorimetry) broad peaks of ASM are observed. The
m X=0
2.0 ..... x=l
....... x=1.75
'-- x=2.5
C~ ~1, , = - x--5
O9 1.0
\~,2.',-.:"="~.:-.--- ...........
0 20 4o ~ eo loo
T e m p e r a t u r e (K)
Fig. 8.2. Experimental temperature dependences of the magnetic entropy change ASM(T) after removal of a
magnetic field of 9 kOe in Gd3Ga5_xFexO12 (0 ~< x ~< 5) (McMichael et al. 1993b).
I ..W \
.....,.-: ~, -,.,o
~L:. ...~'y k ' \
" ~ 7 ; , ...... X "* "7.L~,.
0 I I I I '-
300 880 460
Temperature (K)
Fig. 8.3. Experimental temperature dependences of the magnetic entropy change AS M (T) for AH = 9 kOe in
rapidly solidified Nd0.14(Fel_xAlx)0.8B0.06 alloys (McMichael et al. 1993a).
obtained results were interpreted in the framework of mean field calculations made for su-
perferromagnets (see fig. 2.4). The experimental ASM (T) curve for x = 0.2 was shown to
be in good agreement with that calculated for cluster magnetic moments of about 20/zB,
corresponding to about 10 atoms of Fe. It was concluded that the magnetic structure of the
alloy can be regarded as consisting of regions with local concentration fluctuations, rather
than an assembly of distinct nanometersized magnetic particles dispersed in a nonmagnetic
matrix. However, the magnetocaloric properties of these alloys display the characteristics
predicted for superferromagnet nanocomposites.
Kokorin et al. (1984) studied the water quenched alloys Cu0.783Ni0.13Fe0.087 and
Cu0.63Ni0.22Fe0.15. It was shown that the alloys were inhomogeneous solid solutions
consisting of a nonmagnetic matrix with low concentration of Fe and Ni, and ferromag-
netic inclusions rich in Fe and Ni, dispersed in the matrix. Mean dimension of the inclu-
sions were 3-5 nm. Subsequent annealing of the samples at 773-973 K led to size increase
of the inclusions. Also their number and the concentration of Ni and Fe in the inclusions
According to magnetic susceptibility measurements Cu0.783Ni0.13Fe0.87 displays at
some temperature (at about 77 K for the as-quenched state and at about 300 K for the
annealed state) a transition to a spin-glass like state due to the interactions between the
magnetic clusters (Kokorin and Perekos 1978). At this transition no A T maximum was
observed. At high temperatures, where the alloys displayed superparamagnetic behavior, a
maximum of the MCE was found. This was attributed to the occurrence of ferromagnetic
order inside the inclusions according to the second term in eq. (2.103). The maximum
MCE value was AT ~ 10 -2 for A H = 15 kOe at T ~ 750 K for the annealed state. The
temperature of the A T maximum corresponds to the Curie temperature of the magnetic
particles in the material (628 K for the as-quenched state and 740 K for the annealed state).
The Cu0.63Ni0.25Fe0.15 alloy is characterized by stronger interactions between the mag-
netic inclusions. It displays a superferromagnetic type of order, occurring at a tempera-
ture TI, which is close to the Curie temperature of the inclusions in the material. That is
why the observed MCE (with a maximum value about 0.015 K for A H = 15 kOe near
700 K) and the magnetic susceptibility anomaly approximately coincide on the temperature
scale (Kokorin et al. 1984).
The Gds(SixGel-x)4 alloys, some of which exhibit a large magnetocaloric effect, were in-
vestigated by Pecharsky and Gschneidner (1997a, 1997b, 1997c, 1997d). Three phase re-
gions were found: the GdsSi4-based solid solution for 0.5 < x ~< 1, the GdsSi4-based solid
solution for 0 ~< x ~< 0.2 (both these phases have an orthorhombic crystalline structure)
and a ternary phase with the monoclinically distorted GdsSi4 structure for 0.24 ~< x ~< 0.5.
Magnetic and heat capacity measurements allowed to construct a magnetic phase diagram.
The alloys with 0.5 < x ~< 1 have simple ferromagnetic structures with the Curie tem-
peratures from 295 to 335 K. The alloys with 0 ~< x ~< 0.2 order in two steps: ferrimag-
netically at the upper transition temperature and ferromagnetically at the lower one. The
upper transition temperature is almost independent of composition ('-~ 130 K), while the
lower transition temperature decreases proportionally (down to 20 K) with decreasing x.
The ternary solid solution phase alloys (0.24 ~< x ~< 0.5) also order magnetically in two
steps. Upon cooling they initially order at Tel to form a ferromagnetic structure 1 with a
low net magnetic moment and later the second transition to a ferromagnetic structure 2 (at
Tc2) occurs. The difference between Tel and Tc2 for x = 0.24-0.5 is about 40 K. For all the
alloys with x ~< 0.5 the high-temperature magnetic transition is of the second-order type
and the lower one is the first-order transition. Heat capacity measurements showed that
the first-order nature of the lower magnetic transition was preserved even in high magnetic
fields ( ~ 100 kOe).
AH = 50 kOe
--O-- x = 0
16 x = 0.0575
--,o-- x = 0.0825
x = 0.225
x = 0.2525
x = 0.43
x =O.S
1 )
w ~
Fig. 9.1. Temperature dependence of the M C E induced by A H = 50 kOe for the G d s ( S i x G e l _ x ) 4 alloys
(Pecharsky and Gschneidner 1997b).
increase with simultaneous [ASMI decrease. The maximum value of IASMI found for
Gds(Si~.985Gel.985Nio.83) was IASMI ,~ 12.4 J / k g K for A H = 50 kOe at T ~ 296 K.
This was related by the authors with the loss of the first-order nature of the magnetic phase
transition, which was confirmed by magnetization measurements. The addition of carbon
and aluminum acted similarly as Fe, Co, Ni and Cu, leading to the elimination of the first-
order transition and to conditions for the occurrence of a giant MCE. Addition of Ga in
an amount of 0.33 at.% preserved the first-order nature of the lower magnetic transition in
Gd5(Si2Ge2) and increased its temperature from Tc2 ~ 276 K to about 286 K. The --ASM
value for Gds(Sil.985Gel.985Gao.03) was ~17.6 J / k g K at T ~ 286 K and the maximum
A T value was about 14.8 K at T ~ 292 K for A H = 50 kOe, which is almost the same as
in Gds(Si2Ge2) alloy. The substitution of 0.67 at.% Ga shifted the magnetic ordering tem-
perature to higher temperatures of about 300 K, but led to the loss of the giant MCE (the
maximum value of IA SM [ was about 9.5 J/kg K at T ~ 300 K). It should be noted that the
heat capacity measurements of Gds(Si1.985Gel.985Gao.03) showed that the lower and upper
magnetic transitions merged between 50 and 75 kOe into the single second-order transition
at temperatures above 320 K.
The magnetic properties and ASM were examined in Ro.7TMo.3 (R = Gd, Tb, Dy and
Er; TM = Fe and Ni) and Gd0.65Co0.35 amorphous alloys by Liu et al. (1996a). The melt
spanning was used to form ribbons 30--40 ~tm thick and 20 mm wide. The amorphism of
the samples was confirmed by X-ray diffraction analysis. The heat capacity was measured
for Gdo.TNio.3, Ero.7Feo.3 and Gd0.65Co0.35 and used to calculate ASM(T) and AT(T)
curves by the method described in section 3.3. For other alloys ASM was obtained on the
basis of magnetization data.
Magnetic and the M6ssbauer measurements showed, that below the Curie temperature
, the investigated alloys ordered ferromagnetically for R = Gd and displayed complex non-
collinear magnetic structures for anisotropic R ions. The magnetic moment of the 3d
ions was small or did not exist, so the magnetothermal properties were determined by
the R magnetic subsystem. The coercivity near Tc was negligible even in the alloys with
anisotropic R ions, although magnetic saturation was not achieved in these alloys in high
magnetic fields. The Curie temperatures of the alloys, obtained from magnetization mea-
surements, are shown in table 10.1.
The ASM(T) and AT(T) curves for Gdo.7Nio.3, Ero.TFeo.3 and Gd0.65Co0.35 alloys are
presented in fig. 10.1. One can see that the curves have broad maxima with relatively low
heights near Tc. The zero-field heat capacity measurements showed that a ),-type anomaly
at Tc is absent in these alloys. Such behavior in these amorphous materials was explained
by the authors by the broad character of magnetic phase transition due to fluctuations of the
exchange integrals resulting from the structural disorder. Calculations of the temperature
dependences of the heat capacity made by the authors for various degrees of exchange
integral fluctuations in the framework of MFA, confirmed this proposition.
Further investigations of the magnetothermal properties of amorphous R - T M alloys
were made by Liu et al. (1996b) on Ro.7(FexNil-x)0.3 (R = Gd and Dy) melt-spun rib-
bons. It was found that the addition of Fe led to an increase of Tc from 130 to 300 K for
TABLE 10.1
The Curie temperature TC, temperature of the maximum in the ~xT (T) curves (TTax); temperature of the maxi-
m u m i n the A S M ( T ) curves (TSax) and maximum values of ASM (at T = TmSax)and A T (at T = TTax) induced
by a magnetic field change A H for some amorphous alloys.
Alloy TC, TTax, AT, A H, TSmax, -- A S M, A H,
K K K kOe K J/mol K kOe
* In 1cJ i m 3 K
(a) Liu et al. (1996a) (c) Maeda et al. (1983)
(b) Liu et al. (1996b) (d) Belova et al. (1984)
AH = 8 0 kOe
I 2 1
0 o
0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300
Temperature (K) ~mperature (K)
Fig. 10.1. Temperature dependence of --ASM (a) and MCE (b) induced by AH = 80 kOe in Gd0.7Ni0.3 (1),
Er0.7Fe0.3 (2) and Gd0.65Co0.35(3) amorphousalloys (Liuet al. 1996a).
sented in table 10.1. The substitution of Fe for part of the Ni led to broadening of the
ASM maximum with a simultaneous reduction of its value: 31% for Gdo.7(FexNil-x)0.3
and 12% for Dyo.7(FexNil-x)o.3 for a variation of x from 0 to 0.4 and A H = 70 kOe.
It should be noted, that in Dyo.7Nio.3 below 10 K positive ASM values were induced by
the application of a magnetic field. The authors explained this as an artificial effect caused
by spin-glass magnetization behavior in this temperature interval. The ASM broadening
was related with the additional concentration fluctuations and further broadening of the ex-
change integral distribution arising from the substitution of Fe for part of the Ni. The MCE
in Gd0.7Nio.3 was determined on the basis of ASM calculated from magnetization data. It
was larger than that calculated by Liu et al. (1996a) from the heat capacity measurements,
see table 10.1.
Maeda et al. (1983) studied the magnetic properties of amorphous (Fel-xNix)o.9Zro.l
(x = 0, 0.01, 0.02, and 0.03) and (Zro.95Mo.05)o.9Zr0.I (M = A1, Si, Ga, Ge, and Sn)
alloys, prepared by melt-spinning and piston anvil-quenching techniques. Magnetic fields
up to 70 kOe were used. The ASM(T) curves, obtained on the basis of these data, showed
a broad maximum near the Curie temperature Tc. The maximum ASM values and Tc
are presented in table 10.1. The values of Tc and ASM increased with increasing x. The
atomic number of the M element in the (Feo.95M0.o5)Zro.1 alloys had a small influence on
the maximum ASM value.
Belova et al. (1984) measured directly the MCE of a melt-spun ferromagnetic amor-
phous Feo.osCoo.TSio.15B0.1o ribbon. In the AT(T) curve a maximum with the value of
AT = 0.11 K was observed near Tc = 645 K for A H = 10 kOe. In the temperature range
from 390 to 465 K an additional AT anomaly was found, which was related by the authors
with the temperature dependence of the local anisotropy constant.
Fuerst et al. (1994) prepared GdxAgl-x (x = 0.50; 0.70; 0.75; 0.77; 0.80; 1) alloy
ribbons by melt spinning in order to form a system containing small magnetic particles.
X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy analysis showed that the Gd rib-
bons consist of hexagonal Gd grains 0.5 p.m in size. With decreasing x the amount of an
amorphous Gd-Ag component increased. Gd0.755Ag0.225 ribbons contained 100 ,~ sized
Gd grains embedded in an amorphous matrix with composition Gd0.sAg0.5. A similar pic-
ture was observed for x = 0.7. In Gd0.sAg0.5 ribbons crystalline GdAg grains (with a mean
diameter of about 100 A) but no gadolinium grains were found. From magnetization mea-
surements ASM(T) curves were calculated with the help of eq. (2.71) for A H = 9 kOe.
The Gd ribbon exhibited a IA SMI maximum (with a value of about 2.5 J/kg K) near 290 K,
which is lower than that for bulk Gd (about 3 J/kg K, as measured by the authors). For
0.7 <~ x ~< 0.8 two broad IASMI maxima were observed, one near 280 K, and another
in the interval 100-120 K. Their heights were 1.25, 0.75 and 0.1 J / k g K for the high-
temperature maximum and 0.25, 0.6, 0.9 J/kg K for the low-temperature maximum for
x = 0.8, 0.775, and 0.7, respectively. The authors related the former maximum with the
Tc of the 100 ]k sized particles of Gd and the latter maximum with the Tc of the ferromag-
netic amorphous Gd0.sAg0.5 alloy.
~ g
Tol d Thot
Temperature (K)
Fig. 11.1. S - T diagram of thermodynamic cycles used for magnetic refrigeration. Two isofield curves are shown:
for H = 0 and H ~ 0 (Kuz'min and Tishin 1993a).
the passive magnetic regenerators using Er3Ni compound appeared after investigations
of heat capacity of various R-Ni compounds made in Japan by Hashimoto and cowork-
ers (see section 6.2). Kuriyama et al. (1990) and Sahashi et al. (1990) used Er3Ni in a
two-stage Gifford-McMahon (G-M) refrigerator as the low-temperature stage regenerator.
Later ErNi0.9Co0A, ErNi0.8Co0.2, Er0.9Yb0.1Ni alloys and their combinations with Er3Ni
were used as regenerators (Kuriyama 1994; Hashimoto et al. 1995; Satoh et al. 1996;
Takashi et al. 1997). The use of passive magnetic regenerators allowed it to reach 4.2 K
and to increase the cooling power in G-M refrigerators. Long et al. (1995a, 1995b) inves-
tigated heat capacity of the ErxDyl-xSb and RNiGe (R = Gd, Dy, Er and Y) compounds
which can be suitable to regenerators in G-M refrigerators. The suggestion to use Nd (or-
dering temperature 20 K) as a regenerator was made by Chafe et al. (1997).
Fluid I
I 1~.
Cold end~
Load - / ~ L
Fig. 11.2. Magnetic refrigeratorusing the Ericssoncycle.A solid circleindicates that the field is switchedon
(Brown 1976).
solids strongly increases, which leads to a decrease Of the Carnot cycle area (see rectangle
abcd in fig. 11.1). That is why applications of the Carnot-type refrigerators are restricted
to temperatures region below 20 K.
Magnetic refrigerators operating at higher temperatures have to employ other thermody-
namic cycles, including processes at constant magnetic field. Such cycles, as distinct from
the Carnot cycle, allow to use the area between the curves H = 0 and H 5~ 0 in the S - T
diagram more fully. The rectangles AFCE and AGCH presents the Ericsson and Brayton
cycles, respectively. The two cycles differ in the way the field change is accomplished,
isothermally in the Ericsson cycle and adiabatically in the Brayton cycle. Realization of
isofield processes in both of these cycles requires heat regeneration.
An example of magnetic refrigerator using the regenerative magnetic Ericsson cycle is
the device proposed by Brown (1976), see fig. 11.2. The regenerator consists of a vertical
column with fluid (0.4 dm 3, 80% water and 20% alcohol). The magnetic working material
immersed in the regenerator consists of 1 mol of 1 mm thick Gd plates, separated by screen
wire to allow the regeneration fluid to pass through in the vertical direction. The working
material is held stationary in a water-cooled electromagnet while the tube containing the
fluid oscillates up and down.
The first stage (fig. 11.2(a)) is isothermal magnetization, with the regenerator in its low-
est position, so that the working material is at its top. Then, at constant field (H = 70 kOe),
the regenerator tube is moved upwards (fig. 11.2(b)). The field is then reduced and cool-
ing occurred (fig. 11.2(c)). At the last stage the working material passes back through the
regenerator (fig. 11.2(d)). Then the cycle is repeated. If initially the regenerator fluid is at
room temperature, after about 50 cycles the temperature at the top can reach +46C and
the temperature at the bottom can reach - 1 C. The temperature gradient in this device is
maintained in the regenerator column.
In the AMR refrigerator the magnetic working material and regenerator are joint in one
unit. The idea of such device was proposed by Barclay and Steyert (1982a). In this case the
temperature gradient exists inside the working material and such cycle cannot be described
by a conventional gas cycle analogue (Hall et al. 1996). The theory of the AMR cycle
was developed by Barclay and Steyert (1982a), DeGregoria (1992), Hall et al. (1996) and
Johnson and Zimm (1996). Initially it was found that the reversible AMR cycle requires a
linear increase of the MCE with increasing temperature in the working material (see Reid
et al. 1994). Then it was argued that this requirement is not necessary and only definite
boundary conditions should be fulfilled on the cold and hot ends of the regenerator (Hall
et al. 1996). The AMR refrigerators were demonstrated to operate in cryogenic tempera-
ture regions (Wang et al. 1995) and near the room temperature (Green et al. 1990; Zimm
et al. 1998).
Let us consider the AMRR construction created by Zimm et al. (1998), which is shown
in fig. 11.3. A magnetic field up to 50 kOe was provided by a helium cooled supercon-
ducting solenoid working in the persistent mode. Two beds, each composed of 1.5 kg of
Gd spheres, were used as the AMR. The spheres had a diameter between 150 and 300 txm
and were made by a plasma-rotating electrode process. The beds were by turns moved in
and out of the dewar bore with a magnetic field. Water was used as a heat transfer fluid.
The working cycle of the device started with water cooling by blowing it through the de-
magnetized bed located inside the magnetic area (bottom position in fig. 11.3). Then the
water passed through the cold heat exchanger picking up the thermal load from the cooling
object. After this the water was blown through the magnetized bed located in the mag-
netic field area where it absorbed the heat evolved due to the MCE. Next the water passed
through the hot heat exchanger, giving up the heat absorbed from the magnetized bed. The
cycle was finished by removing of the magnetized bed from the magnet and replacing it by
the demagnetized one. During the movement of the beds the water flow was stopped. One
cycle takes a minimum of 6 s (0.17 Hz). Such a device, working at 0.17 Hz with the field of
50 kOe in the room temperature range with the temperature span of 5 K, provided a cooling
power of 600 watts (which is about 100 times better than in previous constructions) with a
maximum efficiency of 60% that of the Carnot process.
along [0 0 1] direction (c-axis) (Kolmakova et al. 1990). The working material, having the
shape of a cylinder cut along the [1 0 0] direction (a-axis), rotates from the b-axis to the
c-axis. The rotation of the single crystal with a volume of 10 cm 3 requires about 75 J. The
rotation causes demagnetization and, consequently, cooling due to the MCE. The device
allows the use of a short-circuited superconducting solenoid for producing the field, which
can significantly reduce its weight. The advantages of this design is its simplicity and the
possibility of miniaturization.
Daudin et al. (1982) suggested a solid solution between DyVO4 and Gd3GasO12 as a
working material for use in an Ericsson cycle in the low-temperature range. Tomokiyo
et al. (1985) proposed Dy3Ga5012 to be used in an Ericsson cycle below 20 K.
Initial studies in the room temperature range were carried out by Brown (1976), who
used gadolinium as a working material in his magnetic refrigerator (see section 11.2). It
Th =20K
I Qc
Fig. 11.4.Design of a magneticrefrigeratorusing DyAIO3 as a workingbody.The axis of rotationis parallel to
the crystalaxis a (Kuz'minand Tishin 1991).
should be noted that in almost all of the earlier studies it was proposed to use Gd (Tc =
293 K) as a working material for room temperature refrigerators. However, in the case
of Gd only the left part of the ASM(T) curve is used. It is therefore desirable to search
for working materials possessing performances as good as (or better than) Gd but having
the Curie temperatures 15-20 K below 293 K. The suggestion to use binary and more
complicated rare-earth alloys as a working bodies for the room temperature region was
made by Tishin (1990d).
For the application in the ideal Ericsson magnetic regenerator cycle a magnetic working
material should have a magnetic entropy change ASM that is constant in the cycle temper-
ature span. As a quantitative criterion of efficiency of the working material, the maximum
refrigerant capacity (ASMATeyc)maxw i t h AZcyc : Thot -- Tcold was used by Wood and
Potter (1985). This corresponds to a cycle area in the S-T plane that is maximized for a
given material, provided ASM is constant over the whole cycle. In real cycles, however, the
latter condition is usually violated. Irreversible processes in the real cycles are not taken
into account in the proposed estimation. A reasonable value of the refrigerant capacity that
might be realized in a real cycle of magnetic refrigerators is, according to Wood and Potter
(1985), about half of the computed value.
The maximum refrigerant capacity as defined above apparently depends on the value of
the magnetic field. To optimize refrigerator performance and cost by choosing the proper
field value, one may use the specific maximum refrigerant capacity (ASMATcyc)max/H
corresponding to a field change from 0 to H. Figure 11.5 shows the theoretical field de-
pendences of the specific maximum refrigerant capacity for Th-Gd alloys (Tishin 1990a).
ASM curves for the Th-Gd alloys were calculated on the basis ofMFA (Tb-Gd alloys with
Gd contents higher than 6 at.% order ferromagneticaUy). It can be seen that with increas-
ing Tb content, the specific maximum refrigerant capacity increases throughout the range
of magnetic fields. A sharp decrease in the refrigerant capacity with the field decrease be-
gins only for H ~< 10 kOe. Analysis of the data has led to two important conclusions
(Tishin 1990a): (1) the use of Tb-Gd alloys as magnetic refrigerators near room tempera-
ture is more effective than the use of pure Gd; (2) Gd and its alloys with Tb have a high
~____.__~f S f 4
,y E
o 0.5
2 4
Fig. 11.5. Dependence of the specific maximum refrigerant capacity (ASMATcyc)max/Hon the field for
TbxGdl_ x alloys for: (2) x = 0; (3) 0.1; (4) 0.2; (5) 0.3. Curve (1) presents heat Qcold transferred by Gd
from load per cycle of refrigeration (Tishin et al. 1990a).
specific refrigerant capacity over a wide range of fields from 10 to 60 kOe, which enables
one to construct magnetic refrigerators in which relatively weak fields are used.
Investigations in the room temperature region were continued by Tishin (1990d) with
ferromagnetic alloys Gd-Tb, Gd-Dy, Gd-Er and Gd-Ho of high Gd concentration. Their
ASM(T) curves were measured and calculated on the basis of MFA. These binary alloys
have the Curie temperatures close to room temperature. It was shown that Gd-Tb and Gd-
Dy alloys are the most promising ones as working materials.
Further progress in optimizing magnetic refrigerators can be achieved using complex
working bodies consisting of several parts, such as plates of foil, each prepared from a
certain alloy. The specific weight of each of the required alloys can be changed by varying
either the number of plates made from that alloy or the plate thickness. Roubeau, Steyert
and Barclay put forward the idea of using a magnetic refrigerator in which the ordering
temperature varies along the refrigeration column. Wood and Potter (1985) proposed the
use of a porous ferromagnetic refrigerant with such an arrangement.
Tishin (1990d) showed that for a complex working material made from Gd0.9Tb0.1 and
Gd0.4Tb0.6 in the ratio of 0.78 : 0.22 the value ASM = 0.3 J/mol K for A H = 10 kOe
can be achieved in the temperature interval from 255 to 295 K. Burkhanov et al. (1991)
carried out an experimental study of Gd-Dy alloys and revealed that a complex working
material consisting of 59% Gd and 41% Gd0.9Dy0.1 is the most promising refrigerant for
the room temperature region. The effective Curie point of this complex material is below
room temperature and ASM reaches a value of 0.8 J/mol K at 10C.
Rare earth alloys which can be used as working materials for magnetic refrigeration
in the temperature interval from 20 to 250 K have also been extensively studied (Tishin
1990e, 19900. A comparison of the refrigerant capacity of AFM rare earth metals and al-
loys with the results of Wood and Potter (1985) showed that the materials where the AFM
structure was destroyed by a relatively small magnetic field were often more advantageous
o N.
E N.
~',,, 1
I I [ [
0.5 I .0
Fig. 11.6. Dependenceof maximumrefrigerantcapacityof: (1) GdxHOl-x; (2) GdxTbl_x; (3) GdxDyl_x and
(4) GdxErl-x on Gd content x (H = 60 kOe) (Nikitin and Tishin 1988).
than ferromagnets. According to the temperature dependence of ASM (see fig. 7.5) the
rare earth metals are efficient within certain narrow temperature intervals. Thus, Ho is the
most suitable for cycles from 20 to 135 K, where its refrigerant capacity reaches 129 J/mol
for H = 60 kOe. Er is good enough for the range from 20 to 85 K, where its refrigerant
capacity is 72 J/mol for H = 60 kOe. For Dy (ASMATcyc)max ~- 87.3 J/mol in the
temperature interval from 100 to 190 K. The specific maximum refrigeration capacity was
considered by Tishin (1990f) who showed that Dy is a promising working material for re-
frigerators using relatively small ( ~ 10 kOe) magnetic fields, whereas Ho is advantageous
for H / > 50 kOe.
The results discussed above show that the problem of finding magnetic materials capable
of working in a cycle with a wide temperature span can most advantageously be solved by
using alloys of rare earth metals. With this end in view the Gd-Ho, Gd-Er, G d - T b and
G d - D y alloys were studied by Nikitin and Tishin (1988). Figure 11.6 shows the maximum
refrigeration capacity of these alloys for H = 60 kOe as a function of Gd content. Whereas
G d - D y alloys were found to be best for the room temperature range (see above), G d - H o are
preferable at lower temperatures. Thus, for fixed Ericsson cycle parameters, Thot = 300 K,
Tcold = 20 K and H = 60 kOe, a maximum refrigeration capacity of 60.5 J/mol is shown
by Gd0.8Ho0.2 alloy. Therefore this alloy can be recommended as a working material for a
magnetic refrigerator operating from room temperature down to 20 K.
Still better results in the range from 20 to 300 K can be achieved using a com-
plex working body. The best results were achieved with Ho, Tb0.sDy0.5 and Gd0.6Tb0.4,
working in the intervals 20-135, 135-215, and 215-300 K, respectively. In this case
( A S M A T c y c ) m a x ~i 269 J/mol (Tishin 1990e, 1990f).
Hashimoto (1986, 1991) proposed for the magnetic Ericsson cycle with a temperature
span from 10 to 80 K the use of complex magnetic materials consisting of RA12 intermetal-
lic compounds (R = heavy rare earth metal). A layered material with the composition
ERA12, HoA12 and Ho0.sDy0.sA12 in a molar ratio of 0.312:0.198 : 0.490 had an almost
constant ASM value of about 3 J / m o l K in the temperature range from 10 to 45 K for
A H = 50 kOe. A similar result was obtained for a complex sintered material of the same
composition. ASM in the complex sintered material composed of the (Gd0.9Dy0.1)3A12
and Gd3A12 compounds which can be used near room temperatures was studied by Chang
et al. (1998). A promising result was obtained below 35 K by Tomokiyo et al. (1986) using
RNi2 compounds (R = Dy, Ho, Er).
Pecharsky and Gschneidner (1997a, 1997b) proposed the use of the alloys Gds(Six
Gel-x)4 (see section 9) with large MCE as working materials for magnetic refrigerators.
It was shown that the temperature of the MCE maximum can be easily tuned between 30
and 275 K by changing x. Adding Ga led to an increase of the MCE maximum tempera-
ture to about 290 K. A comparison of the refrigerant capacity of some of Gds(SixGel-x)4
alloys with other magnetic materials used as refrigerants showed that the former possesses
25-70% more capacity than the latter (Gschneidner et al. 1998). (Gdl_xErx)NiA1 is an-
other promising working material for temperatures below 60 K. It has table-like A T ( T )
and ASM(T) curves in a wide interval as discussed in section 6.2 (Korte et al. 1998a).
Reid et al. (1994) considered the working body required for an AMR refrigerator with a
temperature span from 100 to 300 K. As it was noted above, initially it was supposed that
in an AMR refrigerator the working material should have a MCE increasing linearly with
the rising temperature. To achieve this it was proposed to use a layered material consisting
of Gd for the range 270-300 K, Tb for the range 220-240 K and Dy for the range of
170-185 K. No appropriate materials were suggested for the other temperature intervals.
A possible physical mixing with a magnetic material diluted by aluminum particles to
achieve the best A T ( T ) profile was also discussed.
Thus, we have considered the passive and active magnetic refrigerators and working
materials which can be used for their operation. Concluding, it is evident that magnetic
cooling is a promising technology for use in the refrigeration industry and will be one of
the important markets for the rare earth industry in the near future. At the same time it
is necessary to note that magnetic materials with large MCE value could be also utilized
for the creation of novel types of heat pumps. These magnetic heat pumps could operate
using thermodynamic cycles analogous to those used in magnetic refrigerators and could
be, in some cases, more effective than conventional heat pumps. However, the works in
this direction is currently practically absent.
The author wishes to thank S.Yu. l~an'kov, Prof. K.A. Gschneidner, Jr., Dr. M.D. Kuz'min,
Associate Prof. V.K. Pecharsky, Dr. Yu.I. Spichkin and other co-authors of jointly made
investigations of magnetocaloric effect for useful collaboration and helpful discussions,
which led to a more deep understanding of the physics of magnetocaloric effect and per-
mitted the author of this chapter to make a review of this matter. Author would like to thank
Prof. K.A. Gschneidner for the support of my work in this direction for the recent years.
The author thanks A.S. Chernyshov and M. Vinogradov for technical assistance.
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Subject Index
Btl (critical field at collinear-noncollinear transition) in Laves phase compounds, 340, 348, 356, 371
EFG of hexagonal Co, 129 gadolinium gallium iron garnet, 450, 502
elastocaloric effects giant magnetostriction
- for magnetic systems, 423 - in rare earth metals, 499
electric field gradient (EFG), 120, 133 Gibbs energy
electrical resistivity - in 3d metals, 441
- concentration dependence, 350 - in rare earth metals, 498
- derivation, expressions, 280 Gibbs free energy
- in Laves phase compounds, 287, 323,337, 350, 372 - in rare earth metals, 476
- temperature dependence, 309, 323, 337, 348, 353, - of magnetic materials, 401,404
354, 358, 361 Gifford-McMahon (G-M) refrigerator, 510
electron-phonon interaction, 409 granular systems, 17
electronic specific heat constant grooved substrate, 15
- derivation, expressions, 278
- magnetization or field dependence, 286 Hamiltonian
electronic thermal expansion coefficient - in magnetically ordered materials, 407, 414
- derivation, expressions, 344 heat capacity
enhancement effect of the NMR, 123 - of amorphous materials, 506
enhancement factor, 206 - of 3d intermetallics, 410
entropy - of intermetallic compounds, 460, 463, 465, 470,
- field induced, 409, 435 473,474
- in 3d metals, 409 - of magnetic materials, 402, 410, 412, 416, 417, 435
- in intermetallic compounds, 473 - of magnetic systems, 410
- in magnetic materials, 402, 412, 420 - of magnetic oxides, 452
- in magnetic systems, 409-412 - of rare earth metals, 478, 483,487
- in magnetically ordered materials, 409 heat capacity anomaly
- in perovskites, 455 - in intermetallic compounds, 464
- in rare earth metals, 494 - in magnetic materials, 416
entropy change HFF (hyperfine field)
- during adiabatic demagnetization, 403 - of bulk material, 105, 109
- field induced, 412, 415 - of Co alloys, 110
equation of state - o films, 113, 174
f t h i n