Amazing World of Plants - Tell Me Why #110 - 98
Amazing World of Plants - Tell Me Why #110 - 98
Amazing World of Plants - Tell Me Why #110 - 98
'Poor plants, they cannot even
walk', people generally say.
But are plants really so 'poor'
and helpless? Definitely not. Many
plants are blessed with survival
. skills that surpass those of even
the cleverest of animals.
For instance, there are plants
that are adept at hunting, and oth
ers that have ingenious ways to
defend themselves.The pitcher
plant is a well-known plant that
hunts insects by trapping them in
its leaves.
Look at the all-too-familiar,
'touch-me-not'. Touch it, and the
plant droops, and withdraws like a
shy child. In fact, it is cleverly
defending itself by playing dead!
There are plants that are good at
camouflage and adaptation too,
like living stones and baobabs.
This issue of Tell Me Why will
give you an insight into the fantas
tic world of plant wonders.
Which is the oldest liv The oldest living tree till 201 3, was
ing tree? 4845 years old! It was a bristleco ne
pine, which was lovingly named
B ristlecone pine trees Methuselah. The exact location of
dot the rocky landscape this tree was kept a secret, for its
of the White Mountains own protection.
in California.
There must be some
thing special about
these mountains, for the
two oldest trees in the
world have been found
Bristlecone Pine
Then researchers found an How do bristlecone pines help
even older tree in the same us understand climate chang
mountains. It is also a bristle es?
cone pine, and it is believed to
be 5062 years old ! B ristlecone pines are incred
In Sicily, the Tree of O ne ibly dense and resino us trees.
Hundred Horses is an enor The wood of these trees grows
mous chestnut near the Mount very, very slowly, and becomes
Etna volcano. It is thought to extremely hard over time.
be about 4,000 years old. Many bristlecone pines may
Its unusual name comes live for two or three thousand
from an old legend where years. L ike all trees, bristlecone
1 00 drenched knights and pines have growth rings that
their wet steeds sought ref give us a picture of the climate
uge from a thunderstorm during its lifetime.
beneath the tree's protective O nce the tree is in its third or
branches. fourth millennium, it will die.
Even when they are dead,
these trees still tend to remain
standing, and instead of rotting,
the wood hardens even more.
The patterns in the growth of
their rings give us a peek into
ancient climatic records. The
changes in bristlecone growth
patterns are giving researchers
clues about climate changes
Hello sir,
How old are
8 Tel l Me Why
Veg World
Which is your favourite vegetable?
Well, you have a choice of from over
the 2000 different varieties of plants
that we use as food!
tonnes, making the pando
he pando is a clonal colony the heaviest living organism
of quaking aspen trees. This on the planet, as well. This
massive colony grew from a colony of quaking aspen trees
single tree, and is spread over is also known as the 'trem
1 00 acres. bling giant'.
It is located in Fishlake The name is apt, because
National Forest in Utah, USA. the quaking aspen has leaves
There are around 47,000 trees that stir even in the gentlest
that share a giant underground breeze to produce a fluttering
root system . sound.
The pando is estimated to
have originated at least Pando
The effect of tens of thousands Lupinus Arcticus
of trees, fluttering their leaves
together can be unnerving as it a scientist, Dick Harrington,
invokes the feeling of an ancient along with his colleagues,
giant that is trembling. decided to see whether the
seeds were still able to
Why are plant seeds called time grow into plants.
Please keep
T he seeds of a plant generally
these for the
next century.
survive long after the plant has
died. Some seeds can grow into
plants even after thousands of
In 1 954, Harold Schmidt, an
engineer, discovered some seeds
in burrows about six metres below
the surface of the frozen ground of
the Canadian Arctic.
He told a number of local people
about his find, and put the seeds
in a dry place. Twelve years later,
10 Tel l Me Why
The seeds were put on
wet filter paper, and within
48 hours, they germinated!
Six young plants were even
tually transferred to pots,
and all of them grew into
healthy Lupinus arcticus
It is estimated that these
seeds were at least 1 0,000
years old. They had trav
elled through time in a fro
zen state, to sprout
thousands of years later!
T he silene stenophylla is
a flowering plant found in
Siberia. In 2007, more than
600,000 frozen mature and
immature seeds of this
plant were found buried in
squirrel burrows near the
banks of the river Kolyma.
It is believed that they Silene Stenophylla
were buried by arctic ground
squirrels during the Ice Age. some of the seeds. After more
Using special dating tech than 30,000 years, a siline steno
niques, it was determined phylla put forth pretty white flow
that the seeds were around ers, and bore fruit.
31 , 800 years old. This makes it the most ancient,
Scientists were also able viable, multi-cellular, living organ
to thaw and germinate ism on Earth.
If you touch the plant known as poi
son ivy, you will develop severe Itch
ing, and a bad rash. This is because
poison ivy contains a skin irritant
called urushiol.
12 Tel l Me Wh y
Hello This exceptionally
Mr. Fossil hardy species survived
Tree. three mass extinction
events over the past
quarter of a billion
Amazingly, it was
found to be the only sur
vlvmg plant species
near the epicentre of
the August 6th , 1 945
Hiroshima atomic bomb
Why is Ginkgo biloba called a living In September 1 945,
fossil? the area around the
blast centre was exam
inkgO biloba is native to China. It ined; and six Gingko
is known as a 'living fossil , ' because it biloba trees were found
appears to be the same as a plant standing.
species dating back 270 million years They budded shortly
in the fossil record. after the blast, without
major deformations,
and are still alive to this
day. Ginkgo has a repu
tation for longevity, with
some plants living to
over 1 ,000 years. In
addition, it appears that
extracts from this plant
can be very effective in
slowing the ageing pro
cess in human beings
as well.
Ginkgo Biloba
humble plant.
f orchids are the most
common among
perching plants, giant
bromeliads are the
Bromeliads come in
a wonderful variety of
sizes, shapes and foli
age colours.
Giant bromeliads are
found in the rain for bromeliad water tanks. Many others
ests of America, and actually live in the water held by bro
these huge plants look meliads!
a bit like immense In fact, scientists have found more
shuttlecocks. The flow than 250 different animal species in
ers are bright and the tanks of bromeliads!
showy. These epi
phytes have a remark
able way of getting
water and food. Their
long, curved leaves
overlap at the base,
forming a tight little
bowl - a perfect water
The leaves act as
gutters to collect rain,
and the tank holds the
water. The largest bro
meliads hold up to 5
litres of water. Many Giant Bromeliads
animals drink from the
other ferns, most stag horn ferns have
two kinds of leaves, or fronds.
One of these is the sterile leaf, which
is shield or dish shaped. It is called
sterile, because it does not produce
spores. Each sterile leaf, as it grows,
clasps the support on which it is found.
Epibiont Initially green, they turn brown, and
Epibionts are become parchment-like with age.
organisms that Besides holding the plant in place, the
live on the sur spaces between the layers of sterile
face of other liv leaves accumulate water and dead
ing organisms,
decaying vegetation.
without causing
The other leaf type is the fertile leaf.
them any harm.
It remains green at maturity, to carry
They are not
on photosynthesis that provides nutri
plants like epi
tion for the plant. This type of leaf is
phytes are.
called fertile, because it produces
spores, found mostly at the ends of the
Why is the stag horn
fern unique?
Staghorn Fern
What is Spanish moss?
This is not
our relatives'
nest. It's
Spanish moss.
Why is a plant called
Medusa's head?
18 Tel l Me Why
these tiny seeds can sprout
even in the damp cracks of
walls and rooftops.
The plant then sends long
roots deep into the walls. For
this reason, it is a common
sight, even in cities and towns.
It is called the butterfly bush
not because it is as beautiful
as a butterfly, but because its
flowers act as a magnet for
Its narrow branches support
clusters of blossoms to which
butterflies flock. The bush,
Why is buddleia also called which originally came from
the butterfly bush? China, is popular with garden
ers all over the world for it can
T he buddleia is also known also be grown as a hedge.
as the butterfly bush. Its seeds
are blown by the wind, and Buddleia
Why does the mistletoe need birds to
20 Tel l Me Why
Why are broom rapes This plant is
a threat to farming? like an iceberg.
T he yellow rattle is a
semi-parasitic plant. It is
commonly found in mead
ows and grassy places.
The plant gets part of its
water and nutrient require
ments by parasitising the
roots of grasses and oth
er herbs.
The yellow rattle gets its
name from its bright yel-
Yellow Rattle
22 Tel l Me Why
Castilleja Why is the castilleja an interesting plant?
24 Tell Me Why
Annual Plant
The dodder is an annual plant. Its life
span is only one year. Once the weath
er turns cold, it will wither and die.
plant for its survival.
dodder cannot survive It gets its food t hrough its stem.
o n its own. An adult plant The dodder's seed germinates,
has no leaves to carry out forming an anchoring root , and
photosynt hesis, nor roots t hen sends up a slender stem.
to seek out nut rients. The stem grows in a spiral fash
It has no chlorophyll wit h ion, until it reaches a host plant . It
which it can manufacture t hen twines itself t ightly around the
food. So, the dodder is st em of t he host plant . The stem
has tiny bumps called Why is the rafflesia a spectacular para
haustoria, which pen- sitic plant?
etrate the host.
Water and nutrients The rafflesia arnoldii is a parasitic
are drawn into the plant that lives inside the host plant for
dodder through the months.
haustoria from the So, it is rarely seen, as it gets all its
host. nutrients from the host, which is a vine.
Meanwhile, the root It makes a dramatic entry into the out
of the dodder rots side world only at its flowering season .
away after stem con
tact has been made That smells
with a host plant. As like something
the dodder grows, it tasty...
sends out new hausto
ria, and establishes
itself very firmly on the
host plant.
Cancer Root Plant
28 Tel l Me Why
Witches' Broom
Witches' broom has nothing to do with
witches. It is a term used to describe
thick tightly growing clusters of small
branches that resemble a broom.
30 Tell Me Why
Why is the red bartsia a partial
32 Tel l Me Why
Why is Western Australia's Nuytsia Floribunda
Nuytsia floribunda called the
Christmas tree ? During the summer months,
the tree is covered with
Western Australia's Christ bunches of spectacular gold
mas tree is different from the en flowers. This tree is also
evergreen pine trees that are the world's largest species of
generally associated with mistletoe , and mistletoe is
Christmas. always associated with
This tree is about 1 0 metres Christmas.
tall. The plant is at least partly a
root parasite. Its roots attach Yes, I'm
themselves to the roots of other the real Xmas
plants that are up to 1 50 metres tree.
away, and steal water and nutri
ents from those plants.
This plant was named the
Christmas tree by the local
inhabitants because it bursts
into bloom just before Christ
As Australia is in the southern
he misphere, the seasons are
reversed, and Christmas comes
during summer.
that resemble the jaws of a trap. Near
the crease where the two leaf 'jaws'
join, there are a series of tiny hairs.
If an unwary insect walks across
these hairs, touching two or more 0
them in succession, the leaf will close
quickly enough to prevent its escape.
However, at least two or more hairs
Fly and Trap must be touched in succession for the
If a very small leaf to close. This prevents the leaf
prey manages to
escape from the
Venus flytrap's
trap, the plant
senses it. The
trap will open
again after 1 2
hours. Similarly,
if an object that
lands in the trap
is not edible, the
trap will open
after 1 2 hours.
The plant will
then spit the
Venus Flytrap Traps a Fly
object out.
from closing every time a drop of rain
falls on it. Once the leaf closes, the
How does the leaf of insect is unable to escape through the
the Venus flytrap hair-like teeth at the edge of the leaf.
work? Glands on the leaf surface secrete
several enzymes that help to decom
he leaf of the Venus pose the insect. The insect is slowly
flytrap acts as a trap digested, and absorbed by the leaf.
for insects. Each leaf Once the insect has been digested, the
opens into two halves leaf re-opens for another victim.
34 Tel l MWhv
Why are pitcher plants
Pitcher Plant
Sundew Plant How does the sundew plant catch
its prey?
36 Tel l Me Why
How does the bladder
wort set a trap for its
42 Tel l Me Why
Why is it difficult to steal nec Sticky Catchfly
tar from a sticky catchfly?
brown sticky substance just
sticky catchfly is an below the leaves. So, an
attractive wildflower which has insect, climbing up the stem to
purple flowers on a tall stem. It steal nectar from the flowers,
is found in dry rocky places in will find itself trapped in the
Europe. glue.
The flowering stems have In fact, you can see many
hairs tipped with a reddish winged and wingless insects
helplessly stuck to the stem.
Anyone trying to pluck the
flower will find the same sticky
substance all over his or her
fingers as well.
At the same time, insects
that help in pollination, like
bees, can easily land on the
flower, and sip the nectar. I n
this way, the plant prevents its
nectar from being stolen by
insects that do not help in the
pollination process.
How does the mullein plant defend itself?
Mullein is used
in many herbal
The fuzz on the
leaves and
stem makes
Mullein Plant tinder when
quite dry,
which is actually a bunch of tiny hairs. readily igniting
Any animal that tries to eat the plant will on the slightest
spark. Before
find its mouth stuck with hair- a most
the introduc
unpleasant experience! These hairs also
tion of cotton
prevent attacks by insects creeping up
wicks, this
the stem.
tinder was
In addition, they prevent the leaves
used to light
from losing too much moisture. So, the
leaves and stem of this plant make up a
truly efficient defence system .
44 Tel l Me Why
Why is the poison
ivy called a toxic
P Oison ivy is a
flowering plant
commonly found in
North America.
The plant can
grow in the form of
bushes and vines.
Its leaves are Poison Ivy
shaped like
almonds. Some appearance. This is because they are
leaves are serrat covered with toxic oil known as u rushiol. If
ed, while others this oil comes in contact with your skin it
have smooth edg can cause a very painful reaction.
es. They are alter A similar fate awaits any animal that
nately arranged on tries to eat the plant; its mouth will start
the stem. burning and itching. The effects of the
Each of its leaves urushiol oil last for quite some time too, so
is made up of three the suffering will be a prolonged one. The
leaflets. The leaves rashes, however, are not contagious and
have a glossy waxy will subside with time.
tain poisons called cardiac gly
cosides that can stop the heart.
Cattle and deer that eat the
plant face fatal consequences.
These poisons can harm, and
even kill human beings too.
However, in small regulated
quantities, properly processed
extracts of foxglove can have
medical benefits. People dis
covered the healing properties
of foxglove a few centuries
Foxglove helps the muscles
of the heart to contract and
reduces the frequency of
The name 'foxglove' refers to
the shape of flowers of this
plant. They look like gloves
that fit the paws of foxes and
other small animals.
46 Tel l Me Why
smell, and it seeps through Conifers
special pipelines in the
trunk of the tree. If the and petrified conifers turns into
trunk of the conifer is dam amber. Amber is a gemstone that
aged or cut, resin will flow is valued for its colour and natural
from the wound. When it beauty.
first flows out, it is runny.
However, the more liq
uid part of it contains tur Better to
starve than
pentine, which quickly
eat this
evaporates. A sticky lump plant.
remains, which seals the
wound very effectively.
Resin protects conifers
from attack by fungi and
ants, and makes the
leaves indigestible.
So, animals generally
will not try to eat the
leaves. Over millions of
years, the resin from dead
How do flamingo flowers survive?
T he hydrangea is an ornamental
shrub wit h beaut iful, fragrant flowers
t hat can be blue, green, pink or purple.
The flowers are also very tasty- but Ant
t hey can cause a problem if t hey are Protectors
eaten. Ants can act as
They can give you a bad stomach protectors of
ache. The reason is t hat t his shrub con plants. Ants
tains a poison called cyanogenic glyco living in an
side. acacia tree will
H igher concentrations of t his poison attack any
are found in t he leaves and flowers. If animal that tries
any part of t he plant is eaten by ani to eat its leaves.
mals, it causes vomiting.
The poison is t he hydrangea's
defence mechanism against being eat
en by insects and animals-and even Hydrangea
humans. In spite of
t his, some people
smoke t he leaves,
because it gives
t hem an intoxicat
ing feeling.
However, t his is
very dangerous,
because it can
cause deat h . The
plant originated in
Japan but is now
widely cultivated in
gardens all over
t he world.
50 Tel l Me Why
Why do animals
avoid nettles?
T he nettle is a
common plant
found in Europe,
Asia, North Africa
and North America.
It has green leaves
52 Tel l Me Why
How did the dumb cane get its
54 Tel l Me Why
urassic Plant
Welwitschia mirabilis is a plant
that is considered to be a living fossil.
It goes back to prehistoric times, to
the Jurassic period, when similar
plants known as gymnosperms flourished on Earth.
A living baseball is
a plant that looks just
like a baseball.
Found in South Afri
ca, this plant has the
size and shape of a
baseball. It can grow
to a height of 20 centimetres with a
diameter of around 1 0 centimetres. Ouch! This
This ball shaped, dwarf succulent bal l pokes and
plant is a mottled grey green in colour,
with dull purple bands. Living baseball
plants are so very well camouflaged
that it is often difficult to spot one.
Because of this, animals generally
leave it alone. The plant also has a
milky latex which is toxic.
Contact with the latex can cause irri
tation of the skin, so it is a useful safe
guard from pests for the plant.
Why is the welwitschia mirabi ribbons as they become tat
lis unique? tered with age. Scientists have
calculated that on an average,
T he welwitschia mirabilis is a welwitschias are 500 to 600
wonderful, but weird looking years old.
56 Tell Me Why
How do some types of cactus
camouflage themselves?
What are the features of the rose of Jer
Rose of Jericho
Tel l Me Why
Why is the water Water Hyacinths
a nuisance?
transport seeds to new locations.
Water hyacinths are Water hyacinth mats clog water
aquatic plants. It has thick ways, making boating and fishing
round glossy leaves, and impossible. They make the quality
large, beautiful purple or of water poor, by blocking the light
violet flowers, but unfortu entering the water and reducing
nately this beauty is a nui oxygen levels underwater. This is
sance to the environment. very harmful to fish and underwa
This is because the water ter plants.
hyacinth spreads very rap
idly to form large green Oops! stuck
mats covering vast areas up in a sea of
of fresh water. Individual hyacinths.
plants break off the mats,
and can be dispersed by
wind and water currents. A
single plant can produce
as many as 5,000 seeds,
and waterfowls eat and
What are the features of the Amazon Water Lily
Amazon water lily?
Otherwise, the leaf would
T he Amazon water lily is an . sink under its own weight !
amazing aquatic plant. Its The Amazon water lily
leaves are huge and can be up defends itself from fish and
to 2.4 metres across. other aquatic animals, with
An adult can sit comfortably sharp spines located on the
on a leaf without sinking. Air u nderside of flower buds, leaf
pockets help the leaf to stay stalk, and the leaves them
afloat. When the river is in selves.
flood, the leaf stalks grow with The white flowers can be 30
the rising water, and can be up cm high. They open in the
to 6 metres long. evening, and have a fragrance
The leaf surface is smooth similar to that of pineapples.
and rubbery, and has a rim cut These flowers change colour
with deep notches to let rain from white to pink in the cou rse
water escape. of a day.
60 Tel l Me Why
Taro Plants Why are taro leaves called nature's
the Desmodium gyrans.
esmodium gyrans is a plant The plant is made up of a set
with many names. It is also of leaflets-one larger, and two
called dancing grass, hedysar smaller leaflets - that are con
um, telegraph plant, and sem- nected by a hinge, which
allows the leaflets to lift and
rotate itself.
These hinged leaves
respond to changes in warmth
and light with fluttering move
ments. So, when sunlight falls
on the leaves, they appear to
The rhythmic up and down
movements of the leaf also
resemble semaphore signals.
In fact, to some people, it
looks as though the plant is
sending a telegraphic mes
sage. In the wild, these danc
ing plants are commonly seen
in Asian countries.
Desmodium Gyrans
Tel l Me Why
hollow stems, which can reach a height
of up to 30.4 metres.
Because it is lightweight, yet extreme
ly strong, the giant bamboo is an excel
lent building material . It is used by half
the world's people, in thousands of
products from huge skyscraper scaf
folding to tiny gramophone needles,
and from slide rules, to skins of aero
planes. This unique grass can be used
to start a cooking fire in a wet rainforest,
and its ashes can be used to polish jew
els and manufacture electric batteries.
It is used in the manufacture of bicy
cles, windmills, musical instruments,
and paper. The giant bamboo is used to
build walls strong enough to resist
floods and tide, and bridges up to 260m
Why is the giant bam long in China. It is truly one of the won
boo a plant wonder? ders of the plant world.
T he giant bamboo is
a grass - but one that
is u nique. To begin
with, it is the fastest
growing plant on our
A young giant bam
boo can grow up to a
metre in just 24 hours!
Found in tropical and
subtropical lands, the
giant bamboo, has
Big Headache
The water hyacinth
is a plant that is
causing great
problems in
tropical countries.
It is called the
world's worst
What are the features of the Mexican aquatic weed. It
fern plant? grows and spread
64 Tel l Me Why
Help! depend on its fruit
Water, water, that is rich in vita
everywhere . . min C. The pollen
can be u sed as
glue, and th e seeds
are rich in protein,
and phosphates.
The seeds can
also be roasted and
ground like coffee
beans.Young leaves
the bottle tree. These weirdly shaped have high calcium
trees can also store up to 300 litres of content and can be
water, which is very useful in the drought used like spinach.
ridden regions where it is grows. The trunk is
The Bushmen-oldest in habitants of fibrous, and can be
Africa- believed that the baobab had woven into rope
offended God and , in revenge, God mats and paper,
planted the tree u pside down . Certain while tea and other
ly, when wi nter comes, the baobab products can be
resembles a mass of roots pointing made from the bark!
towards the sky! The baobab is u sefu l
i n many ways. Elephants and baboons Baobab Trees
What is special about duck Duckweeds
when it flowers, it produces the
D uckweeds are special. tiniest blooms on earth. Duck
Wolffia, the smallest flowering weed is found almost every
plant comes under this genus. where, except on the
It is so small that some varie permanently frozen poles.
ties can pass through the eye Most species are, however,
of a needle. These aquatic found in tropical and temper
plants look like green specks ate regions. Duckweeds is a
floating on the surface of a source of food for waterfowl,
pond. Duckweed has no and even people in parts of
stems, and no leaves. Some southeast Asia such as Thai
may have tiny roots. It is basi land. It also provides shelter
cally a green sphere, and for pond animals.
Tallest Tree
The world's tallest tree is the coast red
wood. It grows in natural stands in a long,
thin coastal area along the Pacific Ocean
in the west and north-west of the USA.
66 Tel l M e Why
What is a corpse flower?
Corpse Flower
68 Tel l Me Why
Giant Sequoia
The giant sequoia is an evergreen plant.
These trees can grow to monumental
heights. They are also known as the
sierra redwood, or giant redwood.
Ant Plant
Why are giant sequoias
Giant Sequoia
Tel l Me Why
How does the banyan tree Banyan Tree
The dark green leaves of the
B anyan trees are one of the tree are large and leathery. An
most spectacular trees in the old banyan tree can reach
world. A fully grown banyan more than 1 99 metres in diam
tree looks like a group of trees, eter and can be as tall as 29
some of them have even 1 000 metres.
trunks. Historical records say that
These 'trunks' are actually Alexander the Great camped
rope like roots that grow down under a banyan tree that was
wards from the branches. large enough to provide shel
When the roots reach the ter to his army of 7000 men.
ground, they anchor them Found in India and Sri Lan
selves to the soil and become ka, it is considered to be a
individual trunks. scared tree, and is the national
The tree bears fruits that tree of our country.
look like figs. The fruits, which Its huge structure, deep
appear red in colour when roots, and branches symbolize
matured, are not edible. the country's unity in diversity.
Why are plants in the island of
Socotra extreme survivors?
72 Tel l Me Why
What makes the island of Mad
agascar unique in the world of
74 Tel l Me Why
Why can only tough plants but actually lichen. It gets its
survive in Svalbard? name from the fact that it pro
vides food for the reindeer
valbard, on the fringes of which is found in abundance
the Arctic Ocean, is an island here.
that is a part of Norway. Composed of many light and
It is a cold and lonely place, dainty branches, reindeer
and plants find it tough to sur moss grows in cushion like
vive in the freezing tempera tufts. It is found growing in
tures. Covered with bare rocks, pockets of soil attached to
glaciers, ice and snow, the rocky outcrops. It is a tough
most common form of vegeta plant that has no difficulty sur
tion seen here is reindeer viving the icy, prolonged win
moss. This is not a moss at all, ters of this island.
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I want
Is this
a dead plant?____--=
Is there plant life in the
polar regions?
er, in spite of all this, there are
lants need warmth approximately 1 ,700 kinds of plants
and sunlight to grow and that live in the Arctic tundra. Some
In the Arctic tundra,
warmth and sunlight are
in short supply. Only
plants with shallow root
systems grow in the Arc
tic tundra, because the
permafrost prevents
plants from sending their
roots down past the
active layer of soil .
The active layer of soil
is free from ice for only
78 Tel l Me Why
Polar Regions
80 Tel l Me Why
specifically designed to th rive
in the sometimes harsh Son
oran Desert. The skin of the
saguaro cactus is covered
with a thick waxy coating
that waterproofs the plant,
and reduces water lost to the
It is also covered with hard
spines and flexible bristles as
a method of defending the
water stored inside.
The interior of the cactus is
filled with a sponge-like tissue,
which is used to hold the water.
As more and more water
gets stored, the skin of the
cactus begins to expand, mak
ing room for more storage. As
a result, the saguaro cactus
can become quite heavy. At its
full height, a saguaro can
weigh over a tonne.
Saguaro Cactus
He is ready
for a fight.
What makes the boojurr
Boojum Tree
Tel l Me Why
Pitcher Plant
Red Alert
The western underground orchid
" is a very rare plant indeed. It is
thought that there are only 50
such plants left in the world! The
plant is therefore, classified as vulnerable on the 1 997
IUCN Red List of Threatened Plants.
84 Tel l Me Why
the Earth. Cycads can sur
YCadS are group of unique vive in different conditions
plants that appeared on the plan in tropical rainforests,
et 280 million years ago. deserts, swamps, and rocky
These plants were dominant areas.
d u ring the Jurassic and Triassic Cycads have cylindrical
periods. The number of cycads woody stem without branch
started to decline when flower- es. The stem is covered
with corky bark. One of the
I l ove rarest of cycads is the Ven
my plants. da cycad.
People collect them for
ornamental purposes, and
today, it is one of the nine
most threatened plants in
the world.
This hairy plant is found
only in the Limpopo prov
ince of South Africa, but
there are unconfirmed
reports that this plant has
become extinct in the wild.
What is a jellyfish tree? ductive parts of the flower
T he jellyfish tree
resemble the tentacles of a jel
is a very Iyfish . . . hence its name. The
unusual tree that grows on seeds are dispersed by wind,
Mahe Island, Seychelles. which is uncommon among
It is currently one of the rar plants on small oceanic
est plant species in the world. islands, as the seeds can be
Its total population is fewer easily wasted by blowing into
than 30 plants scattered over the sea.
86 Tell Me Why
Where can you find the poke Anegada
me-boy tree?
rise as a result of global cli
The poke-me- boy tree is an mate change.
extremely spiky shrub- hence The discovery of additional
its local name of 'poke-me specimens of poke-me-boy on
boy'. Fallen Jerusalem is cause for
U ntil recently, this tree was optimism.
found only in Anegada, a low Fallen Jerusalem is an unin
lying coral limestone island in habited island of the British
the British Virgin Islands. Virgin Islands in the Caribbe
It is an endangered species an.
because it is found only in a Although it is even smaller in
very small area, much of which size than Anegada, Fallen
is under threat from housing Jerusalem is already a Nation
and hotel developments. al Park where building is for
It could also face difficulties bidden, so as to save the
if sea levels around Anegada poke-me-boy tree.
How are
you little
88 Tel l Me Why
Coral Tree Why is the Lake Lutamba coral tree
critically endangered?
we are team
O ne of the rarest trees in the
world is dendroseris neriifolia.
There are only two trees
known to grow in the wild, in an
eroded ravine-Quebrada
Lapiz-in the eastern part of
Robinson Crusoe Island.
This island rose above the
sea level some 3.8-4.2 million
years ago and since it is so
isolated, its plant life is unique.
Dendroseris neriifolia is a
large tree-if it is allowed to
grow-with small yellow-white
Tel l Me Why
flowers and elongated What are the features of the Gibraltar
leaves. Just like other campion?
members of this genus,
this plant is endangered Gibraltar Campion is a very
by the introduced spe rare flowering plant fou nd on the high
cies of plants, soil ero cliffs of Gibraltar.
sion and especially by The plant was believed to be extinct
the grazing by rabbits. outside Gibraltar in the 1 980s. Unfor
In 201 1 there were tunately, in 1 992, all traces of this
known only two plants plant vanished completely, and it was
in the wilderness-both finally declared extinct.
in Quebrada Lapiz. Then in 1 994, a climber found a sin
Several more are being gle plant, high up on a cliff. The plant
grown in gardens in the was grafted at the Millennium Seed
main village of the Bank and specimens are now grown
island-San Juan Bautis at the Alameda Gibraltar Botanic Gar
ta. dens, as well as at the Royal Botanic
Hopefully, this plant Gardens in London.
will continue to survive, The Gibraltar Campion has pretty
and prove useful to pink and violet flowers, and it is heart
mankind in the future. ening to know that their beauty will
colour the Earth in the future too, as it
Gibraltar Campion has done in the past.
What makes the parrot's beak inter
The Koki'o kokai tree is one of the
rarest trees in the world, found only
in Hawaii. One of the branches of the
last remaining tree was saved, and it
was grafted into 23 trees.
96 Tel l Me Why
I Wonder Why?
Question of the Month
Printed and Published by V. Sajeev George, on behalf of M.M. Publications ltd, P.B. No. n6, Konayam - 686001
at M.M. Publications ltd, P.B. No. 226, Kottayam - 686 001 and Malayala Manorama Press, Kottayam - 686 039
and published from M.M. Publications ltd, P.B. No. 226, Konayam - 686 001