FSF SD PolicyQuestions Updated 5-5-15

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The Football Supporters Federation (FSF) and Supporters Direct (SD) recently came together to pose ten questions on football
policies to the main political parties contesting the General Election. The same questions were put to the Conservatives, Labour,
Liberal Democrats, UKIP, Scottish National Party, Green Party, Plaid Cymru and TUSC.
Responses were received from four parties and are set out below for football supporters to review ahead of deciding how to
vote in the General Election. If fans would like to make direct contact with Candidates standing in their local constituency then
they can make use of the following specific Vote Football website at http://votefootball.org/

Conservatives Helen Labour Clive Efford, Liberal Democrat John Scottish National Party TUSC
Grant, Sports Minister Shadow Sports Minister Leech, Sports

1. What policies will We continue to channel It is a disgrace that despite We would guarantee The SNP Scottish The huge amount of wealth
you implement to get as much money as the huge sums for TV rights more money to the government, through the in football should be used
more people playing possible into football, we have seen flowing into football grassroots and national sports agency to address increasing
football; including understanding the the Premier League we still football family, by sportscotland is investing in participation, improving
investment in facilities, enormous benefits it can lag so far behind other top ensuring that a minimum supporting grassroots community facilities and
improved coaching offer to people who play footballing nations in terms of of 5% of TV revenue went football and football providing coaching training
and football in it and communities up facilities and the numbers of from the Premier League infrastructure. Since 2007, for young people not for
schools? and down the country. qualified coaches. to the grassroots and sportscotland has the profit of a few rich
We will continue to work other parts of the football supported the development owners.
with the football There are 40,000 pitches in family like the FSF. of 77 full sized and small
authorities, as well as the country of which 2,500 sized 3G pitches through its
with individual clubs and are all-weather and only funding programmes and
other providers of 2,000 of those are floodlit. the Scottish Government's
football programmes, to England has 1,161 coaches CashBack for Communities
offer opportunities. We at Uefa A level, compared programme. The SNP
will invest in the Football with 12,720 in Spain and Scottish government is also
Foundation to support 5,500 in Germany. taking forward plans for the
the building of pitches in Labour will also look to 30 million National
communities up and introduce innovative new Performance Centre for
down the country; fund funding streams to support Sport, including a National
the Football Association, grassroots sport and invest in Football Academy, to be
via Sport England, to facilities and coaches. We based in Edinburgh.
encourage participation; will begin discussions with

and we recently the betting industry and the

Through the CashBack for
announced a new sports governing bodies on a
Communities programme
funding stream, jointly sport betting levy. Betting
the Scottish FA has also
funded by with the FA companies make huge profits
received 5.4 million
and the Premier from sport and we believe
between 2007 and 2014 to
League, to build more that they should put
run a run a series of six
state of the art 3G something back to help
projects including Schools
pitches in 30 cities develop the next generation
of Football, Girls and
across the UK and to of sports people. We will also
Womens Football
enhance coaching too. ensure the Premier League
Development, the Football
Furthermore, we will meet their obligation to the
Equity Project and the
look to dedicate new grassroots, and commit, as a
Diversionary Football
funding to projects minimum, 5% of TV rights to
which use football as a support the grassroots that
way of changing lives for have sustained them for
the better, generations.
acknowledging sports
unique ability to reach With this funding we can
some of the most transform grassroots football
disadvantaged and at and bring enormous benefits
risk in British society. to sport in general.

2. If your local The question highlights It is the fans from the We would allow clubs to Football is our national Trade Unionist and
supermarket is too a really important point communities in which clubs reintroduce safe standing sport and its important that Socialist Coalition
expensive, you can supporting a football are located that made at football, which we people, particularly young candidates are opposed to
choose another. The team is often a labour of football clubs what they are would expect to result in people, are not the huge commercialisation
same rules dont apply love and there simply today. Those clubs that are cheaper tickets, but we discouraged from following and profit motive in football.
to football your club isnt an option to pick enjoying the massive wealth would also legislate to the game because of cost. Working-class supporters
is your club yet nine another team no matter from selling TV rights owe ensure that every club Thats why the SNP are being priced out
out of 10 fans feel that how expensive tickets their existence to the fans was selling a proportion of Scottish government, in involvement in their clubs.
football is too become or whatever the that have sustained them tickets at an "affordable" partnership with the We stand in opposition to
expensive. Do you performance on the generation after generation. rate. Scottish FA gave 10,000 this.
think that politicians field! I think Fans create the atmosphere tickets to community and
have any role in Governments principal within the grounds that make grassroots football groups Like in wider society, we
making football more role here is to stand up the Premier League and the at last years Scotland v believe that football should

affordable for the for fans wherever football league such a Gibraltar match in a bid to not be run for profit but
average supporter and possible. We need to popular TV product for the inspire the next generation should be both an
if they do, how would ensure this simple truth broadcast companies. of Hampden stars. affordable form of
you go about this? is understood, entertainment for working
acknowledged and, The European Commission people and vibrant
ultimately, acted upon gave permission to the community hubs. We
by the football leagues Premier League to sell its TV support the capping of
and their member rights in the way it does ticket prices at an
bodies. I have already because they gave a affordable level agreed with
made my feelings commitment that it would supporter's groups and
known to the Premier bring wider benefits outside back the Twenty's Plenty
League given the of the League, in particular campaign.
recent broadcasting for fans. They have failed to
deal, I would like to see pass on the benefits that Many of our candidates are
a reduction in ticket came from the huge TV low-paid workers and
prices. Encouragement income to fans and ticket understand the day-to-day
of this sort is the best prices are too expensive for struggles of ordinary
approach I think. I do people on average incomes. people, we dont have any
not agree that A Labour government will big business backers
Government should ensure that the Premier and wouldnt want them
legislate to make League lives up to its and our candidates pledge
changes here price- commitments to the fans. to take a workers wage to
fixing of this sort truly be representative.
typically leads to
calamitous results which
would damage individual
clubs and the wider
health of football across
the country.

3. Match-going fans We would be led by the All-seat stadiums were I am already working with Were committed to working TUSC candidates support
and the majority of football authorities, the introduced following the fans and clubs who are with all parties to improve the introduction of safe
professional clubs in majority of football inquiry into the Hillsborough committed to safe the overall match day standing in the countries
England & Wales now clubs, the police and the disaster and we have no standing. The Liberal experience and ensure that football stadia and would
back safe standing. Sports Ground Safety plans to review the policy. Democrats have led the football fans enjoy our back any moves to bring in
Would you work with Authority on this issue. With the Hillsborough way on giving choice back national sport in a safe and or pilot schemes in the

supporters and the As long as the headline families only now getting to fans, and it would enjoyable environment. The areas our candidates stand
football industry to message from these justice we are very respectful improve safety at football. policy on all-seater stadia and, if elected, in
introduce a safe groups is that all-seater of their views and feel it is was introduced on safety government. As socialists,
standing pilot? stadia are the safest not appropriate to remove grounds and plays a vital trade unionists and
environments for fans to these regulations. We will role in ensuring the safety campaigners embedded in
watch games, we will make it a priority to improve of spectators at football our local communities, we
continue to support the access and areas for people matches involving large would work with any
current policy. with disabilities. numbers of people. Under supporter organisation
the current arrangements it looking to defend and
is for local councils to extend the rights of
ensure that stadia within ordinary fans.
their areas offer safe
accommodation for
supporters when granting
Safety Certificates in
accordance with the Safety
of Sports Grounds Act
1975. Approval of any
application for standing in a
football ground lies with the
relevant local council.

4. In recent years This is one of the issues A Labour government will act We would legislate to give Supporters should be at the We stand shoulder to
weve seen a number I have asked the Expert immediately to empower fans fans a veto on issues to heart of their football clubs, shoulder with those
of significant issues Group on Supporter to elect and remove 25% of do with the "heritage" of but too often they have felt opposed to the takeover of
that have affected Ownership to look at. I club boards, or a minimum of their club - where they marginalised and excluded. clubs by rich individuals or
supporters adversely - really sympathise with two where the board is fewer play, the club badge, the Thats why the SNP companies. We opposed
in relation to locality, the fans concerns about than eight, of every name of the team and the Scottish Government set up the move of Coventry City,
kit colour, the clubs this and am determined professional football club. colour of the home shirt. a working group to find the name change of Hull
name, and more. What that their views are Fans will also have the right ways of making supporter City, the kit change of
mechanisms would taken into account when to buy shares should they involvement easier, and of Cardiff at the whims of their
you put in place to changes of this sort are choose to do so whenever strengthening the owners (to name a few)
ensure structured being considered. There there is a change of relationship between clubs and support the fan-led
engagement with are a number of ownership. Change of and the communities they campaigns which have

supporter approaches which the ownership is defined as represent. The Scottish fought against these top-
organisations so that Expert Group has been when 30% or more of the Government is committed down changes. We are
supporters are discussing and, given shares are being sold. In to working with others to strongly in favour of
appropriately the involvement of these circumstances bona make the recommendations supporter involvement and
consulted prior to such various supporters fide fans groups will have up of this group work.
moves being made? organisations in that to 240 days to take up the ownership of football clubs
Group, I am confident it option to buy up to 10% of You can find the and would back (and
will come up with the shares on offer. Fans will recommendations of the initiate) campaigns and
recommendations which need to set up democratic Working Group on legislation to return clubs to
will make a real bodies such as Industrial Supporter Involvement in their local communities at
difference on this front. Provident Societies or Football Clubs here: root and also support fan
Companies Limited by http://news.scotland.gov.uk/ representation and
Guarantee in order to carry News/Fan-involvement-in- consultation on club
out these duties and there football-clubs-1566.aspx decisions.
will be training for fans in
order to ensure that they are
completely aware of their

These measures will ensure

that fans have a voice when
things are under discussion,
such as naming rights,
sponsorship, kit changes,
ticket prices etc. It also gives
those fans groups who desire
to have a stake in their clubs
the means to do so. It does
not give fans a veto, but will
ensure that they are heard
when these major issues are

Football clubs are steeped in

the history and culture of the
communities in which they

are based like no other type

of business and our policies
are designed to give
recognition to that fact.

5. Given that football Since the Select Change in football needs to The football authorities The SNP Scottish TUSC candidates support
has found it Committee inquiry in come from within the game. have failed to get their government agrees with the fan representation on
impossible to reform 2011, the Government We will legislate to give fans house in order, and it is Supporter Involvement in boards. We believe that
itself will you legislate has worked closely with a greater stake in their clubs necessary for Football Clubs working fans, as the heartbeat of
in the next Parliament the football authorities and believe that this will be a Government to legislate. group that a legislative football clubs, should have
to improve both club on a range of issues major driving force for approach to addressing the greatest say in how
and the game's aimed at improving the change. We also believe many of these issues is not their clubs are run and
governance and create overall governance of that fans from every level of necessary at this stage. would discuss, legislate
a structured the game. As a result, the game should be given and campaign alongside
relationship with we have seen the greater recognition in the fan bodies for greater
supporters? football authorities structures of the FA. We representation.
introduce greater would avoid interference in
independence to the the governance of the game
FAs main Board, and would seek to work with
tougher rules around everyone within it to ensure
club ownership, and that we get progress on the
improved financial major issues.
transparency and
reporting rules to reduce We also need to see reform
debt and ensure clubs at the very top of the game.
are sustainably run Fifa has been mired in
going forward. Overall scandals, from the decision
good progress has been to award the World Cup to
made, and it is only right Qatar to the refusal to
that the football publish the Garcia report
authorities have the Fifa will continue to remain
opportunity to put things under suspicion whilst Sepp
right of their own accord. Blatter remains at the helm.
We will only intervene
only if football fails to
demonstrate that they

can reform their own

governance of the

6. The last coalition Again, this is absolutely The coalition took four years I would want to work with The SNP is committed to We are in favour of
Government central to the ongoing to set up the Expert Working SD and others to tackle the principle that supporters supporter ownership and
committed to work of the Expert Group on fans involvement in the barriers to supporter should have a role for the various models
addressing supporter Group on Supporter club ownership. It set up the ownership, but also decision-making, or even provided by the likes of FC
ownership. What Ownership. A really working group up at the end ensure that SD gets the ownership when the United of Manchester and
would you do to help wide range of views of the parliament knowing it necessary funding to do opportunity arises, of their Wimbledon. Our candidates
fans overcome the have been expressed by would not have time to report its important work. football clubs. The Scottish would work with supporters
obstacles to supporter that Group there are and therefore the Government will be working groups to overcome the
ownership? no shortage of views, government would avoid with fans representatives, obstacles of fan ownership
you wont be surprised having to do anything. Only football bodies, and MSPs and campaign both
to hear! but I have Labour has demonstrated to ensure that appropriate practically and financially to
said that I want to wait that it is determined to bring mechanisms and oversight make it a more realistic
for their about change. I am happy to are developed to ensure prospect for groups to take
recommendations continue to work with the that the fans voice is on.
before I make any working group if the fans and heard.
decisions. I have the FA believe it is The fit and proper persons
consistently said that we worthwhile. I will not use it test for club ownership is
will take on as many of merely as a dumping ground not good enough and the
their recommendations for controversial issues. government should
as possible. They are legislate against millionaire
the experts after all backers and in favour of
and it is right that they supporter and community
advise us rather than ownership. We would
politicians just second- support and fight for any
guessing what is scheme that took clubs in
needed. to public ownership and
assisted representative
groups of fans and
communities in their
running and development.

7. The Premier The money that has When the European Liberal Democrats believe We believe that Scottish There is a huge amount of
Leagues broadcast flowed into the game commissioner Neelie Kroes that legislation is football is being badly wealth in football, we

rights for the period over the years from the gave approval on 17th necessary to ensure that short-changed by the BBC. believe that money should
2016 to 2019 are Premier Leagues November 2005 for the the Premier League Our football clubs and our be ploughed back into
expected to surpass relationship with Premier League to sell its TV distributes more money. fans deserve a much better grassroots football and
8bn. How would you broadcasters has served rights in a series of packages deal, especially considering used to build strong
work with them to to strengthen clubs on behalf of the clubs he how much Scotland community-based clubs.
ensure that an throughout the football referred to fans getting contributes from licence fee
appropriate proportion pyramid, enhance youth greater choice and better payments. The income generated from
of this is distributed to football, enable great value. The original the Premier League's
the benefit of grass community work to take commission felt that joint The First Minister has broadcast rights should be
roots football, place, and to create selling of TV rights was written to BBC Director put back into grassroots
supporters, and thousands of new tantamount to price-fixing. General Lord Hall over the football, tickets price
community groups? fantastic grassroots The commission wanted to disparity which has seen reductions and increasing
facilities up and down ensure that the money made the Corporation agree to community involvement in
the country. But these by the Premier League would shell out more than 200 the sport. We don't agree
new levels of funding ensure that legitimate goals million to English football with the out-of-touch
mean we can do much were pursued including for highlights rights for salaries of players and the
much more. I know that solidarity among clubs and three seasons, while giving extortionate transfer fees
the Labour Party has benefits for other interested the Scottish game only and would oppose any
been talking about parties, in particular fans. I around 1 million a season moves to use the broadcast
insisting that 5 per cent do not believe that fans that despite the very money to further boost
of the proceeds goes to attend matches have substantial contribution these already inflated
the grassroots. In fact, benefited. Premier League made by Scottish licence areas.
the Premier League clubs have moved rapidly fee payers.
already commits more under this current TV deal
than that amount to the from being financial basket
rest of the game and I cases to making significant
have been pressing profits. There is no reason
them on what more they why the loyal regular fans
can do. If re-elected I should not share in this.
would work hard to
ensure the rest of The Premier League also
football, including wrote at that time to the then
supporters and the Minister for Sport Dick
grassroots, benefit as Caborn committing to
much as possible from investing significantly more
the investment that than the five percent that I

continues to come into have been demanding that

the game which is they invest in grassroots
already more than the 5 sport. Labour believes that
per cent figure Labour the Premier League has a
are talking about! moral duty to invest in the
grassroots of the game.

I will insist that the Premier

League lives up to its
commitments to the fans and
to the grassroots of the
game. If they do not then
Labour will regulate to
ensure that they do.

8. What would you do Having also been a Womens football is now the We still have a long way Football is an integral part Our candidates have been
to help ensure that Minister for Equalities, I fourth largest team sport for to go to stamp out of Scottish society and, as involved in campaigns
football is accessible feel very strongly about participation in the country. I inequality in the game. such, it should reflect this against discrimination up
to all - regardless of this matter. Football is have been to many womens The key to tackling it is a society. The Scottish and down the country, in
age, disability, gender, our national game, and matches and know the zero tolerance approach, Government wants to their workplaces and local
race, faith, sexual it needs to make sure it standard is extremely high both on and off the pitch. improve diversity in every communities. We support
orientation or any reflects the nation. Its and improving all of the time. We need to seriously walk of life and drive and moves to increase the
other identifying like politics in that They are competing with the consider whether a forward progress in a participation of minority
feature - and that the respect, and just as best in the world. I also football equivalent of the modern and equal 21st groups in football. Money
make-up of football politics needs to do attended the football in the Rooney rule might help to century for everyone. and resources should be
governing bodies is more to be properly Paralympics and saw for break down the barriers to Discrimination in all forms put towards increasing
reflective of society as reflective of the country, myself the commitment and access for and at all levels of society participation amongst these
a whole? so too does football. We dedication that the players BAME coaches, is unacceptable. groups and helping to
need to knock down put into their game. All this managers and football provide an inclusive and
barriers so that tells us that football has administrators and Thats why the Scottish accessible environment for
everyone feels like they changed and the governance bosses. Government is developing all fans.
can get involved of the game needs to an action plan to eradicate
whether that is playing, change. homophobia in sport; is
volunteering, supporting supporting the development
or being involved in of womens football; and is

some other capacity. I Football has done more than investing in tackling
have worked closely any other organisation to sectarianism in football.
with the FA, and with tackle the issue of racism in
other governing bodies our communities. We have
in sport, to make this seen incidents of racism
point and to press for associated with football over
wider, more diverse, the last few seasons, but I
representation on believe it is wrong to blame
boards. We have made football in these cases.
progress but there is Racism and prejudice of
definitely more to do. many kinds exist in our
society and it is the duty of
the decent majority to
challenge those who try to
discriminate against
minorities, whether it is
based on race, religion
disability, gender, or

The governing body of the

game needs to reflect the
communities that support
and take part in the game. I
believe that there is a
genuine desire from within
the game to achieve this and
would work with them to
improve the situation

9. Can Government It is obviously not for Yes. I believe that our I think that the Government certainly has Increasing investment in
play a role in creating Government to get policies to ensure that the Government has more a role in encouraging young grassroots football,
a successful national involved with the grassroots gets the than enough on its plate people to get involved in increasing participation,
team? selection of a team or investment that it needs will than interfering in football and to become the boosting club academies
decision on tactics but transform the game at every decisions about the future next generation of Scotland and introducing salary and
there is certainly a role level. I will also ensure that of the England team, or players. The SNP transfer capping would all

for Government in terms the recent changes to the Wales Scotland and government is investing in help build a successful
of the background visa system which have been Northern Ireland for that youth football and facilities England team. The FA
conditions. Government introduced in response to the matter! to do just that. should be using its power
can help in all sorts of work of Greg Dyke are made and resources to implement
ways, including making to work. We should not be Its also important that we change instead of cowering
time in the school day allowing second rate players encourage the to the wealth of the Premier
for children to play sport, to come and play in our development of womens
funding the FA to help leagues because it is football. Girls and womens League. In government, we
them encourage people cheaper than developing football is the fastest would support, call for a
to participate, building home grown talent. growing sport in the world. campaigning FA that puts
and maintaining the The Scottish FA and the fans, communities and
pitches where people Scottish national team is players back at the heart of
can play and supporting raising the profile of footballs decision making
coaches who help bring womens football by and would invest in
on English talent. winning games and accessible sport for young
These are all important providing positive role people.
elements which could models. Thats why
help contribute to a sportscotland have
successful England invested more than 2.2
team but they are only million to support the
some of ingredients national womens team.
needed and certainly not
enough by
themselves I am
certainly not keen to
take any responsibility
for the results in Brazil
last year!

10. Do you have any Were often a bit Labour will give bona fide As already stated, our
other policies of view pessimistic in this football fans groups the right members are ordinary
on the state of football country but, broadly, I to be consulted in all workers, many are fans of
in 2015 that you would think football is in pretty planning applications relating their local clubs and
like to convey to good shape at the to their football clubs. Fans understand the difficulties
moment. The England will be given the right to faced. We are standing in
team is unbeaten since register as interested parties these elections to show that

members of SD and the last World Cup, the so that their views are taken there is an alternative to the
FSF Premier League is in the into consideration when austerity promised by all
middle of its most planning applications are the main parties. We
lucrative sales window being considered that relate believe that societys
for broadcasting rights to their club grounds. We will resources should be used
ever and the last few also introduce an assumption for the benefit of ordinary
years have seen a in the planning regulations people and not for the
marked reduction in the that the sites are designated benefit of the few at the top.
number of clubs getting for use as football stadia and This policy translates to
into financial trouble that can only change where football, we stand against
which is good new for there is a like for like the wealthy taking over the
everyone involved. We replacement or where partial peoples game to profit
are funding efforts to development takes place to from it and will support any
increase participation fund improvements to the moves against the
and make improvements remaining facilities. commercialisation of the
in facilities and coaching game.
the Conservative Party We will regulate to ensure
will continue to commit that fans are not ripped off in
funds to these vital the secondary ticketing
initiatives. We can only market. We accept there is a
do this because we need to resell tickets when it
have taken difficult is not possible for a fan to get
decisions to get our to a match. Empty seats
economy back on track. detract from the atmosphere,
I think there is more to but we will not allow fans to
do with supporter be exploited by organised
groups and to gangs of touts when tickets
encourage supporter are in high demand. We
ownership, however. forced the government to
That is why I set up the introduce some measures in
Expert Group on the last session of parliament
Supporter Ownership but we believe consumers
and why I am looking have the right to full
forward to their information about who they
recommendations so are buying their tickets from
much. I have already and that event organisers

said I will take on as can check that tickets are not

many of their being resold outside of the
recommendations as terms of sale.
possible and I think their
work will be of great We also believe that every
benefit to supporters up ground should be fully
and down the country. accessible to people with
disabilities and will work with
Level Playing Field and
people within the game to
make this happen. We are
prepared to regulate on this if
there is no progress.

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