Applied Mechanics PDF
Applied Mechanics PDF
Applied Mechanics PDF
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examining body.
Before the student can profitably take up the study of
Mechanics, he should be acquainted with the elementary por-
tions of Practical Geometry, Machine or Building Construction,
and Practical Mathematics. This preliminary knowledge has
therefore been taken for granted.
A constant endeavour has been made to avoid producing a
mere collection of rules and formulae, sufficient explanations
being given to ensure for a careful reader a systematic know-
ledge of the principles discussed. To preserve a constant
connection between theory and practice, numerous worked out
examples of problems which present themselves in everyday
work are scattered throughout the chapters. Additional exer-
cises, suitable for home or class work, will be found at the end
of each chapter ; those with a date are from examination papers
of the Board of Education, South Kensington.
Importance should be attached to the performance by the
student of typical experiments. Descriptions of suitable forms
of apparatus are given, and practical exercises to be worked
out with them are suggested. These experiments have been
arranged in the form of a Laboratory Course, the subjects of
which are brought together at the end of the book.
Messrs. Tangyes, Ltd., for Figs. 258, 310, 311, 312, 316, 318 ;
West Ham,
July, 1902.
Introductory, - - 1
Strength and Stiffness of Beams, 88
Indicated and Brake Horse-power ; Absorption and
Transmission Dynamometers ; Flywheels Steadi- ;
Hydraulics ; Water Pressure and Pressure Machines, - 247
Materials, - - - - -- - - - 291
Useful Constants, 10
Weights and Specific Gravities, - - - - 17
Young's Modulus of Elasticity, 74
Six Standard Cases of Beams, - 100
Answers, 313
Index, - - 318
Straight Edge. The engineer's straight edge consists of a
long strip of metal with one edge bevelled, this edge being such
that a straight line drawn from two points situated near the
ends of the edge will lie v ;olly in the edge. If a straight edge
has to be originated, it is necessary to make three at the same
time, then by a continual process of comparing one with the
others and removing the faulty parts by scraping, the edges
of all three may be brought nearly true.
Surface Plate. The surface plate consists of a rigid plate of
cast iron, having three feet on
its under side, in order always to
to size, and
used in a similar
fi' v.
' 1
therefore 0*74
S lll
M'ijW ll l l llj
l l
inch. The mainscale has inches divided into tenths, and each
tenth subdivided into five parts, each part being therefore
Determination of Areas.
Some of the ordinary rules of
mensuration are given here for future reference.
Square, side s ; area = s2 .
A ^+_A.,)
Th s ,area =
.^) + (^+^ a+ ^+^ a + a)
This gives us the trapezoidal rule for such areas, viz. take
half the sum of the first and last ordinate, add to this the sum
of all the intermediate ordinates, and multiply the result by
the common distance between the ordinates.
area - {h x + 4h 2 + h3 ).
It is sometimes con-
Fig. 14. venient to take more
ordinates as is shown
for the area EFGH (Fig. 14). The number of ordinates must
always be odd and they must be equidistant.
area KMNL = -o (A + 4A 3 4 + h 5 ),
area MFGN= -o (A + 4A + h
5 6 r ),
Area of circle = ^=
2 = 0'7854 d 2 . .
r c
Fio. 16. Fio. 17. The radian.
radian is the angle at the centre of a circle subtended by an
arc equal to the radius of the circle; in Fig. 17, is one ABC
In a complete circle there are 360 degrees and 27r radians,
2ir radians = 360 degrees,
or 7r radians = 180 degrees. '
Trigonometrical Ratios.
1 inch = 2*54 centimetres.
1 metre = 39-37 inches.
5280 feet = 1 mile.
6 feet = 1 fathom.
1 chain = 66 feet.
80 chains = 1 mile.
1 knot = 6080 feet per hour.
6. A
triangle, base 8 cms. ;
perpendicular height, 13*25 cms.
Calculate its area.
7. Draw
carefully to scale a triangle having sides respectively
4"> d og".
3i"> Measure its perpendicular height from your
drawing and calculate the area of the triangle from this and the
length of the base.
10. Draw full size a 5-sided figure ABCDE from the following
particulars. Take measurements from your drawing and calculate
its area.
and find its area by applying (a) Simpson's rule, (b) the ordinary
engineering rule.
13. Describe any micrometer screw gauge with which you are
acquainted, suitable for measuring to the YoV^th of an inch.
Sketch and describe carefully the method of graduation and the
position of the gauge when set to measure '374 inch. (1899.)
Definition of terms. Applied mechanics treats of those laws
and the effects of force upon matter which apply to works
of force
of human art. As science stands at present, it is impossible to
state exactly what force and matter really are, and we are com-
pelled to explainthem by reference to some of their properties.
Matter is anything which our senses tell us exists. Matter
exists in many different forms, and can often be changed from
one form to another, but man cannot create it, nor can he
annihilate it. Matter always occupies space, and a given piece
of matter, occupying a definite space, is called a body.
Force may exert push or pull on a body, or may set it in
motion, or bring it to rest. The most familiar conception we
have of force is obtained from the manner in which our muscles
must be exerted when we support a body.
All bodies are measured, as regards the quantity of matter,
or mass, they contain, by comparison with a standard body.
The standard for this country is the quantity of matter con-
tained in a lump of platinum preserved in the Exchequer Office.
This quantity of matter is called one pound. In countries
using the metric system the standard mass is the gram, and
is the quantity of matter contained in a cubic centimetre of
applied to its ends A and B (Fig. 19). These forces are produced
by the weights of the bodies placed in the pans, and when the
weights, as shown by the beam, are equal, we have equal masses
in the pans. Using a standard lb. mass in the pan C, we can
obtain another lb. mass by this means in pan D, and this can be
done at any place without variation in the mass measured, as
equal masses have equal weights when both are at the same place.
Spring balances (Fig. 20), which measure force applied to
them by the extensions of a spring, show the actual weight of
bodies placed in their pans. These appliances,
therefore, will indicate different readings with the r/^\
same body placed in the pan at different places ^\
on the earth's surface. Thus, it can be shown that
a body, the weight of which is 32,088 lbs. at the
equator, will have a weight of 32,252 lbs. at the
poles. Engineers use as their unit of force,
in most cases, the weight of the standard lb.
This, as we have seen, is indefinite unless we also
state the place where the mass has to be weighed.
Thus, if we
say, the weight of the lb. mass at sea
level at Greenwich, we have a perfectly definite
force and one which is used by many people.
It will be observed from the above figures that
the alteration in the weight of a body by trans-
ference from the equator to the poles is too small
to affect engineering work, being about 0*5 per cent.
Fig. 20. Spring
It is, therefore, generally neglected in engineering balance.
calculations, although this is no reason why the
student should be ignorant of the fact that such alteration exists.
Specific gravity. Specific gravity is the weight of a given
volume of a substance when compared with the weight of an
equal volume of water. It is usual in engineering work to
measure specific gravities at a temperature of 60 F. The
specific gravity of water being 1, the specific gravity of wrought
iron would be 7*7, and of lead 11*4. It will be noticed that the
number giving the specific gravity of a body will be the same
as that giving its specific density. Specific gravity, however,
refers to weight, and specific density to quantity of matter.
Here V= ^
cubic feet.
. p-
12 x 2 x x 62-3
3-38x144 _
Practical Applications. An important part of the routine
work of the engineer is the calculation from its drawings of the
weights of various parts of a structure or machine. This he does
by first calculating the volume of the part either in cubic inches
or cubic feet and then multiplying this volume by the weight of
the material per cubic inch or per cubic foot. Or, he may proceed,
after having obtained the volume in cubic feet, to multiply this
by 62*5,* which gives the weight of the part if made of water,
62*5 lbs. being the weight of 1 cub. ft. of water. If this result
be now multiplied by the specific gravity of the material, the
*62"3 more nearly, but 62*5 is near enough for almost all engineering
h" thick, circular flange at each end 7V diam. x f " thick (Fig. 21).
Calculate its weight.
Fig. 21.
P 1G 97.
(iii) Area of square 1 ft. side
= 1 *0 square foot.
Difference between (iii) and (ii) = 0*2146 square foot.
; ;
1. Find the weight of a piece of flat bar iron 24" long, section
2" x V'.
2. Find the weight of a wrought-iron bar, . 3' *i
3. A
piece of angle iron, section as in
Fig. 23, is 30 ft. long. Calculate its weight,
neglecting rounded corners.
4. A circular brass plate, 2 ft. diam. , is J"
thick. Calculate its weight.
5. A
hollow cylinder of wrought iron is 4"
inside diameter, 4g" outside diameter and fig. 23.
10 feet long. Calculate its weight.
6. A solid pyramid of lead, square base 4" edge, 8" high. Find
its weight.
7. A copper cone, 10" diam. of base, 12" high, metal 0*05" thick,
no bottom. Find its weight.
8. A hollow conical vessel, 6" inside diam. at top, 9" deep inside,
is full of water. Calculate the weight
of water.
11. Calculate what weight of sheet lead, O'l" thick, will be required
for lining a timber tank, the internal dimensions of which are 6 ft.
long, 4 ft. broad, 3 ft. deep.
(d) its sense, i.e. to state whether the force is pushing or pulling
at the point of application.
A straight line may be employed to represent a given force,
for it may be drawn of any length and so represent to a given
scale the magnitude of the force, the end of the line shows the
point of application, the direction of the line gives the direction,
and an arrow point on the line will indicate the sense of the
Thus, a pull of 5 lbs. acting at a point in a body (Fig. 25)
at 45 to the horizontal, would be completely .
as shown.
We often speak, as above, of a force "acting
at a point." Of course this must not be (Z/\ &
understood literally, for no material is so / o""j
J hard that it would not be r
very penetrated
, .. . .. , ., Fig. 25. Graphical re-
. .
by even a very small fore* applied to it at presentation of a force,
a mathematical point. What is meant by
tie bar subjected to two equal opposite pulls of 2000 lbs.
each (Fig. 27) acting in the direction of its length will be in
equilibrium. If one only of these pulls were
reduced or increased even by very little the
bar would move. This bar could not possibly
be imagined pulled with a force of 2000 lbs.
at one end only and yet to remain at rest, any
more than a pull of 5 lbs. could be applied by
the hand to one end of a piece of string unless
the other end were pulled with a force of 5 lbs.
in the opposite direction.
In the same way, if a column or strut (Fig. 28)
be pushed at one end and remain in equilibrium,
there must be an equal opposite push acting
in the same straight line at the other end.
It is impossible for a single force to act
alone. To every foree there must be an equal
opposite force, or what" is exactly equivalent
to an equal opposite force. This- equal opposite
Fig. 28. Column force is often called a reaction.
under push.
If several forces in the same straight line
act at a point, the point will be in equilibrium if the sum of
the forces of one sense is equal to the sum of those of opposite
ence of these sums and the force must have the same sense as
the smaller sum. In the given case (Fig. 29) these sums are
2 + 3 + 5 = 10 lbs., sense from A to B ;
"Q e
Fig. 29. Fio. 30 Parallelogram of forces.
be found which would have the same effect, if applied alone, as
the two forces together have. This single force is called the
Resultant of the given forces, and may be found by the following
Let P and Q be two pulls applied to a nail at (Fig. 30) ;
Expt. Procure three wooden pulleys about 2" or 3" diameter,
having their edges grooved to receive string, and with holes
through their centres
so that they will run
freely on bradawls.
Pin a sheet of paper
to a vertical board and
mount two pulleys at
.4 and B by means
of bradawls (Fig. 33).
Tie two strings to a
small split key ring,
pass a bradawl through
the ring into the board
at 0, and lead the
strings over the pulleys
at A and B. Fasten
any bodies of known
.V^^^^iOosr^otic^ weigntg Wij ^ t0 theW
ends of the strings.
We have now two forces W x and W2 acting on the bradawl
at along the strings OA and OB. Mark the directions
Fig. 35.
BA :A0:0B=1:2:>J3,
or OB:AO:OB=l:2:>JS;
:. Q :200:P=1 2 >/3: :
/ AB P
/ ft. lbs.
/ 0-5 07
1-0 1-41
3 5
3 6
5 2
/ 4-0 6-1
Fig. 40. Plotted curve of force required to
keep the pendulum out of the vertical.
13. A
barge is pulled along the centre of a canal 60 ft. wide by a
horse on the tow-path whose centre is 4 ft. from the bank. The
horse pulls the rope, which is 80 ft. long, with a force of 120 lbs.
Find, by construction, the force urging the barge along the canal
and the force urging it towards the bank.
14. A horse draws a load up an incline of 1 in 20. The traces
are inclined at 30 to the horizontal and the pull of the horse on
them is 180 lbs. Find by construction the backward pull on the
horse taken parallel to the incline and the downward pull on the
horse taken at 90 to the incline.
15. A
man pulls a nail by means of a string in a direction at 30
to the board. If he exerts a force of 20 lbs., calculate the force
tending to draw the nail and that tending to bend it.
Now R = S and OA = BC ;
that is, the three given forces are' proportional to the sides of
the triangle OBC.
The equilibrium of P, Q, and S, may therefore be tested by
seeing whether a triangle can be drawn with sides proportional
to these forces. Thus, in Fig. 44, Ob is parallel and proportional
to Q, be to P, and cO to S. If the lines so drawn give a closed
triangle, then the given forces will be in equilibrium. This
triangle Obc is called the triangle of forces for the given forces
P, Q, and S.
Notice in drawing the triangle of forces that the sides must be
drawn in the proper order to represent the
sense of the forces. Thus, Ob is drawn to
the right to indicate that Q acts to the
right, be upwards as P acts upwards, and
cO down to the left to indicate the sense
of S. So long as attention is paid to Q *
Fio. 48.
Fio. 50.
polygon does not close, then the closing line EA will give a
force Eq, which, if applied as a pull at in the sense from
Fin. 53. Solution of the derrick crane Fig. 54. Solution of the derrick crane
by the parallelogram of forces. by the triangle of forces.
passed over it and led to a point D on the post (Fig. 55), this
Fio. 55.
Derrick crane, the chain Fig. 56. Solution by the polygon
passing to D on the post. of forces.
consists oftwo jibs hinged together at the top, and each fitted
with a compression spring balance. A
tie, with spring balance,
passes from the top of the legs to the rear of the base board.
The bottom ends of the legs bear in notches cut in the base
board, there being a number of these, so that the legs may be
spread out more or be brought closer together. The cord sup-
porting the weight may be attached to the top of the legs or
passed over a pulley there and brought down to some point on
the base board.
Examining the forces acting at the top of the legs, we see that
in this case these are not all in thesame plane. If, however,
the resultant push of the two legs combined is known, this
resultant would fall in the same plane as the other forces, and
the solution would then be exactly the same as for the derrick
2. The jib of a model derrick crane is 47" long, the tie 38", and
the post 31". Find by construction the push in the jib and the pull
in the tie when a load of 4'7 lbs. is simply hung from the end of
the jib.
3. A crane jib measures 19 ft., the tie 17 ft., and the post 9 ft.
A load of 50 cwts. is attached to a chain which passes over a single
pulley at the top of the jib, then along the tie. Find the push in
the jib and the pull in the tie by construction.
4. Answer Question 3 supposing the chain, after leaving the
pulley at the top of the jib, to pass along the jib.
5. A a hinge fixed to a vertical wall 6 ft. vertically over
another, B. A
triangular frame ABC, AC=8 ft., BC=\0 ft, is
attached to A and B, the arrangement forming a wall crane. A
load of \ ton is attached to a chain which passes over a pulley at C,
then along CA to a winding arrangement on the other side of the
wall. Find by construction the forces in AC
and BC, indicating
whether they are push or pull.
6. In Question 5, turn the frame upside down and answer the
7. Draw to scale a frame A BCD from these particulars
45=4 ft., AD = 4it., BC=oft., DC=6ft.
Diagonal bar = 5 ft. BD
The frame attached to a vertical wall at A and D, A being
uppermost. Find by construction the forces in ail the bars, marking
push or pull, when a load of 2 tons is hung from C.
8. A
boiler weighing 25 tons is placed on board a ship by means
of a pair of sheer legs. The bottom pivots of the legs are 30 feet
apart and each leg is 50 feet long. The distance, measured
horizontally from the pivots to the centre of the ship hatch, is 25 feet,
and the back leg of the sheers is 100 feet long. Assume that the
load is simply hung from the top of the legs and find the push in
each leg and the pull in the back leg when the boiler is going
through the hatch.
9. A load W of 2000 lbs. is hung from a pin P, at which pieces
AP and BP meet like the tie and jib of a crane. The angles WPB
and WPA are 30 and 60 respectively. Show by a sketch how to
find the forces in AP and BP. Distinguish as to each piece being a
strut or a tie. (1897.)
10. Two pieces in a hinged structure meet at a pin, and a load is
applied at the pin. Show how we find the pushing or pulling forces
in the pieces. Describe an apparatus which enables your method to
be illustrated, (1898.)
11. A
carriage mounted on frictionless wheels rests on a plane
inclined at 25 to the horizontal. If the carriage weighs 10 lbs.,
find by construction the force required to keep it in equilibrium,
(a) when the cord is horizontal, {b) when parallel to the plane,
(c) when at an angle of 30 to the plane.
C .0
63.Two equal
forces, giving Fig. 64.
Two unequal forces, giving
equal opposing moments. equal opposing moments.
be stated. Thus, ton foot, cwt. inch, gram centimetre, are units of
moment. The moment of P will be clockwise. The rod AB may be
balanced against rotation if another weight 2
= 1 be applied W W
as shown (Fig. 63), so as to produce a force Q equal to P pulling
horizontally at C in the opposite sense to P. Thus, moment of
# = 5x10 = 50 and will tend to turn AB in the
lb.-inch units,
opposite direction to the hands of a clock, that is, anti-
It will be also, by trial, that the rod will be balanced
if the weight W
be altered, say diminished, provided at the
same time the distance from A at which Q is applied be altered,
in the present case increased, viz. AC to AC
(Fig. 64). It will be
found in all these cases that QxAC
must always amount to
50 lb.-inch units. That is, for AB to be in equilibrium :
Pio. 65.Two inclined forces, having Fig. 66. Disc in equilibrium under the
equal opposing moments. action of several forces.
Principle of Moments.- Expt. By means of a screw at (7,
mount a circular wooden disc on the vertical experimental board
(Fig. 66). Apply any number of forces, such as P, Q, S, T by
means of cords attached to the disc at a, 6, c, d, led over pulleys
and having weights at their ends. Let the disc find its position
of equilibrium. Calculate the moment of each force about C by
multiplying the magnitude of the force by the length of the
perpendicular from C to its line of action, producing this last if
necessary. Arrange these moments in two columns, one for
clockwise, one for anticlockwise moments. Take the sum of
each column, and we should expect to find that these are equal,
for, if the disc is in equilibrium, the total clockwise turning
tendency must be equal to the total anticlockwise turning ten-
dency, in order that rotation may not take place. This principle
may be used to solve a great many problems.
Anticlockwise moments
x W
x 17 = \ x 17 = 8-5 ton-foot units.
JF2 xl3 = ixl3= 325
z x W
7 = 1 x 7= 7-0
J^x 4=2 x 4= 8-0
Total anticlockwise moment = 26 '75 ton-foot units.
W l
x 3 = Jx 3= 15 ton-foot units.
W 2
x 7 = x 7 = 1-75
W s 13=1x13 = 130
x ,,
Fio. 69. Apparatus for determining the reactions of the supports of a beam.
or P:Q=b:a.
The point F therefore divides the distance CD between the
forces P and Q in inverse proportion to the forces
Since E
is the equilibrant of P and Q, if its sense be reversed,
n following statements
(1) R is
ence between
greater force, R = Q- P.
- C_3
r R acts
The rod now remains balanced vertically.
Fig. 72 shows all the forces horizontal, but this is not essen-
tial. Any two couples of equal moment and opposite turning
tendencies will balance the rod.
Expt. Test this statement by inclining the lines of the P
couple and also the lines of the Q couple, but at different angles
for the two couples, and make their moments equal again by
adjusting the weights hung on.
Couples have many interesting and useful properties, but
most of them must be reserved until the student is more
advanced. One thing in particular should be noticed a couple
applied to a body will not displace it as a whole from its given
position, but will only cause it to rotate. Conversely, a body
which is beginning to rotate must have a couple acting on it.
This principle is made use of in the example following.
can only be applied at G', viz., the reaction from the crank shaft
Fig. 77. Experimental apparatus for showing the forces in the parts of
an engine.
1. AB is a uniform bar pivoted at C, its centre of length. is W
a load of 5 lbs. placed at D, CD being 15". If we have to restore
balance by means of a 3 lb. weight, where must it be placed ?
9" long arm BC is vertical and 39" long. A load of 300 lbs. is hung
the centre of the valve to the fulcrum is 4*5 inches. What must be
the length of the lever from the centre of the valve to the point of
suspension of the weight, in order that the valve will just lift when
the pressure of steam in the boiler is 80 lbs. per square inch ? Neglect
the weight of the lever and the valve. (1896.)
Centre of parallel forces. Let two forces P and Q act on the
rod AB (Fig. 77a), their directions being perpendicular to AB.
The resultant R, found as before, will
pass through C, and will divide AB in
the proportion
P: Q = BC:AC.
Suppose we incline the directions of
\ P and Q, as at P' and Q', without
Fig. 77a. Centre of parallel altering theirmagnitudes. R will
now act parallel to P' and Q\ its
magnitude will be unaltered, and it may be seen, if we draw a
line through C, perpendicular to P' and Q\ that this line BE
is also divided inversely proportional to P and Q, that is,
Centre of gravity. Suppose now we have a sheet of thin
metal. Every particle of the metal is being pulled towards
the earth's centre, so that we have a large
number of forces acting on the body in lines
which are practically parallel to one another
(Fig. 78). The resultant of these forces is
MR b
centre of gravity may be easily cal-
culated by using the principle of
moments. Thus, to find the centre
of gravity of the plate shown in
Fig. 81. Divide it up into rectangles
as shown. Then, the centre of
M -f
c j
y gravity of abcg is at m, and of gdef
.;.:.- ~^ :: "
at n.
i Also the weights of the rectangles
will be proportional to their areas.
Fig. 81. Centre of gravity of an
angle section. So that weight of abcg is proportional
to 2^x^ = 1 J, and weight of gdef
proportional to 3 x \ = H and the weight of the whole plate to 2f.
Let x be the distance of the centre of gravity of the plate
from afj then taking moments about af
*=ix ^=1 = 0-932".
Now take moments about fe, and let y be the distance of the
centre of gravity from fe.
2xy=(lix}) + (l*xlf)
The centre of gravity is therefore a point 0*932" from each of
the sides a/and/e.
Centre of gravity by a graphical method. We may
proceed in another way. Thus, to find the centre of gravity of
the plate shown in Fig 82, divide
it into triangles by the line bd.
Fia 84.
Stable equilibrium of a cone.
the sum of the components acting towards the right must equal
the sum of those acting towards the left and for no rotation, ;
the sum of all the clockwise moments, about any point, produced
by the components must equal the sum of the anticlockwise
moments about the same point.
Graphical solution by the link polygon.The equilibrium
of a number of given forces all in one plane may be tested by
this method. Given any number
of forces such as P, Q, S, T
(Fig. 91), all in one plane. Take
any one of them, e.g. Q, and
balance it by applying any two
forces, p v p 2 at any point such
Balance T and p3 at D by
a force p4 the line and magnitude of
(1) Aand A' must coincide, for the three forces p v p^ and P
must pass through the same point.
(2) The triangle of forces for them must close, as shown at
mistakes. If the link polygon closes also the given forces are in
Tensions in a hanging cord. Exft. Arrange an experi-
mental link polygon by attaching a cord ACDEFB to the ends
A and B of a rod (Fig. 92); hang the rod up by two cords
applied weight.
Thus, suppose a chain (Fig. 93) hanging from two supports
error the dip of the chain is small compared with the span) to
KAn actual
example. An experiment was tried on a chain
20' 2" long,weight 3 lbs., when hung from two supports, 19' 9"
apart, both on the same level.
Instead of fixing the ends of the
chain, each end was supported by
cords lead over pulleys shown at
A and C, (Fig 96) the pulls in
these giving T
and Th By the
v .
5. A
triangular plate, ABC, of wrought iron 1" thick, lies on a
horizontal surface. AB=3
ft., 80=3% ft., C A = 4 ft. Find what
vertical lifting force applied at A
will raise that corner of the plate.
6. A
wall 8 ft. high, 14" thick, is built of material weighing
130 lbs. per cubic foot. The normal wind pressure on the face of
the wall is 50 lbs. per square foot of vertical surface. Consider a
piece of the wall one foot long, and calculate the overthrowing
moment of the wind on it and also the resisting moment of the
weight of the wall. Will the wall stand or fall ?
7. Show in a diagram the couples acting on a hinged door, 7 ft.
high, 3 ft. wide, weight 90 lbs. There are two hinges, placed one
foot from top and bottom of the door.
8. The
jib of a crane is 40 feet long and weighs \ ton. The tie
is 30 long and the post is 25 ft. high.
ft. Make an outline diagram
to scale and calculate the pull on the tie produced by the weight of
the jib. Take the centre of gravity of the jib at 16 ft. from the
lower end.
9. A symmetrical roof weighs 16 tons. On one side of it there
are 7 tons of snow equally distributed. Find the pressures on the
A horizontal beam 10 feet long weighs \ ton and is pivoted
4 from one end. Its centre of gravity lies in the longer part,
1 foot from the pivot. Find where a load of 500 lbs. must be placed
to keep the beam balanced.
11. A ladder 24 ft. long weighs 50 lbs. and has its centre of
gravity 8 ft. from one end. A bag of tools, weight 100 lbs. is slung
at the centre of length of the ladder. A lad and a man carry the
whole between them, the lad being at the lighter end of the ladder.
Find where the man must be if his share of the load is 90 lbs.
12. A chain of weight 20 lbs. is stretched between two points
on the same level, 40 feet apart. If the dip is 4 ft. calculate the
applied to it in the direction of its length ? This is a question
which now requires to be studied. Suppose AB (Fig. 101) is a
bar the ends of which B
are subjected to equal
and opposite pulls P, P.
Imagine the bar to be Fi- 101. Bar under putt,
102. Equilibrium of the
-qS- =-*p-
Fig. 103. Equilibrium of the
left-hand portion. right-hand portion.
bar must have supplied this force Q, in order to keep the left-
hand portion balanced. In the same way, the left-hand portion
of the bar exerts a pull Q equal to P acting towards the left
cross section, except those very near the ends where the distri-
bution is unknown.
Ties and Struts. Those portions of a structure which are
intended to be under pull are called ties, and if intended to be
under push, are called struts. Ties are said to be under tensile
stress when pulled, and struts under compressive stress when
If we consider the case of a tie slightly bent at first and then
pulled, we can easily see that the tendency is to straighten it
(Fig. 105) ; in the same
^-{ep^---^ ::
~^- way
~~~::: a P u U e d string be-
Fig. 105. -Tie bar, originally bent. comes straight. Also, if
the tie is straight to begin
with, there will be no tendency to bend it when pulls are
applied. It follows therefore that since no lateral stiffness is
required in ties to resist bending, that the shape of the cross
section is immaterial. It is very different, however, in struts.
If the strut is originally
> (gp^--^ ^-~^T*7qN - bent, the tendency will
then the stress on any section not too near its ends will be
uniformly distributed, and will be found as before by dividing
the total force on the section by the area of the section.
4 materials stretch
when pull forces are applied
and become shorter with push
delicate apparatus,
these changes of length can be meas-
ured in metals. With material such
as rubber, an ordinary scale is sufficient
to measure the differences. Fig. 110
shows a round rod of rubber about
2 inch diameter and 3 or 4 feet long
tied to a support at A and having a
hook for carrying weights at B. C and
D are two needles pushed through the
rubber these needles will move on a
i scale E
when loads are applied, and
from their readings the changes in
length of the portion CD can be ob-
Extensions in ordinary test pieces. Test pieces of ordinary
bars or plates used for engineering work must be subjected to
great loads before a measurable extension is produced. This is
done in large testing machines and the extensions are measured
by means of instruments called Extensometers. In Prof. Ewing's
Extensometer, the extension of the piece is measured by the
movement of a fine wire over the scale of a microscope. It is
possible with the instrument to measure a change of length of
50.000 * ncn on a test pi ece 8" long. The following results were
obtained by its use, and are given in illustration of an impor-
tant fact.
Test bar of flat iron 1 -501" wide, 0'492" thick, 8" long between the
test points. The load was applied in steps of 1 000 lbs. u ntil a maxi-
mum of 10,000 lbs. was reached. The bar carried this load for
2 or 3 minutes, and then the load was taken off 1000 lbs. at a time.
3 00 3 00
0-18 016
1000 318 3 16
018 018
2000 3 36 3 34
018 019
3000 3 54 3 53
019 019
4000 3 73 3 72
21 0-20
5000 3 94 392
0-19 0-21
6000 413 413
019 019
7000 432 4-32
0-20 20
8000 4 52 4 52
020 20
9000 4-72 4 72
019 019
10,000 4-91 491
The scale reading was such that one part on the scale corresponds
to an extension of -^ inch. Consequently the total stretch for
10,000 lbs. load was Lz inch.
300 320 3-40 360 380 400 420 4i0 460 480 500
Scale Readings
Fig. 112. Curve showing extensions and loads for a pulled bar.
straight line (Fig. 112). We therefore infer that in this piece
the extensions have been practically proportional to the loads.
The same law is found to hold more or less nearly in all
engineering materials and is known as Hooke's Law.
Strain. The term strain is used to signify the change of
length or other dimensions, or the change of form which occurs
in a material when loads are applied. Strain is measured in a
pulled or pushed bar by stating the change of length per unit of
original length of the bar. To obtain it in any particular case,
divide the total extension by the original length of the bar.
Thus, in the above experiment,
tensile strain 5 = 0*0004778.
Strain is not measured in any units, as it is simply the ratio
of two lengths.
Some important definitions. If we go on loading a test
piece, we presently reach a point where Hooke's Law breaks
strain =p
and str
^= WA ^ Le
E = strain -
Cast iron,
- 13,000
Rolled copper,
Gun metal,
.... - 6,200
Phosphor bronze, 6,000
Aluminium bronze, - 6,500
rest at any time after loading has once started, as this is liable
to alter its qualities.
Ultimate strength.The breaking stress, or ultimate strength
is measured by dividing the breaking load by the
of a material
original sectional area of the piece. This is always done for
engineering purposes, although it is fictitious, as owing to the
contraction at the fracture, the actual area over which the
breaking load is distributed is smaller than the original area,
and therefore the stress on the section at the fracture is higher
than would be shown by the above calculation. It is convenient,
however, in practice, to measure the ultimate strength as stated ;
Factor of safetyJ
= r a I .
working load
The magnitude of the factor of safety to be used in any given
case depends on the nature of the loading. A low factor of
safetymay be employed where the load is steady, or is applied
and removed very gradually. High factors of safety are em-
ployed where the load is suddenly applied, or where the loads
leaving the rolls hot and then cooling down fairly slowly. Cold
rolling and wire drawing produces hardness by setting up over-
strain in the material. This can be got rid of by subsequent
annealing. Crane chains are occasionally passed through the fire
so as to anneal them and restore their original qualities.
Copper is hardened by mechanical treatment such as wire-
drawing or bending it may be softened and its ductility
Diameter, 0036".
The load was applied in 2-pound increments. Up to the
I elastic limit the extensionswere measured by a vernier on the
test wire moving over a scale on another wire hung from
the same support. The vernier read to O'Ol". After the elastic
limit the extensions were measured by a long boxwood scale,
clamped to a fixed support.
1 S i9 is i l i J
Fig. 115 was drawn by such a machine while a copper wire was
under tensile test. These diagrams are called autographic
*f*o records. In Fig. 116 copies
of autographic records for
some well known materials
have been traced on the same
sheet. The loads have been
( rWirt.O-
plotted as stresses in
per square inch of sectional
area the extensions are those
*** HCMS
.'" sm St,
...w fTZMCTAL }_
^>-*zjoS*s< irc //roVx
f^ 1
J Toppe* *>
5 Inches
Extensions on 10'
T= q x area cut at A or B,
=qxtx 1.
Also R = 2T.
.'. pd=2xqxt ;
= lOOxTrd
2 100 xd
.'. Stress on circumferential section
4rrdt 4x<
= 3600 pounds per square inch.
Thin flat plates, such as are used for boilers, are not able to
withstand pressure without bulging. This is easily understood
when we consider that the plates can practically only withstand
tension, not bending, and it must be remembered that a
comparatively small force P
(Fig. 121) suffices to put two
large forces T, T, out of line
with one another when P is
applied transversely to their lines of action. Flat surfaces sub-
jected to fluid pressure consequently require to be staged. The
student is referred to books on boilers for descriptive sketches
showing how this is done in different types. A spherical shell
would be self-staying, but practical considerations prevent this
shape being used for boilers, although it is occasionally used for
other vessels where no heat is to be applied.
The results obtained above are only applicable to vessels the
walls of which are thin compared to their diameters. Thick
walled vessels, such as hydraulic pipes and cylinders, have to be
considered from a different point of view, as the stresses in such
cases are not uniformly distributed over the sections of the
material as has been assumed for thin shells. The theory
involved is too complicated for beginners, and is therefore not
given here.
OSl Mevation
Fio. 123. Shear stress produced Fia. 124. Knuckle joint.
in a punching machine.
the common knuckle joint (Fig. 124), when pulls or pushes are
applied to the rod, the joint may break by the pin shearing at
two sections, the left-hand rod then carries away the centre por-
tion of the pin with it.
Shear stress =
P 2P
Example. Suppose two bars connected by a knuckle joint to be
pulled with forces of 2 tons. Find the diameter of the pin if the
safe shear stress is 4 tons per square inch.
Shear stress '
d? =
4x22 22'
d= 565 inch.
W/WM//W////WW///', '////'/////////?'/////#'/'/'/
Fig. 125. Shear strain illustrated bjT a Fig. 126. -Measurement of shear
book. strain.
1. A tie bar 4" broad, " thick, is under a tension of 7 tons. Cal-
culate the tensile stress.
2. Find the working load for the bar in Question 1 if the tensile
stress is not to exceed 5 tons per square inch.
3. A
bar of square section. " edge, is 60 ft. long and is found
to stretch 0'6" when a certain pull is applied. Find the strain.
Suppose the pull applied to have been 1562 lbs., and find Young's
modulus of elasticity.
4. Suppose the tensile stress is not to exceed 4 tons per square
inch, find the diameter of a round tie rod which has to resist a pull
of 16 cwts..
5. Taking Young's modulus for wrought iron to be 29,000,000 lbs.
per square inch, what decrease in length will take place when a
column containing 12 square inches in section and 20 ft. high carries
a load of 36 tons ?
Plot columns (1) and (2) on squared paper. Calculate the value
of Young's modulus for this sample of copper wire.
11. What do you understand by the terms tensile, compressive,
and shearing strength respectively of any material ? Define
"modulus of elasticity." If a wrought iron bar of 1 square inch
sectional area just breaks under a tensile stress of 60,000 lbs., what
would be the area of the section of a tie-rod which would just
support a load of 20 tons ? ( 1896.
12. How would you behaviour of steel
find out for yourself the
wire loaded in tension till it breaks. What occurs in the material?
Use the words stress and strain in their exact senses. (1897.)
13. What do we mean by stress, strain, and modulus of elasticity?
A wire 10' long and & sq. inch in sectional area is hung vertically,
and a load of 450 lbs. is attached to its extremity, when the wire
stretches 0*015" in length. What are the stress and strain respec-
tively ? And also the modulus of elasticity ? (1899.)
14. An
iron wire is loaded with gradually increasing tensile loads
till breaks.
it We
want to know its modulus of elasticity, its
elastic limit stress and its breaking stress. What measurements
and calculations do we make ? (1900.)
Fig. 129. Tensile and compressive Fio. 130. Shear at the section AB.
stresses on the section AB.
Fig. 133. Fig. 134.
Posmve Bending Negative Bending
A ^cl
6 = 10- 6 = 4
8=10- 8 = 2
10 = 10-10=
12 = 10-12=- 2 V
14 = 10-14=- 4 J
16 = 10-16=- 6 5)
18 = 10-18=- 8
20=10-20= -10
These results plotted as shown in Fig. 141 give Bending
Moment and Shear Diagrams. It will be noticed that the curve
in the Bending Moment Diagram is parabolic, and in the Shear
Diagram, a straight line. Notice that the bending moments
increase towards the middle of the span, and that the shearing
force diminishes towards the middle, where it is zero.
Ex ample 1. Suppose we
have a beam 12 ft. long,
supported at its ends, I sec-
tion, 8" in. deep, 4" broad, Fio. 143.
metal of flanges V' thick. Find
the maximum load at the centre, if the stress due to bending is not
to exceed 5 tons per square inch.
= 3Wxl2
= 36. IT ton inches.
W = f| = 2 -08 tons.
Example 2. The shear on any section of the beam in the last
Example will be 1'04 tons. Suppose 4 tons per square inch to be
the shear stress allowed, what thickness of web is required ?
. .
Fig. 145.
Fig. 146. Fig. 147. The resistance to shear supplied
by a diagonal chain or prop.
to the
functions of the parts in a girder (Fig. 148). The
horizontal flanges, or booms as they are called, supply the
required resistance to bending, the top one in a girder sup-
ported at its ends being under push and the bottom one under
Fig. 148. Bridge girder.
generally done with large plate girders, that
the flanges supply almost all the resistance to bending and the
girders built
In these,
" w
&C 5
o o
go bo
p A
^U .,
S - so
II II II s ^ c t,
II o _" -g
CO o
a o OB
S3 & 3 ,3 O +s
H !<M
^ ,9
%* g S
H05 _^3
e II
^ II II a>
6 g
* 1 i ts 1
*T3 a _
c3 O
I 1
r^ 2
3 d
n3.2 a>
BJ r
1 A,
1 *
/> t
r" =e .
_+ J
! i \/
w S # y hr
w O
o P O 9 M S3 p
N o a, S3 - X 03 03IS ^
.2: 'c- S
31- - ^-e, &a *
Hog ^ !l
I o J3 o ft * _r^2
c * ^
S ,-r fe
!; o ;
e3 b
l. g ?2
eg ^ p o -S ?
ii ii
3 g * *
*! 2* 25
a s -*
<n s
8 p- = o c
> p. S3
3 33 P. S 8
- eg ii -s
O O o
" s oo
S *
*j S P. a
s c
to -o-
= S3 -^
* ^36" *
6 x 3 x 9 x 36
60f cwts.
Commercial tests.
Cast iron is generally tested for commer-
cial purposes by supporting pieces at a known span and
ascertaining what load at the centre of the span will break
them. The test pieces are generally 36" span, 1" broad and 1"
deep, or, better, 1" broad and 2" deep. The breaking load at the
centre of the span for pieces having the first dimensions ranges
from 6 to 8 cwts. and for pieces having the second dimensions
from 25 to 35 cwts.
Timber is also generally tested by bending. Test pieces of
large section are desirable as the effects produced by local flaws
are thus minimised.
a = depth in inches J
Then c = 3- WL
f-^ is a quantity which is called the Modulus of
what central load would break a cast iron beam 36" span 1" broad
and 2" deep then;
16 =
3 W.L
2 b.d*
3 TTx36
"2 X1x4
= 1-18 tons.
Experiments on beams. Students should carry out for
themselves some experiments on the stiffness and strength of
beams. Metal beams are best tested to breaking in a large
Fio. 150. Apparatus for experiments on the stl ffness and strength of beams.
testing machine ; wooden ones having a section l"x 1" and 36"
span can easily be broken with apparatus similar to that
described below, and the same apparatus will do for experiments
on the deflection of both metal and timber beams. The
apparatus (Fig. 150) consists of a lathe bed fitted with two or
three cast iron brackets which can be clamped anywhere to it.
These brackets are arranged to receive either steel knife edge
supports resting in V slots cut on the tops of the brackets, or
cast iron caps held down by studs. The knife edges are used for
beams simply supported. The caps are employed for screwing
down on to the beam so as to fix it, the knife edges being first
removed. A wrought iron stirrup, with a knife edge for resting
on the beam, carries a hook for applying a load anywhere to the
beam. Deflections may be measured in various ways. If timber
is being experimented on, a pointer, fixed to the stirrup and
fixed scale as the beam deflects. This lever has arms having a
ratio of 1 to 10, so that the deflection is multiplied 10 times at
the fixed scale. Using a scale of inches divided into tenths, the
deflection with this apparatus may be easily read to ^^ inch.
For very fine measurements a micrometer microscope is used,
the readings being taken from the movement of the stirrup as
shown by a fine silk fibre mounted on it. This instrument is
shown in the illustration and need not be described here.
Pieces of tool steel of various breadths, depths and lengths
form useful examples for verifying the comparative stiffnesses
of beams. These may be used as beams supported at the ends,
or as cantilevers, or as beams fixed at both ends. All the
foregoing numbers given for comparative stiffnesses may be
verified by use of these samples. Itmust not be expected,
however, that they will be arrived at absolutely by experiment,
but the results, if the experiments are carefully done, should
agree closely with them. Deflection tests also form a very
convenient method of approximately determining Young's
modulus of elasticity for a given material, as, using simple
means, much larger pieces can be tested by bending than by
direct pull, the latter test requiring the use of a large
= .
lbs. per square inch.
4* D.b.d?
The theory involved in these equations for E is too complicated
to be dealt with here.
Test bars of ductile material. Good qualities of wrought
3" 4 "
Fig. 151. Autographic record of a Bessemer steel bar under bending test.
and mild steel bend over double without breaking, and con-
sequently experiments on their bending strength always stop
short after the piece has bent .
* . 1
C ay .
everywhere but at the centre,.
were prepared. One of these, A
(Fig. 153), had a sharp-bottomed
j b !;
V notch cut in it, the other one,
A A . B, was thinned down
25 gradually
< 36' 1
over a length of 3 Vat the middle.
^fi^B$&Erii?g t^ sectional areas both bars
at the middle section were the
Curve of a bent beam. The actual shape of the curve in
which a given beam will bend may be examined by the student
by using a long thin knitting needle. This needle, placed on a
sheet of paper secured to a drawing board and "loaded" by
means of drawing pins pushed into the board where the
supports and applied loads would come in the actual beam, will
enable the curve to be drawn. A few cases are shown in
Fig. 154. Of course it must be remembered that the deflections
in the actual beams will be much smaller in magnitude.
1. A timber beam, 10
ft. span, supported at its ends, carries a
load of 600 at its middle.
lbs. Calculate the Bending Moment and
Shearing Force at places (a) very near its ends, (6) very near its
2. Acast iron cantilever projects 6 ft. from a wall and carries a
load of 500 lbs. at its end. Calculate the Bending Moment and
Shearing Force (a) at the wall, (6) at its middle.
3. A beam 20 ft. span, supported at its ends, carries a load of
2 tons at its middle, also loads of 1 ton at places 5 feet from each
end. Neglect the weight of the beam and calculate the Bending
Moment at each load, and also the Shearing Force at a place 6 ft.
from one end.
4. A cantilever projects 8 ft. from a wall and carries a load of
400 lbs. uniformly distributed. Calculate the Bending Moment and
Shearing Force at intervals of 2 ft. throughout its length.
5. Abeam 12 ft. span, supported at its ends, carries a uniformly
distributed load of 2,400 lbs. Calculate the Bending Moment and
Shearing Force at the middle and at 3 ft. from each end.
6. A beam span, section 6" deep, 3" broad,
of I-section, 10 ft.
metal ^" thick, is ends and has to carry a load at
supported at its
the centre of the span. Find this load if the maximum stress due
to bending is not to exceed 5 tons per square inch.
17. What are the functions of the top and bottom booms and of
the diagonal pieces of a railway girder ? Why are the booms usually
larger in section towards the middle of the girder, and the diagonal
pieces usually larger towards the ends of the girder ? (1901.)
Riveted joints.
Plates are permanently connected by
riveted joints. In the simplest form of joint, the edges of the
plates overlap, and the rivets are closed up in a single row of
holes. This joint is called a single riveted lap joint ; if there are
two rows of rivets a double riveted lap joint. In butt joints
the plates are brought together, edge to edge, and cover plates
running along the seam are placed either on one or both sides.
Rivet holes are either punched or drilled. Punching injures
the material of the plate round the hole, and this must be
removed by rymering out the holes, which, in this case, are
punched smaller in diameter than the rivet hole is to be,
or else the plate must be annealed after punching. Punching
must be done with the plates separate, and for this reason
the holes will not come exactly opposite one another when
the plates are brought together unless a special machine is
used for spacing them. The holes produced by punching are
slightly conical, and the plates are so punched that when they
are put together the smaller ends of the holes are on the inside.
This produces a sounder job after the rivets are closed.
Drilling does not injure the plate, and is usually done with
the plates in position, so that the holes are bound to come fairly
opposite one another. The slight burr raised round the edges
of the holes by drilling must be removed by separating the
and slightly countersinking the holes.
plates after drilling
Unless the plates are thin and the rivets small, the rivets are
heated before being put into the holes. The head is then
formed by hand hammers and finished by a snap, or else
y x-x-x24
= 33 tons.
Compressive stress on punch
area of punch
= 55 tons per square inch.
Fig. 159.
f = tensile stress permitted
t ;
^ ,
Taking d^V2<t, or iT^A* tnen
>> ,v d2 .ird 2
f {p-d)=f \*VU
t t
or (p-d)=\\Zl
ft ranges in practice from 35,000 to 67,000 pounds per square
inch, and /, from 43,000 to 53,000 pounds per square inch.
The values to be taken in any given case depend on the number
ofrows of rivets, on the material (whether iron or steel), and on
whether the holes have been punched or drilled. For iron
plates and iron rivets, with drilled holes, the ratio ^ may be
taken as A Q^
which would give for the single riveted lap joint
(jt?-d)0-94 = 1-131.
Example. Calculate the diameter and the pitch of the rivets for
plates " thick connected by a single riveted lap joint.
t,4 nearly
Vi"ra"S -
94=1 131,
= 2 " nearly.
Percentage strength of joint. It will be observed that the
sectional area of the plate along the centre line of the row has
been diminished after the rivet holes have been punched or
drilled, and that therefore the strength of the joint is less than
that of the unhurt plate. Taking a width of plate equal to p ;
(p d) t _p d
strength of joint _
strength of unhurt plate pxt p '
-V 2l25
or the strength of the joint is about 59 per cent, of the strength
of the unhurt plate.
In joints such as that shown in Fig. 158, the rivets are under
double shear, that is, they would have to shear at two places if
distance r from the axis. The stress at the axis of the shaft
would be zero.
Moment of resistance. The stress on all parts of the section
will give forces, each having a moment about the axis of the
shaft, and the sum of all these moments will give a resultant
1 ;
moment, called the Moment This
of Resistance of the material.
Moment Twisting Moment applied
of Resistance balances the
to the shaft and consequently will be equal to it. For a round
solid shaft, the Resisting Moment can be shown to be
Resisting Moment =?=- lb. inches.
_ 10,000 x22x2x2x2
= 125,700 lb. inches
= 10,470 lb. feet.
If we measure the strength of a shaft by the torque which
may be safely applied to it, the above equation shows us, that
if the shaft is under pure twist, without bending action, its
to the cube of its radius. Thus, a solid shaft 4" diameter could
withstand safely 8 times the torque which could be safely
applied to a shaft of the same material, but only 2" diameter.
Hollow shafts. Since the material of a shaft near its axis
is only under a small shearing stress, and the arm of which, in
wire. A
permanent weight hung to the end of the wire keeps
it taut. This machine can be used for verifying the following
elastic properties of wires under torsion.
The angle of twist is proportional to the torque applied, directly
proportional to the length of the wire, and for wires of the same
material but of different diameters, inversely proportional to the
fourth power of their diameters.
The following results were obtained in an experiment for
verifying the first two statements.
An Experiment on Twisting.
Steel wire, annealed, 0*065" diam.
00 o-o
20 10 10. 6
0-80 40 5 23
105 5 25 7-5 29
1-55 775 9 410
2 05 10 25 11 53-5
2-80 140 15-5 73
3 00 150 16 79
3 50 17 5 19 92
3 60 180 20 94
3-85 19-25 21-5 101-0
8 *
6 /* /
4 /
2 /
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
Fig. 163. Plotted diagram, showing torque and angles Fig. 164. Helical
of twist for a wire under torsion. spring.
Spiral springs, as in Fig. 166, are used for watches and clocks,
Fig. 165. Helical spring under torsion. Fig. 166. Spiral spring.
it can only change its bulk very slightly even under very great
5. Two shafts, one 2" diameter the other 2" diameter, are sub-
jected to equal twisting moments. Compare their maximum shearing
12. A helical spring is made of round steel J" diameter, and has
50 coils li" diameter. Calculate its extension when pulls of 5 lbs.
are applied.
a force of one pound acts through a distance of one foot in its line
of action. The inch-ton and foot-ton are also sometimes used,
these being the work done when a force of one ton acts through
a distance of one inch or one foot respectively.
The work done by any force is calculated by taking the
product of the magnitude of the force and the distance through
which it acts.
ff- ft
etc., the force delivering work to the machine
v i is smaller than the resistance which is overcome
'{ by the use of the machine. The Mechanical
Advantage of a machine is the ratio of these two
\ forces.
\ Thus, in the above winch, suppose that
r each man exerts a constant force of 30 lbs.
applied always tangential to the path of his
hand (Fig. 175), the load raised being 300 lbs., then the
Mechanical Advantage will be ^ =
5 -
= r^-r-
energy supplied
Horse-power = - -
= 244-4.
3W -
Energy supplied i.
ft.-lbs., ?
= 407.
Graphic representation of work. Since work is measured
by the product of two quantities, force and
distance, we may represent it by the area
of a diagram. Thus, supposing a uniform
force P to act through a distance D, the work
done will be P x D. If we set off I) to scale Fig. 176. --Work done
in a diagram (Fig. 176), and erect ordinates
of constant height equal to P to scale, we obtain a rectangle
of area equal to PD, which therefore represents the work done.
A.M. II. I
Pig. 177. Work done by a varying Pig. 178. Work done in extending
force. a bar.
Therefore, Resilience \f x
= ^ inch-tons per cubic inch of
2 -^ material.
U done on W
than the bar has taken up. At
this point the work done by gravity is
represented by the rectangle OKNP, while
Q that taken up by the bar is represented by
FlG 18 agram f
the t rian g le 0NP tne work represented
W^k '>
line while transmitting the varying force from the piston rod to
the crank, cause the torque to vary widely during the stroke.
The maximum torque will occur usually when the crank and
connecting rod are at right angles to one another. The torque
will be zero when the crank is on the dead centres, as the crank
and connecting rod will then be in the same straight line.
If the steam pressure and dimensions of the engine are given,
we can easily obtain the torque when the crank and connecting
rod are at 90 to one
another, by setting out ,' ~
T*3r^_ f
3. A loaded truck,
weight 12 tons, is pulled along a level track.
motion are 1 1 lbs. per ton weight, calculate the
If the resistances to
work done in pulling the truck a distance of one mile.
4. A bridge girder weighs 15 tons, and is to rest on supports 25 ft.
above the level of the ground. Calculate the work done in raising
the girder into position.
5. A man weighs 140 lbs. Calculate the total work he has to do
in carrying his bicycle, weight 30 lbs., upstairs to a room 20 ft.
above the street level.
6. A man
exerts a constant force of 30 lbs. in turning a handle of
14" radius calculate the work done per revolution if {a) the force
10. The weight of a pile driver is 1250 lbs., and it is raised 6 ft.
above the pile head before delivering a blow. Calculate its potential
energy when raised.
11. One cubic foot of a gas contains 600 British thermal units.
To how much mechanical work is this equivalent ?
12. Find the mechanical work equivalent to the heat contained
in a pound of petroleum of heating value 20,000 British thermal
17. A
shaft running at 120 revolutions per minute is subjected to
a torque of 7000 ft. -lbs. Calculate the horse-power transmitted.
18. A
bar of mild steel, 10 feet long, has a sectional area of 3
square inches. Calculate the work done in stretching it when a load
of 12 tons is applied gradually. Take .#=30,000,000.
19. What work in foot-pounds is done in raising the materials
for building a brick wall 50 high, 12' long, and 2' 3" in thickness, if
one cubic foot of brickwork weighs 112 lbs. ? (1897.)
20. A man of 150 lbs. climbs a hill regularly 1200' vertically per
hour ; at another time he climbs a staircase at 2' per second in ;
21. A chain weighing 10 lbs. per foot of its length is 240 ft. long
X 11 20 34 45 55 66 76
Find approximately the work done on the body when it has risen
70 feet. How much of this is stored as potential energy, and how
much as kinetic energy ? (1901.
Fig. 183. Friction of a slider.
desired amount) with a cord, pulley, and scale pan, so that the
horizontal force P required to overcome frictional resistances to
sliding may be measured. Under these conditions, the per-
pendicular pressure between the surfaces in contact will be equal
to the weight of the slider and loads placed on it, say, and W
its actual distribution over the surfaces in contact need not con-
cern us at present. The F
will be equal to P,
force of friction
and this will very nearly equal theweight of the scale pan and
loads placed in it, provided the pulley used is finely mounted on
pivot bearings and oiled so as to run very freely.
lbs. Static Values. Kinetic Values. Kinetic Values.
Pi P* P
Pi lbs. P2 lbs. PglbS.
2-701 0-74 0-337 0-49 223 051 0-232
4-701 1-43 0-306 0-901 0191 0-901 0191
6-701 2 69 0-401 1-301 0194 1-301 0194
8 701 3 04 0-35 1-701 0195 165 019
10 701 3-54 0-335 2-201 0-206 2 09 0195
12-701 4-501 0355 2-501 0197 2-401 0189
14-701 4701 0-32 2901 0197 2-90 197
16-701 504 0-32 3 501 0-209 3-40 0-203
Fig. 185 shows the plotted results for the experiments in which
the grain of the slider was parallel to the direction of motion.
The plotted points, especially those for the kinetic values, fall
approximately on the straight lines which have been drawn to
lie fairly among the plotted observations. The plotted points
would all lie exactly in a straight line had the friction been
proportional to the load and the experiment been perfectly per-
The coefficient of friction may also be found by another method.
Expt. Raise one end of the board XZ (Fig. 186), until the
block A, if started off, will slide down with steady speed. Con-
sider the forces acting on the block when sliding occurs. Its
yy -
s *
i y s ^ HP
4* \ 10
* i
Fig. 185. Plotted results of an Fig. 186. Coefficient of friction
experiment on the friction determined by inclining the
of a slider. board.
= ab be. :
Now the triangles abc and XYZ are, from the construction,
similar to one another ; therefore
ab:bc = XY: YZ ;
from the diagram that n=T5=
the tangent of <f>.
XY as stated before.
The angle of resistance will be greater when the block is
Call <f>g
the angle in the first case and <f> k
the angle in the
second case, then
Static coefficient of friction = tan <f> s ,
A 10 0-88 0225
B 0-75 0-83 0-213
over a pulley and having a scale pan at its end. few results A
obtained with this machine are given.
Results of Experiment.
Coefficient of friction.
Revolutions per min. Rubbing speed, w p P
N. feet per second. lbs. lbs.
1000 26 2 2 73 41 0-15
850 22 2 2 73 0-56 0-205
740 19 4 2 73 0-83 0-304
650 17 2-73 0-856, 0317
560 147 273 1-042 0-382
450 11-8 2 73 1-10 0-404
360 9 45 2 73 1-08? 0-396 ?
A = !A = fx |JF= 0-562 W.
Other 90 lap, to D }
should make
A = !A=fxfxfW' =0-422 JF,
An Experiment on Slipping.
Experimental Calculated
IF lbs. Plbs. Ratio Ratio
Angle of lap. P P
descending. ascending
W' w'
friction,experiments show that the frietixmal
resistances are roughly proportional to the
load and inversely proportional to the radius
of the wheel or roller. In the case of a wheel
or roller rolling on a
plane surface, the
indented by the wheel, so that the
surface is
rim is in contact not at a line only as at A (Fig. 192), but over
a portion of the circumference BO. This introduces a certain
amount of sliding from B to O instead of pure rolling.
In roller and ball bearings the surfaces are usually lined with
hardened steel, and the rollers or balls are also of hard steel.
This reduces indentation as far as possible, and consequently
lowers the frictional resistances. In roller bearings, a cage is
necessary to keep the rollers in their proper relative positions,
and this is also often done in the case of ball bearings. An
example of a ball bearing for taking the thrust of a lathe
Experiment on rolling friction. In order to obtain some
idea of the resistance to rolling of a carriage along a level road of
different material, a small
three- wheeled carriage may
be used, the wheels being of
gun-metal and fixed to steel
axles carried on fine pivot
bearings so as to be as
frictionless as possible. The
roads consist of slabs of differ-
ent material, and are levelled
as accurately as possible. The FlG. 104. Roller bearing for a truck
horizontal force required to
maintain steady, slow motion is measured in the usual way by a
horizontal cord passing over a finely mounted pulley and having
a scale pan at its end.
3 09 03 0-047 047
10-09 0*125 016 0-20
17-09 0-20 0-25 0-36
24 09 0-28 0-36 051
31 09 0-36 0-47 0-70
38-09 0-44 061 0-95
j i S 1 6
isdue to the wheels being forced
into the material of the road, and
thereby introducing a consider-
Fig. 195. Resistance to rolling on
able amount of slipping. We
roads of cast iron, teak, and rubber.
may deduce from these experi-
ments, that to minimise frictional resistances in wheels rolling on
roads, in roller bearings, or in ball bearings, that the materials
should be hard and not liable to be indented by the loads applied.
Fluid friction. The laws of friction for fluids differ con-
siderably from those stated for dry surfaces. For liquids such
Heating of bearings.
Almost the whole of the work done
in overcoming frictional resistances is transformed into heat.
The rubbing bodies therefore rise in temperature, until the loss
of heat by conduction, etc., balances the heat produced by the
= 22 6
-=-x y^x 90=141 feet in one minute.
25 300
Heat generated = -^^- = 32 -8 B.T.U. per minute.
1. found that a horizontal force of 8 lbs. can keep a load
It is
whose weight is 30 lbs. in steady motion along a horizontal surface.
What is the coefficient of friction?
2. A block
whose weight is 10 lbs. rests on a horizontal table ; it
is found that a pull of 4 lbs., applied at 30 to the table, just starts
it off. What is the static coefficient of friction ?
as 0*06, find the frictional force opposing the sliding of the slipper
on the guide in this position.
5. The workingface of a slide valve of a steam engine measures
8^"x 15"; travel is 4".
its Steam pressure on the back of the valve,
120 lbs. per square inch. If the coefficient of friction is TV, calculate
the force required to move the valve and the horse-power absorbed
when the engine is running at 60 revolutions per minute.
6. An oak plank, 8 feet long, has a block of oak resting on it. If
the coefficient of friction is 45, how high must one end of the plank
be raised before slipping down will occur ?
7. In a belt driving a pulley, the ratio of the pulls in the two
parts of the belt is 0'4. A
difference in the pulls of 250 lbs. is
required for driving. Calculate the actual pulls.
8. A train whose speed is mile per minute has frictional resist-
ances amounting to 12 lbs. per ton weight of train. If this weight
is 150 tons, calculate the pulling force required and the horse-power
of the engine.
9. A shaft 4" diameter rotates 300 times per minute. If the load
on it is 1 tons, and the coefficient of friction 0"025, calculate the
H.P. absorbed in driving it and also the heat generated per minute.
10. What is friction ? What is meant by limiting friction, by
sliding friction, and by the coefficient of friction? A weight of
5 cwts. resting on a horizontal plane requires a horizontal force of
100 lbs. to move it against friction. What in that case is the value
of the coefficient of friction ? ( 1 896.
Velocity. The term Velocity has been used before when
considering machines. A commoner term with the same
meaning is speed. Both terms refer to the rate at which a body
is changing its position relative to other bodies. Velocity has
magnitude, direction, and sense, and, like force, may be
represented by a straight line.
Velocity is measured by stating the distance travelled by the
body in a given time. Thus, a velocity of 15 feet per second
means that in one second the body will travel a distance of 15
feet. When we say that the speed or velocity of a train is
next second its velocity will be found to be 64*4 feet per second,
and at the end of the third second 96 6 feet per second and so
= 0*4166 mile per minute, including stops.
Or, the average velocity may be found from its velocity-time
diagram by any of the well-known mensuration rules. In the
given diagram (Fig. 198), if the base be divided into 10 equal
parts and the sum of the velocities measured by the height of
the diagram at the centre of each part be taken, this sum
divided by 10 will give the average velocity.
Acceleration. The case of a body gaining speed must now
be studied in more detail. Supposing it starts from rest at
time 0, and gains speed gradually throughout. Let its velocity
at the end of the first second be 4 ft. per second. Its velocity at
any instant during the first second will be shown by the height
of the diagram at that instant (Fig. 199). During the next
second, its velocity will gradually increase again, and at the end
of this second will be 8 feet per second, represented by 2B in
the figure. At the end of the third second its velocity will be
12 feet per second and at the end of the fourth second 16 feet
per second, represented by 3C and 42) respectively. The gain
of velocity in any particular second, or positive acceleration, as
it is called, will be 4 feet per second. We state this by saying,
Acceleration = 4 feet per second, every second, or,
Acceleration = 4 (feet per second) (per second),
the part of the units in the first bracket referring to the gain of
velocity, and which that
in the second bracket to the time in
change of velocity took place.
Notice, in the diagram, that the total change in velocity in
4 seconds was 16 feet per second. So that we may find the
change per second in velocity by dividing the total change by
the time in which that change took place. Thus,
Acceleration =^ = 4 (feet per second) (per second).
We must be careful always to state not only the change in
velocity,but the time in which that change took place. Had the
body in the above case gone on moving for 10 seconds, its
velocity at the end would have been 40 feet per second.
S=(%at)xt= :
, .(3)
v 2 = 2aS. (4)
Bodyfalling freely. We
have already seen that when a
body freely, its velocity increases by 32 '2 ft. per second
every second. A
special symbol, g, is used for the acceleration
in this case, so that
v=9* ()
h=%vt (6)
h=\9* (7)
v 2 =2gh (8)
this unit, acting on the one pound mass, would give an accelera-
tion of one foot per second per second. This unit of force is
called an absolute unit of force, and in our system of units
poundal. The absolute unit of force for the metric system is
the dyne, and is of such magnitude that it gives an acceleration
of one centimetre per second per second when it acts on a mass
of one grain. Using the poundal as the unit of force, the
equation stated above may be written
P=ma poundals.
Example. A body has a mass of 150 lbs. and we have to give it
an acceleration of 100 feet per sec. per sec. Find force required.
= ma 9 .,
= 456 lbs.
Or in poundals,
P=456 x 32-2= 15,000 poundals.
9=4a(6\3) 2 =a.x397
a=^r^r=0'45 feet per sec. per sec.
p= ma
364 x 0-45
= 0-0509 lb. weight,
which agrees closely with the actual P used in the experiment,
viz. 005 lb. weight.
Measurement of kinetic energy. When a body i i
or v2 =2gh,
or foot-tons if W is in tons.
Relative velocity. When we speak of a body being at rest,
what meaning do we attach to the statement ? Thus, a house
appears to be at rest, that is, it is not shifting its position on
A.M. 13. L
Fig. 205. Velocity of a person entering a Fio. 2U6. Velocity changed from
railway carriage. V\ along A B to V<t along BC.
10. The moving parts of a steam hammer have a mass of 500 lbs.
and are raised a height of 3 feet above the work before each blow.
Wkftt is the kinetic energy of these parts when the hammer head
is just reaching the work, assuming no frictional losses, and that
steam is used for lifting the hammer only ?
11. What is the kinetic energy possessed by a hammer head, mass
2 lbs., moving with a velocity of 40 feet per second?
12. What kinetic energy has a ship of 15,000 tons mass when its
speed is 20 knots ?
13. What exactly does a man mean when he says " this train is
going at 30 miles an hour " ? Suppose you have a watch with a
seconds hand, and know that the telegraph posts are 200' apart, how
can you approximately find the speed of the train ? (1897.)
14. A body is moving towards the north at 40 feet per second.
In two seconds later, we find it moving towards the north at 50 feet
per second. What velocity has been added in these two seconds ?
15. A body
moving towards the north at 50 feet per second.
In two seconds afterwards we find that it is moving towards the
north-east at 60 feet per second. Find by drawing what is the
added velocity. State the magnitude and direction of the added
velocity. (1898.)
Rb = /;.
will move through the same distance in a given time, for each
will have the same speed as the belt. Suppose, then, that A
turns once; its circumference will travel a distance = 2irRA >
(T - T.)V
Horse-power transmitted =
Let us take roughly T2 =0*4. Tv then
r -7 2 =0-6.7
0*6 T
and Horse-power transmitted = ^-^. r.
Example. A belt running at 900 ft. per minute has a pull in its
Losses by slip. Slipping of the belt introduces a loss of
energy in overcoming frictional resistances between the belt
and pulley. The amount of slipping is variable, and depends
on the power transmitted and the tightness of the belt. Its
amount may be found experimentally by first calculating what
revolutions the driven shaft should make, using the expression
for the velocity ratio
Then, actually count the revolutions of the two shafts for, say,
one minute, repeating two or three times and taking the
average. The actual velocity ratio will be found by dividing
the actual revolutions of A by those of B.
Slipping can then be expressed as a percentage. Thus, sup-
pose a pulley of 3 ft. diameter is driving one of 1 ft.diameter
and that the driver rotates 120 times in one minute.
The calculated velocity ratio = :r = 3, so that B should rotate
= 283.
The lost revolutions of the driven shaft will be 20 in 360, or
k^x 100 = 5-5 per cent. We are therefore losing 5*5 per cent.
and also the same percentage
of the motion, of the power which
might have been transmitted if no slip.
Use of guide pulleys. The belt must always be delivered to
the pulley while moving in the same plane as the pulley is
rotating, but may leave the pulley in a different plane. There
is no difficulty in arranging this condition when the shafts are
Fig. 214.
for reversing a Fig.
215. Speed cones.
Speed cones are belt pulleys having several steps on which the
belt may run (Fig. 215). Their object is to secure a velocity
ratio which may be varied to suit the particular work on which
the machine is engaged. The velocity ratio when the belt is on
any particular pair may be calculated
as before, from the radii of the steps.
Friction gearing. If the driving
shaft and the driven shaft are close
enough together, the rims of the
pulleys may touch one another, and
if enough friction
pressed together,
willproduced to enable the one to
Fio. 21ii. Friction wheels.
drive the other, provided the power
being transmitted is not too great. In Fig. 216, A is the
driver and B the driven pulley. It will be noticed that the
n b r;
The pressure on the shaft bearings due to the forces pressing
the wheels together is objectionable, especially if the shaft is
to the same distance. This being the case, when motion occurs,
the cones will roll on one another without slip at any of the
parts in contact, or if slip does occur, the amount will be
proportional anywhere to the distance from C.
Toothed wheels. To prevent slipping, the discs composing
friction wheels may have teeth cast or cut on the rims (Fig. 219),
the teeth on each disc
projecting beyond the
edge of the rim, and also
coming inside the edge.
The teeth on one wheel
engage with the teeth
on the other, and so
prevent any slip. The
edges of the original
have now dis-
appeared, but we may
Fig. 219. Toothed wheels in gear.
imagine them still to be
there, and the wheels will rotate just as though these discs
were rolling on one another. This imaginary circle showing
the original discis called the pitch circle, and the distance
revolutions of B~ B
Use of idle wheels. Two toothed wheels in gear with one
another must rotate in opposite directions. If both are required
to rotate in the same direction, then another wheel, mounted on
an intermediate shaft, and gearing with both driver and driven
wheels, is required. This is shown in Fig. 220. A and B will
now rotate in the same direction, and since the speed of the
circumferences of all three pitch circles will be the same, it
follows that 2fA j{
NB -Rc
Multiplying the left-hand sides of these equations together and
also the right-hand sides, we get
NA x No Rr
Fig. 220. A drives B through the idle Fig. 221. C, D, and E are idle wheels.
wheel C.
Rb Rd Rf .
Ra Rc Re
%b nj> n*
nA nc ne'
A - c D
G will have f
1 -J revolutions, clockwise
nc l
if positive, anticlockwise if negative.
and the revolutions of C will be
(1-1) = 0.
In this case Cdoes not rotate on its axis while the arm rotates.
A model epicyclic train such as shown above is easily arranged
and will be found very useful in explaining the action and what
has been discussed. Epicyclic gears have been used in various
machines, such as rope-spinning machines, and also for reducing
from a higher to a lower speed of rotation.
Shape of teeth.
If the velocity ratio of a pair of wheels in
gear is not to alter at any time, and this is essential to smooth
running, then the condition
,- J
v>- / which must be attended to
/ w*v' *n &i vm o the teeth their
\ f^L* [ proper shape, is that the
" O -Jc
common perpendicular to the
outline of two teeth, at any
\ ,'''
\ place where they are in contact,
must pass through the point
Fig. 225. The common perpendicular at where the pitch circles of the
P must pass through C.
r . ._. .
, ,._.*
two wheels touch (Fig. 225).
This condition is fulfilled if portions of cycloidal curves are
used for the teeth outlines, although other curves may be
used also. The student is referred to books on Machine
Design for the methods of drawing these curves and designing
the teeth.
Horse-power :
33,000 '
33,000 x Horse-power
or, '
Having obtained P, the thickness of tooth required for
strengthmay be found by the ordinary proportional rules for
cantilevers as described in Chap. VIII.
Bevel wheels are evolved from coned friction wheels by giving
teeth to the cones in the same way as for ordinary toothed
The screw consists of two portions, one A (Fig. 227) cylin-
drical, and free to rotate but not to slide axially, and the other B,
called the nut, free to slide axially but not to rotate. A helical
thread is cut on the outside of A and a corresponding one on
the inside of B, so that A may fit in B. If A is rotated, B will
slide axially. Combinations of the screw and nut are very
A.M.B. M
often used and take many forms. The threads also take
many different shapes. As regards the relative motions of
A and B. Let B have N
threads per inch, then the distance
from thread to thread, measured from corresponding places on
the threads, will be -y. This distance is called the pitch of the
neglecting friction ?
Let P = force on spanner, lbs.,
B= radius of P, inches,
Q = pull on bolt, lbs.
p = pitch of screw, inches.
Then, if there is no friction,
Work done by P in one revolution = Work done in overcoming Q
through a distance equal to the pitch.
Px2tB = Qx P ,
20 x 2 x 22 x 7 x 12
Q 7
10,560 lbs.
about E for
an instant. A is actually moving in AC, but we
may imagine it to be turning about any centre in AF,
perpendicular to AC thus, if turning about
; for an instant, F
the motion of A will be along A C. Now B may turn about any
point in CB, and A may turn about any point in AF, so that if
we choose /, where CE and AF
intersect, both A and B may be
considered as rotating about the same point / for a very brief
interval of time. The velocity of A may now be found, for the
velocities of A and B will be directly proportional to their radii
AI and BL
Let V= velocity of A, then
v: V=BI:AI
vx AI
sr -
varied in length. The piston position for any crank angle can
be read on a scale against which a pointer attached to the model
piston slides. The disturbing effect of the connecting rod, and
the influence of its length may be conveniently studied with
such a model.
Acceleration of a point in a mechanism. Until the student
has acquired a more extensive knowledge of the subject, the
following approximation to the acceleration of a point in a link
may be used. Considering the velocity diagram shown in
Fig. 233 for the velocity of the crosshead at any crank
= 2x
lime m
. , . ,
pin revolves once =
which crank r
, . . circumference
22 1
=T X 3
= seconds.
22 30
And time in which it rotates 30 = ~y x ^
=0-0873 sec.
throughout the crank revolution. The values are best set down
in a table thus :
Acceleration of Crosshead.
the piston rod end connected direct to the crank pin, the
fitted with this parallel motion, and the Crosby Indicator with
one slightly modified from this. The latter instrument is shown
on page 212, where its mechanism can be easily understood. The
Scott-Russell motion has also been used for guiding the top of the
piston rod in small engines known as grasshopper engines, from
their peculiar resemblance to grasshoppers when working.
Watt's parallel motion was used by Watt for guiding the top
of the piston rod in his beam engines. Its simplest form con-
sists of two equal links AB, CD (Fig. 243), swinging about
centres A and D, their ends B and C being connected by a link.
If we first put AB and CD horizontal so that BC is vertical, and
3. A
line-shaft transmits 4 H.P. to a countershaft through a
belt running on a pulley 12" diameter on the line-shaft and one of
the same diameter on the counter-shaft. The speed of the line-shaft
is 150 revolutions per minute, and it is found that there is a great
deal of slip. On the pulleys being replaced by others 24" diameter
each, the slip is much reduced. Explain this, giving actual figures.
4. Give sketches and description of the shafts, pulleys, etc. , used
in distributing to the machines the power developed by the engine
in any engineer's workshop you are acquainted with.
5. Two toothed wheels, mounted on parallel shafts, are to be in
gear with one another. Their speeds of rotation are to be in the
ratio of 2 1. If the distance between the axes of the shafts is 12",
and the pitch of the teeth is to be as nearly 1" as possible, find the
numbers of teeth on each wheel.
6. Give sketches and description of the train of wheels connecting
the hour axle with the minute axle in a clock. Give suitable
numbers to the teeth.
7. The counter-shaft driving a turning lathe runs at a speed of
180 revolutions per minute. The largest step on the speed cone is
10" diameter and the smallest 4" diameter. Each pair of wheels in
the back gear have numbers of teeth 15 and 45 respectively. If the
belt is running on the smallest step of the countershaft cone, and
the back gear is "in," what will be the surface speed, in feet per
minute, of a piece of work 7" diameter ?
8. An epicyclic train consists of four wheels. A is fixed and
has 40 teeth ; B gears with A and has 20 teeth C gears with B
is equal to p, which will always be less than 1, as IT is
one foot.
Useful work done on W= W x 1.
Plan of procedure. In experimenting with any machine,
about 10 experiments should be made with loads increasing by
equal steps up to the maximum the machine can safely carry.
If scale pans or hooks are used for attaching P and IF, the
weights of these should be included in the recorded values of
P and W. In recording the results, a sketch showing the
mechanism clearly should first be inserted and a description of
the machine. The calculation for the velocity ratio of the
machine should then be given and its result stated. If suitable,
the velocity ratio should also be determined by direct measure-
ment at the places where W and P are applied. Weigh the
scale pans or hooks and state their weights separately. Oil the
parts of the machine requiring lubrication, make sure that
everything is running nicely and then make the experiments.
Record the results in the form of a table. Curves should then
be plotted on squared paper showing the relations of P to W, of
F to IT, and of the efficiency of the machine to W. From the
first two curves equations showing the connection of P and W
and of F
and Wmay be found. The third curve will show the
value of the efficiency of the machine for any load as a rule it ;
will be observed that the efficiency rises rapidly when the loads
are small, and tends to become constant as the maximum load is
As an example of the method, the following experiment is
at B, from which W
is suspended.
I. Before oiling.
V*a 41 a B
Rais - o
C ON >, o
fa a
I *
Pan, lbs. Pan, ii
W P'
Load Advantage,
f g 11X
f A
8 /
2 *
4 6 S JO 12 H a onus.
Fig. 254. Plotted values of P and W.
tion like
Fio. 255. Plotted values of F and IF.
P=aW+b, (1)
= (ax 2) + 6
2-2 (2)
13'3 = (axl6) + 6 (3)
Solving these, we find a 0'79,
so that P= 0-79 TT+ 0-62 (4)
gives the required equation showing the connection between
P and W, with the machine unlubricated.
Taking now the diagram for P and W after oiling, we see
that P= 1-7 lbs. when W=2 lbs, and
P= 10-7 lbs. when W = 16 lbs.
These values inserted in (I) give l'7 = (ax 2) + 6 (5)
lC-7 = (axl6) + 6 (6)
Solving these gives a =0*64,
6 = 0-41 ;
we see that
and from (2) and (3) and from (2) and (3)
/>=079H'+0'62. P=0-64W+0-41.
F=0 58W+l-3. ^=0-27^+0-95.
AFT& 0JUK___
w 2ft
J ratio = >> - x
tt(R r)
_ 2R
~ R-r"
which is the same result as that found by the previous method.
Eunning down of the load. Notice the question of the
balance of the lever DF above, when both chains are hanging
Clockwise moments =\ W xr.
Anticlockwise moments = \ Wx R.
There is therefore an anticlockwise equal to \ W{R r)
tending to turn the sheaves about C and so cause the load to W
run down. To prevent this, we have to depend, in this tackle,
on the friction of the spindles of the sheaves in the upper and
lower blocks, which must supply a clockwise moment equal to
\ W(R r). If, therefore, we want to raise a load easily by this
tackle, we must grease the bearings of the spindles, but not too
freely, as we may thereby reduce the friction so much as to
cause the load to run down, that is, the blocks cease to be self-
It can be shown that in any machine in which the removal of
the pulling force does nothing to alter the magnitude of the
frictional resistances, the suspended load will not run down if
the efficiency of the machine is less than 50 per cent. If,
circumference than that of the outside part of the cord, and the
actual distance moved by the cord will be the mean of these two,
that is, the circumference of the cord centre.
To find the velocity ratio, let RA RB , , Re be the radii of A, B
and C, in each case measured to the centre of the cord. Let the
drum rotate once, then
Distance moved down by P=2ttRa
down by E=2irR B
up by F=2ttR c .
Velocity ratio =
J ^^^7)
Re Rb
The actual mechanical advantage will be found by experiment.
A From the results the effect of friction
and the efficiency will be calculated
as already explained.
Helical blocks are often used on
account of their self-sustaining quali-
ties. The upper block consists of a
chain wheel A (Fig. 263) carrying an
endless chain for working the blocks ;
is turned by means of
handles, a considerable
velocity ratio is obtained.
This arrangement is said
to be single geared. In
double geared crabs, an
additional toothed wheel
and pinion are introduced
on another spindle, so that
a much greater velocity
obtained. The Fig. 264. Crab, arranged for performing
ratio is
double geared crab is
usually so arranged that it can be rapidly converted to single
geared light loads can then be raised more quickly than by
wheel on the same spindle prevent the load running down if the
handles are released.
Fig. 264 shows such a double geared crab arranged so that
experiments may be performed. The handles have been taken
off and a wheel, having a rim
grooved to receive a cord, substi-
tuted. The pull required to work
the machine is supplied by weights
D = C placed in a scale pan at the end of
i 1 this cord, the cord being led over
I 1
BxD XTrd>
F= CxF
= BxJ)xd2
~CxEx d{
Screw jacks are used for heavy loads requiring a small lift
only. A hollow case A (Fig. 266) has a hole at its top screwed
to receive a strong square threaded screw B. The load is
degrees of twist will be given to the test piece by turning the hand-
wheel through 235 revolutions ?
6. A lifting tackle is formed of two blocks, each weighing 15 lbs. ;
the lower block is a single movable pulley, and the upper or fixed
block has two sheaves. The cords are vertical and the fast end is
attached to the movable block. Sketch the arrangement and deter-
mine what pull on the cord will support 200 lbs. hung from the
movable block, and also what will then be the pressure on the point
of support of the upper block. (1896.)
7. Describe either a screw jack (pitch of screw h", handle 19" long)
or a simple winch for lifting weights up to 1 ton by one man. What
is the mechanical advantage neglecting friction? Describe what
sort of trial you would make to find its real mechanical advantage
under various loads, and what sort of result would you expect to
find? (1897.)
8. Describe any machine, workable by hand, for lifting weights.
Give the rule for its velocity ratio. When is its velocity ratio the
same as its mechanical advantage ? Describe carefully how you
would make tests to determine its real mechanical advantage under
various loads. (1898.)
9. A machineconcealed from sight except that there are two
vertical ropes when one of these is pulled downwards the other
rises. How would you find the efficiency of this lifting machine ?
What do we mean by the velocity ratio, and by the mechanical
advantage? (1900.)
Pig. 267. Crosby Gas Engine Indicator.
the double stroke of the engine. From this curve the average
pressure on the piston may be found. A
datum line, showing
atmospheric pressure, is traced on the paper by putting the
indicator cylinder in communication with the atmosphere. A
small side hole in the communication cock enables this to be
done. Fig. 267 shows the Crosby
Gas Engine Indicator, and ex-
plains the construction of the
instrument clearly.
Calculation of I.H.P. from
"L the indicator diagram. This
Fig. 268. -Indicator diagram for end diagram (Fig. 268) represents
A of the cylinder in Fig. 270. ,
._ . ,. . ,,
what the indicator might draw if
connected to a steam engine cylinder. AL is the datum atmos-
pheric line, ah shows the admission of steam at high pressure
to the engine cylinder. At b the steam is cut off and expands
I _i
Fig. 269. Indicator diagram for Fig. 270. Diagram of steam engine
endB of the cylinder in Fig. 270. cylinder.
=pA x- = PA lbs.
=PBxi(D'i -cP)=PB \hs.
33,000 ^
Brake horse-power. The quantity LxN(PA + PB) measures
the whole energy in foot-pounds given to the piston in one
minute. It is necessary to
know not only this, but also
the energy which the engine
can deliver per minute, as
from these two quantities, the
energy lost in overcoming
frictional resistances in the
engine, and the mechanical
efficiency of the engine can
be calculated. If the engine
is not too large, the energy
WR-PR = R{W-P)
will be the net opposing moment in pound-feet, if and P are W
in pounds.
If now the wheel rotates once, the work done against this
moment will be
and for N
revolutions per minute,
Work per minute = 2tt . R . N( W- P) ft. lbs.,
power, and has two brake blocks B and C fitted to it. These
blocks can be made to grip as tightly as may be
required on the
wheel A by tightening two thumbscrews on the bolts holding
the blocks together. A
lever B, balanced by a counterpoise at
J, carries a load P
lbs. in a scale pan at its end, and this load
Fx 2ttR x N
33,000 '
Heating of the brake. In absorption dynamometers the
energy produced by the engine is absorbed by the frictional
resistances of the brake,
and is transformed into
heat. It is therefore neces-
sary to keep the flywheel
cool by lubrication with
soapy water, this being
assisted by the air draught
produced by the rotation
of the wheel. Sometimes
Froht Elevation Sectional Elevatioh flywheels have their rims
Fig. 273. Arrangement of water-cooled made of a channel section
so as to receive a stream
of water, which being whirled round by the wheel, retains its
position in the rim in the same way as a whirled stone at the
end of a string keeps its circular path. The water is kept
continually flowing into the rim and is drained away by a sharp-
edged scoop on the other side, and therefore keeps the rim cool.
The arrangement is shown in Fig. 273.
Transmission Dynamometers are used for measuring the
power delivered to a machine. They receive energy from a
moving belt or otherwise, measure it,
and deliver it to the machine with as
little loss as possible. They usually
work by measuring the torque trans-
mitted. Let two shafts, both in the rjy-
same straight line, have parallel discs
mounted as shown in Fig. 274. Let the
discs be connected by springs, one end
secured to a pin on one disc, the other
end to a pin on the other. If A is Fig. 274 -Spring transmission
driven in the direction shown, the
torque will be communicated to B by means of the springs,
which will therefore extend and cause A and B to take a new
relative position.This relative movement of A and B will
depend on the magnitude of the torque, which may therefore
be measured by observing the movement. Any convenient
arrangement of linkwork to cause, by utilising the relative
motion of A and Z?, a pointer to move over a scale will
Let T= observed torque, lb.- feet.
and H.P. transmitted =
Dynamometers measuring the difference in belt pulls.
In other forms of transmission dynamometers the difference in
the lesser, Tx
will give a resultant downward force, R lt
than the resultant upward force, R2 due to T2 T2 A force
, , .
PR l
R 2 will therefore be required to hold the frame in
position, and if this force is measured, Tx and T2 may be found
from it and the angles of deflection of the belt.
and if the arms FC and FD are equal, as they usually are, this
will reduce to
Px GF=2 FC(T .
- 2)
T,-T =h.Px FC
class, (T - x
T2) may
be calculated from the observed value of P,
and if the belt, or the revolutions and the
the speed of
diameter of the driven pulley be known, the H.P. transmitted
may be calculated in the same manner as in the preceding
Measurement of large powers. The operation of measuring
the energy delivered by very large engines is a very difficult one.
It is not easy to imagine an absorption dynamometer suitable
for attachment to a marine engine of, say, 10,000 I.H.P. In
such cases, the Indicator Diagram is the sole means of estimating
the power of the engines. The case of large engines driving
electrical machinery is simpler. Here the electrical power
delivered by the machines can be measured with considerable
accuracy, and if the I.H.P. of the engine is obtained at the same
time, the mechanical efficiency of the combined engine and
dynamos can be calculated. Thus
Electrical power delivered by the dynamos
~ amperes x volts
horse-power = E.H.P.
.*. Efficiency == -f-Wp
1 x 100 per cent, for the combined plant.
T _. ,. mv 2
Kinetic energy = -=
= 10x 396x396
= 496-9 ft. -tons.
M of a flywheel.
Let iV= revolutions per minute of a flywheel.
r=mean radius of rim, feet.
m=mass of wheel.
v = velocity of a point at r radius, ft. per sec.
v=^ .2irr
N.irr .
= -q- ft. per sec.
V 1800 .a
9 )
The coefficient of N 2
in this result is constant for a given wheel,
so that we may state that the kinetic energy of a given wheel
depends simply on the square of the revolutions per minute. If,
therefore, we know the kinetic energy of the wheel at any given
speed, say one revolution per minute, we can calculate, by simple
proportion, its energy at any other speed.
Let M = kinetic energy of wheel at 1 revolution per min.
K= at N revolutions per min.
Then, M:A =l:^2,
or, A'=M^ 2
_mv 2 mv22 1
or, p.8 -*J-?2. W.
= 3x2xyx3
= -=-=56-57 ft. per sec,
and ^2 = 3200,
and v 1 z_ v z2 = '* w
m t
2 =V307l
= 55 "4 ft. per sec.
Let new speed = A 2 revolutions per minute.
55'4x (x7
2 x 22 x 3
= 176 '3 revolutions per min.
The wheel therefore loses 3 '7 revolutions per minute while giving
up 4000 ft. -lbs. of energy.
It forms a useful exercise for the student to perform some
experiments on the energy of a flywheel. For this purpose, a
small flywheel is mounted
on a horizontal shaft which
also has a drum on which
a cord is coiled (Fig. 277).
A pan is attached
to the end of the cord.
Loads placed in this pan
and allowed to descend will
rotate the flywheel and give
energy to it. The cord must
be attached to the drum in
such a manner that it will
easily free itself from the
drum when the pan reaches
the floor.
ing load, and some has been utilised in overcoming the frictional
resistances of the bearings of the shaft.
To obtain the kinetic energy taken up by the load during its
Let v = velocity acquired, feet per second.
Average velocity during descent =\v.
H= average velocity x time of descent
=%vxt ;
E^WH-^itAhs (1)
Expt. (b). Observe the number of revolutions made by the
wheel while the load is being wound through the measured height
If. The wheel will rotate the same number of times while the
load is descending. Call this number n. Since the wheel makes
n revolutions in a time t seconds, starting from rest, its average
speed of rotation will be equal to - revolutions per second, and
or MN*=WH-^-,
Wv 2
giving M= * ft.-lbs., (2)
this being the kinetic energy of the wheel when rotating with a
Expt. (c). To determine the energy utilised in overcoming the
wind up the load W again through the
friction of the bearings,
same height H, and allow it to descend as in Expt. (a). This
time, in addition to the other observations, note the total
number of revolutions made by the wheel from starting to
stopping. Call this number n.L .
Kinetic energy acquired by descending load = --= ft.-lbs.
The difference between these, viz.,
(wH-^)ftAbs., (3)
reaches the drum, and is disposed of, while the load is descending,
partly in overcoming the frictional resistances and partly in
giving energy to the wheel. After the load has reached the
floor, the whole of the energy given to the wheel is absorbed in
overcoming the frictional resistances while the wheel is coming
to rest, consequently the whole of the energy reaching the drum
is ultimately expended in overcoming the frictional resistances
during n 2 revolutions. Assuming that the frictional resistances
are constant during the experiment, the energy required to
overcome them during one revolution will be
=2- ft.-lbs.
and during the time when the load is descending, in which
period the wheel rotates n times, the energy required will be
2g \ 2g Jn 2
from which the final value of M may be found, giving
M= 2^ SzA (6)
A.M.B. P
No. of Load,
Height W Time of Revolutions,
Revs., total,
Experiment. jribs.
descends, descent, W descending n.2 .
H feet. t seconds. n.
The results must now be worked out, and are best stated in
tabular form in the following manner :
Results of Experiment.
Velocity Speed Energy Energy spent
acquired acquired by Energy
No. of acquired in Friction,
by load, wheel, transformed, by W,
Experi- 1H M.
ment. ^ = 120n
WH V 2g f%t
foot pounds.
20 foot pounds.
feet per sec. revs, per min.
Find from the last column the average value of M, which will
now be very near to the true value.
Momentum. Momentum is possessed by a body when in
motion ; it is proportional to the mass of the body and to its
velocity jointly, and is measured by the product of these.
Momentum = mv.
Units of momentum will be stated by giving the units of
mass and velocity employed thus, if the pound is used for the
unit of mass, and one foot per second is the unit of velocity, then
Momentum = mv, pound-foot-seconds.
gt t w
, for the body A ;
[from (2) above]
Mv __mV
or, Mv=mV.
Then Mv = m\\
which enables the velocity of either gun or shot to be calculated
if the other quantities are known.
Impulsive forces. Imagine
a body in motion to possess a
momentum abstracted by the body encoun-
equal to M, which is
tering a uniform resistance P. If this is accomplished in t
seconds, then
p M
It will be noticed that becomes very small, P will become
if t
Reaction of plate = = 1
= 5-8 lbs.
Reaction of plate =
= 125x200 __
nnn = 776C1U
rest, the water will flow outwards and be discharged all round
the rim of the wheel in radial jets. Assuming that the radial
velocity of the water kept constant while passing along the
= foot-lbs.
Horse-power required =
60 ,
p .
Work done
Then, tangential force required at wheel rim
per second = 51 7 x 25
= 1292
25 '
ft. -lbs.
x 20 + 32-2=51 -7 lbs
~ 1292x60
H.P. required = - -^r =2oor
33 -
and the dead load 70 lbs. The brake wheel was 5 feet diameter.
Calculate the B. H.P.
18. The flywheel of a gas engine has a mass of 1000 lbs. at a mean
radius of 2 feet and runs at 200 revs, per min. The supply of gas to
the engine is stopped at a given instant and it is found that the fly-
wheel comes to rest in ^ minute. Calculate (a) the energy stored in
the wheel at first ; (b) the number of revs, while coming to rest
(c) the energy abstracted from the wheel per revolution, assuming
this to be the same for every revolution.
\c I
overcome this tendency and to cause the
\ J
body to move in the circular path. The
inertia of the body* causes it to resist this
v "*""""
S pull with an opposite force F equal to P.
P is called the Central Force (sometimes
Centripetal Force), and F is called the
Centrifugal Force. Evidently, if the string is let go, these forces
would cease to exist, and the body would move off in a path
tangential to the circle.
Since a central force is required to overcome the inertia of
the body, it follows that there must be an acceleration caused
by it, towards the centre of the circle.
Let v = the velocity of the body in its circular path, feet per
r=the radius of the circle, feet,
Again, D ma
;. P-Z* t (2)
100 X (87T) 2
" 32-2x2
= 982 lbs.
Centrifugal force =
_1 X 60 X 60 X VX 7T
= 1120 lbs.
mv2 x2r
R= o
Let = area of section of rim in square inches,
q = tensile stress on o, lbs. per square inch.
Then R = 2qa (Fig. 284),
, -
q = mass per
cubic foot xv 2
lbs. per square inch.
. ,
second. If the material has a mass of 450 pounds per cubic foot,
find the tensile stress due to centrifugal force.
_ 450xi;
=640 lbs. per sq. inch.
W =r
: : h ;
or hv i =gri ;
*-* 0)
Let N= revolutions per minute of the ball, then
2ttt x N
_ 3600g JL^
=a constantx-^ (3)
Fig. 287. Loaded governor used for controlling the speed of an oil engine.
Governors are usually loaded by means of a spring or weight
as shown between the balls in Fig. 287. This is done in order
that they may be run at a higher speed than is possible in
an unloaded governor, and the
sensitiveness and power of con-
trolling the valve are increased
by so increasing the speed.
Simple harmonic motion.
Considering a point P
(Fig. 288)
rotating in a circle of radius r,
with a uniform velocity v, we
have seen that its acceleration
towards the centre of the circle,
bP 2
equal to multiplied by ; or, since the triangles aPb and
PNC are similar,
.*. horizontal acceleration = NC . -5 (1)
=a constant x NC.
That is, the horizontal acceleration is proportional to the
R=NC.m. v-^poundals, (2)
k r
and, JL
2 '7*
7T .
xmx NC
2 =
? xM7
=^v i2 '
W~mg ab AN'
Now if NC is small compared with I,
Substituting this in the time equation (4) for one swing, from C
to C, we get
a/ l
Vg m
r * =7r (5 >
as the time of swing of a simple pendulum.
is independent of the mass
It will be noticed that this result
of the body and of the distance from C to C
For this to be
true, the body should be of small dimensions and the distance
CC small also. The suspending wire or cord should be very
light, so that its weight may be, as above, neglected.
The compound pendulum consists of any body vibrating about
a horizontal axis under the influence of its own weight. An
equivalent simple pendulum can easily be found by suspending
a small bullet by means of a fine thread from the same axis, and
adjusting the length of the thread until both compound and
simple pendulums swing together in the same time.
Expt. The simple pendulum may be used for roughly
determining the value of g. Thus, arrange a small bullet to
swing through a small angle at the end of a fine thread 3 or
4 feet long take the time of, say, 100 swings
; call this T
t=TXf; seconds.
2 2 -,
* =ir
TV*. I
Control of clock mechanisms. The pendulum, on account
of the uniform time in which it executes small vibrations, is
used to control the working of clocks. This it does by per-
mitting one tooth only of a wheel driven by the clock to pass
while it makes each swing. The escapement mechanism, as it is
2. A
disc rotates on a shaft 120 times per minute. A
iron pin, mass 5 lbs., projects from the disc, its radius being 12
inches. Find the mass required to balance the pin at a radius of
4 inches.
3. A cylindrical drum, 12" long, has equal masses of 10 lbs. each
attached to its ends at radii of 9". Looking at the end elevation of
the drum, the masses appear on the same diameter, on opposite
sides of the centre. Calculate the rocking couple set up when the
drum rotates 300 times per minute.
4. A cast-iron wheel,
with solid rim in one piece, the material of
which has an ultimate tensile strength of 8 tons per square inch, is
run at a gradually increasing speed. What will be the speed of the
rim in feet per second when the wheel bursts ?
5. In a common unloaded governor, calculate the vertical height
of the cone of revolution when the balls are rotating 60 times per
minute. What will be the change in this height if the speed rises
to 62 revolutions per minute ?
6. A point rotates in the circumference of a circle of 6" radius
with a velocity of 10 feet per second. The plane of the circle is
vertical. Find the horizontal component of the acceleration of the
point when it is in positions differing by 30 round the complete
circumference, and plot these on a time base.
7. Find the length of a simple pendulum to beat seconds. Take
<7 = 32-2.
8. A
railway coach, mass 20 tons, runs round a curve of 1,600 feet
radius at a speed of 45 miles per hour. Calculate the centrifugal
Some properties of fluids. Fluids are substances which are
not able to offer permanent resistance to any forces, however
small, which tend to change their shape. Fluids are either
liquid or gaseous; gases possess the property of indefinite
expansion, liquids do not. Thus, a small quantity of gas in-
troduced into a perfectly empty vessel will at once expand and
occupy the whole of the vessel, while a small quantity of liquid
in the same circumstances will simply lie at the bottom of the
vessel. Gases exist either as vapours, or as so-called perfect
gases. Theperfect gas was supposed to exist under all con-
ditions as a gas, but it is now well known that all gases can be
liquefied by great pressure and cold. A vapour may be defined
as a gas near its liquefying point, and a perfect gas as the same
substance far removed from its liquefying point.
Some liquids are more easily able to change their shapes than
others. Liquids which change their shapes with difficulty are
said to be the more viscous, the property being called viscosity.
Mobile liquids change their shape very easily ; thus, chloroform
is used for delicate spirit levels on account of the extreme ease
with which the bubble can change its position, chloroform being
very mobile. Other liquids, such as cylinder oils, treacle, pitch,
shoemakers' wax, are very viscous, but all change their shape if
given sufficient time. As we have already seen in Chap. VII.,
change of shape is always produced by shearing forces. If
equal compressive stresses are applied to all the faces of a cube,
the body will become smaller, but will remain cubical but ;
not remain at rest, but will change its shape, and therefore,
if the fluid is at rest, there can he none hut normal stresses acting
anywhere on or in it.
Stress on horizontal immersed surfaces. Since there can
be no shearing stress in a fluid at rest, and since friction is always
brought about as a shearing stress, it follows that when a liquid
such as water is at rest, there can be
no frictional forces contributing to
preserve the equilibrium of any por-
tion of it. Suppose, in a tank of water
(Fig. 293), we think of the equilibrium
of a vertical column of it standing on
a horizontal base of one foot square.
The forces acting will be the weight of
Fig. 293. Equilibrium of a the column, which, if the depth is D
column of water.
feet, will be equal to the volume of
the column multiplied by 62^, the weight of a cubic foot of
water nearly, so that
at the same depth will have a similar and equal pressure on it.
If, therefore, we have a horizontal area, A square feet, at a
If the liquid is not water, but some other which weighs w lbs.
HiiHii^ rnrrn
Fig. 294. Fig. 295. Fig. 296.
water into this hole until it is full to the surface level, and
then let the surrounding water become liquid again (Fig. 303).
The pressures on the water poured
in will be exactly the same as when
""""' '""_"
i the vessel occupied the hole, and
j - their
effect is similar the weight
TW of the water poured in is supported.
^ This being the case, we see that
jo w
the weight of the water poured in
PlQ 303
and the weight of the vessel must
be equal to one another, as each
is equal to R, the resultant pressure from the surrounding
2 water,
W l
- W = weight of an equal volume of water,
p1 :p2 = v2 :v1 ,
Or PlVl=P22'
Notice that the pressure must be absolute, that is, measured
from zero, not from atmospheric, in applying Boyle's Law.
Suppose we have a cylinder fitted with a piston of area one
square inch and stroke I inches, and allow air at a pressure
p x pounds per square inch to enter it. The piston will be
moved forward and work may be done to the amount of
p l multiplied by I, the result being in inch-pounds. If the air
supply is stopped at some part of the stroke before the end is
reached, the pressure will fall as the piston moves on, but the
expanding air will continue to do work. Using Boyle's Law,
the pressures at various parts of the expansion may be found
and a diagram plotted, from which the average pressure may be
found. Thus, suppose the stroke is 12" and air is supplied at
60 lbs. per square inch, absolute, and cut off at stroke.
vv = 4 cubic inches.
Pi = 60 lbs. per sq. inch.
^ = 60x4 = 240.
The product of any other pressure and corresponding volume
must be 240, so arranging a table of volumes differing by
1 cubic inch, we may calculate the corresponding pressures.
V V p V
lbs. per sq. inch. cubic inches. lbs. per sq. inch. cubic inches.
60 4 26 6 9
48 5 24 10
40 6 218 11
34 3 7 20 12
30 8
iz Inches.
Force pumps. Pumps are used for many purposes and have
The stress be transmitted to all parts of the water, and
p will
will exert a pressure on the bottom of the ram 2), tending to
raise it, the resultant pressure being p multiplied by , W
will be equal to this, neglecting friction.
W=p x -,
We see, therefore, that
4P 1 4 If
^^andalso^, .
P d*
The mechanical advantage (without friction) of the arrange-
ment is therefore equal to the ratio of the squares of the
diameters of the ram and the pump plunger. For example, if
dx is 1 inch, and d2 10 inches, then if P is 1 ton, W would be
100 tons.
It will be observed, also, that if P is allowed to descend, W will
be raised a much smaller Suppose, for example, that
the area of the pump plunger section is 1 square inch, and that
the ram sectional area is then, if P descends
100 square inches ;
recess, as illustrated in
Fig. 309. Water leaking
upwards from the cylin-
der enters the interior
of the ring and presses
it firmly against the
sides of the ram and the
recess ; leakage past this Fig. 311. Hat leather.
will be px lbs.
into the lower part, and so raises the cylinder and any load
which may be placed on its top. These machines are very
convenient for raising heavy loads through a short distance a ;
10. Name
the chief physical properties of a liquid, and show in
what respect a liquid differs from a gas and from a solid. How is
the pressure of water on the vertical sides of a tank calculated ?
A water tank is 10' long, 10' wide, and 10' deep. When it is
with water, what will be the force with which the water acts
on one side of the tank ? (1898.)
12. Water at 750 lbs. per square inch pressure acts on a piston
1 square foot in area, through a stroke of 1 foot ; what is the work
that such water does per cubic foot and per gallon ? If a hydraulic
company charges 18 pence for a thousand gallons of such water,
how much work is given for each penny ? (1898.)
13. Distinguish between the velocity ratio and the mechanical
advantage of a machine.
In a hydraulic lifting-jack the ram is 6" in diameter, the pump
plunger is " diameter; the leverage for working the pump is 10 to 1.
What is the velocity ratio of the machine? Experimentally we
find that a force of 20 lbs. applied at the end of the lever lifts a
weight of 8500 lbs. on the end of the ram. What is the mechanical
advantage of the machine? What is the efficiency of the machine?
14.Describe the construction and action of an ordinary suction
pump for raising water from a well. If 200 gallons of water are
raised per hour from a depth of 20 feet, and if the efficiency of the
pump is 60 per cent., what horse-power is being given to the pump?
15. A
hydraulic crane is supplied with water at a pressure of
700 lbs. per sq. inch, and uses 2 cubic feet of water in order to lift
4 tons through a height of 12 feet. How much energy has been
supplied to the crane, and how much has been converted into useful
work? (1899.)
rest only at the surface, is the pressure greater or less than before ?
18. A
single-acting hydraulic engine has three rams, each of
3 inches diam. ; common crank, 3 inches long ; pressure of water
above that of exhaust, 100 lbs. per sq. inch 100 revolutions per
is only at some little distance from the orifice that parallel flow
is attained. The section at which contraction
is complete is
Velocity of Discharge. Theoretically, the velocity of the
jet may be calculated from a consideration of the energy of a
pound of water at various places. Thus, one pound of water at
the surface level WL will have potential energy due to its
elevation Hover the orifice this potential energy will be equal
to 1 x 27, or H
foot-lbs. At d, on the same level as the orifice,
this potential energy will have been changed to energy of
another kind, as the pound of water is no longer elevated over
the orifice. This other kind of energy may be called pressure
energy and the expression for it may be obtained from a
consideration of the work done by the
pressure on a pound of water at d in
displacing it. Thus, let the volume of
one pound of water be v cubic feet,
and the pressure acting on it p pounds
rV *'
v= cubic foot
:. pressure energy =pv= foot-lbs.
This statement will be very nearly true if there is only a very
small velocity of descent from WL to d, as then the losses due
to fluid friction having to be overcome will be very small. The
pressure energy possessed by one pound of the water at d will
be gradually converted into kinetic energy as the particle moves
towards the orifice, and will be completely converted when the
particle has attained its maximum velocity, that is, at the
contracted vein. Let F=the velocity at the contracted vein,
1 x V2
Kinetic energy of one pound of water there = -
= 2
Assuming for a moment no losses by fluid friction between d
and the contracted vein, the pressure energy lost must be equal
to the kinetic energy acquired, so that
w 2g
or, since ^ = Sp H=^r:\
both in pounds per square inch and in feet head. When using
heads of 2 feet or more, a cock which puts the top of the tank
into communication with the atmosphere is closed. A quantity
of air is thus entrapped above the water in the tank and is
compressed as the pressure rises. When the desired pressure is
attained, by adjusting the water regulating valve, this air cushion
enables it to be maintained with great constancy. In fact the
vessel plays the part, when used thus, of an ordinary air vessel.
This arrangement had to be adopted in the apparatus shown,
as the pressure in the ordinary water mains was very variable,
sometimes zero, and it was found necessary to put down a small
Worthington pump for supplying experimental water. The
tank air vessel effectually stops pulsations from the pump.
The jet is discharged from the left side of the vessel and is
caught by the sloping baffle plate shown and directed into a
rectangular tank below, whence it falls into the measuring tank
shown on the extreme left.
An actual experiment. Some results are given, obtained
with this apparatus, using a circular orifice in a tMn brass plate
0-25" diameter.
Q cubic feet.
It will be seen that the calculated results agree fairly well with
the experimental ones. The principal difficulty in carrying out
such experiments lies in the measurement of the dimensions of
the orifice. In the above experiments, the hole was fitted to a
standard " diameter cylindrical gauge, so that its diameter was
known with considerable accuracy. Other orifices which are
very interesting to experiment with, chiefly on account of the
beautiful forms the jet takes, are triangular and square shaped.
There is great difficulty, however, in obtaining their areas to
any degree of accuracy.
Flow over gauge notches. Water flowing along a stream
may be measured in two different ways depending on the
magnitude of the stream. If small, the most convenient method
Fio. 322. Arrangement of a weir for measuring the quantity of water flowing
along a stream.
a thin plate at one part of the weir for the water to tumble over
(Fig. 322). From the head of water and the dimensions of the
notch, the quantity flowing may be calculated. If the stream is
large, then soundings must be taken across one section of it so
that the shape of the bed and the area of the cross section of the
stream may be found. The velocity is then measured at various
places by means of an instrument with blades like a propeller,
the revolutions of which depend on the velocity of the stream
and are registered by means of an attached counter. The
average velocity being found, this multiplied by the cross
sectional area will give the volume flowing per second. In the
case of a straight stream with an ordinary river bed, the
maximum velocity would be found near its centre, a little
below the surface.
A.M.B. s
Water is supplied at the other end of the long box and has to
pass several battle plates arranged as shown in the section (Fig.
324), the last one being a sheet of wire gauze. These still down
all eddies, so that the water reaches the weir with steady motion.
After passing the weir, the water falls into
the measuring tank at the left-hand end of
the apparatus. The measurement of the
head of water above the lower edge of the
notch is effected by means of a hook gauge.
This consists of a round brass rod AB
(Fig. 325), having a hook of brass wire fixed
to it and brought to a sharp point at C.
325. Hook gauge,
The rod A B can slide vertically in a tube at
D which is clamped securely to a fixed
support. The tube D is split at the top
along one side and has a vernier cut on
it,a scale of inches divided into tenths being cut on AB.
In rod AB is drawn up until the point at C just breaks
use, the
the water surface. From the scale reading the head of water
above the weir may be obtained. The hook gauge, both in the
experimental tank and in actual practice must be placed a
considerable distance from the weir, as the water surface always
slopes slightly downwards as the weir is approached.
(Fig. 328) and near its edges A and B, curved stream lines.
Alteration of head produces alterations in the shape of these
stream lines, so that a formula has to be used containing a term
# = 3'33(Z- TV^)Ai,
where Q = cubic feet flowing per second,
L = length of notch in feet,
h = head in feet,
n = 2 for a notch as in Fig. 328,
n=\ Fig. 329,
n=0 Fig. 330.
(b) the water entering the pipe from A loses energy by the
production of eddies in the pipe ;
1*7 for very smooth pipes, 1'722 for lead pipes, and 2 for rough
Many experimenters have observed the flow of water in
pipes and there are several formulae representing the results
obtained. That due to Prof. Unwin is
H cvi
~L~d^ ;
This formula may be used for pipes of from one foot up to four
feet in diameter.
Example. How much water will flow per second from a reservoir
through a pipe 1 foot diameter, 5000 feet long, the fall of surface
level being 25 feet ? The inside of the pipe is fairly smooth.
Unwin's equation gives
H_ 0-0004 xt-J
Z~ d^ '
.= 0-005 =0-0004 xv 1 *,
(o 0004/
W 7
Fig. 332. Apparatus showing change of pressure in water flowing along a pipe
of varying section.
presently quietens down again, that is, the whole of the kinetic
energy of the pound of water has been' dissipated in creating
disturbances in B, and none has been utilised in producing
useful work. Useful work may be derived from the H
pounds of potential energy available by permitting the water to
descend through a pipe, thereby producing pressure energy at
the level of B, which may be converted into mechanical work by
driving the pistons of a water engine. Or, the energy available
may be utilised by means of a water-wheel of which there are
three varieties over-shot, breast-shot, and under-shot.
In the over-shot wheel (Fig. 335) water is brought to the top
of the wheel, which has buckets fastened all round its rim the
wheel at A, and
as before, the velocity of the
Horse-power = t V
J mV
. .
Example. Suppose 500 lbs. of water per second to be delivered
to a wheel with a tangential velocity of 40 feet per second. The
velocity of the wheel rim is 35 feet per second. The water leaves
the wheel radially. What horse-power can be developed ?
500 x 40
Pressure on wheel
32 2
Work per second
H.P. = 39-5.
- lbs. If the wheel had such a speed of rotation that the
was equal to that of the jet, no momentum
velocity of the bucket
would be changed, and the pressure would be zero. In either
case, no work would be done. At a speed of rotation such that
the buckets have a velocity half that of the jet, these con-
ditions giving the theoretical maximum efficiency, the water
would leave the bucket with little or no velocity relative to the
earth, and consequently would have a maximum quantity of
energy abstracted from it. The whole momentum 1 x \\ of a
pound of water in the jet would be changed. The efficiency of
such a wheel would be 100 per cent., only the imperfect action
of the water reaching the buckets, due to their different inclina-
tions caused by the rotation of the wheel, and the interference
of one bucket just entering the jet with the supply going to
another, prevent this. An efficiency of about 80 per cent, can
be attained.
Experimental Pelton wheel. In Fig. 321 a small Pel ton
wheel may be observed at the extreme right of the apparatus.
This is connected to the upright tank so that water can be
supplied to it at any pressure up to 100 lbs. per square inch.
A speed counter driven by a small worm and worm wheel
counts the revolutions of the wheel. A pulley on the wheel
shaft has a brake fitted to it by which the horse-power of the
91-5 lbs. = W.
Water per second = 0*0244 cubic feet.
Diam. of tapered nozzle =0'25".
Area of jet = 0'000341 sq. feet.
]\ = Velocity of jet=
n ^^^ = 71_5 feet per second.
This latter value has been used in working out the results.
V2 = velocity of bucket
HP - (P-W)2*R.N _ 1'57
B y
33,000 "33,000^ V
= 0-000048 (P- W)A7 .
Results of Test.
H / ~\\
200 400 600 800 1000 1200 ItOO 1600*0?
each test lasted only about 3 minutes. Fig. 345 shows a plotted
curve of B.H.P. at the different speeds of revolution, and in
Fig. 346 the efficiency of the motor for the varying values of
.V) r\
u / \\
/ S
87 M 03 04 OS Of 07
\0-9 I0 V
shock, the velocity of the rim of the wheel being 50 feet per second;
the water leaves the centre of the wheel with only a radial velocity
what energy does the water give to the wheel per second? (1901.)
furnace, the resulting product being called pig iron. Pig iron
contains from 2 to 5 per cent, of carbon, which may be simply
mechanically mixed with the iron, such iron being called grey
iron, or the carbon may be in combination with or in solution in
the iron, the iron being then known as white iron. Grey iron is
used for foundry purposes, as it gives good castings. White
iron is brittle and very hard. It fuses at a lower temperature
than grey iron, but assumes a pasty condition before becoming
quite liquid. White iron is used for wrought iron and steel
Cast iron. Casting into the required forms is performed
from a furnace called a cupola. The pigs are melted in this
furnace, different grades being combined in certain proportions,
and the resulting mixture is cast into sand or loam moulds
having the desired form. Rapid cooling after the iron is in the
mould tends to produce white iron hence, when castings are
about 30 minutes.
In the Martin process wrought iron or steel scrap and pig iron
are melted together to produce steel ; in the Siemens process
pig iron and ore are used in the Siemens-Martin process, which
is a combination of the two, scrap iron, pig iron, and ore are
heat travels down into the point from the hot body of the tool
and the colours of the oxide formed on the point are watched.
When the proper colour has been attained, the whole tool is
dipped again into water and held there till cold.
Malleable castings are produced from the ordinary cast-iron
castings by heating them for several days in contact with some
substance, such as red haematite, which will remove the carbon.
Case hardening consists in giving a surface of steel to wrought
This process is effected by heating the articles in
iron articles.
contact with some substances, such as charcoal, leather, and
ferrocyanide of potassium, which will give carbon to the iron.
The operation resembles the cementation process, but is not
allowed to go so far, as only a thin layer, J" to J* thick, of steel
is required.
Copper is largely found native, and is also produced by
reduction from its ores. It is much used in sheets, bars, and
as wire, for fire boxes, sheathing, tubes, boiler stays, nails,
electrical conductors, etc. Copper castings are not much used,
being poor and expensive. Copper is strong and malleable, is
easily wiredrawn, and can be made up into many forms by
hammering or brazing. The metal is best forged at a moderate
red heat and has its strength improved by the process. It is
hardened by working, but may have its ductility restored, and
at the same time its strength reduced, by heating and quenching
in water. When pure, copper has a high electrical conductivity.
It is a good conductor of heat and has a high power of resisting
corrosion by air and water.
Till not found native, being generally extracted from its ore
and the bark, and outside of all the bark. The woody matter is
made up of more or less distinct rings, one of these being added
each year in our climate, hence the name annual rings.
Radiating from the centre may be noticed narrow strips called
medullar!/ rays.
The growth of the tree takes place by the ascent from the
roots of water and mineral salts, this ascent being promoted by
the medullary rays ; these substances on reaching the leaves,
and being acted on by the constituents of the atmosphere in
the presence of sunlight, take in carbon from the carbonic acid
of the atmosphere and then descend to the cambium, which
and transforms the food supplied from
consists of active cells,
the leaves into woody matter to be added to that already
Timber is best felled in winter, as the resulting wood is
better than that felled during active growth in the warmer
months. It is converted after felling into forms suitable for
the market, and seasoned to remove the sap and water which
would, if left, destroy it.
Seasoning may be done by natural means, viz., stacking the
timber in a dry sheltered place and providing for ample ventila-
tion of dry air, or artificially by hot air, or otherwise. Timber
is liable to crack or develop shakes during seasoning, such as
heart shakes extending radially from the outer parts, star shakes
radiating from the centre, and cup shakes in which separation
occurs along the circumference of the annual rings.
Timber also shrinks in seasoning, chiefly circumferentially
along the annual rings, not so much
radially and very little
in the direction of the length. Knowledge of these facts is
taken advantage of in the conversion, by cutting up the stem of
the tree in such a manner that shrinkage affects the pieces in
the least harmful way.
Timber is liable to dry rot, in which case the woody structure
becomes powdery. This fault arises from want of sufficient
ventilation. The growing tree is often injured by attacks of
insects and certain plants, and the timber from them also, is
liable to insect attacks after the structure is erected.
Timber is preserved by painting or tarring, but the wood
must be thoroughly dry first, or the moisture is simply con-
fined by the coating and the wood will rot. Creosoting is the
most effective way of preserving timber. It is conducted in a
closed vessel, the timber being first subjected to a partial
vacuum, to withdraw air and moisture from the pores, and then
tarry oil mixed with creosote is forced in hot, under a pressure
of about 170 lbs. per square inch. The creosote fills all the
pores and the oily matter remains also as a coating to the
woody fibres, protecting them from damp. Properly carried
out creosoting is very effective.
For our purpose, timber may be divided into hard woods and
soft woods.
Hard woods. Oak one of our strongest and most durable
Greenheart is very strong, heavy and hard. It burns freely.
Soft woods. Northern pine, also called red or yellow fir,
comes from Scotland, Russia and the Baltic. When of good
quality the timber is strong and durable and is much used for
carpenter's work.
American yellow pine works very easily and is much used for
Wrought iron
Tested in direction of rolling, 20 to 29 )
Tested across direction of Il6to20 22
Cast steel,
steel, ....
19 to 24
27 to 32
35 to 70
21 to 25
Copper, cast, . 8 to 12
,, rolled, 15
,, wire (hard drawn), 28
Tin, 2
Zinc, cast,
rolled, ....
. 1 to 3
8 to 10
Aluminium, cast, 5
,, rolled, 6 to 10
Brass, ordinary,
,, wire,
Sterro metal,
20 to 25.
Delta metal, cast, . 22
,, forged, 34
Muntz metal,
Gun metal,
Aluminium bronze, 40
Phosphor bronze, annealed, 25
',, unannealed, up to 70
Manganese bronze,
... . 28
6 to 10
2 to 5
Portland stone, 2
Brick, London stock, 1
Staffordshire blue),
2 to
Leather, ..... 7
internal work. It takes glue but not nails well, and is durable
in dry climates.
Pitch pine contains much resinous matter, is durable, but
difficult to work. It rots soon if not kept dry.
Spruce or white deal is tough, but is much subject to warping
and shrinkage, and is inferior to red deal in strength ; it also
breaks easily under shock.
General Instructions.
Two Laboratory Note-books are
required ; rough notes of the experiments should be
in one
made, and in the other a fair copy of them in ink should be
Before commencing any experiment, make sure that you
understand what its object is also the construction of the
(1) The
title of the experiment and the date on which it was
(2) Sketches and descriptions of any special apparatus or
instruments used.
(3) The object of the experiment.
(4) Dimensions and weights required for working out the
results'; from these values calculate any constants required.
(5) Log of the experiment, entered in tabular form, together
with any remarks necessary.
(6) Work out the results of the experiment and enter them
in tabular form.
(7) Plot any curves required.
(8) Work out the equations for the curves where possible.
Notes should not be left in the rough form for several days ;
it is much better to work out the results and enter them directly
after the experiments have been performed.
1. Using an ordinary caliper and steel rule, find the dimensions of
the pieces of bar metal provided.
2. Find the breadths and thicknesses, or the diameters, of the
same pieces of material as in Expt. 1, using a micrometer caliper.
First find the zero error, if any, of the instrument and correct your
readings accordingly. pp. 3-5.
Repeat Expt. 2, using a vernier caliper.
3. pp. 5, 6.
4. Weigh the same pieces of materials calculate their volumes
the changes of length of CD. Plot loads and extensions for both
sets of readings. p. 70.
25. Extensions of pulled wires. Apparatus as in Fig. 111. Use
wires of steel, iron, copper, brass, etc. Same instructions as for
Expt. 24. p. 70.
26. Wires loaded to breaking under tension. Apparatus as in
Fig. 111. Perform the Expt. as directed. pp. 77-79.
27. Stiffness of beams.
Apparatus as in Fig. 150. Use pieces of
tool steel, each 3' 3" long, sections 1" x ", f" x ", " x ", " x ",
l"xl", respectively, arranging them (a) as beams supported at
31. Friction of a Apparatus as in Figs. 183, 184. Perform
the Expt. as directed. pp. 138-140.
32. Slider on an inclined plane. Apparatus as in Fig. 186. Per-
form the Expt. as directed. pp. 140, 141.
33. Effect of extent of surfaces in contact. Apparatus as in Figs.
184, 188. Perform the Expt. in the same manner as for Expt. 32.
p. 142.
34. Friction of a cord coiled on a drum. Apparatus as in Fig. 191.
Determine the ratio of the pulls for angles of lap differing by 90.
pp. 144-146.
Rolling friction Apparatus as in Fig. 184 with the addition
of the small carriage shown in Fig. 60. Determine, for different
loads, the resistances offered to rolling on roads of cast iron, teak,
and rubber. Plot loads and resistances. pp. 146-148.
49. Energy of a flywheel. Apparatus as in Fig. 277. Perform
the Expt. as directed. pp. 223-226.
50. Simple pendulum. Perforin the Expt. as directed. p. 243.
51. Vibrations of springs. Perform the Expt. as directed, p. 243.
Discharge from an orifice. Apparatus as in Fig. 321. Com-
pare the* actual flow with the result obtained by calculation.
pp. 268-273.
Flow-over gauge notches. Apparatus as in Figs. 321, 323.
Using (a) the V-notch, (b) the rectangular notch, compare the actual
flow with the result obtained by calculation. pp. 274-276.
56. Pipe of varying section. Apparatus as in Fig. 332. Perform
the Expt. as directed. p. 278.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 0000 0043 0086 0128 0170 0212 0253 0294 0334 0374 4 8 12 17 21 25 29 33 37
11 0414 0453 0492 0531 0569 0607 0645 0682 0719 0755 4 8 11 15 19 23 26 30 34
12 0792 0828 0864 0899 0934 0969 1004 1038 1072 1106 3 7 10 14 17 21 24 28 31
13 1139 1173 1206 1239 1271 1303 1335 1367 1399 1430 3 6 10 13 16 19 23 26 29
14 1461 1492 1523 1553 1584 1614 1644 1673 1703 1732 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27
15 1761 1790 1818 1847 1875 1903 1931 1959 1987 2014 3 6 8 11 14 17 20 22 25
16 2041 2068 2095 2122 2148 2175 2201 2227 2253 2279 3 5 8 11 13 16 18 21 24
17 2304 2330 2355 2380 2405 2430 2455 2480 2504 2529 2 5 7 10 12 15 17 20 22
18 2553 2577 2601 2625 2648 2672 2695 2718 2742 2765 2 5 7 9 12 14 16 19 21
19 2788 2810 2833 2856 2878 2900 2923 2945 2967 2989 2 4 7 9 11 13 16 18 20
20 3010 3032 3054 3075 3096 3118 3139 3160 3181 3201 2 4 6 8 11 13 15 17 19
21 3222 3243 3263 3284 3304 3324 3345 3365 3385 3404 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 IS
22 3424 3444 3464 3483 3502 3522 3541 3560 3579 3598 2 4 (i 8 10 12 14 15 17
23 3617 8636 3655 3674 3692 3711 3729 3747 3766 3784 2 4 6 7 9 11 13 15 17
24 3802 3820 3838 3856 3874 3892 3909 3927 3945 3962 2 4 5 7 9 11 12 14 16
25 3979 3997 4014 4031 4048 4065 4082 4099 4116 4133 2 3 5 7 9 10 12 14 15
26 4150 4166 4183 4200 4216 4232 4249 4265 4281 4298 2 3 5 7 8 10 11 13 15
27 4314 4330 4346 4362 4378 4393 4409 4425 4440 4456 2 3 5 6 8 9 11 13 14
28 4472 4487 4502 4518 4533 4548 4564 4579 4594 4609 2 3 5 6 8 9 11 12 14
29 4624 4639 4654 4669 4683 4698 4713 4728 4742 4757 1 3 4 6 7 9 10 12 13
30 4771 4786 4800 4814 4829 4843 4857 4871 4886 4900 1 3 4 6 7 9 10 11 13
31 4914 4928 4942 4955 4969 4983 4997 5011 5024 5038 1 3 4 6 7 8 10 11 12
32 5051 5065 5079 5092 5105 5119 5132 5145 5159 5172 1 3 4 5 7 8 9 11 12
33 5185 5198 5211 5224 5237 5250 5263 5276 5289 5302 1 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 12
34 5315 5328 5340 5353 5366 5378 5391 5403 5416 5428 1 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11
35 5441 5453 5465 5478 5490 5502 5514 5527 5539 5551 1 2 4 5 6 7 9 10 11
36 5563 5575 5587 5599 5611 5623 5635 5647 5658 5670 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 10 11
37 5682 5694 5705 5717 5729 5740 5752 5763 5775 5786 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10
38 5798 5809 5821 5832 5843 5855 5866 5877 5888 5899 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10
39 5911 5922 5933 5944 5955 5966 5977 5988 5999 6010 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10
40 6021 6031 6042 6053 6064 6075 6085 6096 6107 6117 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10
41 6128 6138 6149 6160 6170 6180 6191 6201 6212 6222 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
42 6232 6243 6253 6263 6274 6284 6294 6304 6314 6325 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
43 6335 6345 6355 6365 6375 6385 6395 6405 6415 6425 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
44 6435 6444 6454 6464 6474 6484 6493 6503 6513 6522 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
45 6532 6542 6551 6561 6571 6580 6590 6599 6609 6618 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
46 6628 6637 6646 6656 6665 6675 6684 6693 6702 6712 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8
47 0721 6730 6739 6749 6758 6767 6776 6785 6794 6803 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8
48 6812 6821 6830 6839 6848 6857 6866 6875 6884 6893 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 8
49 6902 6911 6920 6928 6937 6946 6955 6964 6972 6981 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 8
50 6990 6998 7007 7016 7024 7033 7042 7050 7059 7067 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8
51 7076 7084 7093 7101 7110 7118 7126 7135 7143 7152 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8
52 7160 7168 7177 71S5 7193 7202 7210 7218 7226 7235 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 7
53 7243 7251 7259 7267 7275 7284 7292 7300 7308 7316 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 6 7
54 7324 7332 7340 7348 7356 7364 7372 7380 7388 7396 1 2 J. 3 4 5 6 ft 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
55 7404 7412 7419 7427 7435 7443 7451 7459 7466 7474 1 2 2 3 4 5 5 6 7
56 7482 7490 7497 7505 7513 7520 752S 7536 7543 7551 1 2 2 3 4 5 5 6 7
57 7559 7566 7574 7582 7589 7597 7604 7612 7619 7627 1 2 2 3 4 5 5 6 7
58 7634 7642 7649 7657 7664 7672 7679 7686 7694 7701 1 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7
59 7709 7716 7723 7731 7738 7745 7752 7760 7767 7774 1 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7
60 7782 7789 7796 7803 7810 7818 7825 7832 7839 7846 1 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 6
.u 7853 7860 7868 7875 7882 7889 7896 7903 7910 7917 1 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 6
62 7924 7931 7938 7945 7952 7959 7966 7973 79S0 79S7 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 6
63 7993 8000 8007 8014 8021 8028 8035 8041 S048 S055 1 1 a 3 8 4 5 5 6
64 8062 8069 8075 8082 8089 8096 8102 8109 8116 8122 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 6
65 8129 8136 8142 8149 8156 8162 8169 8176 8182 8189 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 6
06 8195 8202 8209 8215 8222 8228 8235 8241 8248 8254 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 6
67 8261 8267 8274 8280 8287 8293 8299 8306 8312 8319 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5
68 8325 8331 8338 8344 8351 8357 8363 8370 8376 8382 1 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 6
69 8388 8395 8401 8407 8414 8420 8426 8432 8439 8445 1 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 6
70 8451 8457 8463 8470 8476 8482 8488 8494 8500 8506 1 1 2
2 3 4 4 5 6
7.; 8808 8814 8820 8825 8831 8837 8842 8848 8854 8859 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 5
77 8865 8871 8876 8S82 8887 8893 8899 8904 8910 8915 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5
78 8921 8927 8932 8938 8943 8949 8954 8960 8965 8971 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5
79 8976 8982 8987 8993 8998 9004 9009 9015 9020 9025 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5
80 9031 9036 9042 9047 9053 9058 9063 9069 9074 9079 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5
81 9085 9090 9096 9101 9106 9112 9117 9122 9128 9133 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5
82 9138 9143 9149 9154 9159 9165 9170 9175 9180 9186 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5
83 9191 9196 9201 9206 9212 9217 9222 9227 9232 9238 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5
84 9243 9248 9253 9258 9263 9269 9274 7279 9284 9289 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5
85 9294 9299 9304 9309 9315 9320 9325 9330 9335 9340 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5
86 9345 9350 9355 9360 9365 9370 9375 9380 9385 9390 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5
87 9395 9400 9405 9410 9415 9420 9425 9430 9435 9440 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4
88 9445 9450 9455 9460 9465 9469 9474 9479 9484 9489 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4
89 9494 9499 9504 9509 9513 9518 9523 9528 9533 9538 1 1 2 2 8 3 4 4
90 9542 9547 9552 9557 9562 9566 9571 9576 9581 9586 1 1 2 2 8 3 4 4
96 9823 9827 9832 9836 9841 9845 9850 9854 9859 9863 Q 1 1 o 2 3 3 4 4
97 9S68 9872 9877 9881 9886 9S90 9894 9899 9903 9908 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4
98 9912 9917 9921 9926 9930 9934 9939 9943 9948 9952 1 ] 2 2 3 3 4 4
99 9956 9961 9965 9969 9974 9978 9983 9987 9991 9996 Q 1 1 2 3 3 3 4
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6
oo 1000 1002 1005 1007 1009 1012 1014 1016 1019 1021 1 1 1 1
01 1023 1026 1028 1030 1033 1035 1038 1040 1042 1045 1 1 1 1
02 1047 1050 1052 1054 1057 1059 1062 1064 1067 1069 1 1 1 1
03 1072 1074 1076 1079 10S1 1084 1086 1089 1091 1094 1 1 1 1
04 1096 1099 1102 1104 1107 1109 1112 1114 1117 1119 1 1 1 1 2
05 1122 1125 1127 1130 1132 1135 1138 1140 1143 1146 1 1 1 1 2
06 1148 1151 1153 1156 1159 1161 1164 1167 1169 1172 1 1 1 1 2
07 1175 1178 1180 1183 1186 1189 1191 1194 1197 1199 1 1 1 1 2
08 1202 1205 120S 1211 1213 1216 1219 1222 1225 1227 1 1 1 1 2
09 1230 1233 1236 1239 1242 1245 1247 1250 1253 1256 1 1 1 1 2
10 1259 1262 1265 1268 1271 1274 1276 1279 1282 1285 1 1 1 1 2
11 1288 1291 1294 1297 1300 1303 1306 1309 1312 1315 1 1 1 2 2
12 1318 1321 1324 1327 1330 1334 1337 1340 1343 1346 1 1 1 2 2
13 1349 1352 1355 1358 1361 1365 1368 1371 1374 1377 1 1 1 2 2
u 1380 1384 1387 1390 1393 1396 1400 1403 1406 1409 1 1 1 2 2
15 1413 1416 1419 1422 1426 1429 1432 1435 1439 1442 1 1 1 2 2
16 1445 1449 1452 1455 1459 1462 1466 1469 1472 1476 1 1 1 2 2
17 1479 1483 1486 1489 1493 1496 1500 1503 1507 1510 1 1 1 2 2
18 1514 1517 1521 1524 1528 1531 1535 1538 1542 1545 D 1 1 1 2 2
19 1549 1552 1556 1560 1563 1567 1570 1574 1578 1581 1 1 l 2 2
20 1585 1589 1592 1596 1600 1603 1607 1611 1614 1618 1 1 1 2 2
21 1622 1626 1629 1633 1637 1641 1644 1648 1652 1656 1 1 2 2 2
22 1660 1663 1667 1671 1675 1679 1683 1687 1690 1694 1 2 2 2
23 1698 1702 1706 1710 1714 1718 1722 1726 1730 1734 1 1 2 2 2
24 1738 1742 1746 1750 1754 1758 1762 1766 1770 1774 1 1 2 2 2
25 1778 1782 1786 1791 1795 1799 1803 1807 1811 1816 1 1 2 2 2
26 1820 1824 1828 1832 1837 1841 1845 1849 1854 1858 1 1 2 2 3
27 1862 1866 1871 1875 1879 1884 1888 1892 1897 1901 1 1 2 2 3
28 1905 1910 1914 1919 1923 1928 1932 1936 1941 1945 1 1 2 2 3
29 1950 1954 1959 1963 196S 1972 1977 1982 1986 1991 1 1 2 2 3
30 1995 2000 2004 2009 2014 2018 2023 2028 2032 2037 1 1 2 2 3
31 2042 2046 2051 2056 2061 2065 2070 2075 2080 2084 1 1 2 2 3
32 2089 2094 2099 2104 2109 2113 2118 2123 2128 2133 1 1 2 2 3
33 2138 2143 2148 2153 2158 2163 2168 2173 2178 2183 1 1 2 2 3
34 2188 2193 2198 2203 2208 2213 2218 2223 222S 2234 1 1 '2
2 3 3
35 2239 2244 2249 2254 2259 2265 2270 2275 2280 2286 1 1 2 2 3 3
36 2291 2296 2301 2307 2312 2317 2323 2328 2333 2339 1 1 2 2 3 3
37 2344 2350 2355 2360 2366 2371 2377 2382 2388 2393 1 1 2 2 3 3
38 2399 2404 2410 2415 2421 2427 2432 2438 2443 2449 1 1 2 1 3 3
39 2455 2460 2466 2472 2477 24S3 2489 2495 2500 2506 1 1 a 2 3 3
40 2512 2518 2523 2529 2535 2541 2547 2553 2559 2564 1 1 2
2 3 4
41 2570 2576 2582 2588 2594 2600 2606 2612 2618 2624 1 1 2 2 3 4
42 2630 2636 2642 2649 2655 2661 2667 2673 2679 2685 1 1 >_)
2 3 4
43 2692 2698 2704 2710 2716 2723 2729 2735 2742 2748 1 1 I 3 3 4
44 2754 2761 2767 2773 2780 2786 2793 2799 2805 2812 1 1 2 3 3 4
45 2818 2825 2831 2838 2844 2851 2858 2864 2871 2877 1 1 2 3 3 4
46 2884 2891 2897 2904 2911 2917 2924 2931 2938 2944 1 1 2 8 3 4
47 2951 2958 2965 2972 2979 2985 2092 2999 3006 3013 1
1 3 4
48 3020 3027 3034 3041 3048 3055 3062 3069 3076 3083 1 1 8 4 4
49 13090 3097 3105 3112 3119 3126 3133 3141 3148 3155 1 1 i 3 4 4
1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
50 3162 3170 3177 3184 3192 3199 3206 3214 3221 3228 1 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7
51 3236 3243 3251 3258 3266 3273 3281 3289 3296 3304 1 2 2 8 4 5 5 6 7
52 3311 3319 3327 3334 3342 3350 3357 3365 3373 3381 1 I 2 3 4 5 5 6 7
53 3388 3396 3404 3412 3420 3428 3436 3443 3451 3459 1
2 8 4 5 6 6 7
54 3467 3475 3483 3491 3499 3508 3516 3524 3532 3540 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 6 7
55 3548 3556 3565 3573 3581 3589 3597 3606 3614 3622 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 7
56 3631 3639 3648 3656 3664 3673 3681 3690 3698 3707 1 2 1 8 4 5 6 7 8
57 3715 3724 3733 3741 3750 3758 3767 3776 3784 3793 1 2 3 8 4 5 6 7 8
58 3802 3311 3819 3828 3837 3846 3855 3864 3873 3882 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 8
59 3890 3899 3908 3917 3926 3936 3945 3954 3963 3972 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8
60 3981 3990 3999 4009 4018 4027 4036 4046 4055 4064 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 8
61 4074 4083 4093 4102 4111 4121 4130 4140 4150 4159 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
62 4169 4178 4188 4198 4207 4217 4227 4236 4246 4256 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
63 4266 4276 4285 4295 4305 4315 4325 4335 4345 4355 1 2 8 4 5 6 7 8 9
64 4365 4375 4385 4395 4406 4416 4426 4436 4446 4457 1 2 8 4 5 6 7 8 9
*65 4467 4477 4487 4498 4508 4519 4529 4539 4550 4560 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
66 4571 4581 4592 4603 4613 4624 4634 4645 4656 4667 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10
67 4677 4688 4699 4710 4721 4732 4742 4753 4764 4775 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10
68 4786 4797 4808 4819 4831 4842 4853 4864 4875 4887 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10
69 4898 4909 4920 4932 4943 4955 4966 4977 4989 5000 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10
70 5012 5023 5035 5047 5058 5070 5082 5093 5105 5117 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 11
71 5129 5140 5152 5164 5176 5188 5200 5212 5224 5236 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 10 11
72 5248 5260 5272 5284 5297 5309 5321 5333 5346 5358 1 2 4 5 6 7 9 10 11
73 5370 5383 5395 5408 5420 5433 5445 5458 5470 5483 1 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11
74 5495 5508 5521 5534 5546 5559 5572 5585 5598 5610 1 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 12
75 5623 5636 5649 5662 5675 5689 5702 5715 5728 5741 1 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 12
76 5754 5768 5781 5794 5808 5821 5834 5848 5861 5875 1 3 4 5 7 8 9 11 12
77 5888 5902 5916 5929 5943 5957 5970 5984 5998 6012 1 3 4 5 7 8 10 11 12
78 6026 6039 6053 6067 6081 6095 6109 6124 6138 6152 1 3 4 8 7 8 10 11 13
79 6166 6180 6194 6209 6223 6237 6252 6266 6281 6295 1 3 4 6 7 9 10 11 13
80 6310 6324 6339 6353 6368 6383 6397 6412 6427 6442 1 3 4 6 7 9 10 12 13
81 6457 6471 6486 6501 6516 6531 6546 6561 6577 6592 2 3 B 8 8 9 11 12 14
82 6607 6622 6637 6653 6668 6683 6699 6714 6730 6745 2 3 5 8 8 9 11 12 14
83 6761 6776 6792 6808 6823 6839 6855 6871 6887 6902 2
8 5 8 8 9 11 13 14
84 6918 6934 6950 6966 6982 6998 7015 7031 7047 7063 2
3 E 8 8 10 11 13 15
85 7079 7096 7112 7129 7145 7161 7178 7194 7211 7228 2 3 5 7 8 10 12 13 15
86 7244 7261 7278 7295 7311 7328 7345 7362 7379 7396 2 3 5 7 8 10 12 13 15
87 7413 7430 7447 7464 7482 7499 7516 7534 7551 7568 2 3 5 7 9 10 12 14 16
88 7586 7603 7621 7638 7656 7674 7691 7709 7727 7745 1 4 6 7 9 11 12 14 16
89 7762 7780 7798 7816 7834 7852 7870 7889 7907 7925 2 4 5 7 9 11 13 14 16
90 7943 7962 7980 7998 8017 8035 8054 8072 8091 8110 2 4 7 9 11 13 15 17
91 8128 8147 8166 8185 8204 8222 8241 8260 8279 8299 I 4 6 8 9 11 13 15 17
92 8318 8337 8356 8375 8395 8414 8433 8453 8472 8492 2 4 8 8 10 12 14 15 17
93 8511 8531 8551 8570 8590 8610 8630 8650 8670 8690 2 4 8 8 10 12 14 16 18
94 8710 8730 8750 8770 8790 8810 8831 8851 8872 8892 2 4 8 8 10 12 14 16 18
95 8913 8933 8954 8974 8995 9016 9036 9057 9078 9099 2 4 6 8 10 12 15 17 19
96 9120 9141 9162 9183 9204 9226 9247 926S 9290 9311 2 4 6 8 11 13 15 17 19
97 9333 9354 9376 9397 9419 9441 9462 9484 9506 9528 2 4 7 9 11 13 15 17 20
98 9550 9572 9594 9616 9638 9661 9683 9705 9727 9750 2 4 9 11 13 16 18 20
99 9772 9795 9817 9840 9863 9886 9908 9931 9954 9977 8 5 7 9 11 14 16 18 20
I .
0 00 1 1-5708 90
1 0175 0175 0175 57-2900 9998 1-5533 89
2 0349 0349 0349 28-6363 9994 1-5359 88
3 0524 0523 0524 19-0811 9986 1-5184 87
4 0698 069S 0699 14-3006 9976 1-5010 86
8 0873 0872 0875 11-4301 9962 1-4835 85
6 1047 1045 M051 9-5144 9945 1-4661 84
7 1222 1219 1228 8-1443 9925 1-4486 83
8 1396 1392 1405 7-1154 9903 1-4312 82
9 1571 1564 1584 6-313S 9877 1-4137 81
10 1745 1736 1763 5-6713 9848 1-3963 80
11 1920 1908 1944 5-1446 9816 1-3788 79
12 2094 2079 2126 4-7046 9781 1-3614 78
13 2269 2250 2309 4-3315 9744 1-3439 . 77
14 2443 2419 2493 4-0108 9703 1-3265 76
15 2618 2588 2679 3-7321 9659 1-3090 75
16 2793 2756 2867 3-4874 9613 1-2915 74
17 2967 2924 3057 3-2709 9563 1-2741 73
18 3142 3090 3249 3-0777 9511 1-2566 72
19 3316 3256 3443 2-9042 9455 1-2392 71
20 3491 3420 3640 2-7475 9397 1-2217 70
21 3665 3584 3839 2-6051 9336 1-2043 69
22 3840 3746 4040 2-4751 9272 1-1868 68
23 4014 3907 4245 2-3559 9205 1-1694 67
24 4189 4067 4452 2-2460 9135 1-1519 66
25 4363 4226 4663 2-1445 9063 1-1345 65
26 4538 4384 4877 2 0503 8988 1-1170 64
27 4712 4540 5095 1-9626 8910 1-0996 63
28 4887 4695 5317 1-8807 8830 1-0821 62
25 5061 4848 5543 1-8040 8746 1-0647 61
30 5236 5000 5774 1-7321 8660 1-0472 60
31 5411 5150 6009 1-6643 8572 1-0297 59
32 5585 5299 6249 1-6003 8480 1-0123 58
33 5760 5446 6494 1-5399 8387 9948 57
34 5934 5592 6745 1-4826 8290 9774 56
35 6109 5736 7002 1-4281 8192 9599 55
36 6283 5878 7265 1-3764 8090 9425 54
37 ;6458 6018 7536 1-3270 7986 9250 53
38 6632 6157 7813 1-2799 7880 9076 52
39 6807 6293 8098 1-2349 7771 8901 51
40 6981 6428 8391 1-1918 7660 8727 50
41 7156 6561 8693 1-1504 7547 8552 49
42 7330 6691 9004 1-1106 7431 8378 48
43 7505 6820 9325 10724 7314 8203 47
44 7679 6947 9657 1-0355 7193 8029 46
45 7854 7071 1-0000 1-0000 7071 7854 45
11. 9-65 cwts. 13. 1086 lbs.; 51 lbs. 14. 160 lbs.; 81 lbs.
11. (a) 4-66 lbs.; {b) 4-23 lbs.; (c) 4*88 lbs.
13. 177-5 lbs.; 216*9 lbs. 14. 25*3 lbs.; tension increases.
1. (a) M=-0; =300 lbs. (b) M =1500 lb. -ft,; 5=300 lbs.
2. (a) M= 3000 lb. -ft. ; S= 500 lbs. (6) M = 1500 lb. -ft, ; S= 500 lbs.
3. Bending moments, at middle, 15 ton-feet; at each 1 ton load,
JO ton-feet. Shearing force = 1 ton.
5. M
At middle = 3600 lb. -feet S = 0. ;
8. 785*7 ton-inches ;
29'1 tons. 9. M: T=l :2.
4. 375 ft. -tons. 5. 3400 ft. -lbs. 6. (a) 140 ft. -lbs.; (&) 220 ft. -lbs.
10. 7500 ft. -lbs. 11. 463,200 ft. -lbs. 12. 15,440,000 ft. -lbs.
22. 247,000 ft. -lbs.; 1 12, 700 ft. -lbs. ; 1 34, 300 ft. -lbs.
10. 1500 ft. -lbs. 11. 49-7 ft. -lbs. 12. 265,600 ft. -tons.
14. 10 feet per sec. 15. 43 feet per sec.
Average velocities 98*21 ft. per sec; 96*76 ft. per sec; 96*616
ft. per sec.
17. 1770 ft. -lbs.
Piston speed,
392 624 628*6 464 236
feet per min.
Chapter XV ,
p. 231.
18. (a) 42,520 ft. -lbs. (6) 75 revs. ; (c) 567 ft. -lbs.
0 330 60 1
90 120 150
360 30 300 270 240 210
+ 200 + 173 2 + 100 -100 - 173 2 -200
ft. sec. sec.
1. 30,720 lbs.; 9,600 lbs.; 6,400 lbs. 2. 22,500 lbs.; 45,000 lb. -feet.
8. 55,000 lbs.; 440,000 ft. lbs.; 4'36 cubic feet. 9. 166 6 lbs.
11. 31,250 lbs. 12. 108,000 ft, -ibs.; 17,280 ft. -lbs.; 960,000 ft. -lbs.
,, coefficient of , 136.
Factor of safety, 75, 76. ,, conditions influencing,
Falling body, 126, 157, 161. 136.
Fatigue, 76. Friction, effect of extent of
Floating body, 253. rubbing surfaces on, 142.
Flow in streams, 273. Friction, expt. on rolling, 147.
,, over gauge notches, 275. ,, force of, 136.
,, steady and eddy, 277. ,, in machines, effects of,
,, through orifices, 268. 150.
through pipes, 276. Friction gearing, 170.
Fluctuation in speed of machines, ,, influence of speed of
219. rubbing on, 142.
Fluid friction, 148, 247. Friction, laws of fluid, 148.
,, pressure, 248. of a belt, 146, 166.
Fluids, some properties of, 148, ,, of a rolling wheel, 146.
247. ,, of a rope on a drum, 144.
Flywheels, bursting effect in, 236. of a slider, 138.
,, energy stored in, 220. ,, of bearings, 149.
,, expt. on, 223. ,, ofdry surfaces, 137.
,, fluctuation in speed ,, on an inclined plane,
of, 222. 140.
Flywheels, of, 221.
Foot-pound, 122.
M Gas, perfect, 247.
Force, 13. ,, pressure of a, 256.
,, absolute unit of, 159. Gauge notches, 273.
,, central or centripetal, 234. Gauges, limit,. 2.
centrifugal, 234. ,, standard cylindrical, 2.
324 INDEX.
A Manual of Zoology. By the lateT. Jeffery Parker, D.Sc, F.R.S., and
W. A. Habwell, M.A. D.Sc, F.R.S., Illustrated. 10s. 6d.
Botany for Beginners. Adapted to the Elementary Stage of the South
Kensington Syllabus. By Ernest Evans, Burnley Technical School. 2s. 6d.
A ementary Metallurgy. By
Text-Book of Elementary "
A H. Hiorns, Principal of
the School of Metallurgy, Birmingham and Midland
"'llau' Institute. 3s. Questions, Is.
Steam, Gas, and Oil Engines. By John Perry, F.R.S. 7s. 6d. net
Experimental Science (Section I. Physiography). By Prof. R. A.
Gregory and A. T. Simmons, B.Sc. 2s. 6d.
Hygiene for Beginners. By E. S. Reynolds, M.D. Adapted to the Elementary
Stage of the Soutn Kensington Syllabus. 2s. 6d.
Experimental Hygiene (Section I.). By A. T. Simmons, B.Sc., and E. Stkn-
house, B.Sc. 2s. 6d.
Exercises in Practical Physics for Schools of Science. By Prof. R. A.
Gregory and A. T. Simmons, B.Sc. Part I. First Year's Course. 2s. Part II.
Second Year's Course. 2s.
Chemistry for Beginners. By Sir Henry Roscoe, F.R.S., and J. Lunt, B.Sc.
2s. 6d.
The Elements of Chemistry. By Prof. Ira Remsen. Xew Edition. 2*. 6d.
Elementary Chemistry for Schools of Science and Higher Grade
Schools. By S. Parrish, B.Sc, Central Higher Grade School, Leeds. With
Introduction by Dr. Forsyth. 2s. C>d.
p App)'eA wv OACiutfij