Design and Construction of A Batch Cassava Peeling Machine: Oluwole O. O., Adio M. A

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Journal of M echanical Engineering and Automation 2013, 3(1): 16-21

DOI: 10.5923/j.jmea.20130301.03

Design and Construction of a Batch Cassava Peeling

Oluwole O. O.* , Adio M. A.

Department of M echanical Engineering,University of Ibadan, Nigeria

Abstract This work focused on the design and construction of a batch cassava peeling machine able to handle one
diametric size of cassava tubers. The principle of abrasive peeling using a stationary outer abrasive drum and a rotating inner
abrasive drum was used based on a batch capacity of 8.5 kg and cut tuber lengths of 200mm and diameters of 90mm. An
average peeling efficiency recorded was 70.45 percent while the average flesh loss was 5.09 percent. Percentage of broken
cassava was estimated as 2%.
Keywords Design, Construction, Machine, Cassava, Peeling, Peeling Efficiency

Cassava peeling has been practiced as far back as when

1. Introduction cassava came into existence, but the instrument for peeling
has evolved from stone and wooden flight into simp le
Cassava, Manihotesculantacrantz, a dicotyledonous household knifes. This makes the peeling of a large quantity
perennial p lant belonging to the botananical family of cassava a drudgery[2].
Euphorbiaceae is of importance in many developing tropical According to Adetan et al.[4], the cassava peel has two
economies such as the tropical parts of Africa, West India, layers; the outer layer called periderm and the inner layer
Brazil, Malagasy, Indonesia, Philippines, Malay, Thailand called cortex.
and China[1]. In tropical Africa, cassava and other tubers The problems encountered in peeling cassava root tuber
like yam form the most staple food crops which are the main arise fro m the fact that cassava roots exhibit appreciab le
source of carbohydrate in the diets of this region[2]. Its high differences in weight, size and shape. There are also
yield in poor soil and the ability to stay in the soil fo r long differences in the properties of the cassava peel which varies
periods after maturity make cassava an important food- in thickness, texture and strength of adhesion to the root flesh.
security crop in low-income countries.Olukunle[3] reported Thus, it is difficu lt to design a cassava peeling machine that
that as a result of develop ment in technologies, cassava is capable of efficiently peeling all roots due to the wide
production was needed in several areas in order to boost its differences in properties of roots from various sources.
utilizat ion in oil and gas sector, for enhanced food security, This present effort is the beginning of a process to design a
means of foreign exchange and tool for rapid mach ine capable of peeling different sizes of cut-to-size
industrialization. However, the drudgery in post-harvest cassava tubers. This research effort therefore seeks an
processing can be minimised or eliminated through adequate uncomplicated design to make it cheap to produce and easy
mechanised processing. to use (ergometry) for post harvest workers just like the
Although, the cassava crop has relatively few problems in grinding machines are easy to operate for end users. Thus,
production, its problem seems to mu ltiply at the post-harvest this effort was focused on designing and construction of a
stage. Storage of fresh tuber, mechanizat ion of harvesting mach ine that can peel a particu lar size of cut-to-size cassava
andmechanised processing are sticking areas. The p rocessing tubers. The next effort would addon the adjustable module
of cassava tubersfor industrial or human use involves for peeling various sizes.
different operations of which peeling is a major one. The
efficiency of peeling affects the quality of the resultant
product especially as regards unwanted contents. In some 2. Literature Review
cases, especially when the cassava is being used for animal
feed, peeling may be unnecessary[2]. 2.1. Manual Peeling

* Corresponding author:
In this method, a kn ife is used to manually remove the peel.
[email protected] (Oluwole O. O.) It is the most common method of peeling cassava roots tuber
Published online at today. However, it is rather tedius, labour consuming and
Copyright 2013 Scientific & Academic Publishing. All Rights Reserved still wasteful in terms of flesh loss. A manual cassava root
Journal of M echanical Engineering and Automation 2013, 3(1): 16-21 17

tuber peeling rate of about 21.8kg/h has been reported[5]. Based on a batch process with a designed capacity of 8.5
kg and cut tuber lengths of 200mm and diameters of 90mm, a
2.2. Chemical Peeling cassava peeling machine having an inner peeling dru m wasof
This method is the most widely used for peeling sweet 12cm diameter, 520cm long and the outer drum 30 cm
potatoes in p rocessing industries. It makes use of a hot diameter, 550 cm long was designed and constructed. This
solution of sodium hydro xide (Lye) to loosen and soften the means six cut tubers would be peeled at a batch, two cut
skin of the potatoes. Igbeka[2] argued that this would not be lengths per row and three rows. The outer peeling dru m was
suited to cassava peeling because fixed, while the inner peeling dru m was made to rotate. The
a) It may require higher concentration of sodium power requirement was calculated as 0.89 horse power.
hydroxide, higher temperature, more immersion time and At a rotationalspeed of 364 rp m and 394 rp m were used
operation pressure for cassava roots that have peels that are for the trial runs. The average peeling efficiencies were
tougher than those of potatoes recorded. The full design considerations are as follo ws:
b) When concentration of the Caustic Soda (NaOH) is
high, tuber may need to be immersed in acid solution to 3.1. Design Considerati ons
neutralize residual Caustic soda. This imp lies an addition 3.1.1. Capacity Design
running cost and food poisoning cannot be ruled out.
c) If the cassava is to be used for garri or industrial starch The mach ine was designed to accommodate 6 cut tubers
production, the method will be ruled out for it results in the of yam with each the cut yam length=200 mm and cut yam
formation of objectionable heat ring (Dark co lour) on the diameter =90mm and each cut yam tuber weighing
surface of root flesh and the gelatinization of starch. approximately 1.4 kg.
Total Weight= 1.4 *6=8.5 kg
2.3. Mechanical(Machine) Peeling
3.1.2. Power Requirement to Peel Cassava
Adetan et al[4]crit ically and carefully designed a spring
loaded cassava peeling machine with five spring-loading Power to peel cassava is the power required to drive the
points ,equally spaced at 140mm intervals, were located inner drum
2 (394 )
along the length of the kn ife assembly with a spring rate P= Tv = 5.5x9.8x0.15x = 333.58W
2.193N/ mm. The cassava was then introduced in various Where P= power to turn the inner drum and v, the speed
sizes and the average height of the bed respectively to suit Torque=
, T mass accelerationduetogravity
various tuber sizes. The result however obtained indicated
that, there were 15% of b roken tubers with peeling efficiency radialdistance
of 98.8%. 2 N
In the design work carried out Odigboh[5] he designed Velocity, v = m/s
three models of cassava peeling machine (models I, II and III. 0.334
P= = 0.447
In model I an o il d ru m was punched about two-third 0.764
millimet re d iameter holes per square cm of its surface and Having a factor of safety of 2 gives 0.894hp. A 1hp motor
eccentrically mounted on a shaft with a 200mmby would be used.
150mmopening to load cassava inside the drum. Cassava
3.1.3. Belt Design
tubers and a predetermined quantity of some inert materials,
such as quartziferous pebbles or pieces of 3.2-4.8 mm hard T
quarry stone are loaded into the drum which is then rotated at An applicable equation is 2.3log 1 =
40rp m. The rubbing action removed the peels from the T2
cassava tubers, leading eventually to the complete and where, = angle of wrap of an open belt
uniform peeling. Water is sprayed to wash away the finely
abraded peels to prevent fouling and dulling of the abrasive = co-efficient of friction
surface. In model II balls of expanded metals were used to T1 = Tension in the tight side of the belt
replace pebbles. Model III had four abrasive cylinders of
expanded metal mounted inside the main peeling dru m T2 = Tension in the slack side of the belt
driven by a planetary gear arrangement to rotate about their x = distance between the pulley s
axes at four times the r.p.m of the main dru m, in addition to
balls of expanded metals also loaded into the drumwhich is for cross belt, angle of contact is given by;
then rotated at 40 rp m. r1 + r2
sin =
3. Methodology for open belt, angle of contact is given by;
18 Oluwole O. O. et al.: Design and Construction of a Batch Cassava Peeling M achine

r r = ( 1 2 )
sin = 1 2 where, P = belt power (W); V = belt speed (m/s)
x T1 and T2 are tensions on the tight and slack sides
angle of wrap respectively (N)
But, = 1.0Hp = 746W and, = 7.6/
180 2sin -1
= Thus, (1 2 ) = 98.16
x Using belt ratio for an open belt;
r = radius of small pulley T
2.3log 1 =
R = radius of big pulley T2
x = distance between the two pulleys Where, = coefficient of friction between belt and pulley.
For mild steel pulley and rubber belt, = 0.30 (khurmi and
for peeling machine with inner rotating drum
the angle of contact is solved below; 1
= e0.30 2.58
for open belt, angle of contact is given by; 2
r1 r 2 = 0 .774
sin = 2
x 1 = 2.12 .
angle of wrap , 2 = 89.2
1 = 187.4N
1800 2sin -1
= 3.1.4. Shaft Design
shaft design
r = radius of small pulley
16 2
R = radius of big pulley x = distance = d3 ( Kt M t ) + ( Kb M b )
between the two pulleys
d = shaft diameter
20.0-5.2 14.8
= = = 0.308 K t = stress combine shock and
48 48
fatigue factor for torsion
= sin = 1
( 0.308) 17.960
K b = stress combine shock and
180 2
fatigue factor for bending
= 1800 2 17.960 =( )
1800 35..920 Su = ultimate tensile strength
0 of steel is 56MPa
= 144.08
=K b 1.5,= K t 1.0
= 144.080 = 2.51 rad
for the second pulley with
= R 18.5,
r 5.2
10 6

(1.5 193.6) 2 + (1.0 16.5) 2

18.5-5.2 13.3 16 2
= = = 0.277 =
( 290.4 ) + (16.5)
48 48 56 106
= sin = 1
( 0.277 ) 16.090 16
= 290.8683723
180 2
= 56 106
180 2 16.090 =
= ( )
1800 32.170 =
56 106
= 147.830 = 2.6453 105
= 0.030
= 147.830
= 2.58 rad
1800 = 30mm shaft should be selected
however, belt speed, v = 3.1.5. Velocity Ratios for Belt Drive
It is the ratio between the velocities of the driver and the
= = 7.6m / s follower (driven). It may be exp ressed mathematically as:
Journal of M echanical Engineering and Automation 2013, 3(1): 16-21 19

N 2 d1 weight of flesh removed by machine

= F.L. =
N1 d 2 total flesh weight of tubers
d1 = diameter of the driver 100

d 2 = diameter of the follower 1
w w4 100
N1 = speed of the driver = 7
w7 1
N 2 = speed of the follower
(i v) Machine throug h put capacity (M.T.C )
Length of the belt that passes over the driver in one minute
mass of cassava unpeeled (kg)
is given by = d 1 N 1 M.T.C=
Similarly, length of belt that passes over the follo wer in
Total time taken to peel (hr)
one minute is = d 2 N 2 (v) Percentage of broken cassava
Since the belt that passes over the driver in one minute is samples of
equal to the length of the belt that passes over the follower in broken cassava
percentage of broken cassava = x 100
one minute. total number of
Therefore, d 1 N 1 = d 2 N 2 sample cassava
N 2 d1
N1 d 2
4. Results and Discussions
d1 = 5.2cm, d 2 = 20.0cm, N 1 = 1400 r.p.m, N 2 = ?
d1 5.2 The results obtained from table 1 indicate manual peeling.
N2 = N1 = 1400 The weight of peels and flesh are as indicated from five
d2 20.0 different weight samples carried out adjudging the machine
= 364 rpm is manned by a man. This was done for reproducibility. The
result indicated that the mean weight of peels is about 16.3
d1 = 5.2cm, d 2 = 18.5cm, N 1 = 1400 r.p.m, N 2 = ? percent of the total weight of the cassava and weight of flesh,
d1 5.2 83.7 percent.The manual peeling gave an idea of the
N2 = N1 = 1400 percentageweight of peels and that of peeled tubers. This is
d2 18.5
used in obtaining an assumed weight of peels and tuber in
= 394rpm the mechanical peeling and hence the flesh loss.
Table 2 presents the results for mechanical peeling using
3.2. Equati ons Used in Trial Runs the designed peeling mach ine. Fo r the two shelling speeds,
Calculations used in the trial runs are as follows; time of peeling remained 5 minutes. It showed peeling
(i) Percentage weight of peel(% ) efficiency decreased with increased peeling speed. The table
weight of peels also showed that flesh loss increased with increased peeling
% weight of peels = speed.
weight of unpeeled tubers When the inner peeling drum rotates at 364 revolutions
100 per minutes the flesh loss was 5.07% while at 394 revolution
per minutes the flesh loss was 5.97%. Which is an indication
1 that amount or percentage of useful flesh loss with the peels,
(ii) Peeling efficiency (P.E % ) increased with an increase in speed of rotation. This is
Weight of peel removed by machine 100 probably due to the fact that an increase in the speed of
P.E =
Total weight of peels 1 rotation increases the rate of contact of the abrasive surfaces
rubbing against the cassava such that, same side of the
percentage weight of peels-weight cassava were peeled over and over until the prescribed time
of peels removed manually 100 elapsed. The peeling efficiency could not be raised higher
= without further loss of fless and so it seemed a sort of
total weight of peels 1 compro mise must be reached between peeling time and flesh
Where total weight of peels =% weight of peels weight loss because of the undulating nature of the cassava
of unpeeled tubers topography. However, it is reco mmended that cutting of the
w 6 w5 100 tubers should be made at reg ions where there are very close
w6 1 diametric d imensions to facilitate better peeling and
minimise manual finishing.
(iii) Percentage flesh loss of tubers (% F.L.)
20 Oluwole O. O. et al.: Design and Construction of a Batch Cassava Peeling M achine

Table 1. Manual peeling of cassava

Weight of tubers (kg) Weight of peeled tubers (kg) Weight of peels(kg) % weight of peels
8.88 7.30 1.50 16.89
7.30 6.05 1.20 16.43
7.05 5.92 1.12 15.88
8.25 6.75 1.43 17.33
8.70 7.25 1.44 16.55
Mean 16.30

Table 2. Mechanical Peeling of cassava tubers

Duration of
Speed of
peeling W1 (kg) W2 (kg) W3 (kg) W4 (kg) W5 (kg) W6 (kg) W7 (kg) P.E(%) F.L(%)
394 5 3.10 2.65 0.45 2.40 0.25 0.51 2.59 50.98 7.33
394 5 3.10 2.80 0.30 2.52 0.28 0.51 2.59 45.10 2.70
394 5 3.04 2.50 0.54 2.34 0.16 0.50 2.54 68.00 7.87
394 5 3.20 2.68 0.52 2.48 0.20 0.52 2.68 61.50 7.46
394 5 3.00 2.52 0.48 2.40 0.12 0.49 2.51 75.50 4.38
Mean 60.22 5.95
364 5 3.14 0.46 2.92 0.16 0.59 3.01 62.7 2.99
364 5 2.94 0.38 2.72 0.22 0.54 2.78 59.3 2.16
364 5 2.82 0.42 2.46 0.10 0.53 2.71 81.1 9.23
364 5 2.76 0.39 2.55 0.10 0.51 2.64 60.8 3.41
364 5 2..22 0.30 1.95 0.05 0.41 2.11 87.8 7.58
Mean 70.34 5.07

W1 = weight of unpeeled tubers
W2 = weight of tubers after peeling with machine
W3 = weight of peels + flesh removed by machine
W4 = weight of tubers after removing peels manually
W5 = weight of peels not peeled by machine
W6 = assumed weight of peels = 0.163 W1
W7 = assumed weight of tuber flesh

5. Conclusions
The fabricated cassava peeling machine at the speed of
364 revolution per minute had an average peeling efficiency
Figure 1. Cassava peeling machine with fixed outer peeling drum
of 70.34 per cent and an average flesh loss of 5.09 percent.
However,when the speed was raisedto 394 revolution per
minutes there was an average peeling efficiency of 60.22 and
an average flesh loss of 5.95 percent. Hence, low speed of
rotation of the peeling machine will increase the peeling
efficiency and decrease percentage flesh loss and the peeling
process is easier to control.
A simple cassava peeling machine has been designed and
constructed able to peel cut to size tubers up to a peeling
efficiency of 70.34 with the trial runs performed on it.
However, this design will not peel all sizes of cassava tubers.
In the next stage of the design, the module to accommodate
different sizes of cassava will be introduced in other to
handle the peeling of all sizes of cassava tubers.

Figure 2. Peeled cassava after mechanical and manual peeling has been
Appendix done
Journal of M echanical Engineering and Automation 2013, 3(1): 16-21 21

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[2] Igbeka, J.C. (1985) M echanization of tuber (cassava)


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Figure 3. Peels removed by peeling machine
[5] Odigbo, E.U. (1983) M odel III batch process cassava
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