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Journal of Environmental Management 93 (2012) 154e168

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A review on chemical coagulation/occulation technologies for removal of colour

from textile wastewaters
Akshaya Kumar Verma, Rajesh Roshan Dash, Puspendu Bhunia*
Department of Civil Engineering, School of Infrastructure, Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar, Orissa 751 013, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Textile industry is one of the most chemically intensive industries on the earth and the major polluter of
Received 13 April 2011 potable water. It generates huge quantities of complex chemical substances as a part of unused materials
Received in revised form including dyes in the form of wastewater during various stages of textile processing. The direct discharge
26 August 2011
of this wastewater into environment affects its ecological status by causing various undesirable changes.
Accepted 15 September 2011
Available online 5 October 2011
As environmental protection becomes a global concern, industries are nding novel solutions for
developing technologies that can diminish the environmental damage. However, colour removal from
textile wastewater by means of cheaper and environmental friendly technologies is still a major chal-
lenge. In this manuscript, several options of decolourisation of textile wastewater by chemical means
Decolourisation have been reviewed. Based on the present review, some novel pre-hydrolysed coagulants such as Pol-
Coagulation yaluminium chloride (PACl), Polyaluminium ferric chloride (PAFCl), Polyferrous sulphate (PFS) and Pol-
Flocculation yferric chloride (PFCl) have been found to be more effective and suggested for decolourisation of the
Textile wastewater textile wastewater. Moreover, use of natural coagulants for textile wastewater treatment has also been
emphasised and encouraged as the viable alternative because of their eco-friendly nature.
2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction processes. These efuents produce high concentrations of inorganic

salts, acids and bases in biological reactors leading to the increase of
Textile industries are one of the biggest users of water and treatment costs (Gholami et al., 2001; Babu et al., 2007). Moreover,
complex chemicals during textile processing at various processing traditionally produced fabric industries generate residuals of
stages. The unused materials from the processes are discharged as chemicals that evaporate into the air that we breathe or are
wastewater that is high in colour, biochemical oxygen demand absorbed through our skin. Some of the chemicals such as heavy
(BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), pH, temperature, turbidity metals either in free form in efuents or adsorbed in the suspended
and toxic chemicals. The direct discharge of this wastewater into solids are either carcinogenic (Tamburlini et al., 2002; Bayramoglu
the water bodies like lakes, rivers etc. pollutes the water and affects and Arica, 2007) or may cause harm to children even before birth,
the ora and fauna. Efuent from textile industries contains while others may trigger allergic reactions in some people.
different types of dyes, which because of high molecular weight Industrial emissions and the waste efuents generated from the
and complex structures, shows very low biodegradability (Hsu and factories are associated with heavy disease burden (WHO, 2000,
Chiang, 1997; Pala and Tokat, 2002; Kim et al., 2004; Gao et al., 2002) and this could be one of the reasons for short life expec-
2007). Also, the direct discharge of this industrial efuent into tancy of 64 years in India compared to developed countries such as
sewage networks produces disturbances in biological treatment Japan, where life expectancy is 83 years (UNICEF, 2008). Although
the industrial sector only accounts for 3% of the annual water
withdrawals in India, its contribution to water pollution, particu-
larly in urban areas, is considerable. Wastewater generation from
Abbreviations: BOD, biochemical oxygen demand; COD, chemical oxygen
demand; TDS, total dissolved solid; AOX, absorbable organic halides; SS, suspended this sector has been estimated as 55  106 m3 per day, of which
solid; TSS, total suspended solid; DS, dissolved solid; NTU, nephelometric turbidity 68.5  103 m3 are dumped directly into local rivers and streams
unit; DO, dissolved oxygen; UV, ultraviolet; nm, nanometer; AOP, advanced without prior treatment (MOWR, 2000). The developing countries
oxidation process; PACl, polyaluminium chloride; PFCl, polyferric chloride; PFS, contribute the largest amount of textile wastewater. For an
polyferric sulphate; PAFCl, polyaluminium ferric chloride.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: 91 674 2300 714; fax: 91 674 2301 983.
example, developing countries of South Asia contributed around
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (A.K. Verma), [email protected] 35% textile wastewater out of total industrial wastewater generated
(R.R. Dash), [email protected] (P. Bhunia). by South Asian countries in 2001 (World Bank, 2005). Out of seven

0301-4797/$ e see front matter 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A.K. Verma et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 93 (2012) 154e168 155

core countries of South Asia (Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, various chemicals used in different stages of textile processing (Lee
Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka), India is the major manufacturer of et al., 2006; Jadhav et al., 2007; Shi et al., 2007; Anouzla et al.,
textiles which constitute 83 composite mills and 2241 semi 2009).
composite processing units (COINDS, 2000). Hence, it can be said Wet processing operations (including preparation, dyeing, and
that India may be the major contributor of textile wastewater in nishing) generate the majority of textile wastewater having very
South Asia. The textile industries in India are mainly located in high COD, BOD, TDS and very deep colour as shown in the Table 1.
Mumbai, Surat, Ahmedabad, Coimbatore, Ludhiyana and Kanpur. Large numbers of chemical constituents such as alkali, acids,
bleaching chemicals, enzymes, starch, dyes, resins, solvents, waxes,
1.1. Characteristic and composition of textile wastewater oils etc. are used in the various steps during textile processing and
nally comes out in the efuent after its consumption. Desizing, or
On the basis of waste and wastewater (or efuent) generation, the process of removing size chemicals from textiles, is one of the
the textile mills can be classied into two main groups namely dry industrys largest sources of wastewater pollutants (Bisschops and
processing mills and wet processing mills (ISPCH, 1995). In the dry Spanjers, 2003; Dos Santos et al., 2007). In this process, large
processing mills, mainly solid waste is generated due to the rejects amount of size chemicals used in weaving processes are discarded.
of cotton. In the other group, desizing, scouring, bleaching, mer- Dyeing operation generates a large portion of the industrys total
cerising, dyeing, printing, and nishing are the main processing wastewater. The primary source of wastewater in dyeing operations
stages. The wastewater generated by textile industry includes is spent dye bath and wash water. Such wastewater typically
cleaning wastewater, process wastewater, noncontact cooling contains by-products, residual dyes, and auxiliary chemicals.
wastewater, and storm water. The amount of water used varies Additional pollutants include cleaning solvents, such as oxalic acid
widely in this industry, depending on the specic processes oper- (USPEA, 1997). Of the 700,000 tons of dyes produced annually
ated at the mill, the equipment used, and the prevailing philosophy worldwide (Papic et al., 2004; Lee et al., 2006; Riera-Torres et al.,
of water use. The components of major pollutants involved at 2010), about 10e15 percent of the dyes are disposed off in efuent
various stages during wet processing of cotton-based textile from dyeing operations (Snowden-Swan, 1995; Husain, 2006; Hai
industry are shown in Fig. 1. On account of the involved complexity et al., 2007; Gupta and Suhas, 2009).
of different processes at different stages, textile wastewater typi- Dyes in wastewater may be chemically bound to fabric bers
cally contains a complex mixture of chemicals. Apart from this, (ATMI, 1997). Dyeing and rinsing processes for disperse dyeing
large numbers of associated hazards have also been reported by the generate about 91e129 m3 of wastewater per ton of product

Constituents Process Wastewater characteristics

Yarn waste, unused
Sizing High BOD, medium COD
starch-based sizes

Enzymes, starch, BOD (34-50% of total), high

waxes, ammonia COD, temp. (70-80 C)

Disinfectants and
insecticides Oily fats, BOD (30% of
residues, NaOH, total), high pH, temp. (70-
surfactants, soaps, 80 C), dark colour

H2O2, AOX,
Bleaching High pH, TDS
NaOCl, organics

NaOH Mercerisation High BOD, high pH

suspended solids

Colour, metals,
High toxicity, BOD (6% of
sulphide, salts, Dyeing total), high dissolved solids,
acidity/alkalinity, high pH,

Urea, solvents, High toxicity, high COD, high

colour, metals BOD, high dissolved solids,
high pH, strong colour
compounds, resins, Finishing Low alkalinity, low BOD, high
spent solvents, toxicity
softeners, waxes,

Fig. 1. The component of major pollutants involved at various stages of a textile manufacturing industry (SEAM Project, 1999; Yusuff and Sonibare, 2004; Joseph, 2007; Paul, 2008;
Charoenlarp and Choyphan, 2009).
156 A.K. Verma et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 93 (2012) 154e168

Table 1
Major characteristics of real textile wastewater studied by various researchers.

pH COD (mg/L) BOD5 (mg/L) TSS (mg/L) TDS (mg/L) Colour Turbidity (NTU) References
8.8e9.4 595  131 379  110 276  76 e e e El-Gohary and Tawk, 2009
11.2 2276 660a e 47.9 e e Golob et al., 2005
5e10 1100e4600 110e180 e 50 1450e1475(ADMI) e Dos Santos et al., 2007
6.5e8.5 550e1000 e 100e400 e 7.50e25.50b 15e200 Ciabatti et al., 2010
2.7 7000 e 440 930 2140 Al-Malack et al., 1999
13.56 2968 e e e 3586 (C.U) 120 Joo et al., 2007
12e14 1500e2000 e e e Dark blue e Gozalvez-Zafrilla et al., 2008
10 1150 170 150 e 1.24436nm e Selcuk, 2005
9 750 160 e e e e Schrank et al., 2007
2e10 50e5000 200e300 50e500 e >300 (C. U) e Lau and Ismail, 2009
8.32e9.50 278e736 137 85e354 1715e6106 e e Phalakornkule et al., 2010
8.7  0.2 17900  100 5500  100 23900  50 1200  50 e e Rodrguez et al., 2008
9.30 3900 e e e e 240 Paschoal et al., 2009
7.8 810  50.4 188  15.2 64  8.5 e 0.15669nm e Haroun and Idris, 2009
13  1 2300  400 e 300  100 e e e Debik et al., 2010
6.95 3422 1112 e e 5700 Bayramoglu et al., 2004
7.86 340 210 300 e >200 (Pt-Co) 130 Merzouk, 2010
7.5  0.3 131  18 e 75  13 1885  80 e e Ustun et al., 2007
BOD7 and efuent is from reactive dye bath.
Integral of the absorbance curve in the whole visible range (400e800 nm), ADMI : American dye manufacturer institute, C.U: Colour Unit.

(Snowden-Swan, 1995). Similar processes for reactive and direct (Namasivayam and Sumithra, 2005; Khaled et al., 2009). Apart from
dyeing generate even more wastewater, about 113e151 m3 per ton this, several dyes and their decomposition derivatives have proved
of product (Snowden-Swan, 1995; Karcher et al., 2002; Riera-Torres toxic to aquatic life (aquatic plants, microorganisms, sh and
et al., 2010). This can be attributed by the fact that disperse dyes mammals) (Georgiou et al., 2002; Kim et al., 2004; Ustun et al.,
show higher percentage of xation to the ber as compared to acid 2007). Additionally, fairly intensive studies has inferred that such
and reactive dyes. Finishing processes typically generate waste- coloured allergens may undergo chemical and biological assimila-
water containing natural and synthetic polymers and a range of tions, cause eutrophication, consume dissolved oxygen, prevent re-
other potentially toxic substances (Snowden-Swan, 1995). Textile oxygenation in receiving streams and have a tendency to sequester
industries typically generate 200e350 m3 of wastewater per ton of metal ions accelerating genotoxicity and microtoxicity (Walsh et al.,
nished product (Ranganathan et al., 2007; Gozlvez-Zafrilla et al., 1980; Foo and Hameed, 2010). In a wider sense, sporadic and
2008) resulting in an average pollution of 100 kg COD per ton of excessive exposure to coloured efuents is susceptible to a broad
fabric (Jekel, 1997). spectrum of immune suppression, respiratory, circulatory, central
Raw textile wastewater can be characterised by measurement of nervous and neurobehavioral disorders presage as allergy, auto-
BOD, COD, colour, suspended solids (SS), dissolved solids (DS) and immune diseases, multiple myeloma, leukemia, vomiting, hyper-
heavy metals etc. Typical characteristics of textile industry waste- ventilation, insomnia, profuse diarrhea, salivation, cyanosis,
water generally include a wide range of pH, COD, dissolved solids jaundice, quadriplegia, tissue necrosis, eye (or skin) infections,
and strong colour (El-Gohary and Tawk, 2009; Lau and Ismail, irritation to even lung edema (Anliker, 1986; Foo and Hameed,
2009; Ciabatti et al., 2010; Debik et al., 2010; Phalakornkule et al., 2010).
2010), which may be comparable to moderate municipal waste-
water (Rott and Minke, 1999). However, the main challenge is to 1.3. Present practices for treatment of textile wastewater
eliminate the colour of wastewater, which is due to the remaining
dyes. The major characteristics of real textile wastewater have been The available literature shows a large number of well estab-
described in the Table 1. It has been observed from the Table 1, that lished conventional decolourisation methods involving physico-
the textile wastewaters exhibit wide range of pH from 2 to 14, COD chemical, chemical and biological processes, as well as some of
from 50 mg/L to approximately 18,000 mg/L, TDS from 50 mg/L to new emerging techniques like sonochemical or advanced oxidation
over 6000 mg/L and very strong colour. This wide variation in the processes. However, there is no single economically and technically
characteristics of textile wastewater is due to complexity of mate- viable method to solve this problem and usually two or three
rials used in the textile industry during the processing of textiles. methods have to be combined in order to achieve adequate level of
colour removal (Kang and Chen, 1997; Robinson et al., 2001).
1.2. Effects of textile wastewater Researches on chemical coagulation/occulation, is observed as
one of the most practised technology. Regardless of the generation
Textile wastewaters generated from different stages of textile of considerable amount of sludge, it is still used in developed and in
processing contains huge amount of pollutants that are very developing countries. Because the mechanism of coagulant applied
harmful to the environment if released without proper treatment. to decolourise wastewater is still not absolutely clear, colour
Harmful direct and indirect effects of textile wastewater have been removal by coagulation is found in some cases very effective, in
summarized in Fig. 2. The release of textile wastewater to the some cases however, has been failed completely.
environment causes aesthetic problems as the changed colour of Hence, the objectives of this review are the analysis of various
the water bodies such as lakes and rivers, after releasing of chemical technologies developed for decolourisation of textile
wastewater from the industry, cannot be tolerated by the local wastewater, giving more stress upon chemical coagulation/occu-
people. Also, the accumulation of colour hinders sunlight pene- lation technology, short description and critical appraisal of
tration, disturbs the ecosystem of receiving water (Georgiou et al., decolourisation methods, comparison of their relative advantages
2003; Merzouk et al., 2010). Ground water systems are also get and disadvantages and propose for the effective and cheaper
affected by these pollutants due to leaching through the soil alternatives.
A.K. Verma et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 93 (2012) 154e168 157

Fig. 2. Schematic representation of the effect of textile wastewater into the environment.

2. Chemical composition and structure of colour causing dyes i.e., the separation of the dye molecule into its components or atoms
in textile processing and to form salts with either acid or alkali. They can also belong to the
classes of reactive, acid, basic, direct, mordant, disperse, pigment, vat,
A dye is used to impart colour to a material, of which it becomes anionic, sulphur and disperse dye (Welham, 2000). Anthraquinone
an integral part. An aromatic ring associated with a side chain usually dyes possess wide range of colours in the whole visible spectrum and
required for resonance and thus to impart colour. Characterisation of constitute the second most important class of textile dyes after azo
dyes is based on their chemical structure and application. They are dyes, which are used to give blue, green and violet colours (Christie,
composed of the atoms responsible for the dye colour called chro- 2001; Fontenot et al., 2003). The characteristics of different dyes that
mophores as well as an electron withdrawing or donating substit- are used widely in the textile industry have been summarised in
uent that causes or intensies the colour of chromophores, called Table 2. It has been observed from the Table 2 that reactive dyes are
auxochrome (Christie, 2001). Usual chromophores are eC]Ce widely used to colour the cotton which contribute as half of the
(ethenyl), eC]O (carbonyl), eC]Ne (imino), eCH]S (thio- worldwide textile-ber market. The reactive dyes that are used for
carbonyl), eN]Ne (azo), eN]O (nitroso), eNO2 (nitro) and usual cotton, show poorest rate of xation due to which textile efuent
auxochromes are eNH2 (amino), eCOOH (carboxylic), eSO3H (sul- possesses strong colour. The chemical structure of different azo dye,
phonyl) and eOH (hydroxyl) (Van der Zee, 2002). The intensity of vat dye and anthraquinone dye molecules comprising of auxochrome
colour depends upon the number of such groups. Compounds of and chromophore has been illustrated in Fig. 3.
benzene containing chromophore radicals are called chromogens.
Such compounds, though coloured, are not dyes, since they do not 3. Physico-chemical methods for removal of colour from
have the afnity or the ability to unite with tissue. To be a dye, textile wastewaters
a compound must contain not only the chromophore groups, but also
the additional group(s) called Auxochrome(s). These auxiliary groups Plenty of Physico-chemical methods in the form of pretreat-
are responsible for imparting the property of electrolytic dissociation ment, post treatment or main treatment have been investigated by
158 A.K. Verma et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 93 (2012) 154e168

Table 2
Characterisation of different class of dyes mainly used in textile industry and its method of application (Easton, 1995; Akbari et al., 2002; Hees et al., 2002; Lau and Ismail,

Class Characteristics Substrate (bre) Dye-bre interaction Method of application

Acid Anionic, water soluble Nylon, wool, silk Electrostatic, Hydrogen bonding Applied from neutral to acidic dyebaths
Basic Cationic, water soluble Modied nylon, polyester Electrostatic attraction Applied from acidic dyebaths
Direct Anionic, water soluble Cotton, rayon, leather, nylon Intermolecular forces Applied from neutral or slightly
alkaline baths containing
additional electrolytes
Disperse Very low water solubility Polyester, poly-amide, acetate, Hydrophobic- Solid state Fine aqueous dispersions often
plastic, acrylic mechanism applied by high temperature
pressure or lower temperature
carrier methods
Reactive Anionic, water soluble Cotton, nylon, silk, wool Covalent bonding Reactive site on dye reacts with
functional group on bre to bind
dye covalently under inuence of
heat and pH(alkaline)
Sulfur Colloidal, insoluble Cotton, rayon Covalent bonding Aromatic substrate vatted with s
odium sulde and re-oxidised to
insoluble sulfur-containing
products on bre
Vat Colloidal, insoluble Cotton, rayon Impregnation and oxidation Water insoluble dyes solubilised
by reducing with sodium hydrosulte,
then exhausted on bre and re-oxidised

various researchers throughout the World. A brief discussion on application of adsorption technology is limited not only for colour
these methods along with a comprehensive discussion particularly, removal of textile wastewaters but also for other water and waste-
on the chemical coagulation and occulation technology for colour water treatment.
removal has been presented in this section. Chemical methods mainly involve use of oxidising agents such
One of the most commonly known methods is the ltration as ozone (O3), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and permanganate
technology. Filtration methods such as ultraltration, nano- (MnO4) to change the chemical composition of compound or group
ltration and reverse osmosis have been used for water reuse and of compounds, e.g. dyes (Metcalf and Eddy, 2003). Among these
the chemical recovery (Marcucci et al., 2001; Fersi and Dhahbi, oxidants, ozone is widely used because of its high reactivity with
2008). In the textile industry, these ltration methods can be dyes and good removal efciencies (Alaton et al., 2002). However, it
used for both ltering and recycling of not only pigment rich is also been reported that ozone is not efcient in decolourising
wastewaters, but also mercerising and bleaching wastewaters. The nonsoluble disperse and vat dyes which react slowly and take
specic temperature and chemical composition of the wastewaters longer reaction time (Marmagne and Coste, 1996; Rajeswari, 2000).
determines the type and porosity of the lter to be applied. Further, The decoulorisation efciency also depends upon the pH. As the pH
the utilisation of membrane technology for dye removal from decreases, ozonation of hydrolysed dyes (Reactive Yellow 84)
textile wastewater is very effective as reported by various decreases (Rein, 2001; Konsowa, 2003). It has also been reported
researchers (Ledakowicz et al., 2001; Ahmad et al., 2002). However, that the O3/UV as the more effective method for decolourising of
the main drawbacks of membrane technology are the high cost, dyes compared to oxidation by UV or ozonation alone. However,
frequent membrane fouling, requirement of different pretreat- Perkowski and Kos, (2003) have reported no signicant differences
ments depending upon the type of inuent wastewaters, and between ozonation and O3/UV in terms of colour removal. This may
production of concentrated dyebath which further needs proper be due to the fact that production of hydroxyl radical (HO) during
treatment before its safe disposal to the environment (Robinson photodecomposition of ozone may improve the degradation of
et al., 2001; Akbari et al., 2006). For membrane ltration, proper organics. However, most of the UV light gets absorbed by the dyes
pretreatment units for removing SS of the wastewaters are almost and hence very small amount of hydroxyl free radical can be
mandatory to increase the life time of the membranes. These make produced to decompose the dyes. Therefore, approximately same
the process more expensive and thereby limit the application of colour removal efciencies using O3 and O3/UV could be expected.
this expensive technology for wastewater treatment. In H2O2/UV process, HO radicals are formed when water con-
Another most popular method is adsorption technology. Adsorp- taining H2O2 is exposed to UV light, normally in the range of
tion method for colour removal is based on the afnity of various dyes 200e280 nm (Metcalf and Eddy, 2003). The H2O2 photolysis occurs
for adsorbents. It is inuenced by physical and chemical factors such as as per the reaction shown in Equation (1).
dyeeadsorbent interactions, surface area of adsorbent, particle size,
temperature, pH and contact time (Anjaneyulu et al., 2005; Patel and H2 O2 UV l 200  280 nm/HO$ HO$ (1)
Vashi, 2010). The main criteria for selection of adsorbents are based on This process is most widely used in Advanced Oxidation Process
the characteristics like high afnity, capacity of target compound and (AOP) technology for the decomposition of chromophores present
possibility of adsorbent regeneration (Karcher et al., 2002). Activated in the dyes (Ferroro, 2000; Kurbus et al., 2002) and consequently
carbon is most commonly used adsorbent and can be very effective for relies complete decolourisation. Fenton reaction is also an example
many dyes (Walker and Weatherly, 1997; Pala and Tokat, 2002). of AOP in which hydrogen peroxide is added in an acid solution (pH
However, efciency is directly dependent upon the type of carbon 2e3) containing Fe2 ions (Equation (2)).
material used and wastewater characteristics (Robinson et al., 2001).
The limitations of this technology are the eco-friendly disposal of Fe2 H2 O2 /Fe3 HO$ HO (2)
spent adsorbents, excessive maintenance costs, and pretreatment of
wastewater to reduce the SS under acceptable range before it is fed As compare to ozonation, this method is relatively cheap and
into the adsorption column. Because of these reasons, eld scale also presents high COD reduction and decolourisation efciencies
A.K. Verma et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 93 (2012) 154e168 159

Fig. 3. Structure of various azo dyes showing chromophore and auxochrome (Van der Zee, 2002; Yang and McGarrahan, 2005; Dos Santos et al., 2007; Riera-Torres et al., 2010),
Anthraquinone dye (Kim et al., 2004) and vat dye (Silvia et al., 2007).

(Van der Zee, 2002). The main drawback is high sludge generation et al., 2005; Hai et al., 2007). Further, the sludge production can
due to the occulation of reagents and dye molecules (Robinson be minimised if only a small volume of highly coloured efuent
et al., 2001; Azbar et al., 2004). Most of the AOP for textile waste- treated directly after the dyeing bath (Golob et al., 2005). The
waters are highly expensive and its effectiveness varies widely with reasons could be the non-availability of other chemical additives
the type of constituents present in the textile wastewaters. Also, except hydrolysing and xing agents in the efuent coming from
from the several reports it is observed that the in some cases, at dyeing bath. The chemical additives that are normally present in
certain conditions, these technologies give very attractive results, the textile wastewaters provide hindrance to the colour removal.
however, in some other cases, their application has been reported If interfering chemical additives are absent in the textile waste-
not worthy considering the cost and complexity involved in these water except colour causing dyes, then less coagulant dosage
technologies. might be required which in turns will reduce the sludge
Chemical coagulation and occulation in wastewater treatment production.
involves the addition of chemicals to alter the physical state of On account of this, coagulation of water soluble dyes is
dissolved and suspended solids and facilitate their removal by challenging due to their high solubility. Further, due to devel-
sedimentation. In some cases the alteration is slight, and removal is opment of synthesis technology, large number of innovative
affected by entrapment within a voluminous coagulate consisting dyes with complex structures have been synthesised and still in
mostly the coagulant itself. Another result of chemical addition is process of synthesis, which provides difculties for the selection
a net increase in the dissolved constituents in the wastewater. of appropriate coagulant (Yu et al., 2002). In general colour
Coagulation is used for removal of the waste materials in sus- removal decreases with increase in dye concentration and dye
pended or colloidal form that do not settle out on standing or may solubility (Bouyakoub et al., 2009; Zahrim et al., 2010). There-
settle by taking a very long time. In water treatment, coagulation as fore, re-evaluation of optimum conditions for coagulation of
pretreatment is regarded as the most successful pretreatment different types of dyes is necessary. Moreover, the effectiveness
(Huang et al., 2009; Leiknes, 2009). of the coagulation can be improved by appropriate selection of
Coagulation of dye-containing wastewater has been used for coagulant, occulant aids, optimization of process parameters
many years as main treatment or pretreatment due to its low such as pH, dosage of coagulant/occulant aids, mixing time,
capital cost (Anjaneyulu et al., 2005; Golob et al., 2005). However, settling time, etc. The relative advantages and disadvantages of
the major limitation of this process is the generation of sludge and different physico-chemical methods have been summarised
ineffective decolourisation of some soluble dyes (Anjaneyulu in Table 3.
160 A.K. Verma et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 93 (2012) 154e168

Table 3
Advantages and limitations of various methods of dye removal from textile efuents.

Physical/chemical Method description Advantages Disadvantages References

Ozonation Oxidation using ozone gas Application in gaseous state, Short half-life (20 min), Hao et al., 2000; Ince and Tezcanli, 2001;
no alteration of volume High cost Robinson et al., 2001; Gogate and Pandi., 2004
Fenton reagents Oxidation using H2O2-Fe(II) Effective decolourisation Sludge generation and Hao et al., 2000; Arslan and Balcioglu, 2001;
of both soluble and its handling Meric et al., 2004
insoluble dyes
Photochemical Oxidation using mainly H2O2-UV No sludge production Formation of by-products Konstantinou and Albanis, 2004; Hai et al., 2007
Sonolysis Destruction of chemical bond by No Extra sludge production Requires a lot of dissolved Adewuyi, 2001; Arslan-Alaton, 2003
producing free radical oxygen, High cost
using ultrasound
Adsorption Dye removal based Excellent removal of Regeneration difculties, Hao et al., 2000; Fu and Viraraghavan, 2001;
on solid support wide variety of dyes costly disposal of adsorbent Hai et al., 2007
Membrane ltration Physical separation Removal of all types of dye Production of concentrated Marcucci et al., 2001;
sludge, High cost Barredo-Damas et al., 2006
Ion exchange Ion exchange resin Easy regeneration Not effective for all dyes Slokar and Marechal, 1998;
Robinson et al., 2001; Hai et al., 2007
Electro-coagulation Treatment based on Good removal of dye High cost, less electrode Chen et al., 2005; Merzouk et al., 2010;
anode and cathode reliability Phalakornkule et al., 2010
Irradiation Treatment based on i Effective oxidation at lab scale Not effective for all dyes, Robinson et al., 2001; Hai et al., 2007
onizing radiation High cost
Biological Process Treatment based on Environmental friendly Slow Process, need of adequate Lin and Peng, 1996; Sandhya and
microbiological degradation nutrients, narrow operating Swaminathan, 2006; Togo et al., 2008
temperature range
Chemical coagulation Addition of coagulants Economically feasible, Sludge production Hao et al., 2000; Fu and Viraraghavan,
and occulation and occulants excellent colour removal 2001; Aboulhassan et al., 2006;
Gao et al., 2007; Ciabatti et al., 2010

Operating cost and time required for the desired degree of of temperature since wastewater coming out from the textile
treatment may be the major criteria for the selection of suitable industry is generally having high temperature.
method. It can be observed from the Table 3 that each and every Both soluble and insoluble dyes can be effectively removed by
method is associated with some type of limitations such as oza- electro-coagulation process but high cost of electricity and gener-
nation gives good colour removal but not signicant COD reduction, ation of secondary pollutants from chlorinated organics, heavy
also the expensive method. Good colour removal and COD reduc- metals are the major limitations. Complete decolourisation may not
tion can be achieved by using Fentons reagent but comparatively be achieved by the treatment with the help of irradiation for all
longer treatment time and handling of iron contaminated sludge is types of dyes. Though, there is no sludge production in this tech-
the major problem. Oxidation using H2O2-UV is not very effective nology, but high cost of electricity may be the limitation. Cost
since colour and COD reduction is not very signicant, moreover it effectiveness of biological treatment process makes it attractive
is not applicable to all types of dyes, produces large number of by- which can efciently remove most of the dyes used in the textile
products and also suffers from UV light penetration limitation. industry because dyes generally possess high level of adsorption on
Sonolysis gives good colour removal by the destruction of chemical to the activated sludge. However, longer duration of treatment,
bond present in the dye structure with the help of free radical toxicity of dyes and its low biodegradability are the major limita-
production, however it requires enormous amount of dissolve tions. Excellent colour removal may be achieved by coagulation-
oxygen and involves high electricity cost. Good removal of wide occulation which can remove most of the dyes used in the
variety of dyes can be achieved by adsorption but regeneration is textile industry. Though the sludge production is the major limi-
expensive and it also necessitates costly disposal. Removal of all tation in this process, cost effectiveness of the treatment as
types of dyes may be achieved by selecting appropriate membrane compared to other methods makes it one of the attractive options
but production of concentrated sludge and high cost of the for treatment of textile wastewaters.
membrane are again major limitations. Easy regeneration and Addition of some chemicals (polyelectrolyte) enhances coagu-
efcient recovery of dyes may be possible in the ion exchange lation by promoting the growth of large, rapid settling of ocs.
method but cost of regeneration is high and the method is not Polyelectrolytes are high-molecular-weight polymers, which
applicable to all types of dyes since, ion exchange resins are dye contain absorbable groups and when small dosages of poly-
specic. electrolyte (1 mg/L to 5 mg/L) are added in conjunction with
Apart from these, various researchers have also proposed the coagulant, these are also referred as coagulant aids. The poly-
enzymatic degradation of synthetic dyes. In this direction Bhunia electrolyte is substantially unaffected by pH variations and serve as
et al. (2001) investigated the application of novel enzymes horse- a coagulant itself by reducing the effective charge on colloids. It
radish peroxidase for decomposition and precipitation of azo dyes. produces a large amount of ions in water and shows properties of
The degradation rate was dependent on the pH of the wastewater. both polymers and electrolytes. The most practical benet of
In another study, Bumpus et al. (1991) revealed that the enzyme polyelectrolyte is the formation of massive ocs. These massive
from white rot fungus degraded Crystal Violet via N-demethylation ocs speed up the oc settling velocity, reduce the expense of
in a considerable amount. Hence, after standardisation and facili- decolourisation and also decrease the settled sludge volume
tation of accurate dosage, effective dye degradation performance (Bidhendi et al., 2007).
can be achieved. Simplicity in application and rapid modication Since Coagulation occulation is cost effective technology and
according to the character of dye to be removed makes it attractive gives excellent colour removal for wide variety of dyes, it becomes
choice for decolourisation of textile wastewater. However, the promising technology for decolourisation of textile wastewater.
major limitation may be the denaturation of enzyme due the effect Sludge production can also be minimised by optimising process
A.K. Verma et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 93 (2012) 154e168 161

parameters and suitable selection of coagulant and occulant. Due more rapid occulation and strong ocs than that of alum at
to scarcity of landll sites, the disposal of sludge becomes more equivalent dosage. This can be attributed by the fact that these
problematic and expensive. Therefore, recycle of sludge becomes coagulants are pre-neutralised, have smaller effect on the pH of
the only viable option. In this regard, the use of sludge as a building water and so reduce the need of pH correction. Most of the dyes
material (Balasubramanian et al., 2006), a soil conditioner (Pearson used in textile industries are of negatively charged and hence
et al., 2004; Rosa et al., 2007; Islam et al., 2009) or as a fuel (Van der cationic polymer is preferred over anionic and nonionic polymers
Bruggen et al., 2005) has been studied by several researchers. due to the better dye removal performance. However, the mecha-
Coagulation by means of biopolymers is very effective method nisms of these products are not well established yet. Further, to
for treatment of industrial wastewater. Chitosan as a bioocculant conduct and evaluate the work, it is necessary to consider only the
can be successfully applied for the removal of both particulate and most critical controlling parameters. Various authors have sug-
dissolved substances (Renault et al., 2009). The main reasons for gested the most important parameters to be consider in coagula-
the success of this biopolymer in wastewater treatment using tion are pH and concentration of applied metal ions (coagulant)
coagulation/occulation are, chitosan has the advantage of being such as alum (El-Gohary and Tawk, 2009), FeCl3 (Kim et al., 2003;
a non-toxic material, non corrosive and safe to handle (non Bidhendi et al., 2007), MgCl2 (Tan et al., 2000; Semerjian and
hazardous product, not irritating for skin and eyes) (Bolto and Ayoub, 2003; Gao et al., 2007), polyaluminium chloride (PACl)
Gregory, 2007; Bratby, 2007). Moreover, chitosan is also efcient (Sanghi and Bhattacharya, 2005; Choo et al., 2007), lime (Mishra
in cold water and at much lower concentration than metal salts. et al., 2002; Georgiou et al., 2003) and ferrous sulphate and
The lower concentration of polymers reduces the volume of sludge organic polymeric coagulants (Mishra et al., 2002; Bidhendi et al.,
production compared to sludge obtained with alum. In addition, as 2007).
biopolymers are biodegradable, hence, the sludge can be efciently Apart from these, mixing speed and time (Gurses et al., 2003),
degraded by microorganisms. Various studies have been reported temperature and retention time (Ong et al., 2005; Naimabadi et al.,
that the sludge produced from the treatment of milk processing 2009) also inuence the colour removal efciency. Hence, the
plant wastewater (Chi and Cheng, 2006) and kaolinite suspensions optimisation of these factors may signicantly increase the process
(Divakaran and Pillai, 2001) was non-toxic and could be used to efciency. Different coagulants affect different degrees of destabi-
stimulate growth in plants. lisation. The higher the valence of the counter ion, the more is its
destabilising effect and the less is the dose needed for coagulation.
4. Chemical coagulation technologies If pH is below the isoelectric point of metal hydroxide while
precipitation of colloids by different coagulants supported by
Chemical coagulation is a complex phenomenon involving suitable polymer, then the positively charged polymers will prevail
various inter-related parameters, hence it is very critical to dene and adsorption of these positively polymers can destabilise nega-
that how well coagulant will function under given conditions. On tively charged colloids by charge neutralisation. Above the
the basis of effectiveness to decolourise the textile wastewater, isoelectric point, anionic polymers will predominate where particle
chemical coagulants can be categorised in the three parts as destabilization may take place through adsorption and bridge
described in the following Fig. 4. formation. At high dose of metal ions (coagulant), a sufcient
It has been reported that pre-hydrolysed metallic salts are often degree of oversaturation occurs to produce a rapid precipitation of
found to be more effective than the hydrolysing metallic salts such a large quantity of metal hydroxide, enmeshing the colloidal
as aluminium sulphate (alum), ferric chloride and ferric sulphate particles which are termed as sweep oc (Peavy et al., 1985). For
those are readily soluble in water (Jiang and Graham, 1998). Pre- example, when Fe(III) salts are used as coagulants, monomeric and
hydrolysed coagulants such as Polyaluminium chloride (PACl), polymeric ferric species are formed, the formation of which is
Polyaluminium ferric chloride (PAFCl), Polyferrous sulphate (PFS) highly pH dependent (Abo-Farha, 2010). Some of the reported
and Polyferric chloride (PFCl) seem to give better colour removal chemical coagulation technology and their performance have been
even at low temperature and may also produce lower volume of summarised in Table 4.
sludge. In this connection, Gregory and Rossi (2001) have studied The studies made by various researchers as described in the
the effectiveness of various pre-hydrolysing coagulants for the Table 4 show that the natural pH of ferric chloride solution is acidic.
treatment of wastewater, and reported that PACl products give However, the effective colour removal can be achieved when the

Chemical coagulants

Hydrolysing Pre- hydrolysing Synthetic cationic

metallic salts metallic salts polymers

Ferric chloride Polyaluminium chloride (PACl) Aminomethyl polyacrylamide

Ferric sulphate Polyferric chloride (PFCl) Polyalkylene
Magnesium chloride Polyferrous sulphate (PFS) Polyamine
Alum Polyaluminium ferric chloride Polyethylenimine
(PAFCl) Polydiallyldimethyl ammonium
Polyaluminium sulphate (PAS) chloride (poly-DADMAC)

Fig. 4. Categorisation of chemical coagulants according to their effectiveness.

162 A.K. Verma et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 93 (2012) 154e168

pH is maintained near to neutral, but it again depends upon the of basic efuent after treatment, may not be considered as the good
type of dyes to be removed (Kim et al., 2004; Guendy, 2010; coagulants. Though, both the ferric chloride and alum give roughly
Moghaddam et al., 2010). Hence, the addition of base to maintain high efciency, at low concentration, colour removal efciency is
the pH becomes prime requirement. Lime or NaOH can be used for reported less for ferric chloride (Kim et al., 2004; Golob et al., 2005;
this purpose. However, addition of lime may produce extra sludge. Bidhendi et al., 2007). However, signicant improvement in the
Whereas, addition of polyelectrolyte as a coagulant aid generally colour removal has been reported if ferric chloride used with small
improves the performance of coagulant. It can be seen from the amount of cationic polymer (Suksaroj et al., 2005). Very limited
Table 4 that optimum pH for alum is near to neutral and hence information is available based on the coagulant studies using PFS.
higher colour removal efciency can be obtained at this pH. PFS makes it attractive coagulant because it is practically soluble in
Moreover, addition of polyelectrolyte generally improves the colour water, and forms large amount of polynucleic complex ions like
removal performance. However, generation of large amount of (Fe2(OH)3)3, (Fe2(OH)2)2, (Fe8(OH)20)4, which are prone to
sludge associated with this process makes it unattractive. render occulation. It is advantageous as regards the following
PACl products are aluminium-based coagulants. They are similar points:
to alum, with several important differences:
- Fast settling of ocs
- Partially pre-neutralised (Higher basicity than alum) - Broad pH compatibility
- Contains Cl instead of SO2
4 - Low iron contamination
- Contains up to three times the aluminium content - High heavy metal removal rate
- Rapid aggregation velocity, bigger and heavier ocs - Easy dehydration of sludge etc.

Moreover, PACl shows better colour removal efciency in The principle mechanism for coagulation is similar to the PACl
a wider pH range of 7e10. The optimum pH for FeSO4 is alkaline in i.e. adsorption and charge neutralisation. At high turbidity, the
the range 7e9 and gives higher colour removal at this pH range. coagulation may follow Sweep coagulation (Peavy et al., 1985).
Various researchers have also revealed that the addition of poly- Gao et al. (2001) have investigated the application of PAFCl for
electrolyte generally increases turbidity and volume of settled the decolourisation of petrochemical wastewater and reported that
sludge. This undesired effect may be eliminated if the used PAFCl gives better turbidity removal in 7.0e8.4 pH range and good
concentration of polyelectrolyte is less than 2 mg/L (Bidhendi et al., colour removal for suspension dyes over the other selected coag-
2007). ulant such as PFS and PACl. In addition to the performance of better
The optimum pH for magnesium chloride varies between 9 and coagulation efciency for colour removal, it also reects the ability
12 (Gao et al., 2007; El-Gohary and Tawk, 2009). It gives very good to quick formation of the ocs. The ability of quick formation of the
colour removal performance if used with lime. However, it gener- ocs and superior colour removal efciency may be due to the
ates large amount of sludge which may cause sludge disposal reason that PAFCl combines the coagulatory advantages of both
problem and also involves extra cost. Alum and magnesium chlo- aluminium and iron salts and hence able to form ocs rapidly with
ride, because of large amount of sludge generation and production more bulky and rapid sedimentation. This novel coagulant is not

Table 4
Effectiveness of different chemical coagulants studied by different researchers for colour removal of textile wastewater.

Name of coagulant Optimised Coagulant aids (if any) Type of dyes Optimum % Colour Reference
dose (mg/L) present pH removal
Steel industry wastewater Disperse 4.25 99 Anouzla et al., 2009
Potassium ferrate 100 Polyamine based polymer 6.5e8.5 95 Ciabatti et al., 2010
Polyaluminium Chloride (PACl) 10 7.2 99.9 Choo et al., 2007
Poly-epichlorohydrin-diamine 20 7 95 Kang et al., 2007
Alum 200 Polyacrylamide 5.3 78.9 El-Gohary and Tawk, 2009
based polymer (Cytec)
Alum 5000 Copper sulphate as catalyst 4 74 Kumar et al., 2008
Alum 20 Commercial cationic Reactive Near to 98 Golob et al., 2005
occulant (Coloc-RDeCiba) and acid neutral
Alum 7  104 5.7e6.5a 74 Patel and Vashi, 2010
Ferrous Sulphate 200 Polyelectrolyte Sulfur 9.4 90 Bidhendi et al., 2007
Ferric chloride 400 Sulfur 8.3 100 Bidhendi et al., 2007
Ferric chloride 293 Reactive and 6 71 Kim et al., 2004
Ferric chloride 56 Cationic polymer 4 92 Suksaroj et al., 2005
Magnesium chloride 400 Polyelectrolyte (Koaret PA 3230) Reactive 11 85 Tan et al., 2000
Magnesium chloride 120 Lime 11 100 El-Gohary and Tawk, 2009
Magnesium chloride 800 Hydrated lime Reactive and 12 98 Gao et al., 2007
Polyaluminium chloride (PACl) 0.1 Poly acrylamide-seed gum Reactive, 8.5 80 Sanghi et al., 2006
acid and direct
Polyaluminium chloride (PACl) 800 Anionic polyacrlamide, 7.5 75 Tun et al., 2007
Exeroc 204
Ferrous sulphate 400 Lime and Cationic polymer Reactive 12.5 90 Georgiou et al., 2003
Ferrous sulphate 1000 Anionic 9.5 60 Selcuk, 2005
polyelectrolyte (Henkel23500)
Ferrous sulphate 7  104 5.7e6.5a 85 Patel and Vashi, 2010
Ferric sulphate 7  104 5.7e6.5a 58 Patel and Vashi, 2010
Experiments were carried out at original pH of raw wastewater.
A.K. Verma et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 93 (2012) 154e168 163

Natural coagulants

Plant based Animal based Micro-organism based

Guar gum Chitosan Xanthan gum

Gum Arabic
Seed extract from
Strychnos potatorum,
Moringa Oilifeira etc.
Cactus latifaria extract
Potato starch

Fig. 5. Categorisation of natural coagulants with their examples.

widely studied for textile wastewater treatment hence very limited lower coagulant dosage requirement, efciency at low tempera-
information is available. The principle mechanism of PAFCl is ture and produce small volume of sludge whereas inorganic
charge neutralisation and bridging (Chen et al., 2010). Recently, polymers and chemical coagulants generally involve higher cost,
Ciabatti et al. (2010) have studied the use of potassium ferrate in less biodegradability and toxicity. For example, acrylamide is very
combination of polyamine based polymer for treatment of dyeing much toxic and gives severe neurotoxic effects (Bratby, 2007).
efuents and found excellent colour removal as well as COD Toxicity effect due to cationic polymers to the plants has been
reduction. Since ferrate (VI) ion is a strong oxidant in entire the pH established long back (Gao et al., 2001). In this connection, Bolto
range, hence after reduction to Fe(III) ion or ferric hydroxide during and Gregory (2007) also reported that anionic and nonionic
oxidation process, it possesses the ability to act as coagulant. Hence polymers are generally less toxic as compared to cationic poly-
potassium ferrate represents a unique dual function (Oxidant and mers especially to aquatic organisms. The major advantage of
coagulant) chemical reagent that can be an effective alternative to natural polymer is its non-toxicity to the environment and
current approaches for water and wastewater treatment. biodegradability. Therefore, the efuent after natural polymer
treatment can be treated by biological means, if required. This
5. Coagulation with the help of natural coagulants efuent will not pose any harm to the biological organisms, as is
offered, if it is treated by means of synthetic coagulants. Not only
Chemical coagulation with the help of above discussed coag- this, the sludge generated by the natural polymers can further be
ulants may be the method of choice for decolourisation of textile treated biologically or can be disposed off safely as soil condi-
wastewater before being fed to the biological treatment, if tioners because of their non-toxicity. Hence, there is an urgent
necessary. However, it has also some drawbacks as the efciency need to establish the use of natural low cost polymers for textile
of the treatment strongly depends on pH. Moreover, the coagu- wastewater treatment.
lation process is not always efcient enough because at different In the view of this, many researchers have studied the effec-
environmental conditions such as at extreme pH and at very low tiveness of various natural coagulants (Joshi and Nanoti, 1999)
or very high temperature, it may produce very sensitive, fragile extracted from plants or animals (Christman, 1967) for the treat-
ocs, which result in poor sedimentation. These ocs may rupture ment of textile wastewater. These natural coagulants may also
under any type of physical forces. To improve the efciency of prove their effectiveness if used as coagulant aids along with the
coagulation process, number of high molecular weight chemical coagulants. Most of the natural coagulants fall under the
compounds such as polymers from synthetic or natural origin category of polysaccharides, hence also termed as polymeric
may be recommended. These polymers can function as coagulant coagulants. On the basis of the origin of production, natural coag-
itself or in the form of coagulant aids/bioocculants, depending ulant can be divided in to three categories as shown in Fig. 5. Unlike
upon the wastewater and polymer characteristics. These polymers synthetic coagulants, natural coagulants generally exhibit two
are normally macro-molecular structure with variety of functional types of mechanism namely i) adsorption and charge neutralisa-
groups which can either work as coagulants by destabilising the tion, and ii) adsorption and interparticle bridging. As their molec-
charged stable particles mainly through the process of adsorption ular weight is high and contain long chained structure, therefore
and neutralisation or can work as coagulant aids by attaching the offers a large number of available adsorption sites. Adsorption and
destabilised particles with the functional groups by interparticle charge neutralisation refers to the sorption of two oppositely
bridging. Here organic polymeric compounds are advantageous charged ions, while interparticle bridging occurs when poly-
over inorganic materials, which posses several novel characteris- saccharide chain of coagulant sorbs the particulates (Miller et al.,
tics such as their ability to produce large, dense, compact ocs 2008). The existence of adsorption and interparticle bridging
that are stronger and have good settling characteristics (Renault between dye molecules and polysaccharides is due to the interac-
et al., 2009). In contrast to some traditionally used coagulant tion of p- electron system of dyes and OH group of poly-
such as alum, organic polymers are benecial because of the saccharides (Fig. 6), which was rst suggested by Yoshida et al.
164 A.K. Verma et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 93 (2012) 154e168

Fig. 6. Schematic representation of intermolecular interaction between p- electron

from dye molecule and hydroxyl group of polysaccharide (Yoshida et al., 1964).

(1964) and then reviewed by Blackburn and Burkinshaw (2002)

and Yin (2010).

5.1. Plant based polymers as coagulants Fig. 7. Schematic representation of the interaction of dye molecule with (a) Guar Gum
and (b) Gum Arabic.

Various plant extracted polymers such as starch, guar gam, gum

arabic, nirmali seeds, tannin, Moringa oleifera and cactus etc. are
Meyers, 2000; Kurita, 2006; Renault et al., 2009) have studied the
generally well known as coagulants within the scientic commu-
effectiveness of animal extracted polymer as coagulants for
nity. These polymers have large number of industrial application as
industrial wastewater treatment.
these are polysaccharides and possess various commercial appli-
cations such as in paper industry, as food additives etc. By virtue of
the effectiveness of natural polymer as coagulant, Sanghi et al. 5.2. Animal based polymers as coagulants
(2006) have investigated the use of Ipomeoa dasysperma seed
gum and guar gum as coagulant aids along with PACl and found 86% Chitosan is a linear copolymer of D-glucosamine (deacetylated
and 87% removal of acid dye at the PACl dosage of 1 mg/L and unit) and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine (acetylated unit) produced by
I. dasysperma seed gum and guar gum dosage of 5 mg/L each, at the deacetylation of chitin, a natural polymer of major importance
optimum pH of 9.5. Signicant removals of the order 73% and 80% (Roberts, 1992; Kurita, 2006). The degree of deacetylation can be
were also been reported for direct dye at the same dosage of determined by NMR spectroscopy. Chitin is the structural element
coagulant and coagulant aid and at the same pH of 9.5. in the exoskeleton of crustaceans (crabs, shrimps etc.) and in the
Adinol et al. (1994) have reported that polysaccharide extrac- endoskeleton of other invertebrate.
ted from Strychnos potatorum (Nirmali) seeds can effectively reduce Chitosan possesses several intrinsic properties such as non-
upto 80% turbidity of kaolin solution. M. oleifera, known as drum- toxicity, its biodegradability and its outstanding chelation
stick tree is widely found throughout India, Asia, some parts of behavior that make it an effective coagulant and/or occulant for
Africa and America. The trees bark, root, fruit, owers, leaves seeds removal of contaminant in the dissolved state. Various studies for
and gum are also used as medicines. The seed of these trees is also treatment of industrial wastewater using chitosan have been
used as coagulant and/or occulants in the water and wastewater carried out during late 70s by Bough and coworkers (Bough, 1975,
treatment. Beltrn-Heredia et al. (2009) have investigated the use 1976; Bough et al., 1978). They have investigated the effectiveness
of M. oleifera seed extract for the removal of anthraquinone dye and of chitosan for coagulation and recovery of suspended solids (SS) in
reported 95% dye removal at the coagulant dose of 100 mg/L and at processing of waste from variety of food processing industries and
pH 7. Further, Lea (2010) has investigated the effectiveness of M. found that this novel coagulant is very much effective for efcient
oleifera seed extract for the treatment of turbid water and found reduction of COD as well as removal of SS and turbidity. Numerous
99.5% turbidity removal at the dosage of 400 mg/L. Typically, works claim that chitosan involved in a dual mechanism including
increased dosage of seed extract does not enhance the dye removal coagulation by charge neutralisation and occulation by bridging
after maximum adsorption is reached. It might be due to the fact mechanism (No and Meyers, 2000; Guibal and Roussy, 2007). The
that no more new sites for adsorption remain available at the possible interactions between dye molecules and chitosan have
surface of seed extract. M. oleifera seeds are also considered as an been shown in Fig. 8. Zhang et al. (1995) have used carboxymethyl
excellent biofuel source for making biodiesel. chitosan for printing and dyeing wastewater treatment. The
Gum Arabic, also known as Gum Acacia is highly branched with experimental results showed that, carboxymethyl chitosan in
beta-Galactose backbone having high molecular weight of wastewater decolourisation and COD reduction, are superior over
250,000e750,000 Da, water and fat soluble polysaccharide. The other commonly used polymer occulants. Szygula et al. (2009)
coagulation studies with this novel natural coagulant are yet to be reported approximately 99% colour removal from the simulated
established. Although the mechanism of coagulation with natural textile wastewater containing Acid Blue 92 at an optimum chitosan
coagulants has not been extensively investigated but the presence dosage of 100 mg/L maintaining optimum pH of 9. In continuation
of hydroxyl groups along the polysaccharide chain provides a large of this, Mahmoodi et al. (2011) investigated the effectiveness of
number of available adsorption sites that might lead to the inter- chitosan for removal of Acid Green 25 and Direct Red 23 and re-
particle bridging between polysaccharide and dye molecule as ported approximately 75% and 95% dye removal respectively in
shown in Fig. 7. 10 min at optimum pH 2 maintaining the stirring speed of 200 rpm.
Paulino et al. (2006) studied the removal of methylene blue with
the help of hydrogel formed by modied Gum Arabic, polyacrylate 5.3. Microorganism based polymer as coagulant
and polyacrylamide and reported that 98% of dye removal can be
achieved at pH 8 with maximum adsorption capacity of 48 mg of Xanthan gum is a polysaccharide, derived from the bacterial
the dye per gram of hydrogel. However, use of gum arabic and guar coat of Xanthomonas campestris, used as food additive and rheology
gum for colour removal due to the widely used dyes in the textile modier (Davidson, 1980). It is produced by the fermentation of
industries are yet to be established. In connection with application glucose by the X. campestris bacterium. After fermentation, the
of natural coagulants, various researchers (Kumar, 2000; No and polysaccharide is separated from the growth medium with the help
A.K. Verma et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 93 (2012) 154e168 165

Fig. 8. Schematic representation of the formation of chitosan from chitin polysaccharide and its interaction with dye molecules.

of solvent separation technique, dried and ground into a ne cost in the processing of microorganism based coagulant may not
powder (Cohan, 2010). The use of xanthan gum for the treatment of be an attractive option. Application of plant based coagulants will
textile wastewater is not been reported in the literature yet. Due to become more attractive if the coagulants producing plants are
complex structure and higher molecular weight of xanthan gum indigenous.
(250,000e750,000 Da), as compared to guar gum (about The main advantage of coagulation and occulation is decol-
220,000e250,000 Da), it may also be considered as one of the ourisation of the waste stream due to the removal of dye molecules
promising coagulant and/or coagulant aids for the treatment of from the dyebath efuents, and not due to a partial decomposition
textile wastewater. Hence, extensive study is required to be con- of dyes, which can lead to an even more potentially harmful and
ducted to establish the various facts about effectiveness of xanthan toxic aromatic compound. The major disadvantage of coagulation/
gum for the treatment of textile wastewater. The possible mecha- occulation processes is the production of sludge. However, the
nism of coagulation by interparticle bridging as observed for guar sludge amount could be minimised if only a low volume of the
gum can also be observed for xanthan gum (Fig. 9). highly coloured dyebath could be eliminated by chemical treat-
It can be summarised from the above discussions that plant ment directly after the dyeing process (Golob et al., 2005).
extracted coagulant may be encouraged over animal extracted
coagulant for the treatment of textile wastewater due to the fact 6. Future scope of research
that non plant sources possess limited potential for the mass
production as compared to the plant sources. Extra involvement of
Very limited work has been carried out on the decolourisation of
textile wastewater containing multiple dyes of different classes
along with the various chemical additives which are used during
textile processing. Also the effectiveness of most of the pre-
hydrolysed coagulants for decolourisation of textile wastewater
containing multiple dyes is yet to be established. Considering the
industries dependencies on the cost effective chemical coagulation
and occulation technologies for their coloured wastewater treat-
ment, it is required to conduct more and more future research to
come up with best coagulants or combinations of coagulants along
with coagulant aids which can produce very promising results even
at a wider variations of pH and other interfering agents of the
textile wastewaters. Investigation of the effectiveness of more
number of natural coagulants is also need to be assessed. This
assessment may be carried out using natural polymers as coagulant
aids as well as coagulant itself. Effectiveness of natural coagulants
also required to be carried out against simulated as well as raw
textile wastewater.

7. Conclusion

All decolourisation methods described in this review have some

advantages as well as some drawbacks, and their selection will
mostly governed by the textile wastewater characteristics like class
Fig. 9. Schematic representation of possible interaction between xanthan gum and dye and concentration of dyes, pH, organic contents, heavy metals, etc.
molecule. Among different physical, chemical, biological, and advanced
166 A.K. Verma et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 93 (2012) 154e168

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