Part 4

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COMMll'Tf~}= o~r FOI{EIGN R~~L~\TIOX8

LXI'l'~ED srrl\l'ES 8E~L-\TE
FIRST Sl<~SS 10:\

C~f)EH TIlE .\I·TllURITY of :-;I~:'\ATE RESOLCTIOX 3fi:!. 87TH

CO:'\Gln:s~. A:'\D ~E:'\..:\TB RE~OL{'TIO\' 2G, SSTlI COXGRESS,


AI.;Gl'ST I, ID6.1

Printed for thl' UBe of tho Committee on I"orelgn RelatlonBJ

~L .ij
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(lp('llillf1; ~L
J 11". :
CUlllmit Lee
Item 1(
ill kt
J W. ITLI\HIGI1T. :\rk;1n~:J~, r11(lirmllTl L('( ter (
JOB:" ~I'AHK:'It.\:". :\111>:1111:1 Hlll'Ii.KE n. llIChE\"LOOI'I:](, !"':l FIII!>r
IlI'BEHT n. Ill;~rl'IIHEy. ~lirHI('~('ta (;EOlua: n. cUKE:". \'PfllJl>lI! 1.('11 (T :
MIKE ,r,\:"~FIELlI. :lfollL\llll I'IL\:"K CAl~LSO\", K:ltl!':l"l ( I fTi (' I
\L\Y\"!-: \rOI{~E, Orpgl\n Joli~ J. WILLlA:\1:". 11l.'lnWIlff' :It t :\('
Itl:~SI~LL H J,():\'(;, LOlll"dana KAHL E. ~IU\"IYr. ::-;, tJIli Pakpta (rufJ I
ALIIEIi.'!" GOHE. T.·fllI,,",.·.· Let t ('r (
FIL\\'K J. LA(T~CIlI':, Old" Ext.ract
FHA \" I" ell {THeil. [dId,,, ;.. r('(-'
~lT;\ICl' ~Y:'lII\"(;T(\\'. "ll·'''llrl l\lerno!':
J. 1\()]l[J. ('''fill'' [1,:111 :-:Pl'l:-'I
GEOH(i!': :\ ~~L\T1IEli.:-:, ll"rld:l 1\1el110 T
,.C... HL \!AHl'Y, CllifJ oj ~I(J[J I\lcmo (
'I U.\HJ:ELL ~r C'I.~JII;:. ('I,,,k III itt ('
.¥!. 1\1 0 rn or:
!'ote.-This hearing was heJd in public session and relates to ~I)('(' i
Part 9 of Hearings on Activities of Non-Diplomatic Repr~ Ipt
§entatives of Foreign Principals in the United States. Let

Rcply Ii
L0t.ter (
Threc p
Srct i,
L('t t ( ' f
!\ f 1'1'1
1\Jf nt"\"~p
"'( i

- - - ' - ,+jl
(lpl'IIIIlg ~tat"1l11'llt h~ til\' ('h;liI'1I1:11L ~_t_--.,----- _ Ili'l5
'1'1" (1111Un \' of -- '
I~:ld(jr ILtTlJlin, LV'('III i\'" I )irl,(·tor.'J('\\"i~h :\g('!1C\'-Allll'ric:lll :-::~('tiOII,
111",: :tl'l'IIllljl:lllil'd I,.', \l:lllri'I'I' \1, H"tlk:--t,'iII, H'ttOrIll',\', of (;I!zik ,\:
BOllk,.:tcin, ~(,W York; ltlld :\11':-:, r:laim~ Hos('nbnum _
COlllmlt l.,('l' in:-:l'rts:
:\1l'll1o d:tll'd :\T:l\' Ir), IQGl, "E;.,:tr:lct From :\Iinll(cs of E;.,:eclltivc of
.J e \\' i,'" h :\ gP n(' \' ~ A TTl cr i C:tII S('c t i() n ' , _ J701
Itl'ITI lU, \Lltl'l';;i\ I'!'qlll':-:!'cd h,\' ~l:n:lt(' Forl:i,l':n Hr'lation" Committc('
ill Idter of .Jlllil' 17, I~ll;:), \0 \11', badort~ Ihndin: "BeAllP"t for a
cop." of 1.11(' \\ r It (I'n :.rr:lllgr'll1f>llt rdprrcd to in :1 11'1 tel' d{l~I'd \lay ::)0
I ~1l;2, :1I1drl':---1 d 1() I II'. 1. \10\'111 and ",igIH'd I,," L, A, Pincll<' . I iil'l
Hd,'rl'llri' to 1;\0;C 141:{ of r:1r't ~l of ll('arinL,'", f;xCI'rjl~;; of JrrlliHJ.1em
,\!..:"III'." minll!r','" :-llppl:l,'d thi;; COlllll1ittf'l' by l'l:qw'sU_:_ l.{ ._
L, tIlT d:l!,('d .11t!\ :2~I, I\ltd, from LOlli;; Hahl!luwltz to,(:--eI1:ttor J, \\,
, 1j
I-',il!lri}.!ht __
,r- ;,',.j : I: I \I'
~ Ill' r" h; ,.j :\. pI' 11 I ~ I, II II ,: {, f r
-- .----.
ill .\ I I, 0 f I
I l] 1I \ \' Il''' ,\I I,. '

I qll(' "i t L, 1:-':('1":11\ l' 1 )UTcI,,;- 'If till' ,\.1(' 1 II ~lr bH.:lI' 11:\[lIltll:
:tl t :'t('] III II 'T--;-i:,'r' ))("1'1 I'll \\ IIrh: riOTl1 I,.' I Ill' ,\J(' \Jnekr gr:mt rCC('iVI'r!
i r. J: I I 1II" .\ l.C' ' I" \ I ,I, I', I, i I .\ II III I r I t I I{, "': Lr (,j J , , , _' _
Ll'Illr d:lll'd .Jld." l'..', I~)(;'.! froIll \!O':':}ll' Ikf'tn to \Ii:-:~ F, ::-;p~i~er __ ,
E;.,:tr:tct l:t1H'k'[ "L-,:tr:lct From \Iill\ltl's uf the Finance Cornmittec
\1"1'( tll~, .\1:11',,1 1 ,I, I ~'!"I' \{ \I"1.l11 1',':--(':11'('\1 prlJj,'('I, ' _ 171 "
i\II'Jllnr:lI\1!II:11 I!:tll'd .J\lh -:, l~l(i], frOll1 h:lt!orc H:lJ1Jlin to :\1l~:-; Falllliv
~IJ"I-,'r \\ It It ['('f"I'I'II('I'- til "Hll"I'\:1 1'1':"1':11'1')1 IlI'oj-pet", _
i\!<'1110 tII:Lrk,'d ".\llfltltl' I'llIanc,' ('0l11111ittl'I' :\1 l'l't illg, .lllDe G, lQ:iS" ,
:'\11'1111) 1111 ill"d ":-::llppll'lIH'lll :LI'\ rl'('(lrd to :\Iinllll'::' of Finance Com-
Illltl"I' }It'ld 011 .1:11111:11'\- :l,t 1~1t',I" _
;\ll'llIOr:llldlllll \\ltll :llt;u'hIlH'III, Ihtl,d S"I.temlwr l~), IQGO, frOII1
L.. :ldor(' II:\Il111fl til .\11,;; F:iIIfll(' ~pci::>l'r \\ith refl~rcncc 1.0 "Arnon
~I)/'ci:d .\ccollIlt"; ('11(']1»111'1'''':
to I.I't(l'[' :-::l'\)ICIllI,,'r !;), \\il;(), 1(1 :\11'. \In'''!w :\ri~F\'en from I~:ulorc
~pre- I [am llll _. __ ,,_. , . , _
LI'ItfT ~eptl'mhl'r I:), 1~lfl(), to Ill', :\1:lrt,lII ]{O';(,IIJJ!llth, Go\'(~rn-
1I11'nt of I:--ral'1. Trl',:I;;IIr\' \ltlicl', fr(lll\ I, II:lInlill _ ! 7:~O
Leltl'l ~('ptl'r1\l)('r,s, l~l(;(\ 1(1 \Ir, J. Hamlin from \lo~hc Ari-
I-: \T n , _,_ . _, __ , , _. _
Ll' arT Sept e Inl)l'r ~, I q(iO, to 1) r. :\ hI' tin H 0,,1' II LJ 1~I t h {rom ~1 0::' IIC
:\ I' i - E \'(' n _ _ ___ _ _ __ , _ __ _ __ _ _ __ , __ __ _ _ __ _ __ __ __ _ __ _ _ 17;) I
Hrply ~lIpplil'd t!w ('(1l11111\ittr(', ','n, ~, lIppl'ndix '2 of pmt ~) !H':l.fing~__ 173;-)
1,('11 ('l' dal ('d .J1I1 \' :U,I 1(tt;:), to :-::t'II:lI ur J-\d!Jrigltt fruIll 1. L. h:('It~~ll _ 17:)7
:-;;llllpk copy nf j:--r:ll'I,Ulgl''''l.,_ ,_. . , .. _4 _
Thn'() pagr;; froll) r,( 'ash H(,Cl'ipt;; .Tomltal" of J('wi;;h :\gency-Ameri\,un
~()ction, TIlC.," (ht('d~\)I'C('lllhl'r 15, 1~\f,1, :\!:lrch 2~1, If){)~, rrnd
.T1I1lI' !~lti'2 ',_. c - 1751,17.')'2,
MCIllOl':tndllm ('ntitlrd "E;.,:tr:lct. frOln \fiIll1t('~ of Finance ('ornrnittpr,
\{("('ting .hnu{l.r:.. : :2,i'. I~)()L' Hl'garding 1{l'ductio'll In BlIdgd"
( PI' (':-; i (\I> II t ':-; c n 1\ f l' I' l' n (' I ' ) _ _ _ _ _ _ ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Melllorandulll dated \IHrch '2" IQ62, to ~nt Ikth("il froT/I Isadore
:\ t ~ \l~,\~~~: [I ;II;';1'lin: ~ I; Ii;I;II -I I: It ~ ,~ I -l':{ '-l ;~C-:l'r '\'- ~;)~ -, ~ 1(; i ,- t(-) -:\ I I~ _-I,'" -II :-1;1~ Ii 1-\

fr()1111lr ~:1lJ\I\I'! 1I111Ilh'I;ti,'lrl' . 175')

I,dll'r d:ltt't\ \1:1\.1, 1'ltilY: t'l Ilw "f,\\j"h \gl'll(~ frl)lJl ('Oll'lllhi:l
1' 1I i \" ' r'" i t \ ,,_
l\1f'lll11r:llldlllll tIt \;0.\'''l,>.trnct 1-'1"1>11' \Iillll«':-' of Fill:\ril'" ('Ollllllittf'I'
\It'I'tIII!::, 1 I, If''JtiJ. (,,'ofle"1'11illl.: 1~I'dll('tl\)11 ill nlld~I'I",_
\1:ll'cl! lib I
:\1(,II\orlll\llI\111' iT~H~'d \lal 10, I'lti I, ttl \1,;-;:-- F:ll11111' ~l)('l":"1' hUlIl I)r
~fllll\lt'l !nllllll'lJ1i"ld

C U lllllli t t['(,- in:-;(' rts-C U n till U(' (I
:'!ell\()r:tlllhllil {'lllitll'll "FjU;lIIC'{' COllil11itt"" \!,'('(iII!.!:, TI!t''';c!:I.\·, April
'.!q, _
1~1.-)""__ _ '
I.l'tkr d:ltl'd \1:1\' (i, lq:-l~l. III
Haill,i :\larC' T:\u"rdl:llltll, :--:YII:ll,;'OgIW
COlllWil uf .\ll\,:ril·:I. frUI11 Hu,.;e 1.. lI:tlpr'ill_.. . 1765
Olltlill(' of ":\laj'lr .\1"':1:' (If l'rUL':r:1I11 CI)IIl'l'lilr:tlillll, l~I:I'I-t',o" pf tIll'
('()llll1li,,:-;iuu UII Iut"I"JI:J.tiplI:ll AtT:tjr~, ;-';.\'II:U.~\)~11" (\I'll,,'il uf ,\II,er-
1l':1. . _ 1700 ACTIVIT]
1.1'lt('[' d:lll',I.J:lTl" "21, l~lti(j, tu \11'. (;oltli,'b 11:t!l\llll'r, L:\"l'llti\'1' \'il'l'
C!lairiIIHII, .J, \\i,,1L .-\!.!,I'IIt'\' f'lr !"rllt'i. frOl11 Hahhi \1:11'(' II. T:ll\l'll-
OF EO) 'i
fl:J.III11, 1,\I'('llti\I' !)ilt'l't(l'I', :--:.' 11:1l.!,11!2\Il' ('o1111'.'il of :\IIII'ri(':I, :llid 1'11-
C'1()';I'd 111"11\'11":111,1':111 "11til!("! ·'('rllJlil!I'llti:ll. \01 fIll' l'lllJli('alioll or
:\ttrill\llillll,:1 :';lllllJll:lI"\ Ilf IILI' ,\l'tl\'ili,'" "f Illl' :--:\'ll:li.:,"~III' ("IIIII(·jj
of .\nlt·ri(':1 \\ Itll tlJl' (·)rl.;:lllil.l'd ('llri~li:1i1 ('llIIII;llllliti,·:-: ill III1"r-
pI"l'IIIIl! till 1iI'II!,!,illll.~ l)illll'I,~llIII uf ,\lllt'II(':II, .J1'\lI~ '" 1:1,!:tti'lll:-:11ip
tIl ttI(' :-:'t:II,' ,11,dl'I'lIpll' of 1~I,\I'j" _
1ll'J>I,\ :'llppli,"! t Iii' ,,<I'llIIIIt tl'I' 'p I 112, pI ~l , 1"l\lll·"t for ('Uf)\' lIf tllf'
I'll I 1:' tit 11 til In () f t hi' 1: \ I' C I It i \ " I l f t 1\\· .I I '\I I ~ 11 '\ '-'-' •I I ('." \ \: I'; Ctl II.\" ,I f II \I'
1'()I,~titllti'l!1 lIf tll!' 1:\"('1111\" tll' 11\1' \\ Ildtl Zi'l\II~1 ()rt.::,'liz:ltipll _.
1)1I1'11Il'I'11I !:th'II'" "]:\Ir:ll't Fl"lIlll \ljII1l1"~ (If J-'i11:UI('I' ('OIll'llitt"I', 'I'll(' com
1)1'('I'l\lh"1" 1:-;, ]~ltil," l'ntltl('ll "\\.1'1"1'11 II:I.'I',.;\),l :--:ll!l\'I'll1ioll:-; fOI" Ill" Xp\\' ~p,na t
YI':II' J:lltlll\L:. \l:tl"clt :) I, I QLi2"_ 1770 pl'P"'; ieli ng.
I,\p!:tll:ltlll'\ \!I'III\II';IIltllllll Oil 1':\\ IIII'III~ 1),'~i'-'-II:ttl'd in th,' Fill:llwi:d
~t:tI"IIII'llt:" 'If till' .r"I\I,-,h AL:t'llI'\'- \11\,'rll':lI' :--:.'('t11l!1, 11:1', :\,.; "1\.. 11. 1) l'psen t
~ldl\I'II(I(ll!"," \>1 "P:lI"I.t! h." .\lr HII11!.;"II'lll, ,):II,'d \I:t\ :), 1Qti:), _. , 1771 fa rIson,
1.,'11"1> "llhlllittl,d to tf\!' ('''III'llltl.'.· III rl'~p"I!"I' til iilqi]iri,'~ :lllll [ t ' -
'{I\I":"I" fill' 1',IIIIIII"llt" PII 1""llIllllIl\ (,'lllt:lilll:d in p:\rt ~) lIf t 1\1" hl':I:--
I I I l! ," :
I,I'lt"r d:lI,·,1 .lld\' 21), 11)Ii:), tp :--:1'll:lI'lr l'till,right {n'lll lhhl,j
TIle Cll,\
.I(·rollll' I 1lL:"I', 1',\.1'\'1111\' I hl,(,(·t\'I", ,\1111 rJ(':l11 ZI(ll,i~t ('''IIIICr!. This mo
1,I'/I"r <1:11,',1 ,1'Ih ~'I, l'ill.{, 111 :"1'11:\1(11' I-ttlhl'il.C:hl 1'1'0111 ""11["\' \yithin tlw
:--:il·l.':III:III, I \,'t'lill\" '--:"('1'1'1:11"\', :\lllt'I"IC,lIl ,\:-:-'<)('J:llillil f<lr \lldtl!'" 111 (,.• t 1)(' a
Fast :--:111111 1 ' " •

LI't!I'r d:lll'd .l\tl\, :)1), l'It;:-:, til :--:"II:lIllr l'I:lllrt!~ht frOIl! !:]r-:lIllr
Ill' 111p E"\t,(
Lip:-;k\'. ] 'rl',.;id"ltl .. 11'\\ l~\\ TI'I,'gr:lphi(' :\gl'll('\, 1IIC. __ I
:\"o(nrizl·d "t:Lt"lllt'l\t frlllil \rl~, "i\ i:\11 C", \l:l--<Ilfl, d:lll'd .lllh' ~;, l11p A:---
\ ,,.('Ttl'\•
I ' It i:) ' . 177,1 rl'~ppl't fOl
Lett,'r rt'('(·j\l'd II\" th,' CUlltlllittl'l' PI] Forl'i~lI Hl'l:II"i1J.-' 011 .rlil\"
'2li, 1'Hi:), to :--:"ll':tl'lr ]"lllhriu:ht frt)1l1 I )or"t 1\ \ Ikr11l1l11, :--,'Cf"{'t :11"\
Ll;)().()()O r
to Dr. BI'lIJ:l1I ill :"h\\adr:lll, (""I I Il('i! fill' \li,'ldll'l::I:-;!t'rll .-\tTair:-;'_ "I IPP() 1'1 f (]
t1H' t-;-.~, (
:\PPE:-; DI\: III Ill'r S~7S

ll'ttl'r tl) (':\r! \Iart'~', da(('d .\llgll:-<t '21, l~l(i:~. irlllil \lallri('1' \1. ])ollk-
A long t
:-;t"11I (I'tlll1:11llillg n'lIlll,,,t f(lr addlt\l)lInl IllforIllfitiulI 1l11d lllatl'rild in!! :111 :ll't
--<1I1I:'I'q\l\'llt til .\ lH!,ll"t ) h"arillg\ _. _. _, _. __ . _ , _ 1777 1it 1"(1 (- if(
H },,·ttt'r dntt'd :\Ilgll"t ;, I !!ti:), tll :--:"11111'11' Fldl'rlght from l.o\Ii~ Halli- 111 SOT II P \ \'
lIO\\ It Z II'it,'d 011 p, 1;()q, 177S (,\ cop:
D. L('lt('r dat,·c! :--:,'pt"ll\h,'r (i, Iqli:~. ttl :--:"II:dllr F1Jll l right fron! 1,1.. h{'II{'n,
Ext'I'II!I\I' 1>lrt'l Illr of thl' .\l1ll'rll'1l11 I"ra"l rulli(' .-\ffnirR COIlllllitt{·{·_ 1ii9 st:1 t Pll1pn t
F, 1.ett{T dlltl'd :-'t'pl"lll!wr I:!. I~ltj;l, to :-'('II11tor Flllbright from l:--adore T11i:-: ('0]
Hnllllill 1'1' ("I'llll'r fpr \litld!I''1"I1 :--:tlI11i('~ Ht lIar\"f\rd tlli\"l'r~itv :\~pl1('\-'~
(cited tlll p, 17ti:;1 - 17~1
F, I,dtl'r ,bl,'d :-:.,'pl.'lltlwr 1~1, I~lti:l, to :""lllltor FIIIlJriglIt frolll l:llf.';{'),{' C.
of i 1'" i' CI1'(
h:nwtll'r, .II'" r,'c()rdill\.~ .... '·CI'·tar.'. 1!llrV~Hd 1'1\1\ 1'I"~it\. 01\ IIt'half of 1)11 1 r:l!lll'
:--:ir 1I:\1I1ittoll (;ihl>, I )\fI·('ttll'. (\"IIlt'r ftlr !\liddlf' hl."t,'rn :-;t\I<I\(':-; Ilt t hI' Fn i fl'
Ilflr\'ard 1.:1:' ('ikd ,)11 P 17'i:)I, . _ 1781 ei!~'ll .\ ~!'rl
1·: \ ('!JfLll I!: I' tlf ('IlITt':-:pOlld"IH"" Iwt\\'('('ll \\ ill \1:l~lo\\', F:\t'Clltiu' Din'dor
of tIll' \ 11""IC:\'1 ./.'\\ j-dl (', 111gr p ..;". nnd I )nrrdl:--:I ('lain'. ('hid Clt'rk.
For 'all
('PIllllllttl'" I'll 1"'rt'l!l:lI Hdatl<lIl", dl~lt'd Allgll:-;t 12 1\1It! I-L I~l{i;) ~f,:- hpC'll l'l'2.·i:
(' i t (' tl III I ~, I; I :), ' t s,' 'I, ! _ . , . . __ ' _ . _ ) ;~2 1110,1:I--:j y
tll{' 1"('~i~1
't i() 11 j-o i t'.s~ r
il Page



l- OFF 0 HEi( ; \"
PBI \ (' I PAL S I \ l' HEr \ IT,: () ~' T.-\TES

17(;; 1~.s, SE:\ ,\·1T.
c( I~I ~f ['ITEE 0:\ FORE1C X
H LLATr{)X~.
lrlls!l i ngt()n~ 'nO'cO'

'I'll(' t'OIIlT\liltl'l) !Ill·t. 1>llr"';l1;\l1t to nolic'p, al 10:10 ~LIn .• ill room 4221,
:\'1'\\' ~PYlatn 01lirl' Bllildillg. ::-;pn:l1ol'.J. ,Yo Fulbright (chairman)
1)1'("': i dill g.
Prl'~('11 t : ~('lIatol's }'ul brj~l It, Spa rklllan, I rum phrr), La uscho, and
1771 C: II' 1...;( ) II ,
()1'F:~nx(J ~TAT"E'\rEXT BY TilE CIJ.\UUL\X

TIll'. C 1/.\ r IDf.\ :\. I'll(' ('011 I In i 11 rn \y i 11 come to order.

1• 1_ Tilis Jllon\il1~ wr wi]] COlltiIlur (lilT' I'x:lInil1atlol1 into the aetivities
\\'ilhin tlH' T-T1~t('d St:l{(''-: of thr ,T0\yi ..d1 .\!!0TH'\'-;\mrriean ~rct.ion.
111 1 '., tl)(' :1~'PIJt J'('!!i~1{,l'l'rl \\'itll th(' J)pp;lrtll'IPllr 'of ,Jl1~1i('(' on hrhalf
1,1 i 11\' 1-:\1"'111 in' of I hI' .1('\\·i:-l1 ,\:.. .' .'1'11,·\ •• II·1'\I .... :tlt·ll1.
I \\'(l}lld 1ik(· 10 ~In'.~."'; ~ll tl,p (llll'.;p!· 111:'1 thi...; (·11l111l1illl'(··...; intl'ITs1 in
IIi\' .\;!1'1!"\·...; ;II'{ ;\'ir i(·...; in I"-I':IPl j...: nllt :111 i~Slll'. Tlll'l'p l':ITl 1>(' lirtle but
1'l' .... IH·I·! fo~' :111 llI'~~.. :11Iiz:1tit)1l \"hit'h O\'I'r thr P:1~t J:') yt';lr~ lias n\St'ttlpo.
l.t:,II.lllll) rl'fll!!('I'S ill ISf"apl-illdrf'd, ~\Il1<..'ric:ll1 .Jl·\b ha\'1' sho\\ Il thpir
177:; ";1I!'!IfH'r for ,Ill' ,\:!1·11I·.\' 1 il]'PI1~'h 1'(llllrill\I'I(ln~ of on'!':,l hil1ion, alld
tlli' {-.~. nO\,('l'I1Il1C\llt it~l'lf h:1S (l\'pr tl\(, p:1Sf 1;1 yp:lrs Sllpplipd :ITl-
III III'!' ~"7~ Il1illi()ll ill gT:III1...; ;lnrl 1():111"'; to 1... r:\('l f,)l' ",irnihr ]lllrpo~ps.
,\1011~ thi:-; lill(', I \\'()1l1d lil,(' 10 ill~('rt into 111r f'('I'ord t]lj...; 11(':lr- or
in~.2' :111 :lrli"lp Ih;lf :IPPl':ll'pd 1:l...;1 ~\il1\h,\' ill llw .\'('\\' York Tillw~ l'll-
17:-7 ril],·<l "Ih1"" 'Ifl<l FI,:lr ..... \l'1'j\'(. in bl':tt,j" \\']lit'!L I Lc,lip\'l) !Iortray:-;
ill ~()IlIP \\:1.\' .... :1 p:lrl of tIll' ,Jp\\i .... l! .\!!('IH'y'", :\,·li\ilil·...; ill 1'.;1':11'1.
(,\ cn]lY (d' t 1\(\ :11'1 \l'11' f'(·fl'r:'(·d to :lrIH·:11·:--:tl tIll' 1\11<1 of t11\' o]lPllill!!
1779 S(:lrl'llll)n(.) p
Tili .... "Olllllliltl'~' j", irltl\J'(' . . :I'(l. 1111\\P\,('r. ill II\(' ;1,'[ i\iti(·-:, (If 11j(' ,1('\\ j...;h
.\~'t\l11·\'·"" :l~\'lil :[C'(il\~' i1\ IIII' l-lii'l·tl ~~t.!I('" lIot 1)('(';111>\' elf 11\1' 1\;\[111'\'
(If i h i'(J!'('i~1I prilli'iI 1;t!11 ) ! ' !\t"';'II~'I' nf lIlt, (':111"';,' or 11:11 iotl if l'''';pOll''';I'<I.

1111' r'lllll'!' !It''''ll~i' (If :::t' 1~II'r'III,j- :ll·d rl'l·hllit]li,' .... it 1,:1"'; l'll'lplnypd ill
t 111' 1-11 i r I' d ~ f : 1 r I'" :1 11 d I I it' ;)' J'(' j . IIi, \ II ' ] \ : 1) 1I l 1 III I \ \ 1) r k i 11 ~.> () f 11\(' F t I ~ . ,
1;S1 pi~ll .\ !...:·"lll I~P!~i...;( I':d iO!1 ,\,"[,
F'lI' :llllIO...;r :!ll .\(·:11' .... 1 ' 11' l'l'pn·...;t·nl:lri\,p nf Ill<' .Tp\\·i . . !, .\!!('f)I·Y has
ht'I'll I'l'P·;...;II')'l'd \\·itll 1111' !It'1l:1rr11l1'TJt ()f .111-..;11('\' 11\11 iT \\;1"';01l1\' ,,'ir1lin
11l1\ 1:1 . . ,·-\'1'·11'. \,,11"11 tlli .... t'llll;111itlt·t' 1,:111(,<1 :11trlltinl1 tn fll(' 1Il:11·,PT'. th:1t
rllt, 1'l·!!:i~(!':llll \\:1>.; n'qllP~fPd hy t,ll(' nl'p:lrtlll('l1t'...; n('~i...;tr:Jti()I\ ~p('­
··t ill] \ 1{l i tt'11 \ i t' t) i I...; t \\. n l:t r!!( \ it l' 111 ~ () f (' "\ 1)(' 1\ d i £11 ~. p·s \\' i t hill t 1, (' {- I\ it f'd
Sbu,,s: TIflTllf'ly, its "Grants nnd subH'nt ions" ;l11d its "P:JYll1t'l1~' to
ani-II:lt,· .......

As the record of the committee'D ~Iay ~3 hearing shows, the .Jewish

Agency from January 1,1855, through December :31, 18G:2, matle pay- "What's t
ments tot.aling $5,100,001.02 to the Amcric<.lIl Zionist Council to carry tbt-l.l adlled:
'on activities within the United States. ' tonf'lt'ssly: "
J>.4..s ~Ir, lIamlin has testified previously; the ,J l'\V ish _\grncy pro- A filOtller"
relnt4\'es a\~
vided about 80 percent of the American Zion ist Council's funds and lwr exprt~ssi
at the same time u::;e<! the Council as a ('ondl/it for Agrllcy funds 6be said wit
destined for other g-roups, orga.nizations or illdi vidua Is. .\nother i
These payment8, prlOr to October of last ypar wcre lUlll}wd to- bapI'Y to be 1
"But you f
gether under the two headings mentioned above. "How cnn
Through its failure to require itemization, the DrpartJllrnt of .TIIS- Xone of tl
ti('(' amI, therefore, the pl.dllic \\.:I~ \I11:l'V:\1'P of thl' p\lhli(' l'PL!tioll" Israel as tll
activities in the interests of Israel carried on wirltin the l)niu.·d St~\rrs Pt'l':l11se "we
by the Agency. Awl the .Jewish AgP11('Y ~llpportecl organizat ions and
indiYiduals 'without itemization of such financial support pIlLli(']y in
l,.;r;Il'1 is (
its Justice Department reports. tlll' st It te wa
Tho purpose of our hearing this morTling i::; to rh1'ify a ll11mber of migration u·
points raised at the ~fay 23 hearing and to add to the I'('cor<! informa- 8 t :l ('o..~t of $
tion rrceived by the committee from a I'evie'\\ of addition:l.l r<~e()rd3 Sixty perl
provillrd it by the .Tc\\" ish Agrncy. p('T'rent froIl
(Copy of the New York Times arti~le I'CfPITPll to :tho\"(' is as Ahoard slJ
follo'\\s :) 10 ~ sraeli p
[From the N('w York Tlm p >!. July ~~. HlG:1 ] for the bus
through the
BOPES AND FEARS .8..RJUVE I:'i ISR...o\Elr-hDIH';RA:'i rs' A:-;xrP::TY SHOWS AT
One of tho
milt'S south
E'ix. and a ne
(By W. Granger Blair. Special to the ?':ew York Timf>s) On one si.
HAIFA, ISRAEL, July 20.-Tbe railings of the white ship were crowdM as she as tf>mporar
IllY at the wharf of tllis sun-drenched port city, the wnter gnteway to Israel. into new ap
There were the tourists, rasily idpntiflable hy thf'ir casual nttire and neat silil" of the rt
luggagf', with a look of anticipation of plel\sant, C'8refree "acntion days ahead.
And there were the immigrants: women in kerchIefs and long drrs,..qes: bearded :--;ormally
patriarchs in coarse, long robes: youu~e[" ~('n in bmdness suits with open-neck wait their t
shfrts. find children in shorts and sanuals. Arounu thprn were piles of parcels Dr A.kiva dl
rtnd shapeless bundles find suitcases held tog-(>ther hy string. dirf>c1Iy iDte
The immig-rants too gazed eagerly shorewnrd but with the l111e:'l.sinE'ss. touched couple.
by resigllution, of a ~ople about to take up life in nf'W and unknown surroundings. Instantly
Arn'OtlEt; tourists and immigrants alike the sound of French mixed with un· scrit,('d half
farnilia' b dialeds was all but drowueu out by the music that blared across
<'onld not al
the bot: . from the sblp loudspeakers. The Jewh
and sociolo~
. r . tion prograr
The l'mla mu~lc was necessary, it was said. to ('o"er such shouted ad"ice as timp, rnl1ny
"Don't go to Pimona," that frf'quently is proffered the' new imllligrant~ by the OUS.
friends and relatives ashore wbo bave IE-tHned wbE-re the living is easy and A ff'w hn
wh('N' th(' living is bard in Israel. men find we
Dimonn is oue of the new settlements In the bleak ~('gev Desert. Many neW got too hot
Immh:~rnnts nre sent to settlf'IlH'nts in tll{' de801nt(' areas as pnrt of the Govern-
For thi!
menl's efforts to huild up flU' Innd and to fiSSUrE:> n more pquitHble dispendon of
thf' population away from th£' main nrbnn <Yllt()rs. U
Un!ll'f I h~ g11idnrw(' of .J('wi~h Agency official!'1 and with the hf'Ip of young' Agency-A
f:oldlefs, ,tlll' lle\\"('OIlH'rs to the PromiSe'll L~n(l spt.:'('dily complett.:'d the pro('essinJ~ Mr. Ira
pro('E'\lure'(. EV(~r.rlhil\g \.... ns d01l0 to ma!,\' Illp nrri\":11 as plpnsant HS pm~sihlt>. un de.rst an
A youn~trr in hi;:, Int(' tf'ens wore n hl:l('k 'T-shirt on which W:-IS drpict('d
e ~nxophon(' sl1rroUIHi('(l hy t1H~ \TOro!"!: "\"j,,!, 1('<; f'opnins" ("Long lin' th(' pals"). mee.ting a
Anothpr wor(' 11 whitE' T-shirt with n radiant Star of I1a,id nnd nndrr it the
i ll~~ri I't ion: "Y I'T'~ h,r:H"l" ("Of1 to I srarl") ,
w,fewi:'3h DO TIlEY TWIST?

l:Hle pay- "What's tile (,:1pital of Isr,1('I . .Tt'rnsalem?" asked t11e youth in black and
I to carry tueL! added: "Do. thE'Y twist in the kibbutz'(' The youth in white commented
t()!lE'lpssly: "So tllis is brae!."
'!ley pro- .\ rllO!lwr carrying hl>r baby said-as did IU:1ny others flboard-that she bad
n'lflt~ves awaiting her in Israel. This sc('med an importflIlt consideration in
ullds and hpr exprC'ssioIlS of hope for the future. Then, as though swept by suduen doubts,
lCy funds !illl' said with a wan smile: "May God prolpd us."
.\nother illllUig-rant, a young girl \\'ithout relatin's here, said: "~ly lleart is
IllJWtl t n- hap!,y to lJe here."
"Hut yOIl an':111 alone," a bystander remarke·d.
"How cnn I be alone in a country of 2 million Jews?" she answered.
1t of .r IIS- ~ol1e of the immigrants questioned by a visitor to the ship gave settlement in
!'l'lat i(lI!-; Israel as the fulfillwent of a cllerished dream. Iu:;tead, most said they come
l'd :::;(:l t (',:'1 ht>':IIlSf' "we c0uldn't stay where we were."
tiolls and A BIG BBIIGRATION i 'i
uhlir]v in
!,r:ll'1 is ('xperh>n"illg olle (If the higgp,.;;t immigratiolls it! r('('('nt years. Since
tlH' state was founo0d 15 years ago the Jewish Agency, which is in cbarge of im-
m bel' of
lIlii!ration and ahsorption, has tran~ported and settled 1,150,000 Jews in Israel
i 11 f orrna- at:l cost of $l,r>DO million.
II r('ro rd3 Sixty percent of the money bas come from Jews in the United States; 25
IJ('reent from German repurations, alld 15 pNcent from Jews elsewhere in the
IlPn-Cornmunist world.
on' JS :13
Ah03rr1 ship the immigrants Sih'lled general housing contracts and were ~ven
10 : sraeli pounds ($:1.3:{) f'ficb for pocket mont'Y. They ulso received a snack
for the hu~ trip to their new homes and a larger food parcel to carry them
thr"ugll the first fE'w days.
(Hie of the bnses bound for Or Aki'fl, n settlement npar CRe~nrf'a 30
mill~ ~ollt!l of Bnifa. carri('(l thr0(> famUi('s, 011e with ~even children, one with
f'ix. and u nf'wly lIlarried couple, They were all related.
(In one side of the rond through du~ty Or Akiva are wooden huts that serve
dE'd as she 8S tpmpornry rf'sidencP8 for new imrni~nnts, who move according to priority
, to ! sruel. IntI) n('w npartUirnt buildings lhat are bt.'ing constructed in stages on the otber
~ and nf'at sid\' of the road.
;'S aht'fHl. ALL OR ~O~E J:'< APARTMENT
~S; o('U rded
:,\'orma11y the newconlf"rs \Yould bay\" hnrl to move Into the but Quarter to
I 0I)('n-neck
wait tht"ir turn for a mooNn apnrtuwnt. nut the Je\yish Ag(>ncy field man in
of parcels ()r o·\kivn df'clderl that for humanitarian r(>l1!'lons the two families ('onld move
dlrf><'1ly into the more spariouA Hnel cOIllfortabl(' apnrtmrnts. But not the young
~S, tonched
Instantly thE're waR a family huddle. Aid('d by what an l1~ency official de-
1 with un-- {'l(Til.('d half humorously a~ "local inciters," the relati\'es de·cldpd that if they
If('d across
could not all he in th(> new building to~('th(>r tht'y would not get out of the bus.
The .Jewish Agrncy tleld man-a C'ornhinlltion of benevolent dictator, diplomat,
Bnd sociologist that one obsf'rvt"d o(>8crib("d as the "unsung hero" of the absorp-
tion program-went to work to keep the wb(>els of I'es{,ttlenH'nt turning. It took
advice as ti!ll('. mnny words and much gt'sfuring h('fore the fumilirs agrP<'d to nbandon
jgrants by tht> hus.
(,ll~y nnd A f{'\y hnndred ~'IHds (lown th{' road, at Israel's only golf cIuh. sun-t)ronzed
men nlld women ~ackf'd the white hnll ov('r the lush gr('('n fainvays. Wben It
Many neW got too hot they r("tirN} to the hrf"('zy dub house for a cool drinlc.
W GovNn-
p(,l"sion of
For this purpose the committee has fkc;ked ~Ir. Isadore Hamlin to today: l\fr. Hamlin is executive director of the Jewish
of' yonng' Ag{'nry-Amencan Secti6n. Inc.
pro('{'.!'sj ng- 1\fr. IIn.mlin, WP are vcry glad to hav~ you back again. You will
s po~sihl{'.
undpfstnnd, of ('ours(\., that the oath already tllkpn by you at thcP:1rlier
s (JPjli<'tl'ri
lw pH Is")' at. which you appenTcd will apply to the tpstimony tod'lY.
dpr it tile
!(iq."";,\(·TI\ITlI·:-; (IF \(;1,,\1:-; OF FClI\I-:I<;,\ PIUJ\:(,[l'ALS IN U.S. ACTl V IT II-


N.Y. to J'('I':.;lahli:-i11 :
!!IJ :tlld -;1'1111' :I'"
\11', II \\111-';, I till. :--11', :!. T() PI'I'~'I'\
Tiltl ( II \II:~I \,,-, .\lld \ fill :It'" :1""('"lp:1I11I'd \),\ \'C)lll' 1·l)lllhl·l, I ",!l('n,\,pr t 111'\' J
I H' Ilt'\"', It \I';h /lot: 0:
.\11'. II \:'tlll-';, Yl"~, .\11', \1:I111'!i',' \1, l:lIIIL"I('Jrl, of \1'11' )'Ill'k. :lnd t 11·:tl 111'("'-":11 \'
.\11'-: L 1 Ill1c' !\l':-'I'IJ! ':111 Ill. :..;ocl:,1 a/ld (":01
,\11', j:"l h .... ITI'\. \\'!lo1,':1 1l1l'ndH'r (d' lll\, ~1:I(r, .\lr, Cfl:liT'lll:111. 1/1'-;"; of 1 )11' al:i
Till' ('11 \11:\[ \'\. yllil 11:1\'(':\ ~1:lt'·lll1"llf. \11'. II:lllllill, .\'1'11 \loll1d
J),) 10 altalll it:-; 1/0

llk,'I" 1I1:d'I':1 l,n·I,IIIIII;Lr.\' .... 1:\1,·1111·111 ~ J P\\·~.

.\11', II \,\11.1'\, y,.~, I,lfI, \II', l'II:IIJ'lII'1I1. '1'1111";. th(J ./, .
TIll' ('II \11(\1 \,\, )"1111 IlI,I.\' Ill'fI'·'·"'!. l"f,,:-,('t tIc' J II P Il t : 1 J
I lillY ''';1,\ 1"\1 ,,'1 1'1"11 111"111111'1'- "f 1)1\' ('1)111111111"1', '1'111'\' :In' dc" of Itig-Ill'/' 1.. :11'/
1:1\1,,11,111 1111',\ \1 1111"'llflll~ 111:11','\1 111111111,'", III(IIH', a .J\\\\'i<..dl CIllllJll
\11', II \\11.1:\, :-;11', 11('1'11l·,· I I rr'/l1i/leI VOl!
1'1':111 111\' :--1:lIl'IIIC'111 Ill:l\' I t Was I hI' sk
11I:11 I II:l\" Ill':lr'ln~ ddli"llIty :lntl It 111:1.\" 1.1' n('(·,·~ .... :I/·Y 'fol' rllP 10 ['('6ea.t throlJgll the gt
y"III' '1 1/,',11 11 /1,1/101, \11111.\ "III' lI.dlll:,-;·I",·, III :I~!, ,\ Ilil tl, 1'\'1 ,,':ll ;t f[1j( S- l \\!H'n 1/11' t illl(\ I
1111111 r 1 01,<11,', I\(':I!' ,I. (WIIIlI('nl,
Tltl' ('II\II(',I\\:, Tllal ]-: Ijlllll' :,11 !'i!!II1, '1'1,('-:(' :IJllplihirl1.! sr~- Tlllj .r ewi;-;h
t('m-: :11'1' f:ll' from !lc·rf,,('t :lllr! \\'p all nftl'lll,aH' dJtlil'IJ11v \\'llh it, :-;IJ, tral~'d ill il..; .. I
d(I],'[ )1(·..:il:\(1' to d,) Ill:!t. in Pal(',stilH', n
Palc:-;tirtl:' for..;c
Tllo pol it il':11
w!l(;Jl th(~ :-:;tale
.\Jr. 11.\~rl,I"" \11', C],:llrfll:lll, I \\"jc:ll to til:IJlk 1],(' ('IJIllllliltre for for iTllIll i!![';tl io
:l("'o!'d i 11~ Jill' till' pr',," i I,·!!I' of til:! I, i rI~ :1 stat "JJIl'11t ;11 I II j", 1 illl('. Its Illaj()l" fill
I "·I"·'ll·\"·j',,/·,, 1""/;1- II", l<"',·IIII\'c·lli,,,·,·!()!'llf fll('.I'·\li-], ,\.r(·II('\,_ I. 011t",ir
~\l1l1'/~II':trl :--;,'('1 inll: lIlt',. Il[ \" •. \\' Y('l'k. If i, t]l(' l'I'pn'-:\'rlf:lf i\,,·ill till" Cari
r-llJIl',[ :-;I:tll'''; of 1111' ,11·\\'i"'!1 .\gl'IIl'Y fiJI' I..;r:u'l. 1111' 1'.\'('f·l]ti\,(' ;trm of pal'] nt.:
fb,' \\'(I\·ld Zil'lll-l ()I'!!:IIII/,:ll iOIl. \\ 1/0:-'(' lll':u!f[uarfl'l':-' are it! .JI·nlsalt·JIl, t ra Ilsjl
br:ll'1. ILlnL
_\-; :-'11(·1J. tll(' .\llll'ri":ln :-;(,(.( iOI1 1,1' til(' ,J(·\\'jc;h A!~',"I('.", r('~i:. t l\r('cl ( (7)
undl'l' I III' FOI'(\i!!IJ A!!('I1(-; HI'~:'-:ll':lt iOll .\l't of 1~):~'-" :I" :1 IlII'lldl'rl, (b)
I'f'!!lll:tl'h" fill'''; ]I1·1·IOdi,· l'\·pol'f..; \Ii:h 1)1(' Ikp:II'IIlII'Ilf of ,JIl:-,tir(' alld (r)
~l1l'h sllpr!('rJI('nl:lry II;I!:I :1'" III:l\' III' J'('IIIII'~ll'd froI1t 1;")(' II) limp. (rl)
TIll' 1·.·II'I'! 'i '" of 1111' \\()I'/.:: 0 1'1 II(' .\ T!H'r'j";1 Il :-;1"'1 iOIl (.r 1'\1 ;-;h . \ !!f'IW,\;- (r)
ATllil'(I':llI~("'I!"lJ, 111",. \1'\1' )"111'1,), i~ lll'tt('!' Illlfll'!'-:!o"d in Ihl' rOTl" (/)
ft'\1 or rJ11' !!'I,;I.., :llId r'p":!HII1-:ihili, i,,- Ilf it~ 11:\1'1'111 1){)f~Y. \'!I;")I I ~h:l!! to lea
bri t· fh' c!p;';('f'i I)(', illstitl
Th;· \\"111']' I Z;nll j..,1 ()r"!:ln 1(:11 il"l i . I h" 1I11111'111f'1l!, 1111',\' C'on)(' 71j .\'(';1 r:-; (1 )
oJcl. \I )1" \, 111·irPII.1I'\I'..,j l ll' \I((,,·le! ')I'''~' ill 11\(';1' tll'l':l1l1 (If ('ndiJl!! .T1'\\'i~h In lfl4R, tl,wl
h()"11·!I''''':IlP-:o.:: In ,\'!Jr)])] t!ll' H:II fl)ll r 1)""1:1 r:lllflil \\:1-: jC:-:IIt·d i rt '1 ~117,' today is ovei·
aIld \\II;'·lt. IInell'!' lJl(' r,I':I!!IIP nf .\';lli(I'I": 1l1:IIlrl:ItP for P:I]p-:tiIlP"'\Ya~ in Israel by t h
n""IIJ'r!I") 0.:1 :111/- :1": rll!' :1,!,'111'\' t" ;I~-:-t I III' 111:lll(hlf,,"\" !!()\'P!'IIIIIf'llf in The wat ha"
tll('ohjl,(·t:\(·l)fp":I.lhli..:hill!!1 11f'.!('I\'I..:!1 11:11;II;I:,lll'Illll'i'llld iJl]lal""'lirw, barn, Hut tll(
TIlt· 1"'('111'./-; Ill' I Iii..; :lll~'ll-1 11(><1\'.1111' ('I,II!!/'(''''-: l)f rill' ('"it,,1! :-;t:tt('~, dangerously Cl
!JI"lr \\itIlP";~ In flu' rill" phYl'd 11\', 1!1t' I"Jl~I('d ;--;!:Il('" ill ,11(' !":"'l:lnr(' of of Cyprus, ba
th, 1\:11('11111' J )··,'1:11':11 irlll ITld rill' Tlundall', tlll' (>I,il"" !\"'-: IJI' \\'l,idl \\'P1'P finding asylulY
f'/ld',r'-"d 11\' i(I;ll! i'1''-lllllliil/l of (11(' t·,~, ('(II1~1"'--: )(\:!i 'l nill!! ill 10:?:? Not th
alld t)..·f'(·:I·!'t(T, :llid ill tlil' :111:ti1l111('!11 (,f "lli"!I,hl' ('II:I.·d ~t:lt('C' has' '\Vhat rightful
phy('d a Tllajor roll', mlinity!>pC:lIl1(
.' 'U.S. :\(·'11\·11'11- .... Ill.' \CI-,'\'1S 0" (.'l)({l, II,'·: PH['d'IP,\L~ 1;-,[ c.:-;, j()~J9

OR, JEWISH Tltl' 1'!"I)!!!":1111 1I11)\','lllI'IIf, 1'l'l'rJ'<I'l1tlflg ZIOlli~t. t>rg:t-

Ill' [III' l-i'IIlJ,;t
NEW YORK, .. ;111.:1[ i"I" t 1I"lfllld,
I II!'l'll!!h'lIJt.·tlll' II 'Irl,1. II'il";
I, '(" 1t"I"!,I' I !It' 1)1'1'1'1.- (,I' lilt' Hd,lt- [" lilt' 1:lllcl .. f IIIl' HII,I", 111I'!"n
il) I',',',r:tl.jl~h a ,1"11 j":/I "I)IIIIIl()J1II',':llt 1,\ II) 1\ 1111'11 1'\"'1')' .ll'\\' Illlg1lt
:!(l ,tll,1 ," f I" I~ "I' l'l:!fil,
, :.!, '1'" 1'1"';--1'1'11' 111,1, \II'lld till' .1,'II'"II"'·llltlll':llliI'rll:lgl· :1111')/I~ .TI',II'S
\1 hl'n'\'I'r r 111'\ IIII~III I! \ I' I.
It II:I~ fill(' 11,111 ;,]..:1..(\1111 1'1<'11 l'I'('III!,!I',1 Il~ :1,·tiflll.I'lll llll' !lr:lC-
[I,':t! fjl""'-~I' I .. I' J"""lljl!lJ! .1..\\ ~ fr""1 1)!I.\',,;,,·:1\ (/I'jll'l·""iflli. ('lilt lIral,
":''''1:11 al1./ 1"·lIll"II,· ! i rillill;:dll'll III IlIall,,\1:llld:: !1I'",.I:lf'II'.:III':IF'(·'
liI'~"; Ill' Ii", :11:"111 (I~' q , I !lil ,I "t' 111l'T1 11i<'1\l1t'1l1 h'l"~lli. \I'lll"h waS
I, ,1'111 II' I· lld iq al!:llli 11< 111'/'1"" '1,,\; . : l l l l : ' " II, !!!II"I"~ 1,,,r"l'llli)I:LfIOII of Ii 1lllllltl!l
./1' II'~.
Thll":, rlil' .f,'\\ I..;it ,\!!t'li"\' 1l1'!_r:lllli'I'd rhl' II'fl('j.; of illlll,i~r:l! inll :llld
n'';t'! t 1"111I'1l1 : III,' n"I' 11':1/1'1'11 aliI! dt'II'llljlllll'llt ()f rill' 1:1 lid: ill,..:t it III lOllS
I I" \ ,I!"' ,]" of iJl~llI'!' 1":11'11111:.2', 11,';lI11I, :111 ,dill'!' 1''':';I'llti:,] ~I'['\ 1/'1':';: it Jlltl'grall'd
ll.Tt'll I-h ,'()lllllllllllf\' :11,l)l!! ,!t']I!I)('l':11 i"I'III'';.
!"p 111 i n d \" I) U It \1:"" tIll' ~j.;i1I,; :llld t""I'I'l'il'fl"(' :\,'qllil'l'd hy that COI11IJIIlliity, I:lrgl'ly
nil' III l"i'I"';Lt tllrIHl.!!!1 ! Ill' !!llldalll'I' lIf till' .)1'11'\';]1 A,gl'IlI'y, that m:u!1' it f!o,;:.;ii>le.
'1 ,,': If: I I il."":' IdWrlllw (1111l' ,'all'l' III I~',h, to 1".. t,11I]i~It:1 :-ta[,ll' and dt'nlfH'r:lfl/' 12;0Y-
I'I'Illll,'n! ,
)llf \ ,n:.!" ~ \,;- TI!I' .JI'\I'j,." .\!!I'll"\'. it \Iill !war n'/'allillg, r hougll t 1":I!.!i('ally f1'lJ8-
11'\:" II : t, ~'" Iral.'<1 ill It< \,'1'I)!'I..: "CI n'~"\If' .11'\1';-, ;(:--: ('()llld Iia I,' f(JllllJ 11,\\'1'11
in !'all,:--:tjnl'. 11011('(111'1.,,;..; 1I1(11)ilizl'<! tl)(\ I'lltin' .T('I\·j:--:h f'OJ1lIIlUlIity of
Pall':--t JJI0 [Ill' <('ni<'.' 10 IJII' ,\ IIiI'd Call~1' ill "'orld ,"ar II.
'1'1111 !,ollti":11 roll' Ill' 111\' .11·II';"h .\g:('Ij('\, I'lllll'd Oil ~f:Jy l.':i. l~)P:3,
\\'lwII till' :-)tatl' of 1:-;1':11'1 \\,a:-; pJ'{)('1:Iillll'd. ll\lt /lot il:-; l'f>:--pOlhiliilitil'"
f()r illllli I:.!"I":ll jou, I'\,:.;pt t 11'11lI'lIt, :llld r"halJi I it :l!I()JI.
t 1111 (', Ih lIl"jllr l'lllll'I i()I1"; ;1 n' :
.1 "II ,\~"~ ,'\', I, ()Ill-;irll' of 1":1':\1'1··-
il : 1 t i \',' 'I; I ii,' (':ll·II1!.!' for .rl'wish I'Pl'lI:.!"N':--: ,;rl'king 11:\\'('11 ill 1,;1':1('1: pre-
11 t i \'P :Jr'nt I) f p:\ I'ill!! t "1'111 fill' jlllllli:.!"I':\t 1<111 to {qat'!;l! PI1JII:ll'kal ion pI)II1t:-;;
II .J \'!"lI:-':1 I"lll, t 1':\ rJs!'lIrl i/l.!.!' t IlI'lll to {":I':11'1.
II. 111 1"I';(p\ it:-cH-
y, l't·.!!i . . . tt\T"fld (.T) l{('\'('il'ingtlll'm upon ;llTi\'al ill [c.;!':lcl,
:1' :1 II I','JI' i,'( L (II) l'!'()\'idillg hOllc.;illl! f()/' tJll'lI},
.1 II-! ;r(' :lnd (r) .\..;"i,;tanl'l\ ill fll1dill<r elllplo\'nH'IIt.
" I" I I In P, Fill an(' i a \ 1H' [p tlllt il sr1f '~1 i fI i cit> II C'V }1:l.S b('("!l at t a i II ell.
( tI)
I I,), .\ :.!"f'n,·\~­ ((') I{('sPlt1emcnt ill agricultural commullitles,
! ; 11 (h (\ ('l)~l­ (j) Illtl'gmting t hl'''1' imllligr:lnlS Gy J!rO\'iding f:l\'ilitil's
\h',,~, I ,;Ii·tli to lrarn tll(' !Irhre\\' lallgU:l~e through aid to eduC:lt iOllaI
ill;-,titllt iOllci alid l'xtl'flsio!1 "0111':';1'".
('1'11' ill \'1':1 r..: (q) (',\1'(' for l'dugee c h i l d r P T I . -
I d j r 1~ • ri, 1\' i . J l In 10-lR, til. r('. \H'r(' ()f)O,()()() .f1'II'S ill ISr:lf'l. Thp Jewish popul:1l ion
lild ill 1~lj 7.' today is ()\'rr :2 million. Of rbps<" LlOO,OOO I\'('rt> assistt>d ,to "pttle
'I J(,..:! ; ;1('" \\':\~ in I srap 1 by the .T P.\\' ish Atrenc y s i !ll'(' tho pst:1 h Ii~,;fl/Il('n t 0 f f he St'ltC.
)\'1')'!,III('I1' III The wal'" had hp.(-'n OV('f" for ":3 ypars \\'hen the State of Israel was
i!l I' ~l I"..: 1 i lIP, barn. Hut the pit iful rPIllIl:1llls of Hitl('!'\ ('xtPrIliinatio/1 WPW stilJ
nil"i1 ~I:ltl',":, da.ngerously cro\\'dr<! in DP camrY:-:, in Gennany and on thn island
(' ;..: ."1:1 nr'(' of of Cyprus, barred by the immigration laws of mosf coullfrirs from
f \\ !,II,I, \\'1'1'1' finding asyll1ll1.
'I ;I:~ ill 10~~ Not until tlw fiedg1ing State 0l)f'ncfl its doors, did thrj' find havf>n.
d ~I,lrt'" ha:; . '\Vhat rightfully migltt h,l\'e beell a chal'ge 011 the international com-
munity \w{'allm:t .Jl~\\'i:--:h I'('SIH>Ii:-;ibility,
ri4-52-t~63-pt. 12--2
1700.\CTI\TI[I':-; OF .'\(;I'::\T:-: OF F()RJ:I(;:\, PHI~CIP,'\LS IN {J.S. ACTIV"TIf

Soon f'\'PIlL.; in tIll' \liddlp E:I<.:(, A~i:l. and Afri(':t fTpatf'r! III(' 111'1,,1
to 1't\';~llt' W)IO)t' .J\'wi:-:h ('OlllIlIIITlilip,,,, wllo arri\'f·d dp"titlltp, Today,
o\'pr l,:!I)i).fllll) .J I '\\.; \\,111) ~pttl1'd ill 1"1':1(" ~iTlf'I' "'ol'ld ,\"<11' 11:11'1' fl"l'l', Tho ClIAIIO\l
prodlll'tin' ,'itizpn:-:, Hlld allf·.;t to till' PIl'I'C[IH'Ilf'''S of rill' \\'(lrk of rflP \1 r. H:ll/II i n,
.T,,\\'j,h .\!:I'IW\', Illi,.; (,OllllTliltl'f'
III 14 \~l"ll< till' .JI'\\i"ll ,\!:I'TlI'Y ill l:-:ral,1 11:1" ';[H'llf SI.:II)I) 1l1111ioll Oil ill tll(·Unitf
C{JII('(~rrll'd w it II
Oil Ill~ \\,;lI'k dt'~(Tilll'd :J!'()\'I',' ()(rlll' flllld:1i till' dl"!)!)":'! of till' .11'\\"
i:-::h .\~('n('y, :IPl'ro:\llll:lIl'ly ,1fl IH'r"1'1l1 1'I'llI'P""ll!" dl:1rit:J!,II' ('oIH rillll' \\'f' :1 n' II ol I r
t i() 11 S h \' ;\ 11 \ I' r i,,: 1110..; I 111"1'11 !: h I Ill' t . 11 i II' d .I I' \\' i" h .\ 1" H': 1 I, Mr. II.\.\fLl:'\

l\\'("~Il! d"\'P]lljlllll'fll" ill ,\ fr;"'l, ,\"1:1, :111,1 otlll'r !':lri.; of IIII' \\'flrld,
flTlli qUO[:l. !'t·,rri"tillll,' ill lILlll\' ('(lllllll'i,·" [o!",'(':I';! a "(JI:;IIIII;I!II!l1 of
mass lTli~r:l( lOll into 1"[':11'1, '
Tll(~ (' I L\ IJ~:\I
TItI' .fl'\\" of tIll' \\III'ld, ZiOIlH", :tllc! IIOI! ZiOJli-t", 11:1\(' rl':II'tl'l/ 1" ((llil(' irl'(·lp\,;
m:l!:nificl'JJI h' :\Tld l'l'''TH1Tl:-:ildy to rill' Ill'('d.; for Jit'lp :\JIII will ('Olll illlle .\s (!TIP (>.\:L111
to do ';0. 'r'lIP "orl, I 11:1" [(';'og-Tl 11'.1'11 ! ht' llfllf)ll(' :1('11 il·\',·IIII'IJlo..; of {}\I~ ,Ill' ZiOl1 ;:-;1. ('Ill
,T,'wl."h ,\!!('[\l'\",
Jollll <..;Of I T'P PoT'1
'1'11(' \\ Ilrk llf rIll' ,\ lIlt'ri":lll ~l','f iOll i~ t \\fl 1'01, I :
~1)lil"ill'd oplJosi
1. To hp!p providp ill('('llr;\'('''; for tlIp n':lliz:ilinJl of !11l' <;p('oTld .\fr. J hMLl;-';
objf'('tin~ of t)lp Zinni"t lllO\'Pnlf'll!. tll:lt is. to prf'''rnl' alld I'xtl'l1(1 tltp
tions of thc .A 1
J f' \\' i." 11 C1J1 t II raJ hp r i I agf', ~()\'pming hod
:2, To l;:epp Ihp .\IlH'ri(':lll pldl1ie in(onnp<! of tlJ(' \\'ork <!nr}l' Ir1 Ihink I ('ould gi
Isr:IP] and to :t~,c;i:-:t tllt' [lIwlraic:illg a!:f'Il(';f'S to obtain irtlpf'l'at i\p ti- Tho ('H\m:\L
n:Hlci:ll slIpport for the conI inllat ion of thie.; "or!e . r 1\(' J'( '('0 I'll 0 f I
Con~on:lTll wit It tllf' .l!T'r:tt prilwipJC' of cliltuT'r pllll':ll i-m "hie)1 i:-; a. 111(,s,
ba•...,ic fOlHldatiofl of thp T1nitrd ~tatp.,-,. thf' activiti('s of tltf' ;\mf'ri":lTl
;\1,'. II,DILfN,
S('(tlnTl t a 1;:1''-: tIll' fnllowing form:
Th(· (' r 1.\ lInT
1, III thf' fi(·ld of pliblic infllrm:l!ion: ('ooppratioll with and assist- !r-;Ul Zionist Co
ancc to olhpr grollps in pnwiding information abollt I~nwl, its ppopJr, .\fr. H,\MLT:'ol'
tllt'ir proh!PITl'" r hpir progJ'('';~, TIl(' ( .I L\ IIDI
:2, In tlH) field of f'dlli':l.rion:
!In vo somo resp(
:t. En('OIII':I!!i'IIII'Tlt of tIl(' Stll()y of If('hl'p\\' ill high s('hoqb and
\f r, I Ln-ILl;-';
('o]]P[!"l's in! I1p {'nitro StaIrs, .
h, '( 'oll]lPI':lI illn \\itll .J('\\'i.;h r 11111':lt ion bllT'P:llIS,
iHdcl!enclent gr
Zion 1St mo\'cm(
(', ~J>OIH)I'''Jlip of sP/llillar'..; a/ld ('onfl'T'('Il(,f''''; on J('\\'ish
Thc CIIAillM
(·dlll':l! jOll.
port it.
d, !-:1J('ollr:t!:PIIll:llt of spnliliars ill L..;r:Lf'1 for stlJ(h'lIts, tr~"JlPrs
~fr. ILnIuN
and oIJll'l' profl's,..;ioll:tls in tliP pdlJ('atiollal fi~ld,
P. ~f:tinlf'n:l1lef' of all instilll!f' fot' adllll rdllc:lt ion. whi('!l or!!a·
\f r. lLnu.IN
niws Jrctul'f's on I'-:I"ar]: Iff'])rf'\\' stndv ('h"<;(',,. Jpwi,..;h ."n'lllv
The CH.\Tm
groups; :l.nd op('ratps a dl'partmpnt for tllf' pdbJi(,:1tion n[ ho()J'-:s , I
l! ,
on Israrl and othf'r ,Tpwish topi('c.:,
:-3. Zionist archi\'('s and Jihrary: ~J:lirltf'llal\(,c of the Zionist an'hin's
and library, Ill(' most cnmpr('hf'nsin ('olJpction in tlU' Pnilf'd St:!te:e: of EXTIlACT FHO:'>I
puh1 icat io))s and ot IH'r Illatf'rinls nn Zionism antI I sr:wl.
4. Tra.'I;e1 in Israel: Cooperation ,,,ill! nUillrrOllS youth groups in
sponsoring C;lImmf'r C:1mps. C;pf1liWlrS, and tours in I51':1I'1. Tho CHATR:'\I
For this work the American Section operates ,,'ith funds furnished entit 10(1 "Extr
bv I he .Tc\\'i.;l! .\gC'J)('v EXPclIti\;c ill Israel. American. Sect
v In 111(' ("ollr!Jl('1 of 'ite: 0Twl'af i()jl~, ~r t', ella i L'll\:1Il. l11f' "\ mf'riC:lll Sec- 1>f'fl.rill the'fi 1e':
tion is fully conscious of its obligations to comply with ,the Jaws of The extract I
the United States. 1. American Zion
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. of the .Jerusulen
Jewish Agency h\
(00) as originall

T,':!ft'd t Il' 111",01

~tllllt". '[',)d:\\,.
\":\ I' II :11',' fr,:,,, Tilt' ('11.\ m~L\ ~. Tila 11 k \'OU, ~1 r. H:lIlJ! i n.
rll" \\\lrk "r 'Ill'
\11'. 11:11111111. I \\,(\11]01 111..:" to t'Ill]"I:I~IZI' ag'aill
that tlll' jTltl,]',·"t of
lll!~ ,'('llllllllt,'1' 1-: olll\' ill tho~I' :It'tj\'ltil'c' of \'olll'organizatiIIJ\ ('arripll
r ~ 1.,-" 1,) 1111 ill, '1\ on ill tll\' I :IlII,'d :--i(:lll''':, alld \\,' ha\'t' Til) id,'a' of J1J\('~t igat Ill!!, 0]' h{'ing
1\-::11 elf r h,' .1"\1', ,'011\'\'1'11\'( I \\ 1111 \\ 11:1 t g()I'~ Oil i 1\ I :-:]';(t,l.
·1t:d,I" ,',Ii!' r::,I}
t r ,\' I 11 iT I 0 I Il \'t''': t j g: I I I' ( II: I' : If :I ] 1.
\\. I' : I 1'1' 1\ () (
.\11'.11.\:\11,1,,1 llJltlPl':-:lafld that. ~I]" I hl':ll'd that tllis mOfllwg.

'1.-: ()f (lit, "')I']'!'

)( I· I 1 I I I I , 1" I I \" I )( II \..... Z [lJ ~ I ~ I' I' (I( ',' (' I "
\ \ d l i j r JILl iii d I pf
TIll' ('11.\11::\1.\',' . . \nd \'our Srmr'lllPlll is:t "pry good statl'nH'lIt but
-. h:11 I' 1',':1,'( I,d
)~ qllitl' i!'l'\,II'\,:lflt to t Il(\'~lll)jl'ct m:lttl'r that \H' are inn.'sl igating here.
Id \\'111 ,'''II! lIlli"
.\c; I>II,' 1'\:IIIi[II\' l hal "Olll"" 10 IllIIHI, 1 Iwli,'\'l', i" il not a fad that
'\I'llll'TII ~ ,.f : ht' Ifll' l:i,)Jli:-:t ('llllTH'iL \\ Ilil']1 y011 ~llPPOI1l'd, did vigorously oppo.-;e the
.T'J!IT1-()Jl l't'Jllll'I \1 It 11 !'l'g-:Il'tl III )'(''':''ltll'lIlt'lll of tile Arab J'(~fugl'('.s and
:-t1/1<'ll,'d OP]HHtic'll lcJtJla( ill tIll' {'llitl'dStatps l
.\it'. J[\~ILl:\. :--iiI', I :l!1I lIot thoroughly acquaint('d with the 0lwm-
alld t'xt"llt! I Ill' tiulls of t hr..\ J1Il'l'jC:lll Zionist Council. I am not a mern!Jrr of thrir
gO\'('l'lliniT hody flO), :Ifll I :t wrrn!>l'f of tlwir staff, and so I don't
"O(lJ'}( Ilf) 11) 'n
Ihilll, I ('ouldiTi\'{' you :IIlY COllllllrflt on that. quest ion.
1 IlIlfl('I':\'I\I' Ii· TIll' ('II.\ IIC'I.\','. I \\'as t hi nking of the memoramlum OIl page 1%1 of
tIll' ]'('('ol'd of P:l1'1 ~I, \\'lli(']1 j:-: :l lllrmOI':lfldulll ·ltltat \':llll\' fl'onl yonI'
11-rn whi"h ..:;\ lill'''',
f I h(' .\ nH'ri";ln .\1 I'. If.ur 1.1:>: . Yes, si l', I read that memorandum.
TIlt· ('11.\ [[DI \ , . \r\·ll. I hI' poillt i,-:, .lOlli' .\gcnc) supports the .\ mer-
"itlt alld :t-:;-:;,..:t- ;I'al\ J::ionist ('oun('il. d()('~ll't it I
'1': \ r I, j t-: Pf'q P1(', \11'. TTDII.l:>:. It do{'s, indeed.
'I'll!' ( , J 1.\ j ID1.\ ',', I tis' Olle' of you I' affi 1j at es. Don't you consider you
ha\,(\ som<.~ rrspoTlsibility fOf what it does (
:\fr. H,\MLI:\. ;-':it" tIll' Al1lrric:ln Zionist Coullcil is managed by an
indqwndent group of disting-uishrcl U.S, citizens representing all the
Zi()ni~t IllO\"f'ments in this country.
The CIL\rRMAN, It isn't financially independrnt because you sup-
port If.
~rr. ILnfLIN. neg pardon?
Thc CHArRl\L\~. You support it, don't y01l?
Oil. \\·lli('!1 oriT:l- "fl'. fI . \ ){u-..-, YI\C:, sir, "'(' do.
, .T p \\' i,-: h ,-: r It d v The CHAm~{AN, How ind{'pendent is a matter of OpinIOn, isn't
ea i Ion f) fIJI )<)k's iI (

~ionic;t ~ln·hj\(·s
~fr. II.\:\fu-..-. r am sorry, sir, I missrd that OIW.
Tn i tpd St;>( .,;-; of LXTIL\CT FHO:ll )0 YCTF.8 OF EXEC'C'TIVE OF .J F.\\'ISII M}E~CY-AMEHIC.\N

mt 11 /!Tour,s in
1. The CHAnDIA~. 1\11'. Hamlin, I show yOIl a copy of a m('morandum
unds furnished entitled "Extract From ::\linlltr;,; of Excclltive of .Jewish Agency-
Amcrican, Spetio!1:' dat('d ~fay la, IDGl, and ask if these minutes ap-
.\ mf'ri(,~ln Sr('- ppar in the'1ilp,s of your Agency.
lth~he laws of The extract reads as folTows:
American Zionist Council: Dr. Goldmann. members know thnt at the meeting
of the .1eru"aIPID Executi¥e held on May 7, it was decided to include in the
Jewish Agency hudget the sum ot 1£730,000 ($416,000) aQd not 1£1,080,000 ($GOO.-
0(0) as originally requested for the activities of the Americnn Zlonist'Council.
17(1:! .\ITl\ JIlI-:-; In \\;1, :\T:-; Ill-' 1:\lIU:[C,\ l'Hl:\(,IP.\L~ l~

T" llll,,\\','r ILlidd :\lill,'I"" <jll,,,.,li'lll wl\\'tlH'I' I IIi,,, ,,"111 illl'lud .. ,; Illl' n'lIt. il dll"oi;
\Ir, H'II h"TFI,"".

il HI"" '11l'llllt.-,; Illl' 1:\1', all",'ali"l!. oil, '111"1\' .f"l'lI"';:I!lo1

Till' (; II ,\ llL\l.\ :-; .
]..; 111:11 1l11'1111l1':llltllllll :111 1'''''''I']l! frlllll tit" 1l1111111('~ of till' lil('e; of
.1,"'1'["1 [ it, \\,:1:-;11', i
yOlll' '\~"'I\l',\' ,
,\11'. I [,\ \11.l~. '1'1,
\11',][ \\111'\, '1"''';,'11', il i,.
Till' ( 'J 1\ 11:'1,\ "\'.
\[1'. [I "11.1'\. '1'1
'I'll,' ('II \11:\1 \ "\' .

Th(' ('II.\IIDi\~. "'t'l'" th,' p:'ylll(,lll:-: ,'nfl!I'lllpl:ll('d hy (hie; 1ll\'1l1f)-

.I, ""11'1 Illd I,';lll' ,'Ill

r:tlldllllll.,,'n\"'I'IIIl' li~";l[ \'\':11' I~ltil (,:.2 ' ,\It'. BUI' l\.e; I'LI:-;.

\1", II \,[1.1'1;. '\'llll1d _\'1111, !,I":l~(, 1"'!Il':It \lr', (,ll.ljl'lI\;\!l~

11"11 In 111;lkill!!

The ('II.\IIDl\'\, "';1' IIII' P:I.\llll'lIl "IIIII"IIi(lhl\'d h., ,111e; !l1,'IlII)' "II".:' '-" III r', .,'.., 1l/' 'j II'
tl,l, \\';!, illtl'llilt'll.
Llfldtlill l'lI'''\',']' lilt' li",';,1 \"':11' l~)(;l lie!'
\11' 11"11.1'\, ) ' , .... 11'.· .\'-.:1'11"." fill' [:-:1':11'1, ]

Tilt' (' I I \ 1I: 'I \:,\, " ' " \',' 1 It" r l; I.' 111,'111, "1 l[ It,' 11 I i,l: I I ,'d h " ! II I"; II I' 'II Ii I·
J': I II' till II '\' 'I II: 1'1,',111 :11 I., ,
\ 11'. I [ \ \ ( I. I '\ . "Y I ''';, -.; j 1': t]l(' \' \\'I' n' .
'II[\' ('II \ll:,r \"\'.
Till' ( 'II \ 11:'1 \:,\, .\ III I \',);'{','\'1 III ;1:-:~\11IIIIl~' 1)11 ,h\' L:I~i:-: l ' rIll i:-: "\.
..d~'". I 11:1 I {Ill' .1,,\\'
t I':h't t 11:1 I till' 111):11 \ 11','1";1' III I tl 111:1 ]'1' I ):lyllll'llIS 1tl t h,' .\ llH'I'I":11l Z IOlli"l
("1111\",1 J,,'~fl'd Jlllt \\11111111' .\ 111\'1'11':111 ~I'..r Illll. 1'111 \\ 1111 til" .1"['11-:11"111
I10! II ' I 1'''; r" II d 11.\
\J \ \ \'

III: III \ 1
i-: ,,','1111 \,' I
\11', I~"l :":"II-'I"\' .
.\11'. II "ILl"\'. Y('s. :-:ir. Til I' {' II \ II :', f , "\' .
Tltl' ('II,\lI;)t \ "\'. "'lUI do,':--: I,li,' "/O:-:ill!,! phr:,"(' "It :I!:-:tl ill1,llldl':-: I Ill'
\ 11'. n, q' h :-'TI ] ~ .
l\('.:llltl\';III<l!\" \\:\1:11 d'l\':--til:lll\l\':III' •
('0111 !,:il tin' pll"
.\11". II \:\ILI"\'. ~il'. (Ill' :1 lll'l'iud p( a .\,,:\1' ;Illd :t il:llf, lilt, .J,,\\'i:·;j\
] I J<'.. ~l If:t I' :t e; f 11 (' d
.\~"lll'\ fpl' 1'1':11,1. 111",.111:1,11' !"l'lIlill:ll ~1':llll', Ilul I' (1'1lll1 t11\' d:lte
T lit' (' I 1.\ I In1 \ X ,
"I' \1'1'11 1~1(',II. 111:1,11· (1'1'111111:11 ~T:l!!t..:. III flit, .\l\lt'I'II':111 Zi'llll~f (',)1111I,iJ.
pili i,'il'~ :11'1' ('O]ll'l'l'I
rill' ('II \11:\1 \:'\. !l,1I'''' 111\' .\~"lll" 111 .Jl'!'II,;t!I'1l1 :llll)\,:\tl' tli":-:I' fllnds
\II'. B'II' K:-"IT[ x.
:1:--: Illdi":I!l'd 11"1'1', fo fIll' .\lllt'l:jl':lIl· .1 ,'\\'i:-:!t Zion;..;! ('tllll\l'il Ol} f ll\' ,me
h:llld,"I'loth,' I\{'"OIl rhp()(hl'l'h:llld)
Th,' ('IL\IIDI\:\.
It:t I'l'
\11', ][ \'111~. III !hi..; }It'l'iod, tIll' .11'1'1I:-:;ll"1ll
f:t,'1 f 111'\' 110 ill
.\!!I'IlI'Y cII,,'idrd Oil this \1 r. 1':()1' KS'IEI:-i.
:,ll",':\lllill fo flit' .~l1l"l'il';ln Zionist (1)Jllll,i1.
fhi..; .Jl'\\i:-:h .\~·I'I1l'
'I'll,' ('11\11:\1 \"\'. Tlw :1!\~\\,pr is \'I'S.
tlt:ll it do('s, iwlll(f
\11'. It UtI.! '\. Y,'-,;~ e;il".
li:!1 illfln011('1' O"l'r
.11'1'\1:-:n II'Tll.
TIl P C II ,\ IIDt \ X .
.Ifl', 1:,)( Ii. ... ll.l:\. :\11'. ('lwirman, tIll' :lll;-;\\,('I' iSlI't·-1 1ll'lip\"{, 1'l\l' \"it· \11'. B()t'J~sTn~ .
11,''''':' dl,I1)'r quirl' ,!!l'f tlw ",holt, qll\'''!ion. Thpl'e "I'l'(' t\\'o parts in '1'11(' ('1I.\ltDf.\~.
yOlll' 'l1w:-:r inll, 'lilt' "':\:-' Oil tIll' ;1110.';11 illil h,\' f 11,' .\ 1l11'l'i":lll ~I"'I iOll :11\t1 ~h. Hon~-"TFI~.
(() 1l1:t!,P :-;\1 n' (h:lt
fhe (ltlll'r Olll' \\:1:--: (In the' :dloc:tti'y11Iy lIlt' .11'\\i,h .\~'1'111'.\' fill' 1:-:1':11,1,
Inc. Salp1I1 do('s not ('OIlt
\il\\·. rill' .1,,\\ i,..!l ,\~"'Il\'\' EXpt'llt 1\'" ill .1"r1I,,;t!"lll did IIllt t]P('itI~ :lnd
OOPS not dt'('idf' and Ita:-'Il't!!ot ! Ill' po\\'!'r to tIl'('idl' on :lily allocations
J,\ 111('.1 t'\\i:-:h .\ ~I'!H'\. fol' I Sl':IP], 11\1'.
TIll' CII.\lR)L\",,- .
. Tho CII\Il::\[~". '''hy do you S:l~' it h:t:-:I\'t :!ot thl' PO\\'PI' to dl'eide? Pl't'e;idl'll( of hr:w]
~[r. n()l'I~Sn~I". TIll' .ff'wish A~'l'n('y fo!' ]:-:I':lP1. [nC'., is ('omplptrly
JpI'IIc:::t ll'In ~
Ollt of tIlt' l'ontrol of thl' .Tl'w·ish .\!!pn('Y for Isr:1I'1 in .T('rll~:lll'm. The
~rr. I h::lfT.I""-. Y('
fart is t h:lt t h(' .f ('wish .\!:('Il<'Y in .T C'I'nsa km is the :t!,!cnt of the.T ('\Tish
1'1IpClIA IInL\~.
.\gl'n('y for Ism('l. Tn('., nild not the other \yay around.
,rr.lT.\)ILI~. TIl
ThB CII.\l]DI.\",,-. "~('11, how do you ('xplain the way this nWInoran- Thl' CII.\lI{)I\",,-,
d 1\!l1 !'l'ad", ~ The 11ll'lll hpl'S kllo\\' t ha t ! In' III pet ill:.! of the .f ewish Exec-
Pn'c::idpnt :1no PriIT
uti\·(L-·\\'hirh i:-; in ]q':1('! anri is p:1rt of the Jewish Agency for JeruSl1-
Jl'm is it not-the Ex('cuti"e that is rl'fl'rl'ell to IH.'rr ~, "

.\L~ 1:" L:-i.

.\C'l'l\Tl'l t-:S OF ACI::I'\TS OF FOHUG?\ PRIKCIPALS IN U.S. 1703,1
.\11' l\tli "'1'1,1,\. Till' !':-""\'Iili\,v 1·,·fl'IT"d til ill tit(' 1lll'IIIU(';Illdlllll IS.
til, \ '\) I ' I\ ., I' (' II:': 1 11'11 \, .\ II'. ( 'I \:\ i I' Ill; \ II .
rill' <'II \IIDI \:\. J I i..., "I :11l'd iii 1111:' 1III'I'f ill;":' it \\ liS dl"·il",,,-\\·!to
,k,·\,I,'.[ II. \\'ll--:II'1 it till' !-::\I'I'II( i\,,:
.\j I'. II '\II.1!1i. TIt".f l'l'Il:,all'llt :\g'I'IICy dl'cidl'll. I

'1111' (·11111:'\.\ ....... ('1'1'(;11111\.

. il I' 1 ,\, .
\11'.11 \,\11 1'\. TIlt' .1"1'11':;1,'111 F:\t"'IIII\'1' ill .1I'I·1I":lklll.
'I'll,' ('11111:\11'\. I dllll'f lllld,">I:llld .\ll.l~'Jllk:'{I'III·:' 1'l';\SOll thaLthis I
" I 1\ ' - I 1'1 I I I ,[1 , .: I I " (' I 1\ It I', I 1.
\11'. ])1>('1\:'1'11:". q\litl' sil1lJlk. Tlll'y dl'I'Hled Oil this fllloca-
it IS

. (·11.l I 1'11 .. 1 II ) fi,,' III 11I:11\111~ tlll'ir :11]IIt':ltioll tllp\' oll\'ill\lslv look into ;ll'('O\lnt

'I I I'I I! I ::' Ill,' III I ) '

1"1",, "I'll'"", Ill' 'jlll'IIIIIi' \I Ili,·I) tIl,' ('IIIII'I"illll:I\' 11:\\'(' JI:II/. That is ~1l
(1 1,_ \\.\- 11I!1'lldl'l!. 1~llt till'.'" dldll', dl'('idl,':l~ll) \lll:11 1111' .Jl'\\·ish
,\~':I'II"\ (Ill' 1,,1':11'1. 11)(,., d(l\'''; or d"I'''; (wI </11,

I Ill' ('11 \11:" 1'\. I l() \'1l11 :1,:'1'\,1, .\It'. J!,O\l!,S!I,jll, (II' \,0111' O\\'lI J"IO\\'!- ,t
1':\,,1, i' I !II"; 1':\'
.\~('lIl'\· \1\ 1~111111'1\<'1' O\'l'!' thl'
Il' I'
I'd:,,', ,11'11 rill' .It'I\'I,1t .JI'I'1I':III'J\1 JI:I:' 1111
, \ 111,'1"'''111 /."\)11'(
]",11,.".,1',,110\\1,,11,., (!tt'-I' tli·:.,:::11111.:l111>11 .... III .\IIIl'I'H·:!, of II Ili<'l111l('1'I' :1t"l'
.\ ~: 1; 1 ! P' • L 1'1 i .... ;'11·111
111:1"1 I

\11' I), 'I h ' '·11 ....... Tlp'l'" I' .1 ~!T":I I tI":I] of ('(1111 :11'\, .\1 ;'. (')1:1 i \'11\:1.11.
.( ill' ('11\11:\11'\. ,\ :..~I't':\: <1":11. j'l"t tllt'J'('~
[ (I !..;, I i 111'111' I,,:, I lit' \1,' nlll 1..:-:'1'1 I ....... 111d"I'd. I1ll'I'(' 1I111~t 11('. Thl')'(' IS :1 !:f'(':1i 111':11 of
,'1\]11:1"( 111\ t)1I' llt)\\"\' td' til,,·j,joll li,'s if! th,' .TI'\\'i..:ll .\grlll·y fill' bl':\l'l,
II 11:1 I r. I! Ii' .J I'll ,..;It
fll'" :l~ 1111' di'llll:,i t 1,1:1 (If it:' 0\\'11 fllll.l:,.
'II 1':11'
I 1- " I'I\! 1I 1 j 1" d: II e
Till' ('II IIH\I \:". ~() [;\1' :1:' it:' I\arnl\\', tI'C!tl\iC:ll. ]I'.!:al.
.111/.11\111" (·I\IIII,·il.
pllll"il" an' ('(ltll'l'l'I\('(1. is thaI tlle poillt you al't' trying to lllakd
lll, ),':1 t " rill"" rlilids
\II'. H,Q·K:'·ITl:". ()h,l\n,~ir.
(·<l11111·j I n!l IlII' lint)
Till' (·II.\lfDI \ ....... Y01I arr !lot tn'in!: to sa\' a~:l n1attr]: of practical
LI<'I (ht,\, Ila \'1' lill infllll'II"I\.:1 I'r \'1l1i I .
\11'. I \\ould :,:<v quite to tlle ('()ntral'~'. T would say
Illi..; .Jt'\I i:,h .\:2·I'lll'.\' I'll]' bl';11'1. 111 1'" ('I)]\si:,lillg of thr kil\d of lwople'
Iklt it d()('~. il\,'hldiII~' I Ill' lc';llh\l'~ltip of IJl(' P.L\, has a \'Pry substan-
li:l1 illlhH'll('I' 0\'1'1' tIlt, :Idi\'it j('s of thr .f('\\'ish ,.\g('nry for Israpl in
."'1'11:':\ It'Tl1.
TIII'CII\IIDf\ ........ I :11l1";1I1't\t1l1\Ydo,too. It isbothways,isn't it?
--I hpll1'\'(' (Ill\ wit· 'II'. BIl!·"S·ITJ:-\. T!t"l'p j:-; a 11\1Ii llal rpl:ltiol\sltip, y('s, •
\\'l'ri' 1\\'1) I':lrh In
Till' CII.\JJDL\:-\. Y(':-,.
It'l'i":1 II :""",'llnll 'I lid
.\11'. BOt" ""';TET:-\. Hllt thp Cj\J(\stion 11r~ is onr of control and I \\:l,n(rn
to !ll:lb, SIII'I' tlt:ll il i:-; lllHll'l':-;!Ood that tIll' ,Tpwisll .\!!I\IWY in .Jrl'll-
.\ "'l'll"\'
(nl' 1";1':11'1.
Sall'1\1 do('s !lot l'oIllrol th(f .Tp,,'ish ~\g('ncy for ISr:lpJ. 1~('. . i
d ,<I lln( d('(,jtl~ ;11\\1
nil all\' :llhl\';ltioIlS
:-\r:w rnrSInF:"T OF I~RAF,L
T!tl' ('1J.\lR:\f.\:-\. 'Yhile \\(' ar(' on this aspect, is it true that the new i
1(' pO"','r 10 dl\I'ide?
Prl':,idl'llt of 1:'1':1('1 \yas rr('('11t ly a mrmb('r of the Jewish Agency of I
1111' .• j..; ('olllplE'h'ly
Jrl'll<::llrm? \
in .Trl'll':llrl11. The .\fl'. If \)fUX, Yrs. hr w~s, sii\
I!!Clltof the ,Tc\yish Thp ('HAIn)L\;'I;, Is it :11so true. of the Prime Minister?
d, '\lr.1T.\':\ILl:". That isright.sir.\
.yav tflis mrm()r:lD- Till' ( ' 11.\ liD! \ :-\. Di d t hry 11:\ \'1' ~o 1'(,!" i gn \\'11 rn tlwy took the offices of
)f thc .Trwish Exec- Pl'I'sidpllt and PrimE' ~finist('d \
Agency for .J ('l"usa·

Mr. HAMLIN. They did already, and they were replaced by two other 2. Mr. Bick informed
to the Youth Movement
gentlemen. said that the total ama
The CHAIRMAN. " . ould you say this has any significance as to the $50;000, it was agreed
closeness of the rela! i()ll~hip bptwee!l the Jewish Agency and the Gov- between the AZC and t
ernment of Israel. of $712,000 l).llocated w
sum of $5,000.
Mr. ILufLIN. I would not draw that conclusion. As I explained 3. I t was further agr
earlier, in other sessions, Mr. Eshkol was the on'1y member of the Leumi should be the n
Govemment of Israel who was a member of our Executive. books of the AZC as thei
But he was there for one- special purpose, namely, to head our col-. This means that we E
and guaranteed by us.
·onization work in Israel and this is a field obviously where the Je\yish principal.
Agency and the Government of Israel worked in close coordination.
reads here, that the
:M EMOR.\ NDUM OF JULY 1 0, 1 () (j:'!
were directly with th
The CHAIRMAN. I note that item 10 supplied by you to the committee Mr. HAMLIN. ThE
in answer to a n''luest for the written ltg-reement between the Agency negotiated this und
and the American Zionist Council is a memorandum dated .J uly 10, Yes, sir.
1062, which also is already part of the record.! The CHAIRMAN. V
Is it correct to infer from this agreement that the Zionist Council record already.
financing came directly froJl1 the Jerusalem Agency rat her than by
way of the American Sectiofi ? " 'EXCERPT!
That is on page 1420, I believe.
On page 1413 of
Mr. HAM~IN. Yes, sir, I have that before me.
Jerusalem Agency IT
(A copy, of the material referred to follows:)
Item 10. Request for a copy Of the written arrangement referred to in a letter
<latrd ¥aJ/ ."30, 1.%2, addrrR8('d to J)r. T. Moyal, and signed by L. A. Pint'I.~. BXCE:rpt from minute
whioh reads as follows: (See p.1334, Pt. 9) fern, dated June 13, 196()
"Allocations to publi,
"The details of how we finalize the accounts of the past year and future pay- decided that the sum til
ments will be worked out during th~ month of June and then put in writing as from the budget of the
an arrangement between us and the ~merican Zionist Council." .Agency Executive, New
The written arrangement referred to in the letter, dated May 30, 1962, ad- budget of the American
dressed. to Dr. I. Moyal from Mr. Louis A. Pincus, is a memorandum to Fannie
" Speiser from Dr.!. Moyal, dated July 10, 1962, a copy of which is herewith Did you 2 in fact, I
attached. cil hudget '~ .
Dr. 1. ~1oY At.. ments.
Allocation by the Jewish Agency to AZC for period April 1, 1002 to :\Iafch
31, 1003. ' Mr. HAMLIN. We
At a meeting held on .Tllne 25, 1002. in which Mr. Pincus, Mr. Bick, Rabbi ments to the Zionist I
Unger, and I participated, it was decided: The' CHAffiMAN. 1
1. The allocation to the AW a,mounting to $712,000 would be paid as follows: was it. paid to them?
Estimated rent for spaee occupied by the AZC at 515 Park Ave. (final ~ . Mr. HAMLIN. No.
figure to be agreed upon by Bick, Hamlin, and myself) $8'5,000
Estimated service charges (final figure to tie adjusted in accordance
Zionist Council but
with actual serviees rendered) : 68,000 through the Americ:
Cash payments: "What this statem
(a) 4 weekly payments during April 1962, of $14,000 each and 1 it was the hope of t
lum»-Sum payment of $10,OOO ~________________ 66,000
(f}) 4 weekly payments during l\fay 1962, of $16,000 each_________ 64,000
Zionist groups com
(0) 5 weekly payments during June 1962, of $15,000 each__________ 75, ()(J(J COlillcil itself, wou]
(d) 13 weekly payments during July, August, and September 1962,
. of eacb
the United States, ~
<over by the council i
(0) 16 weekly Payments of $8,000 and 10 weekly payments of $7,000 That is the meani
each quring the period October 1962 to March 1963 198, 000

~otal_~~---------------------------~------------------- 712,000
t The memorandum referred to appears I\Ptrrt 9. App. 2. Item 10. p. 1420.

aced by two other ~ . .Mr. Bick informed' us that he erred when he estimated the amounts due
to the Youth Movements for the budgetary year 1961-G2 as being $50,000. Bick
said that the total amount was actually $60,000. As we have already paid the
ificance as to the $;,0,000, it was agreed that the remaining $10,000 should be divided equally
[ley and the Gov- bet\'.. een the AZC and the Jewish Agency. Henc-e, over and above the amount
of $71~,OOO l,lllocated we shall, at the request of Mr. Bick, pay him the further
sum of $5,000.
As I explained 3. It was further agreed that the $100,000 luan taken by the AZC from Bank
7 member of the Leurui should be tbe respoIlEibility of the Jewish Agency, although left on the
,cutive. books of the AZC as their debt.
, to hood our col-. This means that we shall have to pay interest on the note signed by the AZC
.aud guaranteed by us. 'Vben the tillle comes we sball, of course, bave to pay the
where the Jewish principal.
ose coordinat ion.
The CHAIRMAN. Is it correct to infer from this memorandum, as it
reads here, that the financial arrangements for the Zionist Council
were directly with the Jerusalem Agency?
l to the committee Mr~ HAMLIN. The Treasurer of the Jewish Agency, Mr. Pincus,
ween the A.gency negotiated this understanding with the American .ZionistCouncil.
m elated July 10, Y (>-5, sir.
The CHAIRMAN. We will put that item in the record. It is in the
e Zionist Council record already.
"1 rather than by

On page 1413 of the .printed hearings, part 9, among excerpts of

.Jerusalem Agency minutes supplied this committee by you there is the
following: -
ferred to in a 'zetter
~('d by L. A. Pinl1I~, Excerpt from mlIl'utes of plenary session of Jewish Agency l<::xectltive, Jerusa-
{pm, dated June 13,1000:
ear and future pa.l'"- "Allocations to publications -of Zionist groups in the United States-it was
~nput in writing as decided tbat tbe sum that was gllanted to such publications last year-$62,000--
from the budget of the JewiSh Agency will be granted this year. The Jewish
" Agency Executive, New York, is asked to find a way of inclUding this sum in the
I May 30, 1962, ad-
budget of the American Zionist Council."
lorandum to Fannie
, which is herewith Did you] in fact, place this sum within the American Zionist Coun-
~il hudget ~ . (;)
¥r. HAMLIN. We had a separate budgetary allocation for these pay-
il 1, 1002 to :\Iart'h
The CHAIRMAN. For what?
Mr. HAMLIN. We had a separate budgetary allocation for these pay-
IS, Mr. Bick, Rabbi ments to the Zionist groups.
The·QHAmMAN. And did th.e $62,000, was it placed in their budget,
be paid as follows: ~as it paid to them?
Ave. (final ~ .
__________ $8~,OOO
Mr. HAMLIN. No. It was not placed in the budget of the American
Zionist Council but the funds were remitted to the Zionist groups
68,000 through the American Zionist Council.
'What this statement means, Mr. Chairman, is that it was our hope,
~acb and 1
__________ 66,000 it was the hope of the Jewish Agency Executive, that eventually the
h 64,000 Zionist groups composing the American Zionist Council, that is the
__________ 75,~ COilllCi! itself, would succeed in developing their own fundtaising in
~mber 1962, . the United States, so that eventually this 'obligation would be tnken
__________ 156,000 ()ver'by the council itself.
•ts of $7,000 198. 000 That is the meaning of the wording of this de~ision.
__________ 712,000


1',\ Y :\11,:,\;,1' ,\ '\:1\ I ~I': (II' :flle,OIlO ... The ('IIAIH;I

:112'1"('(' to lJI;~(. a
'I'll\' ( 'II. \ I 1::\1.\ \:. \ r (,II. (': 111 ) I III ~:l." \\ Ii ('111(' I' Sk! ,0011 \\:1 S 1': I i <I I ;\11'. I hl\lLU
:\1 i'.
T II ('
( 'I I. \ I ID I.\ ;\;.
\11'.11.\:\11,1,\, Yl':-'; II \\:I~P:lld,
."'HI n'IH':11 tJI:lt IIIH'o;l jOll ~
~ I II(' SIi:! ,Ill III p:l i <I ~ •
TI\(~ ('11.\ II:
l'Ollrll~(' IIH \'(
I 11,,(\
Till' ('II \IIDI,\;\;, \\'h:il \\:t'" 111:1111-:1'<1 fol' hy t Ill' Ziolli~t ('OIlill,jJ? 1II01Wy, (lidll't
.\It". 1\\,\11.1'\, '1'111' Ziolli-.:! ('Oll!ll'il did ('IO! 11:-'1' IJI(~ Sli:!,O(I(), '1'11(, .\lr. 11.\ '\fLU
ZieHII>t ('11111Il'ill':I;-'~I'I! thl:' 1I11\/Il'." Ill' 111:1<1" IIII~ IIIOIll'.\ :I\':lil:lbll' to thll
\':11'11111" Zioll 1-:1 groll p-:, I~III,": l 'F ('
T Iii' ( 'I I \ II: \ 1 \ ,\, I: I H' \1 II: I I 1'111" pI hI' )
.\11", I; \ \11 1'\, '1'111"1' \\1'('(' 1':1,\'1111'111 ,-: 111:!t 11:ld hl'('11 lIl:ld,' for 1l1:IIlYf Tlill ('II.\IH~
Ill:III." ,\1':11'---. III ti\l' ZIIIIII"I!..'-TIIIl[J" III IIII~ I'IIIIJIII".\" :1:-; pal"tl:tl I'l'illl- 111:1 t \\'old(] 11:1
1111"-"1111'111 [0 1111'11101' 1\.1'1'11'('''' 1111'\'
11:\d, 11:II'lil'll1:JrlY
, ~
ill I'II/\.lll'dioll I II l"I'pol'l il III
\\11111111'11'11111,111':1[11111" ;llId tlll'll' 1101\"'(' IIl'g:III". III :.\,-:~I;-'I till' flllld- :\11'. J IA l\l J.l :
, 1'111'\"'1':\1'1. '"', ist(·!' 1111<1('1' t II(
'I i 1~ (' I 1\ I I: \ I I ,\, T Iii ' i I I I I' - Ii I \ I I l' 1 II': I I . Ii' I II I \( I(,1"' I :I II d \' l) 1I. 1 II: 1 f t \ H~ I)() I llll(kr~
.ll'I""I\ ,\!..'-'i'II"\' 1':,\\'1'11(1\'" 1111111' 111:1111)('1" 11:-'1'''; 1111' .\11\(';'11':111 ZI011i:-:I '1'11(\ {'II.\II::
('1'111",1 :1~1111"(")11111111 1'111'111" 1:">I'lilill:II'111I1 111'1'111\(1:-: ill tlli";I'olllllrv? I\lPllf, \\ouldn'
\11' If \\111'\, '1'1,,' ,\1111'1'1''''11 /'11'111'1 ('PIIII"II :11'I'I'I,{('d 1111''''(' I'll/;ds
:11"IIIII'III"llili'lll p\I'I'itlIIII'Zltllll'l c''!'')I!)'-:,
\1 r, I "M
Iil i II g:-: to 1hp 1
I' \1; II 1- 1'1': III , '1'111.' ('IIAIID
T I !I' ( , II \ 11: 'I \ ,\, F (II' \: I I' i tll I '" Jl III"[ )( hI",. Mr,lh:\tLu
_ \11", II \ \111 ,\:, F'I!' till' fllll'pll;-'\'''; I 'I :111'11. ~p('I,itil,:\ 11." to ]."pilllbul'S(, T11l' ('lI,\lH~
t 111'!l1 i"i II! I t 111'j1" 111d Ji il':d iOII" :llId 011\('1' ~('n'­
'1'1'\ III 11"'('''' 1111'1111111'1'111'11 \\ ('ollllcirs PUl-]
il'l'~ ,1,1'." 1','11111'1'1'11111 :1:-:,,1,.:1 t 11i~ 1'lllldl':ii~llIg 1':\1l1P:ligll~ for br:ipl. l'1)1l, '{'alpll hy t
:\[1', IlA:\iLJ
~tntp.tllhat tit
slllln'nt, to a:
TliI' ('II 111:\1 \,\, ('11111,1 .\llIl 11,111111' \\11\ fl\(, '\12'1'1\1'." did'I', P:l,\' this IH'O\'idl' t 11(' S(
lllPlll'\, lii:I','111 til 1111' 1:11';Pl1"; 1111 illl:llI' llo;l'r~ of II\(' I'lIl1d~( "'ilv did. I hrollgh their
il "'I,'IIII'Z:IIII;',\ ('illllll',1 ;1:-;:II'II(I<llli,1 . That pIll'pO
"I', II \"1 I'\:, '1'11(' Zilllli~1 ('tllllwi! j", il";l'lr,'olll\)()~l'd of Illo~t of thl'sO The CHAIR]
S:iIIH' grllllp:-: 111:1! ]'('I'('i\ I'd 1111'~1' (l:l."IlIl'IlI:-:., '1'111']'(' was :I c]osrr ('Oll- :\fr, If,\:\ru
1I('I'lillll :IIIIII'I'hIIlJlI:-:.1Iil' IlI't\\'I'(')) tIll' /.iOlli~j ('ol\ll<'i] :llld tltp~p groups
t 11:111 I I",)", 11;1 --- Ill" 111'('11 f II\' ,\ (1"'1"1";111 :-'1"'111111 :111<1 ,1'1'0;1' gl"Oli p~, .\ ntl,
:-:\'I'llllllly. :I~ I \\'lIldd ta].;:pover
0;1:11(,<1 1':ll"lil'I", \\(' 111If\I'd 111:11 I11P ('Olllll"il
tlll'''I' 1"1''''!,<III",il,ilil il'''; \'1('1111/:111." fl'Oll1 110..:; t]\;l! i~, tll(> C01111('il from Tho C;IJAIRl
fUlld:-: 1hat it would f'('I'l'in' from AIlH'l'il':ln SOun'('~ \\ould hp alllp to l'VPIl that, \Va
t a ].;:(' I' \'1'1' 111 i:-: f'('~poll~i It i 1i I Y frolll lIS, ' t ll('sn stud ips,
TIJ{'('" \lIC\L\X, ~lr,II:\I111i))--­ MI', HAMLI
:\fr. H,\:\lI.Df. This \\':1:-: a hfllw, . Tho CHAIR
TIll' ('" \IIDI ',\:, "pI 1111' IlIal,\' it 1']p;lr, YOII hn\'p st:li{,ll h('forp that. l\ll', ltA ML!
t hll .J ('\\' i~lt .\gl'lI('y, .1 ('l'lI:-:a kill, :-:tlppl it>d t he,,,;p fU11d:-:, didll't. it., to the Tho CHATR
Ziolli:-:t ('O\llll'il ~ that ll.rrang-er
\fl', 11.\:\11.1:". Tltp .Tl'wi:-:lt ~\g('nc~'-,.\llwri(,:\1l f',rl'lion provided rE'lt lly used i
tlll's('--t!J(\ .Jpwislt AgPl1cy, .Tprll:-:aJplll-p:trdon HlP, sir. 111lellce the G
T1In .TP\\"i:-;l1 AgPIlI'Y--\\'P 1'('I'pi\'(' all our fllllds, l11p .\nwl"iC'nl1 Src- ]WC:lllS('. of t h,
fioll rp('pjn's 1111 ils funds from t1l(' Jpwish Ag-p!l<'y, .Trrllsnlf'm, I only wan
TIH' ('HAllurAN. 'Yell, in this rnsf' that To just wrnt OVPr, T hop('-- I miso m:r
t1H'l'P n1'l' so lIlnnv of thpsp intprlo('king- orrranizntions 1 would like to' l Lallghter.J
kC'l'p .";Ollll' nf thpTl) :-:trnight. Didn't \\'(' JURt agrpp'thnt tllp .Tl'wish I am not, t
AgpTtI'\'. .Tl'rw.:nlpTtI, }l:Iid $fl2,()()() tn tl\(' AnwriC':llI Zionist C'onnciH ['rcord clear.
:\[1', rI,\~rl.lx. Xo. Tl1r ,Tpwish Agpncy, .Tprusa]pm, T lwliey('-- Go a1wad.
Till' ('II.\IID!.\:\'. IIlIl':lll ga\'e it t.o Iltclf'\ as:t cOllduit, didll'(,'yuu ju:--t
:l,:,!Tt·(· 10 111:\1 a )IIOllll'lll ago ~
1;1 ill ) ,\11'. 11.\ :\fLl;-.[. Yps, sil'; I did.
Till' ('II \IIDI \ '-i. '\'\'.11, 1IIl'II pleas(' dOll" say 110. You cO/llpletely
('Ull I'IIS(' IIIl I :1I11 ('Ollllllg 10 t 11(', poillt t hat it \\,:tSll'C for I heir
p\'r;,;ollal 11:'\\ [1I11 1IIl'y IISl'd I he Ziollist ('ollllcil as :t l'Olldllil fut'lilis
'<1I111<'il ~ mOIH'\', didll't t Ill'\"~
i:.!.IH}(), TIl(, \11'~ II DtLl:-l. )'ps, I st:lll'd tltat.
dablv 10 lilt',

" '1'0(' 1l1:111\', Till' ('11,\1101.\:--<, I lidn't litis, ill ('jl'<'d, a\'oid the ('It'.ar n'quin'III\'llt
':11'( I:d \'('11;1. ,11:11 "mild !ta\\\ appll\'d if {!t\,Y paid it diwdly that (hp} \\'ollid haw
I l'tHIIlI','! 11)1\ 1(lI'\'p(l1'1 It lIm!l'!' III\' FOf'('igll ;\l!l'lIls Hl'gistntt iOIl AI·I. (
r till' lllllt!- ~IJ'. 1l,\:\lJ.l:--<. 'rlla! I It I', J'('('ipipllt's org-anizatiollS would II:ln' 10 reg-
is{pl' undl'!' I lit' FOl'l·ign .\:';('111 s Hl'gi~t rat ion .i\('t~
" ) II. I 11: II t) J l' 1)0 I IIlldl'rsl alld YOIl ('Ol'l'\'\'t ,\' ~
'\, '; III i
/, Ifill ."'1 '111l' ('II \1"'1 \,\, ''1'11:11 lilt' .\'gP/H·Y \l'Illill! 1Ia\'\' 10 di,,,;(')o;,;\' flli..; p:IY-
II I'" "() \ 1111 1'\' ? 1ll\'III, \\olildn'! (11l'v ~
I III'"'' f1111'de' \11'. II \:\11.1'..:. '1"11\' .\~('n,'\' did disclos\' 111t';';(' p:lyllll'litS. "11",111 (l1l1'
lilin!!s to fll(' ])\'p:lrllll('I;1 of :lll~ti('t',
TIH'('IL\IJDL\:-.I. Tolill,Zionist ('OIl1ll'il'?
;\11'. II \:\11,1:--<, TIll'S\' paYIIlPnls\\,\'rp illl'ludl'd; )'l's,sir.
10 i
.J'(' III b 11 I;.;(, TIl(' ('II,\lHM,·\N. Hilt VOll 1,a\,\1 alrp:u]v said it, \\'asll~t for' till' Zionist
d O( III'I' ;';('1'\' ('ollnl'iJ's pllrp<,Jsrs. It 'was for s(~nwboct)' ~I~l'.·s purpose and I his was
I~I':ll'1. l'(l[\l'pa I\,d hy fIlls I1lr( hod of J'('!)(lrt mg, wasn t It ~
\II'. IL\:\lu:'oI, III ollr filings \"ith the 1)rpartlTll'nt of .fllstiC'(' \\l'
stall'd that thps\, paynl\'nts \H'n\ !)('ing tllmed OV\'1' to tlH~ COIlI\('il to
slIb\'!'nt, to assist, t I1r Zionist gronps ill t Iwir publ i('--to hplp them
illl'l P:I." this pl'O\'idr tIl(' sPl'\'icps to thn camp:lign. to nssist fllndrnisilll! for 1srapl
,rllv did through tllpir publical ions,
Tlrat purpose was clpnrly stated.
1111;.;l of tlll's\I Tftf\ CII.\1Hl\f,\N. No\\', Mr, Hnmlin--
\ (']0;';1'1' ('01\- \rr,lLurLl~, EXl'llse IlW, ~ir,
1111';';1' groups
ill! I a kp over
'Ollllt'j] fl'om Tho CIIAIlDL\:-.I. :\[1'. IInmlin, let me correct it before yOIl go too fnT,
d hI' :11111' 10 ('VPll that was only done last. October after this committee started
thpsp ~tlJdi\'s. Y01~ 1I:1d no itl'lllization prior to tJ1:lt at all: did you?
MI'. JIAML!:-.I. Prior (0 t hat--
ThCl CllAln~rAN. None at all?
1 hdoN' that. 1\1 1'. HAMLIN. Thl1J is rig-ht, sir.
Il't it, to the Tho CIIAIRMAN. And this was only started last fnll, but c\'en ,under
I hat arrnngemcnt of itemization it doesn't show what this money was
III J ll'O\' idpd I'rally used for-if it is used for propngandn, or an efToli. to in-
tlllC'IlCP. tIl(' COllgrf'SS or so on. It does not appear ill t.hat itemization
lrri('nn Spc- l)(,l'a liSP of t lw lise 0 f It condu it; do<'s it?
lsa kTll. I only \mntl'd to sec how this opemtes, nnd I can assure \'011, bpcltllsl'
'r, T hopf'- I raiso my voice doesn't exhibit ltllY anger; you as){ed me to.
o\lld likpto' I Lnughter.']
tllp .T f'Y,ish I am not trying to nrgue with you; J just wltnted to try to get the
('ollnci I? ]'('cord clear.
lirn-- Go ahrad.

~lr. HOl:){!"'n:IN. Mr. Chllirmllll-- In ot II l' I"

TIll' ('II:\IIDL\~. • \11 ri~lIt, ~lr. Boukst(,ill. (If tIll' .\<'l
M 1'. HOPI\. STI-:I ~. :\ tr. ( hili rill: In, ili:-; (' I1..' a I'
t 0 lilt' t lit' rt' \\' a ~ 1I 1111" gin' it to /
11l1dpI::itllIHliTlg, ht' thought yOll 'H'n' talkillg of l\., I't't't'1l1 1ll'l"iod. it, but II)
X O\\", 1 nssu II Il' t hn t. you \\l'rt' Il tid I't's:-;i ng YOIII' q lIt'~t i Oil to I Ill' l'll!"] iI' \' "ith ik '
\)('riod. Al tllal tiIIH' if i:-, al>:-;ollllt'ly ('01"1'"1..'1'( tlmt till' n'\lol't:-; (0 tIll' "IH'l'ltl ('~, ]
I )ppartlllPllt of .111:-'1 i('t' "'Nt' ill :-;UlIlIlllll'y fOl'II1, II ]1I111P-:-;1I1ll pn)'IlIt'1l1, ~(llllll sit Illl
('t'rtaill llIllollnt. :-;lalt'd to :dlililltt'd Ol'!.!lllliz:lfioll:-; !tlld Illll lI]tllll:ltt' n' ha \'1' (rit'd
"ipi"lIt:-; of tht' flllld:-; \\('n' Illl! :-;l:lll'd'ill thaI n'po!"(. TIH'I'O HI
!laIllI'S, aIH
t.'1·1·:-;Tlll'\~ ('\-' 1J\~('I.I'~I·J\I': \" I) I. \1\11.1 '\(; )(LI..,II IHI':\lI-::\T:- Tit is is OYl('
Till' CII\IlDI.\N. ,rltat '\":1:-: dOlll' \\ 1111 I hI' 1I101lt'\' \\"a:-; not ('II'IlI':lt :111
dl'llst i(' n'v
fl'Otll llit l I'\'I)()I'I, \\:h il ~ I hal ('OlTI'('r ~
}:-;Il'1 ,
\[1". Bill'
~lr. I~lll'l\.:-;'l'I-:IN. If thl' I)l'partllll'lll of .Ju:-;ti('(1 \\":lllllld IlIO\'(' III
tlw PIII'PO~
{onllal iOll t ht'j' ('ollid Itn \'l\ got. it.
TIt(, ('Il,·\lIDI.\N. \rt'l1. dll yOIl thillk tilt, In\\' 1'IIh IIP(lll thl' lh'p:ll'l
think tlli~(
1I1l'1I1 tho filiI I'l':-;poll:-;ibilit.,y [or your di:-;I'!o:-;\II'P <
Tlw ('II.
~Ir. IhHlI\.S'I'I:IN. ::\"0, ~(r. CltnirrllHII: 1 dOll't 11l1':l1I that at nil. A:-; I
:\. hit IlIon'
t hillk I ~tH!l'd to YOII ill tIlt' t'Xl'('ut in' :-;t\-;:-;iOIl, \\'t' foll()\\'('d tilt, Illpt lll>tl
IllOf'(' ('Oil f1
of 1"I'llol"t illg \\·ltil~ll WI' thought \\":1:-; lldt'qlllltl'.
Btlt t It is
TIIl'1I ill 1~1(;:2 \\'hl'll (It II llt'pal'tllll'll~ fl'lt tllnt this- ·for :-'Olll\..' I'l':l~()rl
:1 ~ort of II
ft' It t hnt this lIH't hod :-;llOuld ho chllllgl'd, t Ill'.\' n~kt'd us, :\ III I \\'t' eh:, 11;:('( J
III I J(' h f 11 rt :
alld tlw d('taib nn' heing reporh'd :-;illCI' thnt t.illlt'.
IllOIH'\, \\"hi
-TI\I' ('II.\IIDl.\o...;. llllillk,l>t'lllg':I:-;ol>jl,(~ti\'l':\:-; I kllO\\' hO\\',thllt WldlT
tho For('ig-n Agt'llts l{('gist.mtion Ad, tIll' intt'I'Velltion of tho Ziolli~l
Council 1>('tW('('1I tltt' lll'tll:d 11:-:('1' of tIl(' T\I0111'y--tlt:1t is, till..' [(,110\\
or tho organizatioll thaI :\l,tludl.\ I\:-;P:-; it for paYllH'llt ror \\lll'k-- -~('('Ill"
fo 111(1 t6 l)(~ IIH'l"l'ly II W:lY of a\'oidillg a. dis('losur(' ht'ro th:~t should
"'p h:\(l
in till' n'c(
btl dis('lo:-,pd llS 10 \\'hnt i~ dOlH' with tll~ mOllo)', bt'l..'nusp I Ill' Ziolli~t 1{nl.inowit
('ollll('il its('1f .lops lIol I"t'gi:-;tpr alld dOt's 1l0t. it<',miw ",lml it do\':' .lllly ~~), 1~
\\ith t 1\0 morn'\,. o\\'itz llll 0
l\Ir. BOP1Ul1-F.IN . .Mr. Chairmall, thi~ is 01\P, whnt you nl'o :-;aying i~ II liPY' (';'1:('('\11
possihl(' illfpn'lIn': hili, n:-, I told yOIl dlll'illg thl' nlld liS thll \\,itll(':-.> I will 1)1
has stlltNl tlmo filld agaill dllring tll(' t'X('l'lIti\,p :-;ps:-;ion, !l1l'1't' 11('\'1..'1" :thIn for (' i:
wns nny attempt to ('OI\C(':11. TIH'ro \\'llS llO n'll~on for (,oIH't\:tlillg. If
YIll! "(lllft'lld tll:,t tIl(' ,\(,t i:-; lIot IH'rfl'l't, I :I~ :1-1:I\\yt'l' 1l1:1,\' ;IgTt'I' ",it11 ('rhe foll(
of the ('01111
you. You takp, fol' j\lSt:l1H't', th!' Illht'ling provi:-;ion. I as n l'pgistpn'd rl'St' /l tnt i VI'S
1:1\\'.\'('1' for a. fOl'pi.!.!;1l principal C:11I wrift' II 1t'III'1' to Th(, ~t'\r Yo!'k
Timps, lind if 1 wroll' Oil tho SUhjt'I't mHttt'\' which is (,olln('(~tl'd with
YlIY work :1:'\ a 1:1 "',\'('1' foY' t hI' .It'wish .\g<'IH'y, Ipt's SHY, I would hl1vP to ~t'lll\lol' J, "
I:dlt'l thllt h,ttt'l'. ~ Clillirmlul, (
I' ,N. Sf lHI te.
Bli/ Tilt' ~t'\\' YOl'k Tillw:-; would\l't hav(' to, if it prillit'd IllY ]t'tt(ll'.

[)1':A R ~~~N
\\' () 111 d n() t 11 II \'1..' t () rp p r i n t. t lH' 1nhp ]i 11 g 0 f t h II t 1('( I e 1'.
t Imolly llrt':-;
Now, it, is 11 "p\,y moot, qllt'stion :IS to wht't1w'r tho I'p(,jpinnt, of fllll(L.: Hl'llI llolls (I
originating fY'om II forpign j)l'in('iplll would hnvt' to be dpsiglll1fl'd, FUll tllln t 1011
!lOW Jllnylw thnt is OIH' of tlH' thing-s tll:IL you would like' to rectify. tltl' t('~1 illlOi
The Loui
fnllll'r. Its
~ }-::ED Fon HEVIRION OF '1'111': L,\ W IlIOi'lt. t'xdn~
11011, III It'lI~
Thn Cfl.\THl\fJ\~o Exactly, ~h. Honkslpin. This is O1H' of the vt>ry lIs totnl ill\
~nt{,I'('stin~ fjU('stiOllS ~hat has HriS1'1l ll~t m.lly in th}s l'ollIwction bllt
III SOil\(' ot Iwl' ('OllllPl'I ions l1:" to t,lll' n ppl watlOn of t Ius Act.


.111 othel' \\'ord:-:, is it going to LH' pos:->il>11' ~o ll\'oiJ. t1.le ~l'al 0l'ernti(JJI
Iii 111l\ .\d, lIlId It.-.; dIS(,\OSIlI'I' by tll(' IIS(' of III(PI'lIIOdllll'IPS \\,h('I"t' you
11 1111"· I!i\'l\ it to ~\, lllld.~\ gin's i.t to B,llnd H ~in~£ it to C, HIH1 C' finnlly liSt'S
d. It, hilI II} that tlll\(' lIothlllg ",ltlllt'\'('r IS dlsc'!osed as to \\'hntfho does
eurlin \\ II II i L T II is iS 1''\ a ('( Iyo I It t \ po i 11 t I :till t I'Y i II g t 0 d (' \'(\ !0 P n s t 0 h 0 \\' it
, to tIl\' (1IH'I':lt('~, IH'C:ltlSP y01l1' \'Pl'y nllil' alld 1\('llt ... Il'gnl mind Ita;.; (TPHt('<!
-';01111\ sililat jOII:-> Il\'\(' I hal al'l' \I'ry d~f1i"lIjl for /Ill' to ulldersland, alld I
1:1t \' \"I'
11:1 \1' I rit'd to.
Th('!'t\ :11'(' so III a II.\' d i l1't'l't'lI t :dli 1ialt'd Of:'::! I1IZIlI ion~ wit II \'I'I'\, sim i lllr
n:Ullt's, alld it is nlll1o:-,;( ilIlP(I~sild(\ [01' TIl£' to follo\\' .ill~t ",ll:lt l1I1PIH'll s .
Th is is (Illl' 0 f tIl(' (\I1l'st iOl\s.
If t!lis ('llli he (Olll' SIHTl'ssfllll\', it would ~('l'lll to lilt' that :l n'l'y
I r :1 t :l! \
dra:-.;t iI' n'v isioll of t ht' III \\' is ('II llt-d' fnr.
\11'. 1\(1\·I\SITI;-';. :\11'. (']I:lirlll:lll, J \\'(lIlld likl' to ~:I\' that I think thnt
on' III
rlIP jllll'jlOS(' n [ y0111' i Ilq II i ry j:-.; .i !lst ilil'd, 1l(\('lI 1I~1' I <It) i hi n k t 11:1 t this l:t \\.
dOl'" l't'ljllin' ~nllll' !lI'illgirq...( ilp 10 d:llt' ill :1 llllllllll'r of l'l':-:lll'l'ts, :llld 1
tllillk Ihis('Ollllllittl'l' Ilasdolll':1 \'l'!'y good jol,.
'1'111\ ('11.\111:\1.\;-';. \\'('11, 111111 Ilot :->Ilrt' WI' ha\'('. I Hill llot slln.' I fim
I. .\ ~ 1
:L hit ilion' I'lllightl'Il('d tlt:lll ! \\'11:-: \\'llt'll I :-:r:\rtl'd, I IIJIl afraid 1 nm
IIll't hOI I
1l1l1J'(\ ('Oil fll:-:I\(1.

Hilt this :-:l'I'IlIS to Illl' to Ill' II 1':lse of 1111' Oll!\ \\'110 t't'gistrl's is 1:trgl'I~'
:1 -.:o!'r of a ('Olldllit lllld l'l'lIl1y t!n('sll't do \'1'1'\' Tlluch. YOl;l hllv£, to go
11:111:':1'( I
1l111l'h fllrtlll'r a!ll'o:ld 10 lilld ollt what artl1:lll" lillnll" is done with the
IIIOl11'y \\·ltiC!ll'lllllt'S frOlll fIll' Ag('lIl·y. . .
III !IlllllT
Zioll i~t
- -:->('(' Ill"
"'I' had Iwttl'l' gl'! al(lIIg. :\11', Hallllin, at tllis point I wish 10 il1s~~rf.:,
~llOllld ill t I\l'. r('('ord :\ (·(.IPY of n let t 1'1' :-:('I~( t (~ t h." (,OI~llllit! {'(\ by ~[r, Yirt-ol'
Zioll i~t j\l\!lII\OWltz, pn\sltlt\Jlt of tht' I,01l1S hnlllllo\\'ltz I~()lITl,l11tlOn, dntpd
it do('~ .J III Y ~ ~ ), 1~ I( i; ~ , i II n \...; Jl(\ 11 ~p tot Ill' (' () 1I1111 i I II'(' 's 1t'l t pro frI' r i \l g :\ t l'. l\ :t IIi H -
(l\\,itz 1111 oppor1uIlity to ('()nllll('lll Oil tl11\ stntf'IlH'llts lnalll' ill tlil' I'Hii·-.
nllg IS n I il'l' (' X(\l' 11 t i \'(~ I H\I\ r i IIg COlic 'P I'll ill g tl H' H n bill ow it z FOlludn tion. ,:
\\'itllt'~:-­ I \\'ill {HII. tllp (,lit in· 1l'ttl'I" ill 11H\ l'l'('ord, HTld tlwJ"l' nn\ copips llVllil-{
'I' 11('\"('1'
:I!Jlp [01' list ribllt ion.
illg'. 1f
(TIll' follow i 1Ig- It'll ('f Wl\~ ,'('('('1 \'I\d for Iud u!<lolI In tllP rp('ord of t h(> hl'fi rllllrH
i t II
'1 'P \\'
of till' COlllllllltl't' 011 l"orplg-n Hplntloll!< on the AI't.ldlh's of ;'I;OIltllpJollllltlC Ht'p- ~.
g-istt'n\d rl'~l'lltnt [\'(\1'1 of }/ort'lg-n l'rllll'lpnis 1l1I1l rellltt.\S to !t'stlmony ('oulnillt\() III pt. H:)
\\. York LOPII'! M. HAJlt:'>10"'11'7. }I~()ll:-;IHTIO:'>1, 1;11(,.,
l'd \\' i t It .\'1 II' ) (wI.., .Y. Y., ,lull! ~!l, 1!/(;,'1.
lin n~ to ~l'lIl1l(ll' J. \\". lrllUlRWnT, .
('}II1;nlll1n, ('(lmmittcc 011 !"(l1'dfln Hda!ioll,'1,
l·.~. 8"llllte, Wa,'11lington, n.e.
\. 11'1t(']',
I h~An ~I':N ATO!t FI'LIlHIOIl1': YOI1 WI'rf' kind I'Jloug-h to s('IHi II\(' p.xI'I'rpts of tf,~·
flll\OIlY pn'sPlltl't! ill {'XI'l'utI \'(, SI'S:':\OIl Oil :'lIllY:!;; 1I\'l'ot't' tilt' l'olllllllllp{\ Oil Fot(,jg-u
f flllld-.: Hl'lnl lOllS of 1I\(, l·.~, ~I'll/lt(' III whkh tll(\ IIUIU(' ( I f thp LOlli~ ~l. HnhillOwitz
gnnted, FlllllHlnlloH Wll~ I1H'ntloll(\tl. 111111 g-lnt! 10 hnn' thi!\ 01)1I01't11l1ll)' 10 ('OlllIllPlIf 011
'ti fy. tilt' tl'l'l irllOIlY.
The Louis :\1. Hllhlnowltz I<'oundntloll WUS ('T(,lltf'd lllflny y(\nrR ll~O hy 1l1,Y
fl1t1lt'r, Its III'lSl'tH ('Olll.;(St. of n Illllnht'r of plltt\ntH IIml its hwouH' Is clE"rl\'l'c1 It!-
most. t>x('lnsivl'ly from roynltil'~ Oil tlW!-l(\ pntt\lIts. H iR not n \,{'ry In1'g-e foundfl-
llllll, III \Pust ill ('omparlsoll with tht' Ford FOUJulntloll nlld I'Ilmlln1' institutiollf'.
lit' V('fY Jt~ lolnl 1111'01111' hilS hl'('11 ill UII' lIt'h:-hhorlloot! of $H.n,OOn 11 :.n'nl' llIleI U1Hll.'r thE>
iOIl h,;t

npplil'nhlp Treasury rplC;ulurioll:-' an equi\'al('lIt amoullt ]Ia..; hePll di,;bur,;pu ill

~rallt:-' "a('h \'1'11 r,
This is tl
TIH' IH,\\"e~,; of the foulldatioll are, g-PIlPrally ,;1}('akillg-, tIl 11I:lkp :.:rallt,; for n'li, I succeede
giolb, e(lll,'at ilJ!wl. or dlaritahle pUfJlo';I'';, In ;l\'l'or<!illl"p with tlli,; I'Oll"y, tIll' W:J7. Short
flllllld,ltioll ha,,-:, o\'l'!' U !l('riod of UlallY ."paL,;, mIlCh, g-rallt,; to larg-e !i1llllhprs (If eonue-<.'tion v;
('dueationnl ilJst1tutioIlS: it Iw,; made suh,;talltial grallt,; to a 1I11111hN (If l'haritit's In pxarnininj
and it has gin'n grants for rpspurch work iu hi,;tory, ari'llaf'l,[ogy, [Hditkal ,;d- n'iving fl1nd~
('lwe, ('('Ollomics. and related fields. grants to the
I sIH'('ppdp(} to tile pre"idpll('Y of tl](' foundatioIl Oil the f!t'llth of lily father in that this wa
1~.,-,7, ~llortl\' thprt'after, a 111'\\' !loard of tru,;tpl',; \\'a,; plt'dp(], I hnd had 110 ill ~liddle Eii
('OIlIIP!'tiolJ \\'itll tllP a<llllini,;tratioll of tllf' foulldation affair,; prior to that d:lIP, of years.
In I'XUlllillillg thp foundatioll rp('onls I fOUlld that tlip [ollll(]ntJon hat! !IN'!] rp- Out of con
('l'i\'illg fl1!It!,; from thp AllJPri('all Zinni,;! ('ou!lI'il and had hl'p!t nlakillg <,qui\'a- to continue 1
lPllt grallts to thl' ('ol\[\('il on :\[iddlp, Ea,.tl'rn _\lTair,;, :\Ir, ~d1wat!ran PXIllni!lI'd tlip fUlld,; of
to nH' tllnt tl1is \\'a<.: an ac('onlrn'l<lati'!ll Ily III,\' fatlH'r arisiIll: out rlf hi,; deep :\Iifldle Eastt
intprp"t in :\Iiddle Ea<.:tefll alTair,; and that tlip practicp bad 11PPII [llllowpel for a lld !,O\\'I'J'S 0
a 1111 !Jllwr of \'('a ro-:,
Out of ('1l1;siueration for illV' father's interest in the matter, th<' honrd de('irlpd
to I'olltinuf' the pra('(in-', parfir'lIlarly sitw(' tlll'rf' wao-: IIIl rl'O-:1I1t:lllt d('plp/ion ill
t!ll' fUlId,; of till' fOlIndatioll and I"llltrihutillll'; to thl' work of tIll' ('oUIlI'il on
:\[iddll' Ea"tpfll AlTairs :lllJ'l'afl'd to fnll within thl' fralllpwtlrk awl t!ll' pllrpo,;p,; I call yOl
and !HIWI'r,; of t lip founda! inll, 'YP hllfl 110 kllowlpdgp t ha t the .J I'\\'ish .\gl'llr'y We Illld ill
had any foIl' in till' situatiun wha(,;IlI'\'l'f and it was ('prtaillly Il\'\'\'r SIICl:(,,;tpl! what<':llever :
to lIS tlwt the ,Jpwish A~P!lcy was thp ultimntl' sourel' of Ill(' funds gOill~ to till' wa~, the nItl
('4JU!\('il on :\[iddll' Eastl'fll :\lTair,;, Affairs.
In or about Fellruary 19(j3 my s('('reUIrY advised me that shl' had rl'('pivpt! a In or nb01
tp/('p!lOTlf' ('all to till' pff~t that in thl' futufe thp fuulldntion would fl'('pi\'l-' SPllll' 11 tPlephone
fUllO<.: (lirectly from the ,Jewish Agency instend of from tl1{' AUlprican Zionist ~()Tl1E' fllllds
COUllciL Frankly, I paid very little attention to the change: it had 110 sig-niti- Zionist COUlJ
('a Ill(' to nn.' ami I did not P\'PIl advi"p the !Ioard, I did 1I0t know rtt the timp signillcance
that thl' Jpwish AgPIlCY was a representative of the Israeli GOH'rllml'nt, timp that thE
Shortly aftef the hearing before your committee, :\lr. Boukstein cnllpt! mp and Shortly af
advised me that some Question had hf'en raisl'{l befofP the committee as to fi(h'ised me 1
th~ role of the foundation in the financing of the Council on l\liodle Ea~tern role of tbe ff
Affuirs. lIe also mentioned the fact that the Jpwish Ag'pncy \vn~ a repr('- He also men
sentative of the Israeli Government. II£' ~ald he wa~ calling the mntter to my Israeli Gove
attention because he thought I ought to know about it: he expresst'd no opinion hI' thought 1
at all as to the course of conduct the foundation ought to follow in the futmp, course of co
I. thereafter. consulted with the board of the foundation and with counsel and cons 111 tE'd w
we agreed that the foundation did not wish to be a ('onduit of funds from that tl)e fou
the Israeli Government or the Jewish Agency and I so ndvised i\lr. Schwadran prIllllPnt or
Ho nssured me that neither the Israeli Govf'fnnwnt nor tlIP American Zionist me tbat neil
Connell had ever intIuenced the policies of his publication, and I believe that ever inti uen(
to !)f' true, I have read thf' publication o('casionally and It seems to he r:1ther I have rea
f1('ademlc in'nature and quite objective in it!'! editorial policy. We, neverthl'le~~. nature and
felt that. under tbe circumstances. the foundation no longer ('fired to r('ceiH under the cl
funds from any souree for transmittal to tbe Council on ~Iiddle Ensten1 Affairs, any source f
We advised ~Ir. Schwadran to that effect about ~ week!'! ago. ~lr. Schwad'
Yours sincerely. '
partlIlP n t.
j'(1{':-';P\TII)X .\ ('OXtHTr FllI:\Z(' (;IUXT~ TO ('il{'X('IL ox 31ID))U: F.\~TFH:-'; and what i
.\FF,\THS I think
as to how
Tlw ClIl\TR)[AN. Th(> pnrt I wish to 1'e;1(l thnt IS pertinent to our I \vas tryir
present point iS'this, page 2:
Out of comdderation for my fatber's interest in the matter. the board decided -:\IR.
to continue the practice, particularly since there WflS no resultAnt depletion in
the funds of the foundation and contributions to the work of tbe Council on Mlrl- Mr. Bm
dIe Eastern AtTalrs-
tioned in 1
I should have 5;/ nrted with the previous-I skipped one paragraph. on it?
Let me go back. The first paragraph makes it clear. [Reading:] TheCn
I succeeded-
This is the writer of the let ter, :.\Ir. Victor Ha hi no\\' itz-
, fur n·) i- I su('cef·de<.l to the presidency of the foundation un the death of IllY fat Iipr in
II I"y, fliP W;")/, Shortly thereafter, a nt'w board of trustees wus elected. I had hud no
mllf'!'" Ilf C(JnIwction with the administration of the foundatiun alTairs prior tu that date,
dw ritips III f'xamining tllf' foundation re('ords I found that the fuuDdation had hepn rp-
iti<-al Sl'j, ('('i,iog funds from the AIllPri('an Ziclnist CouDcil alld Ilad hef'n making' Njuivalent
;:rants to the Council on :'Jliddle Eastern Affairs, ;\11', Sehwadran explained to mE'
f:ltllp!, in that tliis was all accommodation by my fatbH ari~ing out of hi,; de('Jl inter~t
II had 110 in ~lidule East('rIl atTairs and tuat til(' practice bad bt'(>I! follvwed fllr a number
hat darf', f)f year~,
11I'('1I rp· Out of considf'ration for my fat!wr's intprl'st in the Illattrr. til(' bflard dpci()ed
~ ('qui \';(. til coutinlle till' pr:tl'tiN', partil'lll:lrly SilWf' thpn' was ll() fl',;1I1Ulllt dl'p]etioll in
I'X Id II i rwd tin· flltlds of til(' fOll111lation al~d l'ontributiollS to tbp \"(lrK of thl' {'0\111I,iJ "I!
his r!('('P ,jliddlp !-:nstnn Affair~ uPI~nred to fall within the framework and 11w PUrJH)';\'S
o\\"plI for aud I'''\\'\'I'S (,f till' fl) II Il(la I iOll,

d d('('idl'd
pll,t iOll in
olllwil on
pllq;{)..;{'s I call your attpntioll tothis.
h .\~(,IIt'V \Ye had no kJIO\\']pdgr that thl' Jp\visb AgPll('Y had allY [(,Ip in the situatioD
,"llgg'f,,,tpd \\-hatsuen'r and it was cprtninly np\'f'r sugg\',;tel! to liS that till' .If·wish .\gency
ng' tu till' ,vas the nltimlltp source of thl' funds going to ttw COlllWil un :'JIiddlp Eastern
p('pi vf>d :1 In Of nt!out Ff'l1rlJary 1~H.3, 1II~' sf'err-tary ad,i,;ed mp that slH' bad re('t:>i,eo
pi Vf' SOllll' a !f'lpp!loll(' ('all to tllf' pffpl'l tbat ill thf' fntun' tb(' fouudatioll would receive
n Zionbt s",n~ fllllris dirp('lfy fro!lI till' ,1pwish Ac:r-ncy iost('ad of frOl1l the AIlll'ricun
no signiti· Zionist Counl'il. Frankly I paid \'ery littlp aUI'ntion to the ('hnng('~ it had no
th(' tinl(' si~nitlenIH'e to IllP alld l'did l]ll[ (>\'Pll n(lYisf> tlip board. I did not ],llll\\' at tllf'
tilll(' that thf' .Jewish A~('ncy wa",'11 rt'pn'sentntiYP of thp Israeli (;o\"l'rnD1f>nl.
I mp and ~ltortly :.lftpr the lH'arillg IJ('fun' your coUJwitt('p. ,jlr. Hout,;,;t(>in ('al\\'<\ !liE' and
t P(' a", to advi~l'cl IIle that SOIIlP Ij\lf':-;ti'lll had }.('CD--1ffls(·d IH'forp till' I'olllmittf'(> as to tllP
e Ea stern role of tbp foullilatilill ill till' f111all<'in!! of th(' Council on ~1i(}IIIE' East('l'll Affairs.
a reprl'- HE' al>lo IDl'lltiooed tbp f:1I't tllat till' .IP\\'i"h A~Pll(,y was a rpprE'sC'lltntiH' of thp
ter to my Isrlll'li GO\'prnlJlPlIl. IIt' ~aid 11f' wns en!Jilll--' the llIattpr to my attention becausp
10 opinion lll' thought I ought to kllliW nhout it; Ill' exprl':-':-'('(} no upinion at nil a:-, to the
he futurl', ('OlTrsp of CoIHluct rlw foulldatioll ought to follow in tllP future. I, tberpuftpr.
lln~('1 awl con,;ultpd with the hoard of tl1(> foundatioll and with ('ounsel nnd wt:> agreed
nd~ frolll that the foundation did not wisll to hl> a (,olldnit of funds uom the Israeli (;0\'-
'hwadl'an. Pflllllf'nt or tbp Jpwish Agency :lDd I so :Hh-jsl'd :\lr, ~('hwadrall. II\' assured.
In Zionist nIP thnt nt:>ither the Israpli GOH'rlllllPIlt 1101' tltp AlllE'rictln Zionist Council had
lipv€> that eyer influPllep<! the policips of his puLJliI'ntion. alld I bE'lien:> tbat to be true.
he rn tlwr I hn\'e f('ad the puhlieation o('('fisiullally nnd it S{>-emR to be rathef aeadf'mic in ,- .
'prl hf'lpss, nature filld quite ubjN'tive in it$ e·ditorlaJ policy, 'Wl' neverthelpss felt tbat,
~o r(>('pj H'
lIIlt!pr tbe circumstanc('s, tpp fOllndatloll no IOllger carf>d to receive fuuds from
Il Affairs.
any sourc(' fOf transmittal to the Council of ~1iddle Eastenl Affairs. \Ye advised
~lr. ~('bwndran (sic) to that effl>ct about 3 weeks n~o,

:>iOWITZ, Thi~ illustmtps to !lIP how not en'!l tlH' conduit.. much lrssthe De-
partllH'nt of .Tusti(·p or tlH' ('Ollg-H>SS, kIlO\\'S the ol'igin of the money
and what it is llspd fm' ill ci l'('UlllSl ,1IH'PS of this kind.
I think it does present a ,'ery import.ant question to the committee
f}S to how this mig-ht he ct(l:l1t with in futlll'p legisbt iOIl. That is \yhy
t to our I was trying to develop the point.

d dpc1dN)
:I]ptlon in
il on !\lld- Mr. BOUKSTEIN. :Mr, Chairman, inasmuch as my name is' men-
tioned in this letter would you permit me to make a few observations
·l1.gTapll. on it?
ling- :] Tlw CII,\IR~L\N. Certainly.

·:\fr. BO(1KSTEI~. In t}w first plnce, I woulrt like' to state very clearly Tlit' ("I
and most emphatically that-- \ ,,\! t old
SBnator L\UHCHE. \Vhich paragraph are you our attelltion 'fl'. Btl
to ~ Th" (',
,rl'. B()n\.~TJ:I:\. I wi]] point th:l! n\lt in a, milllllo, S~n:ltor. 'II'. Hll
While it is true that I irl\'ited :\f1'. Rabinowitz to tel] him that the '1'110 C
name of the foundation was brought up in the execut ive sl'ssion-I felt {'I Ii Il iOll .~
it was only right. llnd prop('r I should GO so-it is nbsoll1tf'lv incorn'('t ~rl'. HI
that I tolo him that the .Tewish .Agpnl'Y, a:-; 1\0 says in tlu' tllirdJ):ll'a- 111'1:'IIIH Il'!'
graph of his IptteY' on pnge:!, it is :\hsolutely iIl('orn~.'t that I sni that Thl' CI
tIll' .J.,,,j,,h .\~-,:('r)('.'" \\"I!"; :1 T"I'f)J'P:'l'llt:lti\'(~ of tIl{' L·;r:lt'li OOyer·Illlll'llt. rldd him.
I (·oulon't. have said it. Xo one knows hf'ttPT' than I that it isn't :'0.
It just isn't It fad.
H(' jnst gotlllixed up 011 that.
'1'11<' ('1l\Hnf\:\, That is:l Tll:lttPl' ()f opiniol1. i:-;n't it, n'ally? It is \1 r, Bo
llot n f;ldllal lll:\ t tpT'. Ill:1!,!' thl'

,rl;' Ikl{"r~:':TEI", X(), .'\Ir, Cluiml:1l1. I :\lll ~OIT\' thi~ is not lL ll1~lttl'r (1111':-; 111:1 k
of (ipillioll. ' told him,
Thp ('II,\lIDI \'\. Ilpn' a~.!:;lill I think till' distillt'tioll hptwppll tIll' 1:-irapl n('
strictly kg-:Il n'htio!l-.:hil''' \\illl t!l(' ('11rpOl':tll' ~tnl\'llln' i~ ""hat "O\! ~('(' ~\'
:ll't' t:t1kill!! ,t!)()1It. j"Tl't it ~ \\'1 z ~lIb~
:\Ir. HlIlI';STEl:\. Xo. I :1111 Ldkin~()f:\ facl. rt'( pH'sf . )
Tht' ('" \IIDI \:\. \\"h:ll, i:-;:l facT il1 t hi" l'Ull1l\'ct inn ~ TO:l I'orpor:lll' I wonll
.1a,\\'\'("", wh:lt to:l 1:\\\'\'I'r is a LId 111:1\' !lot Il(' tO:l !anl1:lll. isn', th:lt It'll Pl'.
(' \\ I"l :pc t '~ • , . l\o\\', it
~[r. HOI"';:,TI 1:\. \Yt,ll. :\Ir, C!l:lil'lll:I11. I think thl'1"(' an' SOIlH' facts :111" tlllll'
w h i C 11 an' fa (' (:-; t 0 I: l \ \' VI' rs all d t {) 1it \"Ill(' n :1:-; \\ 'l' 11. .\.~'ell(,Y.
'1'1)(,('11\111:11\:'1;, I ;lm onl\' ill\'iti'I1~\"Oll tOPla!lol'at\,thisrollllPction, l'l;t hl,:id (
if "Oil will. ' . .. did kIlO'"
\rr. BOI·!';SI'EI:\. 1 would hI' g-l:ul to. :\'o\\', (
Tilt' ,Tp\\'islJ AgPllCY is :\ll indl'lwllIknt hody consisting- of rprm'- ,,] Wi'l\: it
:-:PTltati\'(,:-; of Zionist or~:lllizatiollS from all m'pr the world, :t11 O\'~'r mado ltV:
fbI' fn'p \\'ol'ld.lpt rIles;\\'. Thrv 11:1 \"P their own constitutiollal author- i 1:\ hit,
'\ \':1

it it,:",>. Thl'l'P is l1, COllirpss w liich mrets on the average of approxi- frolll i h (
Jllatelv l"'l'l'\" 4- ,'('aI'S, It P!.Pl'ts it:-; o\\'n e011lmiUet:'s. It consIsl.;; of Lhlt'l'll .
(h'sig;tnf('d (~l' ('h~ded dpll'glltP~ from all OYt'r tll!' ,,·odd. Tho CI
Thl' Cnllg-rf's~ dol'S not hn"e any o('l('gntps from tlH' Go\,pI'n nwnt of llla\'l)O tI
Isnwl. Thp 1l1ajority of tho lwoph' at the Congress, the mnjo'rity of Hit binow
<!plpg':ltl'''; :\1'1' Ilot I'l':-iidpnts of ISrHf'f. TIlt' EX(,(,l1ti,'o of ,ll(' .T('wish :\f1'. Ho
Ag-t'IH')' fo!' 1S1'lH' 1 'in ,Tpl'l1snl('m is pl(',l'/p<1 hy flw COll~rr('ss. It is Tlw·Cl
rpspoll~ihl{' tn flU' COllgl'f'SS lUll] tn its- t1l(' Zionist CongTe,~') al1@ to lts tin){~ t () h
illstitlltillllS. It has :1 f0T111al h'gal :lgn'I'Jlll'nt with Ill(' GO'"(,l'mnrnt 'fl'. HI
of TSI':Il'1 dplillP:1t il1g it" oprr:ltions in ISI':H'l whif'h it would han" to Thn ('
h:,\'(' in :\11." country ",h('1'o it ,voulrl operatt:'. :\{r. HI
OI)\'ioll:->lv, taking into ae('ount. th(' tYP(1l of !lct-ivitv that the .T('wish Tlwel
got'Ill'\" is ('l\g-agpc! In, immigl'ntion. :\11(1 ahsorption, r·psettlement. hOlls- "\,11,
wg-. :111(1 so forth. it mnst have, p('rforrc, it must have if it is to slH'c('ed, I am not
till' clo:'t'st 1ia iSOll with the Govel'mnent, with the host governml'nf. he discO\
But it is not. controlled by. it. is 110t dominated by, it is to some \\" ish to 1
pxtpnt. ftid('rl as it shoulM he. hy t1)(' Govc111mpnt. hut. it is completdy fOl
ot 11('1'
indrlwl)(lpnt. and thf'rrft.:':,. ".'\rr. Chairman, it isn't n maftl"r of opinion is. ('(mId.
:ll :111. Tt is n matt('l' of fact. l\fr. H
l'y clearly Tltt' ('J1\lIDf.\X, Thpll, IIUl\" I :Isk YOII, i~ :\11'. Habillo\\'itz-- hI' ~:Iid
\"11 told hilll it \\:1 ...;. \\'ill \'(lIi dt'll\' tflat YOII told him it \\as~
attrntion . \Ir. Htl\'I\~TFl'-;, I do. \'11'. {'lJ:1iill1:\II . •
Tht, ('11 \IIDI \:\. \\'t'11. tlt\t 1:-; tIlt' maill fact (If tltt' ljllt,,,tioli,
[ 1'. \ fl' . H, It . I, ~ T F I X . 1 \\' 0 III d 1i k p tOll) l\ \;: {' 011 ( ' - -

,n that the Tlit' ell

\IIDI \'.-. \fr. Ibhillowitz i~ 1Iot bl'il1~ truf111'Il1. ill your
0n-l felt ,
I didn't ";;l\ lit' \\':1"; lIot Iwillg trllthful. I said lip
in('or1'f'd \f,', HO\'h";'ITI',
Il:lt I :-':lid,
1111"'"1dt'I''':fll(ld \\ .
I sai that Tltt' ('II \lTD[.\', lIt' ",['olt' Ihi:-; l'OlIllllit!pt' \\'ithill '.! d:l\'~ tll:\1 YO\1
)\'('T'llIlIPIl( . f,dd Itim,
it isn 't ~(),
\11:. li\I\l'-;U"'ITZ:'; l\:':\'\l\YLEIH,E OF 'I'lIE UInta, OF 1''l':\'DS

llv? It i~ \11', Ik't'I\~TLlX. I :llll :-,1I1't\ if :\fr. Ibhino\\'ilz \\'P1'(' hl're he would
111:1kl' tltl' "OlTt,,·tiOll alld if it p1p:I.:-'t'S til(' Chair. I will SC'(' to ittllll..l he
)f, It Ill:! t t l'r tlllt':--o Ill:1].;:t' I ill' l'()["l'l'd ion. I Iw\'pr told llim, Ill'calls{, I eOllldn't hl\Ve
told hilll. it i:-'Il'{ a fad. tll:ll tlu' .\gl'lIcy i~:I l"Ppn'~elllatiYl"of the
.t \\"('('11 tIll' 1";1':ll'l CiOYl'rIllIll'llt. It jllst i";Il't sn. '.
( \\'llnt YOIl ~I't' .\ pppnd ix. it PilI B, p, 177>;, I'llI' l('t t PI' n\('pi \'('d 1'1'0111 :\f 1'. Ha bino-
\\", ,:-;lIb~l'qllPllt to thi:..: IH':lrill~' III :II'I'ord:llll'I' \\'jtll ~1r. Houj.;~tl'il\·:'
,'('</ Ul'st. ) ,
l ('nrpor:ltt' I \\()llld '11.;1' to lllake, if I III:I) OTIl' othpl' obsP1'yntion ahout. his
. isn 'f, t h:lt ]I'llI' r .
Xo\\', it j..; IIPt ('O!Tp\'! that lIlt' Rahillo\\'itz FOllndatioll did ltot :It
:111\' lillll' kiln\\" t1uI tlt(\ :-:otlrCt' of tllp flllld~ ol'i~inat('d with thp .h'\\"i::;h
, \ ~(' II (' Y. \ rr, H a hill \l \\" i t ,~. t It t\ Y 0 till g :\ {r. Ib b i'n 0 \\" i t z. ,,- 11 0 i ~ t 11 l' P 1'P ~­
rOIllH'ct lOll. 1'111 Itt':ld of t 111' f(1l11\tbt inll 111:1\' Ilot II:I\'l' kllOWIl, HUI hi:-; [:\thl\1' sun'1\-
did kllO\\', 1[\) qtll':-,l i(l\I abollt it', :llld Ill' died not :'0 H>ry long ago.
XO\\'. ont' ollll'!' thing. it i:-- ollr information, anll I willlx., gLd to
~ of I'rpl'l" I'!w('k it fol' YOIl, ~lt'. t"ll:\in\l:lIl. tklt in addition to funds which we
d. all OWl' m<td~ 1\.V:l i Ial)h', \\"11 ich t lit' .1 t'\\' i~ll AgPIICY-.:\ nlt'l'i(':11l ~l'ct ion madt'
Ilal :1uthor, '1\":lihhll' fol' thp HnhillO\\'itz FOlllldnlioll, tlw Habino\\'itz I,"'oundatiOl\
.f approxi. f['oll\ it~ (1\\n fllnd~ II\;\I}" ";OIlH\ contriblltiolls to tIlt' COllncil fnr 'l\fiddle

COIlSlsts of L 1-; t (' n 1 , \ t1': 1 i t's.

TIlt' CII,\II:\I \X. You say rp\'t'llt1y dipd. ,.:\cC'onlillg to this 1ptle1'or
rrnnwnt of 111:1\'110 thi~ j..; in;l('clIr:l'tt" do YOU !';llO\\' ",lien lIi~ fatllpl' di(\(l~ ~Il'.
nnjo~rit.Y of IbbillO\\'itz t!lollg'!Jt lwdit'd in'W57.
thp .Tp\\"ish ~ r1', Horl'; :-'TFl:\-, Tha t is not 100 long :H!:O.
['C'ss. It i~ Tlw ClIAllDl.\:\'. T~'lt is (j Vt':l\'S ag'o.. I would think lip \\'ould han'
S :llHl to its I illlt' to hp\'oml' :1I'<1un.. lted w~th what the, fO\l11tbtioll is doing.
fon'I'Il IlIPnt \fr. H()l.'K~TFlX." 1, nppnl'rllt1y he oldn 1.
110 ha\'(' to TIll' ('11,\11:-:\1.\'. ThC'll hI" oo("sn't pay nttt\ll.tion to his n11'air~,
.:\11'. Htll'l'i:.:-',(,I:lX. It could 1H'.
the .TtWiish Tlw CII.\ln)f..\x. It could bC'.
nent, hOll~' '\"('11.1 (lon't wish to bl'labor tIl{' m;\ttrT, but :It lrHst. this mall, find
to Sl1CCpe(l. I am not, pprSOHn lly acqnainted with :Mr.HnbiIlowitz, but. ns soon ns
DVPlrnnwnt. he discovel'pd tlw origin of the fUJH1::;. f!lok the view thnt he did not
is to some wj~1t to hp :1 ('onduit of SUdl ftlllds Hnd 1 think t.his ('ould happell on
completdy ot!lpl' fOlll1(i:!tinl1s, if tlll'Y do not. kno\"\' whrre tlU' origin of tIl(> funds
of opinion is. could it not?
I\fr. H()t~T{,~T£TN. It. ('ould.

(..:\ copy u:

'I'll\' ('II \II:'£.\:\", H;I'I'd 1)1) 111:llPrl:ll "lIpplipd tIll' ('Olllll)irIPf' hy Y/\11
;11111 .\JI", 1Llllllllt'l". \ir. Il:tllllill. il \\'()1l1d :l{IIH'ar 11t:lt frlll!l .Ltllllary I. :lIr, I:>A.AC IIA~
l~I,-.". (Il I)p\'t'lllhpr :~l. ~.~J(;:!. tltp .lp\\·i~h .\gpIH'Y lllad\' pa,\IIICI1ts tOlal· l.'.rc('ufil'(' Jlin
jll~ ~l:!l.L-I;\ tIl till' .It·,,i...:!J Trl(,~I':lpllil' .\gl·llry \\11i1(' :It Ill(' ~all,\:, .\' ( '/I' }' () rJ.:. .Y. }'
t i 111 P 11 () I dill l r I J l(' ('() 111 rt d1i II <r :--10(' kin I hat \' t' \\"..;: . \ ~'PI \(' y, l>L-\R ~IR. II

1)()I''';Y()II~'\:_'Yll1'Y ~liI1117)ld t!lI·('();·k ill'tlll"I\.. ll'gT;lplli,' ",. "\llleriCllll J e\\".

inl', tl11' plight
.\~I'I1('\' ) a l'ru:;n's:-; n'!',
\Jr, 'Il \,ru'\. ~il'. :It thi,.; 1110llll'llt, \\'{' ...:ti!l l'olltrnl tll(' :-'t(X~. hlll ;-ii)J\'l'l"t·j
:lrl':lllU"t'lI11'lll"; !l:l\"l' !I 0\\' hf>I'1l ('Olllpl,>(l'(] III tnI'll ()\'Pl' tll\' ";!(lI'k 10 th,'
IlP\\'\>o:ll'd (If din'I'!l)r..; tll:t! i:-- t:lkil\;.I ()\('r tllp ·I't·I('~r:lp1Iic .\g('llCy and 1'.S.--1 ll~lll
:Ill'. ill'I·I,'!".
thl'n' :11'\,:1 f(l\\" 1('I'll11i(';t!Ill:ltll'r..;: that han to be st1':li.U"htrlwd out br·
f()n' t 1J(l \\'ill hr I 11 Illed O\"{'r to t hrlll.
SIIH'k .!I'wi:-;Il :lli[J(
fur sl'\'l'ral j'l'[
Tl\fi ('II.\IIDf.\'\·, 1)0('-'; ,\'(llir .\g('Il('.\:-:t ill g·j\'P fill:lIlCi:ll support to thp
ill thl' ::;U\" iet C
Tplp~l':lphi(' .\t!PIl<'Y ~ I I ~ Ill! s i l' I' r i
:\rl'. IT\1rLl". 1'11(' .\!!P1H>\~ :It Ihis tilll\' do('~ 1101 gi\"(' lill:lncial sup- fa\'I:-; uf tlle sitl
port tot ]1(\ .T ('\y ish Tr lrgt":lp fl i c. AgPllry. \ 1/) Cluse re
\ b) BX:<llllill
'1'11(' CJl.\IIDf.\~, \YlTo supports it ~ \\'llich are in
:\fI'. II.niux. Sir? ('lillJ mUlli ty .

. '1'110 C'lf.\ 1IDf\". \Yl 10 :-;u pport" it III IW I \ C) EX<lUlin

\fr. lI.uff.lx. Thp .J('wish ('Ollllllllllitips '\~plfa!'(' Flll1cb in tll(' iculs-put out
Cllitr(l ~t:ltp:-; hayr illrJ'P:1:-:'l,d thpil' cOlltri!1I1Iiol)s :,uh:-:tantially in tllt' 11a, and thp Lu
(d) Contact
1:I:-,t ~ yf':1 r..: 10 t lJp.l p\\·islJ Tp!0gr:1 phil' .\grllry, ' ('lice of life iu t
Tll(~ ('I 1\ II>:\[,\:\" , n(}0~ yOIl], .\gPIH·y :-:.till pay \Jr, Lip:,ky.l11\' prr,i· (C) Contact:
drllt of ~lll' Trlpgl':lphic .\gPllCy.:1 !'ptaillrr ~ ill the field of ~

\f r. I h 'I U x. ~{L.:-;i r. "'r (lo nol, Its ~('('ulld t

tiU!l amI docu
Till' CII.\T1DL\X, "lu'11 did you stop tll:lt? \\'u."::; :
:\fr, H.\,[u~, :\fr. Lipsky J'('cl'in'd 01lP p:lYll1pnt s0\'pral lllollths ago. \ a) I>istrihl
th(,])(,!!inningoflhpyp:n. <J Sl~a n:h otlke~ i
( rJ) Distriht
'I'llI' ('JI.\ lI::H \". H(,!!ill11 ill!! of t.1l i~ \'(':11'.
interpreted, an
1)0 you know \\'h(,tl\Pl' :\11'. r~ip...:ky 'p\(ll' IiII'd ;1 .,llOl't forlll -.;f:ltpllll'l1t Its third ta::;
\\' it h t hr Drp':l1't 111('11 t () f J u ~t'i C'{' ? several article:
\fr. I r."II.I'. :\[1', LiJl~ky, \\"1)('t1lp]' Ill' did) the );ew Leade
Thr ('1I.un:H..\:\", Yps. . It~ fourth t[
interested Jew
\Jr. If.Dlu:\". I dOll't kllO\\". sir, It~ lifth tusk
of ~oviet .J ew:
HE!'orrn :\"f; ~ ,-,,, ,11 00 P.\ y,\rE:\"T TO 1)1':1',\ Ifni E:\"T (IF .1 ('~TICF ures: ::;upreUlE:
~ / .Jr., Senator IJ
Heutber, Mr. ~
The C'II,\TR'\L\:\".In your l'0ply to a C'ol1lmitt('p inquiry, \\"hich ap-
as executive se
j>1':lI'S OIl pap:!' l.j.:!~ of Part !), YOll stntpd th<ll pnylllpnt totaling S.-)~UHH)
from the Agelll'Y to till' Tf'jrgraphic Agency during tIll' f)-month period
pnding Spptember 19f)1. had fllTonrously brpn left out of your amPIHlpd
filing" with tlw Dppartnwnt of .Tusticp,
Ha\'P yon llow ('OITp(.'tl'(1 this stnlpHlPnt with thp DrpartnlPnt of The CJI.\II
.T ust irp ? You have a
~lr:IT.Dn.I:\". \Yp h:l\'p not yrt ('orrprtrd that hut w(' ho])p to do so Congress undE:
soon. of the Jew bE:
report by Mr. 1
I note tho
The C'fi.\IRI\L\N. I show you a copy of a h,tt('r and attarhnlPT1t ctatpd the .Tewish :
.AVril·l!), 1!)(j~, from \Yil11\fnslow of tl1(' office, of the executive.direc- inyolved tIl(
. tor of the Anwl'i(':ln .Tf'1yish C'oll!!reSS to ~Ir.. Isaac, Hamlin and ask YOU of Jews in 1
if yOl! rN'pi"pd n ropy of this lrttpr togpt}wt' with the nttn('hmrllt: United Stat
. :MI'.lrA~[LTK. Yrs.ldid,slr. (See App,
1 \ A co jJ y Uf dill' 1l11l(,llb re fe lTed to are us follows:)
c\."IEIUCA~ .JI:.WlbH l'<t:\l.lU::~~.
.(' In' YOII
SCir }'urA-, S.L, AWil19,l!JUJ.
lllll'a n '
nts total-
~lr. h;~AC IIA~Il.I:'o',
!..rc('llfirc !Iirn'tur,
Jcwi,~h ~1f}en.cV-AlIlcricahSectiun, Inc., .. ,

I Itt> S;lllif' -'"'II" rurk, .Y. L

J)L\I\ :\IR. !1.\~ILI:'\: You haH' asked me for a report of the work dune hy the
.\cIlJl'l'ican Jewish Congre~s under the grant received frot11 tLf" Agency for research
lIdo tLl' plight of tlll' .1l'\\' ol'hiJl(] the lroIlCurtaill. It is illy lJleasure to eudose
a l'rugre:-;:-; [l'jHIl'[ lJy .\1 r. ~l()she Deeter, t be direl'lor (If till.''; IJrojecL
10/\. hut ~ iUl'(' l'e Jy.
('k to th,' WILl. :'I1.\!"'LQ.W

~l' II (' \' ; I /l d I·.~.-·· I haud y()u la'n'wltll n !latd.l of I,uuli:-;b\'d 1l1:1(('ria]:-; amI utbl'r \\ tlrks uy
~lr. 11('('11'1'. .
·d out hi'-
.1\'\\ isl! ~[illllrlli(·s Hl'S\'llI't'Il, llf wlli\'h :'III'. :\luslle De-del' is the din'ctur: Las
ortlol!lp r"r S('\"t'ral yeurs sl'l'cJalizl'd iu rpsearcL ou till' status alld Ilrub1l'ms of tbe Jews
in the ~u\'il't (·ullin. and sl~t'"uJarily lIf tlle Jew~ iu ullll'r East ElIrlli't'au cOlllltril'8.
lIs lwsil' J,rilJJary task lias llPt·u researdl, flfr the jJuqluse vf estalJlisLiug tl.H~
lcin 1 '-:IlP- fal'lS uf t lie si t lIa tiou. This is accomplished in va.rious ways:
\ a I l'lus(' readiug uf the ::;uvil't lJress. .
(fl J ExalJJiu:it iou of llUok~. periudicals. and oU1('r puulicat i,OIl~ of th(' C.::;.S.R.
which are iu l.1llyway rele\'aut to questions of Jewish culture, history, and
((;) Exumiuatiou of the various pUblications-books. ueW8vapers, period-
Is in the' icals-put uut 0)' Jewish COIDillunist groups in Poland. Fraul'e, Canada, Austra-
lin. aIld !lw t'llilpt! ~tutt:'S.
1I\' ill tIll' (d) Contacts and discussions witll individuals who haH had lwrsoual experi-
('Ill'B uf life iu the l'.::;.:S.H.
(e) Contacts and discussious witb American and foreign scbolars and experts
ill the Held of ::5o\'il't lind East Europl'au ulTairs.
Its SI'I'uud ta:-;k has LJeen disseminatiou, througb various forms of informa-
l ion ami doruwentation on these problems. This is accomplished in several
(a) Dist ributioll of relevant materials produced abroad, chi('fly by two re-
sl'an:h otlkl.'s ill LOlldou.
(fl) Distrillutioll of aualytic and documentary materials wbich are translated,
interpreted, and vrocessed in tbe office of Jewish Minorities Research.
Its t!linl task Las lJeen publicutions. This has resnlted in the pUblication of
several articles by Mr. Deeter in various magazines surh as Foreigu Affairs and
tue :\'ew Leader. 'and others which are now in process.
Its fourth tusk hus bt'('n consultation to provide information and guidance to
interested Jewi>;b organizational and community leaders in the United ::5tates.
I ts Ii ft h ta:-;k, 1I0W iu prucess, is the organiza tion of a l'oufl'rpnce on t hp ~l H t us
of ::5oviet .J ews. 'Illis conference is being sponsored by tLe following public fig-
T ures: ~upreme Court Justice \-"illiam O. Douglas, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King,
.J r., ::5euator Herbert H. Lehman, Episcopal Bishop James A. Pike. Mr. Walter
Reuther, :\11'. :\'orman Thomas. :\lr. Robert Penn Warren. .Mr. Deeter is serving
whic·h :l p- as execu t i v(' Sl'Creta ry iII the orgu nizing of the conference.
!l!! S.-I~JI(H) MOSIlE DEeTER,
!1t h period

rt Illf'tlt of The CJl.\IR...'\L\X. The letter reads as follows:

You have asked me for a report of the work done by the American Jewish
P to do so Congress under the grant received from the Agency for researcb into the plight
of the Jew behind the Iron Curtain. It is my pleasure to enclose a' progress
report by Mr. Moshe Deeter. the director of this project.
I not<> tl1at the attached report analyses the work of 1\11'.. Deeter of
lPnt oatl'd the .Tewish ~finorities Research and indicates that ·much of this work
i \"e .rlirec- ill\"olved the dissemination of information concerning the treatment
leI ask YOU of Jews ill the Soviet Union among persons' and organizations in the
hmPllt: United States.
(See Appendix, Item G, p. 1784.)
94-524--63--pt. 12----4


The l'IIAIRllA~. I sho\\' vou in this same connection Oil ~l letter all ~f
tllt> letterhead of the J'ewisil ~linoritv Resea'rch dated July lUI HJ{j:::. TJ
frOlJl Moshe Deeter to ~liss F. Speiser and ask you if a copy of thi::, ~f
h·{tt'l" appears in your files ':
~1r. ILulu~. It is very difficult t.o read, ~lr. ~hairman. "
The CHAUUL\X. Here is a better copy. Those thermofax machines
are not as perfect as the adYt~rtisemems "would lead you to believe.
I ..:\ 1 'opy of r he dOl'llment referred to is as follows:) T
JEWbli ~I:'\OlUTlES n~:::;L\Hl."H. 5cri1
SCle rork, S,}", Julll J':, 1%2, lean
~Ii~~ F :-lPEI SE:l', )1
Jf'lCl"h .:!!l{ nCl/. .\.m~
Se/I" }·urk. S."} .
to t]
IlL\R :'IIISS SPE1SEI': I am wrltlng you non' ill the lloIle that by dl)ing so I can
fprpstnll furtlH'r dHlays and ill\'OTlw'ni('n('(',,: I,nth !o tne AIlll'rican ~Jl'wbh ellll' X
~rp,.:,.: :llld to myself with r('~ard to illy f(>(> PU~'1I1l'nt for Augu,.:!. dpn1
.\s ,\1111 \lnduuhtpdly kuuw, my nnIllwl fpt' is $12,000, which i.-: pnid Ole thI'ou~IJ lllen
the llwch:luislJJ of tll(' Amer'il'uu Jewi~h Cougrps;-o;. SiuC'e the Congress is good T
(,[lOugb to do tbis f"en-iet> to IllE' and t!..l€' AgenC'y. it is only proIWr t!..lo.t the~
"hould jJl' [l('('OILJlL1oda ted as to tllp moot' of pn.'I1H'nt \ybich tbt:>y Ilre'fer. SincE' ~J
thp~' 11":(' rhf-' ":~'steru of hi\\l't'ldy pay Ill'ri(Jds. !h\'~' pay mt' :\('(·ordingly. prorated 11 i:=: ~
at :3·HH.,-i4 per pD.,'. period. The fal'! tbat Itzik and 5'Oll forn"ard thpllJ a <'lH'( h 'T
TlInnthl,\' is not whoH~' rple\'ullt to their systPll1. Frequpntly that C'h('cks ('o,er" :\~
Il,w IH'('p,.:"nry a:lllOUIl!-wlwll thl'r\' an' only two pay ppriod,..; in tllE' gin'n month.
Hilt ,,(l~lll'lilllE'S thE' lIlon1hl.\" dw('k rto~'s not suffice. pspc('ially when there art'
tl1n',· pay l'pripds in tbe lIlolltll, T
I am bllrt!pnIJig ~'O\l \yith all this dt'tail /1t:>('a\l/;e ,\l1g'Ust is sucll a mOfitb, n'itb aIm
!!lr:t'P pay !,pri()ds-:\ll~ll;-:t ;{. 11, and :n, I am informed hY' t!..leir ficcounting :\
?UPlHHlIJIPnt that they hnyesom~thing like $9 left in the account tlwy keep for
11]('. This 1111'an". thprt:>fof(', that thpy will nt:>ed a cheek to ('o,pr ,irtually tiJe SOli
elltirp amount for all thre-e pay pE'rinds in Aug-ust. This l'omes to $1,384.6:':. 'I
I n ~Irlditioli. I should :1lso likp to rNlIlPst :1 separate che<:>k for ~~;;O, to cover :\
\'XPPtlSl'S illl'urrE"d and comIllit tE'd, This w:ould hring- thE" total to $l,fh14.fl~, ,I
t houl:h I wOllltl prpfpr tbE' $2;iO c beck sepn ra tel y wi tb sr')ecia I instru('tions to the
Congress to transmit the amount to n1e upon their receipt of it. :\
If you havp nny f)\IPStiOIlS at all ahrut tbe rp{jupst. I would very much appn'-
('jat!' your ('aIling- HlP so tbnt WI' ran straig-bten t'H'rything out ill plenty (If
\' t'ry trnly yours, g, l
:\Io!:lHE DF:CTEn, n ircctrlr, (
FEJ-:~ P.\ 1D :HH. DEeTER THRun; II TilE A,JC ra~
The CIL\lI{:\L\X. Till' sf'C'ond paragraph of this letter reads liS fol- ..

.\;-0; you lHHloubtt:>dly know, 'my anIlual fee is $12.000. whic,h is paid me through
the mechanism 0'1' the American Jewish Congress. Since the Congress is good
enough to do this service to }lie and the Agency, it is enly proper that they should
be ac("omrnodated as to the mode of payments which they prefer. Since" they fTe
use tbe system of biweeldy pay periods, tbey pay me accordingly, prorated at tio
$461.fH: per pay. period. The fact that Itzik and you forward them a cberk
montbly is not wholly relevant to tbeir system. Frequently'that check covers
tbe necessary amount-when there are only two pay periods in the gi,en
month, Rut sometimes the monthly check dqes DOt snffice, especially wli~n there
a rp three pay periods in the'month.
Does this letter accurately describe the arrangement:' h(,t\\"(~('n the ar:
American Section, t he American .Jewish Congress, and Dr. Deeter an
with respect to the annual amount received by Dr. Deeter? I 1
First to refresh your memory, who is Miss F. Speiser ~ ha
:.\fr. HAMLIN. She is our acting comptroller, sir. ar
The CHATR)L\X. Of your Agency~ ,
~fr. JLB~L1:S. That is right.
The CIIAIR::\L\X. And an employee of your;..: ~
Oil :1 letter U!l
~rr. ILuILIK. That is right.
,J uly Hi, l~)f',~.
Tho CHAIIDIA:S ...:\Tld ::\fo"he Deeter, who i::o he ~
;1 copy 0 f 111;- ~fr. HA~rLI;-';. He is a dir(>('((!I' of thi~ I'(·":l':I('('lll)·l.

man. ARRA ~GF.:'>IEXTS BET,n:rx A:.'\IEHIC:\~ ~ECTlO~ ..\ ~l> THE A::\Il:I:I\ .. \~
I fax machines , JE\\-ISII COXGHE";:-; ':t.
to believe. v

Theel! \IR\I\:'\'. Dops thi,-;'st:ltrl1lf'Ilt ill Till": 1l'tl('(' :l'·"llratf>h d~­

{~::;E..A~CH, ~criLe tlie alT;llJ~(,JiJ(,1l1 b(,'1 \\(,PI] \'UtIl' .\IJI(>ri(':lll :'(>{'t ia!l :lllU the .\..1l1t'r-
, Jull/ I.!, 1!J(;~ jean Jewish Cong['()ss and Dr. D(:cter ~
)Ir. II-DrLl:,\,. :'IL tlll'l'l' \\:t" (mly (>lj(' :llT:lllgrmrilt het'yrt'll tIle
.\Ilwri(':ln ~e('(ioll :tlld till' ('()II!.!l'e..::--, ;l!lJ Ill:11 \\'a,,,: that WP !'Plliitrf,d
10 thpnl SWJll)() ;l y(';ll' ill o!'d('(' 10 ('OYlllu('! tlll~ proj('('t.
,y doiug so I call
l,an J t\';\'i~1l C, >1,- :\0\\-, Dr. I>r('ter ,[t,:tlt (,JI lllic; 111::ltn \\'Ith IJr. Go]dm;l!lll. the PI'I,-j-

dt'llt of il1Jr (,r~-:lll:/;ltioIl. ;[Jjd 1 dO]I'l kllOW lIlt' df'f;ll]": (,f 111:11 (,•.l"r:ll;:.."··
pi"! i d tJl (' thro ug 11 1I1(,l1t.
ollgress is good TIll) ("IUII:'.1 \~. I)() y(lll 1,110\\ \\ 1/1'11 llii- !,!'ojl" 1- --
JfoIWr tkIt the\"
'y vrpfer, ~in(':· :\fr. Ih:\~l.l);. '1'11.11 i- ill J'('~:lrd til lli, -:I1:1n, '1'11:11 1- .:1 rt>:..":lrd 10
<.Jingly, proraU~l hi:-:<..;;\l:!ry, .
d t IlPIli a (']H" k Tllt'('~L\l!nf,\~-. I)O.\IJll kJl(I\\ \\Ilt'JllL,' l,)'(,,it't'( \\,l-dOIW I

a r ('b('e[,8 con'f"
t!l(' g-in'n montb,
:\11'. ILD[J.J~. "\ ff'\\ y",:\I'~ :1:.."'). -II'. J ,l'I]\'! !01l1('m!J0r tl10 (':\;1<""1
when t.bere are ye:l r. ...
'I'll(' CIl,\llnf.\~, J)()(.~ r]ll' .1,,\\ I":]' .\!.."t ' !i"\-.\!llf'l'ir':lll ~1·C[J\I!. Ili('.,
!.l n month, ,\-irll a]()IIP prm'idl' a11 I ]\l' flll~cl- f(ll' 1 ]Ii, pr()i(;,t I .. .
l1eir accounting
'Ir. }I.DIU:--;. \(), ~Ir. LX(·ll:-f' nil'. TL('IT j-.: f'lrtlHI' '111ll frPlli oT]It..' r
t thf'Y kE>cp for
:;IJllr('(·~. :-:)l".
.?or ,-inually tliP
tle~ to $1.384,()~ Tllt:('11 \1101 \ '.:, J)o Y01! knr)\\' what :-;Ollr,·I'-?
,r ~~;iO, to cow'r ~Ir. I LUfLl);. Y E'S. si·r. I do.
wI to .$l,f..'H,li:? TJlr_('lJ.\1W\L\~, \\'hat :Ill' 11H'\"
struct!nns t () t!l~
:\fr, II DfJ.1);. Thl' I-Tap1 ()t1iCi'(,f IJlforJll:lli()f] prr}\·idp'::~;l.(hll),
ery much nppri'·
lUt III plPllty I>f

ThrCIL\I1:~L\~, ~;"J.'HHI.
On thp .\mrTiC'{111 ~('('lio)I':-; registration ..;T:tielllpllt thrsr monthly
payments afr reported as IJaynWl1ts to the ..\merican .Tf'wi:-:h ('o~­
grpss; are thf'y not?
, reads itS (oJ- )lr. llAl\[Ll~. Yes. sir. they arf'.
The CIL\I1DI..\~. ~\Ild tl1P~' arr !'f'l)()lteu a~ grants nlthH t11:111 as a
Hlid me t.hrough
iN', to usp ~fr. Drctrr's c-haractrrizatioll: is that not correct ~
:ongress is good ~rr. ILnfLIx. YP~. sir: as a grant it \\a~ Jic:ted, I brlit'ye.
;hn t they should TIll' CIIAllUrA1\ .. Also t he name. Dr. ~lo:--;he Deeter, and t he name,
'er. Sillce thPY .Jewish )linol'ities Rese,arch, does not appear at all 011 your registra-
~ly, prorated fir
I them a chec!;:
tion statement: is that correct ?
at check covers I'll'. HAl\!LI~ . Yes, sir, t hat is ('orrer-t.
5 . in the gin'll 2\11'. Bou~~n:lx. l\fay I say a. word, 1\11'. Cllitirman?
flIly wh·~n tht're ']'] Ie Co., ~ '\.T
'/lLHRM.\~. .1 ('~.

~lr. BOLI\:STEIX. I think it would hr u;.;:eflll to l'1arifv wllf'thf'r the

hpt \\"('('11 t lit> arrangement concerning this pro,kct, Ill(' work of whi(~h I hflve ;.;:('('n
I Dr. Deeter and it hasn't the remotest cOT1!w('tinn ,,,ith any propagRnda. In.fact,
I tried to show the work to the members of your sta ff, I· think they
have seen it, but it "-ould be interesting to detE'rmine whether the
rrrrangl'mrnt wns mRde with thp ~\ mrrican .Trwi<;;h ('ongTPss. ",11i<,h is

all ol'g-anizat,ion, oi' ~fr. Dpdel', who is a sprcialist, apd who I think I am, not t
i:-: 011 l' 0 f t It l' i I' III (' n. Do you UI
I personally don~t kIlo'W the facts and I can~t tell you what they are. 1\11'. BouB
The CH.\]
1\1r. Bean
IXSULATION OF Hn;TSTH.\ :\""1' !"W 1:\1 I~H().J ITT
close, somet
The CHAIRMAN. 'VeIl, here again 'it is the same question.. ::::tandingof
'Vhy did n't tlw .\gPll{·y Illake the arrang-emrnt directly with Dr. I don"t \Vi
Deetrl' and,. report in det a i I the ]Iat lire of this project. Here again case.
by lIsing' tJw CongTPss~ thp ,Jpwish Congress, you inslIlate the regis- 'X'o,,", the
tmnt, \\'!lich is the Agency, from tIl(' project so that it never appears i c; Y(Or}' lnuC']
ill y01l1' 1~('t..6stl'ation \yhat the project was. to ". ashiJl~
That. is the effect of it. '. head of tIl(
1\1 r. BOUE,STEIN. 1\11'. Chairman, so far as I know 1\£1'. Deeter's office g-r~ss lS an

i:->. in t IH' .\1l1l'l'i(·a II .r l'W i:-;!l COllgl'e:-;s. fIt' did or does ot her work for and he is ill
the AIlH'riean .Jf'wish Congress and that is a. project \\'hich is logically place in the
within the purview of the program of \\'ork of the American .fewish working reI:
Congress. . As I said
S.o, I \yould tend to believe although I am not making this as a cate- could be on
gorIcal statement, that the arrangement was not a personal one or item the AJ1]eric~
or organizatior1 one, t,,·o and tln'er were used to pay him but I think
this couT(l possibly pertain, but c{,).uld well be an arrangement with the
Amf'rican .Tewish Congl'ess as such.
The CUA:
how we may
that under
TJ!f1 CII.\lIDf.\X. H('rp is all <,.\:lract-I will show it to you but I win illustrated:
read it 'first. It is an extract of minutes of t he finance committee meet- Agent.'.; Hp~
ing of -'faITh.t. l!)(j(),'slIpplied to us by YOllr Agency. neither the'
(A copy of th(' document referred to follows:) activities aJ
here is supp
, ll"
purpose wa
Mr. Hamlin reported, on Dr. Goldmann'sYrequest, that $10,000 be allocated to hends ever}
the Ru..,sian res<>urch proied.
Illak<> [lo~,..;jbl(>
It was agreed to allocate the $10,00'0 fOJ< the 'project,' leaving in aheyance the the open, S
question whether this project shoulrl he part of the Jewish Agency adminis- hope that tl
tratively.· Dr. Goldmann will be consulted about this matter. But, tot]
[Chairman reads f>xtract in its entirety.] be applied
The Cil.\lIOf,\X. In otlWl' words, you could do it either~,vay appar- considerabl
ent 1." ~ It could adm ill istl'ativply be part of the .lewish Agency, Ol~ the
Congl'p~s, and yOIl apparently d~c:ided in the fina.l analysis to make it n,
proj('('( of the Congress.
But yon :paid the fee direct)y, ~ocording~o .these figures.
Now agam, I am'not quest~~nmgthe yahd.lty ?f the w?rk or w?ether I show "I
that proJect was a good proJect;' that IS qUIte Immatenal. It IS how ~adore'H~
tIll' Ag-f>llcy, t!le reg-istered agent, operates in'8u idizihg or paying for search pro:
acti viC)es whicIl never show up on his registration. , Is' this aJ
Th~ whole purp6>ge of th,e registration is,to reveal what has been ask if you
done, what is being done' by a foreign agentfand, if they are to be al- there?
lowed to use innumerable conduits or other organizations, who do the Mr.HA~
work, it completely nullifies the objective, thwarts the objective, of the
Foreign Agents Registration A~t and tHat is the only point I am trying
to develop. // . •
// '


T think I am not trying to question how good a project it was.

])0 you understand what my point is?
they are. 1\11'. BOUKSTEIN. Yes, sir.
The CIl.\llD['\~. 'Yell, do('s it ill your opinioll haye that effect?
1\fr. BnCKsTI:IX. Yuu ~pe the l'platiollsltips, :\fr. Chairman, are so
close, sOI1letimes, that (Ill olilsidl'l' C:lIl'L l'eally quite get the full under-
~t(llldillg of \dl<lt is goillg 011. .
\tith Dr. 1 dOl{'t W<lnt to L~lalJor the point and take :raul' time; Lut take this
ere agall1 (,<lse.
the re(Tis-
X ow, the nanH' of Dr. (J'oldmn 111l \\:lS ment i011(,(1.' . De. Golrlmann
I" appears is \"(')'y llIuC'11 illh·n·~tp(l ill tltis Hllssialllllillo)'ity prOIJ!0111. Ill' La:-; u(·pn
to '\':I~lIillgt()lI Oll tlll' subject 1II:l11y til\ll'~. Ill' 11:lPPl'IlS to Ill'. the
11(':1<..1 of tIl('. \\'orld Jewish COllgrpss. 'I'll(' Am\:'riean .Je\\"ish Con-
ter's office :!ress is all organization affiliated with the 'Vorld .Jewish Congress,
\york for and he is in one plnce in the Hwrning, ]rt's SflY, and he is in flnother
logically place in the a fterllOOl1 and t 1l(>1'e is b0l11ld to be, therefore, a very close
n ~rewish working relationship on t lw working level.
.As I said, I don't know whose project, in tlH~ end, it became. It
, as :t eat('- could he one or the othrr. }\ly impression is that it is a project of
ne or item the AnH'rica II .J e \\' isll Congress.
ut I think
t with the
The C1IAIn:\lAN. "1\11'. Boukstein, you haven't enlightened me as to
how we may deal "'ith this matter because you only confirmed my view
that 11l1der the t'xisting law and the practices, at least, as they are
hut I win illustrated here, it complC't('ly thwarts the purpose of tlw Foreign
ittee meet- AgPllt.S Hpgistratioll :\et, bcC'a,\Ise we are not given any information-
neither the public nor the Govornment-as to the nature of these
activities and the nature of these projects for which this registrant
here is suppl ied the money.
WH 4, 1960 l\fr. BOUKSTEIN . .Mr. Chairman, if you would go back to the time
when the Foreign Agents Act ,vas made law, in 1938, I think the
purpose \Vas a] togrt her di frerent. TIw language, of course, compn'-
allocated to hends eyerybody; hut the purpose at the time was to bring out, into
.heyance the the open, subversivE" at. that time particularly Nazi activities, and I
cy admjni~- hope that the law ill this respect served its purpose.
But, to the extent that it is still law and to the extent that it is to
be applied to other purpose, I certainly agree with you that it needs
~ayappar- considerable modification and change.
or the
) make it a MF.;\lORA NDUl\1 OF JULY 7, 1961
The CHAIRMAN. Thank you, sir.
I show you a copy of a memorandum dated July 7, 1961, from
It is how ~doreHamlin to Miss Fannie Speiser with rE'ference "Russian re-
paying for sE'arc.h project" and ask you if you prepared this memorandum..
Is'this another one of the same? It is just the Russian project and
t has been ask if you prepared this memorandum. Have you got a copy of it
~e to be al- there?
iV'ho do the Mr. HAMLIN. Yes, sir.
tive, of the
am trying


(A COP) of I he document is as follows:) be~n p

July 7, 1961. care oj
Memorandum Ano
To: Miss Fannie Speiser. to tim(
}o'roffi: Isadore Hamlin.
Subject: Russian research vroject.
Further to Illy memorandum to you. dated ,Tune lH, about the HlIssian r<>s('ar('h
prl,jpr't, you ,"ill
find attached hereto ('opy of a memoranduIll daterl July H. frolll
the COllsulate to the 'l'reasury of the State of Israclllsking them to transfer to 0111'
account the sum of $5,500. You are asked to carry out the following: 'Vha
1. Inform the Treasury office that the $5.500 has to be applied to the joint ~rr.
fund. This would mean that we will have paid up the joint fund through July,
but it will f('quire another $166.66 to round out the payment for the 2 months Oflice (
(June and ,July). /" . hit \'8 th
2. Of the $5';iOO tran~ferred to us by the Consulate, $4,375 has to be added to Thel
our monthly remittances to the American Jewish Congn\ss for toe H.ussiuu :\[r.l
res('arch projeet in proporl ionate amounts. However, the heginnilll; date for this
lIew arrulIgeIllPnt is May 1;-;, and I ask YOU, tbereforf', to pay whatever is due to
The (
tbe American Jewish Congrl'ss on this retroactive Rccount from Muy 1:> to date ~fr.l
(approximately $208 for each lId If month). The (
The ba luuce ($5,500 minu", $-1.~75. namely $1,125) has to be transmitted to ;\fr.I
ShaIliro [Amer. Jewish Congress' J fiS a separa..te fund to be held by him for
Dector's utilization as a revolving lllIJd. payment for secretarial services. etc.
[Hand written below letter:]
Dr. Moyal has indicated his agreement of tile above procedure. OPEl
As a special favor to Decter, who is lea y ;;l~ Tuesday for vacation, it \Youlf!
be well to carry out the above on Monday. The (
.The CHAIRMAN. This memorandum rcft't's to another memorandum Of the
Horn the Consulate, which 1 aS~llme is the Israel Consulate, to the monthly
Treasury of the State of Israel, R::i:{ing them to transfer a sum to the project ir
accounts of the American Section. .MISS Speiscr is instructed to write I ask
the Israel Treasury that the sum is to be applied to a "Joint Fund." an ager
Do you recognize that memorandum, 111lcan ? J'esearcl
Mr. HAMLIN . Yes, sir; I do. . Mr.!
The CHAIRMAN. And you wrote it ~ The (
Mr. JUHLIN. Yes, sir. ~fr. ]
that th
The CHAIRl\lAN. \Vhat is this ,Joint Fund referred to? the jOil
Mr.lIAMLIN. Mr. Chairman, the .Toint Fund is a fund composed of the var
moneys contributed by the Jewish Agency, in part, and bv the Israel The
-Office of Information. ~ wit.b. w
The CHAIR.MAN. Is that the Israel Government? in othe
Mr. IIAMLIN. The Israel Office of Information is a part of the paying
Israel Government. Yes, sir, the Consulate General in New York, Mr.]
This Fund was used for public information activities, and the care of The I
Israel students in American universities. Mr.]
The l
The CHAIRMAN. What was the nature of the public relations ac-
tivities? . .
Mr. HAMLIN. Pardon me, sir?
The CHAffiMAN. What is the nature of the public relations activi- The
tiesW . Congr,
Mr. I-IAMLIN. Well, in recent years, the only other-the Fund has Mr.
1 Handwritten below letter. The
IJeen primarily devoted, that is to say, the contribution of the Jewish
Agency into this flmd was desig-nated, for students primarily, for the
ly 7, 1961. care of Israeli students in American universities.
AnotlH'r project that was part of this fund was to assist from time
to time a limited number of U.S. scholars and writers to go to Israel.


'ian r('~(,:ln'h
f.JUIY (i. frOlil
'lllstl'r to our
Tltt' ('11.\ lIDl.\X. ",Yho contro11r<1 th(' .TOlllt 1"1111(1 ~

g: \rho cou ld write a check on it.1
to the joint 'fl'. IT.UlLIN, The .foint Fund is con! 1"O11('(} primarily by the Isrne-l
roul;h July. Office of Information. Thev haye all the details. We really don't
the 2 months
h;l\"f~tlH'dptailsonit. v

be added to The ('IIAIR~f.\J'~·'. Could vou write a check on it?

tl1(' Hu:>siull
uatc for tbh
:\f r. H.nfU:'\. Pardon me, sir?
The ('HAIR~L\~. Could you write a check on it ~
pver is due to
uy 1;) tll da tl' :\£1'. I-LnrLI~. No, I could not.
The CHAIR)L\~. You could nod
anBmi tted to ~fr. l-L\)[LIX . No, sir.
d by him for The CHAIRMAN. But you contributed to it?
services. etc.
1\1:1'. JIX!\ILIX. That is right.


tion, it "ould
The CHAIRMAN. This memorandum continues and I quote:
emorandum Of the $5,500 transferred to us by ~8 Consulate, $4,375 has to be added to our
ulate, to the monthly remittances to the American Jewish Congress for the Russian research
a sum to the project in proportionate amounts.
lcted to write I ask you~ is the American Section here in this instance acting as
.Joint Fund:' an agent to make payment of a subsidy with respect to the Russian
research project for the State of Israel?
Mr. HAMLIN. No,sir.
The CHAIRMAN. How else do you explain that ~
~Ir. HAMLIN. This was a method of reconciling various accounts.
Since we owed money to the .Toint Fund, we applied the money
that the Consu late was paying us to take care of our obligations t.o
the joint fund. It was a purely mechanical method of reconciling
l composed of the various accounts we'have with the Consulate.
by the Israel The CHAIRMAN~ That paragraph 2, I don't see that it's consistent
with what you say. It seems to me that the Israel Infonnation Office,
in other words, the Israel Government, is paying, at least partially
~ part of the 11:1 ving, for the Russian project, is it not?
n New York. Mr. HAMLIN. Yes, sir.
ld the carr 0 f The CHAIRMAN. WhaH
Mr. HAl\fLIN. I said this, sir--
The CHAIRMAN. You said "Yes"~
Mr. H.'UlLIN. Yes.

lations activi- The CHAIR1fIAN. Do they pay anything directly to the American
Congress-.Jewish Congress?
·t he Fund has Mr. HAMLIN. ,1 hrtVe no knowledge. I don't think they do.
The CHAIRMAN. You don't know aboutit~

:\Ir, Il.\:\ILI:\. I dOll't 1I:\\'t' :lll\' dil't'('( kl\o\\lpd~t' of tll:1L

TJlll ('II,\II{l\[\:\. TIH'\' ll:-'tl \'(~Il, tl\(, A~PI\('\', tlH'1I :I~ :l cOllduit In
:\11', 1f\'II.I:-:, \'0, ~il".
\\'('1'1' HO!
:1 condllit.
It \\:1:-; :t J1Intln
or ('h:1I1Ilt·]ill~· t]ll~ rllr\(l~ to t Illi ('Oll~Tt'"'' ill :III Ol'~~':tlljzpd "':1\',10 ('0111-
{ 1) It
(II) To I'
!l0:-;P t()~('IIIt';,tl1t' 1'1111 fl!lld \\']Iidl \\·:I...;~I;I.;)I)I), to/Ill' .\lIwri'·;I11.1(,\\,j"!I rp!:
( lJ) ]i'or
('Oll~T('''~ to 111:lkt' tlli", proj(·('j po:-:...;ihk \r(, \\'('1'(' Il()ldill~, \'il'lll:tlly ((') }{pl-'el
l'lI:l11111'llllg' :tlld :-;p:lcillg" llH' 1't'1l1ittnll('t'~OrI Ilt'~(' l'lIlld:-; jo! lit' (·OllgTP~";. pUI
TlIt'('11 \IIDI \'\. l",tlli",;pl"ojt'('t :-;lill !!()ill~()I) ~
(:!) Th
:\11", 1I \':\fl.l:\. 1 !wg" p:Il'doll. SjlP<'i III pI
1'11(' ('II \IIDI \'\. I~ llli--: pl'ojl'l't :-;till~oill!!oll'? :\ pg-roe:-:, 4

~rJ', IT \'11.1'\. Yt'''. :-;il". it j:-;, (:n It

of thp ~l
1'11\' ("f \11:'1 \'\. It i...;~
:'11', II \ \11.1:'\. Y\·:-;. :-;il'.

'I'll(' Fi
1;'- \II' ('1'(, II

~I'll:lI(ll' L\1"-T1I1'~' '11'. CIl:til'lll:III, (':Ill \\,(,11;1\"(' :til ('xpl:tll:ltioll or

\\ 11:1 t 1 h j" BII~",i;11l projl'l'I i<?
1)1". .T O~
'I'll\' ('II \IIDI \:-:, (\,rt:lilll,", II ()1I; 11' jlO
:\[1', 1[\'11.\,\, ~\'Il:ll(ll' IJ·:IIIc-:"Ilt'. 1111' nW..:~i:lll projPl'! j", a 1'1':-:1':11'1')1 !In II( II ('~ Jl
JlI'oipl't Oil th,' ~t:ltll"'; or .It·\ri~11 11Iilj(Jl'ili(·~ ill t';I:-:II'l'l1 ElII'Opt':11l ('01111- fllIltlH 1I VII
I I' i P ~, : III d p:l rt i(' 11 I:I 1;1 yin t It (' ~ 0\' j I' t IT Il i() Il. :l Il d :I S Y() II kilo \\'. t lit, .1 P \\ -
i~h ('()1l111lHllity thl'ollg'hollt tIl\' world, :llld thp f'n'(' "'Ol'ld it:-;plf. 1t:1";
hppll \'('1"\' alHlllt thp In'atnlPlrl of till' .Tpw~ !>phill(l
llllWh ('OIlI'('I'llpd Thee
tl1\' TrOll ('lIl't:rin and in ~ovi('t Rw:;sia, (1) It.
\\¥('. Ihprdol"P. IIladp th('~p fllllds :l,'ailablp to lllak!' this respaTch of $100,00
(a) To
pl'Oj('('f j!o:-:sihIP, TII(\,\" COllN'! informal iOll frolll public SOlll'{'PS, 1'1'0111
hlll)g-{·t (E
ntltPl' ~OI1I"<'t':-:, Tltt',\" pilI it tog-pIIH'!' ill;\ priJllpd fashion :l1ld Ill:1k(' it
:l\"aihhlo to illdi,'iduals alia orgallizations, to pt't\SS proplp, to NlitOl~. \Vltat
:ll1tll Illig"lll s,ly to gm'pl'lllll('llts :l1...;o, who :ll'(~ illtpl't'slpd ill this sllh.ird, 1\11'. 1
Tlti:-; projt'('t has :11:-;0 1wllwd to lH'oyidp infol'lllatioll :llld IllntC'l'ials to l'olat.ioll
{'ollfpl'{'!I('('S that \H'n~ (,:ll1pd by variolls gl'OllPS ill tlte United ~ta,t('s to This
deal ,,,ith this painful rpIestion to the .Jewish peoplo, Office 0
to two
is, t,o n
Tht' CIL\IIC\f.\:'>T, I show you :1, copy of a Inl'llIornndum marked ",Min- subsc1'i
utes li"'in:lnce COIlJIlliUpe l\le(\ting-, June G, ID58," and ask if It copy of to the N
this memo appears in the file...s of YOllr Ag(\ney, The
:\[1'. HAMLIN. Sir, m:1Y I make the l't'mark that this wnB at a time \VashiI
\\" Irrn 1 was Tlot the rxecntiyc di redor of' the Jewish Ag-cncy ? Tho
Tho Cu.\ IIUU~. Y 011 w('rp an oflicer, though, weren't yott? mea.n b
1\11'. H;\l\[LIN. This is 1D58. I was an officpl'. ' Mr.
The C'I L\IRMAN, Yon '"ere an oflicer? Near
:Mr. 1I.\1\lLIN. Ye5.J si-r. and as
The CIL\lRl\L\N. r ou would know nbout th{'se mntters, wouldn't to a la
you? benefit
,Mr. The Finance Committe~ of the f>wish Agency at that
t irne-I am familiar with this, sir.
The CHAIRMAN. You are? The
1\'11'. HAMLIN. Yes. by the
(A copy of the document referred to is as follows:) stitue

H. S\'E('YAT. ITItI.lC !(I~L.\TIO:\'S

llldllit in
() It w:\-; t1t'('itl('d, willI Ilr. (;oltlJlllllll1'S llllprlly:tl, thlll till' special fuud of
:1 matter ,~100,OO(\, votl'd lit tllf' plellllry SI'SsiOIl, would Ill' utilized <1-; [(1]]0\\.";:
" to ,'(JIll· ((1) To I't'storl' Ihl' 1:1-1"'1"'1'111 ('nt ill Itllrt "B" of tll(' Sp('l'i:ll publi('
III .lp\\·j...;h n'llIliolls IllJ(l~1'1 (~l'Il\\'lI(h'OIl, I-i: t'11 I'll , (·t all __ ...... $1:-,,000
(") }·'Ol' n'l1! of ] lll.";!l:l I'll II 111'(1:\ rt II 11'11 t .. .. _. ... - 37.000
\inll:111\, (I') }(('Sl'ryt' 10 Ill' l':trllllll'\;:t'd SIII,(,itically for S(lt'('illl jllllltit· l'p!atiulls
( "1I1<q'('...;"
,0-" •• purJlOSt"~L . :?f5, ()()()
1:2) '1'hl' Fillllll('(' ('Olllillilll't' will ginl 1"1/I'llwl" s(Tutill." (II p:11"1 ".\" of tIlt'
s]lI','i:ll ptlhli(' l'elatiollS IJI\d.~pt (stlJd~llt \'i-;ilfl!"s. s\,t';Ikt'l"~ fl"tJlll bral'!. I;'ilills,
:\ l'gl'O(;'S, t't<'. )
(:n It \\'l\!-l dl'('idl'(l tJl:lt WI' dl'Ill:\IHI of tIll' Iltltt'r l.,'llrln('[' in tltl' joint fllnd
of I Itt' SIH'I'j;1l puillie l't'lat iOlls lJ\ld~et. to sll/ITt' the ('osts PtluaUy with tbe
.\:':;('ll'·,\' .

'1'11(' l"ill:\llt'l' ('Ollllllitl('(· I'I'itt'rll!pt! ils t'IlI'lit'\' dl'('isi(lll with l'Pg':Inl 10 tht'
l:l-IH'1'l'l'II{ ('lit Ill:ltlt' ill Illt' Kpl't'J1 l1:l,\'l's(Hl ~Ilhn'n( iUII~ 1(, I Itt' Zionist parth-s.

1l1:l! iO/l or
Pl'.•Jpsl'ph agl't't'd 1I1l11 tilt' :"t'W York Irt'asur,\' will lif 1I111I1ori~('d 10 ]lay Ollt
dol1:Jr pOl"tiollS or tilt' pnrly 1I1\lw:ltiollS ill th" ~nlllt'. 1lI:11lJlPI' n •• .1t'l"us:"t'lI\
hlilltllt's party nllo(,lI!iolls, lI:llIl('l~' till a Illonth-hY-lIlonth hnsis in n('('~dnllt'e 'n'ith
W:11l ('OUll- funds n va i lallII'.
'. t h(' ,h'\\ . SPEC) ,\ I, ITHLIC RELATIn~s HlTDOET
it:-wl r. h:l"';
f\\":' IH'hind T IH' C II A IH1\ L\ ~. I /I 0 te t hat, '\'l'lI. it sa v ~ :

(1) It. WI1S dpt'itl<'tl, with 1 II'. GoltlrtlulIn's 11 ppro \'n. I, that tlll' s(lPci:ll fUlId
lis resrnrch of $Wtl.OOO. volt'tlllt tilt' p1-('llarr session, woultloe lit ili~t'tl as follows:
(u) To reston' tIl(' lri ]lercent cllt in purt B of tlu.' S(J(;>('ial llUlJlie n'lutitl!Js
Il'('r~, f r()lll
blltlgt't (Sehwlltlron (si<'). K('tU't1, pt ,ul:) $1;1.000.
lid III a kl· it
, t () NIi t 0 r~, 'V1I;1t is t lit' sJH'C'ial }>Ilblic J'('1at iOlls budg('( ~
hi:-, so h.ied. .Mr·. I h1\1 1,1 1\1. Sir, this W(l;::;, to uo
mol'p exact, this was the public

In tl'rin J~ to relatiolls lllld sp(w.ial projrd.LJmlget.

'd State:, to Thi:::; blldgnt C()II('('l'l1pd itsplf ,,·jtll 111(' joint futHl with the Isra{']
Otlice of III formation to which I referred previously and it referred
to two other projects, to the Council for l\liddle Eastern AH'airs which
'YO hn.yo a.lso diseussed and to the American Zionist Council-that
is. to maJw it pos..'iiblc for the American Zioni!=>t Coullcil to purchase
rked "l\li11- subscriptions of t.he Ncar East r('port for a list which they provided
f a copy of to the Near East report.
The Near East report is edited and owned by AIr. 1. L. Kenen of
s at a time ,\Vashin.&t0n, and that. was the two,.. special projects we rpfer to here.
The <"';rIAIHMAN. '\Theil you sny e.dit.ed and owned, what do you
mean by that?
l\lr. I-IAMLIN. :Mr. Konen owns this publication in 1Vnshington, the
Near East Report. And t.he Alm'rican Zionist COllllCil turned to us
and asked us for a special grant to enable t]lPlll to send this report
;, wouldn't to a large list of people that they were interested should have the
benefit of this information, in th~ Near East Report.
ncy at that
The CHAIRMAN. Is that. Near East Report subsidized completely
by the American Zionist Councilor by you or by any of your con-
stituent members '?

.Mr. HA~lLIN. I dOIl't know the affairs of the Near East Report. 1::3 the other
Hut my gupss is thattlw Near East Report has lllallY more subscrIber:> ~rr, HAMLl
t hall t hat to whidl we subscribed.


Tlw ('I 1.\ lIt
./ Tho ('il.\ll~L\N. III the lirst sCIItellCe, it says, "Voted at tho plf\llary () f :t memora
S(~SSiOll." '''hat is the plcna.ry session'~ Finance <.'om
~Ir. IL\i~[Ll1'O. The plenary session is the meeting attended by all t !lese minutes
the members of the .Jewish Agl'ncy, that is ineluding till' Anll'ric:lllS, -'fr. I {:\l\fLl
the six memb(\rs who r('sidc in the {/llitpd States. (Copy of t I
Tho C'1l.\IRMAN. Is this tlt~ .h\wish Agency, Jerusalem?
~Ir. ILulLIN. The .Jewish ~\gt'JlL,'y, exal'tly the full body. The six :-; I' I'I'I.E ~I ENT.\ It)'
American members periodically go to .Jerusalem to sit with their col-
leagues ill .Jt'rsus:L!clIl alld cOlllluct the busilless of Ow .Jewish Agency, :\ott.'tl below
:illch pl(\l1al')" sessions take placo oyery S, D mont.hs, perhaps. l'idl'd Oil by the I
The CHAIRMAN. That is what voted this amount here'! I. Orants.-l~
:\1r. HAMLIN. That is right, sir. $:!,OOO to Or Ha
I I. Pres i d ('1J t'
The CllAlI~IAN. And t.hey the ones who directed that so much lH'ttlal rnh' of
money be spent for the NellI' East Heport, for cxa.mple. IlUH lIy.
1\1r. HAMLIN. No, sir. Thero the decision was made to 1'(\storo a 1I 1. It crcn 1l
!la~is of u strai~
hundred thousa.nd dollars to the-to mako a hundred thousand dol-
lal's again available to the Ameri(~an Section. It was our finance com-
mittee in NtH\' York that deeided on the utilization of t.hat money in
t.his fashion.
The CHAnurAN. Didn't you notify them as to what vou wanted the
money for, wh ieh inspired them to vote it'~ I mean did they do this 1.\) Joint pro~mm:
(1) Hlms, SI
ill the dark '? These t.hroo items here, I assume-e-- (2) Speuker:
MI'. HAMLIN. Yes, the Americun members of our executive went (11) G mn ts:
(1) Grant A
to .J erusalem. (C) Publlc1ty
(2) Grant U
The CHAIR:M:AN. Told them what it was fod
.!\il.. IL\MLIN. And they discussed it and they agreed toO make the
$100,000 available. The CUAIR.:
projects" :
(A) Joint pr
The CUAIRMAN. I don't know if this is pertinent at all. I was just (1) Filn
(2) Spea;
curious because I don't understand it. The last one says, "Dr. Joseph
agreed that the New York treasury will be authorized to payout NATU
dollar portions of the party allocations."
\Vhat is a party allocatIOn '! There are all kinds of parties. What I ask you i
does this mean. To what does it refer ~ ernment or tll
Mr. HAMLIN. Party allocation, these are vadous groups in Israel 1~ this the Sll
who conduct constructive operations in Israel. I\1r. HAMLI
The CHAIRMAN. It doesn't have anything to do with what is going the joint pro,
on here? d
this item in 0
Mr. HAMLIN. No, sir. . The CHAIR
The CHAIRMAN. Tha.t is all I wanted to know. Political parties in Mr. HAML'
tJcrusH-1em, not here. The CHAIE
Mr. HAMLIN • No, sir. account as WE
Mr. BOUKS'I'EIN. They are not political parties, Mr. Chairman. In other ~
They are. r~ferred to as parties here. But tlwy are const.ruc- part IV, sect
t.ive ~nt~rprises of various groups in Israel. , Mr. HAl\-!L'
The CHAIRMAN. Item 3 says, "It was decided that we demand of the The ClIAll
other partner in the joint fund of the s~ecial public relations budO"et Mr. HAML:
to share the cost equally with the Agency. ' ~
st Report. h t.he other party referred to the Consulate?
Mr. HAMLIN. The Israel Office of Information. Yes, sir.
Sl;I'I'LE:\IE:'\:'I'.\HY RECUm) TO l\I\X('TES OF ,J:\~ll.\nY :!-', l!lr.l

Tlw ('II.\II::\I.\:'\:. I llIean the Infol"lll:lt I sho\\' you a copy

j01l Olli(,p.
of :t llH'mOrnndlllll Pili it h'd, "~lIpplpIlH'\ltary Hp('ord to Minutes of
Fill:Ull'l' COBlIHittpp lIpld on ,Jalluary :2.~, l!)(il:' and ask if a. copy of
ded by all t lIese III i Il lites nppcar ill t he files of your ~\ gPlley -~
.A HWI' ic:ms, ,\[1'. I hMLI;-':. Yos, sir; t IH'y did.
(Copy 0 f tIll' dm'ulIlPll t is as follo\\'s :)
h their l'01- :!-l, 1 ~*il
sh Ag-enl'y, ~()tell below llfe pxplnlluti(H18 with fPgUfd to t lif' euts ill ,'urious hudgets de-
aps. l'ided Oil by til(' lillIlIlC(' COllllllittee at its 111('('1 illg h('l<I Oil .Jnnuary :!4.
1. Orullts.-Ht'duc('d from $30,000 to $:!I":,oOO uy tl1e elimillutioll of grant of
$:!,OOO to Or HIIlllizfU('hl. .
II. Prc.'Iidcllt'.~ (,ollfcrcncc.-Rt'duced from $17,;'00 to $l:!':jOO 011 the hasis of
at so mUl:h 11('111111 rail' of ('xpt'IHlitul't's by the l'n'sidel1l's cunfl'rence totaling $25,000 an-
o restore :t lIi. J(f?rcn Tltll/C.'/od .'IIlbvcntiolls.-Hedueed from $()~,2~S to $:>::1.800 on the
usand dol- hasis of a strnight 10-percent cut.
Ilance COlll- fl'. /'ublir rclation,~ alld spceial projects
t Bloney in --~~-------- -~-------------------,-------,----

loo<Hll 1001-62
wanted the
hey do this \.\) Joint program:
(1) Films, students, visits to IsraeL _ $48,000 $43,200
(2) Spllukcrs from 1111([ tols.rIll'L • • __ • __ 32,000
~utive went (B) Orf\lIts:
(I) (] ran t A • - .' • • ._
(2) Orant U . . __ 48, 000 43,200
36000 36,~
(C) PulJllclty _'_' • •• • •• • • _•• _
7:223 6,500

o make the
The CHAIRMAN. I note under item IV, "Public relations and special
projects" :
(A) Joint program:
I was just (1) Films, stUdents, visits to Israel, 1960-61, $48,000; 1961-62, $43,200;
(2) Speakers from and to Israel, 1960-61, $32,000.
Dr. Joseph

~ies. -What I ask you is this the join: program carried on with the Israel Gov-
ernment or the Israel Information Agency? It says joint program, A.
)8 In Israel Is t.his the same joint program?
Mr. HAMLIN. If I understand you correctly, you are askin~ whether
.at is going the joint program, the funds for the joint program, are derIved from
this item in our budget?
The CHAIRMAN. Yes; is this the same?
I parties in Mr. HAMLIN . Yes they are.
The CHAIRMAN. The joint program then is paid for from the joint
account as we previously discussed; is that correct?
Chairman. In other words, in this program described under (A) under it is
r consl:z'Uc- ~~~~ {~ ~~<;~Zq~..4...,
MI'. M.un_IN. r don't hllYt1 tfi() ttttacfimell(,&
\and 0.£ t-he TIm GllflmMl\N, Don't YQY have a copy of if befot'e ;you?
ons budg~t Mr. HAMLIN. I -just have the top piece.
(See .L
~rr. Hor;liSTEIN. ,Yo have it, :\b·. Chairman; I made it available to p.1778.)
t lIe witness.
1\1:1'. F
The CII.UIDL\N. I was just identifying tIll' nature of til(' <ll·ti\·ity of minister
(lIt' joint program. certain i
::\11'. lL\l\fLIN. Yes. Thee
The CIL\Im\L\N. This is the one. :Mr. B
~Ir. 1 LUILIN. Yes, ~ir.
tion of t
The ('II.\l){l\L\N. 'Vhieh you shared? The (
::\11'. H.\}lLlX. Y(':-:, sir, t!tat is the one. :\11'. I-

'I'llI' CIl.\IIDL\:\'. ~\]l(l tlte Isr:wli Information OfIiec pays half of i: ~

I )() yOll kno\\' how 1IIHdl the brat'l i Consulate COil t ri IHlted; did the} ment of
contribute half of this? that wa~
.Mr. IIAl\ILIN. In this ypar thpy probably contribulpd h:llf of it,
:Mr. I-J
yes. There was an earlier I>pI'iod \\'hen we contributed a little mol'l' poses fo
t han half.
The (
The CIL\IRM,\N. Do you kllow what the ~izr of thp ",holt· fund is:
:M:r. f
are these figures the total size or what? The (
::\Ir. I-LUILIN. This is, the only thing I can t('11 yOll now is that this
was our contribution to that fund, the $43,000. Mr. I-J
~e laid
The CfIAllUIAN. Is that the total amount of the fuml for thp Yea!'~
~rr. ILuILTN. That is right, sir. Until . A pril 1, 1!)()~. .
\Ye rep<
The (
or payn
1\11'. I
The elf" IIDL\~L Did this fund proYi(le t ri p:-: to Israel for
~fr. I-L\MLIN. j\S I stated before, one part of this joint project ~as
to provide, to invite American scholars and writ(>.rs to go to Israel. The '
to visit Israel. thousar
The CnAIR~L\N. vVhat kind of writers; newspaper writers ~ NIl'.
:Mr. HAMLIN. Pardon me? thousal
The CHAIRMAN. Newspaper writers; what kind of writers? amoun1
Mr. HAMLIN. I saw the lIst some years ago when the thing was more The ~
of a concern of ours, and the overwhelming bulk of the list was uni- The
versity professors. I remember one clergyman, I remember a clergy- thousal
man, and there was no preponderance of newspapermen there. There Mr.:
were no newspapermen that I could remember. But this was several The
years ago. actuall
and co
The CHAIRMAN. Have you got the record of what was done with furnis]
this Fund? availal
Mr. HAMLIN. No, sir, we do not. The
The CHAIRMAN. What did you do with it? reques
~[r. HAMLIN. Records of what was done with this Fund? Mr.
The CHAIRMAN. Yes; can you supply the committee with what tq.i~ The
Fund did? makei
This is, it says, public relations and special projects. Can you give Mr.
the corpmittee what was done with these joint funds?
' •.~ f

t a \';tibble tu (See ..:\ ppendix, Item A, p. 1777, and letter to Israel Consul General,
p. 1778.)
;\11'. HAMLIN. Sir, as I stated before, this entire program was ad-
hv a,'t i \' it \ of
ministered by the Consulate, and our role in this was to contribute a
certain portion of th'e joint fund.
T}w L'JUnrM.\N, Adln}n}S'~Il('dhy \ h", CQnsula.t~.
~lr. H,UILIN. It ))"<lS administered by t1)~ IgrMl OffiCQ of Informa-
l lOll. of the Consul1lt<:>; y(l.8, gil',
The CuAIHMAN. All you did was contr~bute money to it.
~fr. HAThfLIN. That is right, sir.


;l\":-;}lillfof I:!
u't~'(l; dill tlH'~ The CHAIRl\fAN. Do you report on any of your reports to the Depart-
ment of J lIstice acti vities under this :fund, or did you consider that
I'd h:llf of it that wasn't your activity ~
I ali t t Je III ()I't:
l\Ir.1IAMLlN. Sir, we reported to the Department of Justice the pur-
pOS(,8 for which these moneys were given.

(\0'" I'l lid i"

The CHAIRMAN. Did you report who you sent to Israel, speak--
}fr. HAMLIN. Let me check one piece of paper here, please.
lOW \:-; that t hh The CHAffi:M:AN. Yes.
:Mr. HAMLIN. Sir, prior to the supplementary statements the moneys
l:) for t lH'
we laid out for the joint fund were included in the overall sums that
\\'e reported to the Department of Justice.
The CIL\IHMAN. Under what category were they included? Grants
or payments to affiliatf's or what? How would they be reported?
.:\Ir. HAl\ILIN. I \yill ha\"e to check that to gixe you the exact answer.
10 Israel fol'
nt project was
o go t () I:" r a l' I. The CIL\\Rl\IAN. 'Vas this fund in the neighborhod of a hundred
thousan(l dollars a year?
ri t ei'S ? :Mr. ILulLIN. It was never in the neighborhood of a hundred
thousand dolal'S a yeaI'. It was-if my memory serves me, the largest
riters? amount . .:Vole eVPT contributed was $60,000, $65,000.
,hing was more The CHAIH2\fAN. That is your contribution.
.e list was uni- The funds as a whole would be in the neighborhood of a hundred
mber a c1ergy- thousand doll:..trs or more, wouldn't it?
1 t here. Then'
1\:11'. HAMLIN. Yes; most probably yes.
lis was several The CHAIRMAN. Can you supply the committee with what this fund
actually did and who it sent to Israel and who they were?
1\11'. BOUKSTEIN. Mr. Chairman, the information is in the custody
and control of the Israel consulate, and we could not undertake to
was done wi th fUIl1ish it. It would be up to them if they would want to make it
The CHAIRMAN. Well, you don't think they would refuse a normal
request from you to make it available, do you?
d? Mr. BOUKSTEIN. I don't know.
with what this
.... The CHAIRMAN. Is there any reason why they wouldn't want to
make it available?
Can you give Mr. BOUKSTEIN. I couldn't comment on it, Mr. Chairman.

The CUAIR!\(AN. 1VouId you ohj('rt to writ ing n h,ttpr to them and
n'qlH'sting it and seeing what they would say?
1\11'. BOUKR'l'EIN, No, si r. I sho'
TIw CHAInMAN, ""'('11, I apprp('illt(' it if you would. 1960, 'fr'
.:\1 r.
BOl.HUITEI N , Yes. "Arnon
(~PP Appl'ndix, ]pttl'I'S frOll1 :\11'. H()111\~tl'ill l!:ltl'd .\ll~·II~t ~J tn mndum
C:\Tl P. :\fnl'cy, p. 1777. lind ~\lIg'lIst Hi, l~lG:~, to lsrapl Con:':111 GplH'l'al. l\fr. H
p.177S. TIll' ('o\ll111ittp(' on Fort'ig'lI BPlatilll1~ \Va:': illt'orll1pd by tIl(' (Copi
.Tt'wi:,:h Ag·pllry-.\llwl'icnll ~pdiol1. Inc., tllat no J'('ply had IH'PII l'prei\"l'd
To: .:\Iiss
fro III I 1\l' C() Il ~ III Gt' Ill' 1': 11 11Y t 11 I' till H' of p Il h 1i(.at i 0 Il . ) From: Is
Tho ('1I.\I1Df.\N. This is an activity not 111l1ikp ol!tpl' adi"itif>s thnt Subject :
C;;OI1H' of 0111' private ol":!!:lllizntions h:l\'P lW1'1l c:\1Tyill:!! Oil. r think it Ellclosl.
is IH'rfpetly pel'tilll'nt to tilt' in\lllil'Y of this cOllllnitte,e. to IllE', 0:
:\fl'.lL\l\ll,lN. ~ir, Illlly I say 80lllpthingnt this point? of thp s:
TlwC'I1.\IH:\L\N. Y('s.
All thi:
~fr, IIA1\[LIX. I would like to staLl' that, just :1...;;\ Illatll'l' of intf'l'rst out all til
to Ihis cOllTll1it!p('. thnt in 1'1'('1'111 \t'ar~ "I' 111:\(lp (,11':11" 10 tl\(\ ('oll:,1l1atl' J1\ ('SS'
that. wo W:l1\t 'our Sh:1T'l\ of t1Jr ,irii'llt flll\ds'to hr ll~t'd primarily for thp sl'rvlees
to tIl(' AI
:lssistalH'l~ to lsrll('li stlldrnts in P$. collpges ann llni,·prsitil's.
into "'hie
This \:\';\8 oll'r mnjor cOYl('('rn. This wa's the thing we wllllJerJ I\11T' Aceord
111ol1ey to be used for. Dr. Rose
posited i
April, Mil
alll\.\ to tIl
'I'lll' C'IUlIDJ.\X. T nolieI'll in YOIlI' ],l'!.?·j:-;l r:t1 inn' sl:ltrl1\pnt-l}(·l'l' I~
YOllr bt<'st OIH'- nn(lp1' pnillie in[OI"JYI:l! i;)ll you fill, ;\s' fo]lo\\"~:
Puhllc informntion: Contact with AmHlrnn PI'I'SS Hnd rndio with n yip\\" In Mr, MotH
illf\lrllling 1111'111 cCIl\cl'rlllllg tll{> progl't\m of the J0wi:':h AgpnfT fnr Isrfll'l., C(l1!sulat,
:\fr. 1 h:\[L1~. ~ir, \\"hnt an"' you quoting from '? ;V£'IQ Yo,.
TIll' ('" \lIDI.\N. YOlll' I'l'.~·i~ll':llioll ~t:UPrll('llt \\ illl l\'p;lrtllll'llt DEAR r
bel' g, y01
/If .Tu~ti('p. 1 \\";1~ jll...;1 i1l1t'l'p:--lp(1 :\...; to \\ 1ll'11I1'1" Ill' Ilol th:l1 is n "pry edge lwrl
1t('Clll'at(' rdlpction of thi~ nc1i,·it\'. This i:,:--t1lis "'a~ li1p(1 on (1) 01
J)('ct' II 11)(,1' ~(i, 1!l(}:?, . 1960, to n
I qurstioh whrtlwl' or not that is an adpq!I.n!P des('ription of the (2) Al
:lrtiYlt irs cllrrird on tmd('l' the joint fund, is n1l. for t.he
.Mr. HAMLIN. Are you referring to--- the arnot
. The CHAIRMAN. I am,referring to 7, ~('('tion 7, itl'm (a) unoer thnt You v
rntitled "Public Information." ing him
1\[1'. HAl\fUN. We aol'e not, looking at the $u./ne thing. on our 1
for this
Sir, would yon like me, to r('ad the way we r('ported it to the De- fat' this;
partm('nt of.Justice~ , ~"or tl
The CHAIRMAN'. That is the way you reported it. monthly
Mr. ROUKSTEtN. Which item are you reading, 1\'[1'. Chairman ~ and we"
The,CHAIRMAN. (a) under 7.

Mr. BOUKSTEIN. ·For what period ~
The CHAIRMAN, Well, it was filed at the end of 1962 and this would 1 This I
be for the period that ended September 30, 1962. It was filed De- and' wblc
cember 26,1962. . . ,
Mr. BOUKSTEIN. He was looking at a different statement. '
The' CHAIRMAN. 1 don't know jf it is worthwhile wasting a lot of
"'. time on' it. I was just sugges.ting that tbe way that, is reported it
doesn't reveal the nature of the actIvities certainly as conducted under.
the joint fund, that is a l l . . . '
em nnd MEMO AND ATTACH ~n~!'<TS !HTED SEPTEMBER 13, 1060

I show you a memorandum witl} attachments duted September 13,

l~){)O, from
Isadore Hamlin to 'Miss Fannie. Speiser with reference to
"Arnon spf'cial ficcount" and ask you if you ~re'pnrcd this memo-
t :21 til randum and sent it with the attachments to Miss SpeIser?
T(' n(' ra 1, ~Ir. IIAMLIN. Yes, sir.
i hy t lH' (Copips of the doenments nrc ns follows:)
'pre i \'l'\ 1 SEPTEMRER l~, 1fM.iO.
To : :\1 iss Fn nnif> SI)(>I~er, Rookl,;('(\pi IJ~ d(\llll rt III PH t.
From: Isadore Hamlin.
if'S that Subject: Arnon special account.
think it EIJelvsNl hpr('with. you will fiIJO tll(' orig'inal lptt{'r of Mr. :\tosh(' Ari-E\'f'JI
to me, datpo ~('pt('Vlh{'r ~. as \\,('ll as a ('OilY of his lPltpr to Dr, Rospnblutb
of ttl(> saInt" oate. with hiR l'lwek in tlH' SUIII of $7;):U~(i. You will also Hnd
hprpw!th copip~ of my l('tter~ to 1\11'. Ari-l'~\'I'JI and to Dr. HORt>lIlJluth.
A11 this is in llceoronncp with talks I lintl with UIt' ('()JI~ulatt' pt'oplc to iron
ill t (,l"f'st out all the old accollnts,! ~Irs. Halprin has heeD kept advised.
H1~1l1:1tl' In l'~S('Il('{', it IIIt'uns thnt we are Ilni<1 HI' for ',th(' "r('~tern' Hpmisplwre
,; for t llf' Sl'rvit'ps throu~h March :n. l!HH, We are having the $11,000 LJalull('l' applit>it
! to till' Arnon spl'ria I seCOUIl t' wh ieh is Pllrt of a l"1M.'e!ul ImU lic rt'la tioJls uudget.
illto which 'VI' hll\'P to plIH'l' $-t,OOO per mouth .
.Ac('(}rditl~ly. I fisk you to draw' fi cllt'('],; for ~;;,OOO which I ,,"ill spno to
Dr, Rmwnbluth abo for thl' Arnon l"p<'l'ial Rccount. Thus we will have d~
posited in thnt nccotmt n total of $1(;.000 which will cov('r our pnynll'uts for
T April. Mny. June, nud July of this y{'nr.
Pl('n~t> Ilot{' ths t JIIflny of the items in tll(> tlt't n llf'tl ('oIlsnln t p. hills n l'P cha rgt>-
ullip to the Latin AmNi<.'nn find Atlynh df'pnrtnl('nts and othl'r:-;.

SEPTfO,(\IF.R l:t 1HGO.

1 yil'\\" (.)
srnt'!. , G(mslll(lt(~ (]rnrral of ].<l'1'ael,
);('10 York, :N.r.
1:1 rt lilt' II t DEAR MR. ARI-EVEN: Thi~ is to confirm r{'('eipt of your leU('r dated Septem-
~ n "pry ber R, your rf'fereJ}ce No. 640.4. rq~nromg our outstaI!oill~ account. We nelrnowl-
('d~(' hf'rewlth the fig"llt'('!'l inolcfltNI in ~our lett{'r and also confirm Ull' following:
nlpd nil (1) OUti> ~bare of We~tern Hemisphere services for the fiscnl year April ],
1960. to Marcb 31. 1961. totaling $10,550. is paid up. ~ .
1 of the (2) After the $10,550 is applied to our share of Western Hemisph{'re servic('s
for the mentioned fiscal yE'ar, you will still owe us a bnlance of $11.753.86.
However. nfter deduding from this sum tbe check. included in your letter. in
the amount of $753.86. the balf?,nce due is reduced to $11.000.
You will note the enclosed copy of my letter to Dr. Rosenbluth instruct-
ing him to transfer the aforementioned $11,000 to the Arnon special account
on our behalf. We are also sending to Dr. Rosenblutb our check for $5,000
the np- tor this account which will bring our share of payment to this account thus
far this yeat to $16,000.
For the sake of good order in the future, may. we ask you to bill us on a
monthly basis for all miscellaneous charges that we have accrued with you
and we will try to make payment to you accordingly.
Very truly yours,
Admtnistrativ6 Director.
s would 1 .Thls rpfers to a recf.'tvnble of over $22,000 whlcb the Consulnte owed! the Jewish Agency
led· De- ond which then became an a.sset of the American Section.

l. lot of
)rted it
I under"

SEPTEMB&B 13, 1~)60. Or.. :\iART

Dr". l\lARTI:"l nOS"~~HLUTH, (} () I'C"" 1fll
01 1 srad,
(J01'cnWI·<:U t T rcasll "Il
Trt'asflry Office, ,y ('10 1'vrJ
New York, N.Y.
DEAlt 1:
DEAR DR. ROBENRl.UTII: ,,\, rl'fer to Mr. :\loshe Ari-Eveu's 1t.'Her to you, dntl'ti fnnu our
September S, in whkh he iustructt'd you to transfer the SWll of $11,000 to tllt:' for 1~r:1t'1.
tll.'eount of the Jewish Agl'uc)·-Aull'ries.n St'Ction, Iuc. Thnukil
Would you kindly t nlUst'el' thl:5 sum to tlll' Arnon special account on our bt>hulf. ~ill
.:\dd.itiollllll~·, you will Ihhl l'IIl'!OSl'd h,'fl'with pur dH'(.'k in tllt.' sum of $:i.OOO
whkh wt' likewisl' ask you tl) npply to tbl' Arnon special lll.'(.'Ounts.
\" er)~ truly yours,
A rim j" is !T't) ti l'f' /) j reef or.
TIlt' ('
Sew l"ork, x.r., S(1)/t'mbvr S, 1960.
l\h", 11
Up Olllst:ltHHl1~ lh't'llllnt. Consulat
Mr. J. HAMLIN, Tho ("
'['he Jf!1('islt'lcy ].'or Israel, lrw., .Mr. 1l
N ('t(, :r ork, ~". L
Ih~.\l~ 'IRo H:\Mt.I:"I: R('ft'rring- tt)
tlu' lIll'l'lillg I1l'I\\.,.'1I yllllrst'lf alld :\11". :'\irl.:lll Tlw C
held nt your ofike on August ~:! we wish ttl :;uBllllnrizt' tlll' ac\'tlUlIts still ont-
standing betweeu our two T't.'specUve offit't's : :\[ r. H
rl'P 1"(.'Sf' III
V ista9-".t'stt'rn Hemisplwn\ sen lcl' :
Due you for fiSt'al yl':lr U)5s---,r)H as per your letter of July 15. TlwC!
l~~n $24.7:!1.9~l
:U 1'. II
B. Hosenlwrg's :,aln-ry .Juuuary-:Unrch 1H[~)____________________ I, ~~O. 00 Till' b
A~t'n('y's sbnrl' in thl' l'lllployet.' fund for Mr. n. HOSt'llhl\rg for
pt'fiod. Apr. 1, W;),~:\lar, 31, Hl:i!l___________________________ ~4~. 00 Till' C
Totnl du(' you for Yl'llr 1H:JS--;~l___________________________ ~H, 343. ~)n ~r I'. I r
1:'\p\'lISt'~ by thl' ~\~t'IH'Y
fnr pt'rit1tl .\1'1". 1. 1~l;'",!l :'\'1'1. :~O. \!l;-.!l.
ns Iwr your shltt'lUt'nt of lkl. :20, In;IIL _ ~, 4~l). ~~)
:-: o·
Additlonal l'XPt'lltlitur(' b~' JOu (pnylllt'ut to HCA i _ (i~~. li:! 'l'hl-l"("l
ll. Uost>nlwrg's sainr)' for Ilt.'riod April-.TUIll' l!l:i~L _ 1. 400. 00 :\h... II.
Your total expeudltun.' for HKin..·-tiO -- _ 10,-474. ~H
1\1r. I
Total due you _ 3n,~1~.HO Informn
The C
1.(':':' dUl' H~ : :'\-[1', Ii
( 1 i Ylin r sh:ut' in \Y t'~t l'rn I:lt'l1l {spbert> Seryices :
For fl~('nl yt'U r 1!lr.r~. .-60 ~ - _ 10,(\50,00 Tlw C
For y(,:l1" l!lHO---HL
tl~('al _ 10, [150, 00 ~l'W 1'01
I::!) As Ilt'r :tttnl'1lt.'d stntl'lllents ftll' pl'riod Mnr. 13,lH:i!}-
A I, HlHf.L
H~, _ 1\£1', II
3, HGO. 04 in 'Yash i
T(ltnl _ TIlt' C'
Mr. H
Grund totnl due to you___________________________ 1l~ 7t'13. 86 tien of I
"We an' asking Dr. Rosenbluth to trnusft'f to your fU.'Count the amount of to cnrry'
• t A cUt'<'k bi tlle amount of $jr~.&) is en('ltl~wd here\'vitb.
, ,~,: 8incerel.v yours.
$ ,. "l\IOSIlE ARr-EvF.~, -f
1 . [Handwritten at bottom of It."tter:] Th{\"C
"., \ Letter to ConsUlate: (l) Confirm; (2) Misct."llnnt'ous bills monthlY; (3) sp('('inlll
C''(lpit's of letters ti) Rostmblutll: (4) Rt'iterate [illt'ithlt'] pnit! to ('ud of ·Yl~llr. '; :M1'. I
Leth,.· tor Rosenbluth : (1) $11.000 to be credih.'d tp Arnon special nccount,; (2) /' l\fr. Ros
$ll.OOO for cash for Arnon Slll"Ci,al aet;ount. .,.\
:, '. , '4 the ,A111£
p~ I

60. Pr.. :\L\UTI:\' HOSF.:'illLUTII,

(}Ol'crnlJlCllt of Israel.
'}'rca 8ll rlJ 0 ffi ('c.
New l"ork Cill/.
DEAI\ lh. HOSE:linUTTIl : 'Yl~ would 11llprt>l'inte it if you would kindly transfer
from on r HPX t bullg-l,t a ry nlloell t iOll tlll' a IllOUll t of $11,000 to t be .J l'W ish Agt.'ucy
for I~ral'l. Illl'.. ill :.\'l'\\' York City.
Thfillkiug you for Yllur l'oop<..'ralillll
half. ~il1('l'n']y Yl1urs.
:1.000 :\10SIlE ARI-E"EN.

TIll' Cll.\lI::\l.\'. ,rill Yllil idl'lltifY .:\1r. ::\lu~hp ...:\ri-En:'n~

::U1'. II.DIU'. Ill' \\,;\:-;.:..-:\£1'. _\ri-i'~n\ll W:IS tlw l.'llmptro1]pl' 1ll the
Consulatr (iPIll'ral of br:H\l in ~P\\"York.
TIll' C'I1.\ liD 1.\ X. ('ollll){rllllrr'?
:\[1'. Ih:\lLlx .. \Illt rl':-;pollsibll' for the H<..'('llUIl{lI\g that wrllt lIl{O
tlw Joillt Fund oIwrnt iOIl: .
i 1/.:111 Till' CII.\II::\1.\' . . \nd Dr. ~Ia,r(ill Hosl'tlhluth, who was lw'(
~lr. }[.\:'IIL1~. TIw JaIl' Dr. :\[artill Rospnbluth was at that time the
n'lH"l'Sl'nt:ltin\ of tIll' Tl'l':lsury of tIll' ~t:ltl' of l~rHel in Xl'\\' York.
Tlw ClI.\IIDL\'. TIll' nO\"rnllllPnt Treasurv?
~1. 9~) :\[1'. Ih'[J.I~. TIt:lt i:-,ri~ht.sir. .
SO. GO Till' br:H'l OOn'l'llllll\ll{ ·Treasury.
Till' CU.\lIDI\X. 'Yill VOll identify ~ll'. Arnon who !'(,(,t'in'tl Copws
of :11 I t Itt' :1tt:l('hllll'llt~? . .
':\[1'. II."[Ll~ . .:\11'...Arnon at that time was n Counselor of the Israel
n'pn'.s(\lltnti\'l\ ill this country. nt tla' COl\sulntl' Ot'Tlernl nnd wns in
chnl'~tI of tlw :ldlllilli~trntJOIl of the .Joint Fund.
~ll. ~~l
.-.;~. ti~
"llo'"'('IL\llDL\x. Of the Joint Fund?
00.00 ':\[1". I L"rLlx .• Toint Fund to whieh \n~ rE.'Ierred to.
'1'h(' ('11.\ IIDL\ X. 11 t' W:IS :l n l'Hlp Ioyl'l' of t liP lsr:w1----
74.1H ~lr. I I.\MF-,lX. Ht.' \\'as Conllsplol' Hnd din'clol' of tIl(' Oflicr of
In fonnn t inn. .
Tlw ('11.\ lIDl.\ x. nirt'rtor '?
~rr. II-nU.IX. Yes. sir.
Thl' CH.UTDUX. Is that in tlw Embassy herr m' in the Consnillte in
flO. 00 Xp\\,
~r r.
York ~
H.nH,lx. ,r 1'.•\ T'llnn W:1S a llwmh('r of tilt' ISf':lel Emha::-:s\' st:111'
in 'Yash i n~t on. ,,-j t 11 tIll' tit ll' of Counselor.
"I~ 11 t' (." II ~ \ ll~ :\[ .\ ~. I ~l't \. ~ ~,
~fr. ILu.fLIN. And simultaneously lw was direct()r. of t 1)(\ Isr:l('1 0 f-
r13.86 fico or Int"t1l'mntion in Nt.'w York ~Hld fl"l'<}uently yisitrd New York
ui of to carryon his. business thrre-.

Tht'"CUAIRMAN. 'Vhllt was the purpose of this ficeount, this" Arnon
; ~ 3) gp('cinl :lct'ounC' ?
~tlr. ; ~rr. HA:l\lLIN. The Arnon specinl nerollllt waf' tIl(' r<\po~it(lry in
(2) l' ~(r. Rosl"'l\blllth's otlire of the ,Joint Fund monE\V made llvfiibhlr hy

the ,\)n{'ri('nH S('ction llS \\'('11 ns by the lsr:wl Oflicr of Informnti()I~.

, !i4 1'i~4·-(\:~-·pt. 12---6

, The CIL\IHl\L\X. "'Ilat \\";I~ rhl' ohjl'din' of tl1(' :1l'cO\lnt, what wa:, This saInI'
1[:' purpO::ie, the' thing \\(. h:I\'1' aln·ady di"l'IISSNI? ill part, is th~
~rr. ILD[LI~, The objediu.' of tlli::; :l('('olllll wa" to ;Idlllilll:,t('r, W:l~ Mr. I LUlL
to providl' thl' rlllld~. to carry Olll tIl(' pll\'po~e-; of thp .Joint FUlId Are you l'C
w II i(' II \\"0 dis\' lIs::il'd P1'('\' i OU ~ 1Y. . The CIlAII
~h. 1LUlL
The CIL\I1
MI'. Ih.l\H
TIll' (·ll.\[IDl.\~. YOII \\';l! ll,l[in' ill [1,(, thinl paragraph It 1'1'a<l:- al)d gi\'(\ yon
:1" follows: ([-.;('e A pre
III t'''~l'Jl('P It weans thltt WP IHf' {laid llIl for til(' \Vestl'rn Hemisphere ;';l'l'vicp" Tho ell.\1
III r(\\l~h :\f II re h :0, H)61. aCClonnt agai
"'llat w('l'(~ the '.\'eSII'f'J1 1Iellli::;p1H'rp S('ITi('pS you '\,('1'(' paying fort! )11',1[\1\[[
]\fl'. ITAMI.IK. ~lr. till' "'('stC'I'11 !lelllispltprp SP1'vil'PS mig-hL be a I' hi I l·seIl\Plll. It
litl.I(' I)I·C'tC'ntiOl.I~. that nail\(" .hut t!ll'. 'V('stpl'll ,HC'lTIis p.llere' s:rvi('~,,, p 1'('}la 1':1. t i 011
n'!('rs to :t pro]l'd \\'(I han' of pro\'ld IIIg re(',ords to radIO statIOns III 1\\omellt ago.
Latin ~\TlIC'ri('a, about. 20 in nUlIIbpr. :1I'ld abollt 10 radio stations in Tho ellAll
Ilw· FnilC'd Slate~, t'hat han' progr:llll~ ill tlw Yiddish l:lllo'\lagt>, ;l.lId :\fr. II \I\Tl
wo p~'pparl', the materials in our office, and Ihe recorJs ar; pl~oduced t heso r(l('onl~
physwally III tl\(' IsnH'1 OtYil'C' of Informatioll whirh has thetf'chnicn,l '1'IIP. ('IIAll
f:wiJitiC's and the skilled help to turn om these l'p('ords, and so we ha\~e onp thillg?
to pay the lsl'ae.l C;OllslIlatl' $10,000 !)('r year for the sprvices they ren- Mr. Il~;\IL
JPI' to lIS ~l producing the n'cords.
I just want. to add OJ\(' word, sir. The record, and I am going to
spellk 11('1'0 about. the Yiddish rp('ords of which I han dirC'ct knowledge
and th:lt T bYe' hC'ard Oil tIl(' radio mysplf, t.hrse rC'('ords drscrilH' th(' TlwCrrAIT
('olphl'ation of holidays in J-.:rnel; they disclIss personalities. When a Has the A
for tIl('> bl':H
man brcomrs, ll(,(,oTllpl.ishes sonlE\tl.lin~ sp~cta.c~l!nr .ill lsrrrel.ol· the~e i,::.
:t grrat. ach"allCPTllrllt 11l nny partICUlar twIrl Tn SCIPnco 01' 111 agrlcul-
l\ll'. JIA:\lL
('l(llun- or s()('i:d w('lfnrC' or in art thf'sp records reflect thest~ kinds of The CnAT]
things tkl.t are going on in 15ral'1 and I might say tlll',v a I'e VPI'!" won~ ices in this
dprflll I'('cords, accollnt?
TIH' CHAnDrAX'. And tll('." an' Iht'lI pl'odll('('d hy tht' .loint FlInd. MI'. BOUli
paid for? Thr (~IIATl
~[r, 1L\1\1LIN. No, sir.
This is Olll' of th(' ~('pnrnt(' o\H'l'at iUl1" ()l1t~id(' of tIl(' .loint Fund. )fr. H.\1.f1
'1'hC' CHAmM~;!". I spe but YOll do p:lY for part of it. You jllst nwnt. This
snid-- projC'cts t ha
'fl'. ThMLTN. Pardon me'? :lg'f>nt of (Iw
'1'1IC' CU.\1Rl\L\N. You ill~t snid. I thought, YOIl Pllt $10,000 in this TheCHAIJ
fUlId. . Mr. 11·nr
Mr. HAl\fLDL No. sir. Hpre wp simply reimburs('d, we paid th(' mattC'r.
Consulate General of Israel for the advices thoy rendered to us, tech=- TIlE:' CIlAl
II jell 1 srn-icps. in pretlfiring the I'e.('ord. th is statpme
All those. acconnts wen' converging in Dr. Rospnbluth's ofTi('(~. :111<1 I thought~
th~ meaning of this memomndurn is to reconcile all th~se ac('()nnt~. Mr. HAM

Tho CnATRMAN. Well, I was coming to that. . radio statio'

stnmp tlH'sP
Tho lnst. attachment. t hp letter from the Consulate to you refers
to a sum due the Am('riean S<'ction from the Consulnte WIth respect The. elIAl

to 'Vf'stern HemispIwl'e sprvices and includes an Item "B. Rosen- Whf>T(l YOll °
herg's salary ,T llllllary-March 1959." ('In a('tivitl(-,~
t, \Yhal W;l;-;
Tit is salary was being- paid by you and you woro reimbur"sed at least
ill part, is that correct·?
11l1e;lel', W:I:, .Mr, I L\l\lL1N. "\Vould you let me please read this '?
loi III Fund Aro youl'cfenillg' to the letter to mo dated September S?
Tho CIlAIHl\fAN. It is tho last one, SeptemberS, 1!J60--
~f I'. I IAMLIN. You will notice, sir, thIS is 1!J58-5!J.
Tho ('Il.\IHl\L\N. It. is dated H)60 here. Yes; I see, that is right.
1\11'. ll.\l\lLI~. Ko\\', I would have to give this It little more study
aqd gi \'0 yon Il.11 exact answer.
(~po Appendix, item A,oN 0.2, p. 1777.)
Tho ('II.\I1Dl.\:--<. "\''"1'11, the only intp!'pst 1 had in this is the jo'lllt
a~cpllnt again.
,)ayillg- for? \fl'. II UlLIN. ~o, sil'; this is not the joint acconnt. This is reilll-
might b~> a ;' bm'e;pllH'111 10 tllp UO\'('I·nllH'lll. for services rendered to us. For the
ere SP1"\'I('I\S pl'l'parat iOIl of tho "\Vl>stl>l'll Hemisphere ['('cords that I oescribed a
stations ill lI\oment ago.
stat ions ill Tho ('IL\llDL\:'o[. '\110 is Mr. Hosenberg?
19-1lagl.', and :'Ifr. 1I\~IUN. MI'. Hoscnbprg is a tl'l'hniciun that Jwlprd prepare
'e produced t hpso r('('ords.
1e t ~ch n ic~tl Tlw CIL\IRU.\;\f. Is that ",h:1t he was paid, $1,400 apparently on thi~
I so we ha\'e (HlP thing?

es they rell- Mr.ll~\)ILl:--<. Pl'f'Sllllla1>ly,sir.

III (roin,r to .)
~ ~

, knowledg-e
df'scrilm ,hI> TIll> ('[ L\ m~L\~. .A ml that was for h is services.
s. 1Vhen a Has t1H' AllIPric:ln Spction ever registered its servic('s in this rpgard
I or t here is f 01' t 11(' l:-w:wl COli S lIla t I' ?
. in :wricul- Mr. ILuILIN. 'Vo1l1dyollnli\ld J'l'peatingthat?
f:'sn k{;;ds of The CHAln)UN. Has the Amf'rican Section ever registered its serv-
'0 vpry \YOIl- ic('s in this rpganl for thp 1s1':1('1 COllsulate, rpht.ivc to this joint,
:H'CO \III j ,)

Joint FUlld. ~h. HO(TKSTEl ~. l\fr. Cha i rmall, are you refrrri ng to t h .. \V('stern
ITrmispherp or to the joint accollnt generally'?
Thr ('II,\I1DL\N, 'I'lit'joillt acconnt.
Ilt Fund. ,rr. Tf.\~fLJN". Sir, we wpre lIot th(' Agencv of thC' lsnwl Gon>rn-
Y 011 just mpnt. This was a jOillt p1'ojrd. T1H' Joint 'Fund carried Oll jointly
projpds that we w('r~ both intprrsted in and wC're tlwrefore not an
agf'nt of tl1('\ Is1':wl Govl'ml1wnt in the casp of the joint fund--
1,000 ill thie; Tlw C'1l.\I1UrAN. But von renderC'd sprviccs--
1\fr. H.\l\rLTN ('ontiI1uing)----Ol" for :lllY otl1('1" proj('('ts for that
I'e paid the mattrr.
to us, tech-' 'I'll£' CIIAlRMAN (continuing). FOT' whirl1 VOll \\'(,1'P l'rimhlll'sp<l in
thi~ statpmpnt. werpn't 'you? TIlt" st:1!0mPIlt.·as you han> jll~t stntpd,
's Om(·(~ an,J I t hought--..---
'('olmh. Mr. HA1\fLTN. 'Y0 prnvirlp<l t !JI'~P r:ldio l'e('ol'<!" to a TItlmht'l' of
radio stations in the Unitpd ~tat{'s. ,y(~ paid the Ts1'a.('l Consulate to
stamp thpsp rpconls for us. It is as simple as that.
QI1F.STl0N ()J"~F.NCY Rm,,\']'W:\'<.;1I11' TO TflF (;on,HN:\lE]\'"T
you refers
'llh respect The CHAlRM.\N. I will nomit thp~;(' art> v(,1'~' Tl:IlTo\Y lpg-al points but
;'B. ROSN1- whC'r£> VOll opprah> a Joint Fllnd am] Y(m hot]l ('Ol1t "ilm1l' nn<l yon calTV
on adi',·itips-if tlwr0 "'C'1'(, two inclividnal<.; T nm not at all Sl11'l' hIit

what 11It'Y would be ('ollsidt'l'cd partnt>l's ill their opf'l'atioll, \Y()~ll,IIJ'1 (A oop
t Itt')' ~
.\Ir, HOllkslcill j:-; a fa!' lwtter law~;pr tllall ram, nnt! I Hill :-'lli'" lji'

\\ill say tht'.\' \\'fl't> dpaling- aJ arm's Irngth at all times.

firm 8. R
-'fr, H(I('K~'ITI.:\. I dOll't know, 1\11'. Chairman, jf I alll :1 11I'l'll'I' Agene:
1:1 \\',\'('1' t JLI Il you, yOli an' a n~r.v dist ill/!uished lawyer. direct,
TIIP("· \\ ,'1'(' 1\\0 indqwndt'I1I o!wl':lf iOlls 1]('l'e. 011(' is rIll' .Join! Flli"!. Comm
TII:~t .Jol1ll Fllll\1 \\as :ldl1linislen-d h\· tIl(' COllsulat(' and II}()J\('\' \\1- No direc
"II'III'dllll\''! !" ,r 11.\' I Ill' .\:!('I1t'y. Tit a'! is opt>I'atioTl No. 1. . to Mr. Kel
were mad.
III tllal ":1"\' '!":II:,\ tilt· .\~t·ll(,y \\'a..; not tlw ;1g-f'Jlt of the I~I-;i('l
through tb
( ; ('\t' ('fltlll']1 ( .' Agency-A
available t
Til(' s{'('Plld opt'l'al ion \\:IS the '''eslt-I'll Ill'mispl!t're n\('ord..;. Th:ll bail udvisl
funds in 0
o!lt'nttiotl \\a..; t\X('lllsively all o!lt"'atioll of the Agency. It ('OiH~ei"('d Xear East
111(' n'('on Is. i 1 wrote· tlw r('('ords, its st t1 fl' com posC'd t Ilt.'!ll. The me- in his pH,
chanical joh of. ,pro<!llCillg IhNn wns dOll{' in the oflice of tbt-- I:-; rae] formed thl
('ollsulatt> OJ' Office of Informa.tion, and for t.hat the Agency paid t.he on acconn
nisbed by
{io\"('l'Il men t. into accoQ
Xow, hen- a~ail1, lilt' Agency couldn't he an agent of the Gon'l'll- Jewish ~
Ilwnt. In tilt' 1ir'i projh·t they were partnt>rs in the project. but no for office 8
ollt'-('l'rt a i nl r till' .\ !.!f'n('v \"a~n '( the agE'nt of t.he Government. .Tune 29, if
Tn tilt' s(>('ol;d (1111'. Ilw (~(I\'PJ'llllwnt w'as merely a mechanical tool for ,J Illy 21. 1
p l'Od 11 (' t i 011. .
.\ng, 1~. 1
'lIar, ::? HI
Tlw C'IJ'\IlDl \.:-.-. (Jw,..;tioll l:Hb) of the r{'gistration form ]'t>,lds ;lS "Inf, 2ft, 1
follows: Theel
l~(b) Any sld'~idy or otber financial as~if;t,lll(,(, received by re~istr:lnt durill~
the period directl~' or indirectly from- . :\0 dire
Any foreil-'1l goverDIlIPnt or foreign political party, or any offkial or a~"[l('Y Inc.. to M
tilereof- ments weI
IHlnH:'-d thl
It "01110. seE'm from VO']T statement that VOll did r('('pivf' fmlll t11P Jf'wish Ago
!snwl Treasury "the $1'.400, didn't you '? • nvnilablp 1
~{r. H.-\)ILI;\. Sir, \\'P didn't re('('ivt' any assistanc~ from flH' T"rael Ampriran
Trt>(lSllry. Hones
The C·fIAIR~L\X. You paid tllt'lll. and I am
Mr. H,DfLTN. 'Vecolltributed toward ajoint fund. The An
The CHAIRMAN. That is right. :-f'<-tion. I
\Ve win put the docllment In there. account·
I am getting so confused OIl it I don'l know "'h1ch fund I am talking Agency-.
about. incurrf:>d
Xear Eas
at the en,
spacp occ
The CHAIRMAN. Mr. R,amlin, I show you a copy of a reply snpplied
the committee in answer to its question which appears in the prmte.d Tllen 1
record of the May 23 meeting on the payments made by your Agency (11lE' ~3.0(
to Mr. T. L. Kenen, directly or through the American Zioni~t,Council,
and ask if you wrote this statement.
Have you got a copy of it there?
Mr. R.UfLIN. Yes, sir.
(.:\ copy of the docunlent is as follows;)
[Material r~quested by Senate Foreign Relations Commlnee In If'tter of June 17, 1963. to
~r. Isadore Hami in]

Item 8. Re'luest for year-by-year accounting of payments ma4e lJy the Jewish
AgeneL-American Section, Inc., through the Am{'rican Zioni.8t Councilor
di.rectly to' Mr. 1. L. Kenen and/or the American Israel Public Afjair.'5
X 0 direct payments were made by:.~tbe Jewish Agency-American Section, Inc.,
to Mr. Kenen or tbe American I ael Public Affairs Committee. ;';0 payments
were made by the Jewish Agen -American Section, I nc., to the above named
through the American Zionist o unci 1. However, it the request of the Jewish
Agency-American Section, nc., the Jewish Agency for Israel,' Inc., made
available to tbe American onist Council for the account of the Jewish Agency-
American Section. Inc.. e sums listed below. The American Zionist Council
bad ud\'is~ the Jewis A~ency-Ameriean Section. Inc.. that it needed these
funds in order that i might pay the same on account of its indebtedness to the
Xearc East RepotL, publklltion issued in 'Vashing-ton. D.C., by :.\1r. 1. L. Kenen
in bis private ea city. The Jewish A~ency-American Section, Inc., was, in-
formed that this ndebtedness has been incurred by tbe~merican Zionist Count'il
on account of 'ubscriptiolls to the :"ear East Report. circulated to a list fur-
nishpd by th American Zionist COllncil. Tbpse amounts wer~ also to be taken
into aecou in the nd,iustmpnt of rent, a t the end of the year, payable by the
Jewish A ency-Amrrirun Section. Inc.. to tbe Jewish Agency for Israel, Inc..
for offic space occupied at 515 Park Avenue.
.lune n. 'l!)60 $5.000 Apr. 17, 1961 _ $3,,000'
.Tn] ~1. ]!~.() 5.000 Aug. 15.1961- _ ;).000
\) g 1."-. n~.<)_________________ ;),000 Oct. 13. 196L ~ _ ;),000
.'\[:Ir. :.!. 1:H1L_________________ 5.000
:'11:11". :2!I. 1!1f,1 ....... _ 5.0001 TotaL ~8.()(){)

ThE' \IlAIRMAX. 1'11(' :-,tfltf'mrnt l"p;lfls:1'>-: f()llo'\v~:

:\0 dif('{·t pa~'mpnls weft> malh> by ttw .}('wi:oih .\L:p[lry-Anwl'ican ~('('tion.
IIll' .. to ::\.11'. Kenpn or tIl(' Alllerican I:,ral'l I'llhlic ~\ffairs Com m"itt N'. Xo pay-
ments W('fe m:H]p by tht' Jewish A~pncy--AlI)(>ri(,lIn Spction. Inp .. to the nbm'f>
llHTllt,{] throll~h the .\nwfir:tn Z;ionist ('ollndl. I1mye\'('f. at the request of thp
.Tf'wi~h .\g-flTl(':>-AmefiC'nn ~pctiOIl. Inc., tile' .T('wi~h Agpn('y for Israel. Inc .. made
avnilflhlf' ·to Ow AnH'ricnn Zionist ('O\1IwiI for tllt> f1P('O\lnt of the Jewish Agen('y--
AmerirlHl ~pction. Inc.. fhe sums listerlhf'low.
J-TOllpsth-, :\11'. Ifamlin. I find it ('xtn'llwh' dlffi('ult to follo\\' this,
;tHO I nm rrading it so I hope ~~ou will darify'it:
Tbe American Zionist Council had advised the Jewish Agency-American
~e~·tinll. IIlC .. that it needed thpsp funds in onIf'r that it might pay tlw ~am(' on
:I('COl1nt· of its indphte<1lwss to the ~ellr EllSI Hepoft. a publkation issued i-n
'V.[lshin~t()ll. n.c.. hy Mr. 1. L. Kenen in hi:-i privatf' capacity. The Jewisb"
:\gpncy-AII.l('ri<.'an Sect ion. Inc .. was informed that thi~ indebtedness had been
inCnfl'(lo hy the .American Zionist Council on account of slwscriptions of t.he
~ear East Heport clrculatro. to n list furnished by the Ame~can Zionist Goun-
ei1. Tht'se amounts wprp a.lso to be taken into account in the a<\iustment. of rent.
at tJwMd of thC' YC'ftr. payable by the .T~'wisb A~('ncy f.or Isratl, Inc.. for office
>;pnct' 0('('upiE'd nt fi1i) Park Avenue. J/
~r~ It'll t 1w1'(' f 0110,,"5 se"en ~f'pn.rnt f' srl.onO p:l.\·mrnt <:1111011 nt i nJ!-- wi t h
(ilH' ~:)... O()n----a moun t ing to $:iR.oon. .


I won't rerrd all of thrJ11. I wOllld like to ask YOll whv did vou not
pay the $38,000 directly to I\Ir. l\:enell. ,,,Ity do you g'o t hrongh all

this rigamarole?
~fr, I-IAMLIN. Sir, the nnS\\'f'r is we wnultl hay(' llO rpa~Ol1 to pay
this ITlOney dil'rctly to ::\11', }(rIH'n, Thp mOllr.\" \\"a~ for the ~pr-4.·i1jc
'Qurpose of buying subscriptions for a list of die .AIllrricHn Zionist
The CHAIRMAN. I don't understand all this langllage hrre, ""'-hat
you mean is you ,iust paid it to the Zionist Conncil, is that right ~
Mr. IIA::\iLIN. ,Yo would haye normally paid the ~\Illeri('an Zionist 1
Council; yes, as we did in previous periods.
The CHAIRMAN. But you knew it was for t he purpose of paying 1
Mr. Kenen.
l\ir. HAMLIN. Yes, sir.
The ell A IR:\L\N. ,V pre these art ua lly for suuscri pt ion--
:\Ir.IL\;\ILIN. If I may corrrC't that. so that thp rr('ord will he abso-
lutely clea r, this was paymrI1 t to t hr ~\ nlrrican Zion ist Counci 1 so t ha t
the American Zionist. Council could strl1ig-htrIl out tlll'ir afTairs with
~Ir, KPIH'11 in ('OI1I1('I'j ion wit h t he subscript ion. S
The CIIAIIDL\N, If \'Oll r:llll1lak(' thi~ )'('l'ord (,ll':lr yoU ;11'(';1 ~I'lllll:S \'
far bt'\'())1(1
. . . anYOIH' I h;~\'(' ('\'('1' llll'f :\llYW]ll'!'l'.
~ . .
-'fr.IL\MLlx. I:tIll ~OlT\'.
(Spp .\ppPlldi'\. itPllh (, alld D. pp. 177~) and 17~1.)

QFESTW:\, OF W II Y P.\ Y:\lENTS .\ rm ::-';OT ::'\L\Dr: J)1HECTLY

TIl r C' TI \I Tn I \.'\. I r i:-, 11 () r ;\ t ;1 11 (' 11'; I l' r 0 11 \(' \,,1 \:l t \. () \1 ~: \ i 11 h \'. a II t h i ~
rig:lIllarolp. "'hy didn'r you p:IY .\fr. }\1'11<']1 dil·p'.'lly~' lIt' \'y;\::-; ~('n'­
inU'yollrpllrposp. wasll't lw? ' II
.'tfl'. If.\.\ILI:". \fr. 1\:('1\1'11 11:1<1 1lo ('oIlJl('('tioll with 11:-> \\"h:\j~of'v('r. I l'
~t!'l'~S :l~;lill. '11'. ('],:liJ"lll:llI. 1111' .\J\lPJ'j(':llI Zio1list COUJlcil appcalf'd
II) Ihl' .\11\"1':(';111 ~t'(',iOll. l(l tll~' .'('wi:";]1 .\g·(,ll('.y--.\l1H'rican ~rctioll, to (
~1':11l1 ;\ 1'\'1'1:1ill :11I\Ollllt or
l1WiH'Y~ an(1 this Iws hl'Pll ,!.!:nillg ()Il for s('v-
, ('ral \·I':Ir....;. "0 tll;\! thl' .\mf'ri(';\ll %iOlli~t COllllcil could ~t't t1w 1\l'ar
E:\~r' l\Ppl)l': lll:lil('d to :\ !:t)'gP Jll:liJillg li~t ill which tiH' .\
Zionj:-;t ('rl1llt,'i] \\ :1-";>lllt(')'P...;t('d. Tht,1'pfol'l'----
T 11 (' ( • II \ I [:" \ \'. Y() 11 \\. {' r(' i n t (l rt 'S t (l d, t 00, \ \' e.r P 11 •t YO 11 ?
\11', 11'\,n,I'. ~ir~ .
TIll' ('I1.\J1Df \x. 'Yon \\"f're'. intrrrsU'd, too.
-'fl'. lI\:\ILl~. This was within aliI' gPlIrral purpose certainly.
The CIL\lJDL\X. Of COlltOSC, it WRS.
,rr. Tr.\,rLl~, Pardon tnc.
The ( 'H,\ IJnr.\:\. I sny, of <,ourse it wa..S.
I Illpan tlwy \H'I'('. spn:ing Jour pllrp~"):-:l'. tlh'Y \H'rl' :111 ~l'rviI1g your
purposr. you had;1 common purpose with :1]] of thPIll. didn't you and
ot you hU"d t he money.
II ~f r. I LDfLI ~. Pardon me. si 1'.
The ("lIAIInf..\~. ~\nd YOU h~Hllllr monp\,.
~fr. IL\MLIX. Yes, sir'; we did, F'ortun~ltely.
st OW~En8HIP OF :->1;) I'ARK A "E~UE

at 'I'll(' CII:\IR1\L\~, 'l\ll0 owns t}le building at [)15 Park Avenue~

:\f r. I IA MLlN. The bu ildi ng at 51!) Park A q~'nue is at t his time owned
st by t hr .1 ewish Agpncy for Israel, Inc.
The CHAlIC\IA~. ,At. this time, whrn-has it changed recently or how
g long ha ve you o,,,ned it?
J\fr. IIA~fLI~. It. was always owned by the Jewish Agency, Inc.
~fr, BOUKSTEIN. IIp 110pcs to own it.
The CHAIRMAN. About the payment to ~fr. }{enen, were these actu-
o- ally for subscriptions?
at Afr.IIAMLlN. Sir, the American ZionistCouI1cil came to us. and said.
th "P} let llS l11l\"e an flppropriat ion qf funds so that we could
strnightrn out our affairs in conl1rction Ivi,th the subscription list that
liS ""0 grr yr ]\11'. Krllrn for <list rilmt ion of t hr ~ ear East Report."

TlIp ('11.\IInL\~. 'rrlL 1 Itan' :I ]d(PI"1{rnll1 .:\11'. Kplwn, a sworn

lPttf'l'.OIl tltp,:)1st oLTlI]v l!)(j;)-tllat wa:-iH':->t('rday.
( A ('o})y of t lw doc\tlJ1irnt l'l' fPITPd to fo'llows:) .
11 :-;
D,C., .July 31, 19G3.
l)P:AIt SENATOR FlJT.nRTO~T: Thallk ~Oll for th(~ opportunity to rj:'ad and rom-
'\' -

lIH'nt on the tf'~til1lony ta "en oy t11(> Senate COJ~pnittee on Forpign']~elati(lns on

I :\In", ~;{. I

l'd I' wi~h to r('fer Bp('('ifknll~' to stntf'l1lf'nts \',"hlen appear on png('s 12!i2 nnd 1253
lln<l which thnt I r~f'I\'('d $~O,OO() !I('r )"('nr from the American ZionlRt
to Council' for personal sen-leeR.\
'v- The fact Is t lla t I wa~ l)fl ift, a fee of $100 per wf'Ck for my personal servlC'OO,
ar COII~ 1st iIl~ Ill:! inly of spen kl ng \png-u,!:;('ment."Y-uboll t one a week-before rIa tional
111 and local hodies of t he AIlleri(~lll Zionist Council, Its (,(Hl!'itituent organizations,
01\(1 other groups throughout ttl United Stntes. The balance r~lyed from the
AmE'rican Zionist Council was. n payment for snbscrlptions to the Near lnnst
Report. which I publish and edit.~ and in reimbursement for travel, printing nod
office e~penses. My personal ser 'lees to tbe council ended July 1, 1000.
The ~enr ~:ast Report. estn biis ed in 19:17, is sold on a subscription basis to
many orgullizntions and indl\?idunl throuJ~bout the UnIted States. The Amerl-
CI111 Zionist Council pun'based subs .ripttons for its leaders and regional officee.,


for newspaper editors and educators. These subscriptions, averaging abutlt :2;) ~1
percent of the total circulation, expired in 1962. T
Very truly.
I. L. KENEN. i~ 11
a Ji~
Subscribed and sworn to vefore me this 31st day of July 1963.
- - - - - - , J\'otary PlllJl/l'
It says: [Chairman rpads the lettf'l' in its entirety.] -'I
Jlere I would gather he says he is an elnp10yee, or was, of the ..:\JllPri- ~J
can Zionist Council, he is not an independent entrepreneur the way ~aid
you described a monlent age, accordinO' to his letter. T
Mr. HAMLIN. Sir, I don~t know the r~ationship between 1\11'. Kellen ~1
and the American Zionist Council. But the letter is clear, that he of t
performed certain services to the American Zionist Council. T
Now, what we arc discussing in my ansn-er to this qupstion is a ]V
subsequent period to this relationship and refers only to subscriptions t ha1
to the Near East Report. of t]
Tho CHAIRMAN. Well now, this change in status came a.bout ap- pe!1
proxilnately the same time as you reorganized your whole operation T
In :\ lnprica, did it not. ~
~fl'. IIAl\ILIN. Ye~, it did.

PUR('JI.\SE OF ~l'BSCmPTlO~S rOl~ :\'E.\R F..\~T REPOHT por~

The CIlAm~r.\x. \""o\\', was this rhang-r of .:\fr. }\f'nrn's ~tatu~ part it is
of the reorganization, ~() instp:l<i of pHyill~ him dirf'l'Ily, you no\\ buy
enough subscriptions to pay him?
~{r. I-IAl\fLIN. It would not. si r.
The CHAIRMAN. 'Vhy not? D(){'~n't he prrform ypry much th~
same function he d ieI beforp ? IIp sprn>:-; t IH' ~n Ille pu rp()~e. wor
Mr. JIAMI.. IN. No, sir, not at all. I
The CHAIRMAN. 'Vhy not? the
~Ir. HAMLIN. He was performing speaking' servicrs during' that In I
earlier period. 'Ve were gIving the Alnerican Zionist Council a money fun
grant for subscriptions for t hp Near East Report. do'
The CIIAIRMA~. Doesn't he speak any more? I
Mr. lIAMLIX. To my knowlNlge~ he has no cOllned ion now. no ar- fail
rangements with, the Zionist Council. KeJ
The CHAIRMAN. Rut he writes these letters, dOf\sn't hr? 1
Mr. I-Ul\fLIN. Pardon me ~ tha;
The CHAllUIAN. I-ll~ writes the Neal' East Report. pf'r
Mr. HAMLIN. Yes! sir, he does. ")
The CHAIRMAN. And he sends them to all sorts of people fl~ of plo
charg-e, doesn't he? 1\
Mr. HAMLIN. I am sorry sir. ' 1
The CHAIRMAN. He sends t.hem all around free of charge. ~()l
• J ... ......... .' -'. - - .. - , ..; . _L '-.. .' .:;... - _ - . . -_.
'f. ~


~lr. IL\)tLl:\". Fn,pofcharge~ I don't know.
'I'll(' ClIAIlc\[:\X. \Vell, you pay for them. I mean the arrangement
EN. j:--; that you, tllroll.~h tlH' (\nlJ1cil, pay for thpllI and they send thenl to
ali -:;t w!lo do not S\lb~(,Ti 1)(', is t his not corre.ct ?
I call sen from my O\\'il ('xperipncC'. IIp sPllds mt' one and I don't
pay for it.
.\11'. l[.UILIN. Sir,t]ll' C01IIWil pnwidl'd tIll' fllll\l...;-~ . .
Tho ('H.\IRl\L\:". Is it Jllr or till) committp-f' ~ ~byhl..' I do hun an In-
fTC't a Jl r ; m a .\' Ix> i tis t }](' c() mIni r t (' (' .
.i 11"; t i(' (' hilt we r- .
len- .:\lr. BODKSTEIX . .:\fr. Chairman, it is ()l)\'ioil~ frOllJ ,,!Iat the ,Yltnpss
way sn,id that. a largo numlx>l' of rp(.'ipirnts of thr b1l1lpril!"- don't pay for it.
The CHAITL'\L\N. That is rig-ht.
ellell ~Ir. BOrJ\~TLf:", 'I'll(' .\T1It';·il·;lll ~i()ni:-:t ('nlI1l<'ij payc: fnr ll. Jll111l1wr
t he of t hrTll.
The ClI.\IIDfAX. Tlmt is J'ight.
IS a ~fr. BOUK~TET1'O. Hut. n('\"('-rt])(']r:-;:-; tlip ill1pn):-';...;iclll :--lllll1~d not btl left
t ions that that is. tlH'. bulk of tl~r lllajori~y o~ tlip Ill(~j~r I~aI1 of the r\.'(·.ipi(~nts
of the }>llb1JcntI01l. ::\1.'" II1fOrJllntloll 1" tll:\t ]t 1:--1l t ~(), :lIld whd£' you
ap- pE'~it. Inc, ~rr. Chairman---
tion The CIIAITUIAX. I mi:-:sf'd that, ",'ait a minutt·,
'Vhat. is not so?
. :\fr. BO"lRS1TIX. That tlw nurnl}(\r of people rr{'('iving--that the peo-
p]e rocf'iving the bullptins al~-what IS it called. the l'Pllr East Re-
port-whirh arr paid for by tIt£' Ameriran Zionist Council, are llot the
majority of t.he n'('ipif'nt~, I don't' know the pxart pc>rc-entage, but
part it is only a part of t11(' nmnber puhlished and distributed.

1\ow, while I am at it, ~fr. ('hairmnn. 1 would likp to :-:ay on£> mure
word so that you will have the information.
I personally, in my capacity as counsel, had n. gre~lt dp:d to do with
the reorganization of act.Ivity whiSh took place in 19()(). I pal1 icipated
that in many meetings. At no time., ~fr. Chainnan\ did the or
loney functions of Mr. Kenen enter into a discussion which had a.nything to
do with the reorgn.nization or t.he purposes for the reorganization. .
I u.m saying- this simply so that the record be clear and so that no un-
o ar- fair inferences may be drawn as to the payments being made to Mr.
The CHAIRMA~. laIn I'(\,minded, !\fr. I{enen in his own letter says
t hat these subscriptions. frOin the Zionist Council n. n:>rage about 23
pprcent. of the total eirculation expirpd in 1962.
Yon do not regn.rd l\fr. }{enen, for practical purposes, as ~n em-
p.e of plovee of the Agency ~
~r r. lI.AMLIN. Definitely not.
The CHAIRMAN. Do you find his policies in disagreement with
- --~_."-..--- .... ,_..- ••• ~ ... ,...,...""-- .~.- "'- ...... 'la>:.... ,.,...... -"" .............. or.• ~"":;:...!....-.:!\ .h.-.,#-I'~,. .. •.


-'It·, I [.\:\ILlX, I kllow ~lr. Kl'IH'1l i:-; a diredor of the Alllcric'an Isral'1 As
Publi~ Atl:air.s COlllmittl'p which js COHl\lOSl'd of distinguished.c.iti- jng I
zens III tIllS country. lIe travel::; arOlllH., tlwy have a lund ralslllg ,,-hie
cum pa ig-n. TheSf' arC', not t a x-cxeIllpt funds which 1\11'. I~enell cn l'ril'~ I (
on his aetivit ies as a. director of that COlllmittec.
Tho ellA IIDL\ X. 'Yhat a.1'(~ 11 is acti v ities in ''''a:-;1I ington ?
An' vou familiar with it'?
,~rr. '1 Ln[Ll:\,. Xot ill dpt:lil, no, sir. But he is a registered lobbyist Th,
"in "Tashin,!!toll ill his capacity as a din'Color of til(' American Israel aren
Pilulic Atl'ail's COllllllittep. the ~
, The Cll.\lIDL\:-';. lIe i~ :t rl'~i::,ten'd lobl1vist \lIHler the donlestic don't
lobbyingla,,'!( . ~ CIZI!1 1
1\f1'.ILDILLN. That is right, sir. regIS
Tho ('II.UIDU ~. 'Yhy do you t hi Ilk Ill' shouldn't l"l'gistel' under t lip tho s~
FOI"l'ign Agent Hegist ra t ion . :\('1 ? contn
~h·. I T.\:\I 1,1:'\. ExnlSP Int'. I can't COI1lIlH'llt on that, ':\[1'. Chai rman. regisj
.1\11'. HOITI{STEIN. 1\£1'. Cha,jrman, I would sug~est nlOst respectfully AIr
that. ~rl". IIamlin couldn't COllllwt('ntly answpl' that. question. whi(']
TlIo('1[I.\uDL\:\". Could VOII? Th
~r r. BOUK~TEI x. I HIll ;101 acting here for 1\'11'. I(enell, 1\1 r. ella i I'- CPl
Jllan. . a hm
TIll"' Cl L\ Ll: :\I.\:-r. ,Yell, maybe ,YO ought to ask 1\11'. 1\:('n('11. no VOl! su O"O"{
. ~b
think he would ue comprtl'llt to answer that question? IS rec
l\[r. BoeKsTElx. I aSSUllle he would be. l\Iy ofl"lmnd opinion would prnm
bD that. he does not have to l"Pgister uuder the Foreign Agents Act, not are <1
froIll the facts as disclosed in this, in the executive seSSIOll or ut this I r
hearing. at it I
Tho LCIL\lInL\~. Xot as disrlosed but froIll the facts as you know he Stl
them? on y(
l\{r. BOUKSTEIN. Let me go further. way (
FrOlll the facts as I know Ulero he would not have to register. ia
The CUAIRl\IAN. ~rr. Boukstein, I would hesitate to chall~ri~e your he sl;
opinion about whether he should register or not, but for the life of me ~II
I can't understand ,vhy a person who received such a. large subsidy opInI
from a foreign agent indirectly because it goes throu~h the American TIl
Zionist Council, should not have to register where,as If he received it say s
directly, I think you would agree he would have register, wouldn't to tive ~
hei snpp
... The CHAIIDfAN. And the device of merely using the Americnn the]
- Zionist Council seems to me to be a very thin way OT insulating him
from the effects of the Foreign Registratlon Act.
lIr. BOUNSTEIN. Mr. Chairman, he is selling a service, he is pub- Tl
lishing a bulletin. If there are any debts or any liabilities he or his calle
corporation are responsible for them. M
• ••.......10 .. . _r·. • __ ... J ' , . . . . •

... ~ l--


T:ll'l .\~ a matt('!' of fact, ,dl(\'ll the AnH.',rican Zionist COllllt'il ceased pay~
citi- ing him for tlw bullptin lw cP:lsed scnding out the copies to the list
"hidl they had fllI'nislH'd him.
I"'t"H'~ I don't "IH'1 ipH' Itt' i~ ~llbj('d to n'gi~t ra t iOIl 1111<ll'l' t 1J()~P rond it ions.


)yist TIll.' (' II.\lIDI.\ ~. I lin \p ~('l'n :l n 1l1ll1)('l' of his publ i('atiol\:-' and if they
~l':lt.' 1 (\ l"l'll't com plet (·Iy t!('votl'd tot IH' prolllot ion of t he purposes of your-
tile ~al\w pllrpo~('~, tItp .Jewish Agency, and the ~tate of I~rael, I
lest ie dOll't kno\\" w hat it i~. It is d il't'cted to that purpose. I am not criti-
cizing t IH~ pllrpo~l·. YOH ha \"(' a right to do it. You do it, and you
f('gistt'l' for it. I just :\111 not quite dear why 1\£1'. ]~enen who serves
r t I\l' tIll' :-;ame Plll'PO~O and. in fact, in some 'ways much more Jire.ctly in his
contact with the Congress than you are why he shouldn't have to
mall. register?
fulh ~Ir. BOUKSTEIN. l\fr. Chairman, this is not tlw only publication
which is favor:iblt' to ]~rapl ill thp r"nitp<l Statp~. th('\,p an' otheJ':-.
Tho CIl.\IR:U.\x. I havc 110 doubt of it.
llair- Cprtaillly, Tht' Ke"· York Times, the' 'Vashingtoll Post, I ('ould name
:t hundred of tlu.'Ill, I gue~~, they are H'ry favorablc and I am not
o VOIl suggesting that they an' in your employ. I am suggesting Mr. Kenen
is receiving- far more of his funds from the Jewish-the Israel Gov-
,\'mlld ernment. dIrectly and indirectly than is The New York Times. They
·t, not are doing it strictly on their own, at least as far as I know.
t this I really shouldn't speak authoritatively because' we hnn>n't lookpd
at it but it is quite clear Mr. !{enen has been, for practical purposes, as
kno\\ he states himself, up to a certain point of your reorganization, he was
on your payroll. Then in order to insulate him you took this indirect
wa.y of paying him by buying his product and paying him in that way.
cr. i am only trying to understand how this is done. I don't know why
I your he shouldn't register. "
o"f me 1\11'. BOUKSTEIN. That is a matter of opinion, Mr. Chairman. My
L~idy opinion as a lawyer is that he is not subject to registration.
~rIcan Tho CHATH;\L\N. I am sure that is your present opinion. When I
ved it say shouldn't rrgister, I am thinkin~ really of a law if it is to be effec-
llldn't t ive at all the way it ou~ht to be written, not the way it is written. I
suppose that is what I am saying.
~Ir. BOUKSTEIN. There, Mr. Chairman, I may agree with you. If
~rlcan the ]a". is changed--

: pub- The CHAIRMAN. Mr. Hamlin, are you acquainted with a publication
:>r his called the Israel Digest ~
Mr. HAMLIN. Yes, sir, I am.
(]-\ ~~unple copy of t lw, dOl'llln(lllt re.f()rred to follows:)


\1 t,

Knesser calls on Bonn Go,·erriInenr

to stop C;ertnans' aid to Nasser
1:-- \ KE\I:\RK,\BI.E Ill"!'!.\) ..: '1,,,,,,",.: ""It\, Ih,' K""""t I"",,-d ",11",,,1 ~
dJ',,'nlu-nt \01( f~ nn \t.\It-h '~ll .\ ff~)lutlon railIng pn thr (~()\Tlnll\t'nt 01 the- (,cr·
llL1I1 t',"(ln.l! Repuhllc tp put .Ut 1I111lll"(..h .llc ~t~\P r,. the acll\ I l l n (), ('(~III1.Jn ~{ll"'ntl~l"
,1I1d lin h.\' t' tWC:fl h"liHng E.~\pt tn dc\t'lp.p ~,,~d III;ltHd.\l tut(' \\(,dpt'll"
In"lllltfl.lIl'l' \ ..

(·f Itl.\ ..... !"Iltn~ (() tw tJ'wJ ,n ~tn ~tt{,,1I1l-Jt In dr'\lrp~ lsf.lrl rhe It'S·olulJon tpJlO\'H"'\! .J
'Llt"llwn( In \ll'" (1I1Id;\ \tnr, the \1111l\kr fur FUlt'I~1\ ·\tLilr,. \"11(1\ 1\ ~l\"n 1»,11)\'"
III '11

\, ~h(· l'\.llt·'''ct I" .,',\.11( l .,,~("d for ..\ ' \ (PI tl\(" ~ IH III II !'I t.!lh. c'\ ... 1 tile .\1 I t"t

Illf'l·t:nL: It' the "(\rf'l~n \tl.ltr~ ,11\1..1 ,,,",f't titl pf l~nr. hr.,,...11 lltJtr·n. l 1l111lO.( \,'~ ill

1\ t.l l l l l l l i l i n ' , .,t \'d\lfh I I.!,\\t· Hd\)rTlI.l- !i~llh.' pf til,. \ ,'!Uf' \.... pl.h'· (-.n dl!' tr ..uft·
llflll ,tlh II! tilt' ,I{ 11\ llw, .)1 {,,'r1run 'I It"f1 Ih)tI.,1 fl It'IH!h. r(,~.ltIt1l1" lWI\''-'TIl thc }H:'(l

11'-" In-d tNllllltl •• It~ In FL:\Pt .h \\t'11 .1' fl~(" cd S\-\ll/nJ.tnd .uHf
allJ (;p,\t'(nITlrnr,
.ti>\·Ht th,- Clft lJlII ...1.lTH l', nl the ,1I1I"t 01 l" .•d, '''' lind ,t J,It,,,,,ll to ""tln,t,lIlei
.\Il {'I,Il,1i ~ lClfnl Ifl ~\, d:cr 1.11Hf \t.t ,pIne pi the \tf'f" !;lkl'n h\ tht' ~\'\ I " .HI

It'll~tll\ ~""IOI1. 1l\.lT\\ dct.\llio \\t'n' ~1\l'1l tfl(\ntll:"\ In Ihlt1i matln

I'~ rid' .1\11\1[1t" pt tlif''\{' \ { I n t l l \ l , • • HHl

.JI.ou{ ttl" (Hl'f"Ttlllll'l1l ,~I (\I.H·I", .Ip- AmlAlIlcnts Banncd b, JUI.-mali"(lal

pll II Ill" III \.1I1D'h Ijll.llll'l' H1 \ I\lJlIt"\ 111.:1 Ll ... hI, a Il\n~ lllne the Ep p' 1,,""
\\ I! Il .:;",(' .1. fl\ 11\,'" 'rbt' Kll'·""I'I. II" h.I' t""'11 q''''I1~ to Ililiid lip err-,ll Hlr-n[:t!, "
Ill){ ,·'pt·l t lilt' .. d"f.1I1 .. til 1..-
!, In nnll'r to foHn' (Iut t\l~ dN I.:Ut,1 Allli :\ltU\R \\\I~llt\11
pI tI .... tll'\ln..; til,,' SUlr ('{ I'I,I"!, ,Ind :,, In"'t:lt' ~,'h'l,("r \ ~ £}Pl \'~.JPC"l~' of tn", d('-..llli'

"',\I!I largf' llU.llllltlf''\ (If .\f:lI.lllwr\L, h.\,t· 1I0U-- lOll udtnJl I\J)(,\ bannf'd b,. lI,,on.a1
1;1" arr hf-in.L:' cI("\("lcprd ~ .. Ih 111,. ""jd of (,~r
lwcn tt~)\"lll.~ 11ltll Eg\pt Kt·«(·llll~,.L Ill'"
m.:Jn "Clf'n"~(, and If'. hnu :.::U1\ If) ardrr 10
,'1"'''''''1 ha< b""n ,Hid"d ,\ ""1111,,'1' "f (;"1" lauu<"h II _at DC t"slfrmlrlJiI,Of' J(all1\1 "tllrl
lll.\tl " l wntl\b., ,\Ild hundrc1..ts. or (;('1111_111

\"!"·j:ft,·,1 \I'I!"'I II. ~tj(

}.\ Ih, 11'( hill( l~ln"i, ;}J"f' hf'lpln~ In dl" ('It'll pit en
1"'I,d "(1,t\ S,lllllna' "'dlt.:ill1~'
(hi' "'e I1lls"I~, In E~)!lt, ,1nd ,'\('1\ ,'fIlI,llllI'nl'
/),1'1\ \fd.f';J·tl lr h,/llr IId',J: ".1.1-1"'111, 1 h.\llIH'·d h~ lfltc'l n.\tlf'(\.11 LH.. ·• \, hleh 'il'n (" 11\' FillS iSH T
II,m. ",:'uinl /1I"".i, r,}t!}n .-'~u.({H II <"I, fpr til(' d"stnlc(Il)1\ 01 I" 'Il\{ tl,,">:,
'<r.1 1'·,'t:1rll ,r'1,1 nt', d"r"l' "f frdh F...... i~1\ \n ,II"
[,tit' (~n\('rtltll('nt of E~~pt I' l'ndt':\\lIl-
r.J"\ (';"Jf'/"(JII"11 ,1':,1 F',l(I""I(\ ". hr .1\ II\- ic,<", of (,("rln.ln '" 1f'1111\1 ... 11'
In~ (0 (lhLllll the,!' 1'1)(" {If \'\,·.I[lO(l'O;, \\hll h
Il.J.~· t,n:) r '" \ p l '''''f''f' \..:lll 1,
0111('1 f1,P\"'('!li a.U' )lot prep.Hl"'! 01 In-
lla~' l\.nl·'~"! ff'".h.\ th.l! rh.·
Irfl"''''! 10 ,"ppl)' 1111<'"';1. ~In",'
,tl 11\ 11\ l,j ("-"11.111 ',U'llt"'l' .'Ill! ,', 111'1,
of ronsc,('n,c/(""S Sl'lrllll<g, \\ho a,t' Ill'l
I,rae! alld "'Hid In,,,
,wtr,. \\nrkIlH:::: 111 Fll'pr tltl th,' I1L\t\tI·
Thr Zi.nj,. ',fOnt-r.·" (01Hhll VI,
I.,. fl·,r .~f "(",I'~HH ,If 0',1" d."lIl" tlpn Oll!' pu'p,,, ... ! tn do L~\PI' \\111 I, <I Itr,,'\ pruhlt'lfU II~ Ihr /'/01. , • .\10' ("'. rnt p ,
III tw 11,~·tI .\\:.1111 .. 1 I" .'1'/, .-;: ... l!1.\\ I' HI;'''''" lh('lr n\'11 (t'nlr I~nlt,ofl' In lh(" '.tl1"·
l'hr I..-~t"nd III Jt""'h p;"'\I\It~ d,
d •• IHVI tl) duo .... , IItll\- [\1 (fll.H'1 .UH.' II" allH, Ih<- :".\11 ,hol\H. .\\I\( \<l.H lrlu',.d ~)
P(lPIII.ltlnn "3h\l~H {;nlrl'lI \1)11
Ther,' " Ill> d""bl thaI tlot" 11\<'11\"\ .. I
,Ii Ill(' (,l·f/.lI.IU p~-t)rk t.trJIhl(
thiS ~\'ll I res,' arf", Nt tilt" 01H' h.tI1d, 'h,' I'.du(-aliOlln, \el(lIe,· alld ( "1I,,rr
,""I"f" 'I\~'rt ,d IfH' ,,·,p"'fl\lhlf'f\ (Ill
lu",' fPI ~.lln ,lilli, l i n t)w nthr-I .•1 S.u,
,hI' 1,IIIIllll1.\llclll ,I! Ih .... \ "" \,orb. It ~ dtH -Illolial ,'l hd'\('t\lCnh .nld pl~t.I"'fl\'
l'\l lh,. dUI\ "f fill' (,"1111.)1\ l,I"l"IIWIH'lIC
IIlCl,nal,,'n (0 h.,lr"d of hlJrl ,md 1I,t" "".,.,.,. I"" u· ..... rd " If,,. "'r,~", 1 t" '(,

1,\ pill ~an Hl1fW·dl.l(f rnd 10 I~II~ dolO' de'\lrllfllt.. . " of j('\,S :\~ Lu 1,.l~ k lilt' *', ,\t.!'.l • "'.\11 \1,·\ ,· ... t 01 ~ d.,· j .llld

~"IHll' ,lll'\II\ \If lllf. Ilrl/l'tl\ MHf 10 da" of Hilla, Ih,- r10S'-'I"S 1)f"1\\~rn l:~",' ( I!:! LIT (

!.ll,· .)11 'II'J" (l-tllllrrd to prt"\t'llt this ali(I th .. :\,,,,,, "f"rt" \\~II kllo"n, and II
I \"l;l"f.tll'lll \\ Ilh th,. r~\prt.l71 (;\\'~ln· 1\ nn ~('rrt·t t::.,rc'l \cf\r-t;. {O<.b\' ,tt. ~ ('tltll""1111\ ."iell)\ Olt '.I!· ... lljllll' .. '
111 llie' l :-.. \ .l.lud t...III")·I.~ f,' I .... It -\ L 1.
ftH'1l1 I'l\lll Ilul (Tnt"l and a'ylulJI for I~.l,hll~ Ult,r.S·I, 'II~) 1'.rk '''4'. '\; ....1 ,""r\t !.:,
, Ill<' K"",.... I ,.llis "1"'" "llllllhl' :"',l/lS . ~ '\ In .tll"l 'GI'OII't"t I., loa••• 1 !/'"\. . . h
rtll'd \\ndd p"lll" "J"rHon to ('''~nrili.r :\l;~'1t r I" /'10'11(\ "l1n r-,
1(\ IIltI1l4'nn' "'Ihnut U1 (lrder ttl (rcrman (;o,'C'mmC'nl Should Slol' All ocbt"t t'omnH'nicJlion' h): I...,H" Lt,
p'lI .' ,\It'l' fl') {hll; ':-H"li\ II,· Ilf G ... rnun
Tbtst' A('ti,'it;t'i, "'r C\nrHlI <OIHt"''''' that OIGl'.ST, I' (111 9~, ,Ie"",,''''', '"ad
.·'pfrt .... \\ho~(' ~\un i, h l ("~p(\"" III
et ... .;,Irll« tlnn rhl' Sf.tlr Il( h,.lf-), in ~d""llt h th" s,lualilln 1\ III k"''''p,n!: \\ III, Ih... J ...,ire,
"11' rnnn..t1\1\ l~t ttln pt"'oplt' \~ho hil\.f'
0f Ih.. (;o,,,mm,..nt "f th,.. (;,rn,,,n Ft", \111' lTI .. ,rfl..J1 It hlt"'tt ~t1h lhl[" 1'. p_Ulrnrnt n(
~Hn.IVf'd tl1l' ~.11' 'Illlt .. a\l~l h.-,(' ,h'r,,1 Hrpuhhc. hut tllr"'" .nrntisls and ou.hf'N" tht rt''lll;r(''«t ~''lln'I'''l \UI{"l'l("lli
, " .. Iic-r
trchnlnan, at~ il:'> f.'111n'n' I"ht" (;{"I'1Il.11l u1l41 ... r ']"1 l "\l (,)11'" '('"q \I{ the- l("'\10~ ... h -\~('"rH'
,'.l\l1llablr fllf Inlif,"'H,'n R~'''lr.H1\ n (\,')('.'\ n(l'
I (J1nfl"~tJJ ~" POtt' } 1 t Imph -.lp'f'rn,,·al 0' d":.ppNH,ll f'H lhl\ ,,,,,In ,.. 1
tn thf' I \ (,oHfnmt'nl


I t~.lttH t (\f nt\t 1113.\ \OU 1U(CtC"t.1 In tH In~·

Z.iouist General (:oullcil sur\'c\'s ,tl~ k k '0 rhp .'-f("~~l"nr Ifl {OTlIWr Rla(l
:UH\ C"p\ ..\\t\\n~ to 3H tht.")V, , .. ho t..\\\ t~l("1n,
problenls of Je\\"ry arid Zionisin \r/ ... t'\ /,n(Jj'l,fs abroad tiliH
thl' r"I,JJn to 'lIon"
7.01l1li1Jl Jllf'·.ln'"

~'J rll -\ CALL fTnl1l J)r .\',1 IIlJlII f); (;oIdmOlnn on So, 'et je"" 1\r
l ~nldJlI.lJH1, rJ..<'sldl'llt Ilf dll~ Jt"\ ,\11 '\,\h'i!iI '.l·d In
l t\,!,IIIi.lnn h;~ \'lI't'Il,n~
\":1'11[\ .11Ic! Ihl' \\ Nld !II"ll\1 ()'I(:Jnll.l· ,ldt~:t'\\ !~:,'f t~~I' I'r·nh!r;!1 "f jC\\f\ III ".'
t,-'I1, (\'lr th t ' 11']1)\ ('n.ltloll p( Ill<" ~1()\ ('. \I~l Kd'i\!,.l \L\\ not ,'Hl'nt:J::\ t"'It' III ,\illl
1~\I~nt 1.'1 lHf'"et Its lIll'lIlt'lHoull;, H"lll~llS,blh. "";lllt~'lll Hl dll' ,,,.,,:1 ,r ,lilt! !Ill II,.
Ill',. du' Zlnnlq (,C'IHT ..ll Cnul1CII opened \1'01;,,' ttH'lII~ll du'r.' \\f"r'~ ,I'lll·"'f'·,I\t,.
I:' """100 H\ JI'IIl\..11nll on \t.t1dl '8. llr i"I'~'l1~\ .1THllr'ad"'H 1f'"\ r\ rrl In " ' \ ,ct I{!.'I.
( .. ,!dl:unn lll~("'(1 1\1(\1,' Hlh'I\~I't" rlTCllt to "I.' lit' ~~"If\I,'d ('Ilt IL,lt In rt1',lrl \1"I\II':il"\

":lId lit" .In,,,h \'''O\,''' 1"I'I\"lwrt, \\'Ih fpr ('"("I'Il,'l'\;1 (T~fl"'1, 1,",\\ t \1f)\lllt.ff'C!
,:, "'llt"r III Ih.. SIJI<' o( Isral'l. 10 Kl\r .,tl'<\~,t h(l', p( trH~f' '('f~1r'h"l'd Itl (!t-,llh
\::,' \'~\IIH.:cr l:(-Ilt'l,lt"lon .Jl'\"I~h ,lnd }{~'h. ,\hile tI\l'\ \\('rl' pnl,"'t ~ I:" I ('! (t'OI I'~
I"~' nliH ,l1101l, alld (0 Pfg:\I11/(' tllt~ Jr\\lsh the ,cnrl,1! tH'~l\d,'I,\ln In ~l\lr't I{llc",.l
1"'Pi':" 1"I'r\\\!ICfl' 10 l,ll-fc'nd 1t\ n~hl" tit" "\\ I' l1\("\lr' ~.,nlo.:("h'\''''' Iw ,,\Id, "1\
l."d lUI tIt Ill.u ,tf\~'\ (Ill tftc" pln,:I,t or tht, lh,lt ~h(' \('ntt'l\t ," ,l~;l.nq )('\'1'\, It~\ <"l' I'

',,\\. ,,1\ ("Ofllllltllll~\' HI ttl(' SO\ H'I t'lllon. tjll,rr Illddlt ll\ tt\l'n 111(·' '~~IIII'lh ('II, .11..:,llrlq
~\ iI" fl II(' 1;"Ild I"lIft'Tnl (,",HII "bl-H,HII dt\;,· n,\n'J('~" If thl' '('\i('1 t'(',nnllwn( 1\
(11~,:"LlIIPT1' III (lllJlp,Ir''Illrl '\:dl I,tl]l'r (In! rrt'l, \IPth\~("d til ,lnt,·"t';II,t"i,fll :I( II
'n", JlII'~ :\lU\ rrl!~lnn( dl'( I.lle\ II .Ii. Ill, d,I(\ It I \rpi) "''lct, 11Id,!1t
I t,f' 1,,'1,'1\\0 \\ ,\1;, PIH'lwd h\ \tr ",I,ll-..(\, I, .1/Hl III \'T 14' II ! ,Ill 11l'f"I"'1I'll 1\

I lilt t :h,\II 11 l.1I , pf the (.~'"t\( d, tIl("'

Ifl 1)"1, rl',11r'd "tilt h " II,l:t...:lll ~\\Ill d')fl~rr·\
\1,."('11.1' (lr d\!, Pff''i.ldl'nt t'{ 11,Lll'1 ,1nd f\~: KII('I,Hl Jr'''I' th,lt thl' Jr"\\1, ,\Ir 1('(
\1" Il'·Il.!." thr "I"..,~rl "f Ih,' 1\.'''''''''1 )'lll\lhlt" !tlr 1he 111;:'1"111\ (\f ,hr"'lllll;'"
( .d' I'el \111\1<1.·1'. CIIlt'i K.,hh , '\ .I.I~'" "hll h ,\fr' pllnl ... hr'd . . 1 \ ... r't-rr:' .1nd
Dr :,\"hum (;oldm,nn. Prr,ill,nl 01 Ih< \\ orld
'\;":111 ,11111 \1.\\P1 hh-"'"I'1 "f .11'111\! ()q~J1"iI.:ation and Ihr In,,,,,h A~('nl" I Ttlrlh '
" t "/11 \{r ')"lJr riIl O
,\' ,lt~I·:tt;fll1 til tilr I'hl'" lll.'ltl proh!('ll hp",r"'I, \\ .... ,J
, '\~llItIHlt' fl( Ihr' '\l,'r~ III Lolnt! .llld II,,' ".th J.,.f~ll':" ot'n{' \\1 C'\('" '''1tll tl,('I: t "l' r l rl/llrllt Ill';lt" (\1 I,\ll lhk .\Il;,1:11:1.111~"tl
f " · " ' I ! t I" ,It th,' d"thl',d tlf th,. \1." I 11':1\ llil\\fl nf ~:'.th':, ii,' d\'t i.lrcll I tw 'Ku ..... l.Il1 (ttl' ,', rllllCllt (.\ntH1t \1"11'
\\ it!! ,III thl'" \1,,11,\ h' the '1.111' I'! I,· \tr \hll,l Elut1, Ifl" \{lrll"olt'r (,f E-dlll,1 tll,l( In (1l11Ip,\tII.,,"'n \\dh l\thr'l 1111nnrlll{'''
III'!. thr "uPI)t lt~ Ic'rdHt'lll:t1~ ! l l ' l l l "II' t1l,n J.lld l.lllt,lfl', ~1("ftNJ thc· 'r~'~d('n \11 ,UH! tt·II~Hln\. ttll'rr '" hLlt,lIlt OI\Ctllll1n3'
It'\\\ ,\( thr {)"l"pCII., 1\ Iltll t "ll111lt"1\'IlI.It" till' (I('rtrr.d (.dlifh II In (he Il.llllr \It [hc' tltlll :\~,1Itl\1 RlIs.\l~ln Jr''\oT'' .. "t" d('( L\rrd
I ,r ,lcl (; P\ Cl 1\1111';11 F(\r "'l,,·llllpl~, odt"f IIIIO<"('(U-' hJl,1 a n"-l·
I he IltHlI\! :'\[,l\Ctllt'ot "Ill'! 1I1~lkr ,\ (lrk of \( hool~ rn rhl'lf (1\\ 11 Iilfl~\i,t~t'
qll'rltjtlilli ctfll,t.\ In lhr "ipllt'll' pf Jr",~h .1 bl ....lIllrl" 'lnd :1 prr<' "f Ihr" "" Il. ~Ilci
l'dtll,ltltln, p,'IflflJl.uh In 'If''' I,f tLr' lh.r.llt'"r, In Ihrlf bn~lJ.1~(' FIll' til" .1("'"
"i'IJlltJ,l! t!IIolS tll,~t 1\ p.H~,n~ Inn th,' JI'''. I h,lt ,\ i\\ alnlCl"t non·t"xl'l,!enf, "'t rpl lnr

,0n .. 1
(O"'I",ud /T"··' I'J,,[t I
I "h ; IlII tI, III Ihr I),:upnr"," \Ir EI'.III Ill<' 1"'lIo<lt(,,! s.,: Id"" H,',mlan,! ,lnd
(ql,rrnt1\rnt (.ltllll't ITI\l.\ln 1l1dd{I'IC"nt ttl t!o-II.,,,,.1 \\ l' :Hr r.,IIr~ tli)..,n to ,,,I (\nCC"'ft\ ,10d thC'3lrr p~rfnrl113n(t'"! frnlll
~ • r'
,h.'.I.... 1 ,lut, l'I~"I ... ·n "'.It, ,If, ... th .. 1.111{~ In hrln~\n.l{ ;\h~ ...ut lh,' IHllt\" llj IIIlIl' tIl I'"lr I hc Lrerl.. (hUH><.I"". \1",,·
III the Ilttll·II1l' Il'~lll\('. \,hlth l\{'HI~h( tlu' In,\\h (ll'nplr rlw 1.,,'n"l E,,'ctltl\ l' Irln .\nd ("\lhrr rf"h~l()tH h:Hi \(,IHln~II("" tor
.1!l()\I( the tUlll (,f lI11lillll\\ PI' Jt·\\I;" rllll!\t ~N·l. \\,\\~ and 1\1('3nr, p( ,nr(l\Ha~\lI~ fl'hi.!II).tI\ hlnrtlonarlt"'s .lnd .\ stJ(ln~ l':'
\,(~ I,ncr ,,'g.llll hnd IJlrfl\hcll;, \,){ \h.\t ~lt'(~, 11111,;\11\(' In Illl' 1l',HIl",a ('ll' th",a,h,'l1cr- gan",Il,,'n. "hd .. thl" Jr\'I h'ad "nc )'(ll,l-
;~ll' rN~)()ll'lhl(" tn-t .1c.:tll d('I;,I~nf'd ttl d('·~tr('\ lI,rnl Ilr J"w,th ,... III<',ltIOI\ and Ihr "ud) ; a "'llh f,\'r It\ld~nu and nol r\1'1\ .1
till' \l.,tf' t)f 1(,~.u'1. \\lttun ,dllCh thr I;,\lr- o( lid)!!,,, 1'1", Z'otml \1,l\cn)("llt " ,I 'r,"bl,lnc(' I,f .• nallonal or~al1ll.111"" of
"\Ill' of Ih,' 11"1",,,,1\,51 l"I\r [wl'n cI'l\lla! [,'rc(' fOI Utlll) _'''H'll" Ih,' Jr\\I'>11 ~\"".'u.(~\IC'S

"'lltn,,,1 I','<'pl,' 1I Ii"," nol only on 1',,\ 11\('111"1''''. Thc 11 H-" I slnkll1g d".crlllllnal,on II'
~l" h'" (:rllll.Ul<, of ,,'ho-;,~' hl.\tlWlc\s 'I h." not )CI (l'll'braV"<l thr Ia,t (I[ ,I' thl'sr dol'" wa, thr 1I11!'<'S..,b,lll\ or hJk,ng
I'.h' ,,,. Ii.HC Ih' dOllht .~nd "h" 011)...·1 \'(cConN. ''lal:,l( for Ihr P~~~,('\\"("r (or rhf' Jr",~ 01
!t) the ,lc"tl,IIINii pf (he (;(',,\1ao ~ll("nl,~u ~lIS~I.J, In Spill' of pr(').flHSt"\ Rl\'C'n h" So'
.J .II111 I,'chnln.• ", "' E~ypl, !la' c !""nll'd Pdme Mini..,ter's MeUA~e. Thl" Prlmr "l'l I'l"rr~f'nl;lI"T' I.H' \'r:u II "as pr.K·
0,,1 '0 11\ 1),1' 11'1'.11 (~iAiCIlIt,,·~ o( pn'\CIlI- ~linisler SMlI Ihr lollnwin~ rnrH,~!(C 10 IIC ally IInpos..'lblr for lIldlndll;ll J <"" \l1
., "'~ (,('rlll"n nl i,cn, (ro", !-:olnl{ to E~\ pt Ihe opening sl'SSion: "I ani ~,nc('rdy gral ...· I.a\..<, Ihror own ",0/:01
" .lIld d",nlt till' \ oil' ",'rk thrrl' \\'1' s;w fill lor th.... inntation 10 Ill" S("S$ion of thl" V,hole: olhrr r"ll~lOns could conlacl Ihr,r
til tlH' l ;0\ Crl\rtH~l\t ('~f (;('f)"an\' anti tht' ZiOnlll (;eneral C.ounCl! con\'f'ning in J.... mrmbrn abroad, Ruu';In je"'f\ had (m
1I1,''''~ ,,( Ihr (;"1111.10 pcoplr "ho abhor llI!o'l.lrm. Our coll('3gul"S in At1Ie.rica are SCOrN 01 no opp<>rtul1Ily 01 p~n,·
tilt' i,."1 ",( ~;VI Crrn,.lll\' and "h" dC',rr worthy o( connnrndalion lor thl'ir "alu- clpa1inlo1 in any jewI~h world conf,'n-ncr
'" ., dIlT"!!'nl (;crllI:n\\, \\" ,annOI ole- whalr\('r. nol 1"\'1"1l d II d('31t wllh purrh
able ser"I'''' in pre"enting our ,oll ... a~ue~
.. I
tl'pt tlll\ ("XpL'11.1flon :.nd \:,. .In''' I rrt.lln ,n j('nnalern m~kin!t the mIStake o( hal" reliRiom qUMt,om.
Ih.1l "orld puhlic "1'''''011 " ",I h "' III 109 Ihe Zionist Gent"ral Council hold iu "SO\'lN RUSSia must r1"31'7'" Ihal Ihe
II", sc""ion abroad. To my regret, I cannot Jewish propl", wtllch ha5 1081 a third 01
I. \",' drfll.llHI o( IiiI' (;"'"1.HI (;o\'('rn· 11101'(' from here at thil tim(', since I hll"(, liS nUlllbt'r in th(' prrll"nt Renerahon. (an·
11I.'nl '0 pill a ,t"p In till' ,ldl\ 111t'< 1'( (hl"(' work to do that cannot be done ('ither in not and w\ll not Ix- ahle- 10 reno\lncr the

h ' ..... "("1'. ,111.1 of Irl:lsl.ul\ (' "r oltlt'r mr,l' jerulalell\ or in Tel Avi\', and which can- Ihr.... nlllllon Jrws who, il IS true-, ar!' not
\t1Tl'O\ ,UT rrqtllrrd ft")r (I.e" P"tPt~(", '\'f' not be postpon('(j, th~at('ned by ph}'1lcal e-xlf'rmination, hUI
d"I1,.1IHI 11>:.1 ",..It nll''''lIrr, ,.lIould hc ":'>fa)' Ihe prMent srssion of the Zionist run the St'rious dan~r of ~pirituaJ, _re,,·n .,1 nl1cr in nnh'r til 1'"1 an ,1\111\(', (;eneral Council succet'tl in \lrMl~lheninf{ ligious :>nd nalion,,1 a~li",ilation," Dr.
",.'11' <lOp 10 Ihr 1"<''''1'1'' :\tH'n 1H"lwrrn CN· Ih ... unit\' "I Iht" j"",'ish p ...)pll' and their Goldmann d~larN:l.
111 ,,(
'''.111 nt,,<'n' .1Ild Ihl' EIl)'ptl.ln (;O\'('r11· bonds \\'llh hr3l"l and"-I( I may t'Xprl"ss Dr. Goldmann t'lIprl"\<('(\ appre(;alion 10
~rl\t \ rl\rnt In" hl:lp<', N.'!!ardlrss of whethrr ,I \\ill he Cord R 1153.-11 for h:\\' IIllt rai,l'd Ihis proh-
, no'
\('I, .. l
174-1- ACTIVITIES OF AGE~lS OF P RI::\ CIP."" LS c.s.
, It r

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11'\ t l ('\I:"i 't..2I"" ~ __ ' '''''''l.;.,,~ .....!J '.~ "'~~':I~r-_~" ~. t _,

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~ '0.
THE IS RAE L DIG EST \. (9 L l' ~l r. \' I :\ ()

The great hopes eotenamed for the af· lions. ""hlCh ",ad,- up a lar~l- part of Ih'
r: filiation of large jev,",sh organl7alions. par· mcon"... ",,,lid C('a><' 10 )'165 66
tlcularly those to lhe Cniled States. 10 lh ..
Zioflist Movement Irreplaceable Th ..
Zionist Organization, had not mateflalizr-cl
ZionIst .\IO\·clllent '" as Irrep1<-,.ceablt'". ~l,
fOr tht> t,me bt>mg, he continued. ~o ad·
~losh .. Sharrlt d.-cldll'd ,!l '" lndlr.g up 11...
diti~nal drgaOlzations to those ""ho lomed
genr-ral dt·batt' on .\larch 21 }I .. "'aml'd
at the lime of lhe last Z,onist Cong~
agaln't prICs.. ntlnl( a pICl'Jre- of lhe \1Io\e·
had bt>come affiliated and se\'eral 1.1rgt'
,,,..nt as lJt',ng In a con'la:>1 Slale of d,s·
- organizations had sece-ded ~onethe!l'ss.
a/(rt'"..lIIent '" Ilh tht'" Slatt'" oi "rae/. and
there was some progyMs, a number of
the 'StaIr as ad"'lsl'e fanor In the }.·""sh
small comlJluni ties "ell." abou t to )010 as
people Fle;,h In "hleh the Stale did nOI
.5 associa1.t' organizations
I"ngage, ,uch .l> t"ducallon anJ mformallon
There was no need of a ne'" .deol0jZi
and new tht>ofle5. ~lr LUfie dc-clarr-cl. but I.... the 1)'''''I,ora. wat' opt>n to the mo\e·
;, there was a \~ast gap bel",een theon and
praclice There har. been m,any changl....::t " .~h~

Budget ReAects Peak Immil:ration A
g0Od. ht> lclded, as In the ""orlli
l;o\·..rnmelll-AgcnC\ Coordinatinl(
d;t: ,.
~ ~J
N......· \oung Hood haJ )olnt"d the 1n0\'/"
lL375 million budget for 1963 64 "'~, me-nt and ItS k~IJeI ~hlp
submitted to Ih.. GeneraJ Councti on "Let ,,~ C"aJ,(' pol..mlr1. and ReI on ".th
\farch 20 by the j ......·lsh :\~rn\"\', Trea· the J0h." \lr ~har~ll concluded.
surer, Mr Arye Pincu~ ThiS '" as IL411l Tr:e Council heard re-ports of Agenc,
more Ihan the curr ent ,ear's l'5tl!llat(~ IlI-partn,enl ht>ad •. a dt"bate on the bud-
\fr Pincus salu that the blldgl'l reRertrd I!.. t e'tJlna"~, and a r"p" bv Mr Pincu,
Ihe IJllpan of pt>ak Ifllllll),'Tat,on, n(>" ,n
ItS thlnl year. and a fill In the Z, .... nlsl (),- Irnmig-r3tion and Youth Work Rn;c..·t:'d.
~d-Olzatlon's contnbutlon to a,llrJrultdra: Prn<"nttne: th .. re-port of tht" ItTllTllgra,
't"ttlement tinn O.. partmenl. \lr S Z Shragal pre·
Tb. 6n.. ...dd'blt has ~.n ctl.bral.d at Tit!' J1J;)nf'}' "ould bi- s~nl O:J dlcted an ;nJllli~ration "f 100000 10
"'mal:lJr. th. linl v,lI~I:' io the o~n<-d A~icuituraJ ,ett!l"ml"l1l _.. j Lo9," 24 PCI '1 '10.000 o\ .. r thl" commg f.\'~ to 'II' Vf'ar'
up KoraJi~ rCR;Ml on Isratt'~ nonh~rn bordrr. (r-nt 1. He- dedared that unle-.;s a Wa\ "as found
! 11>. briel•. 19-ycar·oJd RUI!> Su~1. from· l,nmlp-a\lon and absorplton, Inc:udIJI~ to awaken the jf'\\S of th.. fr"l" "",id,
,altm, .. '" born in Canada. and lb. 21·,.3<.
old bridcKroom. £Ii.,.. r Maman, co",.. f,om '·o"lh AJiyah--) Ul4m 130 r,cr cenl . the- Stall" of Israel would le01;1In a sma:l
a •....m.D.,e family at :hc old...,ablishcd .mall· Housl!l~-IL63rn, (~2 pt'r rent courllry w,th a small populatiOn, and th..
bold• .,;' villaKc of Nabala!. The eoupH: are AC!l\Il,Jt's 10 the Diaspo,a· IL21m je w i1h pt'"Ople "ould remain be-hind in
m.,mbt .. of Ib., :'Iiahal agricullural unil WI
" ".
rocoded .l\1n:3,.;:cr. and inteod to tude c,hCft:
(7 ~/1 pe-r cent'l .
Illght"r education and oth.., alloc a!lons
" \1r Shra!:al saId lhat tht> greater put
A rabbi r.rn. from !'\.hal.1 10 ollici ...., al 11.22 5111 (8 per c..nt l . of th.. 11~ in Imm,g, at,on due 10
lh. ct,cmon:,', which Inol< place on ri\ifcd AdmInistratIOn and reSI'f\ e-- I L24m tht" di~t rfforts of th ... Jewish A!'(l"nC\
~round ov<rlo.K.~io~ Lake (Goou.,t (lb., Sea 01
,B;,:' per cent}; and the bal:.nce ,n dl'bl Immigration from the frr?f' world could be
Galli.. J and ,he RiHr Jordan. Th., hu~. 0'
... dd,n~ canopy. "'" ,,-,pporttd on ,ifles brld repa} lIl.-nt and scr,'lCing Incr... :ued ewn further. hr added, if mOrro
b- (lIU' ~.hal .o'''''c~. Amon~ Ibe gucsu "':11 Mr Pincus said that the comol,datlon of re-presentali\"f'~ ....·..rt' S"'nt abroad
\f",h., Dayan, lhe Min:.." of AKricullun:. wl,o 5') new settlements and thl" (·xpansion of EXll'f'Isive dToflS 10 ex lend work am<>ng
'" as born io N ahajaJ. ., 33 older ones would be completl'd WIthin kwish youth ahrnaJ ....·l.'Te listl'd b\' \1r
the next few months, aftl"r which Ihl'Y Eliezer Dohkln. Head of the Youth and
would no longer receive funps trorn lh~ Hffialutz Oeparlment There was a stead\
Zi{)N1il Gc'1leral Council ..~encY budget, Thl"re would ha\'l" to hI' flse of rnl"mbenhip in JeWISh youth or-
(cvnl,ou.d f,om P41/~ 3) an "agonizing reappraisal of our whole ganizations in the Dia1pora. ""hich no\,
settlement policy." he dedared nurnbt>N'd o\'er half a million. bUI the\
on "local patlJOllSm rather lhan on.' na·
tlOnal organizational affilialilln " The tetel- There would bl" a drop in the Agency's still tOlalled only aOolJt a qU,'ller of tht'
contribution to housing for immigranl5 relevant age Rmup The ptonf'erine: nlQ\l··
IO.~ in Amenca was thaI the ZiOnist Move·
and a . rise in the allocation for "'ork in It'\mU abroad had a rnrmbenhip of %.000
ment "must lake a position as a movt:'·
Ihe Diaspora- "it is still not enough," Mr and thl" other Zionist ,'outh lTlO\eme-nt,
1O,'nt in the local community"
As for Immigration to . Israel. Mrs Pincus told thr Council 48.000. as cornplfred "lth 363,000 In ge·
Halpnn said lhat Amencan Zioni1l5 "n-.
Ten per cent of the new budgt>t would neral Jewish youth oq~am7.ations
be allocated for education in hrael "1 The Head of Youth Aliyah. Mr \loshr
rogmze- ailya as a major pillar In the!
mall" this point," hl" said. "so that you and Kol. told thl" Council that he hoped thr
Zionlsl upbtilding program." althougt(
the whole Jt:'Wish world' should know how Department "'O<lld lakl" in 1.000 children
"we'do not see a n;l,ass immigration fro~
-\me-rica .. Important we conSider this problem" He from South America amon'!' thf" "tolal of
hoped that to the corning )'~aT special 4500 to bl" acceptt"d in 1963~64
OrgaJIizatlonaJ Probl~ms_ Mr Z\'l', m~s would be de-vised to obtain more
Lune. H~ad 'gf the Orgamzallon Departo;,r .funas fOl' this specific purpose, MIZRAHI WOMEN'S fOREST
IIIml, said that the touchstonf' ,Qf the Zion-t According to the anticipated mcome
1st Movement was its -1Ilf!uence.A>n various figures in the new budg~t. there would br DEDICATED
spheres of aClIvlly, arid on other organiza. a substantial deficit which. Mr Pincus A forest of Ihe MlU'llhl Worn..n II Organwlllon
tions. which were nol necessarily organJZa- said; would largely be coverte! by long-. of ¥1<'nca was dedicated al ... c('~mon> In
uonally"coDnnected wllh it "The ba1ance-: term loans. "The conclUSIon IS that we are Ih.. Hill. on March 13 Mn Eli R....
~heel of Ihe Zionist Mov.emenl mclude! committing our future" mltoft. l'resldtont of th.. OrganIzation. and
activities by ZiOl1lsl5 in various Jewish Mr Pincus Bald that In the past 14 years Mrs ~oses Dyckman, Honora') Pr,rsidrnl.
frameworks and on various plane!:.of.)ew. the Agency had Spenl $1.500m, from all togelher un""II"d th" plaque Rabbi Mordf'ehal
Kil'$hblum. Pr"sl~.,nl of Ihe Miztah. Orllan,
"h life, which would have bet?n Imp<»- sources. which atlhe begtnning of the next Wltjon In Amcmca and membt-r of th" J....'''h
sibil" without the direct or indirect in· fiscal'~year would leavt:' the Agenc)' with ~ addre,w-d the 3SS4'mbl> Mrs MVa
Ruence of th(' Zionist Movernen,!." he ex· a debt o£ some $18001 This would not bl" Kirshblum, JNF Ch.lIrman of .he MIZrah,
plainrd unduly high, he said. oxCtpt that Re,para. Womrn's 'Orgamzalton of Aml'rtra. also lPO~'

III E '" /{ \ EI I ) I ( . E" I .\I ,\ /{ l: /I ~ (/ l'lhl

th" fill," ''I'M 01 acad"IlIl" W('l>lld.lfl

Israel's schools nQ,-k lor tbe luture ,ch,,,,I, luJ IfI~ll'd from 191 h' 61>'>, .wd

I" f{\
«,KE~S 11\
E l. 'S F.1)tl:,\TIU:\\1. PK.()-
dw p.l~l ft· ..... '('.11~ .llld ttw
,,,rl1 ",-h",.I" r .. IlI,lll""~ \000 d,,,s~s. 01
.... h,,·h 2,2()() l1"d 11I't'n j""nd no! I .. 1111,,'1
Ihnr I'I'ICC·J\I"I/.t' Ilf Ill.. 100al had 1""11
[roln B 6 lel 16.2 pn cenl.
Th .. "~r()hlt'111 of problems" In hr;\<'r~
ljlfh~ Idt P'Ohit'lll~ Un\(~hf·d '.. \t,UHt.lnh
rducallon. lh" J\.{tnlSl"r sa,d, ,,3.' Ih" !l.IIIl-

"'\r'd I., 'Ir ,'''1.,1 F.h.1I1, rill'

\l't t'rr'

ot I )1lI1l1~ lh~ CIlI ,,' .. ! (i .... "I )"M til(' I.. n" lIlg 01 !"aCher5 Only Ii\(' pt'r fl'1l1 of r\I·.
F.JIlL&fIPrl .tud (.q!tIHf', (1/\ \Lllth 1'1 In "h",,1 d,l\' ",,,i1d t,,· ""11111,,,,1 In W,II
III.. nl~ry school tr-acht'rs "'''n' collt'K(' I(r",
()IWHH)~ Ilw dr·h.ll,- II) !tIl' t\.'H',"'r'1 l~n th,' ,'I.I'iS,"" In "hil h rtllldn'J) . . . o\Jld [t'I\I;]ln In
dual..,. anolh.'r' 6) pl'r «'n.1 """r,, 1{'1.11"1I'<1
h\ld~r"1 ,~tIJlI.,t(" f\" tll\ \ttlllqn <I i",,,) unIt! .\ ..r '. p III and ,,"oliid 1('\
'Illd 30 per crm "'..r(" unqllalitlt'J Iiall
"()n tht" ,",tll';f" th,' ph Ittll" 1\ t'IH(lllr;,~ <\1<'".,1 ht'lp ",,,I ll"I, ..(\ "11111 Ll r1)' , 14.)()(\
D( tht, ~''C(llld3ry ,chool t.'arhn, ..... ·n· nol
;111(," .\1. F."~11 <.11.1 '1",,..1 h,,, ""'1\ ,hdd"',, h"I"" 11,.. a..:t' of Ii\'(, .... (>\Ild In
colll'K" gradu,'ln Hasic n'[orll' "o\lld hI'
prt~pf"( t pf tw( t)lll\ll~ 'lilt' \\t Ih(' "\(1'\1 .Hi tht' (\r",1 ~dh)pl \C',H t'IlJO\' frt"~ lundt'r-
IIlSI;tlltro In t,'"dll'r Iraif1lnK In~llllIl"JIl'
(Pllntrll"~ III llw Itlf ~nll\"­ ~,lTtt'll r~\\\ \ ...u o\'t'r half of all
....\Ilct"{i I.\IC Illl[Hlfl

dllldrl'I1 "I Ih,s wn.. I 1''1 lJII",I s~)(,cl.ll

In thr nt'xl f.·", )"'31\. Mr EIl.ln '0;1111
lnte:r :\1111P'tt ollt".d\lnl pf tht· n.,tlon \\ ,il:1'
\tlld\'ln~ III ),\1:\('[" t·r1IIt".ltJ(loIl,.l ITp;lllu- 1",11'
In f!"S1'l'rlll',lIy .-dllr,'III'1\ Ihcrr' 10.\11
.all\ rOtHl{n
tlH" l1u,,:lw'" pIP!'(lrtIPfI In
dHo \\\.rld r'h,lt ll\C'.Hl'" IWI'n ,-,,,,,"l... .11,11' I",~rr'ss 111 Ih.· p,l,<l f.,,,
Colonel Bogt) rtpl"Ct>d
th.J.{ (or nn~ [turd Ilf !tlr' fU(llIn rh,~ fllrtHl' \",11< Or lilt' ''''I/Ig 1"'''1'1,· III I"" I,~ I' by Corporal Talmi
J\ :))nrf'" 11'1~)(lrt,1I1t ti1.ltl t~lf' !,p·','nt ,1~t"·~TnIJp~, hO( ( ''\t>rr ,It ,dtool, ('11111·

.. rh(· (,'''110';(\11' hl\1nnLd r'~)f"llf'l\d' pf 1........1 ",Ih ~(1", of 11,1' I', 17 aKI' ,Krlll'l"
thll; Il,ltlpn
.Uht (~f th" ll.l1:llfl
.11111\(' 11\ 'tl. h .1 I\llthl\ dl'\clop("d c0"nt" .I~ Btl
1.1 til EIJ(ht\ !'n rl'nl pf Ih" sllIJ"n!' In
Willi MARCI,IINC ,()
r""I, il
nol SlIfrrl\ln/i: llt.,l 'liar,,,

('1I1hrartO' l'nllfr' '{_llllllt \!Hrltll."ll ('''l(

IlIn,', ar .. gr ,n d .. llland Tit" lsr,lf' I
I'~I wl1n", froll' .1n'I("\\I propl\l't' to Illn ttlt' ')i"'l·p' tlllary ~t-IH)()I!\ hf"rll'htl"'il fl l\11l Ddl'llSl' Fore", has now ~uc«'rd,'d "' 5<,1"
d,-rn the
Jllllt"', !lll"fnp! 11'" lit thr (,.1\( .U\ll "I.ul .. d f,',."
Ih.lllks !" (;osrrnIlH'nl Iwll' InK Ih" problt'l11 o[ Ih,' lack of lI1dig"n<ltJl
ltl,. fVw't~t\(''i pf tilt' (lltllrf' 'rtll' dt·lll.lIHt for po't'prlln~Hv rchn. .1 \loll ,narchl'S (up Iill now. Isral'li soldin5 h;\\,'
IHac!', no h,ld tH"{'n rxtrt'lrH'l~ \ I~Or(}lI~ dUflnp; tht"
II.\q .H hII" ("Illt'nl' .\[(' R,ll.l marchrd 10 "Cololl('l R(~n'" and olh."r
f.Joft""t" ll\r hr'l .ldlu·\.C'111CIitC\ tn th,' (tltlln" p,l\I Ii\l"" "r fOllr , .. .u" and II III1J(ht I", ".>ll-knm,n 11In..s), by holdin!( a COni,'"
Hut, III .\11\ (.'\1' rill'!" 11"\'1' IWf"n re- "'1",,'1".1 rhJI "III1("! ,iii 11", hon .HId Klrl. for an official Forces mMch :\1 il pllhhr
(hi' fH'pplt' tPnddlpn~ r\(' ,1~~d 1 I Jlld 1.\ .Ind 11\1' ,,,.1J',,,I\ .. f th"
t"lllrf,'(j ((I dlf' COllc,"rl. 1... 1.1 rN'"ntly al Ihe ~t.IIHI :\11-
... I (·fj\.lr\ fpf rht' Ill.Urltrn.u}{'C nf ~l (It',ItI\C Ih-.",d 17'\f'AI-"I,I, ""tlld lit' rl'C("\In~ dl("""111 'II 1'.. 1 A\'\\', III(' hl"l 1.1 lit" I ~II
111('t, h dll" prlll,.. t'dllLltllHl l-f) ttH~ TH'.tr f.llhll(~ 'rh~r(' '''.1.5
Il,ilIJTt' III .1 III rr":,,dltlllll ,'nlro," \\,',.. play.... l C"rpol,ll Yo',n T.t/lIl1
Ill) lIt't~d tl\ 1I\\tltlltt' (IlTllpuhilr\, fH..... t·JHI·
1.11 "IHI1111.,1 Il\tkpnld,'rHI' .'11 1\lwn \\IIl- "'.l.~ a"'ard(~i lhl' firsl pri", "f I L 1,(jOO [",
dll\\ tIl 11"\" In\II/"lh "I l...IH'" ir~dL:I' ,lrH1 HI,II\ ,,,,III<.lt\I\1l (PI .111, ~1r F,h.ITl l'I'JIC'\t'd hiS ~'lrnnc rllilrrh, 'A"hirh ",Ill Hnw tH'rnlllf'
"huh d'\llll~\Il\ht" t1WIT ",Ilrh\\prd \\()llid })(. "S«,~()n­
1f1,\1 'pf"ll,tl 1"1\\" Ih,- .",,",'~ "~natur,, 111111' 'I'll(' ,.·.. olld
tl"tldll\ In "1.1' .'! \\Iulh I" I":' 1r':l\''''.J d,ll \ l'lbll ,11 II'!) ('lr .ll\ \\ ho ,... ,\t\t II ;\1")(1
.<".1 tllled prows "'..". a1<o \\'011 hv <,,\,111'1'
,,( \l'llttl ,(f" 'p ..111",,('.1 \"'llh tlw rrllLl\.41 oj dH' .-'11 threl' 31(' lli"Ilit!"" of Ih,' lkf~",('
'tlf" dUI '11111'tl'r "" " .. hn,tlh ul .h.11 f}I'f" .•, !il(h I...r'l"p 011 ( tho",.... p(
f'\ll'll,\II'\ !tIl' F.>rrN Or.. h,'\lra
\1,hl1llltlrr~ l,\t.tllnl I[ l l ) q ' l 11\l1110tl ftH Ihl' /1111111·.f I\]I·.H' "
']'lw "1Il1H"r ""a~ chl'~t'n hv ChrtT ",".
\,<u Iqh I hl III t (lIl1P,lJl\PIl "\lll! II 1(1: 'rl tilt' p.l t ,,'\ 't".1 r l; dl(' rHlluhc', ('I (
pHair gro"p' of \lId",·< ()" .. "", tl ...
'1lJilll\r1 1,t<;;C 'f'.t' fll\" 111'lf',I'lI' III' ,\,11,1 I rlllitl j'" /.( 'If I( ,Ill .II1,l \Il;I,\n l'ln~ln 'Il
Jlldlt'nfl- In Ihr ptlckc'(l oltiJilPriulII. \\ h(l~('
.. , ,to;. t" Idf'rl( ,.. Ilf 1.!./t·,lfc! ,',(1'('111 L If (',ftll;t volt's. ,lnd voilltlw I If ;l.ppl~\lJSt" "Trt' r.lrr~·
t nlFl ",thlll t tf(" f l,lIIW"\ III k I If I1w l1.l1 HIll , ["I", 11I(';ISII"'<1 '1'h('l''' "a' ~ Ih,,·.. ·III'"'
f,l'\~~ \11~1 pi th," "dl!'I)I)r ILJlllh \-\.()Idd ('hddrf'n para,ft in ("oslurne- in thr p.)(1I' 1 of 1,,,11':"" ,n lh,' 1I,IlI, :lml 1h .. "·.Il
Iw' df" pu·d tn ttl., 1'\11~n'\(')n !If "If 01 t\ In Urrr1\ of Trl" to n'lchralt Iht ft'll.-
Ij"31 of Purim, ""hi,"h t-ommC'mOrAI<-t thr
lr"n~ of A"~IY' ullils IhrollJ(holll' 111<' coIIIl'
"Il~"lrf' thr
III~ '~H·IIJ.1
.uh ,\Ill elllt'1l1 pi \( hr\(ll~ TC'"II"IT'
I h"If' '.~H;
ddi",rrant"(' 0'
Jr",r,. 'rom Iht m8chin·
aliom of in ol Ihf' davI of Euhrr
lrv w.'r .. conn',..-d 10 Ih,'", Ih"()IJ~h a'T""
Irt·.ltll]f'lll hC'Tf "'AI 11'1"phon" nl't"'(>1 k

.-. >:~ :gfr~~,~,:~/,;,:>'{:

, , .' . ,(
. ,-;-

TilE ISRAEL DICES!" \·OI.l'~IE \'1 No.

W'?r/~1 Youth Bibk Cml/eit

011 bulept.,u{ellce Day

CO:\TEST be 1< 10
held in Israel on
I ndl'pl'nd"II11' J)J\ . .'\ pll I 29, 1963. 01"
~ani/ed by th .. \\'"r1d .l""ish Bible So-
ci.. l)' ;Jnd til<" 1,1 ,\,,1 B,b!.. R('~arch So-
ci,-ty. dw C""I ..,1 lilllS ;\1 Ri"mK apprc>-
p"al .. "xpn"SII'" In till' J('\\~h ciIaracll'r
of I<r" .. I\ IndqH'lIdl"nc,' J)3Y. t'nablill~
n'llI""'lIt,'II\"~ "i .l"\I,h ~1C>llPS in Ill<'
lli;lSpI.I.1 In 1.,1-(' "" ;J,rl ,"'" part in thl'
f1·!t·\";J,I,,,ns ..llId ,'IH"ur;lgllll; th .. ~Iudy of
Ih,' Il,bl,· ,llll""~ '"':"~ .II'''''' thr"lJ~hOllt
Ih .. \\ "dt!
Th .. C"nl .. <1 '\III I,,: ('II Ih .. books "f
til<' P,·n1.II ... " h. 11", E.l/I, PlOph,'I, (""Ih-
lllJt ,trT,s-lTlg t Iw IlIU /'1\ tcchnlcal pJIl~,
,. I{ Ih,.,,· 1J,'.dlll.1.: \\ Itil till' .\,\('rillces \. and
tIll' chapIn' d";J,11I1~ \llliI Iht' Rl"lUrn ",
ZI"II 111 111I' Bool-, of 1s.11ah. j<'Tl"lIliah.
E,,'~\('I. 1I"~c"l. Z ...cha"ah.1\talachi. Ena.
\;dll'llllah alld til" P.>ahlls. The ){eturn
In /,,," has h... ·11 dlllSl'/l 3S a spe(·jal sult-
j... I 011 tins ,,,c;,S\on 11I'c,lIIse, accordinJo(
It.»;", Topol pl,l' rhr judK< in ,h.
Haila Muniripal ThtBI.. ·• produrlion 01 Rrtrht". I.. 11H'l!<'rn Ihl"n..... Jnp· .• 1 is now 2,5()(]
··Cau,·.,ian Cirri.:' "·.H' "n,," Ih,· "xilM ['Oil' Babylon b,'gall
C0 return to .Judr~.
(;I"lI'rall\ 'fH'al-. II H::. girls and boys a!l:ed
Israel celebrates Tbeater Week I r, 17 ""." lj\l.lhfied 10 l"lIlt'r. Th., IlUlllbl.'r
of rl"pn""'IIt:l,I;"" from ..ach cOllntry "'.11

1'\ ! U~ '\ \ II< l\; \I 11lF.\TER \\EEl\.
\\\111.(· lll.'t . . n! III bt.Jt,lnll ~r."(!I:!:!
h;IlI', Fh, ""1("",', ;lIld Ilw 11.11,,111.,), :",1-
''''".r! 1'11l'.11l'l i, pn·p,lIllll.: J)lI!T(·III11.IlI\
I,.. 1 ·1. d"pl'lH!ln" I'll th .. sill" of its .Jewish

:,\ ll\' IlII' JlII"ltl:'II'~ of In(t·rt·"11ih,~ pl.", '1'//, l)")I/, f d l , a fhflll~htl\tl dl.'llll,\ , .. t.l\ h Till' Cill1ll"1 \>,.11 be ronduct.-d 'in H ..b-

.tt three (If tlH' (\1111111", k.,dIl1~ liw.ltt" ... ll'I\tr.\,t-; o;;1TlllU,,.:h· \\Itll th:'lr ~J."" prodllC- '1'\\. hul "nlr;"lls are aS~llr('d that dif-
llll' (.11.11\;1".,. I tl,','h'l. \\ hll!l h.I' ht'I'II- t~llll tit /"',£1 1,1 !J,IUI ,. hlu],,," III '1"'.,I-"n; Ih," lall:':";lg" ,,,II hI'
\I lilt Imd,·", ,llId;ng ;lnd wh"rI' m'-
111c""Tllll1~ Fh,· ',p~ ,,/
(;';"1/\.1,,, \.II11.\1l I h" ()I<,,\ 1'1,,·;11.... \\ iii ,I \(Ill I, ",.111 /lll'l

,,·1"',11 <,Ib "f H,,'cht', rh,' FJ,a!, S"ld,,., "''',11\' '111l"tlom ",II l'l' lI'[wated hy till'
\III'flll,'ill, (111,' pf l'T.H"I"~ k;Hhn~ l>tw't'
",:1 'I.l~'· hl.l··h 1'1.1)'.
.111\,11 ... , Il\ r,o". S, h:., ,I,l'l II "rl./ War 11. wlllch C""13'11\ jud,.;," ,n 1h.. cOIIIl.,,·1 ill"" l;lII~llagl",
,I I"" kcl Jro.llLII~ I''''t II'r thl" ,ho.lll'/·' lllJrlng I),,, tirst .,·,,·n da\\ of thl'if stay
y",d 11.11-)""'f, .1 I"""K \\1I\I·r. \\h,riJ
",11- II", '1",,· "I ,I f.. ".ily of 1\1l1-1,.lrall "Ifl ..d \ \"'11'11..111. ~1t'1I ~t.\I".r!It. r,IIlIl'II' III I'Ll'·/. th,' ("/Ilfl('t;'"rs ",iii hI' aCct""-
}'\\~ If! PII!' (If }'rJIC,;lJ,.. tll\ ~hllll qU:lItt"t ... f"r h" IIlll'l'l'rI',.lllon 1'( lIas~'I-', S(lwllA. 1I10(l.ltcd ill .1" Coli II 1'. "her.. thi')
TI1<';II"r W,·,'k ~ ill 0l'l'n WIth a Sylll- \\ iii lIndl'r"" I1I1·tll<.oIC;l1 traillinl::, While m
"here tl,,' "I" 1'.II, .."rhal way ,,[ IiI',' I '
l.:t\ IIlK \\.1\ ll~ I1IPU' IlJn(!crn id,'a.l\. lo th" I)(~"llll "f 1'1;t\'\\II~hts. aCll'l', dirt'ctl'r,
til<' COIIII!r\' 11,,·y \\ ,:1 he th" Il;Ul'Sts ,(,f thl"
.11,,1 c'lli .., on Ih,' prohlt-ltI, of hral"li Contesl 11I;\lla""lllt·n(. hilt fan', to and
.11'11"" "I' IIII' "'tin g,·I"·r.ll",,l Th,' .... ) ),'"".'( rill' '\I·eK. ;Ill ll',lcllI'l< wtll frolll \<1'.1,,1 1I11ISt b .. rm "n"j hv their c{'"n-
1'(\'11\\("rl' 1'" 1.''''Ulg P!,IC(' In J('rtJs.llcfll
trit.. c;. of On~111 '
1'1 ... 11.1If:. :'\I'"lirql.ll TIIl'.lll'I. "hil I< f.H'd<lllll III 1I11111IKLlnt 10wlI\. .1I,d Il1l" ...·
,t llrt'd .\ \U(c(',\ \\ lib HH'lln'" CntJI(lIUlP, \l11i I", ., ""TlllIg (,f «111.,1 dr;llll .• ~IO"I"
('I"Ii~ ('rr, I,', "iii l'''''''111 1l1"I"hll 11t-- \\lth jllllr,'S\1I1fl.lJ .1("[01\.
ICvnl''1u,d ,'c"n p~~; Iv"J c()lum.,J
..\ I"II\.n t\1"gcd', (;""""'. II,,· stnr, {'f
Lo(a/writers pn'it'1l1 UJ11I('i~)" d,~m1{' hwl ttTW' Adam ,wd E,,· 111I"II~h 1I1<"I"t II C'\'l"~. at
Ilab/lll.llt '< l.lltI .. Th,·.Jln, ;IIH! Hanrw:h
.4. Y.\I{IETY OF 1'1..\1'0.; I" J" ... ,I, CI"idr,'" p{ ,h,' Shad'''I'. hy Ikn-Zlolt 11.1110\'\ (;,) Jior",·. j,",ll,h,," . .11 Ihe Zilla,
I~ p1:l\\\·rr~h{l\. "'Oflll' h,J'\t-<! on '(H'CI"!""l- 1'01111". ;'1 I bh"""h'~ Lilli,' '1'111',11,'1'. " .• .lholtl all h.r:lcII I.ltltlt~1 ~Ippf'lncl'd to a
k I<'Lu,!t tht'IIW~ .Hul nth('r\ (,I 1111!\('I",11 IhCllll;llltlll PIC\C'JltatIPII \,f Iht' plnbll'III' (!lplOlll.lClt' pc.~.q lH Ih(' l'IHh'd St.:llt's. \\ho
It\t(·1(·\{ . •Itl' ht'ln~ ~t;lt.::t'd thl ... \(',I\(\r1 h\ pi VOllilL.: 1H'0l'lt~ \\hll SlIfrclt'd tht' hDllo:, ··['lIc .. l\ tn COliI<' bOllll'. IIl1li\ IllS plall1-
lilt· 111.l1nr th('.lln~ .Itllt hv . . 1\\,dll'1 tl n l1)W' "I' th .. '\,111 Holoc:lll\t and do Ih .. ,r "1- sl'e.l~lI\~ "Id iathn COIII"S to f,·tch hlll\.
\ IW\\ I.:.ltHII'. the St"'''OIl\ '1'1'0',11"1. (nlll· llln... t, \\ IthOtlt !\tlCC("~. to for~('l and dt'll" '1'1... )I a 11\.111\ S.ll" 101 rheall'r, wh,ch"
\Hhf'd .\1 pH";'nt 01 {\\l' ~illl",1 't\lIll~ .It tllnr "."l 1'1 ..• pbY\\I,~hl llllll .•.-If 1" ...1 111'''''''1. .11'1''''l'r'.II''I\· I'nollgh. In a ('011-
III", ) \ ..r 11"".11 .Illd ,\, 'II" Ih,k".111l1. thl <I".. . h tit., l{olo{',llI'( ;IS a .. htld \('I1<'d !"llrk,,1t h.llhho"Sl' III Jalr.l, POIIIS
l' Illl""[llll\l: ,\ rPllt;O\TI\I.d tll'l IJlI'Khu- \ lI"tI ... , pl.,,, ",I",·" 11'11, 01 1'''''1'1.. ",. ,old \\'atci 0"1''' 1I1.IIIY "l"lI-known ind,·
l~"ll. '/ ".' A,,:, ",lItl /":ril' II, L\ :'\1'\'\1111 ~ '\I'IIlL.: Cllt'll p:l'. i~ A 11.,r.I,' HI (.'ond (:()lI- "ldll"l, In I<ral'/ III Its I,Il,'s ( salirical n'·
\11)111 "rill' pLI\". til \\hlt" nlll~ t\\ll actllr, .111""1. hy ~Ios",' Slt""l1r. alllhor of man, '"", Th.. pr~rall\. pr,'sl·nt.. d by Ihl" po-
-'Pill'.n till' \,lHe,- nf ptl"'I\ .'I('lIL"d 011 1'1;"" ';1,,· dr~II"'. ,1.l>:l·d II\' tit .. i'.,,;, pular Theater Club Qll,IIlCI, pok..s tun
.1 L'I)f'!l'( 1\1.1("1 " 1\ •• h'UIl 'hr dc.ltlt pI ,U\ r1H'.Ilc'f, ,loi aho\lt a i\lT11\ offin'l .11 "I:lny of Isra,-I's ",au('(! eow,' 10 th"
("\lInl J..IIIC: til Si'lJlh ;\Il::'j j(.t "nd h« "If". \\ho f'''I~hl III lilt· \\',11' of (1<-11~ht of tiI,' ;lIIdi.. ncl" Haifa', TheatN
\n,;thn 1'1." f·n ,I ""I\('r",1 Indppcudt'nn' and \\"rt~ II It'l I lhr·r ... or :l (:l\lh lloi nnw pn:~t·ntlng a hUIlHlTOU\ ITVtu'
:\: ..tlll.lIl ..\II"J;.I.\Il" IOPI 1'1 (;110'/"
.• r"~'llr d'.\111,\ ;lhplIt
.'1 the
hllldrr , ..Itkl/wnl. hilt h;l'" now "'Itll"d In
1',,\ :\VI" , "h,·tt· Ih.. y hav,' I"r~o'lf'n Ih.. i..
,'nlll1l'd Hil'",\, 'or "['/t·o C0115. which prl"-
K ..,IWfI J ()t·.llt·' t111' "'nl, ;1 slll~hlir distorted "ers,on of Ihe
Cll.I(,ol Ih·· .\1/1'1, \,bn 't'I1PIJnl", hllll1.UI pld Hlt'al, .11111 1ll'lil"l< II\ ..s "f ).:1('''1 peopll" hOll1 Callwrit\l' the
'<lltt.1I I ;11,,1 /11\ " Ip, tI ... ,.,k.. of I". ,:" r 1'"" rOllll'dlt", hI 1"....11 ""Ihol~ a 1(' (;"'31 to Dr. Frelld.

IIIE I"R \r-:I, I)II;~:" 1 \1 \l{l:11 ~q I 'Ill I

Hungarian Jews' call:

"Let our LUllilics go'"
A (:\1.1. h' }If'llllll
h) d,,· 111I1l~·.1I1.1!l

th," t'llll~' ,Itlllil


III .\11\ .le'"

\\ho \\I\!lt" h) jlllill.1It1d, In J.. I.H'!

\\.1" """llnl .It •• 111t"1'!11l~ lIt l·d.H'!" pI

Jlllng.ul.\f, ~)Illl,ln III 1,,1 \\1\ ( l i t .\1.udl
,q '1'1l~' 111("f'tlll~ lll,lIkt,t1 til(' Itlth .UlIll
\t'r",..H \' ot thl' (~t·llIl.lll 1.... 'llljl.ltltHI ,II
1111111.:..",. ,.. hllil h·d Itl dll' ,\111111111.11\1\1\ pI

,~ ~"~'" ·;--r '::." hUI1,UUll j"\,,

"tit' .llldwfHI" hr',tld lIu'l1H)ll.Il IJI,l\n,
~) 1,l-zi-' ,111,1 '1"'1" hn h\ \11 \\',1""'1 S,II""ulI
\\ Ill) 1""\lIlt·,1 IC,hl" ... I",'~,I 11"1" I.""" 11,0
ftllllu'r {',IIII); llf tJw I{t'fdlll\ (\lI11I11\llllt'
In Hlltl.lJ~(',t. l<.lhl)l \1111,\11\ .t"lH'It'l\"
frulllt"! }{"hlll (II thl' (), :ho(II\' (\}111111111l1

IV 11\ lIllll '1,... 1, (:b,..1 I{,d,h, \'11[('1""'''

of T"t :\(11, ,OI'.! \I, \I,,,h(' "b,II.-11
~I K, l :h,III'I:,11I "I Ih,' j,,\\ III. \~"II"

l'he ,h .. "IUhl\ ,Uf('ph'd tlllrt' f(',~,ILltll\tl'

to ".101,· II,,· 1',",,,, \ltlll,t"', :\1, 1i"11
(;111'1111\, ,lnd tllf' lluIW.IIUIl Plt'1l1H'I.~~tr
{,lilt" dllll~ 11I1 1111'111 to)
1'\.,\11.\, I 11\\ d,,':
Ih,> IHllhl"lli pI dlt' Ir'1I1111)1) l)J f.ljllll)I~'

.•,L tilt, Ft)n'l~n ~'III,,,tl'l \11' lipid" \ll'lI
ttl It'('( 1\1' .l dt'J('~,'tH'1l pi 1I111lt!.1I1,L:l i:~l

'.~ "..~~'
11l1l~I,lllh \,III~ \ldH,id
tI\lllH~h dlpl\!l'l.'li'
,I J tWI

f I

,tt"p, t

.\Iul tlH,'"ll pl\ .dllltlllL:"t1I,lll )1"" lh,p\l\!11

out tlH' \"'Ild III "Plw,lf 11) t~p' 11I1Ih..:.u 1.111
~J _~
( ;.)\ 1'1"1111 )I'l}l
.";c ~t
,..... tW,.. "",,,, ('ONt'lmENO: OF I'ln:SIIH::'l':-;
l'tHa:S F.\' Imy OIU;A='iII'.ATION
:>ie. . .lalUl'S 10 be i.. ~d by Ihe ~Iinillry 0' 1'00lo >hOI II) ir... ludr: I h,t< add,,!..., ... 1 i1rlD,1l in TO ouslmn: l'.J.'-\,"S 2;I'1'H
Ibe "irmail terie• • ho.. iIlK binh 01 Ior,ac!, drsignrd b) Mi"all' ""a,oli, and prinled by ph"•..,. ANNI \,EUSAR\,
gr~yur~; indrtKn~rnft~ 1)01' ~UlUP~. I ~h3. tho"," in~ lto'H'n 01 I,raft. dtsi~nrd by 1. Nar".,,~. and
I',.~d by phololalho; rmnrne",o"t ..'r '\!Iur: 1l~1 \ ran 01 Ihr Hrbre .. P,eu in Ihe "and 01 I•. Rl'n)glliilll~ thc' "('rUt I.,'
II 1\ Pi \rt.lI H (," II!
rael. d..tignrd by 0, \\,.IIi.<I., and prillt..1 by I'hOlog'H'Ure, 1'lIilt'l1 je'(,i.J, '\PI',',tl-\UPI".tll'<! 1'11'1.;1,1111<
III Ih,' rnn... , ,,,,r'tk,,n'IlI ,lIld ,d".t.tlll,l'
1ttllll,f d'·"rd .1('\,;,,,,,,, O\~'·I"I'.''''. ItH' (~'\I\'

~C\\' oil strike ma\' be Dc,,,alination plant fn.' ",' ,. ,./ 1'"',"1,,",, "I ~t,llll' :\1Ill'(\(',l!'
Je\\ l ... h
()q~.\lu/"til\I" 11", ..Hlilptl'li ,\ It"-
most signiticant tind cheaper than pipdinc ~()lutin" urgltl~ It'\ lw)di.·" to
"'\"1'. 1I,\!ItU'\.lU'\' III Iht" 111{'.II\II,~f\l1 <-l,.. .t·n·
A :--;rw 011. \1111." II 1.lll,' .It K,',h.l\' ,\ A Pl..\:"lT FOR TilE m:s:\L1:"l:\· .111.-"" "I th., ::r',h AlII)I\ "1','''- oil Ih.. t 'J\
twar ",hhloll In Ih.. South "n :-'l.u.. h TIO:'-l of lInu"lground watn, willfh durin!,: I <)fd, It h.l\ ht'.'n ""'"""1<',." h\
'.!:?, i. b.. hr\,,'d hy the ""I"'IIS III Ih.. 1.." \\ III pl'od".... wal .... 20 p('r crill .. h..aprl' R..ohi Irvil111 :-'1 iIlo-r, Cll.llrtll,m ,.f til<'
pidol COlJlpany 10 hI' Isr.lrl .. mosl Sij{lll' thau Ihal of Ih.· Yalkl'n-N"I("\' I'ipt'lulr', C,,"fl'l""'-"
licant 0,1 d,sco\'rry to dOlI.., willch ma\' h~\-\ hel'n d..\ t·lopr.d hy Ihe Arid ZOIlI' R!'· Tho:' Allwr\( .• n J.. \\ "h ('1'111 III II n It \',
lJlake Ih.. country sdf-sll!1iCl.. nl 10 pl'lrol. ;e.1I'<'I1 Instilult' ilt Ht'!', TIllS Ih,ollgh Ih,' l'J.\, h.s, dl"III<H\S1I..tnl .1\
!'l"II, Th.. slllke w,n iliad.. "' a st'.-lIon ann,mn('('(! rt'('l'ntly during a lour of Ih.· ",I"illln"; I'Otlllllllnlt'lIh III \ ,.tIll" "h" h
or dolOlJlile rock, the fint IlfIl.. oil ha~ Instilule oy :Sir. R, l\-l.ll/., Hr.ld of the an' It", \'n\' ,'''''11(''' of th.. .I,·\\i,h 1."111",
bt"('n slruck III Isra..l eb.. whrre Ihan in a J)"s.llinalion '\l1d Solar Em'r!:." Dq)art. Ih.. n·,,,I"II"" d,· .. l.lrt'l1 ":\I('lIrd,nglv

• s.\Iul lay!'r, The oulllUl, limill'd by a valve

open (lilly fi\'e lluilimt'lers, IS 240 barn-Is
per day, \\llIfh IS 100 b.Hlt·ls 1\101'1' than
l\I!'nt, Th.. plant, whidl will ht' st'l "II
on an "XPC-r1I111'lllal h;"is 11\ 'Ill monlhs
lillie at tit!" :"l('~t'" ,t'1l1t'1Ilt'1l1 of Ze'elilll,
:\nWn('dU Jt'\\'1Ii ~~IH'" \'.'''I[

III .,"I'IIt' Ih"\I\,\IId< "f .If'''' III lIitlt"f-

d"lllin,tlt'd Ellr"~lr', slI'l"inl'd lht' lif.. :\lul
,UIII'" (If 11111111'\

Ihe b..H wells in Ihe Koeha\' and lll'.uhy \\ ill d"salmal" 500 ('lIll1C mett'r, l,f walel hnpl' lIf tl'lI\ 01 !l\()U\,lIl1" ill dll'IlPI",
Helt'tl Iit'ltls, dall)' by an "I("('lncal prc)(:r~~ ",hidl sr· ctllK"ntrali(," call1l'' alld hidl"Hll'. pr,,·
Mr Waltt'r Randell, a /(t'()IOllist WillI paral". Ihe \alls fr011l Ih.. w .. ter, vid"d 11I<11''' dun lhr...· millioll Jrw, ill
th.. fompany, said he bdit'''l'd tht' nt'w In the next stagt', Ihl' Instilute will u," lIlall\, lands (\ Ilh till' 1>,,,1< 'lC'n',~itit'S (II
('1'101' a plant to dt',alinall' 1U 12,000 cuhic life. and as th,· C1'ownlll\( /1.-hi,·\'rm"III,
Slrikt" "al I"ast douhles whal we alrt'ady
transpl.lIIt .. d II I oIlt· thall 'lilt' ami a half
ha\'l'." He also lhou!>lht tht'fl' WilS now a lllt'len daily, and it plans at a lata SlaRI'
million Jr"", I" 1<1;ll'1 alld OtllN d .. Ill/ .... r.l·
I(oud rhancl' of lunl·I', lllltil'lds pronding 10 produce largll.scale plants 10 supply tic 1.lnd,,"
tht' COlllllry's rntire fuel requir"II'l'IllS, The wall'r chraply [or agriculturt'. Mr, Mall Hl\ikd on iI' '.!'ilh ,".mil"""ar\' h\'
rich rt"t'rYoin of oil in Saudi :\rilbla, hall abo rt·v..a! ..d that a 250·acrl' solar ener!{y Prt'sid..llt Kt·lIn..dv for jh ."IIIl·n·n.... I"
and Iran aft' all in dololl,il" 01' porous pool will b.. cofllplt'h,<1 this y"ar lit Atlit, Ihi, coulllrv', finr" hUlIllInit.lI'ian tLld,.
IrIllMtone s["ctionl!, l\lr Randt'li sa,d, Jouth of Haifa, ",hid\ will absorb and COil- tions. II jA\ Jifl'.hllildinll aid 1\.1, 1-(,)IH'
Solllt" IL9~ million has he"" I/westl"d centrat.. 111,· l'llI'l'KY produred by the sun, 0\'1'1' Ih.. y"ar, 10 :1,O{lO.f)OO P(·, '''1lS 11I0('('
so far III oil pr(lllpe(,lin~ in hra,'I, <lml 124 Th.. !"nl'rl(v K,'nerllted will be suffit'ient 10 than half of wholll h,w" h..!"n ('!"<I'llkd 11\
,)ll-drillill!l' ha\t' h"O'Il carri..d 0111, nprrat!" a li,O\lOkw pow!"r,slation, tsnll'I, thl' l'nitt'd '~td'lr, al\(I other h.,t,
Illf, 1"1, \LI I'II.F .... \ I I I L "'\I F. \" :\"

" . , "
paSSl\'l~ \'lctllns
JC\\·s \\'cre not NATIONAL HAlt,MITZVAIt CUlM
llcclares Nahulll (;oldtnann ISRAJo:1.
'\ I I ! .... \ I Ill:,\;" "r I'J"" 'I' ,1,,,1 IIJI· I tHJld Il,\\r \.H,.·d h'''" 1)1
jllltt'lH I' dltCl tnt .1~.~1t\'l ILl" Jt·~\' of n{ Jc .. "l'
,hIHI\.llld ... ..\ 11(-W (lr.l~.lfllt•• IHHl hAUl h,-rn r~tdldl\Jlrd
I 1'11'111 I',II/Pl't" \\h.) \\C'll' IHlll~lnl'd h~ "'rhe" 1110\1 I h,\I,u {I'II,hr l l . l l l III the II) l·n.thll' Jr'", I\It \'Otll\~'tt"1 \ In 111.&,,",'° 'pr,
11,' \ ... " dlllll'~ \\,,11.1 \\,11 II \\,'1,' ",, .Jco"l\h p('oplc' IhlC.lugll ((On{ul/(~\ III IH"J\(o. •".1 1'''/{''I/Il,I~''' to 1".1/-)
Kn""" ,n thr
.1...;11.11111, Idulnl I"(q\ld· I), :\.11111111 llltHHI ,tlltl sllll"IIIl~1 ",l\ t~1l'1l IPt.,I, ,tuh. H"r "'f'll\.,h CI"I>, II " II ... Ill"
:-':"1,0,, .. 1
'.,lllll, PIC"Ildt'fH tll ItlC' \\Plld Ill'IlI" l). Ih~ln .UI() n)J)'J\l"IH I[°l\l\.l( 10 htl\\ fllnl of II' ~,nd III lltr l'IIlll'd SLue, ulld II
~,\lll ...\t1l111 ,\1\4,,1 tht' \, l'lld It"\\ 1,11 l PI1~11''''\, 111'."" ,,,,d , h ' .. pr dll'lI dl',IIII\. ' I II' ( •• ,Id, 1"".,)... 1 h, 1{,,1.h. 11,<1" I/,t'I""'" p( rllt'
11l.11·lll,.dt·11l \11\ ~l."th '2'. Ill' \"'\'Pt'.l~· 111.\1\11 I lJl\I\I\\l(~d "rtH'!l- 1\ nil (.l\t· 01 Ih.· r.", !\f"h\l~ld [<-" "h 1:.. "I"r "I' II"',,~I,,,
11l~ .It ... \.\.'lhnlfl~~ I,cld til (1I!111111'IIt1I1.1lf' Iltlj,'f!I\ta p,t,':,,\,· Ir\l.\f,ltH'" III au 1°111111"'
till' ~llth .nUll\ """'1 , pI ,lLt' \\.11,.1\\ (.III,tln fl.lthlll \ 111111"" .,hlt- tt) dl.~l dl,,,I..l~,·(t 1'Ill' :'>:,tll"",;1 n,lt !\f.Il/,.h CII,I. I'
l.!Jll'IIl~:. \\hl~h \\ .• , .1]'1' .1~ldll"\t'\1 1)\ h, 0111 1'1'1'1'1,' 1,<'lll 111"11' II< " "Y' Ii"d,' dl'\'l'tni "ttl 1II.l""Oa.: till' noh~lntJ'\ ('t'rrIIl'"
/1\ 1.1 l.\dl(·t~lll. pllt' pi dll' k.ldl'l\ 01 (ht' III ell(".H 11\(' hl'rlll'!!} 1)1 ,til· }·\\I.\ll pn.pJ,- 1111" "I 11.\1 \!tll",h ,.ml It II \1111,.lh
I\hl,I\' 1I'.ul, \I, tIl tI"I\\ till' P,l\\I\I' tWI01\lll IIHI',' 1Ill","llIl~tlll r"I,I'rlcU((O, rhroug-h luI
J h.. \\ .lIS,",\\''lll~ 1l'\Plt \\.\\ "dw pi th," I )\."11111 •• .lev, .. ~flll\,\~"\ III "1."",,, Jr''',I,h \IHIIIL.:'tr·f\ Iw-
~':l',l\;"d, llll' 11H'.. t d .. llltl~ ,and d,'tnllllllnl \11\ ,ttli'lllj1t III dl'II' r1lr hn~lll \ ho'· "PitH' t'II~lhk Inl 11lt'll1h,'r\t\ll' In tht- \:,t
1'1 lh h\lhl," 1 'I ('Dldll1,\l11l .. ,nd, 'l'lIt I.U 1.°1 1'1 I )IJ'plll,1 t\l\tlll\ l' .1 \11.{11 of '1"",.1 11,1/ \l'I!""" ('1,,1> ,.1 Ih .. ",.:".d I I
,\"Cl "'~' It \\.1\ hId ., ~,III,llIl llll~ III .t 1~IlI)LJlh to, llltlll~'r.IIH r, I' "uq,:,I'f.llnl ."It .... \'(',lI-" J'lIllCh rill .1 1IH"lllhrl\ 'lip ,arHI

,1:.'111 \~, Il'\ulh III \ ,"It'U\ ~L"tt\I('\ ' III ~,lIh (' .'l1d ,\It III1Jlhr .Itltlllc!.· ftJ\\.l"" ~t'· '-1I11l1111'r ·I(\I\~ iLl\. ,It hr.u,1 dn" tlt'II\'I'd
(111111 1111'1 1\ hn· ... I lip dllt'\, p.tH.J
\du) hn.:1t Il\t·,. ,\ ,Jllt-r,
l .,,;,1111.\1111 ,"pll"\I·d 'P,\!II .111..1 il\t.ll,~ll,' 1\t.·I •• tlt\l1" \11 hl'IPe\, hUlr ltH'
11. 1 11' ,It .H( u'\..tIHHI\ \lll~c'd III ttl(" II.I\( It'\\ '\und.ud pI 'I'\nl, III tllf'lI \1\\1\ \\.l\ .. \f',," fM'I'ItHI ,"h,· \()U(Il~"'tt'''' ~tt tIl ~,'I
\\I\("II ,ht'," IWIIlI!!'" It. \t'.\(, Illd
\".\1, tll,ll th,· .1('\\\ lit E,l'lII'11\ ELlll)~)(" h.ul 1'1,,' \\,'1<,11' (;1"'11" 'l'I.dl \\,"t",II/.'\1
!.\l ~I·(l till' II)lltllldc· tIl It'\ ,.1\ Iht· "IIlP\{ I\()hl,' 11,\lt td duo .1('\\ I,ll fwnl'!"
It \\.h Ih.u,i(((·II\Ij( III :'\ ..UI lid", .• , 01 It-. Ih)nl"lllll,\1 JIII\III' 1), lll,j,1'11.1I11l t.k~ l'I.It'I', 1'11'"" \t\lIl,lr, P;lIld 11"1\
1'\ I I\ tiLl L,ttlll,l\ 1 1'~tJlll', 11I.1t It 'ilH I I'nlni (' 1.\1 ,'d J II" \\.U 1\1'(1 ,n:.'llh( (h,' d,llicyr th,le (~IIII'11l 11\ ,l 'pt"1.I1 1l1l"".J,L:" }I.uhng ItI"

:1 l'I'·Ik.IIH~ t!P\\11 11· ... 1\(."\11· ,Itltl '·\.It 1111,\: till' 1I1\iqUc" tc ,ul \\P\I!\! ~,tO IUllntnl \~\ thl' ",l.tI.I<,III\\,'\\r "I rh,' \','1",,,.<1 Il.or \{111\ •• h
",,~q)ll'tf' \lIllllll~_'LPII tH'lll It, Je'\\ I,h .\I1d ,~('llt'l,'llnll, .llId ,.lId tll.'l duo Jt'\\J\I) pt'ppk ('1,,1> tI,',I.",'d
, '\I .1"" :,it
," tlll\\. Ihl' 'I"',I~I'I "lid II,,' \\('\t' \C','klllL! tht' (','" hl(· ~I1HI ."L.,plllll.:. "-rhl\ 1\ ,I lIUl\' Ill\pnn,uH prpWI t fpI It

':!".tll,~11 lh., Jr\\, \\.t, 1I1"'t' dl·\II(~J .. ltt'

(It tht'lll!.l'[' '" tI'till· \\.\\10 of Ilw llldJIJlll\ \\ III k.HJ to JIUlldl nh, fwr h.1 p, thnU\.Hul ...
(I( .. \Il\l'rH.IIl .Ir·\\l'lh ,"(Judi \ I .. tln~ )\Lu-I
,\lld 111'1"'1,'" th.11I th"1 u( ,'Ihn 1,..u!'I." "1,'1 II, ,c",h,', 1>, Ih .. III.;ht. ,,( II...
I,ll !\\\) 1,,~,!i,)JHl th,· lVIIl1l1l11lIllt· ... ",('Ir htO,HUII' ,~l tido ~h,·lto It"\nlt,,-. In "("'I' ~,It\(· SlIrh ,I '1\11 " , till' 1,...,,1 .. I Ihr 1I,1,1e-. \I)
'l'lltplr'lc"l" l.\o}.llt,d tltun Ollr atluthrr I .lIld 11lt" hn (ttl' .l'JH.... h uf our hl'\ttH ~, It) f('hl\(, ,llldll'I''' 10 tlu'" !'n""lIt 'I'''l.' ,,( II,.. II.. ,
t:',· .'\.ill' l(t']lldl,\.1 th"11l lUlu d\lnlll'~~ ltl.\' t(l 'Idllli ' It) pl"'dl ,.1 IOf( to, \tIOIl~f" ttlj,." h,r\\ l.tllL:'\1.H.~f'. \\ III \11 f'll,fht'1\ the lu", of
1"\"" 1}1,)'. ,\lui ~ltI "Itl. ,hf' p("nplr ,d
t';C'\ \\
l nd,·,
t'Il' III IHt d,\lI~l'l,
:'tlleh cin 1l11l\1~J1(~" \\1' t ,1110111"
II) .nlltlillh' ,'Llr ('xl\h'IHC' as
"')('11' tI\l' YI'~" (It IIl\jl/\1
hr....1 ,tfld thr ""II'l'rin~, hi,tprv
I ,ill.TI... I\· hop... 11"'1 "\IT" l.'w"h (illIld,
0' ""'
1:1.11\1'1 ,~lId bp\\ \1111" lu-,lll~ 11\ ."\C' !Jrt\lIC ,Ind 1I1l1"I",11 ,lc-nn',," II<' «>"l'iulkd
III tl,,' l'''llcd Sf,"", \\,(1 n'~i\ll" It- dill,
tll'I',· "III) Illlllld the s.tlrl\,~th .lllll ('\llIl.'~I' \10, 1.,,1lc'1~'" cl".-I,,,,,'d 11..11 Ihr 1111','1\' tlrl'll III Ill<' (~Ilth"
(" ~q-L:..l"l/C \I)III\llIg\.·' 1)1' (;oldHI0111o III~ pf ,'1111-".'\lIIII'1l1 '0 pili tllnt" \\01'" not
',1,,1 II" ;1'I'~" "f .hr 111.111\ I,h", .. I 1',1\- th,· protulJltlon 01 rUU\ h) Ir·!lt~.ltl.lnl\, or III "!lothrr 1""".• <:",
~f",IH' Shan'tl.
~l\t' llt'llll\1I1 "lllOJl~ J"\\I\h \1I'tllll\ of thr har.ts\IHt"nl, or ~xplll"d"'l\. It \'~l'" lI"lIdl~r ch.\lIIII.lll or thr .I .. ..,I\h
A'("11'" E""""I 1\'" ,
\'.\:1", .\I\d of thO'~t" ~lIHllt( (0 dl(' "\\'hO~t· E, ,',ylllllll( \\';U "'Jlh', Ii ... ,,1111 Ih.. !",- "h",all""i,<'d tl,,· :"IIall,m,,1 11." \1"7, ,lh
h,'h,1\ ,ur "'fl"ell,,l '" 1I1\lI"h J" Idt· ,lIl1! 1111(1\'1' dlld C1"r1 I\h,tll,,~) 01 Ih.. Nat .. , (~Iuh .ts ""t IIlO!'lt iUl;\)(1I1 ..tll\'t' and proITu,\.
c1'~I"t, III,.' ,h.. y,·" .. n 1'""I'rd Ih,' :'>:dlJ till' "",..1 1111 I.. <,ltnolt,~\, (I( 11Ir (;nll1.1n' ill~ Ollt' (or lilt" dirc'cti"n o( tilt' lhoul:hh
1l11l1df'lt'I!I' \\ ... 11 of 1I\St·"s\hdity" :\1/ lhal ",I> 1;1I~1l11.t ",H Ihal ;, ,,,,""'011' and l'IIl\llin"s of .I ,'w,,11 hI'''' and J:irl. in
II ... ", " lin "'1'1.11 cor '1'"1111,,1 )1I\,ifi, ,ltv. Jt·\\'~hahf\Lt '()It'r \.'I/C· ~"'()\"I'r III \tllllr lh\' l'nit,'d Stille" lo",;\,d II, oWll lit.. ,
l,lthlfl lor "rrUll.Ulg fl.,.", Jt·\,~ of irnpo· pl,lfl' and t"I'''' I\onld hI" 11111'.1," lonK ("onunitrllrnt as Jrws H
I"lll f' til \\ 1·"kfH~"S." llr (;l,ldlll;'nn dt·~
I J..\t tOd "I r thrre \\ rlM)lU for .H:llls.J.tion~
,11Ie! th"I" " .. n'"ll"· IS Ih"n th.." dlf>uJd TNIIl I .. "n Dlcay
I... dlll,t,to"l "/(;lIl1"1 ,ht' nt 'Ih.. (ll'l' .It'''' SIS Park A... ............ 0r8,
\\ ,.,Id (M Illl'ir bl'h,\\',or dunll!! Ih.. )'r;"ll"' New York U. N. Y, u t, 1'OS1AGtJ
,,' I'I'",'r ,\11 (.( lIS 1('iIllt-r, alld 1I11"11l!>"" , At I g
Return Requested
.. I 'hI' (Oll1l1l1rllll" (ail.. J ih\' le't ,,( )ur
1,,,ltlll" \\.15 III 01,'1' I.rt'k O( IInwaH'1 \l\~ de.
.....- "'0
.....,'""' .."
1"'"l1n.IlIO/\ and IInlill\ilt'd r.... din.. ,s 10
"llIplo" /" ,'1'\' lllC,Ulln' ,lIltl 1""('1')' fOflll ,,1' Le :l~l)tlvo 1arer¢ncs 3ervice nb
/~"«,,." "PI""l'nal,' 10 1111' 1t'll'ihl.. r""III' " Lljrary of Con~ress
1'1'1' 0111, .I.." I\h "llllllllllmty \\ IIII'}, had
Wash~n~ton. D.C.
Ihl' ('C,",.I~" 'II I'llIpl.,y dl.lSt;t' and llIl('... n·
'~"tlo",tl r".. th"d. ",I< Ihat of Palt'\ti/\l",
,\III.-h dl"'l'atrhl·t1 Il.Ir"dll.ilis" III EllfOJ'\"'
I hI' rt'olfti,'n of Ih/' dt'1\I0,:rol.ic POl'/'I'S
'" d,,' .\llII'~"IIIIIIC 3'1'1'.-1 "f :"II,lli\/ll ;lIld til
,I,r :'>:.111 1t'~IIII" In ~ .. n .. ral did 11111 I'l'tl .. rt
~I,,", 011 I},ri, pfopk, PI' on 1111>(10-111 d",
111<)( r.lI ", Dr (;coldll,ann ..d 1\\
nllH" ~htl\t' .,,,d \I~(lrtlll'\ 1t";.lC~I(tn th,',

"f\l,un .,r rut, JllII ~"llM f"fP.. r "nt,,,


\'I'HI,II'\T\\I" cl)-" I~J:\F1, 1)II;F~T

'I'll(' ('lI.\lIDI.\", ""lIo Pllhli~I](':-: it ~

.\11'. Il.uILIK. TIll' .Jl'\\:i:-:h Agl'llCy.
'I'll(' ('II.\IlDf.\". {)o YOU till:lI\('P it'~
.\II'. lLufLl". Yl':-:. :,i'r. \\'1' do.
Tho CIl,\I10UX. Do('s tlH' lsl":ll'1 COIlSlIlalP till:lllCl', it" abo ~
.\fr. Ihl\lLlx. Ko. sir: thp Israel COllsul:lll' pnrl'h:I~I'S a Ilumber of
:-:ul>:'ITipt iOll:-: of this pllhli('ation :1I111 flll'llislIps lIS \yit h a li~t of
pt'l'sons that tll{'.\· \\':1111 to ll:IY(' this publicatioll ~t'llt to. And tlH'y
1'(·indllll'sp \1:-: for thost' sllb:-:l'l'iptions.
Thl' ('lI.\II::\U". 1)0 you kll()\\, \\'hat j)rrcl'ntagl' of Y011r total?
:\£1'. If."fLIx. Till' r)('r(,l'llt:I~1' 'i:, :lho11t ;\() pI'ITI'Ilt. 1 ,yollld say, of
Illl' tOI:ll ('iI'Clll:ltioll or lH'rll:lps Illorl'.
TIll' ('II.\II1:\£.\N. ITo\\" do \,01\ distinguish-··---
'\[r. nD1Ll"" '[01'1' than ';10 prrcl'lI1.
Till' ('1I\11:'f\:\·. IIm\' do \'Oll dist!Il!..'"lli-.;h \\'JIl'll J :l:-,k \'(\11 if tlll'\'
lill:lll1't' il :Itld yllli :-':IY !lei (1Il'.~· jli .... r plIn"ll:l:-'(' its III'CHIlII'I. \\'II:l! III YOIll'
d i:-: till ('I i 0 Il .~
1J\ i II d III a k I' -.; I h:1t
:\11'. II.DI1.1". IT 0\\' I 1ll:1k('1h:lf' <1i~tilldioll'~
'1'11(' ('II.\IIDL\:'\. )"<,s. "'har i:-; Ihe diH't'!'('l1l'f' ill f:lc( hf't\ypen di-
1'1'1" 1.\" ('Ollt I'i hll rill g ;\ Il dill hll Y i Il.g I hI' i l' :-'11 h~t'ri pI iOIl:' :Intl. Sl'lld ing th{'lTI
\\!\l'rp\'l'l' \"011 lik('~ II wO\lld S('('111 to Jnp it i:-; :111111(' S:lllH' thill!!)}
:\11'. BOI··I~:-;T\X'\. I alllllni :-;111'1' Illlldpr:-;1ood yOllrq1l1':-;rioll. :\~.'
Tltl' ('JUlIDr \". "-1,11. it <lot'~Il't Jll:lt tl'r. ""
. :-.....~

('.\~II 1~F:l'ETPT:-:' .101.."1::'\.\1.

I show yOIl (~opip:-; of t lllrr pagl's from till' (':1:-:;11 n'('pj pI:" joufll;ll of
y01l1' .\g-I'lll·y ~\lppli('d lI11dt'l' slIhp<,11:1 and ask y011 if yolt h:ln,'H'('1\
11\(,:,1' p:lgrs !wforl'?
.\1r. 1J.DfLT". Y Po"". si r; I did Srl\ tIll'sc.
( ('op it'S of t hI.': d()(,IIIlH'n1 S :l Plw.:\ r on pagrs 17!)1, 1752, and 1753.)


TIll' CII.\lHM.\X. TIo\\" Hlllch of YOllr slIh:-,cript ions for this Digest do
I hC'\" amount to?
:Srr. IL\1\rLI~. Are you asking-how lHueh \yc rpc-einxl from the COIl-
:-: 11 I :l t e. sir ~ . ,
Tlw C'lI,\I1Df.\:\. How mueh j:-; 1':lcil Oil\' worlh. I JllP:1ll what. is the
prier ~, .
~1r. If.DTU:,\. I brlil'H' at. thnt tilllP it \\":lS Sl.!iO or $~ per subscrip-
1 iOIl.
TJw CIl:\IlDL\:'\. YOI1 will J1nti('.p 011 tll('s!' p:lg('S onp datrd December
lnnt. c:nri(':-::\I1 item of "12 l l;")-Conslilatp Gl'l1pral of lsl':lP!. 1sr:\('1
Digpst. $;\000:'
"-'h:1 t <lops that llwan ? .
1\h:. HA"MLIX. Olt. ves. This is the payment to us.
Th~ CIIAIRl\[A~. Paym('nt. to you bv the Consulate General ~
~ f r.lT.\ "MI.1:'\. That. i~ rig'ht, foj· these' subscriptions.
The cII.\nL'\L\~. For suh~cript.ions?
1[1': ILnfLlx. For the snhscriptions tlH'Y purchns(\d from 11S of the
ISl'fl;el Dig-('~t. whieh "-f', mnil('(l to a indi\'idunls they gave us.
i. The rnAI~]\[AN. Is thot.5,OOO SUbSCrIptIOns?
IN U.S. 1751

or of
st of
ay. of

f t ]H""
I YO\l]"

E'n cli-
,r ;-/'
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,"(' :-t '('II


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lre us.


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.\ I r. I I \:\ 11 .1 ". :\ 0: (h a t \\ a;-; III t ) 1'\' t h:I II '-1 J llll) ~ 1tI ):-: (' l' i pi i (lll:-;, I be lit' H',
1It'l';III-:\' Illi:-; \\;h p:ll'l o!" 1 ht' pa.\lllt·llt f()r ,11;11 ypal'. Tlli:-; \\'as lloL (1\0
[oral paYlllt\ll( forthat 'yl\ar.

TIlt' CII.\IIDL\~. 110\\' IIllll'!l do nllll't\('('in\t\;H'h \'I':lr~ .\
.\ 11'. I I.\ :u Ll :'0.'. P :ll't lOll llIP.· . quir
T h l' ( . \I .\ I I: :\l.\". I [0 \Y IllUC h d () you IT( 'I' i \"(' pa (' h YP:l r ~ un
.\Ir. 1 LUU,I:'o.'. "'0 have re('ei\"(~d frolll tile IS1'<lpl ('OIlslllatP around
S10,000 to $ !:'),OOU a vcar for t hrse SUb:'il'l'i pt iOIlS.

'I'll('. CII.\IIDL\X. 'Call VOIl (I'll liS how IlIlW!l YOU l'(\('pj\'('<l frolll tIt!' 1:
I~ra('l Con:-;Illate ill a nO':lllal Yl'ar, say, last yr:lI:for all pl,lrposes, frOIll t }]('
evt>ry sOllr('e. Is it larg-e ~ ~
.\11'. lL\MLDL Sir, from the Israel Consulate wc rcc-ci \"(>d money for 1
t he Digest, the $10,000 to $15,000 I mentioned, and it provides for tho Go'
.fpwish minority re~('arch projpct, and these h\'o projrcts and the ht- .\
trr :->\l1Il of $!),OOO. Tlu'sc are t he on ly t \\"0 ~Ilms \\"P recpi \'(>d from t hI' '1
T~ra('l Gon>l'lllllcnt. offices. 1\
:;\I.\lLDW LI~T FOI{ TilE Isn.\EL DI(lE~T ll1g
The CIL\lRl\L\~. Di(l the Israel CO\1sulate :'iPJHl yOll :1 mailing list ~

t hilt you 11l,t-¥CsJrollt t hC::'ie Digc~t~ ~

.\f r. I h M~. Th is go('s hack lllll n" H'a rs, of rou r:->c. 1
The C'll.\JILU.\N. Ti\is is ]!)(ll, tJJi'~ 'p:lJticu1:1l' 01)(\ \\":lS ]f)()] to 1!)(;~. lSI
~rr.lL\MLIN. 1Yr do tllc JIlailing, if tlJat is YOllr fjupstioJl. pn
Tlw C I L\ llDL\X, Thev ~(,1l<1 vou a 1ist. 1

""p ~£r. IT.n[UN. That ;s rigl;t. ""p

do the mailing from 0111' oflicp.
arrange to have it. printed and we have a ma,iling list in our oflicc. mE
Tbl:' CIIAIn:~L\N. I sce.
'VeIl, the second item l1('re was l\fnrch 1962, was just a little over :l 511'
yrllr ago, "Consulatf>, Israel Digest, $f)~OOO."
Th('n in .Tune of 1062 the Israf>l Digest, $1,21 O.RG. 1Vho paid for tIll' pn
mail ing of this, l\fr. Hamlin? Do you pay for the mailing'~ ('.(
~r r. IIAl\fLIN. Sir? .
Tlw CHAIRMAN. Do you pay for the rna iling? rr
:Mr.IIAMLIN. Certainly. ~.Vemail this thing out physically.
The CHAIRMAN. I see. th
1\:11'. HAMLIN. '\Ve pay for the mailing. The Consulate reimburg{'s
us, sir, for all costs in connection with mailing of that number of sub- n~

scriptions of the list they give us. And we hear all the costs of that ar
and they reimburse us for that.
The CHAIRl\IAN. I don't suppose you could be called the agent in
mai 1ing this out for them, could you?
Mr. HAMLIN. An agent? I think they were buying services from
us. .
The CHAIRMAN. I see. "J
, I 1
':l~ llot t lll'
.\11'. BULJl~STEIX. l\Ir. C'hairlllan, I think it should he stated for the
rccurd I Ita', this publication is labeled in aecordunce with the require-
[IIPnt:-; of t 1}p FOl'pign AgC'llts Hr~istratioll Actof 1838.
Thl\ Cll.\IIDL\X. "~pl\, I notice that it says, the label is as follows:
.\ ('op.' (If tIlis IIwtt'rial is filed with the Department of Justice ,"here the re-
qllin'd r('gistratioll statement of the Jpwish Agency-American Section, Inc., ns
un llg-ent of the .Jewish Agency for Israel. Jerusalem, Israel undElr the .F'orf'i~
(p arOlll\d Ag-Pllts Hl'g"ist ratioll Act of 1938, us amended, is a "uBaole for puolic inspection.
lh'g'istl':l t ion does not indicate approval of this material by the U.S. "Governm('ut.
f 1'0 l1l t II t' Do you think this label HC'curatply dpscriLes t1l(' relationship hp(w('cn
oses, from tll(' .J('\\'i~h AgPIH'Y alld til(> bra('l I>iges,t,to those who re:t<l the Digest?
~Ir. I I.nrLIl';'". Yes, ~i r.
onev for The CIUll{l\L\N. 1)0 you think nny ",ho read that know that the
es for tlw Go\"(' I'll LI1 (' n t 0 f J:..; ra ('1 p aid f 0 l' it'?
H.i the lat- ~I 1'.1 L\l\fLIN. Th('y ,Yould lw ve no ,yay of knowing.
from tIll' Thp(:jUII::\L\N. DOll't you tltinktheyoughtto knowit?
~fr. HAMLIN. If un individual receives a subscription for which
tIll' Is1':w! i Consulate was paying us they would ha YO no way of know-
illg it so fa r as I know.
'The CIIAIn1\[AN. Don't you thil\k they should?
ailing li~r ~Ir. I-LU[LIN. Sir? .
The CIL\IIDL\N. You don~t to answer that.
'Yhen you rpC'pived thesp repayments from the Consul General of
)1 to U)(;:? ISl'ael for the Digest., do you report those in your report to the De-
pa rtment of .f ustice ?
:\Ir.II.\::\fLIN. Receipts of funds from tIl(' Consul General of Israel?
our OfJiCi'. The CIL\ IRl\IAN. Yes. For the Israel Digest, the funds that are
our oilier. mentioned here.
1\11'. J-LUILIN. I don't believe that the form requires such reporting,
:tIe on'r a 511'.
~Ir. BOUKSTElN. Mr. Chairman, this is treated on the books as
.id for tilt' payment for subscriptions not fiS receipt of money from the Israeli
COllsulate. This is my imprpssion and it could be checked.
The CIIAIRl\fAN. I thonght l\fr. Hamlin said this was for services
rendered .
r. .Mr. BOUKSTEIN. Services rendered in the sense of mailing it for
them which is really reimbursement.
~imbnrses Now, I myself would like to improve very much on the language
er of sub- llsed by the books and records of lay people but as you know they
ts of that are 110t too precise in words sometimes.
JANUARY 24, 1961
ices from
The CHAIRMAN. I show you a copy of a memorandum entitled
"Extract From Minutes of Finance Committee January 24,
1961, Regarding Reduction in Budget" and ask if these minutes ap-
pra r in the files of your Agency ~
:l~ not ! Ill'
.:\1r. B()UHsn:,~. l\fr. ('hairman, I think it shouhI lJe st.ated for the
I'l\cord tha', thi~ publieatioll is label{'(l ill accordallee \"ith the n·qllire-
11Il'llb of t )l' Fo)'('ign Agpnts Hrgistration Actof 1938.
Till' CII.\iIDL\~. "\'11, I not ice that it says, the label is as follows:
.\ copy (If this Illatprial is flied with the Department of Justi('e ,vhere the re-
(juin'd r('g-istration statt.'lllent of the Jewish Agency-American Sediou, Inc., as
llll ag-ent (If the .Jewish Ag-eucy for Israel, Jerusalem, Israel under the Forf'ihrrl
[p a roulld Ag'£'llts He~istration Act of 1938, as amended, is llYailable for public inspection.
Heg-istratioll does not indicate approval of this material by the U.S.'·Coyernm('nt.
frOll! till' Do you think this label :}C'C'ura1ply dpscribes the relationship behH'en
)ses, from th0 .J('wi~h Agellcy and thp lsl'tlPI Digl'::'i,t:;to those ,vho read the Digest·~
:\Ir.lf.\:\ILll'i. Ye:-;,sir. .
noney for The CII.\IRl\L\N. Do you think any who read that know that the
,es for the Gon'rllUlPllt of 1~1':l('1 paid for it·~
d the bt- .'\1 r. llAMLI l'i. They wou 1<1 ha ve no way of knowi ng.
from tIll) Till' C, L\ 11::\1,\ N. Don't yon think t hey ought to know it?
~fr. HAMLIN. If an individual receives a subscription for which
I ht' ISI':wl i Consulate was paying us t.hey would. h:1 YC no ,yay of know-
ing it so far as I know.
The CHAIRl\L\N. Don't you thiIlk they should?
tiling Jis! ~fr. I-L\MLDT. Sir?
The CTUIRl\[AN. You don't.lmye to ans"'er that.
",Yhen yon r('.('pin·d these repayments from the Consul General of
1 to Inn:? lsI'ael for t he Digest, do you report those in your report to the De-
pa rtment of .r ustlce?
J[r. II.DILIN. Receipts of funds from tIl<' Bonsul General of Israel?
Hlr oflicp. The CHAIRMAN. Yes. For the Israel Digest, the funds that are
:mr oilicp. mentioned here.
. 1\11'. I-IAMLIN. I don't believe that the form requires such reporting,
'le on'r a SIr.
1\1r. BOUKSTEDT. l\tlr. Chairman, this is treated on the books as
d for tIll' payment for subscriptions not as receipt of money from the Israeli
Consulate. This is mv imprpssion and it could be checked.
The elI.URMAN. I thought ~fr. Hamlin said this was for services
~{r. BOUKSTEIN. Services rendered in the sense of mailing it for
them which is really reimbursement.
imbnrses Now, I myself would like to improve very much on the language
r of sub- llsed by the books and records of lay people but as you know they
s of tlInt are Q.ot too precise in words sometimes.
JANUARY 24, 1961
~es from
The CHAIRMAN. I show you a copy of a memorandum entitled
"Extract From J\linutes of Finance Committee Meeting January 24,
1961, Regarding Reduction in Budget" and ask if these minutes ap-
pra r in t.he files of your Agency?

l\fr. HAMLIN. Yes, sir. ~Ir. HAMI

The CHAIRMAN. The memorandum will go in the record. The CHAI
(The memorandum referred to follows:) l\{r. HAMI

[Extract of minutes of finance committee meeting, January 24, 1961, regardln:; rrlluctlon
In budget]


SECTION, JANUARY 24, 1961 Whydoy
Persons present: Mrs. Rose L. Halprin (presiding), Dr. Emanuel ~eumann, Mr. HA~n
:\lr. Louis Segal, Mr. Jacob Brin, Mr. Isadore Hamlin. TheCHAI
Budget: Messrs. Hamlin and Brin reported on conversations which took ~II'. HAMI
place in Israel regarding the budget for the year 1961-62. ~lr. Brin reported
on the request of the Treasury Department in Jerusalem that thf' Xew York TheCHAI
budget be reduced to $550,000, and that a budget proposal be submitted as l\fr. HAM
qUickly as possible for their confirmation. ence.
After examination and discussion of the budget, it was agreed to notify thf" The CHA
Treasury in Jerusalem that the American section proposes to operate within
a budget of $620.000 for the year 1001-62. It was pointed out that the Jerusalem $17.500, is t
Treasury arrived at the figure of $555,000 through a process which does not take vear?
into account that several of the large items of the r\ew York budget are stable . ~lr. fLuI
bUdgetary items (administration and executive) and thus should not be subjert proximatel}
to the 9.6 percent deductions. Furthermorf', it must be borne in mind that the
JTa is a continuing relationship and. in fact. the 1961-62budg-et will include aggregatin~
a $60,000 buugetary item as against $27,000 in the past year. Thus the Ameri- The ClIAI
can section arrived at a general framework of its expenditures for the new I notice it
budget as follows: The Latin American department budget was subtcacted
from the total of last year's budget. That an additional $40.000 for JTA added (1) That i
to the figure. The net result was then cut by a figure of 10 percent. the bndget of
Xoted below is the budget for 1961-62 with the general categories of dedue'- the conferenc
tions approved by the finance committee. Mr. BOUI
.Jewish AgE
ance to the 4
If some I

(}rants_. . _
$30,000 $2S, 000 they would
Presidpnt's conference . _
Keren Hayesod subventions _
very large,
Public relations and sp('cial projects
_ 174,223 131,500 are very Ia
Press _ 27,600 60,000
6,000 .. 6,000 time on the
to time to (
It was agreed furthermore: (l) That it should be the aim of the executiw
As a mat
to rpuuce its participation in the buuget of the Presidents Conference for tue vires the 1'e
future (heretofore, 50 percent of the conference budget). of views.
United Na
control the
The CHAIRMAN. I call your attention to the item entitled "Presi- Of cours
dents C<mference" budget 1960-61, $17,500; budget 1961-62, $12,500. is the welf~
"\Vhat is the "President's Conference~'~ ship in tha1
Mr. HAMLIN. Sir, the Presidents Conference is an ad hoc consulta- The CH.
tive body of, composed or
the presidents of the national Jewish orga- C'onference
nizations in this country which meets from time to time to discuss ::\Ir. IT,D'
problems affecting Israel.
Nearly all of the national Jewish organizations are represented by IT
their presidents in this body.
The CHAIRMAN. How many would you say ~ The ClI:
Mr. HAMLIN. The~e are 19, if my memory serves me, 19 national to the Dep:
Jewish organizations, and our president is also a member of this :Mr. HLD
body, Dr. Goldmann. " The eIl;
The CHAIRMAN. How many or those 19 do you support, all of them?
~lr. HAMLIN. In what way, support, sir?
ecord. The CHAIRMAN. Financially. ,
1\11'. HAMLIN. We don't finance any of these organizations,
~gardlng rpUUCI!(ln

CY, A:'IERICA:-; The CHAIRMAK. You don't.

Why do you support the conference ~
:lIluel ~eumann, ~lr. HA::\rLIN. Pardon me, the conference?
ons which took
~. Brin reportE>d
.:\11'. HAMLIX. We provided administrative services.
; th(' Xew York The CHAIRMAN. What is that ~
>e submitted ;[:; .:\11'. H.t\l\fLI~. We provide administrative services for the confer-
ed to notify thl.'-
operate within The CHAIRl\IAN. Are you the only one? I mean this budp:et item
l t tbe J erusa 1l.'Ul $17.500. is that the totnl cost for the Presidents Conference for that
['b does not take vear? .
Idget are stable . ::\fr. ILnILIx. The Presidents Conference has rr budget running ap~
d not be subject
:1 mind that rht:,
proximately $25,000 a year. And we provided administrati"e sen'ices,
I:{t't will incJudl.' aggregrrting about one-half of these $2.3,000.
~bus the AllH'rl- The CIIAIID\IAX. I see, about half of it.
'es for the new I notice it says it was agreed furtherJTl0re:
was subtracted
for JTA.. added (1) That it should be the aim of the executin to reduce its participation in
cent. tile hudget of the Prl'sidents Conference fOf the future (hl'fPtofore. :i0 percent of
aries of declue- the conference budget).
Mr. BOUKSTEIN. .:\11'. Chairman, I think it should he stated that the
Je\\'ish Agency does not support or giye any kind of financial assist-
'rt Budgrt ance to the oV"erwhelming number of the 19. ,
~1 1961-62
If some of them thought that that would e\'en be implied I think
),000 $28,(~ they would be horrified. They are a large, independent, some of them
7,500 12.500
~, 288 55. 80U
very large, and important,' they are all important, but some of them
1,223 131, .500 are very large organizations which ha\'e been in existence for a long (
• 600 60, o('{)
),000 ·6,000 time on the AmerIcan scene. Their presidents get together from time
to time to discuss questions of .common interest relating to Israel.
" the executiw
As a matter of fact, from time to time, the Department of State in-
"erellce for tlJe vites the representatives of the Presidents Conference for an exchange
of views. That is rrlso true of the United States delegation to the
United Nations when questions of Israel are at issue. They are
completely iIitependent. They act ad hoc. The Agency does not
control them, directly or indirectly, although it is a member,
itled "Presi- Of course, It is correct to say they all have a common 'interest which
-62, $12,500. is the "'elfare of Israel, and they display the interest of their member-
sh ip ill that welfare.
poc consulta- The CHAIR:\L\X. And YOH provide 50 percent. of the costs of the
Jewish orga- con ference.
Ie to discuss ~fr. ILnrux. Yes, sir; w·e did.


The CU.·\1R'\IAN. These pa~Tments han~ bf'E'l1 itemized in your reports
19 national to the Department of .Tustice?
:1ber of this ~fr. H.DrLIx. No. sir; they \yere not.
The CIL\TR1L\X. 'Vhy not?
all of them?

~fr. ILulpx. This was an administratiye-this was a provi~ioH of )11'.

se,cretarial ser\'icps, two, secretaries to the ,Presidents Confen'll(,c, ThE
This was a provision of lllimeog-raphed niat~rials. It was entin'Iy a Mr.
part of Oll r :H 1m i n istra t i W' operat ion. any d
The (' 11.\ lIn 1\ ", ,Y't'l1, it ;~ :111 ollt~id(' g-roup, outside of your hlldgpt
which you ~UPP()I't.
~Ir, H.\:\ILl~. S1r'~
'I'll(' ('II.\IIDI\'\. It is all ()\lt~idp oI'~aniz;ttioll; hy tllflt I IIlP:lll YOll The
just Plllplla~iz('d ]\1\\\' illlpOI'I;lJ1t tlH'sc 'ot!tpl' agpllci(:spre amI it is out- addre
~ide YOUI' 0\\"11 illlpl'J1;d :H'li\,itips. awl YOU :ll1o(,:1tp in the Imd!!et a you w
very 's1l1)~ta!ltial ..;1ll11 fo\' it. I do])'t i"no\\' why you shouldn:t re~ l\Ir.
port it. , Tht
~[r. Ikwl\.~'ITI". ~II'. Cll:\irnl:lll. il is l'P;llly a t('('ll1licnl qUl'~tiol1 as dum I
to \\'hpt hpI' that \\'Olliel \1(' (,()ll~icl(-'rp(l a paympJ1t to an oI'.~;lnization, Samu
)IayLe ill.the first strict u]tilll;\t<, ~PlbPYO\l may Le right. But in any dum?
event-- 1\'1.:1'.
The CII.\IlDUX. In YOUl' 0\\'11 budget, that is th<:, way you cOllsid-· (C<
crpd it? ' .
l\Ir. BOl·K"'TEl~. Y ('s. I t i~ ,I hwlgetary a 11oc(\t ion.
To: M
EXTR\("!' (II' ::\fI:\I"IT~ OF FIX.\XCE ('O~D[)TTEE. DECE:nmm 13.• l!l(i} l!'rom:
TIll.' CIL\IIDI \~. ,Ydl, I show VOll a <loCUIl\cllt blwh'd "Extract from Hebre·
tlH'. .:\rinutp~ of the Finall('i:' Coinmittee-DecemLpl' 1.:1, 19G1," and I We
nsk you if a copy- of this dOCllllwnt appears in your files. Found
::\1r,ILulI,l":\'. Yf's.sir. fer to:
( .\ ('opy of ,110 document :1 ppe:1l'~ 011 p. 1770 of th is 1\(':1 1'1 II.!.!. )
Thp ell \ IlDL\::\', TIl(' dOC\lIlH'llt is pntitled "Krrcl1 Hayesod Sllhn-'ll-
t i OIlS "-- \\'(' \\' i Jl pa~c; t h:t t OliP (weI' for ;\ IlHmwn t. .

IIEBla:w n· I;run: FOl·~J).\TIUX

.,. <i Memo
)[1'. lIallllin. ar(' you acqnaillted \Ylth an org-aniza1ioll kTlC)\Ql as the To:l\J!
I-I('lH'c\\' ('ullnn' FoundatioJ1 ~ . ". Subje,
)11'. IL\::\rLI~. Yps. sir: I al1\. . We'
The C 1L\ IIDL\ ~, 'Yhat is t hp- Hebn'\\' Cnl tlll'P Fotl nc'lat ion ~ vania.
~Ir. H.\::\ILIX. The HcLrpw Culture Foundation is a separate organ- I 81
ization with a ~ep(lrat('. board, goyprning hody, Its chairman at this earlie
time is Professor Konyitz of C\)J'l\cll lJllin'rsitj', That has Leen
making- sma 11 part iri pnting grants to .A m~r~cn n collpges ~m(l universi- Th
ties for tll(': purposf' of establishing ('hairs in the. I-Iebrew lang-uage~or Mr. J
Israel i stud ics or .T ewish studies or :\fiddle East studies. l\il
I must sa.y that tlwy ha\'e succeedpd in stimulating the f'stablish- Tn
ment of a numb('r of Y('ry worthwhile chairs and departments in '",,-
institutions and uni\'('rsitif's in this country, ,enhr
The CIL\IIDL\X. Is the foundation a pint of the education and cul-
tural department of the American Zionist Council ~ W
~[r, H.D[LI~. Tk~, Hebrew Culture Foundation grant/was' ninde M:
directly by us to the Hebrew Culture Foundation. _ " '. theSE
The CHAIRl\[A~: 'Vell thpn, it is not a part of the American Zionist Tl
Council ~ . Dep:
~Ir. HAMLIN. No, sir; it is not. , ". 'M
The CHAIRl\[AX. Does i't ha veany other source of funds outside the to be
.T ~wish A!!encv ? .' '
i:,ioH of ::\fr.1LnILIX. 1 don't believe so.
fen'IH'r. The CHAIRMAN. So it i s -
t i I'P ly a
Mr. H ..Y MLIN. lVIay I correct.myself on that. I really don't have
any direct infonnation whether they haye any other fimcls.
~IE.:\IOS DATED MARCH 2, lUG:! .\XD FEll)lL\RY 2::~ 1!)(;:!

':t n YO\! The CIlAlIDL\~. I show you a lltelllOrandwll dau'd ~fal'cll 2, IDG:2,
IS 01lt- addressed to ~Ir. Nat Betheil from ~fr. Isadore Hamlin, and ask jf
lld!!rt a you wrote and sent this memorandum?
In 't re~ )fr. HAMLIN. Yes, si r; I did.
The CIIAIR~IAN. I also show you a copy of an attachrcl memoran-
:,t ion a;;;; dum dated February 23, 1962, addressed to 1\11'. 1. J{am}jn from Dr.
izat JOIl. Samuel 1\1. Blumenfield, and ask you if you 1'e,ceiyed such a memoran-
t ill any dum?
1\11'. I-IAl\fLIN. Yes, si 1'; I di d.
COJlsid- ' (Copi~s of t h~ documents are as follows:)
Jfarr'h 2, 1962.
To: Mr. Nat Betheil.
1 D Ii 1
From: Mr. Isadore Hamlin.
Kote attached herewith Dr. Blumenfield's memorandum to me' regarding the
d from Hebrew Culture Foundation.
. and I 'Ve have in our budget a $2:3,000 item 111ldpr "Grant~ for tile IIpbrf'\V Culture
Foundation." According to ML<;s Speiser's records. we have paid olll~' $;-),()()() this
~-('ar. In accordance \vith Dr. Blumenfield's reque~t. I am askin;.; you to tran,,-
fer to him $5,000 at this time. .
10 '
""' . ) Sincerely,
, 11 hn'll- ISADORF: HA\fLI:'\.


PclJrUarll 23, 1%2.
<! Memorandum
11 as the To: Mr. 1. Hamlin.
From: Dr. Samuel M. Blumenfield.
Subjeet: 1961-62 grants.
'Ye""are somewhat late in our 'commitments to Columbia, Indiana. Petmsyl-
va.nia. Johns Hopkiqs, and Wisconsin Universities to the amount of $9.000.
org-an- I shall appreciate it if you ,vill let us have a cll('('k for that amount at your
at this earliest convenience.
S. :\1. R. .
IS bern
nIH'rSI- The CHAIRMAN. The memorandum reads as follows-first. who is
lmgeor M:r. Nat Betheil ~
1\{r. HAl't!Li~. He is our cashier, sir.
'ablish- The CHAIRMAN. Your eashier.
ents in It. reads as-follows: [Chairrnan reads the memoranda III their
-v-\ntiretyJ .

What were these payments for?

,. madp
'. Mr. H:""MLI~: These p~y~ents were to take care o~ giving grants to
these UnIVersItIes to established departments or chaIrs of Hebrew.
Zionist The CHAIRMAN. Were these payments you made reported to the
Department of Justice on your rogistration statement ~
'1\-11'" BOUKSTEIN. Mr. Chairman. in my opinion they w0111pn't have
ide the to be because the program of th~ Hebrew Culture Foundation is purely.
scholastic in character and is complptely without-and is specifically
pxrmptrd from the provisions of thr Art. '


The CJL\IlDL\N. Can YOU tell me. 1\[1'. J-Iamlin, were these uni,'crsi- regIs
ties, \\':lS lIa ITard, for" rX:lIllple or \\" Laten.'r ,\'er8 ment iOllcd here, ment
, Columbia. Ind iann, Penllsy l\-<lnia, .J ohns Hopkins. and "'"isconsin, empt
were tl\(", :1\\'ar(' of tilt' SOllrc(' of the money which vou made an1.ilable all pd
to tll€m.' Did they lmow llll~ mUlIey came from the~,Tewish ~\gency? ~lr
~rr. 1 LU[LI~. I 1m ,'r no dOll ht t hey were a ware. that,
TheClr.\II:~r.\x. JTowdoyoll kJ1()~\'? sary
:\fr.1I DILl~, Pal'c101l1ll(:~ Th
The ('J:.\lT:)L\X, '''hat do \'011 111('a1l. YOU 11:1\'(' no douot? Dill you goto
"Tite t !lPlll alld tell them or di'(l :lllyuoch? ~1
:\[1'. If.UIUX, The oflicC'l's of the II~b]'P\Y Culture Foundation ('e1'- ment,
t:tillly kw'\\ \\-11('['(' the 1lWllf'y \\'asC'oming from, Th
Thr C'1I.\lTDL\X. I didn't ask yOU about. that. The Hebrew Cul- shlde
ture Foundation knp\\, it, Hut tIle lllliyersities that recei\'cd it. did 1\11'
they kno\" that it came from the American Section of the Jewish Le
Ag-~ncy,:l. r~gistered foreign agent ~ whic
~Jt .. rrUfLl"\,'. I don't kn()\\, whrthrl' thr officers stated to thE' uni,'er- (S
::-;ir il'''; ill (';\('11 illstancc .
.\ Ir. H'I{!\:~TEIX, .\fl'. Cltninl\~lll, I could llelp yon out.
'l'hp ('I 1.-\ HnL\x. All right.
:\1.\1' 1, lOGO: LETTER FRo~r COLlJ:\IBIA UKlVERSITY tract
-'fl'. F(lt'K:-;TEIX, I han' lwfore me a lettcL""'rrom the Columbia Uni- the fil
\'('I';-;ity datl'd :\Iay 1, l!Hil), ndc1rE'~SE'(l to thc.Te,,·i~h Agency: ~[r
OIl lwllnlf of the trustt'e~ and by their direction, I beg to rOI1H'.' to you the (A
thanks (If tlH' university for a gift of $.1,000 for the Cl'Ilter of Israeli and Jewi!'h
:,.;tudi('.';. E:
Yours respectfully,
~\nd then a signature appears which 1 think is Warren, I cannot Per!
l'l';ldit. addressed to .Jewish Agency. 16 East. Goth Street, that. was Mr. L(
the oIliep address at the time, Xe)\' York 21, X.Y.
TIl(' ('''o\IT~~L\~. "::('11 then. that answers tlll' qll('StioIl cPl'tainly a~
!o Columbia.
Did YOIl h;lH> :l.llV-o-
to thE
~fr. 'n(ln"\:~Tl':TX~ I han' no l'(,;l~on to belipyc it is different in the contrl
n! her unin>rsities. Janm
1:1 lS!']( 1:'\ i ,!' F:XE~IPTI():'\" FIW:\I llEPOHT[XG GRX~TS TO l,~IVERSITIES
'1'1](' {'I'\iI:)f\~. Is it YO.lll' position~ )11'. Houkstein. that in the E'X-
(H']Hlitlll'(I"; tl1;lt tIl(' Jp\\'islt ~\g-('nc.v\ the rpgistrrNl .Te\yish Agency,
makl':-> ill the lipld of education or information-\ycll, education in this
i ll;-;! n TlCll-clops not h:l\-e to bp l'Pported?
~[r. H(ll°I(~TE!X. ~lr. Chairman, I think-.. .I ought to tell };OU why the
fOllnr1:lr ion \\'as estnhli~hcd in the first place, and I think it will g"iye
~'()11 a bpttpl' IU1del'standing- of the problem.
The C'1I"\m~L\~. Can you answer that, first, that other question, Grant~
"°lticll is a s[ raight question ~ Kercn
~Ir. BOUl\.STEIX. It is my opinion that in the case of activities which ITA __
are spe~ifieally exempt from the provisions of the.Act, scholastic being Press.
one of them. it is not neeE>ssary to file the information with the Depart-
ment of Justice.
The CHAIRMAN. Wait a minute. Does the Act say-it relates to
persons who are engaged in education as exempt, 'not the payment by a
11 Y81'51- registered foreign agent to an educational institution, that that pay-
d here~ ment should not be reported, does it? Do you assert that? The ex-
conS111. emption, it seems to me, would be relative if the Jewish Agency was
'aibble an rducational institution itself, that is, a university.
!lCY? lUI'. BOUKSTEIN. I do not want to give you an offhand opinion on
that, Mr. Chairman. But my impression is that it wouldn't be neces-
sary to include it in the report.
The CHAIRMAN. W11Y do you report payments made to scholars to
I icl y01l go to Israel?
)fr. BOUKSTEIN. Because it is paid in that case to the Israel Govern-
11 C(>1'- ment. '
The CHAIRMAN. I mean payment to the students. You pay
:\ Cul- st \Hlents.
it. did 1\11'. BOUKSTEIN. It is raid in that case to the Israel Governnwnt.,
ewish Let me first check if it wasn"t included in some kind of catrgory
which is included ,in the report.
Inl \'er- {Src appendixititem A, No.3, p. 1777.)


TIl£' CIL\I1DL\:'{. I show you a copy of ft memora ndum entitled "Ex-

tract From ;\Iinutes of Finance Committee Jleeting, 'March 14, 1961,
( :nl-
~ . Concerning Reduction in Budget," and ask if these minutes appear in
tIle files of your agency?
:\f r. HAMLIN. Yes, sir: that is from our files.
:ou the (A copy of the document referred to follows:)

~annot Persons present: Mrs. Rose L. Halprin (presiding), Dr. Emanuel Ne~ann,
t, \vas :.\£1'. Louis, Mr. Jacob A. Brin, Mr.. Isadore H a m l i n . ' .
11 \. a~
TO MARCH 31,1962

Xote was taken of tbe fact that the executive in its final vote approved aid
to the Jewish Agency-American Section in the sum of $588,334 (1£1,059,000),
11 the contrasts with the budget approved by the Finance Committee, at its meeting,
January 24, 1961, totaling $620,000 (1£1,116.000). The finance committee con·
sidered further reductions to provide for this cut of $31,666 ($620,000 minus
TIES $;)88,334) .
It was decided to cut the budget as listed below in column 2 :
1(' px-
'cllry, Budget Final
1961-{j2, Additional budge~,
1 this approved by c'Uts in American
finance budget Section
committee, Apr. I, 1961-
y the Jan. 24, 1962 Mar. 31, 1962
;1 I

(1) (2) (3)

Gran ts • ',," _
;tion, Presiden ts conference • ._. • • _. __ $28,000 -------------.-
12,600 --------------
Kercn Hayesod subventions_. • • • • • _ 65,800 -------------- 55,800
Public relations and special projects • • ._ •••• _. 131,600 $26,000 105,600
'hieh J1'.~ • • • • •••
60,000 ... -.----------- 60,000
Press __ • • • •• _•••• _. __ ._ •• _._ •••• _•• __ •••••• 6,000 -------------- 6,000
~ 'ollBe
sl'!U'd \
It wUS n~n't'd to n,<~ol\llllt'I1(1 to till' Hplll'('W Culture FoulHlnlillll 10 llllocHt!' tilt'
~unl of ~;i,()OO p('r }ellr, for tilt' lIPxt :t years, to tlll~ t\'lIt<>r of lsra!'l lind .!('\\"ish
:-;t'IlJII('s of COIlll\lhill ITnin'rsit.r.
Notl' WllH IIIlHle of tlw fad that Ow t\IIflTH't' ('ollll\littep was tnkin~ thIs dl'cbiotl
hl'('ausI' of tilt' 11I813It'I1('(' of Columhlu UlliH'rsity thnt nIl lliloeat!on 011 Ull allllufli
1m ~is t'ollid 1I0t. be Hcct'ph.'tI by. them.
:-\I'W Yc
A~II'~lUCAN ZIONIST ('otl:"cn., :\ Ilh'rk"
]1,' t' /I' r
Or/,', ;\'. L, M a!l 10. /fltj[. 1'l\d:l:-;,;1
To: MI:;;s li~nnnt(' Sp<'iser.
Frol\l : Dr. ~llllnl('ll\L BIUlllt'lIfh'ld.
Will YOIl ph'use IlIllke llrullnhlt' to OIl' lH'C'OUllt of the Hebrew Culture Founda-
tion till' additional fllllll of $:1,000 whit'li has lIt'l'n n'llllpsted by Columhia
UII iwrsl t y'~
It Is "tllt' f'stnhIlslwd prot'I'durt.' ot' nIl hlstitulions of III~her l('arllltl~ to reed\"(' 1. Am
grullts 1)('1'01'1' thl' lIew school :'"PlIr bt'~llls"
<'.C.- 1. I III III Ii II.

Oh. 1. ,J.T
1. IlA1\l1.I:'\. fl
OltANT MAlll': TO COLlI 1\1 lilA " t'. I
The C I L\ IHM.\ N .. '1'1 l(' 1lIl'1l \()I':\ Ill! lIll1 1'(';\ tis i 11 pa rt as fo 1lo",s :

COl.l T:\lBI.\ l'~I\'EHS1TY

liS 1lg'1"t't.'< I to rCCOIIIIll('I'll1 to the Ilpurew eu It 11 re FOlllldn lion to nil Ot'll t l' tlH'
or" t \\
~U111 of $ii.OOO {)(>r yt\lir (01" till' 1Il'xt ~~ Yl'urs to the t~l'Ill.t'I· of ISl'lwl Ut\(l .JI'\\"i~1t
~t\ldi('s of Columhia (Tllin'rHity. It\'
~ot(\ WlIH 1lI11dl' of"llw fuet filII! till' filllll\('l' cOllllllitt('(' ",us t:lldll~ this 1l('t'i~I(\11 :lUlOl1l
hl\('l\II~(, of thl' 11l~ls!l'Ill't' of Columhia 111liversity thnt nu allocutloll on Ull ulIlI\1:11 will c
b:l~is ('ollftlllOI lll' lH'l'I'tlted uy tht'1l1. sntls!:
'Ylt~ this grant mado to C'ollllllbia n~ (,(llltl'lllplat<'d ill this llWlllO- 'VI
ra Ildlllll ~ :\h
1\11'. HAM"UN. Yt's, ~ir" presl
Tl'll' CIL\1H)[AN. "'as it l'('portl'd Oil YOllr rq~istrat ion stntenH'nt '? of th,
.1\11'. HAMLIN. I ",ill havo toch('ek that ih'lll, sir. 'I'll
TlwClIAIItl\L\l':. Sir'! :\ [I
~Ir. HAMLIN. I will h:l\'etoelH'ckthnt itl'l1\. dist<ii
( ~l'e a.PP<'llllix, itelll A, K o .. ~. p. 1777.) mov(
FINANCE C01\ll\1TI"l'EE MEETINU it-PIH!, 21), 1 Il()S

Tho ("'II AmMAN. I show :vou a eopy of a

t'ntitled "Fi- l\IPlllOnlIHlulll ::.\1::
nance (~ol\ll\littC'e ~It'~,ting, ~rUl'S(~IlY, April ;2t>, If)r,R,'~ Hnd ask you if whie
t lwse mllHlt('~ npppar 11\ t Iw hll's of VOUI' Agpney'~ I' to n. :
~rr" IL\l\iLlN. Ycs, sir; it comes frol11 our lilt's. who
(A copy of the doeument rcft'ITl'd to follows:) be OJ
Ji~IN ANCE COAlMI'1'TF~ MEF.TINO, 'l'1J1i:SDAY, AplUL 2\l, Hl:iS
it wus n~rl'ed that for the coming ~'enr, the A~eI1CY will contrihute the 8llUle
ulIlount us in prior yenrs ($7,000). However, it is understood thut Mr. Halprin yers
will l'ommit Judge Levintbal and Mr. stone to mnke sure that this decision will IVI
sntisfy the situation with regard to Harvard UniverSity, fInr
The .Fiunl1ct\ Commlttet' nppro\,f'<) nul IH1d~etnry rt'dllcthmfl for the I>Xl't'l1tin'.
+h"", n ,I ...... f n It.:1t ~o .. 1".0. £1':'1\4'1 'Pt""'C\1\ t t'h"l. T.n tl",_ A t't\.o. •• ' .nt' n ,..1.0,'1'\,0 ~"'I"nn" 'nn .p.,. ....... L.....~I'.... , .,_
pense res('r\"t' for building operutiolls, Zionist Archives, the American Zionist
l'oUIlt'i1. t 11l' U,LA, and the Kerl'll lIlI.resod sutlVt'UtiOlls, us noted iu the uttUdlCtl
sdlt'd Illt',
11(I('att' till'
Ill! .It'wish
Proposed reductions for but/!lct of New York office
-~------ ~~~-~---_.- - - - - - - - ~ . _ - - - - - - -

Is dt'cbioll ( lri"illa) 1;' rPH'['llt l'ropoS('d

1111 tlllllllUI pro !,os,'d reduction J\:ct rl'du('t!ollS
"-.-, .. -- _.- -- -- - - - - ._---- ---~ _.,---

"\\'\\. Y"rk \,\,'\'uI1l,' ._._ . . .. __ . $7:17,4:-i;, $1 Ill. n2:1 $n:!n,l'tJ2 $~I\I. [,·10
.\llh'r!<':1lI Zit\llist COtIlIt'IL._. . __ ;):-i I, :.?:10 1l7, Is;' -1\1.1, 04[, :-i7, 11';,
(i, l!/til. 1I'l'1,'s,ilkd . • _ 2\11\. hiS H,42S 2;'1, /'Ill 21, 74{/

'1\'taL ._. _... .. . _ 1,372, ()·17 208,465

e Founda- .. - ' . - ..._ . ----_._----._----_._---'----------_._---

1. AllIl'ril'IIIl Zionist Couucil, now working to redllcc'butlgct by $87,185


1, .1 :.r.A.
for II: Now being oL pllid at rate of $2,000 per week or $104,000 per year_

0) 1·.1 ..:\.: I~nd.g-l\t out hy - ~,O()()
~). l"t\rPIl Nnypsod subventions: A reduction of 10 l~rcellt _ 13,740
'I'otul 31,740

The CIIAIlDI:\ N. It rpads as follows:

II0t'IItp till'
It! .Jt'\\islt
It ngrPt'd that for the coming ypur the agency will contribute the sal\l~
S dp('isillll us ill prior ~'('llrS ($7,UOO), However, it is understood that ;.\11'8. Halperin
nn llllllll:il will eOIl~ult .Judge Levinthlll nnd 1\11'. Stone to make sur~ tlmt this decision will
!'nttsfy tIl(' sit ulltinn with rpgllnl to Hnrvard University.
IS llH'lIlO- 'Vould you identify, who is.J udgl' IJtwinthal ?
~[r.lIAl\lLIN .•fudge Levinthal of Philadelphia was at that time the
prf'sidcllt of the .r ewish Publications Society, and he was the president
H'll t '? of the I {pbrew Cult ure l~"'ounrlation.
The CUAIRl\L\N. \Vho is ~lr. Stone?
~[r. HAMLIN. ~[r. Dewey D. Stone is a rf'sident of Boston, 'l\;[llSS•• a
distinguished citizen in that city, and one of the leaders of the Zionist

tled "Fi- :\£1'. llOUKSTEIN. Mr. Chairman, tlus project at Harvard is one
k yOll if which is finHIH'pd not only by the Hebrew Culture Foundat.ion but also'
,J to a. substantial ex.tent by individuals in Boston who are friends of or

who are approachC'd by ITll.rvard University. Mr. Stone happens to

be one of tlwm, and there are ot.hers. I think there is also H budgeta.ry
cont.ribution of some mensure by Harvard University itself.
The CHAIRMAN. 'Vhat is the project?
!\tIl'. BOUKSTEIN. The project is one of Israel studies and--
~Ir. HAMI..IN. Center for :l\fiddle Eastern Studies in Ifarvard Uni-
the 81l1llC
, Hnlpriu n~rsity.
islon will Mr. BOUKSTEIN. I believe it is head~d by Professor Wolfson of
The CHAIRMAN. Do you pay $7,000 annually to Harvard ~
('st'ell ex-

~Ir. JIAMLIN. During this period I believe we gave $7,000 annually;

yes, sir: the Agency directly. The I
The CHAIRMAN. Directly?
tion cal
~1:r. HAMLIN. Directly to I-Iarvard.
!vIr. ]
(See Appell(iix, item E, p. 17S:t)
Mr. BOUKSTEIN. Mr. Chairman, you would surely know before a The l
:\ir. ]
university undertakes a project it ,,"QuId like to have commitments for
The I
a period of year~.
Mr. ]
The CnAIRl\fA-:-';. 'VeIl, I am in no way interested in Harvard·s
troubles or filUlIH.:es. But it is a 1itt Ie-what '''6 are interested in is a
foreign agent contributing to Harvard and other universities here. conserv
I mean, is th is customary? i, .
lav bod
o{ (hoSE
~fr. BOUKSTEIN. Is there any objection to it?
The CllAIR:\[AN. I am not saying there is any objection. 1 am just
t.rying to find out if this is the procedure and was it rcpol"ted, that
the foreign agent is eontributinf! to the upkeep of one of our better The
known institutions. to Rabt
l\Ir. BOUKSTEIN. Well, Mr. Chairman, you don't mean the upkeep copy of
of I-I:trvard: you mean a contribution to this particular project; and .Mr. ]
whether or not it was reported as something tl)at can be checked. and The <
'H' wou](llw gl:l(l to<1C't you know. . Mr. :
(SC'C' Appendix, item..:\, ~o. 5, p. 1778.) direetOl
The (
The CHAIR1IAN. Well. thp Center for Middle Eastern Studies is a
part of ITarvnrd's Hctivities, I assume. (Hunc
In YOllr opinion, you are c1eal~ that Ilar"'ard knew that these funds Rabhi 2\1
cnmC' from a forC'ig-n ag-cnt? Syna.Qo{)
~rr. I LnrLlx. Sir, during 1958 lIarvard "-as accepting funds' from " New Yo-r
the .T{,"'ish AgC'nry. . DEAR
The CHAIRMAN. Directly ~ , 1959, in
Mr. HAl\fLIN. By letter, by check. grunt to
rials in
The: CIUIR:l\L\N: vVhat is this 1 what did you mean hy "satisfy thE' the !list,
situation"-what ",as the situation you had in mind ~ Israel to
l\fr. I-IA:\fLIN. Well, we Were concerned t~t this Center should be We at
('stahlished. That was the purpose of the thing. If it was a matter committ
fiscal ye:
of ~1 ,000, more or less, I am sure my Finance Committee would dis- We Ul
russ it ng-ain. its impo
The CHAIR::\fAN. It was for the Center for ~liddle Eastern Studies. . S
::\fr.lIA::\ILIN. Yes, sir.
Tho en.\ nOfAN. Do von still wntribute to Harvard ?' Mr.:
~[r. H.\ ~[LIN. Sir? ~ ~ was pa
The CII.\JIC\L\N. I mean do you 'still contribute to this Center for paid, 13
l\[iddle Eastern Studies? . (SN'
l\fr. IfAMLIN. Not the ,Jewish Agency~ but the Hebrew Culture
Foundation has ::t commitment to Harvard of $10,000 during the cur-
rf'nt VC'llr.
TIle Cn.\IRMAN. The current year? The
~{l'. ITA 1\{LTN. Yes, sir. of Pro:
(S('~ Appendix\ items E and F, p. 1783 et seq.)

The CHAIRMAN. :Mr. I-Iamlin, are you acquainted with an organiza-

tion called the Synagogue Council of America?
~fr. HAl\ILIN. Yes, sir; I am acquainted with that organization.
fore a The CHAIRMAN. 'Vill you identify that organization.
Its for ~lr. ILuILIN. Sir?
The CHAIRMAN. Just identify it; what is the organization?
vard's :Mr. HAMLIN. The Synagogue Council of AmerIca consists of repre-
In IS a
sentatives of the three branches of Judaism in this country, reform,
here. conserY'ative and orthodox, and consists of representatives both of the
hv bodi('s of those three branches of.J udnism and the rabbinical bodies
of t hose three branchC'.s of Judaism.
11J nst
LETTER 01" )I[A Y 6, 1 I) ri I)
. that
better The CHAIRMAN. I show you a letter dated May 6, 1959, addressed
to Rabbi }\{arc Tanenbaum and signed "Rose L. l-Ialprin," and ask if a
pkeep copy of this letter appears in your files?
;~ and .Mr. HAMLIN. l\fiss Graham doesn't have a copy of that letter.
1. and The CUAIRl\IAN. vVho is Rabbi Tanenbaum?
Mr. HAMLIN. Rabbi Tanenbaum at that time was the executive
director of t.he SynagobYlle Council of America.
The CHAillMA?oor. That letter came from your files?
)11'. HAMLIN . Yes, sir.
S IS a (A copy of the letter is as follows:)
(llandwritten note: $3,000 given.)
funds MAY G, 1959.
Rabbi -'L\Ite TANENBAUM,
Synagogue Co·unoil Of America.
·from Yew York, N.Y.
DEAR RABBI TANEN.BAUM: This is in response to your letter, dated :March 26,
1959, in which the Synagogue Council of America asks the Jewish Agency for a
grant to help the Council prppare and distribute educational and cultural IDate-
rials in coimection with the Ul)building of Israel, particularly with regard to
y the the lJ.istoric and spiritual relationship of the- JewislJ. communities outside of
Israel to the Holy Land.
ld be We are happy to advise you that, after careful consideration by our finance
utter committee, an allocation of $10.000 to the Council has been approved for the
fiscal year April 1, 1959, to March 31, 1960.
dis- \Ye are very pleased to be able to assist the Synagogue Council to carry out
its illlJlortant work in this educational and cultural sphere.
Idies. . Sincprely yours,
ROSE L. HAl.PEIN, Acting Chairman.
The CIL\IRMAN. It reads as follm'\s:
(Chairman reads the letter in its entirety.)
Do you know ,'\us the $10,000 paid to the Conncil during fiscal 1960?
1\11'. H . n n,IN. I, sir, I ,vauld like to check from that if the full sum
WfiS paid. There is no doubt some of it was paid or the full sum was
r for paid, but I would like to check to be absolutely accurate.
(~('~ ..:\pp(,l1<lix. item A, No.6, p.1778.)
The CUAIR1\L\N. I show you a copy of an outline of "Major Areas
of P~ogram Concenirntion, 1959-1960" of the COllU11ission on Interna-

t iOllal .\ ILl i 1':-', ~:nl;lg()glll' ( 'Ollll\·j 1 of .\ lllprica, and ;l~k you if t Il i~ Ollt- l\f
IiIll' app('al'~ ill your [ill'~'~ (a
~ f l'. l-I.nIu:".'". Yes, si r; i t dop~. (0
\.\ copy of t lw doeullll'llt is as follows:) '1']
~t III
1. Relifjious freedom of Jews in the Soviet Union
lily j
llltt>rprdat ion of facts and issues to :\utional Council of Churches. :\atiollul
Clltholk \Velfare Conferenee, nongovernmental organizations, Government
2. Forcifjn aid lefjislation
1\ I r. (
( a) 'rest i UlOlIY LJefore Sena te FOf£'ign Relations Camilli ttee, Bouse Foreign
Affairs Committee. S('/(-
(11) Three-faith m£'eting with professionals of National Council of Churches,
Xational Catholic Welfare Conference, Synagogue Council of Ameriea, with DE
Hon. Douglas Dillon and staff; suLJsequent meeting with Secretary Herter for Dr. dptai
Dahlberg-, Bishop Sheen, Rabbi Davidson. tlw g
(0) Thr~-faith euu('ation program in support of moral principles underlying your
foreign aid. All
S. World refugee ycar
(lL) Three-faith joint public information program.
(h) Edncational program for Jewish community, induding literature to all
rnhbis and congregation leaders.
4. 'World Co-uncil of Churches religious liberty study
(a) Intt'rpreta tion of Jewish position on religious liberty.
(b) Interpretation of religious liberty in Israel.
ou ·t~
5. Dis(Jrmam~·nt and nuclear tcsting position to be drafted for seA oonstitucllt L. Ai
a[JC1lcics kpYIl
B\fuget administration (including staff, secretary and supplies) $15,000 l>r. 1
Conferences with Christian leaders, travel, publications_______________ 10,000 Whit
Total budget required ,_______________ 25, 000 Dulh
the I
The CIL\lIDL\N. 'Vas the subsidy received from the American Sec- illlvr
t ion to be applied in carrying out these activities?
~Ir. I-LuILDL 'Not all of these activities, sir. You will notice the
marginal notations are my hand\vriting, and there I mali\:ed two of the
them "yps," "'yes;~ under -1 (a) and (b). This means that we wanted foll(
the mone} \Ye grunted to the Synagogue Council' to be applied to «
those items and not to others.


The CIIAIR::\L\N. I show you a copy of a letter and attached memo-

randum dated June 21; 1960, addressed to Mr.' Gottleib IIammer and
signed "Habbi IHnrc II. Tanenbaum," and ask if you have seen ;~his onr
letter before. I-Iehasitthere. You have got it? tJ D
of n
j)Ir. I-L\l\H.I~. S i r ? , ;': expl
The CHAIRl\IAN. 'YiII you read 4 (a.) and (b) on that: one til~£ I I
ga"e you. .', heel
~Ir. ILu[LIN. 4 (a) and (b) were marked "yes" by me, ,which means
we wanted our funds to be applied for that. _>, ;
The en.URMAN. What were those, what were those, for the reco~d ? hef(
f • \ ~ ~
Oil if thi:-; ollt- ::\rI". I LUlu :\, Til OSi' :lIT :
(a) Illl,'rprdlitioll of .JI'\\"i,..;lJ IJo..;ilion on I"I·Jig-ion:-: liberty.
( ~)) 111 ('r[,r,-t;11 iU/I of ["(.) i"I"11:-; ) ilwrl.\· i l l 1 Hru~l.
Tlte II~"ldil(;':'" i~, "\\Y(ldd ('uUII\·il (It ('1 11l1 dt<'j n,,!i;:ioll:-:i Liberty
~IIHlv:' '
Tlit' {'II\II:\I.\:\. :\ow, YOU]);\\',' 1111' Ji'l 11"'.1111' 11 lPJ)] ()l'<l Jldlllll of .rl1nc
o ~1, 1 ~)(;\ 1. yo' I lla \'(, it t 11'(,1'\' ~
til I
~lr. II \:\111:\. '\ (':';; I han' i! in l'1'Ollt of 11\1' 110\\'. It ('on1<'::-; frO.lll
lilY lik~,
rclles, ~ati(lllal
s, G overnrnent '(Copil':-; of tl\l' d,j('llll}('lll:-; :11'(':\<": follows:)
~y ,AGO'd'l ('OlJ 'CI L ov .\ \1 1::1U(' 1\,
x, (I r, . ./
}'I,r!.', ,\, 1011 21, j[i/jl;.
1\\ r. (; OT l'I,I'; I H II A ~l \11'~ 1(,
House Foreigu
F.nT'IIlil'(· \';(.(, ('11I/jilNtlll • .I( Irish AIICIII'!! for 18j'(/(·/.
il of Churches, St'/I' rurk . .\',1.
Ameriea, with D!':,\l~ (;OT'l'u:lB: For yuul' ill[orllJalioll, I am cu<:!oi"iug a (:uJltiueuliiil and
Herter for Dr, detailed n'!Hlr) of tlH' :-:I.·n'il(':-: \\'" II<L\'I' 11I'ell cllallled Iu pl"'furIl1 a:-,; a n':.;\111. of
tlw gL'llel'l)\I..; ;.:-raut:-: u1' :\11'. ,}usl'ph :\1;IZI'1' aut! :\11'. Ih'\H'Y ~IOIl", pl'u"jLh'u through
pIes uuderlying yUill' g-o(ld (.tlin·:-:,
A 11.\' "01111111'111:-: ~'u\l lIla~' ",all! lu lIlak!' Oil tllis J'('purl \\'ill lip \\'(,!col!lt'd.
'''itll dt"'pl':-:! :Ipl'n"'iatiull am! goud \\i:-:/Il's, 1 :111I,
:-;iu"I'rl'1y .\'(Jurs.
Hnbbi :\fAHC H. 'l'A:-\ENHAt.'!I[,
iterature to all BJ'('('utivc Dircrto1·.
(Pert illt'IlL rxcel'ptrd porI ion of E'nC'los('ll i~ as £01l0\"s:)
AP1'it !!JS!i,-I{('pn'selltatiH'S frolll the Synagogue Council of America testith'<!
bt'[ol'e the House Foreigll Affairs and the :Senate Fort'ign Relatiol1s Cowmit!l'!':',
011 ·t he mora! illllwra t i H"s tlllL!L'rly illg Oll r foreip:ll aid pl'ogra Ill. Un lJ1Ji 1'h('od 01'1'
CA constituent L. Ada illS. thC'll jl1'(':,i,lpllt of I hp Synagog-ut> Coun('il of America. delivN(-d a
k('.nlPl l' a<1111'('sS Oil this t hellJe wi th Bishop Fulton .T. Sheen and the Reverend
$lG,OOO Dr, (';l!win T. Ihlhlberg. pn-sidellt. of the .:\atiollu! Coull~il of 'Churches tit till'
10,000 "-hit~' IIous(' ConfprPIH'p on FurL'igll Aid auo 'l'raL!p, 011 n program featur'''r.
l'n-sidt>nt .Eist>nho",el'. forJlH-r 1'l'l'siuf>lIt 1'rUillflll, lalL' S('('rptnry John FostPI'
25,000 Dllllps, Dean AdwsOll, Yice Presidcllt .:\iXOIl, lluL! Adlai Sten'lISoll. .At this till\(',
tlw mutual s('t'urity grants to ISfapl \\'('1'(' thn-atened witb drastiC' redudion.
J)llriug' their tf'sl illiony, tlw Synll1;,ogue Coundl leaders Illnde a strong plea for
continuing mutual sP('urit~· aid to Israt>L Observers (including S, L. Kelmen)
rt>ganlro the ctTt>('t of these tpstimonies as greatly benetkial to the subsequently
mencan ~ec- improved reception tu Israel's request for maintaining status quo in grallts.
The CIL\lfDUX, I (':111 your attentioll to the p:uagr:1ph on pa~e 2 of
-ill notice the
tlH~ bottom r('f('rring to aplwarances before Congress. It reads as
at;i\:ed two of
at we wanted (eha irlllan read ('xcerptell port ion, April 1959, 1n 1ts entirety,)
e applied to

,VmIld you consider SlIC!l an occurrence before a congressional com-

mittee an activity "on the eclucationnl and cultural sphere"?
ached memo- 1\fr, 1LurLIN. Oln·jollsly not. But our moneys, we requested that
ammer and OUf mOTleys, be llsed for othef (lPtiviti('s. This report is a total report
seen ~:t;11is, of all the operat ions of the Synagog-ue Council, and encompassed an
)1~, expenditure far jn excess of what we gave the Synagog-ue Council.
tJl;~t' I
j-• • -' '
I would like to point ont, s1r, that the Synagogue Council has
been testifying on foreign aid before. they ever saw any money from
the Jewish Agency, and subsequently.
which means The CnAIR)fAN. 'Ve have no record that tl1Py ever testified SInce,
before the Committee on Foreign Relations.
r the reco,~d ?
..J. J,
. . . ." ,,~ ~ _~~"" =s:a:l~!!JP-,


11r.lIA1\[LlN. Sir, I kno\-v, 1 remember, and I would like to' refresh

my memory, that every yl'ar wlwn this problem comes up, the Syna-
gogue Council is one of the organizations that testifies in \Vashington
on these governmental programs.
The CHAIRMAN. I notice in this Commission on Intrrnational Af-
fa.irs of the Synagogue Couneil of America, the memo says "Major
.\n'a:-:. of Pro~ralll ('()Jl('l'lltl':tt iOIl;~ and olle is "'Hpligious Ji"I'('r<.!oIll of
Jews ill the Sovipt Union."
The second is "Foreign aid legislation." Under "Foreign aid legis- l'lum
lation," is "Testimony hefore the Senate Foreign Relations Commit- "Th
tee, ITollse Foreign Affairs Committee." whicb
This would seem to be one of the, it sa.ys, major areas of program
1\11'. ILuILIN. That is their operat.ions, sir. That is their total op- "Th
eration of the SMugogue Coun~il, not of the Jewjs~l Agency. . gress 0
The CHAIRMA~) You nre talkmg about these notatIons on the mar- abroad
gin, in your hand\ What is that one opposite (a) under "For- rlivisio
(ligon aid }pg-islnt i'bn~'? It looks like "81 ig-ht exp." 1Vhat does that
mean? "Sec
~lr. I-I."MLIN. I would like to have that·back sir. "If d
Sir, I recall now this matter completely. Tilis means slight e~·pense. become
eloct a

The CHAIRMAN. SlighH his ele
~lr. HAMLIN. Slight expense, and. so we felt that of t.he funds we IDbe
goa n~ to th~ Synagog-up Council t hey should eovpr, they should spend I1l{'
those funds particularly for item 4(-a)"~l.nd 4(b), as we discussed a "If,
minute ago, and we felt it justified if slight rxppnse· was ne('e~s..c;ary for ExecutJ
Ipadel'S of the Synagogue Council to come to \Vashington to testify, anotbel
that this would be justifiable to take out of the funds.
The CHAIRMAN. I notice that in rf'sponse t.o the committee's requpst
for a copy of tIl(' constit.,ution of-fhe executive of the .Jewish Agency,
page 1412, part 9, .vou fnrn islwd t he committee with a copy of the
('OHst itnt ion of t lw Expcut i ,·e of the 'Vorld Zioni~t Organiza.t ion wh iell
yOI1 statp(l was "a Iso known as the Expcut ive of the .J pwish Agency
for Israel." The
I take it from this that. your principal, t.he Je\vish Agency for Israel, .Terusa
is equivalent to the 'Vorl<!' Zionist Organization; is that correcH by res(
Mr.IIAMLIN. That is correct, sir. Mr:
(A copy of the uocument is as follows:) 'Vorll
Itrrn 2. RCqflCRt for a copy of the constitution of the Executive 01 the Jer1l8alC"~ Jewis
Agency. (See p. 1310.)
The Constitution of the World Zionist Organization provides as follows:
"Article 40
"Section 1 Powers and Functions of Executive
~'The Executive shall be the executive organ of the World Zionist Organiza-
tion, charged with the implementation of the decIsion of Congress and Councll. Worl
in thE
• Also known as th~ Ext>Cutlve 'of the Jewish Agency for lsrRet.
~to refresh and shall be responsible to those boo it's. , It shall have the power to acquire
the Syna- rights aud undertake obligations 011 behalf of the World Zionist Organization,
vashington and to represent it externally.
"Section 2
,tional Af- "The Executive may delegate to one or more of its members or to officials of
_ys "Major the World Zionist Organization or of its Institutions authority to undertake
financial or other obligations on behalf of the World Zionist Organization.
~l"(\Nlolll of
"Article 41"
1 aid legis-
~umber of Members of Executive .
s Commit-
"The numher of the members of the Executive shall be fixed by the Congress
which elects it.
f program "Article 42"
Seat of E x e c u t i v e , .
l' total op- "The seat and head office of the Executive shall be in Jerusalem.. The Con-
ncy. gress or Council may, however, establish one or more divisions of the Executive
r} the mar- abroad and in this event, the Executive shall appoint the Chairman of such
lder "For- division.
does that "Article 43
.. Section 1 Filling of Vacancies
"If during the inter-Congress period the post of the Chairman of the Executive
It e1ipense. becomes vacant for any reason whatsoever, the Council shall, at its next session,
elect a new Chairman from among the members of the Executl?e~ , Pending
his election, the functions of the Chairman shall be carrted out by one of the
funds we illE'mbers of the Executive elected by them by majority vote.
uld spend "Section 2
iscussed a. "If, during the inter-Congress period, the place of one of the members of the
ssary for Executive becomes vaeant for any reason whatesover, the Council shall elect
o testify, another member in his stead. .
"Article 44"
"The Executive shall submit to Council at least one month before any session of
the Council a report of its activities. In addition to such report it shall submit
nnnually an additional report of its activities.
'8 reqlH-'st
Agency, "Article 45"
y of the
on which Signing of Contracts and Documents
~\gen('y "The ~xecutive shall decide on the manner of signing contracts, writ~n obll-
ga tlODS and other documents binding the World Zionist Organization." ,
The foregoing prOVides the constitutional fra~ework for the functions of th~
or Israel, .T erusalem Executive. There are no By-La'W~';and customarily the Exeoutive acts
,ct? by resolutions adopted by the members of tlie Executive at meetings thereof.
IVlr. BOUKSTEIN. It is correct in this'~ense, tltat the Executi\-e of the
'Vorld Zionist Organization is also khown as the Executive of the
Jewish Agency for Israel.



The CHAIRMAN. What is the relationship of the 'Vorld Zionist

Organization to the World Zionist Congress, w;hich is nlso mentioned
on page 1412, in the constitution which you provided us? '
rganI7"ft- , Mr. HAMLIN. The World Zionist Congress is the legislative body o~
Councll, "\Vorld Zionist Organization, and)iS representative of Zionist groups
in t.he entire free world.

The CIL\!RJ-L\N. 'Vhat is t he relation of the Congress or the Zion ist

Organization to the Zionist Organizatlon of America~'
~rr. HAMLiN. The Zionist Org-ani;.mtioll of ,America is an American The (
body, of course, composed of A1I1Pl'icHllcitizell:-'. of Amel
The Zionist Organization of America afliliatcs itself, is affiliated I Leh
with tllP 'Vorld Zionist Organization uysending delegates to the pay.mell
',,"odd Zion ist Congress. \'arlOUS
'1'll(\ Cll.\lIDL\:\. 1)()('s t1lP "Todd ZiOlli:--1 ('Oll~TC':--S p.,\:('}'(,is(' :111\' ('l)ll- ~lr. 1
trol ill lll:ttters of policy on'l' tIle atLlil's of tlt~ Ziollisl OI'~';llli~;llj()ll TIle (
of America? i~t Org-,
~Ir. HAMLIN. Sir, 1 \,'mlld li\.;:c to refer tltis CltlPstioll to .:\11'. BOllk- ~Ir. I
st(,j n to give you h full :l nS\\"('I' on that fjU<.'st ion. Oq.!,'ani:;
.Mr. HorKsT'EDL .:\11'. Chairman, I think a C'orrect analogy would be ~Ir. 1
the Confederation of 1~"'ree Trade Unions. .J ust as t.hat organization ,,,as III
consists of melllllPr organ izaciolls, so t lie "Todd hlOnist Organ ization IlaIH.led
consists of nH'lllhl'r organizftt iOll~. ~ill Zioni:-:t organizatio!ls, from \'al"- these itl
ious pal"ts of till' world. (':u·1t (I!l(' t'Olllplp(ply ill<!('!H'li<!('llt ;Illli 1'1,11- I gaY'
ning and managing its own affn,irs. , ' The (
The delegates 1I11'et together every few years, about 4- ypars, in ('on- I do not
gress and discuss their prolllems. and take rornmon de('isiollS, and elect .\11'. 1
un executive. - But the 'Vorld hionist Organization does not control mall, if
the ldl'airs of ~le Zionist Organization of America. The (
( ;,\ cc
EXTRACT FRO:,\[ MINUTES OF FINANCE CO:'\D[I'l~rEE-DECEi\mEn 1:1, 1 ~flllll
To: :\1 r .•
The CHAIR:\IAN. I show you a document lahelrd "Extract from From: :\J
:Minutes of Finance Committre-Deccmber 1~3, 19G1," and ask you if EXPLA!\A
a copy of this (}O('UIlWllt apprars in yonI' file'S. ~IE:\'T8 (
)fr.ILnILIN. 'Ye don't have ha ve the document herr, si r.
,The pI
Yes, I have here the attachments. ' ~t ales t(
The CUAIR!\L\N. The document is entitled "Keren IIaycsod Sub"en- j,;wk to
tions for the Year Ending lVIarch 31,1962." a ft('r
for the
I\1r.1L\MLIN. Yes.
(A copy of the docnment is as follows:) Zionist ~
largest (
This 1

Keren Haye80d subventions for year ending !lIar. 31, 1962 Appf>al,
Zionist Organization of America $30,700 by the I
Labor Zionist Orgnnization .________________________ 8,300 Appeal,
Mizrachi-Hapoel IIamizrachL______________________________________ 7,400 Some
Progressive Zionist League-Hashomer Hatzair________________________ 4,920 projects;
Achdnt Avodah -___________________________________________ 2,500 In ret
United Zionists Re,isionists ~________________________________ 1,980 the Jew
Total 55,800 Jerusal{


nC<ln The CJlAIR.:\L\N. It :-;hows l1f'xt to the woros "Zionist Organization

of ;\merica" the figures of $:)0,700.
lirrted 1 Gelicye you tpstified earlier that this pnynlpnt is one of a series of
o the paYlllPlll;; by your organization to tlte American Zionist, Council to
\-arious Zionist groups; is that correct-~
~\I r. !-fi\.MU x. That is correct, si 1'.
;111011 The CIL\Wl\L\N. "rImt portion of tIle anllual J'(~c('ipt::-: of the Zion-
i:-;t Organ izatioll of Anwrica dol'S this payment of $;30,700 represent?
~a \I k- .:\11'. H.\uu]\". 1 ha\"e }l('<lrd it ;-.;aid that thp Illldget of the Zionist
1lIdat ion
Organization of i\IlIPl'ic:t is in the neighborhood of ;1;1 million a year.
).1 ... Bmjl\.STEIN. ~\[r. Chairman, when the committee"s accOIllltant
\\'as in the oHices of the _Agem~'y in _May of this year~ I gave him, I
.ation LalHlf'd him, a memorandum in which I set forth a full explanation of
1 \'ar- t Iwse it ('111:-;. I ha n' a copy of it right here before me.
I ga\'e it to 1he committee's aCcoillltant.
The CIL\IlDIAK. 1 want to put it in the record, Mr. Reporter, but
1 (,on- I do not 1m n' our copy at present. .
I elect ),11'. BOIJl{.:-;TEIX. 1 ,vauld be glad to furnish you a copy, :\1r. Chulr-
ntrol lllall, if vou wOllld like to have it.
Tl-w ()IL\IR:\L\N. Yes, we would like to have it.
( A copy of the dOCUllH'llt is as follo\\"s:)
JIA Y 3, 1!)G:1.
To: .\fr. David P. Surnndo.
from Frolll: .\Ianrke .\1. Boukstf'in.
"ou j f
"K. H.

, TIll' prod icc'of making payments to the various Zionist groups in the United
StHtp~ to cOlllpensate them, in part, for their participation i:1 fundraising, goes
})\"c])- h;wk to the lwgilllling of the fUlltlraising activities in the Ull::ed States, shortly
afrpr Worlel ',ar 1. II! those days. the campaigns fOI" the colledion of funds
for tile \\'ork in Palestine was conducted almost exdllsi\ely by the American
Zi()ni~t gToUP!';, prindpally by the Zionist OrganizatiQll of America, which is the
lal'g-est of such groups. '
This practice continued from year to year. Later on, when the several cam-
1 pa ig-n~ wert> united into one campaign under the heading of the United Palestine
App('al, and since I93!) wben all the campaigns were merged into the United
J(,wish Appeal, such payments to the various Zionist organizations were made
30, 700 by the United Palestine Appeal, which later became known as the United Israel
8,300 Almeal, and were continued in tbis manner until a few years ago.
7,-100 Some of these Zionist groups sponsor their own educational -and settlement
4,920 projectS} in Israel.
2,500 In recent years, the responsibility for these payments has been taken over by
1,980 the Jewish Agency for Israel, Inc., and, since the year 1960 by the JeWish Agency-
American Section, The., with the ~l?,roval of the Jewish Agency for Israel.
');), 800 Jerusalem. ' ,
\ , ,\,
The services rendered by the various Zionist groups r~eiving such payment.5 Withi:
consist principally of their publicizing in thpir respective publications the activi- examina
tips of the United Jewi::-::h Appeal and of the Jewish Agency for Israel. Thpst.' therefor
publications are sent by the' organizations to their respective members, Dumber- the COlli]
ing approximately iOO,OOO, all over the United States. - need of (
For the years ending March 31, 1961, and ~Iar('h 31, 19G2, and for the pNind Weill
ending September 30, 1962, paymen~ to the organizations were made as follows: committ
on the t~
Paid hy- Received by- Amalln: S
For the period ending ."'far. SI, 1901
Jewish Agency fnr ISrf\rl, Inc _ ~ilzrflchl ... • ._ ... _ $l~fi, o()n. lh)
Agudath IsraeL . __ ..... _... _...•. _. .... __ ,Y, Y90 ()
l'oale Aglldath IsraeL .. _.. _.... .•.... _ 40,184.00
United Zionists Revisionists. __ . . .. _ 20, 84~.lJ."
Jewish Agoncy-Amerlcan Section, Inc _ Zionist Org:mizatloo or America. . ... 33,999. l-l
Labor Zionist Organization of Aml'rica-Pou!e 9, 180 00
Zion. Senator
~1izrachl·Hapocl Hmllizrachi of America.. __ ._ ... _ 8, lGO.U0
Prol-'ressl\'l~ Zionist Lea~up, I1ashomer lllltzuir _ 5,439.34 . ell ainn
{Tnited Labor Zionists·.'\clJdlll Avodah_.•• . _ '2. 719. 9~ 'C.S. Se1
United Zifmists Revbhmists of America_. .... '2.14l ..,~
For the period ending ."'far.", 19G2 DEAR
Jewish Agency-American Spctlon, Ine _ Zionist Organization of America__ • _ 30.59\l .,."
Labor Zionist Organization of America·Poale urer ar
Zion .. __ __ __ R.2fl'2 01,) matter
:'\l!zrnehi·!Iapo{'] HamizmchL .. .. . i, 344. 1)<) as they
Progressive Zionist LeugUf'. TTashomer IIatzair_ ... 4.S9.'i. II" With,
United Labor Zloni:;ts-Ach<lut A \'(1(111. __ 2,447 ""
United Ziollists Revisionists of America. . _. _. 1,9-'::7 6" •
For the period ending Sept. ~O, 19'~2

Jewish Agl'ncy-Arn' :iean Sc,tlon, Ine. __ Zionist Organization of Aml'rlea•.• . . __ . 7. 049 \i~
Labor Zionist Organluttion of AmericJ' POllle 2,OOfi ;:'1.1
\tizrachi·Uapol'l If fllllizrachL.. _ I, 83C. 0\'
Progressive Zionist LeaguE', Ilashomrr lIi.ltl:~ir•. __ 1, ~'23 97
tInited Labor Zionist.s·Aehllut A voda___ __ __ ___ 611 9.
United Zionists Revisionists of Amerlefl. . __ ._ 481 ';)'2 Hon, J
New S,
The CHAIRli-IAN. The following persons have suomitteo letters to I am
forth t
the Committee on Foreign Relations in response to inquiries and re- In 1
quests for comments on testimony contained in part 9 of the hearings its Opi
on nondiplOll1<Ltic rrpreselltat i\'(.~. s of foreign pl'inei pa Is. _ 'fhry will total c
go int 0 the record of the at t his point. of the
yene r
Rabbi Jerome lJnger, executIve director, American Zionist Council. expecl
I-Ienry Siegman, executi"e secretary, Ameri('an Association for Telegl
~fiddle East Studies. the la
Eleazar Lipsky, J?resident, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc. adv8n
Victor Rabinowltz,I president., Louis ~1..~~abinowitz Foundation. opera!
Inc.; I select
1\lrs. William Thom:l.s l\Inc.:on, public relations consultant. Th{
I. L. }{enen,l Amerit'an I~J'ael Pliioli(' _\.tfail'''': COLl!llit1t·p. made
to thE
Secretary to Dr. Benj:l.lllinShw:l.dran of the Council on :\Iiddle undel
EasU.'rn Affairs. for it.
(The documents r~ferred to follow:) Thl
Hon. J. W. FULBRIGHT, New York, N.Y., July 29,1968. sole I
Chairman, Committee on Foreign Relations, as ht
U.S. Senate, lVashington,D.C. conCE
DEAR MR.1CHAIRMAN: We are in receipt of your letter of July 23, 1963, en- well-1
closing, for our comments by July 31, excerpts from testimony given in execu- coulc:'l
tive session on May 23, 1963, relating to the American Zionist Council.
, T _ .... A. ........... _n ........ _1~ t_ f.'h". ~I\.V" __ 1~nn ... _A 1",9" _~_ ..... .-...... _1_
ACTIVITIES OF AGENTS OF FOREIGN .l"1tli'l\".lca,u1.,) ...... .... ._- ...... ~

"'ithin the time available to us, we have not been abk to make a detailed
examination or check of the accuracy of this voluminous material. '''"e are,
therefore, not in a position now to state to what extent information given ~o
the COlIlluittee concerning the American Zio,nist Council may be inaccurate or III
need of clarification or amplification.
'We understond from Mr. Carl Marcy, your chief of staff, that, in view of your
committee's sehedule, no extension of time is possible. Aecordingly, while we
apprec'iate such opportullity as you have been able to afford us to make comments
on the testimony, we have no comments at this time.
By RABBI JEROME UNGl':a. Executive Director.


~·ctl2' York, N.Y .• July 29, 1963.
Senator J. 'V. FULBlUOIIT,
Chairman, Committee on Fo-reign Relations,
r.:.~. Senate, 1Va811 ington, D.C.
DEAR SENATOR FULBRIGHT: :\Iany thu.nks for your lettt'fs of July 23 and 2-1.
Most of our officers. including OUf president, chairman of the board and treas-
urer are away from Kew York at the present time. You may be assured that the
matter raised in your letters will be called to their immediate attention as soon
as they return to the ci ty.
With many thanks, I am,
Sincerely yours.
HENRY SIEGMAN', ExcclI t ivc Sccref?ry.


X C'lO York, lV.Y., July SO, 1963.
Chairman, Oommittee 011 Foreign Rcla!iolloll,
New Senate Office Building, Washington, D.O.
RSE DEAR SENATOR FULBRIGHT: I thank yOll for your letter of July 23, and the
excerpts enclosed of testimony presented before your committee in executiy~
session on :\Iay 23 which concern the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.
to I am gratefUl for this review thIs testimony which correctly sets
re- forth the r0'lationship between this agency and the .Jewish Agency.
In lDf,l, the .ITA was in aeute 'fin:lIIcial difficulties which seYerely constricted
b'::> its operation:; aIH1, in fact, jeopardized its continued existence. To preyeut the
"i It total collapse of this news service which was considered vital to the well·being
of the Jewish community, the Jewish Ageney was requested by the JTA. to inter-
'i I. \('ne and pro'-ide the funds to permit J'rA to eontinue functioning on what was
expected to bt' a provisional basis. It became nominally the owner of the Jewish
:01' T<.'legraphic Agency through ownership of the" yoting shares by transfer from
the late Jacob Landau, founder of tbe JTA. Por a long time, the JTA regarded
advances by the Jewish ,Agency as interest-free loans.
The Jewish A~t'ncy did not interfere or attempt to interfere in the editorial
operation of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, its policies, its news content, its
selection and treatment of news, its reporti.g, or the management of its business.
The Jewish Telegraphic Agency is gratiful to the Jewish Ageney for having
made it possible to continue its opera~ions and render important services
Ie to the Jewh;h community. We believe that the American Jewish community is
under a deep obligation to the Jewish Age.ncy for having preserved this service
for it.
The Jewish Telegraphic Agency has served the Jewish people. the American
Jewish community and the free world generally fOf- more than 46 years. It (s)
sole purpose and its sole function has been to report as accurately and objectively
as human frailties permit those developments anywhere in the world of special
concern or interest tO'the Jewish people. to brIng to light information which their

well-being required had to provide the information on which Jewish leadership
1- could take informed action.

The iIllllortullee llutI effectiveness of the JTA was RekllOwlei.1ged over the yeu\iS
by the Jewi~h leadership hl're and abroad and its journal!stic profidew:y by rrlH~ aVD
the lonK list of newspapers which relied on its servic:e;,;, l\li<,ldte Ea
The .Jewish TeleKrHpbic Ageucy bas always freely and publicly acknowledged s('hools, cc
- this n.'\lltion~hip with the Jewi~h· Agency. The Amerl('Hu .Jewish Federations Sl'rit to th
and \Velfare Funds were aware of it nlHl were l~cpt apprised of the coutiuuuus .::they desir
efforts to pstablish a IIt'W basis for JTA. r.rh~' .Jewish.Agency almost immediately (,olllplet pa
took thp initiativp in disl'us~ing with the l<.>adership of the Allleril'all Jewis4 oJlel! to st.\l
COllllll\mity reor,~anizatioll of JTA to insure its iIHlpl'lelldeut operation and
flnnneia\ stnbility. As il rpsult of its eudea VOl'S, an agreement was reaehp(} in StUffy tour
l~H)O for tilt' fut ure organizl\ tiOll of .JTA. III the S:
The reorgauization of .J'rA as Jlll illliellendput elltity operating ill the intt'.rt'sts and the 1\1
of the .Jewish COI1lUHHlity aIHl the frt'(' world, is 1I0W Iwarillg" t'ulIlplet iou. (lilly tioll from
Romp tp('hnkal dt:>tails relllain to be ('fft~·lt:>(1. . A di~tillgtli~hed hoard of IIi proje('t. '.I
('ompospd of represt:>ntntives of llllllly facpts of Alli('rit'an .TP\Yi~h lif(' :lIht lUI'S. D. "
illg' distinguished pUblicists, is now directing- the affairs of .1TA nnd will: urlly wife of (
assume lIirt><'t uwuer,ship of th~ npws agl'W'Y as trU1'tees for the corn.m mHy. gnest. my
The uew board is ('Ollllll('tely independ<.>ut of the Jewish Ageucy or of aIry other Ameri('lln
orgilllizatioll Hlld its rp\'jsed t'onstitution will assure that tllis will continue to ACF{~ 'rtl'
be tht:> fn('t. tOllr, and
The tinalldnl ~'espousihility for the senke is being ineI:easill(?;ly assumed by any mone.
tlle ,\UWricllll .Tp\vish fedprukiOlls allu \\'(\lfare fllmls, wore than l:~;) of whkl1 Amerkan
arc 1I0\\' directly part~<tiplltiu:.:' in its \York,
An outstanding committee of AIllf'ricnn editors Hnd puhlicists is now beillg
forlll('d to study and re\"ie\\' the operution~ of ,JT.\ aud tl) forul\llnte r('('oll\llH'llda-
4:io1l8 for its flit tire l.r()~rllllls. This commit tt'e's l't'COIIlIlleudatinlls will g'uidp My ('on:
the ,TTA hoard ill its etTorts to Bluke .ITA u most ('ffpdiH' instrUIlH'llt of the Palestine I

Amerieau .II'wish cOilllllunity aut..l u trusted, dl'pclHlalJle, uiSpful ~ouree of iufor-

mation for tllp world pn'ss.
Hespectfully yours,
I<jLEAZAR LIPSKY, Presidcnt.
~t'.\TE (w \'I1WY:-\IA,
('illl of 'Sor/fll/-;. to wit.- Oct. 1, 19~ __

.\ftl'l' l)('ill~ dilly ~\\'I)rrl. I Illukt' tile foll(),,,il\~ st:ltt'l\IPTlt, :\{y HaTll!' i::- "i\'j:ll1 Do .
<f'. :\lwwn. (:'tit's. \\'illialll '1'. :\ta~OH). publie n'lations eonsultant, :tl):~O Ch~'~lt'r­
tit'lll HOllli.~\'ard, :\"ol'folk. ra., :l:~:-lo-t,
'l'llis Sf;l tt'l\Il'llt l'oIWel'lIS ex(~('rpts of te~t imolly prespnt('(l ill eXt'elitlye session AUf:, 1. In.',\)
011 :\{a,v :2;{, l!~i:L l)('for~ tilt' COIll~lIitt('e on !<'orrig-n R('I:ltiol1~ of tllp l',~. 81'Ylate
in Ul(' course of tlw ('OIlllllittt'e's study of tile adivltit's of uOlldiplol1lut k rppre-
~wntlltiV('~ of forei~ll prinl'ipu\s,\in whil'h my num(' appears. It is made in re-
~IH>llse to the letter datpd July ~), l!)G:~, from the Honorable .J. "'. }1'ullJright,
eba i1'1Ilun. 1', R. ~l'lIll te Cu IIIIII i ttee on Fnrpign U('\u tiOllS.
":\"('~ro Project" \'arit'tl ont hy "iyian C. )Jason l\l\llpr th€' nuspi('('s and dirt>('-
tiOll of the AlIlpl'icull Christian Pnlestille COllllllit.tPC, Rc\'. Karl Baehr. ex(\('utive
seer('t:uy, and the Americnn Zionist Coullcil, Hnhhi Jt'l'OllIe Un~er, e:u'('utive
director. I \1 v n'('OT
Pl:ltPOSE to hI' ;'urrl'cl

(n) '['lIP "Nt:>~ro ProjN't" was purely educational in nature and intent, The
goals to acquaint [}('oIJle with fn('ts ('on('('l'nillg Israel, l,ts social, ('nUnrlll and Ackuo,
(~conomi(' dl"V('lopmeut, p<Iucn Honnl, welfare and rehabiUtatlon programs, the and StatE
most prt"ssing' problems an<1 methorl.s employed to resOl"t:> these problems.
(n) Tht" Amer!('tl.n Christian Palt:>stine COlllmltt€'e maintained n .speakers'
hurt'au (,ollsistill~ of outstanrling indiv1dual~ in education, religion, journalism, Commi
floeiul work, health, and ot.her fields available for lectnres on Israpl and the
Middle l'just. Few Negro instit.utions and organizations were aware of this
sprvif't>. Rev, Knrl Hnphr. ('xpcut!ve 8f'('retary. AmPJ'j('nn Christian Pnlf"stine
f'ommlttepund Rnhhi .TeroInP Uager. j<jxecutive <1ir<,(·to1', Anwri<'an Zionist
COl1ndl, wer(' hf'artily in fa\'or of a program to send speakers to Negro institu-
tioJlI'l and orgAnizations a:~king for this serviee. . Mr..J. W
I wns retailned as a public relations consultant in 195R by the American (' //(1 i 1'111 (]
'ZioniRt Conncil to projed su('h a prorn-am utilizing the speakers' bureau of the 1\' (I ,"{II inr
Anwricun Chtlstiari Palestine Committee, providing literuture and ftlm~ fiS re- I)r.:AH
'Quested: Several out~tanding Negroes had visited Israel and these individuals Dr. 8h"
t~turcq on numerous occasions.

~ :H'<lliS
ley qy '1'h(" uyailuhility of qualified and experieuel'd speakers on Israel and the
l\li<,ldlo Enst through the slwukers' bureau of the ACPC was made Imown to
ledged sel~ool!-', ('olleges, nnd women's orgllnizations, A resume of the speakers was
['alions .sellt to tl1O:-:o rpqUt':,;t illg' this s('1'vke wi til tl.e option of ~('leding the person
iutlous .-:.: they desirNl. H the leeturer was available on the desired date, plaus were
t1iutely ('oIllpldf'd for his a pp<'[ll'ull('l'. Collpges usually arranged for a puhlic lt~cture
Jewis4 opeIl to stlHlents, fueulty and-the public.
III aud
'h<>(/ in S(u(111 tour of israel and the Middle Ea.'lt
III rill' ~prillg- of In;'l~ I was ill\"ite<1 to U€>·ll lJH'muet' of the study tonr of Israel
flud thp :Middlc F~nst. rt'his stndytonr was girf>n to secure firsthand informn-
tion from p('r~ollnl oh~pnflt iOlls. aui.l I was ill\"itpd to strengttwn the Negro·
.~, projt>('t. The group cqnsisti'<l of>ly ];) persons including Dr. and
('Ind- Mrs. D. ,Yo Wag-lll'r of St, },ouis\ Mo.. aud' the then district attorney and his
ortly wife of QU<.'l'IlS County, N.Y., among other distinguished citizens. As a
nUllity. g"llPst my exp('ns(\~ for transportation. hotel, etc., w<:>r(' pnid dire<'tly hy the
V other Ami'l'kan 7.iollist COlml'i1. On page 47 of the transcript the item fPuds "On
inue to ACFt; 'ronr .JuJu:· ID;'lS: Y. M:l~on :j;l.G:W." I assume this should read ACPC
tOllr. aD(1 this it<:'lIl l'eprc::;eut~ the cost of my trip. Howe\'er, I did not n~.. eive
med hy any moneys for the expenses of this tour and do not know bow much the-
whkh AmE"rie:l1l Zionist Council paid for my expenses. . ,


III PIll I a-
[ gnide l\1r t'ontacts on the Nf\~ro pro,ket were confined to the AnwriC'nn Christian
of the Pale:4ine Committee and the Amprkan Zionist Conncil.
f iufor-
Specific items me'ntioned in the testimonv'

Date Hrln and comment

OcL I, Hl5R _ 47 NCl:ro project, V. Mason $f>OO.l Thi~ It-I'm I~ probably correct. I received this
SUll I for ,:(·rvi<'f'o-" ('0 verlul! July. A lH'u~t. nnd pl1rt of ~pptl'rnhrf I!l.'\il,
Yi ':illll Do . .do___ all A (' F (f tom JUl1l' 1\l.'~", \'. l\111.~on $1,520. Thisls probably fOrTny pxpeDSCS a~
_~hp:,tt'r- ~~l1f',t or tllt' AIIlrrican Zionist Council for the study tOUT ('onuuetc<! by tbe
A ll'('fic:tn Chfi~ti!ln rl-lll'1'tinr ('ornnlittf'e. I did lIot r£'c£'i vo fin y of thi~ money.
nor do I know the alllount of Illy t'Xprllsml'
~ession Allg. 1, 111,';9 _ 51 1':rj!To prnjt'ct $:.? 1 This is probnbl:,' rorrect and would ('O\-('r compensation
~i'n:l te for thl' Negro project.
art. ;l, 1!1;,~ (10 ~('I.!r() prnkd, 'f'. Mason $2Ml. 1 This Is prolll·lJ1y correct for my compensation
. I"l'pre- hut hn~ nn ('rror in my inithl.
P in rL'- A Ul.!. 4, 1D[;8 _ 66 Lil1l~ 14. r Wll~ uD,lble to \1(' I·dor t.hi;; prOI~raill bp<'UuSt' or the pn'SSllT(\ of Ot1lf'f
luright, work. 1I0we\"<'r; r did spl'(chk to Jll:my I?TOllP;; lnl'l1I'lin~ non- N"£,!!:fO ~ours.
6~ Thl' '\:I'!.'TO COIIlIl1Ullity. At this time I was schedulln!!,s[lr.akers for late fall and
willl.t'f 111t'l'lin~s.
1 <1i rpe· 'i0 Til,' :"l'l.!ro ('olllTlIUnit y. I conUml!';} to schedule SprQkNS forlvarlous Institution!'!
(,(,ll t h'e Tl'<!u('sted them.
l'('utive I
I \I y fl'l'Or"S IIr('lIot 1l1-:liLihh' at. this t.imc in ordl'r 10 l'llf''('ur:1CY of thesl' filllount.", hut tl1<'Y Ilpprnr
to Ilt' \'orn'ct. ~;


t. The
'nl and Admowh'd,~e(l and sworn to hefore me n Notnry Public ill find for the city
11S, the and Stute nfol'cRuid,.this :!7th dny of Jnly U)(>3.
s. "·ILLIA~{ 'r. 1\L\SON. Jr..
'enkers' }.,-otary ]>u7l1';r.
nnlislll, Commission t'xpil'f>s April 13, HHH.
.ud the
of this
C'OU~CIl. For: :\ImDLE EASTER:'i' .·\FF':\IHS.
Zionist B{II/o/If. ;Y.L
Mr.•T. "". FpLnlnnHT.
lerican (,llltil'lI/an. r ·.R. SCI/ate,
('nwmittcc 0')/ Forcion Relation.'!.
of the n'(I,\'1I illf/ton, D.C,
IlS re- DEAn MH. FIlLHlUOHT: In l'f'ply to your, lett('r of July ~3, pl(,llS(, be ndviRed thnt
riduuls Dr. Shwllflran is at prpspnt out of tIw ~o\lntry, find is not f>:qlpcted baek until

the latter part of AlIgu~t, at whkh time the lllattt'r 'will he hrollgllt to his
. '"l't'ytrulyyour-s,
(J),.. S II/cad ran' H Secretary) .

(l\'OTE.-Ko further reply was reeein'd frOIll the Council for l\Ii(ldle Ea:-;tern
Affairs. )
The CHAIR~L\~. Do you have allY thing further you wish to say,
1\11'. IIamlin?
l\11'. I-L\i\ILI::-f. K 0, sir. I liave nothing to say except to thank you
for your courtesy.
The CHAIRMAN. I just want to emphasize that the interest of this
committee is in the interlocking expenditures here of the organizations
and individuals, their relations to the agency and its relations to the . '!\lr. C
Foreign Agents Registration Act, and with any possible relevancy of {: 11 icf
these relations to amendments to the act. C.S. IS
As I said in the beginning, the substantive acti~ties in Israel are Hfti3.
certainly not a part of our activities or a matter of concern, concern mati<,
of thjscommittee. 1, lOti
I O'uess that is all. " "'j

~fr. BOUKSTEIN. ~fr. Chairman, is the witness now excused? Isrue

The CHAIRMAN • Yes. h<.>ard
1\11'. BOUKSTEIN. Thank you. lei
I\fr. HAMLIN. Thank you very much. :\Ir.
Mr. BOUKSTEIN. May I say one more word. I join Mr. Hamlin in with
f:1xpressing our appreciation to you for the courtesy and kindness, "ltcn
and I also want to take this opportunity to wish you and your col- i
leagues Godspeed on your miSSIOn within the next few days, and that :F'ir
we may see you back safe and sound. the 3
The CHAIRMAN. "VeIl, thank you very much. Mr. ]
Mr. HAMLIN. May I add also that your staff was very courteous. lettel
The CHAIRMAN. Thank you very much, Mr. Hamlin. I hope they refer
JUlve been. bill€'.
They have been instructed to be. I hope they were. Hem
Thank you very much. theil
Mr. HAMLIN. Thank you, sir. -ered
(Whereupon, at 12 :50 o~clock, the committee adjourned, subject to A'\.g€'l
·call of the Chair.) is. tl


) .

Iyou .A. Ll-:TTU, I ~.\lU' .\TGLiT :21, 1~G:.~, TO ('.\HI. :.\IAIWY FRO~l :\IAURICE M. BOUKSl'EI N

Ithis -LAW Ol<'FICES,

Ions New l"ork, N.Y., A.ugust 21,1963.
the . ~lr. C,\RL :\lARCY,
yof (.'11 ief of Staff. Committee on Foreign Relations,
['.S. Sellate, Washington, D.C.
are nE.\H. :\11:. :.\l.\ltCY: This is to acknowledge receipt of your letter of August 1::1,
1!tti:3. in which you ask that we provide the committee with additional infor-
cern mation and lIlaterial ~temlUing from points raised at the hearing on August
1, Hlti3.
'With reference to the letter that I was asked by the chairman to write to the
Israeli Consulate, I am enclosing a COP3' of my letter to Ambassador Katz, the
('lIUtlSt'! G(,[I('ral of Israel ill i\cw York, ualt'd .\ugust lU, If)63. I haYe not as yet
)heard from him.
I Cited OIl p. 17:2G. see p. 17:29 for COllY of letter.)
:.\lr. Hamlin is still OIl yaeatioll. hut we IHlve made every effort, together
. . with his staff, to furnish. you with the following information requested of him:
In ill
~ness, "Item 2. Information pCl·taining to 1 months' salary paid Mr. Rosenberg, cited
r coI- in a lettcr dated September 8, 1960 (p. 11'33)"
l that Fir::it, muy we call your attention to the fact that the salary paid to Mr. Rosen-
,t}('r~ in the amount of $1.3RO, as eited ill trhe fir!'lt paragraph of the letter, is for
the 3-month period of January, February, and March, 1959. The salary paid to
Mr. Rosenberg in the amount of $1,400, as cited in the secOnd paragraph of the
,eouSe letter. is for th€' 3-month period of April, May, and June, 1959. Neither figure
they refers to 1 month's salary.
,Mr. Rosenberg was an. employee of the Israeli Consulate. The Consulate
billed the Ag(>ncy for Mr. Rosenberg's services in connection with the Westeril
Hemisphere project. At perfomc intervals, the Consulate and tbe Agency settled
their Hccounts. This letter represents such a settlement, and indicates that a
credit is due the Agency for an amount previously billed by the Consulate and
paid by the Agen<,y. On page 2 there is a reeonciliation which shows that the
Ict to Agf'ncy has o\"(~rpaid a totnl of $11,753 for the period in question, and this amount
is. therefore, credited to the Agency's account. \>.

"Item 3. Wllether payments referred to in mcmoraWda of March 2, 1.962, Febru-

ary 23, 1962, and May 1, WGO 1 tecre t'cportcd to the Department of JU8tice
(p. 17ul)"
The llUyJIH'nts referrpd to in the said .Illf'lllornnda were reported to the Depart-
ment of Ju:;tice under the hf'adin~ "Grants aud S'ubventions-Educational and
Cultural Activities." On October 3, ]962, in an amendment to the Registration
Statf'IlH>nt of :\Iarch 31, 19G2. the payments, referred to in the memoranda of
March :2. 1!162. ann Fehruary 23, 1002, were detnUed as follows: "To the Hebrew.'
Cultnrt' Fonndation-for grants to encourage Hebrew and Israeli studies at
('ollf'gf>s and universities in the enited States".
"Item 4. Whether contemplated .Qrant to Columbia 7~efC'red to in extracts of
minutes of Finance Committee meeting on March 1-1, 1961, was actually made

1 WI" b('lIf"v(, thlfl i~ nn ~rror Rnd the date should be May 1, 1909.

Tlip !Jphrl'\\' ('llltll1"(' FOlll\\!:ltioll illforill" 11" til:11 it lills Iliad!' tl1(' f"llo\\'illC: made at n
Il:lYIIII'II[s to ~'()llillil'ia llliY\,l'>jily tOI' Ill(' 1'(,I"i,,,1 ill i[11i'sli"ll. l!lljl-li~. 1:)li~ Ij:(: stein refer
:\!:Iy~I,I!Il;I S~.:lOIl,(HI Jail. 2:), 10G:I ~~,;-,oo.O(j Isr:ll;' i Oil
:'\o\'.I:I.I!'I;I.______________ 1. WOo (l(1 :\lar. 13, 1HG;L_____________ ~,.-,IIO. Ijll
ship bet\\'<
:\lar. I:!, 1!IG:!_______________ 1, GOO. 00 did not ('01
I sincer,
"JJ"}f) ,c,. H')!I")!I')'I))))I!J urlllltx to IInrult'«( (,'nll'('/'8it!1 (or tlic ('cllter lor l/iddlc bet~'een tl
1';(I"r""/I "I"di,·., ', .. <" t )"'1'''',./,,[ /" lilt lJ, Ill/I'IIi/1 IIf (1/ .{II.I'f/(·( (II, fi'I,': ,( I illll }11i
,~( II· I tlJe PHhlic
'1'111' "r;lljr~ Illa,ll\' I\'('!',' IT!'''I'I''d II' 1):/' P"'P;ll'll:,1'111 01' ,ll1~Iil-I' \yil\11I111 itt'llli,
thHt tb~ I
~;Ilil,ll :1" "{;I'alll'" :llld :-I11!r,'( llli"lls---I·~illli·ali'J!.;11 .,Iltl (',,11111',,1 .\.-t:,'ill'·"".
(If thIs lett
(:-"." itt'III" F all<{ F I",I()\\'. 1
"!lI'11I (;. Il'hl II" r .\{II.I/I)II /"11/1111 III 1'1 fill 1"11/11111'''/1/1' 1""'/I"1f of ,lll/i'ri,·{f, rl'-
f/Ired {Ii ill If'll/'}' 1/'111'11 11'111 ,;. I.'I.I!I. 1/'tIS 1IIIIIi, i }'. {'I,.I,"
A paylllt'llt oj' $10.()(lO \\':1:4 Illal1p tn 1111' ~.Ill1lg";!lll' ('''IIII''ill''- .\IIII'ri<-a f'lr tliP
.leal" April 1. l!I:-/I. rIO \!:II'I·!I ::1.1!11:11.
\\'1' 11'11"'1 r)I;11 IlJi", illt'III'!II:llili!1 \\11! "];Iril,l' 11,1' 1"-1111'''''.' 1';I'I'ad.\' ,,:i\\'!1 :Illd
t!l:11 it \yilll'l' prillll'd :1"1':11'1,,1' 11.1' ,\W·\I~1 l. 1~1l::;. 11l':ll'ill~ II""I',j
~ill'·I'I'I'I.1 .1"111'.-.
.\, \11:1· 1 .\1. HOI 1,";'111"
II on .T. "y
(' Ii 11 i I'm·11 11
The Cilpit
L \\\' o
1'1'1 lI-.", DEAR Sl
(;1z1I, (\;, 1(01'1,"11:1\. 1 h;\' tlip
.Y( /I' }'()rk, .\'. \." :\ I{(IIIS! l.i. J.'lli.:. aetivities
Bon. KATlU'CAL KATZ, would he
COt18ul (;('I/('n1l Of [8ral'l, :lnll to fE"
New York, N.L in the apr
DE,\I~ JIli. A,\IBASSA/>OH: I !'I·f('r til our (·1I11\·,·r."II! il'lI Ill' .\11":-11,1 I;. ]!Ilj::, ;1f \\hl<'ll Uetwee
I iliforllll'<! YO\l :thoUI tilt' illl('1'(,,,t \\11i1'!1 ~('ll:llor Flllhri.:.::1J1, ,.]l:lil'lll:lll "f :11"
in snppor
~('rl:iI(' Forf'ig-n Hf'lali"lI:4 COlilmitte(', ('\,illl·pd dllring Ill(' plll>lil' )\I':II·jll!.:' "II ( 'ol1neil.
AU;":I1"t 1 ill Ihp 0pt'l'a! i"l1:4 of thp ".rllill! !"nlld" \\JJi('h 1111' ! '11/>,111:11" 1 :1'/1"1';11 tips bp('at
of I:4ra('! (or thE" 1':;1':I('! (1IIk.' ( I f Infllrm:lt iOlll oppral('d \\il h flllld." flll·l!!"ll,·t1 American
in parI hy thf> .Tl'\yi~li "\c;PIW;\'-,\llll'ri":11l ~('j'l ion, Ill<'.. :Illd il,.; (.I'(·d('(·(·.-:."','I'. ~"ll­ 011 t.he 11:'
ator Fl-llbr'ig:ht \\'Hrilpd to know what (hi" Fllnd did, 1\'11(1111 it ."l'llt to 1--1':/('). :11111 Public Af
'Iyho thl' pt'o!'!e \\,prt'. A,:; I iufllrllll'd yOl!, I told Sprratnr Flll!lri~hl nl 1)11' 1I1':Il'ill~ lind non-
that ,1l1i:4 illfOI'll1[ltioli W:I" ill Ill .. ('\1",10<1.\' :IIHi (,j'lIlrlll lit' 1111' ('Ollslll:!I'·, ),111 I EXf'eutiVl
ag-r<,pl! to ntll'lIlpt.l.o obtain tIl(' "':lllll'. The Cc
Yon tnll! llIP Ili:rillg' (illr l'onYl'r~;Jlioll th:lt ;\'011 would h:II'" to j'/lll",idi'1' lh!" 01' 170, 'I
rf'q lH'sl. !arly to j
I II:I\'(- III,\\, I·l'(·.. il'l'd :1 !.'tkr fl""11 :lIT'. (':11'] :\1:11'('\',1'/111'1' 1'1' -1:11'1' 'il' 111(' ~"II:lI,' to"tbe Dl
Forpi.c:n 1{l'latillll'" COlltl1litt('E", dall'd Allc:n"t I .•. 1~1(;:1. 1'(·qlll·"lil:;": a "oll.~' "I' tlio and Wa~
cOll!'lllatp'!" 1'\'1'1.\'. It d&s r
JI~~' I pll'asp hl'~lr fr{iIlt you. The Co
~ill('\'rpl.\" ,l'our:4, individu:
"The C
mends e
, eco'nollli
H. LETI'I':I: D.\n:I> Al;,;I'ST 7, I!II;:~, TO ~F\ 11'01: Fl'l HI:[(;II·I. 1-'llO\1 ',(I\'[S HAll!""'
\\'1'11', \ (' I: Ll) 0;'; 1'. ~"j I::) committ
1.011."; 1:,\1\1'-"\\ liZ 1""1 \11\11",'\, T\( .. grants (
,\ ,I' \' II '/,. :\' ,,} . , \ ;/1 ili.\ I '. t' I',. ; , rf'quirec
nOII..T. ,Yo FI I.BltlllII '1'. I sev{
l'I/l/i'-I/II1I1, ,0.;"/11111' For,'i'/ll "'dotinlls ('IJJIIIII ill,'c, Council
1'.:". s( U(((c, ll'usllill.lltO/l, n.c. flffiliate(
1I18ny s
Il/-:.\I( :-II-:;,\Y!()j, I 1'/'1'('J' til llI.\' It'I'!I·.!· 1" \"'11' 11;111'<1 .1\11,1" :::1. l~II;:~,
I Was
ill \\'liir-lJ I <!\'Hil('c/ IIl~!t-;plf (If till' (lpportllllit.\· til ('01111111'111 I'll rll(' ('\I'(\,-p):4 Ill' 1 Ill'
" convent
!'(,,,titlilln.\· r.:-iY<'n ill ('xp('lllh'(' .<':I'""i"lI ,of I !H'.F:('IJ;l t!' Fllr(';~:'l1 I~('l;11i"l:'" ('II:IlIlJi111'1' of,epee!
OIl JJa,\' :l:{, in which till' I,IIl1b .\1. H:llt,IlllI\iIZ !"t11l11t/:ll'i"lI '\':lS"Jlll'ltli"I""J. '.
were n
III fill' 1:.I~t p:lr:l;.:ralI11 (If p:q.:-C' ~ of Ill.\' [('lIpr, ill n'[l'rrillg to IIIP {'IIlI\'t'r:":ltio!l' and I I
I IlHd will! ,\11', HOllkst('in almost 2 1IIo11th" prillI' to Ihe dntc of In.V }Ptfpr t .. ~'Oll, eXf'nipt
I !'l:ll'pd. l\lIl'.'lJg other llliIlgs, that ''III' 1:\11'. H(lllk~t('ill] also llll'nli"rlpd thE" 1 brc
faet'lhal tl\(' .Tt'wish AI;PlJ('Y W:IS a rcpr<'!'entath'c of the .Isra~li Gon~r11l11I'llt.·' posed j
Cpon rl'f!e('lilin and. upon examination of a contemporaneous lll(,lllorn~ldT11ll I The AI
Committpe on Forel~n Hplatlom; WI1~ Informed by the .Tewl;;;h Agency-Amen-
]';OTF:.-TlW speech<
can Spctloq. 11\('" that no rpply had been rl.'cl'l\'I'tI, from tila Con~\I1 Gl'lIl'ral of Isrnel at
th" tIme of',publlrntlon.
1(' f"ll"II'i!l~ iliad\' lit the til1lf', I find I was in error, III his conyersntion \vith me Mr. Bouk-
;~. 1~)1 i:.! .j;{. stein rC'fplTed only to the .}pwish A,gency for Israel, of Jerusalem, an~ not to tbe
- ~:.!, :-.1111. nil ISI'a~'li (;1)\'prnllll'lIt. A('/uall~', I han' no information eOlJcerning the rf'll1tion-
~, ,-,I II), 1.11 I ,-.:h i]l ht" ween 1hI' ,J .. wish ,\~(,J](,Y aud the h:rael i (}c)\'ernment and [he :-;lIbject
did !lot ("11111" up al all ill Illy ('ollversutiollS with ~lr. Boukstcin.
I siJl('erl:'l~ reg-n·t till' PffOI'S c'olltaill('(i ill 111,\' ll'ttel' c'onc'I'rlling" the relationsIlill
r fur 1/ idd{e l)pt\\'pen I hp ,J ew i:-;h Ag(')wy and the Israt'li Governmen t.
I jl. I ~, I! I t I :till infOI'llit'd that IlIV IpII('r to VOll of Jlllv ~f) W:lS im;prttd in Ihe rpcord of
the pIIIllie hpuring hplrt o'n AUg'llst 1: 1~l63, and'l would J'pspcdfully ask th('fpfore
I II" II! II, ': I, i thnt the reeord of that hearing be ('orreded in accordance witIl the conteutl>
\. I 1 I ~ .:--- ... of thIs letter.
\'11111''' :-;illc'l'rpl~',

n, Ll';TTI:I~ I).\TU> SEI'TJ:\fm:R n. 1!)(;:~, TO ~E;\lATOI~ l'I;L1ll(JlJHT FROM 1. L. KEN EN

{('!TED O;\, 1',17:14 ET Sl':Q,)


WaHhinflton, f),C,. September 6,1963.
lIon .T, "'. r'l1l.nR!G ffT,
('IIII;I'.,,/lln, f'e1lIlf(' Commitfr(' Itn Foreign RclafionH,
Th(' Capifol, Wa8hingtoll, D,C,
.~. llL\H ~E;';ATO)~ FUUlRlOH'I'; I hnvc rpnd nle testimony thnt Wl1S taken on AUg-list
"TFI:\, 1 I~~', t,lIl' SPllalp ('OI~llllii!I'P Oil Forl'igll H~,latioll.s durillg' .the hparillgs on th.e
,~I I Ii, .1 n ,:
" :l('tIVIIIP~ of the .lc\\'I:-;h AgP!H'Y for Isra~I,'/Am(,rJcl1n Sed.lon, nnd I ot>lieve It
\\'IIII\() Ill' Ilelpful to provide you with l:er~ ir.t faets in order to clarify thf' record
:Inc! 10 rl'IIlOI'(' IlIi"('Oll('Pptions, I th"",.[p re( rrquest that you include thi,; lC'tter
ill the llpppudix to the AII~lI:-;t 1 transc·'J.Iip
~ H ~~ ~. : I j \\ II j I • , I nptwel'n 1!l;)1 and :\Iardl 1;1, l!:l;;4. I dir'~('ted legj~llltive activity in Washington
1'111 :II! ,,1' ; 1;" in :-;lIppor! of tIll' .:\1\1111:11 S!:'curity Program. on behalf of the American Zionist
!I.':! l'ill!C 1111 ('lJlll1(' i I. F~a rly ill 111:,-1 tbe A merican Zionist Counc:i1 tprmina tpd thpse acti vi-
1;1' I ' C;"11I'1':I! I if':-; hpc'a U:-;l' its If'lldprs did not wan t to nse tax-exempt funds for lobhyin~. TI1l'
[I:'; rll:'!li,,!I,'d AIllPrican Zionbt COJDmittet' for Public Affairs was then established to carry
'I·t':-:; .....;'.r. ~l'fl­ Oll tlte l(';<blative work ill \Vashillg-Ioll, It wns renalllf'rl till> American Israel
" 1-':1';1\'1, ;llld Public __\ffairs COIllmittee in l!);jH, beennse it raised its funds from both Zionists
I I h,' llt';ll'i 11:: ami nOll-Zionists, I lJU\'e served the Committee from its inception as Its
"111:t 1(', 11111 I Execut in: Director,
The Committee has an Executive Committee of 30 and a National Committee
of 170, wl1ich include llIalJY national Jewisb leaders and which meet regu-
larly to formulate j}oJjl'ies. Tne Committee submits its views to Congress and
Il]' i llt l ~1111;1; i' to the Department of State. In addition, the Committee's offices in New York
C'1I J ;~' "I' t 11\' find Washin,c:ton a\t as information centers. The Committee is nonpartisan.
It dol'S not endorse candidates. It does not partidpate in political campaignR.
TIlt.' COJllmittee is not sul>sidized by any otber hody. It solicits support from
inll i \"j(luals. All eODtributors are informed that their contributions are not
<lcdu('tilJle from inc'ollle tax.
'TIll' COllimittf'E.' lldvo('at~ the foreign aid program as a whole and it recom-
mends economic aid for both the Arab States and Israel because it believes that
ecobomic development will enhance the prospect of peace. The Committee
of"e~isters with Con'gress uncleI' the domestic lobbying law. But, as an American
committee, controlled by Americans and financed by Americans, receiving no
'.. r", , grants or subventions from any foreign organization or agencies, it was never
11.'\ I ~. 1 1
r('quirecJ-to register with the Df'partment of Justice,
I severed Illy connection with tbe American Zionist Council in 1954, wben the
Council closed its Washington office. Thereafter, however, the Council and its
llffiliated organizations frequently asked me for assistance. I was invitf>d to make
~any speeches-about one a week-before national and community gatherings.
! 1". :.~: I . 1~ It ;: ~ , I was lIsked to answer many inquiries, to obtain speakers and messages for
'(IT1',)" "I' illc' ., conventions anrt conferences, to prepare memoranda, and to arrange for reprints
\< ('I}: 11111 i 1 t ('I'
of .speecbes. These services had nothing to do wIth advocating legislation; they
\ lJj· 'IJ ..... were not the responsibility of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee,
'''111'1'1'''';11 j"n'
and I did not 'believe that this Committee, with a modest budget of non-tax-
pI fpI' r, I ,y, >II,
expml)t funds, should'be asked to bear thm burden.
'III i1)11P11 till'
I brought tlJ~s situation to the attention' of our Executive Committee. I pro-
posed that the American Zionist Council pay foJ." the services I was rendering.
lJoralldlllll I The American Zionist Council then agreed to pay me a. fee of $100 a week for
\1:'f'ncy-AmeM- speeches and other services. I was a.lso reimbursed for travel expenses, printing,
I of bra!'! at

mailing, telephone, documents, subsCril>tions, etc. These payments ~udt'd ill Ijl:1l E. LETTJ
In Jun,e "1957, I founded the l\"ear East Report, a fortnigbtly ne\\"~lettN. whil'll
I own anq"edit. I appealed to Jewisb organizations, national and eOlllmllllit..... tc>
purchase s1,lbscriptinns. The Near East Report is not an organ of the Americ:1n II OIl. J. W
Israel Public Affuir:s Committee. The Committee purchases the l\'ear Eu~t Report (' 11 (1 irma /I,
for all Members of Congress (as reported in its lobbying return). for 80m£> ('(Ii tnr..: Xrw Scna
who have expressed n desire to receive it, and for contributors who (,lIrmnrk p:nl
of their contributibns for that pUrIl()sc. On the first day of it~ pUblication. I
ilt till' pul
withdrew from the payroll of tIll' American Israel Puhlic Affairs COllllllitt('c, aud
I have since contrihllte(l my services to the Comwittee without compensation, hy IllP \\'il
Subscriptions to thE' Xear East R('port h:n:e h('('n sold to mnny organizntioDs- "hkh reql
a mongo t hem thE' Ampri ("1 n Zi on ist Con nel 1. w h i cll w ns concernE'u \\' i,th t he pre~;,; 1. I
and public and academic opinion and which or<!Ned th<.' Rpport for it~ rpg-ioll:ll
offices and local lendNs nnd for distribution ttl n list of I1('\YspapPr pditors. I durin
~ail} 1
negootiat('d this agr('PilleIlt with R:lhhi If\"iTl~ :\-UI1('r. ChnirIllall (If tJll' "\nH'ril':l!~
Zionist Coundl. When tlw Coulleil fllilf'd to 'V:1Y for its subscriptions ill }!It;n
thpy W('fe sl1sIH'n dp<! un Ii 1 n rPlWW n 1 ordf'r wns recpi H'll. III 1!)(i2 fll(-' :-\1 h- <-'\JIll!
., ,
seriptions w('re dis(,olltinuf'd hecn use thp Cillmt'il was in nrr('nr~.
nnrin~ the "\\l~I1~t 1 he:lrin~ it wns sUg~f>st('d that th(' J(,wish .\1::'f'I1('\ l1riIi7.t'd
thE' 41l1f>ri('nn Zioni~t ("oundl ns n cOll(lnit through which to l'rllp\~y III 1', I rPIl t (
wouHllik('to st:ltp c\f':Hly for thf' r('('ord th:lt I h;ld llO :1~r('('rn('nt with tilt' .Tl,\\,j"h or l!I(
A~ell('Y. I madE' no rE'}lorts to it. I pf'rforJll('d no spn'ir'('s for it. T top];: 11" The 1"tr
dirf>dioll or in~tr\ll"fi{\n from it. dirt'l'th' or indjrt.'l't\~·. I n'[ls fln ... iQt'll h.' ('{luns.'; l':l~t'd Oil '
that the fn('t that the American Zi'lTlist C01l1wil s('('ur('l} most of its hudgt't fro!ll ItH' f'rrol'S
the Jf'\\'i~h Agency did not lllaKt.' 111(' fill agellt or ('llIPloYN' of tlw :\gt'III'.\' H" l(ln~ H l'~
as I hnll no reilltiollship with it.
It was also stlltl'd that ":\Ir. Kf'nPIl is r('('('i\'in~ f;lr more of hi~ fUlld" fr"ll\
the Isrnp) Goverlllllf>IH direcl1y flwl il1dirt'dl~' IhnIl i::- tlll' :\'pw York TiIll"''';'
Tid:" st:ltrIllrllt is irworrl'd hr('nll~r the :\'Pllr Efl"t. Hf'\l0rt is Iliit ~()ld iII :111.'-
l1uantity to tIw Go\prnment of I"ral'l. The I~rne) Elllhn!'s:, in 'Y:l~hillgtoll bu.\'..: KI,AETZ
:.;~) copie~ at a bulk rnte of $:-, a ~lIh:..;('ription. 'fhi:'! 1:1rnn~ that till' totnl nlllOllllf
tT S~Q
rp('pivPd from HlP El\lh.'1~~y is ~1-t:-j II y('ar. This yenr therp Wfls :In :ldditioll'l1
$l\i.:W for hound volUlllt'!'; aud single issups. IlS of ~P\ltf'lllher 1. IfW-..l.
Till' ,jews pxprfls;-:pd ill l11p :\t'a.r 1-::lst Rl'pnrt rt'l)pd jlldg-IIH'l1l" l':l ....l'd "11 1::\
OWII f'XJlt'ri('Il('!' ;1111\ c'oll\'kl iOll,
IIoll . .T.'~
P1Iring til(' ill·al"ilq,.:-~ qIH':-fiollS \\"('rl' ;ls1.\'d about tIll' "('r\,j,,p, I jYt'rf"r:1I !' ( .11 (J i r III (/I
\Vnsllilll-.:-toll. .\' I 'II" ,...... (' 1/(
I ]l'f! 1I1~' nllin 11('\,,,p:1JlI'I" IIP:-t ill l~q~~ tn "l'rYf' ns ~('IT('(l1r.\' (If (111' .\1l1l'ri":!!1
Jewish ('ollf('f('Il(,(, till I il l!HS . '.lC~J!,Ht tll-;:llIlizH! JOIl. :In n:'('rall_ b,.ll\' (:f .\lIl\·ri':!·l I )F;AH ~
Jewf-:. fOIlg'ht for thp rl\q()r:ltlnll~f .J(\\\'lsh rtgllh III LlIrOjH' alit! III I':lIpsllll<' 1':, 1!\ot).;l,
d\lrill~ fht' post\\'ar H"'on"l rlIdi"n, T(I(!ay. AlI)pl"il..':1ll Jpw~ ('lIutiIlIH·tn 1,(' (''>It Ea~t('rn

('prnt'tl ahout tllp prrsl'n'lltitlll of thns-(' rights, tl'r 10 IlH

Our ~eneratiou witlles..".-'(l thp dpstrul'lioll of (; millioll .TE'ws nt ti,,, h:lnd..; ,': "i I~·. t Ivt"<
~n:;>;i harhllriHl1~ F:xpt'rit'lwP hll~ tal1:.::ht 1I~ Illlt til 1.\(\ <,olllplnl't'nf allollt tllr\'~\t, n"l·(lrdl.... )
Il.!:Hifl~t Jl'\\'~ nn.v\\'lIprl' in til(' world. "'f' 1:1).;(' tlll'1I1 ~prinlJsl.\', \\'p ~(,I' '/ TIW n
~hil\\". lin
Jla.rllll~l hetwN.-'11 tlw thrC'ats agaillst \111' .}I'\\'s IIf EuroJle III tlw l!I::rrs and 'rl'"
thrl'ats n1::'ninst th!' .Tp\\"s Ill' br:lt>l ill tIll' 10(~O'~, ".p try to do fiJI ttl:lt WI' (';111 do not s
tillll. Ill('
to warn of the danger lllld to insl1!"(-' th;lf tile:'; ndllioll Jl'\\"~ of I~'-:11'1 \\'ill 1\' r
!'-ut'fer tllf' fate thut ht'ft'll the H uli\lion .J(·ws of EllrnJ!'f'. III this strugg)p. \\'t> :1, r show tIn
a~ ngf>uts (If our conS1dt-'IlN'.
tlw St.ati
It is In this l"})irit and for that pllrpnsl' that this ('omlnittee ('(JntilluPs it~ tli\'illnfi):
t\ffort~ to keep C'ongorpslol fllld thf> ndlllilli:-.tration npllriS('d of our hopI'S nlld fro1l\ rhe
ft>flr~. -~o ant'. of ("OUrlolf'. would 1101lY UIIY Alllt-'ril-nn orgallizntioll tlte r{,ght I,) ~i
!ohhy 011 i!'~IIf'~ of fort'i~Il policy Il~ wpil as dnmes:tic polk:,. It is (Jur rpSIH),ll-
sibility to ("ombst mis!eadin~ Arab propnglllldll, which is ",·ld('l.> (!is.lo<pminnt(·,]
in \Va~hington in R. Ilt>ve-r-(llH}ing: campAign to (}isl'redit nn(} (h'ffiIlH~ AIlH'ri('fiIl
friend" of' Israel find to nndt'rmlrw Anwrknn snpport for Israel. An(I. in :1 Co :\ll-.! 0:'
pORitlvp wny. Wl' !'ltrln.' for n firm t· ,~. polley whi<'h will help nll thp lwopk, '''\ fI[Jul",
of tll(' Xenr Ea51t to rlf'velop and pro~p('r. which will f()~ter n climntp of ('ooI';{'ra· Th('Il
fion. which will Mrt>ngthen df"mo'("rlltie institutions. which wiIi gl1llrant('f' "tilbnit~· .Jr .. UII(
llnd ",hi('h. t>'entnally. will hrin~ ahont II pence ~ettlemf'nt. f'.(·rihed
Hinrerely yonrs,
1. L. KF.:'oi'R~. H.xcclltit:e l>irrclor. Before

~worn And subscribed to befot~ nw t.hi~ 6tb dny of SE'pt.c'mbe-r 1963-

[s~:.o\f,l "~n.LIA~{ E. CROWELL, Notary Pu7Jlic.
~ry (' ~xpire8 April n, 1006.
11;( l
Ih'III:'i {ern:n 0:'0' p, lifl:! 1-:1' SEQ,)
SEPTBIBER 1:?, 1!)()3,
':1 n
on lIon, J, "', FULIlHIGIlT,
('J,airma/l, Senate FfJrri[JH Relations ('r)/llll/it/re,
Xr'w Senate ('flice Bllildin!l, 1rIlShill{jtl'II, !J,e.
J)r:AI~ Sr::'o':"TOI~ FI'I.IlIW;JIT: III \'(,\'j('\\'illg- Illy tpstilllOllY bpforp the C'Ol1lmittN'
" I
Iud at tllt' pilldi<' hl'arilll.:: OIl .\llgll,..;t 1. 1!IH,1, I l'1I111P upon ('rrtaill s{utelllPnh Ilwdp
'(J II. b~' lllP with n'gard to till' J{'\\'isil Ag'l'llC'Y'S rellltiow';llip to IIarnlrd t:uin:rsity
\\hidl l'('qllin' ('orr('('(ioll:
'l'~,": 1. III \'~'SPOll"';(' to ~lll1r '111t'S( ion \\'lwtlwr tILl' Jpwish AgPIH'Y grant of
11:ll $7,000 to IIanard l"lli\'I'I',..;ity for tl](' Centrr fhl' :\lid(lll' Ea,.:tl'rt1 StudifOS.
I dllriu~ IIII' 1isl'nl YI':lr In;-s :-'~l, \\':IS pail\, I rl'~JI(\4Idi'd in th(' :dfinllati\'(' alld
: ': 1 r ~ s:lid tlla! lllP 1"1111d" \\pn' r('liIitft'd dirl'dly llilIan';\rd hy tlll' Jewbh ,\:':PU('y.
,If ;0 ,-\d\lal[~', t[Il' ,fl'\\ ish hi,.; :IIlllI\I[l! ill its gl'allt to thp I It'l,re\\'
.\;..:t'II\',\' iIl\'l\ldl'd f
Il h- {'l!ll Ill'(' FII\lIl(j;ll if>!1 ",lli,,11 !I:ltl illt, ('II!IIIJlilJIWllt t~, llnrnud l"lIiH'rsit.\",
:..', ~I,I' Sf:ltl'lll('lll \\'itll n''';!'Pd t" a l'IIITI'lIt ('llllllllitlll('llt of thp II/..'brr""
('ultllrl' FOIllH1:IIil'11 ill tIl(' SUIII PI' ~10.l"I(1 \\;lS illt"ltrp\'t, Tlwt!, is Ill> ('\II'''
rl'!lf t'I>!IIJllitII\('lll til I!:Ir\':lrd "lii\'rI'sity Ily flll' IIp!ln'\\' l'ulturl,' FOlIIlU:.ttinn
(II' tilt, .rI'11 i")l .\;';I'lJl',\",
TI, , The stat!'IIll'IIt...; \1111,.)1 I 1:1:ld., :\t ttl(' ll(':lrinl: \\'('1',' Ill.\" di"lili<'\ f('('nll,'I,tinl\
I~.,r )';I.'-I'd 011 \\ lWf 11:1t! t'I'I'11 I't'I"'rlt'd.l" 111(', IIII\y!'\'pr, lIpilll rt.'t·lll'i"killl.2:, I t1is",.\pt!'d
/) III tIll' f'lTtll's \Vllidl I IIt'n'II,\ \\ j,li t,/""I'l'('('(,
If\:":- /(1':"-1 ('(" (/111\' yllll!',";,

'I l[ 1\

F, LLTTUt ThlLIl :-:, I'll \[DF:R Hl, 1:";:;,]1) :-:l'\\!t)l: Fl'IHl:II,lli )"1:,)\[ EII,1 \ I (;
h:i".'\i'rz~,[(, .fIt, l{~, ll!WI:\U ~}C(,Rr:T.\\(', II \1:\ \1;11 ''',[\! [:-.\[, ,('Iff [I I ' , I' 17f~~
.till (
Er ~~ l{ )
11:1 i
II.\f{\ \IW 1":\I\F!(SITY.
OFFICE OF TIlE ASSISL\:'o' r 10 THE I'RF"!Il~:'iT,
I:) .'
Boston, ](as8" S{'f,tl'ml)('7' l!I, l,'N;S
!fOIl .1, \\', Fl UllW; II 1',
F"I'I'ill" R('latiot1,~,
('1"/11'/1/1/11. ( ' ' ' I I / l I l l f l f f 1'/1
,\/ iI' .,",( w/fl' O(liec HIIi/I/i/1i7, lI"rrshillqtrm, n,f'.
Dr.A" SF,non F'"lHHH,JIT: Tlli,- will firknowl€'dge your letter of ~~'ptpl1lht'r
11;, HN>:~, lldtll'l'ssl'd tl) :-:11' lI:llllilrl\l\ (;ild, n~ Dir('('tor of t.hl' ('l'!ltf'r for ~.\Ijtldll'
I III Ea..;(prll ~ludi~,s :At II:1n':lrd \'lIin'rsit,\', :-;ir Halllilton has n'f~'rrl'jl your let-
'!t'r tll Ill,' HIlt! Il:l~ 11"';\..:1'1\ lilt' tit [l'pl,\' It I it n" HI','ording- ~e·('rpt;lry of tht' ("lli\"t'r-
, 1:-- "il~". 11ITough \\h"s~' "til,'" HII gift~,nIld grnIIl" tit tlJ~' \'llin'r~ity 1\[(' n><,'pin'll allll
, 'I Till' rt"'t~rtl...; (If tIll' ollil'!' 111' H~'(~)nlillg ~.'('rptllr.\' lIf til(' ('nin'r~ity <In not
t j". ,,1\,,\\'. lIlId I illl! ~d\"i"l'd lhat tIll' rc,\'nrd~ IIf tllp ('1'1111'1- 1'.,1' :\fitlll!p Fasterll St1lliips
do III" sl]()\\", :lily gi1't~ :It :\IIY tilllt' Illade hy til!' .J\'wish "\l..':I·Il('~'-.\IllPri('l\1I ~t'~'­
tilll!. 11\(', PI' h\' tl)(' IIl'I,n'\\, ('llllliral FOlllltlnt inl!. Till' n"'I)rd~ I)f Illy .. Uk., Ill.
,..;!I,,\\" that gift:, f(lr thl' s\llI)lorl IIf tl':)('hilll..': HIld I'l',..;~'ardl ill "';\lh,kl'ts rl'l:lting tn
flip ~taf(' (If Isr:ll'l HI tIll' (\"111,'1' f(lr :'\Iiddl(' I-::l...;t~'nl :-;tlllli,'~ IUln' ('Olll,' frllill ill'
it .:: diYitllluls 1'1"011\ till' Ho~tll(f lIrt'a l\l\d fr(lill 1'(l\llldaf illll"'; l',..;tHll\i:dwd loy illdi\"idllnls
lid frolli. tlH' Hosf (11\ 1I n':!,
(.,. SiJ1('prply yours,
)11 .. Et"OF;.oE G. KRAETi'lF.R, Jr"
N ('cord i 11 fJ S c(' rc t (11"]/,
flll St,rTE~lnEli ln, }\X{;{
:1 (\I\OW"WEALTH l"H' :\f.,\Sfo;\CHt"SFTTR,
. . .· "ffulk. ~S:
'rhl'll lJot~rsonnl1y 111)1*'111'(>(1 1)('for(' nw t.h~ aho\"(' nnInfOd EugenE' G. Krnetz(,f,
.Ir .. lllld ackllowh'df!;f'\l tllH,t tIll' fnfPgOII1g' l';tlltf'IIlPTlts hy him mad\"' nlld ~I\il­
~('[iht'd lift' tnIl.' to til(' bp~t of bi~ knowledge and b€'!it>f,

Before me--


Or' Tlrr~ .\\1[1([(' ........· .I.:WbH CO:\G&ES~, .-\.'\0 llAHHELL ~L L'L>"IRE, CHIU' ('U:HK,
CU'.f\IITTI:.E 0:--" }'oHU';.'\ Hu,.-\TlO~S, PATE!) Al'ul'ST l~ A:\'O H, 1~;3 {elTD) O~
.\\IE::R1C.\''- .If:Wloill ('OXGHF.:'S.
Snc }"firl:. S. }' .. . "-1I~li8t 1':, 1:1/,>:.
~fR. n . . RRI-.f.I. ~T. <.: u mr~,
('I/'rJ~, ('(I1,t/nlt/", f'l! J- ',I" ion !.'r /(1(11'118,
~\;('I!atc fJ[ficl' HIt/lf/In!I, H'(JI5JI111Vtflll, [J,e,
2\I'f Dt:.. \ H :\ll~. :-:ir,' ('L\lRI-:: :'l.'IJ(lrllr F1I11,ridtt wr.. t(' 1'1 1.1..; 'Ill ~\u~u:,t t; rh:lt
Sill ('e [ h!' .:\ I Ill' [ i, .:lll .J \' \\ 1S h (', 1\ j.g' r l'~"; W H:-: n' t'" [r /., I [ I ) d u [ : I J;': I Ill.' (', III rSl.' (l f 1 l. t'
hearillg t)('f(,n~ y"lIr ('(JIlllllltt,"\' WI ~\lIg'Lbt I. \"1' \1 Iii h,H\'" Ull "!'l'0rtullity [,I rt~
vif-.'w tll"Si' Pll!"t i,,!,..; :llld T.. 'llI'lJllr l' .. [ 1111'1/1--11111 IiI rill' ["I,.ord :1 S~ t'lill·n: i·"t-
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Publisher's No tfce

Many pCiges of thIs volume are not easily read nor suitable for
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clearly as PQsslule under these c?fldltions.
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~ GRErNWOOO PRESS, Westport. Conn -ctlcut OGB80

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