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The manual provides information on operating the MEDRAD Mark 7 Arterion Injection System.

The manual provides instructions for operating the MEDRAD Mark 7 Arterion Injection System and its components.

The injection system consists of an Injector Head, Display Control Unit, Power Unit, Pedestal, and Syringe Heat Maintainer.


Operation Manual

3027891 Rev. M

Mark 7 Arterion Injection


Operation Manual
Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

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Table of Contents
1 Information ....................................................................................................................... 1 - 1
1.1 Important Safety Notice..................................................................................................................................... 1 - 1
1.2 Disclaimers ....................................................................................................................................................... 1 - 1
1.3 Training Information .......................................................................................................................................... 1 - 1
2 About This Manual ........................................................................................................... 2 - 3
2.1 Intended Use ..................................................................................................................................................... 2 - 3
2.2 Contraindications .............................................................................................................................................. 2 - 3
2.3 Certifications..................................................................................................................................................... 2 - 3
2.3.1 Safety Certifications................................................................................................................................ 2 - 3
2.3.2 EMC Certifications .................................................................................................................................. 2 - 3
2.4 Additional Information Regarding Compliance to IEC 60601-1-2/2007............................................................... 2 - 4
2.5 Restricted Sales ................................................................................................................................................ 2 - 7
2.6 Trademarks....................................................................................................................................................... 2 - 7
3 Symbols and Icons .......................................................................................................... 3 - 9
3.1 Notified Body..................................................................................................................................................... 3 - 9
3.2 Regulatory Classifications ................................................................................................................................. 3 - 9
3.3 Warnings........................................................................................................................................................... 3 - 9
3.4 Buttons and Icons ........................................................................................................................................... 3 - 10
3.4.1 Display Control Unit Buttons and Icons.................................................................................................. 3 - 10
3.4.2 Injector Head Buttons and Icons............................................................................................................ 3 - 11
3.4.3 Power Unit Icons................................................................................................................................... 3 - 12
3.5 Packaging ....................................................................................................................................................... 3 - 13
4 System Warnings, Precautions, and Notices .............................................................. 4 - 15
4.1 Warnings......................................................................................................................................................... 4 - 15
4.2 Cautions.......................................................................................................................................................... 4 - 16
4.3 Notices............................................................................................................................................................ 4 - 16
5 System Overview ........................................................................................................... 5 - 17
5.1 Injection Protection.......................................................................................................................................... 5 - 17
5.2 Pressure Limiting ............................................................................................................................................ 5 - 18
5.3 System Technical Specifications ..................................................................................................................... 5 - 18
5.3.1 Input Power Requirements.................................................................................................................... 5 - 18
5.3.2 Technical Specifications ....................................................................................................................... 5 - 19
5.4 High Pressure Connector Tubing Specifications (Non-Twist & Go).................................................................... 5 - 19
5.5 Display Control Unit......................................................................................................................................... 5 - 20
5.5.1 Display Control Unit Sterile Sheath........................................................................................................ 5 - 20
5.6 Injector Head................................................................................................................................................... 5 - 20
5.7 Power Unit ...................................................................................................................................................... 5 - 21
5.8 Imaging System Interface................................................................................................................................ 5 - 21
5.9 MEDRAD VFlow....................................................................................................................................... 5 - 21
5.10 Start Switches............................................................................................................................................... 5 - 21
5.10.1 Hand Switch and Foot Switch ............................................................................................................. 5 - 21
5.10.2 MEDRAD VFlow Hand Controller ................................................................................................. 5 - 22
5.11 Pedestal and Stand Movement ...................................................................................................................... 5 - 23
5.11.1 Pedestal System ................................................................................................................................. 5 - 23
5.11.2 Head Stand (KMA 320 RT) and Adjustable Height Stand (KMA 330) ..................................................... 5 - 24
5.11.3 Mark 7 Arterion Stand Mounting Kit Configuration............................................................................... 5 - 25

Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

6 Using and Understanding the Display Control Unit Screen ...................................... 6 - 27

6.1 Home Tab ....................................................................................................................................................... 6 - 27
6.1.1 Programmed Window ........................................................................................................................... 6 - 27
6.1.2 Actuals Window .................................................................................................................................... 6 - 28
6.1.3 Sentinel Window................................................................................................................................... 6 - 28
6.2 Protocols Tab .................................................................................................................................................. 6 - 28
6.3 History Tab...................................................................................................................................................... 6 - 28
6.4 Options Tab..................................................................................................................................................... 6 - 28
6.4.1 Modify Options ..................................................................................................................................... 6 - 29
6.5 Help Tab ......................................................................................................................................................... 6 - 29
6.6 Display Control Unit Lock-outs ........................................................................................................................ 6 - 30
6.7 Performing Touch Screen Calibration .............................................................................................................. 6 - 30
7 Using and Understanding the Injector Head............................................................... 7 - 31
7.1 Injector Head Components .............................................................................................................................. 7 - 31
7.2 Injector Head Position...................................................................................................................................... 7 - 32
7.3 Syringe Interface............................................................................................................................................. 7 - 33
7.3.1 Piston Auto Retract ............................................................................................................................... 7 - 33
7.4 Pressure Jacket .............................................................................................................................................. 7 - 33
7.4.1 Pressure Jacket Storage ....................................................................................................................... 7 - 33
7.5 Injector Head Displays..................................................................................................................................... 7 - 33
7.5.1 Flow Rate (A) ........................................................................................................................................ 7 - 34
7.5.2 Volume (B)............................................................................................................................................ 7 - 34
7.5.3 Pressure Limit (C) ................................................................................................................................. 7 - 34
7.5.4 Volume Remaining (D) .......................................................................................................................... 7 - 34
7.6 Injector Head Controls ..................................................................................................................................... 7 - 34
7.6.1 Enable Button (F) .................................................................................................................................. 7 - 35
7.6.2 Fill Strip (H)........................................................................................................................................... 7 - 35
7.6.3 Auto-Fill Button (I)................................................................................................................................. 7 - 35
7.7 Armed Light .................................................................................................................................................... 7 - 35
7.8 Manual Knob................................................................................................................................................... 7 - 36
7.9 Syringe Heat Maintainer .................................................................................................................................. 7 - 36
7.10 Injector Head Lock-outs ................................................................................................................................ 7 - 36
8 Power Up and Shutdown the Injector.......................................................................... 8 - 37
8.1 Powering up the System.................................................................................................................................. 8 - 37
8.2 Shutdown........................................................................................................................................................ 8 - 37
8.3 Emergency Shutdown ..................................................................................................................................... 8 - 37
9 Setting and Managing Protocols.................................................................................. 9 - 39
9.1 Set Injection Parameters from the Home Tab................................................................................................... 9 - 39
9.1.1 Set Injection Parameters on Home Tab - Single .................................................................................... 9 - 39
9.1.2 Set Injection Parameters on Home Tab - Phased................................................................................... 9 - 40
9.1.3 Set Injection Parameters on Home Tab - Variable Flow Rate ................................................................. 9 - 41
9.2 Manage Protocols from the Protocols Tab........................................................................................................ 9 - 42
9.2.1 Create Protocols ................................................................................................................................... 9 - 42
9.2.2 Recall a Stored Protocol........................................................................................................................ 9 - 45
9.2.3 Edit an Existing Protocol ....................................................................................................................... 9 - 46
9.2.4 Delete a Protocol .................................................................................................................................. 9 - 47
10 Preparing for Injection .............................................................................................. 10 - 49
10.1 Installing the Mark 7 Arterion or Twist & Go Syringe .................................................................................... 10 - 49
10.2 Filling and Purging the Mark 7 Arterion or Twist & Go Syringe ..................................................................... 10 - 51

Table of Contents

10.3 Installing and Purging Standard High Pressure Connector Tubing ............................................................... 10 - 52
10.4 Installing and Purging Twist & Go HPCT....................................................................................................... 10 - 53
10.5 Installing the MEDRAD VFlowHand Controller ....................................................................................... 10 - 54
10.6 Connecting to and Purging the Catheter ...................................................................................................... 10 - 55
10.7 Define a Protocol......................................................................................................................................... 10 - 56
10.8 Turn ISI On or Off ........................................................................................................................................ 10 - 56
11 Arming and Injecting ................................................................................................. 11 - 57
11.1 Purged Air Confirmation .............................................................................................................................. 11 - 57
11.2 Arming the Injector...................................................................................................................................... 11 - 57
11.2.1 Arm Single Mode .............................................................................................................................. 11 - 58
11.2.2 Arm Multi Mode ................................................................................................................................ 11 - 60
11.3 Performing an Injection ............................................................................................................................... 11 - 61
11.3.1 Performing a Single mL/s Injection in Arm Single Mode .................................................................... 11 - 61
11.3.2 Performing a Single mL/m Injection in Arm Single Mode .................................................................. 11 - 61
11.3.3 Performing a Single mL/s or Variable Flow Rate Injection in Arm Multi Mode..................................... 11 - 61
11.3.4 Performing a Phased Injection ......................................................................................................... 11 - 62
11.3.5 Performing an Injection with Imaging System Interface (ISI) .............................................................. 11 - 62
11.4 Completing an Injection .............................................................................................................................. 11 - 65
11.5 Refill Syringe During a Procedure ................................................................................................................ 11 - 66
12 Tear Down .................................................................................................................. 12 - 69
12.1 Remove Disposables ................................................................................................................................... 12 - 69
12.2 Clean up ..................................................................................................................................................... 12 - 69
12.3 Storing the Injector...................................................................................................................................... 12 - 70
13 System Messages...................................................................................................... 13 - 71
13.1 Error Messages ........................................................................................................................................... 13 - 71
13.2 Sentinel Messages ...................................................................................................................................... 13 - 71
13.3 Popup Messages......................................................................................................................................... 13 - 73
14 VirtualCARE Option ................................................................................................ 14 - 77
15 Cleaning and Maintenance ....................................................................................... 15 - 79
15.1 Daily ........................................................................................................................................................... 15 - 79
15.1.1 Cleaning the Injector Head, Syringe Heat Maintainer, Drop Front Cover, Pressure Jacket, Piston, Syringe
Interface, and Table Bracket ....................................................................................................................................... 15 - 79
15.1.2 Inspecting the Injector Head.............................................................................................................. 15 - 81
15.1.3 Inspecting the Pressure Jacket ......................................................................................................... 15 - 81
15.1.4 Inspecting the Heat Maintainer ......................................................................................................... 15 - 82
15.1.5 Inspecting the Display Control Unit.................................................................................................... 15 - 82
15.1.6 Inspecting the Table Mount Bracket.................................................................................................. 15 - 82
15.1.7 Inspecting the Pedestal..................................................................................................................... 15 - 83
15.1.8 Inspecting the Power Unit ................................................................................................................. 15 - 83
15.2 Monthly....................................................................................................................................................... 15 - 83
15.2.1 Cleaning the Display Control Unit, Pedestal, Power Unit, and Table Bracket ...................................... 15 - 83
15.2.2 Inspecting and Cleaning the Internal Air Filter ................................................................................... 15 - 83
15.2.3 Performing an Operational Checkout................................................................................................. 15 - 84
15.3 Annually...................................................................................................................................................... 15 - 86
15.3.1 Injection System Calibration.............................................................................................................. 15 - 86
15.3.2 Checking Leakage ............................................................................................................................ 15 - 86
16 Installation - System and Accessory ....................................................................... 16 - 87
16.1 Unpacking the Injection System................................................................................................................... 16 - 87

Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

16.2 Pedestal Mount Installation ......................................................................................................................... 16 - 88

16.3 Power Unit Installation................................................................................................................................. 16 - 91
16.3.1 Power Unit Connections .................................................................................................................... 16 - 92
16.3.2 Power Unit Floor Mount Bracket Assembly........................................................................................ 16 - 93
16.3.3 Relocate Power Unit Connectors ....................................................................................................... 16 - 94
16.4 Injector Head Mounting Options................................................................................................................... 16 - 95
16.4.1 Head Stand Installation (KMA 320RT)................................................................................................ 16 - 95
16.4.2 Adjustable Height Stand Installation (KMA 330) ................................................................................. 16 - 95
16.4.3 Adjustable Table Bracket Installation (KMA 350) ............................................................................... 16 - 95
16.4.4 Overhead Counterpoised System Installation..................................................................................... 16 - 95
16.5 Display Control Unit Mounting Options......................................................................................................... 16 - 95
16.5.1 Fulcrum Mount Kit Installation........................................................................................................... 16 - 95
16.5.2 Desk Stand Kit Installation ................................................................................................................ 16 - 96
16.5.3 Fixed Table Mount Installation........................................................................................................... 16 - 97
16.5.4 Wall Mount Bracket Installation......................................................................................................... 16 - 99
16.6 Accessory Installation................................................................................................................................ 16 - 101
16.6.1 Syringe Heat Maintainer Installation................................................................................................ 16 - 101
16.6.2 Syringe Pressure Jacket Installation................................................................................................ 16 - 102
16.6.3 Hand Switch and Foot Switch Installation........................................................................................ 16 - 102
16.6.4 Hand Switch Mount Kit .................................................................................................................. 16 - 103
16.6.5 Display Control Unit Sterile Sheath Installation ................................................................................ 16 - 104
16.6.6 Cable Bracket Installation ............................................................................................................... 16 - 105
16.7 Stand Mounting Kit Installation .................................................................................................................. 16 - 112
16.8 Power Unit Bracket Installation.................................................................................................................. 16 - 112
16.9 Display Control Unit (DCU) Support Assembly Installation........................................................................... 16 - 114
17 Specifications........................................................................................................... 17 - 117
17.1 System Component Weights and Dimensions ............................................................................................ 17 - 117
17.1.1 Pedestal System Weight and Dimensions........................................................................................ 17 - 117
17.1.2 Display Control Unit Weight and Dimensions ................................................................................... 17 - 118
17.1.3 Injector Head Weight and Dimensions............................................................................................. 17 - 118
17.1.4 Power Unit Weight and Dimensions ................................................................................................ 17 - 119
17.2 Mounting Components Weights and Dimensions ....................................................................................... 17 - 119
17.2.1 Pedestal Mount Weight and Dimensions ......................................................................................... 17 - 119
17.2.2 Head Stand Weight and Dimensions ............................................................................................... 17 - 120
17.2.3 Adjustable Height Stand Weight and Dimensions ............................................................................ 17 - 120
17.2.4 Stand Mounting Kit Components Weights and Dimension................................................................ 17 - 121
17.2.5 Adjustable Table Mount (KMA 350) Weight and Dimensions............................................................ 17 - 122
17.2.6 OCS Mount Weight and Dimensions................................................................................................ 17 - 122
17.2.7 Fixed Table Mount Weight and Dimensions..................................................................................... 17 - 125
17.2.8 Display Control Unit Desk Stand Mount Weight and Dimensions...................................................... 17 - 125
17.2.9 Display Control Unit Wall Mount Weight and Dimensions................................................................. 17 - 126
17.2.10 Power Unit Floor Mount Weight and Dimensions ........................................................................... 17 - 126
17.3 ISI Technical Specifications ....................................................................................................................... 17 - 127
17.3.1 ISI Output Specifications ................................................................................................................. 17 - 127
17.3.2 ISI Input Specifications.................................................................................................................... 17 - 128
17.3.3 ISI Connector Specifications............................................................................................................ 17 - 128
17.4 Environmental Specifications..................................................................................................................... 17 - 132
17.4.1 Operating........................................................................................................................................ 17 - 132
17.4.2 Non-Operating: (Transportation and Storage) .................................................................................. 17 - 132
17.4.3 EMI/RFI........................................................................................................................................... 17 - 132
17.4.4 Equipment Classification................................................................................................................. 17 - 132
17.4.5 Class I Product................................................................................................................................ 17 - 132

Table of Contents

17.4.6 Type CF Defibrillation-proof Applied Part......................................................................................... 17 - 132

17.4.7 IPX1................................................................................................................................................ 17 - 132
17.4.8 Continuous Mode of Operation........................................................................................................ 17 - 133
17.4.9 EU Directive.................................................................................................................................... 17 - 133
18 Options and Accessories ........................................................................................ 18 - 135
18.1 Mark 7 Arterion Disposables/Syringe Kits .................................................................................................. 18 - 135
18.2 Mark 7 Arterion System Mount Options ..................................................................................................... 18 - 135
18.2.1 Injector Head Mount Options........................................................................................................... 18 - 135
18.2.2 Power Unit Mount Options .............................................................................................................. 18 - 135
18.2.3 Display Control Unit Mount Options ................................................................................................. 18 - 136
18.2.4 Cable Brackets ............................................................................................................................... 18 - 136
18.3 Mark 7 Arterion Accessory Devices and Kits.............................................................................................. 18 - 136
18.3.1 Switches......................................................................................................................................... 18 - 136
18.3.2 Accessory Devices and Kits ............................................................................................................ 18 - 136
18.4 Mark 7 Arterion Cords and Cables ............................................................................................................. 18 - 137
18.4.1 Power Cords ................................................................................................................................... 18 - 137
18.4.2 Head Power and Communication Extension Cables ......................................................................... 18 - 137
18.4.3 Display Cables ................................................................................................................................ 18 - 137
18.5 OCS Mounting Systems............................................................................................................................. 18 - 138
18.5.1 Stationary Ceiling Mount................................................................................................................. 18 - 138
18.5.2 Mobile Ceiling Mount ..................................................................................................................... 18 - 138
18.5.3 Wall Mount .................................................................................................................................... 18 - 138
18.5.4 Ceiling Mount Plate......................................................................................................................... 18 - 138
18.6 OEM Imaging System Interface Cables ...................................................................................................... 18 - 138
18.6.1 General Electric .............................................................................................................................. 18 - 138
18.6.2 Philips ............................................................................................................................................ 18 - 139
18.6.3 Siemens ......................................................................................................................................... 18 - 139
18.6.4 Ziehm............................................................................................................................................. 18 - 139
18.6.5 Universal Imaging System Interface Cables..................................................................................... 18 - 139
18.6.6 Equipotential Cables ....................................................................................................................... 18 - 139
A Cable Bracket Installation Templates ...................................................................... A - 141
Index................................................................................................................................... 1-145

Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

1 Information
1.1 Important Safety Notice

This manual and the equipment it describes are for use by qualified medical professionals with
proper training and experience in angiographic procedures and the use of the Mark 7 Arterion
Injection System. The manual is intended as instructions on the proper use of the Mark 7 Arterion
Injector and Syringe.
The Mark 7 Arterion injector system is designed to operate with MEDRAD syringes and that use of
other, unauthorized syringes, may result in syringe rupture or leaking. Accordingly, only authentic
MEDRAD syringes should be used in the operation of Arterion Injector system.
The safe and effective use of the Mark 7 Arterion Injection System to a large degree depends upon
factors solely under the control of the medical professionals using the system. There is no substi-
tute for a properly trained and vigilant angiographic team. It is important that the operating instruc-
tions and the user warnings and cautions supplied with this injection system be read, understood
and followed.
Before starting any angiographic injection procedure, the angiographic team should be trained in
the particular angiographic procedures to be performed. In addition, the angiographic team should
be familiar with the medical literature related to angiographic procedures and the benefits of per-
forming angiographic procedures with automated injection systems versus the potential complica-
tions and risks, including but not limited to air embolism.
Read and understand all the information contained in this manual. Understanding this information
will assist you in operating the Mark 7 Arterion Injection System in a safe and effective manner.

1.2 Disclaimers
Operating specifications and feature availability may vary by country. Check with your local product
representative and county-specific operating instructions.
External wiring and modifications disclaimers: MEDRAD disclaims liability for any modifications or
interfaces with other equipment that are not in conformity with the specifications and information con-
tained in this manual.
Accessory equipment connected to the MEDRAD Mark 7 Arterion Injection System must be certified
according to EN 60601-1 / IEC 60601-1 standard. Furthermore, all configurations shall comply with
system standard EN 60601-1-1/IEC 60601-1-1 Second Edition and EN 60601-1/IEC 60601-1 Third
Edition. Anyone who connects additional equipment to the signal input or output part configures a
medical system and is therefore responsible that the system complies with the requirements of the
standard EN 60601-1-1/IEC 60601-1-1 Second Edition and EN 60601-1/IEC 60601-1 Third Edition. To
obtain on-site consulting or consulting references, contact MEDRAD Service.

1.3 Training Information

This manual is intended as an extension of the user interface of the Mark 7 Arterion Injection System to
provide procedural and technical information. Additional Mark 7 Arterion training information will be
available in the following formats:
On-site initial installation and additional training, as requested
In-service video/DVD
Syringe instruction for use (IFU)
Service Manual
Please contact MEDRAD Customer Service or local MEDRAD representative if any of these resources
are needed.

Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

2 About This Manual
This manual applies to the MEDRAD Mark 7 Arterion Injection System.
Read all of the information contained in this manual. Understanding this information will assist you in
operation of the MEDRAD Mark 7 Arterion Injection System in a safe manner.

2.1 Intended Use

The MEDRAD Mark 7 Arterion Injection System is intended to be used specifically for the purposes of
injecting contrast medium and common flushing solutions into humans for angiographic studies.

2.2 Contraindications
This device is not intended to be used for chemotherapy and is not intended to administer fluids other
than intravascular contrast agents and common flushing solutions.

2.3 Certifications
This device is equipped to operate at 100-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz, and is designed to comply with EN
60601-1 / IEC 60601-1 Second/Third Edition and EN 60601-1-2/IEC 60601-1-2 Third Edition.

2.3.1 Safety Certifications

The MEDRAD Mark 7 Arterion Injection System complies with the requirements of CAN/CSA-C22.2 No.
0-M91 - General Requirements - Canadian Electrical Code, Part II CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 601.1-M90 -
Medical Electrical Equipment Part I: General Requirements for Safety UL 60601-1 - Medical Electrical
Equipment IEC/CSA 601-1 - Medical Electrical Equipment Part 1: General Requirements for Safety,
CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 60601-1-08 Medical Electrical Equipment - Part 1: General Requirements for
basic safety and essential performance, ANSI/AAMI ES60601-1:2005 Medical electrical equipment,
Part 1: General requirements for basic safety and essential performance.

2.3.2 EMC Certifications

The MEDRAD Mark 7 Arterion Injection System complies with the requirements of:
EN 60601-1-2:2007 Medical Electrical Equipment-Part 1: General Requirements for Safety,
Amendment No. 2. Collateral Standard: Electromagnetic Compatibility Requirements and Tests.
EN 55011:2009/A1:2010 Limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance, characteristics of
industrial, scientific and medical radio frequency equipment.
EN 61000-3-2:2006/A2:2009 edition - Electromagnetic Compatibility - Part 3: Testing and
measurement techniques - Section 2: Harmonic current emissions test.
EN 61000-3-3:2008 edition - Electromagnetic Compatibility - Part 3: Testing and measurement
techniques- Section 3: Voltage fluctuation and flickers test.
EN 61000-4-2:2009 edition - Electromagnetic Compatibility - Part 4: Testing and measurement
techniques- Section 2: Electrostatic discharge immunity test.
EN 61000-4-3 /A2:2010 edition - Electromagnetic Compatibility - Part 4: Testing and measurement
techniques- Section 3: Radiated, radio-frequency, electromagnetic field immunity test.
EN 61000-4-4:2004/A1:2010 edition - Electromagnetic Compatibility - Part 4: Testing and
measurement techniques- Section 4: Electrical fast transient / Burst immunity test.
EN 61000-4-5:2006 edition - Electromagnetic Compatibility - Part 4: Testing and measurement
techniques- Section 5: Surge immunity test.
EN 61000-4-6:2009 edition - Electromagnetic Compatibility - Part 4: Testing and measurement
techniques- Section 6: Conducted immunity test.

Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

EN 61000-4-8:2010 edition - Electromagnetic Compatibility - Part 4: Testing and measurement

techniques- Section 8: Power frequency magnetic field immunity test.
EN 61000-4-11:2004 edition - Electromagnetic Compatibility - Part 4: Testing and measurement
techniques- Section 11: Voltage dips and interruptions immunity test.

2.4 Additional Information Regarding Compliance to IEC 60601-1-2/2007

This section is intended to reflect conformance to IEC-60601-1-2 / 2007 3rd edition.
The following statements are notices. Notices advise of circumstances that could result in damage to
the device. Read and understand these cautions before operating the injector system.

Electro-Mechanical Hazard - Equipment Damage may result.
For proper operation, use only accessories and options provided by MEDRAD that are
designed specifically for the injector system. Other non-MEDRAD approved accessories or
options may cause equipment damage or may result in increased emissions or decreased
immunity of the injector system. Injector system accessories listed in its operation
manual comply with the requirements of electromagnetic emissions and immunity
standards IEC 60601-1-2/2007 3rd edition.
Injector may disarm or fail to operate when exposed to high magnetic fields. Portable and
mobile RF communications equipment can affect the injector.
Do not use injector adjacent to or stacked with other equipment. If adjacent or stacked
use is necessary, the injector should be observed to verify normal operation in the
configuration in which it will be used.

Table 2 - 1: Recommended separation distances between portable and mobile RF communications equipment and the

The injector is intended for use in an electromagnetic environment in which radiated RF disturbances are controlled. The
customer or the user of the injector can help prevent electromagnetic interference by maintaining a minimum distance
between portable and mobile RF communications equipment (transmitters) and the injector as recommended below,
according to the maximum output power of the communications equipment

Separation distance according to frequency of transmitter

Rated maximum output

power of transmitter W
150 KHz to 80 MHz 80 MHz to 800 MHz 800 MHz to 2.5 GHz
3.5 3.5 7
d = ------- p d = ------- p d = ------ p
V1 E1 E1

0.1 0.12 0.12 0.23

0.1 0.37 0.37 0.74

1 1.17 1.17 2.33

10 3.69 3.69 7.38

100 11.67 11.67 23.33

For transmitters rated at a maximum output power not listed above, the recommended separation distance d in meters (m)
can be estimated using the equation applicable to the frequency of the transmitter, where p is the maximum output power
rating of the transmitter in watts (W) according to the transmitter manufacturer.

About This Manual

Table 2 - 1: Recommended separation distances between portable and mobile RF communications equipment and the

NOTE 1 At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the separation distance for the higher frequency applies.

NOTE 2 These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation is affected by absorption and
reflection from structures, objects and people.

to the EMC information provided below:

Table 2 - 2: Guidance and manufacturer's declaration - electromagnetic emissions

The injector is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or user of the injector
should assure that it is used in such an environment.

Emission Test Compliance Electromagnetic Environment - Guidance

The injector uses RF energy only for its internal function.

RF emissions
Group 1 Therefore, its RF emissions are very low and are not likely
to cause any interference in nearby electronic equipment.

RF emissions The injector is suitable for use in all establishments,

Class B
CISPR 11 including domestic establishments and those directly
connected to the public low-voltage power supply network
Class A that supplies buildings used for domestic purposes.

Voltage fluctuations/flicker
emissions Complies
IEC 61000-3-3

Table 2 - 3: Guidance and manufacturer's declaration - electromagnetic immunity

The injector is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or user of the injector
should assure that it is used in such an environment.

Immunity test IEC 60601 test level Compliance level Electromagnetic environment - guidance

Floors should be wood, concrete or

Electrostatic discharge
+6 kV contact +6 kV contact ceramic tile. If floors are covered with a
+8 kV air +8 kV air synthetic material, the relative humidity
IEC 61000-4-2
should be at least 30%

+2 kV for power supply +2 kV for power supply

Electrical/fast Mains power quality should be that of a
lines lines
transient/burst typical commercial or hospital
+1 kV for input/output +1 kV for input/output
IEC 61000-4-4 environment.
lines lines

Surge +1 kV differential mode +1 kV differential mode Mains power quality should be that of a
IEC 61000-4-5 +2 kV common mode +2 kV common mode typical commercial or hospital environment

Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

Table 2 - 3: Guidance and manufacturer's declaration - electromagnetic immunity

<5% UT <5% UT
(>95% dip in UT) (>95% dip in UT)
for 0.5 cycle for 0.5 cycle
Mains power quality should be that of a
40% UT 40% UT
Voltage dips, short typical commercial or hospital
(60% dip in UT) (60% dip in UT)
interruptions and environment. If the user of the injector
for 5 cycles for 5 cycles
voltage variations on requires continuous operation during
power supply input power mains interruptions, it is
70% UT 70% UT
lines recommended the injector be powered
(30% dip in UT) (30% dip in UT)
IEC 61000-4-11 from an uninterruptible power supply or
for 25 cycles for 25 cycles
<5% UT <5% UT
(>95% dip in UT) (>95% dip in UT)
for 5 sec for 5 sec

Power frequency Power frequency magnetic fields should be

(50/60 Hz) at levels characteristic of a typical location
3 A/m 3 A/m
magnetic field in a typical commercial or hospital
IEC 61000-4-8 environment.

NOTE: UT is the a.c. mains voltage prior to application of the test level.

Table 2 - 4: Guidance and manufacturer's declaration - electromagnetic immunity

The injector is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or user of the injector
should assure that it is used in such an environment.

Immunity test IEC 60601 test level Compliance level Electromagnetic environment - guidance

Portable and mobile RF communications

equipment should be used no closer to any
part of the injector, including cables, than
the recommended separation distance
calculated from the equation applicable to
the frequency of the transmitter.

Recommended Separation Distance

Conducted RF 3 V rms
3 V rms d = 1.17 p
IEC-61000-4-6 150 kHz to 80 MHz

Radiated RF 3 V/m
3 V/m 80 MHz to 800 MHz
IEC 61000-4-3 80 MHz to 2.5 GHz d = 1.17 p

About This Manual

Table 2 - 4: Guidance and manufacturer's declaration - electromagnetic immunity

800 MHz to 2.5 GHz d = 2.33 p

Where p is the maximum
output power rating of the transmitter in
watts (W) according to the transmitter
manufacturer and d is the recommended
separation distance in meters (m).
Field strengths from fixed RF transmitters,
as determined by an electromagnetic site
survey,a should be less than the
compliance level in each frequency range.b

Interference may occur in the vicinity of

equipment marked with the following

NOTE 1 At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the higher frequency range applies.
NOTE 2 These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation is affected by absorption and
reflection from structures, objects and people.

a Field strengths from fixed transmitters, such as base stations for radio (cellular/cordless) telephones and land mobile
radios, amateur radio, AM and FM radio broadcast cannot be predicted theoretically with accuracy. To assess the
electromagnetic environment due to fixed RF transmitters, an electromagnetic site survey should be considered. If the
measured field strength in the location in which the injector is used exceeds the applicable RF compliance level above, the
injector should be observed to verify normal operation. If abnormal performance is observed, additional measures may be
necessary, such as reorienting or relocating the injector.
b Over the frequency range 150 kHz to 80 MHz, field strengths should be less than 3 V/m.

2.5 Restricted Sales

Rx Only - U.S. Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a licensed health care

2.6 Trademarks
Unless otherwise indicated, all trademarks are owned by MEDRAD, INC. or licensed for its use.

Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

3 Symbols and Icons
The symbols and icons discussed in the sections below describe the requirements to which the Mark 7
Arterion Injection System conforms, how warnings are displayed in manual, and the icons used on the
equipment and equipment packaging.

3.1 Notified Body

Indicates that this device conforms to requirements of the European Medical

Device Directive 93/42/EEC

3.2 Regulatory Classifications


Type Cardial Floating (CF) Defibrillation-Proof applied part as defined by IEC


Indicates that this device conforms to CSA requirements.

IPX1 Code that specifies the degree of protection against vertically falling water
drops (IEC 60529).

Indicates separate collection for Electrical and Electronic Equipment per

Directive 2002/96/EC . Refer to the following website for additional information:

3.3 Warnings

Indicates risk of electric shock.

Indicates a pinch or crush hazard.

Attention, consult accompanying instructions.

Indicates hot surface. Item can be hot and should not be touched without taking

Pushing Prohibited. Do not push at or above this point on the Injector.

Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

Air Warning Label

Air Embolism Hazard: injury or death can result.
Read operation manual.
Expel air from syringe/disposable before connecting or injecting to
Observe change in FluiDots Indicators, for MEDRAD Syringes.

Table Mount Warning

Patient or operator injury could occur if all knobs are not properly tightened.
Ensure that all knobs are securely tightened before use. Do not overtighten.

Indicates that the information is a warning. Warnings advise you of

circumstances that could result in serious injury or death to the patient or
operator. Read and understand the warnings before operating the injection

Indicates that the information is a caution. Cautions advise you of

circumstances that could result in minor or moderate injury to the patient or
operator. Read and understand the cautions before operating the injection

Indicates that the information is a notice. Notices advise you of circumstances

NOTICE that could result in damage to the device. Read and understand the notices
before operating the injection system.

Indicates that the information that follows is additional important information or

NOTE a tip that will help you recover from an error or point you to related information
within the manual.

3.4 Buttons and Icons

The buttons on the Display Control Unit (DCU), Injector Head, and Power Unit allow operators to access
functions on the injector system. The icons used on the DCU, Injector Head, and Power Unit notify oper-
ators about system processes and identify connection ports.

3.4.1 Display Control Unit Buttons and Icons

The Display Control Unit brightness controls.

Purged Air Confirmation icon - indicates that the operator has confirmed that all
air has been purged.

Indicates that Display Control Unit is locked because someone is accessing

another Display Control Unit or the Injector Head controls.

The On/Off Switch.

3 - 10
Symbols and Icons

The hand switch connection location found on the back of the Display Control

The Power Unit cable connection location found on the back of the Display
Control Unit.

Indicates that an Imaging System Interface (ISI) is enabled and functioning

This symbol is also used throughout the manual to indicate ISI specific steps.

Operators use the End Case button to end the injection for a patient case, to
retract the syringe plunger, to clear the Total Contrast number, and to create a
record of the case.

Injection Indicator displays during an injection.

3.4.2 Injector Head Buttons and Icons

The Enable button activates the Fill Strip and Auto-Fill button.

Displays in Volume Remaining LED on the Injector Head when an operator is

accessing the Display Control Unit.

The Fill Strip allows operators to retract and advance the piston from the
Injector Head.

The Auto-Fill button fills the syringe with a user defined contrast volume and at
a user defined speed.

Identifies the Volume Remaining LED.

Identifies rotation direction on the manual knob for manually moving

the piston. Clockwise is forward movement.

The Syringe Heat Maintainer connection location.

Future expansion port.

J31 Hand Controller.

J32 Identifies the Service Port.

3 - 11
Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

Pressure Jacket Syringe Alignment.

3.4.3 Power Unit Icons

Power Unit On/Off switch.

Indicates Alternating Current and identifies the Power Unit power cord

Identifies a connection for Display Control Unit1. The Power Unit has two
connection points.

Identifies a connection for Display Control Unit2. The Power Unit has two
connection points.

Identifies the hand switch or foot switch connection.

Identifies the Equipotential connection. The Equipotential Connector (EPC) is an

electrically bonded terminal on the injector, used as a connection point between
other medical electrical equipment. The EPCs function is to minimize any
voltage potentials differences between all connected equipment. The EPC is not
designed to be an electrical safety ground.

Identifies the Earth Ground point (this terminal is meant for supplementary
grounding please contact MEDRAD prior to using this terminal).

Identifies an Injector Head connection. The Power Unit has two connection

Identifies the Imaging System Interface connection.

Identifies the CAN connection.

Identifies the service port.

NOTE: Used by MEDRAD Service or MEDRAD trained personnel.

Future expansion port.

Future expansion port.

3 - 12
Symbols and Icons

Future expansion port.

3.5 Packaging

Catalog Number

Consult instructions for use.

Do not Re-sterilize.

Do not use if package is damaged.

Do Not Reuse

Batch Code

Date of Manufacture/Sterilization

Non-Pyrogenic Fluid Path

Rx Only
Prescription Device - U.S. Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the
order of a (licensed health care practitioner).

Serial number

Sterilized using Irradiation.

Sterilized with Ethylene Oxide.

Use By

Atmospheric Pressure Limitation

3 - 13
Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

Chinese Recycling symbol for paperboard.

CB Chinese Recycling symbol for corrugated cardboard.

Do Not Stack

Authorized Representative in the European Community.

Fragile, Handle with care

Humidity limitation

ISTA tested

Keep Dry


China ROHS - Environmental Protection use Period Mark.

Temperature Limitation

This Way Up

Not made with natural rubber latex.

3 - 14
4 System Warnings, Precautions, and Notices
4.1 Warnings

Air Embolism Hazard - Serious patient injury or death may result.

Do not inject air.
Purge all air from syringe and disposables before connecting or injecting to patient.
Use only accessories and options provided by MEDRAD which are designed specifically
for the injection system.
Inspect system and do not use when signs of damage are evident.
Verify that the FluiDots indicators are rounded to ensure that fluid is present in the
No modification of equipment is allowed.
Serious patient and/or worker injury or death may result.
Use of non-MEDRAD supplied disposables, including administration sets and additions to
administration sets, such as but not limited to bleed back control devices and pressure
transducers may cause patient injury if not properly connected or flushed. These devices
must be compatible with your system. Refer to manufacturer's instructions for proper use
of these devices.
Environmental Contamination Hazard - Serious patient or worker injury or death may result.
Visually inspect contents and package before use.
Do not use if package integrity is compromised.
Cross contamination hazard - Serious patient and/or worker injury or death may result.
Ensure only MEDRAD syringes are used on the system.
Do not store filled syringes for later use.
Discard previously filled unused syringes.
Do not reuse disposables.
Procedure Delay Hazard - Serious patient and/or worker injury or death may result.
Turn off any equipment that could generate an electrostatic discharge during procedure.
Electric Shock Hazard - Serious patient and/ or worker injury or death may result.
The system should be opened and serviced by MEDRAD Service or MEDRAD trained
service personnel.
Use only power cord approved for use on Mark 7 Arterion.
For U.S installations, equipment shall only be connected to Hospital Grade or Hospital Only
Disconnect the system from line power before cleaning or attempting to perform any
maintenance or repairs.
Avoid contact with pins.
Ensure that connector covers are in place or cables are connected.
Do not allow injector head to contact patient.
Equipment must only be connected to supply mains with protective earth.
Unplug system prior to servicing.

4 - 15
Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

4.2 Cautions
Environmental Contamination Hazard - Minor or moderate patient and/ or worker injury may
Follow sterile technique specifically, maintain sterility of the syringe tip and plunger,
syringe barrel internal surface, Quick Fill Tube, high pressure connector tubing, catheter,
and Display Control Unit Sheath.
Properly discard disposables after use, in accordance with hospital hazard waste disposal
Mechanical Hazard - Minor or moderate patient and/ or worker injury may result.
Do not use injector head handle to move injector system.
Do not use the cabling or syringe to position injector system.
Do not use system in the presence of flammable or combustible gases or other agents.
Turn off system power and disconnect patient when system malfunction occurs.

4.3 Notices
Mechanical Hazard - Equipment Damage may result.
Do not hang items on the Display Control Unit or Wall Mounting Bracket.
Do not oil the friction plate on the Wall Mount Bracket.
Electro-Mechanical Hazard - Equipment Damage may result.
Do not use tools to over tighten connections or to assist in the removal of disposables.
Do not roll pedestal over cables.
Regular preventive maintenance is recommended to ensure that the system stays
calibrated and functions properly. Refer to maintenance section of this manual or contact
MEDRAD for additional information.
Allow two hours for the injector to reach room temperature before use.
Follow Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) protection practices.
Disconnect the power cord before removing or replacing PC boards.
Do not apply voltage to ISI connector.
Provide only a switch closure if the injector is being started by an external start
Do not block Power Unit vents.
Installation clearance should be a minimum of 3 to 5 inches (8 to 13 cm).
Before installing the Table Mount, ensure the table rail can withstand a minimum vertical
static load of 18 kg (40 lbs.) Refer to the table manufacturer documentation for weight
load information.
Do not over tighten Table Mount knob.
Do not force the Table Mount onto the table rail.
Loosen Table Mount knob prior to removal of components.

4 - 16
5 System Overview
This chapter describes:
"Injection Protection"
"Pressure Limiting"
"System Technical Specifications"
"High Pressure Connector Tubing Specifications (Non-Twist & Go)"
"Display Control Unit"
"Injector Head"
"Power Unit"
"Imaging System Interface"
"Start Switches"
"Pedestal and Stand Movement"

Figure 5 - 1: Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

A Display Control Unit B Injector Head C Power Unit

5.1 Injection Protection

The following means are provided to protect against over and under injections:
An on-screen indication of insufficient volume is provided whenever the total volume programmed to
be delivered is greater than the amount of fluid in the syringe.
The system monitors injections to detect over rate or over volume conditions due to system faults. The
delivered volume is also monitored against the total programmed volume for the injection.
Once the system has disarmed a tone will sound and a disarm message displays on the Display Control
Unit screen.
When any fault condition is detected, the injection will stop.

5 - 17
Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

5.2 Pressure Limiting

The purpose of the programmed pressure limit is to protect the patient, the catheter, and any dispos-
able device attached to the injector.
As a general rule, set pressure limit no higher than the max pressure rating of the weakest component
in the fluid path (tubing, stopcocks, connectors, catheters, administration sets, etc.).
Max pressure rating examples for an example scenario:
Tubing - 1200 psi
Stopcock - 1050 psi
Catheter - 1200 psi
In this case, set the pressure limit no higher than 1050 psi because anything higher could potentially
cause the component to fail.
Typical factors to consider and how they affect Pressure:

Effects on Pressure
Decrease Increase
Pressure Pressure

Fluid Viscosity Low High

Catheter and
Short Long
Tubing Length

Catheter ID Large Small

Consider the above factors when setting pressure limit to achieve the desired injection flow rate.
Proper pressure limit setting optimizes the angiographic images.
The injector applies the minimum pressure needed to achieve the programmed flow rate. If the pres-
sure from the injector exceeds the programmed pressure limit, the system cannot achieve the flow rate
and a Sentinel message displays.
Pressure information can be found in the History tab.

5.3 System Technical Specifications

5.3.1 Input Power Requirements
100-240 VAC
50/60 Hz
1000 VA

5 - 18
System Overview

5.3.2 Technical Specifications

Table 5 - 1: System Technical Specs

0.1-45.0 mL/s in 0.1 mL/s

increments (single and phased)
Flow Rate:
0.1-59.9 mL/m in 0.1 mL/m
increments (single mL/m)

1.0-10.0 mL/s in 0.1mL/s

increments (variable)

Volume: 1-150 mL in 1 mL increments

Pressure Limit (150 mL 100-1200 psi in 1 psi increments

syringe): 689-8273 kPa in 1 kPa increments

Rise Time: 0.0-9.9 seconds in 0.1s increments

0.0-99.9 seconds in 0.1s

Delay Time:

Fill Speed: 1-20 mL/s in 1 mL/s increments

Fill Volume: 1-150 mL in 1 mL increments

Syringe Size: 150 mL

Protocol Memory: 40 Protocols

Injection History Memory 50 Injections

5.4 High Pressure Connector Tubing Specifications (Non-Twist & Go)

The injection system was designed to use the MEDRAD Mark 7 Arterion Syringe and Twist and Go
Syringe. When using the Mark 7 Arterion Syringe, tubing should meet the following specifications to
operate in a safe and effective manner.
Disposable tubing shall be rated to a minimum of 1200 psi
Disposable tubing shall have a minimum internal diameter of .070" with a maximum length
of 72".
Syringe interface luer shall be a standard female luer as defined in:
ISO 594-1:1986
EN 20594-1:1993/AC:1996/A1:1997.
Catheter interface luer shall be a standard male luer as defined in:
ISO 594-1:1986
ISO 594-2: 1998
EN 20594-1:1993/AC:1996/A1:1997.
Disposable tubing shall be made from a clear polymeric material that allows for proper visu-
alization of fluid path to ensure all air has been adequately purged with fluid before connec-
tion to a patient.

5 - 19
Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

5.5 Display Control Unit

The injection system Display Control Unit consists of a touch screen display. From the Display Control
Unit, an operator can manage protocols, arm and disarm the injector, review injection history, set
options, and view help topics.

Figure 5 - 2: Display Control Unit

The injection system supports the connection of a second Display Control Unit. In a two Display Control
Unit system, both Display Control Units have the same controls and functionality. Depending on opera-
tional situations, only one of the Display Control Units may be active at a time. For example, if an oper-
ator is entering a protocol on a Display Control Unit in the Control room, the system locks-out the
Display Control Unit in the Scan room. See 6.6 Display Control Unit Lock-outs for more information.
For more information about the navigating through Display Control Unit screens, see Chapter 6 Using
and Understanding the Display Control Unit Screen

5.5.1 Display Control Unit Sterile Sheath

If the Display Control Unit will be used in the Sterile Field, a sheath such as the MEDRAD Display
Control Unit Sheath (AVA 500 DCOV) should be used. See 16.6.5 Display Control Unit Sterile Sheath

5.6 Injector Head

The Injector Head has a handle that is used to rotate the head. The Injector Head position determines
what functions are active and what values display on the Injector Head. The Injector Head keypad and
Manual Knob can be used to fill and purge a syringe. A drop front allows operators to load syringes
from the front. The Syringe Heat Maintainer clamps onto the Pressure Jacket and connects to the
underside of the Injector Head and is designed to keep pre-warmed contrast in the syringe.
For more information about the Injector Head or the Syringe Heat Maintainer, see Chapter 7 Using and
Understanding the Injector Head.

Figure 5 - 3: Injector Head

5 - 20
System Overview

5.7 Power Unit

The injection system Power Unit supplies power to the Injector Head and the Display Control Unit. As
the main communications hub, the Power Unit provides system communications to all connected com-
ponents. A green light illuminates when the Power Unit is on.
The front plate on the Power Unit contains a serviceable air filter. For cleaning instructions, see Chapter
15 Cleaning and Maintenance.

5.8 Imaging System Interface

The Imaging System Interface (ISI) allows the injection system to interface with an imaging system to
provide synchronization of an injection and an X-ray exposure. To use ISI on the injection system, con-
figure the system from the Display Control Unit Options tab. See Chapter 6Using and Understanding
the Display Control Unit Screen. For more information on how ISI interacts with the injection system,
see 11.3.5 Performing an Injection with Imaging System Interface.

5.9 MEDRAD VFlow

MEDRAD VFlow enables the use of Variable Flow Rate injections. In the Variable Flow Rate injec-
tion mode, the injector automatically re-arms after each injection. A Variable Flow Rate injection can be
initiated by the Hand Controller and ranges from 1 - 10 mL/sec in increments of 0.1 mL/sec. Variable
Flow Rate is intended for use in those procedures where low volumes are injected and Variable Flow
Rate control is desired. The system has an option for receiving audible feedback when using the Hand
Controller. The feedback indicates the flow rate.
See 6.4 Options Tab for instructions on how to enable MEDRAD VFlow.

5.10 Start Switches

The injection system can be used with a hand switch, foot switch and/or hand controller. The switches
allow the operator to initiate an injection.
Single mL/s Phased Variable Flow Rate Single mL/m
Hand switch X X X
Foot switch X X X
Hand Controller X X X X

5.10.1 Hand Switch and Foot Switch

Figure 5 - 4: Hand Switch and Foot Switch

For installation instructions, see 16.6.3 Hand switch and Foot switch Installation.

5 - 21
Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

5.10.2 MEDRAD VFlow Hand Controller

The MEDRAD VFlow Hand Controller is a sterile device intended for single patient use.
The Hand Controller works in two different modes, Variable Flow Rate and Fixed Flow Rate. When in
the Variable Flow Rate injection mode, the flow rate increases incrementally as the Hand Controller
plunger (A) is depressed, and decreases as the Hand Controller is released. In the Fixed Flow Rate
injection mode, the Hand Controller acts as a start switch, and release of the device ceases all flow.
The Hand Controller button (B) is non-functional and will beep from the Injector head and DCU when

Figure 5 - 5: Hand Controller

NOTE: The hand controller is required to perform Variable Flow Rate injections. For instal-
lation instructions, see 10.5 Hand Controller Installation.

5 - 22
System Overview

5.11 Pedestal and Stand Movement

5.11.1 Pedestal System
Place pedestal system components into the approximate positions shown in Figure 5 - 6 prior to
moving the system. When necessary, lift pedestal by using the handle to move over obstacles.

Figure 5 - 6: Approximate Component Positions for System Movement

5 - 23
Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

5.11.2 Head Stand (KMA 320 RT) and Adjustable Height Stand (KMA 330)
Place hands in the positions shown in Figure 5 - 7 to move an injector Head mounted on a Head Stand
and Adjustable Height Stand over obstacles.

Figure 5 - 7: Approximate Hand Positions to Move Head Stand and Adjustable Height Stand Over

5 - 24
System Overview

5.11.3 Mark 7 Arterion Stand Mounting Kit Configuration

Place the Mark 7 Arterion Stand Mounting Kit components into the approximate positions and place
hands in the positions shown in Figure 5 - 8 prior to moving the system.

Figure 5 - 8: Approximate Hand Positions to Move Stand Mounting Kit Configuration over

5 - 25
Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

5 - 26
6 Using and Understanding the Display Control Unit Screen
The Display Control Unit touch screen has five tabs from which an operator can manage protocols, arm
and disarm the injector, review injection history, set options, and view help topics.
NOTE: An operator will be locked-out from a Display Control Unit if another operator is
performing functions on the Injector Head or another Display Control Unit con-
nected to the same system.
The chapter discusses:
"Home Tab"
"Protocols Tab"
"History Tab"
"Options Tab"
"Help Tab"
"Display Control Unit Lock-outs"
"Performing Touch Screen Calibration"

6.1 Home Tab

Operators can set protocols, select the Single or Phased protocol, or arm the injector on the Home tab.
This tab has a Programmed window (A), Actuals window (B), and Sentinel window (C). Each of these
windows is discussed below.

Figure 6 - 1: Home Tab

6.1.1 Programmed Window

The Programmed window displays the protocol parameters for an injection including Flow Rate, Vol-
ume, Pressure, Rise time (Rise Time is not listed for Variable Flow Rate or mL/m protocols), and Delay
(Delay is not listed for phased and Variable Flow Rate or mL/m protocols).
Operators can set Single mL/s and mL/m, Phased, and Variable Flow Rate protocols from the Pro-
grammed window. For more information, see 9.1 Set Protocols Parameters from the Home Tab.

6 - 27
Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

6.1.2 Actuals Window

The Actuals window displays Peak (maximum Flow Rate achieved), Delivered (actual total volume
delivered), Total Contrast (total volume delivered for the current case), and the End Case button. An
operator presses the End Case button after completing a patient procedure and before removing the
disposables to retract the syringe plunger. This button also zeroes the Total Contrast and creates a new
case entry on the History tab. For more information on cases, see 6.3 History Tab.

6.1.3 Sentinel Window

The Sentinel window displays system messages, such as Rotate head down to arm. The Sentinel
window also displays the status of the last injection.
The Sentinel window message flashes momentarily when the system cannot arm.
A list of messages is available in Chapter 13 System Messages.

6.2 Protocols Tab

Operators can store new protocols, recall stored protocols, and edit existing protocols on the Protocols
tab. For information on how to manage protocols from the Protocols tab, see 9.2 Manage Protocols
from the Protocols Tab.
NOTE:To set protocol parameters from the Home tab, see 9.1 Set Protocols Parameters
from the Home Tab.

6.3 History Tab

The History tab shows a list of the last 50 injections with date and time of the injection and the pro-
grammed parameters and actuals. Injections are grouped by case. Cases are reset when an operator
selects the End Case button from the Home tab.
For example, an operator may want to group all of the injections for one patient together. The operator
performs all of the injections for a patient. The operator then selects the End Case button after the last
injection has completed. The system groups all of the injections for that patient together. This group of
injections can be retrieved from the History tab.

6.4 Options Tab

Operators can modify system settings from the Options tab. A green LED displays beside the current
setting for each option. When an operator changes a setting, the system adds an asterisk next to the
option name to identify unconfirmed setting changes. To enable the new settings, select one of the
other tabs, such as Home. A popup displays requesting confirmation for the new value. Select Yes to
confirm the setting. Select No to go to the selected tab without saving the changes; the system reverts
to the previous settings.

Table 6 - 1: Options

Option Description

Language Sets the Display Control Unit display language.

Flow Rate Select mL/m or mL/s.

Determines the volume of contrast drawn into the syringe when an

Fill Volume
operator presses the Auto-Fill button on the Injector Head.

Determines the speed at which the injector draws contrast into the
Fill Speed syringe when an operator presses the Auto-Fill button on the Injector

6 - 28
Using and Understanding the Display Control Unit Screen

Table 6 - 1: Options

Option Description

Enables or disables Imaging System Interface (Single mL/s protocols


Enables or disables the piston auto retract feature. See 7.3.1 Piston
Auto Retract
Auto Retract for more information.

Phased Enables or disables Phased protocols.

Date/Time Sets the system date and time and the calibration date.

Pressure Units Sets the pressure measurement to PSI or kPa. PSI is set by default.

Head Audio Volume Sets the audio volume level for the Injector Head.

DCU Audio Volume Sets the audio volume level for the Display Control Unit.

Used by MEDRAD Service or MEDRAD trained personnel to activate


Enables Variable Flow Rate injections when this feature is activated

from Upgrade. Contact MEDRAD to enable this feature.

When MEDRAD VFlow is enabled, the system provides a sound

Audio Feedback
when the Hand Controller plunger is depressed.

6.4.1 Modify Options

To modify an option:
1. Select the Options tab. A list of options displays. For an explanation of the options, see
Table 6 - 1.
2. Select an option. A center panel displays with setting choices or a numeric keypad based on
the option.
3. Make the appropriate changes.
4. Select another tab to save the changes. A popup displays requiring confirmation to save the
changes or revert back to previous settings. Select Yes to save changes. Select No to revert
back to previous settings.

6.5 Help Tab

The Help tab provides a list of help topics.
To view a help topic
1. Select the Help tab.
2. Select the topic name.

6 - 29
Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

6.6 Display Control Unit Lock-outs

The Display Control Unit will be locked-out while an operator is interacting with the Injector Head con-
trols, or while an operator is accessing another Display Control Unit in a dual Display Control Unit sys-
The inactive Display Control Unit remains in lock-out until (A):
1. the operator finishes accessing the active Display Control Unit, and active Display Control
Unit displays the Home tab,
2. or, an operator has accessed the active Display Control Unit and doesnt do anything for a
3. or, an operator has not interacted with the Injector Head controls for a period of several sec-

Figure 6 - 2: Display Control Unit Locked Out

6.7 Performing Touch Screen Calibration

Calibrate the Display Control Unit if the touch screen does not respond appropriately when pressing
buttons on the screen. To calibrate at the Safety Screen, simultaneously press the Brightness Up and
Brightness Down buttons on the back of the Display Control Unit. Follow the on-screen instructions
that display.
NOTE: Touch the center of the calibration targets to ensure proper touch screen calibra-

Figure 6 - 3: Touch Screen Calibration

6 - 30
7 Using and Understanding the Injector Head
This chapter describes:
"Injector Head Components"
"Injector Head Position"
"Syringe Interface"
"Pressure Jacket"
"Injector Head Displays"
"Injector Head Controls"
"Armed Light"
"Manual Knob"
"Syringe Heat Maintainer"
"Injector Head Lock-outs"

7.1 Injector Head Components

Figure 7 - 1: Injector Head

Pressure Jacket - See 7.4 Pressure

A Drop Front B

Injector Head Displays - See 7.5 Injector

C Injector Head Handle. D
Head Displays

Injector Head Controls - See 7.6 Injector

E F Armed Light - See 7.7 Armed Light
Head Controls

G Manual Knob - See 7.8 Manual Knob

7 - 31
Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

7.2 Injector Head Position

The Mark 7 Arterion Injector Head contains a sensor that monitors the heads position: Purge (upright)
(X), Intermediate (Y), or Inject (downward) (Z). The head position determines how the data displays and
the available functions. Use the handle and the back of the Injector Head (but not the Manual Knob) to
rotate the head into position.

Figure 7 - 2: Injector Head Position

Table 7 - 1: Injector Head Position and Functionality

Injector Head Position

Purge (X) Intermediate (Y) Inject (Z)

Fill Enabled Enabled Enabled

Enabled (the system does Enabled (the system does

not recognize a purge in not recognize a purge in
Purge Enabled
this position and will not this position and will not
arm) arm)

Inject Disabled Disabled Enabled

7 - 32
Using and Understanding the Injector Head

7.3 Syringe Interface

The syringe interface supports a single 150 mL syringe. Operators can attach a syringe to the head
from the front of the injector (front loading). The syringe locks into place when the drop front is fully
closed. An operator can remove the syringe from the piston rod at any point within the normal travel of
the piston by rotating the syringe 1/4 turn clockwise, while the Injector Head is powered on or off, and
without removing the disposable set from the syringe.

7.3.1 Piston Auto Retract

The Mark 7 Arterion Injection System has an auto retract option that automatically retracts the piston
when the Injector Head is in the Purge position. Below are the two scenarios that describe how this
feature functions when the Injector Head is in the Purge Position or in the Intermediate and Inject Posi-
tions (see 7.2 Injector Head Position for a description of the positions).
Purge position - The operator lowers the drop front and removes the syringe. The Injector
Head beeps three times and auto-retracts to the syringe ready position.
Intermediate and Inject Positions - The operator lowers the drop front, removes the
syringe, and rotates the Injector Head into the Purge (upright) position. The injector Head
beeps three times and auto-retracts to the syringe ready position.
NOTE: Press any key on the Injector Head to halt the auto retract.
NOTE: Enable the auto retract feature from the Options tab. See 6.4 Options Tab for
more information.

7.4 Pressure Jacket

The Mark 7 Arterion has a Pressure Jacket designed to hold the syringe in place and help to maintain
syringe integrity during use.

Figure 7 - 3: Pressure Jacket

The Pressure Jacket is manufactured from high impact resistant material; however, sharp impacts
such as from dropping, may cause small barely visible cracks to form, which may propagate during
subsequent pressure cycles.

7.4.1 Pressure Jacket Storage

When not in use, the Pressure Jacket should remain securely attached to the Injector Head. Alterna-
tively, the Pressure Jacket may be wrapped in a cloth and stored where it will not be hit or dropped.
After each procedure, check the Pressure Jacket for contrast build up. For Pressure Jacket cleaning
and maintenance, Chapter 15 Cleaning and Maintenance.

7.5 Injector Head Displays

The Injector Head has two display areas. One area shows the programmed parameters for flow rate,
volume, and pressure limit. The other area shows the volume remaining in the syringe.

7 - 33
Mark 7 Arterion Injection System




Figure 7 - 4: Injector Head Display

A Flow Rate B Volume

C Pressure Limit D Volume Remaining

E Volume Remaining Icon F Enable Button

G Enable Indicator H Fill Strip

I Auto-Fill Button

7.5.1 Flow Rate (A)

The flow rate displays the programmed rate. For Phased protocols, the Injector Head displays the val-
ues of the current phase. The flow rate displays in per second or per minute mode based on the proto-
col parameters. Operators can change the flow rate mode using the Options tab. See the 6.4 Options
Tab for more information.

7.5.2 Volume (B)

The volume displays the programmed volume in milliliters. For Phased protocols, the Injector Head dis-
plays the values of the current phase.

7.5.3 Pressure Limit (C)

The pressure limit indicates the maximum pressure that the system can use to inject contrast for the
programmed protocol. The limit displays in either psi or kPa. To understand more about pressure limit-
ing, see 5.3 Pressure Limiting or the Display Control Unit Help Tab.

7.5.4 Volume Remaining (D)

The volume remaining indicates the amount of contrast currently in the syringe.

7.6 Injector Head Controls

The Injector Head Controls on the injection head display contain the Enable button, Enable Indicator,
Fill Strip, and Auto-Fill button.

7 - 34
Using and Understanding the Injector Head

7.6.1 Enable Button (F)

The Enable button activates the Fill Strip and Auto-Fill button. After pressing the Enable button, the
Enable Indicator (G) illuminates and the Fill Strip and Auto-Fill button stay active while in use or for
five seconds of inactivity.

7.6.2 Fill Strip (H)

The Fill Strip allow operators to advance and retract the piston on the Injector Head. After pressing the
Enable button, press the forward arrows (closest to syringe) to advance the piston, or press the
reverse arrows (farthest from syringe) to retract the piston. The piston speed increases progressively
as an operator presses the arrows farther away from the Enable button.

7.6.3 Auto-Fill Button (I)

The Auto-Fill button fills the syringe with a user defined contrast volume and at a user defined speed.
After pressing the Enable button, press the Auto-Fill button. Configure the volume and speed from the
Options tab. See the 6.4 Options Tab.

7.7 Armed Light

The Armed Light (J) remains illuminated when the system is armed. The light flashes once every sec-
ond when injecting

Figure 7 - 5: Armed Light

7 - 35
Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

7.8 Manual Knob

Use the Manual Knob (K) to manually advance or retract the piston. Turn the knob clockwise to
advance the piston and counterclockwise to retract the piston.

Figure 7 - 6: Manual Knob

7.9 Syringe Heat Maintainer

The Syringe Heat Maintainer clamps onto the Pressure Jacket and connects to the underside of the
Injector Head and is designed to keep pre-warmed contrast in the syringe. For information on installing
the Syringe Heat Maintainer, see the 16.6.1 Syringe Heat Maintainer Installation.

7.10 Injector Head Lock-outs

The Injector Head will be locked-out while an operator is accessing a Display Control Unit. LOC displays
in the volume remaining.
The Injector Head remains in lock-out until:
1. An operator finishes accessing the active Display Control Unit, and active Display Control Unit
displays the Home tab,
2. or, an operator has accessed the active Display Control Unit and doesnt do anything for a

7 - 36
8 Power Up and Shutdown the Injector
This chapter describes:
"Powering up the System"

8.1 Powering up the System

Electric Shock Hazard - Minor or moderate patient and/ or worker injury may result.
Verify that the voltage and frequency marked on the serial tag on the Power Unit matches
the voltage and frequency of the electrical outlet.
Do not use extension cord or power adaptor with the system.
1. Press the Power Switch on the Power Unit.
2. Open the power switch cover on the Display Control Unit, and press the Power Switch. A
splash screen and then a safety screen displays.
3. Close the power switch cover.
4. Read the warnings and press Continue. The Home tab displays.

8.2 Shutdown
1. Open the power switch cover on the Display Control Unit, and press the Power Switch.
2. Close the power switch cover.
3. Press the Power Switch on the Power Unit.

8.3 Emergency Shutdown

Mechanical Hazard - Minor or moderate patient and/ or worker injury may result.
Turn off system power and disconnect patient when system malfunction occurs.

In the event of an emergency such as a fire, explosion, or electrical shock, press the Power Switch at
either the Display Control Unit or Power Unit, or disconnect the power cord from the wall outlet to shut
down the system.

8 - 37
Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

8 - 38
Setting and Managing Protocols

9 Setting and Managing Protocols

Over Volume Hazard - Serious patient injury or death may result.

Do not program a protocol outside of the clinically accepted volume range.
Ensure that the correct volume is programmed in the protocol for the target anatomy.
Vessel Dissection Hazard - Serious patient injury or death may result.
Do not program a protocol outside of the clinically accepted flow rate range.
Ensure that the correct flow rate is programmed in the protocol for the target anatomy.
Do not program a protocol outside of the clinically accepted pressure limit.
Ensure that the correct pressure limit is programmed in the protocol for the target
Foreign Body Embolism Hazard - Serious patient injury or death may result.
Do not program a pressure greater than the lowest rated disposables pressure rating.
Bloodborne contamination hazard - Serious patient and/or worker injury or death may
Do not program a pressure greater than the lowest rated disposables pressure rating.

This chapter discusses how to:

"Set Injection Parameters from the Home Tab"
"Manage Protocols from the Protocols Tab"

9.1 Set Injection Parameters from the Home Tab

NOTE: Refer to syringe and disposable packaging to confirm lowest pressure rating prior
to programing an injection.

9.1.1 Set Injection Parameters on Home Tab - Single

A Single protocol injects a set Volume of contrast at one flow rate, pressure, rise time, and delay time
(if using ISI).
NOTE: Delay and rise time are not available for mL/m protocols.
1. Select the Single tab (A).

Figure 9 - 1: Set Single Protocol

9 - 39
Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

NOTE: The displayed values are based on the last used protocol or the default values.
2. Select the box corresponding to a parameter to change it.
3. Use the numeric keypad to enter the protocol parameter.
4. Commit the value by selecting Enter or another parameter.
5. Select Delay. A numeric keypad displays with X-Ray and Inject buttons.
a. Enter the delay time. Setting delay time to zero is equivalent to having no delay.
b. Select X-Ray or Inject.
c. Select Enter to commit the value.
NOTE: A programmed delay parameter only functions when using ISI.
6. Repeat steps 2-4 to change additional parameters.

9.1.2 Set Injection Parameters on Home Tab - Phased

Phased Protocols have up to four different sets of flow rates and volumes for single continuous injec-
tion. Operators can enter up to four phases per protocol. The pressure limit remains consistent for each
NOTE: The initial rise time is dependent on the value the operator enters. The intra-phase
rise time is fixed.
NOTE: If the Phased option is not visible, go to the Display Control Unit Options tab to
enable Phased injections. See 6.4 Options Tab.
NOTE: ISI does not function with Phased protocols.
1. Select the Phased tab (A).

Figure 9 - 2: Set Phased Protocol

From the Programmed window, operators can modify protocol parameters and existing
phases, add phases, or delete phases.
To modify an existing phase, go to step 2.
To modify the pressure limit, rise time, or delay, go to step 3.
To add a phase, go to step 4.
To delete a phase, go to step 5.
2. To modify values for an existing Phase, select the Flow Rate or Volume to the right of the
index number (B) for that phase.
a. Select either Flow Rate or Volume.
b. Use the numeric keypad to enter the protocol parameter.
c. Commit the value by selecting Enter or another parameter.

9 - 40
Setting and Managing Protocols

d. Repeat this step to change additional parameters.

NOTE: When editing a phase, an operator cannot delete a phase.
3. Select Pressure Limit or Rise Time to change that parameter.
a. Use the numeric keypad to enter the protocol parameter.
b. Commit the value by selecting Enter or another parameter.
4. To add a phase, select the index number (C) for the phase directly below the last entered
phase. A new phase is added with flow rate and volume both equal to 1.
a. In the new phase, select either Flow Rate or Volume.
b. Use the numeric keypad to enter the protocol parameter.
c. Commit the value by selecting Enter or another parameter.
d. Repeat this step to add additional parameters.
5. To delete a phase, select the index number for the phase. If a lower numbered phase is
deleted, the higher number remaining phases are renumbered. For example, in a three phase
protocol, if Phase 1 is deleted, Phases 2 and 3 become Phases 1 and 2.
NOTE: If values for only one phase exist, that phase cannot be deleted.

9.1.3 Set Injection Parameters on Home Tab - Variable Flow Rate

A Variable Flow Rate protocol injects a set Volume of contrast at a Flow Rate determined by the Hand
Controller. As an operator depresses the Hand Controller plunger, the system increases the Flow Rate
until it reaches the maximum Flow Rate set by the operator.
NOTE: If the Variable Flow Rate option is not visible, go to the Display Control Unit Options
tab to enable MEDRAD VFlow. See 6.4 Options Tab.
NOTE: ISI does not function with Variable Flow Rate protocols.
1. Select the Variable tab (A).

Figure 9 - 3: Set Variable Flow Rate Protocol

NOTE: The displayed values are based on the last used protocol or the default values.
2. Select the box corresponding to a parameter to change it.
3. Use the numeric keypad to enter the protocol parameter.
4. Commit the value by selecting Enter or another parameter.
5. Repeat steps 2-4 to change additional parameters.

9 - 41
Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

9.2 Manage Protocols from the Protocols Tab

NOTE: To store, view, or edit mL/m, Phased, or Variable Flow Rate protocols, enable that
protocol type from the Display Control Unit Options tab. See 6.4 Options Tab. If
the mL/m option is enabled, only mL/m protocols display.

9.2.1 Create Protocols

The injection system can store up to 40 protocols. The number of protocols stored on the system dis-
plays in the upper right corner of the Protocols tab. Each protocol stores the volume, flow rate, pres-
sure limit, rise time, and delay.
NOTE: Refer to syringe and disposable packaging to confirm lowest pressure rating prior
to programing and injection. Create a New Single mL/s or mL/m Protocol on the Protocols tab
A Single protocol consists of a single volume, flow rate, pressure limit, rise time, and delay.
NOTE: Delay and rise time are not available for mL/m protocols.
1. Select the Protocols tab.

Figure 9 - 4: Protocols Tab - Single Protocols

2. Select the Type (B) button until Single is highlighted. A list of Single protocols displays.
3. Select the blank blue button (A).
NOTE: If a blank button is not visible, scroll through the list of protocols until one displays.
If a blank button is not available or 0 Available displays in the upper right corner,
the system cannot store any more protocols. Delete a protocol to add a new one.
4. Enter the protocol name.
5. Select a parameter and enter the values for the selected parameter.
NOTE: If an operator tries to commit a value outside of the acceptable range, an audible
beep sounds and the parameter range blinks in the keypad.
6. Select a different parameter to commit the values.
7. To enter a delay, select Delay.
a. Enter the delay time. Setting the delay time to zero is equivalent to having no delay.
b. Select X-Ray or Inject.
NOTE: A programmed delay parameter only functions when using ISI.
8. Select Save.

9 - 42
Setting and Managing Protocols Create a New Phased mL/s Protocol on the Protocols tab

Phased protocols consist of multiple phases of Volumes and flow rates with a single pressure limit and
rise time.
NOTE: ISI does not function with Phased protocols.
1. Select the Protocols tab.

Figure 9 - 5: Protocols Tab - Phased Protocols

2. Select the Type (B) button until Phased is highlighted. A list of Phased protocols displays.
NOTE: If the Phased button on the Protocols tab is not displayed, go to the Options tab to
enable Phased Protocol. See 6.4 Options Tab.for more information.
3. Select the blank blue button (A).
NOTE: If a blank button is not visible, scroll through the list of protocols until one displays.
If a blank button is not available or 0 Available displays in the upper right corner,
the system cannot store any more protocols. Delete a protocol to add a new one.
4. Enter the protocol name.
5. To enter phases:
a. Select Volume or Flow Rate. Phase 1 displays with default values.
b. Select Volume or Flow Rate for Phase 1 to modify the settings.

9 - 43
Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

Figure 9 - 6: Index Number

c. To enter a new phase, select an empty index number (C). A new phase is added with
default values for flow rate and volume.
d. Enter the phase values, as needed
NOTE: The currently selected values update in the top row parameters. The value in the
Phased Selection pane does not update until the value is committed.
e. To commit the values, select a different parameter.
f. Repeat this step for each phase to be added.
6. Select Pressure or Rise Time.
a. Enter the parameter values.
b. To commit the values, select a different parameter.
c. Repeat this step for each parameter to be set.
NOTE: The operator enters the initial rise time. The intra-phase rise time is fixed.
7. Select Save. Create a New Variable Flow Rate Protocol on the Protocols tab
A Variable Flow Rate protocol injects a set Volume of contrast at a Flow Rate determined by the Hand
Controller. As an operator depresses the Hand Controller plunger, the system increases the flow rate
until it reaches the maximum Flow Rate set by the operator.
NOTE: If the Variable Flow Rate option is not visible, go to the Display Control Unit Options
tab to enable MEDRAD VFlow. See 6.4 Options Tab.
NOTE: ISI does not function with Variable Flow Rate protocols.
1. Select the Protocols tab.
2. Select the Type button until Variable is highlighted. A list of Variable Flow Rate protocols dis-

9 - 44
Setting and Managing Protocols

Figure 9 - 7: Protocols Tab - Variable Flow Rate Protocols

3. Select the blank blue button (A).
NOTE: If a blank button is not visible, scroll through the list of protocols until one displays.
If a blank button is not available or 0 Available displays in the upper right corner,
the system cannot store any more protocols. Delete a protocol to add a new one.
4. Enter the protocol name.
5. Select a parameter and enter the values for the selected parameter.
NOTE: If an operator tries to commit a value outside of the acceptable range, an audible
beep sounds and the parameter range blinks in the keypad.
6. Select a different parameter to commit the values.
7. Select Save.

9.2.2 Recall a Stored Protocol

An operator can recall a protocol for use, view the parameters, edit the parameters, or delete the pro-
1. Select the Protocols tab. The currently selected protocol (A) on the Home tab displays at the
top of the list.

Figure 9 - 8: Active Protocol

9 - 45
Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

2. Select the Type button to display the type of protocol to be recalled.

3. Select the Sort button to sort the protocols. The options are:
Sort A-Z
Sort Z-A
Most Frequently Used
Most Recently Used
4. Press the up or down arrow to locate the protocol.
5. Select the protocol name to load the protocol for use. The system returns to the Home tab
with the selected protocol parameters displayed.

9.2.3 Edit an Existing Protocol Edit Single ml/s or ml/m or Variable Flow Rate Protocol

1. If in the Armed state, select Disarm.
2. Select the Protocols tab.
3. Select the Type button to display the protocol type to be edited.
NOTE: If the Variable Flow Rate type is not displayed, go to the Options tab to enable
MEDRAD VFlow. See 6.4 Options Tab.
4. Navigate to the desired protocol.
5. Select the Edit button.
6. Select a parameter to change it.
7. Use the keypad to enter the new values.
8. Commit the value by selecting Enter or another parameter. Edit Phased mL/s Protocol

1. If in the Armed state, select Disarm.
2. Select the Protocols tab.
3. Select the Type button to display the protocol type to be edited.
NOTE: If the Phased type is not displayed, go to the Options tab to enable Phased Proto-
col. See 6.4 Options Tab.
4. Navigate to the desired protocol.
5. Select the Edit button.
6. To edit phases:
a. Select a parameter. The phased protocol displays.
b. Locate the phase to be edited.
c. Select a parameter, such as Volume or Flow Rate.
d. Use the keypad (A) to enter the values for the selected parameter.

9 - 46
Setting and Managing Protocols

Figure 9 - 9: Edit Phased Protocols

e. To commit the values, select a different parameter.
f. Repeat steps b through e for each parameter to be edited.
7. To add phases:
a. Select an empty index number (B) for the phase. A new phase is added with Flow Rate
and Volume both equal to 1and Flow Rate is selected.
b. Edit Flow Rate or select another parameter.
c. Use the keypad (A) to enter the values for the selected parameter.
d. To commit the values, select a different parameter.
8. To delete a phase, select the index number for the phase. If a lower numbered phase is
deleted, the higher number remaining phases are renumbered. For example, in a three phase
protocol, if Phase 1 is deleted, Phases 2 and 3 become Phases 1 and 2.
9. To edit the Pressure Limit or Rise Time select the corresponding box.
a. Enter the values for the selected parameter.
b. To commit the values, select a different parameter.
c. Repeat this step for each parameter to be edited.
10. Select Save.

9.2.4 Delete a Protocol

NOTE: An operator cannot delete a protocol, if it is active on the Home tab.
1. Select the Protocols tab.
2. Select the Type button to display the protocol type to be deleted.
3. Navigate to the desired protocol using the page arrows or sort button.
4. Select the Edit button for the protocol to be deleted.
5. Select Delete.
6. Select Yes on the confirmation popup to delete the protocol.

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Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

9 - 48
10 Preparing for Injection

Cross Contamination Hazard - Serious patient and/or worker injury or death may result.
Do not re-use disposables
Foreign Body Embolism Hazard - Serious patient injury or death may result.
Follow contrast manufacturer recommendations for contrast use.
Ensure that contrast has not crystallized in the system prior to use.
Thrombus Hazard - Serious patient injury or death may result:
Do not leave injector system attached to a static fluid system for an extended period of

Environmental Contamination Hazard - Minor or moderate patient and/ or worker injury may
Properly discard disposables after use, in accordance with hospital hazard waste disposal
Do not store contrast media in syringe.
Follow contrast manufacturer recommendations for contrast use.

This chapter describes:

"Installing the Mark 7 Arterion or Twist & Go Syringe"
"Filling and Purging the Mark 7 Arterion or Twist & Go Syringe"
"Installing and Purging Standard High Pressure Connector Tubing"
Installing and Purging Twist & Go HPCT
"Connecting to and Purging the Catheter"
"Define a Protocol"
"Turn ISI On or Off"

10.1 Installing the Mark 7 Arterion or Twist & Go Syringe

Air Embolism Hazard - Serious patient injury or death may result.

Ensure that patient is not connected while purging air from syringe, or engaging or
advancing plunger.
Inspect Pressure Jacket and replace when signs of damage are evident.
Environmental Contamination Hazard - Minor or moderate patient and/ or worker injury may
Visually inspect contents and package before use.
Do not use if package integrity is compromised.
Cross Contamination Hazard - Serious patient and/or worker injury or death may result.
Use caution when removing air from the syringe. Component damage may result from the
use of tools during air removal.
Do not store filled syringes for later use.
Bloodborne Contamination Hazard- Serious patient and/or worker injury or death may result.
Ensure only MEDRAD syringes are used on the system.

10 - 49
Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

Environmental Contamination Hazard - Minor or moderate patient and/ or worker injury may
Visually inspect contents and package before use.
Do not use disposables past Use By date identified on the package.
Do not use if package integrity is compromised.
Follow sterile technique principles, specifically, maintain sterility of the syringe tip,
plunger, syringe barrel internal surface, and Quick Fill Tube.
Do not scrape off dried, potentially contaminated contrast into the head cavity during
syringe installation.
Do not reuse disposables.
Prior to installing a syringe, ensure that the system is on and the pressure jacket is installed.
1. Ensure the syringe piston is fully retracted. To retract the piston, press the Enable button (A),
and then press reverse arrows (B) on the Fill Strip (C).

Figure 10 - 1: Install Syringe

NOTE: Your finger placement on the Fill Strip determines the speed at which the syringe
retracts or advances. Move your finger farther from the Enable button to increase
the speed.
2. Open the syringe package and remove the syringe.
3. Insert the syringe in the Pressure Jacket. Install the syringe with the raised syringe alignment
key (D) aligned with the triangle (E) on the Pressure Jacket.
4. Maintain syringe tip sterility, and raise and completely close the drop front (F).
5. On the Injector Head, press the Enable button, and then press the forward arrows (G) on the
Fill Strip to fully advance the plunger in the syringe.

10 - 50
Preparing for Injection

10.2 Filling and Purging the Mark 7 Arterion or Twist & Go Syringe

Air Embolism Hazard - Serious Patient Injury or Death May Result.

Ensure that one operator is designated as being responsible for filling and refilling the
syringe. Do not change operators during the procedure. If an operator change must occur,
ensure that the new operator verifies that the fluid path is purged of air.
Ensure that patient is not connected while purging air from syringe, or engaging or
advancing plunger.
Orient the Injector head to the Purge (upright) position during filling of syringe and purging
of air.
Purge all air out of syringe and any and all disposables after filling.
Tap syringe after filling to facilitate air removal.
Verify that the FluiDots indicators are rounded to ensure that fluid is present in the
Bloodborne Contamination Hazard - Serious patient and/or worker injury or death may
Do not grasp the drop front, pressure jacket, or syringe to rotate the Injector Head.
Cross Contamination Hazard - Serious patient and/or worker injury or death may result.
Use caution when removing air from the syringe. Component damage may result from the
use of tools during air removal.

Environmental Contamination Hazard - Minor or moderate patient and/ or worker injury may
Follow sterile technique principles, specifically, maintain sterility of the syringe tip,
plunger, syringe barrel internal surface, and Quick Fill Tube.
Operators can fill a syringe using the Fill Strip or the Auto-Fill button.
1. Use the handle and the back of the Injector Head (but not the Manual Knob) to rotate the
Injector Head to the Purge (upright) position.
2. Remove the Quick Fill Tube from the syringe package.
3. Remove the dustcap from the syringe tip and set aside maintaining sterility.
4. Attach the short end of the Quick Fill Tube to the syringe tip.
NOTE: The Quick Fill Tube can be attached without repositioning the FasTurn nut (H) (Mark
7 Arterion Syringe only) attached to the syringe tip.
5. Insert the long end of the Quick Fill Tube into the fluid source (usually contrast media). Raise
the contrast bottle until the Quick Fill Tube is fully inserted into the contrast.
NOTE: Use a MEDRAD Quick Fill Tube or equivalent device to reduce the volume and size
of air bubbles drawn into the syringe during filling. It is more difficult to remove the
air bubbles if you use smaller diameter tubes or a tube longer than 10 in. (25 cm.)
6. On the Injector Head, press the Enable button (A), and then press and hold the reverse
arrows (B) on the Fill Strip (C) until the system fills the syringe with the desired contrast vol-
Alternatively, on the Injector Head, press the Enable button and then press and release
the Auto-Fill button (I). The Mark 7 Arterion fills the syringe with the preconfigured con-
trast volume at the preconfigured speed. The volume and speed are configured from the
Display Control Unit Options tab.
7. If required, use your free hand to gently tap the base of the Pressure Jacket to facilitate
migration of air bubbles remaining within the syringe and on the syringe plunger to the
syringe tip.

10 - 51
Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

8. Carefully observe the FluiDots indicators to ensure that fluid is present in the syringe. Verify
that the FluiDots indicators are round in the filled portion of the syringe. The rounded shape
of the FluiDots indicators varies according to the type of contrast media, but an oblong shape
indicates the presence of air. Rounded FluiDots indicators do not indicate the total absence of
air bubbles in the syringe tip.

Empty Syringe Filled Syringe

Figure 10 - 2: FluiDots Indicators
9. Purge all air out of syringe after filling. Turn the Manual Knob (J) clockwise to remove air from
the syringe.
10. Visually confirm that all air bubbles have been removed from the syringe. Tap syringe after
filling to facilitate air removal.
11. Remove the Quick Fill Tube from the syringe tip.
12. The system is ready to accept installation of the High Pressure Connector Tubing (HPCT). If
you are not installing the HPCT at this time, replace the sterile dustcap.
NOTE: Refer to 5.5 High Pressure Connector Tubing Specifications for high pressure
connector tubing specifications.

10.3 Installing and Purging Standard High Pressure Connector Tubing

Air Embolism Hazard - Serious patient injury or death may result.

Securely tighten the high pressure connector tubing to syringe connection. Component
damage may result from the use of tools during tightening.
Remove all air from the high pressure connector tubing.
Use caution when removing air from the syringe or tubing connections. Component
damage may result from the use of tools during air removal.
Ensure that patient is not connected while purging air from high pressure connecting
tubing, or engaging or advancing plunger.
Bloodborne Contamination Hazard - Serious patient and/or worker injury or death may
Securely tighten the high pressure connector tubing to syringe connection. Component
damage may result from the use of tools during tightening.
Use caution when removing air from the syringe or tubing connections. Component
damage may result from the use of tools during air removal.
Avoid contact of and damage to syringe tip, tubing, and connections when manipulating
injector position.
Do no reuse disposables.
Do not exceed pressure identified on the disposable packaging.

Environmental Contamination Hazard - Minor or moderate patient and/or worker injury may
Follow sterile technique principles, specifically, maintain sterility of the syringe tip and the
high pressure connector tubing.
Do not reuse disposables.

10 - 52
Preparing for Injection

NOTE: Refer to 5.5 High Pressure Connector Tubing Specifications for high pressure
connector tubing specifications.
1. Remove the Dust cap from the syringe tip if attached.
2. Insert the high pressure connector tubing into FasTurn nut (H) on the Mark 7 Arterion Syringe.
3. Turn the FasTurn nut clockwise to securely tighten the high pressure connector tubing to the
syringe tip.
4. Purge all air from the high pressure connector tubing. Turn the Manual Knob clockwise to
push contrast out until all of the air bubbles have been removed from the high pressure con-
nector tubing. Gentle tapping at any connection point may be needed to facilitate air removal.
NOTE: Ensure at least 3.5mL of fluid has been purged.
NOTE: If the operator performs any reverse movement greater than 15 mL after purging
air, the operator must disconnect the patient and perform a purge action in the
Purge position. If a purge action is not completed, the Injector will not arm when
returned to the Inject position.
5. Rotate the head to the downward position prior to arming and injecting. Do not grasp the
drop front, pressure jacket, syringe or tubing to rotate the injector head.

10.4 Installing and Purging Twist & Go HPCT

Air Embolism Hazard - Serious patient injury or death may result.

Securely tighten the high pressure connector tubing to syringe connection. Component
damage may result from the use of tools during tightening.
Remove all air from the high pressure connector tubing.
Use caution when removing air from the syringe or tubing connections. Component
damage may result from the use of tools during air removal.
Ensure that patient is not connected while purging air from high pressure connecting
tubing, or engaging or advancing plunger.
Bloodborne Contamination Hazard - Serious patient and/or worker injury or death may
Securely tighten the high pressure connector tubing to syringe connection. Component
damage may result from the use of tools during tightening.
Use caution when removing air from the syringe or tubing connections. Component
damage may result from the use of tools during air removal.
Avoid contact of and damage to syringe tip, tubing, and connections when manipulating
injector position.
Do no reuse disposables.
Do not exceed 1200 PSI.
Use only MEDRAD Twist & Go High Pressure Connector Tubing with the Twist & Go

Environmental Contamination Hazard - Minor or moderate patient and/or worker injury may
Follow sterile technique principles, specifically, maintain sterility of the syringe tip and the
high pressure connector tubing.
Do not reuse disposables.
NOTE: Use Twist & Go HPCT only with Twist & Go Syringes.
1. Remove the dust cap from the syringe tip if attached.
2. Insert the Twist & Go High Pressure Connector Tube onto the Twist & Go syringe tip.

10 - 53
Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

Figure 10 - 3: Twist & Go Connection

3. Turn the (A) Luer nut clockwise to securely tighten the high pressure connector tubing to the
syringe tip (B).
4. Purge all air from the high pressure connector tubing. Turn the Manual Knob clockwise to
push contrast out until all of the air bubbles have been removed from the High Pressure Con-
nector Tube. Gentle tapping at any connection point may be needed to facilitate air removal.
NOTE: If the operator performs any reverse movement greater than 15ml after purging air,
the operator must disconnect the patient and perform a purge action in the Purge
position and ensure at least 3.5ml of fluid has been purged. If a purge action is not
completed, the Injector will not arm when returned to the Inject position.

10.5 Installing the MEDRAD VFlowHand Controller

1. Ensure that the injector is in the disarmed state.
2. Open the hand controller bag using sterile technique.
3. Using sterile technique, remove the hand controller from the bag.
4. Plug the hand controller into the underside of the Injector Head (see drawing below). Listen
for an audible click to confirm proper connection.

Figure 10 - 4: Hand Controller Connector

NOTE: If the hand controller is damaged or does not work properly, discontinue use and

10 - 54
Preparing for Injection

10.6 Connecting to and Purging the Catheter

Air Embolism Hazard - Serious patient injury or death may result.

Advance the piston prior to connection between the high pressure connector tubing and a
catheter or other non-MEDRAD disposables including administration sets and additions to
administration sets, such as but not limited to bleed back control devices and pressure
Aspirate via the manual knob when connecting to the high pressure connector tubing and
a catheter or other non-MEDRAD disposables including administration sets and additions
to administration sets, such as but not limited to bleed back control devices and pressure
transducers to ensure all air has been removed from the fluid path.
Securely tighten the catheter to high pressure connector tubing connection to the catheter
or other non-MEDRAD disposables including administration sets and additions to
administrations sets, such as but not limited to bleed back control devices and pressure
transducers to ensure all air has been removed from the fluid path.
Do not inject air.
Purge all air from syringe and disposables before connecting or injecting to patient.
Bloodborne Contamination Hazard - Serious patient and/or worker injury or death may
Securely tighten the catheter to high pressure connector tubing connection to catheter or
other non-MEDRAD disposables including administration sets and additions to
administration sets, such as but not limited to bleed back control devices and pressure
transducers to ensure all air has been removed from the fluid path.
Do not grasp the drop front, pressure jacket, or syringe to rotate the Injector Head.
Thrombus Hazard - Serious patient injury or death may result:
Do not pull excessive blood back into syringe.

Environmental Contamination Hazard - Minor or moderate patient and/or worker injury may
Follow sterile technique principles, specifically, maintain sterility of the high pressure
connector tubing, catheter, and other connection points.
This section assumes that the catheter has already been inserted into the patient and that air has been
removed from the high pressure connector tubing as outlined in 10.3 Installing and Purging Standard
High Pressure Connector Tubing, or 10.4 Installing and Purging Twist & Go HPCT.
1. Use the handle and the back of the Injector Head (but not the Manual Knob or tubing) to
rotate the Injector Head to the Inject (downward) position.
2. Secure the catheter hub in one hand and the distal rotating luer of the HPCT in the other
3. Advance the piston using the Manual Knob prior to connecting the high pressure connector
tubing to a catheter or other non-MEDRAD disposables including administration sets and
additions to administration sets, such as but not limited to bleed back control devices and
pressure transducers.
4. Securely tighten the high pressure connector tubing connection to the catheter or other non-
MEDRAD disposables including administration sets and additions to administration sets, such
as but not limited to bleed back control devices and pressure transducers.
5. Aspirate via the manual knob when connecting to the high pressure connector tubing and a
catheter or other non-MEDRAD disposables including administration sets and additions to
administration sets, such as but not limited to bleed back control devices and pressure trans-
ducers to ensure all air has been removed from the fluid path.

10 - 55
Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

6. Stop aspirating with manual knob once blood is visualized in the high pressure connector
NOTE: If the operator performs any reverse movement greater than 15 mL after purging
air, the operator must disconnect the patient and perform a purge action in the
Purge position. If a purge action is not completed, the Injector will not arm when
returned to the Inject position.
7. Verify that there no air is in the high pressure connector tubing.
a. If there is air in the tubing, disconnect from patient, remove air, and try fluid to fluid con-
nection again.
8. Once it has been established that all air has been removed, turn the Manual Knob clockwise
to clear blood from high pressure connector tubing.
The system is ready to define protocols or arm.

10.7 Define a Protocol

Recall a protocol from the Protocols tab or set a protocol from the Home tab. For more information,
see Chapter 9 Setting and Managing Protocols.
The Injector is ready to be armed. For more information, refer to Chapter 11 Arming and Injecting.

10.8 Turn ISI On or Off

NOTE: To use ISI, ISI must be enabled from the Options tab and turned on from the Home
1. Select the Single tab.
NOTE: If the ISI On/Off buttons are not available, confirm the ISI has been enabled on the
Options tab.
NOTE: The ISI tab is not available for ml/m, Phased, or Variable Flow Rate protocols.
2. Select On or Off. The ISI symbol (A) indicates that ISI is on.

Figure 10 - 5: ISI Enabled

10 - 56
11 Arming and Injecting

Vessel Dissection Hazard - Serious patient injury or death may result.

Do not move injector head or pedestal while catheter is connected to patient.

This chapter discusses:

Purged Air Confirmation.
Arming the Injector.
Performing an Injection.
Completing an Injection.
Refill Syringe During a Procedure.
NOTE: If the operator performs any powered reverse movement with the Injector Head in
the Inject (downward) position after purging air, the operator must perform a purge
action while the head is in the Purge (upright) position. If a purge action is not
completed, the injector will not arm.

11.1 Purged Air Confirmation

Air Embolism Hazard - Serious patient injury or death may result.

Do not inject air.
Purge all air from syringe and disposables before connecting or injecting to patient.
Verify that the FluiDots indicators are rounded to ensure that fluid is present in the

Before arming, the system prompts the operator to confirm that air has been purged from the syringe
and disposable set. Once in the armed stated, the system will not prompt the operator to check for air
unless the operator performs an action that may introduce air into the disposable set, such as opening
the drop front or a powered reverse piston movement. It is the operators responsibility to successfully
purge all air from the system.
The Purged Air Confirmation icon displays on the Display Control Unit after the operator confirms air is
expelled from syringe and disposable set. The icon remains active until the system requires the
operator to re-check for air.

11.2 Arming the Injector

Air Embolism Hazard - Serious patient injury or death may result.

Do not inject air.
Purge all air from syringe and disposables before connecting or injecting to patient.
Use only accessories and options provided by MEDRAD which are designed specifically
for the injection system.
Inspect system and do not use when signs of damage are evident.
Verify that the FluiDots indicators are rounded to ensure that fluid is present in the
Use the handle and the back of the Injector Head (but not the Manual Knob or tubing) to
rotate the head to the Inject (downward) position prior to arming and injecting.
Avoid contact of and damage to syringe tip, tubing, and connections when manipulating
injector position.
This section describes how to arm in arm single mode and arm multi mode.

11 - 57
Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

Before an operator performs the arming process, the Sentinel window displays messages to indicate
any remaining tasks that need to be performed to complete the arming process:
a syringe is present.
the Injector Head is in the Inject (downward) position.
the drop front is closed.
a purge has been completed.
The system removes the messages as each task is performed.
Operators can change the protocol parameters from the Home tab or Protocols tab when in the armed

11.2.1 Arm Single Mode

NOTE: The term start switch is used in this section to refer to the hand switch, foot switch
or hand controller.
The Arm Single mode is used in Single (mL/s and mL/m) protocols and Phased protocols. This mode
allows for one injection.
Single and Phased mL/s Injection: The injection starts when the operator presses and holds the start
Single mL/m Injection: The injection starts when the operator presses the start switch.
1. Select the Home tab.
2. Single mL/s protocols: select Arm Single (A).

Figure 11 - 1: Single Arm

11 - 58
Arming and Injecting

Single mL/m and Phased protocols: select Arm (B).

Figure 11 - 2: Phased protocol

3. Visually confirm that all air has been purged from the syringe and disposable set, and select
NOTE: There is sufficient volume remaining in the syringe. For Single mL/s and mL/m
protocols with insufficient volume remaining in the syringe for the programmed
protocol, the system gives the option of overriding the programmed volume and
using the available volume remaining. If the operator selects Yes, the system arms
with the new programmed volume. If the operator selects No, the system will not
arm. Adjust the protocol volume to be equal or less than the volume remaining in
the syringe. For Phased protocols with insufficient volume remaining in the syringe
for the programmed protocol, the system will not arm.
NOTE: If the injector is set in the mL/m mode, a confirmation popup displays confirming
that the injection will be performed using mL/m.
NOTE: The system stays armed until:
the operator presses Disarm.
any Injector Head button is pressed.
a reverse piston motion of greater than 2 mL occurs via the Manual Knob.
the drop front is lowered.
the Injector Head is rotated out of the Inject position.
a start switch is connected or disconnected.
a 30 minute time-out occurs.
ISI signals a disarm.
4. The Armed Light illuminates solid and the system is ready for injection. For more information,
refer to 11.3 Performing an Injection.

11 - 59
Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

11.2.2 Arm Multi Mode

NOTE: The term start switch in this section is used to refer to the hand switch, foot switch
or hand controller.
The Arm Multi mode is available only for Single mL/s and Variable Flow Rate protocols. This mode
allows for multiple injections per arming sequence. An injection starts when the operator presses and
holds the start switch. After each injection, the system re-arms if all of the system tests described in
step 3 below pass.
1. Select the Home tab.
2. Single mL/s protocols: select Arm Multi (A). Variable Flow Rate protocols: select Arm (B).

Figure 11 - 3: Arm Multi

Figure 11 - 4: Arm Variable

3. Visually confirm that all air has been purged from the syringe and disposable set, and select
NOTE: There is sufficient volume remaining in the syringe. If there is not sufficient volume
remaining in the syringe for the programmed protocol, the system gives the option
of overriding the programmed volume and using the available volume remaining. If
the operator selects Yes, the system arms with the new programmed volume. If the
operator selects No, the system will not arm. The operator needs to adjust the
protocol Volume equal to or less than the volume remaining in the syringe.

11 - 60
Arming and Injecting

NOTE: The system will stay armed until:

the user presses Disarm.
any Injector Head button is pressed.
a reverse piston motion of greater than 2 mL occurs via the manual knob.
the drop front is lowered.
the head is rotated out of the Inject position.
a start switch is connected or disconnected.
a 30 minute time-out occurs.
ISI signals a disarm.
4. The Armed Light illuminates solid and the system is ready for injection. For more information,
refer to 11.3 Performing an Injection.

11.3 Performing an Injection

The Mark 7 Arterion Injection System can perform Fixed Flow Rate and Variable Flow Rate injections.
For Fixed Flow Rate, Arm Single mode injections, the injector disarms after the injection is complete or
an operator releases the hand switch, foot switch, or Imaging System start switch. For Fixed Flow Rate,
Arm Multi mode injections and Variable Flow Rate injections, the injector remains armed until one of
the disarm criteria are met.
NOTE: Ensure the fluid path is open before performing an injection.

11.3.1 Performing a Single mL/s Injection in Arm Single Mode

NOTE: The term start switch in this section is used to refer to the hand switch, foot switch
or hand controller.
1. Press and hold the start switch to start the injection, and continue holding until the injection
is complete.
The system stops injecting and disarms when:
the programmed volume is delivered, or
the operator releases the start switch, or
the operator presses the Display Control Unit screen or Injector Head controls.
During the injection, the Injection Indicator displays below the syringe graphic and the Armed
Light flashes.
2. Go to 11.4 Completing an Injection.

11.3.2 Performing a Single mL/m Injection in Arm Single Mode

NOTE: The term start switch in this section is used to refer to the hand switch, foot switch
or hand controller.
1. Press and release the start switch to start the injection.
The system stops injecting and disarms when:
the programmed volume is delivered, or
the operator presses and releases the start switch again, or
the operator presses the Display Control Unit screen or Injector Head controls.
During the injection, the Injection Indicator displays below the syringe graphic and the Armed
Light flashes.
2. Go to 11.4 Completing an Injection.

11.3.3 Performing a Single mL/s or Variable Flow Rate Injection in Arm Multi Mode
NOTE: The term start switch in this section is used to refer to the hand switch, foot switch
or hand controller.
1. Press and hold the start switch to start the injection, and continue holding until the injection
is complete.
The system stops injecting and remains armed when:

11 - 61
Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

the programmed volume is delivered and the volume remaining in the syringe is suffi-
cient to perform another injection, or
the operator release the start switch and the volume remaining in the syringe is suffi-
cient to perform another injection, or
the operator presses and release another start switch connected to the system and the
volume remaining in the syringe is sufficient to perform another injection.
The system disarms when:
the operator releases the start switch and the volume remaining in the syringe is in-suf-
ficient to perform another injection, or
the operator presses and releases another start switch and the volume remaining in the
syringe is in-sufficient to perform another injection, or
the operator presses the Display Control Unit screen or Injector Head controls.
During the injection, the Injection Indicator displays below the syringe graphic and the Armed
Light flashes.
2. Repeat step step 1 to perform additional injections.
3. Go to 11.4 Completing an Injection.

11.3.4 Performing a Phased Injection

NOTE: The term start switch in this section is used to refer to the hand switch, foot switch
or hand controller.
1. Press and hold the start switch to start the injection, and continue holding until the injection
is complete. The system injects the contrast per the parameters for each phase.
The system stops injecting and disarms when:
the programmed volume is delivered, or
the operator releases the start switch, or
the operator presses and releases another start switch connected to the system, or
the operator presses the Display Control Unit screen or Injector Head controls.
During the injection, the Injection Indicator displays below the syringe graphic and the Armed
Light flashes.
2. Go to 11.4 Completing an Injection.

11.3.5 Performing an Injection with Imaging System Interface (ISI)

NOTE: To use ISI, it must enabled from the Options tab and turned on from the ISI tab.
The functionality of the Injector hand switch or foot switch and the Imaging System start switch is
determined by the interconnecting cable and the configuration within the Imaging System. The order in
which the systems are initiated determines whether an injection occurs, an X-ray occurs, or neither.
The typical operating scenarios are described in the following tables. Consult with the Field Engineer
for the Imaging System to confirm its internal configuration.
The tables in the subsections below show the Imaging Systems covered in this section and how each
functions with the Mark 7 Arterion Injection System.
NOTE: Call MEDRAD Customer Service to determine compatibility of other Imaging
NOTE: The MEDRAD catalog numbers, for the Imaging Systems listed below, is located on
the cable near the Mark 7 Arterion Power Unit.

11 - 62
Arming and Injecting Injection System Initiates Injection

Table 11 - 1 shows the results of pressing the Mark 7 Arterion Injection System hand switch or foot
switch to initiate the protocol.

Table 11 - 1: Injection System Initiates Injection

OEM MEDRAD Catalog Number Action

GE XMC 915R No Injection/No X-ray

XMC 917A No Injection/No X-ray

GE/OEC XMC 990R Injection Only

Philips XMC 925A No Injection/No X-ray

XMC 927A
Injection Only
1 knob operation

XMC 927A No injection/No X-ray

2 knob operation

XMC 928A
Injection Only
1 knob operation

XMC 928A No injection/No X-ray

2 knob operation

XMC 945 40 No Injection/No X-ray

XMC 947R
Injection Only
1 knob operation

XMC 947R
No Injection/No X-ray
2 knob operation

Siemens XMC 970A No Injection/No X-ray

XMC 977A No Injection/No X-ray

Toshiba XMC 906i Injection Only

Shimadzu XMC 906i Injection Only

Hitachi XMC 906i Injection Only

Ziehm XMC 951A Injection Only Imaging System Initiates Protocol

Table 11 - 2 shows the results of pressing the Imaging System start switch to initiate the protocol.

Table 11 - 2: Imaging System Initiates Injection

OEM MEDRAD Catalog Number Action

GE XMC 915R Injection and X-ray

XMC 917A Injection and X-ray

11 - 63
Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

Table 11 - 2: Imaging System Initiates Injection

OEM MEDRAD Catalog Number Action

GE/OEC XMC 990R Injection and X-ray

Philips XMC 925A No Injection/No X-ray

XMC 927A
Injection and X-ray
1 knob operation

XMC 927A
No Injection/No X-ray
2 knob operation

XMC 928A
Injection and X-ray
1 knob operation

XMC 928A
No Injection/No X-ray
2 knob operation

XMC 945 40 No Injection/No X-ray

XMC 947R
Injection and X-ray
1 knob operation

XMC 947R
No Injection/No X-ray
2 knob operation

Siemens XMC 970A Injection and X-ray

XMC 977A Injection and X-ray

Toshiba XMC 906i Injection and X-ray

Shimadzu XMC 906i Injection and X-ray

Hitachi XMC 906i Injection and X-ray

Ziehm XMC 951A Injection and X-ray Injection System and Imaging System Initiate Protocol - (Philips Imaging Systems
Table 11 - 3 shows the results of pressing the Mark 7 Arterion Injection System hand switch or foot
switch and the Philips Imaging System start switch simultaneously to initiate the protocol.
NOTE: For the Imaging Systems listed in this chapter, only Philips requires an operator to
press the injector hand switch or foot switch and Imaging System switch
simultaneously to initiate a protocol.

Table 11 - 3: Injection System and Imaging System Initiate Protocol

OEM MEDRAD Catalog Number Action

Philips XMC 925A Injection and X-ray

XMC 927A Independent Actions - See

1 knob operation Tables 10-1 and 10-2

XMC 927A
Injection and X-ray
2 knob operation

11 - 64
Arming and Injecting

Table 11 - 3: Injection System and Imaging System Initiate Protocol

OEM MEDRAD Catalog Number Action

XMC 928A Independent Actions - See

1 knob operation Tables 10-1 and 10-2

XMC 928A
Injection and X-ray
2 knob operation

XMC 945 40 No Action

XMC947R Independent Actions - See

1 knob operation Tables 10-1 and 10-2

XMC 947R
Injection and X-ray
2 knob operation

11.4 Completing an Injection

The injection system stops an injection when the programmed volume is delivered, or an operator
terminates the injection. In the Sentinel window, an Injection Complete message displays for a
completed injection, and a Premature Termination message displays for an operator terminated
injection. The system emits an audible beep when the injection is complete.
NOTE: If finished with a Case, proceed to Chapter 12 Tear Down.
NOTE: To continue with a case, proceed to Section 11.5 Refill Syringe During a
Procedure to refill a syringe, or return to Section 11.2 Arming the Injector to
NOTE: If End Case pressed inadvertently, press No on the popup that appears to return to
the current Case.
NOTE: To continue with a case after inadvertently pressing End Case and then pressing
Yes on the popup, disconnect the patient, rotate the Head in the Purge position
(upward), and purge the system of all air. Rearm the system.

11 - 65
Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

11.5 Refill Syringe During a Procedure

Air Embolism Hazard - Serious patient injury or death may result.

Ensure that one operator is designated as being responsible for filling and refilling the
syringe. Do not change operators during the procedure. If an operator change must occur,
ensure that the new operator verifies that the fluid path is purged of air.
Ensure that patient is not connected while purging air from syringe, or engaging or
advancing plunger.
Orient the Injector Head to the upright (Purge) position during filling of syringe and purging
of air.
Purge all air out of both the high pressure connector tubing and syringe after refilling
Tap syringe after filling to facilitate air removal.
Verify that the FluiDots indicators are rounded to ensure that fluid is present in the
Cross Contamination Hazard - Serious patient and/or worker injury or death may result.
Use caution when removing air from the syringe. Component damage may result from the
use of tools during air removal.

Environmental Contamination Hazard - Minor or moderate patient and/ or worker injury may
Follow sterile technique principles, specifically, maintain sterility of the syringe tip, high
pressure connector tubing, and catheter.

Refill only using the high pressure connector tubing from an appropriately labeled fluid source within
the sterile field as described below.
1. Disconnect the high pressure connector tubing from the catheter.
2. Secure the distal connector of the high pressure connector tubing while using the handle and
the back of the Injector Head (but not the Manual Knob) to rotate the Injector Head in the
Purge (upright) position.
3. Insert the distal connector of the high pressure connector tubing into the contrast medium.
4. On the Injector Head, press the Enable button, and then press the reverse arrows on the Fill
Strip until the system fills the syringe with the desired contrast volume.
Alternatively, on the Injector Head, press the Enable button and then press the Auto-Fill
button. The Mark 7 Arterion fills the syringe with the preconfigured contrast volume at
the preconfigured speed. The volume and speed are configured from the Display Control
Unit Options tab.
5. If air bubbles remain within the syringe, including the syringe plunger, use your free hand to
gently tap the base of the Pressure Jacket to facilitate migration of the bubbles to the syringe
tip to ensure that all air bubbles are expelled.
6. Carefully observe the FluiDots indicators to ensure that fluid is present in the syringe. Verify
that the FluiDots indicators are round in the filled portion of the syringe. The rounded shape
of the FluiDots indicators varies according to the type of contrast media, but an oblong shape
indicates the presence of air. Rounded FluiDots indicators do not indicate the total absence of
air bubbles in the syringe tip.
7. Turn the Manual Knob clockwise to purge all air out of the syringe.
8. Visually confirm that all air bubbles have been removed from the syringe. Tap the pressure
jacket after filling to facilitate air removal.
9. Secure the distal connector of the high pressure connector tubing.

11 - 66
Arming and Injecting

10. Turn the Manual Knob clockwise to push contrast out until all of the air bubbles have been
removed from the high pressure connector tubing. Gentle tapping at any connection point
may be needed to facilitate air removal.
11. Use the handle and the back of the Injector Head (but not the Manual Knob or tubing) to
rotate the Injector Head to the Inject (downward) position.
12. Secure the catheter hub in one hand and the distal rotating luer of the high pressure connec-
tor tubing in the other hand.
13. Advance the piston using the Manual Knob prior to connecting the high pressure connector
tubing to a catheter or other non-MEDRAD disposables including administration sets and
additions to administration sets, such as but not limited to bleed back control devices and
pressure transducers.
14. Securely tighten the high pressure connector tubing connection to the catheter or other non-
MEDRAD disposables including administration sets and additions to administration sets, such
as but not limited to bleed back control devices and pressure transducers.
15. Aspirate via the manual knob when connecting to the high pressure connector tubing and a
catheter or other non-MEDRAD disposables including administration sets and additions to
administration sets, such as but not limited to bleed back control devices and pressure trans-
ducers to ensure all air has been removed from the fluid path.
16. Stop aspirating with manual knob once blood is visualized in high pressure connector tubing.
NOTE: If the operator performs any reverse movement greater than 15 mL after purging
air, the operator must disconnect the patient and perform a purge action in the
Purge position. If a purge action is not completed, the Injector will not arm when
returned to the Inject position.
17. Verify that there is no air in the high pressure connector tubing.
a. If there is air in the tubing, disconnect from patient, remove air, and try fluid to fluid con-
nection again.
18. Once it has been established that all air has been removed, advance the Manual Knob for-
ward to clear blood from high pressure connector tubing.

11 - 67
Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

11 - 68
12 Tear Down

Biological Contamination Hazard - Serious patient and/or worker injury or death may result.
Properly discard disposables after use or if contamination may have occurred during
setup or use.

This chapter discusses how to tear down and immediate cleaning of the injection system.

12.1 Remove Disposables

Bloodborne Contamination Hazard - Serious patient and/or worker injury or death may
Press the End Case button on the Display Control Unit. Select Yes to acknowledge that
you want to end the case, and that the patient has been disconnected from the system.
Alternatively, turn the Manual Knob counter-clockwise to retract the syringe plunger
at least 2 mL.
Properly discard disposables after use, in accordance with hospital hazard waste disposal
1. Disconnect the disposable tubing set from the vascular entry device, such as a catheter or
sheath. The disposable tubing set does not need to be disconnected from the syringe.
2. Press the End Case button on the Display Control Unit. Select Yes to acknowledge that you
want to end the case, and that the patient has been disconnected from the system.
Alternatively, turn the Manual Knob counter-clockwise to retract the syringe plunger at
least 2 mL.
3. Open the drop front.
4. Rotate the syringe 1/4 turn clockwise and gently pull the syringe out of the Pressure Jacket.
Discard the syringe with disposable tubing set into a bio-hazard container.
NOTE: Once the syringe is removed from the injector and the Injector Head is rotated into
the Purge position, the injector sounds an audible beep three times, and the piston
automatically retracts to the home position. Auto Retract must be enabled for this
feature to function.
5. If an operator used the Manual Knob to retract the syringe plunger, press End Case button on
the Display Control Unit to reset the Actuals window and History.

12.2 Clean up

Cross Contamination Hazard - Serious patient and/or worker injury or death may result.
Do not clean disposables.
Do not contact disposables with cleaning agent during cleaning.
Do not conduct cleaning process during injection procedure.
1. Wipe off contrast spills with warm water before they dry.
2. For all body fluid spills, follow institutional decontamination procedures.
3. Clean the Syringe Heat Maintainer. Remove the Syringe Heat Maintainer before cleaning. To
clean the Syringe Heat Maintainer, refer to Chapter 15 Cleaning and Maintenance.
4. Clean the Pressure Jacket. Remove the Pressure Jacket from the syringe interface before
cleaning. To clean Pressure Jacket, refer to Chapter 15 Cleaning and Maintenance.
5. If cleaning the piston is required fully advance the piston, then turn off the power.

12 - 69
Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

6. Wipe components with:

a germicidal wipe, or
a bleach wipe, for isolation patients
NOTE: If contrast media has leaked inside any system component, turn off the power
immediately. The affected subassembly should be disassembled and cleaned by
MEDRAD Service personnel or returned to MEDRAD Factory Service.

12.3 Storing the Injector

Move the injector to a safe place, away from extreme or changing temperatures (hot or cold), dust, and

12 - 70
13 System Messages
The Mark 7 Arterion Injection System displays Sentinel Messages and Popups to alert the operator that
action is required.
This chapter describes:
"Error Messages"
"Sentinel Messages"
"Popup Messages"

13.1 Error Messages

Electric Shock Hazard - Serious patient and/ or worker injury or death may result.
Perform calibration when specific components listed in Disassembly/Assembly &
Replacement Parts are replaced in the system.

Mechanical Hazard - Minor or moderate patient and/or worker injury may result.
Remove power and disconnect patient when system malfunction occurs.

Error messages are system malfunction messages which require power to be removed from the
system. Error messages are accompanied by three beeps. Some error messages provide suggestions
to prevent the condition from recurring. If the condition cannot be corrected, record the code and
number from the lower left corner of the dialog box, then call MEDRAD Service for assistance.
Error messages are divided into categories of function level. Each category is also divided into specific
errors. Below is a list of the categories and suggested repair sequences. These are to be tried in order,
not to be performed all at once. For further assistance, contact MEDRAD Service or an authorized
NOTE: Before replacing any parts, cycle power to the system. This initiates a system self-
test. If this does not correct the problem, replacement of serviceable components
as needed may be required.

13.2 Sentinel Messages

Sentinel messages display in the Sentinel window located in the lower right of the touch screen. A
Sentinel message informs an operator of items that need attention. If multiple items need to be
corrected, the Sentinel window shows a list of the items that need to be corrected. As each item is
corrected, the system removes the corresponding message from the Sentinel window.

Table 13 - 1: Sentinel Messages

Sentinel Message Description/Resolution

Attach hand controller Attach hand controller

Attach start switch or enable ISI Attach a start switch or enable ISI.

Install Syringe Install a syringe.

Close Drop Front Completely close the drop front.

Advance Plunger Fully advance the plunger in the syringe.

13 - 71
Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

Table 13 - 1: Sentinel Messages

Sentinel Message Description/Resolution

Use the handle and the back of the Injector

Head (but not the Manual Knob or tubing) to
rotate the Head in the Purge position (upward),
Rotate head up and purge
and purge the system of all air. A minimum
purge of 3.5 mL is required for the system to
recognize it as a purge.

Use the handle and the back of the Injector

Head (but not the Manual Knob or tubing) to
Rotate head down to arm
rotate the Injector Head in Inject position

The system reduced the flow rate during the

Flow Rate Reduced

Injection Complete The injection has completed.

An operator has selected End Case and Yes on

Disconnect Patient the confirmation popup to end the case.
Disconnect the patient.

Displays after an operator has selected End

Case Ended
Case and Yes on the confirmation popup.

Displays after an operator has selected End

Rotate Syringe and Remove Case and Yes on the confirmation popup and a
Syringe is present.

The injection stopped, an operator touched the

Procedure Halt - Display touch
display touch screen.

The injection stopped, an operator pressed a

Procedure Halt - Head Touch
button on the Injector Head.

The injection stopped, the imaging system

Procedure Halt - ISI
interface terminated the injection.

The injection stopped, an insufficient volume

Procedure Halt - Low Volume condition occurs after an injection during a Multi
Arm injection.

The injection stopped, an operator released the

start switch during a mL/s injections or pressed
Procedure Halt - Start Switch
the start switch a second time during a mL/m

Have the system calibrated by MEDRAD Service

Calibration Needed
or qualified MEDRAD personnel.

13 - 72
System Messages

13.3 Popup Messages

Popups display on the touch screen and require the operator to make a selection on the screen to close
the Popup.

Table 13 - 2: Popup Messages

Popup Message Description/Resolution

The Check for Air popup displays when initially

arming the injector.
This message displays again after any powered
WARNING - Do Not Inject Air. Have you expelled
reverse piston motion or the drop front
all air from syringe/disposable?
Confirm the disposable system is free of air, and
select Yes.

Displays after an operator selects End Case.

Select Yes to acknowledge that you want to end
Ensure the patient is disconnected. Are you sure
the case, and that the patient has been
you want to end the case?
disconnected from the system. Select No to
resume the case.

Purge Terminated. Check fluid path for The high pressure connector tubing or catheter
occlusion. may be kinked limiting the flow of contrast.

The programmed volume exceed the remaining

volume in the syringe.
Select Yes to allow the system to adjust the
Insufficient volume. Continue with remaining protocol to use the volume remaining in the
volume? (Single Protocol) syringe.
Select No to abort the arming process. Refill the
syringe with the appropriate volume and rearm
the system.

The display control unit is no longer locked out.

Lock released - User inactivity timeout.
The timeout period has elapsed.

The programmed volume exceed the remaining

Insufficient volume for phased protocol. Revise volume in the syringe.
protocol. Fill the syringe with the sufficient volume or
revise the protocol. Rearm the system.

The syringe heat maintainer is non-functional.

Select OK to proceed with arming process.
Unplug or replace Syringe Heat Maintainer. Injector will keep syringe heat maintainer
disabled until it can determine that the fault is
corrected or the heat maintainer is removed.

The system was not able to achieve the

programmed flow rate.
System Disarmed - Fluid flow stopped. Check The high pressure connector tubing or catheter
for occlusion, reduce rate or increase pressure may be kinked limiting the flow of contrast.
limit. The programmed pressure limit is insufficient.
Verify that the pressure limit matches the
pressure rating of the disposables being used.

13 - 73
Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

Table 13 - 2: Popup Messages

Popup Message Description/Resolution

The system was not able to achieve the

programmed flow rate.
System Disarmed - Pressure limit exceed. The high pressure connector tubing or catheter
Check for occlusion, reduce rate or increase may be kinked limiting the flow of contrast.
pressure limit. The programmed pressure limit is insufficient.
Verify the pressure limit matches the pressure
rating of the disposables being used.

Drop front has dislodged from the syringe.

Disconnect Patient.
System Disarmed - Drop front opened.
Close the drop front, Purge the system, and re-
arm the injector.

The Injector Head was rotated out of the inject

Use the handle and the back of the Injector
System Disarmed - Head position changed.
Head (but not the Manual Knob or tubing) to
rotate injector head to the Inject (downward)

A reverse piston motion of more than 2mL

System Disarmed - Piston moved more than
occurred via the manual knob. Rearm the

All start switches have been disconnected from

System Disarmed - No start switch or ISI is the system, and/or ISI has been disabled.
available. Attach start switch and/or confirm ISI is
available, and rearm the system.

A start switch was disconnected during an

System Disarmed Start switch disconnected. injection. Attach a start switch, and rearm the

A hand switch was disconnected when the

System Disarmed - Hand switch disconnected. system was armed. Reconnect the hand switch,
and rearm the system.

A hand switch was connected to the system

System Disarmed - Hand switch connected.
when the system was armed. Rearm the

A foot switch was disconnected when the

System Disarmed - Foot switch disconnected. system was armed. Reconnect the foot switch,
and rearm the system.

A foot switch was connected to the system

System Disarmed - Foot switch connected.
when the system was armed. Rearm the

System Disarmed - Injector temperature The temperature of the Injector Head exceeded
exceeded. the limits. Check the system.

13 - 74
System Messages

Table 13 - 2: Popup Messages

Popup Message Description/Resolution

The system remained idle for 30 minutes.

System Disarmed - User Inactivity Timeout.
Rearm the system.

ISI is not communicating correctly with the

System Disarmed - ISI not ready system. Check ISI connections and

The ISI interface is not functioning properly.

System Disarmed ISI interface module failure.
Disable ISI at the injector system to continue
Disable ISI to proceed.
with the injection.

The ISI remote start is already on when the

injector is armed, or the ISI hand switch disable
System Disarmed - ISI not synchronized
is turned on after an injection is started using
the injector hand switch or foot switch.

The system lost communication withe Display

Local DCU communication lost. Control Unit. Check cable connections and

The system lost communication withe Display

Remote DCU communication lost. Control Unit. Check cable connections and

The system lost communication withe Display

Local DCU attempts to establish communication
Control Unit. Check cable connections and
with injector.

Displays when an operator deletes a

Are you sure you want to delete?
Select Yes to confirm the deletion.
Select No to return to the Protocol Edit screen.

Displays when an operator makes changes to

an option on the Options tab and selects
another tab without saving those changes.
Settings changed. Confirm? Select Yes to save the change and go to the
selected tab.
Select No cancel the change and go to the
selected tab.

An interval has not been set for the calibration.

Select calibration Interval.
Enter a interval.

Displays when Protocol storage is full and an

Protocol storage is full. Please delete a protocol
operator attempts to save a new one. Delete a
before adding a new one.

Displays when an operator attempts to save a

Please choose another name for this protocol. protocol using the same name as an existing

Displays when an operator enters an invalid

Please enter a valid day.
date. Enter a valid date.

13 - 75
Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

Table 13 - 2: Popup Messages

Popup Message Description/Resolution

Displays when an operator enters an invalid

Please enter a valid month.
month. Enter a valid month.

Change flow mode? Select Yes to change the flow mode to mL/m.

The ISI interface is not functioning properly.

ISI interface module failure. Disable ISI to
Disable ISI at the injector system to continue
with the injection.

The ISI remote start is already on when the

injector is armed, or the ISI hand switch disable
ISI not synchronized
is turned on after an injection is started using
the injector hand switch or foot switch.

ISI is not communicating correctly with the

ISI not ready system. Check ISI connections and

13 - 76
14 VirtualCARE Option
VirtualCARE is a Service expansion option that can be installed for the Mark 7 Arterion Injection Sys-
tem. The VirtualCARE provides remote service functionality that allows MEDRAD Service to remotely
update injector firmware, diagnose injector errors, and retrieve logs.
Contact your local MEDRAD representative for additional information.

14 - 77
Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

14 - 78
15 Cleaning and Maintenance

Cross Contamination Hazard - Serious patient and/or worker injury or death may result.
Do not contact disposables with cleaning agent during cleaning.
Do not conduct cleaning process during injection procedure.

Electro-Mechanical Hazard - Equipment Damage may result.
Disconnect power before cleaning.
Use a wipe or dampened cloth for cleaning.
Do not soak or immerse components.
Do not use strong cleaning agents.
Perform routine cleaning and maintenance.
Remove power when connecting or disconnecting cables.
Do not clean the syringe.

This chapter identifies the proper methods for cleaning the injection system, the recommended main-
tenance schedule, and an operational checkout of the injection system.
The injection system must be properly maintained to ensure it is in peak operating condition. Your indi-
vidual maintenance schedule depends upon how your injection system is used, the type of procedures
performed, and frequency of use.
Failures which occur due to lack of proper maintenance will not be covered under warranty.
NOTE: MEDRAD Service will make available for purchase upon request:
Service and schematic manuals that will assist qualified technicians to repair
components classified as repairable.
On-site consulting services.

15.1 Daily
Mechanical Hazard - Minor or moderate patient and/or worker injury may result.
Do not use an autoclave to sterilize the Pressure Jacket.
Refer to Pressure Jacket cleaning instructions.

The following procedures are recommended for daily cleaning and inspection of all components on the
injection system. If any defects are detected, either repair the system, or call the local MEDRAD office
or the local authorized dealer for service. Do not use the system until the problem is corrected.

15.1.1 Cleaning the Injector Head, Syringe Heat Maintainer, Drop Front Cover, Pressure
Jacket, Piston, Syringe Interface, and Table Bracket
Clean components, except Heat Maintainer and Pressure Jacket, with:
a germicidal wipe, or
a bleach wipe, for isolation patients

1. Do not remove any covers except the Drop Front Cover. Do Not disassemble the injector.
2. Remove the Syringe Heat Maintainer.

15 - 79
Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

3. Clean the Syringe Heat Maintainer with a dampened cloth using soap and water.
4. Remove the Drop Front Cover.

5. Clean the Drop Front Cover with a soft cloth or a paper towel dampened with a cleaning
solution to remove contrast media and other contamination.
6. Remove the Pressure Jacket.

7. Clean the Pressure Jacket with a soft cloth or a paper towel dampened with a cleaning
solution to remove contrast media and other contamination.
Some cleaning agents react with the plastic material and may cause structural degradation.
MEDRAD recommends that the Pressure Jacket be washed in a solution of warm tap water
(35 45 C) and mild non-abrasive detergent (neutral grade low pH, enzymatic cleaner),
and then rinsed thoroughly and dried with a soft towel.
A solution of dish washing detergent and water is compatible with the Pressure Jacket. If a
germicidal cleaning agent is desired, contact the germicide manufacturer to check the
recommended dilution and compatibility with polycarbonates. If the solution is acceptable,
follow the manufacturers directions exactly. Do not clean the Pressure Jacket with an
automatic dishwasher. The Pressure Jacket is not dishwasher safe. Do not leave the
Pressure Jacket in germicide for extended periods of time. Do not expose the Pressure
Jacket to fluorocarbons (such as Freon), or other solvents (acetone, benzol, carbon
tetrachloride, MEK, MIBK, toluol, trichlor, and triclene). Gasses used to pressurize aerosol
cans can be damaging to the Pressure Jacket. Therefore, do not use aerosols in or around
the Pressure Jacket.

15 - 80
Cleaning and Maintenance

8. Fully advance the piston

9. Turn off the system at the Power Unit.
10. Clean the piston.
11. Clean the inner area of the syringe interface.
12. Clean the drop front. The drop front cone should pivot freely back and forth. If it does not, it
may be contaminated with contrast.
13. Clean the Injector Head case.
14. Re-install the clean Pressure Jacket.
15. Re-install the clean Drop Front Cover.
16. Re-install the clean Syringe Heat Maintainer.
17. Clean any spilled contrast media from the Table Bracket and table rail to assure free
movement of the bracket along the rail.

15.1.2 Inspecting the Injector Head

Inspect the housing for any damage or cracks that could allow fluid to leak inside, or weaken
the structural integrity of the unit.
Inspect all cables connected to the unit.
Look for cuts, cracks, worn spots or other obvious damage to the cables.
Ensure that all connectors are properly seated.
Ensure that all mounting bolts and screws are secure.
Inspect for contrast media build-up in the syringe interface area, including the Syringe Heat
Maintainer and the Pressure Jacket. Follow the cleaning guidelines outlined in this chapter.
Inspect the pivot points to ensure they move freely.
Inspect the Injector Head Controls for damage or excessive wear.

15.1.3 Inspecting the Pressure Jacket

Prior to each procedure, inspect the Pressure Jacket for signs of deterioration or fatigue by looking
through it with light shining through the Pressure Jacket. MEDRAD recommends replacing the Pres-
sure Jacket if defects are found during daily inspection.

Rotate the Pressure Jacket while looking through it to view all areas. This includes the front edges and
the entire cylindrical surface and the grooves that interface with the injector head.
A Pressure Jacket should be rejected for cracks, crazing, scratches (if a fingernail can catch on the
scratch), and opacity. These conditions indicate that the Pressure Jacket has been weakened and may
fracture during a high pressure injection. The Pressure Jacket should NOT BE USED if any of these con-
ditions exist.
Cracks are usually the result of a sharp impact (such as from dropping). A crack may appear simply as
a line, usually originating at the radius or edge and may also appear in conjunction with crazing.

Figure 15 - 1: Cracks

15 - 81
Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

Stress Cracks may appear after the Pressure Jacket has been subjected to a number of pressure
cycles. These tiny cracks appear around the front area of the Pressure Jacket, and usually form a pat-
tern around the jackets circumference. Stress cracks are easiest to see while rotating the Pressure
Jacket in front of a light source.

Figure 15 - 2: Stress Cracks

Crazing can occur when non-compatible cleaning solutions or solvents are used on the Pressure
Jacket. Crazing can also occur when the Pressure Jacket has reached the end of its expected life.
Crazing appears as small lines that interfere with the transparency of the Pressure Jacket. Crazing
usually appears localized to a point of impact or fatigue.

Figure 15 - 3: Crazing
Scratches result from objects striking or scraping the inside or outside surface of the Pressure Jacket.
Scratches may occur when the Pressure Jacket is improperly handled. Check depth of scratches by
pulling your finger across the scratch, perpendicular to the surface. If your fingernail catches on a
scratch, the Pressure Jacket should NOT BE USED.

Figure 15 - 4: Scratches
Normally the Pressure Jacket is transparent, enabling you to clearly see through the barrel.

Figure 15 - 5: Opacity

15.1.4 Inspecting the Heat Maintainer

Inspect the Heat Maintainer for cracks. MEDRAD recommends replacing the Heat Maintainer
if cracks are found during inspection.

15.1.5 Inspecting the Display Control Unit

Inspect the cable connected to the Display Control Unit.
Look for cuts, cracks, or worn spots, or other obvious damage.
Ensure that the connector is properly seated and fastened securely.
Inspect the housing for any damage or cracks that could allow fluid to leak inside, or weaken
the structural integrity of the unit.

15.1.6 Inspecting the Table Mount Bracket

Inspect the Clamp knob to ensure that it is tightened.
Inspect the Injector Head knob to ensure it is tight and the Injector Head fits securely in the
Table Bracket.
Inspect for broken or damaged parts.
Check the vertical motion of the Table Bracket. If the gas spring is not functioning properly,
do not use the bracket.

15 - 82
Cleaning and Maintenance

15.1.7 Inspecting the Pedestal

Inspect the base, column, casters and handle for cracks and other defects that could weaken
the structure
Ensure all mounting bolts and screws are secure.
Ensure that the casters roll smoothly with no binding or scraping.
Ensure all locking mechanisms on the casters are functional.

15.1.8 Inspecting the Power Unit

Inspect the cables connected to the Power Unit.
Look for cuts, cracks, or worn spots, or other obvious damage.
Ensure that the connectors are properly seated.
Inspect the housing for any damage or cracks that could allow fluid to leak inside, or weaken
the structural integrity of the unit.
Ensure that the air vents are not clogged.

15.2 Monthly
Once a month, the entire system should be thoroughly inspected and cleaned, and an Operation
Checkout should be performed using the procedures outlined in 15.2.3 Performing an Operational

15.2.1 Cleaning the Display Control Unit, Pedestal, Power Unit, and Table Bracket
Electro-Mechanical Hazard - Equipment Damage may result.
Remove power when connecting or disconnecting cables.
Do not spray cleaning solutions directly onto the DCU touch screen.

Clean components, except Pressure Jacket, with:

a germicidal wipe, or
a bleach wipe, for isolation patients
Turn off the system at the Power Unit. Clean the Display Control Unit, Pedestal, and Power Unit.
Remove the table bracket from the rail and clean off accumulated contrast media using soapy water
and dry thoroughly.

15.2.2 Inspecting and Cleaning the Internal Air Filter

1. Turn off the system at the Power Unit.
2. Remove the two screws shown in the drawing below.

Figure 15 - 6: Power Unit Air Filter

3. Pull out the air filter.

15 - 83
Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

4. Vacuum or rinse the air filter with water and thoroughly dry before re-installing.
5. Re-install the clean, dry air filter (Note the direction of arrow for air flow - air should flow into
the unit).
6. Replace the two screws.
NOTE: Inspect the internal air filter monthly and clean at least once per year (this can be
done more frequently as needed).

15.2.3 Performing an Operational Checkout

Equipment Malfunction Hazard - Serious patient and/or worker injury or death may result.
Do not use the injection system if any problems are detected during the operational

A basic functional checkout of the injection system should be included as part of monthly maintenance.
Verify proper operation of the injection system to help detect any problems that may not be noticed in
day-to-day operation. The following procedure represents a suggested series of activities which
encompasses typical operation of the system. Read the following procedure carefully before beginning
the checkout. If problems are detected or any step fails this checkout, contact your MEDRAD Service
An empty Syringe is required to perform this checkout.
1. Plug in the injection system.
2. Press the Power Switch on the Power Unit, and press the Power Switch on the Display
Control Unit. Both power switches should illuminate green.
a. Ensure that the system passes self-test with no error messages. When self-test com-
pletes, a safety screen displays.
b. Press Continue to clear the safety information.
c. Ensure that the Home tab displays.
3. Press the brightness controls to ensure that the controls vary the display brightness without
completely obscuring information at either extreme. Adjust to a suitable brightness.
4. Use the handle and the back of the Injector Head (but not the Manual Knob) to rotate the
Injector Head to the Purge position (upright).
a. Ensure that the Volume Remaining display on the Injector Head is active and is properly
b. Ensure that the Flow Rate, Volume, and Pressure Limit are not active.
5. Use the handle and the back of the Injector Head (but not the Manual Knob) to the Inject
position (downward).
a. Ensure that the Volume Remaining display inverts.
b. Ensure that the Flow Rate, Volume, and Pressure Limit display and are properly ori-
6. Insert an empty syringe into the syringe interface.
a. Completely close the drop front.
b. Ensure that the Volume Remaining icon on the Injector Head illuminates.
7. Press the Forward and Reverse on the Fill Strip.
a. Ensure the piston does not move.
8. Press the Enable button.
a. Ensure the green indicator near the enable key illuminates.
b. Ensure the green indicator goes out after approximately five seconds.
9. Press the Enable button, and press Forward on the Fill Strip within five seconds.
a. Ensure that the piston extends.

15 - 84
Cleaning and Maintenance

b. Vary the position of your finger on the Fill Strip to ensure the piston load speed varies.
c. Ensure that the Volume Remaining display on the head decreases.
10. Press the Enable button, and press Reverse on the Fill Strip within five seconds.
a. Ensure that the piston retracts.
b. Vary the position of your finger on the Fill Strip to ensure the piston load speed varies.
c. Ensure that the Volume Remaining display on the head increases.
d. Retract the piston to its rear limit. The Volume Remaining should read 150mL.
11. From the Home tab, enter a protocol with the following parameters:
Volume - 20 mL
Flow Rate - 10 mL/s
Pressure Limit - 500 PSI
a. Ensure the Injector Head displays these value.
12. Select Arm Single to Arm the injector.
a. Ensure that the display indicates that the injector is in the Armed state.
b. Ensure that the Armed light on the injector head is on solid.
13. Using the hand switch or foot switch, initiate an injection.
a. Ensure that the Display Control Unit display indicates that the injector is in the Inject-
ing state and the Armed light on the injector head flashes.
b. Confirm that the injection completes in approximately 2 seconds.
c. Ensure that the Armed light on the Injector Head goes out.
d. When the injection is complete, release the switch.
e. Ensure the Actuals window on the Display Control Unit indicates that 20 mL volume was
delivered at a rate of 10 mL/s.
14. From the Display Control Unit touch screen, change the Volume to 50mL.
a. Select Arm Single to arm the injector.
b. Use the hand switch or foot switch to initiate an injection.
c. Release it within 2 seconds.
d. Ensure the injection stops and disarms.
e. Ensure a Premature Termination message displays in the Sentinel window.
15. From the Home tab, select the Variable tab and enter a protocol with the following
parameters: Volume - 10mL, Flow Rate - 1 mL/s, Pressure Limit - 300 PSI
a. Arm the system. the armed light should be solid while armed and the system should ini-
tially beep.
b. Initiate the Variable Flow Rate injection via the Hand Controller. Vary the flow during the
injection. Confirm that the rate can be varied from 0 to 1 mL/s. Volume delivered should
indicate 10 mL (if the injection is completed). No pressure limiting should occur.
c. The flow rate of the delivery should change in accordance with Hand Controller trigger
position. The DCU should display instantaneous flow rate during injection.
d. The armed light should switch from solid to flashing illumination during injection. The
injection should complete without error. If the system has sufficient fluid for another
injection, the system should return tot he armed state. If the system has insufficient
fluid, the unit will disarm at the end of the injection and display Procedure Halt - Low
Volume in the sentinel window.
16. Retract the piston to its rear limit.
a. Select either Arm Single or Arm Multiple to arm the injector.
b. Open the drop front.
c. Ensure that the system disarms.
d. Close the drop front.
17. Select either Arm Single or Arm Multiple to arm the injector.
a. Press the Disarm button on the Display Control Unit.
b. Ensure the system disarms.

15 - 85
Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

18. Select either Arm Single or Arm Multiple to arm the injector.
a. Press any button on the Injector Head.
b. Ensure the system disarms.
19. Select either Arm Single or Arm Multiple to arm the injector.
a. Use the handle and the back of the Injector Head (but not the Manual Knob) to rotate the
Injector Head to the Purge position (upright).
b. Ensure the system disarms and cannot be re-armed unless the head is rotated back to
the Injection position.
20. If a Syringe Heat Maintainer is connected to the Injector Head, ensure that it is warm to the
a. Ensure the over-temperature message is not displayed in Sentinel window.
21. If ISI is connected, enable ISI and check for errors.
22. Power down the system and remove the syringe and dispose of it properly.

15.3 Annually
MEDRAD offers Preventative Maintenance Programs. These annual programs greatly assist in main-
taining accuracy and reliability, and can also extend the life of the system. Contact your local MEDRAD
office or your local authorized dealer for further information. Refer to the back of the title page of this
manual for address, telephone and fax information.

15.3.1 Injection System Calibration

MEDRAD recommends a complete system calibration and performance checkout be performed annu-
ally. Contact MEDRAD Service, or your local MEDRAD office for complete details.

15.3.2 Checking Leakage

As part of an annual maintenance program performed by a qualified MEDRAD Service Representative
or authorized dealer, both Electrical leakage and protective earth ground continuity checks should be
NOTE: Local regulations or hospital protocol may require electrical leakage checks at
more frequent intervals. If this applies, the local regulations for leakage must be

15 - 86
16 Installation - System and Accessory
Mechanical Hazard - Minor or moderate patient and/ or worker injury may result.
Do not create a trip hazard when routing cables.
Follow installation procedures including use of proper screws and plugging all unused

This chapter describes:

"Unpacking the Injection System"
"Pedestal Mount Installation"
"Power Unit Installation"
"Injector Head Mounting Options"
"Display Control Unit Mounting Options"
"Accessory Installation"
NOTE: All relevant guidelines for institutional, local or national safety recommendations
related to cable routing and installation should be followed.
NOTE: After installation, it is recommended that an operational checkout be performed.
See 15.2.3 Performing an Operational Checkout for more information.

16.1 Unpacking the Injection System

Mechanical Hazard - Minor or moderate worker Injury May Result.
Use two persons to lift or move heavy or large packaging.
Visually inspect contents and package before use.
Do not use if package is damaged.

The injection system ships with up to two master shipper cartons; one carton for the injector, Display
Control Unit, Power Unit, and accessories, and one carton for the pedestal (if ordered). Additional non-
standard accessories may be shipped separately.

Figure 16 - 1: Shipper Carton (Injector Head, Display Control Unit, Power Unit, and Accessories)

Display Control Unit

A Accessories Box B C Injector Head
and Power Unit

16 - 87
Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

NOTE: Upon opening the cartons, inspect and verify the contents. Call MEDRAD if there is
a issue.

16.2 Pedestal Mount Installation

Air Embolism Hazard - Serious patient injury or death may result.

Injector head shall be mounted on Articulating Arm.

Mechanical Hazard - Minor or moderate patient and/ or worker injury may result.
Move Articulating Arm to upper position prior to removing head.
Do not mount DCU to Articulating Arm.

The Mark 7 Arterion pedestal mount configuration ships in two boxes as noted in Unpacking the Injec-
tion System. The installer needs to complete the pedestal assembly, attach the Injector Head and Dis-
play Control Unit, route cables, and make the connections to the Power Unit.
1. Remove the pedestal from the box.

Figure 16 - 2: Pedestal
2. Insert the male end of the articulating arm into top of the upper mast (A).
Tighten the thumb screw.
3. Attach the Injector Head to the articulating arm.
a. Loosen the Injector Head Knob (B) by turning counterclockwise until it spins freely.

Figure 16 - 3: Loosen the Injector Head Knob

b. Insert the Injector Head mounting pin into the top of the Articulating Arm.

16 - 88
Installation - System and Accessory

Figure 16 - 4: Attach Injector Head to Articulating Arm

c. Secure the Injector Head by turning the Injector Head Knob as far as possible clockwise.
d. Ensure that the Injector Head Knob is as tight as possible to facilitate a secure fit of the
Injector Head in the Articulating Arm.

Figure 16 - 5: Injector Head Mounted on Articulating Arm

NOTE: Loosen the Injector Head Knob prior to repositioning the Injector Head.
NOTE: Removing the Injector Head is the reverse of installation.
4. Remove the upper mast cover (C) and retain the screws.
5. Loosen the contrast tray (D) by pushing from the bottom.
6. Remove the lower mast (E) cover and retain the screw.
7. In the lower mast, remove the cable guide and retain the screws.
8. Route the injector head cable through the opening of the contrast tray and then down through
the hole in the top of the upper mast.
9. Attach the Fulcrum Mount to the Display Control Unit (see "Fulcrum Mount Kit Installation" in
this chapter).
10. Insert the mounting pin of the fulcrum mount into the Display Control Unit post (F).
Tighten the thumb screw on the Display Control Unit mast.
11. Loosen the screws on the Display Control Unit mast cover (G) to remove the cover opposite
the screw heads.
12. Remove the hook plate (H) from the underside of the handle assembly and retain the screws.
13. Feed the Display Control Unit cable through hole adjacent to the Display Control Unit mast.
14. Insert Power Unit into base (I) from the handle side of the pedestal.
Line up the target on the side of the power unit with the opening in the side of the

16 - 89
Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

Figure 16 - 6: Insert Power Unit

Secure the Power Unit with the four thumb screws (J) attached to the base.
15. Connect Display Control Unit cord to Display Control Unit connection on the top of the Power
16. Connect the Injector Head connection on the top of the Power Unit.
17. Align the Display Control Unit cable into the channel on the bottom of the handle assembly
and attach the hook plate (H) to the bottom of the upper mast. Center the black tape on the
cord with the opening of the cover. Leave enough slack in the cable to allow the Display Con-
trol Unit to turn freely.

Figure 16 - 7: Assemble Pedestal

16 - 90
Installation - System and Accessory

18. Attach the Display Control Unit mast cover (G), and reconnect the contrast tray (D).
19. Attach the Upper mast cover (C) while aligning the Injector Head cable into the molded guides
in the mast cover piece. Leave enough slack to allow full movement of the Injector Head on
the upper mast.
20. Loop the Display Control Unit and Injector Head cables and secure with the Cable loop as
shown in the figure below.

Figure 16 - 8: Pedestal Cable Routing

21. In the Lower mast, attach the cable guide with the Display Control Unit and Injector Head
cables behind it and in the channel on the lower mast. Ensure the flange hole for the upper
mast screw is facing up.
22. Attach the Lower Mast cover (E).
23. Connect the Power Unit power cord to the inlet plug on the Power Unit.

16.3 Power Unit Installation

Electric Shock Hazard - Serious patient and/ or worker injury or death may result.
Use only power cord approved for use on Mark 7 Arterion.
For U.S installations, equipment shall only be connected to Hospital Grade or Hospital Only

Electro-Mechanical Hazard - Equipment damage may result.
Do not block Power Unit Vents.
Installation clearance should be a minimum of 3 to 5 inches (8 to 13 cm).

For U.S installations, equipment shall only be connected to Hospital Grade or Hospital Only outlets. This
section shows all of the Power Unit connection points, describes how to relocate the connections from
the top plate to the back plate, and shows how to assemble the Power Unit floor mount bracket,.

16 - 91
Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

16.3.1 Power Unit Connections

The Power Unit has connection ports on the top plate, front plate, and back plate. When the Power Unit
ships from the factory, only the ports on the top plate and front plate have live connections. This sec-
tion shows the location of each port and provides a brief description of each.
NOTE: The connectors on the top plate should only be used for the Pedestal mount config-
NOTE: See 16.3.3 Relocate Power Unit Connectors for information on switching connec-
tion ports from the top plate to the back plate.

Figure 16 - 9: Top Plate

Display Control Unit Connection for a single or first Display Con-

trol Unit in a two Display Control Unit System

B Injector Head Connection

Figure 16 - 10: Front Plate

Hand Switch or Foot Switch Con-

A A/C Inlet Plug B

C ISI connection D CAN Connection (Future Use)

16 - 92
Installation - System and Accessory

Display Control Unit Connection

for a second Display Control Unit
E F Future Expansion Port
in a two Display Control Unit sys-

G Power Switch

The connections on the back plate do not have live connections when the Power Unit ships from the
factory. To use these ports, see 16.3.3 Relocate Power Unit Connectors for more information.

Figure 16 - 11: Back Plate

Display Control Unit Connection

for a single or first Display Control
A Future Expansion Port B
Unit in a two Display Control Unit

Display Control Unit Connection

C D Injector Head Connection
for a second Display Control Unit

16.3.2 Power Unit Floor Mount Bracket Assembly

Figure 16 - 12: Install Rubber Feet

16 - 93
Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

Figure 16 - 13: Attach Floor Mount

Figure 16 - 14: Attach Handle

16.3.3 Relocate Power Unit Connectors

Electro-Mechanical Hazard - Equipment damage may result.
Follow Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) protection practices.
Disconnect the power cord before removing or replacing PC boards.

The Display Control Unit and Injector Head connectors on the Mark 7 Arterion Power Unit can be moved
to accommodate different configurations. The Display Control Unit and Injector Head connectors found
on the top of the Power Unit can be moved to the back. The Display Control Unit 2 connection on the
front of the Power Unit can be moved to the back.
Contact your local service representative for assistance.

16 - 94
Installation - System and Accessory

16.4 Injector Head Mounting Options

"Head Stand Installation (KMA 320RT)"
"Adjustable Height Stand Installation (KMA 330)"
"Overhead Counterpoised System Installation"
Adjustable Table Bracket Installation (KMA 350)
NOTE: This section assumes that the operator has installed the mounting devices.
NOTE: See 16.3.1 Power Unit Connections for connection locations.

16.4.1 Head Stand Installation (KMA 320RT)

Refer to 98411-00-FI-01 for installation instructions.

16.4.2 Adjustable Height Stand Installation (KMA 330)

Refer to 201011 (English) or 201061 (Japanese) for installation instructions.

16.4.3 Adjustable Table Bracket Installation (KMA 350)

Refer to 98099-T-101for installation instructions.

16.4.4 Overhead Counterpoised System Installation

For OCS installation instructions refer to the MAVIG Portegra2 Suspension System for MEDRAD
Injectors Installation Manual (MED01002E).

16.5 Display Control Unit Mounting Options

"Fulcrum Mount Kit Installation"
"Desk Stand Kit Installation"
"Fixed Table Mount Installation"
"Wall Mount Bracket Installation"

16.5.1 Fulcrum Mount Kit Installation

The Display Control Unit Display Mount Fulcrum interfaces with the Pedestal (ART 700 PED), Fixed
Table Mount (ART 700 DCU TM), and Universal Adjustable T-Rail Table Mount (KMA 350).

16 - 95
Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

Figure 16 - 15: Attach Fulcrum Plate

16.5.2 Desk Stand Kit Installation

P/N 3007412 A

#8-32 x 5/8

Figure 16 - 16: Attach Bracket (A) to Display Control Unit Stand

P/N 600-5007-400

Figure 16 - 17: Attach Rubber Feet

Figure 16 - 18: Display Control Unit Back - Remove Screws

Figure 16 - 19: Display Control Unit Desk Stand Attached

16 - 96
Installation - System and Accessory

NOTE: Reuse #8-32 1/2 screws removed in Figure 16 - 18.

16.5.3 Fixed Table Mount Installation

Electro-Mechanical Hazard - Equipment damage may result.
Before installing the Table Mount, ensure the table rail can withstand a minimum vertical
static load of 18 kg (40 lbs.) Refer to the table manufacturer documentation for weight
load information.
Do not over tighten Table Mount knob.
Do not force the Table Mount onto the table rail.
Loosen Table Mount knob prior to removal of components.

The Fixed Table Mount can be used to mount a Display Control Unit using the Fulcrum Mount Bracket
kit to a bed rail. The Fixed Table Mount bracket is designed to accommodate rails from 1/4 (6.4mm) to
1/2 (12.7mm) thick and 7/8 (22.2mm) high.
NOTE: The Fixed Table Mount is not intended to support the Injector Head.
1. Slightly angle the Fixed Table Mount bracket towards the center of the table and hook onto
the top of the accessory rail.

Figure 16 - 20: Attaching the Fixed Table Mount

2. Rotate bracket away from the center of the table until the Mounting Lever engages with table
NOTE: It may be necessary to adjust the Mounting Lever prior to attachment to get the
Mount Lever to engage properly (see step 4 and then return to step 3).
3. Tighten the Clamp Knob until the Bracket Mount is parallel to the rail.

16 - 97
Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

Figure 16 - 21: Tightening the Clamp Knob

4. Using the 3/16 Hex Key provided, turn the adjusting screw (A) clockwise until Mounting
Lever (B) contacts the bottom of the rail.

Figure 16 - 22: Adjust Screw and Mounting Lever

5. Turn the same adjusting screw (A) counterclockwise approximately 45 degrees; remove the
Hex Key.

Figure 16 - 23: Table Mount Knob

6. Tighten the Clamp Knob until the Bracket Mount is firmly attached to the rail.
7. Loosen the knob (C) by turning as far as possible counterclockwise.
8. With the Display Control Unit attached to the Fulcrum Mount, insert the Fulcrum Mount pin
into the top of the Fixed Table Mount bracket.
9. Secure the Display Control Unit by turning the knob (C) clockwise. When tightened properly,
the Display Control Unit should not move when pressing the touch screen.

16 - 98
Installation - System and Accessory

16.5.4 Wall Mount Bracket Installation

NOTE: Before attaching the bracket to the wall, the installer must know if the wall studs in
the room are made of metal or wood. This will determine the kind of hardware
required to complete the installation.
NOTE: The bracket must be mounted to a stud to insure a secure mount. Wallboard and
wing anchors will not support the weight and movement created by swinging the
control console into position during routine use.
NOTE: Do not install the wall mount bracket on a wall which contains shielding unless the
installation does not violate the shield.
NOTE: If the wallboard is thicker than 5/8 inch, longer screws must be purchased to
insure a secure mount.
1. Hold the bracket with the friction plates on the bottom and position the wall bracket on the
wall where it is to be installed and mark the mounting holes. The bracket must be mounted
to a stud to insure a secure mount.
2. Drill a 5/32 by 2 deep hole through the wall and into the stud (3/8 hole if there is a metal
3. On metal studs only, place the hollow wall anchors into the holes drilled.
4. Place the wall bracket onto the wall and secure with the fasteners provided. (#12 x 2 screws
for wood studs, #10-24 x 2 1/2screws for metal studs)
5. Remove the four screws from the back of the Display Control Unit.

Figure 16 - 24: Remove Screws

6. Leave the cable retainers (A) attached to their respective cables.
7. Place the Display Control Unit onto the plate and secure the Display Control Unit to the
bracket with the #8-32 x 5/8 screws provided, as shown in Figure 16 - 25. Ensure to attach
the cable retainer clips to the upper right and lower right holes on the Display Control Unit.

Figure 16 - 25: Wall Mount Screws and Mounted Display Control Unit

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Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

8. Connect the cable to the rear of the Display Control Unit (a small flat head screwdriver may
be required). Route the Display Control Unit cable toward the Display Control Unit wall
bracket hinge.
NOTE: The minimum bend radius for the cable is five inches.
9. Use the cable ties and cable mounts to fasten the cable to the wall. Allow sufficient length in
the Display Control Unit cable to permit full range of movement of the bracket. Route the
cable away from the bracket to prevent the cable from becoming pinched in the bracket
To swing the Display Control Unit from side to side, push up on the bottom of the Display Control Unit.
While in this position, the bracket and Display Control Unit swings from side to side.
After the Display Control Unit is positioned, allow the Display Control Unit to drop down to lock into
position. A light tap on the top of the Display Control Unit will insure a lock condition.

Figure 16 - 26: Positioning a Wall Mounted Display Control Unit Convert Wall Mount Swing Direction

The Display Control Unit Wall Mount Bracket swings from the right. It can be converted to swing from
the left.

Figure 16 - 27: Swing Right and Swing Left Wall Mount Configurations
1. Remove the Display Control Unit from the wall mount bracket.

16 - 100
Installation - System and Accessory

Figure 16 - 28: Wall Mount Friction Plate - Close-up

2. Remove the wing nut (B) from the top of the pivot bolt (A).
3. Remove the washer and spring (C).
4. Lift the mounting plate (D) off of the mounting pins and flip over.
5. Install the spring and washer (C) onto the mounting pin.
6. Install wing nut (B) on mounting bolt (A) and tighten down until it stops.
7. Install the Display Control Unit onto the wall mount bracket.

16.6 Accessory Installation

"Syringe Heat Maintainer Installation"
"Syringe Pressure Jacket Installation"
"Hand Switch and Foot Switch Installation"
"Hand Switch Mount Kit"
"Display Control Unit Sterile Sheath Installation"
"Cable Bracket Installation"

16.6.1 Syringe Heat Maintainer Installation

Figure 16 - 29: Syringe Heat Maintainer Port (A)

NOTE: Remove and discard cap covering the port (A).

16 - 101
Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

Figure 16 - 30: Syringe Heat Maintainer

Figure 16 - 31: Syringe Heat Maintainer Connected

16.6.2 Syringe Pressure Jacket Installation

Install the Pressure Jacket on to the front of the injector prior to installing a syringe.
1. Align the slot in the pressure jacket with the protrusion on the front of the injector.
2. Push firmly on the face of the pressure jacket until it snaps on to the injector.
3. Ensure that the syringe interface can close properly.

16.6.3 Hand Switch and Foot Switch Installation

Figure 16 - 32: Hand Switch and Foot Switch Power Unit Location

16 - 102
Installation - System and Accessory

Figure 16 - 33: Hand Switch Display Control Unit Location

Figure 16 - 34: Use Clip to Attach Hand Switch Cable to the Display Control Unit

16.6.4 Hand Switch Mount Kit

The hand switch mount kit contains hardware to allow the operator to mount the hand switch to any
flat surface (such as the back of the Display Control Unit) and onto a pole or similarly shaped object.
1. To mount using the metal bracket and double-sided tape,
a. Attach the hand switch holster (A) to the metal bracket using the included screws.

Figure 16 - 35: Hand Switch Holster with Bracket

b. Using the supplied alcohol wipe, thoroughly clean an area on the mounting surface
approximately the shape and size of the pre-cut double-sided tape.
c. Apply a thin film of the included surface primer to the area (B) where it will be mounted
and to the metal bracket.

16 - 103
Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

d. Orient as desired prior to applying to surface; the tape will adhere on contact. Apply the
double-sided tape to the metal bracket then affix to the prepared surface.
e. Apply firm pressure to fully seat the bracket.
2. To mount the hand switch using the Velcro strap,
a. Feed the Velcro strap through the two slots on the hand switch holster.

Figure 16 - 36: Hand Switch Holster with Velcro

b. Wrap the Velcro strap around a pole or similar object.
c. Ensure strap is snug to prevent the holster from slipping during use. The double-sided
tape can also be used between the holster and pole to help prevent slipping.

16.6.5 Display Control Unit Sterile Sheath Installation

Biological Contamination Hazard - Serious patient and/or worker injury or death may result.
Properly discard disposables after use or if contamination may have occurred during
setup or use.

Environmental Contamination Hazard - Minor or moderate patient and/or worker injury may
Visually inspect contents and package before use.
Do not use if package integrity is compromised.
Follow sterile technique principles when installing the Display Control Unit Sheath.
NOTE: Contents are sterile. Display Control Unit sheath should be applied using sterile
The Mark 7 Arterion Display Control Unit Sterile Sheath is intended for single patient use.
1. Use sterile technique to open the Display Control Unit Sterile Sheath package.
2. Slip the sheath over the Display Control Unit.
3. Ensure the sheath completely covers the Display Control Unit.

Figure 16 - 37: Sheath Installation

16 - 104
Installation - System and Accessory

16.6.6 Cable Bracket Installation

Mechanical Hazard - Minor or moderate patient and/ or worker injury may result.
Do not create a trip hazard when installing cable bracket.
"Table Cable Bracket Installation"
"Floor Cable Bracket Installation" Table Cable Bracket Installation

The Table Cable Bracket, cable insert, and panel mount plate, can be installed using the bracket and
insert only, or bracket and panel mount plate.
"Installing the Bracket and Insert"
"Installing the Insert Only"
Installing the Bracket and Panel Mount Plate Installing the Bracket and Insert

NOTE: Before drilling, check clearance behind the desired mounting location inside the
table. Ensure that no cables or other hardware will interfere with the installation
and function of the Table Cable Bracket.
1. Pre-drill mounting holes (if not already provided on the table) using the Table Mount Cable
Bracket Hole Template provided in Appendix A as a guide.
NOTE: DO NOT photocopy the template as photocopying may distort the image. ALWAYS
2. Route MEDRAD Mark 7 Arterion Injection System Injector Head Extension Cable and Display
Control Unit Cable through the table opening.
3. Locate the Table Cable Bracket (A). Remove the four screws (B) attaching the insert to the


Figure 16 - 38: Table Cable Bracket Assembly

4. Disassemble the insert (C) by removing the socket head screws (D).
5. Insert and route cables through the bracket opening.
6. Attach the top of the insert (C) to the bracket.
7. Align the cables in the corresponding sized slots in the insert. Leave 4 to 6 inches of the
Injector Head Extension Cable extending beyond the opening of the bracket. Leave a suffi-

16 - 105
Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

cient length of the Display Control Unit Cable extending beyond the opening of the bracket to
connect to the Display Control Unit in the desired location.
NOTE: When installing only one cable, insert the appropriate sized plug (included) into the
empty hole.
8. Re-assemble the insert (C) using the socket head screws (D) removed in step 4.
9. Mount the bracket to the table using existing hardware if already available on table. Use the
included #8 sheet metal screws if no existing hardware is available.

Figure 16 - 39: Table Mount Mounted to Table

NOTE: The minimum bend radius for the Injector Head Extension Cable is seven inches
and five inches for the Display Control Unit Cable. Installing the Insert Only

NOTE: Before drilling, check clearance behind the desired mounting location inside the
table. Ensure that no cables or other hardware will interfere with the installation
and function of the Table Cable Insert.
1. Pre-drill mounting holes using the Table Mount Cable Maintenance Insert Hole Template pro-
vided in Appendix A.
2. Route MEDRAD Injector Head Extension Cable and Display Control Unit Cable through the
opening on the table.
3. Locate the Table Cable Bracket and disassemble. Remove the four screws attaching the
insert to the bracket.
4. Attach the top of the insert to the inside of the opening.
5. Align the cables in the corresponding sized slots in the insert. Leave 4 to 6 inches of the
Injector Head Extension Cable extending beyond the opening of the bracket. Leave a suffi-
cient length of the Display Control Unit Cable extending beyond the opening of the bracket to
connect to the Display Control Unit in the desired location.
NOTE: When installing only one cable, insert the appropriate sized plug (included) into the
empty hole.
6. Attach the bottom of the insert to the top of the insert.
NOTE: The minimum bend radius for the Injector Head Extension Cable is seven inches
and five inches for the Display Control Unit Cable. Installing the Bracket and Panel Mount Plate

Mechanical Hazard - Minor or moderate patient and/ or worker injury may result.
Do not create a trip hazard when installing cable bracket.
NOTE: Before drilling, check clearance behind the desired mounting location inside the
table. Ensure that no cables or other hardware will interfere with the installation
and function of the Table Cable Bracket.
1. Pre-drill mounting holes (if not already provided on the table) using the Table Mount Cable
Bracket Hole Template provided in Appendix A as a guide.

16 - 106
Installation - System and Accessory

NOTE: DO NOT photocopy the template as photocopying may distort the image. ALWAYS
2. Route MEDRAD Mark 7 Arterion Injection System Injector Head Extension Cable and Display
Control Unit Cable through the table opening.
3. Locate the Table Cable Bracket (A). Remove the four screws (B) attaching the insert to the
bracket. Control Unit Cable through the table opening.

Figure 16 - 40: Table Cable Bracket Assembly

4. Discard the screws and the insert.
5. Align the cable connectors to the corresponding sized slots in the mount plate.

Figure 16 - 41: Attach Cables to Panel Mount Plate

NOTE: If attaching the DCU cable, remove the cover plate (C) from the plate.
6. Insert the cables connectors in the corresponding sized holes in the plate.
7. Attach the Panel Mount Plate to the bracket using the four 4-40 flat head, thread cutting

16 - 107
Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

Figure 16 - 42: Mount Plate to Bracket

8. Mount the bracket to the table using existing hardware if already available on the table. Use
the included #8 sheet metal screws if no existing hardware is available.

Figure 16 - 43: Table Mount Mounted to Table

NOTE: The minimum bend radius for the Injector Head Extension Cable is seven inches
and five inches for the Display Control Unit CAble. Floor Cable Bracket Installation

NOTE: Before drilling, check clearance behind the desired mounting location on the floor.
Ensure that no cables or other hardware will interfere with the installation and
function of the Floor Cable Bracket.
1. Pre-drill mounting holes using the template provided in Floor Mount Cable Bracket Hold Tem-
plate in Appendix A as a guide.
NOTE: DO NOT photocopy the template as photocopying may distort the image. ALWAYS
2. Thread MEDRAD Mark 7 Arterion Injection System Injector Head Extension Cable and Display
Control Unit Cable through the floor opening.

16 - 108
Installation - System and Accessory

Figure 16 - 44: Cable Routing for Extension Cables

NOTE: Avoid routing extension cables with high power cables.
3. Locate the Floor Cable Bracket (A). Remove the four screws (B) attaching the insert to the

Figure 16 - 45: Floor Cable Bracket Assembly

4. Disassemble the insert (C) by removing the three socket head cap screws (D).
5. Route extension cables through the opening in the floor bracket and the cable insert.
6. Attach the top of the cable insert to the bracket using the four #4-40 x 3/8 screws (B).
7. Align the cables in the corresponding sized slots in the insert. Leave a sufficient length of the
Display Control Unit Cable and Injector Head Extension Cable extending beyond the opening
of the bracket to connect to the Display Control Unit and Injector Head in the desired loca-
NOTE: When installing only one cable, insert the appropriate sized plug (included) into the
empty hole.
8. Attach the bottom of the insert to the top of the insert using the socket head cap screws (D).
Ensure that the top and bottom of the insert are fully seated to each other.
9. Apply RTV to the underside of the mounting bracket.
10. Mount the bracket to the floor. Hardware is included to mount the bracket to either concrete
or to wooden floors.

16 - 109
Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

Figure 16 - 46: Floor Mount Mounted to Floor

NOTE: The minimum bend radius for the Injector Head Extension Cable is seven inches
and five inches for the Display Control Unit Cable. Installing the Floor Bracket and Panel Mount Plate

Mechanical Hazard - Minor or moderate patient and/ or worker injury may result.
Do not create a trip hazard when installing cable bracket.
NOTE: Before drilling, check clearance behind the desired mounting location on the floor.
Ensure that no cables or other hardware will interfere with the installation and
function of the Floor Cable Bracket.
1. Pre-drill mounting holes using the template provided in Floor Mount Cable Bracket Hole Tem-
plate in Appendix A as a guide.
NOTE: DO NOT photocopy the template as photocopying may distort the image. ALWAYS
2. Thread MEDRAD Mark 7 Arterion Injection System Injector Head Extension Cable and Display
Control Unit Cable through the floor opening.
NOTE: Avoid routing extension cables with high power cables.
3. Locate the Floor Cable Bracket (A). Remove the four screws (B) attaching the insert to the

Figure 16 - 47: Floor Cable Bracket Assembly

4. Discard the screws and the insert.
5. Remove the cable strain relief from the cables to be mounted as shown below.

16 - 110
Installation - System and Accessory

Figure 16 - 48: Cable Strain Relief Removal

6. Insert the cables connectors in the corresponding sized holes in the plate.

Figure 16 - 49: Removing Cable Plate

NOTE: If attaching the DCU cable, remove the cover plate (C) from the plate.
7. Attach the Panel Mount Plate to the bracket using the four 4-40 flat head, thread cutting

Figure 16 - 50: Mount Plate to Bracket

8. Apply RTV to the underside of the mounting bracket.
9. Mount the bracket to the floor. hardware is included to mount the bracket to either concrete
or to wooden floors.

16 - 111
Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

Figure 16 - 51: Floor Mount Mounted to Floor

NOTE: The minimum bend radius for the Injector Head Extension Cable is seven inches
and five inches for the Display Control Unit Cable.

16.7 Stand Mounting Kit Installation

The Mark 7 Arterion Pedestal Mounting Kit is for use with the KMA 320 RT and the KMA 330.
NOTE: Ensure the KMA 320 RT and KMA 330 have five (5) locking casters. If the stand
does not have five locking casters, contact service for part number 699-4645-100.

16.8 Power Unit Bracket Installation


1. Rotate the Pedestal Arm counterclockwise until you hit the stop.
2. Attach Power Unit Mounting Bracket Plate (A) to the Power Unit Tube Clamp (B) using two 10-
32 x 3/8 pan head Phillips screws.(C)
3. Repeat step 2.
4. Attach the assembled Power Unit Brackets to the top and bottom of the Power Unit.
NOTE: The screw head aligns with the hole in the bracket plate.

16 - 112
Installation - System and Accessory

5. Lock the casters on the pedestal.

6. Position Power Unit on the stand as shown below.

7. Loosely attach the Crescent Clamp (D) to the bottom half of the Tube Clamp using two 10-32
x 3/4 socket head screws (E) and 3/16 hex key.
8. Loosely attach the Crescent Clamp (D) to the top of the Tube Clamp using two 10-32 x 3/4
socket head screws (E) and 3/16 hex key. The Power Unit should be resting on the lowest
point of the stand.
9. Align the Power Unit as shown below and securely tighten the clamps.

16 - 113
Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

16.9 Display Control Unit (DCU) Support Assembly Installation



1. Insert the DCU Mounting Bushing (A) into the DCU Support Post (B).
2. Align holes and secure with two 8-32 x 3/8 Phillips screws (C) using a #2 Phillips screw
driver. Do not overtighten.

16 - 114
Installation - System and Accessory

3. Ensure the Pedestal Arm has been rotated counterclockwise until you hit the stop.
4. Locate two DCU Mounting Bracket halves (D).
5. Orient halves together ensuring each threaded hole lines up with a through hole.
6. Position the DCU Mounting Bracket around the DCU post so that the bottom is approximately
41 inches from the ground.

7. Insert and loosely fasten one 1/4-20 x 1-1/4 screw (E) in the hole closest to the Stand Post.
8. Insert the assembled DCU Support Post into open hole of the DCU Mounting Bracket so that
the stop pin (H) is away from the Stand Post and bottom of the post is flush with the support.
See image below.

16 - 115
Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

9. Insert and fasten one 1/4-20 x 1-1/4 screw (E) on the DCU Mounting Bracket into the hole
closest to the DCU Support Post.
10. Rotate DCU Support Bracket so that the bracket is positioned directly under the Pedestal
11. Insert two 1/4-20 x 1-1/4 screws (E) into holes at ends of the DCU Mounting Bracket.
12. Position the Hand Switch and cable management (I) in between the DCU Support Post and
stand as shown below

13. Insert the 1/4-20 x 1 button head cap screw (G) and tighten.
14. Insert the remaining 1/4-20 x 1-1/4 screws (E) into the remaining holes on the DCU Mounting
15. Securely tighten all of the 1/4-20 x 1-1/4 screws on the DCU Mounting Bracket.

16 - 116
17 Specifications
This chapter lists:
"System Component Weights and Dimensions"
"Mounting Components Weights and Dimensions"
"ISI Technical Specifications"
"Environmental Specifications"

17.1 System Component Weights and Dimensions

NOTE: All listed weights and dimensions are approximate.

17.1.1 Pedestal System Weight and Dimensions

47.3 in
120.1 cm

180 22.0 in.
180 55.9 cm


8.6 in
21.8 cm

55.8 in
141.7 cm
57.4 in 53.1 in
145.8 cm 134.8 cm 48.2 in
122.4 cm

23.5 in
59.6 cm
26.1 in
66.2 cm
Weight: 146 lbs. (66.22 kg)

17 - 117
Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

17.1.2 Display Control Unit Weight and Dimensions

3.040 in.
7.7 cm
12.62 in.
32.1 cm

11.042 in.
28 cm

Weight: 7lbs. (3.18kg)

17.1.3 Injector Head Weight and Dimensions

5.470 in.
13.9 cm

21.219 in. 9.853 in.

53.9 cm 25 cm
14.319 in.
36.6 cm

7.150 in. 8.659 in.

22 cm
18.2 cm

Weight: 18lbs. (8.16 kg)

17 - 118

17.1.4 Power Unit Weight and Dimensions

9.765 in.
24.8 cm

15.213 in. 4.641 in.

38.6 cm 11.8 cm

9.765 in.
24.8 cm

Weight: 11 lbs. (4.99 kg)

17.2 Mounting Components Weights and Dimensions

NOTE: All listed weights and dimensions are approximate.

17.2.1 Pedestal Mount Weight and Dimensions

Weight*: 100 lbs. (45.35 kg)

*Weight does not include the Injector Head, Display Control Unit, or Power Unit weights.

17 - 119
Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

17.2.2 Head Stand Weight and Dimensions

2 in.
5.08 cm
48.5 in.
123.19 cm
35.6 in.
90.42 cm 26.75 in.
67.95 cm

Weight*: 51.4 lbs. (23.32 kg)

*Weight does not include the Injector Head weight.

17.2.3 Adjustable Height Stand Weight and Dimensions

Weight: 56.0 lbs. (25.4 kg.)

*Measurements are in inches.

17 - 120

17.2.4 Stand Mounting Kit Components Weights and Dimension. Display Control Unit (DCU) Bracket Weight and Dimensions

Weight: 4.0 lbs. (1.8 kg)

*Measurements are in inches. Weight does not include DCU weight. Power Unit Bracket Weight and Dimensions

Weight: 1.2 lbs. (0.54 kg)

* Measurement are in inches. Weight does not include Power Unit weight.

17 - 121
Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

17.2.5 Adjustable Table Mount (KMA 350) Weight and Dimensions

1.99 in.
5.1 cm

12 in. Compressed
30.5 cm
17 in. Extended
43.2 cm

5.375 in.
1.44 in. 13.7 cm
3.7 cm
Weight*: 5.4 lbs. (2.44 kg)
*Weight does not include the Injector Head weight.

17.2.6 OCS Mount Weight and Dimensions

"Ceiling Mount Weight and Dimensions"
"Trolley Mount Weight and Dimensions"
"Wall Mount Weight and Dimensions"

17 - 122
Specifications Ceiling Mount Weight and Dimensions

Long 39.4 in. (100.1 cm)

Medium 33.5 in. (85.1 cm)
Short 22.8 in. (57.9 cm)

29.5 in.
360o 74.9 cm

360 o 35.8 in.

o 90.9 cm

360 o
50 o
360 o

32 in.
81 cm

System Weight*: Short Column 89.58 lbs (40.63 kg)

Medium Column 96.18 lbs (43.63 kg)
Long Column 100.66 lbs (45.66 kg)
*Weight does not include Injector Head weight. Trolley Mount Weight and Dimensions

98.4 in. to max 157.5 in.
249.9 cm to max 400 cm

33.5 in. (85.1 cm) Medium

22.8 in. (57.9 cm) Short

29.5 in. (74.9 cm) 35.8 in. (90.9 cm)

System Weight*: Short Column 76.38 lbs (34.65 kg)

Long Column 78.58 lbs (35.64 kg)
*Weight does not include Injector Head weight.

17 - 123
Mark 7 Arterion Injection System Wall Mount Weight and Dimensions

70.5 in.
179 cm
Required for fully
extended rotation

45 31.5 in. 3.5 in.

31.5 in. 80 cm
80 cm 9 cm
22 in.
1.5 in. 56 cm
3.8 cm

2.5 in. Wall

6.4 cm

4.5 in. 57 in.
11.4 cm 145 cm

28 in.
71 cm
80 in.
203 cm

System Weight*: 43.28 lbs (19.63 kg)
* Weight does not include Injector Head weight.

17 - 124

17.2.7 Fixed Table Mount Weight and Dimensions

1.99 in.
5.1 cm

8.06 in.
20.5 cm

5.375 in.
1.438 in.13.7 cm
3.7 cm
Weight*: 3.8 lbs (1.72 kg)
*Weight does not include the Display Control Unit weight.

17.2.8 Display Control Unit Desk Stand Mount Weight and Dimensions

8.76 in.
22.3 cm

8.09 in.
20.5 cm
Weight*: 2.6 lbs (1.17 kg)
*Weight does not include the Display Control Unit weight.

17 - 125
Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

17.2.9 Display Control Unit Wall Mount Weight and Dimensions

12.56 in.
31.9 cm

11.87 in.
13.08 in. 30.1 cm
33.2 cm

1 in.

2.5 cm

1.83 in.
4.6 cm

Weight*: 4.4 lbs (1.99 kg)
*Weight does not include the Display Control Unit weight.

17.2.10 Power Unit Floor Mount Weight and Dimensions

Weight*: 2.2 lbs (1 kg)

*Weight does not include the Power Unit weight.

17 - 126

17.3 ISI Technical Specifications

This section outlines the Mark 7 Arterion specifications for the output signals and input signals for the
ISI, and shows pinouts for legacy ISI connector, universal cable, and Siemens cable.
NOTE: Systems are configured for Universal ISI operation. If configuring for Siemens sys-
tem, contact local service for assistance.

17.3.1 ISI Output Specifications

The tables below list the output signals and the relay contact outputs for the Mark 7 Arterion ISI.

Table 17 - 1: Output Signals

Signal Name Description

This signal is a pair of relay contacts output from the Injector. When active,
it indicates that the Injector is in an armed state and is ready to accept the
start input from the Imaging System. This signal operates as an Extended
Arm; it becomes active with the arming of the Injector and remains active
Extended_Arm after an injection until the signal that initiated the injection (e.g.
INJ_START signal from the Imaging System) is deactivated.
NOTE: The Injector still disarms at the completion of the
injection; only this ISI armed signal is extended.

This signal is a pair of relay contacts output from the Injector. It indicates
that the piston on the Injector is in motion.

This signal is a pair of relay contacts output from the Injector. When the
Injector X-ray delay has expired, this signal becomes active and notifies
X-Ray Trigger the Imaging System to start the X-ray. Like the Extended Arm signal, the
X-RAY_TRIGGER signal remains active until the signal initiating the injec-
tion (e.g. INJ_START signal from the Imaging System) is deactivated.

This signal is a pair of relay contacts output from the Injector. When the
INJ_HAND_SWITCH_DISABLE input is active and the Injector is armed,
this signal indicates when the Injector hand switch (contrast activation
only) or foot switch is in an on position; otherwise, this signal is inactive.

Table 17 - 2: Relay Contact Outputs

2A @ 28VDC or 0.5A @ 125VAC

17 - 127
Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

17.3.2 ISI Input Specifications

The Mark 7 Arterion ISI is activated by a contact closure at the imaging system, and it is powered by
internal 24VDC isolated supply with short circuit protection at the Mark 7 Arterion Injector.
The tables below list the output signals and the Opto-isolated Input requirements.

Table 17 - 3: ISI Input Signals

Signal Name Description

This signal is an input to the Injector and is generated by the Imaging Sys-
tem. Once the Injector is armed and the EXTENDED_ARM signal is active,
Inj_Start activating this signal enables the Injector to start. Deactivating this signal
during an injection will abort any injection in progress and disarm the

This signal is an input to the Injector and is generated by the Imaging Sys-
tem. This signal must be inactive to allow the Injector to be armed. When
the Injector is armed or is injecting, activating this signal will disarm the
Injector and abort any injection in progress.

This signal is an input to the Injector and is generated by the Imaging Sys-
tem. This signal must be inactive to allow the Injector hand switch and
Inj_Hand_Switch_- foot switch to function normally when in ISI mode. When this signal is
Disable active, the Injector hand switch (contrast activation only) and foot switch
are disabled from directly starting the Injector and the Injector can only be
started from a remote INJ_START control.

Table 17 - 4: Opto-isolated Inputs Requirements

10mA at 24VDC (nominal), 15mA at 30VDC (maximum).

17.3.3 ISI Connector Specifications

The figures below show the pinouts for the Legacy ISI connector, ISI Universal cable, and ISI Siemens
cable. Table 17 - 5 on page 17 - 129 provides a brief description of each pin in the Legacy ISI

17 - 128

Figure 17 - 1: ISI Legacy Connector (View Into Injector Connector)

1 - Injecting N/O 2 - Injecting N/O

3 - Extended_Arm N/O 4 - Extended_Arm N/O

5 - Handswitch Disable 6 - ISO_GND

7 - Remote Start 8 - Remote Disarm

9 -Remote Start 10 - X-Ray Trigger N/O

11 - X-Ray Trigger N/O 12 - Gate Out (unused)

13 - Gate Out (unused) 14 - Handswitch On N/O

15 - Handswitch On N/O 16 - AC Ground - cable shield

Table 17 - 5: ISI Legacy Connector Signals

Signal Description

Output signal to Imaging System that shorts pins 1 and 2 together when
the system is injecting. When not injecting, pins 1 and 2 are open.

Output signal to Imaging System that shorts pins 3 and 4 together when
the system is armed. When not armed, pins 3 to 4 are open.

Input signal from Imaging System; when pins 5 and 6 are shorted, the
injector hand switch and/or foot switch is disabled from directly initiating
Handswitch Disable
an injection. When open, the injector hand switch and/or foot switch func-
tions normally.

Input signal from Imaging System; when pins 7 and 9 are shorted, the
Remote Start
injector is commanded to start the injection.

Input signal from Imaging System; when pins 8 and 6 are shorted, the
Remote Disarm
injector is commanded to disarm.

Output signal to Imaging System that shorts pins 10 and 11 together when
X-Ray Trigger

Output signal to Imaging System that shorts pins 12 and 13 together

Gate Out based on an ECG R-wave signal. This signal will not be used in the Mark 7
Arterion design and is only presented for informational purposes.

Output signal to Imaging System that shorts pins 14 and 15 together as an

Handswitch closed
indication that the Mark 7 Arterion hand switch or foot switch is pressed.

17 - 129
Mark 7 Arterion Injection System















A closed relay contact
INJ_HAND_SWITCH_ON indicates the corresponding
signal is active

Injector Side Imaging System

Figure 17 - 2: ISI Universal Cable

17 - 130
















14 A closed relay contact
INJ_HAND_SWITCH_ON indicates the corresponding
15 signal is active

Injector Side Imaging System

Figure 17 - 3: ISI Siemens

17 - 131
Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

17.4 Environmental Specifications

17.4.1 Operating
The system may not meet all performance specifications if operated outside the following conditions.

Temperature: +15C to +40 C (+59F to +104F)

Humidity: 20% to 93% R.H. at 40 C non-condensing

Air Pressure: 70 kPa to 106 kPa after it has stabilized to within the operating pressure ranges.

17.4.2 Non-Operating: (Transportation and Storage)

Temperature: -20C to 60C (-4F to +140F)

Humidity: 5% to 100% R.H.

Air Pressure: 57 kPa to 106 kPa after it has stabilized to ambient conditions.

17.4.3 EMI/RFI
The injector system is classified as Group 1, Class B equipment per the requirements of EN 60601-1-2.
Accessories provided by MEDRAD will also comply with this standard.

17.4.4 Equipment Classification

Type of protection against electrical shock: Class 1.
Degree of protection against electrical shock: Type CF Defibrillation-proof applied part.
Degree of protection against ingress of water: IPX1.
Degree of safety of application in the presence of a flammable anaesthetic mixture with air or with
oxygen or nitrous oxide: Equipment is not suitable for use in the presence of a flammable anaesthetic
mixture with air or with oxygen or with nitrous oxide.
Mode of operation: Continuous.

17.4.5 Class I Product

A product that is provided with a reliable protective earth (PE) such that all accessible metal parts
cannot become live in the event of a failure of basic insulation and therefore will provide protection
against electric shock in the case of failure of basic insulation.

17.4.6 Type CF Defibrillation-proof Applied Part

The Injection System is Type CF Defibrillation-proof as the System may be utilized in a situation when
the applied part is connected to the patient while defibrillation is applied. During the discharge of a
cardiac defibrillator to a patient connected to the Defibrillation-proof applied part, hazardous energies
do not appear on the enclosures, signal input and output parts.

17.4.7 IPX1
IEC 60529 classification of degree of protection (IP Code) provided by enclosures of electrical
equipment against ingress of vertically dripping water with harmful effects.

17 - 132

17.4.8 Continuous Mode of Operation

Operation under normal load for an unlimited period, without the specified limits of temperature being

17.4.9 EU Directive
The MEDRAD Mark 7 Arterion Injection System complies with the essential requirements of the Medical
Device Directive 93/42/EEC and bears the CE Mark to show conformity with the provisions of this

17 - 133
Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

17 - 134
18 Options and Accessories
The sections below list catalog numbers for:
"Mark 7 Arterion System Mount Options"
"Mark 7 Arterion Accessory Devices and Kits"
"Mark 7 Arterion Cords and Cables"
"OCS Mounting Systems"
"OEM Imaging System Interface Cables"

18.1 Mark 7 Arterion Disposables/Syringe Kits

Description Catalog Number

Disposable Syringe with Quick Fill Tube ART 700 SYR

Display Control Unit Sheath AVA 500 DCOV

18.2 Mark 7 Arterion System Mount Options

18.2.1 Injector Head Mount Options

Description Catalog Number

Mark 7 Arterion Pedestal ART 700 PED A

Adjustable Table Mount KMA 350

Free Standing Stand on Wheels KMA 320RT

Adjustable Height Stand KMA 330

18.2.2 Power Unit Mount Options

Description Catalog Number

Mark 7 Arterion Pedestal ART 700 PED A

Floor Mount ART 700 F PSU

18 - 135
Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

18.2.3 Display Control Unit Mount Options

Description Catalog Number

Mark 7 Arterion Pedestal ART 700 PED

Adjustable Table Mount Kit (includes adjustable table mount and dis-
play mount fulcrum)

Fixed Table Mount Kit (includes fixed table mount and display mount

Display Mount Fulcrum ART 700 DCU FMK

Desk Stand Kit ART 700 DCU DM

Wall Mount ART 700 DCU WM

18.2.4 Cable Brackets

Description Catalog Number

Floor Cable Bracket ART 700 CB F

Table Cable Bracket ART 700 CB T

18.3 Mark 7 Arterion Accessory Devices and Kits

18.3.1 Switches

Description Catalog Number

Foot switch 25 ft. (7 m) (Optional) ART 700 FS

Hand switch 6 ft. (1.8 m) (Standard) ART 700 HS6

Hand switch 12 ft. (3.7 m) (Optional) ART 700 HS12

Hand switch Mount Kit ART 700 HSM

VFlow Hand Controller VF HC

18.3.2 Accessory Devices and Kits

Description Catalog Number

Syringe Heat Maintainer ART 700 HM

Dual Display Option (Does not include mounting) ART 700 2DCU

Pressure Jacket AVA 500 PJ150

18 - 136
Options and Accessories

18.4 Mark 7 Arterion Cords and Cables

18.4.1 Power Cords

Description Catalog Number

Power Cord - North America and Japan - Standard Length AVA 500 PC110V

Power Cord - North America and Japan - 20 ft. (6 m) AVA 500 PP

Power Cord - International AVA 500 PC220V

Power Cord - China AVA 500 PCCHINA

Power Cord - Brazil AVA 500 PCBRAZIL

Power Cord - Philips Cabinet - 20 ft. (6m) AVA 500 UMNL

18.4.2 Head Power and Communication Extension Cables

Description Catalog Number

Cable Head Power - 15 ft. (4.5 m) ART 700 HC 15

Cable Head Power - 40 ft. (12. m) ART 700 HC 40

Cable Head Power - 65 ft. (20 m) ART 700 HC 65

Cable Head Power - 90 ft. (27 m) ART 700 HC 90

18.4.3 Display Cables

Description Catalog Number

Cable Display - 10 ft. (3 m) ART 700 DC 10

Cable Display - 25 ft. (7.5 m) ART 700 DC 25

Cable Display - 50 ft. (15 m) ART 700 DC 50

Cable Display - 75 ft. (23 m) ART 700 DC 75

Cable Display - 100 ft. (30.5 m) ART 700 DC 100

Display Extension Cable - 90 ft. (27.4m) ART 700 DC 90

18 - 137
Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

18.5 OCS Mounting Systems

18.5.1 Stationary Ceiling Mount

Description Catalog Number

Portegra - Stationary Ceiling Mount - 22.8 in. (58 cm) Post OCS CEIL 58-P

Portegra - Stationary Ceiling Mount - 33.5 in. (85 cm) Post OCS CEIL 85-P

Portegra - Stationary Ceiling Mount - 39.4 in. (100 cm) Post OCS CEIL 100-P

18.5.2 Mobile Ceiling Mount

Description Catalog Number

Portegra 2 - Track Ceiling Mount - 22.8 in. (58 cm) Post OCS TRACK 58-P

Portegra 2 Track Ceiling Mount - 33.5 in, (85 cm) Post OCS TRACK 85-P

18.5.3 Wall Mount

Description Catalog Number

Portegra 2 - Wall mount - 33.5 in. (85 cm) Post OCS WALL-P

18.5.4 Ceiling Mount Plate

Description Catalog Number

Portegra 2 - Ceiling Mount Plate OCA PLATE CEIL

18.6 OEM Imaging System Interface Cables

18.6.1 General Electric

Description Catalog Number

GE Advantx, 15 ft. (4.5 m)-ISI Signals Only XMC 915R

GE Innova, 15 ft. (4.5 m)-ISI Signals Only XMC 915R

GE Advantx, 20 ft. (6 m) Remote Power Unit, ISI Signals Only XMC 917A

GE Innova, 20 ft. (6 m) Remote Power Unit, ISI Signals Only XMC 917A

GE/OEC 25 ft. (8 m) - ISI Signals Only XMC 990R

18 - 138
Options and Accessories

18.6.2 Philips

Description Catalog Number

MultiDiagnost (MD) and Integris, 15 ft. (4.5 m)-ISI, Equipotential XMC 925A

Integris (Including Integris Allura), 15 ft. (4.5 m) ISI, Equipotential XMC 925A

XPER, 15 ft. (4.5 m)-ISI, Power, Equipotential XMC 927A

XPER, 26 ft. (8m)-ISI, Power, Equipotential XMC 928-A

MultiDiagnost (MD) and Integris, 40 ft. (12.2)-ISI SIgnals Only, Remote

XMC 945 40
Power Unit

XPER, 80 ft. (24 m) ISI Signals, Remote Power Unit XMC 947R

18.6.3 Siemens

Description Catalog Number

Axiom Artis, 16.5 ft. (5 m)-ISI, Power, Equipotential XMC 977A

Multistar/Angiostar, 13 ft. (4 m)-ISI, Power, Equipotential XMC 970A with 3016360

18.6.4 Ziehm

Description Catalog Number

Vision 26 ft. (8m) ISI Signals Only XMC 951 AI

18.6.5 Universal Imaging System Interface Cables

Description Catalog Number

Universal Synchronization Cable, 25 ft. (8 m) XMC 906I

Universal Synchronization Cable, 50 ft. (15 m) XMC 906 50I

Universal Synchronization Cable, 75 ft. (23 m) XMC 906 75I

Universal Synchronization Cable, 100 ft. (31 m) XMC 906 100I

18.6.6 Equipotential Cables

Description Catalog Number

Equipotential Cable, 16.4 ft. (5 m) 78101-15-AC-26

Equipotential Cable, 19.7 ft. (6 m) GE EP TABL

18 - 139
Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

18 - 140
Appendix - A Cable Bracket Installation Templates

A - 141
Mark 7 Arterion Injection System


(55.88 mm)

(55.88 mm)

(27.94 mm)

2.6(66.04 mm) 0.136 (3.45 mm)
Through-Hole Through-Hole

DO NOT Photocopy.
Photocopying Can
Distort The Template. 3 cm

A - 142
A - 143
Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

A - 144
A wall mount 16 - 99
Actuals window 6 - 27, 6 - 28 weight and dimensions 17 - 118
adjustable table mount disposables
weight and dimensions 17 - 120 remove 12 - 69
Arm Multi 11 - 60 specifications 5 - 19
prerequisites 11 - 60 drop front 7 - 31
Arm Single 11 - 58 E
armed light 7 - 31, 7 - 35 Enable button 7 - 34, 7 - 35
arming Enable indicator 7 - 34
Arm Multi 11 - 60 End Case button 6 - 28, 12 - 69
Arm Single Environmental specifications
prerequisites 11 - 58 Class I Product 17 - 132
prerequisites 11 - 57, 11 - 60 Continuous Mode of Operation 17 - 133
auto retract 7 - 33 EMC Certifications 2 - 3
Auto-Fill button 7 - 34, 7 - 35 EMI/RFI 17 - 132
C Equipment classification 17 - 132
cable bracket EU Directive 17 - 133
floor 16 - 108 IPX1 17 - 132
installation 16 - 105 non-operating 17 - 132
table 16 - 105 operating 17 - 132
catheter Safety Certifications 2 - 3
connect 10 - 55 Type CF Defibrillation-proof Applied Part 17 - 132
cleaning F
daily 15 - 79 fill
Display Control Unit 15 - 83 syringe 10 - 51
Injector Head 15 - 79 Fill Strip 7 - 34, 7 - 35
monthly 15 - 83 Fixed table mount
Pedestal 15 - 83 weight and dimensions 17 - 125
piston 15 - 79 fixed table mount 16 - 97
Power Unit 15 - 83 floor cable bracket 16 - 108
Pressure Jacket 15 - 79 flow rate 7 - 34
Syringe Heat Maintainer 15 - 83 FluiDots indicators 10 - 52
syringe interface 15 - 79 foot switch 5 - 21
Table Bracket 15 - 79, 15 - 83 installation 16 - 102
D fulcrum mount kit 16 - 95
desk stand 16 - 96 H
weight and dimensions 17 - 125 hand switch 5 - 21
Display Control Unit 5 - 20 installation 16 - 102
calibration 6 - 30 mount 16 - 103
cleaning 15 - 83 head stand
desk stand 16 - 96 weight and dimensions 17 - 120
fixed table mount 16 - 97 Help tab 6 - 29
fulcrum mount kit 16 - 95 high pressure connector tubing
Help tab 6 - 29 installation 10 - 52, 10 - 53
History tab 6 - 28 purge 10 - 53
Home tab 6 - 27 specifications 5 - 19
inspection 15 - 82 History tab 6 - 28
installation 16 - 95 Home tab 6 - 27
mounting options 16 - 95, 18 - 136 I
Options tab 6 - 28 Imaging System Interface 5 - 21
sterile sheath 5 - 20 Imaging System initiates protocol 11 - 63
sterile sheath installation 16 - 104 Imaging System initiates protocol (Philips Imaging Sys-

Mark 7 Arterion Injection System

tems Only) 11 - 64 head stand (Injector Head) 16 - 95

Injection system initiates injection 11 - 63 high pressure connector tubing 10 - 52, 10 - 53
input specifications 17 - 128 Injector Head 16 - 95
output specifications 17 - 127 OCS (Injector Head) 16 - 95
Inject position 7 - 32 Pedestal 16 - 88
injection Power Unit 16 - 91
complete 11 - 65 syringe 10 - 49
initiate 11 - 61 Syringe Heat Maintainer 16 - 101
initiate phased 11 - 62 wall mount (Display Control Unit) 16 - 99
initiate single ml/m 11 - 61 Intermediate position 7 - 32
initiate single ml/s (Arm Multi) 11 - 61 ISI, see Imaging System Interface
initiate single ml/s (Arm Single) 11 - 61 M
perform with Imaging System Interface 11 - 62 manual knob 7 - 31, 7 - 36
injector modify options 6 - 29
unpack 16 - 87 O
Injector Head OCS
armed light 7 - 31, 7 - 35 installation 16 - 95
cleaning 15 - 79 weight and dimensions 17 - 122
controls 7 - 31 Operational Checkout 15 - 84
displays 7 - 31, 7 - 33 Options tab 6 - 28
drop front 7 - 31 modify 6 - 29
handle 7 - 31 P
head stand installation 16 - 95 Pedestal
inspection 15 - 81 cleaning 15 - 83
manual knob 7 - 31, 7 - 36 inspection 15 - 83
mounting options 16 - 95 installation 16 - 88
OCS 16 - 95 weight and dimensions 17 - 119
Pressure Jacket 7 - 31 pedestal system
weight and dimensions 17 - 118 weight and dimensions 17 - 117
Injector Head displays 7 - 34, 7 - 35 piston
Injector Head Orientation cleaning 15 - 79
Inject position 7 - 32 Popups 13 - 73
Intermediate position 7 - 32 Power Unit 5 - 21
Purge position 7 - 32 Air Filter 15 - 83
syringe interface 7 - 33 cleaning 15 - 83
injector storage 12 - 70 connections 16 - 92
inspection floor mount 16 - 93
Display Control Unit 15 - 82 input requirements 5 - 18
Injector Head 15 - 81 inspection 15 - 83
Pedestal 15 - 83 installation 16 - 91
Power Unit 15 - 83 relocate connectors 16 - 94
Air Filter 15 - 83 weight and dimensions 17 - 119
Pressure Jacket 15 - 81 Power up 8 - 37
Table Mount 15 - 82 Pressure Jacket 7 - 31, 15 - 80
installation cleaning 15 - 79, 15 - 80
cable bracket 16 - 105 description 7 - 33
desk stand (Display Control Unit) 16 - 96 inspection 15 - 81
Display Control Unit 16 - 95 storage 7 - 33
fixed table mount (Display Control Unit) 16 - 97 pressure limit 7 - 34
floor cable bracket 16 - 108 pressure limiting 5 - 18
floor mount bracket (Power Unit) 16 - 93 Programmed window 6 - 27
foot switch 16 - 102 set Phased protocol 9 - 40
fulcrum mount kit (Display Control Unit) 16 - 95 set Single protocol 9 - 39
hand switch 16 - 102 protocol

create Phased on Protocols tab 9 - 43 refill 11 - 66
create Single ml/m on Protocols tab 9 - 42 Syringe Heat Maintainer 5 - 20, 7 - 36
create Single ml/s on Protocols tab 9 - 42 cleaning 15 - 83
define 10 - 56 installation 16 - 101
delete 9 - 47 syringe interface 7 - 33
edit 9 - 46 cleaning 15 - 79
edit phased 9 - 46 T
edit single ml/m 9 - 46 Table Bracket
edit single ml/s 9 - 46 cleaning 15 - 79, 15 - 83
recall stored 9 - 45 table cable bracket 16 - 105
set phased in Programmed window 9 - 40 installation 16 - 105
set single in Programmed window 9 - 39 insert only 16 - 106
Protocols tab 6 - 28 Table Mount
create Phased protocol 9 - 43 inspection 15 - 82
create Single ml/m 9 - 42 V
create Single ml/s 9 - 42 volume 7 - 34
purge volume remaining 7 - 34
confirmation 11 - 57 volume remaining icon 7 - 34
high pressure connector tubing 10 - 53 W
purge action 11 - 57 wall mount 16 - 99
syringe 10 - 51, 11 - 66 convert swing direction 16 - 100
Purge position 7 - 32 weight and dimensions 17 - 126
Q weight and dimensions
Quick Fill Tube 10 - 51 adjustable table mount 17 - 120
R desk stand 17 - 125
refill syringe 11 - 66 Display Control Unit 17 - 118
rise time 9 - 40 Fixed table mount 17 - 125
S head stand 17 - 120
Sentinel window 6 - 27, 6 - 28 Injector Head 17 - 118
messages 13 - 71 OCS 17 - 122
sterile sheath installation 16 - 104 Pedestal 17 - 119
syringe pedestal system 17 - 117
fill 10 - 51 Power Unit 17 - 119
installation 10 - 49 wall mount 17 - 126
purge 10 - 51, 11 - 66


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