Adsorption and Reactions at The (0 1 0) V O Surface: Cluster Model Studies

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Catalysis Today 50 (1999) 553565

Adsorption and reactions at the (0 1 0) V2O5 surface:

cluster model studies
M. Witkoa,*, K. Hermannb, R. Tokarza
Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, ul. Niezapominajek, 30 239, Cracow, Poland
Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Faradayweg 4-6, 14195, Berlin, Germany


The use of quantum chemical approaches in the description of electronic properties of a catalyst and in understanding the
mechanism of catalytic reactions is discussed. The electronic structure of vanadium pentoxide, V2O5, is studied based upon
the cluster model with ab initio DFT and semiempirical INDO-type methods. Inter-atomic binding in vanadium pentoxide is
determined to be of a mixed ionic and covalent character. Convergence of the electronic properties with respect to the cluster
size is achieved for clusters as large as V10O31H12. Similar electronic parameters of the V10O31H12 cluster in its idealized, bulk
and optimized geometry are obtained. The effect of the second substrate layer on the electronic properties is found to be
negligible. The calculations reveal differences in the catalytic properties between structurally inequivalent surface oxygen
centers and show the increased local reactivity of bridging oxygens with respect to the electrophilic adparticles. The results of
the adsorption of hydrogen, treated as a probe reaction to model the rst step in the selective oxidation of hydrocarbons at
structurally different oxygen sites, are compared with the adsorption/activation of aliphatic (propene) and aromatic (toluene)
hydrocarbons at the vanadium pentoxide(0 1 0) surface. The H/H species adsorbs at the V2O5(0 1 0) surface always at
oxygen sites forming stable surface hydroxyl groups. The detailed mechanism of H/H stabilization depends on the structural
and electronic properties of the adsorption site. The strongest binding occurs with the oxygen O(c) bridging two bare
vanadium atoms. These O(c) oxygens become quite mobile in presence of the H/H adparticle. Oxidation of propene and
toluene on V2O5(0 1 0) into the aldehyde species proceeds through the formation of CO bond with the bridging oxygen,
abstraction of two hydrogen atoms from the same carbon atom of CH3-group, and generation of two OH-surface groups.
# 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: V2O5; Electronic structure; Cluster model calculations; Hydrogen adsorption and hydrocarbons interaction with

1. Introduction characterization of physical and chemical properties

of the surface, information on the transition complex
The understanding of catalytic processes occurring which is formed at the surface, and insight into the
on transition metal oxide surfaces requires a complete reaction between the adsorbates. The electronic struc-
ture of the surface is responsible for the interaction and
*Corresponding author. Tel.: +48-12-4252841; fax: +48-12- binding with an adsorbate, for resulting bond changes,
4251923; e-mail: [email protected] for the reaction of adsorbed reactant(s), and for the

0920-5861/99/$ see front matter # 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S0920-5861(98)00490-8
554 M. Witko et al. / Catalysis Today 50 (1999) 553565

desorption process. Therefore, one has to determine vanadia based materials as catalysts, especially in the
which atoms act as active centers directing the trans- selective oxidation of hydrocarbons (aliphatic as well
formation of the reagent and how the properties of an as aromatic) [3,4]. The existence of the structurally
active center depend on its geometrical and chemical (and thus electronically) different oxygen sites on the
arrangements. Further, it is necessary to learn how V2O5(0 1 0) surface poses the question as to which of
binding in the intermediate complex (composed of the these sites is involved in the different elementary steps
reacting molecule and a group of atoms of the catalyst of the oxidation reaction. In particular, it is interesting
forming the active environment) modies the electro- to ask which surface oxygen sites are responsible for
nic structure of the molecule and inuences the reac- the activation of CH bonds (abstraction of hydrogen)
tivity of different bonds, thus determining the type of in a hydrocarbon reactant near the surface and which
product. Recent developments in surface experimental oxygen is being inserted into the organic molecule
techniques [1] give access to a wide spectrum of (yielding the oxygenated product). Many microscopic
information concerning details of catalytic reactions details of these processes (which involve adsorption
on both atomic and electronic levels. On the other and surface bond breaking/making) are still under
hand, rapid advances in methodology and in computer discussion and require more experimental as well as
performance provide various theoretical approaches theoretical work.
(quantum chemical and/or solid state physics based), The electronic structure of vanadium pentox-
which can be used as parallel or complementary tools ide(0 1 0) surface as well as adsorption at this surface
to study elementary steps of catalytic processes. have been examined previously [515] in different
All theoretical treatments of catalytic systems are cluster model studies using ab initio HartreeFock [5
based on model assumption addressing three different 7] and density functional theory (DFT) [8,9] as well as
aspects [2]. First, the geometric structure of the local semiempirical INDO [1013] and charge sensitivity
system where the catalytic reaction happens has to be analysis [14,15] approaches. All these studies have
dened. Second, the electronic interaction between been performed using an idealized V2O5(0 1 0) sur-
the atoms of the local system has to be treated in a face geometry with averaged interatomic VO dis-
theoretically satisfactory and numerically adequate tances and OVO angles. The results show
manner. Third, the electronic coupling of the local pronounced differences between structurally different
system to its substrate environment has to be oxygen sites present at the V2O5(0 1 0) surface. It is
accounted for. The quality of theoretical results and found that bridging oxygen sites are more negatively
their relevance with respect to experimental data for charged than terminal (vanadyl) sites. Further, hydro-
real catalytic systems is determined by basically two gen/proton adsorption at the different oxygen sites
approximations, those used to simplify the system results always in strong binding and surface OH
geometry and those used to evaluate the electronic formation. However, OH groups deriving from doubly
structure of the model system. Obviously, both coordinated bridging oxygen sites at V2O5(0 1 0) can
approximations inuence each other and there are become mobile and can desorb from the surface
no simple criteria to select cluster geometries or whereas terminal OH groups forming above vanadium
theoretical methods to yield a given accuracy for centers are very tightly bound.
the comparison with experimental results. When In the following, the electronic structure of the
choosing local clusters to model the surface, one vanadium pentoxide(0 1 0) surface is discussed based
has to examine different clusters varying in size and upon quantum chemical calculations carried out for
shape in order to assess cluster size convergence VO clusters of various sizes and geometries up to
resulting in the reasonable surface representation. V38O116H42. For V2O9H8, V10O31H12 and V16O49H18,
Further, systematic studies using different electronic the results of a semiempirical ZINDO [1618] treat-
structure methods (which are complementary in na- ment are compared with those of ab initio density
ture) are needed to obtain a complete electronic functional theory (DFT) method [19]. The study of the
description of the catalytic model system. largest V38O116H42 cluster allows us to discuss also
The interest in the electronic structure of vanadium the effect of (weak) inter-layer coupling between the
oxide surfaces originates from the wide application of rst and second surface layer on the electronic proper-
M. Witko et al. / Catalysis Today 50 (1999) 553565 555

ties of V2O5(0 1 0). In addition, the V10O31H12 surface

cluster of idealized geometry is compared with that
where the surface geometry is represented by bulk
termination using experimental crystallographic data
as well as with the cluster whose geometry has been
optimized locally. Such a systematic comparison can
help to elucidate the effect of idealizing the surface
geometry and to dene appropriate clusters represent-
ing physical and chemical properties is the real
V2O5(0 1 0) surface. The catalytic properties of vana-
dium pentoxide are examined by analyzing its inter-
action with a proton and selected aliphatic and
aromatic hydrocarbons. Further, elementary steps of
the selective oxidation of propylene and toluene mole-
cules on vanadium pentoxide catalysts will be dis-

2. Electronic structure of V2O5 surface clusters Fig. 1. Crystallographic structure of orthorhombic V2O5. Part (a)
shows an elementary VO6 octahedron with all inequivalent VO
distances given in A . Part (b) shows the geometric structure of the
The crystal lattice of vanadium pentoxide, V2O5, is
(0 1 0) crystal plane of V2O5 where V(O) centers are included as
of orthorhombic symmetry with a space group D2h- shaded (white) balls. Part (c) gives a perspective view of the three-
Pmmn and unit cell parameters dened as a11.51 A ,
dimensional lattice with the (0 1 0) crystal plane emphasized by

b4.37 A, c3.56 A [2022]. The building unit of shaded balls. The different surface oxygen sites O(ae) are labeled
V2O5 forms a distorted octahedron with VO bond accordingly.
distances varying between very short (1.58 A , vanadyl

groups) and very long values (2.79 A, Van der Waals
type bonding), see. Fig. 1(a). Because of these sig- vanadyl oxygens coordinated to one vanadium, O(1)
nicant distance differences, the coordination of the and bridging oxygens coordinated to two O(2) or three
vanadium may be regarded as tetragonal, square pyr- O(3) vanadium atoms. The situation is more complex
amidal or octahedral depending on the extent of the when the molecule approaching the surface is
rst coordination sphere. Assuming octahedral coor- involved. In this case, one has to distinguish ve
dination, each of the oxygens of the vanadyl group structurally inequivalent surface oxygens O(ae),
(with shortest VO bond) is also connected by a very the vanadyl oxygen O(a)O(1), coordinated to one
long trans-bond with a neighboring vanadium. This vanadium, bridging oxygens O(b,c)O(2) coordi-
geometry results in a layer structure with an easy nated to two vanadiums, where O(b) bridges two
cleavage plane perpendicular to the b-axis ((0 1 0) vanadyl groups, whereas O(c) connects two bare
direction). The lattice of vanadium pentoxide may vanadium atoms, and bridging oxygens O(d,e)O(3)
also be described by zig-zag chains of edge-sharing coordinated to three vanadiums but involving vanadyl
octahedra running along the c-axis and crosslinked by groups with different orientations, see Fig. 1(c).
shared oxygen corners to form innite layers in the ac- In the following, the (0 1 0) surface of V2O5 is
plane, see Fig. 1(b). Adjacent layers are connected modeled by clusters of nite size where the electronic
(along the b-direction) by oxygen corners involving structure and respective geometry optimizations are
both very long and very short VO distances, see determined by the semiempirical ZINDO [1618] and
Fig. 1(c). Therefore, the catalytically active (0 1 0) ab initio DFT [19,23] methods. Local electronic prop-
surface of V2O5 can be discussed in terms of distorted erties near the different surface oxygen sites are
edge and corner-linked square pyramids. This surface analyzed with the help of Mulliken populations and
contains three structurally different oxygen sites, Meyer bond-order indices.
556 M. Witko et al. / Catalysis Today 50 (1999) 553565

2.1. V2O5 surface clusters with idealized geometry

The idealized structure of vanadium pentoxide is

obtained from the crystallographic structure by aver-
aging all VO distances and OVO angles of brid-
ging oxygens within the (0 1 0) layers, resulting in
d(VO)1.89 A and <(OVO)86.168, while for the
distances of terminal vanadyl oxygens the crystal-
lographic bulk value, d(VO)1.58 A is used. The
layers of the idealized structure exhibit inversion, two-
fold rotational and mirror symmetry. These symme-
tries are used to construct nite layer sections of
increasing size about a given oxygen center resulting
in clusters V2O9, V10O31, V16O49 describing one layer
(see Fig. 2(a)) and V38O116 (V24O71V14O45) refer-
ring to two adjacent layers (see Fig. 2(b)). Embedding
of the clusters into their surface environment is
achieved by saturating dangling bonds of peripheral
oxygen atoms by hydrogen atoms and leads to
V2O9H8, V10O31H12, V16O49H18, and V38O116H42
Due to their inversion symmetry, the present clus-
ters can be used to model different local environments Fig. 2. Balls and sticks model describing the geometry of
at the V2O5(0 1 0) surface depending on which side of V2O5(0 1 0) substrate clusters VnOmHk used in the present study.
the cluster, top or bottom, is considered. As an illus- Here V(O) centers are shown as dark (light) shaded balls and H-
tration, the V2O9H8 cluster (Fig. 2(a)) forms a sym- terminator atoms as small white balls. Part (a) shows all one-layer
clusters, V2O9H8, V10O31H12, and V16O49H18, where the gray
metric environment about the doubly coordinated shaded background illustrates the building sequence. Note that H-
oxygen O(2) and is dened as the O(b) site on terminator atoms are included only for the largest cluster. Part (b)
V2O5(0 1 0) surface when viewed from above or as gives a perspective view of the two-layer cluster V38O116H42
the O(c) site when viewed from below. Similarly, in together with its decomposition into layer components V24O71H22
the larger clusters O(d) and O(e) sites (both triply (upper layer) and V14O45H20 (lower layer), respectively.
coordinated O(3)) can be treated equivalently. This
symmetry behavior will be made use of in the follow-
ing discussion of different surface oxygen sites. The V16O49H18 clusters, the ZINDO results are compared
V2O9H8 cluster shown by the dark gray area of with those of DFT method. As expected, the vanadium
Fig. 2(a) is the smallest cluster to give a meaningful atoms are always ionic with their positive charges
description of the surface oxygen sites O(ac), while amounting to 1.15 on the average (from both methods).
the larger clusters, V10O31H12 and V16O49H18, form All oxygens form negative ions where the bridging
symmetric environments about the O(b,c) sites but are oxygens O(be) carry more negative charge (0.46/
large enough to account also for the O(d,e) sites in a 0.56 averaged ZINDO/DFT values) than the vanadyl
reasonable way. oxygens O(a) (0.36/0.30 averaged ZINDO/DFT
Table 1 summarizes the results of Mulliken popula- values). Among bridging oxygens, the triply coordi-
tion and bond order analyses for V2O9H8, V10O31H12, nated O(3)O(d,e), become slightly more negative
and V16O49H18 clusters modeling the rst V2O5(0 1 0) than the doubly coordinated O(2)O(b,c). While the
surface layer as well as for V38O116H42 representing charge differences between different types of oxygens
the rst and second surface layer. In addition, this table are smaller in the ZINDO than in the DFT approach,
contains energy values of the highest occupied orbitals the results based on the semiempirical ZINDO method
(HOMO) in the clusters. For V2O9H8, V10O31H12, and are in qualitative agreement with previous ab initio HF
M. Witko et al. / Catalysis Today 50 (1999) 553565 557

Table 1
Results of Mulliken population analysis for the V2O9H8, V10O31H12, V16O49H18, and V38O116H42 clusters

V2O9H8 V10O31H12 V16O49H18 V38O116H42


Q(V) 1.20/0.98 1.08/1.26 1.08/1.26 1.11/1.08

Q(O(a)) 0.40/0.29 0.37/0.26 0.38/0.26 0.39/0.39
Q(O(b,c)) 0.44/0.51 0.45/0.55 0.45/0.55 0.45/0.45
Q(O(d,e)) 0.48/0.71 0.47/0.73 0.47/0.48

P(VO(a)) 2.51/2.17 2.53/2.17 2.53/2.16 2.51/2.52

P(VO(b,c)) 1.11/0.97 1.10/0.91 1.10/0.90 1.08/1.10
1.11/0.97 1.10/0.91 1.10/0.90 1.08/1.10
P(VO(d,e)) 0.82/0.59 0.83/0.58 0.80/0.79
0.76/0.50 0.76/0.49 0.79/0.84
0.84/0.59 0.84/0.58 0.83/0.79

HOMO[eV] 8.25/5.54 9.17/6.64 8.79/6.58 8.19

The atom charges Q, refer to vanadium and oxygen atoms closest to the cluster center. For each type oxygen (single coordinated O(a), double
coordinated O(b,c) and triple coordinated O(d,e)) P(VO) denotes the bond order with the nearest vanadium atom. The table contains in
addition energies of the highest occupied orbital (HOMO) of each cluster.

and DFT data [59]. The discrepancy is partly due to SINDO calculation [24] emphasized the importance
different basis representations of the valence orbitals. of the second layer for the surface electronic structure
In addition to ionic VO bonding reected by the of V2O5(0 1 0) and yielded an optimized inter-layer
different atom charging in the system, the VO inter- distance which is smaller than the bulk value by 0.5 A .
action contains covalent contributions which can be However, the present inter-layer distance optimization
characterized by respective bond order indices P(V in the V38O116H42 cluster leads to a value which
O). The value P(VO(a)) describing the bond of a differs from the bulk result by only 0.2 A . Further,
vanadium atom with its terminal (vanadyl) oxygen Table 1 shows unequivocally that the presence of the
O(1) amounts to about 2 which conrms the strong second layer does not affect the electronic structure of
vanadyl double bond. The bond orders P(VO(b,c)) the rst layer and can therefore be neglected for the
characterizing the bond of a doubly coordinated brid- electronic structure of V2O5(0 1 0) surface. Atomic
ging oxygens O(2) with each of its neighboring vana- populations and bond orders of the two different layers
dium atoms is found to be about 1 which indicates two in V38O116H42 yield only very small differences.
single VO bonds. Further, the calculations yield The highest occupied orbitals (HOMO) of the pre-
P(VO(d,e))0.81/0.64 (averaged ZINDO/DFT sent clusters are identied as O 2p type referring to
values) for each of the VO bonds of a triply coordi- doubly coordinated bridging surface oxygen atoms.
nated oxygen atoms O(3) suggesting three weaker Their one-electron energies vary within a range of
than single bonds. Taking the sum of respective bond 8.29.2 eV (ZINDO method) and 5.56.5 eV (DFT
orders as a measure of the stability of the different method), respectively, as a function of cluster size, see
oxygen sites which can participate in surface reac- Table 1. These energies can be interpreted as Koop-
tions, the above results indicate that the oxygens mans ionization potentials which are expected to
coordinated to two vanadium atoms can be most easily converge to the surface workfunction for innite
removed from the surface. cluster size. In view of the limited size of the present
The inuence of the second surface layer on the clusters and the approximations used for the electronic
electronic structure of the V2O5(0 1 0) surface is structure determination (the ZINDO approach, in
studied by the V38O116H42 cluster which consists of particular), the calculated values compare reasonably
V24O71H22 (1st layer) and V14O45H20 (2nd layer) well with the experimental data of the work function
subclusters, see Fig. 2(b). Previous semiempirical for V2O5(0 1 0) amounting to 6.7120.083 eV [25]
558 M. Witko et al. / Catalysis Today 50 (1999) 553565

The results of both semiempirical and DFT treat- describe the idealized structure (averaged VO dis-
ments indicate that size convergence of the electronic tances and OVO angles) and white balls refer to the
properties of the V2O5(0 1 0) surface is achieved for bulk geometry. The VO distances of singly coordi-
clusters as large as V10O31H12 and that both semi- nated terminal oxygens O(a)O(1) (d(VO)1.58 A )
empirical and DFT approaches yield qualitatively do not differ between the idealized and bulk geometry,
identical results. Therefore, in the following, the whereas dVO for doubly coordinated bridging oxy-
V10O31H12 cluster is used to illustrate differences in gens, O(b,c)O(2), is shorter (1.78 A ) for the bulk
the electronic structure between the idealized surface compared to the idealized structure (1.89 A ). Further,
geometry and that taken from the measured bulk in the bulk geometry triply coordinated bridging
crystallographic lattice. The calculations reported in oxygens, O(d,e)O(3), are bonded to vanadium atoms
the following are based upon the ZINDO method. at distances of 1.88 A close to the averaged value and
to one vanadium atom at a larger distance (2.02 A ).
2.2. V2O5 surface clusters with bulk geometry The comparison in Fig. 3 shows also that the relative
atom displacements between the two geometries
In order to study the inuence of atom displace- increase in going from the cluster center to the
ments on the electronic structure of the V2O5(0 1 0) periphery which is expected since the two surface
surface, ZINDO calculations are performed for geometries are required to coincide in the cluster
V10O31H12 cluster in its idealized geometry discussed center.
above and in its experimental bulk terminated surface Table 2 contains results of the Mulliken population
geometry taken from crystallographic data. The latter and bond order analyses for the V10O31H12 cluster,
geometry will be denoted in the following by ``bulk where values calculated for the idealized geometry are
geometry''. The difference between the two cluster compared with those of the bulk geometry. Obviously,
geometries is shown in Fig. 3, where dark shaded balls there are no sizable differences in the atom charges
obtained for the two geometries. The VO bond orders
differ only slightly between the two geometries and
reect the general trend, where increasing the bond
distance results in a decreased bond order value. Thus,
in the bulk geometry cluster doubly coordinated oxy-
gens O(b,c)O(2) show an increased bond order P(V
O(b,c))1.21 compared to that of the idealized geo-
metry (1.10) which is consistent with the decreased
interatomic VO distance and suggests stronger VO
bonding in the bulk geometry. Bond orders P(V
O(d,e)) of the triply coordinated oxygens describing
bonds with their three individual V-neighbors vary
also for both geometries according to the different V
O distances. However, the compound bond order
summed over all V-neighbors of O(d,e)O(3) and
characterizing the total bond strength of these oxygens
does not differ between the idealized and the bulk
geometry cluster.

2.3. V2O5 surface clusters with optimized geometry

Fig. 3. Geometric structure of the V10O31H12 substrate cluster
illustrating the idealized (shaded balls) and the bulk terminated
The surface cluster approach uses local clusters that
(white balls) geometry of the V2O5(0 1 0) surface. In the
comparison, the cluster centers of the two geometries are allowed are described by nite surface sections cut out of the
to coincide. The cluster geometries are shown for views along the real substrate. This implies, in particular, that the
(a) (0 1 0) and (b) (0 0 1) direction. equilibrium geometry of the nite size cluster reects
M. Witko et al. / Catalysis Today 50 (1999) 553565 559

Table 2
Mulliken population and Meyer bond order results of the V10O31H12 substrate cluster in its idealized, bulk, and optimized geometry

Idealized geometry Bulk geometry Optimized geometry

Q(V) 1.08 1.08 0.93

Q(O(a)) 0.37 0.38 0.33
Q(O(b,c)) 0.45 0.46 0.43
Q(O(d,e)) 0.48 0.48 0.40

P(VO(a)/d(VO(a)) 2.53/1.58 2.53/1.58 2.61/1.58

P(VO(b,c))/d(VO(b,c)) 1.10/1.89 1.21/1.78 1.20/1.89
1.10/1.89 1.21/1.78 1.20/1.89
0.83/1.89 0.90/1.88 0.84/2.11
P(VO(d,e))/d(VO(d,e)) 0.76/1.89 0.86/1.88 0.81/2.14
0.84/1.89 0.68/2.02 0.74/2.20
The atom charges Q, refer to vanadium and oxygen atoms closest to the cluster center. For each type oxygen (single coordinated O(a), double
coordinated O(b,c) and triple coordinated O(d,e)) P(VO) denotes the bond order with the nearest vanadium atom. The table contains in
addition values of respective VO binding distances (in A

that of the local section at the real surface. This

approximation and its consequences for the local
surface electronic structure as well as reactivity can
be tested by separate geometry optimizations carried
out for the free surface cluster. Therefore, the
V10O31H12 cluster geometry is reoptimized such that
all atoms are allowed to rearrange. Both the idealized
and bulk geometry of the cluster are used as starting
points and yield, as expected, the same nal optimized
Fig. 4 compares the result of the cluster optimiza-
tion (optimized geometry, dark shaded balls) with the
bulk geometry (white balls) and Table 2 lists respec-
tive VO bond distances. Obviously, the optimization
leads to sizable changes in all atom positions and
interatomic distances. The cluster surface assumes a
warped shape that indicates a tendency towards more
compact cluster geometry. The VO distances invol-
ving all bridging oxygens increase, while the vanadyl Fig. 4. Geometric structure of the V10O31H12 substrate cluster
illustrating the bulk terminated (white balls) and the fully
bond distances remain unchanged in comparison with optimized (shaded balls) geometry, see text. In the comparison,
the bulk geometry. Table 2 contains also atom charges the cluster centers of the two geometries are allowed to coincide.
and bond orders obtained for the optimized cluster The cluster geometries are shown for views along the (a) (0 1 0)
geometry. A comparison with the results of the bulk and (b) (0 0 1) direction.
geometry shows that all atoms of the optimized cluster
are slightly less ionic while there are no obvious
differences in the bond order values. This suggests In summary, the present cluster model calculations
that the relative importance of ionic contributions to can give a clear picture of the electronic structure and
interatomic bonding is reduced in the optimized geo- binding at the (0 1 0) surface of vanadium pentoxide.
metry vs. the bulk geometry cluster, while changes due The calculations yield electronic properties that are
to covalent binding are found to be rather small. converged with respect to cluster size for clusters as
560 M. Witko et al. / Catalysis Today 50 (1999) 553565

large as V10O31H12 (see [59,26,27]). All electronic ZINDO [13,26] and ab initio DFT [8,9] studies on the
parameters of the V10O31H12 cluster in its idealized, V10O31H13 (V10O31H12H) cluster, where all
bulk and optimized geometry are found to be rather inequivalent oxygen sites O(a-e) were taken into
similar which indicates that the electronic properties consideration. The inuence of the substrate geometry
of the V2O5(0 1 0) surface can be safely described by on H/H adsorption was discussed in Ref. [26], where
the cluster in its idealized geometry. This cluster is adsorption at different sites of V10O13H12 cluster in its
computationally attractive due to its symmetry proper- idealized and bulk geometry was compared. Here we
ties. Further, the neglect of the second surface layer of summarize only briey the results of the calculations
V2O5(0 1 0) in V10O31H12 has been demonstrated to which are important for the following discussion
be of minor importance. The electronic binding in concerning the interaction of hydrocarbon molecules
vanadium pentoxide is described by both ionic and with the V2O5(0 1 0) surface.
covalent contributions. Further, the calculations reveal The H/H species adsorbs at the V2O5(0 1 0) sur-
clear electronic differences between structurally dif- face always at oxygen sites forming very stable
ferent surface oxygen sites. Bridging oxygen sites are surface hydroxyl groups. The detailed mechanism
always found more negatively charged than terminal of the stabilization depends on the structural and
(vanadyl) oxygen sites. This suggests an increased electronic properties of the adsorption site. The stron-
local reactivity of bridging oxygen centers with gest binding occurs with the doubly coordinated
respect to electrophilic attack. Electrostatic potentials oxygen O(c) bridging two bare vanadium atoms
near the V2O5(0 1 0) surface, discussed elsewhere which is identied as the strongest nucleophilic site.
[8,9], yield negative minima above the bridging oxy- Test calculations with the H/H adparticle kept
gen sites, while there are no pronounced maxima xed above the surface show that the O(c) oxygens
above the surface vanadium centers. Therefore, reac- become quite mobile in presence of the adparticle.
tions of nucleophilic adparticles with the surface seem Allowing the surface oxygens to relax during adsorp-
to be less probable than reactions of electrophilic tion of H/H leads to different adsorption scenarios
species. depending on the surface oxygen site. At the terminal
vanadyl oxygen site, a very stable and rigid hydroxyl
group O(a)H is formed above the vanadium center.
3. Adsorption of H/H at the V2O5(0 1 0) surface At the doubly coordinated oxygen site O(b), the
H/H adsorbate penetrates between two vanadyl
Hydrocarbon oxidation at transition metal oxide groups to form a local O(b)H group while at the
surface consists of several steps such as activation O(c) site, an O(c)H group is created slightly above
of the CH bond (abstraction of hydrogen) in the the surface O(c) position with OH binding being
reactant molecule and insertion of oxygen into the strongest. Weak initial interaction between triply
species (yielding the oxygenated product). An under- coordinated oxygens O(d,e) and the incoming
standing of all mechanisms of this catalytic reaction H/H species leads to stabilization of the adsorbate
requires detailed knowledge of geometric and electro- near the closest vanadyl site resulting in a tilted
nic parameters determining the processes. In particu- O(a)H group instead of O(d)H or O(e)H. The forma-
lar, it is important to nd out which of the structurally tion of the surface hydroxyl groups leads to a sig-
inequivalent oxygen centers at the oxide surface is nicant weakening of the respective VO bonds, with
involved in which elementary process. In order to the weakening being strongest for VO(c)V bonds.
model the behavior of H/H species which is split This may indicate that the hydrogen abstracted from
off by the CH activation near the V2O5 surface, the the hydrocarbon molecule may adsorb at all surface
adsorption of hydrogen at different oxygen sites can be oxygen sites. However, its adsorption above doubly
discussed. This reaction has been considered earlier in coordinated oxygens O(c) will lead to a strong weak-
semiempirical as well as ab initio studies of small ening of the VO(c)V bonds and, as a result, this
V2O9H (V2O9H) [57] and V2O9H8H bridging oxygen will be inserted into the hydrocarbon
(V2O9H8H) [8,12,13] clusters discussing the reac- molecule (yielding the oxygenated product) with
tivity of O(ac) surface oxygen sites as well as in highest probability.
M. Witko et al. / Catalysis Today 50 (1999) 553565 561

4. Interaction of propene with the V2O5(0 1 0) In studies concerning the interaction of propene
surface with the V2O5(0 1 0) surface [13,47], it was found that
the product of the oxidation reaction strongly depends
Selective oxidation of aliphatic hydrocarbons (e.g., on the relaxation of oxygen atoms in the cluster. If
propene, C3H8) involves dehydrogenation and oxygen none of the surface oxygens are allowed to relax
insertion processes [2830]. On a typical catalyst (e.g. during the propene approach, the reaction does not
molybdate), the molecule is activated by the abstrac- take place. The relaxation of one single oxygen
tion of hydrogen from an a position (Ha) with respect adsorption site leads to the alcohol-like species,
to the C=C double bond. As the next step, the nucleo- whereas relaxing more surface oxygen centers results
philic attack of oxygen on the allylic species takes in formation of a precursor of aldehyde and two
place simultaneously with the abstraction of a second surface hydroxyl groups. The reaction on the cluster
hydrogen atom. This step leads to the formation of an containing only one vanadium center differs from the
adsorbed acrolein molecule which has to desorb from reaction on clusters which have more than one vana-
the surface. The abstraction of Ha and formation of a dium atom. On the former, the precursor of alcohol is
symmetric allylic species (with both terminal carbon obtained whereas on the latter, the reaction leads to the
atoms being equally available for conversion into the precursor of acrolein. The calculations of the reaction
carbonyl group of acrolein) has been conrmed by pathway [47] in which the optimization of propene as
several authors using labeled propene [3133]. Direct well as of all nearest surface oxygen atoms were
evidence of the generation of allylic species as an performed indicate that the reaction proceeds in a
intermediate was provided also by the IR spectra of step-wise fashion. It starts with CO bond formation
propene adsorbed on catalysts used for partial and followed by abstraction of two hydrogen atoms from
total oxidation [3436]. The results of the experiments the methyl group. In the following we restrict the
based upon the idea of bypassing the rst rate deter- discussion to the interaction of a propene molecule
mining step of the reaction (by generating the allyl with the V10O31H12 cluster.
radical in situ in a catalytic reactor [37,38]) enable the The propene molecule approaches perpendicular to
identication of those catalyst centers which are the V2O5(0 1 0) plane with the methyl group pointing
responsible for the propene activation and those towards the oxygen O(c) coordinated to two bare
involved in the insertion of oxygen. Theoretical stu- vanadium atoms in the V10O31H12 cluster. In this
dies of the individual steps of the propene oxidation approach, the optimization of propene as well as all
process were discussed in Refs. [3946]. Here, we surface oxygen atoms is carried out. The results of the
analyze the interaction of propene with the present calculations are summarized in Table 3 which
V2O5(0 1 0) surface and compare with the mechan- contains the changes of selected bonds within the
isms on a typical oxidative catalysts (molybdates). organic molecule and in the substrate cluster due to
This stresses again the role of structurally different the reaction. In addition, Fig. 5 shows the structures of
surface oxygen ions participating in the elementary the reactants (the isolated propene and the cluster,
processes. Fig. 5(a)) and the product (precursor of the aldehyde,

Table 3
Results for the interaction of propene with V10O31H12 cluster

AB bond ]/P(AB))
Substrate (R(AB)[A ]/P(AB))
Product (R(AB)[A

C1C2 1.33/1.98 1.34/1.90

C2C3 1.47/1.06 1.35/1.06
C3O(c) 1.36/1.75
C3H/C3H 1.10/0.98 1.37/0.94
C3H/OH 1.11/0.96 1.09/0.78
VO(c) 1.89/1.10 2.55/0.16
] and bond order indices P(AB) for the isolated species (substrate) and transition complex (product) are
Selected bond distances R(AB) [A
562 M. Witko et al. / Catalysis Today 50 (1999) 553565

and involved in the reaction (Q(V)0.48/0.65 while

Q(V)1.08 in the isolated cluster). The neutral
charge of the nal species suggests an aldehyde pre-
cursor which can easily desorb leaving the oxygen
vacancy behind. The mechanism of the propene oxi-
dation on the V2O5(0 1 0) surface differs from that on
typical catalysts since it does not start with a sym-
metric allylic species, but with an alkoxy species.

5. Interaction of toluene with the V2O5(0 1 0)


The oxidation of aromatics may involve the side-

chain (without affecting the -electron system of the
aromatic ring) or the -electron system of the aromatic
ring (without affecting the side-chain). The rst reac-
tion proceeds according to the nucleophilic mechan-
ism and yields aldehydes and acid or anhydrides. The
second proceeds along the electrophilic route and
Fig. 5. Interaction of propene with the V10O31H12 cluster. The O, C results in acid anhydrides [48]. In the case of toluene
and H atoms whose position are allowed to relax are denoted as (C7H8) molecules, both reactions may take place.
shaded balls and labeled. Part (a) gives a starting geometry for the
Oxidation of toluene on vanadium oxide monolayers
interaction (the organic molecule approaches the cluster in the
direction perpendicular to the plane of the cluster, the CH3-group has been a subject of many experimental studies (see
pointing the bridging oxygen O(c). Part (b) shows a final product [48,49] and references therein). The elucidation of the
(precursor of an aldehyde). The CO bond and two OH surface mechanism of this reaction leads to the conclusion that
hydroxyl groups (both between the H from the methyl group and the reaction starts with a benzyl intermediate which
triply coordinated O(d)) are shown in black.
interacts with surface lattice oxygen to form, conse-
cutively, adsorbed benzaldehyde and benzoic acid
Fig. 5(b)) of the studied reaction. The interaction of precursors. These may desorb as products of a selec-
propene with the cluster creates two double bonds tive nucleophilic oxidation, may be further oxidized to
within the organic molecule, the double C=C bond carbon oxides, or undergo degradation of the aromatic
(P(CC)1.90) and the C=O bond (P(CO)1.75) ring with the formation of maleic anhydride and
between the carbon atom of the methyl group and the carbon oxides.
doubly coordinated surface oxygen. This process is The interaction of toluene with the small clusters
equivalent to the formation of the adsorbed acrolein modeling the V2O5(0 1 0) surface was already dis-
species. The surface oxygen atom, (O(c)), which is cussed in [50,51]. It was found that the adsorption with
inserted into the organic molecule weakens its binding the ring plane parallel to the plane of the cluster is the
with the neighboring vanadium atoms (P(VO)0.16 most exothermic. However, such an adsorption results
in contrast to P(VO)1.10 for the isolated cluster). in strong interactions of carbon atoms with surface
The abstraction of hydrogen atoms from the methyl vanadium and oxygen atoms creating carbon deposit
group results in two surface hydroxyl groups with or total oxidation products. Perpendicular end-on
triply coordinated oxygen sites which weaken the adsorption of toluene with methyl group pointing
bond between the vanadium atom and the O(d) oxygen towards the bridging oxygen leads to abstraction of
atom (P(VO)0.50/0.55/0.39 in contrast to P(V two hydrogen atoms from the methyl group and results
O)0.82/0.76/0.84 for the isolated cluster). The for- in strong carbonoxygen bonds to yield the precursor
mation of an aldehyde is connected with the reduction of benzaldehyde. Here, we discuss only the interaction
of two vanadium atoms bound to the oxygen site O(c) of toluene with the V10O31H12 cluster.
M. Witko et al. / Catalysis Today 50 (1999) 553565 563

Table 4
Results for the interaction of toluene with V10O31H12 cluster

AB bond Substrate (R(AB) Product (R(AB)

[A ]/P(AB))

C1C2 1.47/1.04 1.43/0.86

C2O(1) 1.44/1.54
C1H/C1H 1.10/0.98 1.45/0.69
C1H/OH 1.11/0.97 1.46/0.81
VO(c) 1.89/1.10 1.47/0.47
Selected bond distances R(AB) [A ] and bond order indices
P(AB) for the isolated species (substrate) and transition complex
(product) are given.

In the model calculations, the toluene molecule is

assumed to approach the V10O31H12 cluster end-on
with the carbon of the methyl group pointing towards
the oxygen bridging two bare vanadium atoms. During
the approach, the geometry of the toluene molecule as
well as of all surface oxygen atoms is optimized. The
results are summarized in Table 4 which contains the
changes of selected bonds within the organic molecule
and in the substrate cluster due to the reaction. In
addition, Fig. 6 shows the structures of the reactants Fig. 6. Interaction of toluene with the V10O31H12 cluster. The O, C
and H atoms whose position are allowed to relax are denoted as
(the isolated toluene and the cluster, Fig. 6(a)) and of
shaded balls and labeled. Part (a) gives a starting geometry for the
the product (precursor of aldehyde, Fig. 6(b)). The interaction (the organic molecule approaches the cluster in the
mechanism of forming the aldehyde species is similar direction perpendicular to the plane of the cluster, the CH3-group
to that of propene where the reaction proceeds step- pointing the bridging oxygen O(c). Part (b) shows a final product
wise. It starts with CO bond formation and is fol- (precursor of an aldehyde). The CO bond and two OH surface
hydroxyl groups (both between the H from the methyl group and
lowed by abstraction of two hydrogen atoms from the
triply coordinated O(d)) are shown in black.
methyl group which occurs only at very short CO
distances. The resulting aldehyde species is almost
neutral and is expected to desorb leaving an oxygen in the reaction (Q(V)0.64/0.16 compared to
vacancy behind. The bond order of the C=O bond Q(V)1.08 in the isolated cluster).
amounts to 1.54. The bond orders of the CC bonds in
the aromatic ring do not change if compared with the
isolated toluene molecule and are equal to 1.44. The 6. Conclusions
binding of the surface oxygen atom (which is inserted
into the organic molecule) with the vanadium atom is The electronic binding in vanadium pentoxide is
weakened (P(VO)0.47 compared to P(VO)1.10 described by both ionic and covalent contributions.
in the isolated cluster). The abstraction of hydrogen Structurally different surface oxygen atoms have dif-
atoms from the methyl group results in two surface ferent electronic and hence catalytic properties. Multi-
hydroxyl groups with triply coordinated oxygen atoms coordinated bridging oxygen atoms are characterized
which weaken the bond between the three vanadium by an increased local reactivity with respect to elec-
atoms and the oxygen atom O(d) (P(V1,2,3-O)0.38/ trophilic attacks as compared to singly coordinated
0.47/0.48 compared to P(V1,2,3-O)0.82/0.76/0.84 vanadyl oxygen ions. The H/H species which is split
in the isolated cluster). The formation of the aldehyde off as a result of the CH activation near the
is connected with the reduction of the two vanadium V2O5(0 1 0) surface may stabilize at all surface oxy-
atoms bound to the oxygen site O(c) and involved gen sites forming stable hydroxyl groups. The
564 M. Witko et al. / Catalysis Today 50 (1999) 553565

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