Clean Energy Council Installers Checklist PDF
Clean Energy Council Installers Checklist PDF
Clean Energy Council Installers Checklist PDF
String 3 5. Install the string fuse for string 1 or connect the ELV
segments to complete the wiring of the string.
String 4 Turn on DC main switch - using a DC clamp meter
Array +ve measure the DC short circuit current for String 1.
Array -ve Turn off DC main switch. Disconnect string fuse for
string 1 or remove links to break string into ELV
Polarity of wiring between segments..
array junction box and PV DC main switch 6. Repeat point 5 for each string
7. After each string has been individually measured
ensure DC main switch is off- then install all string
WARNING: fuses or connect the ELV segments of each string.
IF POLARITY OF ONE STRING IS REVERSED, THIS Turn on DC switch and measure DC Array current
CAN CAUSE A FIRE IN THE ARRAY JUNCTION BOX. using clamp meter. Turn off switch and remove link
in output of DC main switch.
Where short circuit currents are not required then
record the operating current/s after Start-Up of System.