Clean Energy Council Installers Checklist PDF

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The document outlines the installation, testing and commissioning checklist for grid-connected PV systems without battery storage. It details the various checks and measurements that need to be performed at each stage of testing.

The steps check the continuity and polarity between strings and junction boxes. They also involve measuring the short circuit current of each string individually and then of the full array.

The measurements recorded during inverter testing include the voltage and polarity at the input and output of the inverter, the input and output power of the inverter, and that the output voltage and power are within expected limits.

Clean GRID-CONNECTED PV SYSTEMS ( No Battery Storage)

Energy Installation, Testing and Commissioning Checklist

Council for Accredited Installers and Supervisors

SIGNAGE ( White on Red ) AS 4777.1 and Appendix A

Dual Supply
Isolate Both Normal and Solar on the switchboard.
PV ARRAY Supplies before working on this

Mounted flat on roof Normal Supply is permanently fixed to main switch

Building integrated MAIN SWITCH

Mounted on tilted array frame Solar Supply is fixed on main solar switch

PV Array orientation If the solar system is connected to a distribution board

Solar array is securely fixed then the following sign is located on main switchboard
and all intermediate distribution boards
Timber used is suitable for DUAL SUPPLY
external use or is properly sealed ISOLATE SOLAR SUPPLY AT
No dissimilar metals are in contact
with the array frames or supports Where the inverter is not adjacent to the
Roof penetrations are suitably main switchboard, location information is provided
sealed and weatherproofed
PV wiring losses are less than 5% Warning and Advisory Signs AS/NZS5033 Appendix G
at the maximum current output of the array is permanently fixed
Weatherproof isolator is mounted SOLAR DC on array junction boxes
( Black on White )
immediately adjacent to the array
Wiring is protected from UV and Fire Emergency information is
mechanical damage permanently fixed on the main
INVERTER switchboard
Double pole DC isolator (or DC circuit breaker
( White on Red )
mounted close to input of the inverter
(Rating. ...A)
Isolator mounted on output Shutdown procedure is permanently fixed
of the inverter (can be part of inverter) at inverter and/or on main switchboard
AC circuit breaker mounted within the
switchboard to act as main switch for the 230-240 VOLT (LV) INSTALLATION
PV / inverter system. ( Rating .. A ) All low voltage wiring has been installed
Inverter is housed in weatherproof enclosure by a licensed electrical tradesperson
or inside building All wiring has been tested and approved
Adequate space and ventilation for inverter by a qualified electrical tradesperson
LV DC CABLING This checklist is based on the Clean Energy Councils
Is clearly identified GC Design and Installation Guidelines. The Guidelines
in accordance with these guidelines demonstrate the latest industry "best practice" and are to be
_________________________________________________ read in conjunction with the relevant Australian Standards.
CEC Accreditation number verify that the
following system has been installed to the standard indicated by these guidelines and complies with all applicable Australian Standards
Name of the person for whom the system was installed ..
Location of system ..
signed .. Date : / / Attach a separate sheet detailing any departures

Issue 5 December 2009 Page 1

Clean GRID-CONNECTED PV SYSTEMS ( No Battery Storage)
Energy Installation, Testing and Commissioning Checklist
Council for Accredited Installers and Supervisors


open circuit Voltage String 1 V
PV ARRAY- DC String 2 .V
NOTE : where there is only 1 string and String 3 .V
no array junction box, then the following tests
will be conducted between the strings and the String 4 .V
d.c main switch at the inverter. WARNING:
The following procedures describe how to measure
Isolate PV string and array wiring short circuit currents - the voltages can be very high
CHECK that there is no voltage on input and if the procedures are not followed then arcing
OR output sides of any array junction box and damage to components could occur.
( where installed )
CHECK Note : Some projects require that short circuit
Continuity between strings and array junction box
currents are recorded as part of the contractual
String 1 +ve commissioning, otherwise a record of the actual
String 1 -ve operating current of each string is sufficient.
String 2 +ve This could be done by using the meter on the inverter or
by using a clamp meter when the system is operational.
String 2 -ve
String 3 +ve Where short circuit currents are required
String 3 -ve then to do the following tests safely:
String 4 +ve 1. Ensure each string fuse ( where required )
is not connected or that LV array is still broken into
String 4 -ve ELV segments
2. Leave solar array cable connected
Continuity between
to the main solar DC switch.
array junction box and PV DC main switch
3. Remove the cable from the
CHECK DC main switch to the inverter.
Polarity of PV string and array wiring 4. With the DC switch off- put a link or small cable
String 1 between the positive and negative outputs of the
String 2 DC main switch.

String 3 5. Install the string fuse for string 1 or connect the ELV
segments to complete the wiring of the string.
String 4 Turn on DC main switch - using a DC clamp meter
Array +ve measure the DC short circuit current for String 1.
Array -ve Turn off DC main switch. Disconnect string fuse for
string 1 or remove links to break string into ELV
Polarity of wiring between segments..
array junction box and PV DC main switch 6. Repeat point 5 for each string
7. After each string has been individually measured
ensure DC main switch is off- then install all string
WARNING: fuses or connect the ELV segments of each string.
IF POLARITY OF ONE STRING IS REVERSED, THIS Turn on DC switch and measure DC Array current
CAN CAUSE A FIRE IN THE ARRAY JUNCTION BOX. using clamp meter. Turn off switch and remove link
in output of DC main switch.
Where short circuit currents are not required then
record the operating current/s after Start-Up of System.

Issue 5 December 2009 Page 2

Clean GRID-CONNECTED PV SYSTEMS ( No Battery Storage)
Energy Installation, Testing and Commissioning Checklist
Council for Accredited Installers and Supervisors
Short circuit Currents String 1 A
( where required ) Start-Up of System
String 2 A
Refer to system manual for the inverter
String 3 A and follow start-up procedure.
String 4 .A This generally involves turning on the PV DC main
Array A switch followed by the Solar AC main switch but the
procedures as recommended by the inverter
manufacturer must be followed.
With the PV DC main switch OFF
System connects to grid [ after 60 seconds ]
CHECK When the AC main switch is turned ON
Continuity between PV DC. main switch and inverter - follow the inverter start-up procedure -
Array +ve
Array -ve Voltage at d.c. input of inverter ......V
CHECK polarity between Voltage is within operating limits of inverter
the PV d.c. main switch and inverter
Voltage at a.c. output of inverter ......V
RECORD Input power of the inverter ......W
Open circuit voltage at input side ( where available )
of the array DC main switch ...V Output power of the inverter ......W
( where available )

WARNING: If polarity is reversed at the inverter Output power as expected

damage may occur which is generally not covered
under warranty Turn AC main switch OFF
System immediately disconnects from grid
Ensure that the AC grid supply is isolated and PV Operating current
the Solar AC main switch is OFF 1. Where theres only one string in the array record the
operating current after Start-Up of System.
CHECK 2. If more than one string - turn off the inverter, the a.c.
Continuity between Inverter & Solar AC main switch main switch and d.c main switch. Isolate all strings.
Line 3. With one string connected at a time turn system back
Neutral on and record the operating current of that string.
CHECK Repeat 2 and 3 above
Continuity between Solar AC main switch & kWh meter until all string currents have been recorded
Line NOTE: Any string current tests should be performed on a
Neutral bright sunny day with no cloud.
CHECK polarity at the Inverter This is to avoid varied readings due to cloud cover.
and the Solar AC main switch
CHECK polarity at the output Operating Currents : String 1 A
of Solar AC main switch from the kWh meter
String 2 A
RECORD the voltage at the output
of the Solar AC main switch .....V String 3 A
String 4 .A
Initial reading of kWh meter .
Array A

Issue 5 December 2009 Page 3

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