MyVGL30 System Requirements en
MyVGL30 System Requirements en
MyVGL30 System Requirements en
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2001-2016 Volume Graphics GmbH. All rights reserved. VGL is a trademark of Volume Graphics GmbH.
The myVGL software described in this document is provided under license. The software may be used or
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Operating System 2
Processor 2
Graphics Card 2
Display 3
Swap Space 3
Disk Space 3
User Rights 3
Third Party Software 4
myVGL is a software package for the visualization and analysis of voxel data. It is used in a
variety of application areas such as industrial CT, medical research, life sciences, animation, and
many others.
Release 3.0
Document ID VG-097-EN-v001-001_M_System_Req_myVGL3
The software has been tested and approved for the following operating systems:
Windows 7 Professional 64 bit
Windows 8.1 Professional 64 bit
Intel Core2 Penryn, Intel Core i, or AMD Bulldozer.
Latest Intel or AMD multi-core processors, e.g., Intel Core i7 or Xeon E5 processors
with 2.4 GHz or higher.
At this time, we strongly recommend to use multi-core processor systems not exceeding
64 (logical) cores. 64 cores can, e.g., be obtained with two CPUs with 16 physical cores each and
hyper-threading enabled. If there are more than 64 cores, Microsoft Windows manages the cores
in symmetrical processor groups with a maximum number of 64 cores each. This may in some
cases be disadvantageous. E.g., for two CPUs with 18 physical cores and hyper-threading, the
total number of logical cores of 72 will be symmetrically distributed by Windows to two processor
groups of 36 cores each and myVGL will be executed by one processor group only. Conse-
quently, you will get significant less performance when using 18-core CPUs instead of 16-core
(or less) CPUs.
myVGL requires a minimum of 2 GB memory. However, the actual main memory needed
to load a complete project depends on the size of the data set and on the analyses
performed and will usually be significantly higher. To allow viewing a large project on a
system with minimal memory, myVGL offers options to load a subset of analyses and
Dedicated NVIDIA or AMD graphics cards with at least 512 MB VRAM and OpenGL 3.3
NVIDIA Quadro K2000 or higher
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770 or higher
AMD FirePro 3D V5900
AMD FirePro 3D V7900
AMD Radeon HD 7950
The available swap space should have the same order of magnitude as the RAM. If available,
we recommend to place the swap partition on an SSD.
Make sure to have sufficient free disk space in the directory for temporary files (see Edit > Prefer-
ences > General > Expert). If there is less than 1 GB available in this directory, a warning message
will be issued. This message is also issued if this directory has been deleted.
Make sure every user either has user or administrator rights. The software might not work
when using guest accounts.
The optional reporting functions using an Excel Add-In support the following Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Excel 15 (part of Microsoft Office 2013)
Microsoft Excel 16 (part of Microsoft Office 2016)
On starting the application, system resources such as main memory and number of
processors are checked since these may be insufficient, especially if several applications
are run at a time. If your system resources are not sufficient, a warning message will be
displayed. Under certain conditions, starting the application may be prevented.
You need a 3-button mouse with a scroll wheel to use the software. 3D mouse functionality
is supported for the 3D window for 3DConnexion wired mouse devices.
Problems may arise when running more than one instance of the application.
Typical effects are, e.g., problems with the user interface, such as incomplete or misplaced
interface elements or errors in the display of images. User settings like presets or work-
space layout may inadvertently be overwritten. Processor capacity and main memory will
be shared between instances of the application and may prove insufficient. This may result
in a dramatically low system performance or even application crashes, especially if parts
of the information need to be swapped to disk due to high memory consumption.
Using a language different from the system language may cause compatibility problems.
English is the default language and is fully supported on all systems.
To avoid the risk of compatibility problems, use ASCII characters only and stay within the
first 128 characters of the system character map when naming files, folders, and objects
(i.e., avoid umlauts and special characters). This also applies to projects transferred to a
computer with another system language.
Make sure to have the latest driver version for your graphics card installed.
Graphics card drivers for laptops available from the laptop manufacturer may be out of
date. Check the graphics card manufacturers website for the latest graphics card drivers.
Onboard graphics chips are not recommended.
Volume Graphics uses platform-independent, industry-standard APIs like OpenGL or
OpenCL for GPU programming. Vendor-specific APIs like CUDA or DirectX are currently
not supported.
Do not deactivate the swap space. If more RAM is needed than available and there is no
swap space, this may cause the system to crash.
Remote access to myVGL is not supported. You should run the software locally on your own
computer. If you use remote access to run myVGL, you may encounter problems such as a
corrupt display of the user interface, low performance, application crashes, and more.
The table below lists some common problems and their solutions.
Only part of the 3D window is No Aero theme is selected in In the Personalization window
updated when moving an Windows. of the Windows Control Panel,
object. switch to an Aero theme.
The performance is low. There is not enough RAM Close all other applications
available due to other appli- when running myVGL.
cations running at the same
The performance is The size of the data sets If possible, install more
extremely low with large data exceeds the installed RAM, RAM.
sets. data are swapped on hard Reduce the size of the
disk. data set, e.g., using suit-
able import settings.
The application crashes The size of the data sets Activate the swap space.
when working with large data exceeds the installed RAM, Enlarge the size of the
sets. the swap space is not acti- swap space to about the
vated or too small. order of magnitude of the
Install more RAM.
Reduce the size of the
data set, e.g., using suit-
able import settings.
The application crashes There is an incorrect imple- In Edit > Preferences >
when saving large image mentation of OpenGL in the General > Expert > Offscreen
stacks (NVIDIA graphics graphics card driver. renderer settings, deacti-
card). vate the Use framebuffer
object extension option.
Download and install a
more recent driver for
your graphics card.
An installed codec is not The codec is not compat- Change the settings for
visible in the codec selection ible with the selected the .avi file, e.g., frame
when saving a .avi file. settings of the avi. size, frame rate (fps). In
many codecs, the width
and height of the image
must be a multiple of 2.
Select a different codec.
The application crashes Most codecs are continu- Select a different codec of
when trying to save an ously being developed and this codec package to
animation to a .avi file using a are not always free of bugs. save the animation to a
third-party codec package. .avi file.
Use a different codec
Render the animation as
an uncompressed .avi file
or an image stack and
convert it to a
compressed .avi file using
a third-party software
(e.g., VirtualDub).
When double-clicking a .vgl .vgl files are not linked to the Re-install the software.
file in the Windows Explorer, executable of myVGL.
it is not opened by myVGL.