Tift Co High School Daily News 10-12-17

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TODAY MOWR Informational Meeting MOWR ABAC, SRTC, and TCHS Parent

and Student Informational Meeting will be tonight at 5:30 in the TCHS media

Construction at TCHS and drop-off/pick-up:

Beginning Monday, October 16th, all car riders, parents, and visitors should enter the campus
via the newly-constructed main entrance off New River Church Road. Drivers are
encouraged to avoid Kent Road and to take Old Ocilla or Ferry Lake Road to New River
Church Road. Once drivers enter the main entrance, they should turn right, remain in a
single line, and follow the signs to the round-about. Students may be dropped off onto the
sidewalk along the round-about. For students safety, students should not be dropped off at
any other location on campus other than the sidewalk at the round-about. To enter the
building, students should follow the side walk to the front entrance of the school rather than
to the student parking lot. Visitor parking is available in the new parking lot located on the
right just before the round-about. Drivers should exit the campus by circling through the
round-about and exiting onto the new main entrance drive. The exit drive will return to New
River Church Road.
All student drivers arriving on campus prior to 8:05 AM should continue to enter the student
parking lot via the student entrance from Kent Road. After 8:05 AM, student drivers should
enter campus via the new main entrance off New River Church Road and follow the signs to
the round-about. Student drivers should exit the round-about onto the road in front of Mr.
Flippos office and stop at his office to gain admittance to the student parking lot. Students
parking in the student lot should continue to enter the building at the student entrance to
the Commons.
Student drivers leaving campus before 3:10 PM should exit the student parking lot at Mr.
Flippos office, proceed to the round-about, and exit the round-about onto the new main
drive leading to New River Church Road.
If a student, parent, or visitor is handicapped and needs to access the campus or the
building, please call the school at (229) 387-2475 for parking and building access directions.


The United States Senate Youth Program (USSYP) is an intensive week-long educational
experience and scholarship sponsored by the United States Senate for outstanding high
school students who are interested in pursuing careers in public service. If you are a high
school junior or senior already serving as an elected official in your student body or other
state or community organization, you may already be qualified to apply.
Visit USSENATEYOUTH.ORG to learn more.
Email [email protected] for the application, it has to be typed.
Deadline is October 31, 2017 @ 5:00 p.m.


The Prudential Spirit of Community Awards program is the United States largest youth
recognition program based exclusively on volunteer community service. Created in 1995 by
Prudential and the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP), the
program honors middle level and high school students for outstanding service to others at
the local, state and national level.
To be eligible, you must:
- be in grades 5-12 as of November 7
- be a legal resident of any U.S. state or Washington, D.C.
- have engaged in a volunteer activity that occurred during the 12 months prior to the date
of the application
- submit a completed application to a school or the head of an official designated local
organization by November 7.
November 7, 2017: Student application deadline

To apply for the Prudential Spirit of Community Awards:

Visit https://spirit.prudential.com/apply/2018 for application
Complete the application and the student/parent agreement. Deadline: November 7,
-Go to the Certification page to email or print out instructions for your certifier. You must
deliver these instructions to your certifier by November 7, 2017. Your certifier can be your
school principal or the head of a county 4-H organization, Girl Scout council, American Red
Cross chapter, YMCA or Affiliate of Points of Light's HandsOn Network.
Your certifier has until November 17, 2017, to review applications online and select Local
Honoree(s) from the applicants in your school or organization, and nominate them for state-
level judging.

FREE SAT/ACT online prep course online test preparation; non-credit course;
completed outside of school day; sign up in TCHS Guidance office

Charging stations for Chromebooks are set up in the Commons and in the
media center.

For Chromebook help - Go to the TCHS web page choose Resources

choose 1:1 Chromebook Initiative

Students need to check their school email daily. Students are beginning to
receive information through emails that concern activities ,events and
opportunities available at school.

Just a few Chromebook reminders

- Chomebooks need some type of protective cover.

- Devices do not need to be left on floor where they can be stepped on
at school or home.
- Food, drinks, & other liquids need to be kept away from Chromebook.
- Certain incidents are not covered under the warranty.
PBIS Students with spotless attendance and NO tardies at the end of the first
9 weeks will have a chance to enter a drawing for one of two prizes. The Elite 8
students will ride in a limousine to Olive Garden OR the Top 22 students will ride
the Yellow Cheese to Zaxbys for lunch in the month of October. Be Here and
Be On Time to have a chance for this prize.

The PBIS/School Store is now open M-F, 7:15 4:00 in the Media Center
Chromebook sleeves, Lanyards, supplies, Chick-Fil-A cards and more.

Fee waivers for SAT or ACT are available in the Guidance Office.

Thurs, 10/19 ASVAB testing The ASVAB will be given on Thursday, 10/19 in the
TCHS Gym. All 11th & 12th grade students are eligible to take the ASVAB. There is
no military commitment or obligation. Students need to sign up with their BDB
teacher or go to the Concession stand during lunch and see Major.

Tues, 10/24 CHANGE of DATE - Underclassmen Make-up Picture Day

Wed, 10/25 Last day for Late Registration for the SAT test on Nov 4th.

Thurs, 10/26 Flu shots will be given at TCHS. More information will be shared as
the date approaches.

Fri, 11/3 Last day to register for the ACT test given on Dec 9th. Late registration
will last until Nov 17th.

It is time to start thinking about STAR student requirements for seniors. Below is
the criteria sent out by the guidance office. Please look over it and if you have
any questions, contact your students counselor.
Criteria for 2018 TCHS STAR Student:
Must be a TCHS Class of 2018 senior
Must be in top 10 % of class at end of junior year
Must have the highest SAT score in ONE national test administration/sitting.
Nov. 4, 2017 will be the last SAT test date eligible for 2018 STAR Student. The
"old" three-part SAT will not be accepted for 2018 STAR.

Fri, 11/10 Apply to College Day Students can sign up in the guidance office
for an appointment to meet with counselors on Friday, Nov 10th to fill out
admissions applications to a college or colleges of their choice. They will need
to check the website or FB to see items that need to be brought with them on
that day.

Club News:

Mon, 10/16 Mock Trial will be meeting at the jail courthouse at 6:30 p.m.
Students need to stop by and get a copy of the case from rm 112 by Oct 13th.

Thurs, 10/19 Sun, 10/22 The TCHS Blue Devil Players are presenting Charlie
Brown. The play will begin Thursday night and go through Saturday night each
night at 6:00 p.m. The last show will be Sunday, 10/22 at 3 p.m. All shows will be
in the TCHS PAC. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for students.

Every 1st & 3rd Mon Literati Reading club 3:15 4:00 p.m. in the media center

Every Mon Chess Club RM 201; 3:15 4:00.

Every Mon French Club meet after school in RM 216

Every Tues FCA, 7:30 in ROTC RM 924/926 in the gym. You may enter the gym
through the side student parking lot doors nearest the ROTC classroom. You do
not have to be an athlete to join and the club is FREE! Everyone is welcome
and we hope to see you there!

Every Tues Math Club RM 208; 3:20 4:00 Bring your chromebook!

Every Wed Math Club RM 208; 7:20 AM Bring your chromebook!

Every Wed Spanish Club RM 302; 3:15 3:45

Every Wed Debate Team meet in RM 112 (Ms. Keen).

Every Tues - The Writing Club Meetings - 3:15 in Room 115. Please contact Mr.
Tanner for details.

Key Club applications are available in RM 104 (Mrs. Scott)

Need Volunteer hours? Contact Elaina Brechbiel, Director, at Miracle Meadows
Stables, 30 Riverview Way, Tifton, 229.392.4185
[email protected] See Mrs. Christi Fletcher in RM 310 for
more information.

ABAC Museum of Ag is looking for volunteers. Contact Lynn McDonald @ 229-


Sports News:

HOME game Football Tickets Tickets can be purchased online

(season tickets or individual games) for all home games at
gofan.co/tiftcounty Use the coupon code: mybluedevils for $3 off
each General Admission ticket purchased. Tickets will be sold at ESMS,
NEC and TCHS during the lunch periods on HOME game days. You will
also be able to purchase pre-sale tickets at the Brodie Field Visitor Entrance from
11:00 am 1:00 pm and 4:00 pm 6:00 pm on HOME game days. ALL presale tickets
are $7. Children ages 0 5 are admitted free. All stadium ticket windows will sell
tickets for full price, $10, beginning at 6:00 on HOME game days. The ticket price is the
same for students and adults.

Fri, 10/13 Blue Devil football versus Lowndes Vikings This is the annual Pink-
Out game; so wear your pink in support of Breast Cancer awareness. Game
time is 7:30 p.m. at Brodie Field.

Tickets for the game are on sale now. They can be purchased from Mrs. Dean
at TCHS during all 3 lunches or from Mrs. Gray at Brodie Field from 11 1 p.m.
Tickets will be on sale from today until Friday. Get your ticket early. We are
excepting a large crowd. Tickets are $7 before the game.

Vote for Tift County High School in the 2017 Peanut Poll which is a Gridiron
Showdown to find out Georgias best high school football program. You can
vote in person @ the Georgia National Fair in Perry from Oct 5 15 or online @
www. peanutpoll.com

Fri, 10/13 TCHS Fishing team will be participating in the Georgia Bass Nation
High School Fishing Tournament @ Lake Alatoona.

Sat, 10/14 TCHS Cross Country will be in Thomasville at the TCC Race 9 a.m.
Sat, 10/14 TCHS Competition Cheerleaders will be hosting the Blue Devil
Classic this Saturday at the TCHS gym. Come out and support our

Mon, 10/30 Any female student at TCHS interested in trying out for the Girls
Basketball team needs to see Coach Conner in the gym or in rm 920 ASAP.
Coach has paperwork and more information. Tryouts start Monday, Oct 30th.

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