Lesson Plan For Cajun Folk Songs II

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High School Band

Cajun Folk Songs II

1. Time Needed
- One 50 minute

2. Instructional Materials and Resources:

- Students will need their instruments, their music, and a pencil. I will need my score and
my baton.

1. Learning Objectives/Standards
Learning Objectives
- Students will play the brass chorale in movement I with good balance and intonation.
- Students will use expressive phrasing in movement I.
- Students will play the technical passages in movement II with clean rhythms and
Music Standard: Perform
Anchor Standard - Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work.
Process Standard - a. Demonstrate technical accuracy and expressive qualities, as well as an
understanding of expressive intent, in prepared and improvised performances of a varied repertoire
of music representing diverse cultures, styles, and genres.

4. Assessments
Diagnostic Assessment Short segments in movement I and movement II
will be run before working on those segments. I will gauge the students
current progress on how these run throughs go, and it will help me know
what I should help the students with.
Informal Assessment We will run both movements at the end of class to
see what can be improved during the next lesson.

5. Personal Instructional Objectives

I will help the students with the phrasing in the first movement through
my conducting.
I will give clear and appropriate cues while conducting.

6. Procedures (Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks)

- We will run m 1 to m 16 listening for correct intonation
- If intonation problems are present, we will tune each chord note by note.
- We will run the section again to check for improvement.
- We will run the same section again working on phrasing
o I will ask students where they think the phrases are going, and I will encourage them to
show that direction in their playing. I will remind them to bring out the dynamics.
- We will run the section again to check for improvement.
- We will run m 1 to m 24 to check for balance
o I will tell students to make sure they can hear the English Horn. If they cant hear the
solo, theyre playing too loud.
o I will probably have to tell the higher voices to play softer and ask the tuba to play
- After we have addressed the above points, we will run the entire first movement.
- We will run movement II from m 1 to m 21 under tempo, focusing on rhythmic accuracy.
High School Band
Cajun Folk Songs II
o We will go through each technical section slowly, then we will gradually increase the
speed until its up to tempo.
o Once each section has been addressed, we will work on articulation
o I will listen to make sure students are slurring and tonguing correctly.
- We will work the section from m 111 to m 121 in a similar fashion
o In addition to the points mentioned above, we will work on even triplets in this section.
- After working on the rhythms in these sections, we will run the entire second movement.

7. Closure

- I will thank the students for their hard work on this piece. I will ask them to spend some
time working on the technical sections in movement II to get them solidly under their
fingers. I will also ask the people who play in the brass chorale in movement I to check
their parts with a tuner.

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