Delay Tactics Release June 29 2017
Delay Tactics Release June 29 2017
Delay Tactics Release June 29 2017
Since then, our coalition has met directly with Speaker Cliff Rosenberger,
Chairman Louis Blessing, Majority Floor Leader Seitz, and a majority of the
Members of the Government Accountability & Oversight Committee. Yet, no
hearing on the bill has been scheduled. While we are happy to participate in
productive meetings, this legislation and the Ohioans stuck in this predatory
lending cycle deserves a public forum.
Enough is enough. These tactics to draw out the legislative process should be
an affront to every Ohio taxpayer who supports public discussions of issues of
such importance. The fact that this bill has not been given a hearing as the
legislature breaks for summer is troubling and plays into the hands of the
multi-billion dollar payday lending industry.
HB 123 would preserve access to small loans while ensuring fair terms and
lower costs, saving Ohioans $75 million annually. Every day this bill stalls, it
costs Ohioans $205,479adding up to more than $20 million since HB 123
was introduced in March. Its astonishing that any leader would allow this to
continue when a reasonable solution - HB123 - is so clear.
Ohio can achieve fair small-dollar lending with our legislators help. Recent
polling shows that 80% of likely voters support this reform, and history shows
that they will vote to corrector eliminatethe payday loan problem if our
representatives fail to act.