Somashekhar Morabad filed a complaint on September 21, 2017 regarding his timesheet incorrectly showing leave taken on September 6, 2017. The timesheet administrator analyzed the issue and it was resolved.
Somashekhar Morabad filed a complaint on September 21, 2017 regarding his timesheet incorrectly showing leave taken on September 6, 2017. The timesheet administrator analyzed the issue and it was resolved.
Somashekhar Morabad filed a complaint on September 21, 2017 regarding his timesheet incorrectly showing leave taken on September 6, 2017. The timesheet administrator analyzed the issue and it was resolved.
Somashekhar Morabad filed a complaint on September 21, 2017 regarding his timesheet incorrectly showing leave taken on September 6, 2017. The timesheet administrator analyzed the issue and it was resolved.