Labor Relations
Labor Relations
Labor Relations
2. McJobee Corporation and Union CCC, the certified bargaining agent of its employees,
concluded a CBA for the period January 1, 2000 to December 31, 2004. But, long before
the CBA expired, members of Union YYY, the minority union, showed dissatisfaction
with the CBA under the belief that Union CCC was a company union. Agitated by its
members, Union YYY filed a petition for a Certification Election on December 1,
2002. Will the petition prosper?
3. The negotiating panels for the CBA of X Company established a rule that only employees
of the company will seat in each panel. In the next session, the management panel
objected to the presence of the union counsel. Still the negotiation proceeded. At the
next session, the management panel again objected to the presence of the union
counsel as a non-observance of the no outsider rule. The negotiation nonetheless
proceeded. Does the management panels objection to the presence of the union
counsel constitute unfair labor practice through bad-faith bargaining?
4. The management and Union X in Atisan Mining entered into a CBA for 1997 to 2001.
After 6 months, a majority of the members of Union X formed Union Y and sought
management recognition. The latter responded by not dealing with either union. But,
when the CBAs economic provisions had to be renegotiated towards the end of the
term of the CBA, the management chose to negotiate with Union Y, the newer union.
Thus, Union X which negotiated the existing CBA charged the company with unfair labor
practice (ULP). The company argued that it committed no unfair labor practice since the
supposed violation had nothing to do with economic provisions of the CBA. Is the
management right?
5. Enumerate and explain briefly the different kinds of Union Security Clause.
8. Discuss whether or not the following groups enjoy the right to self organization?
a. those who work in a non-profit charitable institution
b. those who are paid on a piece-rate basis
c. those who work in a corporation with less than 10 employees
d. those who work as legal secretaries