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Professional Stereotypes of Interprofessional Education Naive Pharmacy
and Nursing Students
Maria Miller Thurston, PharmD, Melissa M. Chesson, PharmD, Elaine C. Harris, MS,
Gina J. Ryan, PharmD
Mercer Health Sciences Center, Mercer University, Atlanta, Georgia
Submitted January 26, 2016; accepted April 4, 2016; published June 2017.
Objective. To assess and compare interprofessional education (IPE) naive pharmacy and nursing
student stereotypes prior to completion of an IPE activity.
Methods. Three hundred and twenty-three pharmacy students and 275 nursing students at Mercer
University completed the Student Stereotypes Rating Questionnaire. Responses from pharmacy and
nursing students were compared, and responses from different level learners within the same profession
also were compared.
Results. Three hundred and fifty-six (59.5%) students completed the survey. Pharmacy students
viewed pharmacists more favorably than nursing students viewed pharmacists for all attributes except
the ability to work independently. Additionally, nursing students viewed nurses less favorably than
pharmacy students viewed nurses for academic ability and practical skills. There was some variability
in stereotypes between professional years.
Conclusion. This study confirms the existence of professional stereotypes, although overall student
perceptions of their own profession and the other were generally positive.
Keywords: Interprofessional education, professional stereotypes, pharmacy students, nursing students
assessed only the presence of baseline stereo- profession (autostereotype) and of the other profession
types,12,13,16,18 others evaluated the impact of IPE inter- (heterostereotype) in a US-based program prior to partic-
ventions of various types and durations in regards to ipation in an interprofessional education activity and to
changing baseline professional stereotypes, with mixed build upon the existing body of knowledge related to
results noted.8-11,14,15,17,19 Furthermore, while all studies health care student professional stereotypes. Further-
evaluated heterostereotypes or stereotypes of other pro- more, the stereotypes held by first- vs second-year phar-
fessions, autostereotypes, also known as stereotypes of macy, as well as junior vs senior level nursing students,
ones own profession, were analyzed by merely approx- will be compared.
imately half of the studies.8,9,11,13,16,18
Student stereotypes may be assessed by various METHODS
methods, including the Health Team Stereotype Scale This study was conducted on Mercer Universitys
(HTSS), the Attitudes to Health Professions Question- Health Sciences Center (MHSC) Atlanta campus, which
naire (AHPQ), the Health Care Stereotypes Scale, and is comprised of the College of Pharmacy (COP), College
the Student Stereotypes Rating Questionnaire (SSRQ).20 of Nursing, and College of Health Professions, which
In 2014, investigators conducted a systematic review20 offers physician assistant, physical therapy, clinical med-
that evaluated 13 studies involving stereotypes among ical psychology, and public health programs. The phar-
health care students, two of which utilized the SSRQ macy program is a four-year doctorate degree program in
and also included nursing and pharmacy students.9,12 Au- which experiential education begins in the second semes-
thors identified various positive and negative stereotypi- ter of the second year, after the point in time of this study.
cal adjectives, including ones of nursing and pharmacy First-year pharmacy students complete approximately
students and practitioners. More positive ratings of a stu- 40 hours of simulation-based practical experience, and
dents own profession, compared to another, were noted second-year pharmacy students are provided with 16 ad-
in studies that included a self-assessment component.20 ditional hours. These hours are completed during the fall
Most recently, investigators have developed a validated semester of each year. At the time of the study, students in
Interprofessional Attitudes Scale (IPAS) to assess all four each year had completed approximately half of the hours
of the IPEC competency domains aforementioned.17 for the semester. The nursing program is a four-year bac-
It is imperative that students identify and dispel in- calaureate degree program with two years of prerequisites
accurate perceptions and stereotypes of other professions in which the last two years are concentrated solely on the
in order for them to be able to work together on interpro- BSN curriculum. Junior level students are provided ap-
fessional teams to provide collaborative patient-centered proximately 100 hours of simulation-based practical ex-
care after graduation from health science programs. Ste- periences, and senior level students receive more than
reotypes may affect interprofessional communication and 500 hours of direct patient care clinical practice prior to
impede a teams ability to work together.20 Although the time of this study.
humans have a natural tendency to categorize information In an effort to introduce and reinforce the concept of
and sometimes use stereotyping to do so, this common IPE, COP students are required to attend various large-
process does not yield reliable results.21 If health care scale IPE activities throughout the curriculum. At the time
profession students rely on stereotypes to help direct in- of the study, the MHSC IPE curriculum included four
terprofessional interactions in unfamiliar situations, large-scale events, with one per semester, starting the
inaccurate or negative expectations may develop.22 second year for pharmacy and the junior level for BSN.
Recognition and acknowledgement of professional ster- These events included up to five different health disci-
eotyping can enhance professional relationships. Identi- plines, with at least three of the following groups partici-
fying commonly held stereotypes among professionals pating in each activity: pharmacy, BSN, physician
can be useful in IPE curriculum development. Then pro- assistant, physical therapy, and nurse practitioner. During
grams can design IPE activities that address the poten- fall of the second year, pharmacy students reviewed six
tially inaccurate stereotypes commonly held by health case vignettes and identified the relevant provision within
professions students that may influence interprofessional their code of ethics (ethics case). Students noted similar-
interactions before they become engrained.12 Further- ities and differences between professions and discussed
more, integration of interprofessional learning experi- how to address each dilemma. During spring semester of
ences into the health professions curricula is essential the same year, students were divided into interdisciplin-
for student learning and development as well as patient ary teams to complete activities that emphasize the im-
care.23 The purpose of this study is to assess baseline portance of professionalism in practice. Finally, during
nursing and pharmacy student stereotypes of their own a pharmacy students third professional year, interdisciplinary
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 2017; 81 (5) Article 84.
student teams developed a care plan for a clinical case interpersonal skills (ie, warmth, sympathy, communica-
during fall and spring semesters. Nursing students also tion), leadership abilities, ability to work independently,
participated in all the aforementioned cases, with the ability to be a team player, ability to make decisions,
exception of the fall clinical case involving third-year practical skills, and confidence.8,12 The SSRQ instrument
pharmacy students. also has been utilized successfully in other studies involv-
The participants in this study were health profession ing the evaluation of professional stereotypes.9,10,14,16,18
students of MHSC (n5598) scheduled to participate in an A higher score on the SSRQ represents a more positive
IPE event. Participants included first-year pharmacy perception of the profession.12 Furthermore, scores can be
(n5174), second-year pharmacy (n5149), BSN junior classified as high, medium, or low using mean ratings: 4.0
(n5137), and BSN senior (n5138) students. At the time or above as high, 3.5 to 3.99 as medium, and 3.49 and
of data collection, the aforementioned students had not below as low.12 The summary mean score of all traits has
yet participated in any formal IPE activities, as noted in previously been used as an overall indication of the per-
the previously discussed IPE curriculum. Because these ception of a given profession.9
students had not participated in any formal IPE activities Demographic data were extracted from student re-
as part of the MHSC curriculum, these students were cords and included: age, sex, race, program/year in train-
deemed IPE naive. Students were asked to complete ing, and grade point average (GPA) at the time of the study.
a survey involving the SSRQ to obtain baseline stereotype Data analysis was conducted using IBM SPSS Sta-
data for each profession, including their own. The survey tistics Version 22. Descriptive statistics were used to eval-
was focused on stereotypes of professionals and not ste- uate baseline demographics and also to summarize SSRQ
reotypes of professional students. Students were surveyed ratings (means) for each individual profession. Mean rat-
using pencil and paper during the early part of the aca- ings were further classified as high (4.0 and above), me-
demic year, prior to their first formal IPE program (either dium (3.5 to 3.99) and low (3.49 and below). The Mann-
the first year introductory IPE activity or the ethics case, Whitney U test for independent samples was used to make
depending on professional year) in fall semester of 2013. comparisons between groups. We used t-tests for compar-
Data was de-identified and aggregated data was analyzed. ison of summary mean scores between professions, and
Additionally, the study was approved by the Mercer Uni- p values of ,.05 were considered statistically significant.
versity Institutional Review Board.
As part of a larger survey evaluating students base- RESULTS
line knowledge of IPE and the roles and responsibilities of A total of 356 students provided informed consent
health care professionals (not reported), students were and completed the survey, 207 from the pharmacy pro-
asked to complete the SSRQ, which was adapted for our gram, and 149 from nursing. The overall response rate
use.12 Permission to use the SSRQ instrument was ob- was 59.5%, with a 64% and 54.1% response rate for phar-
tained prior to study initiation. The IPE Committee at macy and nursing, respectively.
MHSC selected the SSRQ because of its comprehensive Table 1 describes the demographics of the pharmacy
design, ease of use, and rigorous validation. There are and nursing student participants. Both groups were simi-
several other scales that measure stereotypes among lar in age (mid-20s), but there were a higher percentage of
health professionals; however, they each had limitations. females (90.6%) and Caucasians (67.1%) in the nursing
The report of the Health Care Stereotype Scale did not group. More pharmacy students participated compared to
include validity and reliability statistics, while the inves- nursing students. There were similar numbers of first- and
tigators of the Health Team Stereotype Scale also did not second-year pharmacy and junior and senior nursing stu-
report validity data, and the Attributes to Health Profes- dents, with the junior nursing student group having fewer
sion Questionnaire report did not include a reliability participants. Additionally, the GPA for pharmacy and
scale. Additionally, there are no published reports of nursing students at the time of the study was equal at 3.5.
use of any of these questionnaires in pharmacy students. Figure 1 provides details on the comparison of base-
The SSRQ has been tested in a wider variety of health line stereotypes of pharmacists. Pharmacy students
care professional students, including pharmacy, and re- ranked pharmacists high for all attributes evaluated, while
liability and validity scales have been published.20 The nursing students ranked pharmacists high for all attributes
SSRQ is a published and validated survey instrument that with the exception of interpersonal skills (medium). Ad-
consists of a 5-point Likert-type scale from 1 (very low) to ditionally, there were significant differences in how phar-
5 (very high). All students rated their own and the other macy students viewed pharmacists compared to how
profession (pharmacy and nursing) on nine characteris- nursing students viewed pharmacists for all attributes ex-
tics including: academic ability, professional competence, cept the ability to work independently, p,.05. For all
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 2017; 81 (5) Article 84.
Table 1. Participant Demographics (N5356) nurses high for all attributes with the exception of leader-
Pharmacy Nursing ship ability. Additionally, there were significant differ-
Characteristic (n=207) (n=149) ences in how nursing students viewed nurses compared
Age (years) Mean (SD) 25.5 (3.6) 26 (6.1) to how pharmacy students viewed nurses for academic
Proportion Females (%) 67.1 90.6 ability and practical skills, p,.05. For all items, phar-
Race N (%) n (%) macy students rated nurses higher than nursing students
Asian 52 (25.1) 13 (8.7) rated their own profession, with the exception of ability to
Black 45 (21.7) 24 (16.1) work independently. Both groups rated nurses the lowest
White 93 (44.9) 100 (67.1) in leadership ability (nursing students 5 3.79; pharmacy
Other 17 (8.2) 12 (8.1) students 5 3.96), while both groups also rated nurses the
Year in Programa highest in interpersonal skills (nursing students 5 4.54;
First 104 (50.2) 61 (40.9) pharmacy students 5 4.56). Nursing students assigned
Second 103 (49.8) 88 (59.1)
their own profession a summary mean score of 4.19, while
Grade Point Average 3.5 (0.36) 3.5 (0.32)
Mean (SD)
pharmacy students gave nurses a higher summary mean
score of 4.28, both representing high scores.
First5first-year pharmacy or junior nursing; second5second-year
Figure 3 illustrates the comparison of stereotypes
pharmacy or senior nursing
between professional years. There was a difference in
how first- vs second-year pharmacy students viewed phar-
items, nursing students rated pharmacists lower than macists, with first-year students providing lower ratings
pharmacy students rated their own profession. Both for all characteristics, p,.05, except leadership ability,
groups rated a pharmacists interpersonal skills the lowest ability to be a team player, and decision-making ability.
(pharmacy students 5 4.38; nursing students 5 3.66). The However, there was no difference in how junior vs senior
highest rating given to pharmacists by both groups was nursing students viewed pharmacists for all attributes,
for academic ability (pharmacy students 5 4.79; nursing p..05. Furthermore, junior nursing students had a higher
students 5 4.66). Pharmacy students gave pharmacists perception of nurses than senior nursing students, and
a higher summary mean score of 4.61, while nursing stu- first-year pharmacy students had a lower perception of
dents gave pharmacists a summary mean score of 4.29, nurses than second-year pharmacy students for all attri-
although both represent high scores. butes, p,.05 for all comparisons.
Figure 2 depicts the comparison of baseline stereo-
types of nurses. Nursing students ranked nurses high for DISCUSSION
all attributes evaluated with the exception of academic This study confirms the existence of professional
and leadership abilities, while pharmacy students ranked stereotypes in pharmacy and nursing students in
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 2017; 81 (5) Article 84.
a US-based program, which is consistent with the results pharmacy students generally rated both their own profes-
of Hean and colleagues, who surveyed students in En- sion and nurses higher than nursing students did. Two
gland.12 The presence of professional profiling that was additional studies noted that most student groups tended
identified demonstrates the cross-cultural relevance and to rate their own profession higher for virtually every
reality of professional stereotypes. Additionally, it adds to quality when compared to others.11,16 This in-group
the knowledge of autostereotypes as identified by Michalec favoritism may be supported by the social identity
and colleagues,16 but also reports the difference in theory, in which a student view their future professional
student stereotypes between professional years. As pre- group in the most positive manner, potentially at ex-
viously noted, these stereotypes can impact communica- pense to another profession.24
tion in the work environment, which has been shown to While ratings for individual attributes were gener-
affect patient care.20 This concept has practical applica- ally similar between the score given to ones own pro-
tion for our students, as they may be at risk for difficulties fession and that of the other profession, it was noted that
with interprofessional collaboration within the clinical regarding stereotypes of pharmacists, there were signif-
setting. The existence of baseline professional stereotypes icant differences in all items except ability to work in-
also was identified several years ago, in a study by Barnes dependently. Although a pharmacists role in the health
and colleagues, which evaluated community mental profession has been expanding and gaining apprecia-
health practitioners.8 The topics were further investigated tion, limitations on provider status and prescriptive au-
later in a population of undergraduate physical therapy thority indeed hinder a pharmacist from serving as an
and podiatry students.15 In 2015, yet another study eval- independent practitioner in most practice settings and
uating the impact of IPE on moderation of professional this was likely recognized by both student groups. As
stereotypes revealed noticeable differences in the way mentioned above, pharmacy students rated pharmacists
various professions were perceived at baseline.10 There higher than nursing students rated pharmacists for all
is also evidence supporting the concept that upon matric- attributes, with the highest rating being academic abil-
ulation into a professional program, students already have ity. This high ranking for academic ability was also
preconceived ideas about other professions.19 The phar- noted in prior studies evaluating the stereotypes of phar-
macy students in this study were early in their profes- macists.12,16 While there is literature indicating the pro-
sional careers, as were the junior level nursing students. fession of a physician is associated with academic rigor,
Additionally, in 2003, it was noted that health care stu- our study adds to the body of evidence to support phar-
dents rated other professions more favorably if they had macy also being viewed as a profession of greater in-
a strong, positive association with their own profession.13 tellectual ability. It is unknown how this would
This was also evident in the present study in which influence the interprofessional team; however, it may
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 2017; 81 (5) Article 84.
affect a nurses ability to assume a leadership role.12 the GPA at the time of the study for both nursing and
These high rankings may be due to the fact that pharmacy pharmacy students was equivalent, indicating that both
students complete a graduate level doctorate degree pro- groups were succeeding academically in their respective
gram and nursing students are undergraduates; however, programs.
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 2017; 81 (5) Article 84.
Overall, the attribute ratings for pharmacists were them. In fact, second-year pharmacy students exhibited
generally higher than for nurses, indicated by a higher more favorable stereotypes of nurses when compared to
summary mean score. The lowest rating for pharmacists first-year students, indicating a gained appreciation of
overall was interpersonal skills, which is consistent nurses during their professional career, likely as they be-
with results from previous studies.8,9,12,13,16,19 While gan to fully understand the vast roles and responsibilities
first-year pharmacy students in this study had previously of a nurse.
completed a communications course at the time of data In regards to specific stereotypes of nurses and as
collection, their leadership course had not yet been previously mentioned, pharmacy students rated nurses
taken, which provides some additional content related higher than nursing students rated themselves for all at-
to communication skills such as emotional intelligence tributes with the exception of the ability to work indepen-
that may further influence their interpersonal skills. Ad- dently. The highest rating was interpersonal skills and
ditionally, these students had completed minimal expe- lowest leadership abilities. The nursing profession is
riential education in a traditional clinical setting. widely known for its caring nature and has placed this
Furthermore, pharmacists have historically had limited tenet at the core of the practice to better differentiate
interaction with the health care team, and in most inter- itself.26 The nursing leadership course takes place during
actions the pharmacist is functioning in an auditor-type the last semester of the curriculum; therefore, nursing
role (eg, identifying inappropriate drug selection, dos- students in this study may not yet have developed a full
ing, or administration). Despite substantial develop- understanding and appreciation of their leadership role at
ments in expanding the role of a pharmacist as an the time of data collection. Although there is not a stand-
integral member of the team who can provide direct pa- alone communications course for nurses, themes of com-
tient care, stereotypical views on interpersonal skills munication and collaboration are consistently integrated
appear to prevail. Similarly to the present study, Michalec throughout the curriculum. Finally, the junior nursing
and colleagues noted that ratings for the attributes of students only had one month of clinical experience. How-
interprofessional skills and ability to be a team player ever, senior level nursing students had completed a signif-
were low for pharmacy, while academic ability was rated icant number of hours in acute care settings as discussed
highest.16 Overall, self-ratings of the noted attributes in the methods section.
indicate that pharmacy students may have an overin- The data indicated that first-year pharmacy students
flated perception of themselves. tend to have a lower perception of pharmacists and nurses,
In regards to stereotypes of nurses, there were signif- compared to second-year pharmacy students. This may be
icant differences apparent in academic ability and practi- related in part to them having not yet completed their
cal skills with pharmacy students rating nurses higher clinical disease state modules. Therefore, the first-year
than nursing students rated themselves. Nurses were rated students may not yet realize the complexity of their pro-
lower overall by both groups as indicated by the lower fession or the nursing profession as well as the full array of
summary mean score. This inferior self-rating is not con- attributes necessary to be a successful practitioner. Nurs-
sistent with other studies where nurses rated themselves ing students, on the other hand, appear to demonstrate
higher.16 However, Sollami and colleagues also detected a decrease in the perception of nurses from their junior
similar troublesome findings relating to autonomy and to senior year. As a result of the concentrated nature of the
competence in that nursing students tended to perceive two-year nursing program, nursing students were deeper
nurses in a more traditional manner and in a less favorable into the program at the time of this study and may have
light.18 In our study, the results may be due to the fact that been able to more quickly realize the vast array of skills
the nursing program is the only undergraduate program in necessary to be professional. This experience may have
the MHSC. It is possible that undergraduate nursing stu- helped them realize knowledge and skill deficits. There is
dents may be self-conscious, since pharmacy students are a lack of evidence that evaluates the changes in profes-
working toward a doctorate degree. This could affect per- sional stereotypes that occur as a health profession student
ceptions of self (ie, rating their own profession lower) and advances through the curriculum.
a diminished appreciation of their professional role. It has The MHSC IPE Committee used this data to guide
been reported that negative public nursing stereotypes the development of an introductory IPE activity that fo-
may affect their self-esteem, thus potentially contributing cuses on roles and responsibilities. Additionally, when
to this finding.25 This lesser perception of self also ap- IPE activities are developed the committee intentionally
pears to worsen as a nursing student transitions from ju- creates activities where nurses are positioned to lead the
nior to senior year. However, this undergraduate status group and where pharmacists are required to demonstrate
does not appear to affect what other professions think of interpersonal skills.
American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 2017; 81 (5) Article 84.
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